#THIS IS A JOKE BTW you can draw him however
webcxre · 2 months
"i love kinito he's so cute!"
their kinito:
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coefore · 3 months
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I did it! This is an IDW AU born while watching The Green Knight (2021), specifically from one movie shot that I'd like to redraw. I was torn on whether or not to draw them all as robots or humans, so I started making designs for their human counterparts first - mostly because it is more fun to come up with clothes and accessories. I will eventually tackle a robot version. This is a long post, btw!
Indeed, this is a completely separate version from the Lion King AU I had come up with a couple of years ago, I just borrowed the crowns because I really liked those designs lol.
But let's set the stage under the cut. You can listen to the playlist on spotify dedicated to it: I've placed the songs in sequence so that they can create a certain vibe for the scenes I had in mind. You can read the plot part while listening.
Some character traits
This royalty au supposes a parliamentary monarchy (like the UK, Spain or Japan). This work is an in-between of later Roman/early Medieval aesthetics and some Futuristic Stuff. The Autobot brand is the royal family crest, while the Decepticon brand can be used to signal the Protector and their entourage, but only in formal settings outside the nation. Usually, the Protector can show elements of the Decepticon colours (red) in their attires.
Optimus Prime
Optimus is prideful and domineering: he knows he has the power to do real damage to people. After all, he was born into royalty and has known no other life. He has anger outbursts, but that's a side effect of his paranoia. At the start of the story, he is not the prime yet. He's around 23-24, already suffering from a mental affliction much like schizophrenia, but, just as in ye old days, the court and his father (Zeta) are not really concerned about his odd behaviours. "He is just volatile", you know. He is also dramatic, making big scenes when his emotions are too cooped up. Optimus, though, is not intentionally cruel - this isn't a Shattered Glass au where he wants some kind of bloodlust sated. He has a deep inner mind, feeling much more like a philosopher and a writer than a brute. This makes him a little naive, too, having people in court (like Prowl) taking advantage of him - and sometimes even Megatron uses his influence on Optimus to stir him where he wants to. He reads a lot, is curious, and is deeply in love with Megatron - sometimes becoming a little cringy about it. He can be a bit of a goofball, telling jokes and being rather affectionate with his family. Sadly, he's a Pisces.
Megatron is a diligent engineer who just so happens to pick the Prime's son's interest at some point while assisting his father (Terminus, a strict, distant man) in a job at court. Optimus and Megatron are the same age. He is aloof, quiet and a very good listener. That means he often allows people to speak over him or for him - that doesn't mean, however, that he isn't going to correct them or speak his mind. He is just a careful man. Coming from a rather cold family environment, he has a hard time expressing his emotions, both verbally and physically: he kisses and hugs, sure, but that doesn't come naturally to him. After becoming protector, he has a hard time getting used to the court lifestyle since he is quite bothered by the intricacies of royal "rituals", may they be clothing, hairstyles or make-up choices. Or Starscream fussing over him about that all day. He also often stands up against abuse of power, especially from Optimus. They fight quite a lot. He enjoys drawing (buildings, like architecture) and reading novels, but he's not particularly cultured. He is also, sadly, an Aquarius. (And transgender, but this has no political or social bearing in the story besides being Rodimus' biological carrier).
Prowl is about fifteen years older than Optimus, becoming his advisor once Zeta Prime passes in "a tragic accident". He is ambitious, cunning and... Deceptive. His ultimate goal is to push Optimus to insanity, convince the parliament he is unfit to rule and become reagent in his stead. This would allow him to create an oligarchy with other senators. His words always support Optimus' delusions, abusing the Prime's naivety for his scheming. Prowl thinks of Optimus as an idiot lucky enough to be born in a high position in the social pyramid. He has attempted various times to "warn" Megatron, one of the few people who is extremely suspicious of Prowl. And by warn, I mean having him pushed down the stairs, giving him a nice broken leg. He also acts suspiciously around Rodimus.
Zeta Prime
Zeta Prime was a balanced, careful ruler. He held concerns about his son's future, as he thought Optimus wasn't fit for a leading role. He was a stern man and often frustrated by Optimus' antics. However, their relationship was on good terms. He was "found" dead by Prowl during a political meeting abroad, as he was standing in for Alpha Trion (Zeta's advisor), prompting Optimus' coronation. Zeta wasn't sick, but all primes in this AU suffer from haemophilia (a hereditary illness that makes it harder for the body to stop bleeding).
Rodimus was born three years into Optimus' primacy. He was brought up in a restrictive environment, as Megatron grew more suspicious of Prowl, fearing for Rodimus' safety. That translated into Rodimus feeling anxious when Megatron's not around (for too long, at least) and becoming a little jealous of him, even if it's Optimus taking Megatron's attention. Rodimus uses "dad" for Megatron and "Father" for Optimus. He doesn't like Optimus too much, usually bearing his presence and ignoring him whenever he can, but deep down he worries about his father, too. He is a very knowledgeable child with a vast vocabulary, as he enjoys books of every kind and, just like his dad, he is a good listener, learning a lot from the "adult conversations" around him. Rodimus is often seen together with Starscream (his nanny, in a way lol), who he is fond of but has difficulties showing it. He becomes Prime-to-be at the age of 16, like all Primes.
Starscream was the royal alchemist, an inspired researcher and a man of science. He is loyal and has strong opinions on many subjects, especially on morals and ethics. That is also why, during Zeta's late reign, he was demoted to servant with the accusation of insubordination. He is still a high-grade servant, usually dealing with bureaucracy... Until a new Protector shows up, that is. As soon as Megatron becomes a Protector-to-be, he is assigned the role of first maid in assisting him, a task he takes very seriously. Although Megatron's distance and lack of interactions with him drive him quite mad at first, he slowly realises they're quite compatible. Their relationship evolves into confidants and then friends, as Megatron often takes Starscream's side. Also, Starscream has been suspicious of Prowl since day one. He enjoys Rodimus until he starts being a little opinionated pest-- but he's fond of the child, even as he grows older and more anxious. His hobby is sneaking into the court laboratories and fixing whatever annotations made by other alchemists he deems wrong.
Skywarp & Thundercracker
They are part of the Protector's entourage (and Starscream's brothers). Skywarp is a little airheaded, a bit clumsy, and usually focuses on entertainment, mostly writing poems and songs. He is the only one who knows all the intricate inner passages of the court's buildings by heart, meaning he never gets lost. Thundercracker, on the other hand, is a bit more cocky. He is built like a brick, so he helps with manual tasks and is a decent leader, usually picking up the ranks when Starscream is busy. Both of them were not demoted like their brother, they just started working at the court as high-grade servants. They are very loyal to Megatron, although they treat him more like a royal than a friend.
The Plot (generally speaking)
Optimus is interested in this one engineer working at the court he has seen a couple of times in the last few months. He is gorgeous, and it sounds like a fun time to fill in his afternoons, maybe even getting some sex out of it. That's a thing he hasn't lacked in his life, like most royals he was used to having sex workers available at whim. However, Megatron doesn't seem too affected by the Prime-to-be's attention. He is very deadpan and interested in him as a person; he finds Optimus interesting and funny, so, in a matter of weeks, they kind of hit it off, Optimus falling madly in love with this man, spending most of the time daydreaming and absolutely useless at his duties, much to Zeta's dismay.
As this love story progresses over the next couple of years, Prowl's machination starts rolling out: being a young overachiever, he patiently waits for the chance to get rid of Zeta in a way that doesn't point directly to him. After all, Prowl is trusted and seen as loyal and caring for the Primes he serves; he is an incredibly talented actor, having the support of a few Autobot senators, too. On an out-of-country political trip, he lets Zeta bleed to death, coming back home in a hurry to announce the Prime's death and rushing Optimus' coronation. At this point, Optimus is not mentally ready to hold that position; he is quickly pushed to marry Megatron, making him his Protector. In a matter of a year and a half, Optimus' mental state quickly deteriorates, allowing Prowl to take hold of the neo-Prime's decisions.
