#Stupid shark
enthyrea · 1 year
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icemav doodles and dumb memes
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midnights-dragon · 8 months
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Because it is Mermay:
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Originally did this art for one of @radiance1 prompts/story ideas, which also gives an idea of colors so.
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sharkgirldick · 10 months
"Brick" is a really strange term for "trans women I want to make out with sloppy style" but hey! Slang is weird these days.
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punk-dad-sharkz · 2 months
rex knows what m-count is but only because he asked obi-wan and he told him it was "moron count"
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 1 month
What if there was a sandbox video game that had sharks in it, and when you kill too many sharks it starts affecting the ocean ecosystems in the game in a negative way that harms the player. And everything goes back to normal only when there’s enough sharks again and you leave them alone. What then huh
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sharkneto · 4 months
what about five made him ur blorbo…
Man, what made Five my guy.
There’s the surface level stuff – he hits a lot of tropes I love. Asshole with a heart, competent in everything but people, an assassin who gets cool fights to good music, teleports, last man in the world, has a fucked up wife situation. He’s a fifty-eight-year-old man who looks thirteen, that concept right there has so much to work through, all by itself.
All of that is really fun stuff, but under all of that, I think I can sum up why Five hit so hard with just that he has heart. The show could have gone the route of comic!Five – unredeemable bastard of a tiny man. That would have been fun, I love comic!Five, but he works better on a comic book page, where things can be more 2D. The change the show made – maybe on accident – is that show!Five loves an incredible amount, and that’s what hooked me hard. Sure, some of this is fan interpretation, but I think it’s got moments in-show to back it up. One of his first moves he made, when stuck in the apocalypse, was to make Delores – he has her within a few days of landing there. She says so much about him the second we meet her in the show - shorthand to tell us just how bad the apocalypse was, and that, when faced with nothing, Five makes a person he has to take care of. With that, he survived four decades as the last person on earth in dystopian hell before he could get back to save the world – so he says, at least, but he has always prioritized his siblings. They're his world. He’s not great at saying it, but he’s a man of action and his actions speak very loudly.
With all that love, comes a lot of grief, which is actually what keeps me going with Five. I’m pretty open that I’ve had a lot of grief in my life. I’m doing better, it’s been a number of years now, but grief doesn’t go away, and Five is an incredible vehicle for playing with and processing grief. Experiencing it, growing from it, moving on with life around it. And Five has so many layers of grief to play with. There’s the grief for his family who he found dead when he was 13, grief for the world because it all ended, grief for the life he lost, grief for the life he had to live, grief for what he’s had to do, grief for his body and his situation. How do you keep going and move on after experiencing such loss? I find it both cathartic and motivating to think about and sit in that space.
He's a walking tragedy and I adore him for it. Character of all time.
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 months
Proposal: a remake of Jaws where just as he's going after a yacht, an orca t-bones him out of nowhere and eats him
then the orca sinks the yacht
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 3 months
living with a shark
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my sincerest apologies
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mymarifae · 1 year
big problem with this site is people are so used to seeing callout posts and strongly worded argumentative essays that when you express an opinion on a largely inconsequential issue - so inconsequential that it hardly deserves to be called an “issue” - that’s exactly how it gets interpreted. as another callout/cancellation/argumentative essay post. so then they get defensive and accuse you of trying to dictate how other people feel and say shit like “why is this a problem why are you ‘cancelling’ people for having fun what’s your problem” and it’s like. bestie i was just talking about my feelings. on my personal blog. that i use to express my personal thoughts and feelings and talk about what i like and what i don’t like. chill out. let’s go look at some cool flowers together instead of this nonsense
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something something Vox from hazbin hotel has an obsession with lemon sharks because sharks symbolize power and dominance (traits he wants to embody) and lemons symbolize love/bitterness/have roots in Catholicism; also, lemon sharks are steadfastly loyal and have favorite divers that they will seek out and chase other sharks away from (makes you think of his obsession with a certain gay-ass venison) send post
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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HARLEY and IVY | Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – ‘Batman Begins Forever’
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random-moth · 7 months
Idk if this has been asked before but since Jinbe is a whale shark Fishman can he just
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Please I need answers
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chimeride · 7 months
Radially-symmetrical shark.
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saccharinescorpion · 11 months
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lewis-winters · 14 days
today on "what did David Webster, from beyond the grave, compel me to buy today?"
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I named him Kenyon.
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