#Sorry it all might sound strange HA-HA you see I am so ready to do something for it
tapakah0 · 5 months
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
Dauntless Matchmaker Part 2
Danny knew that his strange new boss was rich. He figured that much out by the overly priced suit and the wad of cash, but when he followed him into an Uber, he never thought he would wind up at the Waynes.
Everyone knew who the Waynes were. Danny personally thought it was no exaggeration when people called Bruce Wayne the Prince of Gotham.
He thought it fit the lovable man far more than the title of White Knight. It wasn't that Bruce didn't do the most out of all the ultra-rich to help the city, but rather, it mirrored the Dark Knight too much.
Danny thinks Bruce Wayne and Batman were too different to be compared like that. At least Mr. Wayne is real.
"Welcome home, Master Damian." The butler said as soon as the two walked through the door. His intrigued eyes slowly glanced at Danny, causing the teenager to stand straighter. "And who might our guest be?"
"I believed he was here for Drake." The young boy- apparently named Damian, fibs. Danny is a little impressed that he can sound so uncaring about what is happening despite being the whole reason he is here.
Danny knows that his job is to fool the butler and act like he isn't very aware of Damian. He offers the man his best smile. "Yeah, I came to see Tom. "
The older gentleman raises a brow while Damian shoots him a look of utter venom. Danny fights the urge to cower underneath the boy's displeasure. That is one nasty scowl the boy had.
"I am afraid Master Tim, is currently unavailable in his room"
Aw, crude, he said the wrong name. "Um, I know he said he needed a few minutes to get ready, but I was allowed to go up to his room. I'm sorry, sir I'm a little nervous."
"I see," The other says carefully before sharing a look with Damian. There is a moment where the two just stare at each other, and after a few small hand signs- sign language, maybe?- the butler clears his throat.
"That's quite alright, young man. You may go to Master Tim's room. It's up the main stairway on the third level, fifth door on the right."
Danny practically ran to the stairs, throwing a quick "Thank you, sir!" as he scurried away from the Butler and his boss. The boy still looked greatly displeased with his performance.
He prays he gets better at it once he speaks with Tom-er Tim and gets their story straight. Curious, He glances around, taking in the tasteful night pictures of Gotham City and the scattered few statues.
His breath catches when he sees a large frame photo of a man lying on an old couch looking into the far distance, his smile curving with mischievous glee and the sunlight reflecting the blue of his eyes.
There is a background of an old library, but the sun streaming through the window drapes him with a glow that makes the other man seem otherworldly.
It feels like it should be a painting, but it is so clearly a photograph that Danny has half a mind to wonder if someone who looked like that could possibly be real.
"Wow." He breathes, stepping closer to the frame.
"Wow, yourself." A gruff voice suddenly says, making Danny jump. Whirling around, he finds a boy about his age leaning on the doorframe.
It takes Danny a moment to realize that he is the subject of the art he was just admiring. But while the teenager in the photo seemed like a visiting angel, draped gracefully put together the teenager before him is, in a slight word, a mess.
He was wearing an oversized, fluffy, red open bathrobe. He seemed to only bother to slip on some baggy sweatpants and one sock. His hair didn't seem to have been combed in days, and there were dreadful bags underneath his eyes.
Despite that, Danny felt his heart flutter slightly when he made eye contact with the other.
"Who are you?" The stranger asks, voice a soft mutter.
"Um...I'm looking for Tim?"
"You found him." There is a half smile, but it falls quickly as the boy's demeanor seems to grow sad. Welp, his boss did say he was recently heartbroken.
"Oh great! I was told by Damian to do this when I found you." He places his hand on the wall, knocking six times, pausing for a few seconds, then knocking four.
Tim's face flashes through emotions faster than Danny can understand before the other teens' eyes water. That's all the warning he gets just as Tim bursts into tears.
He has no idea what's happening, but Danny's protective core has him rushing forward to bring the sobbing boy into his arms. He fumbles for a few seconds, unsure if it's welcome, until Tim melts into him, sobbing softly into his chest.
"It's okay. Shh. Shhhh. It's alright, everything will be alright. Why don't we head to your room?"
"Okay," The other whimpers. Danny helps him to his room, trying his best to offer as much support as possible. He is just starting to wonder if he should offer to get him some water or something when Tim kicks the door close, and the tears are all gone.
"Alright, we managed to fool Alfred. He was watching from the stairway," Tim whispers, leaning in close to Danny's face. He gave the startled half-ghost a sneer. "Now, who are you, and why did Damian send you to be my fake boyfriend?"
"Wait, you guys have a code for fake dating? That's what that was?"
"That's not important. I want to know what your objective is."
Danny tells him everything that Damian has told him since finding him. It's only been a few hours since he was fired and since he was taken by Damian.
Tim took it all in without much emotion.
"So you're here as my pity date to get Alfred to leave me alone? And was the Demon Brat the one to hire you? A likely story."
"No, I swear everything I've said is true."
"Oh, and I bet Batman is going to come out of the closet, too," The other said, rolling his eyes.
Danny frowns. "Batman isn't real."
At once, Tim's entire body seemed to have frozen. He blinks slowly, almost as if he is delayed in the reaction. "What did you just say?"
"Batman isn't real," Danny repeats slower, suddenly afraid for Tim's mental health. Next thing he knows, Tim will say the tooth fairy is real.
"Yes, he is."
"No, that's what the government wants you to think so they can hunt him down."
Tim blicks even slower before a blush starts to climb along his cheekbones. He reaches up to play with the hair at the back of his neck. "If that's true, then what is Batman really?"
"A ghost," Danny says confidently and Tim's face grows even redder. It's....endearing.
"You're weird," Tim says, looking away. His gaze lands on a hanging mirror, seemingly taken aback by his reflection. "Oh, I haven't showered in a few days, have I? Do you mind?"
Danny shakes his head, smiling. "No, go ahead. "
Noehter notices the small boy who moves away from Tim's door. And if that boy happened to be pumping his fist into the air in celebration well, that's no one business but Damian's
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kingconia · 8 months
warning: Ortho is excluded for an obvious reason, and I consider Ruggie to be a vice.
Trey Clover. ❤️
— Trey is absolutely surprised, when he sees you for the first time. It is not like he had never seen a blind person before, but there is something alarming in a fact, that a student without magic and sight, is left all alone in the NRC;
— He might be a little awkward around you, but he is still respects you, and will never points out at your possible insecurity. Hits Ace a few times, when he openly reminds you about being blind;
— ...When he finds out that you are not helpless, and in fact might be more attentive than all of them, he is speechless.
Trey glances over his shoulder, instantly finding you in the havoc that first-years had made in his kitchen. He has no trust in this kids, and it is quite dangerous place for you. So, he tries to look up for you wordlessly.
”Ace,” he calls for a redhead boy, sighing, when he almost drops a bowl with flour on the ground, ”pass me a few apples, would you? They should be somewhere here.”
Ace smiles at him crookedly as he starts walk around, squinting, while trying to find mentioned apples.
”Eh... Where are they?”
Trey turns, planning to guide him himself, when you are suddenly raising your cane, the tip of it moving in the direction of a basket with red apples.
”Ace, I think, they should be here,” you remark softly.
Neither Ace nor Deuce find anything extraordinary in your act, which makes Trey realise that it must be not the first time you do so. But he is astonished!
He examines you once again, and as he stares right in your colourless eyes that almost never blink, Trey is sure: you don't see anything. That it is not a lie.
...Perhaps, you are not without a magic as others think you are?
Ruggie Bucchi. 💛
— Alright, I am sorry, but Ruggie doesn't give a fuck if you are blind. It is not about bullying—he wouldn't do that—but he will not try to pamper with you either;
— And as soon as he realises that you, in fact, are highly aware of everything around you, Ruggie is even more comfortable around you;
— But! Your instincts are reminding him of beastmen—he had seen a few of them, who were just as blind as you, and you act suspiciously a lot like them—and so, he starts having a very strange theories about you.
Ruggie holds his breath, and as his back straightens, he is ready for attack.
In his homeland, he is considered to be one of the most dangerous beasts, a natural predator. He knows how to stalk his prey, how to stay out of its sight, and how to bring food back home. So, of course, watching after you, shouldn't be a—
”I know you are hiding on the tree, Ruggie.”
Urgh. Just how you always know where he is?
Here you are, sitting on the bench under this tree. And Ruggie, who stands atop of it, too high to be heard, shouldn't be noticeable even for a usual humans. Even he made a sound—but he didn't!—how could you say that it is him? Unless, you are feeling his scent, just like a beastman would...
Ruggie keeps his silent. Maybe, it would be easier to trick you this way, and then...
Almost when he touched your shoulder, you easily hit him with your cane.
”Ruggie,” you sigh. ”I thought, you are better than his.”
Rubbing his hand, he can only murmur a quiet:
...His belief that you might be half-beastman are getting more and more rational with each passing day.
Jade Leech. 🩵
— Jade is somewhere between acting all gentlemen around you, and searching for a way to use your disability in his advantage. Nothing personal, though;
— When he realises that his calculations are completely wrong, and you are not so easy to crack, Jade is impressed. What a good challenge you are;
— Jade might get an idea that, perhaps, you are lying to everyone... And if so, he is about to catch you on this lie.
”Remind me, please... Had you been sightless from the very young age?” Jade asks casually, pouring tea in your cap; for a third time in this morning.
You nod with a gratitude, and your hand easily moves to your right, where the pot with sugar is located. Jade told you where it is, when you first started having a breakfast together.
”I had been born this way, yes.”
As you put one cube in your tea, Jade hastily moves the pot to an opposite side of the table. Waiting. His eyes pierces in yours, trying to notice some strange signs. Anything.
”How complicated it must be.”
There is always a possibility that you just have those colourless eyes, which helps you to lie to other. Perhaps, you are as mischievous as he is, after all.
”Well. I think, it would be harder if I lost my sight earlier in life,” you smile.
Your hand flawlessly moves to the new location of the sugar. Jade hums in the disappointment.
...Once you will crack.
Jamil Viper. 🧡
— When he hears about you for the first time, he can't help but huff about how irresponsible headmaster is, if he allows you to walk around these dangers so easily;
— Much later, he becomes your close friend, and with that, he finds out about your talent. Jamil had never seen such things before, he thinks you are a miracle;
— But he will accept it without any side thoughts. He trusts you, and overall, Jamil is simply glad that you are not as enamoured in this world as he first thought you are.
Jamil knows you are coming from a ringing knock of your cane in the corridor. And, so, he rushes to the doors, opening it widely, still with apron around his waist.
”Good afternoon, Y/n.”
”Hello, Jamil,” you hum, slowly stepping in.
It is a secret for Jamil why some of his classmates are thinking that you are lying about your blindness—or use a secret magic for moving around—when a little evidences of it are always here.
He can say it from the way you never make sharp on inaccurate movements—he had only seen you running with Grim on your hands—and move slowly, though, gracefully. Or how you relay a lot on you cane.
”I had prepared a few pastries for you,” he exclaims quietly. ”From the Scalding Sands.”
You might be independent, but Jamil still thinks you struggling sometimes.
”I can smell that,” you smile. ”Thank you.”
But it is not a problem. He will make sure to help you from time to time.
Rook Hunt. 💜
— Oh! Oh! Rook can't hide his curiousity when he hears stories about you;
— As someone, who relays a lot on his senses and instincts, Rook fully understands what helps you through your blindness;
— So, if anything, he thinks you are a lot alike! Rook constantly helps you to develop and sharpen your senses by taking you on walks around the forest, or asking about what you feel in certain rooms.
”Incroyable!” Rook sighs out delightfully, eyes sparkling as he stares at you. ”You are such a talented person, ma flèche!”
Another little laugh escapes your lips, and Rook can't help but feel proud of how happy you are about these dates of yours.
He wants you to feel equal with others, but even more, he desires for you to know how much better you are, than the most.
”Ah, you are flattering me, Rook,” with a free from a cane hand, you rush to wave him off. Then, you frown suddenly, tilting your head on the right. ”Ah... I think there is another bird, Rook. Behind you, on the left.”
As soon as you warn him about it, Rook swiftly turns on the told direction. A mere second and arrow flies past you, hitting a target easily.
”Parfait!” He praises you again. ”You notice things even quicker than I do!”
As your cheeks blush furiously, Rook only smirks.
If you only know how special you are!
Lilia Vanrouge. 💚
— Lilia is a war veteran, so, he is not surprised by your abilities. He had seen a lot of his old comrades losing their sight in the battle, and slowly learning to live with consequences of that;
— But, he finds it impressing either way. Especially, considering that you are just a mortal. It is fascinating how strong and brave your kind can be;
— And, Lilia loves how you are always aware of his presence, never being scared of his sudden appearances, like others usually do. It is rewarding!
”Ah, aren't we going to be late?” Cater sighs, shifting from one leg to another, while scrolling through the Magicam. ”That's ridiculous.”
You hum, pressing your shoulder to the wall, yawning.
”Why are we even waiting?”
”What do you mean why?” Cater frowns. ”We can't go without Lilia... And I don't know where he is, but dude is really late.”
It is your turn to frown now.
”Cater, Lilia had been here for another five minutes,” you say. ”Just look up.”
Cater is suspicious at first, but then, as he does what you told him to do, a terrified help escapes his chest. Lilia is, indeed, here. Hanging from the ceiling, smiling cryptidly.
”Hello, love,” he flashes a smile at you. ”And hello there, Cater.”
”Hi, dear,” you wave at him. ”Well... Can we, please, go now?”
Cater sighs. His face is still pale, when he hisses out:
”You both of you are awful. Period.”
Lilia only chuckles at that. Well, aren't you just a perfect match?
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hey love! How are you? I hope everything is well. Could I request a fluffy fic where the reader is sick and the marauders dote all over her? I have been sick the past couple of days with high fever and I am in desperate need to be taken care of lol. It doesnt matter if it is a poly!marauders or one of the boys. You can choose whichever you are in the mood for. Thanks in advance <3
Hi sweetheart, I'm good, thanks! I'm sorry to hear you're unwell :( Soooooo relatable, basically all I do when I'm sick is fantasize about someone taking care of me. I've been dying to write a roomate!James fic so I took this in that direction, hope that's okay. Thank you for requesting and I hope you feel better soon lovely!
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1.4k words
James listens as the door to your room opens and closes again, his unease mounting. 
You’re typically quiet, but lately you’ve been quieter than usual. Normally, James can count on at least seeing you in passing, or hearing your comings and goings signaled by the ridiculously harsh creaking of the front door. You sometimes play soft music while you cook, or have a friend over to chat in your room, or listen to a podcast while you get ready in the morning. 
For the last few days, there’s been none of that. If it weren’t for the occasional sound of your bedroom door and your key still on its hook in the entryway, James might think you’d moved out. 
He’s been walking past your door more often today, curious and a bit concerned at what’s keeping you confined in there. Though he knows he should be more ashamed of his eavesdropping, who else is responsible for making sure you’re okay if not your roommate? Anyway, if one day he finds you dead in your bedroom, “I was trying to mind my own business” isn’t going to make a very good excuse. 
When he goes by on his fourth unnecessary trip to the kitchen that afternoon, James is stopped by the startling noise of rapid-fire sneezes from behind your closed door. He’s knocking before he can second-guess himself. “Hey, you alright in there?”
There’s a great snuffling sound, and then, “Yeah, thanks,” your voice muffled. 
James hesitates. He’s not sure what your definition of “alright” might be, but he doesn’t feel right going about his day when you’ve locked yourself away and are acting so strange. “Can I come in?”
Well, that’s about as much confirmation that you’re not alright as he needs. “Are you decent?”
“I—yeah, but James—” 
He cracks the door, sticking his head in just as you dive beneath the covers of your bed. The floor is covered in tissues and wrappers of some sort, dirty dishes stacked on your desk. The room actually smells like sickness, likely a result of your being in here without opening a door or window for days. 
“James, please go.” Your voice is muffled by the covers, but now James can hear how congested it sounds. “I don’t want to get you sick.” 
“We’re roommates, love,” he says, taking a few tentative steps toward you. “Whatever you have, I’m gonna get it eventually.” 
You sneeze, your form tensing under the covers. “Not if I stay in here and you stay out there,” you insist nasally. 
James crouches by your bed, careful to avoid the tissues and what he now sees are cough drop wrappers. He tugs at your sheets until you release them, pulling them down to reveal your very flushed, very displeased face. James can’t help it; his eyebrows come together and his bottom lip juts out in pity, and your glare intensifies. 
Of course, it’s hard to appear very intimidating when your nose is twitching as you fight off another sneeze. After a moment you give in, pressing a tissue under your nose as your shoulders hitch. James winces in sympathy. 
“How long have you been like this?” he asks, taking advantage of your distraction to touch the back of his hand to your forehead. He’s not surprised to find it warm, but the intensity of the heat that meets his hand has him inhaling sharply. He presses his palm to your cheek to be sure, but it’s the same. “Merlin, you’re burning up.” 
“S’not that bad,” you say, though your next sniffle undermines the claim. 
James brushes a sweaty strand of hair from your forehead, worrying his lip. “Seems pretty bad, love. I think we ought to get you to a doctor. You shouldn’t be this warm.” 
