#Good Parent Midoriya Hisashi
usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
tell me you love me before i let go by artofflorescence
summary: Izuku goes willingly when his father promises to protect him inside a vault. Izuku has never been so happy or so loved. Angst, big TW for depressing thoughts and a suicide attempt. It's heavy
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nightlilly0110 · 2 years
While AFO is a cool villain I love AUs where he’s a good parent and/or retired. Because you have the Symbol of Evil, World’s Most Wanted Man, Scourge and Emperor of the Criminal Underworld and he carries a flip book of photos of his wife and son in his wallet a la Maes Hughes.
And he’s a huge fucking dork.
“How the fuck are AFO and Izuku Midoriya related? One’s a supervillain and one’s a hero hopeful.” And then you see them both geeking out about some quirk bullshit and it’s like. “Ok I get it. It’s still fucking weird but I get it.”
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mirigold-mayflowers · 5 months
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Introducing my ocs!(except Deku, obviously)
Descriptions below the cut!
Also, if your going to put this on any other site, please make sure to credit me or add a link!
Top left: Hoshi Macmillan-Midoriya.
Background: Adopted by Inko Midoriya before her marriage to her husband Hisashi Akatani, a.k.a. The fierce hero: Red Dragon, and her subsequent name change. Hisashi didn’t want Hoshi to take his name as she wasn’t his actual child, but he consented to a full adoption for both Hoshi and Stella. Hoshi hyphenated her original last name with Inko’s maiden name as an homage to her late parents.
Quirk: teleport.
A very useful quirk, it allows her to open glowing blue portals on command.
Top right: Stella Midoriya.
Quirk: Whisp
Allows her to hypnotize others and draw them in with balls of light that activate when she is singing/humming.
Background: Adopted at the same time as Hoshi, Stella was, at the time, too young fully make that decision, so Inko gave her her name with an open invitation to change it back at any time.
Bottom-left: Hina Midoriya.
Quirk: Dracon
Quite literally, a dragon. She inherited intense draconian mutations from her fathers mother that had completely skipped his generation. This quirk allows her an unusual amount of stamina, a measure of regeneration, extremely tough skin, wings, scales over her face, scales over her upper back spreading from the base of her wings, and complete flame resistance.
Background: Born to Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, she is the third child, and firmly protective over what she considers her “flock”. Hisashi attempted to gain custody of her and only her in the divorce, and was overruled.
Bottom-right: Izuku Midoriya.
Quirk status: Quirkless.
He is supported and loved by his mother and sisters. It changes nearly everything.
Background: He is the fourth child in the family. As a young child his father attempted to convince him he was lesser because he was Quirkless. His sisters quickly found out what he was doing and took care of the situation, assuring Hisashi that, should he attempt it again, he would not receive a second chance. As it was, he was so furious that he attempted to take it out on Hina, under guise of “training”. Izuku, who saw what was happening, ran to tell his mother who promptly told him to stay in the kitchen and raced to the training room to threaten her soon-to-be ex-husband’s balls. Later, Hina told her twin that he was her hero, no matter what anyone else said about it, ultimately changing both of their views on the discrimination and ridiculous views cast on the Quirkless.
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gentrychild · 1 year
If the ask game is still open how about an Anyone au where when AFO asked about Izuku's family Izuku went on an hour long rant complete with a PowerPoint that illustrated all his special feelings about his dad
1 - In this AU, AFO actually had the courage to ask Izuku about his family and how he felt about his parents. Even if he lived for 200 additional years, he would still regret that decision. He certainly didn't expect for Izuku to spring The Power Point Of All Power Points detailing his hatred for his deadbeat dad, Midoriya Hisashi.
2 - Three hours into the Powerpoint, Izuku notices that AFO is crying. He asks him why and AFO says that it's because growing his eyes back left them sensitive and in need to be hydrated and how he will probably need to retire for the night soon to let let them rest. Izuku opens a drawer, threw eye drops at him, and continues his presentation. AFO should have known better than to open that Pandora Box and isn't allowed to leave until Izuku has ranted away all of his Daddy Issues.
3 - AFO, not wanting to meet his parents' fate, try to introduce Izuku to the idea that his father might have a good reason for leaving, that he might be dead or incapacitated. Izuku. Does. Not. Care. Izuku makes it clear that if Hisashi ever shows himself in front of him, he will throw him from a building as many times as it takes to kill him. AFO believes him.
4 - Time for Plan B: time to convince Izuku that his deadbeat dad is someone AFO wants dead. Since he is an ambitious man, he naturally picks Yagi, thinking that now that Izuku has stolen his quirk, it's time to take his life. He creates "proof" that Toshinori can change appearance and that his secret identity used to be Midoriya Hisashi. It's so convincing that Izuku breaks into the Might Tower with an album picture, several DNA tests and generally emitting a "????" sound.
5 - Now, All Might is an intelligent man who knows when someone is trying to pull an emotionally charged narrative climax where one murders his father. But since he is also dumb, he doesn't say "Mmm, your dad is AFO and is manipulating you. Also, could you give me back my quirk please." Instead, he says "I am so sorry, I had to leave to protect you and your mom, what do you mean you didn't get the child support and the unlimited AM merch I have been sending you every month?"
+ 1 - Now, Izuku isn't dumb either, knows that there is something fishy and if All Might is somehow truly his dad, he can't accept the "I abandoned you to protect you" excuse. But... Unlimited All Might merch. So he is willing to hear him out. As long as he keeps the merch coming.
