comradekatara · 1 day
Hi! Sorry if this has been asked before/you’ve answered this before, but I’m curious what you think of how Sokka acts just… overall.
To me, he’s always read as being someone who’s emotionally repressed, and doesn’t quite know how to deal with his emotions and blames himself for a lot, and micromanages as a way to try and overcompensate for things in his past that have been out of his control. (And he’s definitely a prodigy. I don’t think that, especially after the massacre, the southern water tribe would have many scrolls to read on, so it’s my personal hc to believe he taught himself physics lmao. But even without that, definitely a prodigy.) Who is, unfortunately, doomed by the narrative. But he’s still a loving guy, and very protective over his family.
But I’d love to see how someone else sees it! He’s one of my favorites ever lmao.
sorry for leaving this ask to fester in my inbox for over a month (hastily shoves away the asks i’ve been sitting on for multiple years) but at the time I had received a bunch of asks about sokka’s tormented psyche in quick succession, and I was trying to get through those first before approaching this broader, more open-ended question. I mean, obviously you could always just peruse my sokka tag, because at this point I’ve clocked so many hours analyzing him that it’s actually quite dire, and I’m pretty sure that you already have. but if I was to distill “sokka’s whole deal” into a few key sentences, I would first emphasize that his survivor’s guilt/martyr complex really underscores who he is and how he operates in any given situation in a crucial way.
I don’t think any of what you said in this ask is remotely incorrect, for the record, but focalizing the formative traumas that defined him: his mother’s sacrifice, and his father then passing that mantle onto him (in fairness, not deliberately on hakoda’s part, but when kya sets such a blatant precedent for what it means to “protect your sister,” it’s hard not to internalize that logic). he feels personally responsible and implicated in every single thing that could go wrong, because unlike katara, who (very understandably) gets angry when bad things happen and are done to her, sokka gets guilty. he was never able to process his grief in a remotely healthy way, so he has internalized that his singular role above all else is to die so that others may live, without ever actually acknowledging that this mentality is a byproduct of his trauma (because, like you said, he is absurdly repressed), and he feels guilty every time he is unable to prevent anything bad that happens to anyone he cares about, whether it’s remotely his fault or not.
he wants control over every situation because he feels responsible and thus guilty no matter what happens. not only is control the one thing he has, but he’s even more controlling when leaving his tribe because unlike with his grandmother, whom he trusts, he does not trust 99% of people on the planet, and is constantly wary of any ulterior motives they may have (which is why it’s a very good thing that all his friends are so sincere it’s almost concerning), or just their sheer stupidity leading them (and him by association) into trouble (in fact I think sokka would far rather ally with a two faced bitch than with an idiot, because at least you can reason with a two faced bitch). as katara rightfully points out (frequently), sokka is a paranoid cynic, but it’s hard not to be a paranoid cynic when the last time you had any shred of hope whatsoever is when you thought the southern raiders were retreating from your village and then you went home to find your mother’s charred corpse in the living room.
moreover, his trauma at the hands of imperialist violence has informed so much of who he is to the point that he genuinely feels that he isn’t, because that’s how throughly he has been dehumanized by the fire nation’s colonial project. it’s not just that he feels worthless, it’s that he feels unpersoned. due to assuming the mantle of protector before he was old enough to form a coherent sense of self, that role became his entire sense of self, and now he feels that he is nothing more than a shield with which he can protect katara (and others, but mainly katara), and can’t detach himself from that role even though it’s unhelpful and unhealthy, because (in his mind, at least) it is truly all he has.
so in summary, he’s a paranoid, miserable, depressed misanthrope who is repressing a fuck ton of grief and trauma to simply get through the day, including the fact that he feels it is his duty to die for his people and his loved ones—especially katara, to the point that he has an unhealthy codependent attachment towards her because he stakes his entire identity to her existence—and has no sense of self beyond his role as provider, protector, and (inevitable) martyr. obviously that’s just what his deal is psychologically, which is different from his personality (cue the, here I was thinking he’s just a fun, silly guy!) but you will also never get anywhere in understanding sokka if you think that he somehow has less trauma than katara, rather than the fact that unlike katara, who is able to process her emotions in an open and healthier way, sokka simply ignores it. but he also does a pretty bad job of hiding it most of the time, because he literally acts like a trapped prey animal in basically every situation once you look past the sarcasm and witticisms that provide his favorite tried and true coping/deflection mechanism. you just have to care enough to look past the surface, which most people don’t, including himself.