You’re shaking your head before he’s finished speaking. “James, no. I want to stay here, at home.” You pull your blankets closer about your shoulders protectively. “I don’t want to sit in some freezing waiting room for hours just so they can tell me I have a cold.” 
James looks at you for a moment. Your clammy forehead, your poor pinkened nose. A tiny shiver takes you, making you burrow under the blankets until just your pleading eyes are peeking out at him, and that’s what softens him to your cause. “Alright,” he sighs, “but then you need to let me take care of you.”
“I don’t care about getting sick,” he cuts you off, leveling you with his sternest look. It’s not very well-practiced, but it does the trick, and you settle down. “You let me help, or I’ll take you to someone who will.” 
You look resentful at being given an ultimatum, but nod. 
“Great.” James grins, his usual affability returned. “Now when was the last time you ate?”
From that moment on, you’re on strict bed rest. James cancels his plans with Remus and Sirius for that night, both of them sending wishes that you start to feel better soon, and a call to his mum grants him access to her recipe for “get well soup.” You don’t have an appetite, but James coaxes you into eating a few spoonfuls, and the warm sensation in your throat proves too soothing to let a silly thing like appetite prevent you from finishing the bowl. James cleans your room as you eat, ignoring your protests and embarrassed groaning as he puts your tissues and wrappers into a bin, placing it beside your bed for easier access when you need it. Then, he gives you a steaming bowl of water, making you sit with a towel over your head in your own personal sauna. You complain about feeling disgusting as your sinuses empty themselves out, but admit to breathing a bit easier once it’s done. Soon you’re feeling well enough to sit up, propping yourself up on a few pillows with a full stomach and slightly clearer nasal passages while James takes your temperature with the thermometer he’d run to get from the corner store. 
“Can’t believe we didn’t have one of these,” he mutters as he holds it in your ear. “One of us was bound to get ill eventually, it’s a miracle it’s taken this long.” You hum, your eyes trained on the inside of James’ forearm. It hasn’t escaped his notice that you’ve been looking at him more today than you ever have before; he supposes he owes that to the glaze of fever he can still detect in your eyes. James would never embarrass you by mentioning it, but the warmth of your gaze is nice, and he’s glad you’re not sharp enough at the moment to notice he’s as flushed as you. The thermometer beeps, and he pulls away, the tension in his brow relaxing a bit as he reads the number. “Well, it’s not nothing, but it seems lower than earlier.” He feels at your forehead again, nodding to himself. “Yeah, definitely lower.” James leaves his hand on your face a tenth of a second too long, and your eyes raise to his.
“That’s good,” you say, giving him a small smile. He returns it heartily. “I feel better, thanks.” 
“Yeah?” he asks, his smile falling away when you give a small sneeze and then wince. “You sure, love? Is your head still hurting you?”
“It’s not as bad,” you sniffle, grabbing a tissue to wipe your nose. “I really think all this is helping, James, thank you. Sorry you have to be around me when I’m so gross.” 
“You’re not gross, you’re lovely,” he says dismissively, moving the box of tissues closer to you when you reach for it again. “You’re incapable of being anything but lovely.” 
You actually snort, the sound loud and wet. “Yeah, okay. Whatever you say.” 
“I do say,” James insists. “And I’m the only one here not delirious with fever, so I think that makes mine the final opinion.” 
Your cheeks get impossibly pinker, almost matching the hue of your nose, but your smile rivals James’ own. “Well, anyway, thanks for taking care of me. I really appreciate it.” 
James doesn’t bother to pretend he’s feeling for a fever this time, placing a hand on your cheek and rubbing at the skin under your eye affectionately. He thinks his heart actually turns to mush when you lean into the touch. “No thanks necessary, sweetheart. Happy to do it any time.”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You have your first day at the Royal Fire Academy, where you meet the other girls, including Kaho.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.1k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: zuko in his letters (sage, wise, cool and collected) vs zuko irl (SOO fucking awkward)
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To His Royal Highness The Prince Zuko,
I apologize for my earlier language. In truth, it feels strange for me to speak to you as if you were my friend. I think that it is because you are my benefactor, and a prince besides, so there is a need for formal and proper conduct. We have that kind of relationship, if you can see it from my perspective.
Your offer of help is greatly appreciated, though I am not quite sure what I have done to deserve it. I shall try to solve my troubles on my own, when I can, but if it should come to it, I will try to remember that I have the prince of the Fire Nation on my side. I wonder how many girls at the academy can claim that, indeed!
Anyways, my roommate is nice. Her name is Jia-Li, and she is self-reportedly average, but all told, we get along well enough. I wish I could say the same for the rest of my classmates — barring, naturally, Ty Lee — but I am afraid to report that we already do not get along. There is this one girl, Kaho, who has a specific grudge against me, despite my attempts at avoiding that outcome…but I should not bore you with the details. Suffice to say that not everyone is as kind as Jia-Li and Ty Lee and Mai and you have been. It is as Jia-Li said, though: two true friends are better than ten false ones. It does not upset me (though it might if I am challenged to an Agni Kai!)
Thank you for feeding Bian. She did seem pleased when she returned to the aviary at the academy. I also gave her a treat. By the way, the falconer said she was supposed to be yours. Is that true? If it is, then I do not think that I deserve such a creature, though of course I thank you for giving her to me anyways. She is very beautiful and possesses a gentle heart, which is a solace in the more trying times.
Ever Your Highness’s humble and obedient servant Sincerely, Ursa
P.S. I am sorry to say that I still do not recall anything about my past. I shall keep you updated if that changes.
You were up before Jia-Li, nervous energy thrumming through you in anticipation for the first day of classes. Ty Lee had stayed late into the night, and then you had spent the candle Jia-Li had lit for you writing to Prince Zuko, so you hadn’t had any time to read or prepare for lessons.
“Ugh,” Jia-Li groaned when you threw open the curtains, the rising sunlight filtering into the room, a beam landing directly on her face, which she promptly covered with a pillow. “What are you doing?”
“You’re a Firebender, aren’t you? Don’t you all rise with the sun anyways?” you said.
“I don’t know who told you that, but they were full of bullshit,” Jia-Li said. “I rise after I’ve had a full night’s rest, which I have not yet.”
“Breakfast is soon,” you said, pulling on your shoes. “You’ll miss it if you don’t get ready now, and then you’ll have to go to class on an empty stomach. I’m sure that doesn’t sound appealing.”
“On second thoughts, I miss not having a roommate,” Jia-Li said, though she did toss aside her pillow and roll out of the bed, thudding to the ground and shoving her feet in a pair of fluffy slippers. Her hair stuck up every which way, and there were bags under her half-lidded eyes as she trudged past you to her vanity table. “You can go ahead and meet Ty Lee in the dining hall now, if you want. I’ll come down later.”
“Do you think she’ll be there already?” you said.
“Yeah,” Jia-Li said. “That girl is the epitome of a morning person. She’s probably been anxiously waiting for you for a while now.”
“Then I shouldn’t keep her waiting any longer,” you said. “See you in class, Jia-Li.”
“See you, Ursa,” she said.
As Jia-Li had predicted, Ty Lee was waiting outside of the door to the dining hall, where all of the girls who boarded at the academy had their meals. She was playing with her fingers nervously, but when she saw you, she bloomed with joy, dancing over to stand beside you.
“Good morning! Are you ready for our first day?” she trilled.
“Not at all,” you said. “I didn’t have any time to read yesterday. I don’t know anything. If the teacher calls on me, I’ll be lost.”
“It’ll be fine,” Ty Lee said, putting a piece of bread on her plate and spreading something on its fluffy surface. “We’re new, so we’ll probably get away with sitting in the back and doing the bare minimum.”
“Let’s hope so,” you said, copying her, trusting her to know what was and wasn’t good to eat at the school. She flounced to the end of the table, and you followed her, sitting across from her so that you two could talk.
“Ty Lee!” a girl said. “Come sit with us!”
“No, sit with us!” another said.
“We asked first!” the first girl said.
“So? She obviously likes us more, we’re way hotter!” the second argued. They began to squabble as you gave Ty Lee a bewildered look.
“What is going on?” you said.
“Besides Kaho, almost everyone at the school liked me…” she said awkwardly. “I guess you could say I was popular! Everyone’s happy I’m back.”
“Looks like it,” you said, baffled at just how many people were trying to claim the spot at Ty Lee’s side. Thankfully, none of them tried to take your space, though you got your own share of dirty glares, which you could only cock your head at in confusion.
“Guys, go away. I’m trying to hang out with my friend from the palace, Ursa,” Ty Lee said.
“What was she there, a servant?” one of the girls said. You glanced down at your clothes, which were the same uniform as everyone else, and then you swallowed. Unlike the other girls, with their expensive hair ribbons and jewelry, you didn’t have anything to your name that marked you as a daughter of nobility — because you weren’t one. It was a safe assumption for the girl to make, and it was even one you’d made about yourself in the past, so why did it hurt your feelings that she had said such a thing?
“Hey!” Ty Lee said. “She’s a friend of the prince — I mean, the princess! Yeah, that’s right, she’s Azula’s friend!”
Immediately, the girls scrambled away from you, and the one who had called you a servant paled. Dropping to her knees before Ty Lee, she bowed her head.
“I am so, so sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect to a friend of Princess Azula’s!” she said.
“Apologize to Ursa,” Ty Lee said, chipper again now that she had found some kind of justice for you.
“It’s fine, Ty Lee. I can see why she thought that, so I’m not upset,” you said. The girl took the opportunity to leap to her feet and race to the other side of the table, the others following suit at the reminder of the princess.
“Those girls are all jerks,” Ty Lee said once you were alone again. “I’m sorry she was talking about you like that.”
“It’s not something you should say sorry for,” you said. “You didn’t do it. Anyways, I was expecting it; Jia-Li told me that the girls aren’t that nice, so it’s not a surprise. The real question is why you claimed my association to be with the princess instead of the prince.”
“Oh, that’s an easy one to answer,” she said. “They all remember Azula from when she attended, so she’s a more concrete threat in their minds. Only a few of them have met Zuko, and he’s been banished for a while, so his name doesn’t carry as much weight. Besides, if you’re associated with one member of the royal family, you’re associated with all of them, so I wasn’t technically wrong.”
“Alright,” you said, forcing yourself to chew on your food, even though it felt heavy and leaden in your mouth. It wasn’t a question of taste; somewhere, in the back of your mind, you could tell that you would ordinarily like eating this. It was your nerves which were ruining the experience, which made your tongue stiff and your jaw tight. You knew, though, that you needed food in order to have energy for the day, so you made yourself eat it despite your misgivings, despite the mental labor that even the mere act of swallowing took.
The classroom was small, which made sense, considering there were only a few girls in your year. What didn’t make sense was that the two desks in the very front were left open, though you had an inkling that one specific person had something to do with it.
“Ty Lee. Ursa,” a girl said. Her hair was pin straight and dark, half of it tied up with a white-and-gold ribbon, the rest falling around her shoulders, her midnight eyes reflecting the torches hanging around the classroom. “We saved you two seats.”
“Kaho,” Ty Lee said through gritted teeth. “You shouldn’t have.”
“I know,” Kaho said. “You can say I did it out of the goodness of my own heart.”
“Like I said,” Ty Lee said. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Thank you,” you said softly, not wanting to get into an argument with the very girl Jia-Li had warned you about last night.
“See,” Kaho said. “At least one of you has proper manners. Though, to be honest, I would’ve expected the daughter of a nobleman to be raised better than the girl that the prince found in the trash.”
“She wasn’t found in the trash!” Ty Lee said.
“Wasn’t she?” Kaho said.
“You can let it be, Ty Lee. It’s fine,” you said. “Let’s just sit down before the Etiquette Mistress gets here.”
Your first class was on the proper etiquette to have in polite society. Considering the many subtleties of etiquette, this was something you were nervous for, as you had no idea how to behave in polite society, or what any of that meant in the first place. It seemed that the others expected as much, for there was a multitude of snickers as you sat in the very front and waited for the Etiquette Mistress to arrive.
“Wonderful, everyone is on time!” the Etiquette Mistress said as she walked in exactly at the second class had to start. She was a neatly dressed and perfectly put together woman, with not even an eyelash out of place. “Let’s begin promptly with a review from our last class. Who can tell me what the three pillars of etiquette are?” She scanned the room, but only one girl had her hand raised. “Kaho?”
“Respect, consideration, and punctuality,” Kaho said, smirking as she folded her hands in her lap. The Etiquette Mistress did not frown, but the corners of her mouth threatened to tug downwards, and before you could think about it, you were raising your own hand.
“Ursa?” the Etiquette Mistress said. “Do you have something else to add?”
“It’s a common misconception that punctuality is a pillar of etiquette. However, in truth, it is not a pillar unto itself but rather a natural development and extension of the pillars of respect and consideration,” you said, though you had no idea where the words were coming from, only that some long-dormant knowledge of yours was bubbling to the surface. “The third pillar is actually honesty, madam, though of course honesty does not imply brutality but tact, benevolence, and integrity.”
Everyone in the room was silent. You could feel Kaho’s eyes boring holes into your back, but you stared steadily ahead, waiting for the Etiquette Mistress to react.
She smiled slightly. “That is correct. I also appreciate that you addressed me with a title; it demonstrates an elegant sort of etiquette that a lady must be born with or else have studied in depth from a young age.”
“Thank you, madam,” you said. The Etiquette Mistress nodded before turning to the board so that she could continue to teach you a lesson on which utensils to use for which meal.
This, too, you excelled in. You were the only student who knew when to use each utensil, even during the trick questions that the Etiquette Mistress threw out to trip you up. With every subsequent test passed, you felt your approval in the eyes of the Etiquette Mistress rising, though it was rapidly falling amongst your classmates, especially Kaho, who must’ve once been the star of the class.
“I thought you said you didn’t have time to study!” Ty Lee hissed once the Etiquette Mistress had left and you all were given a five minute break before the History Mistress arrived.
“I didn’t,” you said.
“Huh? Then how’d you manage to answer her questions so perfectly?” she said.
“I’m not sure. I just knew it already, somehow,” you said.
“Looks like Prince Zuko has a keen eye,” Kaho said from behind you. “To find the diamond amongst the sludge.”
For some reason, even though she was calling you a diamond, it didn’t feel like much of a compliment. Ty Lee seemed to agree, her kind, open face closing into a dark scowl.
“Kaho, you should just shut up,” she said.
“Is that a challenge?” Kaho said.
“It could be, but don’t forget that I’m one of Azula’s most trusted comrades. Is that a fight you think you could win?” Ty Lee said. Kaho seemed furious, but she had no argument, not when Ty Lee was objectively correct.
“The History Mistress will be here soon,” Jia-Li interjected, trying to break the tension. “Let’s forget about all of this and move on.”
“Sozin’s beard, Jia-Li, nobody cares about history,” Kaho said, rolling her eyes. “Just sit in the back and keep quiet like usual.”
Jia-Li stuck her tongue out at Kaho when the other turned away, but you noticed she did not stand up for herself. Ty Lee was the only one who was brave enough to say anything, and even then, you wondered how much of it was false bravado and how much of it was genuine self-confidence.
“Good morning, class,” the History Mistress said.
“Good morning, History Mistress,” you all chorused in unison.
“Today, we will be learning about an event that occurred relatively recently, but will definitely be written down in the history books in the years to come: Prince Zuko’s defeat of Ba Sing Se,” she said.
Ba Sing Se — it was where the prince had found you. You knew that the city had, at some point, fallen to the Fire Nation, but you didn’t know what had happened or how it had happened. This was definitely a topic of some personal interest to you, and you could not help leaning forward in your seat a bit.
“I thought we might go over this, since we now have a personal connection to it in the class,” the History Mistress said. “Namely, Ursa, who was found by Prince Zuko during the invasion.”
The entire class turned to look at you as the History Mistress began to draw a diagram on the board. The weight of their gazes was a suffocating burden, but you did not afford them the privilege of seeing you crumple, for you knew that you had to, in some way, remain strong, lest they pounce upon your perceived weakness.
“During his hunt for the Avatar, Prince Zuko and his uncle, the former General Iroh, found themselves separated from their ship and amongst Earth Kingdom refugees fleeing to the capital city of Ba Sing Se.
“It seemed to be a damning sentence; after all, what place does Fire Nation royalty have in such a city? But our prince is wise and loyal. He and his uncle opened a tea shop in order to bide their time, blending in with the city and learning its secrets.
“Taking a risk, he wrote to his father, telling him he had found a way into Ba Sing Se. The Fire Lord Ozai, who has always had the utmost of faith in his son to do what must be done, sent him the Soldiers of Agni in aid, promising a larger army if the Soldiers of Agni were not enough.
“For those of you who do not recall our lesson from the beginning of the term about the military structures that Fire Lord Azulon put into place, the Soldiers of Agni are the most elite Firebenders in the nation, excepting, of course, the royal family.
“So these proud men, who were the epitome of Fire itself, donned the muddy browns and greens of the Earth Kingdom on the command of their lord and snuck into Ba Sing Se in the same way that Prince Zuko and former General Iroh had. There, they met the prince, who formed their plan of attack.
