#TOG fic writer
highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
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call it what you want book cover mock up
ciwyw masterlist
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lilolilyr · 8 months
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Ohhh so many!
I still absolutely love what I think was my first real longfic, the Andromaquynh fanfic In Your Stead, and I think it just doesn’t get notes anymore because anyone who might be interested in it has already seen it? AQ fandom is not too huge and definitely not getting many new members, so my wish for that fic to still get some attention is doomed to fail I guess. Still kind of sad to see my fav of my own fics basically collecting dust!
Then there’s my latest long(ish)fic, 10k T lonely hearts on distant roads for Milippa which got a stunning whole 9 kudos, and like I know our fandom has fallen into such a deep slumber it might as well not exist but like. I think it deserves better. And it’s a modern AU so basically anyone can read it even if you know nothing about the fandom o.o (pretty pls)
And I have several Gunpowder Milkshake fanfics that haven’t gotten much attention, but here it’s less one fic in particular and more the fandom in general that I feel is under appreciated, and like, why? It’s such a fun film! And it has Michelle Yeoh Lena Headey Angela Bassett Carla Gugino Karen Gillian what more do you want? xD
Thank you for the ask even though you are being mean! xD (she had sent me an ask with 3 questions, apparently took one look at the end note on the last ask, Messaged Me To Disregard Her Ask and sent them all separately instead. Lucy I like that you’re trying to make me productive but. Mean xD)
And I know you’re literally the wrong person to complain about my underappreciated fics to bc I think you already read pretty much all of them xD so thanks for the support <3
Send me fic asks because I’m trying to be productive for university No this is not counterproductive I’ll force myself to write at least a paragraph on my paper before every ask I reply to!
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slytherhys · 2 years
Strung-Out Heart VII
A/N - I just wanna give a major s/o to @rowanaelinn because I've been going through some heavy writer's block when it comes to SOH and without them I wouldn't be able to write these chapters. Thank you my love ♥
TW - mature themes, strong language!
I - II - III - IV - V - VI
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Rowan stood shell-shocked, a half-naked Aelin standing behind him with wide eyes as she stared at the man leaning against the bedroom door. He tried not to think too much about the fact there was another man sleeping in her room – and he knew it was where she was staying because it was Aedion’s only spare room, him having slept there many times in the past. The man straightened, his expression entirely too gleeful for Rowan’s comfort.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Rowan growled, turning around to find a pale Aelin whose wide eyes stayed on the clown behind him. “Who the fuck is this?”
“What,” The bastard teased. “You don’t recognize me?” He asked, and Rowan barely noticed Aelin’s frown before turning back to the man because yes, in fact, he did recognize him. Rowan went still, his eyes narrowing on the smirking asshole.
I didn’t exactly tell her I was coming and I’m not sure she won’t have me sleeping on the street.
Lorcan had tattooed him just yesterday, a dragon on his ribcage that, from the pictures Lorcan had shown him, looked pretty awesome. But right now, the only thing Rowan could focus on was the primal need to punch the bastard right where that dragon lied.
“The tattoo.” He muttered, making Aelin choke in her own spit.
“The what?” She spluttered but Rowan simply stared at the moron, frowning as memories from the previous day assaulted his still-hazed brain.
I can’t wait to surprise her.
You’re doing this for a girl?
Among other reasons, yeah.
Rowan bent down to grab Aelin’s shirt, handing it to her before he asked with deadly calm. “Do you know him?”
Aelin seemed to pale further as she stared between both men and Rowan tried not to think too much about what that look meant. He remained stoic as ever, ignoring the fact his heart was suddenly acting strangely inside his chest. A rather familiar sensation, if he was being honest.
“Yeah, he’s my friend.” She said, voice wavering as she put her shirt back on again. Rowan felt his shoulders drop an inch at her finally being covered.
“Friend?” Rowan’s voice sounded at the same time as the dickhead’s, his jaw clenching in annoyance at the indignation in her friend’s voice.
Well, we’ve been living together for the past 3 years so I guess you could say that.
“Aelin?” He urged, not liking the fact that she was not rushing to explain what the fuck was happening. He would think she’d be a bit more concerned considering they were about to go to that room. To do things. Alone.
She seemed to snap out of it, focusing only on her asshat friend – and yet Rowan felt himself relax for the anger burning in her pretty turquoise eyes talked of everything but love or lust.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice was as cold as the Terrasen winters, making the asshole’s smirk drop slightly. Rowan tried not to revel in it but by the unimpressed look the loser sent his way he wasn’t entirely successful. “Why the fuck-“ She asked, grabbing a pillow before tossing it towards him. “-didn’t you call first.” She groaned, taking a step forward but Rowan reached out to her shoulders, stopping her before she punched the birdbrain in the face. He wondered why, exactly, he was stopping her, but he pinned it on good morals and let it slide.
The man looked indignant, as if her accusations were nothing short of offensive. And maybe there were, he wasn’t entirely sure what their relationship was, but by their dramatic interaction Rowan couldn’t help but think that maybe Aelin had found the male version of herself. “I didn’t know you were going to be otherwise occupied.” He huffed. “And if I remember correctly, it wasn’t in your plans to do so.” He said, and Rowan felt Aelin go still under his touch.
“Plans?” He asked, mainly because of her reaction to the word. Aelin jerked away from his touch, reaching out to slap the idiot in the arm.
