ctrl-alt-tahu · 21 hours
Counting Turaga
So... open question to the Bionicle fandom: how many Turaga are there? Or, perhaps, putting it better: how many Turaga are there supposed to be?
Without really thinking about it, I have two not-quite-compatible mental images, which we'll call "Plenty of Turaga" and "Turaga are Rather Rare."
Plenty of Turaga comes from the original years of the saga: there are six of them, one per village, as many as the Toa. There's a footnote on BioSector01, on the Turaga page, that Greg said there were more Turaga than Toa left at the end of the story (so, "more than 58" as the page put it).
On the other hand, the rest of the saga really has me imagining fairly scarce Turaga: there's never more than one mentioned in Metru Nui, Jovan seems to have been a Turaga alone. The norm seems to be: one Turaga, one village. Metru Nui, in particular, seems to highlight this contrast: there were 11 Toa Mangai, but there's only one Turaga.
Thinking about this, I suppose that it's partly just attrition: the same thing happening to the Turaga that happened to the Toa by the end of the MU. And not every Toa is going to survive to be a Turaga.
What if it's by design? What if there aren't SUPPOSED to be that many Turaga? A village may need a team of defenders, but does it really need more than one sage leader in the same way? When the Great Beings made the first Turaga, how many Toa did they expect to transform?
What really has me thinking that the ratio of Turaga to Toa probably isn't supposed to be 1-to-1 is Destiny. If it really is the case (I've grumbled about this before) that only certain Matoran are destined to become Toa, why would it be the case that all Toa are destined to be Turaga? Doesn't it make more sense for only certain Toa to be destined to be Turaga?
(Sidebar: destiny in Bionicle is basically whatever you want it to be--it's as malleable as time travel in Doctor Who, but I don't think it matters for this argument if destiny means "programmed from the very beginning," "an ever-changing, ever-adapting plan of Mata Nui to meet the circumstances," or something else. At least as long as you don't stray too far toward the edges...)
I find that I actually really like the idea that Turaga might be rarer than Toa and only the destiny for a few of them, larger because it really makes the Toa Metru take center stage: if the norm is that only a few Toa become Turaga and then an ENTIRE TEAM becomes Turaga, that means they are special, right?
From a meta perspective, of course the Metru as special: they're the archetypes of Turaga for any fan who followed along from 2001. Having it turn out that they're actually a massive reversal of what is normal makes their personal destinies fit really well with the reveal that the island paradise of Mata Nui is not actually where they belong: fans imagine Mata Nui (and plentiful Turaga) as the default for Matoran, because we entered the story there, but an island paradise (and a whole Toa team becoming Turaga) is not what was normal in the MU.
I also like it because it lets you have fun with the "who really is the destined team of Toa" story, where Mata Nui is putting forward the Toa Metru and Teridax is nudging forward the Mask Matoran. If the Mask Matoran couldn't become Toa, then what was the point of that? Lhikan would give them stones, it wouldn't work, he'd take them back, and he'd try again (right?). On the other hand, if they were able to become Toa, what's the advantage to Teridax in picking those six rather than the other six?
My proposed answer: Teridax has no idea. He can just read the signs that Mata Nui wants the Metru, so being the contradictory bad guy that he is, he figures a different set of Toa has got to be slightly worse. After all, Teridax has picked off a lot of great Toa already--the new Toa will need to be superb to do what the Mangai couldn't, and if the new Toa aren't quite what Mata Nui wants...
But what Mata Nui really wants isn't warriors; it's wisdom. The Metru do important and valiant things as Toa, but the single greatest thing they do is sacrifice their power for the Matoran, and that was an act of wisdom. When Mata Nui picked them, he wasn't only picking Toa who could save them once in battle, but Toa who could save them again in transforming, Turaga who could lead them.
I think this takes a little bit of the sting out of the end of LoMN (not necessarily a good thing--bittersweetness and loss is a huge part of Bionicle--but I think we do want our faves to be happy and significant). If being a Turaga is special and rare, then there's a eucatastrophic miracle in all six of them becoming Turaga at the end: a miracle that speaks of hope in a dark hour.
Maybe it would also explain why they founded six villages on Mata Nui: one village for each Turaga.
