#Supportive Midoriya Hisashi
usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
tell me you love me before i let go by artofflorescence
summary: Izuku goes willingly when his father promises to protect him inside a vault. Izuku has never been so happy or so loved. Angst, big TW for depressing thoughts and a suicide attempt. It's heavy
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introspectivememories · 6 months
funniest possible outcome for the "who is izuku's dad?" question is if afo very dramatically reveals that he is izuku's father a la darth vader on the battlefield -- "that's right izuku.... i am your father!" -- and everyone stops in shock but izuku just looks confused and is like "what? no you're not. my dad is midoriya hisashi" and afo is like "you foolish boy, midoriya hisashi is my alias! i am your father!" and izuku just goes, "what? no you're not. papa works in hokkaido. that's why he's not home often. look, we went to the musutafu aquarium 3 months ago." and he pulls out his phone and starts flipping through his gallery and just shows afo countless photos of inko and hisashi holding hands, holding baby izuku, izuku sitting on hisashi's shoulders. cue the league in back going, "well this is awkward"
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pocketramblr · 5 months
AU where Hisashi calls Izuku regularly while he works overseas and one day Hisashi tells Izuku about his new boyfriend who is very sweet to him and unfortunately got into a bad accident many years ago that left him disabled so Hisashi helps care for him.Izuku later finds out this boyfriend is AFO.
why would you leave inko for afo. 'hold on yeah i think i'll leave this priceless bahia emerald and skip town and then i found a broken piece of chalk instead.' my guy. you deserve all might stealing your son.
1- ok so. Hisashi is an accountant who moves to new york to make more money. He and inko officially divorce, which means Izuku takes the Midoriya name and Inko has sole custody, but while Hisashi does not have to pay child support or alimony, he does opt to send them some support and tries to stay in contact because i guess his taste in men was so bad that he and inko just work better as friends. good for them ig.
2- actually Hisashi is just straight up color-blind: he can't see any red flags. Its not just his personal tastes. this man has worked for four separate blatant money laundering schemes since he went abroad. he has no clue. this is how he ends up coming into contact with AfO, but AfO's job offering is too indirect and vague, and Hisashi is like 'are you... flirting with me?' instead, but AfO can work with that. And while Hisashi certainly isn't a genius with people or warning signs, i will give him (and inko) this: he's a great lay.
3- He's also a very caring boyfriend, which was part of the problem with inko, they ended up really inciting each other's anxieties, but AfO likes being pampered so he decides to keep Hisashi around even if he isn't a employee. even better really, that he doesn't have to pay, bribe, quirkify, dequirkify, or threaten him. Hisashi, as a bit of a doting boyfriend, also has a lot to say about the man to others, so Izuku ends up hearing a lot of gushing over the phone as he's training with weights and is a bit too out of breath to change the topic. plus, he doesn't want to bring up going to UA until its a sure thing, his dad will definitely freak out about it not being safe. finally he tells his dad he got in, and hisashi is like 'oh yeah, cuz they changed the rules, which track?' and izuku goes 'oh uh hero track and alsoihaveaquirknowitscalledsuperpower oh look at that moms calling me for dinner sorry bye.'
4. Dazed, Hisashi gushes about his son to his boyfriend later, dropping that izuku's going to become a hero at ua, what a surprise- but, well, he supposes his son has always loved to watch heroes...
AfO is like 'hm. being a hero isn't very safe...' ('i know...') 'why don't you try to push him to visit you? keep him safe. maybe in a safe. don't you just wanna keep a hold of him?' ("i do, but that'll only drive him away. he's growing up... besides, if i was busy only keeping watch over him, who'd take care of you?") 'mm, good point. keep prioritizing me, i will neither put a hit on the kid as competition nor do anything to keep him safer.'
5. Reveal... uh yeah so Hisashi does mention to Izuku when his boyfriend goes missing, sometimes he gets called to work suddenly but he's never been gone this long, he's worried, is he restocking his meds, where is he? oh yeah, he vanished around Kamino. unfortunate, but not incriminating on its own. What IS incriminating is rewound!AfO, looking at Izuku with a tilted head. "I can see bits of Hisashi in you, hm. Just the worst bits, luckily." Izuku starts realizing what this means. Bakugo distracts him and blasts him to the Shigaraki fight, because he also started to realize what it meant and simply did not want to deal with hearing anymore of that. Over at the ShigarAfO fight, AfO tries to keep throwing Izuku (and tomura) off their game by wondering if Hisashi will find this new, younger body nice as well- probably, its not like the man had the highest standards. Izuku and Tomura are united in such abosolute done-ness with AfO that he's immediately snuffed out of Tomura's head and nothing remains behind. Tomura is like 'uh, do you want a day's break and then a rematch because i need to bleach my brain' but izuku is like 'oh no i need to punch someone through a mountain rn, lets keep going while i reform you with the power of friendship and incredible violence.' (By unspoken agreement, neither Izuku, Bakugo, or Tomura ever breathe a word about it to anyone, much less to Hisashi.)
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gentrychild · 1 year
If the ask game is still open how about an Anyone au where when AFO asked about Izuku's family Izuku went on an hour long rant complete with a PowerPoint that illustrated all his special feelings about his dad
1 - In this AU, AFO actually had the courage to ask Izuku about his family and how he felt about his parents. Even if he lived for 200 additional years, he would still regret that decision. He certainly didn't expect for Izuku to spring The Power Point Of All Power Points detailing his hatred for his deadbeat dad, Midoriya Hisashi.
2 - Three hours into the Powerpoint, Izuku notices that AFO is crying. He asks him why and AFO says that it's because growing his eyes back left them sensitive and in need to be hydrated and how he will probably need to retire for the night soon to let let them rest. Izuku opens a drawer, threw eye drops at him, and continues his presentation. AFO should have known better than to open that Pandora Box and isn't allowed to leave until Izuku has ranted away all of his Daddy Issues.
3 - AFO, not wanting to meet his parents' fate, try to introduce Izuku to the idea that his father might have a good reason for leaving, that he might be dead or incapacitated. Izuku. Does. Not. Care. Izuku makes it clear that if Hisashi ever shows himself in front of him, he will throw him from a building as many times as it takes to kill him. AFO believes him.
4 - Time for Plan B: time to convince Izuku that his deadbeat dad is someone AFO wants dead. Since he is an ambitious man, he naturally picks Yagi, thinking that now that Izuku has stolen his quirk, it's time to take his life. He creates "proof" that Toshinori can change appearance and that his secret identity used to be Midoriya Hisashi. It's so convincing that Izuku breaks into the Might Tower with an album picture, several DNA tests and generally emitting a "????" sound.
