#This is my OTP and I will die on this fucking hill
ybyag-lil · 11 days
I just... LOVE Sunshrine as a ship and have my delusions and HC's about it and I needed to put these thoughts out on WHY I like them so much somewhere other than in my fics or else I'm literally going to explode, so—
Annoyed x Annoyance. Need I say more?
I will.
If we're talking purely potential ship dynamics, we have:
Flirty x oblivious, Denial/Dense, Sunshine x Sunshine protector, stoic vs pain in the ass, optimist vs pessimist, "why me?" "why not you?", Insecure vs showers them in love.
Sun and Moon/Day and Night yadda yadda y'know the drill
Complementary colors (orange/blue) that you can correlate with their difference in personality.
But I hate reducing them to basic opposites attract and other dynamics bec they're NOT completely opposite - they actually have a lot in common!
"Two sides of the same coin" is how I'd actually describe them.
They're both trying to find their own way in life, and the paths they're taking are so fundamentally different than what has come before them.
Their voice-lines about it. Love to read into those
("I'll walk a different path this time." "I'll find my own path." "The path shapes you." "That's the path you've found?")
Potential for shared isolation issues and fear of abandonment!!!!
I feel like Kiriko's life suddenly shifting one day when Sojiro was killed and her proceeding to lose a bunch of people she held near and dear (not even counting Kanezaka itself facing major power and societal shifts) is not talked about enough. The only real personal connections she knows she has left are:
Her mom, who is forced into inaction and can't move to help liberate Kanezaka or save-
Her dad, who is currently Hashimoto's leverage/hostage and she doesn't even know for sure is still alive rn bc she hasn't seen him.
and Hanzo, which, there's a load of angst there HC and actually in-game wise for her connection with both him and Genji that would be a while 'nother conversation. I don't know if Kiriko even knows Genji's still alive, actually? More issues!
Illari's pretty self explanatory with that isolation/abandonment point. That girl's riding the, "I don't need anyone else (because I'll only end up hurting them)" train so hard. So much so that she doesn't even really feel comfortable showing any positive emotions to people around her (cheer/hello/chuckle animations anyone?).
Kiriko/Illari are both "chosen".
That one's kinda out there tbh, but my logic behind it is that Illari is already notably special. She's prodigy that was quickly predicted to be the GREATEST fucking Inti warrior of her time, whose power was so great that she turned every single other Inti warrior to ashes unintentionally.
(which, by the way, is insane if we assume the augmentations have to give you some sort of resistance to solar power to be able to wield it in the first place?)
Kiriko is where I start playing fast and loose. I'd argue her having the power of the Kitsune (which is not fucking science idc what lore comes in the future, magic exists in this fucking universe!) to such an extent makes her chosen in her own way. Like I'm assuming the teleporting around, the self healing like, and everything else is not a standard affair but no-one talks about the Shimada FAMILY being able to summon dragons so. Maybe that's just the standard in Japan.
On that note — they also both have a responsibility to their people which sort of parallel each other.
Kiriko has happily taken up the mantle of a vigilante to protect the people of Kanezaka, and, as far as we know, she has no qualms about doing it. Her way of doing things is different to how her family served/protected for generations in the past, but she still upholds the duty like it's second nature.
Pure conjecture, but I don't think Kiriko's ever felt forced to do it either. There was never a, "you must protect the town!" talk or anything like that from her grandmother/mom, she's doing it because it feels right to do.
Illari, conversely was always told she had a responsibility to her people. If you read between the lines of her lore blurb on her OW2 page and listen to what she says in her origin video, you get the sense that it was a sort of... burden? Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that.
I compare it to the "gifted-kid burnout" precisely because of this. Illari has always been molded to follow one path, a rigorous one she didn't really have a choice BUT to follow. You're told at a young age that you are special, that there's no-one else like you, that you will grow to become a legend. How could you even begin to refuse that?
You don't. And when it all starts to fall apart, you start to wonder what's wrong with yourself. Illari has lived a life dedicated to serving, and now there's no-one left but her.
She def has some self worth/esteem issues stemming from having to be this prodigal kid essentially groomed (not that way) her whole childhood to be strong and nothing else. Couple that with an overwhelming feeling of regret for failing to uphold her duty as a protector and you have someone who is just completely lost - direction AND sense of self wise.
And I think Kiriko could help with that. Say what you want about her, but you can't deny that Kiri is strong. Imagine Illari meeting her and realizing that for herself. That despite how careless and foolish Illari thinks Kiriko is, she somehow still manages to protect her people as her duty.
Imagine her realizing that she's been taught a lie her whole life, that she doesn't have to just be Illari, the strongest Inti warrior, she can also just be Illari - the scared 18yr old trying to find a new purpose in life after that choice was stolen from her.