Optimus' mental illness worsens, which stresses Megatron into stirring his husband away from Prowl. Rodimus is born in that worried, paranoid environment. Although mostly wanted by Optimus as one of his fixations (and also discouraged by Prowl himself), Rodimus brings more stability to the court. Megatron finally takes hold of Optimus' volatile behaviour as Rodimus grows older, making the Prime doubt his advisor's suggestions more than once. Prowl, thus, "warns" Megatron to lay low, having him pushed down the stairs. The goal wasn't to kill Megatron but to show him Prowl could. As Rodimus turns seven, Megatron becomes more anxious and paranoid, rubbing that over to his son. Optimus doesn't allow them to go around the court or outside without being accompanied.
Prowl's hold on Optimus slowly slips away. At the time of Rodimus' coronation as a Prime-to-be, during a medical examination for his haemophilia, the court physician (Ratchet) tells him he needs to be careful, as that illness was Zeta's cause of death. That was a known thing, of course, but it made Optimus think over the mechanics of his father's death in a way only an obsession-driven man can. He confides with Megatron over his suspicion of Prowl killing his father, and finally, they seem to be on the same page on this...
This is somehow the story up to now. I don't know if I'll update it further. I just enjoy the idea of whatever can happen in this setting. I hope you enjoyed reading this wall of text.
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soapyghostie · 3 months
hii ^_^ can you do slasher hcs, can be anyone you choose, with a child!Reader (platonic ofc) suddenly saying a bad word infront of them? Lol idk i just thought that it would be a funny scenario, you dont have to do it if u dont want to btw :3 have a nice day!
Since this was a free-bee, I took the chance to write for a couple slashers I haven’t gotten a chance to write for yet. One of them is one I’ve written for multiple times already, but I know how y'all are and that Michael Myers content. Y’all will eat that shit up. Well anyway, enjoy!
Charles ‘Chucky’ Lee Ray
Chucky, known for his foul-mouthed and sarcastic personality, would most definitely burst into a fit of maniacal laughter upon hearing the inappropriate language that just came out of your mouth. He finds the situation very amusing, secretly proud of your choice of words. He used to think you were a deadbeat child, but it seems you are starting to take after him in terms of mischief and a devil-may-care attitude. Maybe he’ll give you a shot.
He’d playfully scold you for stealing the spotlight, jokingly reminding you that he’s the only one allowed to say those kinds of words while giving you a wink. He’s pretending to act like a normal parent would if their child cursed so Tiffany doesn’t throw dishes at his head again for god knows what he did beforehand. Anyways, besides the friendly reminder to be careful about where and when to use foul language, Chucky feels a sense of camaraderie in their rebellious spirit that he’s never expressed before. Is this care and kindness he feels? It can’t be! He’s an evil serial killer with no feelings for anyone! Just between you and me, he did care about you in his own way from the beginning. He just hates to admit it and ignored the feeling for a long time. 
Chucky giving you lessons in creative cursing is a must: in a private setting of course. He doesn’t want to have to deal with Tiffany’s scolding about encouraging and, even worse, teaching you such bad behavior. However, if the language goes too far (cursing Tiffany out), Chucky will actually draw a line and sternly explain the importance of knowing when and where such language is appropriate.
Stu Macher
Stu, being the laid-back and humorous person he is, most likely burst out into a fit of laughter initially, thinking it’s just a child’s innocent mistake. However, he’s taken aback. He was not expecting to hear such foul language come out of your mouth and especially wasn’t ready for it since he’s normally making the crude jokes himself rather than hearing it from a child. 
Stu would exchange an amused glance and playfully scold you, reminding you that it’s not appropriate to use such language, especially in front of company. However, Stu may share a few inappropriate jokes of his own, trying to bond with you through your humor. God dammit Stu! Don’t be a bad influence like Chucky is! 
If you continue to use inappropriate language, Stu will employ a more serious tone and discuss the consequences of your behavior. If you don’t listen to him after that (I don’t know how you could not because Stu never serious), Stu will probably be like, “Well what the fuck! Who cares?” and will join in and playfully participate with you. 
Michael Myers
Michael would remain expressionless and unreactive to hearing you say the inappropriate word. He will convey his disapproval through his body language though, such as a stern gaze or a slow shake of his head. You pick up on these cues, going from comical and bright to eerie and uncomfortable, understanding that your words are unacceptable.
Michael does expect immediate compliance, and you are expected to correct your behavior under his imposing presence. In rare cases, Michael will intervene if your behavior becomes continuous and punish you, such as grounding you or giving you a whoopin, to teach you a lesson about the consequences of your behavior. 
Once Michael decides you’ve been punished long enough, if you got the ‘your grounded to your room’ punishment, he’ll make his way to your room and have a conversation with you to instill the importance of respectful behavior. You two end up having a good talk, ending with you promising to use more appropriate language from here on out and Michael promising to get you a tub of ice cream on his next outing if you have good behavior.
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gauloiseblue · 8 days
I know you write a lot of horror technically (Monster König mentally loving man physically) but what if it was switched and he's a monster physically but a loving monster I mean what and they were childhood best friends again I mean what and maybe he's just a large shadow guy who's way too touchy but too sweet for you to push away I mean what
I do have that idea in mind, and I think it's time for me to plot a fluff story with König anyway.
I'll be honest with you, the reason why there's no monster!König (yet) in my blog is because the popular fanon is tentacles!König. But every time I thought of it, the image of Davy Jones popped out in my head, which fucks me up because I end up treating him as a joke 💀💀 I do, however, have an alternative for it. But it's more like Deity!König than a monster one (technically, you can still treat him as a monster because he is a monster physically)
My version of this will be more about masks. It should be terrifying (bc it's used to fend off evil spirits) and look ancient at the same time. I'm planning to draw him first before jumping into the story. Here's some of the candidates btw:
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The headcanons that I have for now are: he's twice as big as average men, he's some sort of guardian—almost like a guard dog if you squirt, he guards an abandoned shrine which has an unnamed tomb in it, he likes giving sweet fruits from the forest to the reader (*cough* courting), and he'd be so flushed if the reader touches him anywhere—especially the mask.
Thank you for your ask, anon ^^ I'd never have had the chance to talk about this if not for your ask. I'll try to write it once I get a concrete idea.
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
MYTH! Its been awhile! How are you doing? Btw im doing great!
Can i req something about like reader getting fucked stupid by a perverted and horny killer while he's walking through the woods? Like reader and his friends were just having a stroll in the woods and they end up splitting ways and reader got lost, his friends were trying to call him but he seems to left his phone in his house so they decide to look for him but they end up saw him butt naked and someone fucking him from behind!
You can choose any kinks if you want! I wont mind (Tbh your kinks and writings are the best!! And you never fail to make my day the best!!)
I hope toby is oke 🥺
Blackmail, dubcon, public, sub/bottom reader, violent, dark themes, quicky
(Name) let out an exasperated sigh as he stun in a circle, trees filling his vision. He began hating them, the dark beginning to freak him out now he was completely alone.
He paused as he spotted a hooded figure, heart beating faster. He quickly made his way to the figure assuming it was one of his friends, however dread filled him when a masked face turned to him. They stared at each other for a moment before (Names) shaky voice broke the silence. “I-if this is a joke, its not fu-funny.” He stuttered out, trying not to bolt.
Almost tauntingly the figure tilted its head, the size and build of him being unfamiliar and sending raw fear into (Names) stomach. Before (Name) could even draw another breath he was slammed against a tree, vision dancing as the bark scraped his skin. All he could do was choke out a rasp before an arm pressed against his throat, holding him into the tree. His vision started blurring as he stared into goggle covered eyes.
White fear flooded (Names) head as he gazed at the other man, stomach twisting with fear. All (Name) could do was whimper. “You wanna live?” (Name) nodded rapidly, the mans arm limiting his movements. “You make me cum, you get to live.” (Name) bit his lip, nodding again as he stared into the others eyes. “Toby, you’re gonna remember it.” (Name) shivered as he was turned around, Toby’s hands leaving indents in his hips.
“Pretty little thing, shouldn’t be out here all alone. There’s bad men out here, your lucky i found you.” Toby’s voice was laced with psychopathy, his tone almost gleeful as he made quick work of your jeans. He used (Names) own belt to bind his arms together behind his back, laughing when he voiced his discomfort. “Don’t worry princess, you’ll be just fine.” Was all the warning he got before Toby’s cock began pushing against his hole. A loud groan left (Name) as Toby slid into him, only his spit as lube.
