#Sapnap is on his evil arc
wishitweresummer · 1 year
Here's a concept I kinda forgot about
I know you probably this but both him and George tried to scare him like that this stream and it got me thinking. I see Sapnap as a man of revenge so despite neither scares working he still wants some revenge, so later he makes sure Dream is in his room before finding George and tossing him over his shoulder. If George squirms too much for his liking he gives a warning squeeze to the back of his thigh. Soon, he enters Dream’s room, locking the door behind him, Dream immediately knows what's happening when George is pressed onto his floor by a hand on his chest. Dream debates making a run for it but he quickly realises that he won't get the door unlocked in time so he opts to backing up as far as he can on his bed, hoping Sapnap will just focus on George. Much to Dream’s "dismay" Sapnap catches his ankle, yanking him to the floor right next to George with the same firm hand to his chest. "You both know what's coming now, I know you do. But the question is do you know why?" George nods, Dream shakes his head no. "We'll start with you then, since you know what you'll be apologizing for" He tells Dream to not move from his position and turns his full attention to George, forcing Dream to watch as he wrecks George’s stubborn ass until he apologizes, Sapnap asks for what so Dream knows, he says for trying to scare him, Sapnap stays to sooth him for a bit before turning to Dream, "Your turn Smiley~"
Ahhhh I remember this! So freaking cute! I was so siked when that happened on stream. It was like, what we’ve all been waiting for for so long. Getting to see their goofiness with each other living in the same house 😭❤️ Thank you so much for the ask Sleepy!!!
First of all, I frickin love the idea of Sapnap just grabbing George and throwing him over his shoulder. I hc George enjoying being so petite and finds it kinda exciting to be manhandled. A bit flustering~~
By the time Sapnap gets into the room and locks it George is a flushed and giggling mess for sureeeee. The scene is terrifying for poor Dream.
Dream, who can’t take anticipation. Dream, who giggles at his friends being tickled because he can almost feel it himself. Dream, who is usually already made blushy and giggly by George’s crazy laughter.
I love a quick take down. Good for Sapnap. Ankle grabber. Very like him ahaha.
George’s tickling is part punishment part psych-out-Dream. So, Sapnap is all in with the teasing and aiming to make George as loud as possible. He shakes him by his sides until his head is dropped back in this crazy loud hopeless laughter that shakes Dream to his core.
George tries to tough it out for a bit, but Sapnap is being harder on him than he was expecting. He starts heading for George’s armpits and…
“DrehehEHEAM we can TAHA-TAKE HIM!!! We gotta…team up!!!”
Dream wouldn’t dare, though. Sapnap knows him too well and got him so worked up with all the anticipation. So George is forced to cave in and plead for forgiveness for trying to scare him. Then, he’s just a melty puddle of giggles as Sapnap ruffles his hair. Was that so hard Gogy??
“Smiley.” Now that is CUTE. Poor flustered Dream has apologies pouring out of his mouth in an instant. But, Sapnap obviously is doing all of this for fun so he’s going to need to get some tickles in. (Sorry Dream!)
“Sorry for what?” And he pulls up Dream’s shirt and blows a huge raspberry directly into his bellybutton so he can’t respond.
“Evil…”, George mutters, he can hardly look at the scene. Butterflies threatening to take over his tummy again as he watches Dream kick his legs and scream with laughter.
Now, Dream is trying his hardest to get the words out. The “for trying to scare you!”. But, Sapnap knows exactly where to get his fingers to mess up Dream’s apology.
“For-“ Sapnap shakes two clawed hands into his bare tummy.
“Fuck..Sap, for-“ Sapnap clings onto one thigh and squeezes quickly, and plays with the other kneecap.
Each time derailing his sentences with shrieks and adorable laughter. Finally finally finally he lets up a little and red-faced Dream sputters out a proper apology.
Sapnap makes a big show of standing up and brushing his hands together, job well done. (Such a little shiiit). Then, a real quick exit because he’s sure George has recovered by now.
~This was so cute and fun gahhh!! Let me know any thoughts 😋✨ Thank you thank youuuu Sleepy!!!!
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dr3amofagame · 7 months
8, 13, 3, 25, 26, 27, 30 for the ask game!
8. Which character do you think is most different to c!Dream?
Oooh uh I'm not very good with superlatives. Hmm...
Lazy answer tbh but because I can't think very hard, I'd say c!Sam in a lot of ways? Which is funny particularly bc c!Dream seems to be under the impression that they're a lot more similar than they actually are until Shit Goes Down. c!Sam and his choosing c!Dream over the entire server versus c!Dream's ruthlessness being applied to everyone and absolutely not sparing himself. c!Dream's general dislike for power structures versus guy who thinks he was born to be listened to. c!Dream's ambivalence w/ morality (and his spiral into thinking of himself as pure evil, after. well. a lot of things) versus c!Sam's defining literally everything based off his batshit moral code and I Am Good isms. I think they want similar things in some ways, but unlike, say, c!Dream and c!Tommy (who I think have much more similar ideas of what a peaceful server would look like), c!Sam would make Samville The Peaceful Town Where Nothing Goes Wrong As Long As You Listen To Sam and have an underground torture bunker. God c!Sam is so batshit
(For some more answers, probably c!Sapnap in terms of conflict resolution? Uhhh c!Punz is p high up there in terms of motivation. I'm sure there's others that'll come to me eventually)
3. What's your favorite c!Dream era?
Prison arc, sorry. I'm predictable. But for eras that I think are chronically underrated, Pogtopia-c!Dream will always always always have a place in my heart. We don't talk about this man enough fr. I need to go back and just binge all c!Dream content especially pre-Vassal bc god that man breaks my heart.
25. If c!Dream had to join an existing/former DSMP country or faction, which one would you choose for him?
The Syndicate, probably! Well the Syndicate if I'm trying to be niceys otherwise I'm shoving him on Sam's island or in Las Nevadas to kick my feet as the world burns. But yeah I've always had a very soft spot for Syndicate c!Dream--my guy is so scared all the time man :[
26. What do you think is c!Dream’s greatest strength?
Hmmm...probably his intelligence? He's damn smart and he knows how to utilize it well. He's a hell of a fighter and he's a hell of an opponent even when his brain is a little twisted up in itself in fear, he knew how to play around people's perceptions of him and create an absolutely batshit plan and pull it off. The Revolution, November 16th, Staged Finale...he knows what he's doing and he sure as hell does it well.
(Thinks about how all three of those include accounts of him intentionally putting his allies in positions that would put them at the least amount of risk, between c!Dream's overcaution in the Revolution and doing the duel himself, the nonsense with the traitor/there is no traitor that kept people's eyes off Wilbur, Staged Finale being explicitly a plan to protect c!Punz...man.)
c!Dream is smart enough to cook up a plan and ruthless + determined enough to go through with it Whatever It Takes, and yet he's still honestly pretty cognizant of the risks and acts to minimize it (especially risk to those working with him). c!Dream is competent and that has always been a big part of what I like about him
30. In 3 words, how would you describe c!Dream?
Hmmmm. I'm really bad at these types of exercises XD I'd say...
Scared, Ruthless, Responsible ?
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heartkade · 2 years
Post-Red Banquet -> Present Day lore recap!