Like Zen says to her, "true strength comes to those who accept their weaknesses". Illari's gotta learn that she can't just be strong, she has to learn to balance these aspects of herself.
and who has played a balancing act between conflicting ideals before? Who has carved her own path out of what she's known? Kiriko.
Ahem, back to a few more hehe haha shipping things
They're both pretty capable as fighters, and both trained since they were kids. They're both probably very disciplined because of it.
(I was going to say "though Kiriko is reckless despite that" but I refuse to believe Illari isn't equally as reckless.)
They're both very petty, check out those revenge voice lines—
("Forgive and forget? Nah..." and, "Forgiveness? Never heard of it." Are two examples LOL)
They're both smart assess. Kiriko is Kiriko so that one's obvious, and I'm looking at your Hanzo/Soldier/Sombra/Ana start up interactions, AND your sassy ass "I didn't do it for you," ally save voice line, Illari.
And the two most important things....
They're just cute. Like seriously look at these little idiots, I love them both dearly.
And it's kind of a funny ship. I'm a firm believer that you don't need a reason to ship two characters, and Kiriko and Illari liking each other can lead into some hilarious ass dynamics, so why not?
Anyways, finished with my brainrot spew. If you've made it this far, check out my AO3 where I will be brainrotting even further in the future. Might post some dumb shitposts here about these two from time to time.
Illari and Kiriko's voice line pages for the things I quote.
(some of this, particularly parts regarding Kiriko, might be incorrect bec I haven't read a single lore comic and am going of things I can vaguely remember hearing about.)
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ryoto-kuki · 2 months
Derek loves Stiles and Stiles loves Derek.
That's it.
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starlightsweetheart · 7 months
Honesty, the lack of closure for Lucaya makes me feel like:
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y’all, lemme tell you something about my rarepair, my absolute number one OTP, the ship i will go down with, my i-would-die-for-them even now, 24 days into the year of our lord 2023.
it’s not even about the show, and it hasn’t been for like 20 years now. it’s about the all-encompassing chokehold that two of the characters from this show have had on me since i was about 13 years old. that’s when it started and it hasn’t let me go. better than that, the pairing itself is a complete fabrication, totally built up inside my head and fleshed out by years and years of over-analyzation and inventing things that, objectively, are not there. the maintext of it all is pretty clear but i have a special knack for pulling anything and everything i want out of the subtext. i see what i want to see and i live happily in my little state of delusion.
here’s the kicker: when i say the maintext is clear, i mean it. these characters were not, in any way or by any stretch of the imagination, written with the intention to give off romantic vibes. truly, they weren’t. this show, in all its cheesy (and arguably cringey) glory, was one of the highest rated family-friendly, positivity-focused shows of the 90s. it was the height of the “clean, uplifting, and inspirational” era of network television, with very strong christian undertones.
the show? touched by an angel. the characters?
these two.
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yes, these two. characters with one very clear purpose, which is to be on earth to help human beings and spread the message of gods love to the world.
pairing them???? absolutely asinine of me, and yet … here i am, still burning in this fire years and years later. i would die for them. specifically, i would die for my version of them. and i probably will not ever be able to fully explain my adoration or remember what it was that triggered this shift in my young brain or what made me say, “yes, this is what we’re doing now. this is where we live.”
i don’t use the word chokehold lightly. i can spend hours watching bits and pieces of scenes, re-analyzing dialogue, and spilling my thoughts and theories to the one friend i have that also shares this mildly humiliating addiction. thank god for her and thank god for the far corners of the internet. i have written (and read) some very -ahem- unholy fic. and i’ll keep doing it kids. this is a forever kind of thing.
this post is a confession but it’s also a plea for more friends. me and my one friend, we can’t be the only ones out there, right? i know there are others because our fanfic stats tell me so. i see you. i know you’re there. step into the light and be my friend, i beg.
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roni617 · 2 years
I don’t care how Bleach ended, Byakuya x Renji will always be my OTP.
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actually-azi · 3 months
✨ Rating Hazbin Hotel ships ✨
Adam / Lucifer - 3/10, It's definitely a funny concept that Lucifer fucked both his wives and then him, but in reality it's a no from me.
Adam / Lute - 7/10, Their relationship would've been unhealthy af but not gonna lie it's pretty cute. I just love Lute so goddamn much lol.
Alastor / Lucifer - 7/10, I like the concept because it's genuinely funny and kinda cute but only as a crack ship. I definitely don't see it actually happening.
Alastor / Literally anyone else - 0/10, I genuinely don't think Alastor would ever even consider a relationship. He just thinks he's above everyone else.
Angel / Cherri - 0/10, What the fuck y'all, he's gay. This one is weird af and idk why it's even a thing.
Angel / Husk - 10/10, I love that Husk cares about Angel for more than sex, they're so cute together especially if they take things slowly.
Charlie / Emily - 2/10, They're so similar that together I feel like it would be too much. Also I really dislike the idea of splitting up Chaggie.
