#The Irish Trilogy
chantireviews · 2 years
AFTER The RISING And BEFORE The FALL by Orna Ross - Historical Fiction, Irish Civil War, Family Saga
AFTER The RISING And BEFORE The FALL by Orna Ross – Historical Fiction, Irish Civil War, Family Saga
  Award-winning Irish author Orna Ross has created a volume comprising the first two novels of The Irish Trilogy, drawing from her Irish birth and upbringing for a special grasp of the country’s history, how its wars and political strivings have affected its people directly, personally, over multiple generations. Her two books take on a span of time rooted in the early 1920s and delve deeply into…
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duawheat · 2 months
i am going to spread my lynch brothers were all homeschooled up to like seventh-eighth grade agenda
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pyre-the-ren · 1 year
I love you, media and music based on folklore, mythology, and old stories passed on from generation to generation. I love you, people who take these sorts of things “too seriously” and begin genuinely analysing what’s generally overlooked as a silly story. I love you, people who both romanticise these stories and point out the very real horror that lies in a lot of them. I love you, people who refuse to let the stories and folklore important to their culture fade away, even when for hundreds or even thousands of years people have attempted to erase their history and culture. I love you, people who reclaim their people’s stories and tell them from the mouths of those it originally belonged to. I love yo
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eagna-eilis · 9 months
Star Wars Characters at a Family Wedding in Ireland
ANAKIN - Gets extremely nostalgic about his own wedding and makes his adult twin children groan in embarrassment. Is in such a good mood that he isn't even mad when Leia calls him a fascist for voting Fine Gael, and manages to give his grandson an effective pep talk.
PADMÉ - So resplendent that the bride is almost jealous but honestly how could you be upset with her she's just so nice. Gets giggly tipsy over dinner and waltzes with C3P0 afterwards. Touches up literally everyone's makeup for them throughout the night and does a better job than the actual makeup artist.
OBI-WAN - Waits til the night is winding down then magically locates a squeezebox, fiddle, a guitar, and a tin whistle and hands them out to start a sessiún. The sing-song goes on until 5am and it's all his fault. His signature song is 'The Lass of Aughrim' because it makes him feel all literary.
R2D2 - Has at least four too many double Jamesons and literally starts arguing with the wall. Shmii finds him passed out under a table the next morning, wherein he swears he's not drinking until Christmas.
C3P0 - Wrecks the heads of the hotel staff over dinner with all his requests, to the point of embarrassing the other people at his table. Conducts impromptu ballroom dancing lessons while the band plays and charms the pants off everyone with his patient explanations of how to foxtrot.
LANDO - Pulls out a deck of cards and starts a game of 21s in the corner. Absolutely swindles everyone. It's okay though because he puts his winnings behind the bar so nobody has to pay for their drinks after that.
AHSOKA - Brings enough weed to share with a chosen few, like an absolute queen. Ends up hanging out in the loo for ages rolling for herself, Sabine, Maz, Kanan, and eventually Ben. Despite her relative stillness and quiet, she enjoys the music more than basically anybody else and people will quote her fondly slagging Anakin over dinner for the next 20 years.
SABINE - Camera queen who tries to look like she isn't enjoying herself. Fools nobody because she keeps grinning and snort-laughing. Her photos are a thousand times better than the photographer's and are the ones that the couple use for their album.
HERA - Helps Leia gang up on Anakin about politics because goddamn it, Leia isn't wrong. Hands out isotonic powder sachets and paracetamols to everyone before they go up to bed. They're gonna need it.
EZRA - Gets so hyper after consuming so much 7up that Hera has to send him to bed before the DJ takes over from the band. Sneaks down later for the cocktail sausages.
DIN DJARIN - Couldn't get a babysitter so he's tucked up at home watching The Late Late and hate-tweeting it.
GROGU - fell asleep in front of The Late Late. Delighted when somebody brings wedding cake to the house the following day.
KANAN - Literally will not be at peace until the DJ plays Kenny Rodgers' 'The Gambler' because it's not a wedding without it. Once that's done he insists on 'Come On Eileen'. Somebody's gotta be the keeper of the flame of tradition, after all.