5 - Now, All Might is an intelligent man who knows when someone is trying to pull an emotionally charged narrative climax where one murders his father. But since he is also dumb, he doesn't say "Mmm, your dad is AFO and is manipulating you. Also, could you give me back my quirk please." Instead, he says "I am so sorry, I had to leave to protect you and your mom, what do you mean you didn't get the child support and the unlimited AM merch I have been sending you every month?"
+ 1 - Now, Izuku isn't dumb either, knows that there is something fishy and if All Might is somehow truly his dad, he can't accept the "I abandoned you to protect you" excuse. But... Unlimited All Might merch. So he is willing to hear him out. As long as he keeps the merch coming.
+ 2 - All Might accidentally sics Izuku on the one who "stole the alimony and the All Might merch"... The HPSC President.
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Becoming Big Brother (Izuku Edition)
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Because this idea has been wormin' it's way through my mind lately
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Oh boy oh boy is Izuku excited! The complete opposite reaction of Katsuki's.
Mama Inko tells him after his father's last visit that she was pregnant. It felt like he was getting a present! A sibling to fill the empty spot that Papa Hisashi left.
Once you're born, the Midoriya family is complete.
The three of you become a tight knit trio.
Izuku is a great help and takes his role as big brother seriously. He teaches you all about All Might even as you stare blankly at him with big, dark eyes.
Inko originally planned to have your crib in her room, but Izuku told her it was okay. He didn't mind sharing his room with his sister
Forgets how small he still is when he tries to attend to your fussing at night. When he realized he wasn't strong enough to safely get you out, Izuku climbs over and curls up next to you in the crib
He'll coo softly things about his favorite hero to get you to quiet down. It becomes your favorite lullaby.
"When will she start talking?" "Do you think she'll walk any time soon?" "Why is it taking her so long to grow?" The questions were incessant. Inko was patient, happy that her son was a doting brother.
However, he doesn't like it when you take his crayons and put them in your drooly mouth.
After school, Inko would bundle you up and bring you along when she went to pick Izuku up at the local preschool. Izuku would always tell his friends and teachers "That's my baby sister!" "Isn't she cute?"
He nearly starts to sob when you take your first steps. How you coast along the couch, gripping the cushions for support with your small fingers. Your other hand reaches out toward the tv. Toward All Might.
Helps you get through the dreaded teething pains as new teeth break through your gums.
Inko watches with a warm heart as Izuku offers you a frozen peach slice that always comfort you during your teething. Your's and Izuku's futures looked like they would be a beautiful one. She felt lucky that both of her children will look after one another. No doubt once you get older you'll want to care for Izuku too
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gothicayomi · 1 month
What if All For One… KILLED HISASHI…
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Or something. Idk lol I’m just jokingly (?) thinking about this and how it could go. See below… hehehe
Ok, so, I thought I read somewhere that Hisashi was an architect doing work abroad in America but I can’t find anything about his true career online, so I’m assuming that part is unknown. But I’m going to use that as a preface for this.
1.)AFO met Hisashi bc maybe Hisashi’s career somehow involved Koga Construction or whatever. Perhaps Hisashi worked in the company long before Izuku was conceived, maybe AFO could have introduced him and Inko to each other? Imagine he purposely chose both of them for this plan. Then Hisashi and Inko fall in love and get married. Phase one complete.
2.) Kill Hisashi because— shit idk man maybe someone with more brainpower than me can come up with something. Maybe he gave Hisashi a Quirk without mr midoriya knowing or made a deal with him, perhaps before Hisashi and Inko conceived Izuku and thus Izuku became AFO’s own experiment (I have seen a theory where AFO possibly wanted to see if one of his own Quirks could be genetically passed down) aside from Tenko and he wanted to monitor it from afar. But Hisashi found out about AFO’s schemes or something, and AFO had no choice but to wipe the floor with mr mans.
3.) takes over or imitates Hisashi’s identity (BTW WE DID FIND OUT THAT AFO COULD ALTER HIS APPEARANCE [but haven’t seen the true extent of it]) to get closer to the Midoriya family and support them + implement the theory where Dr Garaki purposely misdiagnosed Izuku as per AFO’s orders.
4.) ????
5.) profit
So yeah! Again I’m not serious about this LMFAO but I’d totes be down to read ppls thoughts :) A few days ago I was thinking about how there’s just SO MUCH EVIDENCE pointing to how AFO is possibly either Izuku’s father, or at the very least had influence over the Midoriya family’s lives… but I was also thinking “what if Horikoshi pulls the rug under us; Hisashi really is just some guy but All For One DID have something to do with the Midoriyas’ lives” and then I thought about how AFO killed off Nana’s husband… like damn mf is just a father killer LOOOOLLLL
Hisashi: damn you are not a good person, I’m calling the cops.
Afo: can’t help being a bad bitch *kills him*
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Tagged by @kore-arts to share 3 paragraphs of my WIP. I picked one that was partly inspired by your kitsune Yoichi art:
The boy had curly green hair, freckles, and a pair of fox ears. His tail poked out from human-style jeans. Hisashi nearly bit the boy’s head off, before he saw his little brother’s green eyes with white pupils staring out of that unafraid face. “Yoichi had a son?” Hisashi demanded. “Dare I hope that he dumped those two insufferable dragons and met a proper fox?” The boy shook his head. “Uncle Yoichi is still together with my uncles Kaiji and Sanzou. No, I’m your son. My name is Izuku Midoriya. And I’m here to collect your unpaid child support.”
Tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
I was thinking about Little Mouse (as I usually do), and started focusing on an aspect of it that has been pretty overlooked in the asks. The Inko/Nezu friendship.
The first post mentioned that Inko was a UA student who was taught by Nezu and obviously she made him Izuku's godfather, so they were probably close.
What course was she in? She clearly wasn't in heroics and I can't imagine her in the Support course so it was probably either Gen Ed or Management.
Was Nezu her homeroom teacher or just a random teacher who she happened to vibe with?
Was Nezu at Inko's wedding? What did he think of Hisashi before he fucked off? What did he think of Hisashi after he fucked off?
How did Nezu feel when she was put in a coma? Did he grieve for her or is he holding out hope that she's going to wake up someday?
I was picturing her as one of those two; I don't quite remember which, or if I ever decided. I did know that Nedzu was her homeroom teacher because he hadn't been promoted to Principal yet.
I don't really know because Hisashi is such a non-entity in MHA that I didn't really know where he was or why he wasn't there, only that he wasn't in Midoriya's life.
Nedzu was furious. Probably performed an Unpleasantness on the poor bastard that hurt her. He has grieved for her but he also is holding out hope for her recovery
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seri-41 · 2 years
Why I think Dad for One is canon (A long-ass essay)
Just putting my two cents on this theory. I saw someone recently post an analysis and a bunch of proof, and I thought some things were missing/not clear. Just wanted to voice my thoughts before this theory is confirmed or denied.