Lore and arcs summarized for each character who’s part of the Egglore finale, up to present day. Just a basic refresher to know where each character is at currently
*Updated to Ponk’s lore stream “A Helping Hand” so it’ll be outdated for current egglore
Was granted fairy wings from DreamXD
Sam employed her and c!Boomer to work under Awesamdude Inc. She is the bank manager. Boomer and her share a strange connection/familiarity, and became fast friends.
Sam holds what happened at the Red Banquet against Hannah, but she wants to move on since it’s “all in the past.”
Boomer tears off her wings accidentally, they declare each other as enemies and fight. Sam wants them to fix their issues for the sake of the business. She’s upset at both of them for not caring.
Currently: desperate to have her wings back, wants to ask DreamXD but can’t get in contact
Locked the Egg away after the Red Banquet, was still the Prison Warden. On the side, works on Awesamdude Inc. for the bank and Las Nevadas for Quackity.
Big reveal that he can transfer his soul between (possibly artificial) bodies that lay dormant all around the server. He knows c!Boomer from the past.
The whole giant Prison Saga which I’ll sum up very briefly: People die on his watch, he continues getting corrupted mentally by the Warden role. Allows violence, kidnaps and takes lives himself believing it’s for righteous reasons, and everybody escapes from the prison in the end. Very few people trust him now.
Gets locked in the prison as retribution. c!Dream visits every day, breaks down his willpower, and takes a canon life.
Has nothing else to do but throw himself into work with Awesamdude Inc. Regularly doing projects with Sam Nook and Foolish.
Egg Resurgence Arc. He finds out that the Egg is growing in power, realizes his methods to contain the entity didn’t work, and is worried about Bad.
Sam Bucket Saga
Currently: just disturbed by everything.
Post-Red Banquet, moves into the Summer Home to regain Foolish’s trust and heal from egg control, they become good friends, and she later moves out
Confronts Sam for chopping off his hand. Finds out that Foolish went on a date with Sam and breaks off their friendship. Cuts off all ties and lives in a cave for a while.
Later rebuilds their friendship with Foolish.
Confronts Sam again after the prison break for what he’s done. Is disappointed in what Sam has become, when he used to be such an amazing person.
Still lives in a cave, not doing too well & had another bad encounter with Sam
Currently: desperate to get his hand back and went to the Egg for help (egglore finale)
Still unsure of how she got to the dsmp, had gotten amnesia from her ship crashing during a storm.
Accepts that everybody on the dsmp is evil in some way, even herself for killing Antfrost at the Red Banquet. Ant and her mutually apologize. Was still upset at Bad.
Slightly involved in the L’Sandburg War arc
Gets her restaurant exploded. Later on decides to leave, wanting a new start.
Currently: birthday party
Half demon, knows Tommy from childhood. His parents died in an attack on their village, and after many years of traveling he arrives in the dsmp. Tries to befriend Tommy again.
Immediately gets attached to Badboyhalo as a father figure. Views Sapnap as a brother.
Big reveal that they can relive past moments of war and violence as auditory hallucinations. Hears the Red Banquet but doesn’t believe that c!Bad would’ve ever hurt anyone.
History lesson from Eret. c!Dream prison escape happens.
Everybody on the server seems on edge and depressed now, Eryn is upset that he can’t help. Feeling lonely & also scared by the past violence he heard, they hide underground for several weeks until c!Aimsey comes and the two become friends.
Currently: deflecting their emotions but otherwise is doing okay
Apologized to everyone for his involvement with the Egg and Red Banquet.
Continued to work as a prison guard under Sam.
Takes his work vacation only to come back and find that c!Dream has escaped the prison. Sam blamed him for not being there to help.
Ant talks to Bad and they confront Sam for abandoning the Badlands and blaming them when he should be responsible. After more arguing, Ant quit the job and left.
Currently: unknown
c!Seapeekay (C!PK)
Fox that can travel to different dimensions and ended up in the dsmp.
Is given a tour by Ponk and later Badboyhalo. Bad repeatedly loses his memory of meeting CPK during this because of the egg trying to control him. Foolish quickly intervenes and brings the two to the Summer Home. Bad later takes CPK to the egg room, before managing to stop himself and disinfects the two in a panic. (this is one of my favorite lore streams)
One day CPK hears creepy voices, curiously goes to the source (egg room) then passes out.
Starts changing his preferences to the color red & his fur becomes discolored.
Another day when cc!CPK is not at the computer, his character begins unconsciously moving on its own. He goes to the Egg and touches it, then runs away. 
He and Aimsey make a team devoted to fixing things but it doesn’t work out. He decides to destroy stuff instead and his house gets exploded.
Currently: unknown. probably not doing very good
Was not willing to apologize to everyone for his involvement with the Egg and Red Banquet. Trying very hard to repress it out of guilt.
Continued to work as a prison guard under Sam.
Decides to live with Foolish at the Summer Home, beginning the very long rollercoaster ride that is the Roommate Saga. Many arcs are part of it, in order we have:
The L’Sandburg War arc
The DreamXD Statue arc. We find out XD hates Bad for some reason.
The L’Cactusburg Prank War arc. Bad & Skeppy’s house got moved to Ohio.
Dream prison escape, Bad quits his job as a prison guard along with Antfrost.
Egg Resurgence Arc. One part being the CPK tour egg-control thing already talked about above. The other part follows Bad and Foolish trying to find out why the Egg is growing stronger, as bloodvines are growing around the Summer Home & Foolish’s builds.
Bad moves out, ending the Roommate Saga “for now”
Sam Bucket Saga
Currently: friends with Sam Bucket, concerned about the Egg and is gathering people for Puffy’s birthday party
The Egg
Got drowned in church prime by Foolish Post-Red Banquet
Tried to get revenge on Foolish and infect Bad again during the Egg Resurgence Arc
Successfully infected C!PK instead
Was “destroyed” by Foolish but actually just moved somewhere else (has similar properties to an ender dragon egg)
Momentarily stopped by Sam Bucket
Currently: growing more powerful. uh oh.
As for the lore of characters that also have a good chance of being in the finale:
Post-Red Banquet, the Egg was in his head until he drowned it in prime water. They apparently have a long history that Foolish doesn’t remember.
The Roommate Saga & the Las Nevadas Saga happening at the same time
DreamXD Statue arc, became besties with XD and was granted immortality and knowledge of the Death Book.
Egg Resurgence Arc same as with Bad. Foolish used his immortality to destroy the Egg; the action kickstarting the Sam Bucket Saga. The egg moved locations and is now more dangerous.
Roommate Saga end & Las Nevadas Finale
Currently: fixing Las Nevadas with c!Quackity
Was slightly involved in the L’Sandburg War and L’Cactusburg Prank War arcs. Him and Bad’s house got moved to Ohio so they rebuilt it.
