madbuns · 1 year
Since it's starting March, and with school finally dicking me down I won't be posting out more content and. Will probably return to haunt your dreams in September. Spectacularly :3
I'll still be drawing and writing, but you'll see em all in September ;3
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Happy Birthday to the BEST BOY!!🥳🏀❤️
// You have the ability to accomplish everything you set your mind to, and we all know you’re the apple of Yui’s eye. Thank you for never giving up on others and for making Yui the happiest girl alive while letting her feel like a normal teenager! (*^ワ^*)
Love you, Ayato! 🫶🏻
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Since you guys asked for a new scenario, I decided to deliver it uwu. I’m still not very confident in my writing skills and I’m aware some parts sound really cheesy but I truly hope you will enjoy it! 💖
~Ayato’s Birthday short story~
Yui: Phew… it’s finally done!
( It took me three fails to make his cake but thankfully I finished it on time! )
Uuh… It was supposed to look better though but maybe the good result lays in the taste?
— Yui tries it —
Just like I thought, the taste didn’t deceive me! I tried my best not to make it too sweet, therefore I truly hope Ayato-kun will like it.
Speaking of Ayato-kun, I wonder if he woke up. It might sound a bit childish but I really want to be the first to congratulate him~!
— Place shifts to Ayato’s room —
Yui: Eh? The door is open…? Could it be that he’s awak—…! He left?
???: Nfu, what’s with the long face? Did you and Ayato-kun have a fight~?
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Gosh, don’t just whisper in my ear like that!
Laito: Why not~? Is it because it arouses you? As expected from you, Bitch-chan, you really grow into that nick—
Yui: E-Enough…!
Look, Laito-kun… do you happen to know where exactly Ayato-kun went?
Laito: And what if I do?
Yui: Well… in that case, where is he?
Laito: Bold of you to assume I’d tell you. You’re always so naive~
Yui: Eh? That’s…—
( Of course this guy wouldn’t help me! I can’t believe I really thought asking him would be a good idea… )
Laito: Nfu, I know that face, Bitch-chan, you were judging me in your thoughts, weren’t you? How rude~
Yui: W-Wait, you got the wrong idea! I just—
Laito: And I was merely trying to do you a favor, but I suppose you don’t appreciate such things from any man, am I right?
Yui: I don’t really get what you mean…
Laito: Well…~ all I’m going to say is that if you tried using your head a little, then maybe you would be able to guess where Ayato-kun is.
Yui: Hmm…
( Now that I think about it, the weather is beautiful today, neither too hot nor too cold. As far as I recall, this is Ayato-kun’s ideal type of weather for playing basketball. In that case… could he really be outdoors? )
Ah, I might actually know the place!
Laito: See? Making use of those brain cells once in a blue moon wasn't all that difficult, was it? Now hurry up or else you won’t be the first one to wish your precious boyfriend a “happy birthday” ~
Yui: …!
( Did he eavesdrop on me today!? )
( G-Geez… It’s a bit embarrassing knowing that he listened to such things. Despite this, he truly managed to be helpful in some way. )
Y-Yeah, I’ll leave right now. By the way… thank you, Laito-kun.
— Yui walks away —
Laito: ( Nfu, I wonder if she really guessed that place right. Too bad that desperate face didn’t last any longer, otherwise I might have truly taken advantage of it.~ )
— Place shifts outside the mansion —
Yui: Hoh— that’s a bit heavy!
( I tried to fit everything for his birthday in this basket but it weighs more than I expected! )
( Uuh… I really hope Ayato-kun is around here. )
???: Tsk, damn it!
Yui: That voice—! Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Huh? Yui?
— Yui jumps into his arms —
Yui: Happy Birthday, Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Hah? Ah… Yeah…
So you remembered it, huh?
Yui: Obviously, there’s no way I would forget such an important day!
Ayato: It wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Birthdays have never been a reason to celebrate for vampires; they are just like any other day. Basically, we couldn’t care less.
Yui: Well… that might be so, however I do care about it. It’s true that humans and vampires have distinct points of view and mindsets, but this still won’t stop me from considering this day special. After all, that’s when Ayato-kun was born and I’m grateful for that, as a result I want to celebrate your birth.
Ayato: …
Yui: ( He suddenly went silent… Ah, did I really exaggerate with that confession? )
Ayato: Yui…
Yui: …!
( He’s smiling so brightly! )
( I would have never thought those words to make Ayato-kun so happy but seeing him like that… my heart can’t help but fill up with so much joy too…! )
Ayato: Geez, I’m supposed to be indifferent about my birthday but look at me grinning like a fool due to a Chichinashi such as yourself. Now you better take responsibility or else—
Yui: ( He says it in such a threatening way but that blushy face proves exactly the opposite, fufu. )
Ayato: Oi, what’s up with that basket?
Yui: ( Oh, right! )
I got something for you!
Ayato: Heh, only for me?
Yui: Yup!
( Although, I truly hope nothing got crushed. )
— Yui opens the basket and serves cake —
Yui: I know it doesn’t look perfect but I’m confident the taste is on your liking. I remembered that you aren’t too fond of very sweet food, therefore I tried avoiding adding marzipan and focus more on the fruits instead. Do you… like it?
Ayato: Haa… there’s no need for those useless explanations. You made that whole cake for me, so yeah, isn’t it obvious that I’d like it?
Yui: Ayato-kun…
— Ayato tastes it —
Ayato: Mm… as expected, it’s good! To be honest, Takoyaki would have been a far superior choice, but I can't deny that the cake Chichinashi made is also quite tasty.
Yui: Fufu, I knew exactly that you were going to say that, so I prepared this for you!
— Yui serves him Takoyaki —
Ayato: Hah!? Are you a magician or somethin’?
Yui: N-not at all! I just know Ayato-kun loves Takoyaki so much that he would eat them everyday, hence they couldn’t miss out on his birthday, right?
Ayato: You…
— Ayato pins her down —
Yui: Eh—?
Ayato: Bet you weren’t prepared for this, were you?
Yui: ( Is he going to suck my blood? )
— Ayato kisses her —
Yui: Nn…!
Ayato: Now I am the one catching you off guard. How does that feel, eh?
Yui: Good…
Ayato: Oh? What happened to “Ayato-kun, that’s so embarrassing!” ?
Yui: I-I mean… it is a bit yet I can’t deny that Ayato-kun’s gentle kisses are the best.
Ayato: Tsk… Why not so cute and honest all the time? Is it ‘cause of my birthday or what now?
Yui: I just felt like it…
( He’s just getting cuter and cuter! )
By the way… there’s one more thing I have to give you.
— Yui starts searching —
Ayato: A photo frame?
Yui: That’s so. I asked the school photographer to take this photo exactly when you scored and brought victory to your team. The happiness you felt in that moment… that’s something I always wish for you to experience.
— Ayato slightly blushes —
Yui: I also tried to decorate the frame myself based on what you like the most b-but if it’s too childish, then I will try to——
( He’s hugging me! )
Ayato: “What you like the most” she said, but how come I don’t see her there too then?
Yui: T-That’s—!
( Was that an indirect confession!? )
Ayato: Pfft… haha, that’s exactly the reaction I expected!
Love you, idiot. You really are the best~!
— Ayato stands up and starts walking away —
Yui: W-Wah—! Hey, d-don’t make fun of me like that!
Ayato: Can’t hear you~! If you wanna tell me something, catch me then!
Yui: You meanie!
— Yui stands up and starts running after him—
Yui: ( I can’t help but feel like a child once again when playing with him like that. It’s such a nostalgic feeling that somehow feels so distant... )
( As we run around the mansion, Ayato-kun is showing me his genuine smile… that’s the face that makes me fall more and more for him each and every day. )
( I love you Ayato-kun, thank you for being born. )
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bluewhitehues · 4 months
Hug | Kim Mingyu
Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: Angst? (Little bit), comfort, strangers to lovers, fluff
Pairing : Idol Kim Mingyu × (f) reader
Warning: mentions of anxiety
Part 8
After the cake cutting ceremony, you decide to leave the party because you've been exhausted for a while now.
You ask Mingyu if he wants to stay there longer but he says he'll be with you, if you needed rest he'll take you home 'Now I can take care of you officially' he had said with a big smile,making you blush for the 100th time today.
"I still can't believe it" Mingyu says while driving.
"Can't believe what?" You ask confused.
He glances at you with a soft smile, "Everything that we talked today. I mean I could see the progress between us but I never thought I'd ask you to be my girlfriend so suddenly, so soon."
"I didn't rush, you did I ?" You ask nervously because you were the one who kinda went 'what are we now.'
He takes your hand in his, immediately saying "Nooo, I told you I've been waiting for this, I wouldn't have instantly asked you to be my girlfriend if I didn't want that" he smiles at you softly.
You blush, your hand in the warmth of his hand, it feels so incredible, you don't think you'll get over it anytime soon.
"Yeah now I get it why you said you couldn't believe it, me your girlfriend and out of all the people 'I' I have a boyfriend now like wow my friends will have hard time believing it."
He chuckles at you..asking, "why? You didn't date much?"
"Well more like I haven't dated at all, I didn't find anyone upto my taste .. everywhere I went I found shitty men only." You say honestly, tho you have a doubt about what would he feel about this information.
His eyes are a little wide because he is surprised to say the least. so he exclaims,"Waittt! Does that mean I'm like your first boyfriend?"
"Uh yeah is that a bad thing, like does it bother you?" You ask a little embarrassed now, cause you see at the age of twenty-three ofcourse people would have had atleast one boyfriend but it's not really your fault you've had your reasons.
"Hey noo.. not at all and why are you looking there look at me, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." He says squeezing your hand, "I was just surprised because you're one amazing and beautiful woman so I didn't even think about that , all this time I never thought you could have been single...but also you deserve the best anyway and I'll try my best to be that for you."..."Besides I feel so honoured to hear that...that you found me worthy to be your boyfriend..do you know how special I feel right now." He asks smiling so big with a glint in his eyes.
You look at him chuckling, "Well Mr. Kim Mingyu ..I'm excited to be with you in our new journey.. I can't wait to see how it'll all turn out, tho I'm a bit scared but it's you so I'll take the risk and you're talking about you being worthy of me? here I don't know if I'm worthy of you ..you're a great person mingyu and I feel honoured as well to have you as my boyfriend." You say with a little smile, guiding his hand to your lips,placing a little kiss on it.
"Oh my god you flirttt stoppp...again I could've caused an accident."  You laugh loudly at him. He scoffs, "you act like this and then wonder why'd I find it hard to believe that you've never been in a relationship." You laugh at him, "well I might not have had any experience in this but what I can I say I'm a natural." You say flipping your hair.
"Yeah with all the flirting you've been doing with me ..trust me when I say I can tell" he says nodding at you.
You laugh again saying, "yeah and today we've officially started it,so you're in for a ride." You say purposely teasing him.
"Well bring it on then..I'll gladly return the favour." He says now pulling your hand to his face to put a lingering kiss at it. Then glancing back at you with a little smirk on his face.
You shake your head at him,but that blush on your cheeks hasn't been hidden from him.
A few minutes passed by,he notices you yawning back to back ..."sleepy? " He asks.
"Umm tired and my headache keeps increasing" you answered looking at him with sleepy eyes.
"Do you have meds ? Or I could grab it rn." He says stroking your hand.
"I think I have them ..don't worry." You say smiling softly at him.
He stops the car in front of your apartment and looks at you with a pout on his face.
You chuckle at him asking "what happened?"
" I don't want to let you go." He says turning to face you. Your hand still in his.
"Me neither...but we have to ..so we can meet again tomorrow." You say tilting your head, smiling softly at him.
"That's true." He says with a hint of excitement in his eyes ..now he can meet you without the excuses of meals and all, anytime he wants.
He gets out of the car to open the door for you.
And as soon as you step out and close the door, he's pulling you in a hug.
"Don't forget to eat the medicine, sleep well and text me if you need anything." He murmurs with his eyes closed.
You smile saying, "ok I'll ...now go or I'm gonna fall asleep right here." He's so warm, so yours..You just want to fall asleep in his arms,forgetting every ounce of worry you have.. but you'll supress that urge for sometime later.
"Ok for now I'll let you go ..you need to rest, take the meds ok?" He says pulling back from the hug.
"Yes... good night." You say pinching his cheek.
He smiles at you, placing his palm on your cheek,stroking your cheekbone with his thumb then pulls your face near to place a quick kiss on your temple.
"Good night" he says waving at you, you wave back smiling, again blushing for the 200th time.
He pulls his mask up, waits for you to go up and then leaves for his apartment.
Next morning you wake up to good morning texts from Mingyu, you've never been a morning person but the way you're smiling right now woahh.. you're even blushing, hiding your face in pillow, kicking your feet in the blanket ...oh you are so gone.
You look at those texts again and again before finally replying him.
Mingyu: Good morning to my beautiful Girlfriend 🙈❤️
Mingyu: also is your headache better now?
You: Hey my handsome boyfriend good morning to you too🙈❤️
You: Yes I'm perfectly fine now dw
Then you go to get ready for your day.
When you're about to leave for work someone knocks at your door... The delivery guy hands you over a beautiful beautiful bouquet of flowers.
You open the card which says, 'Flowers for my pretty angel... Happy first day of our relationship. Can't wait to make your days beautiful just like these flowers.
~Your boyfriend<3'
And you're hiding your face in your hands all over again. One thing you know is, Kim Mingyu is going to be dangerous for your heart. Cause you don't think anyone else has ever made it beat so damn fast.
You smell the flowers and admire them with a smile on your face. Taking a picture of it and sending it to your lovely boyfriend.
You: Got the flowers, thank you they're lovely🥰 ...must say you're quite the charmer.
Then you get a call from him immediately.
"Heyy..you liked the flowers?" He asks.
" I did ..they're beautiful..also pretty angel huh? Is that a new pet name for me ?" You ask him teasingly as if you haven't been blushing at that since you have read it.
" Yeah you're my pretty angel... And you're gonna get plenty of more pet names, one is not enough for you." You can hear the smile in his voice when he says that.
" Hmm I like that.." you say with your own smile.
"By the way Can we eat dinner together?" He asks.
You whine saying,"I don't think I'm gonna go outside for few more days, I don't have the energy I'm sorry,but we can do something else?"
" It's totally ok I was actually kind of hoping we can eat at home it's more comfortable that way, so I can pick you up after work to mine or I can go to your apartment ?" He asks
" Oh yes that's a great idea...you come to mine this time, I'll go to yours some other day..is that ok?" You ask cause you really need to be at home, you barely have energy to go to work.
"Totally ok with me.. can't wait to see you."
"Me too."
Then you both talk a little more before going to your respective work.
You've been texting throughout the day and he had said he's bringing take out for you both, he also asked about your favourite food or something you'd like to eat.
Now you're back from work, took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. Come on cause the whole idea was to be comfortable, to be at home and spend time with each other just like that. So you had told him you're not gonna be getting ready or putting make up and all.
Soon he's there and you open the door for him, your heart beating fast with the excitement to meet him finally, and as soon as you open the door, there's him your boyfriend smiling from ear to ear.
You're giggling at him,both saying hii to each other.
"Hii, please come inside." You say with a motion of your hand.
"Uh I missed youuu." He says whining while putting the food on the table.
"I missed you toooo" you whine back, opening your arms for a hug. He comes quickly to envelope you in his arms, sighing into the hug,he says "This feels amazing I think I'll crave for your hugs daily now."
You hum saying," it's like you stole my words cause I feel the exact same... You're so warm." you say snuggling into his chest more. He chuckles at that, making you feel the soothing vibrations of his laugh.
You pull back and he says,"Look I removed my make up as well." And you notice he's also in his casual clothes.
"oh really..I see no difference you're just as handsome." You say honestly.
"Now you stole my words cause you too ..just as pretty, I don't care about the make up." He says,removing a strand of hair from your face.
"Well great thing we can do more domestic dates like this." You say grinning up at him.
"Oh is this a date now? We're not having just a friendly meal?" He's teasing you now.
You push him back chuckling, " shut upp. You're my boyfriend now it can't be just a friendly meal."
"You mean...you're gonna do unfriendly things to me from now on ..is that why you called me here..oh my god." He says dramatically getting two steps away from you.
You whine at him, "Please will you stop now first of all the smell of the food has been distracting me and I'm starving." You nearly pout at him.
He coos at you saying,"Okayyy let's go we will eat now you're gonna love the food."
You're eating, feeding each other, taking cute pictures of each other with food on your faces.
He keeps feeding you until you're about to burst.
You've no idea how but you've got your comfort person now. He just has to be there, giggling ,whining, laughing or making you laugh and you're already warm. His hugs are the best but his existence is a HUG itself for you.
Part 9
A/N: The updates are likely to get late because there's no inspiration to write sometimes :)
Hope you like this update. Have fun💎❤️
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xotomesimpx · 2 years
Bio Bud's: Bakugo Katsuki x (F)Reader
Featuring awkward mom moment's with Bakugo's mom.
So it was no surprise that there was a big biology/science project coming up. And everyone in class 1-A was a little on edge about it. Seeing this Aizawa let loose a little. "I will allow you guy's to pick a partner for the assignment. No more than 3 people for a group though. And pick your partner or team members wisely." Everyone was quick to partner up with a friend rather than someone useful.
Bakugo was going to partner with Kirishima but discovered that he partner with Mina and Kota. He grumbled and glanced around the room but any other option he had was taken. He looked at Mineta "No" Glanced at Hakagure "Definitely not." Until finally his eyes landed on you. You typically kept to yourself and often were left to do projects on your own. All of which turned out great in the past. Did I also mention you were a bit of a science/biology geek.
So it was pretty clear you and him were polar opposites though. You were carefree, mellow, and pretty delicate when you talked to others. having your moments of harshness if needed. You were like a gust of fresh air that never got old. Bakugo the loud, sometimes overbearing, and of course violent.
Match made in hell
He wanted to do it at your house more so. But you couldn't that day. So you had to pick his house to work on the assignment for today. "Turn around dumbass!" Bakugo hastingly shouted at you after you took notice of baby photos of him that were left out.
Hearing this you came face to face with his mom and how the two acted. You decided to let them have their moment and set up out in his backyard. "Where the fuck did she go?!" His mom chided him for not being more welcoming to his guest or keeping an eye on you.
Once he came out and you bickered with him over who should get the supplys from the toolbox. His mom peeped her head out and cleared her throat as bakugo huffed. "UUUGgh fine!" He grabbed the list of supplys and went back inside.While you waited Mitsuki stepped out and the two of you got accuainted.
