#Teen Raccoon
acapellafics · 7 months
Second place medal
I'm steadily infecting my friends YouTube feed with dsmp content and he heard the famous 'Hitting on 16' audio and all I could see was Mysterion and the Raccoon so I threw a one shot together of the boys as teens.
Another quiet night of patrolling South Park with select members of the Freedom Pals, Mysterion had recently branched off from Raccoon and friends with a few other heroes that were getting sick of his favoritism.
Tonight Mysterion was hopping from rooftop to rooftop as usual listening for Chaos or even civilian criminals, sure enough he stopped a few of Chaos' minions from dumping 'lava' in front of businesses and homes.
Feeling the phone Tupperware gave him buzz against his thigh made the vigilante duck into the shadows to answer the text, he groaned seeing that it was from the Raccoon.
'We need to talk Kenny' of course he wouldn't care about identities because to the others they were just pretending,
'You can pick the location but it has to be tonight 🦝'
Mysterion rolled his eyes checking his surroundings, his legs had carried him to the rooftop of city hall as usual. He'd done his normal parameter check and then wove through the sleepy town stopping Chaos minions as he went, he decided he could spare a few minutes.
'Fine Raccoon'
'Meet me in the alley that leads to Raisins in 5 minutes' he put his cell away and braced his legs before using trees and rooftops to return to Main Street where he waited perched on a street lamp for the portly 'Superhero' to meet him at their rendezvous point.
"Stupid Kenny making me come to this shithole alley" The Raccoon grumbled as he approached the designated rendezvous point failing to notice the vigilante on his perch,
"I'm here, come on out so we can talk!" He called out, arms crossed.
Mysterion rolled his eyes hopping down as lithe as ever watching the other boy jump hearing his combat boots hit the sidewalk,
"A serious hero would have checked their surroundings before entering a dark alley" he reprimanded his old 'leader' as he entered the alley looking down at the shorter boy.
"I'm totally a serious hero Kenny" the Raccoon growled out, the vigilante's expression made him take at least half a step back and his tail slid between his legs.
"If you were as serious as you say you are you wouldn't throw around my identity like it means nothing" Mysterion growled looming over the Raccoon watching him cower back a little,
"You'd treat me like an equal not an underling"
"I didn't treat you like an underling Ke-Mysterion" the Raccoon hissed his ears pointing back,
"I'm the leader of Raccoon and friends. I seriously treated you all fair, you're just butthurt you didn't have as many movies or shows as some of the others but it has to be that way" he argued defensively.
"You treated everyone like they're below you, you know that my powers are real and you act like it's just a fucking game but it's not" Mysterion growled out feeling his cape angrily billow in the wind,
"You talk down to all of us and throw slurs at Human Kite on the daily. Do you know why he decided to stay with your group?" He asked.
"Because he knows the Freedom Pals is fucking lame" the Raccoon stated smugly crossing his arms,
"And our franchise plan makes way better sense" he smirked.
"No it's because of a very specific phrase I drilled into him before you chased half of us out" Mysterion growled lowly not fond of hearing the Raccoon shit talk his new team,
"Keep your friends close…and your enemies closer he's not stupid and knows exactly the kind of bullshit you'd pull if he left, he could have joined us and left you with just Fast pass, Mosquito, Captain Diabetes, and Super Craig but he knew damn well you'd personally make his life Hell so he stayed" he knew he was right and so did the Raccoon but he sure as Hell didn't want to admit it.
"God damn it Kenny! This is just a fucking game!" The Raccoon's shout reverberated around the cluttered alley,
"Come on you poor piece of crap! Do you want your share of the money from the franchise or not?! God! Kenny you forget yourself, you're not a hero, you're just some poor kid from the ghetto" his rage at being abandoned by his best friend boiled over and he lightly jabbed the vigilante's chest with a clawed finger.
Mysterion glared daggers at the fat boy in the Raccoon costume and smacked his hand away with a fast flick of his wrist listening to the plastic claws fall off and click on the sidewalk, he watched surprise flash through heterochromic eyes as the Raccoon backed away from him.