Currently: living quietly at his house
Has mostly been planning things with c!Dream after the prison escape
Slightly involved in Las Nevadas Finale
Currently: unknown
Sam Bucket
Was a victim of the Egg long ago. He wanted his dog Francis back and the Egg said it could help
Realized he was being controlled and discovered the egg’s weakness to iron. Buried himself with the Egg so hopefully no one would ever find it again. Now has an extended lifespan and teleportation powers
Badboyhalo rediscovered the egg and got corrupted. Sam Bucket wasn’t able to stop the Red Banquet & could only watch
Could physically appear as a result of the Egg Resurgence arc
Sam Bucket Saga. Is trying to protect people from the egg
Currently: saaaam bucket
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barbiegirldream · 6 months
I think as well is that (not at all to diminish dreams writing or contributions) but I think cdream doesn't really have much motives beyond doing evil shit cause like.... Most people weren't willing to step into the role, and dream was one of like four people who were willing to be a villain who's character didn't die immediately (and the only one willing to be the bbeg). Like, cdream kinda turned into blank slate bad guy so others could write their own stories off of. I kinda think that's what made the newer guys so upset as well when dream specifically wouldnt rp with them. They want the fame of dream of course but like... Everybody hinged their character off of one dude, cause no one else wanted to be an evil little bastard.
like i think c!techno was a really excellent chaotic neutral villain. he said he stood for things but in practice often just didn't. his own personal amusement took precedence as often would in a roleplay server. c!Tommy was very chaotic too flipping from good to evil depending on that characters pov of him.
c!Wilbur was a very good villain but the redemption arc flopped. The ending was my personal victory showing c!Wilbur is still scum and still and was ruining the lives of everyone around him and had to leave.
I also think c!Dream's motives changed because playing the antagonist who wanted to own the whole server could only work well with everyone online all the time. Las Nevadas was an empty shell with like three people in it. Kinoko had c!Karl forgetting everyone, c!George asleep in some random forest 99% of the time, and Sapnap is completely uninterested in doing anything character and CC wise. Cause the fans sucked. I don't even blame the streamers I blame the fans. They made people not want to log in and that's why the server died
It's why c!Dream's motives legit did change never understood the argument they were the same from the start cause they never were. And he had to make do with the revive book which again no point in killing and reviving people who won't log on. And then everyone proved to be a clout seeking leech and Dream was so much better off letting the final scene of the dsmp be disc duo happy ending.
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supernovaa-remnant · 7 months
Ask game: 24 22 and 19
19. What are come of your favorite pieces of c!Dream animations/songs/other types of video/audio content?
The Old Days animatic by Knp lives rent free in my brain. Watching that animatic changed the trajectory of my life I'm so serious it's so aklsjdhsgajksdshass the way it so perfectly represents c!dream's longing to return to a simpler past? when he could laugh and have fun with c!george and c!sapnap???? the way you can see when c!dream stops smiling in the animatic?? aughhhh c!dream team my c!dream team you are a wound that never stops aching.
22. If you had all the time, resources, and skills to create your ideal piece of c!Dream fan content, what would it be?
I've talked about it before, but genuinely You and I Drink the Poison From the Same Vine (my theoretical c!dreambur semi-canon compliant fic that I talked abt in the post linked). I think about it all the time. I would love to just... have the commitment needed to write this long fic that examines canon through the lens of one non-canon element being added.
Also, it'd be really really fun to write interactions between c!punz and c!wilbur (where c!punz doesn't understand why c!dream keeps c!wilbur around and does what he wants and c!wilbur holds his connection to c!dream over c!punz's head like a taunt).
Uh, other than that, I have a slide show about c!dream that I never finished. I started making it with the goal of presenting it to my non-c!dream sympathetic irls haha
24. When/how did you become a c!Dream apologist?
Okay, this is going to get long and I may get into way more detail than I need to, so buckle in because this was quite the journey for me.
So, I didn't get into the fandom until around august-september of 2021. However, I had multiple irls who were really into the dsmp in late 2020-early 2021. And, uh, they're very very non-sympathetic to c!dream. (also believers in the l'manburg mythos, but we are not getting into that...) anyway, I heard a lot about the dsmp from an outside perspective during my time of not being in the fandom. And this included hearing about the exile arc (with one hilarious instance where my friends did not specify it was rp so for a moment I thought cc!dream was just a really really bad dude 💀) and hearing about how horrible c!dream was how evil he was etc etc.
In typical "I am not invested in this fandom at all but my dear friend is" fashion, I just agreed with them. All of my info came from hearing them talk abt something they were interested in, so why would I disagree?
Anyway, flash forward, like, half a year, and I begin watching the manhunts. I got really into them and ended up reading some non-dsmp fics. And then everything spiralled and I got sucked into the fandom. I remember reading some c!dream redemption fics, and I was really enjoying it, but I still didn't consider myself an apologist. Afterall, my entire first impression of him was how horrible he was through my friends.
Anyway, I don't have an exact timeline, but it wasn't until I actually followed someone from dreblr that I started fully embracing my c!dreamisms and my c!dream apologism. I kept my c!dream apologisms hush hush in front of my friends for so long. I still do to an extent. I'm scared, okay? And I don't wanna get into arguments with them, so it's best to just, like, not bring it up I guess.
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sing-me-under · 1 year
I think the thing that bothers me most about how criticism perceives the fandom is that a lot of them treat c!Tommy as like a y/n of an abuse victim rather than his own character. Like, yes it’s valid that you are upset by his decision and that you would rather he have done something else but like… that’s not what what c!Tommy was. c!Tommy’s choice was his closure as best suited to him because trauma isn’t universal and people aren’t a monolith.
This is a mild follow-up to a post I made earlier about c!Tommy’s story being a coming of age and overcoming a child’s black and white world view. It’s buried in the many many other posts I’ve made, but the key point I’m elaborating on here is that c!Tommy’s entire character arc was completed when he chose to understand Dream as a person.
Tommy has always been extremely self-aware, defending himself rather than accepting pain. Tommy was aware he didn’t deserve the blame placed upon him, and he was aware that he didn’t deserve to be hurt. He knew that the justification others claimed was flimsy at best, especially when he was treated worse for things others did too. He was fully aware of this and fought back.
However, just because he knew he didn’t deserve it didn’t mean he understood it. If the things he did “deserved” to “punish” him worse than others, then surely there was a reason for why it had to be him. Without any other possible explanations, Tommy determined that the reason behind his suffering was because Dream was obsessed with his very existence. It wasn’t his fault. It was because Dream was evil.
To c!Tommy, c!Dream had always been a force of absolute evil, an inescapable monster who hurt needlessly. To anyone, being hurt for things beyond your understanding is inevitably scary. The belief that no matter what he did, Dream would hurt Tommy because it was Tommy, nothing more, nothing less. Tommy only ever wanted to feel safe and happy, and he would do fucking anything to escape the inevitable pain. The prison wasn’t the safety barrier he could rely on anymore, and death especially wasn’t an option for escape as long as Dream (and Punz) still had the knowledge of the revive book. The fear that at any moment for any reason, The Unfathomable Evil would hurt him only worsened Tommy’s mental state and paranoia until he was barely husk of a person.
The abstract is scary. c!Dream perfectly embodies the existential fear of the unknown. This was how everyone perceived Dream, not just Tommy.
Tommy, endlessly afraid but so compassionate and kind, chose to free the server of the Pure Evil at the cost of himself. Even though he knew he didn’t deserve it, he still believed his very existence was the crime itself.