“On the agreed-upon date, the Soldiers of Agni and Prince Zuko stormed the palace, beginning by executing all of the guards who tried to fight back. The rest of the guards, knowing they were outnumbered, quickly defected, and when the former General Iroh tried to stop them, they took him prisoner for the royal family, allowing the Soldiers of Agni and Prince Zuko to continue their invasion.
“Their main goal was to get rid of everyone who lived in that palace, in which they were successful. Not even the Earth King’s pet bear was spared. He and the rest of the palace’s inhabitants were destroyed, along with an entire wing of the Earth Palace, which the Soldiers of Agni brought crumbling to the ground with their fire and their might.
“Sadly, all of the Soldiers of Agni that fought to take the Earth Palace lost their lives that day. Most of the palace staff were Earthbenders, and they fought back, outnumbering the Soldiers of Agni ten to one. The Soldiers of Agni possessed superior skills, but those were barely enough against such a large quantity of enemies.
“We cannot forget the sacrifices they made. It is through the bravery, spirit, and courage of the Soldiers of Agni that the Fire Nation finally took Ba Sing Se for good. Even in a confrontation where they were at such an enormous disadvantage, the Soldiers of Agni kept fighting for their country, their home, and for the Fire Lord, eventually emerging victorious, though they were unable to enjoy the fruits of their victory. We must always follow this example of duty and selflessness, ever asking ourselves what we, too, can give up for the welfare of the Fire Nation.”
After her long-winded explanation, the History Mistress exhaled, wiping away a tear from the corner of her left eye and then holding her hands to her heart. You all had a quiet moment, presumably in honor of the Soldiers of Agni, and then, tentatively, Jia-Li raised her hand.
“History Mistress, what does all of that have to do with Ursa?” she said.
“That’s something you should ask her, not me,” the History Mistress said, motioning towards you. “Go on, Ursa. Tell us what part you played in this entire tale.”
You gulped. “To be frank, I don’t remember myself what my role was, but I’ve been filled in by Mai and Prince Zuko. Apparently, I was a Fire Nation soldier on the front lines, but at some point, I was taken prisoner by the Earth Kingdom. They were torturing me in Ba Sing Se for Fire Nation secrets. After invading the city, Prince Zuko found me, and he brought me to the palace to be healed. It was there that I woke up without any memories.”
“You were a soldier?” Kaho said, without even raising her hand. She scoffed. “You look entirely too soft to ever have been fighting on the front lines.”
“Kaho, she was in jail for who knows how long,” Jia-Li said softly. “Of course she’s not in fighting shape anymore. Especially if they were torturing her…poor Ursa. You’re so brave for not giving in.”
“That’s right,” the History Mistress said. “We must all endeavor to be like Ursa, as well, who after all of her ordeals is still set upon nothing but improving herself for her country. She truly is the example of what a Fire Nation citizen should be like. Now, let us thank her for sharing her story.”
“Thank you, Ursa,” everyone said. You sat on your hands and hated every second of it. You didn’t like the attention being called to you once again. You just wanted to fade into the background and be forgotten, but more and more, it seemed like that was impossible.
“The topic of prisoners is a great segue into what we’re going to be talking about in today’s lesson. Who can name one historical Fire Nation figure that was also kept in captivity by the Earth Kingdom?” the History Mistress said.
To no one’s surprise, it was Kaho volunteering once more, but this time, she was unchallenged, as you focused all of your energy on writing notes about the material. After all, you didn’t know any of this, and you figured it was likely important that you pick up such things, considering the entirely blank slate that was your mind at present.
The academy’s aviary was only a short walk from the dormitories, and you found yourself frequenting the path already, both because of your correspondence with Prince Zuko and because Bian was one of the few beings that you could say without question was your friend.
“I don’t understand why they already have decided that I am so worthless,” you sniffed, finally allowing yourself to cry in the solitude of the aviary.
Bian tilted her head at you, nudging you with her cold beak. You wiped away your tears before scratching her on her feathery chest.
“I don’t even know half of their names,” you said. “Yet they are convinced that I am someone less than them. Someone worthless. They think of me as waste, Bian — a rubbish girl who does not deserve to be their peer.”
Of course, your messenger hawk was not intimately acquainted with the subtleties of such politics and divisions, but for the moment, it seemed as if she understood, as she let out a low, rumbling coo. It was the most comfort you could dream of, and you bit your lip to prevent a sob from falling past your lips.
“Maybe it’s true,” you said. “You can decorate trash all you want. At the end of the day, you can’t change what it is. Maybe I don’t belong here. I don’t know what Prince Zuko was thinking, sending me to study with these girls.”
Bian nipped your sleeve, almost like a reprimand. You gave her a warning look, reminding her to keep her beak to herself, but all you earned in response was indifference — your reward for thinking a bird could read your expressions and would care about them, even if she could.
“And for some reason, Kaho has a personal vendetta against me,” you said. “I can’t think of anything I’ve done to deserve it. Is it because I corrected her during our etiquette class? But she hated me even before that.”
Jia-Li had mentioned something about Kaho envying you for your closeness with the royal family, but it wasn’t as if you had chosen that. You hadn’t chosen to be saved by Prince Zuko. You hadn’t chosen to lose your memories. You hadn’t chosen to live like this. None of it was in your control, so why did she blame you for it all?
“I just wish I knew who I was,” you said. “Things would be easier if I knew there was someone who loved me. Someone who was waiting for me to come back. If I was a Fire Nation soldier, then my family — they might be nearby, right? I should…I should be trying to find them, not studying at this school!”
You could feel the judgment rolling off of Bian in waves, which was ridiculous, because she was after all just a messenger hawk and was incapable of judging anyone. Still, if she were a person, you fancied she would be judging you at the moment, and your shoulders slumped as you realized how ridiculous you sounded.
“I’m in a position that many greatly desire, and here I am, complaining. I am in an elite institution, my tutelage sponsored by a prince who is only all-too-eager to help me with whatever I need. It is silly that I am so upset, it’s just that — it’s just that I feel like some part of me is missing. Like I lost who I am when I lost my memories, and not just in the sense of my identity. It was something physical. There is something more to me that is out of my grasp, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot reach it,” you said, extending your hand and closing your fist around empty air.
As per usual, there was nothing. It was a futile exercise. No matter how many times you did it, the result would be the same. You would not be able to find that part of you again, not for some time.
“Who am I, really?” you said to Bian. “That’s what I want to know. Who was Ursa? Who were my parents? Did I have siblings? What about friends? What did I do for fun? I don’t know any of it. I feel like I will only be happy again if I can find out. Even if it’s terrible. Even if it means reliving the torture that the Earth Kingdom put me through. I just want to remember.”
But try as you might, there was still nothing. You still had no idea who you were. Although you had had a full day of instruction at the academy, you were in no better of a position than you had been on the day you started.
You really can just call me Zuko. You don’t have to refer to me as the prince, unless you are completely more comfortable with that. Though it is true that I am your benefactor, I am not someone you should defer to. If you can bring yourself to do it, then I should like if you actually think of me as your friend. I would like to consider you mine, and so I will speak to you as if you are until you tell me otherwise.
I’d expect that none of the girls at the academy can claim that the prince of the Fire Nation is offering them friendship, and will be on their side even if they should reject that offer! Anyways, I have no doubt that you will be able to solve any issues that come your way, but sometimes, it is nice to have support. I want to be that for you. Even if it is not me, I hope there is someone at the academy who you can turn to for that.
It is a relief to hear that your roommate is someone likable. I asked Mai about Jia-Li; though she had nothing favorable to say, there was also nothing unfavorable, which is almost more of a compliment, coming from her. It’s good to know that you do not have to sleep beside someone you detest.
And speaking of, I am angered to hear that they have been treating you that way. Please remember that you are worth ten of them in my eyes. You only need to say the word, and I will have them spoken to harshly. Especially that Kaho, who has always been the horrid type (Mai was a little more explicit in her description, but I will spare you the specifics. Just imagine the most obscene expletives you can think of, and then imagine something even worse — that is probably in the range of what she was saying about her). Do not let her get you down; she is a spoiled, sheltered girl whose father is an Admiral and allows her to get away with doing whatever she wants because of his high status in the military. If you stand up to her, then I am sure she will back down. People like that usually do.
Yes, Bian was supposed to be my hawk, but I already have one and have no need for another, so she would’ve just sat in the aviary once I received her. It is for her own good that I gave her to you. If you do not like such an extravagant creature being yours alone, then you may imagine that you are borrowing her from me for the time being (though I will not accept her return — I think that she is attached to you now).
She is an exemplary bird, is she not? The falconer was very proud of her when she hatched. Although, I don’t know if anyone else would agree that she possesses a gentle heart; it’s not something typically said about messenger hawks, which are frequently ill-tempered. It is further proof that she is fond of you and was always meant to be yours, no matter whose name she was hatched in.
My own life has been dreadfully boring as of late. Meeting after meeting after meeting…it is definitely busy, being the prince of the Fire Nation. It’s like everyone wants to talk to me suddenly! But I’m not complaining. I much prefer being home to living on a ship and constantly wondering when I can go back, even if I had considerably more free time back then. 
I cannot think of anything else to write to you about, but I do not wish to stop quite yet, because once I am done with this letter, I will have to attend to some paperwork that I have been putting off. 
It has been sunny recently. The cooks made my favorite meal yesterday. Mai has been moping a lot more than usual (I think she misses Ty Lee). I gave bread to the turtleducks in the pond, and it seemed to cheer their spirits. My father allows me to sit at his right side for meetings nowadays, though as always, Azula is at his left. 
That’s about it. I guess that, as the heir to the throne, I should not keep procrastinating. It’s not very princely of me. 
Yours, Zuko
P.S. Once again, I am sorry to hear that. 
P.P.S. Please keep writing to me frequently, and with as many boring details as you care to include. I like hearing from you will take any excuse to not fill out these ridiculously tedious forms.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 2
Hey, guys! Part two has arrived. A little bit of Steve whump in this one.
Part 1
The next morning saw Wayne waking the two boys up at a little after five with coffee and breakfast.
Steve stood, leaning against the counter cup of coffee in his hand in a mug that proudly stated “Not a Morning Person”. He had mindlessly choked down breakfast on sheer auto-pilot and had poured a second cup of coffee while he wait for Wayne and Eddie to eat their bacon and scrambled eggs.
“I thought you’d be used to waking up this early,” Eddie said with a feral grin. “You know, having to be up for your sports stuff.”
“I didn’t know you played a sport, Steve,” Wayne said, directing the conversation away from Eddie’s teasing.
Steve stuck his tongue out at Eddie. “Technically three. Baseball, swim, and basketball. Stopped baseball when I got into high school because practice was the same afternoons as swim, and I was better at that so...”
“Just tell me you aren’t a Bulls fan I’ll let you on this trip,” Wayne teased.
Eddie looked at his uncle, scandalized. “Why do you get to tease him and I don’t?”
Steve laughed. “Not a Bulls fan. Pacer fan all the way.”
Wayne nodded sagely. “You’ll do.”
Steve laughed again. “The reason he gets to tease me and you don’t, was you were mocking my jock-ness and he was asking about which team I liked in a teasing matter. Two completely different things.”
Eddie ducked his head and began pushing his food around on his plate. Steve twisted his head down to try and see around the curtain of curls.
“Hey,” he said gently. “I know you weren’t serious. I didn’t mean to call you out like that. Not in your own house. That was rude. I’m sorry.”
Eddie just half shrugged.
Steve sighed and put his mug on the counter. He walked over to his friend and put his arms around his shoulders, just holding him.
After a minute or two Eddie relaxed back into Steve’s arms. “I’m sorry, too. I wasn’t trying to make fun of you for being a jock. I was just surprised you weren’t all perky and cheerful first thing in the morning. It was more about a you thing and less about it being a sports thing.”
Steve hugged him tighter. “Okay. Just so you’re aware, I got hopelessly teased for being a grouch first thing in the morning on every team I’ve ever been on.”
Eddie tilted his head back so he could see Steve’s face. “Duly noted. Still, I’m sorry.”
Steve nodded. “You can be the chipper morning person, and I’ll be the grumpy one, okay?”
Eddie chuckled. “Sounds like a deal.”
Wayne decided that moment to clear his throat. “If you two boys are done, I’d like to get on the road, please.”
Steve stepped back and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Just let me finish this cup and I’ll be ready to drive.”
Eddie got up and pulled out a small styrofoam cup from the pantry. “We keep these on hand for when Wayne gets called in to work a double.” He poured Steve’s coffee into it and put on a lid. “There. Now you can sip on your coffee and I’ll drive until you’re awake enough to.”
Steve blinked at him a moment and then nodded, gingerly taking the cup from him. “Thanks.”
Once they got out to of the vehicle Wayne pulled out a map. He pointed to a speck on the side of the road. “This is a truck stop. We will stop there and refuel and stretch our legs. No matter who gets there first does not move on until the other one shows up. Am I clear?”
Eddie and Steve nodded.
“I have no desire to show up on Aunt Penny’s doorstep without you,” Eddie said fiercely.
Wayne chuckled. “She might think you done me in to get a big cut of the inheritance.”
“She absolutely would,” he agreed. “See you in three hours!”
Wayne smiled and swatted Eddie with the now folded up map. “Go on. Get!”
Eddie and Steve laughed all the way to the BMW. Steve slid into the passenger seat and buckled in. He held the coffee tightly in both hands. Eddie had just gotten in the car, when Steve called, “Wait!”
Eddie looked at him strangely.
“I forgot to call Robin!” He handed the cup of coffee to Eddie and scrambled out the car.
Eddie shook his head and tossed Steve the keys so he could get back into their house for him to call Robin.
He was back out in two minutes mumbling apologies to Wayne and Eddie as he got back into the bimmer.
Eddie and Wayne shared an amused glance before they got back into their vehicles.
Once they were both back in the car, Eddie handed him back his coffee.
“Thanks,” he murmured. “She would have killed me when I got back.”
Eddie chuckled. “Yeah she would have. But you remembered in time and that’s what matters.”
Steve nodded hands curling around his coffee. As Eddie backed out of the driveway he spotted a cooler on the back seat. Once they were on the road, he asked about it.
Steve blushed. “I remembered that when I was little and we’d go on road trips we would always have drinks and snacks for the journey. So we have cans of soda in there as well as some cookies and stuff.”
“Homemade?” Eddie asked with a grin.
Steve sighed. “Sadly not, I didn’t have time. I hope store bought will do.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, Stevie,” Eddie soothed.
Once they were down the road and Steve was more awake, he reached back and pulled the cooler up front.
He handed Eddie an orange Crush and took a can of Coke for himself. He opened the bag of cookies and offered them to him.
“Fudge Stripe cookies?” Eddie asked with a fond smile. “What made you pick those?” He took two and took a bite of one.
Steve held the cooler on his lap and looked down into it mournfully. “It’s what we would take on our roads trips when we’d visit Nana.”
Eddie blinked a moment. He was the one that supposed to be grieving but seemed like this trip stirred something up in Steve, too.
“You want to visit her while we’re close?” Eddie asked. It was only a two hour trip, he had made longer trips to Indy for the latest D&D guide.
Steve shook his head. “Don’t tell Keith, but she died when I was seven. It’s how we were able to afford living in Loch Nora.”
Eddie glanced over at Steve a moment before he turned back to the road. “You’re weren’t always super rich?”
“No,” he murmured, still clinging to the cooler. “I’m not sure what we were, to be honest. My dad made good money. We had a nice house in Indy where we lived until Nana died and a nice car.
“You really are full of depths, Stevie.”
Steve scoffed, Eddie had said something similar yesterday. “I guess.”
“Appreciate you coming with,” Eddie said, “but I can’t help but feel like this bringing up lots of bad memories for you.”
Steve put the cooler down between his legs. “She left my mom a lot of money. Like proper life changing money. Only instead of making things better, it only served to show how badly matched my parents really were.” He twisted his hands together nervously.
“My dad started sleeping around. My mom started drinking herself into oblivion and then when she saw that my dad paid for an abortion for his secretary’s twenty year old daughter, she started going with him on trips to make sure he kept in his pants. I grew up not having to want for any material thing, but I was still old enough to remember what life was like before the money. I think that’s why I always envied you.”
“Me?” Eddie squeaked. “I lived in the poorest part of town, dealing drugs to make sure the power stayed on and you envied me?”
Steve nodded. “It sounds so twisted, but you had Wayne. I used to imagine that I had a uncle somewhere. Kentucky, Chicago, New York. England sometimes. That he would hear of my neglect and abuse and sweep in like an avenging angel and take me away.”
“Shit, dude,” Eddie said thickly. “You’re going to make me cry.”
Steve pinched his nose and rubbed the end. “Sorry. I think this trip is a bit for me too. To final grieve the life I could have had...had she lived a little while longer.”
He reached over and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. “We’ll still take a trip to visit her grave, okay?”
Steve let out a shaky breath. “Thanks, man.”
“Was she who you were thinking about when you called Keith?”
He shook his head. “I miss her. But no, that’s not who it was.”
Eddie glanced at him again and decided not to pump him for that tidbit. He could tell whoever it was, their death had really hurt Steve in a way that left a deep scar. One that hadn’t healed right.