Toby wasted no time before sliding out only to slam back in, a fiendish grin coating his cheeks as he listened to (Name) scream. Toby knew he wouldn’t have much time, not doubting for a moment that others heard it and would come looking. The thought didn’t stop Toby, rather seeming to spur him on as he set an almost brutal pace. All (Name) could do was moan, he could barely think as Toby’s cock split him open.
Toby stumbled back from the tree, pulling (Name) with him, continuing his thrusts ever moan he drew from the smaller spurring him on. His hand wrapped around (Names) neck and it wasn’t long before Toby’s hand was soaked in drool. The sudden appearance of three guys threw him for a moment, a dangerous smirk quick to slap over his face. He purposely sped up his thrusts as (Name) babbled, trying to explain himself. Toby’s murderous glare was quick to make them leave, the feeling of (Names) tight ass wrapped around his cock drove him insane, arms wrapping around him and gripping him tightly as he dove his cock into the (h/c). “Thats it pretty boy, all your friends just watched you get fucked. Bet you liked it, whore.” Despite the venom and hate in Toby’s words it didn’t stop (Name) screaming his name one last tome before falling into his arms, allowing the brunet to do as he pleased.
(Names) body ached as Toby rode out his orgasm, his large hands felt like they were going to crush him. Lucky for (Name) Toby came quick, pulling out and watching him drop. Toby’s empty eyes stared down at him. “You’ve probably got five minutes before the others are here and they cut that pretty throat open.” (Names) eyes doubled as he stared back at Toby, stomach going woozy at the sight of his smirk.
(Name) took a deep breath before rushing into a sprint, ignoring the burn at the bottom of his spine and the ghost of Toby’s hands crushing his hips.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Paldean Elite Four (+ Geeta) Headcanons
They've been on my mind recently bc of all the asks I got
Rika is the office gossip QUEEN. She knows everything about everyone, so if you need or want to know something you ask her. She knows a guy. She also desperately wants to figure out what Larry and Geeta's Deal (tm) is. They bicker constantly, are insanely passive aggressive, but despite their opposing attitudes agree on most fundamental issues. They look like they hate each other, but Larry constantly takes on new responsibilities for the League and Geeta constantly showers him with raises and promotions. Rika has taken to snooping thru their emails and prodding Hassel for info, but he doesn't know anything either. It’s driving her nuts
Paldea had a Region’s Sexiest Man contest. Rika won. Women Want her. Despite this however she can only pick up women accidentally. If she actively tries to flirt she will fuck it up spectacularly. Just the in-universe version of this
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Rika is actually on the payroll as the league receptionist and does that Elite Four thing as a side hustle for extra cash. She gets kind of embarrassed when you call her a receptionist during her Elite Four duties though because other regions often use her as an example of why the Paldean league is garbage (i.e. they're so understaffed even a receptionist can be on the E4. They must have grabbed the nearest person, etc etc). She puts on the vibe of someone chill but this in particular is a bit of a sore point for her
She hates dresses / skirts with a burning passion and refuses to wear them. If you give her a REALLY good reason it's a solid maybe, but good luck with that. She needs to stretch
Her Clodsire's name is Pancake :) I like to think all her pokemon are named after breakfast foods (which, btw, is her favorite meal of the day. She is easily bribed with good waffles)
She and Larry are drinking buddies. She does most of the drinking
Everyone in the league is very careful to alter their habits around Poppy. She’s small and cute and sweet and a little baby so the usual informal cursing (like Rika shouting that HR needs to “cut the bullshit”) or the smoke breaks on the roof (yes I think they all smoke) can’t happen when Poppy is around
The league spoils her rotten. Candy? Toys? Help with her kindergarten homework?? Anything for Poppy. Even Larry, who seems too strict or apathetic to care, has her drawings in his desk drawer and lets her decorate his ties. The toys in the lobby are also hers
Her parents are accountants who brought her to take your kid to work day and let her play with their Pokémon outside. Rika challenged her to a match as a joke because they had a cancellation and Geeta watched— but both were shocked that Poppy’s skill with her parents’ steel types and her own Tinkaton were unparalleled by anyone in the building. When another E4 member retired, the league decided to let Poppy battle under her parents’ names just to blow off some steam. Poppy gets to let out energy, her parents make extra money, and the elite 4 has a strong battler. Win win!
Poppy loves to braid and play with hair, so the other elite four members will often let her play with their hair and add clips while they work. Larry is Poppy’s favorite because he sits Very Very Still
If Poppy really likes the battle she had with you, she’ll give you a sticker. Geeta once walked into a meeting with a gold star directly on her forehead because Poppy stuck it there and she didn’t want to take it off where Poppy could see it, forgetting about it by the time she walked in. She later moved it to her jacket
She has nicknames for everyone except Rika, which drives Rika insane. Grandpa Hassel, Mister Larry, Miss Geeta (or Auntie sometimes) but Rika? It’s just Rika. It’s always Rika. When Hassel was babysitting her at his and Brassius’ home in Artazón, Poppy’s eyes went really wide and she asked if she had two grandpas now or if Brassius was just SUPER old. He found that insanely funny
I saw a fic that had Larry naming his pokemon after Excel commands and I cannot stop thinking about it. It's canon in my heart. Btw if anyone knows this fic / the name pls lmk I can’t find it again but I remember his Flamigo was named COUNTIF
Larry is actually pretty wealthy, partially because he's raking in cash from his three jobs and partially because he doesn't spend money on anything but food and pokemon products. Considering that the Treasure Eatery feeds him for free and the pokemon products are provided or subsidized by the League, that leaves him with a LOT of extra income, which he uses to help out his friends or gym challengers with financial issues or simply buying them dinner
Someone added this on another post of mine but every single one of Larry’s passwords is some variation on “password”. He’s many things but creative is none of them. Also these tags are canon to me
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In contrast to his outward grumpiness and seeming apathy, Larry is incredibly gentle with and good with kids. He is confident the future will be better because of them, and does what he can to encourage them. It's a big part of the reason Geeta picked him for the positions-- they have a pretty similar philosophy regarding children and the future
Geeta has been doing everything in her power to get him to quit his third job (which is not League-affiliated) because he does the best work of anyone around and his other boss is a complete and utter asshole. She's tried promoting him, telling him how valuable he is to the team, using raises, praise, and passive aggression, but nothing is working. At one point she even tried overloading him with hours so he'd be forced to quit something but that didn't work either. She's stumped. The man won't quit
That third job? I'm not actually sure what it is but I do have an AU where he's a hitman. Call that a business casuality ;)
He always keeps candy in his desk (and his coat pockets) because he's a teacher and wants to be prepared. It's the strawberry kind, yall know the ones. This came in handy when Poppy joined the league, so all the other members started doing it too
His family gets traditional tattoos all over, which Hassel likewise has. He'd never remove them, but still keeps them covered most of the time for modesty reasons. Brassius has filled in the gaps in the traditional dragon shapes with various flowers to show how Hassel has grown from but not forgotten his past. They look very cool and Rika is insanely jealous of that
This old man is way more fit than he appears. He's a sensitive sweetheart and prefers the arts to sports or battling, but he's still a dragon tamer and keeps up his workout regime quite meticulously. Peepaw’s fucking shredded
His favorite art medium is paint, and he loves it when the little kids have class so he can finger paint alongside them. His office in the League building is covered in art. Geeta thinks it's sweet how he remembers every piece and how emotional he gets talking about it
Hassel has a hard time turning off teacher mode, which makes his training sessions at the league insanely funny to watch. “Haxorus, we do not Guillotine our friends!”