When Tommy chose to understand Dream at the very end, it wasn’t understanding out of the sake of compassion. It was his compassion that allowed him to understand for the sake of his freedom. He finally understood why Dream had chosen him to hurt, to abuse, to torture. c!Dream is a terrible person, but he was a terrible person with the very human understanding for why he chose Tommy. Tommy was just the wrong person at the wrong time.
In my previous posts, I emphasize that Sapnap was the one to aid Tommy in killing Dream that very first time all those years ago. No one was happy under Dream’s iron grip, but it just so happened that Tommy was the first one to win against Dream. It didn’t have to be Tommy. It could have been anyone else, but it just happened to be Tommy who received Dream’s ire first.
And that was freeing. It was clarity, a weight lifted off of Tommy’s shoulders. He knew he didn’t deserve it, but now he understood that he wasn’t being hurt simply because he existed. This was no longer some abstract unknown that would hurt him just for the sake of his very existence. It was a real, tangible reason with a real human motive. It was a problem Tommy finally had control over had he just understood sooner.
That’s not to say Dream wouldn’t have still been an manipulative piece of shit, but at the very least Tommy wouldn’t be paranoid and confused and scared out of his mind, obsessed that Dream was obsessed with him. But they could have come to an understanding sooner, before Dream truly became the Evil Villaiin everyone made him out to be, before everyone turned against him, before there was no turning back.
#dream smp#also Wilbur won against Dream too#except unlike Tommy#Wilbur actually played into Dream’s manipulations eventually#whereas Tommy always kept fighting#tommy is also a flawed character#his insidtence of fight dream no matter what only exacerbated dream’s control issues#dream is not in the right but you still shouldn't poke a sleeping bear#literally look at any therapist advice on how to deal with extreme narcissists#the general advice is just play along because otherwise the narcissist couldbecome extremely volatile when their world is threatened#Tommy had always been compassionate but he was also forced to fight villains#and that meant that compassion was useless on villains#because they're pure evil without any empathy or human understanding#so Tommy never even tried to listen#i suffer from paranoia and sever dissociation btw#in order to get through my everyday and shake off the inconsolable FEAR of excusing#existing#I had to come to a lot of terms with the nature of humanity and my place within it#basically I had to force myself to think optimistically and immediately assume the best in people#had to do shit that scared the fuck out of me#but eventually I was proven that people are not usually horrible#I'm still fearful and paranoid frequently#but it's easier to brush off with actual experience of human goodness#obviously Tommy is very much not in the same situation as me#but I had already planned for how to deal with justified paranoia#in order to avoid a total mental shut down
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dreamsclock · 2 years
They could have had a spring wedding. With flowers freshly blooming after the winter, with warm sun shining on them. With their guests dressed in spring as well - pastels, joy and flowers.
They could have had a summer wedding. With laughter as warm as the summer sun. With ice cream instead of a wedding cake. With their guests holding parasols over them while they walk the aisle.
They could have had an autumn wedding. With golden leaves on the trees and a bit of rain. With warm smiles. With their guests happy despite the weather.
They could have had a winter wedding. With snow making the venue look like a fairytale. With snowball fights and warm cocoa. With their guests keeping warm with hugs (just like they would).
you’re literally so mean and evil and messed up to tell me this . (/pos) this was written ages ago but i FINALLY managed to respond and finish my section so HERE YOU GO :D the c!fiances make me so SO SO sad…. when do they get to be happy :(
warnings: angst (no comfort), dissociation, blood, torture, prison arc themes, loneliness, emotional distress, amnesia
Tommy brings along his cow to the wedding, chest puffed out proudly when he opens his bag to reveal to little calves, mooing timidly at the people clustered round curiously. “It’s spring, bitch,” he declares, grinning toothily, “stop the wedding. Everyone come and look at my cows.”
Quackity stares in abject disbelief as Tommy joins Tubbo as flower-boy, sitting on top of his cow and showing off the little baby cows to people instead of throwing flowers. “What the fuck,” he whispers, but squawks when Sam nudges him disapprovingly, “listen, Tommy’s great, but I didn’t give his whole farm an invite.”
“Look how happy he is,” Sam protests, “focus on your fiancés and stop complaining about Tommy. Mushroom Henry is well behaved. Don’t be mean to the kid, Big Q.”
Grumbling, but softening at Tommy’s beaming smile, Quackity shuts up, and is immediately distracted by the sight of his fiancés walking down the aisle towards him, breath catching in his throat. They look radiant, both of them accompanied by Bad and by George respectively, while Dream sits in the front row, grinning proudly—
Except when Quackity looks closer, there’s blood running down his mask. And he’s backing away, he’s sobbing, the guests are disappearing and Sam’s proud hand on his back turns stoic and cold, and when Quackity blinks, he’s in the prison, not his wedding area, and The Warden’s mask shows no warmth or delight. Only discomfited approval of Quackity’s actions, heavy silence broken only by Dream’s ragged sobs.
“Good job, Quackity,” Sam says, and Quackity tears his eyes from Dream, lying prone across the lava, “see you tomorrow?”
Quackity checks the date. He’d been due to get married today.
“Yeah,” he says, at last, “yeah. Yeah, see you tomorrow, Sam.”
Sapnap had always wanted a summer wedding. Or fall, he hadn’t been picky. Having it on the day of the split between summer and fall had been Karl’s suggestion, fervently backed up by Quackity.
He hadn’t been able to picture how perfect it would be. Their wedding goes entirely according to plan, all their guests showing up on time, no accidents happening, no countries destroyed or traitors uncovered… Dream apologises to him two days before the wedding and they reconcile like they’d never been mad at each other, and his brother and George sit front row, grinning.
Quackity cries. Karl cries. Sapnap sucks it up—
“Okay, okay, I’m only crying a little,” Sapnap grumbles, wiping away tears from his eyes when Karl points them out, “it’s just— this has been a long time comin’, you know? It’s crazy that… I don’t know, that it’s actually happening.”
Quackity wraps his arms around him, pliant and comfortable and smiling. “Tell me about it,” he scoffs, “I didn’t think we were ever gonna make it here.”
“Course we were,” Karl says brightly, offering both his hands out playfully, “now c’mon. Married couple get the first dance, remember?”
Sapnap’s eyebrows raise as the summer sun slowly begins to set. “How are we all gonna dance?” He prods. “That’s not gonna work, Karl.”
…Karl Jacobs, being Karl Jacobs, makes it work. It’s stumbley and it’s awkward and Sapnap trips over his feet more times than he likes to admit, but they’re laughing, laughing and free and in love, and the wedding ends as the sun sinks behind the mushrooms of Kinoko Kingdom, guests bidding them cheerful goodbyes as they clamber up to their home.
Their home, Sapnap thinks, giddy, their home now, for the rest of their lives.
Quackity drags them down to the couch, sprawling over the two of them dramatically and closing his eyes. “Too tired to walk anymore,” he says, theatrically, stifling a yawn behind his hand, “we’re sleeping here.”
“The bed is like, two rooms away,” Sapnap says with a laugh, “you’re so lazy.”
Quackity opens one eye to shoot him an offended look. “I’m your lazy, baby.”
“…That doesn’t even make any sense.” He’s grinning, anyway, and turns to Karl with a snort. “Why did we marry a loser, Karl?”