Charlie / Emily / Vaggie - 6/10, I probably wouldn't mind all three of them together. It would be cute to call it Charlie's Angels lol.
Charlie / Vaggie - 10/10, I love them together, they're so supportive and adorable. The way Vaggie looks at Charlie with so much love warms my heart.
Cherri / Sir Pentious - 7/10, I don't like Cherri all that much but I'm so happy that Pen got the girl in the end, he deserves to be loved.
Lilith / Lucifer - 5/10, Mostly it's low because I'm suspicious of Lilith. If she ends up not terrible then I could see it being higher but idk, it's sus for now.
Lute / Vaggie - 7/10, I enjoy the idea of them being exes or something like that. Or Lute being jealous of what Vaggie has with Charlie.
Niffty / Valentino - 10/10, Great crack ship. The fanart is hilarious and Nif's love of bad boys makes it a great concept. But I do pretty much only like it as a joke.
One sided Vox / Alastor - 15/10, This is 100% canon in my head. Vox is SO down bad for Alastor and took it SO personally that Alastor couldn't give less of a fuck like the aroace king he is. I love this SO much.
Valentino / Vox - 500/10, This is my Hazbin OTP honestly. These two losers are terrible people but I love them together more than I can even put into words. They just fit so well together and act like an old married couple.
Valentino / Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Velvette sees Vox and Val as her dumb gay dads and I'll die on that hill. They're more like a family and she's the glue that keeps the other two from imploding when they get pissy.
Velvette / Vox - 2/10, Not feeling it. Honestly I think Velvette is aroace and/or a lesbian. I just don't see anything romantic involving her and either of the other Vees.
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flynnarts · 3 months
CW: Spoilers and Swearing
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(G.I.F's by @asmodeus542 ) So I was on a call with my friend @minkschasijasi , and I was fucking SQEALING. StaticMoth is my fucking OTP and they are so adorable in these scenes. Like the hug, their duet, the way Vox leads Val in a little drop move in their dance and when they come back up they are fucking just- Val with that comforting gesture is so fucking yes. Their commentary througout the episode, (Vox mostly) and the LOOKS Val gives- The expressions that Vel makes through everything (her hair fucking slays) I love the goobers so damn much I will cry over them because I love them so much and I SWEAR. Vox is just a silly sad man who I love and he's so immature but so perfect and I love him so fucking much and I swear to whoever is up or down there I love them all and UGHHHHH. He just needs attention, a huggos, a guy to tell him he's doing okay and he's amazing and I just love him so much his character his voice actor his everything even his personality and I UGH. Valentino too, like I love him so damn much his character design his personality his voice he's just my favorite whiny piss baby. I love how Vox cared enough to drop everything in his schedule (Ep 2) for Val, although it was probably because he knew Val would be a handful I still love their fucking guts and I want to give them all the best gifts, hugs, words, head pats, and UGHHHIEONIOEFhoiH VIVZIE I SWEAR. You gave me the BEST hyperfixation I had since BoyWithUke. Thank... god? Lucifer? Vox? Val? Whatever. Thank something that I don't need this to get out of depression, mostly because I've been happy lately. If I'm ever depressed though, I know all I need to do is turn on some BWU, get some ice-cream, grab my procreate to draw fanarts, call my broshimiskies, and just DIE in front of watching this show. I love the Vees they're my favorite beans and I just love and they're so amazing and they're the best things to ever happen to me since BWU and that's saying a whole lot like I bawled at his last concert and I haven't been able to feel anything close to that since now when I'm just staring at the screen I swear I love all these goofy goobers so damn much and this is starting to turn into such a hard to read rant but what the fuck anyway. I Love this show, I love the characters, I love the community, I love everything. How dare the cliffhanger, like Lilith has been in Heaven? That probably confirms that Eve was the one in those flashbacks. Speaking of, Lucifer fucking SLAYED that scene with Adam. Like the whole "I Fucked both your wives" Joke was amazing, and that reminds me of when Vox just screamed and did *that* on the table, and Val and Vel just looked so dead but so loving at the same time and they're so amazing. I love that they're amazing and I swear to fuck that I will die on this hill. StaticMoth is my OTP, the Vees are my main bois and girls; I love everything else as well. HuskerDust comes in a close second though.