“Dorian, I swear to the gods, if you’re not out of the apartment in 5 seconds I will choke you.” She gritted through her teeth. The dickhead smirked.
“In front of him? I never took you for an exhibitionist.” He teased, shrieking when Aelin slapped his arm again.
“Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?” Rowan growled, growing tired of their childish antics. Sure, he felt a bit relaxed by the fact they acted more like grown children than old lovers, but he refused to believe anything out of his own forced, foolish hope. Both Aelin and Dorian snapped their eyes towards him, Aelin taking a deep frustrated breath before she spoke.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know he-”
“Yeah,” he interrupted, sounding more coldly than intended. “I gathered that much.” Aelin dropped her head in shame and Rowan was pretty sure he heard Dorian mutter the word charming under his breath, but he ignored both of them, waiting for further explanations.
“We shared a house in Rifthold.” Dorian explained, doing nothing to hide the proud gleam in his eyes. Rowan counted until 10 so he wouldn’t break his neck. “And occasionally a room.” He said and before Rowan could show the little shit exactly what he thought of his humour, Aelin elbowed him in the stomach.
“That’s not true, at all.” She snarled before turning to look at Dorian.
“I’m gonna go.” He muttered, his eyes avoiding both people standing in front of him, but a hand stopped him before he could even take a step further.
He looked down to meet pleading turquoise eyes, so bright they almost burned. The soft hand around his wrist was warm, a shiver going through him at the reminder of what those hands were about to do just minutes ago. “Stay.” She whispered. “Please.” Rowan frowned, his head nodding before he was even aware he was doing it – but that had always been the danger of loving Aelin. She would beg and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to make sure she was pleased – as if his body craved her happiness more than it his own.
 “You’re going to go to Aedion’s room and then we’re going to have a nice little chat, Havilliard.” She said to Dorian, leaving no space up for debate. The idiot glanced at Rowan briefly before nodding, as if trying to access the threat. Rowan could possibly knock him down if it came down to that, but something about the way he was willing to protect Aelin made him ease slightly. Havilliard turned around without a word and went to Aedion’s room just as Aelin took his own hand and lead him to her room, closing the door behind her as she nervously looked around.
“Can you sit?” She asked, looking embarrassed as she took in the state of her room. He wasn’t surprised to see the room was an absolute mess, the sight of clothes splattered all around the furniture and of her unmade bed so Aelin he nearly smiled. She quickly rushed to her bed, pulling the sheets up and blushing as she reached for a rather familiar blanket.  He didn’t know how to feel about the fact that she had kept it after all these years, so he refrained from asking her for more explanations.
Rowan didn’t comment on it as he made his way towards the loveseat instead, waiting for her to speak. He didn’t know what to expect. An apology? An explanation? He wanted none of it. His brain churned with questions he wasn’t sure he wanted answered – anything concerning Aelin’s life in the past three years felt like uncharted territory, the fear of finding out exactly how her life had been more powerful than any curiosity that could possibly rise.
“We never dated.” She blurted out, cheeks darkening further. Rowan raised an eyebrow, certainly not expecting her to start with that. “He’s been my roommate since…since I moved there. Him and Yrene.” She blanched, as if suddenly remembering that small detail.
“Yrene?”He asked quietly. Rowan knew their friend had moved to Rifthold for her medical internship, but she never even considered that’s who Aelin was staying with. They had been all been friends for years, but they hadn’t spoken since she had moved. He looked at Aelin, stopping himself from wondering who else had known exactly where she had stayed the past three years. He knew the lack of knowledge on his part was self-inflicted, but still… He hadn’t even stopped to think about other people wanting to know where she was. Both Elide and Fenrys had been close to Aelin. Even Lorcan. Had they known? Or had they refrained from asking, too afraid they would hurt him? Rowan didn’t know which one was worse.
“I didn’t know he was visiting.” She interrupted, unaware of the fact that she was pacing, her left hand opening and closing repeatedly, something she did whenever she was distressed. “He wasn’t supposed to.” She stopped, frowning. “Not until…”
“Until?” He prompted, raising a brow. “The plans?”
“That’s not what…” She groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I’m going to kill him.”
“It’s okay, Aelin.” He wasn’t so sure, but what else was he supposed to say?
Aelin’s head snapped up, her brows pinched together. “It’s okay?”
“I think Havilliard did us a favour.” He shrugged, feigned ease he didn’t feel. The entire thing was a fucking mess, and if he had to hurt her pride to get them out of that situation then he would.
Aelin frowned further. “He did?”
Rowan chuckled, unsure why exactly his heart was racing. “He stopped us just in time.”
“Can you stop being so fucking cryptic, for once?” She snapped, seemingly regretting her temper the second her words came out. Rowan hid his smile, not wanting to show her exactly how pleased he was at finally getting a glimpse of the Aelin he knew. “Sorry” She muttered, once again shrinking into herself.
Rowan sighed, frustration rising inside his chest. “What were you exactly expecting, Aelin? It’s not like this is going anywhere. Sleeping together is a terrible idea.”
Aelin frowned, her cheeks red. “Why?”
“I’m not you.” He said, as gently as possible. “If I fuck you I’m not going to get over it. I’m not going to forget it. It’s only a matter of time until you leave and I rather spare myself the drama this time around.”