“Marry a loser?” Karl asks, blankly. “Who got married?”
And Sapnap’s half awake brain catches up to reality, and his heart shatters anew. “Oh,” he says, lamely, sitting up in bed. The sun is rising, cold and lonely in the approaching-winter sky, and Sapnap feels his chest tug. “Oh, you’re back.”
Karl’s smile is empty and numb. “Didn’t leave, James,” he mumbles, falling into bed and wriggling his shoes off under the blankets, “was always right here.”
He’s asleep before Sapnap can reply, not that he’d been going to. Sapnap stares at his fiancé, one of his fiancés, and doesn’t think about his dream, or his second fiancé in Las Nevadas, the city that never sleeps.
Instead, he gets out of bed, and goes downstairs slowly to make breakfast for him and Karl. It’s a nice morning.
Karl never shows.
He’d like to have got married today.
Karl is in the snow.
It takes him a minute to remember his name — Karl, like it’s some far off fantasy he can’t quite put his finger on. A childish daydream. With a jolt, he realizes just how cold he is, the tips of his fingers an odd blue color he knows means staying out longer is foolish.
(Foolish. He knows that name, right? What is he forgetting?)
Names and faces blur together in his mind, dates jumbling along with events. A country blows up. A country does not blow up. He has a country. He does not have a country. Karl Jacobs has someone he loves. Karl Jacobs…
Fuck. His head throbs.
Instead of thinking, he focuses on his surroundings. He’s stumbled across an ice rink, the frost layering trees in white and snow softly skating across the scene. It’s undisturbed, except from him, a smudge of color in an otherwise white wonderland. Karl is struck by its beauty, stunned into silence, and, for a fleeting moment, a thought dashes across his mind—
This would be the perfect place, he thinks, unbidden, to get married. I’ve always wanted a winter wedding.
But it’s easy to shake off. He doesn’t know anyone that’s getting married. Certainly not him. What an odd thought.
With a shiver, Karl turns his back on the scene, and hurried away in search of home.
(He won’t remember it by tomorrow.)
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phantoids · 2 years
I'm having too many thoughts of fucking soulmates aus now so have some little tidbits for a potential fic or smth I may write. This is dsmp based I'm sorry.
Soulmates take a while to form, and the bond is only truly established during moments of large emotional impact with your soulmate, whether it's stressful and traumatic or an extremely happy moment. Before then, the bond isn't final and therefore any effects such as intertwined lives doesn't get taken into account until the marks show up. Soulmates also don't form until people are around 16.
Soul marks! They show up when the bond is finally established, and tend to be something mutually significant. It can be a scar, a birthmark or even like a tattoo.
Soulmate bonds can break in certain circumstances, such as an event that may make them feel severely disconnected from their soulmate/others.
Lives are intertwined, if one dies, then the other also dies.
List of people I think would be soulmates:
Wilbur and Quackity, they realised during the burger van arc.
Sapnap and Karl.
George doesn't have a soulmate for reasons (XD wanted George so he was made off-limits)
Tubbo and Ranboo, obviously. The bond doesn't sever with Ranboo's death.
Techno and Phil. It's not romantic or a qpr, they're just destined besties and that's okay.
Ponk and Sam, but after the whole mess their bond was severed. Neither have picked up a new soulmate bond yet.
Ant and Velvet.
Skeppy and Bad, though their bond became severed after the eggpire shit.
Lazarbeam and Vikkstar, their bond was established during the revive book experiment stuff. Platonic or not, your decision.
Niki and Puffy have a sort of strained bond, however they still remain soulmates. Niki and Jack are self-declared platonic soulmates, destined besties if you will.
Purpled and Fundy are platonic soulmates, becoming so bonding over the whole betrayal from Las Nevadas thing.
Schlatt and Quackity were soulmates, though during Manberg it faded until it severed during the red festival.
On the line of faded bonds: Eret and Wilbur (platonic), who's bond was severed during the final control room.
Eret and Foolish become platonic soulmates when Foolish comes to the smp.
Tommy and Tubbo are unofficial platonic soulmates, with Ranboo being pulled into the mix when his and Tubbo's bond is established. They're besties for life and have little marks for each other they all redo. Tubbo still refreshes his mark for Tommy. Tommy keeps both of his.
I feel like these wouldn't have soulmates:
Slimecicle due to his species not having soulmates.
Punz simply because they have no interest in soulmates.
Jack doesn't have an 'official' soulmate but he has an unofficial soulmate.
Connor is too busy being sonic.
And, of course, the last ones I've got some modicum of an idea for: Tommy and Dream, platonic soulmates. Dream specifically fostered that type of bond during exile to keep Tommy linked to him, so he wouldn't be killed during the final disc confrontation.
To expand on discduo, here's some fun tidbits about them:
Their bond is established during the beach party, as that is when Tommy accepts Dream is truly his only friend and the only one to care for him. It's one established due to extreme stress and desperation, and due to the unhealthy obsession on Dream's part.
During exile, Dream purposefully damaged the area Tommy originally kept his mark for Tubbo, punishing him if he tried to fix it or redo it. Tommy eventually stopped doing it all-together.
Little sidenote: Techno was the one who encouraged him to redo it after exile, despite thinking that nobody in L'Manberg wanted Tommy, because he values the importance of soulmates despite everything.
The only reason Dream went with them during the disc confrontation was because Tommy threatened to die otherwise, which would reveal their bond and Dream wanted that secret for fucked up evil reasons. Except, their bond doesn't have their lives intrinsically intertwined, only their mortality (so if Tommy is mortal, Dream is, and if Tommy is immortal, Dream is immortal too).
Their bond hasn't broken despite the prison and such, as revival caused it to become a permanent bond due to Dream being the one to revive him. Tommy tries his best to cover the mark.
Anyways that's my fucked up evil lil soulmate au, just some good old discduo shit going on. Feel free to give more fucked up evil ideas.
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OK. So this DSMP thing. Usually I can figure out mostly what a fandom is about just from Tumblr content, but in this case I genuinely have no idea other than that it involves guys named Wilbur and Tommy and they are brothers (?). Would you mind explaining to a novice?
OHOHOH YES THIS ASK MADE ME VERY HAPPY *vibrates into the fourth dimension*
Okay, so the very simple version is that Dream SMP is a Minecraft server, in which a small group of people roleplay as characters they created, playing out a complex story.
The longer version is… well, get comfy.
Dream SMP started out as just three guys—Dream, George, and Sapnap—playing Minecraft together. There wasn’t any lore, no scripts. It was just them playing. It was sweet, but very boring.
Dream started adding more of his friends to the server (the players steamed whenever they played, by the way. That’s a major part of DSMP) and eventually added a 16 year old kid named Tommy Innit.
Tommy was pure chaos, and immediately set to work annoying people and blowing up stuff in the server. He actually got banned from it shortly after lol.
But Dream added him back, and to everyone’s surprise, actually seemed to like the chaos and unpredictability Tommy brought to his server. It was something new, something fun… albeit something loud and chaotic and messy.
That’s the moment the Dream SMP changed, becoming what it is today.
Tommy invited several of his friends to the server, including a 24 year old named Wilbur Soot. Wilbur quickly decided he wanted to start a drug business (?) and roped Tommy into it.