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vapolis · 1 day
i love love love that we can be suspicious of d’s actions/words - imo the merc has a very warped idea of what a trustworthy person is (ie. a trustworthy person is someone that has other motivations) that d’s seemingly genuineness is so incredibly off-putting. my own merc generally wouldn’t help someone without an ulterior motive so their interactions are so juicy. while i’m not romancing d, d is also one of the only people in the demo so far to pull back some layers from the merc and take a peak at their more vulnerable side (which seems to be refreshing to d but incredibly damning to the merc). also! i actually really love that jax gets mad at us & the ways we can take this; like yes, my merc is a loose canon and will murder people, but they also know their work (/take pride in their work?), & (not to play too much into this dog metaphor but) they know that a dog can only bite so many hands before they are put down (ie. they know who they can kill under oral’s hand). so, no they didn’t kill them and yes they are gonna be angry about being accused. but jax is also so valid for thinking this bc they’ve only seen a very surface level version of the merc. & this just makes me so excited for their relationship bc they are going to be peeling back so many different layers of one another once they begin their strange relationship
I agree!! I know most people don't trust D as far as they can throw them, but they're definitely different to the other ros. they want to know the merc at the very least, even if that's not something that has the merc especially trusting towards them.
it's going to be interesting to get more into their dynamics and how they mirror each other in certain things.
jax not trusting the merc's word is smth that has definitely ruffled some feathers, but it's in character. as you've said, the/your merc is known to be a bit of a loose cannon. you play it more violently but even as someone that hasn't killed someone so far, the way others are playing the merc, they've still done plenty to warrant the suspicion.
I also think it would be a bit boring if jax didn't fight them on what happened lmao like flat out agreeing and having no conflict makes their relationship fall flat to me.
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deaf-solitude · 2 days
In The Shadow of the Valley Pt. 1 (Squire!Thaddeus x Knight!Reader)
Pairing: Thaddeus x Knight!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings/Tags: Future graphic violence, injury and blood, no use of Y/N, placeholder knight name for the reader, mostly gender-neutral but reader is called “sir” at some points, the reader is called “my lord” a lot too, reader is also a bit of an asshole but dw they soften up
Summary: You’re a knight sworn to the Brotherhood of Steel, and you’ve just lost your asshole squire to a yao guai. Maybe it’s for the better, as you prefer to work alone anyway. Unfortunately, the Brotherhood thinks otherwise and quickly sends you a replacement. Turns out that the replacement is someone you never wished to meet again, but thankfully, he didn’t know it was you! Not yet, at least.
TDLR; What if Thaddeus was assigned to be your squire instead of Maximus’?
((A/N)) I have no defence for this. I’m so weak for pathetic men it's not even funny 😔 I’m planning on making this a 3 or 4 parter, so this parts a little on the shirt side for simplicity’s sake. Also I swear I’ve been trying to work on some Umbrella Academy stuff, but I got major writer's block for one of my requests that I was super excited to write. I’m hoping this little fallout tangent will kickstart my motivation. Anyway, enjoy my brain rot-induced fanfic bc there’s not enough appreciation for my boy Thaddeus lmao
You really wished you didn’t have to have a squire tagging along with you constantly. Okay, sure, you didn’t want to be carrying that overly-massive bag of shit yourself, but all they ever did was get in the way and die.
That’s how you found yourself in your current position, gripping your radio tightly between your metal-clad hands.
”No, I do not need another squire! Do not send one-“
”A replacement squire is currently on its way to you. Hold position.”