Time Skip~
It has been a few days and one of Mitsuki's favorite past times is doing the dishes and listen to the two of you banter with each other. It almost reminded her and Bakugo's dad. (Who also took notice) both would laugh every now and then from how equally snarky you were with her son.
She would be that Mama Bear type who would get mad if anyone else did that to her son. But given you were friend's (few friends) and she every now and then started to notice how a little less reckless and rough her son was getting. It gave her peace of mind knowing you knew how to handle her son. She knows for a fact not many can.
She would sometimes let you even stay a bit longer to eat dinner. Only to at some point make it awkward or slightly tease Bakugo for getting all soft and less gruff if you were around.
"What the fuck happened to you swearin' like a sailor at the table?" She raised a brow at her son as she took a bite of her food, he grumbled "This damn idiot made a fucking swear jar." He did not realize his mistake until you lightly nudged him. "Bakugo that will be another 10 cents." He huffed and dropped his fork "Fuck!" He digged in he pocket as you watched. "Scratch that 20..."
You were practically like family by the end of the week. And Mitsuki finally sat you all down together while she was scrapbooking and saving photos. "Aww and here he is on his first day at the beach. He tried knocking other kids sand castle's down." Mitsuki pointed at the photo reminiscing as you held back your chuckles.
"Mom, can't you do that when y/n is gone Jesus!" Bakugo tried grabbing the scrapbook from his mom's hands. "Oh calm down this might not be her first time seeing your goofy face!" She flicked him over the head and sat back down. "Plus we got three more pages to look at." She chirped as she settled in looking over the other photos.
"Aww and here is me and your father cuttin' the wedding cake. Idiot got icing on my dress so we both ended up with it on our faces." She looked at the picture fondly seeing younger her and the man she loved laughing away at the mess.
Bakugo snorted "Laaame!" Mitsuki hit him on his head lightly. "You say that now but you wait before you know it. This will be you and y/n." She said with a devious grin as Bakugo flushed and stammered "No- no way that will ever happen hag!"
"Didn't you say something similar when Mr, Bakugo brought up marrying you someday?" You glanced at Mitsuki as she laughed "Yes, I did and look where we are."
It was a day before the project had to be turned in and Bakugo and you were finished your project early. So you decided to hand it in early to be done with it. "I have to admit... You are not a bad partner." Bakugo grumbled "And you are not as loud as I thought." You hummed with a chuckles as he glared. Not with your typical death glare but a softer one. "Oh shut up. Now let's turn this dam project in" He muttered annoyed and set the project on the table at the back of the class. "That would be ten cents." He rolled his eyes and thought. and gave you the change. "With how much you cuss you could have bought a house." It went silent as he looked at you .
"Where is all that change going towards anyway." You tilt your head and think "Hmmm not sure use it to how we'd like. We'll put it to use at some point for sure though." He nodded in a agreement "And one last question how about you put in some for all the time you cussed, nerd?" You sigh "Oh fine."You dug in your school bag and put some change aside to add to the jar later. "fifty cents should be enough." You muttered as he shook his head "No, scratch that add twenty cents more." Bakugo spoke coldly as you rolled your eyes and added more coins. As you two left the classroom Bakugo looked at you "Also another thing." Bakugo grinned watching your face turn in annoyance.
"Dinner is at around five today." You punched him in the arm lightly. "Damn you Katsu- Bakugo!" You fixed your wording as he glared at you. "It's Katsuki to you, bitch." You waved him off as you left "Yeah yeah see you at five, ya goof!"
Dinner went on as usual with everyone rambling about their day. It got to you "I was getting ready to fight someone who had the audacity to ram into me while in the hall's. But Katsuki had the great idea of dragging me back into the classroom." Bakugo spat back "The bell was about to ring what was i supposed to do, let you get detention?!" The two of you went back and forth with each other as Mitsuki and Masaru gleamed from opposite ends of the table.
"Alright, alright y'alls temper is getting hot not the food! Shush and eat it before it get cold for shits sake!" Mitsuki broke up the bickering and chuckled and she looked back at Masaru. "They argue like an old married couple." Masaru nodded and stiffled a small laugh. "Yes they do indeed."
"Daaad not you two old man." Katsuki grumbled as everyone went back to eating.
And yes Mitsuki noticed you two are on first name basis. Also yes, she has some wedding ideas saved to her Pintrest cause of you two. And most importantly yes, she loves you. Also she may or may not have slipped up and reffered to you as her daughter-in law by accident. (she was embarrassed too dw)
You also wondered what happened to some of the money in you now virtual tip jar. Since you deposited it into a shared account with Katsuki on an app. You did this so both of you had access to it.
Final grades were setting in as Aizawa handed out the rubric to everyone. Some students looked thrilled, others not so much. He handed you both your's and gave a nod. "You two did a better job than expected. Good work." Once he walked away Bakugo grabbed your rubric and looked it over before checking his. "What the hey Kats-" He tsked hidding his creeping blush. Making it seem like he was looking at his paper. "We both got 100%." You leaned down and picked up your paper from the floor but saw something glitter from your school bag.
You grabbed it carefully and pulled out a silver heart locket attached to a chain. "Who's is this?" You asked and raised up the necklace to the other girls in class. They all shrugged "None of us have something like that I don't think." Momo spoke with a shrug until Mina cheered "It is from a secret admirer duh!" Her and Hakagure bubble in delight at who it could be from. You sat down and glanced at bakugo who rolled his eyes. Until something caught your eye, the gold heart locket you saw. Concealed from under his baggy dress shirt.
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drpeppertummy · 7 months
Stuff val with a sickly sweet dessert >:3
Mean 2 Him .
[post-stuffing stuffing, tummyache, one little passing emeto mention but only in dialogue nothing actually happens]
Val crept slowly into the dark kitchen. The clock on the microwave read 1:48. What a slowpoke, he thought; the alarm clock had read 1:40 when he'd slipped out of bed, although the microwave was likely off a few minutes. Silently, he snuck over to the counter beside the fridge where the siren song had been coming from, and with quiet, careful hands, he unclasped the lid of the container.
Val had made a big dinner for the family that night, so big, in fact, that despite all the leftovers they'd put away, his belly was still full hours later. It grumbled softly as it worked to digest the enormous meal, and he placed a hand on it. It was still considerably bloated, but that wasn't going to stop him. As quietly as he could, Val cut himself a slice of cake.
He'd made the cake to follow dinner, and as much as he'd been looking forward to it, he'd been the only one unable to eat any. He'd drastically overestimated his capacity, as he sometimes had a tendency to do when good food was involved, and the meal had left him so full that his tightly-stretched stomach ached. Too stuffed to eat another bite, he'd been stuck watching as everybody else enjoyed the cake, sadly resigning himself to the fate of waiting. Connie, feeling sorry for her poor overstuffed husband, had offered him a tiny bite from her piece, but even that had seemed too much at the time.
Val closed up the container. The piece he'd cut was a little bigger than intended, but that was alright. Holding his plate in one hand and a fork in the other, he leaned back against the counter, his tummy poking out sweetly against his soft, loose pajama shirt, and dug in.
The cake was fabulous. Val felt very pleased with himself; he always made good desserts, but he thought this might be one of his best ones yet. It was soft and chocolatey and just rich enough, three layers with a lovely ganache and topped with chocolate shavings. His stomach gave a warning gurgle, but he ignored it.
It wasn't until halfway through the slice that Val really felt stuffed again. He'd had enough time to digest after dinner that he was no longer full to bursting, but after being topped off with the midnight snack, the unpleasant tightness was beginning to return to his stomach. He had a good-sized chunk of cake left, though, and he supposed he'd have to finish it. He couldn't just put it back; Connie would know he'd been creeping about eating cake in the middle of the night, and something about that felt shameful. Discarding it certainly wasn't an option either. With a soft little sigh of discomfort, he scooped up another bite and pushed on.
As he ate, Val silently scolded himself for getting such a big piece. It was too much sugar for his already precarious belly, and he was beginning to feel a little ill. His stomach gurgled unhappily at the unwelcome addition. Looking down, he noticed his tummy poking out even further than it had been, a taut little bump beneath his thankfully oversized shirt. Really, it was Connie's shirt; he had a habit of borrowing her clothes when he wanted to feel extra cozy, and she didn't mind it one bit. Right now, however, he wasn't feeling particularly cozy at all. He felt bloated and sick and far too full. He only had a tiny bit of cake left, though, and at this point, he supposed he may as well finish. Reluctantly, he ate another bite.
"Val?" Val jumped at the voice, a goofy little yip escaping him as he tried to stifle a scream. Connie snorted.
"Jesus Christ, Val, I didn't mean to scare you," she laughed, approaching him. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Oh, just making sure the fridge is working." He patted the side of it. "Yep, looks like everything's in order."
"Yeah, sure," she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "And did you empty it out, too, or is that all cake?" She poked his rounded tummy and he let out a little groan.
"I should've just waited," he said, rubbing his aching belly. Connie reached out and placed a hand on the side of his belly. She winced at how tight it felt.
"Sheesh, I'll say," she said, and his stomach groaned in agreement. Desperate to relieve some of the pressure, he tried to force up a burp, but only a tiny, sickly one came out. It didn't help. His tummy gurgled pitifully.
"Oh, you knucklehead," said Connie, her voice gentle and sympathetic. She took the plate from him--all that remained on it was a little smear of chocolate--and set it in the sink, then put an arm around his waist, resting her hand on his belly. Feeling awful, he wrapped his arms around her and laid his head against her shoulder.
"Think you can brush your teeth without puking it all up in the sink?"
"Not a chance."
"Alright," she chuckled, gently patting his sore tummy. "Let's go to bed."
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🖤💜Protecting (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 2💜🖤
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted) 
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal 
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I KNOW it's been at least 2 months since I posted the first part of this, but here it is!~ I love Katakuri sooo much, if you couldn't tell, and I just kept writing, so this turned into a 3 parter!~ But BEFORE you curse my existence and get your Mogura, I already have it done!~ Literally fully completed, I just have to post it after this one.~ And I decided that your reward for waiting so long for this series was some ✨spicy✨ times.~ So expect that in part 3.~ Also, I'm so shocked at the amount of likes I got on the first part??~ Almost 70 likes??~ You guys are too much.~ Hope you like it!~ Mwah mwah, darlings!~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 - -> Part 3
Dread set in as everyone realized the untimely situation. We still had to deal with Bege and the Strawhats, and the last thing we needed was a raging Big Mom. I felt Katakuri's grip tighten on me as I let my emotions drift into him. I was scared and tired, wanting nothing more than to stay in my husband's strong and safe arms. Perospero stood there, thinking of a plan, and when his gaze landed on me, he perked up. He seemed reluctant to ask me due to Katakuri's possessive hold on me, but when our eyes met I had an idea of what he wanted from me. This was part of my job in the family, to help Mama calm down during her hunger pangs even if it was dangerous. 
"Ah, Y/N? I'm sorry to ask this of you after the kind of day you've had, but", a nervous glance to Katakuri whose intense gaze slid to him the moment he addressed me, "would you help me out in calming Mama down? I have an idea that might work, but she seems a bit angrier than usual this time around, lick." Perospero's confidence dwindled the longer he stood under Katakuri's piercing gaze until I lifted my hand to lay it on my husband's shoulder. He focused on my soft face and quietly huffed before kneeling down to gently place me on my feet. Before he could make any threats, I snuck a quick peck on his nose, and grabbed Perospero's hand to run off. 
"Kekeke, quite the little minx you've become with our brother.~" He glances back. "He's become a lickity blushing mess.~ I can tell even if he pulls up his scarf.~" A large wail followed by a nearby building being crushed brought us back to the grim reality of our task. Perospero put up a candy wall to keep us from being crushed as he explained his plan. 
"We have three major problems right now and Mama is one of them. Katakuri is going to ambush the Strawhats on their ship while some of our brothers and sisters go after Bege. I want to get rid of Strawhat first and foremost, so let's set Mama's sights on him by telling her he has her wedding cake. This will give us a little time to figure out how to make the cake, though. . .", he trails off and tugs at his collar, "you know how Mama is with people who lie to her. Even if it's one of us. So, if this doesn't work out, you and I will be killed by Mama if that cake isn't made in time." That fact made me nervous, but Perospero looked even more scared than I felt. Mama liked me well enough, but I know she wouldn't think twice about killing me since I've seen her kill some of her own children before. As much as I loved Katakuri, that was something I hated about his mother. My gaze drops down to the mochi bracelet around my wrist, focusing on the emotions of my love. 
Worry. Simmering anger. Determination. Resolve. I had to be steadfast like Katakuri and play my part in keeping everyone safe. I felt like I had the same responsibility as Katakuri, taking on the role of a protective big sister since I was his wife. I could see my antennae change to a deep red. My desire to succeed was rooted in my love for Katakuri. With a shake of my head, I straightened up and threw my lollipop to the ground before going around Perospero's candy shield to march towards the rampaging Yonko. A frantic scream sounded from the brother behind me as he ran up to my side and put on a wide smile with me as he called out to Mama. 
We both shook as he convinced her with words while I coaxed her with a little emotion and thought nudging. Despite being such a feared pirate, Big Mom’s mind was easy to influence, like a child’s, which matched some of her behavior at times. The feeling of everyone watching us with bated breaths, and the direct tap of Katakuri's own worry made this all the more pressuring. The two of us just about fainted at her terrifying aura, purple taking over my previous red, as she promised to take our lives if we were lying before leaping onto Zeus and racing off towards the seducing wood. Not a moment after she was out of sight did Perospero and I share a glance before wailing out in fear. He fell to his knees on the ground, and I was heading to follow suit if Katakuri hadn't swooped in to pick me up off my feet again. I felt even more drained than before, but the love and comfort coming from my beloved husband and the few head caresses he was willing to give me in public made everything worth it. I trusted him to help me make sure everything worked out.
As Perospero fell further into despair about our current situation, a familiar voice from above called out to us. Peeking over my husband's shoulder until he turned around, I saw Pudding on her magic carpet. 
"I'll make Mama's cake!" She proclaimed, and Perospero just about cried tears of joy at those four words. As she explained her plan of recruiting Chiffon to help her remake Mama's cake on Cacao Island, I knew the little time I had with Katakuri was coming to an end. Soon, he would be locked in a heated battle with Strawhat Luffy. Staring up at my husband's serious face as he listened to Pudding and everyone else, I took to admiring every perfect line and curve of his face that I could see. After so many years, I didn't even need to see the rest of his face to visualize it under his scarf. The tips of my antennae drooped into my vision, and I could see them lit up with a dark pink. With a small, embarrassed jolt, I covered the exposing appendages with my hands as the conversation came to an end. 
I could hear and feel my husband’s amused chuckle at my embarrassment, making me flush further. This brought my attention to the tattling bracelet around my wrist, making me contemplate its importance right now. My emotions were all over the place and have already distracted him enough today. With pursed lips, I tugged at the mochi bracelet around my wrist. In an instant, Katakuri's full attention was on me, and his hand was preventing my own from completing its task. 
"What are you doing?" He asks in a low voice, ignoring the gazes of his younger siblings around us. To everyone else, he sounded angry, but I felt he was just apprehensive and confused. I smiled and lifted his gloved hand to my lips for a soft kiss to his knuckles, which elicited a few 'aww's, before continuing to move the bracelet to my hair as a hair tie, which he allowed this time. 
"I've worried you enough today, dear. You're about to enter a big fight, and I don't want to trouble you anymore. It's close enough to still feel my presence, but not my emotions unless you wish. You can focus on it for strength, if you need to. I'm sure I'm worrying over nothing again, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." With a soft smile and a peck to his cheek, I pat his muscled arm to be let down. Through my touch I could feel his unease and dissatisfaction at my words, but other than that, the only indication that my actions had bothered him was another crease in between his ever furrowed eyebrows. I knew he didn’t like this plan. He knew I didn’t like this plan either. But it was a necessary precaution, one taken to further ensure victory and protect the family. We held each other’s challenging gazes for a few bated breaths until Katakuri relented. He uncrosses his arms a bit, but before he could bend over to let me down closer to the ground, I slipped through the given gap, landed briefly on the spike band sticking out from his left knee and hopped to the ground. 
"I'll stay here with Mont d'Or and Pekoms to stay out of you guys’ way. I'm sure they can protect me if something happens, right, boys?" I smile wide and hook my arms through one of each of theirs, causing them to puff out their chests and proudly agree. 
"You guys just do your best, as always!" The dark pink of my antennae shifted to a burnt orange to show my low tempo joy and determination. Even though my bones ached with exhaustion, I took a deep breath and started to radiate feelings of rejuvenation and conviction for everyone as a boost. After I did so for a minute, I let my arm slip from Mont d'Or so I could subtly lean more into Pekoms' soft fur, who easily held me steady. As I lifted my heavy eyes, I could see Katakuri observing me closely before closing his eyes and turning away. Nothing got past him. 
"That's enough time wasted here. Get a move on to the positions you've been assigned. Every second lost is a lesser chance of victory, but we will win." Everyone, invigorated by my powers and inspired by Katakuri's brief speech, gave out a battle cry and ran off to do as they were told. As everyone dispersed, Pekoms wrapped an arm around my waist, and helped me follow Mont d'Or and Tamago to where they'd be working from. 
As I sat down and continued to rest against Pekoms, I thought about what happened earlier with that odd forcefield when I was about to be crushed. It had to have come from me since I felt the energy output of it, but I've never done that before. Maybe this was the awakening that Katakuri has been trying to draw out of me all this time, and it only just came out then because I was in real danger for the first time in my life. Of course, I've been in danger before, but ever since I married Katakuri, I've felt comfortably confident in my safety. I'd have to look into this development later.
With everything happening I didn't know when I'd be able to rest again, so I was going to take the opportunity while I had it. My gloves were starting to make my anxious hands sweaty, so I tugged them off and stuffed them into a pocket on my dress. A yawn escaped me as I snuggled more into Pekoms’ side and fell into a dreamless sleep. 
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Unsure of how long I'd been asleep for, I woke up with a start to the sound of someone crying. I sat up from the piece of sponge cake I had been settled on during my nap to look around for the culprit. It was Pekoms, and he seemed truly upset by something. The sight of one of my friends crying like that woke me up quickly. With a frown and dark blue antennae, I stood up and rushed over to the sobbing lion to comfort him. Once he realized it was me, he instantly dropped to his knees to envelope me in a tight hug. Before I could even open my mouth to ask what the matter was, he beat me to it.  