"Oh yeah 'Kenny you forget yourself'" Mysterion dropped the lower voice using a higher pitch to mock the Raccoon,
"Eric you forget where you stand next to me, you are in my shadow act like it." He loomed over the quivering 'hero' as he stepped around him getting ready to head back to the freedom pals school for the gifted and talented,
"Maybe it's no coincidence that every single idea you've had has failed under your guidance, you're a walking second place medal." A thick silence enveloped the two before Mysterion continued back to report his patrol findings.
The Raccoon stood there shocked to his very core as Mysterion's words sank in and cut him deeper than any weapon,
'You're a walking second place medal.' Mysterion's voice bounced around his mind as he trudged home not even acknowledging his mom's greeting as he went to his room changing mindlessly into his pajamas and crawling into bed.
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guardians-restart · 1 year
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Groot is the only one who can do "Air jail" without repercussions because everyone else gets bitten and/or scratched on sight (privileges of being the favorite child)
Also i really hope Drax visits the guardians very often because i have serious doubts about Rocket's babysitting ability
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raccoon-in-a-dumpster · 2 months
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he's the type of guy to get so drunk at a party his friends have to drag him away from someone cause he tried to pick up their girlfriend. then he vomits behind a bush.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 months
Family matters; Peter Quill x teen reader
*Author's note*
Well this request had been sitting in my inbox for awhile and I hope the anon who requested it is out there somewhere in the deep space of tumblr because I finally came around to writing it. It took some time due to life, work and moving houses during the holiday season but finally I was able to sit down and write this oneshot.
So as with any marvel oneshot there are some warnings of swearing, violence, and alluding to SA and r*pe but not on reader but a side character. So if the last warning triggers anyone just know it's not physically named but it is mentioned so I wont be butthurt of you wish to leave the story and not continue reading. Other than that I hope you all enjoy my darlings :)
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“How is it that everytime I come up with a plan we always get what we want? But whenever it’s you who comes up with the plan, we get captured?!” Rocket exclaimed as he dangled upside down along with Peter.
“I already told you it was a face off!” argued Peter.
“And we’ve told you that a face off is a trap if you’re facing off against a stronger opponent!” Nebula snarled.
“It was a pretty convincing plan at first but now I agree with Rocket and Nebula, Peter.” Mantis said.
“You are a dumbass, Quill.” Said Drax.
The Guardians of the Galaxy had decided to help aid Thor in the case of the slaughtering of Gods.  Shortly after they had parted, they came across the Aztec God temples but were soon ambushed by the Knights of Huitzilopochtli.  Thinking he could go against the Aztec God of War, Peter decided to meet with the God himself in what he liked to call a ‘face off’, however Huitzilopochtli had no interest in making any sort of bargain or peace treaty, instead he now had Rocket and Peter dangling over a lava pit while Nebula, Mantis and Drax were bound in chains by their wrists and ankles on top of stone tables.
He would first sacrifice Rocket and Peter to lava pit, but not before cutting out their hearts and feeding them to his prized jaguars.
“Quill, if we get out of this alive I swear I’ll rip your face off!” Rocket snapped as he wriggled in the chains.
“Yeah, yeah and even if we die you’ll still rip my face off. Just-just—let me think.” Huitzilopochtli’s servants soon brought up three large cages that each contained a jaguar pacing aggressively in their cages.  Hungry for blood.
“Let the ritual begin!” Huitzilopochtli proclaimed.  The drums began pounding as the chanters did their ritual chant.  Soon the Jaguar Knight came forward with a five inch steel dagger in his hands.  Suddenly a metal wire shot out and knocked the dagger out of the jaguar knight’s hands.  He let out a jaguar-like hiss as he looked up only to be kicked in the face by a young woman in pure black and grey metal suit that fit her like a glove.  A metal knife suddenly extended out from the wrist gauntlets and she cut both Rocket and Peter free from their chains.
“Come with me if you want to live.” The mechanical voice from her helmet said.  It was all a blur to the Guardians, the rescue happened to fast they hardly knew that they were escaping.  Metal and rock had flew across the air and soon the jaguars had been released and were attacking anyone close by, devouring their flesh and feasting on their hearts.
When the Guardians finally got back to their ship and took off Mantis turned to the young woman and thanked her.
“We are grateful for your help in rescuing us.” The young woman touched the side of her helmet and it let out a hiss as it unhooked itself from it’s hinges and she removed her helmet to reveal a young teenage girl with what appeared to be a cybernetic gears infused around her left eye and across her forehead (almost like a circlet).