Just a warning: I found most of these points while doing research, so some of them are a bit repetitive and not my original ideas; I just wanted to put all the proof in one place. Also spoilers ahead obviously. 
Part 1: Who is Hisashi Midoriya
·       Inko’s husband
·       Father of Izuku
·       Has a fire breathing quirk
·       Took a work post abroad
That’s literally all we know about him. He is only mentioned in the series once (Chapter/Episode 1), when Inko visits a pediatrician who asks about him, which is how we found out about his fire quirk.
The name “Hisashi” comes from the Japanese phrase “Hisashiburi”, meaning a long time (since the last time) or first in a long time. This could insinuate it’s been a long time since he has seen his family; or, since we know All for One is 150+ years old, the phrase could insinuate he’s been alive for a long time.
I also want to point out the Kanji in this name. Horikoshi likes to sneak in easter eggs or certain hints in the names of the BNHA characters. This is what I found:
The kanji used to write the name “Hisashi”:
·       久: "long time"
·       永: "eternal"
·       尚: "still"
·       彌: "complete"
·       長: "long"
·       寿: "life"
·       昶: "long day"
 It clearly emphasizes the “Long time” part.
I want to point out another aspect in his name, the “Midoriya” part.
There could be 2 possibilities:
1.     Either All for One made up this last name
2.     “Midoriya” is actually Inko’s maiden name she gave him and Izuku
Now I see a lot of people saying it’s common for Japanese men to take their wives last names’, but I don’t see anyone posting proof (from the series) about this. We don’t know how common this is in the BNHA universe; until I came across this:
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So we now know this is a common practice in the BNHA universe. It doesn’t seem far fetched that All for One wanted to forget about his past/past family and have a new family. I think him taking the “Midoriya” from Inko was like a new beginning for him. He didn’t want to associate his new family with his criminal activities or his past.
Part 2: The Quirk
Hisashi Midoriya has been confirmed to have a fire breathing quirk.
Now why fire breathing?
I guess its simple and wouldn’t cause too much trouble. He didn’t want anything flashy in case it attracted unwanted attention.
All for One has AT LEAST one fire-based quirk. We see proof of this throughout the series.
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In both photos, AFO is using a fire quirk. So we can now confirm he has at least 2.
Bonus point: Notice how AFO never specifically uses fire breathing. This is because he would damage his oxygen mask and respiratory support. He can’t use this quirk. How ironic and well timed is that?
Part 3: His “work” abroad
I heard many people say they think Hisashi works in America, which I think is highly likely.
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We know AFO has been overseas. Especially America. In the manga panel above, is an image of the Chrysler Building in New York. Different angles but its clearly the same building. AFO could be sending letters, payments, packages to the Midoriyas from New York; to make it look like he was working a normal job in the US.
Part 4: Izuku and genetics
1.     I want to point out Izuku looks more like his mother then father. We know this because he gets most of his colors and features from his mother. This isn’t really surprising, as we see other main characters, like Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo who get most physical features from their mother. Denki and Jiro are other examples.
2.     Izuku does indeed have some resemblance to All for One. Not just in one panel, but SEVERAL. Here are just a few examples:
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I don’t see any other person in the same poses as Izuku and AFO. Coincidence? Also, a young AFO bears very strong resemblance to Izuku. I honestly think he cut his hair shorter as he got older.
3.     The x-ray: Let’s assume the x-ray the doctor shows in episode 1 is real. As generations pass and evolve, the extra joint in the pinky toe disappears. It appears to be unnecessary. Let’s assume both Hisashi and Inko are forth generation users. They both would not have this feature. How is it possible that Izuku inherits it? AFO is a first-generation quirk user, it is 100% certain he has this extra joint, therefore passing it onto Izuku.
4.     All for One is very likely to have a quirkless child. More then 80% chance. Quirks back in his time were extremely rare. I know there are many other quirkless people (Melissa, Aoyama, Jiro’s father), but its very rare and unlikely. The quirk gene should be dominant.  You see most of the older generation having more quirkless individuals then the new generation. There is a 20% quirkless population worldwide. Don’t forget that Dr. Ujiko runs several orphanages and hospitals worldwide. There is a chance he helped AFO steal quirks from children or even babies, later making them think they are quirkless, increasing the quirkless population.
5.     Izuku is very plain looking. In chapter 363, we see AFO’s true face. According to BNHA logic and even a lot of fans, he looks very plain, any ordinary guy you might see at a Home Depo on a Sunday. In a world where quirks make a person unique, this is a bit surprising. You see every character has a unique feature connected to their quirk. Both Izuku and AFO are just plain looking characters.
6.     Ever notice how much Izuku gets injured when using OFA? More then he should? Maybe its because his body isn’t evolved enough to be able to handle such evolved quirks (Quirk singularity). If this is true, Izuku being a first-generation user makes sense. AFO’s body cannot handle how strong quirks have gotten, which is why he used Tomura Shigaraki as a vessel. Izuku must have the same body type.
7.     Usually, people who use more then one quirk become brain-dead monsters. That’s why Nomu exist. Izuku has like, what, 7 quirks now from the previous users? How does his body handle all these quirks?
8.     Parallel to Yoichi Shigaraki: Yoichi (AFO’s brother) and Izuku are very similar. They both have a strong sense of justice, strong willpower, both love/want to be heroes, and both are OFA users who were previously quirkless. The series started with AFO and his family and will end with AFO and his family. Family is clearly an important theme, otherwise why give AFO a brother he loves? As Izuku looks like AFO, Tomura looks like Yoichi. Izuku and Shigaraki mirror AFO and his brother.
Part 5: The doctor
These two are the same people. You cannot tell me otherwise.
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He goes by many names, so lets just call him Dr. Ujiko. Dr. Ujiko was Izuku’s pediatrician, and the one who diagnosed Izuku quirkless. He is also AFO’s doctor and partner in crime. Now, why take Izuku to this specific doctor? That is a very odd coincidence. According to his wiki page, Dr. Ujiko is famous in the area for being the head of several hospitals and owning several orphanages. Meaning he is an important man. Clearly, many people would want to take their children to him.
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We see in chapter 301 Endeavor and his wife visit Dr. Ujiko. We know this because they are in the same building Inko and Izuku were in. Endeavor is an important hero and has a lot of influence, of course because he was desperate for a perfect child, he would only go to the best doctor.
Inko does not seem to have any influence or important backgrounds, how did she get an appointment with such an important man, who is well renowned and has celebrity heroes as his patients?
Hisashi Midoriya of course. He would have enough influence and know the doctor well enough to convince him to diagnose his son. AFO must have told the doctor about his wife and his child, and out of curiosity decided to take Izuku in as a patient. Maybe even agreed and conspired with AFO about the diagnosis.