"My brother! He's gone! How could this happen?! Gyah! Big bro Pedro!" My arms wrapped around his fluffy afro as I cooed at him in consolation. Without my gloves on, I could feel the full force of Pekoms' sorrow, and it cut deeply through me in my groggy state. Fat tears, the same as his, rolled down my cheeks until I managed to control the reception of emotions, yet it still left me sniffling and letting out a few tears. Normally, I'd try to calm the person down and make them calmer, but this was a hurt that needed to be let out naturally. It felt wrong to subdue the grief he felt for, what seemed like, the death of a very close person in his life. I looked over to the chicken form of Tamago, eyes still watery.
"Tamago-san, what happened?" My voice shook as I spoke, not able to completely dismiss my self-inflicted sadness. The teacup wearing man tutted as he walked towards me, using a wing to wipe my face of tears. 
"Ah, do not cry-amour, tears do not suit your face, bon. Unfortunately, Pekoms' brother, Pedro, died aiding the Strawhats' escape from the island. He blew himself up to free their ship of Perospero-sama's candy, bon. From what I heard he took part of Perospero-sama's arm with him. " My breath hitched in horror at the information and loss from both sides as Pekoms cried even harder upon hearing the news again. Enemy or not, losing someone close to you is always hard. Not to mention Perospero’s loss as well.
"Shut up already! He was our enemy! He knew the risks of helping those Strawhats fight a Yonko’s crew! And what about Perospero?! Half his arm is gone!" I snapped my head towards Mont d'Or with a tear-stained glare and dark purple antennae for his insensitive comment which had him shying behind the giant book he held. I understood that he was an enemy, but that didn’t negate the fact that Pekoms knew and cared for him. Nothing was black and white in this world, especially family. Fortunately, Tamago was partially on our side, and engaged Mont d'Or's complaint. Not wanting my irritation to upset Pekoms any further, I took a few deep breaths, cleared my mind and continued to hug his head to my shoulder. Slowly, the deep purple faded back into a light blue.
"I'm so sorry, Pekoms. I understand what it's like to lose someone so close to you. If you need anything, I'll help you in any way I can." He didn't say anything, but nodded a little against my shoulder. I stood there silently after my condolences, tuning out Tamago and Mont d'Or's continued argument in favor of comforting Pekoms to the best of my abilities.
After a while, his sobs waned to sniffles, and from there he finally loosened his hold on me and leaned back to look at me. My exposed shoulder was drenched from tears, but I paid that no mind as I lifted his glasses and wiped the tears from his black, beady eyes. I offered a sad smile. 
"Sorry for cry-" Before he could even think of finishing that sentence, I shushed him with a finger. 
"You have nothing to be sorry about. What happened was horrible. Even if he was technically an enemy", a swift, bombastic side eye to Mont d'Or, who cowered again under my returned scolding gaze, "he was still your brother. I'm sure he still saw you as his brother even if you two had different ideals and paths in life." My speech earned an appreciative smile from Pekoms as he nodded and stood up. He took on a thoughtful look as he stared out towards the Seducing Forest. I just stayed next to him, thinking over all the events of the day. 
"Y/N? Would you like to come with me to, uh, look around for any more injured people?" Pekoms’ somber and rough voice roused me from my thoughts yet again. That was an odd and random request, but I suppose he just needed something to do and focus on to distract himself. I was still a little tired, but I didn’t want to leave Pekoms alone.
"Of course, we need to find some first aid kits first, though." With an absent nod from him, I told the other two where we were off to, and Pekoms led me into the ruined city. The river of cream that had flowed freely earlier was now just a sludge that thickly coated the ground. Even though I was already a mess, I still held up the edge of my dress to prevent any further damage. 
We stop by the abandoned hospital for two first aid kits before setting off back through the city in silence. I had tripped a few too many times over debris and thick cream puddles, prompting Pekoms to grab hold of my bare hand. I tried not to focus on his swirling emotions out of courtesy, but I could tell easily that the most prominent one was uncertainty. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Pekoms stopped in his tracks and spoke up again.
"Y/N, what would you do if you knew someone was going to betray the family?" Stopping at both his halt and question, it took me a moment to understand why he would ask it. My e/c eyes stared at his triangular sunglasses, feeling out his emotions more deeply as I did. I felt his anguish, guilt, nervousness yet a flaring storm of conviction was starting to overshadow the aforementioned uncertainty. It was clear what he wanted to do, and I was in no position to talk him out of it. 
This is where I had to choose between my morality and true loyalty to Big Mom. Pedro was his family before we were, and I couldn’t ask him not to fight for the people that his brother died to protect. All the Strawhats wanted was their crew member back, a crew member that we took from them. All in all, I swore my loyalty and life to Katakuri, not Big Mom, and I knew he would understand any decision I made.
"I think that each person has their own values that they must hold steadfast to in any circumstance. Even if they conflict with other parts of our lives. Something you must ask yourself, though, is if you're willing to put your life on the line for those values and face any consequences that come with them." A beat of silence passed between us as I let my words soak in. I stepped towards Pekoms and wrapped my arms around him tightly, and he reciprocated. The warmth of his fur tickled a smile onto my face, lighting up my antennae yellow.
"I'll always think of you as my family, Pekoms, even if you leave us. Besides," I look up at him and give him a little wink, "believe it or not, Katakuri and I don't always tell the family everything if it doesn't affect them." Pekoms' lip quivered for a few seconds before starting up a new fountain of tears while hugging me even tighter. 
"Gyah! I knew you were my favorite for a reason, Y/N! Thank you so much!" I wheezed out a laugh, happily squeezing him back as my yellow shifted into a peachy orange. This felt like the right decision. 
Once Pekoms calmed down, we made our way to the ruined chateau once again. No one but the more prominent siblings in the family knew this, but Brulee had a mirror in her room in the chateau that she always keeps open. Whenever she was in the Mirro-World, anyone could access it through that mirror without her being present. It was useful for when we had meetings there, though we still needed Brulee to leave out of a different mirror. 
It was tough figuring out where her room was now that the whole building was ruined and skewered on the city's tallest buildings, but after an hour of searching, we figured it out and stood before the mirror. Miraculously, it wasn't cracked, but we did have to sit it back up for us to enter. Pekoms abandoned his first aid kit, on the checkered floor but I kept mine in case we came across someone who was injured. The only news we've heard so far has been a report of the Straw Hat's ship sinking and the defeat of Germa 66, so I wanted to be prepared. Pekoms lost a bit of his drive at those disheartening reports, but refused to give up just yet. Before I could wander off, Pekoms stopped me with a paw to my shoulder.
"Listen, Y/N. I know you said you wouldn't tell anyone about me, uh, following my values, but I also don't want you to be labeled as a traitor because of me. I know you love Katakuri, and I want you two to be happy. That being said, if push comes to shove, I don't want you to associate with anything I do from here on out. I'll even act like I took you hostage if I need to! Gyah!" He clenched his fist in front of him as he declared this, making me smile and pat his arm. 
"Don't worry, Pekoms, I'll be fine. I promise." Looking around, the winding and twisting walkways of the Mirro-World had me a bit lost. I had only been through here with a guide that knew where they were going. Luckily, Pekoms seemed to know what he was doing as he turned around to face the large mirror we just came through. 
"Hey mirror, who all is in the Mirro-World?" The mirror, to my surprise, answered. 
"Brulee, Katakuri, Flampe and a man in a straw hat are currently here!" I perked up upon hearing that Katakuri was still here with Strawhat Luffy. It's been a couple of hours since we heard the reports of the sunken Straw Hat's ship and Germa 66's defeat on Pekoms' transponder snail. Though, now it seemed that Strawhat was living up to his bounty and more. I was tempted to touch the bracelet in my hair but refrained. If Luffy was holding his own against my unrivaled husband, then it must require focus. I couldn’t let my own selfish whims worry him again. 
“Pekoms, what were you planning on doing here? Although Strawhat has held out for this long, he seems to be struggling against Kata, and if he loses, anything you do could be for naught.” Even with his sunglasses on, I could tell that Pekoms was worried as he thought out his first course of action. It was hard for me to believe that Katakuri would lose, so the most the mink could do was aid in Strawhat Luffy’s escape when the time came. Before Pekoms could think up a plan of anything, his transponder snail woke and started a ruckus. 
“Strawhat Luffy is in Chips Town!”
“No, he’s in Chockfull Town!” 
“Green Town!”
Island after island gave reports of sightings of Strawhat Luffy appearing all over Tottoland. The fact that he was running around so many islands meant that he had Brulee, for the second time to my understanding, and was running from his fight with Katakuri. Pekoms seemed relieved to even hear that he was alive and kicking even if he was running for his life. To me, this news meant that Katakuri was stuck here in the Mirro-world just like us until Brulee was freed. 
Just thinking about him spiked the craving of my husband’s feelings thrumming through my body. I had gotten so used to knowing the inner workings of his heart that I felt half empty without them. Without him, my nerves felt too open and vulnerable, so I shakily took out my gloves from my pocket and tugged them on. The anxiousness dimmed my bright antennae. Pekoms started to cheer which drew my attention to him and away from the remounting worries plaguing the edges of my mind.
“Gyah! I knew he would survive! He may be a bit stupid, but even he knows when to pick and choose his battles!” The mink turned to me with a wide smile and grabbed my shoulders. With his paws in contact with my bare shoulders, I could feel his strong relief and fierce motivation which brightened me back up. That was how I felt when I put my faith in Katakuri, and Pekoms felt this way about Strawhat Luffy? I suppose Strawhat was Pekoms' leader right now just as Katakuri was ours.
“If he’s trying to leave, then the rest of the crew has to be alive! They have to be! Big bro Pedro didn’t die in vain!” His voice wavered at that last sentence, but he kept his determined smile. I gave the invigorated mink a small, supportive smile and nodded. 
“It seems they could be alive, but we can’t leave without Brulee here, remember?” Pekoms froze in his excitement at my words of reasoning. In a second, he was depressed on the floor. I laughed softly and kneeled next to his hunched form. 
“Hey, don’t worry. I’m sure Brulee will be released soon, and you’ll be able to continue Pedro’s will.” Pekoms sniffled and looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows. 
“You think so?” With a nod, I placed my gloved hand on his pink clad shoulder. The flow of his strong feelings seeping through my gloves had me taking a deep breath. Bright red blazed over the previous peachy orange. He really wanted- no, needed to help this rambunctious pirate running around Tottoland. For himself and no one else. That was a freedom not many people in this kingdom had. I wish Katakuri had that freedom.
“I do.” We shared a quiet moment before I stood back and put my hands on my hips. I was starting to feel tired again, but there were things that still needed to be done. 
“Now, let’s go. Brulee has a few houses around here, doesn’t she? If you’re going to be masquerading as a robust vigilante aiding Strawhat Luffy, you need to look the part, right?” Pekoms jumped up and threw a clenched fist into the air. 
“Gyah! Yeah! Let’s go!” With newfound energy, Pekoms grabbed my hand and dragged me along one of the many twisting and checkered paths. 
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"What about this one?" 
"Um, too sparkly."
"This one?" 
"Too frilly."
"Okay okay. This one!"
Pekoms pulled out a pink, skin tight mask with a few darker pink markings along the face and a star right on the forehead. It was one of the last costumes he had pulled out of one of the many costume drawers we found. Anyone who had met the Charlotte family would be hard pressed to deny the family’s. . . flamboyant clothing style, so a house in a central location solely for dress up clothes was well within their behavioral territory. I was laying along my stomach on a dangerously comfy bed as Pekoms sifted through all the clothes and outfits, helping him choose the right one. Who knew he would be so keen on matching his existing pink suit?
“Hmm, it matches your suit better than the other masks. Try it on?” I covered a yawn and closed my heavy eyes for a moment as the lion mink pulled on the tight face mask. When I opened them again, he had fit all his mane into the mask and I had to stifle a laugh at the sight. He looked like a giant cloud of cotton candy! Not to mention that the mask was so tight that it hid nothing to anyone who knew him. 
“Gyah! I knew I looked stupid!” My giggles only increased as the embarrassed mink tried tugging it off and the mask didn’t budge an inch. His frantic attempts prompted me to get up, despite my sore body’s protests, and try to help him. After about five minutes of tugging from any and all angles, the tight mask stayed in its place on Pekoms. With labored breaths, I collapsed onto the soft bed as Pekoms sulked on the floor. 
“Gyah! I have to defend Big Bro Pedro’s legacy in this? How shameful.” Once I caught my breath, I decided to encourage Pekoms again. 
“It doesn’t matter what you wear, Pekoms. What matters is your actions. As long as you do what you think is right for your ideals, you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Another yawn drew out the last of my soft pep talk, and this time I couldn’t ignore the call of sleep. This day had drawn a lot out of me, and my aching bones settled as I slipped into my memories and dreams. 
As I faded out of consciousness, the last thing I heard was the unsteady reply of my companion. 
“Thanks, Y/N.”
Light filtered through the mosaic windows, casting hundreds of mini rainbows and refracted light spots across our cozy bedroom. It was one of the very few days that I awoke to my husband still by my side in bed. Even rarer, I was awake before him. Everything felt so bleary and light as I took in the warm air of our room, the large rises and falls of my husband’s chest underneath my arm, the softness of his arm settled against my body. It all felt so perfect. Too perfect. Yet, I didn’t want to lose this moment.
I treasured every moment I had with my busy behemoth of a man, no matter how brief, long, serene or fitful. I hardly stirred from my resting spot in fear of breaking the spell. There had to be a spell. My senses were so enchanted, so enraptured by the man resting beside me that at times it was hard to believe that I was his and he was mine. 
Mine. That word still made me giddy to think about, let alone say, even after two years of marriage. Giggles threatened to bubble out of my parched throat, but I kept my whimsical feelings contained so as to not disturb him. He deserved the rest. He deserved the world. A world better than the one he lived in, one where he could be just as peaceful and happy as those he protected. 
I wish I could protect him the way he did me. Protect him from everything that took away the shining light I saw in him every day. Protect him from the people that locked that light in a cage with a single window to shine through. But even as he is, scars and all, I knew he was perfect. My perfect husband in every sense of the word. The way he laughed, the way he smiled, oh his beautiful, unfettered smile, how he held me, those oh so gentle eyes when he told me he loved me. I was sure I was as pink as my antennae was bound to be by now. Every perfect thing I thought about him made it harder and harder to keep my smile down and my hands to myself. The hand on his chest trailed its way up to his uncovered face.
That was certainly the most perfect thing about him. The feature he hated most about himself is the thing that made me love him more when he finally showed me. Surprisingly, he didn’t move even as I cupped his scarred cheek. He was so warm. So soft. My lips itched to kiss him. To make sure he was really mine after all this time. Finally, I sat up at his side, looking down on his still slumbering face. 
Slowly, I lowered my forehead down to his. 
Nuzzled my nose to his sharp one.
My lips felt the exhales of his breath, getting closer and warmer until-
A loud, ground shaking rumble woke me up with a start. I sat up, my heart racing as I looked around to see where I was. I was still in Brulee’s dress up home, Pekoms lying on his back on the floor with loud snores coming from him. A pang stabbed my heart when I realized I wasn’t where my surreal dream-like memory led me to believe I was. Where I hoped I was. I was right, it was too perfect.
No, instead of Katakuri being next me, sleeping soundly, he was out there, fighting a dangerous pirate for our sake. If I had to guess, they were the cause of the rumbling that woke me up. With a weary sigh, I got up from the bed calling me to lay back down. As much as I wanted to rest, I still had to help Pekoms. Maybe I’ll get to see my husband at the end of his fight. The worries I had before resurfaced full force accompanied by a headache, but I made myself swallow any expressions of it back. Katakuri must be more tired and hurt than I am right now with such a long fight, so this is nothing. I have things to do.
“Pekoms, wake up. Wake up, Pekoms. It sounds like Kata and Strawhat are fighting again.” When my words did nothing to stir the deep sleeping mink, I crouched down and pulled back the tight mask still stuck to his face and let it snap back to his cheek. Pekoms was quick to react to that, a small roar of pain sounding from him as he shot up. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger as he rubbed his stinging cheek. 
“Gyah! What the hell was that for?!”
“We need to go, now is no time for sleeping. Don’t tell me you already forgot why you’re doing this.” This time Pekoms heard me loud and clear, and jumped to his feet. I joined him a little slower as another tremor shook the house, knocking a few things from dressers. 
“Of course I haven’t forgotten! I’ll never forget!” I smiled fondly at his persistent motivation before silently turning towards the door and making my way out of the house. The disarray of Brulee’s Mirro-World compared to how it was when we first got here was a bit shocking. It must be an intense battle for things to be in this state. My weariness was dragging my dread filled body down as I thought about my husband’s apparent struggle against this pirate. I had my faith in him until the end, but the fact that this has been going on all day and night is worrisome, to say the least. My mind ran wild with thoughts of the worst outcome, turning my antennae a lofty purple. Pekoms came up beside me with a look of uneasiness that matched my internal emotions. 
“Geez, those two are really doing a number on this place.” He checked his watch. “It’s 10 minutes 'till 1 am. They’ve been fighting all day and through half the night, gyah! I think we should go see where the fight is. Maybe I can try to save Strawhat from an untimely death.” Pekoms seemed to also hold the sentiment that Strawhat wouldn’t be able to defeat Katakuri, which eased my worries a little. Although I know Katakuri isn’t omnipotent, like many are led to believe, his strength is nothing to write off. After seeing what he’s capable of for the past 3 years, I’d be stupid to doubt his abilities now. 
All I could do was nod in agreement to Pekoms’ plan, and follow him as he started towards the source of the large tremors. Butterflies of nervousness had me feeling sick with each step I took. Anxiety was different from doubt. Eventually we got close enough to the fight that with each rumble, a wave of dust and Haoshoku Haki swept over us, and I fell to the ground at the unexpected onslaught of emotions. Pekoms was still standing, but upon noticing I wasn’t he knelt down beside me in concern. 
When people use Haoshoku Haki, they put out their intentions and emotions with it. The stronger the Haki, the more intense the emotions. I could tell one was Katakuri because it felt familiar. His Haki was filled with conviction and love. The other Haki that was new and almost suffocating had to be Strawhat’s. His was also filled with love alongside persistence but had a dangerous edge to it. Like with one wrong thought, things could turn horrible, and that possibility shook me to my core. The lilac of my antennae flickered like a firefly that changed in brightness with each new wave that washed over us.