“No problem. Although I didn’t expect to go saving the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Okay first question, how much for the cybernetic circlet on your head?” asked Rocket.
“Rocket!” Mantis and Peter exclaimed.
“Hate to tell you this Rocket but this high-grade of metal is infused to my body.” She told them.
“Never stopped me before.” Shrugged Rocket.
“I am Groot!” Groot snapped.
“I think the main question is how did you know we were down at that ritual chamber?” asked Nebula suspiciously.
“Like I said before I didn’t. I originally went to Huitzilopochtli for a faulty deal on some priceless metal my mom had struck a deal with him. My aunt was originally going to take the job but I offered to go in her place. After all, no one suspects a young girl to do any harm, right?”
“That’s the ploy I’ve done in the past.” Said Nebula.
“After securing the right metal and making the point to never cross Zaofu again, that’s when I heard the drums and I saw you guys about to become his prized jaguar’s next meal. Lucky for us, those beasts don’t have any real loyalty to him.”  
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on just a second there kid. You said you came from Zaofu? As in the Zaofu?” asked Rocket in awe.
“The very same. Unless there’s another planet in the galaxy by that title.”
“What’s Zaofu?” asked Peter.
“Oh-ho! Next to Nidavellir, Zaofu is the second greatest planet to ever exist. It’s home to some of the strongest and rarest metal in the entire galaxy. I would very much like to go there.” Rocket boasted.
“He’s right.” Said Nebula.  “The metal from Zaofu is not only said to be the strongest but also the most durable. It’s where—Thanos gained some of my parts to make me better than Gamora.” She said looking down at her arm.
“I thought I had recognized that material. That’s our regenerative metal. Able to put itself back together no matter how extreme the damage. But we’ve only ever used that on people with birth defects or amputees. Had my mother known that it went to Thanos of all people, she’d never would’ve agreed. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I’ve gotten used to it.” Nebula shrugged.
“I have to ask though, what is the Guardians of the Galaxy doing at the Temple of Huitzilopochtli? I mean I know you guys are willing to protect those throughout the galaxy but I didn’t think that included Gods of War.”
“It’s a long story.” Peter started off but Mantis said.
“We’re helping Thor with the God Killer.”
“Mantis!” hissed Nebula.
“What? She seems trustworthy.”
“God killer huh? That’s the first I’ve heard of it. I would’ve thought nothing could touch those deities.”
“So we thought too, but then we received a message from one of golden boy’s friends and apparently someone is literally slaughtering gods left and right. Already over 300 of them have been killed.” Explained Rocket.  The girl let out a low whistle and said.
“Hog-monkeys. Well if you’re going up against an opponent like that, you’re gonna need something a lot stronger to fight and protect yourselves with. Cause if you though old Huitzilopochtli was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
“You saying you’re allowing us to come to Zaofu?” asked Rocket.
“If you’re still up for it.”
“Well let me ask the captain about that, oh yeah it’s me. Yes we’ll go!”
“Rocket how many times do I have to say it I’m the Captain.” Hissed Peter under his breath.
“You know you really shouldn’t talk that way about your Captain, Quill. By the way, you never told us your name girlie.”
“Oh right how silly of my. The name’s (Y/n) Beifong. Daughter of High Lady Suyin Beifong of Zaofu.” She introduced herself.
“Wait, Beifong? You mean the richest family in the galaxy Beifong?” asked Rocket.  “Say, do you think once we get you home and return the metal you’re people have been swindled out of, we could probably get a little reward for our part in the trade?” (Y/n) chuckled and said to him.
“Slow down there Captain, let’s just get back to Zaofu and talk to my mother about this. She’s the one in charge of the economy.” And with that the Guardians set course for the planet Zaofu.
It was a beautiful planet of green and earth all over the landscape.  Lakes and rivers so crystal clear, they reflected the very sky itself and it’s two suns gave plenty of light but no heat to the land.  As the Guardians soared over the land they soon came across an advanced city entirely made of metal.
“Agent to tower; this is Agent Beifong Badge #349876 requesting clearance to land. Tower guard this is Agent Beifong Badge #349876 requesting clearance to land.” (Y/n) said after punching in a few codes on the holographic pad in front of her.
‘Tower to Agent Beifong, your request is granted. Welcome home Princess.’ A male voice soon came up over the intercoms.