Bonus point: I notice how Dr. Ujiko asks “What is your husbands quirk?” in the anime and some translations of the manga. A lot of fans say if he knew AFO was Hisashi, why would he ask such a question? AFO has many quirks, he likely does not know what quirk AFO told Inko he had.
Part 6: Parallels with Tomura Shigaraki
It has been confirmed that AFO and Tomura are a dark parallel to All Might and Izuku. Izuku was taken under All Might’s wing, a hero. Tomura was taken by AFO, a villain.
Wouldn’t it make sense, if Tomura’s ancestor was a hero, and Izuku’s ancestor a villain?
I heard a theorist say: “Tomura descends from a hero, while Izuku descends from a villain.”
Its literally a perfect parallel. 
Part 7: AFO vs Izuku
There is almost NO direct interaction between Izuku and All for One.
Back to Kamino, when AFO revealed himself a few minutes before All Might appeared.
All for One KNEW Izuku and his friends were behind that wall. Because his stole Ragdolls quirk: Search.
“Search allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time. This includes knowing their locations and weak points. The individuals being observed are visualized through the Quirk as star-like vestiges and can allow the user to know their location up to even miles away. Search also permanently stores the information gained after its usage”
Why not attack Izuku or kill him and his friends when he had the chance? He has had so many opportunities. He killed all other previous users of OFA, why is Izuku an exception? Especially when, unlike All Might, it’s so easy for someone like AFO to kill Izuku because he has no control over OFA and not on pro-level yet.
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When AFO is later arrested, All Might asks if AFO wants to kill Izuku. AFO laughs and doesn’t confirm it. All Might made up that theory himself. AFO’s demeanor changes; it’s like AFO avoids talking about Izuku. For someone who is is very chatty, All for One is awfully quiet here.
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Bonus point: One thing I really can’t understand is why AFO talks shit about Izuku in the manga later (Chapter 287 specifically). Calling him “Worthless”, “Weak”, “Unworthy of the power”. He literally makes fun of him in the OFA world. Not something a father would do. However, what if he was just trying to break his spirit? Maybe destroy his self-worth in order to take him in and manipulate him into hating heroes? (lmao poor Izuku his dad is literally talking shit about him. Dad of the year y’all)
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Part 8: The Horikoshi interview
In 2018, when asked when Izuku Midoriya’s father will make an appearance, Horikoshi said this: "Deku's father will be revealed in the future,"
Key word: Revealed
He said REVEALED not introduced.
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Meaning we have seen his father; we just don’t know it yet because it hasn’t been revealed.
I believe Horikoshi is a smart man; he clearly thinks before he speaks, and he has been definitely PR trained. Was this a hint? Foreshadowing?
Part 9: Fucking Star Wars
The most common annoying-ass argument that people bring up when it comes to this theory.
In all honesty, its just very cliché and repetitive. I think that’s why BNHA fans are against this theory. Horikoshi would just be plagiarizing Stars Wars at this point.
I also heard arguments like “We already have a Star Wars reveal, the whole Dabi saga and Tomura is Nana’s grandson”.
I think Horikoshi might pull the “I am your father” card as a final homage to the famous franchise. He had taken so many names and ideas from the franchise what will stop his from doing this?
Here are just A FEW examples of him using Star Wars for BNHA (I found these on the internet since I know nothing about Star Wars) :
·       Tatooine Station. A story has to start somewhere.
·       Hosu, Tokyo. A harsh place in both stories.
·       Wookiees. The furriest shopping mall ever!
·       Kamino. Makin' copies!
·       All for One. Darth Vader doppelganger.
·       Mustafu: Named for Mustafar, the site of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s last battle. 
Its so blatantly obvious the man doesn’t even try to hide it. Literally took the same names. Did the Star Wars creator not sue him for copyright?
Also Parallels to the characters:
·       Deku is Luke
·       All might is Obi-Wan
·       Gran Torino is Yoda
Star Wars story in a nutshell: A teacher figure (All Might), takes in a nobody (Deku) to fight evil, and turns out the evil is his father (AFO).
Horikoshi has taken so much from Star Wars, why would it be surprising that he pulls this? We have had so many plot twists, surprises, and reveals throughout the story. Why wouldn’t he add more shock factor?
Part 10: Extra easter eggs and theories
1.     All for One’s prison number is 1541. The 41 stands for “For One”. What about the 15?
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 2.     Tomura and Izuku have similar red shoes. As a child and young adult, AFO gave Tomura the red shoes when he was found under the bridge; could he have bought Izuku the same/similar shoes from the same brand? Maybe an American brand?
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3.     In episode 76, when Deku fights against Overhaul, AFO’s theme plays.
4.     There is never any mention of Hisashi Midoriya after chapter/episode 1. Why? Whenever Izuku is in danger/on the verge of a tragedy, he calls for ‘Mom’ and ‘All Might’. Are Hisashi and Izuku not close? Wouldn’t a father overseas call his son or have a relationship with him? (As a university student who’s father has been working overseas for 5+ years I would know) Izuku doesn’t even acknowledge his father, not even in his thoughts. Hisashi has never once visited his family. Is this because of AFO’s injury he can’t see his son or wife?
5.     It makes no sense to introduce a new character so late. As of writing this, we are in the final war arc (chapter 364). 
6.     “Wouldn’t Izuku recognize his fathers voice?” I think this is because Izuku was so young when his father left that he does not remember. Also, AFO uses a breathing mask. His voice is very strained especially after All Might left him disabled; he might have damaged his speech or vocal cords.
7.     Izuku is the only one who was able to talk to the vestiges of the previous OFA users.
8.     I heard a lot of people say “I doubt AFO would want to conceive a child”. How do you y’all know that? We don’t know what his moves are or what he’s thinking. His relationship with Inko and Izuku is either a loving one or an experiment. Who’s to say he doesn’t have other children out there? As long as he’s a man it’s possible. We don’t even know who he is, just that he wants to commit evil. That’s literally his personality.
9.     If Hisashi is clearly an absent figure, why even mention him? Why not say he died or divorced Inko if he’s not that relevant? Unless he’s important in the story later?
10.     The fascination with quirks. I have yet to see anyone other than Izuku mumble and be so fascinated with quirks. Oh wait-
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11.     A conveniently ironic tale indeed.
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pansexualkiba · 8 months
Hi If I may ask could you take this small idea for me.
All for one shows up just as bakugo comes back alive Izuku realizing something doesn’t reach to grab bakugo hand but runs to embrace All for one. From Izuku side he has woken up his own version of AFO and Comes up with the selfless plan to hug All for one (Who is pretty frozen that his kid is hugging him but in return feels quirks being taken and pulling one for all away) and take a few of his quirks until he feels his body has taken enough but slowly start crack down and AFtomura isn’t having it (more so he is lost a what to-do)
This is all I have I can’t think of anymore I’d like you to make something of it for me please and thanks -🍪 cookie for your troubles
This may not be exactly what you wanted but this is what I was able to come up with - I'm not used to doing requests, haha ^^; @doubleheaded-angel
"Your final boss..." Bakugou grinned manically. "IS ME! DUMBASS!"