Pekoms must have seen something happening that I couldn’t because he suddenly picked me up and ran back the way we came a little to hide in a tunnel full of mirrors. He used his Devil Fruit and put his back to the entrance to block anything from coming in. I was still frozen as I held onto Pekom’s jacket. Katakuri’s opponent was more dangerous than I thought, and I was sure he knew that, but he was still fighting. Everything going on paralyzed me with overstimulation.
What if Katakuri lost? What would Big Mom do to him for losing? He’s never lost before, but she expects perfection from him. How would he feel if he lost? What would happen if he lost? Would Strawhat just leave with his crew? All these rampant emotions had my antennae darkening to a deep shade of brown from the muddied myriad of feelings cloudy my senses. I couldn’t control my powers in this state, so involuntarily I started to exude them out, trying to get rid of them. Pekoms was holding me tight, so I could feel the vibrations of him talking, but everything else drowned out his words. 
Just be quiet, quiet,
And then. . . there was silence. 
Hope you liked it!~ If I didn't already have the 3rd part made, I'm sure I'd be a horrible person to anyone reading this.~ See you soon.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 - -> Part 3
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lettalady · 4 months
Word prompt: birthday
oooh another for the Word Prompt Challenge! [ Send me a word (or phrase) and I'll write a story ]
Let's see what stirs. We've seen an Unsettled birthday, as well as something from the world of bodyguard!Tom. Hmm what other birthdays have we seen? Oh yes, we got to see our girl's birthday in YOJA (C37/38). There's not one but two very eventful birthdays that happen in Kept but I've not yet started posting that story from the Art of Villainy world so...
Why did LJH just kick me in the shins?
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You round the countertop to see if changing the angle of approach will make any bit of difference. It doesn’t. Frustration fires out of you as you route back to the original starting point and carry on trying to light the many many many candles you’ve stuck into the top of the cake. 
“Ow. Ow. Oh!” You curse as the heat from some of the ones you’re having to reach over kisses the underside of your forearm. Adjusting your reach only helps so much. You’re on a time constraint – some of Heida’s relatives have relayed the alert that they’ve seen Bucky on the approach. 
Nobody to blame here but yourself, admittedly, in choosing individual candles rather than simply picking out the three otherwise needed to indicate age. One – hundred – and – eight. 
Perhaps you should have practiced this rushed moment. You didn’t anticipate how long it would take to light them all. 
Only two thirds of the way through, Bucky’s key turns the door’s lock. 
Caught. “Um… Happy birthday?!” Red handed with a match burning quickly towards your fingertips, you pause to watch his reaction to finding a cake with candles partially aflame. 
Bucky’s initial wide-eyed surprise bleeds into amusement, that bright smile that melts you every time it lands surfacing as he laughs, “You trying to set the building on fire? Guess I got home just in time.” 
The first of the candles you’d lit are burning all too quickly for you to get the whole cake alight on your own. Even as he moves further into the apartment, heading towards your position in the kitchen, you drop the depleted match and pick up another to light off one of the burning candles, “Hang on, hang on. Wait wait. Let me light them before you make a wish.” 
“Yes ma’am.” His laughter is infectious – and he doesn’t stand around waiting. He plucks one of the unlit candles from the top of the cake and starts helping with the process. 
As soon as the cake is fully alight, the first of the candles nearly drips of wax, he leans to blow and extinguish the lot. No songs for Bucky, then. Or perhaps he’s heard too many renditions today to care for another. 
He also doesn’t seem intent on cutting and trying any of the cake. “Now that the fire’s out….” 
He muffles any response you might have to his teasing by scooping you to him to receive a proper welcome home. Yes. Very good thing that the candles are no longer burning rapidly towards the icing atop the cake. You don’t want cake either after he’s through kissing you. 
“Gift time.” 
Your brain is buzzing, whole body alight with desires that have little to do with watching him unwrap anything and everything to do with climbing him and seeing where he’ll land the pair of you. But he’s walking over to the sofa and pushing it forward, reaching behind it to hand you a box. “Wh– Bucky. You do remember that it’s your birthday.” 
Those blue eyes burn bright as he hands over the small package, “I know it. Open the box.” 
A peek under the lid illuminates his intentions. He’s got one present he means to unwrap on his birthday: you, wrapped in red lingerie. The silk ribbon tied into a bow across the chest. Crotchless panties. Ah. A gift for you that is actually a gift for him. “Mm. To try on now? Forget the cake?” 
“Yup. Forget the cake. Till later. Might want to lick icing from my girl at some point tonight, too.”
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - Jan 8th
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 Hey friends! I shared a twitter thread of my favorite Stevetony fics ever to celebrate 2 years on Twitter--feel free to check it out. 
And here’s this week’s reading! Enjoy and remember to toss a kudos to your fic writer! 
jealousy is all the fun you think they had by kellifer_fic
Is it socially acceptable to be jealous of your boyfriend's ex-dead best friend?
Therapeutic Guidelines by kellifer_fic
"Are you suggesting I get a bunch of bunk beds in here and squeeze us all into one room?" Tony scoffs and the woman just looks at him. "No, wait-"
If At First by kellifer_fic
Where Tony is stupid and Steve has been waiting for a long time.
Turn Around (Three Times Before Lying Down) by kellifer_fic
Everyone knows that Tony Stark is a playboy, billionaire philanthropist, but what they don’t know is that he’s also a werewolf. When a government agency known as SHIELD finds out, they use this information to force Tony’s hand and bring him into a new elite lycan field team, codename The Avengers Initiative.
Suddenly Tony finds himself playing host to a bunch of lycans, a misplaced God of Thunder and an experimental supersoldier that isn’t as dead as everyone assumed. Can his week get any worse?
Of Sex Tapes and Their Unexpected Consequenses by chemically_yours
After Tony's sex tape hits the news, Steve finds himself curious.
Sotto Voce by Woad 
Tony's motto is better to give than to receive. With Steve, that's a must.
Mine by Raikishi
Don’t people learn? Steve’s kicked faces in for less.
My Corner's Always Open For You, Sweetheart by Gothic_Lolita
Steve knew coming to this part of the city only ever meant one thing. Good thing that was exactly the thing he was looking for.
Just Give Me Your Jacket, Cap by MountainRose
Tony's young, he gets that they have 'legal responsibility' for him, but sometimes it means a bit more than keeping him on the right road.
Dressed to Impress by radiophile
Tony Stark is not at all prepared for the sight of Steve Rogers in vintage military dress.
life as a tree house by kellifer_fic
Tony finds out that when it comes to Avengers, you can't adopt just one.
life as a tree house extension by kellifer_fic
So, it turns out Tony isn't exactly sure what to do with a whole bunch of Avengers once he has them all under one roof.
even the cake was in tiers by kellifer_fic
I'm pretty sure I'm married to Steve Rogers.
What, Like It's Hard? by JehBeeEh
Omega Tony Stark has it all, until his alpha boyfriend breaks his heart. In an effort to win him back, he follows the alpha of his dreams to Harvard Law School, where he discovers there might be more to being the first omega at the prestigious school. He also meets another alpha that might just make him forget the one he drove across the country for.
Countdown by iL0Vsuperman
In a world where people use timer implants to help find their soulmates, you would think finding your soulmate and love would be easy.
Steve had a soul implant that was zeroed out, meaning he did not have a countdown to meet a soulmate. Steve easily reasoned he did not have a soulmate because he had bad genes, a common belief of his era. Despite this, he prayed for his implant to reset and to meet the person who would accept him for all he is.
Tony created a program for soulmates to find each other faster just so he could meet his soulmate before he turned 40. But, his soulmate never used the program, and it made Tony bitter and eventually begin to hate his mate.
Bucky had a zeroed out implant like Steve and, like Steve, prayed for his implant to reset. His prayers were answered, however, it was years later, when he was no longer his own person, when he was no longer Bucky, just, the Winter Soldier. He was not allowed to own anything, not even his own body, nonetheless a soulmate.
Natasha received the soul implant when she was indoctrinated into the Black Widow Program and, with it, was given her first mission to prove her loyalty: kill her soulmate.
One Thing Leads to Another by missbecky 
Following the events in Avengers Tower on Christmas Eve, Steve resolves to ask Tony what he meant by calling him Captain Handsome. It's a simple question, and it should be a simple answer. He just never thought that it would lead him to some surprising revelations about the truth of his feelings for Tony.
I, for You by Renai_chan
In which Tony is a sub and Howard needs Steve to be his Dom.
mock me with praise by nanasekei
“You should rest. I… I have a quite comfortable couch, you know.”
Steve widened his eyes. “No,” he replied harshly, so blunt that Stark seemed taken aback, which somehow prompted him to add, a little lighter, “There’s no need.”
“You can’t sleep on the floor, darling,” Stark argued. The nickname, as always, fueled fire in Steve’s chest, and he wanted to run away and also to fight Stark at the same time. “Come on. I owe you.”
After waking up in a frenzy from a nightmare, Steve ends up locking himself out of his apartment. His hallway neighbor offers some help.
If Only by FestiveFerret
Steve wasn't gay. He wasn't. He'd know that about himself. He had no problem whatsoever with men who were attracted to men - he was dating one of them - but it wasn't him.
Touch and Go by FestiveFerret
In his defense, Tony thought Steve would back down. 
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Spicy Drabble Featuring Viktor and Takashi ❤️
Here’s the second Spicy Drabble centered around the police-officer-roleplay scenario 😆 This time, featuring Viktor and Takashi.
For Luka and Jackal’s spicy drabble, click here.
The Viktor and Takashi pairing is an alternate universe (AU) pairing where Viktor and Takashi get together years after MC was born (and Viktor and Yvette broke up) but before Viktor got killed. Also, in this AU, Takashi is divorced. And of course, in this AU, Viktor is also bisexual instead of straight.
These drabbles are by no means explicit, but they are still pretty suggestive and spicy, so I’ll be tagging them with the nsfw tag just in case and keep them under the cut 😄
Well, without further ado, here’s the spicy drabble 😳
Takashi & Viktor
Viktor unlocks his penthouse’s front door with one hand as he balances a bag of groceries in his other. As soon as he enters the entryway, he kicks his boots off before walking into the living room.
“I’m home!” he calls out as he strides towards the kitchen area and sets the groceries down on the countertop. He glances up as he hears a pair of heavy footsteps coming from the hallway.
Takashi steps into view confidently, wearing a ridiculous police costume. Viktor can’t help but chuckle out loud at his husband’s antics; he has become very familiar with it as they are approaching their 2nd year anniversary.
“You like it?” Takashi grins as he turns around to show off the back as well. Viktor’s eyes can’t help but stick to Takashi’s… cake.
“Sure. Although it looks like it’s a bit tight on the chest… Not that I mind, of course.” Viktor smirks. “What’s the occasion? Halloween was a few days ago,” he asks, voice laced with amusement as he starts unloading the groceries from the brown bag.
“Well, the kids certainly had their fun on Halloween,” Takashi chuckles fondly before continuing, “So… I’m thinking that maybe we can do something fun for the two of us as well today…?”
Viktor sets down the box of cereal in his hand on the countertop before glancing around. “But… the kids—”
Takashi smacks his forehead. “Ah, sorry. I got too excited and forgot to tell you that Luka came by earlier to bring them to a movie.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
Oh, no wonder it’s so quiet, Viktor thinks.
Takashi continues, “He said they’ll go to dinner together afterwards. So, we have the whole afternoon to ourselves.” He wags his eyebrows suggestively.
Viktor leans against the kitchen countertop, crossing his arms as he grins languidly at Takashi. “Well, what are you waiting for then, Officer?”
Takashi strides over and plants his hands on the countertop, trapping Viktor. “Okay, sir, I’m gonna need to search you now. Please, do not resist,” he says seriously but his lips twitch to fight down his smile.
“Of course, Officer. Take your time and make sure to do it thoroughly. I don’t have anything to hide.”
Takashi does so, his hand trailing all over and lingering in some places before moving down lower and grabbing his husband’s ass, squeezing and kneading.
Viktor lets out a soft laugh. “Officer, I’m afraid you haven’t told me what I’m arrested for.”
“Oh, right!” He straightens up a bit and clears his throat in mock seriousness. “Sir, you are under arrest for stealing my heart.” He grins lopsidedly.
Viktor shakes his head exasperatedly, a soft smile gracing his lips. “Goodness… You are so cheesy,” he chuckles before leaning down to kiss his husband, Takashi’s neatly-trimmed beard tickling his face a bit.
The kiss turns more heated and before getting completely lost in it, Viktor breaks away for a while to catch his breath and ask the important question. “Wait, are we doing this here?”
Takashi shrugs. “Yes? I mean, might as well since the kids are not here right now.”
“What if they come home earlier?”
“Well, I think there must still be, at the earliest, one or two hours until they get home. But, I believe in Luka’s ability to keep those three kids entertained for longer.” Takashi laughs.
Viktor believes that too; the kids have gotten pretty attached to Luka as well. “Alright, let’s not waste more time and continue then.” He smirks before continuing where they left off.
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delusionaid · 7 days
🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
🔢what’s their body count?
( for either Wriothesley, Diluc, and/or Tighnari? )
SMUT Headcanons Meme [not accepting at present]
CW: suggestive content, obviously :)
I'll just.. give you all three :D
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Yes. Sounds like a pretty good arrangement; for him specifically, he's not exactly husband material (in his opinion) with the job he has and the life he leads. However he'd like to avoid someone catching feelings by accident and the whole thing ending the friendship, so he'd only try it with someone he's confident only wants him for his body ;)
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
Why are you making him choose between chocolate cake and ice cream? Por que no los dos? Penetrative might win if you hold a gun to his head, but he is quite the fan of oral (giving and receiving).
🔢what’s their body count?
I can't settle on a specific number, plus I don't like the whole concept of body count in that sense anyway but.. he's been with multiple people. Unless specified in a verse I write with a ship in it, these have all been brief and temporary things though, he's not had a long-term relationship. Mostly brief flings and sometimes repeated encounters, but nothing you'd consider dating.
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
Not his thing! He's too much of a romantic at heart to just sleep with a friend; or rather: if he wants to sleep with someone that no longer classifies them as a friend, but as someone he's romantically interested in. He's also convinced these kinds of arrangements cannot go well for long and he wouldn't risk a friendship over sex.
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
Penetrative. He's not the biggest fan of giving oral, won't say no to receiving tho 👀 Also I can't help it, I saw a fanart/comic 84 years ago (or 2, to be more precise) in which Diluc gave someone a bj and apparently was quite bad at it and it made me laugh so much that the hc stuck with me somehow 🤭
🔢what’s their body count?
Low to 0 ?? This is kind of verse dependent, but with how I portray Diluc (romantic, loyal) and his backstory and current behavior I don't see him being the type to sleep with strangers but also clearly there has never been a significant other in his life. I feel like since Crepus' death and present day there has not really been an interest in this in him - so at best maybe he's fooled around a bit as a teenager, but that may not have entailed the full program.
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🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
I'm a lame person who loves certain cliché tropes so naturally I like the idea that Tighnari's kind only finds one serious mate in their lifetime, which excludes him from engaging in things like FWB :) He'll sleep with the person he's dating, which is the person he is serious about and plans to spend the rest of his life with (although he understands there is a risk because people aren't like him and therefore don't mate for life the way he does).
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more?
Penetrative. It's the whole act of being close and one and getting there together that makes it better than just one being pleasured at a time.
🔢what’s their body count?
Due to what I mentioned in the first question: 0. He's literally waiting for the one and he wants to be really sure because I'm a monster and therefore gave him the extra headcanon that once he's chosen someone, even if the relationship falls apart, he can't fall in love again. So when he says for life, he really means it.
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danwhobrowses · 9 months
One Piece Chapter 1092 - Initial Thoughts
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And another break ends at last
It's been a thriving time as a One Piece fan these last few weeks; Live Action's delivering, anime is serving, and we had that meaty cliffhanger with Luffy and Kizaru now to pick up on
Let's not wait any longer (also it's late and I gotta work tomorrow XD)
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
A Jinbe cover this time, for a moment I got excited thinking it was a cover story to explain how he escaped Whole Cake
We instead pick up after Kuma, still running wild on Marejois
But Akainu is here now, though he is getting slandered by the Celestial Dragons, calling for Kuma's death and what they will do about the loss of food
Gave Kuma the Whitebeard face treatment
Kuma paws out of dodge, but not before getting his foot singed
Akainu does mull over telling Bonney that Kuma gave up his mind on his own volition, and wondering as much as we are what the end goal is for Kuma
Back on Egghead, the Mark 3s are sadly killing all the sea beasties, allowing the marines to get to the Fabriophase (ground floor of the island)
Luffy meanwhile is hitting Kizaru in Snakeman
Kizaru is at least giving his strength props, asking why he is defending Vegapunk, but Luffy hits back on the uno reverse: why does he wanna kill Vegapunk?
Kizaru dude he can't hear you from way over there
He says 'I don't want to kill him' but also 'don't get in my way', hmmm?
Speed is weight indeed, but Kizaru needed one hell of a run-up to hit Luffy
Vega Force 1 NOOOOOOOO! The impact sends Luffy flying, including through the giant bot and means of escape
Kizaru then starts being his usual self towards Bonney now, implying he knew her when she was younger and trying to appeal to her connection to Kuma to justify killing Vegapunk
Bonney tries to attack, but Kizaru dodges and kicks her into the barrier
Franky goes to attack but Kizaru's already left, so he quickly goes to contact Usopp
The three Punks have succeeded in breaking York's code, but their joy is cut short by Kizaru's appearance
And like he's right there, chilling between Punk and Usopp
Kizaru takes one last lament before going to complete his mission
But Giant Gear Fifth Luffy with the grab, complete with surrounding characters eyeball popping again
I guess Nami's still not used to Gear Fifth because this is the second time she's eye popped from seeing him, it's Usopp and the Punks' first time up close at least
Kizaru knows about Joy Boy? At least he knows rumors
Luffy looks beat up, but it seems to be because he crossed the barrier twice, maybe he went back for Bonney?
The Drums of Liberation emanating from Giant Luffy is enough to echo to even the hidden bot
And for the first time in like a month, no break this week!
Well, when one door closes a window opens instead.
I think we all would've liked to see more of Luffy vs Kizaru, but perhaps Oda doesn't want to make the admirals look weakened. Still Kizaru held his own against Yonko-tier Luffy, granted it was only Gear Fourth but it still increases Admiral stocks.