“Just take us West of the palace and land 50 degrees West heading 0-3-0.” She advised Rocket and Peter who nodded and together they followed her instructions and safely landed their ship on top of a large landing platform that stood just feet from a large skyscraper tower of the palace.  (Y/n) grabbed the metal from her ship (that had been piggy-backed in the Guardian’s ship’s lower decks).  Their ship opened up and they walked down the stairway and there stood to their right about ten guards all wearing the same metal tight uniform (Y/n) had on.
And just ahead of them stood two women.  One wore the exact same armor but over her left breast plate was a silver badge in the shape of a star while the other woman beside her wore dark green tunic that rested over her green pants and sleeveless shirt.  The tunic cover had a metal collar going around it with each plate slowly increasing in size before decreasing again as it came back around. 
Much like (Y/n) a circlet rested over her head and she also wore gauntlets with metal plates in the shape of pentagons overlapping each other.  Both women looked fairly similar to each other in that both had greying hair but were fair looking, although the woman in the armor had a more gruff appearance to her while the other woman had a more gentle facial expression.
The guards all slammed their fists together, the metal from their armors sounding out a loud clank as they greeted the Princess on her safe return.  As (Y/n) and the Guardians stood before the two women, (Y/n) greeted them with a head bow.
“Chief, Mother. I have successfully secured the real metal we were promised and gave our message loud and clear to the War god Huitzilopochtli.”
“I never doubted you wouldn’t. You’re one of the best soldiers on the squad, and I’m not just saying that.” the woman in the black armor said.
“I’m just glad you’ve come home safely. And with some new friends I see.” The woman in the green tunic said.
“Yes, Mother, Chief Beifong, I’d like to introduce the Guardians of the Galaxy. They were prisoners of Huitzilopochtli when I went to secure the metal. About to be sacrificed to his prized jaguars. Guardians this is my mother and ruler of Zaofu Suyin Beifong, and my aunt and Chief of police, Lin Beifong.”
“That man knows nothing about diplomacy. Always kills first and asks questions later.” Suyin rolled her eyes.
“He is the God of War for a reason Suy.” Lin told her sister and she came up to (Y/n) and took the chess from her hands.  “I’ll take this down to our research facility.”
“Yes Chief.” (Y/n) bowed to her and both her aunt and the police force walked off towards the lab.
“Now I had asked this to your daughter earlier that since we helped your daughter recover some prized and rare metal that was promised to you, don’t you think we should be given a little compensation for helping her return what was rightfully meant to be yours?” asked Rocket as he rubbed his thumb, index and tall fingers together.
“Rocket!” exclaimed Mantis.
“How about this, we’ll talk about payment if you all stay for dinner and take some rest here tonight.” Suyin offered.
“As much as we appreciate that Lady Beifong…..” Peter started off only to be politely interrupted by Suyin.
“Please call me Suyin. Lady Beifong was my grandmother.”
“Suyin. We’re kinda in a tight schedule. Apparently someone’s killing gods and we promised not-very good looking Thor that we’d try and figure out who’s behind the killings.”
“Actually I might have some information in regards to that. But in order to go up against him, you’re gonna need some of our weapons and armor. Come, join me and my family for dinner and we’ll discuss everything.” With that suggestion and offer, the Guardians accepted Suyin’s offer and joined the Beifong family for dinner.
After coming to a negotiation, Suyin had her engineers and scientists build and forge the Guardians new weapons and tech to take down any gods like Huitzilopochtli’s forces and powers.  While observing the engineers add some new parts to their ship, Peter soon heard the sound of rocks being thrown around and crashing into a wall.
He went to investigate when he saw (Y/n) bending not only the rocks but metal as well.  Shooting out a metal wire to cut apart some trees and pull their branches off, or successfully transform the large boulders into various shapes before firing them at various targets.
“I thought I was going crazy at first seeing you do all that back at Jaguar-man’s palace.” She jumped and fired one of her metal wires which wrapped around Peter in a tight cocoon sending him on his back.
“Oh Star-lord, forgive me I tend to strike whenever someone surprises me like that.” She released her wires and they zipped back into her gauntlets while Peter assured her.
“No worries, I’ve had worse done to me before.” She helped him up and he asked her.  “So I’m guessing this is a normal after dinner activity for you?”