"You..." All for One growled. "I thought I'd seen the last of that stupid little mongrel who stole my baby brother from me-"
All for One, Bakugou, and All Might's prone maybe-corpse all froze and turned towards the sound. It was......... Midoriya Izuku!
"Young Midoriya!" All Might coughed out, "You need to prioritize-"
"So." All for One coolly interrupted All Might, "One for All has come to return to me once more-"
"I am here!" Midoriya completely bulldozed over All for One, "And I'm going to do one thing!"
Midoriya sped towards the battlefield.
"I'M GOING TO HUG MY DAD!" Midoriya declared manically.
"HAAH?!" Bakugou's eyes bulged out of their sockets.
"Y-Young Midoriya!" All Might protested. "Not that I do not appreciate your concern, but there is a time and a place, and besides, I haven't even talked to your mother about such things-"
Midoriya tackle-hugged All for One, who was frozen in disbelief.
"Ah." All Might grimaced. Blood began pouring out of his mouth. "I see."
"All for One has a son?!" Edgeshot reacted in shock.
"Why are you still here?" Bakugou wondered.
All for One... No, Hisashi slowly began to return Midoriya's embrace. "How did... You know? Izukkun?"
"You look exactly how you do in that wedding photo mom tried to shred in the garbage disposal." Midoriya explained.
"Ah." Hisashi grimaced. "That wouldn't happen to be the one from the photo album I treated with Teflon Spray x2, Induced Impenetrability, and Flameproof Object x3, would it?"
"The one with the green cover."
"Yeah, that's the one. She was that mad?"
"You vanished without even paying child support." Midoriya explained blithely. "Anyone'd be mad. Kacchan doesn't call you a deadbeat for nothing."
They didn't acknowledge Bakugou. Instead, father and son stood there, embracing for what felt like an eternity. The fighting had drawn to a complete halt, as everyone slowly became uncomfortable with this ridiculously private family moment.
Kilometers away, Todoroki Shouto's eyes snapped open.
"Shouto?!" Fuyumi startled.
"Fuyumi-nee." Shouto wheezed. "Something is horribly wrong."
Back with the Midoriyas, Hisashi made to let go of his son, perhaps to ask politely for One for All, but Izuku did not let go. "Um, Izukkun?"
Midoriya began to clutch harder.
Hisashi felt something in him jump. This was not a good thing, as what had jumped was Hair Manipulation Quirk number twelve.
"Izukkun?" Hisashi asked again, a bit more panicked.
Another Quirk, Flame Feet number four. Then Spider Thread number six. Then Spearlike Bones, then Pinkie Promise, then Noise, then Search - all of Hisashi's stockpiled Quirks had begun to revolt within him.
"What is this?!" Hisashi, no, All for One demanded. "What are you doing, Midoriya Izuku?!"
"When you gave Stamina Stockpile to Uncle Yoichi," Midoriya muttered, "You didn't check to see if he had another Quirk. Inheritance fused with Stockpile to create One for All, and that's what I've now inherited from All Might."
All for One's breath caught in his throat - or perhaps that was Prehensile Tongue Quirk number two.
"It looks like," Midoriya continued, slowly gaining confidence, "You should have checked yourself to see if I had a Quirk or not instead of relying on reports from your doctor. Because now that One for All has been passed on to me, it's fused with the actual Quirk I had this whole time."
Midoriya's head snapped upwards to stare his mortified father in the face.
"Tell me!" Midoriya grinned rebelliously, "What kind of Quirk would be born from an Attraction Quirk and a Quirk to take other Quirks!"
All for One immediately began to cycle through possibilities, coming up with two most likely candidates. Foremost, a long-range version of his own was certainly on the table, but then his own son wouldn't be latched onto him like a limpet if that was the case. But the other idea was a Quirk that attracted other Quirks, but didn't keep them. An infinitely weaker variation of his own-
Just like Inheritance had been.
"One for All: Quirk Attraction!" Midoriya declared, proving All for One correct. "Sorry, dad, but consider this child support!"
"You-" All for One grimaced as blood began to mingle with his saliva. He could feel the Quirks leave his body, absorbed into his son's own stockpile. "You insolent brat!"
"That's no way to talk to your son." All Might chuckled from his position on the ground. "What would Inko think?"
"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY WIFE, ALL MIGHT!" All for One screamed, but his body slowly began to shrivel like a juice pouch as several vitality-based Quirks left him at once. I need to escape! All for One realized. What my foolish progeny has yet to realize is I still have my Mental Ejection Quirk! Times five! Backup, here I come!
Shigaraki startled as All for One entered his brain. "Aw, fuck, I thought I got rid of you." Shigaraki grumbled.
"Wait, hold on," Hisamura frowned. "Why are you here?"
"Our son." Hisashi explained. "That's twice now we've failed to account for our most precious having some invisible Quirk."
"Ah," Hisamura grimaced. "Well, in that event, you are more than welcome to help me eliminate what yet remains of Young Tomura's mind."
"Yeah, no." Shigaraki grimaced. "I'm still going to evict both of you. In fact..." Shigaraki manifested in his brain space and kicked Hisamura into Hisashi, effectively merging the two into one being. "There, that's less confusing."
"Foolish Tomura." All for One grinned. "Don't you realize th- Hrk- What?"
All for One's stomach began to cave in, and then hundreds of hands reached out of the darkness of Shigaraki's mind and grasped at All for One.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" All for One demanded.
"It was my final request for Iguchi." Shigaraki smirked. "In the event of my body getting somehow possessed, I wanted him to spike my pre-pep rally energy drink with that weird hippie tea that makes your third eye prolapse or whatever." Shigaraki became concerned. "I hope he's doing alright..."
"WHY?!" All for One seethed as the hands slowly began to break him apart.
Shigaraki shrugged.
"THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT KIIIIIIIIIIIIIDS-" All for One screeched as he was pulled into the vortex of Midoriya's own version of All for One, having effectively been created by the fusion of One for All and an unrelated, incredibly weak Quirk.
All for One, in the real world, slumped over, dead.
Midoriya huffed and puffed. "Now..." Midoriya heaved, "Now All Might's my dad... You goddamn son of a bitch..."
Kilometers away, Todoroki Shouto closed his eyes. "I am now at peace. Take me home, Touya-nii."
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Alright, the plot bunnies have started digging, let’s ramble and see what happens!