He can, and frequently does, play classical Paldea guitar. Once his rock career fell flat, he started experimenting with the style of his new home region and fell in love. You can often find him giving impromptu concerts from his balcony in Artazon
As much as she micromanages others, she's more than willing to take any responsibilities herself if she can't find someone else to do them. Plumber cancelled and they need the sink fixed asap? Get her a hammer. Rika is out sick? She'll cover those emails. Part of the reason the league struggles to complain about her is that they know for all the work they're doing, she's doing double. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s GOOD at it but she’s doing it
I’m not sure how I want to explain it backstory wise but a lot of her skin is crystalline just like the AI professors. She’s got a LOT of connections to Area Zero and her top priority is making sure nothing goes in and nothing gets out. The professor hates her. The feeling is mutual
No one has ever seen her blink
She’s incredible at traditional Paldean dances. When Hassel plays classical guitar, she’ll dance along, and it’s magical to watch
That whole thing about not being able to hold back during battles? It’s a PR thing to make kids feel better. She’s not very good at battling. Geeta is just like (gestures at her Avalugg) I just think they're neat
A huge point of contention between her and her employees is that she takes everything literally and is terrible at reading tone. Her gym leaders are scared of her and try to drop hints about things because they think they’ll be punished if they’re too forward, but all those hints go right over Geeta’s head. The gym leaders then think Geeta is ignoring them on purpose but she’s none the wiser. Everyone is losing.
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wickjump · 1 month
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My name is Wick (she/they), also known as Wickskip (TikTok), Wickjump (Tumblr), or Hopwick (AO3*).
On all platforms my content centers around Undertale and the Undertale Multiverse, however I’ll also sometimes reblog/post about a few other fandoms.
What I post and reblog can contain themes of violence, mental illness, suicide/self harm, suggestive themes, or more. For those reasons, this blog is intended for audiences 16+ in age.
information zone /ᐠ - ˕-マ。˚ᶻ 𝗓
[⁉️] byf/dni:
dni: pro/com/darkshippers (i do not support harassment or doxxing), TERFs, zionists/pro-isreal, anti-semitics, basic dni criteria (bigots). also xvials shippers, the person who popularized the ship (and even made the ship name) literally admitted it was a proship. you can stop pretending
byf: i will sometimes post/reblog things of a suggestive nature, but none of said posts will be graphic nudity. i am not an nsfw account, and will not reblog or post nsfw content, but it may be briefly mentioned or discussed. any suggestive posts will be tagged as such so you’re able to block the tag and not see that kind of content.
*my ao3 account is not intended for children.
[⚠️] boundaries:
pls no asks referring to alcoholism, substance abuse, or proship content.
don’t flirt with me or make sexual comments towards me, regardless of age or relationship status, including jokes!!!! conversations with graphic sexual themes are generally uncomfortable for me and i’d prefer not to have them.
don’t drag me into fights/start them under my posts!!!!!!!
sometimes i can be wrong about things. if i am wrong about things, tell me so i can improve!! i never mean to make anyone upset because of something i said.
[⭐️] faves:
aus: xtale, handplates, dusttale, reapertale, aftertale
au sanses: cross, reaper, lust, dream, dust, error, sci and fresh
canon ut characters: chara, frisk, asriel, toriel, alphys
other au characters: xtale alphys, xchara, xtale toriel, uf!toriel, uf!flowey, reapertale chara, handplates gaster, starlo (ut:y), outertale grillby, core frisk
ships: lustblue, kross, hypersomnia, afterdeath, bad sans poly, errorink qpr, and drinkberry. im not a picky shipper though :))
tropes: devotion, childhood friends -> lovers, hurt/comfort, opposites attract
color, animal, movie, book: pink/red/yellow, cat, the little prince (1974)/the last unicorn, fading echoes/the forgotten warrior (wc)
coffee order: 60-120k word slow burn rivals/strangers/friends to lovers modern au (possibly with a fantastical twist)
[🕯] other assorted info:
no twitter, discord, or insta :(
i have another name btw it’s winnie :3
every time i talk about ink in a relationship it is always queerplatonic on his part, even if i don’t clarify!! i personally don’t like shipping him romantically.
i have diagnosed autism, adhd, anxiety, and some others but that’s my personal biz. if i come off as awkward, ‘trying too hard’, unable to realize when a joke’s ended, or just weird/unlikable, that’s why. i’m seriously bad with that stuff but i’m trying my best!!
i’m an ace lesbian (i love women) and fem non-binary
i am squirrelstar, nightcloud, and mapleshade’s biggest fans and defenders ever!!!!!!!!!!! it’s fine if you don’t like them, just please don’t hate on them in reblogs of my posts or my askbox. common courtesy you know?
pls stop telling me to block people bc they draw gore art i don’t care as long as they’re not sexualizing it or endorsing the actions, it’s a genre of horror u cannot watch saw for fun and then get made at sans fangirl 172838373 for drawing sans undertale being crushed alive. this is the same for most* other dark themes.
*please google the definition of most. i do not mean all. there are some themes i personally wouldn’t want to interact with.
[🐇] links to my projects
Undertrap Sans/Milkbone Sans
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(warrior cats divider by skelos-cath)
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fainthedcherry · 1 month
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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Was browsing through early BOBF/Mando S3 criticisms on Tumblr and WOW, 93% of S2’s viewership dropped when S3 finished airing for an extremely understandable reason. As someone who got into Dinluke after all the dust settled I can only imagine what it was like becoming invested in Din’s story and being floored by the S2 finale only for it to get totally swerve-balled after a long-anticipated wait. How did you avoid the disappointment and burnout?
Spite is an incredibly powerful motivator, let me tell you.
I'm halfway joking about that, btw. I could say I'm used to disappointment and I also worked really hard not to take things too personally after being disappointed time and again year after year by fandoms I was in. Imo the healthiest attitude is that no show/movie/book/videogames/etc will ever play out the way you want/think it should so take what you can get and trash the rest. By the time I started watching The Mandalorian, I'd been burnt badly by Star Trek AOS, the Sequel Trilogy, the MCU, and the Disney machine, and I had to figure out how to accept that I like what I like, I can't change what I can't change, and I can/will run the fuck off with what I can change, which is making wildly fun and fulfilling transformative shit like fanfics and fanart.
I was actually excited about TBOBF and was utterly betrayed by the executive decision to throw him and Fennec to the side in order to absolutely trash the Season 2 finale of the Mando Show by having Din and Grogu reunite just like that. I guess I got lucky in that I had a long-running fic series that I was heavily invested in and I was not about to let Disney stop me from finishing it. Instead of letting my frustrations kill my interest in the show and fandom, I turned it into motivation to keep telling the story I wanted to tell based on the fallout of Season 2. It also helped that Andor happened.
I quit Season 3 of the Mando Show after the 1st episode and it was the best decision I ever made. I had a really rough time with it and was encouraged to step away if it was giving me too much stress. I'm glad for that. Less time and energy picking about Filoni&Favreau and Disney Lucasfilm's decisions and disappointments, more time and energy spent writing and drawing the dinluke I want to see. The nice thing about Star Wars is that it is an old and vast sandbox. Plenty of room here to build whatever sandcastles and dig however many holes you want while canon goes floundering by.
I think also that it really helped to find spaces to share with people who vibe on the same wavelength, so I'm not alone to my thoughts and spiraling myself out of a fandom I enjoyed (like what happened with TLJ but I shan't go there bc this response is long enough). Those posts about having friends you can shit-talk things with? Valid af. You need outlets to vent your grievances without setting bridges on fire, and it'll help your enjoyment of things in the long run.
I didn't avoid the disappointment but I figured out how to make something of it, so I'm still writing dinluke, I'm still drawing dinluke, I'm still getting giddy over dinluke. I actively choose to do what I want with them, and nothing Disney Lucasfilm puts out is ever going to stop me.
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qiqinal · 5 months
Ok fine I'm gonna share my head cannons for Bitterban/Jesterban
Bittergiggle will often give banban the queen treatment while Banban is confused about it but treats Bittergiggle very nicely just confused on why Bittergiggle treats him like royalty this is because being a jester trying to make the queen laugh and take care of her influences him to treat his lover like that.
When sleeping Banban is always the small spoon due to his size while Bittergiggle is the big spoon but sometimes Banban tells Bittergiggle he wants to be the big spoon, Bittergiggle let's him be the big spoon however it looks funny because the height difference makes it hard to take it seriously.
Banban understands that Bittergiggle cannot control himself because Banban was once in that situation (and probably still is) not able to control himself due to his instincts while Bittergiggle has something similar except it's not that serious, but Banban still accepts him no matter what because he was in that same situation (it's about Bittergiggle not able to control his stupid decisions btw!)
Bittergiggle sometimes accidentally calls Uthman,"Banban" and tries his best to fix that and calls him Uthman however if someone elses does dead name Uthman (Sir dadadoo) he would be very angry and correct them.