You groaned loudly as you released the call button, feeling inclined to rip the radio out of your suit and be done with the person on the other side of the transmission. You could do this all by yourself. There was no reason to waste yet another squire on a mission that could easily be completed by you and you alone.
Your last squire already had you walking a fine line between focusing on the mission and focusing on not smashing his head into a wall, though the yao guai he pissed off had beaten you to it. You looked back at the cave behind you, where your squire’s mauled body currently resided, deciding to move away from it in favour of getting yourself back on your intended path.
You didn’t stray too far from the general area, however, begrudgingly waiting for the Brotherhood transport to deliver your new squire. You leaned against a tree in wait, sighing heavily as you tilted your head back.
You were starting to regret ever joining this odd faction, though you supposed you didn’t have many other places to turn to as an abandoned child. Some knights had picked you up off the side of the road one day, where you were protecting an injured dog from a small band of rad roaches. You’d been caring for it for days, bringing it any food and water you could scavenge, and you weren’t going to give up on it so easily.
The makeshift spear you made with your small pocket knife tied around the end of a stick made them laugh, and they quickly shot the roaches before offering to take you back to the Brotherhood. They told you that you could help people just like you helped the dog. You, with your big heart and even bigger ambitions, agreed to go with them.
From that foggy interaction, you specifically remembered the look of the squires’ faces when you so readily agreed to tag along. They almost looked remorseful. You understood why now: the Brotherhood was not a very welcoming place to wannabe heroes. You understood that quickly.
…You never did see that dog again.
You weren’t sure how much time passed, maybe a half hour or so, before you could hear the familiar sound of an approaching vertibird. You sighed, pushing off of the tree and straightening up your stance. Here we fucking go.
You hardly had it in you to look up as your new squire rappelled down, the oversized bag he was carrying falling to the ground with a loud thump while he clumsily unhooked his harness.
He had already started talking before he even turned around, sending the rappel lines back up to the vertibird. “Oh, Knight Mire!” You barely registered the familiar voice before you saw his face, and it took everything in you not to scream or curse him out.
It was fucking Thaddeus.
He kept talking even as you froze in place, getting down on one knee and going on some spiel about how he was honoured to be in your charge, but it was drowned out by the ringing in your ears. You were going to strangle this man.
You and Thaddeus didn’t have the… best history. Arriving at the Brotherhood airbase around the same time some other kid—Maximus—did, you were both subject to his horrible bullying for a while. You were able to stand up to him after a while, giving Thaddeus a thorough beating for shoving you past your breaking point in your first few weeks there. You were pulled off of him by some officers and thoroughly scolded by Elder Quintus but returned to normal duties soon enough.
Thaddeus had enough of you after that, avoiding you at all costs as long as you weren’t near Maximus, who was now his group’s primary target. As nice as the younger kid was, he never had it in him to fight back against them. You decided to keep away from him regardless, not wanting to get caught up with those assholes again. Another infraction could’ve meant a much more severe punishment for you, and that was not something you were interested in.
“Uh, Knight Mire?” You were snapped out of your thoughts and looked down at Thaddeus, who was still kneeling and looking up at you with some expression of concern or anxiety. Did he not… recognize you? No, of course, he didn’t: he didn’t know your last name, and as far as he was aware, you were dead as soon as Quintus sent you off base years ago. Being sent off base almost always resulted in death.
Good. That was good.
”Rise, squire,” you commanded, your voice garbled by the voice modifier in your helmet. Thaddeus scrambled to his feet, his posture tense and his arms held closely to his sides. You inspected him a little longer, taking note of his skittish demeanour before brushing past him to resume travelling to your original destination.
“You’ll do,” you commented briefly as you passed him, hardly giving him a second glance to see if he was following.
Thaddeus was a bit taken aback by your words, pausing for a moment to mumble to himself: ”I’ll do…? Do for what?” He blinked and shook his head, rushing to fall in line behind you. He struggled to carry the pack that was nearly as big as he was, stumbling every couple of steps as he tried to balance himself.