+ 2 - All Might accidentally sics Izuku on the one who "stole the alimony and the All Might merch"... The HPSC President.
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
This was on a separate post but I think it should have its own (also because I went off-track when I first wrote this)
Remember when Midoriya was trying to wake up a Quirk as a child, trying to pull the couch toward him or breathe fire?
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This was him trying to use his parents' Quirks, in the hope he inherited one of theirs.
Inko could pull small objects. Hisashi could breathe fire.
Anyway this is a [Midoriya has AFO] post and [DFO is real]-
Anyway please listen? If his dad was AFO, and passed on that Quirk to little Midoriya, it makes sense that they all considered him Quirkless.
All For One starts as a blank slate. It has no Quirks available, because none were taken yet. And if no Quirks were stolen, nevermind passing through the user to be bestowed to others, then AFO at the base level is the equivalent of being Quirkless.
Midoriya having AFO would leave him as Quirkless. And he never would've known if he had AFO, because he thinks his dad just breathes fire. AFO's existence is just an urban legend to people back then.
Midoriya wouldn't be able to breathe fire if AFO was his dad, because that was never his Quirk.
Even if he did have a fire-breathing Quirk, AFO holds onto random ones like Naval Laser. It could just be one of those gags.
All For One is a quirk that takes. One For All decides to be given.
Midoriya, rather than take, was instead given Quirks, and sees people's goodness. He isn't selfish at his core. He's too optimistic. This is the opposite of AFO, which takes and gives—Midoriya was on the receiving end of being given, by OFA.
If Midoriya had a natural AFO, it makes sense that he's Quirkless. It also makes sense that he can handle multiple Quirks from OFA; because the nature of AFO is being able to wield multiple Quirks in one body.
AFO looks for Quirks that are easy to use, and straightforward. Midoriya ended up with Quirks that he has to strategize and think with, and even Bruce mentions his brain couldn't do all the processing, which is why he froze up.
Midoriya is past the point of Singularity. Yoichi says this when he first tells Ninth "You are not alone". But Midoriya is completely fine.
He only breaks his bones. He doesn't deform and become something the human body warps to be able to contain the Quirks. He got a good deal, when considering what Shigaraki became once.
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He has OFA's Quirk Factor, but that Quirk Factor stores up Quirk Factors within itself. We can deduce that from Bruce saying only Danger Sense's Factor was stolen. It's naturally a stockpiling power similar to AFO that Yoichi had forced on him, and at its very base, Bruce called an "unformed dud".
Now, it's more grown from all the strength and Quirks stockpiled. Even if OFA counts as one Quirk, it still holds multiple Factors inside itself, so it might as well be the same as multiple Factors to the body. When Shinomori explained his life shortened because of multiple Quirks, he shows all the users before him, rather than the more-common "One For All is glowing in my hand" or "One For All is a flame" image to show the crystallization of power. Though it could just be to show the individuals adding to the short-life..
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In the void, we see OFA vestiges are inside the vault, according to the door's face. On the other side, like when Yoichi was alive, could be AFO.
Midoriya sees the goodness of people. He said Eri's power was gentle, and always affirms that she saved him when she tries putting herself down. He says Shinso's Quirk is amazing, and he'd make a great hero. When seeing Chisaki while fighting Nagant, he just said he'd talk to him later, and promised to fulfill her promise if he was willing to direct his regret toward Eri. Kudo says he should hate Bakugo, but Midoriya looks at the heart, and believes in that.
AFO only sees the Quirk first. He looked at Ragdoll, decided to take the Quirk and didn't care for what happened to her body afterwards. When he looked at Best Jeanist, he applauded his use of his Quirk to save everyone, but then knocked Jeanist down anyway, saying it required too much work, so he didn't need the Quirk.
Midoriya having AFO and OFA would make him an intersection. He's born with AFO, but because he believed he was Quirkless, had grown up being put down, and knows what it's like to be weak. Born with AFO, but seeing the unequal world, and being given OFA because he wanted to save people and be a hero.
Y'know, this sounds a lot like Yoichi. Believed to be Quirkless because his Quirk required someone else, and therefore was unfinished and "non-existent". Even AFO didn't realize it existed because it was so weak.
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Midoriya wanted to save people. He has AFO. He's living what AFO could've done [saving others] and embodying Yoichi's belief ["the power to give and take could have been the kindest in the whole world"].
All For One is blank. AFO only had an Ability he could use because he stole his mother's at birth.
Midoriya didn't. His Quirk should've come when he turned five. And he didn't know about AFO. He doesn't even have holes in his palms
If there's no holes in his palms, either his Quirk Factor is elsewhere, or manifests differently in said hands. In which we consider Inko: she can pull small objects toward her
It's possible for Midoriya to have a combination of AFO and Inko's Abilities. He tried pulling objects, but he never tried pulling people or Quirks.
If Midoriya can take Quirks from a distance, and AFO, like OFA, stores Quirks within a single Factor, then Kudo could be saying to let go of One For All so he can make room for All For One's Factor. Midoriya would have the capacity for it.
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barid-bel-medar · 6 months
“Shut the fuck up,” Izuku says, ignoring Neito choke at him swearing. “Neito doesn’t have to take shit from some defeatist pessimist who’s judgment All Might doesn’t even trust anymore.”
Nighteye gapes at him, clearly not expecting him to say that. 
Izuku then decides to take advantage of something he never does. 