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demitsorou · 9 months
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Woe, Teridax be upon ye.
2019-2020 works, featuring a few commissioned pieces.
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herora-nuva · 8 months
The Owl House is actually Bionicle (and its AWESOME)
Mystical island formed from the body of a long dormant god? Check
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Lonely but optimistic and adventurous, light-themed, ADHD coded, protagonist who is cast out from their home, doesn't fit in the islands elemental category system, and goes on journey of self discovery befriending more oddballs and learning to believe in themselves? Check
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Shapeshifting eldritch abomination villain with a god-complex that posed as the society's beloved authoritarian ruler and later possesses the body of the dormant island god for ultimate power? Check
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Hot wise old mentor lady with a staff whose backstory involves being forcibly transformed into a violent half-beast form? Check
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Are they the same? No. But are there a TON of fun parallels between these two stories I love? YES!
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azazelleviathan · 5 months
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 8 days
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Ok but what if Toa!Matoran!Teridax?
(A live-updating list of stuff I use can be found here, feel free to suggest anything not on that list via my askbox.)
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Yes okay thank you now I am somehow imagining Makuta painstakingly carving the most balanced Koli balls under Ahkmou's supervision
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kumatajdg · 9 months
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Birth of a Kraata
"Must I release those who should never see the light of day..?" New BIONICLE fanart to celebrate 810NICLE day!
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edward18 · 21 days
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Takutanuva was a character I was never quite satisfied with in his varied looks across the Bionicle franchise, so the other night at work I found myself doodling ideas for what he might look like if he ever showed up when I did Bionicle stuff =)
Also did a review of Bionicle if anyone wants to watch that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slpHB4OLWTA
More stuff's in my gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/warahi/gallery
Discord's over here if anyone wants to hang out and chat or anything: https://discord.gg/zxCJbHz
Patreon's here: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=49390038
Always open for commissions ^_^
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rrbobani · 9 months
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A little after Bionicle Day treat for y'all~
This is my MoL Takanuva and Makuta design. Makuta was a real piece of work to color and line tbh and while I might change his head design, I'm kind of liking how his entire body turned out.
And how could I not love my boy Takanuva? He's my fav and nothing will ever change that~ (right next to Kopaka)
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed Bionicle Day, I did~
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pencilcomics · 7 months
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Day 1: Evil
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ghost-mantis · 12 days
Headcanon that Skrall as a species are essentially doomed on Spherus Magna.
Even though they are warriors of the highest caliber, 100,000 years of war, starvation, and the loss of every female of their species leads to a slow, inevitable decline.
Ruthlessly culling any member of their species that wasn't a high-class warrior meant that there was no investment in education or skilled labor. The only way their society functioned was to rely on pillaging and slave labor to obtain food, medicine, and essentially everything that didn't involve stabbing.
Given their very rigid social system, it didn't seem like female Skrall had much say or power in their society. On Bara Manga, the second they did get mental powers they were considered a threat and banished to the wilds. Canonically, the male and female Skrall also separated into two societies on Bota Manga.
After that point, the population replacement rate was 0 and the male Skrall were in an endless war with the Agori for resources. While they never really lost fights, that didn't mean that they weren't losing people to disease, injury, and old age.
And then Mata Nui came along and curb-stomped the only leader-cast member of their species they had left. The remaining male Skrall dispersed into smaller groups led by named Skrall or high-tier casts.
And then Teridax came along.
A huge portion of their remaining population was atomized when Teridax blasted their home in the Black Spike Mountains. The remaining groups decided to join the free-for-all fight between the Agori, Toa, Rahkshi, and Skakdi.
And even as amazing warriors in a normal fight, there's no way the Skrall did anything but get their shit kicked in against armies of beings with ranged supernatural powers. A sword is great, but not much use when all your opponents can do things like suck the oxygen from your lungs, or summon a mountant to crush you without breaking a sweat.
Plus, every Agori and Glatorian hates their guts and wouldn't hesitate to gut any Skrull injured or trapped by the absolute free-for-all that was Bara Magna.
Anyone who survived the bloodbath and subsequent reformation of Spherus Magna, including adding Bota Magna Skrull to their ranks, is still looking at a very grim future.