Everyone hated that, though. Which made Wilbur very upset.
This story gets weirder just hang on
So Wilbur decided to create his own county, deeming it L’manburg. Something separate from the rest of the SMP, something where he could set his own rules and do what he wanted, without having to answer to Dream.
Dream hated that, so he, George, and Sapnap battled the members of L’manburg (Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, and Eret, who later betrayed them) in an epic war for L’manburg’s independence. Here’s an animation about it, though it does contain swears.
Anyway, L’manburg ended up winning!
A little bit later, an election took place, to decide who the president of L’manburg would be. Wilbur had self elected himself, but seeing as absolutely no one cared, he wanted to make it official.
However… complications occurred. Wilbur actually didn’t end up winning; no no, another man won. An evil man, by the name of Schlatt.
His first decree was to exile Wilbur and Tommy.
After that, everything changed.
Up until this point, DSMP was purely for fun. No planning went into it, and everything was weird and chaotic and not very serious at all. However, after the election, the members started to script it, mapping out a plot with characters.
That’s where DSMP got really, really good.
I won’t go into all the details, but a lot of Stuff happened, including Wilbur’s heartbreaking descent into madness and him blowing up L’manburg before being stabbed by his own father, dying :D
DSMP is filled with many different characters, and it wouldn’t be correct to say that the entire series as a whole has one specific plot. It’s more accurate to say that there’s many different arcs, each focusing on a character or group of characters. It’s very interesting.
But yeah, I hope this helped! I’d be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have!
Oh, and Wilbur and Tommy technically aren’t brothers, but they think of each other like ones. It’s freaking adorable.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
A noncomprehensive of episodes in my ckarlnapity doctor who au:
The Pits of Vexillum: Sapnap and Karl travel to the planet Vexillum, where Sapnap gets drafted into a gladiatorial ring by the evil pig-themed emperor.
Cybergator: Sapnap visits his dads back on Earth and ends up wrestling a cybernetic killer alligator from the far future sent back in time to kill Skeppy.
Who Shot JFK?: Quackity’s first appearance. Slimecicle is the umbrella man.
The Masquerade: A masquerade ball set on the moon goes very wrong. Karlnap kiss arc?
The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy: On a date, Karlnap are interrupted by Robo Space Cop Sam, who wants to arrest Karl for literal war crimes.
The Carnival of the Dead: Wilbur Soot runs a time traveling space carnival that arrives on Earth in the 1400s. There are zombies… from space!! Quackity is also here.
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oooo ok:
🙂, 👼, 🧨, 💏, and also the question about staged finale, the emoji wasn't showing up for me.
Thanks for the ask!
🙂 - Should Dream get a redemption arc?
NO! :) I want to see that motherf'cker absolutely go to town on the big bad evil front. I'm talking the return of the S2 dominance and control, perhaps flavoured with some of the string-pulling puppet master of S1 - hiding in the walls, hiding in the walls. I really liked the Sam Prison streams because it brought that back: the lying, the manipulation, the brutality. I want that b'stard to stand at the top of the world and laugh, and then I want him to have his throne pulled out from under him, and I want to watch him fall and die surrounded by the people he once called friends. So yeah, I don't want a c!Dream redemption arc. I want him to be worse, and then I want him to be killed by Sapnap or Tubbo or Tommy. I don't think there's a satisfying ending to the DSMP where Dream is redeemed.
👼 - Should Friend/Shroud/Michael/Fran be off limits for greifing?
My answer here is going to be pretty similar to someone else's I've seen, but it is as follows: Friend no, Shroud, Michael and Fran yes. Friend has died so many times now it basically doesn't matter: Ghostbur's in limbo, so the main emotional crux is gone, and besides, Friend has infinite canon lives :') Shroud doesn't really matter lore-wise, nor do we know if cc!Tommy is attached to him (he seems to be, but he's perpetually semi-in-character on the DSMP), but we inniters here on tumblr have become so attached I will personally go to war for that spider. Michael, to quote Technoblade, is a BABY. Killing him would be so depressing. I liked the kidnapping plot because we got to see Tubbo go off but thank goodness he's home safe. And finally, Fran deserves pensioner's protection. She's been around so long, the server's oldest pet deserves to retire from this bs and chill.
🧨 - Who is most at fault for November 16th?
Okay, here we go. A lot of people share blame for the undue... everything that happened on Nov 16th. Wilbur, Schlatt, Philza, Bad and Antfrost, Eret (from previous events); I could go on about all of them for a while. But if I had to narrow it down, it would absolutely be Dream and Technoblade. I firmly believe the point of no return was crossed when Techno fired at Tubbo. In that moment, the peace shattered. Wilbur heard it from the button room, and I bet in his mind it was the last piece of confirmation he needed to be convinced the old, peaceful, wonderful L'Manberg was dead and buried. In fact, it was in the moments before Techno shot that Dream dropped in that there in fact was a traitor! Maybe, just maybe, someone would've worked out where Wilbur was if Techno hadn't started monologing...
But on the level above Techno, supreme sh't himself, Dream. He egged Techno into attacking on Nov 16th while Tubbo was making his speech. He pushed Wilbur down his dark path from the shadows and provided him with the TNT. He supported Schlatt after obtaining the revive book, let him die in the camarvan, then laughed when L'Manberg exploded. He orchestrated everyone's downfalls. Right before he died, Wilbur said "Manberg didn't win, Pogtopia didn't win. I won." Really, I think the winner in this war was Dream.
💏 - Is TNTduo /r?
YES. OH MY GOD. Okay, romantic? Maybe not (as the aromantic in the room, I'm contractually obligated to say that), but! They absolutely did it during Manberg/Pogtopia. Sorry Wilbur Soot. I refuse to believe there was not an affair, in which two stressed out, tired idiots with too much sexual tension ran into each other in the wrong place at the right time and decided, "f'ck it." Enhances the Las Nevadas viewing experience immensely. That's just how it is when you both know something about each other no one else in the room does.
🥸 - Did Staged Finale negatively impact Punz/Tommy's character arc?
Okay, you should have not have enabled me to talk about the Staged Finale thing, because I have had this rant simmering since November. I don't think it really negatively affects Tommy's arc - Punz and him didn't interact much during S3. However! My second biggest issue with it is that it means Punz's character doesn't really make any sense in hindsight. And my biggest issue with it is that it really messes with the theme of the season being attachment.
Firstly, Punz. Before Staged Finale, I quite liked Punz. A mercenary whom Dream was far too trusting of, originally keeping tabs on the L'Manbergians (who remembers the S P Y tweet from the eve of Doomsday?) who either receives a bigger payout from Tommy, or takes pity on the kid, and leads the greater population of the SMP to Dream's evil lair just in time to save them. I personally like the latter interpretation: it later lined up even better when, after Punz was told Tommy was killed in the prison, he said "But I saved him..." despite being very under the Egg's influence. And his Egg involvement was cool!
And then Staged Finale happened, and he was just... on Dream's side the whole time? What, he got monumentally distracted by the Egg? Dream didn't seem to trust him to get him out in the first place, considering how he left the blueprints specifically in a place Techno would recognise. And the bit that really annoys me is that Tommy death line. There's no need for that line. Punz is in with the Eggpire, and Puffy's already p'ssed at them. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. Why say it if you genuinely didn't care about the kid? And then, when Dream gets out, they're all buddy buddy again. It doesn't line up to me.