He suspects it says a lot about him he never did while at Aldera. 
“My mother is Midoriya Inko, one of the senior partners at Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka. My father is Midoriya Hisashi, CEO and owner of the Dumas Corporation. If you do not stop being a dick to me and Neito, I am going to get both involved.”
Nighteye blanches, and it strikes Izuku then that there’s a good chance for all the research the man had probably done on him, the actual threat of his parents, the reality of dealing with them, is probably very different then the abstract idea of them on a piece of paper. 
“You are going to teach us about investigative work and how it relates to heroics,” Neito says. “And you are going to knock this shit off. Because I also have no issue with getting my father involved.” Neito smirks, and there’s a very mocking undertone to it. “You know, Alec Sarte of the European Heroics Centre, whose name is very, very much on my files?”
By the way Nighteye further blanches, Izuku suspects he hadn’t been aware of that fact about Neito. Most he’d…actually Izuku isn’t entirely sure why the man would offer Neito a spot now if he didn’t do a proper background check, something that would immediately reveal that. Was he thinking that if he offered Neito the spot it would increase the likelihood he’d take it?
“So you are going to knock your shit off, and actually teach without having a fucked up, manipulative ulterior motive, or else.”
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nightkbroccolidemon · 5 months
AFO is Hisashi Midoriya
This is my contribution to the Dad-For-One theory, otherwise known as AFO is Hisashi Midoriya.
There are already plenty of indications and other theories out there to this particular idea, but I have never seen this specific one so I might as well share.
Disclaimer: this might have some manga spoilers, so be warmed!
First and foremost, what do we know about Hisashi Midoriya?
He is married to Inko Midoriya.
He works overseas.
He has a fire breathing quirk.
He is never seen in the backstory, neither the manga or anime.
Just from that we can already make some conclusions. I think some of them have already been floating around so I will make this short.
He could have taken her name in marriage. It would make sense if it was her family name, since Midori means green and Inko does have green hair.
An evil overlord most certainly makes enough money to send home. The cover of working overseas also means he doesn't need to be home and keep up the façade.
I believe it has been mentioned in manga and in the anime that emitter, more specifically fire quirks are the most common ones. So basically, nobody would call it either weak or strong if you are not Endeavour or Dabi. It would also be fairly easy to acquire a quirk like that for someone like AFO
We have no idea what Hisashi Midoriya looks like. Which is uncommon for parents in MHA. We have seen plenty of parents from different students, villains and even teachers in the vigilante spin off. One would think that the father of the main character is kind of important, or if he isn't (as we are led to believe) we would get at least a face. The fact that it is taking so long is certainly suspicious.
Now let's look at what we know about AFO.
He lost a big fight against All Might when Izuku was just a small child, before he received his diagnosis that he was Quirkless.
He is inherently possessive, narcissistic and egoistical.
He does not care for others only for the best way to gain power.
He has only one known weakness to his quirk. Said weakness is, he has to touch someone to steal their quirk.
Let's keep that in mind while we take a look at other facts. What do we know about the Midoriya family?
Izuku Midoriyawas born Quirkless.
He was diagnosed by the same doctor who later made the Nomus.
They are not rich, nor do they have any connections.
Inko Midoriya has a minor attraction quirk.
At first glance this might not mean a lot but in the frame of this theory both of these things shine in a different light.
AFO was born at the dawn of quirks. A time where it wasn't uncommon for someone to be born without a quirk. It wouldn't be far-fetched for him to have a Quirkless child.
If Izuku was indeed his son, it would make sense for him to monitor his development even after the fight against All Might. He must already be working together with the doctor because it was, he who healed AFO from his severe injuries.
What would AFO gain from marrying someone with a weak quirk and without any notable connection?
If AfO had a child with Inko Midoriya there is a possibility that this child could have a quirk which allowed them to pull quirks to them. This would solve AFO one weakness. In return all he would have to do is fly under the radar and pretend to be a good, if absent husband.
Alright this was a lot of speculation. So, let's take a look at Canon again to see if my main claim would make sense for the story.
The main example would be the Todoroki family. Endeavour demonstrates quirk marriage isn't a thing of the past. Which means we have a canon case of this happening.
The most glaring problem in this theory might be that AFO does not really look like Izuku. Then again Izuku does look a lot like his mother except for his hair texture and the freckles. At this point we have seen a younger AFO and still there are no glaring similarities. This might be because AFO wears his hair rather short in all his life stages compared to Izuku. We have also seen AFO mother who had no similarities to Izuku either.
For the time being AFO is kind of dead so he won't be the one confirming this theory. Izuku has seen him before and not mentioned anything. The only one left to say anything is Inko Midoriya.
Horikoshi did mention that there would be a Hizashi Midoriya reveal at some point. So, all we can do is wait and speculate.
Thanks for reading my random thoughts!
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pocketramblr · 6 months
Super late, but 5 hc ask game where Giran gets a kid showing up at his doorstep who says his name is Izuku and his mother recently died and he was given instructions by her to seek him out if anything happened to her. Giran recognizes his mother's name and remembers he had a relationship with her years ago. Upon further investigating he realizes this is his son.
1- It's not super unusual for teenagers to knock on Giran's door. Usually they're delivery boys or messengers, but sometimes they're customers in their own right or looking for recruitment. This kid, however, clearly has no idea who he is: "Um, hi, sorry to intrude, my- my mom told me that if anything happened to her, I should find you. I'm- her name's Midoriya Inko, I'm Izuku." (Giran initially wondered if he's the son of someone he placed who got in trouble there, but then he hears Inko's name, and she wasn't a customer. He waves the kid in and asks what happened.)