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rustyvanburace · 23 days
nanananan nanashi 4 ask game🥹
favorite thing about them: NANASHI HAS STYLE, and I will die on that hill. People bitch and moan about Nanashi's "ugly" design, but he is PUNK and that fits really well with IVA's themes. I'd rather have a protagonist with a totally unique appearance than yet another bland kid. Maybe that is antithesis to the roots of SMT (they've always favored bland "nobody" characters), but I am nonetheless sticking to my stance. I love that he is dressed for the part as a Hunter, but still embraces his own sense of identity and style -- which frankly is important and natural for teens. I feel the same way about Asahi's own style. I love that Nanashi's design incorporates aspects of the two Akiras from IV. HE. HAS. GOOD. DESIGN.
least favorite thing about them: Once again this is more of an issue I have with IVA's writing and it is not solely about Nanashi, but I do wish that IVA did explore Akira's motivations more (especially with rescuing his sister, which is just absent in IVA) and how his actions and choices would've later impacted his later reincarnated self. There's a lot of stuff that Akira did in the background of IV that only barely gets examined IVA. Akira's "betrayal" toward the Hunters and Nanashi falling into that same fate makes for an interesting foil, but is just another foil that gets resolved way too quickly for my liking. Nanashi saves the day by repelling the Tokugawa Mandela and is immediately forgiven and praised by all with almost hardly any skepticism. Again it's an issue I have with IVA at large, but it still leaves me wanting more out of the characters and their development.
favorite line: Can I even say I have a favorite line from a silent protagonist, lol? I can say that I do like how "extreme" Nanashi is with his answers, either being very openly kind to downright crass and cold. It's much more extreme than some of Flynn's answers in IV. Arguably it makes IVA's alignment choices too obvious, but I like that it gives Nanashi a polarizing personality and it fits with his design too. Plus some of his anarchy answers are downright hilarious.
Additionally, I'm also amazed at Nanashi's "Dagda!" voice clip in the massacre route. For most of the game, he calls for Dagda in such a high-pitched voice. But as soon as you're locked in massacre, his voice suddenly turns really gruff and deep. Lmao??
brOTP: HE IS BROS WITH EVERYONE. But especially with Asahi, Hallelujah, and Navarre! I love his caring sibling relationship with Asahi, I love him being best of buds with Hallelujah, and I love that Navarre is basically like the cool fun uncle to him.
I posted that stupid edit of Morcedai and Rigby earlier, but actually Nanashi and Hallelujah are WAY more like Morcedai and Rigby. That's them for realll.
OTP: Nanashi x Hallelujah NATION LET'S GO. I will absolutely ship them both as bros and as a pair! They have the best ever chemistry.
nOTP: Yeah so, I really do not like Asahi x Nanashi and I hate seeing Nanashi get shipped with adults. Stop it. Enough said.
random headcanon: I like to imagine that, even before the events of IVA, Nanashi has always had dreams of his past life -- just not as frequently or as "unusual" as they later would be, stuff that he'd just brush off and keep to himself. I also like to think that, partly cause of that, he feels a closeness or yearning towards the Sky Tower and Firmanent but cannot put into words as to why.
unpopular opinion: Nanashi's concept design (the one where he's older, has glasses, and the giant robot arm) sucks and I'm tired of people saying it is "superior" than Nanashi's final design. Maybe the older design would have worked better for an earlier story concept, but for the way IVA is now, it fucking sucks. You can't just switch Nanashi's design with that and expect it to seamlessly work with the game's narrative. People complain about Nanashi being a "discount Demi-fiend", but actually Nanashi's design is much more subtle and it HAS to be in order to work with the narrative. A giant robot arm is the very opposite of subtle.
God I'm just, so pissed at people saying Nanashi's design is "bad". I'm pissed I'm pissed!!
song I associate with them: I'm just gonna cross these out with all asks going forward, I am not good at picking songs lmao.
favorite picture of them: Once again, it's Nanashi's precious smile~!
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Thank you for the ask!!
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biohazard-4ever · 19 days
Ooh the amount of fun i have with pairing Leon w other characters, part of that is because Capcom will never make any ship canon so that way fans are free to run wild with their creativity
seriously tho i love Leon with Claire, Chris, Ashley, OCs, readers and all because it's just free for all and it don't hurt anybody lmao
Isn't that great? The amount of hate I've seen on twitter tho over ships is insane, people act like any of us hold some sort of fact about whether or not what we analyse about these characters is real and it's ridiculous, it should be fun, man.
Exactly my point, Anon!
If I want to ship Leon with HUNK, guess what? I WILL! I don't care if one probably does not even know about the existence of the other. I'm free to do as I please about it. I'm not trying to force-feed that into others, it is my particular HC.
If I want to HC that Leon has a dog, guess what, I can. If I want to HC Leon uses blue contact lenses and his eyes are, actually, brown. I fucking C A N!
Being happy and allowing others to run wild with their HCs is free and painless. If someone does not agree with my HC or Ships, just walk away.
I consider myself a "Leon-multi-shipper" to an extent. I have a very soft spot for LeonxAshley. But my absolute to-go OTP is Cleon! Like... It is my ship for life!
I'll die on this hill!! I don't care! ! ! !