He turned on the radio and just let it fill the silence between them.
About an hour into their trip, Eddie looked over to see that Steve had slumped against the window and had fallen back to sleep. He smiled fondly at him.
It wasn’t just anyone who drop everything in his life to take a road trip to the last place he had been happy, knowing that place had been a person like Eddie’s own grandma. Eddie always knew Steve and he were more alike than what appeared on the surface, but this trip was starting to be an eye opener in the worst way about just how similar they were.
He made a vow then and there that he would be there for Steve like he was there for him. Robin was good, great even. But she had loving parents who deeply cared for her and didn’t understand what it was like when someone who should love you, just didn’t.
So he would be that shoulder to cry on for Steve, someone who understood far too well.
Pt 3|Pt 4|Pt 5|Pt 6|Pt 7|Pt 8|Pt 9|Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Just...about Eddie and Steve's interaction at breakfast, grief can make you stupid. They're just bumping against each others wounds old and new and learning how to navigate all that. They'll get there, I promise.
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lykaios2 · 9 months
Heya hope you're having a good day/night ^^ if you're requests are still open I had a rottmnt Leo x reader fanfic idea. (No pressure to accept this request if you don't want to)
Basically the reader is a spider person (fem or gender neutral it's up to you ^^) and Leo has a crush on them. I like the idea that maybe they cross paths when fighting a villian. Sorry if that's too unspecific.
ugh. holy moly
for some reason I really struggled with this one. there are many things I could say about this but I'm just going to leave it here for you. hope it doesn't suck
(the title is supposed to be joke about how spider people get their superpowers hahahaha I'm so funny)
Love at First Bite
rise leo x reader
tw: mid writing
word count: 2816
Leo was racing to the scene of the crime. He had only gotten the call a minute ago, and he was thankfully ready, already on patrol. As he turned the corner, he saw the culprit. Him again. Leo didn’t want to have to deal with this guy again…but maybe he didn’t have to? It appeared that someone had arrived before him…but who? He couldn’t recognize them, he didn’t think it was anyone he knew. But if they were here, they must be some sort of superhero, and he knew every superhero there was in New York. And your fighting style…so eloquent, like nothing he’d ever seen before. He had to know who you were.
He jumped to your side to help you take down the villain. As the police arrived on the scene to apprehend the villain, Leo walked over to where you were.
“That’s quite the skill set you’ve got on you, stranger. I’m Leonardo, nice to meet you.” He held out his hand to shake.
“Oh, thank you,” you replied, a bit out of breath. “I could say the same to you. I’m y/n.”
“Well, y/n, you’re looking at the greatest ninja on this side of New York. And the other side too. Now, see, I know every superhero there is in New York, but I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here before.”
“Oh, you could say I’m new here. I moved here about a month ago, but this is one of my first missions here.”
“I see. Well, y/n, welcome to New York. I’ve lived here my entire life, so I know this place like the back of my hand.”
“Thank you, and yeah, I could imagine you do.”
“You know, that’s quite the costume you’ve got there. It’s like…a spider?”
“Yeah, that’s supposed to be the theme.”
“Okay, interesting. Any particular reason?”
“Well, not much, it’s just kind of the theme of my organization.”
“Ah, okay. Cool beans.”
“For sure. Well, I’ll be off now, I have to head back. See you around, Leonardo.”
“See you around, y/n. Just remember me if you ever need help!” He said, waving to you from afar. He heard you laugh as you walked away.
A new hero, huh? He was certainly going to have to get to know you now. If he didn’t know you, how could he even consider himself the greatest ninja ever? Like he said, he knew every superhero in New York. Besides, there was just something about you…but he couldn’t quite place it. But, he had realized he didn’t know when he would actually see you again. He would just have to hope he could meet you…
“Donnie! I need your help!” Leo called to Donnie as he entered the lair. “I’m being for real this time.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. What is it you need?”
“This may sound like a strange request, but I need you to do a bit of…non-malicious stalking for me.”
“Oh, my dearest brother, you came to the right person. You have no idea how excited I am to do this for you. And you ask me this like you don’t know I place trackers on you all.”
“I always forget about those. Anyway, you can do this for me? Great.”
“Now, brother, who, perhaps, might we be stalking?”
Leo explained his situation, how he had met you, how you had just moved to New York.
“And I need to get to know them…I know everyone, all the superheroes in New York. It’s part of my job as the greatest ninja in New York.”
“Well, you are indeed the face man. I’ll see what I can do. Give me say, an hour?”
“Okay, I’ll be back here then.”
Leo acted calm while talking to Donnie, but in reality, he was a little nervous. He hadn’t quite realized, but he was becoming very focused on this. A little too focused, maybe. He sat in his room, waiting, staring at the clock. 10 minutes, then 20, then 30. He was so focused on the clock, he hadn’t even noticed that Donnie was in his doorway.
“Yeah? Wait- Donnie? What are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same question. You’re staring at the clock, and it looks rather unsettling.”
“Well, I was just, you know, waiting for you to finish up. Anyways, what are you doing here? Did you finish?”
“Well, I had to use the restroom, so I got up to do so…have you been sitting here looking at the clock the whole time?”
“Uhh…yeah, I guess.”
“Right, because that’s a normal thing to do. Is something the matter?”
“I think I’m just…a little too fixated on this, I think. I probably just need to take my mind off of this.”
“Why don’t you do that, hm? I’m going to try and finish this up.”
Leo left his room to find Mikey or Raph. It didn’t matter to him, he just needed to get his mind off of things.
Donnie came to find Leo a short time later. He informed Leo he had found the information he wanted.
“So, they moved here from Arizona, it seems. They have two siblings, a brother and a sister.”
“Okay, okay. What else?”
“Well, as for their interests, those include video games, stargazing, reading, among other things.”
“Hmm, okay…thank you. Although one more thing, did you happen to notice any spots they liked to hang out?”
“Uh…they posted a lot of pictures of them at the park. You could try there.”
Leo nodded and thanked Donnie before heading off to the park.
“Wait, Leo, do you even know exactly who you’re- Oh, he’s gone. Well, I don’t even know what his plan is at this point.”
Leo rushed off to the park to find you. He made an effort to look everywhere he could think, all the popular spots and the hidden ones, too. It was a fairly big park, so he had plenty of spots to look. Nothing here, nothing there. All the while, you had indeed been at the park. Every so often, you thought you saw a quick flash of blue out of the corner of your eye.
“Man…I must be seeing things.”
Leo kept looking, but he couldn't find you. After all, he didn’t know what you looked like under the mask. He would just have to hope he ran into you. But he wouldn’t have to wait long. Before he could search every corner of the park, a huge crash came from a couple blocks away, followed by screaming. Leo stopped immediately.
“Woah, we got a problem.”
Leo pulled out his communicator and called his brothers to the scene. At the same time, unknown to him, you pulled down your mask, hearing the commotion and getting ready for action.
All of you rushed over as fast as you could. As Leo met up with brothers, he was unaware that you were shortly behind you. Leo and his brothers started to fight, and to his surprise you joined them.
“Oh, it’s Leonardo! And…some other heroes? I guess I’ll find out in a second.”
Mikey and Raph noticed you first.
“Who is that? Never seen them before.”
“Me neither, but it looks like they’re on our side. So fight now, talk later.”
Leo heard them and looked around, finally finding you.
“Guys, it’s them!”
“Who is “them”?”
“I’ll explain in a second, I’m a little busy here.”
Leonardo, along with you and his brothers, eventually stopped the ruckus, and was able to finally talk to you again.
“Hi y/n! Fancy meeting you here again.” Leo was breathing quickly, trying to catch his breath after the fight.
“Yeah…who are they?” You said, looking over at his brothers.
“Those are my brothers. Let me introduce you. This is Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello.”
“Hi, I’m y/n, as you may have already guessed.” Mikey was the first to speak up.
“Hello! So, how do you know Leo?”
“Well, we met not too long ago. Only once though, I had to leave before we could really get to know each other too much. All I know about him is that he’s a fellow superhero, and the greatest ninja in New York.”
“You know it!”
Leo talked for a while longer with you, getting to know you. Thanks to all the info Donnie gathered, Leo was able to hit it off with you. His brother stood behind him while he talked, occasionally chiming into the conversation. But in the meantime, Mikey and Raph started their own conversation.
“You know…I think Leo might have a little thing for y/n…if you know what I mean.”
“Omigosh, you’re so right!”
“Hey, chill. Don’t want ‘em hearing us.”
“Right, right, sorry. But that’s so adorable. I think they would make a good couple. But also it’s a little early to say, they only just met. But Leo totally has a thing for them.”
Leo kept talking with you, as his brothers stood behind him.Donnie left after some time, realizing he was no longer needed in this conversation. Mikey and Raph followed suit shortly after, and it was just Leo and you.
“Well, now that it’s just us…wanna go have some fun?”
“Ew, gross, no.”
“Chill, not like that. You have such a dirty mind.” he said while smirking.
“You’re stupid, you know that?”
“I get that a lot. Anyway, do you actually want to go do something?”
“Maybe. If I can get over your sense of humor.”
“Fine, I’m sorry. Really. Does that help?”
“I guess. But, there was this one place I wanted to check out…”
“Oh? Would you mind if I joined you on this little excursion?”
“Promise me no more of those jokes, and I’ll allow it.”
“Okay, okay. But I can’t promise I’ll stop all of my jokes.”
“Well, if you are joining me, I hope you’re hungry.”
Leo was led to a new restaurant, which he had never seen before. On the way there, he was becoming a little suspicious, as the area he was being led through was an area known for high amounts of crime. But when he got there, he was in awe. He never knew about this, so how did you? Every moment he spent with you, he was becoming more amazed. He…he could almost say he loved you. But he just met you, it wasn’t anything serious. So it couldn’t be love…right?
“Come on, Leonardo. Let’s go in.”
Right. Focus on what’s happening right now.
“O-okay, coming.”
Leo followed you into the restaurant. As he looked around, he took in everything. It was definitely a nicer restaurant. The atmosphere was very calm, but also busy.
“Woah…nice place. You’ve never been here?”
“Nope, first time.”
“Hello, have you two been helped yet?”
“No, we just arrived.”
“Ah, okay. If it’s just the two of you, we have a table open right this way. Follow me.”
You and Leo followed the waiter to a table in the back. As you sat down, he handed you some menus to choose from.
“Take your time. I’ll have someone sent out in a minute to check up.”
“Thank you. Good thing I have my wallet on me, I would hate to have to make you pay. Let’s see what we have to eat…”
“Yeah, this place is a little pricey. But I’ve heard it’s really good, and worth the price.”
“It better be…ooh, they have pizza? You already know I’m ordering that.”
“Pizza? I mean, sure.”
“Pizza’s my all time favorite. If it’s on the menu, I’m gonna order it.”
“Be my guest. I’m just gonna get the chicken sandwich.”
Another waiter walked up to the table.
“Hi, I’ll be your waiter for tonight. Are we ready to order?”
You and Leo ordered food, and after a bit more waiting, the food came and you began to eat.
“Mmm…this is so good. I might have to bring my brothers here sometime, they would love this place.”
“They are also big pizza fans, I assume?”
“Oh yeah, absolutely.”
“Your brothers seemed pretty nice.”
“Eh, they can be a little annoying at times…but we’ve been through a lot together. I love them very dearly.”
“Yeah…must be nice. I didn’t get along too well with my siblings, and I had to move away from my family when I took up this position.”
“Oh…that must have been hard.”
“It was…but I got over it. I’d rather not think about it.”
“Hmm…yeah. Well, I’m done with my food. You wanna head out?”
“Sure. I’ve been done with my food for a while now, anyway.”
You and Leo left the restaurant, thanking the staff on the way out. Leo decided to lead you around New York, showing you all of his favorite spots. All the shortcuts he knew, his favorite hangout spots, good places to eat.
“Wow, you sure know about everything.”
“When you’ve lived here your entire life, it becomes second nature.”
Leo showed you around a few more spots before stopping on top of a building near the edge of the city. It was nearly night time, and the city lights were starting to turn on.
“Wow, the city looks so beautiful at night.” Leo smiled.
“Just one of the cool things about living here. Sometimes I come here alone, when I need to relax.”
“I can see why. It’s very relaxing up here.”
Leo watched as you sat and looked over the city at the lights. You looked so cute, in awe like that. Maybe he did love you. Maybe it was love at first sight, but he doubted it was the same way for you. Sure, he was amazing in every way possible. But things like this took time.
“Leo? Leo!”
“Hm? What?”
“You spaced out for a second, dude. Look at the sunset. And the stars are starting to come out, too.”
The sunset looked incredible, and with stars sprinkled about the night sky, it was even better.
“Woah…so beautiful.”
You both quietly watched as the sun went down over the horizon. The stars started to come out, and soon it was nighttime. Leo looked over at you again as you yawned and laid down on the roof.
“Heh, a little. I could use a little extra sleep anyway.”
“Want me to take you home?”
“No, I want to stay here…and look at the stars.”
“Well, the roof can’t be comfortable for sleeping on.”
“You’re right. I think this would work better.”
Leo was taken aback as you came over and laid your head on his lap. He blushed slightly, but luckily for him, it was too dark to see.
“Much better.”
“Y-you comfortable there?”
“Yes, very much so.”
Leo sat as still as he could to make sure you were comfortable. He didn’t want to ruin this moment. It was perfect for him. He looked up at the stars with you. They were truly a sight to see.
“What are you doing, stupid?”
Leo hadn’t noticed, but his hand had started to drift towards your head. He was too caught up in making sure everything was perfect that he didn’t realize.
“Oh sorry, I was just…um…”
“Well…sometimes my brothers lay on my lap, and…they like it when I rub their heads…so I guess it was just like instinct, or something…”
“Well, keep doing it. It felt nice.”
Leo chuckled as he kept rubbing your head.
“Heh, okay.”
Leo laid back a little bit while you both continued to look up at the stars. He was so comfortable with you…he could almost just let it all out right now. He was in love with you and there was no denying it.
“Hey y/n…”
“Hm? What’s up, Leonardo?”
“Can I tell you something?”
“As long as it’s not another stupid joke.”
“Haha, no, it’s not. It’s something else…”
“Then what is it?”
“Well…um…I’ve had a great time with you tonight. And I know we’re not very close…but I think I like you.”
“I mean, cool. Good to know you don’t hate me.”
“I don’t think you understand.”
“What don’t I understand? You just said you- oh.”
Leo looked away as you realized what he meant. He was blushing again, but you couldn’t see it.
“Well…I think that’s okay.”
“Okay? What do you mean, okay?”
“Well…you’re pretty cool. Despite your stupid jokes, you’re actually pretty funny. And I’ve seen you fight before, sometimes I just sit back and watch you guys if I get there late. You’re a pretty nice guy. I like you too.”
Leo smiled as you told him how you felt. It was a relief to hear. After a second of silence, he spoke again.
“Well, now what?”
“Hmm…I think I’d like to relax and watch the stars with my boyfriend. That would be nice.”
“Your boyfriend?”
“Ugh, you’re so stupid. You, silly.”
Leo laughed awkwardly. Right, him.
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barmadumet · 4 months
So, @underacalicosky and @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart tagged me in the WIP Tag Game, AND THANK YOU FOR THAT, but I don't have any new WIPs since the last time 🤷🏻‍♀️and you all know about all of those. . . BUT I have been working on option 3 from that poll quite a lot - I have about 75k words, but I am nowhere near ready to post a first chapter. But you know what? I think part of my slump right now is that I haven't shared any of my writing in almost 6 months since I finished Streets. So, though I am nervous to do this - because knowing me, I'll probably end up changing this or scrapping it - here is a small sample of that fic I've been working on:
Ferus awakes to the smell of brewing tea, and he’s not even sure how Obi-Wan has achieved such a feat when he doesn’t even have a kitchen, but the aroma is unmistakable. He glances at the parallel palette a few feet away – Anakin is still sound asleep, and the first sun is not yet peeking into the interior of the cave.
When Ferus stirs, he sees Obi-Wan perched on the plateau in the entryway of the cavern. He sits beside him and the Jedi Master slides him a cup.
“I had another ready,” Obi-Wan comments evenly, but cheerfully. “I thought you might be up soon. . . Your Master used to talk of how you’d wake with the suns.”
Ferus’ lips curl at the mention of his former, deceased Master, Siri Tachi. “She was like Anakin, and could sleep all day if you’d let her.”
Obi-Wan smiles softly. “And he needs extra rest these days, it seems.”
“He does. He gets worn out so quickly. . . It’s strange to think it’s Anakin – always so competitive, pushing himself to the limit. Needing to be the best. To win.”
“That need for victory,” Obi-Wan somberly tsks. “I do believe that’s where I lost him.” He sighs. “His fear of losing. . . It impacted him in more ways than one, but now that he’s lost so much, I don’t think it frightens him anymore.”
“Well, he hasn’t lost you – and it’s clear you’re what matters most to him.”
“You mean a great deal to him as well,” Obi-Wan reminds intently.
Ferus marginally shifts the subject, “Obi-Wan? You don’t have to answer this, but. . . I saw the two of you last night, the way you. . . I know I only implied it before, but did the two of you have a relationship?”