Knowing the depressed Banban is, Bittergiggle will always be there comforting Banban and make jokes to make him feel better and Banban laughs at his jokes even if they're not funny, he will support him no matter what.
Bittergiggle is protective towards Banban, he is aware other mascots are very aggressive and some do not like him and Banban might be able to protect himself but most of the time he isn't, he can sometimes completely take control over his instincts but that is very difficult for him to immediately take control so Bittergiggle is beside him paying attention to his surroundings.
Everytime Bittergiggle is having a panic attack thinking about the mistakes he's done Banban will comfort him by caressing his head and telling him "everything is ok, you are worth it" and ending cuddling together for some minutes.
Bittergiggle lifts Banban up to smooch him, the embarrassed Banban blushes and smooches him back :3
Bittergiggle draws sometimes and Banban joins him even though they aren't good artists they will spend time together and have fun and they draw each other.
Banban monologues a lot and Bittergiggle may not be paying attention but he loves listening to his soothing voice.
Last one : every time Bittergiggle and Banban go to the theaters and ask for one large popcorn they always touch hands when trying to get popcorn and get embarrassed
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zivazivc · 3 months
Ziva, would you mind providing a quick rundown of Les' band's personalities? I'm thinking of drawing how they'd look in my take on troll design, and knowing at least the gist of their personalities may help me figure out what tails to give them that may fit their personalities or contrast with them.
Oooooo 🥺 fanart of my ocs??
Uhm, so Les is very menacing on first glance, especially because of his size and resting bitch face (or resting moody vibe face as the films would call it lol) and he kind of likes it that way because it immediately warns ill-intentioned trolls to stay away from his friend group. But otherwise he's very laid back, kind of like a large dog. He gives off "don't mess with me and I won't mess with you" vibes. His true personality however is quite gentle and considerate, but that's supposed to contrast his physical appearance, and it's something he shows only around people he really trusts. - He also has a very goofy side that usually comes out when he's drunk (I don't know if that's important).
Hed is kinda his opposite. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is very expressive and extroverted. He grew up in Vibe City so he's very loud and tends to exaggerate body gestures because he just needed to do a little more to get attention from trolls two to three times taller than him. His outward personality is pretty fun and he's always the one with the party plan and craziest ideas/pranks etc. He's a bit less self-aware than the average Joe, and he has no filter on his mouth, so he can come across as rude or mean, especially because he likes poking fun and making jokes. He can also act a bit full of himself sometimes.
Also, I imagine this might be important if you're thinking of drawing them with tails, Hed wasn't born with dreads. His natural hair is straight and shaggy (think Barb's pet bat), so if he had a tail, I imagine it having his natural hair at the tip.
Flea is the most phlegmatic of all of them. He doesn't really talk much and tends to mind his own business most of the time. He's not shy or anything, it's just the way he is. Think "lazy surfer dude" or something (He would fit right in on Vacay Island.) But he radiates this chill guy energy that attracts other trolls and he has a large amount of acquaintances because of it; almost every place the band stops at there's someone who knows him and if not he makes a new group of friends there (reference: the rock trolls that lent him the psychedelic rock records).
Liv joined the band because she and Hed started dating, and then Hed roped her into playing the drums because he prefers playing the frontman if he can. In my head she gives this stereotypical goth chick energy; she's very cool and composed all the time, and can seem kinda cold and unapproachable. But she's actually nice, and pretty smart. She's also pretty organized and studies for school in between their gigs and parties, because she's the only one with any real foresight.
Man, this was hard to write. I usually think about characters' personalities in a very abstract way and with a collage of "moments" and quirks that define them, and if I do put words to them, I more or less describe them in my mind in Slovenian, so it was hard to translate all of it in a way that makes sense.
Also, btw, the very first time I drew Les, I actually drew him with a tail. Because I really like the idea of rock trolls having tails to distinguish them better from pop. But then I realized a tail is just another limb I have to think about when drawing and kinda dropped it lmao
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sweeneydino · 11 months
Random Fanfic and AU Ideas I'm writing down now so I don't forget it. Some of these are old.
Angst and Blood Warning, btw.
If anyone wants to write it, please feel free to take it. I'm running out of reading material, and I'm having withdrawal.
Never listen to Kikuo while drawing man, really makes you make some depressing shit 💀
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A Blanket For Your Troubles:
Leon didn't make it out of the prison dimension.
His soul, in the image of him as a tot, remains unable to rest and haunts a strange world similar to his own where he meets four older mutants like him who try to help him move on.
He either remains dead and goes back to his ancestors or somehow is able to reunite with his family.
Depends on how much you want to hurt.
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To prove yourself:
Three sets of the unique family end up trapped in the Rottmnt universe, where they must raise the Rottmnt crew with a recently mutated Splinter.
However, the differences between them prove to cause a rift in a certain young slider who's growing self-hatred comes to head in one final encounter.
Where he must prove himself.
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Cruel Joke:
When you're on your death bed, you expect to be met with those you've loved who were lost along the way, greeting you with open arms.
What you don't expect is to awaken with four baby versions of you and your siblings, crawling all over you, and an image of your father that is vastly different than from what you can remember.
The universes final "Fuck you", to the last ninja turtle standing.
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Party Crasher:
A fun, annual universal gathering of your favorite TMNT versions is rudely intruded by one incredibly injured and very feral, red-eared slider that gives one of them a cast and the other a minor concussion.
With their party ruined, the collection of turtles, and their companions, must begrudgingly help this strange turtle rediscover their identity and heal fast to discover just what the absolute hell caused so much damage to something so young.
Also, they like apples.
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Not my brothers:
The smallest holds them together. So when the youngest dies in their arms, they lose their glue.
The blue one becomes protective and clingy. He assumes the worst and uses his blade to fix it.
Purple keeps track and imprisons to keep safe. He's not afraid to use his tech for certain situations.
Big red keeps them from straying far, no matter what must be done to do so.
Michelangelo must treat these versions of his brothers like monsters that'll kill him at a moments notice because thats exactly what they've become.
Idk that's just what I remember. I don't like it.
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Blood in the Streets:
Leon gets a strange yokai disease that makes him crave flesh. He has to hide the problem while his brothers help a newly arrived vampire hunter hunt down beasts. Unfortunately, he is quite attractive.
Lmao vampire love story lol Leosagi.
Better than twilight
I don't fucking know I'm sleep deprived💀L
If there are any fics like these things, I'd love to see them. I need more book pages while I procrastinate.
Why am I so lazy
Just posting shiz
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natsumiheart · 1 month
Ever since I met you.
…Hello world! Lmao
Hi, I'm Natsumi, and I'm wondering who is even reading this but if you are, welcome to a very long post about how I got into Tears of Themis, how it helped me through such a hard time, and how I ended up falling in love with a certain detective.
I made this post for an event on hoyolab but I’m posting it here too in my trashcan! I already wanted to have a post documenting this online just for myself, even if in the future I cringe while reading it, I can look back and remember the emotions I felt through the year. I also wanted to share it with the world so that maybe people will feel like me, or come to appreciate this character that I love so much as much as I do. (you’re free to reblog btw!)
Warning: This post is mostly about Luke!
It contains spoilers about some Luke cards and some spoilers for his Blossom Chapter. There are small scenes from episodes 2 and 5 of main story as well. Oh, and Artem and Luke 2nd anniversary cards.
If you are here because you’re interested in learning or reading more about Luke and do not care much for the rest, I recommend the interlude, part 6, and The end: part 1. The other parts also talk about Luke and his stories but those are the most important in my opinion.
Due to Tumblr’s 30 image per post limit, this will be divided into 3 parts, each part added with a reblog.
Index because this post ended up incredibly long so here are the parts laid out to read anything you’re interested in!
> Part 1: Introduction
(How did I learn about this game?)
> Part 2: Contact
(Getting the game)
> Part 3: The Beginning
(Starting the game and first impressions lol)
> Part 4: Falling
> Interlude: Luke Pearce’s Fear
> Part 5: Obsession
(How and why did this obsession start?)