It is so nice to live and to let live. Heck! Make Leon marry BOTH Redfields! LOL
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Dudebros being in the mha fandom are so odd bc they’re the same people talking about how “cool/insane manga deku is compared to anime deku”, bitch wtf-
Like yeah, sure, his vigilante arc DOES LOOK SICK and he is VERY COOL during that time, but also, the entire fucking point of class 1-A’s message to him is to tell hm “dude, this isn’t healthy for you” AND THEN HIS MALE CHILDHOOD FRIEND EMBRACES HIM!
The amount of times I’ve seen deku compared to other mc shonen characters bc of how much “better” the other mc is personality wise compared to deku is insane. It shows just how weird this fandom and shonen is towards emotional male characters.
They wanna make him oober big and strong and 7 feet tall and in a completely different style just like all might! But he’s not that. Time and time again mha manages to show positive masculinity, and it’s toxic male characters (not characters that are for jokes like mineta) aren’t misogynistic. And if they are subtly and realistically misogynistic, it’s called out by its female or male cast. Specifically kirishima and kaminari calling uraraka frail and Katsuki saying “you call that girl frail?”
Or when they say that uraraka is stale and boring, that she has no personality, that she isn’t her own character outside of deku. These are people who have literally READ THE MANGA! And it boggles my mind just how clueless and stupid these people are!
Izuocha isn’t my otp, not by a long shot, but these people will die on the hill that uraraka is uninteresting and that mha shouldn’t/never will be about love (AS IF OFA AS A POWER ISNT DICTATED BY LOVE WHICH I FIND RATHER IRONIC LMAO-)
Like I’ll die on the hill that Izuku will have an explicit or implied ending with Katsuki. If it’s an implied ending bc of publishing issues then in my mind horikoshi will juse post a page on his Twitter that he can’t even publish of them legitimately being gay and lovers after it’s over.
Anywho, this is just brainrot. No meta posts, just me being a dork for my gay people haha
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They should be symbols for the queer anime community after this tbh. (Art credits to @/mikahyuni on Twitter, idk if they have an account on here lol)
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gloster · 4 months
Tagged by @brazilian-whalien52
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Honestly- and this PAAAAAAINS to me to say since my middle-school self would be furious at me-but probably Troyella. Obviously, still love them. Still think of them fondly, but compared to other ships, they're on the lower end.
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
I'm TEMPTED to say troyella again since they were the ship that made me realize what shipping was- and how hard it can go for a fangirl. But in terms of a ship you remember watching, loving, and loving seeing their interactions, that would have to be Tom and Kimberly from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Their chemistry, their moments were the reason why I loved the show so much
I didn't know what ship or OTP meant, but they were the definitely the first couple I remembered LOVING seeing them together
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
That would be Troy & Gabriella. The movie wasn't enough for me, so I decided to make more stories on them
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
That would be a tie between InuKag and Robstar. Those were the top 2 ships I remember seeing TONS of Youtube videos and fanart in middle school.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
*thinks hard* I want to say....no. Least I can't remember. I just chill in my little corner with my friends, gushing & reading fics of our ships
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
The way I DESPISED LOATHED AND HATED TROYPAY with a burning, burning deep passion. Couldn't stand the ship. Still don't like the ship. And obviously, Tommy x Kat because NO NO NO NO
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Payurain in this WIP I'm really enjoying. Seriously, love these two boys
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Oh dear lord, my OTPS literally have their yachts at this point. And the list of the top ones constantly switch, but at the moment I can say my top 6 include: drarry, zutara, sheith, tododeku, payurain, and of course dickkory
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Oh. Dear. Lord. The way at least several ships can fit this question, but that belongs to my top 3 ships that were done so dirty.
OBVIOUSLY-and forever fuming about it-THESE TWO:
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Forever and ALWAYS THESE TWO that had everything. The history, the chemistry, best friends to lovers, ride or die, battle couple...and yet the writers were like, nah
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TO INFINITY & BEYOND BEYOND BEYOND: DRARRY . You can't tell me NOTHING. If Harry was a girl, they would have been endgame. If Draco was a girl, they definitely would have gotten together. I will forever stand on this hill
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I wouldn't dislike at all, but I can definitely say after the previous season, they got more on my radar and that would be Geto x Gojo. I've always been intrigued by their dynamic, but season 2 really showed so much depth in their relationship, their friendship, and how things went wrong. Just so well done and also extremely heartbreaking
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Maybe.....Honestly, I can't think of one. Like none are coming to my head. Closest one I can think of would be Alison x Emily or Spencer x Toby. The former because the toxicity of the ship, the way Ali manipulated and gaslight Emily's emotions was fucked up. Just as Toby letting Spencer think he was dead, let her think she found his corpse, and watch her break down...only to give a half-ass apology.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Honstly, Kyo x Arisa from Fruit Baskets- and that is solely because watching the way Arisa constantly rifled Kyo up was too damn hilarious.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics off?