“I like to come out here to get away from it all. Don’t get me wrong I love my family to death but—sometimes I feel like I don’t belong here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Promise you won’t go blabbing to my mom about this?”
“Cross my heart.” Peter said as he crossed his heart for emphasis.  (Y/n) extended her hand and two small rocks slowly rose up from the ground over her palm and as she slowly wriggled her fingers, the rocks spun in a gentle circle around each other in a dance over her palm.
“Believe it or not, this ability I’m doing right now. I’m the only person in my family that can do this.”
“But don’t the Beifong family have the ability to control metal?”
“It’s true to a degree. The suit of armor that both me and my aunt Lin wear, it helps them control metal but without it, they’re powerless. Ever since I was a young girl and discovered I could bend earth to my will, my mother said it was because of my father’s gift. But the thing is, my father doesn’t have this ability, nor does anyone in his bloodline. I’ve tried to ask my mother for the truth but she always tells me that it’d be too much for me to bear.”
“So you think that your mom—”
“Cheated on her real husband? I doubt it, cause whenever I did ask about him in the past, there’s always this—pure hatred in her eyes. But she always told me that who he was didn’t matter. Baatar is my real father and my real brothers and sister are here. Aunt Lin is my real aunt and I am a Beifong through and through. But deep down I get this feeling that maybe I should make that decision for myself. On whether or not I should have the chance to meet him or not.”
“I get it. Sorta. I mean I thought that when I met my dad, he’d be everything I thought I’d ever longed for. Only to turn out that he killed my mother and tried to use me to conquer the entire galaxy. He may have been my father, but he wasn’t my daddy. I learned that from my real father after he had sacrificed himself to save me.”
“That’s heavy.” Whistled (Y/n).
“Yeah, it was. But Yondu was a good dad to me.” He said as he took out his Zune player.  “So your uhh—earth bending powers, how did you discover them?” Peter then tried to change the subject before he started to cry over his memories of Yondu.  (Y/n) smiled knowing this type of maneuver (her brothers did this all the time whenever they’d try to be strong and hardcore).
“Like I said, I was a young when it happened. I was just playing with my sister Opal out by the lake skipping rocks when suddenly as I reached out for one, my hands glew this bright blue light and the rock just shot up into my palm. We were both so scared that we ran to my mother crying in fear. I honestly don’t remember much after that but my mother had my aunt teach me how to control it. Got me my first metal-bending suit and I’ve been training with her ever since.”
Hearing her mention the blue light it perked Peter’s curiosity and he asked her.
“This blue light, can you describe it in anyway? Like what it made you feel when it came to you?”
“I—I don’t know how to explain it but….I do remember it being almost like my palms were on fire, yet they didn’t burn me. It felt like—like when you touch warm sand on a beach. Yet there was this feeling of—power to it. Like I could do anything with it.” Peter’s eyes widened.
He did remember that feeling when Ego told him about his Celestial heritage and taught him how to summon the light to his hands.  No but it—it couldn’t be? Could it? Could she really be his…….
“(Y/N)! Aunt Lin says she needs to speak to you about your armor! Says she’s got an upgrade for you!” one of her brothers called out to her.  She turned and exclaimed back.
“I’ll be there in a sec Wei!” she turned to Peter and said, “Better not keep Aunt Lin waiting. She hates it when people keep her waiting.”
“Yeah, yeah I better go and talk to the team about our next game plan. Also tell your aunt thanks for letting us use some of her police weapons.”
“She may not be happy about lending our weapons to non-Zaofuians but she’ll get over it, especially since it’s going to the Guardians of the Galaxy. But I’ll give her your regards anyways.” They went their separate ways and once Peter saw that no one was around, he took off sprinting towards Mantis’ room and rapidly knocked on her door.
“Could you be any louder at knocking Peter? I don’t think the others from Knowhere heard you.” Mantis whined with a groan.
“We need to talk.” Peter said urgently.  Sensing the urgency in his tone and knowing that this was a serious matter, Mantis allowed her brother inside and she shut the door behind her as well as locked it.  “You will not believe the conversation that I just had with (Y/n).”
“Are we being taken prisoners again?” asked Mantis worriedly.
“What no! No! Look, I know this may seem out of nowhere, but I want you to tell me first about when Ego found you and tried to make you feel a connection to the Celestial light.”