The Kuma stuff is still interesting, and I still want that flashback, but we are all in the dark about his current agenda, it's just heartbreaking that his body is becoming even more damaged at this point, since we want there to be a chance to save him and for Bonney to get her father back.
Kizaru may be playing a bit of a con here, it might be the scanlations, but honestly if he wanted to kill Vegapunk I feel like Vegapunk would already be dead, no posturing or chatting, perhaps he was giving his opponents time to stop him? Who knows. I doubt he can stay in Luffy's grip forever, I mean Haki of course will keep him from slipping out but with Sanji grabbing Nami's bubble gun there will need to be a new means of containment right?
Speaking of, his absence possibly means he's fighting with Zoro? Jinbe, Chopper and Robin's absences remain noted too, what are they up to?
But with the Vega Force 1 destroyed, opportunity arises with the ancient robot. Giant Luffy's heartbeat activating it does lean into the 'Joy Boy was a giant' theory, but the fact that the drums activated it is interesting, is music its infinite power source? How capable is this ancient kingdom bot too compared to the Vega Force 1 in terms of the escape plan, I mean the Sunny isn't in position yet either, more questions to stack on, but another enticing chapter.
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crisalidaseason · 11 months
Family chaos on christmas and a birthday
Notes: I thought I had posted this here, apparently I did not. Dumb cris!!! This is a christmas special I posted on AO3
So, this was sort of a request from @spookyspicedchai here on AO3, and I loved the idea so much that I went full author mode. Also, It's finallt december 25th here in my region soooo MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HOLIDAYS for the ones who do not celebrate Christmas specifically. I based this story on a few movies, but also my experiences with this holiday so if you find something different it's probably my latine agenda going on. Anyway! I hope you enjoy it!
Kenny groaned loudly at the traffic jam.
“Fucking holiday season” he muttered under his breath, pulling his phone out of his pocket and calling his husband.
“I’m close to your office, but stuck in the traffic. Might take a bit longer than usual to pick you up”
“Hmmm, I told you to leave earlier. There’s a mall and supermarket in the area, people are probably panic buying gifts and groceries for Christmas”
“Yeah, I know, just didn’t think it would fuck up the traffic this bad”
Uri chuckled on the other line, like the annoying man that he is. Kenny didn’t need a ‘told you so’ moment, even if Uri insistently warned him about the potential traffic issues on December 23rd.
“I’ll wait patiently for you, like I always do. I can grab you a coffee if you want to”
“I could use the caffeine”
“Alright, ring me up when you get here, handsome”
“Tsk, bye Uri”
Kenny heard the blond man laughing before he hung up. Kenny ignored his flushing face in the rear view mirror, how the fuck that man still makes him blush in almost 7 years together. He blamed it on the fact they recently married, about three weeks ago. Kenny fondly recalled their ‘wedding’. There wasn’t a ceremony at all, they just signed documents and had dinner in a fancy restaurant while Frieda and Historia were babysitting Levi for the evening. Despite their long relationship, a small document stating their marriage left them in a stupid bliss as if they were two teenagers.
“Finally!” the traffic started to flow again, distracting Kenny from his thoughts.
Arriving at the office building Uri worked at, he called him again. This time Uri didn’t answer, but before the Ackerman could call again he saw his husband leave the building and approach the car.
“Good evening, sir” he said, entering the car.
Uri leaned over and gave Kenny a quick kiss on the lips. Adjusting himself on the seat, he handed the taller man a styrofoam cup with the hot coffee, which Kenny immediately accepted and took a sip.
“What kind of coffee does your office buy? It tastes like shit” Kenny commented, taking another sip.
“I have no idea, but does it really matter if you drink it almost everyday you pick me up?”
“Caffeine is caffeine, taste is an afterthought” Kenny said “so, is everything okay for all the events of the 25th? Do we need anything?”
“Not really, everything is set. We just need to pick up the cake tomorrow afternoon”
“Alright, let’s go home and free the babysitter from the little brat. Besides, we better have a head start on things for tomorrow’s dinner” Kenny said, finishing the coffee and starting the car.
Celebrating Christmas at home was a recent event in Kenny’s life. Him and Kuchel used to celebrate by going to the local church's dinner in alliance with the orphanage, but they never had strong emotional ties to this particular holiday season. It brought them sadness because it was supposed to be a time spent with family, which the siblings lacked. But then Kuchel gave birth to Levi, on a stormy December 25th, and while the woman was still high on painkillers, she said to an also tired Kenny beside her:
We’re gonna give him the Christmas we never had, right Kenny?
And they did. The Ackerman siblings would decorate the christmas tree, make dinner (Kenny can be a very good cook), bake cookies, exchange gifts and dress baby Levi with outrageous Christmas outfits, which Kenny snapped pictures to use as future embarrassing material. At the same time, they also celebrated Levi’s birthday, with cakes and balloons and more gifts. When Uri joined Kenny’s life, he also indulged in these celebrations, and when Kuch sadly passed away, they decided to keep the tradition alive in respect of her efforts.
"You two are late, that's gonna cost extra time for Historia"
Uri and Kenny watched as Levi was sitting on the couch, teddy bear print pajamas on and recently showered. Historia was beside him, combing his hair. She smiled, already used to the boy's bickering with his uncles.
"We were stuck in traffic, sorry" Uri said "and don't worry boy, your babysitter will have an extra"
Both adults paid the girl, with an extra for her Uber and the hour of overtime. After saying her goodbyes to Levi and wishing everyone happy holidays, she left the house.
"Come here brat, kitchen duty" Kenny announced, after changing to more comfortable clothes.
The child quickly perked up and ran to the kitchen. Last Christmas, when Levi learned how to read, he became a part of a tradition Kenny and Kuchel established years ago: checking all the ingredients. Kenny would read the list they made weeks in advance and Kuchel would locate the item in their pantry. Not something they needed to do, but a habit they built as a starter for their holiday celebration. With Kuchel passing, Levi did the reading and Kenny checked the cabinets.
"We have everything" Levi commented.
"Yes, thanks to Uri's memory"
"Like an elephant" the child said.
"What?" Kenny said, confused.
"Elephants have good memory" Levi explained, as if Kenny was a toddler.
"Huh" the man said "makes sense, with their big heads and all"
"You have a big head and uncle Uri is smarter"
Kenny didn’t have a quick response to that. That evil little spawn got him there. Before he could say something, Uri appeared in the kitchen, oblivious to the insult Levi just threw.
“Do we have everything, Ackerman boys?”
“Yes” Levi replied, smiling like the angel he wasn’t.
“Perfect, what are we doing first?” the blond man asked Kenny.
“Baking the cookies, they are a pain in my-”
“Do not finish that sentence, love” Uri's serious tone sent a chill down Kenny's spine.
Of course, the little rascal will melt at the sound of a swear.
The evening was spent making the sugar cookie dough and cutting it into funny shapes. Levi absolutely hated the sensation of making the dough, only accepting to cut the shapes and decorating with the icing. The child was very enthusiastic about putting everything in the dishwashing machine in an organized mess. Kenny and Uri recently noticed he had a strange fascination for cleaning supplies, he even had a mini broom in his room. He loved to see the dishwasher working, usually spending a while looking at the machine (he also did that with the washing machine). Kenny would not admit that, but he used to do the same thing as a kid.
“Cookies done” Uri said, while putting the last ones in a container “Levi, prepare for bed. Tomorrow we have more work to do early in the morning”
The boy went to the bathroom. Kenny sat on one of the kitchen chairs while Uri put the last of the dishes away. When he was done, Uri sat next to his husband and rested his head on the man’s shoulders.
“Tired?” Kenny whispered.
“A little, but nothing a good night of sleep with my handsome husband won’t fix”
Kenny shook his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead before standing up and taking Uri’s hand.
“Let’s put the brat to sleep and I’ll tuck you in”
Levi was already in bed, putting fuzzy socks on. He looked at the two adults on his bedroom door.
“Ready?” Uri said.
“Hmhm, I’m tired” the child nodded.
Kenny turned off the lights, only the small table lamp on to bathe the room in a bluish dim light. Uri covered the boy in a warm blanket and wished him a good night, alongside Kenny. Both men went to their own room, finally resting from the full day of work.
December 24th was also a full day, like every year. The married couple spent the early morning on the balcony, drinking their tea and coffee. Kenny had bought some fresh bread from the bakery across the street, sweet and salty pastries for Levi to try when he woke up.
“We have the cake to pick up today” Uri said “do you think he’ll like it?”
“Considering he speaks non-stop about the animal kingdom, he’s gonna love it”
They both laughed. It was sweet but tiring to keep up with Levi’s hyperfixation. He would enjoy things almost obsessively, but also briefly. Uri hoped a zoo themed cake was still a hype, just like the zoo visit they took Levi a few weeks ago.
“Let’s start a few things in the kitchen, we can leave the turkey for later” Kenny said.
Both men started to steam the vegetables for the Christmas chicken salad, while also chopping some garlic and onions to put on the rice. Kenny was always the one with onion duties since he never cried. Levi soon woke up with the delicious smell of food, already peeking his head inside the kitchen. December 24th was always spent at home, cooking and eating bits of food here and there. Levi would perform taste tests as an excuse to eat more of the well seasoned chicken Kenny was so good at. Uri went out after lunch to pick up the cake, and trying to hide it in the fridge without Levi noticing was a hard task. That boy is suspicious of everything, but eventually it worked and they managed to hide the cake at the very top of the fridge.
Soon enough, it was time for them to take a shower and put on fancy clothes to just stay home on their couch, having dinner and watching animations with Levi. This year, they put fancy pajamas on, the ones made of silk. Uri had them custom made by Frieda, who was an exquisite seamstress and stylist despite being so young. Kenny still remembers when she said that making a pajama set for him would cost more than Uri and Levi’s set because of his height. He couldn’t really complain, it was indeed a lot of fabric just for his legs, but in the end the set was very nice and cozy. Kenny had to congratulate Uri’s niece with a gift.
“Tomorrow is the big day” Uri whispered while watching a random Christmas episode on television. It was already past midnight and Levi was fast asleep on the couch, with many pillows and fluffy blankets around him.
“He’s been trying to open the fridge alone, I think he suspects there’s something there” Kenny whispered “We better celebrate this brat’s birthday quick before he tips that thing over”
Uri laughed, he had caught Levi once or twice trying to do that.
December 25th arrived. Kenny woke up on the couch, with Levi’s head on his stomach and Uri already in the kitchen, most likely brewing their morning beverages. The man looked at the small boy sound asleep. They must have forgotten to get to bed, Kenny's back was going to kill him later on, but instead of moving he just stayed there, looking at the boy and thinking about how time flies. It’s been two years and a half caring for him. The second Christmas and birthday without Kuchel. Levi was turning seven today, still so young but with an already complicated story. The ackerman sighed, running his fingers softly on Levi’s black strands.
“Don’t move” he heard Uri whisper.
Of course he moved, but just enough to see his husband snap a picture of him caressing Levi’s head. Kenny smiled, this picture was going to haunt him and Levi in the future, he can already see Uri pulling it up everytime the two ackermans start to bicker.
“Can you bring my coffee? We don’t want the brat waking up early do we?”
“Oh lord, no. I’ll be right back”
Kenny tried to place Levi’s head on the pillow, a slow and very quiet process, and the child almost woke up once but soon snuggled into the pillow.
“Here” Uri handed him a steamy mug of coffee.
The morning was quiet, with Levi sleeping while the couple decorated their dinner table with paper decorations, a few plastic animal toys, and the beautifully decorated cake. Uri placed the number seven candle right on top, the ones that sparkle and die on their own since Levi wasn’t a fan of blowing candles (Kenny joked ONCE about how you spread germs all over the cake and the boy was terrified for life).
“Wow” said the boy when he woke up.
“Did you like it?” Kenny asked “there’s a bunch of animals”
Levi nodded, climbing on the chair to see the cake better. His face was still swollen from sleep and his hair was all over the place.
“I knew it was the cake in the fridge” the child said “can we eat?”
“Yes, but brush your teeth first and wash your face” Uri said.
Levi did as he was asked quicker than any other day, almost jumping from excitement when he climbed and stood on the chair again, right behind the cake.
“Do you want to sing happy birthday, Levi?” Uri asked.
The boy hesitated. Last year he didn’t want to, which was understandable since his mother was always the one to sing and light the candle for him. But surprising both adults, he nodded and Uri was about to light the candle when Levi stopped him.
“Can we…” he began, sitting on the chair “Uncle, can we bring mom?”
Kenny looked at Uri and then at Levi. It took a while for the child to understand that the small urn inside the couple’s room was his mother entirely, but lately he had been going there a lot to stare at it. Sometimes, he even spoke with her.
“Of course, Levi. Come on, let’s pick her up together”
Kenny placed Levi on his forearm and went into the room, taking the gray and small urn with the other hand carefully and placing her on the table, right next to Levi.
“Ready?” Kenny asked.
Levi nodded and Uri finally lit the candle. The familiar tune of ‘happy birthday to you’ echoed in their living room, Levi smiled while cutting the cake with Uri’s help and they served a small slice in memory of Kuchel.
Happy birthday, Little Spawn. Merry Christmas, Kuchel.
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ailendolin · 1 year
Thanktival 2022 - Day 1 - Yonderland
Title: The Perfect Present [AO3]
Characters: The Elders' Youngers & the Cake Bake Ladies
Prompt: The Elders' Youngers & Holiday Jumpers
Summary: The Youngers try to make the perfect Thanktival present for their parents. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
A/N: Happy 12 Days of Thanktival, everyone! I can't wait to see this year's wonderful creations by everyone!
The Perfect Present
“Is it supposed to look like this?”
The gentle sound of needles clicking stopped as Alvin and the others looked up. Irk was holding … something in his hand. It was supposed to be a Thanktival jumper – inspired by something Alvin had heard Debbie talk about a few days ago – but looked more like a doily a dragon had viciously torn apart with its claws than anything resembling a piece of clothing.
Out of the corner of his eye, Alvin saw Sepal wince. “I’m pretty sure nothing is supposed to look like this, Irk.”
The others nodded in agreement. Irk sighed and put down his knitting needles. “I’ll never work it out in time for Thanktival.”
Daisy glanced down at his own pitiful attempt at knitting that was turning out to be just slightly less disastrous than Irk’s. “Yeah, neither will I.”
“We need help,” Barry said heavily.
“We need more than that,” Irk said. “We need Deb-beh.”
Alvin put down his own dark blue monstrosity of a jumper with a sigh. “Debbie’s not here, though. She’s home, preparing for Krismas, remember?”
The others hung their heads.
“Then what do we do?” Sepal asked. “We can’t very well give our parents these.”
He held up his jumper and watched it slowly unravel into a pile of wool in silent dismay.
Alvin bit his lip. It had been his idea to knit Thanktival jumpers for their parents and so he felt responsible for the disaster it was turning into. Who could have known that knitting was so hard? His mum always made it look so easy. It took her no time at all to turn a ball of wool into something nice and comfortable like the warm pair of socks he was wearing right now. Alvin really hadn’t expected it to be so difficult to recreate his mum’s needlework but it was, and the longer he looked at everyone’s sorry creations, the more obvious it became that Barry was right: they desperately needed help. There was only one person aside from Debbie Alvin could think of who might be able to safe them now. He looked at the others, face serious. “I’m going to call Edith.”
A few hours later, they stood in front of Edith’s house – which was actually Sue’s and Lynn apparently lived there, too. Alvin counted that as a blessing because the gods knew they could use all the help they could get. The three women took one look at their jumpers – or what remained of them – before they shook their heads in mirrored despair.
“How did you even do this?” Lynn asked with a look of horrified fascination on her face as she held up Irk’s mauled doily between two well-manicured fingers.
Irk just shrugged. “Talent?”
“Rather a lack thereof,” Sue grumbled and ushered them inside.
They sat down in the living room where a plate of freshly baked cookies had been set up for them. Edith waited until they had all taken one before she said with a kind smile, “Now, I think what you’re trying to do is very sweet–“
“Stupid is the word I’d use,” Sue muttered under her breath. Lynn elbowed her none too gently.
“– but I think we can all agree that you bit off more than you can chew,” Edith continued unfazed. “So how about we try something a little less advanced instead?”
She reached behind her and presented them with a wool hat and scarf. It wasn’t quite what Alvin had had in mind when he’d proposed the idea of knitting jumpers to the others a few days ago. His mum loved things from Debbie’s world and her eyes had shone so brightly when Debbie had talked about her Krismas traditions. Something inspired by that would have been the perfect present but after today’s knitting disaster he was pretty sure his mum would appreciate a well-done scarf a lot more than a jumper that was barely recognisable as such. Judging by the hopeful looks in his brothers’ eyes, they all felt the same so Alvin turned to Edith with a smile. “Less advanced sounds perfect.”
They spent the rest of the day knitting under Edith, Lynn and Sue’s careful observation. After showing them the basics, they let them work on their own, only intervening when it was absolutely necessary. At one point, Lynn vanished into the kitchen and returned with the most beautiful cake Alvin had ever seen. It tasted just as incredible as it looked and Sepal, taking after his dad, would have forgotten about his knitting project in favour of it if Daisy hadn’t taken the plate away from him.
Even with the distraction of the cake, they managed to finish their presents by the end of the day. Barry, Irk and Daisy had all chosen to make hats for their fathers while Sepal and Alvin had decided to make scarves. Thanks to Edith, Lynn and Sue’s embroidery skills, each present was also personalised in some way. The letters LORD now adorned Barry’s hat, inspired by his father’s title. Daisy’s hat had little flowers all over it in the colours of the rainbow while Irk’s sported a single apple blossom. Knowing how much meaning it held for their parents, Alvin couldn’t help but smile when Irk proudly held it up for all of them to see. His own scarf partly mirrored the symbolism of Irk’s hat: on one end, Edith had embroidered a light blue butterfly and on the other, a golden quill.
“Your mother will love this,” she said softly when she was done and handed the scarf back to Alvin.
Sepal hadn’t been so sure about what to do with his father’s scarf at first. In the end, he asked Sue to embroider a simplified version of the Elder’s chamber onto one end of it.
“It’s home,” he said with a small, self-conscious shrug. “This way, he’ll always have it with him, even if he’ll have to flee to another realm again.”
They all crowded around him in a hug after that.