Hands down, that would have to be drarry
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Probably two sides of the same coin. Different in many ways but similar in others. With drarry, both being just a boy in time of war. For zutara, the sun and the moon. Grump x Sunshine, which is a similar dynamic for many of my ships.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
Hands down, the quickest way for me to hate a ship is the following: A always loving B, B being OBLIVIOUS to A's affections even though the whole country is aware of it, and then when A finally moves on THAT'S WHEN B suddenly realizes OH MY GOSH I LOVE THEM. 🤢🤮🤬😡 I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Also, if the dynamic of the ship is unequal such as bully and bullied, in which the bully spends 90% of them torturing the love interest and then final 10% actually showing some care...NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
Tagging: @kila09, @dreamydrarry, @sebbies, @negrowhat, @goldentruth813, @starlitruns, @omgitsseddie, @sweet-potatah-pie, @narcobarbies, @bavariansugarcookie, @itsjustafia
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unholybinchicken · 4 months
santana for the ask gamee
OK buckle up homies. I am a Santana Lopez stan first, human second. Santana is best girl so this is probably gonna be a long one, answers under the cut...
favorite thing about them
She has such a big heart and is genuinely so sweet and caring and is ride-or-die as fuck for the people she cares about. Also she's just so fucking funny and she has these ditzy moments that are so comedically underrated.
least favorite thing about them
I don't like when the writers would use her to air grievances about cast members (but I also think "every time you so much as cooked macaroni and cheese together or farted" is funny and I'm sorry but I can't help but laugh every time I hear that). I also didn't like the dodgeball thing from s3 because it felt like the writers trying to justify Finn outing her (which absolutely isn't justified at all and I hate that there's still people in the fandom trying to act like it was). Also just like with Brittany's 'angry lesbians' comment, I didn't like the whole 'you need a 100% Sapphic goddess' conversation and the biphobia, especially considering it required two actual bi people (Naya and Demi) to utter those words (yikes).
I wish she could have stood up for herself a bit more when the feud with Rachel was resolved (because yeah maybe she took it too far but it wouldn't have gone there if Rachel hadn't overreacted to begin with).
idk if I'd necessarily say "least favourite" more than "most noticeable flaw" but she tends to spiral when she doesn't have control of a situation, which leads to things like the whole Artie situation and later the whole leprechaun thing.
(also ... again more of a "most noticeable flaw" thing than anything else I think she has low self-esteem and a fear of success but I could write an essay on that so we'll save that for another day)
favorite line
"First of all, that is offensive! He shot Martin Luther King!"
Besides Brittana (because they are besties as well as soulmates and wives), hands down has to be Sancedes!!!! I love their friendship. I love how in season 2 Mercedes laughs at all Santana's comebacks. I think they stayed friends way after canon ended.
I'm a sucker for Kurtana, Blaintana and Samtana besties as well.
Brittana ofc <3
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All ships with male characters but especially Finntana, Pucktana and Sebtana. I don't like the other main Santana ships either (Quinntana/Pezberry) and I don't like Dantana or Santina either (but I'm cool with multishipping as long as it's not invalidating her as a lesbian and as long as people aren't rude about Brittany, because Britt's one of my comfort characters as well)
random headcanon
I have so many Santana headcanons it's not funny but I don't know what the barometer of randomness is, so here's a list of them and ig you can decide which are the more random ones.
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Also I'm a demisexual lesbian Santana truther and I know there's others out there but I don't think it's a widely popular headcanon.
unpopular opinion
That I think she's overhated??? No fr I have no patience for people who call her irredeemable or a terrible person because she wasn't. Santana is best girl point blank period, and in my opinion, even though I love a lot of the other characters as well, she was the best part of Glee.
Santana's version of Don't Rain On My Parade is the superior version.
In terms of some fanon things, fuck JKR but Santana's not a Slytherin and I'll die on that hill. I'm not a fan of the cutesy nicknames people give her in fanfiction. Also her abuela would never allow her middle name to be Diabla so fuck Ryan Murphy for putting that into the universe.
(also idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not but the people who are whining that kevin and jenna talk about naya/santana too much on their podcast seriously need to get a life)
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
There's too many of them to narrow it down to just one but I'm gonna have to go with weddingtana ...
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she's so happy and smiley because she just married her britt-britt and they're WIVES!!!
(we did it joe)
anyway, this was fun, please send in more asks, I really enjoy doing them
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ryttu3k · 5 months
Astarion, Wyll, and Shart for the chara meme? :3c
[send me a character]
Under the cut! Spoilers for all three of their arcs.
First impression: …tragically, it was "oh hey, he's the dude that fucked a bear." That was where I first learned of BG3. It was… memorable.
Impression now: My baby. What a shitbag. Needs a hug and possibly a slap upside the head. Meet me in the pit, Cazador. Blorbo of the year.