CHEWBACCA - Requests all the group dances. Rock the Boat, The Siege of Ennis, The Macarena, The Walls of Limerick, Chain Reaction. Bullies everyone into joining in, except Ben who is the absolute antithesis of craic.
LUKE - Every wedding requires at least one merrily drunk uncle and Luke does not disappoint. Suit jacket? Gone. Top buttons? Open. Tie? It's now around his head while he stands on a chair playing air guitar to 'Hotel California'. Ends up puking in a flower pot. Iconic.
LEIA - Would have been okay if she stuck to wine all night but a single gin and tonic on top of the shitty hotel merlot and suddenly she's having an hour-and-a-half political argument with Anakin. Embarrasses the hell out of her parents, brother, and son by smooching Han repeatedly while dancing.
HAN - Organises the pre-ceremony pints. His sotto-voce asides are funnier than anything in the speeches. Quietly sings along to 'Brown Eyed Girl' by Van Morrison in Leia's ear while they dance, prompting all that smooching.
FINN - Sneaks into the hotel's public bar to check the hurling scores on the telly then reports them back to all the lads. Keeps his wits about him regards alcohol so he can take care of Poe later but eats so much cake he feels sick.
POE - Holds court in the bar, telling long anecdotes about his life that are only 75% true. Dances and flirts with all the aunties and nanas and makes them feel great about themselves. It doesn't convince Ahsoka to give him a spliff, though, because she is immune to his charms.
ROSE - The boomers yell at her for getting the DJ to play 'Celtic Symphony' by the Wolfe Tones, but she calls them hypocrites who are oozing postcolonial shame. Anakin offers to adopt her because now she's the centre of the politics argument. Knocks it out of the park at the sing-song because she knows all the words to at least 20 rebel songs.
MAZ - The first to place her handbag down on the dancefloor so as to coax the other nanas onto the floor. Jovially flirts with every man over 18 and under 60 that isn't her blood relation. Asks Poe to marry her.
REY - Finishes at least three other people's dinners. Sings along very loudly to every song that the band AND the DJ plays. Can't dance at all but it doesn't stop her. Should probably check on Ben because she knows what he's like but decides that tonight he's his family's responsibility. Loses her entire shit when ABBA plays.
BEN - Zero craic, God help the poor craytur. Drinks brandy as an affectation and starts quoting James Joyce after four of them. Gets extremely mopey after brandy number six and ends up having a long heart to heart with his Grandda Ani. Cries then throws up. Auntie 'Soka gives him a joint to settle his tummy. Subsequently feels better and then knocks everyone's socks off singing 'Raglan Road'.
SHMII - Begs off the party at 10pm because she's 97 years old. Still makes sure that everybody takes their hangover down to breakfast the following morning for a Big Feed of rasher-sausage-and-pudding, and maybe hair of the dog if they're desperate.
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toaster-trash · 2 months
Just watched this shit for the first time there now
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And DID it make me cry?……..
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I’m not the same rn.
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atarahderek · 3 months
Fridge logic: Pangur Bán's heterochromia
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Somehow, it has escaped my notice until now that Pangur Bán has one green eye and one blue eye to symbolize the friendship between Brendan and Aisling. It was through Pangur Bán that Brendan met Aisling and formed a lasting connection. Aisling has green eyes, while Brendan's are blue.
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bchargoistheartist94 · 3 months
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everybody! ☘️☘️☘️
I want to celebrate this holiday by sharing my sketched portrait of Cillian Murphy as I want to congratulate him on winning his first Oscar for Best Actor which he received at the 96th Academy Awards! Yes, he won his first Academy Award for his amazing performance as J. Robert Oppenheimer in the “Oppenheimer” movie! He is officially the first Irish-born actor to win this achievement at the Oscars 2024! Isn’t that incredible? 🤩🤩🤩 I enjoyed the “Oppenheimer” movie and I can’t wait to what other movies he’ll appear in the future.