Aelin flinched, the hurt in her eyes gone before he could even process it. “I’m not going anywhere, Rowan.” She said, her voice nearly a whisper.
“And?” He chuckled, bitterness flowing through him. He was aware he was losing control of the situation, but it was like he couldn’t control his body anymore. Not around her. “You keep saying that as if you think you deserve some fucking award.”
“I keep saying it because I’m not fucking going anywhere!”
Rowan pushed to his feet, feeling stupid sitting on the goddamn loveseat as she stared him down. “You shouldn’t get a fucking prize for it, Aelin. That’s not how relationships work.”
Aelin chuckled bitterly. “Oh, so this is a relationship now?”
“No, but it was one.” He snapped, a deadly combination of long-buried feelings wrapping tight around his body. “And you were sure to throw it away, so tell me exactly why I should believe a fucking word out of your mouth.”
The entire apartment seemed to stand silent, still in time as his words rang around them. He couldn’t bring himself to care if her friend had heard him. All he wanted was a strong drink and something to get his mind off her. Remorse overcame him, leaving him feeling even more messed up. He didn’t want to be remorseful; he didn’t want to feel like shit for the pain she was trying to hide.
He tried again, more gently this time, even if the entire thing felt like a big fuck up. “I think we should…” He sighed, suddenly weary of his own request. “Let’s just try and be cordial.”
Aelin chuckled; the sound as beautiful as it was sad. “What you did to me back there felt everything but cordial.”
“Because there’s nothing cordial about the way I feel about you.” Rowan rubbed his eyes, exhausting pressing against his skin. He should leave – as the night passed them by, things kept going to shit and nothing good was going to come out of them being around each other. He wasn’t even sure he was able to be cordial with her. Was there a universe where he could be around Aelin without wanting to press her against him? Without wanting to kiss her? Drop to a knee– 
Yeah, he should leave.
Rowan walked closer to her, his hand grabbing the back of her head as he looked into her eyes. There was so much he wanted to say and yet nothing seemed right anymore.
“I’m sorry, Rowan.” She spoke first. Her eyes were suspiciously glassy, and Rowan pressed a kiss to her forehead before he did something he’d later regret. Like take her to bed and hold her all night long, distract them both from the world collapsing around them.
“I’m sorry too, fireheart.” He said, the nickname as heartfelt as it had been the first time he had used it. Aelin gasped softly, and he quickly stepped back before he complicated things even further.
She quickly recovered, shaking her head as if trying to clear it. “That’s not… That’s not what I meant.” She said, her eyes finding him again. “I’m sorry for leaving.”
Rowan stood still, surprise rendering him speechless. There were many possible outcomes for this day, but this wasn’t one he had considered. He certainly wasn’t expecting to have this conversation this early on – and if he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t expecting to have this conversation at all. Aelin had never been one for confrontation; she had always preferred to do things her own way in her own time and despite her having changed, this wasn’t something he thought possible.   
Rowan stood awkwardly, cursing himself for being a fool. He could’ve been sleeping in Lorcan’s spare room right now, without a care in the world. “You want to have this conversation now?” Because he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Dorian was only one room away and he wouldn’t exactly put it past the shithead to be eavesdropping right now.
Aelin chuckled softly, the sound completely humourless. “I don’t think there will ever be a good time to have it, so why not?” She sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes on the wooden floors under her feet. Rowan said nothing, simply waited for her to speak her mind and, not for the first time that night, he felt his stomach turn.
What had driven him to run after Aelin once he saw her leave Lorcan and Elide’s place? And why the fuck had he ended up in her apartment with her legs wrapped around his waist? Everything felt completely out of control but being this close to the truth of their past, as if haunting him for an absence he didn’t choose, felt like the cherry on top of the most fucked-up cake.
“You remember the night we fought?” She asked quietly.
“Yes.” Even if he had tried to forget it multiple times, in multiple ways.
“And you remember why–”
Rowan sighed. “I do, Aelin.” He chuckled bitterly. “The why is still somewhere in my apartment.”
Aelin raised her head, her eyes wide as she stared at him. “You still have it?”
Rowan raised an eyebrow, unwilling to let her think this was her victory to claim. “It was my mother’s. Why wouldn’t I keep it?”
“Oh.” She frowned, her entire body deflating. Good – she was feeling like shit. So why didn’t he feel better about it? “That’s not–“ A heavy sigh. “That’s not important right now.” Wasn’t it? Rowan wondered if Aelin thought about that ring nearly as much as he did. “I regret it every day.”
“What part, Aelin.” He demanded, too tired to settle for her half-truths.
“Every part.” Came the immediate answer. But could he believe her? A part of him wanted to, desperately. Another part saw her words for pesky intrigues that demanded entirely too much of him.
“I’m not sure I believe you.” He admitted.
“That’s fair.” She frowned, a disappointed crease marking her between her brows. “I’m willing to make you believe but I need to know if you’re willing to forgive me, Rowan. I will wear myself out proving to you that there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t regretted leaving you, where I haven’t regretted not–” She took a shake breath, stopping herself before she revealed whatever she didn’t want unveiled.
“Not what?”
Aelin smiled sadly, tears filling her eyes. “But I can’t do it if there’s not a sliver of a chance you’ll forgive me.”