”What do we have to do?” He questioned quickly, trying to keep pace with you. Great, still as talkative as he used to be. You could never forget his stupid rants, though they used to be more ill-intended, when he would muster up every possible insult and demeaning phrase he could to try and get you all upset. It worked against him, in the end.
You were tempted to pick up your pace and leave the fucker behind—there was no way he’d be able to keep up with you with that thing on his back—but you decided against it, lest the Brotherhood send you another squire.
”You just have to lug my shit around and try not to die,” you answered begrudgingly, “I will do everything else. That’s all you need to know.” You didn’t need another brainless squire getting in the way of your missions, so you hoped he’d take the hint and shut his mouth. But when did he ever?
”B-but the officers said you’d fill me in-”
You stopped suddenly, causing Thaddeus to run into you. You turned to glare at him the best you could from behind your helmet, but all Thaddeus could see was the intimidating blank stare of your metal face covering as you looked down at him.
“You will follow my command while we’re out in the Wasteland, or you will die. Is that clear?” You growled, taking a step towards Thaddeus while he took two steps back.
“Y-yes, my lord! I-I would never doubt you, m-my lord!” He responded enthusiastically, albeit nervously, eager to stay on your good side. That was going to get old fast. You turned back around to continue walking, slightly picking up your pace as Thaddeus hesitantly began following again.
”M-may I ask you something, though?”
You were unable to stop the sigh that came out of your mouth, the sound garbled and distorted coming out of your voice modifier. That made Thaddeus visibly shrink back, his mouth snapping shut at your disdain.
”Right, no! N-no time for talking. We-we have a mission to complete!” He exclaimed with a finger pointed in the air, unable to expel the shake in his voice from your previous order. Silence fell over the two of you for all of one minute before it was broken: “Do you think we’ll get in any fights out here?”
You were going to kill him, you were sure of it.
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
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I reckon what makes Ed happy is you.
You make Stede happy.
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
hi! birthday. which means it's finally time t
yo what the itch store is fixed up now
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damn what? I don't know where this came from. look all the comics I put on g*mr**d a year ago are back here again with all the formatting and typesetting by @fireflysummers as well as the exclusive bonus art wtf who did this. my werewolf comic on here too what the hells!! that one also got re-toned for printing if u want to AND an exclusive cover spread !!! what the fuck!!!!! come see for urself I can't make this shit up
#bakuspecial#comic#itch.io#bakugoods#<- made up a tag for when I sell things that aren't commissions just now#for folks who still remember me talking abt a physical run of these comics: I'm so sorry this year and the last have been brutal#and I live in a well and suffer a curse of international mails never going well. so the logistics became Very complicated#I still think abt it tho! I've prepped up all the assets just bc I thought abt it so much... we picked out a gift print for the orders#And a bonus print for the pack#but I couldn't gather my brain enough to make it happen. yet#it takes a bit of overhead so I gotta build that up. which is. right now talk for after the shit that just happened to me got smoothed out#but I do want it to happen. I've been sitting on this exclusive custom print for like two years now#I really love that drawing its so cute. I still hold that project close to my heart#anyways uhh itch store! happy birthday to me!#last year this time was so rough I didn't even Want to think about my birthday lol#strangely enough with this small little fragmentation grenade we just got I became more motivated to fuck around on my bday lmao#probably out of spite. hammer philosophy#my parents love making a whole thing out of me and the brother's bdays lol so dinner's gonna be something#but for now I can still chill. and prep up stuff. and do my thang#if u look thru the itch store and get something from there thank u so much! I hope the comics treat u well#and now. I make hot drink. have a good day lads! do a little jig for us let's go
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brawlmetaknight · 7 months
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still thinking about this actually WE WERE SO ROBBED. this would have given some much needed exposition to dedede's role/motives in sse. i could be wrong but i've always imagined he was trying to defeat and put one of his badges on meta knight like he was doing with the other characters, but he sure picked the worst time to start beef lol. judging by the phrase "unwittingly", i assume he didn't mean for meta knight to lose the halberd, but ultimately meta knight couldn't concentrate on defending his ship when he also had dedede attacking him out of nowhere.