Favourite moment: Discovering the dungeons in Cazador's palace. Dude's going through the first four stages of grief all at the same time and Neil Newbon sells it. …That, or, "W~ell, apPARently there's a limit. Somewhere between a ~nice summer's day~ and the fuLL CONCENTRATED POWER OF THE SUN! *deep breath* [Astarion disapproves]"
Idea for a story: I have a whole list of the fuckers, but one I've been tentatively noodling at is an AU where a god does, in fact, answer him. Namely, Lathander. By the time he meets the rest of the Tadfools, he's been a Cleric of Lathander for about a century, and, yes, is also a vampire spawn. It's okay he and Lathander have an understanding.
Unpopular opinion: He was a Sun Elf. I know they're rare I know he's almost certainly a Moon Elf based on his hair colour and living in Baldur's Gate but I will die on this hill that he was a freckled, gold-eyed Sun Elf for the tragedy, okay. Ties in with the above story idea, too. He just loves the sun 😭
Favourite relationship: I have five OTPs for this jerk. Five.
Favourite headcanon: He's going to discover a talent for creativity and crafting. Embroidery and making perfumes and fragrances, yes, but also he's going to get quite into sketching, origami, all sorts of stuff. Post-game, he'd totally have a craft room.
First impression: Designated hero, probably would be the main character without a Tav/Durge.
Impression now: Designated hero, probably would be the main character without a Tav/Durge, complete with all the complexity and fucked-up-ness (positive) that implies <3 He's still very much A Hero but he's definitely more complicated than just A Hero.
Favourite moment: Meeting Karlach face to face and realising Mizora has deceived him. He knows he's going to have to defy her and he's goddamn terrified but he barely even hesitates to do the right thing and keep Karlach safe.
Idea for a story: Ooh man I have one bobbing around about Wyll seeing Astarion's scars and realising he recognises them. Inspiration for wanting to save people, versus the helplessness of being all of sixteen years old at the time.
Unpopular opinion: Honestly I still go back and forward between reconciling with his father. On the one hand, I like seeing them move on and heal. On the other hand, he was seventeen years old Ulder you absolute fuck.
Favourite relationship: With Karlach. Probably due to design since their stories are interwoven, but I love how they just go from like… him being dedicated to killing her, to being so ride or die for each other that Wyll is willing to go to the Hells for her - and that Karlach is willing to go back somewhere she's said she'd rather die to return to, solely because Wyll promises he'll be there with her 🥺
Favourite headcanon: While chatting idly to Volo in the Elfsong, he learns Volo has that prosthetic eye handy. After breaking the pact with Mizora, Wyll approaches Volo and asks if… maybe he could have it, and replaces the stone Sending Stone eye with the Ersatz Eye instead. It's a hell of a relief.
First impression: The Mean Girl tbh
Impression now: She is baby. Let her grow night orchids and feed pocket mice.
Favourite moment: Reunion with her parents ;_; I goddamn cried. Let her make her own choice and she let them go; when I do a Shadowheart Origin run she's going to choose them to survive and will get so many hugs.
Idea for a story: Got a silly little slice of life thing about getting frustrated at her hair getting tangled so easily in the wilderness, and Halsin teaching her some herblore for hair care. Alternatively, swimming lessons!
Unpopular opinion: Not sure if it's unpopular, but I find her the most unlikeable character in act 1 and a lot of act 2. I know a lot of it is her upbringing, and there are moments of sweetness (like with the night orchid), but otherwise she just kind of annoys me.
Favourite relationship: With Lae'zel. They instantly and immediately clash. They're also extremely similar, in that they both grew up in cult-like surrounds led by dangerous figures, and have to learn to find their own paths after breaking away from those surrounds in absolutely heart-wrenching circumstances. I think once they realise that, they'll start to develop a ridiculously close bond.
Favourite headcanon: She tended to avoid the full moon just because of its association with Selune. The first time she intentionally sits and communes with the moon at night, it'll trigger her first transformation going Full Werewolf and she will be quite surprised.
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azurelyy · 1 year
ShikaIno 😛
Omg Silver!! An opportunity to scream about one of my OTPs? You're too kind! <3
Ship It
What made you ship it?
The real question here is what doesn't make me ship it? I love everything about these two! No one can convince me Ino didn't love Shikamaru lol. Like yes, Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke. Whatever. I truly believe Ino had no idea what she was feeling for Shikamaru was pure love due to societal standards (who should a girl her age have a crush on, someone who looks like Sasuke or someone who looks like Shikamaru?) as well as ignorance on her part from not understanding how a relationship/crush can grow and evolve over the years.
ShikaIno just hits different, and if you've never shipped them or think they only have platonic love then I get that and that is a valid opinion, but to me, the writing was on the fucking wall that these two were meant to end up together until Kishimoto scribbled all over it and made the pretty cursive into a garbled mess of unintelligible lines.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I truly don't know if I can pick a favorite thing! If I have to choose something, then I guess today (as it really does change day by day for me), I would say the way they build each other up because I am feeling soft. kjsdjhnfsdjk... Like... I'll just leave this here.