Rowan let out a breath, his heart racing with the possibilities. Could he forgive her? The thought of letting himself vulnerable around Aelin had him wanting to jump out the nearest window, but was he really willing to let her go? Again? A part of him was sure she had only left because she wasn’t happy, and didn’t he want to redeem himself too? Another part – a bigger one at that – hated the idea of allowing Aelin to have any sort of power over him again. Because that’s what would happen – she would have him in the palm of her hand and she would be able to do with him as she pleased.
“I don’t think I could ever forget what happened.”
“Then at least give me a chance to earn your forgiveness.” She pleaded. “I can’t erase what I did the same way you can’t forget what happened, but I can be better, Rowan – you make me better.”
“What changed this time around?”
She chuckled, sniffling even if no tears marked her face. “Too much.”
Rowan eyed her with curiosity but decided not to comment on it. Some things were better left unknown. “I need time to think about this.”
“Can we meet for coffee in a week?” She asked, her voice doing nothing to hide her anxiety. “Or maybe two weeks? I’m not sure–”
“Aelin.” He interrupted, unwilling to stop the smile that took over his face. “In a week is fine.” She nodded, the familiar scent of her conditioner filling his senses. How had she gotten so close?
She looked up, her eyes looking vulnerable and afraid, the blue bright as they flickered between his eyes and his lips. “Gods, I want to kiss you.” He muttered. He hadn’t intended to say those words out loud, but as his hands cupped her chin, he wasn’t sure his body was his to command anymore – not when it responded to her with such ease.
Aelin gasped, parting her lips. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She whispered as he got closer, never once moving to pull away.
“It’s definitely a terrible idea.” He murmured, pressing his lips against her cheek instead - a middle ground between what they wanted and what they needed. He did want to kiss her - Hellas curse him, he really did. But there were things to be discussed before he could allow himself such pleasure. She told him things had changed, but could he honestly claim the same? 
Rowan stepped away, ignoring how every cell in his body begged him to go back into her arms. Aelin smiled, her eyes not meeting his. He was reluctant to believe her words and accept her back into his life. But somehow, she was already weaselling her way back into him, as if returning to a seat that had always been kept safe just for her to take.
And no matter how many times he said goodbye and swore to himself he would do his best to stay away from her, the words felt hollow, meaningless. He was weak when it came to her, and nothing short of distance would keep him away from Aelin. Maybe she knew that – maybe she had always known that. 
“Goodbye, fireheart.” He let himself say, revelling in the way her eyes widened. Gods, he had to use that nickname more often, even if it went against his own self-preservation. 
Aelin smirked. “Goodbye, buzzard.” She said, and it sounded everything but final. And for the first time in three years, Rowan was okay with that.
TAG LIST: @superspiritfestival @llyncooljones @leiawritesstories @morganofthewildfire @bookcide
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negotiumcrucis · 2 years
Not a sequel but new chapter of " like you could love me
Lisa, bb, I would know this ask was from you EVEN if you had sent it on anon XD thank you for all your love for this story, it means the world to me and I'm sorry it's taking so long to update. I confess this is one of my fave wips ever, so even as I wrote other fics since I last updated it, like you could (love me) was always in the back of my mind, so I'm pleased to announce that I finally started to write it again! :D I don't know exactly when the new chapter will be ready, but please have here the first 300 words of it (bound to change as I finish writing/editing it, of course).
Nicolò is tired of waiting.
After his latest refusal to eat, both of his guards simultaneously sighed and tied up his arms behind his back. He did not try to fight them this time. Nicolò expected one of them to just take the food tray away, but they just left it on a small table, probably hoping that he would eventually change his mind, that he would relent.
Nicolò knows he will not, even with the hunger clawing all the way inside him. His father had started rationing food from the moment the Al-Kaysani clan surrounded the fort and the siege lasted for weeks. Nicolò and the other captives had been fed twice a day since they capitulated, but he ended up sharing some of his food with the younger boys in his cell, so he was already weak when the guards came for him.
Now the smell of food is slowly driving Nicolò insane and he cannot help wondering if this is some new elaborate form of torture. Just to leave him all alone in a dark room, empty but for a sleeping mat and a tray with ripe fruit and freshly baked bread.
He knows they probably do not plan to poison him, not after everything he went through that day. Nicolò chuckles bitterly and wonders how they even expect him to eat with his hands bound. Maybe they just hope for him to break down. Maybe they want to witness him debase himself, to eat on all fours like an animal.
He has no illusions regarding what’s about to happen to him. Last winter, after his long fever finally broke, his father had taken him aside and warned him about the horrors he would endure if people ever found out about what he was. Nicoló never saw his father so terrified in his life, not even a month later, when they received the news about the massive hosts approaching the fort.
(Anonymously or not XD tell me which of my fics/one shots you wish I would write a sequel to)
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jackexmachina · 2 years
One Step Closer
The Other Guardian by red_river (part 9 of 15)
Through the heat of a long summer, Castiel explores his changing feelings as he and Sam grow closer, one brief moment at a time. A series of drabbles; Cas/Sam pre-slash. Mild AU; part of the Other Guardian 'verse.
"I guess tan's your favorite color, huh, Cas?"