Background Thought: Rather than having Red Fountain, Cloud Tower, and Alfea, let’s still have U.A., or for this “Unity Academy”. Like, the other three schools still exist, are still chugging along, but they have very specific specifications. U.A. is, while still highly prestigious, working on ALL kinds of skills. Much like canon, where they have courses for Heroes, Business and Supports, they have courses for Specialists, Witches AND Faeries. Their student body isn’t as big as the other three schools, but their students are better all-rounders, and usually more adaptable. Nezu is Headmaster, and regularly has tea with Griffin, Faragonda, and (Red Fountain Headmaster, I forgot his name???). Or, somewhat alternatively, U.A. is still a High School, while Red Fountain, Alfea, and Cloud Tower are more like college, or University, and U.A. exists to help the kids pick what kind of specialization they want. (K, most of the rest of this will be under the assumption we’re going with option two).
(Also note, Regular Winx Stuff may have, or similar shit already happened, so we don’t have the Dragon Flame, or anything like that. Bloom and her friends are off vibing elsewhere, doing other shit)
Izuku - K, let’s keep Dad for One. Izuku is AfO’s son, but got yeeted to Earth during the “Final Battle” between him and All Might. AfO is captured, and locked away, but not before there is much devastation and pain. He swears to return, and seek “his heir”. All Might, meanwhile, rather than suffering an injury that inhibits his use of One for All, is cursed by AfO, so that his magic will slowly drain away, making it harder and harder to enter his magic form, until he can’t enter that form at all. If he does not find a cure, the curse will eventually kill him.
Izuku is found by Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, who adopt him. He is raised on earth, where he is friends with Katsuki Bakugou. Unlike canon, where Izuku is shunned for being Quirkless and the two pitted against each other, Izuku is seen as weird for thinking magic and stuff is real, and Katsuki acts as an exasperated protector, thinking Izuku should really “grow up”, but the two are otherwise friends-ish. (there’s also some stuff that happened when they were kiddos that Katsuki is kind of suppressing, but shhhhhh!)
The two one day run into All Might, who’s fighting some minions of the LoV, and All Might has to protect them, which runs out his “time limit”. Katsuki and Izuku both jump in to protect him, and together generate a massive magic wave that knocks the minions away. All Might is shocked, for magic is supposed to be extinct on Earth (although, it’s happened before *looks at Bloom*) and goes with the kids to speak with their parents. While Katsuki’s are totally flummoxed, Inko admits that Izuku is adopted (something that she has NOT mentioned until now). All Might posits that Izuku is Magixae, and that exposure to his burgeoning magic caused Katsuki’s to awaken. After a lot of discussion, All Might convinces the parents to let Katsuki and Izuku attend U.A., where they can learn about their abilities. They are enrolled in the “General Studies” Course under Aizawa, a first year course to help students figure out what their specializations will be.
Katsuki’s Suppressed Memory: (So, I imagine, somewhere, there are Good!Hisashi’s we can talk about. Not here.) I’d have part of Katsuki’s character arc (besides figuring out she’s a girl and all that other stuff), is that she seems to have difficulty controlling her magic. It seems to always be big blasts, massive explosions, instant kill shots. Like, she has issues trying to solve problems without resorting to the most immediate (and often lethal) option, which gets reflected in her magic. And the reason would be an incident she’s repressing - killing Hisashi Midoriya. Now, it wasn’t her fault, really. And honestly, when she does finally remember, no one blames her. But Katsuki’s first foray into magic was trying to defend Izuku from his old man. Like, I’m imagining Hisashi got drunk, tried to go after kiddo Izuku. And Katsuki, over to visit her friend, tries to get between them. She gets hurt. Izuku’s magic tries to respond, but he’s so concerned for Katsuki, it responds by trying to heal her. This in turn wakes Katsuki’s magic, which responds by BLOWING UP THE ENTIRE APARTMENT. When people come to investigate, Katsuki and Izuku are miraculously ok. No one else in the building even got singed. Hisashi, they have to identify by his teeth, which are the biggest parts of him they can find. Izuku’s memories of the incident are all kinds of jumbled, but he remembers a big explosion that didn’t touch him, so he believes it was magical. Meanwhile, Katsuki’s brain decides “nope, we aint thinking about this”, and hides the memory away entirely.
(Note: it doesn’t necessarily have to be THIS, but I like the idea that Katsuki’s actually used magic before, to defend Izuku, but the event was so traumatic, she suppressed it, and has no recollection of the event, but it still influences her. So, she doesn’t believe in magic [magic, in fact, freaks her out at first, even if she can’t explain why], but is wildly protective of Izuku [I left you alone once and you almost DIED], while at the same time see’s herself as awful and a monster [Jesus, I killed someone].)
-I don’t think I’d have Izuku inherit One for All (which wouldn’t exist?) but maybe have him share his magic core with All Might? Like, they both have a wildly rare magical core? And maybe have All Might’s curse be, like, blood related, so it has to be lifted by a blood relative of AfO? Not sure
-the LoV could still be a thing. They’ve got some kind of “magic mirror” that’s connected to whatever prison dimension AfO’s in, and are working to free him. Garaki is raising Tomura, who they all THINK is AfO’s kid, because he has the same kind of (also uber rare) magical core as him. AfO can’t really sense anything in his magic prison, so is taking their word for it, until he sees Izuku and goes “Huh. I wonder?”
-Okay, we are going to be NICE to Oboro here. He was NOT nabbed to become Kurogiri. Kurogiri is still around, maybe even connected to Oboro in some way (I’m half thinking some kind of “stolen shadow”, “created doppelgänger” situation), but Oboro himself is fine. He lives with his husbands, Mic and Aizawa, and teaches a course on … idk, Magic Core Connection? Maybe he’s the flight instructor.
- Aizawa took courses at both Red Fountain and Alfea upon graduating U.A., which was seen as weird at the time, but it has made Aizawa far more versatile. Aizawa’s magic has always been a bit limited, so working with weapons made sense. His magic specialty is nullification, curse-breaking, spell reversal, and the like. He CAN do other magic, but in most cases, it is honestly faster to just do the thing himself.
- Himiko’s family is a long line of powerful witches, who specialize in Blood Magic, and curses. Himiko, while also good at this, actually vibes far better with Fairy magic (for her, this means healing, I guess?), and is worried what her parents will think if she manifests a Fairy form (regardless of ability, no one in her family has manifested a Fairy form in almost six generations).
- Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are Dominian, adopted in the wake of the fall of Domino. They had never really met another Dominian until they run into each other at U.A.
- Iida comes from a long line of Specialists, but has some wind-based magic he’s struggling to master.
- Tokoyami is ABSOLUTELY a witch, you can pry that out of my cold dead hands. If Eimi’s here, she’s also a witch.
-Todoroki’s thing, besides the fire/ice, I’d have it be duelling between Fairy & Witch magic. Like, his mom’s a witch, his dad’s a fairy, Todoroki can kind of use both witch and fairy magic at the same time, he’s struggling with that.