Edith, Lynn and Sue sent them home with little bags of cookies and the relieved feeling of not having screwed up the first Thanktival where they could be sure their presents wouldn’t get eaten. Alvin couldn’t wait for his mother to see the scarf he made. He had a feeling she was going to cry and hug the life out of him when he told her he made it himself – with Edith’s help, of course. Looking at the smiling faces of his brothers, Alvin couldn’t help but grin as well. This year’s Thanktival would be the best one ever.
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ninapi · 1 year
Save me (Ushijima Version)
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Premise: Ushijima struggles to understand the concept of love and what is expected of him in said equation, but he finds himself in the predicament of wanting nothing more than to be with the woman he loves even if it gets in the way of his established lifestyle.
Word Count: 3173
Chapter 5: Love letter.
Being a teen isn’t the easiest thing there is. Your body changes, your mood does too, constantly. It’s a journey of self-discovery where you learn who you truly are and what you want to do with the rest of your life. It’s a moment in life when you experience a lot of first times, a moment to learn from your mistakes and grow.
For Ushijima it was the moment he first experienced not just love, but a whole new array of emotions.
Being sad, angry, anxious, happy, excited, they were all so different, and when majority of people experience them all while growing up slowly, one at a time preparing them for later in life, he got to experience them all at once in a matter of just a couple of months.
His mother was present, but active parenting wasn’t her thing. Not having his dad around also didn’t help young Ushijima to develop a sense of understanding for human nature, it wasn’t until you arrived in his life that he had to learn how to deal with raw emotions, and that could be really overwhelming for someone who doesn’t have a strong support network.
But he had you now.
You’ve been his girlfriend for the last three months and he wouldn’t tell anyone otherwise, he was a happy man.
He had a bright future ahead, the pro-league already waiting for him to graduate to welcome him with their arms open, his last year of school was his best in academic records for him and he met the love of his life. He honestly never thought he’d go through such a thing. Love was a foreign concept for him, always shown in media but always so far from reality, almost like a myth. So, when he sees himself now, smiling like a fool hearing you blabbing about cake ingredients and cooking instructions in the phone, he thinks he possibly reached that farfetched reality.
“Let me know if you need me to go buy some ointment, I can drop by your dorm.” It was very late at night, you weren’t even supposed to be in the kitchen at this time, but you wanted to try this new recipe you found online and share it with your boyfriend, he was always excited to eat new things. “I just bumped my pinky in the oven, Toshi. I’ll be fine.” these are the things that make you believe fairy tales might be real, maybe prince charming was a bit fake, but there are men out there that do deserve such a title. “Alright, I’ll kiss it better tomorrow then.”
You thought it would take longer for him to grasp the concept of being in a relationship, and it was a bit rough at the beginning, the manhandling was still present, he’s just too big and managing his own strength can be a task, but he’s been working on it diligently and his touch was gentler now a days. His kissing had also improved, a lot. Him figuring out it was easier than talking, gave a sudden turn to the relationship. He still doesn’t know when to stop and has been having to deal with the biggest problem for teen boys there is, their hormones.
It was quite a surprise, having him pull you onto his lap, groan into the heavy kiss. He didn’t quite understand what his body was craving with intensity, but you weren’t making things easier for him in the slightest. The way you looked at him, breathless, your eyes quietly asking for more.
Tendo on the other hand, knew exactly what he needed and after a very embarrassing conversation that took hours, he now knows about his body’s human preservation needs.
To be fair, only Tendo knows about this. He was still the same stoic captain kicking everyone’s asses in each game, thriving even more than usual in his element. The rest of the team knew you were officially a thing now, but that was it. He was softer with everyone, his own steps became lighter as days went by. You would make lunch for the both of you and would always eat together. Nobody dared to interrupt the little piece of heaven you created on a lone hill at the back of the school, even if they all knew about it.
For you, nothing had really changed, but you were in a good mood all the time and even started liking Shirabu, at least a little bit. You got to work in a school project together and after falling asleep on the library mocking each other for an entire afternoon you are now in good terms, you have his phone number and all.
Bonding became a thing for you and his team, Goshiki started calling you ‘nee-san’ and was more like a puppy trailing after you every time he saw you. His goal was to be like Ushijima, so at first all he wanted from you was to learn more about him to understand him a bit better, but ended up being even more sure that his goal was to be like him, maybe one day he would meet someone as wonderful as you to guide him through his career and support him the way you do.
Your second year of high school wrapped up successfully. You were top of your class, your boyfriend graduated with honors and will be forever in the hall of fame for Shiratorizawa. You made so many friends and memories to treasure for the rest of your life, it was a well spent year.
Though it was hard saying your good-byes to Semi and Tendo, they both have been such an important part of your life, you would see Semi around, but your feisty friend would be chasing his dream, leaving all behind to go to Paris. It was harder on Ushijima that he thought it would, he remembers thinking how he’s never missed Tendo, but that was just because he was always there. Truth is, without Tendo in his life things wouldn’t have been the way they are now. He was a wonderful friend. His best friend. And saying goodbye to the people you love is hard.
“Wakatoshi-kun, are you crying?” he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, poking the side of his hard rock abs, “Dust got in my eye.” that made your messy sobbing self chuckle, “We’ll miss you. Make sure to call us often. I don’t know if I can handle Toshi by myself.” Tendo gathered you in his arms, rubbing your back, he never thought the loud angsty girl that was snooping around the gym that spring afternoon would become such an important part of his life. You were his best friend’s girl, but you were also so much more, the only female friendship he’s been able to maintain this long, the only girl who accepted him for what he was, fully. You were caring and understanding, he was glad you would be there for his friend, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to leave and follow his dreams with ease. “I will. Take care of the big guy for me, ok? Give yourself some credit, you’re fabulous. Don’t miss me too much or I will have to come back.” you pulled your man into the hug, laughing together. This would be the last time in a while that the three of you would share the same space.
After seeing Tendo off in the airport, Ushijima, who now had a car, given to him by his sponsors, drove you back to the school. He would have to confront adulthood on his own for a while, but he was confident everything would be just fine. You still had a year to go, and he wanted to take this time away to do some personal growth. He was used to the intense practicing hours and the extremely high expectations of the people behind his future, it was just a new environment, a new team. He would even be able to still see known faces soon as they start to prepare for the Olympics. His career was already set for him, all he had to do was continue living the life he normally lives. But what about you? He had so many questions, he was still unsure of how to move on in a relationship, he was certain he wanted you in his life for as long as it was possible and has done his fair share of research, but your thoughts were still unknown to him.
He stopped along the way, a nice restaurant was advertising your favorite and he just had to take you there, it was a good moment to talk about the future, he thought. Having seen Tendo leave just now made his resolution much stronger, if seeing him go was this hard, he doesn’t want to even imagine what seeing you go would feel like.
“Toshi, this is delicious! I’m so glad we stopped here. It’s a shame we can’t bring Tendo with us another time, I’m sure he would have loved it…” you were about to start crying again so he reached over for your hand, contemplating life for a moment.
“My love.” his tone was so soft, it was almost like a breathless whisper, “Would it be ok for me to hope of a future where you are by my side until we grow old?” if you thought having cake for lunch was going to be the only thing making you cry, you were wrong, this man…seriously. ”If that’s what you want, I want it too.”  he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, getting closer to feed you some of the decadent treat. “That’s all I want.”
Kageyama had been quiet ever since your last encounter. He had come to terms with the fact that your relationship with Ushijima seemed to be strong enough. It’s not the same a pre-teen relationship with no future than dealing with a very established one stepping into adulthood.
He respected Ushijima, not only as the fantastic player he was, but as a man. He made it one of his goals to be as good as him, to deserve being in the same team as the best player Japan’s future has to offer. And with this, came the acceptance he was looking for. If he was this great of a man, it made complete sense why you fell in love with him. He’s seen you two around a couple of times even if he didn’t tell you about it. There were times he would walk aimlessly, lost in thought, and would always end up in Shiratorizawa. Only a couple of times he did see you though, but you were always with Ushijima, he would hold you close, keep you warm, kiss your head with adoration. Even from his hiding place he could feel the amount of love both of you had for each other and he was ok with that, if it was a man deserving of your love then he would have to accept it and live with that.
He was young and didn’t understand what love was when it mattered the most. He might have lost the woman he loved, twice, but he would always have his best friend. The only person to ever love him truly, respect him, understand him. You were the most important person to him and even though gaining Ushijima’s respect was in the top of his list, getting you back as an active part of his life was just the most important of all.
“(Y/N), how’s life as a third year? Missing me much?” you could hear his smug grin on the other side of the line, it made you smile. “I’ve missed you every day, for the longest time. Life’s good. Ready to be an adult.”
Having his friendship back was the only thing missing in your life for it to be perfect. He had always been the most important person to you, knowing you broke his heart more than once still made you lose sleep. Wanting him back in your life might be a selfish wish, but you hoped he was willing to let you back in.
“I was thinking. Maybe we can hang out one of these days? You can bring your scary boyfriend if you want to, I don’t want things to be awkward.”
“Why can’t you be honest with yourself and tell me you wanna hang out with Japan’s best wing spiker? I can totally see through your bullshit, Tobio.” Laughing together felt good, the ice covering his heart was finally starting to melt. He would do his part, be there for you like he always did. If Ushijima ever hurt you, he would step in, that was his roll after all, but somehow, even if for him was a little discouraging, he didn’t think he would have to fulfill said roll ever again. He was pretty convinced this one would stick around, and he would be the one kicked if he wasn’t careful enough.
Ushijima has been a famous athlete for as long as he can remember. Even as a child, he would constantly bring medals and trophies home. But now that he was actually making a living out of it, stress was getting to him.
TV interviews, sports magazines, big events, those were things he would rarely have to face in the past and being the awkward guy he was, it became much of a nightmare. He wished you could be there for him always, that things could go back to how they were in school. Whenever he felt unsure or extremely tired, all he had to do was go down a flight of stairs and you’d be there to comfort him. But now, he has to wait for the weekend to come and that’s when he’s the busiest, so the time he gets to spend with you is too minimal for his taste.
Scrolling through his phone, he finds a bunch of notes he’s been taking on his research days. He’s been seriously trying to improve your relationship, he knows he can be a handful sometimes and doesn’t want to disappoint you in any way, he wanted to strengthen your bond, to make sure you knew he was yours to do as you pleased.
One note in particular got his attention.
He read an article about the most romantic actions to take to advance in a relationship, the number one rated being a letter. He has troubles speaking in general, writing a letter sounded like a terrible idea, but that just gave it most importance. It would take him out of his comfort zone, and he would finally be able to convey the thoughts that have been invading his being lately. He even stopped by a fancy stationary shop the other day to get a letter set, and something else he wanted to include in said letter. The time had come. He wanted to give it to you on your graduation and that was just a couple of days away.
Seeing ‘your baby’ a.k.a Goshiki sobbing on your chest, smashing his drenched nose onto your lovely outfit, was probably your most treasured memory of the entire graduation ceremony. Mostly all the original volleyball team were now officially gone, he would have to take care of everything by himself, not even you would be there to help him now. It was heart wrenching for him to see you and Shirabu leave, but he’s had a good high school experience, he was sure he’d see you both often.
And just like that, the school days were over for you.
Your boyfriend was waiting for you, sitting on the hood of his car, holding an impossibly big flower arrangement. Your parents headed home first to give you some time alone with your other half, taking the flowers to safety.
“They’re beautiful, Toshi. Thank you.” the smile gracing your lips was otherworldly, he thought you’d be a sobbing mess as usual, but you didn’t cry today, not even once. You were more than ready to leave this place and continue with your life, even if you weren’t really sure about what you wanted to do next.
“I wrote you a letter. Here. But don’t read it yet, let’s go somewhere quieter first.” you just nodded, examining the envelope, it was heavier than you expected a letter to be, and it picked your interest. The entire ride was made up of you re-telling the conversations you had with Goshiki and Shirabu about the future of the club, there was still fondness in his heart for his young teammates, he wished he would see them again in the field one day, since majority of his generation decided against it.
You were honestly speechless when you realized where he was taking you to. You were now standing on sand, a place equally special to the both of you. “Oh my god, Toshi! I haven’t been here since the training camp! And to think the stars are even more beautiful tonight, unbelievable.” running around the beach, your heart felt so full, even reading the letter seemed like it would slice your heart in two.
“Come here.” he patted his lap, handing you his letter once you were comfortably sitting between his legs. He had pulled out the piece of paper from the envelope, keeping it to himself while you read it.
It was honestly quite short; you expected a novel by how heavy it was. “(Y/N), my love. Life is so hard when you aren’t by my side. Could I be so selfish to ask you to share your life with me permanently?” just a couple of sentences, but when you looked up at him, he was holding a very shimmery ring, waiting for your approval. That’s when it hit you. He was asking you to marry him in a very Ushijima-like way. Tears were now flowing from your beautiful eyes, nodding like a crazy person. He took your hand in his gently, sliding the ring down your finger at the same time as he captured your lips in a slow kiss that was spilling with adoration and immense love in both sides.
Your future had always been bright, you knew you’d do great things eventually. But it has never been as promising as tonight.
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf, @lauraagrace, @san-emi
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tonguetiedraven · 1 year
The Circle of Strife
Part: One , Two, Three (You are here.)
There were an obscene amount of runes and sigils and lines inside the magic circle that summoned Rin, and half of the stupid things Ryuuji didn’t know what were despite the years of magic circle classes. He could only borrow so many books from the library at a time, and most of the ones that he needed answers from weren’t in a language he could actually read, so they were extremely slow going.
He, to his own irritation, started by just simply erasing things and trying to summon Rin. It wasn’t much faster, but it let him know that a lot of the stuff was vital to summoning Rin.
Outside of fiddling with Rin, the atmospheres of the summons themselves seemed to change. Ryuuji didn't know what had done it, but he was certain he wasn't imagining the strangely charged air. He never seemed to notice it much while Rin was around, caught up in whatever random topic might have caught Rin's attention, studying the circle, and keeping up with all the Rinness of everything, but after…
After he'd find himself replaying it and thinking of Rin's laughs and sighs (releasing a few of his own) and thinking about when he'd be able to carve out time to call him again.
Ryuuji wasn’t sure what to do with any of it, and he found himself summoning Rin later in the day because he could keep him around longer and finish up any other tasks while they talked and laughed, and he taught Rin some of what he was doing, and had Rin trying to form and do different thing with his flames so he wouldn’t get bored in his confining circle. (Ryuuji also made the circles bigger so Rin would have space to do whatever he wanted.)
Ryuuji’s break seemed to fly by in almost no time, and he had to make adjustments to the rest of his final semester to fit in the extra class. If all went well, he’d learn about Rin painlessly, and he’d document him, and then they could amicably part. (And Ryuuji wasn’t looking forward to that at all, but it was better than Rin getting experimented on and hurt.)
Ryuuji could just hope it all worked out.
— — — — —
“Go ahead, Suguro. I expect you to have him tied to your bazooka by the end of this semester.”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Ryuuji waited just long enough for her to walk away before he drew in the final chalk line. He wasn’t going to summon Rin when she was too close if he could get away with it. A few drops of blood, and—
Rin formed immediately and fully with the same cocky grin Ryuuji had come to anticipate. (And possibly even appreciate.)
“Suguro,” he teased, because they’d had a talk about the respect thing having to go both ways. “What can I do for ya?”
Ryuuji rolled his eyes were his teacher couldn’t see it, but he couldn’t quite hide his smile. 
“You can stop being ridiculous and start helping me with a spell.”
Rin broadened his stance and stretched his arms out at his sides, summoning flames in the palm of both hands and giving Ryuuji a toothy and sharp grin. 
“Alright, bring it!”
Ryuuji didn’t notice the curious gazes turning his way as he met Rin’s challenge with a grin. He loved the way Rin faced everything with that excitement and determination, and it always brought the same thing out in him. He could feel himself rising up to the same challenge and eagerly meeting Rin’s efforts with his own.
— — — — —
“What’s this say?” 
Ryuuji looked up as the manga was pushed out of the circle and towards him. It was Cake with Flowers — a manga he’d borrowed off Izumo after swearing her to secrecy — and the romance seemed to keep Rin’s attention. At least he’d been fairly quiet for the last two hours. (Though Ryuuji thought he might prefer the humor mangas. Rin’s laughter was fun to study too.)
Wiping away a bit of blood from under his nose (he’d kept Rin summoned for nearly four hours now and the strain was starting to feel like a strain) he peered down at the panel and word in question.
“Crush,” Ryuuji read out loud, and wondered why it made his cheeks go a little warm. 
“What’s that?” Rin promptly asked. 
(He should have anticipated that question.)
“It’s… romance?” Ryuuji tried, going all the more red. “You know? When you, uh, like someone? It’s that feeling when you haven’t told them about it and just kind of…want?”
That didn’t feel right at all. How did people explain it? He couldn’t remember how or who he’d learned it from. (And telling it to Rin somehow made the entire thing all the more… awkward.)
“If you think someone is attractive and… special? And you want to be with them but don’t really think it can happen? Those feelings are usually called a crush.” Ryuuji shrugged, feeling entirely embarrassed and like he was doing the worst kind of job describing it all.
(And trying not to think about his own feelings. He couldn’t afford crushes.)
“Oh,” Rin said quietly. He dropped his gaze to the manga and reached for it, but couldn’t pass the barrier to draw it back into the circle. Ryuuji pushed it towards him with a murmured here. 
Rin’s fingers brushed against his again as he took up the manga, and Ryuuji couldn’t help but think you’re real, again. You’re real and I’ve got to get you free. 
He tried not to think of anything else as he focused back on his book. Certainly not the way Rin had looked at him, and certainly not what his own feelings were or weren’t doing.
— — — — —
Ryuuji had promised himself he wouldn’t do it, but he was out of other options. He didn’t have anything to create a spark and he could barely feel his hands any longer, and Nirvana, he still couldn’t summon anything else. It was Rin or bust.
He drew in the final line and stepped back with a mumbled prayer, fumbling horribly in his attempt to spill some blood onto the circle (it should be easier because of his wounds, but nope. Cold=clumsy.)
The snarls were louder now. The kamaitachi was getting close, and Ryuuji was running out of ways to fight it off.
Senior year was shit so far. Too many classes, too many assignments, no time to rest, and impossible situations with too few resources. He’d had Exorcist don’t work alone beat into his head for years but apparently they did in stupid midterms. 
(And it was so obvious this entire situation was manufactured to force him to use his summoning ability. He was infuriated about that.)
Rin appeared without any visible hesitation, though Ryuuji was positive his own will was anything but certain. 