I hope he enjoys his holiday and I hope you guys, too! 💚💚💚 Have a wonderful and safe St. Patrick’s Day!
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“Ronan Lynch lived with every sort of secret.”
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iammistressofmyfate · 9 months
I blame (thank) @lizpaige for enabling me
Here's some thoughts on Single Irish Dad Ronan AU
Ronan is a single dad living in Ireland on a farm in the country.
He has two daughters Aoife (10) and Siobhan (7). The girls are bio siblings and they were adopted together.
Aurora and Niall are still around and live a few miles from Ronan.
Matthew is at university.
Declan and Jordan and their kiddos live in the city.
Ronan married his high school sweetheart, Aidan, and they adopted the girls not too long after.
Aidan dies in a tragic car accident, leaving Ronan alone to raise a 5 and a 2 year old (at the time).
Ronan hasn't dated in five years. He's pretty stubborn, taking care of his girls and the farm and getting by in the best way he can
Enter Adam Parrish, American tourist who gets his ass lost in the middle of the Irish countryside during a rain storm. His car gets stuck and he walks, in the deluge, to Ronan's farm, which is the only light source for miles.
Adam shows up, a la Jane Bennett in Pride & Prejudice, asking for help. He comes down with a nasty cold from a combination of international travel, poor sleep, and getting caught in the rain.
The Lynch household is fascinatingly chaotic. The girls are intrigued by Adam and Adam feels bad for imposing. He wonders where Ronan's partner is (Ronan still wears his wedding ring).
Adam and Ronan get to know one another and there's a mutual crush between them. But Adam thinks Ronan is still married and Ronan isn't sure he wants to date someone who is from another country across the Atlantic.
Adam finds a prayer card for Aidan and asks Ronan about him. They've both been single for a long time, for different reasons. They're both aware they have feelings for each other.
Aoife and Siobhan and the extended Lynch family all encourage Ronan to take Adam around Ireland. So Ronan does. It's hard not to fall in love with someone that way. Just the two of them, driving all around the country.
Ronan isn't sure what to do, with Adam having to go back to the states. He doesn't want long distance, especially with the girls, and Adam doesn't either. Ronan thinks they're just going to break things off and it was fun while it lasted, but Adam has other plans.
Unsure if Adam was already going to move to Ireland or if he does some finagling. He gets his own place, so he and Ronan can date, and not rush into anything.
It's a HEA (because of course it is).
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nothernghostbat · 6 months
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crimeronan · 1 year
in the irish language the fadas (accent marks) are Very important for spelling & misplaced/missing fadas can change the entire meaning of a word or sentence. it's less like spanish accent marks (correct me if i'm wrong but my native spanish speaking friends have told me they don't matter a Ton??) and more like spanish ano vs año. there's even a perfectly analogous irish version of this: cáca (cake) versus caca (shit. dung. poop. turd. cowpie. smely brown). if you hop on google and look up 'irish name fadas documents' you'll find a LOT of examples of irish names being misspelled on official documentation like medical cards and passports in/around the UK; the US which is home to a Very Sizeable irish-american diaspora Also doesn't allow fadas or accent marks or 'special characters' on birth certificates. (which has effects on many Many more languages than just irish)
i'm not at all offended or upset by people casually dropping fadas from the names of fictional characters Especially when typing them is a Gigantic Pain In The Ass on a desktop, and Also Especially when i don't know SHIT about how to use 99% of the unfamiliar characters in other people's languages. but! the accent marks in mór ó corra Do have an impact on both how the name is pronounced and what it means. they are vital components!
this is not a demand for people to cease dropping the fadas btw i truly don't mind or care, i have no emotional horse in this race. this is simply kitkat seeing a chance to infodump at the fortunate crossroad of two hyperfixations and fucking Sprinting with it. the world bestows upon me a variety of different mór tags and i start Vibrating At The Speed Of Sound like omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg can i tlak about her name tho. please please please blesse belelapsseee i'm fucking DYING to talk about her name,
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linnyphoenix · 1 year
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Pangur Ban
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hawkogurl · 6 months
I have unintentionally stumbled into something in which I will be writing Octogoblin (Au of this fic. Irish mythology based) and though it is normally not for me I have decided that I am fine with this. If norman is definitely Medb and Otto is Fergus who am I to deny them from living their truth.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on some revelatory news in the sci-fi/fantasy vein and how it pertains to who is possibly THE biggest male actor on the planet as of this moment in time -- summer 2023. 📸: Marco Grob for Universal Pictures.