- Nezu is either just a magical species that LOOK more animalistic, or we’re borrowing from the MHA Monster-verse, where he’s a Familiar that has since become his own being. 
Thats all I got right now, what’s everybody else think?
1.) So what I’m thinking re: the school is that like within my winx reboot, I had Bloom and Co. start working on combining Faerie, Witch and Specialist tactics (for those who could use Magic at least). While they’re far from the first to do so, it did lead to the creation of UA as a school for them to kinda mix and match in like elective courses. I’m debating about keeping it a high school or bumping it up to college. Really it doesn’t matter in the long run.
2.) Love keeping the DfO thing and yeah All Might being under some curse works! Technically works with Canon-esque Winx!
3.) Yeah that tracks just. Guess we have a baby now!
4.) Everyone just looking between Izuku and Inko like ‘the FUCK do you mean he’s adopted!?’. But yeah it tracks for there being Magic on Earth even though it’s supposed to be dormant because 1.) *gestures to Bloom’s nonsense* and 2.) idk if I mentioned it in my winx reboot posts, but until the cast knows about what actually happened with Bloom they just assume her parents were from somewhere else and were just on Earth for like a vacation or something and somehow she got separated from them. So it’s totally plausible!
5.) OH OOF. First off rip to Hizashi because we never let him be good we should do that one of these times! But I kinda like this! I may like. I might have it not be full on killing him but def causing some ‘hospital immediately’ kinda damage so even if she didn’t kill someone the fact that she /could’ve/ and that she doesn’t entirely regret what she did fucks her up. Which yeah Katsuki is swinging between both ‘oh magic might be real because there’s no explanation for what happened’ and ‘mm let’s not think about that!!’.
6.) Yeah I’m not sure what OfA could be in this case. Nothing really fits.
7.) The idea of them thinking Tenko is Tomura/Izuku is fucking hilarious to me I love it. Like maybe they assumed All Might found the kid and entrusted the boy to Nana’s kids for safekeeping. This does bring be back to the same problem I had in the Monster AU which is the age difference between the two because they’re 5 years apart(I never did decide tbh). I could either drop Shigaraki down to Izuku’s age or split their ages to 18-ish. 
8.) being nice to Oboro for once! But yeah if we have Kurogiri still exist then he’s some fuckery made of Oboro that they like. Maybe eventually merge back?
9.) Oh yeah like. Honestly I need to go on a deep dive re: winx’s magic system and how people’s specialties and leanings and so on and so forth manifest. Because yeah everyone has their own theming so while there’s some universal spells one can do, a lot of stuff is also like specifically made by them? Like anyone can do a basic ‘summon item’ but some kind of attack blast would look different like Bloom’s looking like a flamethrower while Tecna is more futuristic laser beams and both have themed names. But yeah give Aizawa a specialty in nullification and reversals!
10.) Honestly I was thinking more the reverse since witches can get a bad reputation and tbh on the whole they’re more interested in morbid things like Himiko is.
11.) Lmao my dragon boys again!
12.) Iida being good with the technical combat stuff but bad with Magic is fantastic to me
13.) First off love that these two get #13 on the list but also hell yes witches!
14.) Pausing for a moment to imagine Enji in the sparkly fuckin booty shorts that Winx is known for. ANYWAY!! Going through the Todorokis again I think re: how fucked up the family is I think that like. Given the lack of a Hero System things won’t be /as/ bad for them. Some things are still fucky but not as much.
15.) No one knows what Nezu is and it concerns everyone but he’s not giving any answers.
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usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
Ghost of the Father by tunafishprincess
summary: all for one dies in his fight with all might and wanders back to his most recent "family" he used to hide his identity. Death makes him realize this one is different though, emotionally...and also somehow little Izuku can actually see him when no one else can. All for one jumps at this, wanting to mold Izuku into a villain. In Izuku's perspective it's more like he's spending time with his dad who's giving him life advice he doesn't really get. Half angst, half crack
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candlecoo · 2 years
Since yesterday I've been thinking about an AU where Nana lives but because of how big her fight with AFO was, she's left with scars on her face and amnesia. She wouldn't remember anything, even her name if not for a piece of her ID, thought only her first name, without her face, survived.
(I lied (?) And she can remember SOWETHING, yellow and sunny smiles, white and yellow and scowls, black and tears, fire, so much fire)
Lives go on and she finds a job, a flat, a boyfriend turned husband and she has a daughter, Inko Midoriya who later has a son Izuku.
(Nana doesn't like her son-in-law. There is just something about him that makes her skin crawl [spoiler, he's AFO])
I've been also thinking about All Might/ Nana meeting after years but I have no idea when should they meet (mayby when AM goes to the Mido household?)
- there are always casualties after a major villain attack in a populated area.
- even when there is no word on who the villain is or what hero is fighting, there are rescue teams that try to save those they can.
- it is a common occurrence. But it had never been to this extent.
- it had been not a half an hour since the dust settles and all fighting finished.
- hundreds were rescued and even more were severely injured.
- one such person was a woman with intense wounds across most of her body, blunt force trauma to her head, broken bones, internal bleeding the list went on.
- nobody thought she would last the night, let alone the week, but she did.
- unfortunately she had no id on her during the attack, no identifying markers from her clothes since they were too destroyed and her body near unrecognizable. Her DNA was also in no system so her identity was unknown.
- the woman was in a coma for months and when she did wake up she couldn't remember anything at all, she had amnesia.
- though every once and a while she would see flashes of things she couldn't understand, blurs of people without definite details, colors and feelings that just made her feel more lost.
- since nobody knew her name she tried out multiple names, all suggestions from her nurses and doctors while she was recovering.
- but they all felt too flowery or cutesy.
- that was until she took a walk to the children's ward, something within her longed to be around children she loved them, so she went there often.
- and that's where she met him. A young pediatric nurse named Itsuki Hino. He just seemed to understand her, he didn't treat her like she was fragile like everyone else did, he actually saw her.
- so when she brought up her dilemma he turned towards her and suggested the name Chizue since she had been through so much and beat the odds and survived.
- so the woman was Chizue now. She visited the kids and Hino often. She would read stories to the kids and give them hope. Eventually she started making up stories of her own and with a bit of encouragement she started writing them down.
- the next thing she knew she was published and living on her own.
- but she still continued to visit the pediatric ward.
- her and Itsuki continued to grow closer, and four years after she woke up in the hospital they got married.
- the happiest day of her life was when she had her daughter Inko, and while she was still haunted by her dreams of golden smiles, scowls, capes, blood and fear she was happy in the life she had now.
- she was truly happy. She was living a full life.
- though she wasn't exactly thrilled when her only child started dating a mister Hisashi Midoriya. The man seemed to be a scoundrel but they both agreed on one thing, the importance of family. So she was fine with him as long as she could tease him.
- well that was until he up and left his wife and their son, that was unforgivable!