Ryuuji didn’t hear whatever Rin’s greeting was going to be as the wind brought the invisible demon to him. His head snapped to the right as claws tore across his face and shoulder, and he staggered back, spitting blood even as he moved his fingers through the shield formation and spoke the spell as fast as he could.
It surrounded him — Rin was safe in the circle — and blocked the next blow from the invisible demon, but the batter at the shield had his already aching head throbbing. 
There was a roar, and before Ryuuji could even ask for help, the entire area was covered in blue flames. 
They melted the snow he was standing in, licked wildly at his clothes, and caressed the wounds on his face, soothing the acidic burn of poison.
The demon ignited as well, and now Ryuuji could see its form. He spoke a confining spell, forcing it to the earth even as it tried to flee the inferno of flames.
The flames consumed it entirely. Before Ryuuji could utter another syllable, the demon was no more, and there was nothing but a bit of ash and melted snow to show it had ever even been there.
Ryuuji stared, panting for breath a little and shivering from cold and adrenaline before his eyes raised to Rin's.
The demon had moved to the very edge of his confinement circle. He had his hands pressed against the invisible barrier and was snarling at the demon's miniscule remnants. His fangs looked long enough to tear out a throat and his claws could easily eviscerate at that length. His entire body was covered in a hot layer of flames, and —
His hair was white. Entirely white. Even his tail and his eyebrows.
"Rin?" Ryuuji asked, feeling like all of it was something he should, reasonably, be alarmed by, but mostly still feeling the adrenaline and gratitude that Rin had helped him. Helped him without even being asked.
Rin's flaming eyes lifted up to him with a growl.
"Ryuuji! That bastard hurt you!" 
He sounded furious about it, and Ryuuji could only nod. “It’s not bad,” he promised around a gulp of air. “Just a scratch. Those things are a bastard to fight ‘cause ya can’t see them.” He swallowed again, wincing when it made his face and the injury pull a bit.
Without imminent death, it was a lot colder.
Rin was still frowning fiercely and looking like still wanted to incinerate some more things. He hadn’t asked to be here (he had never asked to be here,) and this had been a real fight.
Ryuuji frowned a bit in guilt. “I’m sorry I called ya like that. Thanks for helping.” He shifted towards the circle and Rin. “It was set up so I wouldn’t have any other option. I’ll try and figure somethin’ else out next time, okay?” 
They had a deal, and even if Ryuuji was happy to jump in and aid Rin, he couldn’t expect Rin to feel the same. (He couldn’t expect Rin to feel at all. He was stuck in all of this because of Ryuuji.)
“Wait—this is some kinda test?” Rin looked around with a scowl like he expected to see examiners. “Those bastards attack ya?!”
“No—well, sort of. But it’s fine. They’ll intervene if things go really south.” Ryuuji winced, and then winced harder when that made his face smart horribly. 
He could have let that happen, but it would have meant failing. He’d done so damn much not to fail, and they were in all of this because of his attempt not to fail, and he hadn’t even wanted to take this damned class. Summoning was overrated. Give him an aria to memorize over this nonsense any day.
(Rin was alright though.)
(More than alright.)
Ryuuji shifted forward again, drawing Rin’s gaze back to himself. 
Rin pressed at the wall between them again. “You’re still bleeding.”
“It’s fine.”
“No. Get in here!” It was said with a growl, and it would be frustrating that he was being ordered by his summons, but Rin had been bossy since Ryuuji met him, and the circle was still holding him back so it wasn’t like he could come to Ryuuji. 
Ryuuji stepped into the magic circle, feeling it brush over his skin like static, and moved towards Rin. There was a slight pull in his gut, and then almost no sensation. It was easy to hold on to the connection to Rin like this, and it felt like it shouldn’t be. At least the others always made it sound like it should be a real drain.
Rin wasted no time in approaching him. Flame covered hands reached for his face and gently copped his cheeks, turning him so that he could see Ryuuji’s injuries. 
It meant he was close. Closer than they’d really gotten, and Ryuuji felt his pulse kick up as he looked into bright blue eyes that flickered with dizzying flames. 
Warm fingers traced along the edge of the cuts, burning away any trace of poison and chasing away the chill from the snow covered terrain. 
“Call me quicker next time, alright? Before that bastard gets a chance to hurt ya.”
Ryuuji stared into Rin’s eyes with his own wide ones, and couldn’t help but think you’re real, again. You’re real and alive and beautiful.
And, as Rin’s eyes turned to look into his and his breath caught and his heart started to beat all the more, he couldn’t help but think that he was in trouble. 
Rin, always pushing and doing the thing Ryuuji least expected, leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Ryuuji. His breath went out in the loudest of whooshes. Rin’s cheek pressed against his own, and he went shockingly bright with flames that burned around them, heating the air and Ryuuji.
Ryuuji stood stock still for a long moment, and then his arms tentatively went around Rin. He kept his hug loose, not squeezing as tight as he wanted, and breathed in the warmth and the scent of fire that hung around Rin.
Rin hugged him closer, purring as his flames warmed them and melted the snow, and Ryuuji let his eyes fall close. Wild enough to eliminate a threat and gentle enough to warm with a hug. Loyal and fierce and too many things Ryuuji had liked from the beginning.
He was in so much trouble.
— — — — —
The first thing Ryuuji did to try and side step the swell of intense feelings was simply not summon Rin in his room. He had to summon Rin in class every other day, so he still saw him a lot, but he could only hope that the distance helped.
It didn’t.
The first time he summoned Rin after (and that was a dramatic way to think of it when the feelings certainly hadn’t originated there. Ryuuji never fell quickly, and they had to have been building for a while. He was just… dense.)
The first time he summoned Rin post realization, Rin appeared with a flare of bright fire and a huge grin that immediately evaporated at the sight of the classroom. His eyes locked on the teacher in a scowl.
Ryuuji side-stepped so that he was between them. 
“Hey, you feel up to some training?” He put on a smile and felt his bandages pull a bit. Rin’s eyes turned to him, and if anything, the scowl got darker.
“Why’re we here? Wasn’t that the last test or do they wanna scar your other cheek?”
Ryuuji’s cheeks went a bit pink under the bandage. “Cut it out, Rin. It’s fine.”
(Did it look that terrible? And why did he care? He had other scars. It wasn’t like Rin had seemed particularly fond of his face without the scar.)
Rin crossed his arms over his chest. “They attacked you. How’s that—”
“Suguro?” Miss Yamada came over. “Is there a problem?”
Rin hissed at her.
“No, ma’am. No problem at all,” Ryuuji assured, only half worried he was lying. “Just a bit of a misunderstanding. I—”
“You hurt him to see if he could summon me when he’s been summoning me in these stupid classes! What more proof do ya need?!”
“Rin!” Ryuuji yelped, horrified at the unfolding situation. (But it wasn’t like Rin was exactly wrong.)
“I’ll handle it,” Ryuuji promised. She walked away with an unimpressed look and Ryuuji turned his attention back to Rin, half stepping into the circle as he moved closer. 
“Hey, you gotta cut that out. It’s just like any other class. I already told ya, it was a test and it wasn’t a big deal. It was just a scratch.”
Rin crossed his arms tighter and glared to the side. The rest of the lesson didn’t go much better than that.
The second time Rin listened a little, but the grumpy edge was still there and sharp as ever. The third time the spark in Rin’s eyes seemed dulled. 
The weekend dragged on endlessly, which was a bit stupid since Ryuuji had an endless amount of studying to do and shouldn’t be able to even notice how silent it was.
It did nothing to help him. If anything, it made everything worse. Now he found himself getting nervous before summoning Rin, and staring at his sketches of Rin’s circle endlessly, always wondering just what he had done to summon him, and always tracing the lines.
(He had to watch for a paper cut or Rin would appear in his math class.)
More than that, he found himself frustrated with the small amount of time they had together. (It was self inflicted, of course, but that didn’t make it less frustrating.) Rin was quiet when he was summoned, and when Ryuuji tried to talk to him, Rin’s answers would be snippy, and it felt like they were back at the first step.
Two sessions after that, and with another thinly veiled threat from his teacher, Ryuuji knew he was going to have to bite the bullet and summon Rin in his room after his classes.
— — — — —
Blood, rice, and pocky were required to get Rin to appear, and that alone made it a problem. 
Still had to come, but I could make it take longer. 
Rin was dragging his feet again. He didn’t want to come to Ryuuji’s call. That hurt.
The demon had his arms crossed over his chest when he did form, and he didn’t look exactly solid. He was translucent, and far more blue than usual. 
Worry about that made the everything else fade to the back. Something was wrong with their connection if Rin wasn’t fully materializing. 
Had he fucked that up? Damn it, he was acting like a child. A frightened and timid child. He’d never run away from anything in his life. He needed to treat this like a damn adult. He couldn’t just pine for something he couldn’t have. Rin was dependent upon him to stop fucking this up, and fix it.
Ryuuji scrubbed a hand over his face while Rin made a surprised noise. 
“We’re in—” Rin cut himself off before he finished the question. 
“My room?” Ryuuji ventured, half feeling like he should apologize, half not even sure what he would say if he did. Sorry I’m falling for you and sorry I’m not handling it well. Sorry I stopped spending the time with you that you deserve. Sorry I’ve been trying to treat you like some summon.
Sorry I drew this wrong and pulled you into this mess.
Rin huffed and turned his head up and to the side.
"I owe you an apology." Ryuujis said, even if he wasn't sure how to give it, or even exactly what for.
Rin's eyes darted towards Ryuuji before resuming their glare at the ceiling.
Ryuuji took in a deep breath. "I should have told you I had an assignment and talked to you about it before just summoning you there. I should have summoned you after to let you know it was all okay."
He shouldn't have avoided Rin and this like a coward. It wasn’t something he could necessarily explain to Rin — not when Rin hadn’t even known what a crush was. 
“Yeah!” Rin huffed. “And you were weird!”
Ryuuji scowled a little. “I’m not weird!”
“But you’re acting it!”
“Would you just let me apologize?!”
Rin was scowling now. “You just did!”
“I wasn’t finished, asshole!”
Rin growled and flickered a bit.
Ryuuji glared right back at him, right at the edge of the circle, toe to toe with Rin like they were in some kind of fight, and Ryuuji had been trying to apologize, and he suddenly couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity. 
Ryuuji Suguro, a shitty summoner and just as shitty at crushes.
"Here," Ryuuji passed a package of mochi through the circle to Rin. "I'm sorry I didn't explain it all and I'm sorry I avoided you for the last few weeks. You've earned better than that."
Rin took the mochi with a mildly confused frown. "I don't get it."
Ryuuji felt himself blush a little. "Get what?"
"Any of this."
Ryuuji exhaled heavily. "Just… I shoulda talked to you. Okay? We're friends and I treated ya like we weren't."
Rin's eyes went incredibly wide and his flames flared almost painfully bright. Ryuuji had to step back and squint against them.
"Rin?" Ryuuji called over the roar of the flames, trying not to act as worried as he felt. "What —are you okay?"
Rin shifted closer to the edge of the barrier.
"What?" He asked with a voice that sounded wobbly.
Ryuuji stayed where he was, shielding his eyes, but realizing he couldn't feel the heat through the barrier. Just a slight and pleasant warmth.
"What?" Ryuuji parroted back, feeling a bit stupid.
Ryuuji nodded slowly with no idea if Rin could see it or not past the flames.
"Yeah, friends."
The flames dimmed enough that Ryuuji could see, and seeing showed a Rin with teary eyes.
“Ryuuji,” Rin sniffed, and the tears were spilling over his cheeks now. 
“Uh,” Ryuuji started, at an utter loss of what he’d just done. “I’m… I’m sorry? Was that—was I not supposed to—”
Rin tried to reach through the barrier and sniffled all the louder when he couldn’t. He blabbered something in a language Ryuuji couldn’t understand, and looked so entirely upset. 
“Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Come here!” Rin demanded, but his teary red eyes made it entirely unintimidating. Ryuuji stepped forward and into the circle anyway. The moment he crossed the barrier, he was wrapped up in a tight hug. Ryuuji's entire body stiffened at the shock of it, and for a long moment he didn't even feel like he could breathe. When he did, it was a strangled sort of breath that sounded too loud and had his heart skipping beats.
His face practically exploded in red, and he was certain his thundering heart was loud enough for Rin to hear, but it wasn't like he could do anything about that.
(Rin smelled of smoke and something wild that had Ryuuji wanting to take a deeper breath of it all.)
"Rin?" He asked (breathed.) "Are you okay?"
Rin nodded. "Yeah. I'm great." 
He stepped back, smiling in a silly and happy way that had Ryuuji smiling too, the earlier argument entirely forgotten.
"Now," Rin scrubbed the back of his hand across his face, "can I have the manga? I left on a—" he struggled for the word Ryuuji had taught him "—cliffhanger!"
“Cliffhanger,” Ryuuji croaked, feeling himself still entirely too red. "Yeah, I can get that for ya."
And apparently it was going to be as easy as that.
— — — — —
A/N: The last part of the story can be found on ao3 at the link below :D
14 notes · View notes
Reprise 2.0 - Harry Hook x reader - Part 6 - Proper Apology
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Mal stared at you and Uma as you both indulged in some of Jane’s cake, Celia right next to Uma, having her apparently 2nd slice of cake (Uma told her no more after that). Mal then sighed, telling herself to get over herself and just-thank Uma…without Uma, she wouldn’t have any clue about where Audrey…her mother, might be. Mal wouldn’t have realized she wasn’t alone in all of this.
She stepped forward, one hand landing on the back of your chair, the other, dangling at her side awkwardly “that-that was a good idea” Uma looked up at her, glancing at you and Celia before realizing Mal was talking directly to her. “to check Audrey’s room…now we know where to go…thank you.” Uma blinked, twice, three times; then her brows furrowed, leaning backward in her chair; away from Mal.
“Is there an insult in there that I missed?” Uma said, clearly not trusting this…’nice’ Mal. Mal pressed her lips together, she had almost felt offended, that Uma didn’t trust her or her words but…Uma had every reason to not trust her. Mal had been just-horrible to her from birth, even when they had been ‘friends’. “I just…wanted to thank you…” Mal muttered, kicking her foot slightly. You blinked up at her, shrugging at Uma as Celia stared at her, as if waiting for a response.
Uma blinked at Mal, then turned away, finishing off her slice of cake and grabbing another. Mal smiled, but she knew she would have to properly apologize if Uma was ever going to slightly trust her again. She just had to figure out how to do it.
“Know where you need to go?” Maleficent snapped in Audrey's voice, gripping the scepter tightly in her first as she looked down at the image of her daughter, talking to the puny daughter of Ursula. “you won't be going anywhere Malsy.” Maleficent smirked up at Chad, who was quite literally shivering in his shoes “what's wrong with you?” Maleficent snapped, slamming the butt of the scepter on the floor, the sound echoing around the cottage just like it used to “you wanted this, you joined me willingly, you offered to be my lackey. Are you going back on this?” Maleficent took slow careful steps towards Chad, the terrified son of Cinderella backing up with each step she took “you chose this Chad, you chose to follow Audrey into the abyss. You are a fool to run because of your fear” Maleficent hissed, not realizing that she had referred to Audrey, while in Audrey’s body, in the third person.
Chad stared at her, and Maleficent could see the cogs turning in his head “not as dumb as I thought eh?” Maleficent muttered, tapping her fingers against the scepter. Chad glanced at her eyes, then at her shadow; which no longer looked like Audrey, it was taller and had horns. He swallowed harshly, deciding not to stand on the sidelines anymore.
He jumped forward, grabbing the scepter and tugging hard, actually ripping it away from the surprised Maleficent’s grip “i-holy shit I did it” Chad muttered, frozen still in his surprising victory. Maleficent just curled her lip at him “you’re more like your parents than I assumed” she snapped, commanding the scepter back into her hand and blasting Chad back. His back slammed against the stone and wood wall, his head hitting the floor as he fell. Maleficent eyed the closet next to him and tilted her head, chads unconscious body sliding in and the door locking as it closed. “fool” Maleficent muttered, a devilish smirk on her lips as she looked back down at her daughter and Uma, the two of them now alone as Celia and that (y/n) girl went off somewhere. Where? She didn’t care, she had more important matters to attend to.
Mal looked up from her slice of cake, poking it with her fork as Uma dug into her slice of cake. Mal felt a bit guilty for letting so many people eat Jane’s birthday cake, one of which Carlos had spent countless hours designing and looking all over Auradon city for a baker that would make it just right. But, at least Jane would get one slice? courtesy of Evie and (y/n); they had taken a large slice and stashed it away in the fridge.
Mal tapped her fork on the plate, watching as Uma licked her lips, glancing back at the cake; debating on whether or not to get another slice but she shook her head. Wasn’t worth the sugar crash she would definitely feel later “So I, um,” Mal started quietly, pointedly looking down at her plate “might’ve…missed the boat by a lot by uh…not-not letting you join the gang n calling you shrim-“ Mal stopped herself, why in the hell had she almost called Uma by that hated name if she was trying to apologize. God, she was the worst at apologies, even in Auradon she didn’t do it a lot, maybe once or twice in a blue moon.
…wow, that…really wasn’t a good thing. Mal looked up, seeing Uma starting at her, eyes cold and unyielding; waiting for Mal to continue “im sorry” Mal forced out, deciding to rip off the Band-Aid and just let it all out, pushing her pride out of the way and make way for a new bridge. Uma looked genuinely surprised by Mal’s words, she had never heard those words from Mal, ever. it just made Mal feel even worse, but this wasn't about making herself feel better, it was about righting the many wrongs she had done against Uma. “I’m sorry” it came out easier that time, and then everything flooded out.
“I’m sorry for bullying you, I’m sorry for the shrimp thing, I’m sorry for calling you that stupid name, I’m sorry I wasn’t a better friend, I’m sorry that I hurt you” Mal took a deep breath, covering her face with one hand, her fork dropping on the plate “I was such an idiot and I still am, I’m sorry for being so damn rude to you earlier and-fuck thank you for helping me…when you really didn’t have to, you had every right to tell me to fuck off and leave with the boys and (y/n)” Mal sighed, leaning back in her chair, avoiding Uma’s shocked eyes. “I guess what im really trying to say…im sorry” Mal ended quietly, not really sure how to say it another way.
She didn’t look up at Uma, she could hardly breathe. Then she felt a hand over hers, warm and familiar. She looked up, to see Uma smiling, not reaching her eyes but, it was thankful “that’s all I really wanted to hear” Uma muttered, and really-it was. She just wanted Mal to admit she had done Uma wrong and say ‘I’m sorry’, she had waited nearly 10 years to hear those words, and finally she got them. “I accept your apology” Mal nodded with a smile, knowing what Uma meant.