“Why would you want to know about that?”
“Just trust me Mantis. Please.” She looked into her brother’s eyes and saw the desperation but also some inkling of knowledge that he was going to fill her in on the details later.
“I had lied when I had told Drax and Gamora that Ego found me in my larva stage. He had actually came for me shortly after my mother had passed. Much like when Yondu came for you, he brought me to his planet and trained me just like he did you. But when I tried to make a connection to the light, all that awakened within me was my empathic abilities. Ego then told me that even though I’d never be able to help him with the Expansion, he still could find a purpose for me. And I had been forced to convince various of our other siblings to go along with us, before he said that I would only be used to help him sleep.”
“Wow, he really was a jackass.”
“Now will you tell me why you asked me about that?”
“(Y/n)’s ability to move earth, you know how she could bend those rocks back at Jaguar dude’s temple, turns out she has a connection to the Celestial light.”
“Are you saying that……(Y/n) is our—”
“Sister? I think she might be.”
“But how? When Ego died, you lost your connection to the Celestial light.”
“I don’t know. But the way she described the Light within her hands was exactly the same way it felt with me when I made my connection to it.”
“Did you tell her the truth?”
“Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaa—no.” stretched Peter.
“Peter we must tell her the truth. She deserves to know!” Peter stepped in front of her and said.
“I know she deserves to know but at the same time we can’t cause any family drama amongst the Beifongs. (Y/n) told me how everytime she brought up about her real dad, Suyin got this burning anger in her eyes and told her that they were her family, not him. And after seeing the way (Y/n) fights against Aztec Gods I’d hate to fight against her own mother and aunt.”
“So what are we going to do?” she asked him.
“I’ll think of something. Until I do, this stays between us okay? I mean it don’t tell anyone about this conversation to anyone else, especially Drax. You know he can’t keep a secret to save his own skin.”
“I promise.” She held out her pinkie and Peter wrapped his pinkie around hers.  “Sister’s promise.”
“Brother’s oath.” Peter replied back as they shook pinkies.
After about 3 days, the Guardians were finally ready to take off to find more Gods to save and check up on.
“We can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us Suyin.” Peter thanked her.
“It was our pleasure to help in aiding the Guardians of the Galaxy. And if you’re ever passing by this way again, our doors will always be open to you.” Said Suyin with a respectable bow.  The Guardians bowed back to her before heading back to their ship, but it was then Peter stopped midway up the ramp when he said.
“Actually, there is something else we’d like to ask for.” The rest of the Guardians paused and turned to Peter.
“And just what would that be?” asked Chief Lin suspiciously.
“We’d like to extend an invitation to (Y/n) in joining us.” Everyone but Mantis became wide-eyed.  “After our experience with the Aztec god of war, we realized that we are heavily out-manned and she managed to take down all his forces single-handedly while also saving our asses. And if ever we need a tune-up she would know more about how to fix your special enhanced metal material.”
“Quill, I only had to be with Zaofu’s engineers for only 2 minutes and I can get the hang of it.” Proclaimed Rocket.
“Still it couldn’t hurt to have an expert who actually came from the place of its origins be with us should we ever need it. Two heads are better than one right?” Suyin was stunned as she turned to her youngest child and asked her.
“This is up to you (Y/n). Do you wish to go with the Guardians?” (Y/n) looked between both her family and the Guardians with a heavy heart.  She then walked up to her mother and spoke from the heart.
“My heart will always belong to Zaofu. But from the days that I would be with Aunt Lin on missions, I have seen great suffering. Some of which has been at the hands of our own metal smuggled by black marketers. I feel like Zaofu can do more for the galaxy than we already have.” Suyin sighed as she closed her eyes.
“You are my youngest child (Y/n). And I had hoped to have you remain at my side for a few more years. But now I see that you are no longer a child anymore. And at some point, I must learn to let go. If you should ever wish to return home, we’ll be here waiting for you.” (Y/n) smiled and embraced her mother.
“I love you mom.”
“I love you too.” After embracing her mother, she stood before her aunt and prepared to surrender her badge but Lin held out her hand to stop her.
“Keep it. I didn’t make you an officer of Zaofu for nothing.” She bowed before her aunt before hugging her.  Lin smiled softly down at her and embraced her back.  (Y/n) then bid goodbye to all her brothers and sister as well as her dad before turning to the Guardians and joining alongside them.