(I am not going to talk at length about how little sense Staged Finale makes overall because I need to eat at some point tonight, but just know I think it makes no sense. Why the hell would you intentionally get yourself trapped in a maximum security prison. Why would you want the whole server to see you about to kill someone they generally like. None of it makes a lick of sense and I like to ignore it at every opportunity.)
And finally, my theme rant. Themes in media and literature mean a lot to me. The theme of S2 is Attachment, and it's the easiest one to determine. The whole season is laced with it: the pursuit of the discs, the compasses representing Tommy and Tubbo's attachment to the other, the Butcher Army threatening Carl, New L'Manberg and Ghostbur and Friend and Doomsday, and the goddam hall of attachments in the finale. Dream even tells Tommy he's important because he brought countries and caring for items and pets and attachment to the server. Attachment is the key.
Tommy's interactions with this theme are always that it's worth it, even when it hurts. He has to keep pursuing the discs. He fights for L'Manberg because it's what he has left of Wilbur. Even after Dream's 'I cut all my attachments and it made me stronger' speech, he responds simply "How do you not hurt?", unable to imagine an existence where he doesn't care deeply. And in the end, attachment saves him. When Punz tells people what he told them, they go because they care about these two kids enough to come to their aid.
And Dream? He cuts all his attachments off, refusing to care about items, cutting off Sapnap and George as early as the start of S2 so they can never be used against him. And then Sapnap comes to put himself between Dream and the Clingy Duo when it matters. Because he cut all his attachments (except to Tommy), he has no one left to defend him, and so is thrown in the prison to rot for a year and be tortured until Techno breaks him out to repay the favour. Staged Finale throws a massive spanner in that because it undermines the simple message of the S2 finale: attachment saved Tommy and Tubbo, and cutting his brought down Dream. If Dream has Punz, his status as the lone wolf who thought he could control the server by being above it all is undercut by the fact it's all a ploy. This is the part that annoys me most about it, because the theme and resolution previously worked so well.
At the end of the day, I mostly choose to forget Staged Finale happened, and I will probably continue to ignore it unless they make something cool out of this weird twist. And it's not hard to please me with this kind of stuff, so we'll see. I may be a convert yet.
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honeyblockm · 1 year
could i maybe get 10, 23 and maybe 18 with this part from i speak as one about to die bc it lives in my head rent free?
Karl’s god despises him. Sapnap is so dearly beloved of the gods and he doesn’t even know. Quackity pledges to no power higher than himself. 
          was it for this  was it for
Quackity was killed by a god. Sapnap was killed by a mortal. Karl will die last. Time will do him in.
aha i found the ask game this was about
10- Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
yeah poems haunt me all the time. so many ghosts in here. to me it means it sticks in my head and kind of bounces around in there. to name a few ummm. the ones that are more haunting (experiencing the horrors/pos when i think about them): split mouth by franny choi. the fourth hour of the night by frank bidart. the war of vaslav nijinsky ALSO by frank bidart. this one is not a poem but attack helicopter by isabel fall. this one short story from diagram magazine where there was a goat head stuck in a rock.
23- Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
oh well a lot of it is done on the car. it is very crowded and i am frequently carsick. my legs are squeezed into one tiny space bc the rest of it is taken up by my backpack. ideal writing conditions. idk i write wherever i have time and access to my phone or computer or a notebook. one page of bed [dis]assembly was written completely in the margins of an ap chemistry packet while i was in class actually.
18- Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
oh boy. karl's pov is so wacky in this fic bc he's in the present but also in the past and in the future all at once and also bc of this able to do, like, meta? as well? the epic highs and lows of being kassandra. sometimes he even gets to address the reader. in spite of them taking on roles and paralleling certain iliad characters, no one in the iliad au is meant to be, like, a 1:1 comparison. sapnap is hektor-like in his character but he's achilles when put next to quackity's patroclus-inspired death. etc. i know i wrote an extra part of the iliad au that i can't find bc it's in some other document but karl's backstory pre-war was that he was somewhat of your typical hero! goin on adventures doing cool things and mostly traveling around. doing things the Inbetween wanted until he decided he wanted to stay with Q and Sapnap and that pissed the Inbetween off a bit. sapnap being favored by the gods is something inspired by apollo's weird little gay thing with hektor and the rest of the trojans.
in my reading of the iliad and other myths, i think my interpretation of the gods (at the time this fic was written) was something along the lines of the gods of the homer cinematic universe as like, Law. they represent these big things. they're the kings of kings. the makeup of the universe. They represent the immutability of fate. Things That Have To Happen. a lot of which i feel like c!quackity fights against in his arc, so it felt fitting to have him recognize the existence of these deities and still, vainly, try to reject their hold on him. uh. that's kind of bleak. but he does die in this au because of divine meddlings so that's on him ig. (so anyways this doesn't mean i think q isn't religious in canon or other au's, just in the context of what gods mean in this one).
the blockquote in the middle of the passage is pulled from anne carson's translation of aeschylus' agamemnon. it's a kass quote:
kassandra: [scream] [scream] evil life evil luck evil I / am just this sound look the / cup of my pain is already poured / out why / did you bring me / here was / it for this / was it for this / was it for
kassandra suffered more than jesus. fr.
but yeah i liked that part bc i thought it was neat to put the fiance's respective religious alignments and fates side by side. something about quackity rejecting the authority of the gods but still unable to escape their will. sapnap bearing the favor of the heavens but ultimately war is a mortal conflict, something that strips away beliefs about heroism and honor and gods, so he dies anyways. karl experiencing the horrors of doomed by the narrative and also aware of the narrative. pog
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Mob Starters and Mad Monsters
by ABirdWithoutFeathers
Taking place a few months after Jaw Droppers and Job Stoppers. Please read or you will be very confused.
A story in which Dream is unwillingly thrust into the role of a superhero, something he tried to run away from kicking and screaming. Maybe it was a little his fault considering he gave himself the powers, via magic tattoo nonsense. At least there aren't more than a dozen people who want him dead. Probably.
Featuring: Elsa on her villain arc, Tommyinnit who desperately wants to arrest someone, literally anyone, Ranboo who is evil apparently, a bunch of rich assholes, and BadBoyHalo with a gun.