Castiel straightened from where he had been studying a rack of oversize sweatshirts, all of them emblazoned with a red slogan in block letters declaring I'm Kind of a Big Deal in Nebraska. Sam stood behind him in the narrow gas station aisle with a pair of plastic sunglasses dangling from one hand, the other clutching a spotted banana and the bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos Dean had asked them to buy on his behalf while he put gas in the car. Castiel released the sleeve of the pale brown sweatshirt he had been scrutinizing and turned to face his companion, his eyes narrowed uncertainly. "Why would I have a preference for one color in particular?" he asked. Sam raised his eyebrows, his lips twitching into the little smile Castiel knew by now meant he had asked about something humans considered utterly basic, perhaps even automatic. Sam shook his head and the sunglasses mimicked him, swinging like a pendulum from his index finger. "Well, I was joking, Cas—because of, you know, your coat and then…" He gestured to the sweatshirt Castiel had been examining, but then seemed to change his mind, waving the bag of Cheetos as if to dispel his unfinished thought. "Never mind. It's just a human thing, I guess; most people sort of prefer one color. I thought maybe angels did too."
Castiel glanced back at the rack of sweatshirts, recognizing for the first time that they were dyed in an array of different colors and wondering what it was in man's nature that was so inherently divisive, driven to define itself through an infinite register of particularities. Then he looked up at Sam, worrying the bridge of the sunglasses with his little finger, and decided that perhaps that was wrong—perhaps it was just one more manifestation of the singularity of a human soul, and the uniqueness that made them breathtaking. Castiel took a step toward Sam and the young man pulled his hands in, making space for them to stand toe to toe in the narrow aisle. "What is your favorite color, Sam?" he asked, certain suddenly that this was something he very much wanted to know. Sam gave a short laugh, as if the question surprised him. "Honestly, I haven't thought about it in a while. When I was little, it was green, but lately I guess…I guess I like blue," he finished, his teeth digging softly into his bottom lip as his eyes found Castiel's again. "Not really bright blue like the sky, but just…I don't know. Some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen are blue." As he finished, his voice dropped nearly to a whisper, and for a long moment the fading syllables hung between them as Castiel studied him silently, trying to decipher the strange expression on Sam's face, neither awe nor longing but something in between. He leaned forward to get a closer look. Then Sam took a sharp breath and moved his right foot backward half a step, carving out a space between them once more. "Like…the ocean," Sam added, his elbow rattling a rack of yellow bags labeled Funyuns. "Or, um, Neptune, or something. I'm gonna check out before Dean comes in and gives me the third degree—he gets pissy about his junk food. Did you want anything, Cas?" Castiel shook his head, and then held his ground for a long moment, watching Sam retreat toward the register with the sunglasses pressed to his chest, as if holding something in. Overhead the intercom sought out shower customer thirty-nine. Castiel wondered if any human language was capable of explaining to Sam what Neptune looked like to angels, and why Sam had spoken of the ocean as blue, when it was anything but—a dazzling cacophony of brown and green and a ripple that was only light, racing up the sand on the transparent surf. A much more complicated color than blue. Titian. Auburn. The color of Sam's eyes sometimes, when he looked at Castiel. Perhaps that was his favorite color.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
I -
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ID. A screenshot with three emoijis of my AO3 stat showing my word count as 1,002,226 with my most recent chapter update. END ID
I posted my first fic on the 6th of August 2020. And after today's update (though there's a few more k in my Google docs lol), I realized that I have now shared over one million words on ao3 WHAAAA -
Where do I begin? How do I express - ahhhh, I will pray my thanks and return in the morning with something more coherent, I just wanted to share my joy, just - ahhhhhhh
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But also - because we're complex human beings capable of multiple emotions lol just being thankful for all the support, humbled by the love I've received ❤️
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And - yet also, when I think of some the things I have written, and that I'll still be writing this year . . .
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AND ALSO JUST STOKED THAT I GET TO BE PART OF FANDOM SPACES and people have welcomed me and I have met wonderful people ANDDDD FUCKING YESSS -
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I'm just yeah, whoa, just ahhhhh - thank you for the love and support over the last two years 🫂❤️
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lokislytherin · 1 year
2, 13, 20 for the writing ask game!
HELLO LULU it's been a while since we talked! the good ol' tog days lmao thank you for the ask!!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
this is a funny question for me bc it depends on the number of chapters + spontaneity? if i start the au on a whim i don't plan for it and it comes back to bite me in the ass because i run out of things to write about / forget about the order of things... when it comes to fics i've wanted to write for A Significant While i make sure to have at least a 1 sentence summary for every single chapter so that i know where i'm going at the very least, and if it's a fanfic + heavily canon compliant i'll probably make a bullet point plan for every chapter so that i know what to reference and how to deal with it
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
idk if this counts as common but if you can Hear the character saying that thing or See the character doing that thing you're probably characterizing them correctly. idk if you get it i can't really explain it but if you write something, reread it, and go "wow i think i was possessed by the character" you Know you're doing p good
(sonny brisko lives in my head rent free... when i write him he literally tells me what to write... i can hear his voice in my head... i'm not going insane i swear)
not necessarily a writing tip but when it comes to fanfiction i find writing incorrect quotes a good way to understand character dynamics! if it looks real but it's not real then that's definitely good
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
c r i m e
im not even kidding i've written 46 fics on ao3 so far and like 2/3 of them have characters breaking at least 1 law, ranging from piracy to flat out murder... i have a handful of detective fics (at least one per fandom) so i guess that's kind of why
on a slightly lighter note i have a tendency to wax poetic when i do introspection? i would say i tend to write in a style that matches the character (e.g sentence length, word choices, swearing, etc) but most of the characters i write kinda vibe the same... the pattern for Kinnable Writing Characters = moon vibe characters yk? like sun&moon dynamics like hell yeah. did you just realize your best friend brightens up your life and makes you feel happier than you've ever been in your life
hope you're doing well lulu! have a nice day!
here's the link to the question list if anybody else is interested!