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dropoutparty · 2 months
I might make a crazy huge autismo post in a couple days but I'm just so worried that no one will bother to read it,, my therapist would tell me to do it anyways but like it's happened *before*!!
Maybe I should just be interested in things that aren't incredibly niche LMAOO /s
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fr is he, you know.............................................repeatedly described as being Impersonable and Lacking Charm and Pedantic and confused / bothered by things he supposedly shouldn't be while inspiring confusion / botherment in others in ways he supposedly shouldn't and like 99.9% of the grief he's given is over All That while he's just sitting or standing there rather than the like intimidatingly efficient hitman georg thing he has going on. which is in fact The Skill That Makes Him Useful Despite It All and also perhaps the least foothold in interactions because [worried he can & may kill you] affords power when otherwise just being the weird guy nobody likes(tm)
bonus mordecai balling
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#lackadaisy#not exactly Necessarily intentional but like oh you don't say#something something liking patterns & order; though that overlaps w/the like fastidiousness that's just tied to backstory#but that even when picking up that particular trait he was apparently always Peculiar in the deemed Not Personable Way#like oh you don't say#can't really even truly hone in on 9000 murders/day when like. everyone's blowing people away out here. ya gotta#or certainly other people are doing it too lol. mordecai's Mostly differentiated from anyone else's hitmanning by demeanor/affect#and that demeanor/affect has everyone going sicko mode antagonizing him while he's decidedly just sitting there#like oh you don't say....epic mood re: the [how would mordecai approach being tasked with infant childcare] joke#held a baby once maybe twice and both times an exercise in simply like ah christ don't drop this thing countdown to passing it along#great minicomic lmao found in the uhh. gallery under....mini comics; penultimate one w/the baby cat jimmy carter as pictured as thumbnail#supporting his mystery contributions too....gotta be for real abt mitzi not shooting anyone but sure he may have noscoped atlas#though maybe also he did not; but we know they have some secret concerning atlas; even probably involving his death....#vaguely wondering if atlas got whatever warning about [mystery thorn in marigold's side] as asa sweet mentions over that brunch#and perhaps would have chosen to back out of the business but mitzi was not about that & would arrange a Murder to inherit lackadaisy....#but mordecai would have to have some reason to go along with that. Maybe as an out for working for atlas forever; but now he's at marigold#not exactly that different yet [themes re: The Other Paths Are Closed To You Forever for everyone out here]#while it might also be true that he left for marigold to try to figure out what's going on over there from the inside; as suggested....#and whatever he's got going on he's Very Motivated about it as per the most recent comic pages. bold moves#anyways another accidentally autistic cat out here. for april. always a classic lol fr everyone leave him alone or else shoot at him yknow#i do support the mordecai & the savoys dream team there. reiterating i think nicodeme espesh could/should be the like surprise bestie & etc
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deus-ex-mona · 27 days
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yurusanta: the ✨gift✨ that keeps on ✨giving✨
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talentforlying · 3 months
one of these days i'm going to write up all that i've changed from azzarello's bullshit era and the one (1) piece i've kept from milligan (and also changed) and the only thing currently stopping me is that it is going to be so, so inside-baseball incomprehensible. and i almost never want to go reading/screencapping azzarello and milligan to add references but i Want to add references.
canon is goop, just know that we continue to ride the bus down "hellblazer ended at #250 and looks like swiss cheese before that" street.