The Skrall are now outclassed by almost every sentient species (and most wildlife) on the planet in terms of power and resources. Their home and leader cast are gone, and they have no slaves left (all killed or emancipated by Toa) to produce goods or labor. Their species is still split into two societies by gender and getting together long enough to have kids probably isn't in the cards.
A few Skrall are hired on by the Dark Hunters, but given their lack of powers, they would be best as cannon fodder, or as combat trainers to beings with greater powers.
Every other remaining male Skrall group is going to have their shit kicked in by every other group the second they try to cause trouble. And the Baterra are probably still picking off warriors whenever and wherever they find them.
Their population has plummeted over the last 100,000 years and the remaining members of the species are essentially the last generation.
The best hope their species has is that the female Skrall, being less militant and having no mental powers left, join with Agori or Glatorian society. They might be closely related enough that they can have children with the Glatorian or Agori.
If so, any future Skrall are at most 50-50 genetically split with another species. Subsequent generations will have thinner and thinner Skrall genetics, and they'll be extinct as an individual species.
Given that they were absolute bastards as a species and society in-canon, that might be for the best. Banishing every member of your society that can have children, and then going to endless war with every one of your neighbors forever is essentially biological suicide.
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sepublic · 8 months
There’s a funny juxtaposition with how the Toa Metru are considered the most dysfunctional of our protagonists, yet did the most to avert Makuta’s schemes and frustrate him; Whilst there’s something tragic in how the Toa Mahri are considered the most cohesive and put-together, only to be the most useful to Makuta, his most unwitting pawns.
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askteamspirit · 9 months
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This is not a post I ever expected to be able to make honestly! When I started this blog “10 years from now” wasn’t something I ever seriously considered. It felt like forever.
Hello eternity!
In some ways it feels like nothing has changed at all, both in good and frustrating ways
In others, especially this month, things have changed way way too suddenly
I’m so incredibly grateful to everyone who’s stuck around, both since the beginning and since I restarted in 2020
Blogs cameo’d in order are @askteamshelds lyra-and-leon @ask-thepoketrio @askteamterry askjollydagonite @askomni @the-army-on-the-horizon @askunown @askthetraveller @asksavel @flake-n-rudy
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demitsorou · 1 year
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This was an opportunity and I took it
Took longer than I calculated though
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toacody · 5 days
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Ultimate Dume/Teridax
"The Shadow. Has. ARRIVED!!!!"
Creator: TrueAlucia
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toaarcan · 4 months
I think it's interesting that we see Icarax fail badly in his fight with Teridax, tiring himself out by physically assaulting his heavily armoured form and allowing him to take a swift victory with his powers.
And then later in that same year, we learn that Icarax went up against another incredibly powerful character in the form of Botar, and rather than throw himself into a fight, everything seems to indicate that he just immediately goes for his magnetism powers and crushes him with a wave of his spidery fingers.
Icarax gets viewed as a dumb brute because that's how Mutran sees him, it's how Teridax sees him, and pretty much every other Makuta agrees with him, but the guy isn't stupid. He's clearly learned from his mistakes fighting Teridax (true, he underestimates Ignika later on, but the guy's probably killed hundreds of Toa before, he bodied all six of the Toa Nuva and took Gali's Nova Blast to the face and all it did was relocate him, I can forgive overconfidence when facing a Toa), he recognises that going to Karda Nui is a bad idea and initially refuses, he figures out that awakening Mata Nui is a bad idea, even if he's not aware of the full details, and he's the one that convinces Krika to actually rebel against the Plan rather than just giving vague warnings and being sad. Sure, he's not doing it for good reasons, and he's basically just trying to get someone else to endanger themselves for his benefit, but my point isn't that Icarax is nice, it's that Icarax is smart.
If Icarax has a weakness, it's being focused on achieving victory solely through martial conquest, and to his credit, he's very good at that. Before he gets devolved, he's probably the most skilled warrior in the entire MU, and even after he's injured, it takes three Makuta working in conjunction to actually defeat him, as he would've killed Gorast and Vamprah if not for Mutran's interference.
But that doesn't mean he's not smart. He might not be a super-genius like Teridax, but he was clearly sharp enough to spot what the rest of the Brotherhood missed, and he had the drive to do something about it.
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