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likecanyoujustnot · 1 month
I say I nearly there. I’m not.
I don’t have the plot.
I only have my unhinged couples
But I don’t know what else to write
Someone help meeeee
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milswrites · 3 months
SJM ask game
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
5) Favourite ship?
6) Elriel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
10) Favourite bat boy?
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
12) Favourite SJM villain?
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
14) Favourite SJM theory?
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
18) What’s your favourite character from each series?
19) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
23) Hardest character to write for?
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet?
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
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negotiumcrucis · 2 years
as if not bound, I need more of bb Ayah and her daddies T-T
Hi nonny, sorry this took a few days to reply! And, of course, thank you for your interest in this verse, it makes me so freaking happy, you have no idea! Every new comment I get in any of those fics improves my day by 100% <3 <3 <3
Now, I don't know if you saw it, but in September I wrote a small one-shot called Silhouette that was set during Nicky's last trimester and though it's mainly a porny story, there's a bit about them being the best daddies in the world (especially Joe!). So if you didn't read it already, please check it out, I hope you enjoy it. :D
Other than that I have recently outlined most of the sequel, properly, the one where we get to see Joe and Nicky dealing with the last couple of weeks of Nicky's pregnancy, Nile's strange dreams, Andy's mortality, Booker's exile... and the return of an old friend. :O I really want to get this done before the new movie drops, so hopefully next semester? Please send positive thoughts to the muse!
(Anonymously or not XD tell me which of my fics/one shots you wish I would write a sequel to)
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elrieldreamer · 7 days
Favorite ships:
Of all time
Not Elriel (ACOTAR related)
Secondary fave ship
What ship would you want to live in real life?
Crack ship
A toxic ship you love?
Best fanfic for ship of your choice?
(feel free to send to others)
1. Eragon and Arya. Don’t judge me.
2. Elriel
3. Elorcan
4. I loved Bryce/Hunt until HOFAS, honestly. It’s gonna be Ruhn and Lidia since nuBryce sucks. Justice4Hunt
5. Feysand
6. Claire and Henry from Time Traveler’s Wife
7. Elain x Bryaxis
8. Mor x Gwyn
9. Nezris
10. There are SO many freaking amazing Elriel fics. A couple that I reread over and over:
Resilience & Roses/Shining Through that Moonless Night by Tealeaves and Rosepetals
A Court of Bones in Bloom by Ladyveravincent
Visions of You, Crimson Clover, and All’s Well that Ends Well by Miss Belivet
A Match Baked in Heaven by (YOU!) Nikethestatue
A Court of Blood and Mercy by Pinkraspberryfish
Pretty Little Angel by DottieLovegood
What Bloomed in the Darkgarden by Ehoney
Anything by Meraki Moonglade
and really loving In Spite of it All by Viridianevergarden!
There are so freaking many amazing Elriel writers. We are incredibly blessed!
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avelera · 3 months
So I’ve gone back and I’ve been reading some Old Guard fic (as I try to get motivated to write the last damn chapter of my one damn TOG WIP finished so I can finally moved on), and I must admit, one silly and very minor pet peeve I have in some Nicky/Joe fics for the Old Guard that explore their Crusader days is the trope of having them go a really long time without being able to understand each other. Because based on Nicky’s path as a Crusader even getting to the Holy Land, and the various hints we have that Joe has a pretty worldly background, I would suggest they should have had a baseline to communicate already when they met and that bridging the gap would have gone very quickly for one or both of them once they committed to learning.
There’s a few reasons I find them going a really long time without speaking each other’s language (most likely Nicky picking up Arabic) somewhat implausible:
- First, just based on my own personal experience: I went through a full language immersion experience myself and yes it was painful and yes, having textbooks and classes certainly helped, but all told it was 3-4 months from almost zero before I could start doing normal things for my age group like read simple books and do homework. However, the most effective language learning program in the country, Middlebury, does a full immersion program that gets people to baseline functionality in 6 weeks. Yes, learning a language is hard and I will be the first to say that mastery takes years and mastery without immersion is nearly impossible, but if you’re completely immersed there, without options, it goes much faster. You won’t be fluent of course but you will be conversational. Also, by all accounts, being illiterate or otherwise not bothering to learn how to read and write at the same time and ONLY going for verbal communication actually makes things go even faster.
- People who pick up by speaking (rather than reading and writing) and people who speak multiple languages already tend to pick up other languages even more quickly. Once you learn one or two, a lot of polyglots don’t stop there. There is that old joke: the word for speaking three languages is trilingual, two languages is bilingual, and speaking only one language is American. Which is to say I think native English speaking writers might be the ones underestimating how quickly a language can be learned (at least to a conversational level).