As they entered and the ramp slid back up, (Y/n) took one last look at her family as they bid her goodbye and she wiped her hidden tears away and waved to them in return before the Guardian’s ship left Zaofu.
Now heading to their next destination to answer the next signal from some Light elves on Álfheimr (Y/n) soon spotted Peter on the upper main decks looking out into the endless starry sky.
“So what was the real reason?” she asked him.
“Huh?” Peter turned to her.
“The real reason you offered me a spot on the Guardians.”
“What are you talking about kid? What I said was 100% true. Rocket may think he’s smart but no one can really understand Zaofu metal than someone who was raised there. And…..”
“Peter, I know you’re lying.”
“What so you can detect when people are lying?”
“In a sense. My grandmother was born blind, so one day she ran off and found herself lost in a cave until she came across some badger-moles. They were blind just like her, but they used the earth as an extension of their senses. She learned out to see the world through the earth around her. Feeling seismic energy of people’s footsteps and even hearing their heartbeats through the earth. And when my mom and aunt were born, she taught it to them, and then Aunt Lin taught it to me. And last night, your heartrate was beating rapidly when I told you about my powers. So come on, out with it.” Peter sighed and confessed.
“Okay, so obviously you know how I found out my dad was a real douchebag and tried to destroy the galaxy. But before that, he taught me that being a Celestial he had a connection to the Light, and he taught it to me as well as Mantis. Even though Mantis didn’t have a connection to it, she still proved a purpose by awakening her empathic powers. As for me, I did have a connection to the Light. And it was that same connection that you said you felt when you first discovered your powers.”
“So you can earth-bend too?”
“No. I mean I did when I fought Ego, but after we had killed him to stop the Expansion, I lost my connection to the Light. Yet somehow, you still have it.” (Y/n) stared at him and slowly her harsh expression turned to shock as she cautiously said.
“Wait…….so, you’re suggesting that I—”
“Ego told me he spent eons trying to find a second Celestial to bring forth the expansion but each of his children failed him. So he had them killed. Millions of children slaughtered all because they couldn’t live up to his expectations, except me. And in a way, you. But your mom and the rest of Zaofu refused to surrender you to him. That’s probably why she never talked about your real father.”
(Y/n) was stunned silent as she fell to her knees.  She looked down at her shaky hands and Peter slowly knelt down in front of her.
“But he’s gone. He’s gone for good. We blew up his core and there’s absolutely no chance of him ever coming back. And if by some insane, unexplainable reason that he ever does come back, he won’t get to you. Because you’ve not only got your family on Zaofu on yourself, but you’ve also got us, Especially Mantis and I.” (Y/n) looked up at him and asked.
“You and Mantis are……”
“As surprising as it seems, yeah. She’s my sister. Half-sister but my sister nonetheless. And so are you.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and gently shook it which got her to smile.
“At least now I can say I’ve got another sister to add to the ranks.”
“Oh come on, having another big brother can’t be that bad. Especially if that brother is me. C’mon at least admit that I’m the coolest out of all your brothers.” She stood back up laughing as she walked away. “(Y/n)? C’mon (Y/n) admit it! I know you want to say it but you’re just too stubborn to admit it. Not every girl can say their big brother is a member of the Guardians, right? Right? (Y/n)! (Y/N)!!!!”
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domesticated-feral · 5 months
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raccoon!stiles for @thotpuppy for @teenwolfholidayfest
it feels like a stiles move to shift into his raccoon form just to find trail cams in the preserve and stand ominously in front of it for a few mins.
Down here is the b&w version and the scanned version of the sketchbook page that i drew him on with graphite! I don't do multimedia art that crosses over from traditional to digital tools often but I'm getting really into it as of lately.
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bettertwin1 · 10 months
I really hope we aren't actually bothering the old guys tho 😭😭😭
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gummygoatgalaxy · 1 year
My lil au where Rocket Raccoon and Pearl Possum adopt Beast Boy
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xekstrin · 6 months
Today in “kids in the gym”, this is the second time in a row I spotted several kids trying to sneak in behind me while I entered or checking to see if I had locked the door behind me when I left. The children yearn to be squished by the machines
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comic-art-showcase · 7 months
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Rocket Raccoon,Elsa Bloodstone,The Last American,Zealot,Cyborg Spider-Man and Terra for Pouchtober by Jerome Opeña
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waystarresourceco · 8 months
As mentioned in the tags/comments of this post, some headcanons on Kendall, Nate, and Shiv (but mostly Shiv) beneath the cut:
Warning for a slightly long list of bullets.