> Part 6: Reflection
(Thinking back on Luke’s personality that attracted me)
> The end: Memories
(Extra memorable moments)
Part 1: Introduction
I play Genshin (shocker) and I have some online friends who play it as well, so when Tears of Themis came out globally since it's made by Hoyoverse as well, most people who played genshin went to check it out. I discovered Tears of Themis through those people, and I was recommended the game by my online friends.
What was my response?
“I have no phone storage.” AAHAHAH, yes. I'm not a day one player. I only started during the second anniversary because back when the game came out despite being interested I could not play because I did not have any device that could handle the game. My phone could not handle Genshin's size either, it's not compatible to begin with- I played Genshin on the PlayStation [emoji]
However I did not forget about the game, I was just hoping that somehow one day, a miracle will happen and I will be able to play mobile games like other people LOL but what are the odds of that happening?... Well, a miracle happened 2 years later.
Bonus: I had a little beef at the time with Artem because I kept thinking drawings of him were actually of Jumin who is a very well written character I love like crazy from mystic messenger since 2016 BWAHAHA
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Every masterpiece.. has its cheap copy.. IM JKJK PUT THAT KNIFE DOWN AHAHA
Part 2: Contact
So one day I was visiting my aunt's house and met my cousin's acquaintance. I met the guy for like.. only 2 hours and during those hours my cousin told him about how I draw digitally but I have been drawing on an 8 year old phone that stays alive for like 30 mins at a time AHHAHA
The guy was like “That's it, I'm getting you an iPad to draw on.” I laughed, thinking he was joking- but then 2 days later I received TWO iPads, one for me and one for my little sister! W t f. Angels do exist on earth? And I was never able to thank him in person because he's a busy guy who only visited my village and I never saw him again o.o
Can you guess what I started doing when I got it? Download a bunch of games I wanted to try throughout the years but couldn't! Among them was Tears of Themis. My house didn't have the best Internet and had a couple hours of electricity a day so I downloaded it very slowly at my aunt's house.
I remember so clearly about how I sat next to my sister as I was downloading the game, and it started playing the second anniversary promotion video since it was starting during that time. At first I was like “aww, they proposing!” but suddenly things turned spicy and I almost dropped the iPad from my hand HAHA.
I did not know what to expect going into this game because I stayed away from spoilers and videos about it since I knew I wanted to get into it myself one day (I was interested in the main story). It made me sad too to be honest because I wanted to play it but couldn't, so I avoided it for years.
I however, did not expect at all that the game would get THAT spicy LMAO my sister noticed my reaction and she was like “What's up?” And I was like “you cannot see this” though she is older than the game’s age rating AHAHHA
Part 3: The beginning
I was so excited getting into this game! When I started I was incredibly hooked to the main story, and at the time.. hear this.. I had a bias towards Artem because he looked like Jumin AHAHA
I was honestly more interested though in the main story than the boys, because the boys didn't make me feel much at the time- I do not have a “love at first sight” I never had that kind of experience for real life people or fictional people. (Anyone can experience it, and that's valid! It's just for me personally that never happens.)
After knowing characters and learning more about them, that's when sometimes- I fall in love with them as a character, they end up giving me so much happiness just seeing them, they give me comfort.. And they fill up my sketchbooks HAHA is this love romantic? Usually no, that's very rare!
I did not feel much for Artem (turns out the only thing he and Jumin have in common were their looks and being socially awkward, shocker-) but I had a little interest that led to me pulling for his second anniversary card when I started being able to wish. I lost- and got a standard Artem, but then I won and got his card LMAO you can get a lot of wishes starting off. However I was doing the stories of the standard SRs, along with the main story and someone.. someone was warming up a lot to my heart.
Part 4: Falling
The boys were all very interesting and lovely characters! (The NPCs as well!!)
Artem, despite how he comes off at work, is actually just a shy guy who is bad at communication outside of work.
Vyn is actually a very interesting and well written character being very different than the rest of the cast due to his unique upbringing (honestly? His family feels like a cult, bro literally is running from a cult) and you learn more about his own psychology the more you get to know him.
Marius is literally just an artist who wants to chase the life he wants but is hindered by responsibility and his position.
And Luke- Luke stole my heart LOL
First off, he's a detective and I've already confessed online to having a thing for detectives by a drawing- that starting since I was a kid and I watched detective conan🧍‍♀️his introduction chapter.. was very interesting. It was literally the first episode, Rosa clearly knows and cares about this character right off the bat you're like hmm? What was this guy doing for 8 years? Why did he show up now after so long? Almost making him suspicious even. But he and Rosa seemed so close despite it all.
After that Luke had started showing up in the story here and there, a moment that made me go “ohh.. what a cool guy.” Was when after Marius’ case in episode 2, he shows up on a bike like “get in we outta here” and saved her from all the reporters.
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His theme plays at this scene.. my heartttt
Revealing he'd been watching her and the case from afar and was literally waiting for her to get out and get her away.
I started reading the standard SRs, the first one I did was “Among the great blue” which honestly I recommend everyone doing again because I bet you all do not remember Luke saying this about Jellyfish
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The card made me go *the rock eyebrow raise* GAHAH and at the time I was all innocent, not knowing anything about what Luke was going through, so when Rosa woke up and did not find him sleeping next to her (after she invaded where he's supposed to be sleeping lmao) and Luke was hunched over like “I'm fine I just accidentally swallowed gum lol” I actually believed him 💀 there were signs, but it would fly over a player's head until things are revealed ON THE FIRST FREAKING ACT OF HIS PERSONAL STORY and suddenly everything makes sense. Wow.
When I started personal story, I was just starting it because starting all of them is part of the “Rookie tasks” event you get when you start the game. Only to be punched in the gut immediately.
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This is LITERALLY what you’re greeted with when you start his story 💀
I was starting to warm up to this guy and you're telling me.. he's sick and planning to leave us.. omg.
I got to choose one limited SR from the Rookie event, and I thought Luke looked adorable so I picked his card "A star in the palm" and the story.. omg that card, I'm weak. Everyone needs to see it, READ IT!
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It’s illegal to be BOTH handsome and adorable smh
After that I started WANTING to do more Luke stories so I did the other standard SRs “Radiant Sunlight”, “Timely Rescue”, “Inner Sanctum”. They were all so good, my favorite being Inner Sanctum for how much it messed with my heart.
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Dude is literally falling and he STILL makes sure to protect her.
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I- was dying. I started pulling for Luke's anniversary card, starting to regret my choice going for Artem's. But he wouldn't come-
So I went back to main story because that's how you get the most schips, and guess what- I had reached episode 5…
Interlude: Luke Pearce’s Fear
The way episode 5 starts, Luke joins the NXX and Rosa is incredibly surprised seeing him there introducing himself as an agent from the NSB. Meanwhile Luke… is mad.
At first he can't believe Artem would even make her do this but she confirms to him that it was her decision, and then he spills the truth about his identity, and about where he's been the past 8 years. He apologizes, for lying, for planning to leave her again, for everything.
And then this happens.
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You guys, this scene made me go straight up insane. You can tell how much he had cared and loved her for all these years, and how his biggest fear is literally the main character getting hurt or something happening to her. I felt so emotional over it, that after this act I started DESPERATELY pulling for his card and I finally- finally got it
Episode 5 BTW is one of my favorites in the main story, it is 3 parts because it's THAT good. It's when people will start seeing what Luke is as a character, what's beneath the surface you see in episode 1. (Also this episode introduced the best character: Hugh Moss AHAHH)
The parallel between Rosa, and Jasmine (the reporter whose case you investigate), was not lost on me. That reporter died trying to expose the truth which is exactly what Rosa has been trying to do. I think the entire chapter literally is showing you why Luke is so scared of her continuing the path she's in.
But you know what's the best part? He's freaking terrified, yet he never forces her to leave. He says this:
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People keep saying Luke is a red flag that keeps trying to control Rosa and her actions and I swear my reaction is always “Are you even paying attention?” Luke never forces Rosa, he only shows he's against it, but he always says he will support her whatever decision she makes.
A similar more light-hearted situation is the story of his summer card “Iridescent Heartbeat” where Luke is afraid of Rosa getting hurt or doing things that are too much for her so he doesn't consider doing things such as Bungee jumping or rafting. But Rosa insists that she wants to do it and when she's visibly afraid later, Luke teases her a bit (LOL)
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but then holds her close to him and soothes her saying there's nothing to be afraid of cause he's there.