#( ooc. ) OUT OF CIGS.#i'm doing page maintenance before i fuck off to work rip it's got me thinking#anyway i think i said WAY back on this blog that a side goal of mine is to make hellblazer lore accessible to non-comic readers where i can#bc it's such a Heavy comic & i love it so much & i always felt Terrible recommending it to people only for them to be disgusted#and like. @ past me that particular goal is NOT as easy as you thought it would be lmao#esp because i have a habit of getting VERY detail-oriented when it comes to talking about hellblazer i think#but by GOD it's still a goal. i can put in some motherfucking references here and there when i talk about The Lore#like. azzarello's writing style never translates well for me in synopsis bc he Loves to put the audience in the outside perspective#where we are bystanders/with the rest of the bystanders to constantine's actions and not to his motivations/inner monologue#and i HATE that. hellblazer has ALWAYS been about what this guy has going on underneath the masked exterior#all the things you can't say out loud when you're queer and working class trying to survive in 70s-80s-90s england#but that you FEEL with your WHOLE fucking chest. how that feeling drives you to enjoy little rebellions wherever you can get them#(also azzarello just fucking Sucks LMAO but i'm talking style rn)#so i end up relying on frusin's art to tell the story a little more bc i think he understands the Theatre of constantine's public persona#and when that theatre is Absent then it's really REALLY noticeable. so frusin keeps me in it most of the time#and if i'm digging into frusin art then i'm Going to want to compare it to older panels bc i like body language consistency#milligan on the other hand has NOTHING to save his sorry ass bc his writing is drop-jaw fucking terrible AND the artist seems to like it#but the loss of john's thumb being tied to his mental health (ignoring the bullshit with shade) has always felt. important to me somehow id#anyway MUCH thinking about my favorite loser on this about-to-be-annoying day shdjksd he has been done so dirty#hellblazer brain go brrrr
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Then besides you. Who else in the Aesop community/family is still alive? I havent been on tumblr much so it was a shock not being able to find Man in Gray anymore 😭😭😭😭
Ah... I'm actually kind of surprised that u think that my blog is still alive (well, barely, but i try) (work is seriously draining nowadays among other life tm stuff)
Tbh I feel like I've fallen out of the ask blog community for a while now. I always say that there's definitely some out there that are vibing, I'm just not aware of them since most of the blogs that i tend to interact with n know arent exactly very present in the scene anymore, but just cos I'm not aware of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Probably.
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
motivation where have you gone :(
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melverie · 1 year
Honestly, making all these posts about Asmo's birthday on @today-in-the-devildom despite the lack of any real in-game birthday event feels so disheartening in a way because I'm creating this little story and trying to hype something up the devs don't even seem to really care about
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aquietanarchy · 11 months
Yarrow, do you happen to have any good vegan recipes that you'd be comfortable sharing on tumblr at all? Have been trying to eat way less meat and am somewhat hankering for more recipes than my two vegetarian cookbooks have. (Hope you're doing well!)
sure thing! it might get a bit long because i really like food. you know how some dogs are primarily food-motivated and will do anything to get a treat? i am one of those dogs lmao
i'm really bad at making decisions, including what to eat, so lately i've been "stealing" some recipes from Purple Carrot. the whole meal plan/food delivery thing doesn't seem practical to me, but they post all their recipes for free online and i really enjoy a lot of their ideas, just modifying them a bit for my own needs. for example last night i made this Crispy Harissa Tofu, except a) didn't have fresh mint available so i used dried basil; b) had raisins in my pantry already so i used those instead of currants; c) couldn't find harissa locally so i literally just used sriracha, and made a separate dijon mustard-based glaze for my husband who can't handle spice; and d) i'm okay with honey so i used that instead of agave. (maple syrup or simple syrup works too as a vegan sweetener) ...so a lot of my cooking is stuff like that, finding a recipe and only vaguely following it. i've been modifying Purple Carrot ideas for maybe the last month and a half or so. only having 8-15 recipes to choose from helps a lot with my decision fatigue so i might be doing this for a while xD
here's some more websites that i like to look at for inspiration:
From My Bowl
The Buddhist Chef
Minimalist Baker (not everything here is vegan, but still a lot of good, simple ideas)
Cheap Lazy Vegan (the title of this one says it all <3)
Shane and Simple (i don't agree with the whole diet-culture flavored "oil free" thing, but i remember really liking a squash casserole i made from here before)
Plant-Based on a Budget (i followed some of their meal plans back when i was first going vegan and they were very helpful! i got sick of oatmeal real fast though and am only in the last few months enjoying it again)
Pinch of Yum (again, not all vegan, but still plenty of ideas)
Holy Cow Vegan
Rabbit and Wolves