“Not a romantic one, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“That is what I’m getting at – the way you held him, and the way he was curled up against you – I can’t say it’s a position I’ve ever been in with my Master, but I’ve surely slept beside my husband in the same manner.”
“I never touched him,” Obi-Wan defends sharply. “Especially not when he was seventeen. But when he got older, when the war started. . . Well, we became less like Master and apprentice and more like. . . something else entirely. But nothing ever came of it. There was tension there, and to be honest, I think it caused problems between us. This chirpy Anakin is one I’ve not seen in a long time, and I’ve missed him terribly. I honestly don’t know what possessed us to curl up together last night, because it’s not something he’d remember us doing; it’s not something we did until he was older. We’d seek comfort during the war, but it was never really romantic so much as just comfortable – natural. . . and I suppose that’s why we ended up that way: it just felt natural. I’m sorry. I’m rambling, and I know that’s not much of an explanation, but when it comes to Anakin. . . in light of this situation. . . I’ve just never before been so confused and so sure of myself all at once.”
Ferus laughs ironically. “That’s exactly what I was trying to explain to you about taking him under my wing. It felt both wrong and right. I’m still conflicted at times. . . and I. . . I can’t stay, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan’s head turns sharp. “You can’t go,” he protests.
“I can’t stay,” Ferus reiterates. “I need to get back to the base – check on things there. Try to get back home and make sure Roan’s family is safe.”
“But you don’t intend to return.”
“I. . .”
“Anakin will be crushed. Please don’t do this. Not right now. Let him get settled.”
“He doesn’t need me, Obi-Wan; he has you.”
“Do you not hear how he refers to the two of you as one unit? Do you not see the way he lights up when you enter the room? Do you not see how he hangs on your every word? ‘Well, Ferus says. . . Ferus thinks. . . Ferus wants. . .’ ”
“That’s just because we’ve spent so much time together. I’m all he’s had for the last few weeks. He’ll be fine. I know you’ll take care of him.”
“You aren’t so sure. I can sense it – your worry for him, but you’re running away because it scares you –because of what he used to be, and I’m. . . I’m scared, too, and maybe I need you just as much as he does right now. You’re the only one that— Don’t go. I want you to stay.”
Obi-Wan and Ferus go quiet when they sense Anakin awake and approaching.
“Good morning, dear one,” Obi-Wan beams when a sleepy looking Anakin appears. His eyes are tired. His face is blank. His arms are folded, buried in his Master’s robe, head covered to hide his scarred face.
Anakin’s gaze is on the horizon, where the second sun is just starting to rise, the shadows of the cave now absorbing soft morning light. Both men have turned to watch him. Now, he watches them back and smirks. He wedges himself between the pair, then puts his head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
Ferus is just about to stand when an arm comes around his waist and pulls him closer. A cybernetic hand snakes up his back and rubs it gently. Ferus slowly turns to look at Anakin just as he lifts his head from Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and Ferus finds he can’t look away from the intense and engaging stare.
Anakin lets his forehead tenderly bump against Ferus.’ When he feels Obi-Wan’s arm stretch around him, he boldly decides to now use Ferus as his personal pillow instead, supremely content with having contact from each side.
Obi-Wan’s knuckles brush back and forth against Ferus’ ribs, an indirect way to communicate, a way to say he understands. He knows Ferus is wrestling with the very same qualm he himself had struggled with for many years: craving Anakin’s touch, while simultaneously fighting a guilt-ridden urge to push it away. He sees Ferus’ dark eyes peer at him from over the hood of the robe Anakin is still snuggled in – tethering between satisfaction and indecision.
Ferus is rigid, neck straight and chin high. But at Obi-Wan’s faint, but soothing smile, and with Anakin burrowing further into his side, he can’t help but rest his cheek to the top of Anakin’s head, shamefully giving in to the warmth and solace they both provide.   
The three remain huddled together as they watch the sky change colors in a comfortable silence.
Thoughts?? Any interests? I feel like this will be a fic about 4 people will read lol, but I've been wanting to write it for almost 2 years now. I feel rusty! Idk if I can pull it off, but I'm going to try.
Thanks again for the tags, friends! It looks like all of your WIPs have been inquired about (or I already have knowledge of them! 🤩) These all look DELISH!!!
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kittyt-hexxed · 1 year
Let Me In
Dark!Demon!Vi x Reader
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Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Non-con undertones, Demonic haunting, claw marks, objects being thrown, seeing a figure, hearing voices, being touched by something, bodily possession, threats, praises, masturbation (dildo use), voyeurism, consensual somnophilia (fingering), rough sex (strap-on use), feeling of being watched, soul contract, obsession
Summary: You’re given a stuffed bunny as a comfort item for your birthday. Weird things start happening and your girlfriend is acting a lot more clingy than usual. Unfortunately, something else came into your home with the bunny, and it likes what it sees.
Author Note: First, I’m sorry this took so long. I had a really hard day yesterday and writing was the last thing on my mind. Secondly, Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain! I’m doing a fun Halloween tarot pull this evening that I might post. I think you’ll like the cards ;)
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You were curled up on the couch and watching your favorite show for the thousandth time. Your friends had left a few hours ago after helping you clean up the mess you made. Your birthday was celebrated in the best way possible - surrounded by your friends, aggressively playing rock band on your old Wii, and goofing around like you were all children again. Your birthday gifts were things that you needed like body wash, perfume, and some sexy lingerie. The lingerie was from your girlfriend and everyone had teased you like crazy when you pulled it from the box. You laughed and Amelia winked at you saying to keep it ready for the next time she came over. But, your favorite gift out of all of them was an adorable vintage stuffed bunny that Molly got you. You squealed excitedly and immediately started cuddling the cute thing, surprised that it smelled like violets. Molly told you that it used to be owned by someone, pointing out the name Violet written on the inside of the right ear in sharpie. You didn’t mind that at all. You love that it has a rich history and, if anything, it made you love it more.
“Goodnight, Nini.” You let out a yawn and cuddle up to the bunny a little tighter. You were too tired to get up from the couch, so you turn over and pull the blanket up to your chin and fall asleep.
The sound of something falling in the apartment wakes you up, jolting you from your dream. You open your eyes and squint into the darkness, wondering what fell to have made such a loud noise. You feel for your phone and pick it up, flinching at the bright light of your phone screen. 2:25 am. You sigh and turn the flashlight on, shining it around the living room to see what it was. You pause when you see your canvas painting on the floor and pout. ‘I thought I hung that up properly. I’ll move it in the morning.’ You turn your light off, stretch to put your phone on the coffee table, and curl back up under the blankets.
Over the course of a month, strange things have been happening in your apartment. It started small with things being moved a few inches from where you put them. You almost didn’t even notice that it was happening. Then, items would be in a completely different place than where you put them. Your phone would be on your bed after a shower when you knew it was on the counter. Nini would appear in your arms when you fell asleep out in the living room. You had shrugged it off as you forgetting that you moved them or that you were so sleepy when you grabbed Nini you didn’t remember doing it. But, that changed one night.
After a long day at work, you came home and wanted to relieve some stress. You could practically hear your dildo calling your name when you entered your bedroom. You hurriedly got out of your clothes and jumped into the shower before drying yourself off and yanking your drawer open. Sometimes you wanted to laugh at how excited you could get over a piece of silicone but today was not that day. You got into bed, getting as comfortable as possible before reaching for the bottle of lube. You made sure your dildo had enough before slipping it in. A satisfied groan leaves your lips as it soothes some of the burning. With practiced ease, you fuck yourself, letting out low moans as it hits all the right places. Your breathing becomes irregular as that knot in your abdomen grows tighter. But, you feel a little off and that makes you pause. You open your eyes and look around your room, seeing nothing but your things. ‘Weird. I feel like I’m being watched by someone. Maybe I’m just feeling paranoid after the day I’ve had.’ You shake your head, close your eyes, and relax once more.
You moan your girlfriend’s name as you go a little faster, imagining that she’s the one doing this instead of you. Picturing her cocky smirk and how her lip ring shines when she does that, the bouncing of her tits as she rocks into you, and the feeling of her soft hands on your body. After a harder thrust than necessary, trying to mimic the way Amelia does it when you’re close, you cum and loudly moan her name. You attempt to fuck yourself through it, but the pleasure is too much so you let go. You’re breathing heavily as you come down from your high, slowly taking out the dildo so you don’t crash down too hard. In your dazed state, you could have sworn you heard a woman’s voice say, “do it again” and that was motivation enough to get up and clean your toy and yourself. 
By the time you do that, you’re too tired to bother making dinner and decide to go to bed. You put your toy away, crawl into bed and grab Nini. Like always, you squeeze her to your chest and let your eyes drift shut. Sometime in the night, you wake up for an unknown reason. You find yourself gazing into the dark room, eyes wandering around when you freeze and feel a chill go down your spine. By the end of your bed is a figure of a woman and you can’t take your eyes off of it. ‘Is this real? Is this a dream? What’s going on?’ Your heartbeat picks up in your chest as it feels like it’s looking at you. Like it knows that you know it’s there. You hug Nini tighter, the smell of violets bringing you the comfort that you needed. When you blink, the figure is gone and you pass out shortly after.
In the morning, you woke up feeling a subtle sting on your thigh. When you looked down, you saw a few red scratch marks and that unnerved you. After what you had seen in the night - still unsure of whether or not that was a dream - you got dressed for work feeling a little rattled. Before you left, you texted your girlfriend and asked if she’d spend a few days with you. Amelia had agreed and teased that you could wear that new bodysuit for her. You playfully responded that she might have to wear it for you, making her laugh.
As you are getting ready for Amelia to come over, putting on one of your other lingerie sets, you stumble forward as if you’ve been pushed. Confused, you glance behind you but see nothing. ‘Did I just lose my balance? No one is here to push me… What the fuck?’ You furrow your brow. A knock sounds at the front door and you hurriedly put a t-shirt on. You rush out of your room and unlock the door to see your girlfriend standing there.
“Hey, baby.” Amelia smiles, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips, “Are you okay? You look a little spooked.”
“I’m okay. I just lost my balance earlier and nearly face-planted into the wall.” You chuckle, closing the door behind her.
“I brought dinner.” She lifts up the plastic bag in her hand, “It’s your favorite.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” You smile sweetly, kissing her cheek, “Let’s eat, and then we can cuddle on the couch?”
“Sounds perfect.” Amelia grins.
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Nothing weird happened the first two days that Amelia stayed with you. In fact, you forgot about it. The two of you indulged in each other, exchanging kisses, playing around, and having sex. You idly had the feeling of being watched while you two had sex, but it vanished as you got more focused on your girlfriend. That should’ve been the first sign that something was very very wrong.
“So, what are we watching?” Amelia walks into the room, sitting close to you so you can throw your legs over hers.
“I was thinking How to Train Your Dragon?” You give her the puppy dog eyes, “I know we’ve watched it like a million times, but I want to fall asleep in your arms. And! Nini hasn’t seen it! Pleeeaassee?!” You plead, leaning forward and loosely grabbing her shirt. She stares into your eyes before capturing your lips in a hot kiss that has you climbing into her lap. Her hands dip beneath the waistband of your shorts to squeeze your ass and a shiver goes up your spine as Amelia gets a good grip. You break the kiss - even though you don’t want to - and give her a curious look.
“What?” Amelia asks.
“You’ve never kissed me like that before.” You blush, “What’d I do to earn that?”
“Be really fucking cute.” Amelia grins, “Now do you want to watch the movie or continue to let me kiss you?” You bite your lip, contemplating what she said.
“One more kiss and then we can watch the movie.” You smile and lean in. That one more kiss ended up with you pinned to the couch while your girlfriend practically devoured your lips. Your legs are wrapped around her waist, her hands up your shirt, and on your chest. You have never been kissed like this by her and you were absolutely loving it. That was until you realized how wet you were and that you wanted to watch the movie even though you were turned on.
“Okay…” You breathe out after pushing her away, “As much as I’m loving this. I want to watch the movie… but I don’t mind you touching me if I fall asleep.”
“I need a direct yes or no on that, Y/n.” Amelia says sternly, making you bite your lip.
“You can touch me if I fall asleep during the movie.” You chuckle as Amelia brightens up. So you get up and grab Nini before snuggling on the couch. Amelia tosses a blanket over the two of you and you press up against her as her arm rests across your waist. You’re so engrossed in the movie that you end up falling asleep before the ending. But, you’re woken up by the feeling of your girlfriend’s fingers between your thighs. Even in your half-wake state, you can hear the soft praises leaving her lips.
“You feel so good, princess.”
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this.”
“You’re such a good girl.”
“I love the feeling of your wet cunt.”
“I can’t wait to fuck you.”
You fall back asleep after your orgasm, drifting off into a dream of that very same thought. When you've woken up in the morning, Amelia’s face is buried in your neck and she whines when you try to get up. You giggle and wake her up, getting a confused look from her when she realizes that she’s on the couch. She asks you when the two of you fell asleep out here and you told her it was sometime after the movie. That only seemed to make her more confused, but she got up and left for work without any other questions.
Amelia chooses to stay longer but you notice that things are off with her, since your place is closer to her job. In the evenings when she’s home, she’s all over you like you’re a glass of water and she’s been out in the desert for weeks. Kissing you and touching you in ways that she’s never done before that have your body burning. But, in the mornings, she’d be confused or not remember what you did the night before. When you asked her if she was okay, she said it was probably because she was stressed.
You felt bad about that so you wanted to treat her since it was your day off. So, you spent part of your day making the apartment look really romantic. Lighting candles, cooking her favorite meal, getting her favorite dessert, and putting on the new lingerie that she got you. You stood in front of the mirror and checked yourself out, letting your hands roam your body as you admired how it looked on you. ‘Amelia is going to lose it when she sees me in this.’ You giggle. Something shifts in the corner of the mirror, prompting your eyes to flick up and you freeze. The same shadowy figure you saw a week ago was standing behind you and you start to tremble in fear. You were wide awake this time. What happened a week ago wasn’t a nightmare. You can’t take your eyes off of it, can’t move as it takes a step closer to you. Your heart is in your throat as it walks until it’s behind you, a cold chill appearing along your back as it does that makes your trembling worse.
You can’t think. You can’t do anything but stare at it in the mirror. You stop breathing as its hands lift, reaching out to caress your hips, and you want to scream when you can feel it against your skin. It’s ice cold. The hands go up your body, one clawed finger brushing over your bottom lip when you hear a growling voice, “I can touch you, little princess.” And then it vanished. Your legs gave out beneath you and you drop to your knees, breathing heavily as you try to process what happened. ‘What? Wha… what the fuck was that?! W-Was that a-a- demon?’ Your phone rings, making you scream but you get up and grab it realizing that it’s Amelia calling.
“H-Hello?” You clear your throat, trying to calm yourself but you can’t because of the feeling of being watched.
“Hey, baby! I’m on my way home. Do you want me to pick something up or are you cooking?” Amelia’s voice soothes your frayed nerves.
“I’m cooking so you don’t need to pick anything up, but um…” You nervously look around the room, “Will you stay on the phone with me? I missed your voice.”
“You’re adorable.” She laughs, “Sure, I’ll stay on the phone with you for the rest of my drive. Why don’t I tell you about my day?” You agree, cautiously putting your clothes on. For the next fifteen minutes, Amelia keeps you company as she rambles about her day. You finish making dinner and place it on the table when she hangs up. It would only take her a few minutes to get here, but that left you tense and scanning the apartment for the demon. Suddenly, everything started making sense. Objects moving from where you put them, the scratches you’d wake up to, the figure you saw when you woke up in the night, and the feeling of being watched. Because you are being watched. But the question is why? When did this happen and how did it happen?
The sound of the door opening makes you flinch but you jump up from the couch when you see Amelia. You’re running over to embrace her and give her a kiss before she can comment on the decorations. Your eagerness takes her by surprise but she kisses you back just as enthusiastically.
“What’s all of this?” Amelia laughs when you break the kiss.
“You said you were stressed so I wanted to do something nice for you.” You giggle, “Go get changed and we can eat… and you can have a little surprise after.” You whisper seductively, kissing her neck.
“I am more than okay with that.” She grins. You don’t tell Amelia what happened earlier. You wanted her to enjoy the night that you had planned for her. You’ll tell her about what happened tomorrow but you needed to have one last night of normality before things went crazy. If your girlfriend didn’t believe that you have a demon in your apartment, she might just leave you. And then there was the issue of figuring out how long this demon has been with you and everything else on top of that.
“So… What’s my surprise?” Amelia asks as she put her plate in the sink. You give her a flirty smile, slowly backing up toward your bedroom, as you motion for her to follow you. You were wet from the thought of what’s to come, excited to get what you’ve been craving for these last few days.
“You have to come here and find out.” You purr, before giggling and slipping into your room. You reach up and undo your dress, letting it drop to the floor as Amelia appears in the doorway. Her eyes widen, tongue flicking over her lips as she scans your body. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Amelia purrs, walking over to you, “My beautiful princess.” She grabs your hips and yanks you towards her, making you put your hands on her chest.
“What are you going to do to me then?” You whisper, pressing your body against hers, “Princesses deserve to be worshiped, don’t they?”