2- Izuku's been at a group home the last couple of weeks but slipped away after school today instead of going back. Giran listens, and asks what he wants- he could fake records, get Izuku sent somewhere better, or set up with a new relative, or his own place. Izuku doesn't have any other relatives on his mom's side and never knew his dad, so Giran eventually gets an apartment in "Midoriya Hisashi's" name and has Izuku moved out from the home. The place is really just for him, because he wanted to stay at the same middle school (he's only 13, and he's never had to move schools before). Then, Giran starts poking around to confirm the relationship before offering anything more.
3- But Izuku is lonely, and grieving, and quite depressed. On his fourteenth birthday, Giran comes to visit- a first since getting him moved in, and while they've got each other phone numbers they don't talk much. Giran admits to being his father, which Izuku had almost hoped for before he answered the door. Giran never wanted kids, but he has to admit Izuku's almost not a kid anymore, and since Inko did all the hard parts he isn't going to disrespect her work and throw the teen away. So, he asks Izuku what he wants, and Izuku admits he wants to be a hero, even though he's quirkless, even though he couldn't do anything to save his mom. Giran nods, then says "Ok. I'm sending you to your Uncle Oguro's for the rest of summer break."
4- "My What" Izuku asks, but Giran tells him that he helped save the man's daughter once, so he owes him, and besides, seems like he wouldn't mind Izuku anyway with the company he keeps. "And, your uncle is also quirkless. Tell him you want to be a hero anyway. C'mon, go get packed up while I call him."
It seems to be a very loud conversation from the other end, but all Izuku can hear is his father's easy, calm voice the whole time, still talking like the whole thing is a joke all while being completely serious. Izuku begins to wonder how the hell his parents met.
5- "C'mon, ask." Giran says on the train. Izuku does, nervously, and Giran tells him he won't find out things if he doesn't look and ask, and he should, he's got a good curiosity and a sharp mind. "That'll help at Oguro's. Oh, and if there's an emergency, call me right away, kay?" He's not particularly concerned with Izuku figuring out about the quirkless man being a former hero with a quirk, or learning about AfO that way - Oguro will make it clear Izuku isn't to look for the man or listen to any offers.
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year
Crack au where everything is the same but Tsukauchi, Yagi, Hisashi, and Inko are all married
They’ve been married before Izuku was born and honestly this just means that Izuku has 3 dads and a mom. He’s going to learn so much out-of-pocket things and so much things about the criminal justice system and heroics. It’s great.
Izuku is going to learn about heroics, police work, the law, and finance. He’s going to learn so much and he’s going to be such a bean.
This also means that Bakugou is going to go and know immediately that Yagi is All Might. Yeah it’s supposed to be a secret but Kacchan is Izuku’s best friend! They can both keep a secret.
Naturally, this leads to Bakugou now doubling down on becoming Number 1 with the added bonus of his second dream being to beat up the Number 1 Hero
Other things include:
-Izuku and Melissa Shield meeting each other because of Yagi taking him to visit David and the two of them becoming best friends almost immediately. It’s great and from then on they regularly video call each other and Izuku always comes to Yagi’s visits to David
-Good parents Hisashi, Inko, Naomasa, and Toshinori that’s important. That’s very important.
-Bakugou constantly talking shit about All Might and saying that he’s an average hero. He eats dinner with the Midoriya family every day.
-Actually just go and take all of Bakugou’s energy on bullying Midoriya and put that on Yagi. Bakugou’s new target is to take the spot of Izuku’s Hero Dad and make sure that he fucking retires early because Bakugou. That old man better watch his back because every time that man stops Bakugou is getting closer.
-Sir Nighteye being that weird uncle that you kind of just have around. He gets better but for a while Izuku and Katsuki told him that his vibes are terrible and to get out of their house
-Gran Torino being that Grandpa that would go and let you do all the irresponsible shit. He keeps the kids safe but boy oh boy there has been several instances of a heart attack
-Midoriya Inko being a kid of All For One, a result of a One-Night Stand. She cut contact with him a while ago don’t worry. She would go and rip out one of his glands with her Quirk if he ever contacts her again
-Now please imagine All For One finding out that the All Might, the Detective that helped All Might, and the the most Average Man in exsitance all are married to his Daughter.
-Shinsou Hitoshi also being a kid of All For One, this time on purpose. Don’t worry he runs away and meets Tsukauchi. In fact you can read a fic about it here. (Many Kudos to Mod Boreal and their Writing.)
-Izuku still getting One For All not because of the fact he’s All For One’s Grand Kid but because he display qualities of being truly heroic. He wants to be a hero and wants to save as many people as he can, no matter the cost
-No one in the class knowing who Izuku’s dads are and thinking it’s just Inko
-Naturally, Katsuki’s goes and spreads rumors that Izuku’s dads are in America for “work”. Izuku is screaming inside because that actually is correct. Hisashi is in America for work but not Naomasa and Toshinori!
-Izuku says this but he starts calling Toshinori “dad” whenever he can. The man coughs up blood every time Izuku says it
-In the corner, Todoroki Shouto starts making conspiracy theory boards.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Alright BG3/MHA AU.