I tend to think Ken and Nate met first, while Ken was at Waystar Shanghai and Nate worked either at the U.S. embassy or had some kind of foreign policy fellowship. The friendship carried over when they both came back to the U.S.
Below is how I imagine Nate and Shiv may have started up the fist time around (in hybrid headcanon/fic/bullet point fashion):
Shiv and Nate meet at a bar
It starts when Kendall offers to set up an intro to “help her get her footing” in DC
Like she needs that
God, her brother’s an ass
She says no of course and thinks that will be the end of it
But she only gets 3 weeks of peace before Kendall’s bothering her again
He lets her know he’ll be in town, running errands for dad
He says they should grab drinks and catch-up
She throws him a bone, agrees and picks a bar
When she gets there, Ken’s already a few deep, another man’s arm resting casually on his shoulder
When she makes her way over, Kendall introduces the guy as Nate
Yes, that Nate
And she can’t help but feel one part ambushed and two parts pissed – like she’s being third-wheeled at her own fucking family reunion
Almost unbidden, she wonders if this is a play, if there's something here she needs to navigate
But the echo of old instincts passes as she settles into the situation
And somehow, after an hour and a half of drinking, Ken’s bumming a cig (or something harder), Nate is shamelessly flirting with her, and she can barely remember why she was so hesitant to meet this guy
Seeing Nate up close and personal, she’s starting to understand his value
Nate is, as some would say, not unattractive
Plus he’s kind of a little charming
But equally important, he’s Kendall’s
And she’d be lying if there isn’t something in that
She remembers being 9 and having butterflies in her stomach on the rare occasions Kendall brough Stewy home from school
She remembers being 10 and realizing nothing she did would ever matter to him because he only really cared about Kendall
Dormant acid prickles at the edges of her memory
So she thinks, fuck it, and starts to flirt back
They almost fuck in the bathroom before her paranoia gets the better of her
When Kendall gets back from who knows where doing who knows what, he’s none the wiser
Shiv calls it a night shortly after
Nate comes over at 3:20am
They make it 4 months before Kendall finds out
He promptly gives her a call, every word edged in a small snap
A part of her loves it
She brushes him off, because her life has never been his business anyway, least of all now
But they make plans to meet up next week anyway, when he’ll be back in town   
This time, it’s her who brings the surprise guest
Nate is at her side as Kendall enters the crowded bar, Nate's hand drifting down from her waist to skim the top of her ass
Ken makes a face, but pretends to be unphased
As if he isn’t the worst liar she’s ever met
And fine, she’ll admit it, in this moment Nate feels like a victory
There’s something that feels like winning about taking one of Kendall’s friends for herself
And sure she likes him, and sure there are other reasons to keep doing…whatever they’re doing
But this, winning, this is part of it
She doesn’t quite catch that Nate seems to be figuring that out too
He moves his hand
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
I am thinking of making a spiderverse/spidersona of sorts in a Gotham-esque city. Just a pessimistic lil feral cryptid shit who will bite and hiss because the city he lives in is an utter shithole, but it's still home.
Also. I want to give him spider legs on his back so he can skitter up buildings for peak creachur vibes.
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cateatinglemons · 10 months
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A raccoon and a tree
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the2ndkiddo · 7 months
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Happy (super late) Halloween from the Serendipsticks! Can you guess our costumes? Our DnD Halloween special featured a ballroom murder (well, brutalization) mystery. Next week we fight the culprit.
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Groot: <Have you ever seen her this happy?>
Rocket: Dude, I didn’t think Nebula could do happy.
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grootiez · 2 years
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No. No we are most certainly not…
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businesstiger · 1 year
Have there been any new lore developments for hydee? Your monster energy werewolf girl? She lives in my head rent freee
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Yes!!! She became weirdly popular lol!! The amount of positive feedback I got on my drawings of her inspired me to start a small series with her and her edgy scemo furry friends. I have a few ideas on how they all met and the kind of world they live in, maybe I could make something soon!!
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