"It’s never a surprise when “STAR WARS” is on a list of favorite movies, however dressing up as Han Solo for birthday parties (yes birthday parties, not Halloween) is the epitome of a true super fan. The unique personality of each character and how they interact and bond with each other is a reason that Murphy sets it aside from most mainstream films, noting that he cares more about characters and less about the plot of a movie. 
"I remember being completely transfixed by it,” Murphy said to Deadline, recalling the action figures and other “STAR WARS” toys he played with as a kid. “It’s always been the characters for me.""
-- INDIE WIRE, "Cillian Murphy’s Favorite Movies: "Scarecrow," "La Haine," and More Films the "Oppenheimer" Actor Loves," by Marcos Franco, July 31, 2023
Sources: www.indiewire.com/gallery/cillian-murphys-favorite-movies-oppenheimer, ILM, & NME.
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mariemariemaria · 1 year
There are so many books I wanna read and so little time
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atarahderek · 1 year
Song of the Sea: A Criticism of Bronagh
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Bronagh is probably my second least favorite character in the entire Irish Folklore Trilogy by Cartoon Saloon (nothing can beat Oliver Cromwell, but at least him we're supposed to hate). It's not that I hate her, but I do think she's a terrible person who didn't deserve her family, because the only reason she had them was to use and lose them. So in this essay I will explain how Blue Diamond pulled a Pink, but in Ireland and with pinnipeds.*
Who is Bronagh? A Recap
For those unfamiliar with Cartoon Saloon's Song of the Sea, Bronagh is the mother of Ben and Saoirse, the protagonist and deuteragonist of the film respectively. She is a selkie, which is basically the Celtic version of a mermaid. She can shift between a seal and human form, and is considered to be part of the fairy (or fae) race. She wears her seal coat at all times, which allows her to move between land and sea at will.
On the night her second child, Saoirse, is born, Bronagh falls ill while in labor and is forced to permanently return to the sea, allowing her newborn to wash ashore for her father, Conor, to find. Bronagh's departure traumatizes both Conor and Ben. Conor believes his wife has abandoned him and has no idea why, and he's left in deep depression, especially on Saoirse's birthday. Meanwhile, Ben develops aquaphobia because he believes his mother drowned at sea. He wears a lifejacket wherever he goes for this reason.
Bronagh remains absent for six years, until one Halloween night when Saoirse, embracing her selkie heritage, sings the titular Song of the Sea, opening a pathway for all fairy kind to travel to Tír na nÓg, the land they originally came from. Bronagh does not stay long, however, and bids her family farewell for the final time, taking Saoirse's seal coat so that the girl can stay with her human family. They never see Bronagh again, and are honestly happier for it.
As they should be. Because frankly, Bronagh is a grifter.
The legends surrounding selkies typically involve either humans or selkies seducing one another (usually men of either species seducing women of the other species), resulting in an inter-species marriage. If a selkie woman marries a man, this is usually because the man found and hid her seal coat, preventing her from transforming back into a seal. When she finally finds the coat, she returns to the sea forever. In one legend, a selkie maiden willingly takes a human husband, and when he goes out to sea in a storm against her warnings, she's forced to rescue him. But because of the specific rules established in her legend, she is then unable to transform back into her human form, and has to remain at sea, separated from her family. In some forms of the legend, the selkie is able to hide their identity from their lover, out of fear they will lose their seal coat and be trapped on land forever. But in these legends, the selkie is always forced to return to the sea by one circumstance or another, thus having to abandon their lover.