All Might is told by his future successor he would much rather tell his parents about his new Quirk and everything that happens with it. Worried but understanding the concerns he agrees. When he goes to the house, he's met not just with Midoriya In’Ko but also her husband Gale and their wife Karlach. Oh and their friends Shadowheart, Astarion, Jaheria, Minsc, Lae’zel, Halsin and Wyll!
AKA: In’ko is a Githyanki Tav who left Faerun with her partners because the bombs inside them went dormant being in a world with less ambient magic. They found Izuku who'd been abandoned for being Quirkless and took him in. In’ko took the name Midoriya and no one questions it since they kind of just think she has a mutation Quirk.
While the trio live in Japan, their friends don’t. They visit though through a portal and love their nephew.
Funny enough, Izuku has barbarian training from Karlach. He's got a lot of rage from his treatment and she decided to teach him to harness it. He ends up being a wild magic barbarian solely cause I think it would be funny.
So Izuku is getting OFA as well as being a barbarian. In’ko and the others after a while let All Might in on the truth who ends up helping them solidify their adoption and hides the info Izuku was adopted. Good thing to when his bio parents try to claim him back when he wins the sports festival later. Turns out his bio dad (Hisashi) is Endeavour’s cousin who tries to get him to help.
Endeavour refuses because a) he doesn't like his cousin. And b) because he only wants Shouto to be the shinning new star of the Todoroki family and he's furious that Izuku turned his son into a chicken with his ‘energy surge’ from the power up during their fight.
There's a lot of shit that goes down with the Midoriya family though to. Gale is the only one with any real childhood among the parents (Karlach did have good parents herself but she was working for Gortash as a teenager and being sold into slavery) but he also was taken advantage of by his mentor which took years to understand. He's hyper aware of All Might who takes one look at this guy and how he acts, going: ah I see. Trauma.
In’ko was raised to kill her fellow kids and be a soldier. She is still soft and kind but her hard edges are there.
Nezu also ends up learning of them and helps solidify their papers while also making them seem like heroes who have retired from covert ops. It actually works for them since they can reference their adventures.
“Right the time we had to over throw that politician who was trying to murder everyone.”
“I wonder how Dame Alyin is doing now that we freed her from being used as a battery due to her powers. Haven't heard from her in a while.”
“Jaheira called. There's a mission to do a raid on a trafficking compound. She's asking if I can lend some fire power. I'll be gone for a bit.”
Just… Izuku being raised by three traumatized people who love him dearly and him just being a little barbarian they're so proud of.
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owlf45 · 1 year
My personal favourite flavour of Midoriya Hisashi is the very extremely loving father that works overseas and buys Izuku ludicrous amounts of hero merch for his birthday despite the fact Inko keeps telling him to stop because they Do Not have the room. I just think Izuku deserves some good dads.
If hisashi and all might ever met they wouldn't fight, they would mutually agree that izuku is their son. and they can both spoil the hell out of their boy. Because Izuku deserves the world. Like a friendly dad agreement. Izuku has two dads now. Todoroki might think they're dating.
as much as villainous parents can be fun, so can absolutely adoring-and-well-meaning parents. the villainous parents all have the same flavor after some time. it always usually ends up with an adoption fic. parents who care though, that can add SO much to a fic that I adore.
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usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
Of All the Stars in the Sky, You're My Favorite by SimplyKaren
summary: Izuku has a quirk that lets him see others quirks as lights. His father asks him to keep that a secret in exchange for a bed time story. The story is so beautiful this fic is so peaceful feeling I love it
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alien-slushie · 1 year
Midoriya Izuku's Daddy Issues, a series of Incorrect Quotes
Izuku: Topics to avoid- How my dad left us and ruined our lives, how my dad got remarried and ruined our lives, how my dad moved to America and ruined our lives-
Ochako: You know what? I'm just going to steer clear of your dad entirely.
Izuku: Smart.
Izuku: Seriously, why are you dragging Sal's Pizza through the mud? That place is special.
Tenya: Why is it special?
Izuku: Because it's the best pizza in the neighborhood!
Kaminari: Well-
Tenya: According to Kaminari's email it's actually number 8. This isn't about Pizza, what is it really about?
Izuku: ...When I was a kid I would short stop on my little league team, my dad was the coach and after every game he would take the team to Sal's. Half way through our last season he left me and my mom and the worst part about it was that I couldn't go with him to Sal's anymore.
Inko: That must be your birthday surprise.
Izuku: You got me the *insert old hero group here*?! Warning, a lot of them turned out to be drug addicts so this could be a bummer.
Inko: You ready?*opens the door*
Hisashi: Hey buddy. Happy birthday!
Izuku: Dad? What are you doing here?
Hisashi: I came to surprise you.
Izuku: Well, I am surprised that you know it's my birthday.
Inko: Actually, Izuku, your father and I are seeing eachother again.
Izuku: Oh, wow, that's so, that's so interesting.
Izuku: I'm sorry I got in the middle of your family business but I'm afraid I'll have to get in the middle of it again. Look, I don't talk about this alot, but I actually have a difficult relationship with one of my parents.
Aizawa: Yeah it's your father, you talk about it excessively.
Izuku: Well, I wouldn't say excessively. Sure there are times I wish he were there for me more-
Aizawa: Midoriya.
Izuku: Right, sorry.
Momo: About that-
Izuku: Wait what's wrong? That's the exact look my mom gave me when my dad left. Oh God, did my dad leave my mom again? How do you know my mom and dad?
Izuku: In a weird way I'm gonna miss our little house.