Here's a few easy staple dishes that i fall back on regularly:
-spaghetti: you can spruce up canned marinara by first cooking onions and garlic in margarine before adding the sauce, and get some protein in there by either using plant-based "meatballs", lentils, or textured vegetable protein. you can also make a nice mock-parmesan topping by adding walnuts, nutritional yeast, onion powder, and garlic powder to a food processor and pulsing it until its crumbly. or just use a generous amount of nutritional yeast. i know i'm being that stereotypical vegan by hyping up nooch but it's SO good and life-changing i swear to dog
-tofu stir fry: press extra-firm tofu to get as much moisture out as possible and cut it into cubes. fry in sesame oil with seasonings of choice. (salt and pepper, of course; if you can get or make a Chinese Five-Spice blend that works really well; otherwise i would probably fall back on a blend of cumin, cinnamon, anise, and ground ginger). cook the tofu on high heat for about 3-5 minutes and set aside, then dump a bag of frozen stir-fry vegetables into the same wok or skillet and continue to cook on high heat. add in minced garlic (i keep a jar of pre-minced garlic in my fridge because i'm lazy), ginger paste (again; lazy), some brown sugar (or other sweetener), a hearty splash of soy sauce (or tamari), and some lime juice (or other acid-- i was out of lime juice the other night so i used rice vinegar, and that worked well) ...you can see i don't really "measure" things lol. cooking is an art and baking is a science which is why i don't bake serve cooked vegetables and tofu on top of rice or noodles
-rice bowl: rice and beans!! canned beans because who has time for beans!! very good with roasted broccoli, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, or butternut squash(you can roast most vegetables straight from frozen) and topped with a creamy sauce. if you're in the Pacific Northwest of the US and can get your hands on it, i highly recommend Yumm Sauce. i am addicted to this stuff and go through it too much so i've had to start to looking for alternatives because it is admittedly a bit pricey for how quick i can go through a bottle. a lot of vegan creamy sauces will call for soaked cashews, which requires a level of forethought i can't usually commit to, but is worth it when i remember to soak the cashews beforehand. other than that, tahini is my go-to base for a creamy sauce; i just whisk it together with lemon juice, syrup, garlic, some water, salt, and pepper.
creamy root vegetable soup: start by sauteing your aromatics (onion, garlic, leek, shallot etc) in olive oil. add Root Vegetable (carrots, potatoes, parsnips, beets, celery root, whatever you have on hand) and continue to saute for about ten minutes. add vegetable broth and a can of coconut milk. bring to a boil then reduce heat and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. add some acidity at the last minute, with vinegar or citrus juice. you can use an immersion blender to make it extra creamy or just eat it as-is
salad: arugula, spinach, or a spring mix for the greens, plus nuts and dried fruits, and some mock-chicken strips if i'm feeling fancy. make an easy vinaigrette dressing with olive oil and balsamic or red vine vinegar, plus a bit of salt and pepper and maybe some dijon mustard
general vegan tips:
-most tofu recipes are best with extra-firm tofu. just press it first by placing it on a plate, covering it with paper towels or clean kitchen towels, and then put another plate on top and let it sit for a bit. but if you're pressed for time, in my experience usually just firmly and thoroughly patting it as dry as possible before cutting works good enough
-while i love cooking, i'm also aware that i'm liable to run out of spoons at any moment, so i allow myself to take as many shortcuts as i can. pre-minced garlic and ginger paste, pre-made spice blends, even pre-cut and frozen produce, etc
-salad greens can last up to two weeks in the crisper if you put a paper towel in with the bag/box
-mushrooms last a lot longer if you store them in a paper bag
-oat milk is my favorite plant milk because it's very creamy and is much more neutral tasting than soy or coconut. if you're trying to replace milk and fat is one of the main things you're getting from that milk, try not to use almond milk because it's thin and sad and flavorless
-cooking oatmeal with oat milk is existentially weird but overall tasty
-there are a lot of great meat alternatives out there nowadays! Gardein has good frozen meatballs and chicken strips; Beyond Meat makes good burger patties and sausages; Field Roast also makes sausages that i enjoy; and Tofurkey has some good chicken alternatives. if you can find it, young jackfruit makes a really good alternative to pulled pork. i made some tacos with it a while back and it was uncanny how meat-like it was. the only thing with jackfruit is you might want another source of protein with your meal, since the fruit itself doesn't have much i don't think
-any balanced meal imho should have a combo of carbs, protein, and fat. mix-and-match plant-based macronutrients to find what works for you. grains are a good source of carbs: i love white rice (easy to cook), couscous, millet, and even the occasional quinoa; legumes and nuts provide a good amount of protein; nuts and seeds are also great for fat, along with coconut and avocado
-nutritional yeast nutritional yeast nutritional yeast nutritional yeast nutritional ye
-oreos are vegan thank god for oreos
hope this little ramble was helpful! :3
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payphoneangel · 4 months
Vinny's 2023 fics!!