- Now throw in the fact that both Nicky and Joe have been recently in multilingual societies or organizations as a requirement of their meeting during the First Crusade, no matter how you slice it. Either as both coming from a merchant trading backgrounds traveling across international (so to speak) lands, or Nicky being part of the pan-European Christian army where multiple languages would be spoken across the camp, to him possibly having a priest background which would mean Latin as well. Not to mention Greek if Nicky picked up anything while in Constantinople (if he came over land). Nicky also would have been on the road to the Holy Land, if he went overland, for as long as 3 years and in Antioch before Jerusalem.
- Now, as an admitted caveat to all of this, I’ve lived overseas and it is absolutely common for expats to live in a country for years without bothering to pick up the local language at all. There were cultural and societal reasons that European Crusaders and the Egyptian Fatimids who lost Jerusalem wouldn’t bother to learn each other’s languages or any of the common merchants tongue or other common languages like Greek to bother to talk to each other. That’s absolutely fair to invoke for why they wouldn’t have a single word of any language in common.
- However, I will say, once both or either of them decided to try, I think some writers don’t give enough credit for how quickly one or the other would pick a language up, especially if it’s the language of the country they’re in (basically, I think once he tried, Nicky would pick up Arabic very quickly if he’s still in the Holy Land by the time he and Joe start trying to communicate). Effort plus full immersion is probably the single fastest way to learn a language, you’d be able to have rudimentary conversations within a few months at most. Really from there it’s just a question of whose country are they in once they start talking and stop trying to kill each other.
TL;DR I will be the first to say an author should go with what makes their story work best BUT there’s plenty of historically backed reasons why Nicky and Joe should have been able to carry on a basic conversation with each other from when they first met, and not be completely stymied in communicating with each other because of a language barrier.
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amara-moonlight · 4 months
If your writer for tog and write for rowan lmk bc i need more rowan i desperately need more fic of him to exist like i love this bitch but there’s not enough fic written about him 😭😭
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @cactusdragon517 almost a month ago lol, I'm slow to get these done.
How many works do you have on ao3? 21
What's your total ao3 word count? 202,835
What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Call of Duty and I'm still hanging around the TOG fandom. But I've hardly posted anything in years lol. Someday when my toddler is a little older I'll get back into posting more.
Top five fics by kudos:
Share Your Address - Fencer!Joe/TA!Nicky College AU - Insta-love. So much texting. Everybody wants to punch Keane.
It Feels Like Flying - Joe/Pilot!Nicky AU - This is porn. Enjoy.
Brothers Fight - Joe & Booker working through their issues post movie.
Everything I Did to Get to You - Sequel to Share Your Address (my top fic by Kudos) - AU - A few years later Joe and Nicky spend the holidays with friends and family.
Collapsing Walls - Book of Nile!!!!! - Established Booker/Nile - Booker and Nile get caught in a building while trying to assist during an earthquake.
Do you respond to comments? Yes!! I try to respond to all comments for at least a few days after I post something.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write a lot of angsty ENDINGS. I'll Never Love Another (Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky) has a fuck ton of angst in it, and I know some people thought the ending was bitter sweet bordering on sad.... but idk (spoilers?) no one died and they're together sooooo that's a happy ending in my book lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Gees, idk lol Share Your Address?? It's so sweet you'll get cavities.
Do you get hate on fics? I never have. *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? Hardly ever. I mean I HAVE, and actually the most recent thing I posted was like straight up porn lol. But mostly if there is sex it is only hinted at/fade to black. Or buried in a 60k fic so you have to work for it!
Craziest crossover: Probably Book of Nile + Princess Bride (it's a WIP that I haven't touched in like 3 years *sweats nervously* I swear I will finish all my WIPs EVENTUALLY)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of???
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! A one shot I did was translated onto a Japanese website that I forget the name of lol. I've also had a podfic made of one of my one shots if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ashley and I tried at one point lol it was a modern AU DinLuke fic.... it kind of fizzled out eventually. @ashleyrguillory we should look at that again someday lol
All time favorite ship? Obligatory "Just one??!!" ok but idk Charlie/Claire (LOST), Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) and Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf) are the most important to me??? I read the most fic for Ghost/Soap, [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #1], and [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #2] lol
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I refuse to give up on any of my WIPS!!! I have 4, and all of them are planned/outlined to the end... I even have multiple completed chapters for two of them. I'm not a quitter... I do take my time though lol
What are your writing strengths? Oh gees... idk someone else who has read my stuff needs to tell me this... I think I've gotten a lot of comments complimenting me on keeping characters true to canon?? idk guys! someone else answer this!
What are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with action and sex scenes. Where are they? I, the person writing this fic, certainly don't know. (come to think of it this might be part of the reason that I don't write a lot of smut)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Whatever floats the author's boat.
But I personally have done it a few ways. My favorite to both write and read is just to write what they say and then identify what language is being used if the POV character can understand the language. something like: "Oh no," he shouted in Italian.
OR if the POV character doesn't understand the language I would write something like: Nicky shouted something in what Joe thought was Italian. OR Nicky said something in a language Joe couldn't quite place.
First fandom you wrote in? Supernatural lol
Favorite fic you've written? One????? You're getting 2!