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He encourages her to do what she wants! And when she does indeed get hurt because the rope was too tight around her leg, he does NOT put the blame on her, but on himself-
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(The scene after kinda got on my nerves cause Rosa got “angry” that he’s not his usual “cheerful self” like girl I love you but please- can’t you see how much you getting hurt affects him? She pretends that she’s angrier than she actually is making Luke apologize over and over like 💀 but tbh it was also funny, I don’t like how she handled it but it was funny lol)
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When they go rafting Luke lets Rosa take the lead and he will follow her because she wanted to prove to him that he doesn't need to plan everything, however Rosa's plan backfires, things go horribly wrong and she can't figure out how to get the raft to go straight. Luke again, does not reprimand her in any way and only helps her so she can do what she wants. Later on even after they've fallen off the raft and onto the water he immediately holds her and takes her up to the surface so worried like “are you okay???” And despite all that, he says she's right. That she's always right and he will stop trying to plan and go more with the flow. 
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Luke never tried to control Rosa, he just loves her so much that he does not want to ever see her in pain or sad. He wants her to be the happiest girl in the world.
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So who is Luke? Luke is the coolest mf, a guy that always jumps into action to help others with a heart so damn big that his own emotions slowly destroy him. He has felt an astronomical amount of guilt and regret since childhood- and has cared for and loved the main character just as long. The girl who is the reason he was able to keep his sanity, the girl who he always wanted to protect, and the girl who is the reason he is still here today. 
I wholeheartedly believe that without Rosa in his life, Luke would've ended up completely different, if still alive at all.
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Bonus: I remember people being like, the characters have gemstones that match their color in the proposal ring, so why does Luke have Ruby instead of something like Topaz? This is why.. the ruby in the ring represents Rosa (getting emotional over here omg) and honestly that ring is freaking insane because not only did he design and make it and its box by himself for years.. but a ruby is inside the key that Rosa gave to him.
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Remember how Luke when you click on the key in visit says “I wear it like this to have it as close as possible to my heart” now look at the key.. if the Ruby is Rosa, and Luke’s heart is the key, do you see what he conveyed in that ring? Yea, I’m crying too. 
Part 5: Obsession
I have a bit of an obsession problem, I've been obsessed with stories, games, or characters and that obsession can last years of my lifetime. And it's understandable, when you're going through terrible things in your life, you get attached to what makes you feel happy and you hold on to that feeling. That's what starts that obsession.
When I got the second anniversary Artem card I did the story immediately and it was.. it was alright. Artem wants to propose, but in his attempt to keep it all secret distances himself too much and gets Rosa worried, but then wow! He proposes with the help of his coworkers and happy ending + things get a bit spicy at the end. 
But I felt like.. like I'm getting deja vu AHAHA like I've seen this kind of story a million times before. (Probably cause I did from watching a bunch of kdramas and having consumed a bunch of stories from a lot of media) It did not exactly get me to feel anything much, I'm sure it's different for Artem stans though having him propose after probably following his story for 2 years XD good on you guys have fun with your mans! 
For me though who had just started, it did not have that much of an effect. After I got the Luke anniversary card I was excited and went into the story oh so innocently not knowing back then that Luke cards are honestly heart wrenching. 
It led to me crying in bed while the sun was rising from the window as Luke says “That's because I love you.”
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The way how he blocks the wind from her and lets it hit him instead at that exact moment is freaking PEAK writing.
That card showed me a lot more about this man who is so shackled by his own emotions and circumstance, that he's willing to sacrifice everything even his own wants and dreams for the one he loves.
Have you guys seen that one official art with Rosa posing as Themis? And the boys are represented by the objects around her? Luke is the sword, Artem is the balance, Vyn is the blindfold, and Marius is the snake by her leg.
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It starts to make sense why Luke is holding onto her sword to the point of bleeding, he's bleeding yet he looks up to her in absolute devotion not caring for what happens to him and his eyes are only always on her. He’s willing to be her sword, to take all of the pain and protect her so she can be happy.
My life.. has not been what is considered “normal”. I'm not going to give my backstory in this post aHAHAH but at the time when I started Tears of Themis I was going through a very bad point in my life where I was close to have given up completely on my future and accepted my fate as it is. I had shut down completely, and I went back to becoming a shut-in which is honestly something I went through for four years before, it wasn't good. 
When you reach that point, you start becoming apathetic to everything.
Luke however, somehow started making me start having emotions again. Reading and learning about this character was actually affecting me in a way I have not been affected in a long time. He felt.. real, like I could feel his emotions, his love, his despair.
And that's part of why I got so attached to him and he became my comfort, because of him, I started to feel human again.
AHA CRINGE. OK enough with the sadness.
But I'll never forget how much Luke and Tears of Themis helped me keep a grip during those hard months. I'm in a better place now, it's not good- but it's better, and I still just open this game and visit Luke to help me ground myself.
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One time after a bad day I accidentally touched him and he said this, I went insane-
I think that says a lot about the state of my sanity AHAHAH 
[To be continued in reblog]
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eliziarts · 1 year
It really gets me how you can't say shit about Helluva Boss (or Hazbin Hotel for that matter) to actually critique without fans getting buthurt, and the only people agreeing with you people who just hate Vivzipop (for the record i dont lol). But here are my gripes that I wish people were actually talking about (btw I really *want* to love Helluva Boss and none of this is mean-spirited, just things I've noticed that I wish the team would fix, or I believe are beyond fixing):
1. The very confused tone. I know a lot of people deflect any criticism from the show by saying 'oh but it's a comedy you shouldn't take it too seriously'. Here's the thing- it's literally taking itself too seriously. There's a balance that a show can have between dark elements and humor, but Helluva Boss consistently tries to tackle very, VERY heavy subjects. This combined with the Brandon Rodgers-essque d!ck joke comedy doesn't.. work. At least not in the way they're attempting. I think the most egregious example of this is the scene in the latest episode when Moxie's dad is literally threatening to kill him if he doesn't follow through with an arranged marriage... immeadiatly followed by Moxie walking though a hall of wall d!ldos. It kind of says, 'hey, we were taking this really seriously 2 seconds ago, but jk actually now you should laugh!'
Juxtaposition doesn't work if it actively confuses its audience on what to feel. I'm not sure how much influence Vivzie and Brandon have on the outcome of the show vs the rest of the writing team, but it seems like Brandon's humor and Vivzie's tendency to write melodramatic soap opera scenes just aren't really meshing together quite right. I wish it had more similar pacing and tone shifts that HH had, because it felt more sudden in a purposeful way, rather than 'we're too lazy to find a good transition between these two scenes.'
2. Why does Vivziepop never write interesting female characters? I know this is talked about a bit more, but it's growing increasingly prevalent in Helluva Boss. We still haven't gotten an episode focused on any of the female leads that's actually about *them*.
Millie is practically nonexistent without her relationship to Moxie. Even the episode where we meet her family, it doesn't give us any insight about her. Every time she goes feral(tm) it's either to save her husband or it's part of a group fight. The only backstory we got for Loona was there to service Blitzo's character, and show us *his* reaction. The only things we've seen with Octavia were put there to help us learn more about Stolas. Even in the scene where they only had Loona and Octavia on the screen, it didn't feel like it was about them at all. It didn't feel like the scene existed to show us them bonding about their shitty dads. It felt like the scene was there to once again ask the audience to give Blitzo and Stolas pity points. Which- brings me to my next problem.
3. Its justifications of abuse. I know they're in hell. Most of them should be shitty people, and they are! But I wish the story would stop trying to pretend they're not. Helluva Boss keeps doing this thing where it draws a line between 'good' abuse and 'bad' abuse. And this kind of completely changed Stolas and Blitzo's relationship. Ik some people may like this change but I personally don't.
Earlier on, we were made to believe Stolas kind of fucked up by cheating on his wife. Not only did this affect Stella (tho ofc we later learn it's due to image reasons) but his daughter as well. It's just generally an uncomfortable and tricky situation. And I liked it! It was interesting and had levels of nuance. However, now that we know that he was basically being abused by Stella this entire time, and met Blitzo when they were kids (which is a WHOLE OTHER UNCOMFORTABLE CAN OF WORMS LMAO) the audience no longer feels like Stolas did anything wrong. Now his actions feel justified.