The gist of all this is that selkie-human marriages always end in a broken family. And the selkie frequently leaves behind children.
Bronagh's Secrets
Now, in SotS, it's established that Bronagh and Conor are happily married, with seemingly no coercion from either party. Bronagh is free to wear her seal coat all she likes, and Conor knows she's a selkie. It's only when Saoirse is born that Conor makes a habit of hiding away the seal coat for fear of losing her like he did her mother, resulting in Saoirse becoming mute without it. It comes as a shock to Conor when Bronagh returns permanently to the sea, abandoning him and their children. Obviously he was previously unaware that Bronagh could not continue living both on land and at sea, and that she would eventually have to return to the sea.
But this isn't the only secret Bronagh kept from Conor. As one party in selkie-human marriages is wont to do, Bronagh was using Conor for her own gains.
We learn from a group of fairies that a selkie is needed to open the way to Tír na nÓg by way of her singing. Saoirse specifically seems to be the selkie required to do this. Because Saoirse is half human, she thus represents a connection--a bridge--between the human realm and the fairy realm. Ben did not inherit Bronagh's selkie magic, so even though he is technically half selkie himself, he's unable to become that bridge. There's also an implication that Bronagh knew that in order to assure that Saoirse had selkie magic, she would have to birth her at the expense of her life on land. Saoirse is the product of Bronagh's real goal; to create a bridge and open a pathway for her kind to their realm. For this she needed herself a patsy.
Enter Conor.
The Grift
Conor is a gentle lighthouse keeper. He is strongly introverted, has a love of the sea and doesn't let his overbearing mother dictate his life. He is well aware of the legends of selkies and is determined to not be that kind of husband. But he doesn't know everything he needs to know about them, and that suits Bronagh just fine. What he doesn't know can't hurt her, right? So Bronagh tells him all about where she's from, and together they dream up an idyllic life split between sea and shore. But what she doesn't tell him is that she wants him for his DNA, and once she gets what she wants, she's outta there. She leaves him bereaved and confused, with two children to raise on his own, both of whom can be read as having special needs because of their trauma and/or the circumstances of their birth. And one of those children she only produced to be a tool, just like Conor.
All this, of course, leaves poor Ben in the painful and unfair position of having to repair his entire family practically by himself at ten years old.
While I can understand that Bronagh would be hesitant to tell Conor exactly what her mission was, the fact is that by not telling him, she was exploiting him and their children. Conor was just a cog in Bronagh's machinations. She didn't marry him out of love, and she basically captured him and held him captive. Which makes her no different from any other selkie legend, except this time it's the wife doing the exploitation rather than the husband.
Basically, Bronagh is not a good person.
Consequences and Conclusion
If Conor had known the truth about Bronagh's mission, there's certainly a decent chance that he would've opted out. But what if he hadn't? What if he was so in love with this seal maiden that he agreed to help all her people? Had that been the case, he could've better prepared his children for not only the day Bronagh had to leave, but also for the day Saoirse would fulfill her purpose and open the path to Tír na nÓg. And he would've been better prepared himself. Bronagh could not have foreseen that her actions would ultimately lead to the main antagonist Macha's redemption, and the fairies whom Macha had turned to stone being set free after Ben was forced to confront his own trauma and the emotions that came with it. So Bronagh pretty much just traumatized her son because she wanted to keep her secrets. The trouble and pain she caused did ultimately have a greater good come out of them, but that was certainly not her doing.
Now, while I don't think Bronagh is a good person, I do think she is an effective character. As I said, her actions ultimately lead to all of the fairies being freed and Macha being redeemed and reunited with her son MacLir. Had Conor been completely on board with Bronagh's plans, there might not have been as important of an impact on Ben, and he wouldn't have been in a position to help Macha. So from a story writing perspective, Bronagh works quite well. But as a wife and mother, Bronagh fails utterly. As a selkie, she's so typical it hurts.
Moral of the story: Don't marry a selkie unless the contract includes an ironclad absolutely-no-secrets clause. Or just...don't marry a selkie, period. Save yourself the heartbreak.
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