I'll Never Love Another - Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky AU - SO MUCH LETTER WRITING - This was my Big Bang in 2021, and I love the FUCK out of it. It's my favorite fic I've ever written and I reread it kind of often because of how much I enjoy it lol
Impelled by the Persuasion of Love - Canon verse Joe/Nicky and Andy/Quynh - Takes place in France during the 100 years war. I have an obsession with courtly love/chivalry and figured I should shove it onto our favorite immortals <3 - I wrote this for a TOG zine that came out in early 2021
=== Truly, IDK if I've got 20 people to tag but I'll give it a go!!
@innerslumber, @alloutofgoddesses, @ashleyrguillory, @stevethehairington, @sindirimba, @disregardandfelicity and anybody else who wants to do this, consider this your tag!!!
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kaydeefalls · 19 days
💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you like). Spread the self-love! 💗
Sweet, thanks for tagging me!
Also OOF I've got like 200 fics up on AO3 spanning 20+ years in fandom, playing favorites is always hard. Gonna try to spread the love around multiple fandoms rather than give in to recency bias (because otherwise this list would all be TOG fics, and I don't think that's representative of me in fandom as a whole). 😊
In no particular order:
Carthaginians (Old Guard) - I'm genuinely proud of this one! It took quite a lot of research and thought to pull it together, and it was a big step outside of my comfort zone (a historical setting I was NOT already familiar with, intense deep dive into battle scenes and military strategies, significantly more heightened relationship drama than my usual style). So, yeah, pleased with that experiment.
Boden's Mate (X-Men) - look it's still the fic I'm most likely to be known for, more than ten years later, and I'm okay with that. Taught me how to do a proper fusion AU, which is now one of my favorite tropes to write, and I still vividly remember the rollercoaster ride of writing and posting this one in realtime.
The Conspirator's Gift (X-Men) - writing this one dragged me back into fandom after a three-year hiatus, and I will always look on it fondly for that reason alone. It was just a FUN puzzle to put together - it pinged my brain in all the best ways. Still pleased with my weird obscure medieval mystery AU here, currently back in that headspace again as I plot out a potential sequel that may or may not ever see the light of day, but at least I'm enjoying myself!
she's the one that they call old whatsername (Star Trek AOS) - my lone Trek fic and a genderswap to boot, but whatever, I am Fond of it. I really like girl!Kirk's voice, okay, it pleases me.
The Rose of Jericho (Torchwood) - maybe it's gauche to still be proud of fic I wrote fourteen years ago? Whatever. This is still my personal headcanon for Torchwood post-COE, and I stand by it.
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Favorite ships:
Of all time
Not Elriel (ACOTAR related)
Secondary fave ship
What ship would you want to live in real life?
Crack ship
A toxic ship you love?
Best fanfic for ship of your choice?
(feel free to send to others)
Meep! Thank you @nikethestatue for this!
Fave ships:
Of all time: Kanej
Acotar: Elriel 🌸🦇 with FERVOR
ToG: Manorian
CC: Night and Day
Secondary fave ship: Ahhhh this is tough. I love Feysand and Nessian for different reasons. I think both of their relationships have bright spots and flaws, but I feel Feysand edges out just because we have so much more perspective of their relationship and they are the OG's! I wish I could read their story again for the first time probably more than any other couple in the SJMverse.
What ship would you want to live in real life?: Genuinely, Elriel. The peace and quiet girlies get it. The house husband girlies get it. I am truly a person who requires a great deal of alone time and quiet time to recharge. I, much like Elain, enjoy a great deal of solitary activities. Writing, baking and gardening. I like filling my free time making something. It gives me a sense of peace and purpose outside of the capitalist hellscape we live in. I have yet to experience a romantic partnership where my "me" time or quiet time was treated as valuable or important. Nothing will ever be more romantic to me than Elain and Azriel simply wanting to be around each other, even if in silence. Sitting together quietly in the sun. Or Azriel listening to Elain talk about her gardening plans, because he is interested in the things she thinks about creating.
It's a special type of connection, to not constantly need high energy conversation to feel close to someone or learn about them. Being at peace with one another, being interested in each other's minds, and understanding what someone else needs to feel calm and grounded, that is really beautiful to me.
Crackship: Ansel and Rolffe, but also Gwyn and Fenrys!! I am a Twilight of the Gods theorist and genuinely believe the Valkyrie will play a huge role in the Ragnarok retelling. Fenrys is one of my fave SJM men, but he and Gwyn have a lot in common. Both were twins who got horrifically SA'd after witnessing their twins murder. Both have a sassy sense of humor, and a long complicated history being loyal to and in service of powerful and short tempered leaders (Maeve and Merril.) I personally see a lot of connections there, and see Gwyn and Fenrys both as side characters in their respective series that may likely become key characters in the multiverse!
A toxic shop you love: Klaroline 🙈 still not over it.
Best fanfic for ship of your choice?: Okay, despite the nearly 100k multi chapter fanfic I wrote in April, I am still brand new to the fic world and haven't read a lot of fics yet! So I'm still gathering recommendations and figuring out where to start! But I did read Pretty Little Angel by DottieLovegood after a friend sent it to me over a year ago, and it essentially became my religion. I can't wait to keep diving into all the talented writers in the Elriel community! I've read some great one shots by @tswaney17 and @bloomingdarkgarden (ehoney on AO3) and have years worth of fics to catch up on!! I'm sorry I'm such a newb 😭 and taking recommendations!
Tagging @faeprincesswarrior @enigmaticexplorer @nikachansstuff @gracie-rosee to see your answers!
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