“You’re so lucky I’m packing right now.” Amelia growls, backing you towards the bed, “You better spread those pretty legs of yours nice and wide for me. Are you going to let me in?” 
“Of course, I am.” You fall onto the bed with a giggle, watching in anticipation as she removes her clothes to reveal her strap underneath.
“And you’re going to cum for me when you do?”
“That’s the plan.” You wink.
“Legs.” She clicks her tongue and you obey, spreading your legs to reveal your wet slit. You knew she was really looking forward to this one because it’s crotchless. There would be nothing to take off or move out of the way.
Amelia settles between your legs before leaning down and kissing you. It’s hot and rough with her biting at your lip and sticking her tongue into your mouth. You moan against her lips as you feel her rub the strap along your slit, coating it in your slick so she can enter you. She grabs your hips and you’re needily pulling her towards you with your legs. With a chuckle from her, she slides into you and you groan in relief.
“Ready, baby?” Her eyes are hungry as she waits for your response.
“I’m ready.” You hum, “Be rough with me tonight? You haven’t done that before.”
“Only if you tell me what you like.”
“I will.” You smile.
She starts off slow, trying to find the right rhythm that has you the most vocal. Once she does, it only takes a few questions before she’s pounding into your pussy. You’re surprised by how rough she’s being with you right away, but the pleasure you’re feeling is worth it. Her hips snap forward to find your g-spot and leave you breathless. You whine out her name and beg her to go faster, throwing your head back onto the pillows when she does.
Your breathing is ragged from the constant pleasure you’re feeling, moans slipping out as you become more and more dazed. Amelia praises you for taking her strap, for presenting yourself for her, and it sends a wave of heat through you. You lay there and let her fuck you, enjoying the moment of your girlfriend being so comfortable with letting loose. She was usually more reserved and a bit quieter, but she was really praising you tonight. It made you want to cry because it felt so nice to hear her say those things.
“I love you.” Amelia groans, pushing her strap deeper.
“I love you, too.” You gasp out.
As you feel your orgasm teetering on the edge, you feel funny. It feels like there’s pressure in the center of your chest as if someone was pushing down on it. You couldn’t focus on either one of them, caught between the two sensations as they both built up.
“F-Fuck, Amelia!” You whine out, your body tensing as you cum and that pressure seems to root itself in your chest. Your girlfriend draws out your orgasm before leaning down and placing a kiss in the center of your chest. Her lips feel cool against your warm skin and you sigh contentedly as she pulls out. You lay there and enjoy your post-orgasm daze while you hear her moving around. You open your eyes when you feel her hand on your cheek to see her looking at you with wide, adoring eyes.
“I can’t believe you let me in.” Amelia chuckles, making you furrow your brow.
“What do you mean by that, baby?” You put your hand over hers.
“I could get used to a pretty thing like you calling me that.” Amelia smirks and you scream when her eyes change from their beautiful hazel to a vivid red. You scramble backward on your bed as the white of her eyes turns black and you’re frozen as Amelia’s body drops to the ground. Black smoke rises from your girlfriend’s body and forms into that shadow figure you encountered earlier today. You watch in horror as the shadow starts changing colors and looks more solid. In a short minute, there’s a woman with pink hair standing in front of you wearing clothing that triggers something in your memory. 
“Y-You’re…” You swallow, “You’re that demon from earlier.”
“I am.” She hums, a wicked smile on her face, “Surprise.”
“T-That can’t be possible. You-” Your eyes dart to your - hopefully - unconscious girlfriend, “What did you do to her? How are you- How are you even here?!” You stutter, feeling hysterical. Amelia could be dead and you’re talking to a fucking demon!
“Her? She’s fine. She’ll wake up tomorrow with no recollection of what happened after dinner.” The demon shrugs, “How am I here? You welcomed me into your home over a month ago. Very kind of you, I might add. I’ve never been cuddled so tightly before.” She chuckles like she told the funniest joke.
“Cuddled…” Your eyes immediately go to Nini who’s propped up in the corner of your bed. You always kept her there unless you wanted to snuggle up on the couch, “Nini…?” You breathe out, looking back at the demon in shock as a blush covers your face.
“Bingo.” She grins, reaching over you to pick up the stuffed bunny, “I was originally going to consume your soul, but you treated me so sweetly that I started to like it. And if I killed you then it would stop and I’d be on to the next meal who may not be as sweet.” The annoying buzzing in your head from trying to place why she looks so familiar was getting to you. Her clothes, her hair, even her face were all bothering you. ‘I know it was something from history class… the club explosion that happened forty years ago? That’s it! She reminds me- No, she looks like one of the women they found dead. What was her name? Fuck, why can’t I remember it all of a sudden?!’
“Violet!” You shout, startling the demon, “Your name is Violet, isn’t it? You were the girl who originally owned Nini a-and you… died in that club explosion.” You say quietly.
“I died with nothing but rage and revenge on my mind.” Violet plays with the bunny’s ears, “When you die like that there’s no rest for you. I took my rage out on everyone I came into contact with after they donated my bunny. It got fun after a while and I got to consume their souls when they had nothing but despair left in their hearts.” She sighs wistfully.
“Then I was handed over to you, and you…” Your breathing hitches as she pins you to the bed, “You quickly became my obsession. Imagine my glee when I found out that you had a girlfriend. I tricked her into letting me possess her because I wanted you. I’ve spent every single night with you for the past week, princess.” Her eyes glow in excitement.
“Y-You-” You feel your heart drop. Those changes in Amelia.. her memory loss and her attitude change with you were because Violet was possessing her. The kisses, the caresses, the sweet words, and the way she touched you so skillfully were all from Violet. Even just now during sex. ‘I was so in love with the way Amelia opened up… all the things she said… that was her.’ A tear runs down your face and Violet wipes it away.
“Don’t cry.” Violet coos, “You’ve given me a physical form, so I touch you myself. Your soul belongs to me now, princess. I’ll be by your side and be able to love you forever.” She purrs, brushing her lips against yours.
“M-My soul- belongs to you?” You whimper, “H-How?”
“You agreed to let me in.” Violet taps the center of your chest, “There’s a mark here. My symbol. And, that pressure you’re feeling? That’s the contract you made with me. You won’t die until I decide to consume your soul which I won’t ever do.” She licks her lips. You were speechless, staring into her eyes to see if she was lying because that’s what demons do, right? Lie. Except, the pressure in your chest reacted when her finger touched your skin. You struggled to get out from under her and she moved off of you, letting you get up from the bed and stand in from of the mirror. In the center of your chest is a pentagram with the roman numeral six (VI) in the middle of it. You shakily touch it and suck in a sharp breath when it doesn’t rub off.
“So you… own me?” You look up in the mirror and flinch when you see that she’s right behind you. One of her arms circles your waist as she brings her hand up to touch the mark, tenderly stroking the skin.
“Forever.” Violet purrs, kissing your neck, “You might want to get rid of that girlfriend of yours before I decide she’s a good meal.”
“C-Can demons even love?” You question.
“What’s not love but obsession?” Violet hums, “And I… am utterly obsessed with you, Y/n, darling.” She tilts your head back and captures your lips in a sinful kiss.
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blustalker · 2 years
Wrong Room
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Narrator x Top!Male Reader (smut)
Warning(s): NSFW, small degration, praising, unprotected sex, biting, top reader
a/n: With the lack of narrator x m!reader I had to write something. I haven't written anything in months so I'm very fuking rusty @mxbrahms made me do it cheers.
The narrator has been ranting about his impression of the game and how it's horrible. Y/n couldn't agree more. Jumping and elevators? Really?!. Who knows, maybe there's more to it up top.
“Yes, I knew there has to be something else. Let's see it. I'm ready for whatever it is." Y/n was urged to walk through the bridge. From the distance he could see a blackboard with words scribbled on it. He passed through the door as he looked closer, his posture slumped down in disappointment.
Thank you for enjoying the new content.
"That's it?! Oh, you've got to be kidding me! You see, Y/n? This is what happens when greedy video game developers with no respect for their fanbase rush a cheap expansion to market for no reason other than to make an easy dollar! And don't get me started on the level of craftsmanship that’s gone into it-" Narrator shouted in disbelief
"Truly! what kind of-" Y/n stopped talking his mouth agape. Did he just speak? He slowly looked up at the ceiling in shock and confusion, questioning the narrator.
"My god y/n? How- This is wonderful! For once the developers did something right! Go on, Y/n speak up." Y/n was speechless; he didn't expect this to be one of the new content.
"Hello?" A grin formed on his face; finally, at last, he could actually speak up and stop using gestures.
"This is wonderful Y/n! Can you believe it? I was intending to find these people on Twitter and hold them accountable for this terrible update. I should rather send them a nice comment" The narrator said giddily as he typed on his keyboard.
"You seem so enthusiastic about this"
"Why of course, I must admit you sound so beautiful y/n- Sorry, ahem I'm just getting tired of hearing my own voice all the time"
"So straightforward of you narrator. You like hearing my voice then, don't you? '' Y/n teased him might as well take advantage of this new found content. The narrator could be heard shifting in his seat and clearing his throat.
"Yes, well of course after being stuck here for eternity it’s nice to hear something new.. Moving on. I'm going to reset the game and we'll test out our new found content, and try to get back what The Stanley Parable is really about. Just you and me having a great time together like always. What do you say friend?" He could hear the smile in his voice and grinned.
"Sounds good to me" 
Y/n appeared in his office, he didn't stay long, and exited out the door. Everything was different, the walls were now gray and the lights were dimmed. He took a few steps forward and called out for the narrator.
"Psst! Y/n! Come over here… in the vent. I want to show you something." The narrator called out in a hushed tone. Y/n walked up the stairs and stared at the vent. He never followed any instructions from the narrator, and instead went into the room to his right.
"Oh come on y/n! When are you ever going to listen to me! I wanted to show you something special"
Y/n only giggled in response and entered the room beside the vent. He'll explore the vent later on.
Inside the room was strange. It was dark, a black void in there was a computer, and a person. The computer was the only light source illuminating the person's face. Y/n froze as the person glanced at him.
"Y/N?! God how can I be so stupid. I forgot to lock the doors. Go shoo you're not supposed to be here. This is going so wrong"
Narrator approached y/n forcing him out of the door, before he could speak up, the narrator cut him off.
"Oh, who am I kidding. I know you won't listen. I'm gonna restar-"
"Hey! No wait- You know this is a perfect time to test out this new content plus I know the best way to test it." The narrator got a proper look on y/n. He couldn't help but get flustered at how close they were and took a few steps back
"Fine Y/n, tell me what is the best way?" Narrator tilted his head a bit questioning you
"I'm a lonely man narrator. It's only me and you all the time. Everytime you talk I can't avoid imagining bad things about you can I? I know you thought about this too once you heard my voice. So do you want to test it out?" Y/n said as he looked at the narrator, eyeing him as he got closer. He would never pass up this opportunity.
"Yes.. please"  He replied, flustered; the narrator didn't expect it to get to this point. He's not wrong, he did want this.
"Good. Let's reverse the roles shall we? Summon a bed, lube and lay down on it and strip" Narrator obeyed, stripping out of his clothes and summoning things you asked for
"Already obeying huh? so good for listening. You might as well take my place." Y/n can’t help but get excited and approach the narrator. His hands trailed down his chest, down to his stomach. The narrator whines impatiently, his lingering touches making his cock twitch.
"Someone's impatient" y/n whispered in his ear. His hand caressed his waist while his eyes trailed down the narrator's body, down to the neck and chest. What a perfect place to leave marks on.
“You still have your clothes on. P-please take it off. I need to feel you” He asked him, tugging on his shirt. Y/n complied to his request, stripping down off his clothes, and attacked the narrator's neck. His kisses felt warm on the narrator's skin making him buck his hips up, wanting to get some friction, though Y/n pinned his hips down with his hands.
"If you keep doing that I won't let you cum. You won't like that now would you?"  narrator shook his head frowning a bit
"yes, yes please touch me. I want you" He whimpered
"You learn so quick don't you? Very good at listening."
His hands held  the base of his semi-hardened cock, making him gasp. Y/n stroked him on a torturous slow pace. The narrator didn't dare to move; he learned his lesson.
"A-ah your hands feels s-so good around me. Please, pl-please go faster M-mhh" He mumbled. His eyes were closed, focusing on the hand stroking his cock.
"Is that all you got? I know you can do better than that. Tell me what do you want"
"Please! Just I-i want you to fuck me ha-ard and cum! Pls-"
Y/n sped up his strokes. Making him moan louder. He back arched a bit close to cumming but y/n stopped
"N-no please let me cum. I've been listening" he pleaded at him
"I know honey I'll give you what you want. We don't want you cuming already before I fuck you
right? Lay on your back"
Narrator immediately laid down, desperate for his cock. Y/n couldn’t help but admire what he's done. Narrator begging to be fucked like a dumb slut. He opened the lube and spread it all over his fingers and inserted it in his narrator without a warning making him gasp and moan out. He pumped his fingers in and out getting faster each time. Narrator only gets louder and louder as you add a second finger. He isn’t used to feeling this good. It's too overwhelming.
"P-please! fuck me y/n ple- please i want your c-cock-" He said the best he can y/n curled his finger making him stop and shout his name. 
"Look at you, you're such a cock slut huh" He took his fingers out of his ass making the man under him whimper. 
He put a generous amount of lube on his cock pumping it slowly, making him moan before lining it up to the narrator's tight hole. Y/n pushes the head of his cock in slowly and separated narrator's leg further. 
"A-ah fuck. You feel so good" He pushed his whole cock  inside his ass drawing a whine out of narrator
Y/n thrusted into him deeper and faster. Drawing out moans from the two. Narrator wanted to kiss him so badly so he threw his arms around his neck and pulled him in. 
The two kissed heatedly. Y/n pushed his tongue in the narrator's mouth and he submitted to him fully. 
"Y-you feel so big and fit in me so well- F-fuck" 
Y/n reaches for the narrator's dick and jerks it off. Making the narrator moan as more pre cum leaked out of his cock. He tried not to cum yet he wanted the feeling to last. Skin slapping and moans filled the room. Y/n trailed kisses along his neck and bit his shoulder not enough to break his skin. Narrator's moans got louder as y/n fucks him hard. 
"Please I'm so a-ah close please y/n '' He buried his face on y/n's neck kissing it lightly and inhaling scent. 
"Cum for me, be a good boy and cum for me alright" He groaned. He too was close to cumming 
"Fuck- FUCK Y/N-" Strings of cum goes on y/n's hand and narrator's stomach. It was hot, wet and sticky. 
"Shit I'm close- I'm gonna cum-" Y/n moaned out his thrust gets sloppy and cummed in his ass. Narrator cupped his face and kissed him tenderly. 
"You alright?" Y/n asked panting for air and pulled his cock out slowly. Making narrator whine "Y-yes I'm fine..I can say that this new content very nice"  narrator replied giving y/n a lopsided smile making him laugh 
"Alright, alright I'll get us cleaned up"
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tokusaatsus · 1 year
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ft. narukami arashi
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none
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Dear Arashi,
Your beauty has left me blinded, and breathless. When I see you, I feel blessed. Your presence upon this Earth is nothing short of a miracle, and I am so incredibly glad that I get to witness it. You are so lovely, a beauty amongst mortals.
I know today is your special day, and so I have a gift for you. I hope I’m not overstepping any bounds. I hope you like it.
May your day today be as lovely as you are,
Signed, your secret admirer ♡
Arashi sighs dreamily, clutching the letter close to her chest. Oh, her secret admirer really knows how to make her heart race… This is only the latest letter so far, one out of seven–one every day–but it never fails to make her feel like the only girl in the world. She giggles.
There sits a box on her desk, wrapped in a jewel-patterned wrapping paper and tied with a pretty pink bow. Inconspicuous, except for what it contains. A simple bracelet, made of gold and set with gorgeous aquamarine and amethyst gems in the pattern of a heart. Her birthstone, and the colour of her eyes.
It shouldn’t be a big deal. It isn’t, except for the fact that Arashi’s been wanting this bracelet ever since she saw it last weekend when she went out with a few friends. And no one else should know, because this shop was so out of the way that she’d never noticed it before.
“Oi, Naru-kun,” Izumi calls, sounding annoyed. “Let’s go already. We’re waiting.”
We. Arashi’s brain clocks that statement as strange, and she turns to see you standing in the doorway. Ritsu leans atop your back, his face buried in the crook of your neck. You give her a little wave, sipping casually on a juice box, unbothered by the 54 kgs of sleepy vampire slumped over you. “Hey, Arashi.”
You smile at her. “That’s my name, yep. Are you ready to go?”
She smiles back and motions for a few minutes. “Nearly! I just need to see if I have space for my gift.”
Ritsu perks up. “Nacchan~ got a gift? From who?” His eyes dart towards the box, and understanding lights up his features. “Oh? Nacchan~ has a secret admirer? Who is it?”
Izumi harrumphs. “It’s a secret, Kuma-kun, so she wouldn’t know. Obviously.” And we’re going to be late, his tapping feet and impatient demeanour say. You snicker, and Arashi feels herself blush. You have such a nice laugh…
“Shall we?” Izumi grumbles. “Or do you want to stay and gawk a little longer?”