Aizawa: Yes and in an even weirder way I may actually miss you.
Izuku: Oh, and in an even weirder way I want you guys to be my dads.
Aizawa: That is weirder.
Izuku: Yeah, I got stuff...
Izuku: You risked everything to get me and Shoto out of prison.
Izuku: Oh my God, you did all of this for us? I love you Daaa-ensei! Daensei, cool new was of saying Sensei.
Izuku: I think we need to help Shigiraki.
All Might: Good, I'm proud of you.
Izuku, starts crying: Oh. Just said you're proud of me, tear trigger.
Shoto: Our parents are vibing hard!
Izuku: I know! Drinking just makes people get along better. Do you think if I got my parents drunk everyday when I was a kid they would have stayed together, and we would have had a happy family?
Shoto: Probably!
Izuku: This is worse than my 6th birthday party when I found my dad making out with a female clown in the bounce house.
Izuku: So why aren't you asking Aizawa for help on the case? Wait, are you guys getting a divorce? It's okay, this doesn't bring up any weird issues for me.
Izuku: Is he mad? Did he Storm out?
All Might: No I stormed in! To tell you good work Young Midoriya.
Izuku: And there it is, the Proud Daddy!
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Alright, the plot bunnies have started digging, let’s ramble and see what happens!
Background Thought: Rather than having Red Fountain, Cloud Tower, and Alfea, let’s still have U.A., or for this “Unity Academy”. Like, the other three schools still exist, are still chugging along, but they have very specific specifications. U.A. is, while still highly prestigious, working on ALL kinds of skills. Much like canon, where they have courses for Heroes, Business and Supports, they have courses for Specialists, Witches AND Faeries. Their student body isn’t as big as the other three schools, but their students are better all-rounders, and usually more adaptable. Nezu is Headmaster, and regularly has tea with Griffin, Faragonda, and (Red Fountain Headmaster, I forgot his name???). Or, somewhat alternatively, U.A. is still a High School, while Red Fountain, Alfea, and Cloud Tower are more like college, or University, and U.A. exists to help the kids pick what kind of specialization they want. (K, most of the rest of this will be under the assumption we’re going with option two).
(Also note, Regular Winx Stuff may have, or similar shit already happened, so we don’t have the Dragon Flame, or anything like that. Bloom and her friends are off vibing elsewhere, doing other shit)
Izuku - K, let’s keep Dad for One. Izuku is AfO’s son, but got yeeted to Earth during the “Final Battle” between him and All Might. AfO is captured, and locked away, but not before there is much devastation and pain. He swears to return, and seek “his heir”. All Might, meanwhile, rather than suffering an injury that inhibits his use of One for All, is cursed by AfO, so that his magic will slowly drain away, making it harder and harder to enter his magic form, until he can’t enter that form at all. If he does not find a cure, the curse will eventually kill him.
Izuku is found by Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, who adopt him. He is raised on earth, where he is friends with Katsuki Bakugou. Unlike canon, where Izuku is shunned for being Quirkless and the two pitted against each other, Izuku is seen as weird for thinking magic and stuff is real, and Katsuki acts as an exasperated protector, thinking Izuku should really “grow up”, but the two are otherwise friends-ish. (there’s also some stuff that happened when they were kiddos that Katsuki is kind of suppressing, but shhhhhh!)
The two one day run into All Might, who’s fighting some minions of the LoV, and All Might has to protect them, which runs out his “time limit”. Katsuki and Izuku both jump in to protect him, and together generate a massive magic wave that knocks the minions away. All Might is shocked, for magic is supposed to be extinct on Earth (although, it’s happened before *looks at Bloom*) and goes with the kids to speak with their parents. While Katsuki’s are totally flummoxed, Inko admits that Izuku is adopted (something that she has NOT mentioned until now). All Might posits that Izuku is Magixae, and that exposure to his burgeoning magic caused Katsuki’s to awaken. After a lot of discussion, All Might convinces the parents to let Katsuki and Izuku attend U.A., where they can learn about their abilities. They are enrolled in the “General Studies” Course under Aizawa, a first year course to help students figure out what their specializations will be.
Katsuki’s Suppressed Memory: (So, I imagine, somewhere, there are Good!Hisashi’s we can talk about. Not here.) I’d have part of Katsuki’s character arc (besides figuring out she’s a girl and all that other stuff), is that she seems to have difficulty controlling her magic. It seems to always be big blasts, massive explosions, instant kill shots. Like, she has issues trying to solve problems without resorting to the most immediate (and often lethal) option, which gets reflected in her magic. And the reason would be an incident she’s repressing - killing Hisashi Midoriya. Now, it wasn’t her fault, really. And honestly, when she does finally remember, no one blames her. But Katsuki’s first foray into magic was trying to defend Izuku from his old man. Like, I’m imagining Hisashi got drunk, tried to go after kiddo Izuku. And Katsuki, over to visit her friend, tries to get between them. She gets hurt. Izuku’s magic tries to respond, but he’s so concerned for Katsuki, it responds by trying to heal her. This in turn wakes Katsuki’s magic, which responds by BLOWING UP THE ENTIRE APARTMENT. When people come to investigate, Katsuki and Izuku are miraculously ok. No one else in the building even got singed. Hisashi, they have to identify by his teeth, which are the biggest parts of him they can find. Izuku’s memories of the incident are all kinds of jumbled, but he remembers a big explosion that didn’t touch him, so he believes it was magical. Meanwhile, Katsuki’s brain decides “nope, we aint thinking about this”, and hides the memory away entirely.