I'm so proud of all the writing I did in 2023!! I learned so much that I'm so excited to apply to my projects for 2024 <3
Not Whole, Not Holy Rating: Explicit Word count: 2,752
Moody, quiet, and introspective, this piece explores endverse!Cas and endverse!Dean find a little bit of solace in each other among their crumbling world. Best described by the tag: Not hurt/comfort, not hurt/no comfort, but some secret third thing.
A Midsummer Night's Dean Rating: Teen+ Word count: 16,948
A wild ride of a casefic loosely based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Featuring love potions, Dean having chronic foot-in-mouth-disease, Cas being SO down bad it's dangerous, and Sam wanting to be literally anywhere else but here. I've been told this fic has made people laugh so hard, it has awoken children and brought concerned family members a'knocking on doors.
Innervate A series currently containing two fics, with a few more additions planned! This series follows Cas' developing relationship to his body and how he navigates through the world with it. It's full of fun science and anatomy, alternate angel lore, and LOTS of UST between Dean and Cas (don't worry, it will get resolved... eventually lol. This is a series-long slow burn)
Check out Prelude as a sampler for vibes (full disclosure-- this was a WIP for a LOOOOOONG time so while this fic was uploaded in 2023 the writing is far older than that)
Then for a more cohesive story (and tbqh way stronger writing), pop on over to Ask Me Why My Heart's Inside My Throat
Spellbound Rating: Explicit Word count: 4,764
A one-shot exploring the Master/Apprentice relationship of Sam and Rowena. Let's be real here. They have insane magic sex and I feel like not enough ppl talk about it. EYE barely even scratched the surface with this one. The quickest summary I got for this one: Sam's cardinal virtue is that one a hot woman speaks, he listens.
Long Black Cloud Coming Down Rating: Gen Word Count: 3,540
Taking place prior to s1, teen!Dean has to act quick and think fast when Sammy suddenly comes down with a fever. He can't let his thoughts race too far though, or he just might start believing that whatever's going on is more than just a fever and a snow storm.
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ittyybittybaker · 10 months
i got exactly one (1) like on that post with tags about Andrew And Neil having A Moment during Taxi (a song by The Maine) so here's a small snippet of the fic i'm working on where that appears !
Taxi - The Maine
( I recommend that you to the song for the Full Effect, but its obviously not required)
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What is this fic about? Basically it's the most self-indulgent thing i could possibly write: the foxes go to a music festival, Neil sees a set from a band called The Maine and becomes a Fan. He learns why people like live music so much, learns to let go and have fun at shows, and has Many Emo Moments while listening to their music. Basically, if you wanna read a fic about Neil experiencing some emotional healing while listening to music from a band that you don't know, this is the fic for you!!
*note: i haven't written any kind of published fic so please be kind to me !! this is completely unedited and is straight from google docs so it might be pretty rough.*
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