Arashi hesitates, because something about Izumi’s insistence about ignoring the gift that makes her wonder… “Y/N, can I talk to you? In private?”
“Sure,” You shrug, pushing Ritsu off you. He whines, but drapes himself over Izumi instead, much to the other boy’s chagrin. “Shoo, shoo. We’ll catch up with you later. Meet us outside the building?” You seem satisfied at the responses you get (a nod from Ritsu and an eyeroll from Izumi), and you give her a comforting grin as you lean against a desk, watching her carefully. “You were saying?”
“So…” Arashi pauses, thinks it over, starts again. “You know my secret admirer, right?” You nod, and she continues. “I’m worried…that it might be Izumi-chan.” You tilt your head to the side, like an inquisitive sparrow, clearly telling her to go on. “I mean, I love him but not like that. I just… I don’t know what to do?”
“Oh, well, that’s an easy fix,” You say, avoiding eye contact. “I’m your secret admirer. So you don’t have to worry about Izumi, or whatever. Though it would’ve been funny to watch you reject him…”
“W-what?” Arashi is stunned. You? You were–are?–her secret admirer? The person who’s been making her heart flutter from just a few flowery words, and it’s you? Gosh, this is just… Arashi claps a hand over her mouth. Today is turning out to be such a good day! “You?”
“Yeah, me. Sorry ‘bout that.”
“No! Don’t be sorry!” Her outburst startles you, and you nearly fall over. She takes a quick breath, makes an effort to reign in her excitement. “I’m just…really happy. It was really you all along? You bought me that bracelet?”
“Well, you kept staring at it.” You offer, but there’s relief on your face. It lights you up, and she can’t help her staring. God, you’re gorgeous. “And I know technically I already said it but… Happy birthday, Arashi.”
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WC: 758 words
reze txt happy birthday arashi! our beloved sister knight! may you keep on slaying and staying gorgeous in this new year, nee-chan <3
taglist: @prpne​ @gabirii​ @kazemiya​ @engurishu​ @kkomaism​ @asbestieos​ @mikctp​ @lilikags​ @lolthia​ @unwantedsleep @hasumilvr​
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sunnymihok01 · 2 years
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Unexpected but expected arrival
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Self awared! Reader cookie x Cookie Run Kingdom cookies
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
During the fight between Dark Enchantress Cookie
“AH HAHAHA! Do you even KNOW what we are?!”
“We, Cookies, are…”
“Made to be EATEN”
“And the evidence of it all is with you for ALL this time”
“A certain cookie who wasn’t a cookie in the first place, but is an actual HUMAN who consumes cookies like us in their world!!”
“Baker cookie?! Is this true, oh please tell me dark enchantress cookie is just lying and is saying nonsense!?”
“Yeah baker cookie! Please tell us is she telling the truth”
“I hope everything that dark enchantress cookie is just lies, cause I don’t know what I will do if baker really is a human”
“Sorry guys… she is telling the truth but not all the truth”
“And One more thing to put into consideration…”
“You are the REASON why I am here and all the strange voices going inside my head”
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
Starting Prologue
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Cookie Run Kingdom Series By mihokosugar01
Tw: Some bad words and Probably some grammatical errors
Note: Reader is Gender Neutral in this story
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3 months before the battle between you and dark enchantress cookie…
Beginning story mode…
Your POV
As the day began to go from Morning to Afternoon, My Battle spree was almost to an end. Finally having a good team to eventually defeat this final boss at the latest chapter. So many star jellies have been wasted alongside the time I've spent on the game that I lost track of time. Well, to say the least, my mom notices it and demands that I finally have lunch since it’s like… Damn, what time is it? How long was I on my tablet playing this game?
HOLY CRAP?! I’ve been playing for about 5 hours straight!
That kind of explains the headache I've been having these past few minutes. I immediately stood up from my seat and was about to head out the door. Approaching the door, A sudden sound passed through my ears. A beep was coming from my tablet, so I decided to check if there were any important notifications in my tablet that needed to be seen. Closer and closer, the beeping noise gets louder and louder. Finally, reaching towards my tablet, a sudden bright glow has made its way towards me. Making me blind and unconscious in the process.
The moment I awoke from being unconscious, opening my eyes revealed to me that I was falling from the sky. Why was I falling from the sky? Is it some sort of deja vu? One thought to the other. The second I knew I was about to hit the ground, with that I closed my eyes to get ready for the instant impact of landing. As I landed, I opened my eyes to see that The place I was in was full of trees. I was confused on why I would be in a forest, then it came to mind that something unusual happened to me. When I came to take a look at my hands, it all made sense to me. I am now in a cookie run kingdom- but how on earth did this kind of thing even happen to me at this point? it's merely impossible for someone to even do this kind of magic that can force a portal to my world.
This is so messed up, but yet again it is a dream come true? I am not too sure about it but I am glad to be able to even be in the game. Hold on- how was i not hurt during the fall? Do I have magic? From what it seems, I might as well have powers! Good thing I didn't hit some trees earlier. HECK I DIDN’T EVEN FELT A THING LESGOO-
*WoOf WoOf WoOf*
I spoke too soon, what was that?! Don't tell me it's one of those cake hounds. The barking started to get louder and I was not prepared for the situation. Hell, i don't even know
what kind of special ability I can possibly do at this point.
*Growls and barking*
As I hid myself behind one of the trees, I was met with one of the bigger hounds who seemed to be very hungry and was about to bite my head off. With no hesitation, I immediately ran as fast as my cookie legs basically could. Heart beating fast, Mind racing, Eyes checking if the hounds are still there which they actually are that came to no surprise to me. With all the things that came to my mind like would this be basically the end of me or something. I looked back to where I was going and hit my head on a tree with full on impact. As I am still conscious, a sudden smell has reached my nose. It was a strong, flowery smell that I have never smelled before. It was very strong and overwhelming to the point of making me pass out from the strong scent. I can’t really say if it’s a cookie or probably a flower due to its similarities.
As the scent grew stronger and stronger, suddenly a figure appeared out of nowhere. Long White hair which was in a braid, A big long staff that seems to have a big flower on it. This must be….
White lily cookie, from what i've remembered so far about it was that one flashback of her and pure vanilla cookie. A glimpse of that memory of them filled my mind, meaning that the strong flowery scent was coming from her. The smell grew stronger as seconds flew by, the figure I saw wasn't very clear. But it did give me confirmation that it is really her by the colors I saw.
But second by second, my eyes started to shut very carefully and I was no longer yet conscious again.
White lily cookie's POV
More minutes have passed by and I still cannot remember what has happened to me. As more thoughts came to mind, I heard a young cookie screaming for help. Before I knew it, I saw a young cookie running for their dear life. alongside a pack full of cake hounds chasing after the cookie with eyes of hunger. It made sense to me that the young cookie is in need of help. With a few seconds of decision making I have decided to help the poor cookie. With that I cast a spell that would slow down the cake hounds one by one in order for the young cookie to be safe.
“Wait! Hold on for a moment, young cookie, let me help you!”
No luck, The cookie is still running
The moment I finished the last one, I was too late. The Cookie was already on the ground, half eyes closed and is still breathing which is a relief. It seems that the cookie bumped their head towards a tree while escaping. But by the time I went closer and was reaching my hand to them. Within seconds, The poor cookie was unconscious. It Must be because of my strong scent, oh this is the reason why I didn’t let that other cookie come closer to me. What was his name again? Gingerbrave isn’t? Anywho, I should take responsibility for this kind of situation. I can’t just let this cookie crumble here helplessly, that’s the only thing I can do… No I can’t do that, I still must know what happened to me back in the past
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Next Chapter >>>>>>
“Beginning the Journey to saving Earthbread”
Yo! Wassup! The name’s mihokosugar01 but you can call me Mihoko. Welcome to my first Crk Fanfic! Been working on this for months but FINALLY HERE WE ARE I FINALLY FINISHED IT OML THANKYOUMOTIVATIONFORCOMINGBACK. Ehem- sorry but anyways I really hope u liked my work cause like @simpysimps one of my dear darlings, is still new to tumblr Ehe. Thank you guys for reading and hopefully do the next chapter without taking a few months in working with it so yeah bye!
(Posted this on my last exam day huhuhuhuhu)
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capybaraonabicycle · 5 months
Dragon's teeth🦷 and fire🔥
Thank you so much!! I will send you one, too, if that's alright <3
Still gonna talk about the cat fic because that's on my mind like every day right now.
Teeth: share a snippet that was difficult for you to nail down/required a lot of revisions.
Since I have not really done any proper editing yet, I can give you something I am not happy with yet? I might completely cut it from the work, actually, but it has changed already and probably will again. The main points are
I need to do a lot more research on dyspraxia because I want River to be a little supportive at least and not completely out of her depths like I am feeling
I should maybe not have Ryan talk about Yaz's love life behind her back? I know he's bound to be curious but I think he'd let her have her privacy and try not to get involved unless she asks him to. Idk I might keep it but make River bring her up instead? But like, I also don't think River would talk about Yaz to him behind her back and it could very quickly come off as objectifying - which she definitely isn't above but not with someone like Yaz who she genuinely cares about and who does not know her very well. Teasingly to her face? Maybe. But not behind her back.
"Mate, I'm just not sure I should be shooting a weapon" Ryan admitted. "Not that I don't want to, but - real life isn't GTA and I have not had proper weapons training - not like you or Yaz. And if you're actually going to shoot these aliens - I am not sure I can do that." There was a small pause, then River said: "The Doctor would be proud of you." "Yeah" Ryan said and Yaz could tell her was uncomfortable with the subject but secretly pleased. "Whatever." "I'll just fetch you some defensive weapons then" River decided. "To be safe. And you can be the one to apply the memory stick while Yaz and I distract them." "That means creeping around their station unseen" Ryan figured. "There were a bunch of ledges and ladders there." "I know" River's voice was more gentle than Yaz had heard it before. "But you can do this. You'll take it slow and if you stumble, you get up again. We'll give you plenty of time. Yaz is good in a fight, I can tell." "Thanks" Ryan said. He didn't sound completely convinced, but a tad reassured. For a while they were silent, the only sound their rummaging around, then he asked something that made Yaz's heart stop. "Do you fancy her? Yaz?" "Obviously" River answered. "I have not been subtle, darling." "Sorry if I originally assumed your taste in romantic partners was strange, being married to the Doctor and all" he deadpanned and she laughed loudly. "Be careful, kid, don't disrespect your dad." Ryan spluttered. "I don't think of the Doctor as my dad!" he insisted. "Oh, you do!" River said and Yaz had to bite her hand to muffle her snickering. "I've seen you two together. It's adorable!" "Whatever" Ryan huffed. "Why are you asking about Yaz?" River asked. "Want to give me the shovel talk? You should remember that you're talking to the most dangerous assassin of the 52nd century. I don't think you could threaten me if you tried." "I could hide the whiskey?" he offered. "And I was wrong" River claimed good-naturedly. "See? I know all your weaknesses" Ryan said. "No, but seriously, I'm not giving any shovel talks. I know that Yaz can look out for herself. I guess I was just curious, her being my best friend and all. Don't want her to get hurt. But like, she can make her own decisions, of course. I'm merely ready to hold you still so she can punch you when push comes to shove." "Noted" River said. "You're a good friend to her." "I try."
Mmmhya, Idk. I think there is ample reason for Yaz to eavesdrop on them and I like the opportunity to show them together a little. I like to think that they would be best friends immediately, seeing as how they spent so much time together when River was a cat. So to generally HAVE this scene is a good idea imo. But I'm really unsure about the execution.
Fire: share a snippet with some dialogue you’d like to show off.
To be fair, I am not entirely sure, Yaz would say 'no biggie'. So I might have to look for an alternative there. But I had so much fun writing that bit of dialogue:
"Great" Yaz muttered. "The Doctor's wife has kissed me. No biggie." "And she would do it again if you asked her to" River winked, pushing herself off the clothing rack and past Yaz, closer than would have been necessary. "Come on, darling, let's go save our wife, then!" "She isn't my wife" Yaz called, hurrying after her. River threw a glance over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling. "-yet." "Stop it" Yaz huffed. This was all giving her way more hope than was good for her. "Hah" River tipped her head back again, grinning at the ceiling. "Make me!" Yaz shook her head to herself. "And here I thought you were insufferable as a cat." "Oh, honey, you haven't seen the half of it yet!"
Just to clarify : Yaz loves Siren very much. The 'insufferable' refers to her aggressively shipping thasmin. Also, they haven't actually kissed. I mean, not like that. Really, for a shipping fic there have been precious few kisses so far. (but loads of platonic handholding and platonic (?) cuddling ❤️)
Hope you liked the snippets! Despite one of them being - let's say unfinished. But I am kinda thriving, having sent the Doctor away and giving Yaz and Ryan some time to get to know River before seeing them together. I think that was a good decision, for me personally mostly :)
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votestaynight · 1 year
1st Day - "One day" (scene 3)
It's something I've started. I should finish the job I began this morning.
"I'll change my plans. We're finishing the job from this morning, right? Let's finish the repairs before the exams start." "Thank you. Let's go and look at the patient in the art club then." "All right. Oh, and clear the people out of the room, will you? I can't concentrate with people watching me." "Of course. I won't let them get in your way." Issei quickly walks to the hallway, and I follow him out of the classroom in a hurry.
The sun has already set when we leave the school building. The school gates are already closed. It's seven o'clock and way past curfew. But thanks to Issei, we're not in trouble.
"You helped me a lot today. I'll certainly make up for it, so tell me if you need anything." "Yeah, I'll let you know if something comes up. I don't think anything will, though." I didn't help him to get something in return, so there's nothing I want from Issei.
"…Geez, I guess it is a problem to be too good a person. It's helpful to have you around, but I can't stand it when other people use you to their liking. Helping others is a good thing, but you should be more picky with who you help. You just help anyone who comes to ask you." "Hm? Am I that indiscriminate?" "Yes. And that's just going to let heartless idiots use you as they wish. You're a busy man, so it should be okay for you to decline from time to time."
"――――" I can't really tell, but it seems like Issei's worried about me. I've been called helpful since I was in middle school, as I don't turn down requests for help and don't ask for anything in return.
I guess Issei thinks that's dangerous. But I'm doing it because I want to, and it's not a problem as I decline things that I think are beyond me.
"It's nothing for you to worry about, Issei. I know myself better than anyone. Besides, helping people is a good thing. It's not something a son of the owner of a temple should be trying to stop." "But I think you're going so far that it might eventually overwhelm you."
"I'll take your warning. See you tomorrow, then." "…Yes, I'll see you tomorrow."
Issei leaves, looking discontented. Issei's house, Ryudou Temple, is up in the mountains. So naturally, our routes home go in different directions.
I walk through the moonlit town. Walking up the road, I notice that there aren't any people around.
The time is around seven-thirty. There should be people around at this time, but there's no sign of anyone.
"…Oh yeah." There was some crime here in Miyama City a few days ago. A burglar murdered someone, I think. That must be why there's no one around and why the school curfew became six o'clock.
"…Gas leaks and murder, huh? It's been getting dangerous lately." No wonder there are fewer people walking around at night. It's getting too dangerous to let Sakura go home on her own. Sakura's house is in the residential area on the other side of town. Starting tonight, I should walk her hom―――
"…Huh?" For a moment, I can't believe my eyes. There is someone on the road which I thought was empty. The person is standing above me as if looking down at me.
"―――――――" Without realizing it, I hold my breath. The silver-haired girl smiles and descends the hill without a sound.
As she passes…
"You'll die if you don't summon it soon, Onii-chan."
She says something strange.
I go up the hill and reach my house. As the lights are on, Sakura and Fuji-Nee must be home already.
I smell dinner the moment I enter the living room. At the table are Sakura and Fuji-Nee, in the middle of dinner. It seems the main dish tonight is chicken in cream, and Fuji-Nee, who loves white sauce, is in a good mood.
"Welcome home, Senpai. We're sorry for starting without you." "Sorry I'm late. I wish I could have come home earlier." "No, you made it. Could you wait a bit? I'll get your dinner ready right away." "Yeah, all right. I'll go and wash my hands, so make sure Fuji-Nee doesn't eat my food." "Yes, I will."
I return to my room. It's a fairly empty room compared to the shed, but since I don't have any hobbies, I think it's quite decorated. Most of them are random things Fuji-Nee has left here, though.
I wash my hands, change, and return to the living room to find my dinner ready.
"Itadakimasu." "I hope it is to your liking…" Sakura is terribly modest.
Her cooking skills have vastly improved in the past year. She has me completely beaten at Western-style foods, and I can barely beat her at Japanese food. Neither of us have touched Chinese. I'm pleased my pupil is getting better, but it's kind of depressing when the teacher is defeated by the student.
"―――Mmm." It's as good as I expected. Chicken becomes harder the longer you cook it, so it's juicier and tastier if you roast it before cooking it even though it's tedious. That's done perfectly here. It's a master's skill, forever beyond the clumsy Fuji-Nee.
"How is it, Senpai…? Um, I think I did quite well today…" "It's perfect. The sauce is great too. I guess you have me completely beat when it comes to Western food."