(Note: it doesn’t necessarily have to be THIS, but I like the idea that Katsuki’s actually used magic before, to defend Izuku, but the event was so traumatic, she suppressed it, and has no recollection of the event, but it still influences her. So, she doesn’t believe in magic [magic, in fact, freaks her out at first, even if she can’t explain why], but is wildly protective of Izuku [I left you alone once and you almost DIED], while at the same time see’s herself as awful and a monster [Jesus, I killed someone].)
-I don’t think I’d have Izuku inherit One for All (which wouldn’t exist?) but maybe have him share his magic core with All Might? Like, they both have a wildly rare magical core? And maybe have All Might’s curse be, like, blood related, so it has to be lifted by a blood relative of AfO? Not sure
-the LoV could still be a thing. They’ve got some kind of “magic mirror” that’s connected to whatever prison dimension AfO’s in, and are working to free him. Garaki is raising Tomura, who they all THINK is AfO’s kid, because he has the same kind of (also uber rare) magical core as him. AfO can’t really sense anything in his magic prison, so is taking their word for it, until he sees Izuku and goes “Huh. I wonder?”
-Okay, we are going to be NICE to Oboro here. He was NOT nabbed to become Kurogiri. Kurogiri is still around, maybe even connected to Oboro in some way (I’m half thinking some kind of “stolen shadow”, “created doppelgänger” situation), but Oboro himself is fine. He lives with his husbands, Mic and Aizawa, and teaches a course on … idk, Magic Core Connection? Maybe he’s the flight instructor.
- Aizawa took courses at both Red Fountain and Alfea upon graduating U.A., which was seen as weird at the time, but it has made Aizawa far more versatile. Aizawa’s magic has always been a bit limited, so working with weapons made sense. His magic specialty is nullification, curse-breaking, spell reversal, and the like. He CAN do other magic, but in most cases, it is honestly faster to just do the thing himself.
- Himiko’s family is a long line of powerful witches, who specialize in Blood Magic, and curses. Himiko, while also good at this, actually vibes far better with Fairy magic (for her, this means healing, I guess?), and is worried what her parents will think if she manifests a Fairy form (regardless of ability, no one in her family has manifested a Fairy form in almost six generations).
- Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are Dominian, adopted in the wake of the fall of Domino. They had never really met another Dominian until they run into each other at U.A.
- Iida comes from a long line of Specialists, but has some wind-based magic he’s struggling to master.
- Tokoyami is ABSOLUTELY a witch, you can pry that out of my cold dead hands. If Eimi’s here, she’s also a witch.
-Todoroki’s thing, besides the fire/ice, I’d have it be duelling between Fairy & Witch magic. Like, his mom’s a witch, his dad’s a fairy, Todoroki can kind of use both witch and fairy magic at the same time, he’s struggling with that.
- Nezu is either just a magical species that LOOK more animalistic, or we’re borrowing from the MHA Monster-verse, where he’s a Familiar that has since become his own being. 
Thats all I got right now, what’s everybody else think?
1.) So what I’m thinking re: the school is that like within my winx reboot, I had Bloom and Co. start working on combining Faerie, Witch and Specialist tactics (for those who could use Magic at least). While they’re far from the first to do so, it did lead to the creation of UA as a school for them to kinda mix and match in like elective courses. I’m debating about keeping it a high school or bumping it up to college. Really it doesn’t matter in the long run.
2.) Love keeping the DfO thing and yeah All Might being under some curse works! Technically works with Canon-esque Winx!
3.) Yeah that tracks just. Guess we have a baby now!
4.) Everyone just looking between Izuku and Inko like ‘the FUCK do you mean he’s adopted!?’. But yeah it tracks for there being Magic on Earth even though it’s supposed to be dormant because 1.) *gestures to Bloom’s nonsense* and 2.) idk if I mentioned it in my winx reboot posts, but until the cast knows about what actually happened with Bloom they just assume her parents were from somewhere else and were just on Earth for like a vacation or something and somehow she got separated from them. So it’s totally plausible!
5.) OH OOF. First off rip to Hizashi because we never let him be good we should do that one of these times! But I kinda like this! I may like. I might have it not be full on killing him but def causing some ‘hospital immediately’ kinda damage so even if she didn’t kill someone the fact that she /could’ve/ and that she doesn’t entirely regret what she did fucks her up. Which yeah Katsuki is swinging between both ‘oh magic might be real because there’s no explanation for what happened’ and ‘mm let’s not think about that!!’.
6.) Yeah I’m not sure what OfA could be in this case. Nothing really fits.
7.) The idea of them thinking Tenko is Tomura/Izuku is fucking hilarious to me I love it. Like maybe they assumed All Might found the kid and entrusted the boy to Nana’s kids for safekeeping. This does bring be back to the same problem I had in the Monster AU which is the age difference between the two because they’re 5 years apart(I never did decide tbh). I could either drop Shigaraki down to Izuku’s age or split their ages to 18-ish. 
8.) being nice to Oboro for once! But yeah if we have Kurogiri still exist then he’s some fuckery made of Oboro that they like. Maybe eventually merge back?
9.) Oh yeah like. Honestly I need to go on a deep dive re: winx’s magic system and how people’s specialties and leanings and so on and so forth manifest. Because yeah everyone has their own theming so while there’s some universal spells one can do, a lot of stuff is also like specifically made by them? Like anyone can do a basic ‘summon item’ but some kind of attack blast would look different like Bloom’s looking like a flamethrower while Tecna is more futuristic laser beams and both have themed names. But yeah give Aizawa a specialty in nullification and reversals!