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3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think just me having this ship is an unpopular opinion, lmao. They should have been canon and I will die on this hill.
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dunmer-pussy · 1 year
saint-14 for the ask meme
Send me a character, I'll answer the prompt.
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Favourite Thing About Him
HIS DESIGN!! He's very big and chunky and he also has a really fuckin cute face. And his color pallet is really sound and balanced, usually dark purple/yellow doesn't work, but when it's gold and dark purple it's. excellent compositionally. His pallet is not only balanced but speaks volumes symbolically about the kinda guy he is -- rich and storied, imperial and even royal, matching his revered status as a legendary Titan. He doesn't look approachable but he is, which is a fun contrast. What you expect may not always be what you get!
Least Favourite Thing About Him
Nothing that I can think of! When I like a character I like a character, I don't really think about what I dislike.
Favourite Line
The line he says when you walk up to him wearing Helm Of Saint-14! "Ha ha! You look like me! Let us confuse Zavala like this!" It's so fucking cute.
Uhh probably w/ the Young Wolf! I feel like they'd be. Very destructive best friends.
I KNOW IT'S CANON BUT O14 DOES SOMETHING TO ME. And while not exactly an OTP I like to think about what a relationship between him and my main Titan would look like.
Saint/literally any woman. that is a gay man right there people.
Random Headcanon
I don't know if it's canon but it probably should be -- he can sing. He often serenades Osiris whenever they're together, and he likes singing to and with the Tower children. And he can absolutely belt shanties and bar songs like there's no tomorrow.
Another is that because of his love for pigeons he has one tattooed/engraved on his chest! And aside from the typical rock dove his favourites are mourning doves, the Nicobar pigeon and the Luzon bleeding heart dove.
Unpopular Opinion
I don't usually dip my toes into wider fandoms (for good reason, especially w/ what I've heard of Destiny's fandom) so I can't really determine what would be considered a popular/unpopular opinion, but I know that this is a subject of debate in various other fandoms that have had canon-gay or canon-lesbian characters.
I think it's. Weird to ship him w/ women. Like idk? I've had people in the CR fandom absolutely attack me for this but it feels like. Erasure in a way. Especially when, in my knowledge, explicitly gay characters are so often underrepresented in not just mainstream sci-fi medias, but in FPS games. Rep is getting better in this day and age and Saint is part of that rep. I dunno, kinda hard to articulate.
Song I Associate With Him
this reminded me that i need to work on making a fucking playlist for him. but uhh.
THIS right here. I think suits him well. Mainly in the context of his relationship w/ Osiris.
"Let me die, let me drown / Lay my bones in the ground, / I will still come around when the time for sleep is through. / Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale, / Do not weep, do not wail, / I am coming home to you."
Favourite Picture Of Him
I have two!
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destiny invented gay people first up. osiris sharing is caring
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second: LOOK. HIM FACE. HE IS. SO FUCKING CUTE. MOVE OVER OSIRIS. who looks like he's tenderly cupping saint's face and going "Honey. Love of my life. Beloved. My little dove. You are so unbelievably insurmountably stupid. But that's why I love you."
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mikuchan · 14 days
S and T for the ask game!
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
lightly STPF related, Minthara and Alfira are both useless in a kitchen. Without wife-material Lakrissa stepping up, they'd both just exist on tavern food + whatever the bg3 equivalent of TV dinners are. Minthara's never cooked for herself (previously had servants, now has Gale) and Alfira just strikes me as the type to get distracted and let whatever she's doing burn.
following that, however (and this is something I was talking about with miss gaeldricge and with my husband, so not all mine) I DO think Minthara would get really into dinner planning. She's methodical, she's a snob, she was canonically distracted from killing heretical enemies because they invited her to dinner...she would research the hell out of the city's finest restaurants, plan the most incredible menu, a wine pairing for every course, incredible outfits, etc. It would not be a relaxing date (there'd be lots of pressure to appreciate everything just right) but it would be a very fine and elegant one.
on a Tav note, my girl Findingway was supposed to just be a vessel for research/screenshot gathering, but now I really like her. She has a million gold & camp supplies, and I hc that after the game she just takes all that and opens a little boutique wine shop in the city. She's a wild magic sorcerer (also now has Oblodra-brand exploding blood), and post game she'd get really into making fucked up magical mixed drinks. But, she's also a bit of a control freak and getting super into wine types and tasting notes and all that finnicky stuff is very up her alley.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
I'm sorry to be a horrible gemini - but like with OTPs, I love loose and conflicting headcanons more than I love hard and fast ones. They all exist in the multiverse of my heart.
EXCEPT... I will die on the hill that every devil is bad at sex. Mizora is a pillow princess. Ditto for Raphael. They will insult your techniques while putting forth 0 actual effort themselves.
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