‘I do not forgive you, and will not forget, but I won't be hostile’ and Mal understood because that was the isle kid way. She squeezed Uma’s hand back ‘I understand, thank you’. The two girls stared at each other for a moment before a loud crack startled them, they both launched to their feet, staring wide-eyed as they saw some sort of- pinkish shimmer move over the windows and doors. “Mom” Mal whispered, racing towards the patio doors and tugging at them, only to be blasted back by a bright flash of magic.
Uma caught Mal’s body, cradling her as Mal stared at the doors horrified “she-she trapped us-FUCK!” Mal screamed out, getting out of Uma’s arms, holding herself up on the chair next to her. (y/n), Celia, Evie, and Doug rushed into the room, the girls doing a quick check up on the sleeping vks behind them before collecting with Mal and Uma, Evie taking Mal’s shoulder as (y/n) took Uma’s hand.
“what's going on?” Doug asked, jumping back and grabbing Celia’s shoulders, pushing her to stand between (y/n) and Mal, trying to protect the youngest. She glanced up at him for a moment then down at her shadow, nodding towards the doors. Her shadow saluted and rocketed to the doors, bouncing back as it hit the barrier blocking the outside word. Celia winced, commanding her shadow back to her side, shaking her head at (y/n) who glanced down at her curiously. “shadow can't get out, im no use” Celia grumbled, feeling utterly useless.
Mal huffed, calling her magic and throwing her hands up, her eyes and palms glowing bright green. “I’ve had enough of this game of fear/now back off and disappear!” Mal yelled out, the dome surrounding Evie’s house flashing purple for a split moment, but her spell did nothing. Her mother's magic and the scepter were too powerful for Mal on her own. “Fuck!” Mal screamed, rubbing her palm in distress “I’m not strong enough, I can't break through”
(y/n) groaned, stepping away from Uma and speeding towards the doors, Evie doing the same, the two slamming their shoulders against the patio doors together. They creaked and groaned, some of the glass cracking under the pressure of (y/n)’s shoulder but they didn’t budge, the magic dome only shoving them back. (y/n) landed on her back while Evie caught herself on her couch, huffing at their loss. “dammit!” Evie yelled, clenching her fists “How in the hell are we going to do anything to save Auradon stuck in here?!”
(y/n) nodded in agreement, rubbing her shoulder as it flared with pain. “This is so not like the movie what the fuck?” (y/n) said quietly, mostly talking to herself. Evie spared a glance at her but turned back to the doors as they cracked, the dome pushing onto the doors and windows as if to seal everything airtight.
Uma looked down at her necklace, remembering what she had Mal and done together back at the castle, what you told them to do. ‘You two wanna work together for once? You can probably overload Audrey’s magic and short circuit it’ Together. They had to work together. Uma stepped up, holding out her hand to Mal, who just glanced at it confused; completely overwhelmed by the situation “Together” Uma said, firmly; in the same voice she used when commanding her crew “Together we can overpower it, short circuit the magic like the knights”
Uma could see the lightbulb go off in Mal’s eyes and she nodded, taking Uma’s hand and they turned to face the dome just outside the patio doors, the ember within Uma’s necklace sparking to life as it connected with Mal. “we’ve had enough of this game of fear/now back off and disappear!”
In a bright flash of teal and purple-blue light, bursting out in waves from Uma and Mal’s connected hands, the dome shattered, and Maleficent was forcefully disconnected from watching her daughter and ‘friends’. She screamed in rage, pacing about the cottage for a moment, watching her scepter as she attempted to regain control. Nothing. Mal and shrimpy had somehow severed the connection completely, and Maleficent had no way to watch them.
She huffed, disappearing into smoke and leaving the cottage, knowing they would soon be on their way here and Maleficent wasn’t going to be caught by some foolish teenagers. (most of them were 19 but still, teenagers) She found herself on the tallest spires of Aurora’s castle and she grinned, perfect. She could even see a bit of the cottage from here, all she had to do now was wait. And she was perfectly good at that.
Back in the castle, Mal took a deep sigh of relief, squeezing Uma’s hand in thanks before releasing it, holding her now free hand to her chest as she felt her heart beat so rapidly she thought it was about to jump out. “Easier when you work together, ain't it~?” Evie teased, calling back to her attempt to get everyone to willingly work together back at the castle. Mal and Uma snorted; Mal only being further reminded that she wasn’t alone in protecting Auradon. And she further made up her mind about talking to Ben after all this was over about keeping the barrier open and simply increasing security.
She knew he would be overjoyed; he was the reason she was here in the first place. He deserved to have his dream continue instead of being shattered at the first sign of danger. She smiled at the thought of her fiancé, her eyes catching onto her engagement ring. As she was distracted by her thoughts, Celia separated from the group and looked out the patio doors as she noticed a group moving towards the castle, smiling as she realized who it was. “Hey~” Celia sang, turning to look at you and Mal “it’s the boys~!” you and Mal gasped happily, your boys were back. Since you were closer to the doors, you threw them open and ran towards Harry, who melted at the sight of you, taking his hand from his shoulder to take you into his arms, pressing his cheek to the side of your head “love” he said breathlessly, rubbing his thumb against your waist.
As you were reuniting with Harry, Mal ran into Ben’s arms, Uma did a small handshake with Gil, Celia jumped over to Jay, Evie gave a big hug to Carlos, and Doug wished Jane a happy birthday as they hugged. As you pulled away from Harry, you noticed the torn fabric on his left shoulder, gasping as you saw the almost healed bite wounds “Harry!” you almost yelled, everyone turning to look at you as you did, tracing the outside of Harry’s wound with your fingers “what happened?!”
“Stone lions, one went after Gil” Harry explained, wincing as you put the smallest amount of pressure on the still aching wounds “pushed ‘im out the way, got the brunt of its teeth.” He took a deep breath as you pulled away, letting Uma get close to heal him the rest of the way. She muttered a small spell under her breath, and the wound was gone, not even a scar. His jacket and undershirt were melded back together as well, and it was like the bite never happened. Harry looked to be feeling new as well, the tiredness in his eyes gone. “thank ye cap’n” Harry muttered, pulling Uma into a hug which Uma gladly returned.
Mal pulled away from Ben, blinking rapidly as she finally looked at him. in her excitement to see him again, she hadn’t even realized he was different, he was a good three inches taller, covered in fur, had fangs, and-paws? “wow” Mal muttered, taking Ben’s paw in her hand and pressing her fingers into his paw pads “are you okay?” she asked him quietly, knowing one of his greatest fears was being an unloved beast just like his father was over 20 years ago. Ben smiled and nodded “yeah, im okay now. Actually kinda helped me get over it, everyone thought I looked cool” Mal smiled, knowing Carlos and Jane were the first to say that to him, and she pulled him into another hug.
Jay tapped Gil on the shoulder, handing him an orange, smiling as Gil gasped lightly “peel it first” Jay muttered, showing Gil how to do it with another orange, Gil eagerly followed his lead and enjoyed the new fruit in his hands. “okay!” Mal said, pulling away from Ben, nodding towards Uma “we think Audrey might be at Fairy cottage, the place her mom was hidden, do you have any idea where that is?” Ben nodded, he was all too aware of where it was, Audrey took him there every fairy godmother's day after they got together in freshman year “yeah, way past Auroria castle, deep in the enchanted woods. It's completely hidden and the path is almost non-existent to keep it that way. It’ll be midnight by the time we get there” Ben explained, Mal starting to wring her hands together in nervousness.
“oh-“ Ben and Mal said at the same time, as if remembering something. Mal gestured for Ben to go first and he took her shoulders, looking into her eyes which told her this was very serious “Maleficent is behind it all, she possessed Audrey, and we have until sunrise to save her” Mal felt like an ice-cold bucket of water was dumped on her, she knew of the possession part; but only having till sunrise to save Audrey? That she didn’t know. Mal swallowed harshly and nodded slowly “then we better move quickly” Mal muttered, Ben nodding back in agreement, turning to look at Jane.
“do you know where your mom is?” Ben asked, and Jane shook her head, she hadn’t heard from her mother since she called her to get the wand “no, I tried calling her but the line went completely dead, i don’t think she was able to get her wand” Jane muttered, crossing her arms and sinking into Carlos’ side, who squeezed her tightly in hopes to comfort her. He pursed his lips, glancing at Jay who nodded. Carlos nodded back and pulled out a small red box with black and white ribbon that he had gotten while everyone was distracted, and handed it to Jane.
She sniffed, taking the box gently and tilting her head “I know this might be a bad time but…happy birthday Jane” Carlos whispered, smiling as Jane opened the box and smiled, tears in her eyes. She took out the necklace, which was a pink bow wrapped around a set of gold crossing bones. Their symbols together “it’s us, well, our symbols, I had Evie help me design it” Carlos said quietly, rubbing Jane’s shoulder with his hand.
She smiled up at him, and stood on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek “thank you, I love it” she whispered, handing him the necklace and letting him put it on. You watched them for a moment then turned your attention to Harry, smiling at him as he stared down at you. His eyes caught onto your necklace and he smiled, lifting up the gem with his hook “yeh still ‘ave this?” he asked quietly, laughing gently as you looked at him like he was crazy for insinuating you would get rid of it.
“duh, it’s my favorite thing, well other than.” you grabbed the curve of his hook to make a point and Harry chuckled, kissing your forehead as Ben walked up to Doug and took his shoulder, pointing out towards Auradon city “Doug” Ben started, pointing at Jane “go with Jane, we need to find Fairy godmother.” Uma stepped up, grabbing Ben’s arm to get his attention “they might need some muscle, Maleficent’s been sending some wicked offense, I don’t know what kinda magic Jane has but they gon’ need more than just them two” Ben nodded in agreement to Uma’s words, Doug only looking minorly offended.
Gil looked down at his arms, seeing the obvious bulging muscles, and offered himself as a guard “I’ll go” Gil said simply, as if him doing so; risking his life to protect Doug and Jane, wasn’t a big deal. Jane and Carlos both sighed in relief, because while they liked Doug…man was an actual stick.
“I would like that” Jane said, Carlos nodding in agreement. And it was decided; Gil would go with Jane and Doug to look for FG “Jane?” Ben said as they three started to leave, Jane turned to look at him “get the wand if you can…just in case” she shared a grim look with Ben and the others, nodding slowly. Ben’s words only set a sense of dread in the air, this wasn’t just a game, a little turf war, it was life or death. Saving Audrey or losing her and Auradon to Maleficent. Mal swallowed harshly, her fists clenched at her side, she wasn’t going to let that happen. They, the vks, Ben, you, weren’t going to let that happen.
Everyone watched the boys and Jane leave before they shuffled back inside to plan for the attack on Maleficent. Harry looked down at you, taking your hand and kissing it, pulling you into his side as you walked back inside Evie’s castle. Harry stopped as his eyes caught a flash of red and blue, and he stumbled forward into the alcove that rested behind the dining table, seeing his little Smees, asleep.
“Skipper, Sterling?” Harry whispered, kneeling beside the boys and brushing his fingers against Skipper’s cheek “oh no, me Smee’s” you frowned from your place just outside the alcove, Evie and Mal looking, kinda surprise to see Harry so…tender. They knew the twins loved Harry, everyone knew that but to see him show that same affection and care was…honestly a little surprising.
Evie gasped as she remembered the extra potions and rushed to grab three extra, leaving you alone with Harry as Mal followed after Evie to help her. You kneeled next to Harry and rubbed his back, kissing his cheek as he fretted over the young vks “they’re okay Harry, just sleeping.” He frowned, leaning into your hold as he took Sterling’s smaller wrist in his hand.
You both perked up as Evie and Mal returned, holding three small glasses of the anti sleep venom potion that woke Doug up earlier. Evie went up to Dizzy while Mal handed the two small glasses to you and Harry, to which you immediately took action and carefully poured the potion into their mouths. After a moment of waiting that felt like years, the two boys and Dizzy slowly woke up, yawning and stretching as they did.
“I’m hungry” Skipper grumbled, Sterling nodding in agreement, their eyes not yet open. Dizzy yawned, fumbling around for her glasses “same” she muttered. You, Harry, and Evie all laughed, alerting the three to your presence. Their eyes snapped open, and the twins locked right onto Harry, not noticing you just yet and Dizzy squealed as she saw Evie.
“HARRY!” the twins screamed, Uma’s cackle coming from the kitchen as the two tackled Harry to the floor. Harry let out a loud grunt, his head hitting the floor as he dropped his hook and caught the twins, letting out a few coughing laughs as the twins babbled away. “when did you get here?!” Skipper said, sterling pushing him out of the way to get into Harry's point of view “did you fill out an application!? I thought you said you wouldn’t?!” soon they were talking together and everyone else, minus Uma and you, were just-so surprised to hear them talking this much and so fast. In the last two days of them being here, their voices were basically non-existent, so to hear them talk so much in so little time was surprising.
“We missed you!” “Jay keeps trying to convince us to think hes cooler than you, but he doesn’t play pirates and navy with us so he’s lame” Jay made an offended noise, but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face as the twins continued to babble in Harry’s face, who also couldn’t stop smiling. “we’re gonna have so much fun now that you’re here!” “yeah! We can go sailing! Oh-!we can play pirates and navy for real now!”
“yeah we just need auntie (y/n) though,” Skipper said, knowing the game wasn’t as fun when you weren’t around and Sterling nodded in agreement. They froze as you giggled, and they slowly turned to you, Dizzy doing the same from her space in Evie’s arms. You waved shyly, chuckling slightly as the three vks stared at you.
Harry and Uma quickly covered their ears, smiling as the vks screamed out your name and jumped at you, tackling you to the floor in a big ol vk pile “(Y/N)!!!!” You couldn’t help but laugh as they babbled away to you, Dizzy squealing as she tightened her hold on your neck.
Evie and Harry smiled at the scene, Harry slowly standing up and crossing his arms, watching you with fond eyes. God, he had missed you so much, and he had missed seeing you with the twins. They had missed you too, so much. When they found out you left; god it was heartbreaking. They went silent for a month straight, as if protesting your leave. Harry understood, he nearly cried in front of them, god missing you hurt so bad.
Now you were back, and that pain numbed, it was still there, but it was numb. He swallowed as he thought about what would happen after this whole Maleficent situation was over, would you be sent back again?....would he be able to go with you? Would he be alone again?
He really didn’t want to lose you again. He felt Evie’s hand against his shoulder and he turned, nodding at her understanding smile “she’s not going back if I can help it” Evie whispered, squeezing his shoulder and turning, Dizzy hugging you tight once more and then following after her, telling Evie more about you and what you did on the isle with her.
Harry stared after her for a moment, then nodded slowly; it was nice….to know he had one of them on his side, knowing she didn’t want to break the two of you apart again. He turned back to you and the twins, chuckling as you carefully stood, one of the twins dangling from your arms as the other clung to you like a leech.
“help” you laughed out, holding Skipper out to him, the twin giggling as he hung from your arm. Harry rolled his eyes fondly and took the twin, setting him on his feet and then grabbing the other, the two 12-year-olds racing off into the kitchen to look for something to eat.
You tilted your head as Harry turned to look back at you, his eyes full of adoration and…something else? “Harry?” you asked quietly, crossing your arms as he walked up to you, his left hand reaching out gently and cupping your face “you good?” he just smiled, leaning into you and kissing you gently, but oh so passionately, so many emotions behind that kiss. You closed your eyes, uncrossing your arms and grabbing his shoulders, your hands trailing up until they curled into his soft hair.
He pulled away, pecked your lips one last time, and then kissed your forehead “I missed you” he rasped out, hugging you tightly as if you would disappear if he let you go. You hummed, clinging to him, hoping to tell him with your actions that you didn’t plan on leaving. Not again.
“guys!” Uma called from the kitchen, not daring to look around the corner to see you two snogging “c’mon, we gotta plan” you let out a hum of confirmation and pulled away from Harry, kissing his knuckles as you took his hand and pulled him into the kitchen, Harry ducking down to grab his hook before you left the alcove.
The planning was quiet and tense, as if everyone was dreading what was to come. It wouldn’t be easy, fighting Maleficent; from their encounters with her magic, it was easy to tell she was getting stronger by the hour; and who knew how powerful she would be by the time they got to her.
But soon the plan is set, Mal, Uma, Harry, and Jay would be the brute force; Uma and Mal as the main magic attack while Harry and Jay would distract her with physical attacks. You and Evie would be the secondary rush, with Evie’s quick thinking and smoke bombs, and your offensive skills and odd ability to make even the vilest person fear you; the two of you would be a terrifying 2nd wind for Maleficent to deal with.
Ben and Carlos would be the 3rd and hopefully final set of attacks, Ben would use his leftover enhanced strength and speed from the beast curse, and Carlos with his terrifying intellect; would find and exploit Maleficent's weakness within Audrey’s body.
Celia would stay back with the younger vks, she fought against it, wanting to help. But her getting hurt was too much of a risk, everyone knew she could handle herself thanks to her newly discovered shadow magic, but still, too risky. So she was given a different task. Protect the twins and Dizzy. After some convincing, and being told it was an important job, she agreed, and that was that.
The plan was made, everyone agreed on it, and it was a silent ride to Fairy cottage. This was it. The final battle. The battle not just for Auradon, but for Audrey, for the isle, for everyone within that small group of heroes.
Maleficent cackled from her spot on Auroria castle’s spire, she knew they were coming, but she wouldn’t be where they thought. She would catch them by surprise, maybe take a few hostages, like that little vk and that little rat who never strayed far from Hook’s son, and then she would destroy her traitor daughter and her little friends. Maleficent chuckled, admiring her magenta hair that was slowly turning black, Audrey’s haze eyes already permanently green.
This was going to be so fun~
-end of part 6-
sorry for the lateish update! forgot to queue this up yesterday lol
Iiiii hoped yall liked that cuz im sure happy with how it turned out~ also just realized, Reprise 2.0 might be shorter than the og due to some scenes ending up in the same parts rather than being split into two separate parts, so that’s mb, but I do have some ideas for added scenes/elongated scenes so hopefully that makes up for the slightly shorter series~!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @verboetoperee @saryguerrero
@dai-tsukki-desu @imtryingthisout @remembered-license
@auradon-bore-a-don @dpaccione @reallysparklychaos
@dreamtogether2000 @thetrueghostqueen​ @godess-ofthe-underworld​
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