"Yeah, meaty food is much better since Sakura-chan started cooking." With that. Fuji-Nee, who had been preoccupied with her food, lifts up her head.
"Oh, Shirou. A student mustn't come home this late." …Ack. It seems she's in a bad mood now that she's seen my face, even though she was happy because of dinner.
"Geez, I bet you were helping someone again. That's good, but at least come home early at times like this. I even told you it was dangerous in homeroom. I said it for your sake, you know?"[l]
"…Uh, can't you tell me that at home instead of in homeroom?" "You wouldn't listen if I told you here. It's more effective if I tell you at school." "…Sensei, I think that's abusing your authority. You shouldn't mix work and private life."
"No, it's not enough for Shirou unless I go that far. He's always on the losing side because he's the one helping everyone else. He should at least come straight home and relax sometimes, that idiot." "Hey, what do you mean by idiot? I'm not on the losing side if I help someone and they're helped by it."
"…Man. I wonder if you got that from Kiritsugu-san. I worry because you're like that." I don't exactly know how she's worried, as she's energetically munching down her dinner.
"…Um, Fujimura-Sensei. From what you said, has Senpai been like this since he was small?" "Yup, he's always been like that. He's the type that goes to help people in trouble. But he's not meddlesome, he's just a bit precocious."
Fuji-Nee laughs dangerously. "Fuji-Nee, I'll get mad if you say too much. You too, Sakura. Don't ask such boring questions."
I glare at them. Fuji-Nee clicks her tongue and backs down, but… "Fujimura-Sensei, please continue." Sakura is taking the lesson seriously.
"Then I shall. See, Shirou is a person who can't ignore someone in trouble. It's like helping the weak and defeating the strong. In the essay he wrote as a child, he said 'My dream is to become a superhero'."
"――――" …She's talking about things from so long ago. But it's all true, so I don't interrupt. Anyways, becoming a superhero is a goal I must not stray from even now.
"Wow. Senpai was a real kid." "Yeah, he was some kid. He would go and help girls being picked on by much older kids, and he'd do the chores around the house because Kiritsugu-san wouldn't.
Man, he was so cute and innocent back then, so why did he grow up so crooked?"
"Probably because of you. Kids think a lot when they see bad adults. Learn to make your own dinner before you say anything like that." "――――Wha…" Fuji-Nee crumbles. I thought she might drop her head and repent, but…
"Uhh, Onee-chan is sad. Sakura-chan, can I have another bowl?" Fuji-Nee asks for her third bowl.
Relaxing after dinner, it's almost nine o'clock.
"Well, what shall I do?" There's some time before my evening training. I should―――
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I'm honestly so impressed with how you did that! It was super well written. Could I ask for a follow-up with Black*Star and Tsubaki? (You can come up with why on your own, I'd like SPirit to be there too because I love how you write him in this au)
Absolutely! Thank you for the prompt too! I've been really impressed with all these super cool au's people are sending me!
Angel of Death and Grief w/ Tsubaki and Black*Star
“Black*Star, you have to understand that we couldn’t have been called here for anything good, right? We’ve been so behind on collecting souls. If we’re being called for a meeting by the Angel of Bereavement, we must be facing some serious consequences!” Tsubaki calls after her meister partner.
“You worry too much, Tsubaki! Here’s how I see it: we might not have as many souls to show for it yet, but we’ve been training so hard that I bet this guy wants to challenge us himself to see how strong we’ve gotten. Don’t worry though, if we start fighting, I’ll try to go easy on him since he is technically our principal now.”
Tsubaki sighs as they approach the door to the Death Room. Just as she’s about to knock, the door opens and the familiar face of Spirit Albarn greets them.
“Oh good, you two are here. Kid’s been waiting for you,” he tells them.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Albarn! We didn’t mean to be late. Black*Star got caught up in training,” Tsubaki tries to explain.
“Don’t worry too much about it. Maka and Soul just left a little bit ago, so we haven’t been waiting long.”
Tsubaki thanks him and the two make their way inside, where they are met with the sight of the last reaper they know to exist. His presence fills Tsubaki with a deep sadness, and Black*Star is shocked into silence for a moment as they sit. He’s focused on Kid’s face for a moment longer before breaking the silence.
“Dude, what the hell happened to your face?”
“Black*Star! I’m so sorry for his behavior, please forgive him.”
Kid lets out a sound that is almost entirely inhuman, but after a moment, they recognize it as sounding close to laughter.
“Well, I don’t know what’s so funny about my question, but that’s not important. Why are we here?” Black*Star asks.
Kid holds up a finger, signaling for Black*Star to be patient. This irritates Black*Star and he lets it show.
“What do you mean, wait? And why aren’t you speaking? Can’t you use your words to tell me at least?”
“Black*Star, you are being so rude! We were late to begin with, we can be patient.”
Black*Star huffs and taps rhythmically on the table. He stares at the reaper’s presence, taking in the distorted feeling of his soul and the physical attributes that have formed because of it. After a few more minutes pass, Spirit comes to the table with a fresh batch of tea that he pours for them.
“Alright, sorry for the wait, but we should be ready to start this meeting now,” he tells them.
Kid says something in response, his voice ringing out harmonically yet incomprehensible.
“He said ‘thank you, Spirit. Let’s get started now, shall we?’” 
“You got that out of what he just said? Guess I know why we had to wait now. Alright then, why are we here?” Black*Star asks.
“Learn some patience, will ya?” Spirit retorts. “Still, I’m ready. So you can start now, Kid.”
Kid nods at Spirit before turning to Black*Star and Tsubaki.
“I’ve been intrigued by the two of you lately. It’s strange to see two people who are clearly so powerful and yet have done almost nothing to show that power in their studies.”
Black*Star squints at the angel of death in front of him when Spirit finishes his translation.
“Yeah? So what are we here for? You want us to fight you so we have something to show for our power?” 
Kid laughs again.
“No no, I’m in no condition to fight. I am nowhere near the level of control that anyone at this school has. If we fought, you could easily kill me- or I may even accidentally kill you. There’s no telling, but it wouldn’t be a good test of your skills.”
“Then what is it you’d like from us?” Tsubaki asks. “Are we being assigned another extracurricular because of how behind we are?”
“I suppose you could call it that. Though it isn’t so much because of your failure to adhere to the curriculum. Rather, when I scouted out Maka and Soul, your friends who did almost create a Death Scythe, I noticed that the two of you worked with them a lot as well. I monitored one of your training sessions, and while you definitely have a lot of growth to do in your… less than favorable personality, I can see the power you have. I want you two to join Maka and Soul on the mission I gave them.”
Black*Star twitches, annoyed at the insults sprinkled throughout the reaper’s explanation.
“Well, you’re kind of a dick, but at least you aren’t blind enough to not see my power. What’s the mission? I doubt we even need Maka and Soul there for it!”
Tsubaki scolds her meister again, but Kid just lets out another laugh, seemingly very amused by the two of them.
“I want you to find my family. It seems that they must have been caught by witches during their journey. Find my father and brother and bring them back. Feel free to incinerate any witches that stand in your path. If you do this and successfully bring back my family, I will grant you power beyond what you can imagine.”
“That’s it? We’re just playing hide and seek with your family?”
“Black*Star, think about this seriously for a minute! We’ve never been on a mission like this before. We’ve only fought kishin eggs. Witches are much more powerful, and if they were able to capture two reapers, who knows what could happen to us?” Tsubaki sighs, then turns to Kid, who seems to be observing each of their movements carefully and hanging on to every word they say.
“You said you asked Maka and Soul on this mission too, correct? And they agreed?”
He nods in response.
“Black*Star, if we go on this mission, we can’t stray from each other. We have to work as a team otherwise any one of us could die!”
Black*Star snorts at that comment.
“We could die on any mission, Tsubaki. There’s hardly anything about this mission that’s more or less dangerous than anything else we’ve done. There’s just another enemy standing in our way.”
“I like the way you think, human. You certainly have the spirit of someone who desires to surpass god.”
Black*Star stands up and pounds his fist excitedly on the table.
“We’ll accept this mission! With the two of us out there, Maka and Soul won’t even need to come with us! We’ll find your family and kill every last witch in our way!”
Black*Star proudly exits the room, leaving Tsubaki behind. She reaches out to stop him, but sighs in defeat as the door to the death room slams shut behind him. She turns sheepishly back to Spirit and the reaper.
“I’m sorry about his behavior. He’s truly a kind person, he’s just a bit… overzealous.”
Kid shakes his head before leaning down and pulling a large folder out of a bag he had with him and handed it to Tsubaki.
“You seem to be the one with a bit more reason. Here: this is all the information we know about the mission my family was on before they disappeared. I feel that I shouldn’t need to state this to you, but I have no desire in either of you returning without answers. Now, run along. I’m sure that you’ll be able to solve this little mystery.”
Tsubaki thanks him as she grabs the folder before dashing out after her partner.
Spirit sighs, turning to Kid.
“I know you want answers, but I still don’t feel comfortable having you send my daughter and her friends out into such an uncertain situation.”“I understand your attachment to your family. Don’t worry- the second I have any kind of answer, the witches will have me to deal with instead.”
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valdederon · 8 months
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #20 adjusting to strange circumstances
a couple days after valdederon returned to the guild nova underalot of stress begins to wake up evry morning nest soaked and face red with blush hoping no one wakes while she tries to change the sraw/hay nest material and goes to clean up after in the near by bath hall and comes back after just as draggo wakes up.
draggo--- whats going on hun.. youve been getting up earlier then usual you look embarrassed.
nova---n.nothing, nothings wrong just was all sweaty when i woke so i changed my nest out and took a bath.
draggo sighes and gets her tucked back in seeing she is still exausted and rubs her head gently.
a few hours later valdederon wakes up and notices nova shaking in her sleep and he lifts her up and cradles her in his arms and rocks her softly and quickly notices her nesting material is hasteily put together and looks at it concerned. alittle while later nova wakes up yawning and blushes seeing shes beeing cradled but stays silent closing her eyes to tired to fuss.
draggo--- val im abit worried.. last couple mornings shes been getting up way early and sneaking her nest out and replacing it always after a bath. she seems stressed.
valdederon--- lets giver her some room..when shes ready she might tell us whats up but i have a feeling i know why but im not going to confront her if it is what i think shes far to stressed already as is.
she whimpers hearing that giving away that shes awake.
valdederon--- oh hey sleepy you ready to head to the mess hall
nova--- sure.. i am hungry..
she rubs her eyes as valdederon sets her down on her feet gently and wlaks with her and draggo to the mess hall as nova worries her early morning accidents will be found out and teased at. when they get in the mess hall valdederon get some pancakes and oran berry juice with baccon and eggs plated for her and him self her tail wagging as she sees it all.
nova--- oh my you alway sknow just what i like.. h.how.
valdederon--- ha ha ha a big brother always knows what his baby sister likes to eat.
at that she blushes and growls at him but sits down and begins devouring her breakfeast valdederon and draggo both chuckling as draggo smiles.
draggo---when you left i think it finaly hit nova just how important you were to her.. sometimes i couldnt get her to sleep because shed try to look for you and end up crying for hours..theres just somthing mystical on how your able to contain her the way you do she fusses yea but when you put your foot down she listens to you. were as for me.. ha ha ha.. its like telling a fire type to stop beeing so hot headed.
valdederon--- when your born with siblings that kind of stuff just developes naturaly.. shes far more behaved then my sister in the human world was.. lord of mercy that girl was an adorable menace ha ha ha.. she makes nova seem like a princess in comparison.
draggo--- he he well im just gladd she was fussy but behaved when you were gone.
nova stops eating and hides a whimper feeling guilty and valdederon notices but says nothing.
valdederon--- im proud of you nova.. and im sorry i was gone so long come on finish eating and we can go do some training again.
nova nods softly and continues eating again. after awhile she finishes by drinking the orran berry juice. the rest of the day she trains with raykore and valdederon draggo watching from the side lines when she lays down for a nap after awhile exausted from the training.. 3 hours into her nap with draggo and valdederon talking thier convesation is interupted by loud whimpering and a sudden yelp from nova as she wakes mid accident face burning red as the dirt around her darkens in color a gentle hissing sound audible to all in the empty training room.
valdederon---- i figured thats what was happening… nova hun.. have you been wetting the nest .
her ears fold over as she tears up nodding and valdederon kneels by her side rubbing her back.
valdederon---its ok hun accidents happen especily with puppies under stress like your self.. all k9 creatures are prone to this youl just have to wear pull ups from now on atleast untill you stop having sleepy time miss haps
she whines in protest and growls uncomfortably not wanting "" infantile garments""
nova--- im not a baby im 19 years old.. i dont need pull ups i dont need diapers i..
valdedern flicks her nose.
valdederon--- even adults some times need protection at night nova.. that doesnt make you or them a baby do i make my self clear.
she yelps at the frim tone in his voice but relents
nova---im still 19 years old i shouldnt be having these kinds of problems val.. its embarrassing.
valdederon---just beglad your not dropping mud mud bombs in bed little sis.. come on lets go get you cleaned up and then finish todays training ok.
she blushes noding and heads with valdederon to the bath hall and he helps her clean up not saying a word untill they go back to the training hall were they train some more raykore drilling her into the ground with her training while valdederon takes a softer fight against the wall aproach with each hour passing her skills slowly improve untill shes wiped out at the end of the night and valdederon picks her up and gets her ready for bed laying a special obsrbant mat in her nest after getting her put in a pull up and covered with a thick blanket.
draggo--- poor girl..
valdederon-- i think tomorrow we let her sleep in. and take a break from training.. how does taking a trip through the valley sound draggo.
draggo--- sounds like a good idea..
later that night while asleep nova wakes up and sneaks into valdederons nes having woken from a bad nightmare and curls up under his fluffy tail shaking alittle as she falls back asleep the next morning valdederon wakes up with a chuckle feeling nova under his tailand stays completely still knowing shes asleep and lets her sleep in awhile longer.
{noon arives}
nova crankily growls waking up and sits up out of valdederons taill fluff clenching her empty stomach when she smells a savery scent to her surprise a plate of food infront of her.
valdederon--- eat up kiddo thats you lunch and breakfeast after were heading out to stroll the valley..
nova--why didnt you wake me for training ?? you always get me up early.
valdederon--- cause your under alot of stress were taking a day off to unwind and relax.. after you eat lets get you changed and into the bath.
she blushes realizing what valdederon means by that and starts eating. and after awhile and a quick bath nova valdederon and draggo all head out to travel through the pheonix valley nova quietly lookingaround at the forrest as they walk eventualy reaching a clearing and setting up a small camp site.
nova--its so quiet out here….i never..uh.. i came through here when i came to the guild..
valdederon---you were prety beat up and on the edge of losing conciousness im not surprised you didnt notice.. evergreen told me it was a mirical you made it as far as you did with your injuries.. and infection. for now we will focuse on training you.. when you are able to land a hit on me.. we will do field exercises.. and dungeon work.. once your better exerianced in combat..we can seek justice for the one who hurt you so deeply.
nova--- i want revege…
valdederon--- revenge causes more harm then you realize..look into my eyes and tell me what you see.. peer deep into my aura.. my soul…
she nods and concentrates deeply and sees his soul… pink and blue with thick muddy blackened scars sputtering a virtualy black acrid smoke making her yelp and relieve her bladder on the spot.
nova--w..what the..h..how… that damage its.
valdederon----- many years of revenge did that.. i nearly caused the extinction of an entire race just because of what they did to me and my home town..billions of lives lost in my rage.. my paws are stained in blood seeking a dark and hollow thing…revenge that damage you saw on my soul was causedby my inceccent need for revenge… justice is more valuable and can mend or bolster the soul… mine can never truly be healed.. you are un tainted… clean of any sin…. even my master was dissapointed in me but understood my reasons enough to not directly interfere.. though i wish she had done so.
draggo--- ive seen his rage first hand…not much scares me but .. when he snapped.. it was … i never want to see that again.
nova-- but.. your so. strong.
draggo-- there are things in life that transcend strentgh.. blind rage and fury.. are one such thing.. fear of lightning holds not a candles light to the terror your birther can unleash. ..
valdederon---i love you nova. i dont care that your a riolu and im a delphox.. you are my little sister now and ill always treat you with love… but as your training master… expect abit of pain.. and from my master… expect hell… shes the only person i fear..
draggo--- i believe it that womans somthing else.. that icey star that cold attitude ..and she holds no mercy when training..
valdederon-- ha ha. you dont know the truthe of that statement bud.. she literaly had to trhow me into battel in old dungeons in order to train me.. i was.. not verry.. to putt it bluntly i was walking fire ball..
nova and draggo both chuckle as valdederon pulls out an old emblem medalion from the first dungeon he cleared on his own..
nova--- whats that.
valdederon--- a ..badge of honor i guess you can call it..were im from you clear a dungeon and it drops one of these.. verry valuable but this one..i got on my own so its special to me..
he puts it away and rubs her head and give sher a sweet berry then for the rest of the day the 3 of them spend the night in the wilderness the next morning nova wakes up to the sound of a campfire crackling and grogily sits up and walks ove seeing valdederon staring deep into the flames and sees the serious look behind his eyes wonderin what hes thinking about.
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