- so her and her husband lived with their daughter and grandson Izuku. They supported each other through good and bad times.
- through Izuku's quirkless diagnosis, through Itsuki's death and through the bullying. They had each other through it all.
- Chizue could not have been prouder of her grandbaby than when he got accepted into UA and while she thought he would make a fine quirkless hero she was happy when he got his quirk.
- it no longer bothered that she couldn't remember her past, she was at peace with it. That is until Izuku's teacher visited the house...
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pocketramblr · 4 months
Thanks for that answer and while I'm not fond of Toshi dying, I am curious about a canon divergence where he and AFO both go down in an act of mutual annihilation during their first battle (and AFO won't get recovered), if only for the consequences. If you're willing to do that one, I'd love to hear it, but if AM dying is a hard no, could you perhaps do an AU where AFO dies for real + consequences?
mmm, yes, how about some middle ground- AfO and All Might both die in the first fight, but Toshinori Yagi survives, barely.
1- Toshi drags AfO's corpse behind him as he goes to recon with Gran and Sir. One For All is fading, slipping out of his fingers, and he grips AfO tighter to try and hold it in. It doesn't prevent his strength from leaving, but it keeps AfO's body from being snatched. Sir is stunned and horrified by the sight, his trembling call of 'All Might?' ignored. Gran breaks through and takes the corpse from him only after he says in a voice more gentle than he's used in years that "It's done, Toshinori."
2- Gran leaves to take care of the body. Sir gets Toshinori to the hospital. He's in critical state for days. When he finally wakes up, the blood's been all washed off. He says that All For One is dead, and so is One For All. He meets Sir's eyes. "You looked?" He asks. Sir looks down. "Only to see if you'd wake up." Planning All Might's funeral, after all, would have required a lot of time. But Toshinori sighs, and says they'll still need that funeral, and Sir, as his sidekick, gets the agency. Sir says he'll just do the paperwork to get the money where Toshi wants it sent, and only for three years. Toshi wonders if he's been given a prediction, but doesn't ask.
3- Toshinori spends a lot of time on I-island in his retirement. David is one of the few people he has, after all, and once he is firm in his retirement and official death, Dave is just happy that he's alive and returning his hug to put other thoughts out of his mind for a while. Only a while, though- Dave knows the power vacuum and crime surge that's ramping up. Toshinori can't fight it anymore, but he's strategic and has a lot of intel on villains in japan, and the two of them make plans and send support to the heroes back home. It helps, a little bit.
4- But Toshinori can’t stay on I-island, even if he feels most helpful there, even if Dave and Melissa’s guest room is all but his. Nana died for Japan, and he sacrificed a lot for it too, and it’s easier to keep an eye on things there. So a lot of movement back and forth. He didn’t die after three years. Sir makes his own agency, and it’s strained but not without contact. Toshinori is tired. The world keeps changing and won’t let him rest. But, one visit to I-island, Melissa mentions that there’s a new student at the academy, a freshman who’s quirkless and from Japan. Izuku Midoriya, she thinks he and her uncle would get along.
5- so, the ripples: Because of increased crime, Inko and Izuku leave Japan to go join Hisashi working abroad, which is stressful but eventually Izuku wins entrance into I-island’s academy, the closest he could get to heroics as no schools near his new home accepted quirkless students and his parents refused to return to Japan. Endeavor, thrust into the Number One position six years early, has much less time to be home and Shoto is glad. When Fuyumi turns eighteen, she quietly asks her father for an allowance and an apartment away to watch her brothers in. Enji, two years into this change, agrees. Bakugou and Tsubasa are the two students from Aldera Middle to make it to UA High- they haven’t seen Deku since he moved away in other school, and haven’t thought about him for a couple of years. They’re close, though, as the orphanage Tsubasa lived in closed due to lack of funding and Tsubasa’s been crashing on his couch more often than not, which is not exactly a healthy environment but is better than going in the nomu soup. Mina comes across a giant man who’s sniffing around insisting that he smells All Might, that he's still here, still alive, he needs to find him. Mina watches him investigate a building that looks run down and abandoned until a short old man walks by, says he's dead, but the building is where he used to live, historic location, can’t torn down for it. The giant keeps insisting that he’s alive, the scent fresh. Mina tells him she wishes All Might was alive too, but she going to be a hero inspired by- the man lashes out, angry, and Kirishima can’t help but watches as the old man moves quickly, and the next thing he knows he’s sitting next to Mina as the police drive the giant away and the EMTs look over his friend, who’s alright but going to have a much more heroic scar than him. They promise to be heroes and have each other’s back. When they get to UA, their class looks different, fewer people each year take the entrance exam, though still more than most other schools. Hawks is exhausted as his rise through the top heroes is planned to emulate All Might’s. He had to make top ten before he was twenty, to beat Endeavor’s record, and sometime between his twenty fifth and twenty sixth birthday he knows he’s going to hit number one, burning through more and more official cases to get the number he needs. It’s not hard, with crime rates rising, even if it’s not going up as sharply as David and Toshi feared. The Yakuza is even making a comeback, as much as vigilante Stendhal tries to fight it, and Chisaki Kai’s sister is not allowed to leave the family to get married, too much risk. She resents this and slips some secrets to Giran, who’s curious about her adopted brother’s quirks- a shame his old patron isn’t around anymore, but he's got an annoying nineteen year old Tomura upstairs in his loft who tracked him down years ago, leading a mostly unresponsive Kurogiri by the hand, demanding to know why he’s been abandoned and how to fix the only caretaker he has left.
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the sake of chaos
An Anyone AU where Gigantomachia was put in charge of paying the child support.
1 - Machia has a job to do. He is here to provide child support, the same way aircraft provides air support. Every month, he gives the Lady a gold ingot and a bag full of All Might merch. He reads stories to the little lord. He reminds the Lady and the little lord that they are the best.
2 - There is no bullying. Anyone mean to the little lord gets a visit at night, with two huge eyes staring at the offender through the window, a growl echoing through the night, and the child apologizes to the little lord in the morning.
3 - Izuku often goes camping with Uncle Machia, which means he is disturbingly good at surviving in the wilderness. As in, Shouto one time asked him where he was and Izuku sent him a selfie where he was posing with a bear fishing for salmon.
4 - Izuku is vaguely aware that Machia used to work for a crime lord and that his dad was probably a criminal (Machia let it slip that the child support protocol only started when Midoriya Hisashi was considered incapacitated) but doesn't pay too much attention to it. He uses his excursion and his time home to fully develop Anyone, as a community where people can help each other, as he is directly inspired by the help he received from Machia.
5 - Izuku does not steal OFA but Machia (who was a cat at the time. It's complicated.) do accidentally break AFO out while rescuing Eri. Izuku is not happy to discover that the supervillain Machia was talking about is his dad.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 months
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