10.) Honestly I was thinking more the reverse since witches can get a bad reputation and tbh on the whole they’re more interested in morbid things like Himiko is.
11.) Lmao my dragon boys again!
12.) Iida being good with the technical combat stuff but bad with Magic is fantastic to me
13.) First off love that these two get #13 on the list but also hell yes witches!
14.) Pausing for a moment to imagine Enji in the sparkly fuckin booty shorts that Winx is known for. ANYWAY!! Going through the Todorokis again I think re: how fucked up the family is I think that like. Given the lack of a Hero System things won’t be /as/ bad for them. Some things are still fucky but not as much.
15.) No one knows what Nezu is and it concerns everyone but he’s not giving any answers.
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the ask game: an AU where All Might and Izuku forget to tell Inko that they're going to I-Island.
Ah yes, The story of how Midoriya Inko drop kicked the Symbol of Peace.
(I am going to change the prompt just a little bit to make it funnier.)
1 - Okay so you have to understand that Izuku is a very independent child and it's normal for him to disappear during an entire day without giving any news. Inko has learned not to worry. However, because of that habit, Izuku only left a message to his mom when he was already on the plane.
2 - Izuku left quite the good message, calmly explaining where he was going, that he was with a teacher, and when he would be back. Except that all that Inko heard was "I have been smuggled out of the country by an adult I barely know." She completely panics. Calls Izuku a thousand times but his phone is off (because he is on a plane). Calls Hisashi but he doesn't answer either (because he is in Tartarus).
3 - Now, most people would have called the police but Inko has... ahem... a past that makes her distrustful of the police and heroes alike. So she kinda hops on a plane and gets illegally into I-Island. As she does, she ends up in a warehouse where a group of shady looking people have also gotten in the island. They look like villains, they might be involved in a smuggling ring, so she very politely asks them if they have seen his son.
4 - Wolfram, who had just been talking about his nefarious plan, doesn't know how much this strange Japanese housewife heard. He makes vague threats and allusions about how he can definitely help her find her son, already planning to kill her. Unfortunately for him, all that Inko heard was "Oh yes, we definitely got your son, are up to no good, and are going to do something stupid." Parental adrenaline kicks in. The spirit of Yor Forger possesses her. Twenty minutes later, Inko exists the warehouse. There is a tiny bit of blood on her but she wipes it and keeps looking for her son.
5 - The strange man who is next to Izuku never sees her coming. She drops from the second floor and drop kicks him. He immediately passes out, maybe because of the kick, maybe because of the sheer shock.
+ 1 - Once All Might wakes up, he apologizes to Inko and that's how she learns that her son is on friendly terms with the Symbol of Peace! Hooray!
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Ask Game: After Izuku is diagnosed Quirkless, his father brings out a knowledge that was almost lost during the Boxer Rebellion, Qi cultivation. By the time he enters UA Izuku has the equivalent of a superstrenght stockpile Quirk, though he also figured out how to use his abilities to float (and once he’s stronger he’ll be able to fly and do other stuff) and is developing the ability to sense danger… So what is this One for All thing that Sir Nighteye and this weird masked Villain think he has and want him to give up? Is this related to how his senpai, Hado Nejire, suddenly became stronger and faster?
A long, long time ago, there was a terrible war, and in the destruction, a child died. The boy's mother fled to a nearby river where she could be alone as she wept for his loss. A handsome stranger heard her cries and asked her what was wrong. When she explained, the man thought long and hard and came up with a solution. A way to cheat the cycle of reincarnation so that she could have her son again. But the method would take hundreds if not thousands of years. The woman agreed.
Anyway, in the present day, Midoriya is born with a few scattered scales on his skin. Everyone assumed this was an early sign of his Quirk, but it was in fact not; he inherited some secondary mutations but no actual Quirk.
Izuku was despondent when he was diagnosed Quirkless. Inko and Hisashi looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. That day, Hisashi retrieved an old box tucked away under some floorboards (They live in a house in this AU). The box contained the scattered scriptures of many different Cultivators which have been fashioned into something of a Cultivation Manual.
Izuku began his journey as a Cultivator that day, meditating alongside his parents to properly get his Qi circulating. Of the five elements flowing through his Qi, Izuku best associates with Wood, but like all Cultivators he has some affinity for them all. He also starts learning swordplay because martial arts is a useful means of aiding the physical part of Cultivation, although it's not something his parents can help with as much.
AFO took notice of him at the USJ incident, when he obliterated the Noumu (he tried to mess with its Qi but being a Noumu that made it tear itself apart) while Nighteye spotted him at the Sports Festival. Both reached some rather incorrect assumptions.
+1. Unlike Spiral Energy, Hado got One For All in her Second Year. Midoriya can sense something up with her Qi, almost like she has a pseudo-core. It's very weird to him.
+2. The Celestial Courts don't like Cultivators because becoming immortal is infringing on their territory. This is generally handled by a good old-fashioned lighting bolt to smite someone. Because of his theft of longevity Quirks, All For One has had this happen to him about once a decade or so. He's so confused by this phenomena that he earned a PhD in Meteorology to figure out why it keeps happening.
+3. Izuku is totally desensitized to electricity because he's seen both of his parents struck by lightning on at least one occasion.
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