As much as I loved his confrontational scene with Stella the first time I watched it, as I know many people did, I also know that it kind of ruined any sense of nuance that whole situation had. Now, Stolas suddenly has been absolved from any previously implied mistakes. And, Stella is portrayed as this 1 dimensional cruel monster.
Which brings me to the point of abuse in this show. It's a very prevalent theme, and it's a heavy one for a show branded as a sit-com to portray (hard, but not impossible). But it fails on the end that it doesn't stay consistent in its condemnation of it. Every time a character does something 'bad', as soon as we find out there is a reason for this bad behavior, the show suddenly makes it seem like we should feel bad for them and that their actions are justified because they're a broken person. See: the narrative around Stolas' affair suddenly being changed as soon as we find out he was being abused by Stella.
Inconsistent emotional consequences in writing is lazy for sure. But the real problem is when it gets to the abuse side of things, it can actually become harmful. It's implied that Blitzo had an emotionally abusive relationship with Verosika. But ohh we know he had a fucked up childhood and has fear of forming emotional bonds so! Geuss it's okay! But when it comes to Stella, she's just downright mean, 1 dimensional, and literally says she's doing things for no reason other than to make Stolas suffer.
It's important to note that every single time a character gets a *reason* for their assholery, it becomes a *justification* in the way the show frames it. But whenever a character doesn't have a reason for being as asshole, like Stella (at least not one that's shown), that's where the show then draws the line.
This is harmful! Hate to break it to you but the bulk of abusive people out there were abused themselves. They have multitudes of reasons for why they are the way they are. But that doesn't excuse their actions! And I really hate that this is the standard of framing Helluva Boss has set up for their show because now, no matter how bad a character's actions are, they can slap on a sad backstory and suddenly make that character a sympathetic one.
Yeah but anyways idk. If you read all of that I thank you for taking ur time to listen to my 2 cents. The last episode I really enjoyed was the Ozzie's one and I'm just kinda bummed at a lot of this stuff I mentioned.
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Ok hear me out
Chrysanthe as a dad. (+Miraak)
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I actually had these finished a long, long long time ago but never uploaded them xD so here they are! GHD Timeskip!AU featuring Chry and Miraak as dads. How wholesome. This was all just an excuse to draw family shenanigans with Chry and Miraak sksksk
(the first two panel did not happen btw. it was a joke from the server xD Chry would be So Not Thrilled to know their baby is stolen and their parents killed by Miraak.)
After the whole Alduin Business they decided to get a baby from an orphanage! Hooray! I have never actually decided what the baby's name should be. Maybe @99corentine you'd like to choose one for them? 👀
And also have these two where. Chry has like 4 babies because we thought ''hey let's give them MORE'' and boom.
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Info about the babies below!
Basically the Nord+Altmer kid is their lovechild(as in their biological son) gifted by Mara(cuz you know. they gay. can't really give birth.) Chry & Miraak got really confused but still kinda rolled with it. This baby has both Chry & Miraak's traits, having slightly pointy ears and a mix of white + golden hair, and has mostly Miraak's fight-y personality but still listens to Chry if he scolds them. They are Miraak's favorite and so they feel proud about it.
The Snow Elf, however, was made bc I accidentally misinterpreted @/mellowscrolls' convo and thought Erandur somehow got another child from Mara and was told to give them to Chry xD they are very shy, and clings to Chry the most. Miraak scares them a little due to his ominous aura lol They also like Erandur a lot! cuz he was the one that took care of them first hehe
The HERMAEUS MORA ONE, HOWEVER, is there simply and solely bc HM wanted to mess with Chry & Miraak. So after he heard that they got so many babies, for some reason, snatched/created a baby himself and corrupted it with his daedric dark magic or something. and just. left it at Chry's front door lmao Chry and Miraak did NOT take them well at first. Miraak in particular, as he refuses to even acknowledge them. Chry was afraid of it, thinking they could be HM's pawn. But, this kid was, in fact, just a kid. They are corrupted by Mora, but they were actually not influenced by him at all. They still maintain their toddler mind. And so Chry refused to kill them, as much as Miraak suggested to.
Chry starts to warm up to this half-daedra a little, but he is always unable to stare into their face, which is covered with numerous Hermaeus' eyes. Does HM have the ability to spy on them through those eyes? Nobody knows. They can also summon tentacles, which freaked Chry & Miraak out very much, so this ability was never brought back out again.
Because of both parent being wary of them, this baby is more mature and understands how different they are and does not blame either of them. They are actually a very sweet kid and takes care of all their siblings. But they know how much of a ''monster'' they are. They know about HM, they even hear his whispers to hurt Chry & Miraak when they sleep, and so they despise him, even if he was their ''creator''. They love their new parents and would never hurt them.
As they grew, maybe Miraak finally took pity and hand-carved a wodden mask for them to wear outside. They treasure this gift with their whole being as it was the first time the nord father cared for them.
Chry needs rest.
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golatcxr · 2 years
“Sorry, wrong button.”
You had long developed a crush on your fellow text buddy, Heizou, as he was also you duo gaming partner. Provided that you two were both familiar with each other for a long time, he didn’t mind your constant clumsy habit of sliding onto the call option whenever you were going to log out. One day, Heizou was finally fed up with those small incidents.
Genre: fluff, no tw
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“It won’t happen again I promise!”
And here it was again, your already hung up call in the middle of nowhere. Heizou stared at his phone screen, only to see his face on the top right corner and your ceiling. It seemed like you didn’t notice the dial tone nor his ‘hello?’ earlier. Normally, he would end the call immediately knowing that you probably wouldn’t be present or wait until you came back to scare the shit out of you if he had time for that.
However, he just kept staring, thoughts clouding his mind. He didn’t feel like pranking you at that moment but he couldn’t help but hold the call for longer. As a deductive guy himself, Heizou overthought from time to time, yet there were times he’s sure about what his guts told him.
It was your clumpsy nature, not not your feelings. Disappointed, he felt. Sometimes, he really wished you were just messing with him to get his attention, he anticipated every rings he got from you and endlessly receiving false calls. Heizou was undeniably talkative but he absolutely adored your voice. Everytime you two were voice-calling during rank time, he would turn the game’s volume down to almost the lowest, just to hear you better.
The next morning, you woke up to a text message from Heizou.
“You free at 9? I wanna do a custom match”
“Sure” your fingers hurrily replied him back, contented for that he invited you to join a match with him.
It was Saturday, so you had nothing much to do. You decided to log in game right after your breakfast to not let Heizou wait. You put on your headphone and rearranged the stuff on your desk slightly. Opening your phone to look back at the messages from him, you turned it off not knowing your hand had clicked on the phone icon once again.
The long greeting caught you off guard, you could only see your phone screen still being black but you recognized the voice.
“Miss me already?”
A blush crept up your face upon Heizou’s flirty remark. You reached for your phone and turned it on. You didn’t show your face though you could clearly see him in bedhair. That was so cute, you thought. Smiling to yourself.
“Come on now (Y/N), at this point I can just redraw your ceiling’s texture perfectly.” He joked.
“There was literally nothing up there”
“That’s why, now show me your face so that I can blackmail you with your morning pics, hehe.” His heartfelt giggle never failed to get you, your face was practically heating up.
“Nah, I accidentally pressed the call button again, Heizou. See you later in game.” You were actually proud that you made that out smoothly, couldn’t have let him see you in that state.
Heizou’s brows knitted into a frown, he rested his chin on the back of this left hand.
“You know, sometimes I just wish these calls weren’t accidental.”
“By that I mean, I want you to call me on purpose and we have proper conversations like this outside our gaming time together.”
His words taken you aback, you were so confused you didn’t  believe your ears.
“I thought you have a busy schedule-“ you covered your mouth to hide your awe.
“No one is too busy for the one they love, sweetheart.” Heizou smirked as a sigh escaped his lips. Endearing your stunned feature.
At that point, you completely forgot about his game invitation, never thought your bad luck made you struck gold.
Author's note: This happened to me a lot ToT and God told me I must write this immediately. Although I didn't have much time to kinda double check it xD Enjoy anyways btw I'll try to make the cuts with my own drawings in the future if I had time sksksksks
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