Words: 6937, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Death of the Author
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Minor Original Characters - Character, Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Clay | Dream & Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Dream SMP Ensemble are Superheroes, Alternate Universe - Tattoo Parlor, Alternate Universe - Tattoos, Magical Tattoos, ooo that's a tag?, Clay | Dream-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Tattoo Artist Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Vigilante TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), he kinda does whatever tf he wants, Hero Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), he also kinda does whatever he wants, Anarchist Syndicate on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Villain Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), discduo!, Angst, Humor, only half of this fic is serious, Sequel, Worse death note
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tinogiehd · 2 years
so glad that wouldn’t happen with dteam bc george controls the drinances. actually speaking of the devil’s sacrament maybe george could go down that road when he goes on his evil stepmother arc
that wouldn’t happen because george gets everything he wants ever and sapnap doesn’t pay rent. and Maybe so
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saintofanything · 2 years
a comprehensive essay on why the disc finale being staged is bad writing and makes no sense
"the disc war finale was staged” (all /rp)
Tumblr media
let’s go down the list and nitpick every single little detail i can think of why the finale being staged makes more plotholes than it solves and is clearly a retcon
first off: punz had already betrayed dream by fighting against him at doomsday
this was the biggest argument, but it’s true. punz fought on the side of l’manberg during doomsday, when previously he had been a well-established ally. it was a big deal that he was not part of the doomsday trio because from the other character’s POVs, it signaled that he had gone against dream
this is further hinted at by the fact punz knew what dream was planning in the finale but was also not involved - he was supposed to look like he had betrayed dream while dream secretly reached his real goals and punz could stay as an informant and spy to the SMP
narratively: punz betraying dream continues the over-arcing theme of how cutting off your attachments is reciprocal, and how dream set up his own failure by insisting attachments were a negative. punz literally says this verbatim in his stream the night before, saying that he and dream aren’t really friends and that he’s a mercenary, so he should go where the money is. 
as an aside - tommy paid punz off. how would dream plan for this to have happened? was it just a convenient bonus that punz had an excuse and that it didn’t matter, punz was always going to do this? then why wasnt he saying goodbye at the prime path when that would have been a show of him caring for tommy and tubbo? 
punz is the sole reason that clingyduo won in the finale
no one knew where they were or how to get to them 
the entire server felt like their death was inevitable and were helpless. we don’t see their POVs but they were saying goodbye at the prime path. we have no indication that anyone was planning on mounting a rescue without punz’s involvement
even though he had already betrayed dream, it’s odd he waited when if he’d really betrayed dream he’d have told them ASAP. when originally, it’s more than punz was struggling with his decision to agree to tommy’s payment and betray dream. 
again i cannot emphasize enough that punz is the ONLY reason tubbo is not dead and tommy kidnapped/in prison, without him there was no chance of anyone - even if they tried! - being able to find them
now let’s summarize what was happening before punz and the server showed up (aka why dream was winning):
tubbo was going to be killed by dream
tommy was going to be kidnapped and put in prison for crimes he’d been framed for 
the server, despite their goodbyes, were still unhappy with tommy for these crimes 
dream, who no one knew had committed those crimes or about exile, was still on neutral terms with many members of the server even though others hated him 
dream’s vault was completely unknown to anyone (potentially even punz) as well as his power of resurrection
dream had all 3 lives 
from dream’s perspective, no one on the server was willing to oppose dream at this point, tubbo and tommy were the last defiance with l’manberg destroyed and broken apart
so now, punz steps in. the server saves tommy and tubbo, and now all of dream’s plans are ruined and his secrets revealed. even his closest friends like sapnap have turned against him and see him as evil. tommy reveals the framing, the vault, and his plan to murder tubbo and put him in prison.
now almost the entire server is now against dream unanimously.
narratively: we now know dream’s motivations! it’s about control! we know he has cut himself off of attachments, and the cost of this is that he has no friends and no allies. he is worse for having done this! we get the big payoff!
that’s the narrative lesson - that tommy is not wrong for having attachments, and that dream is wrong for trying to use people’s attachments against them, that it doesn’t make them weak, but him cutting off his attachments DOES because he has no one who cares! hurting people has a price! 
now let’s put this into character perspective. the RISKS/LOSSES of dream’s “faking it” plan:
the entire server is against dream and knows of his plans to use their attachments against them - including punz! 
he has lost 2 lives and almost a 3rd - tommy was very close to permakilling him, the only reason he stopped was because of wilbur being revived. and with that, anyone else could have stepped in and killed him (like sapnap!)
tommy is free to heal (aka unlearn his manipulation!) and tubbo (the strongest support tommy has) is alive 
everyone knows about his ability to resurrect people, an ability others might kill or torture for 
even if he perma-dies, no one will revive him even if he tells them the spell because, again, he is only alive because of that and everyone hates him
he is trapped in a prison that he knows is inescapable only by outside help, and is objectively inhumane (both by his own design)
even if he does escape, the entire server will now be hunting him
he no longer has access to the discs that once gave him control over tommy as well as the rest of the server guarding their valuables 
he now owes techno a favor instead of the reverse meaning he not only had to cash in techno’s favor but OWES a favor, so double-loss 
this breakout has led to the new server members being educated about his atrocities to some degree, meaning people who were previously skeptical or even on his side like michael mcchill dislike him despite having never met him 
the REWARDS/WINS of dream “faking it” 
seriously, there is not a single “win” for him here, dude sat in prison for almost a year and got tortured and killed two people which was fun for him i guess but is in every single way shape and form worse off than he was before the finale 
punz is on his side 
like was all of the above?? worth it???????
“oh but his grand master plan is to make people think he’s changed and that tommy is insane” BUT THAT’S NOT HAPPENING?
a) sapnap, sam, quackity, tubbo, phil, jack, and hannah all hate him and have been outspoken that he is bad and has made no effort to change. sapnap actively tells dream this to his face when dream tries to ally with him.
b) those same people are all, to varying degrees, aware of how horrible dream is and how attached he is to tommy, and have actively said they will defend him/kill dream 
sapnap promised tommy he’d protect him if he escaped and told him to get behind him when dream did and is currently actively hunting dream
phil has sworn to kill him and is protecting tommy and promised he believes him when dream vanished (which, duh, the kid is bleeding and frantic, of course he believes him) and phil is friends with techno
quackity has offered tommy anything he needs to keep him safe
sam and jack have reached out to check on him and sam warned tommy that dream would be after him. both of them want dream dead. 
tubbo obviously knows how bad dream is do i even need to say it
hannah is aware of dream hurting tommy and has actively defended him when eryn tried to frame him and was telling boomer how bad dream is
and why would he need to do all this?! nobody knew it was him who blew up the community house! nobody knew his plans for their attachments! it would have been so easy for dream to start playing sad and pitiful after the finale and blaming tommy for everything and that now that tommy is in prison dream can finally move on and heal and they can all be happy family again! that was, before this retcon, almost certainly his plan! 
narratively: making the disc finale staged undoes dream’s motivations and character themes, makes him seem like a total moron who is torturing himself for literally no reason with an endgame that is literally unachievable because of his own actions that he himself set up to be revealed
it turns him from a power-hungry, god-complex villain strung up by his own puppet-mastery and defeated by the power of love and friendship and reaping the misery of his own designs and a story of an abused kid fighting back and winning against his abuser
to dream being an idiot who puts himself through hell for no gain and no reward and retconning his motivations while undoing the win of tommy and tubbo for, and i cannot stress this enough, no fucking reason
it sucks. it’s bad writing. all they had to do was have dream pay off punz and it would have made complete sense, in-character, and kept all of the impact that s2 had without retconning anything. i hate it. no one has given a single reason why it’s good writing, just that it’s a “twist” which yeah, it is, but it sucks. it’s shocking but it sucks in every single way. 
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rnelodyy · 3 years
c!Dream and the rules
(/dsmp /rp, all names refer to characters, not content creators)
I think one of the most striking parts of Exile is something that I rarely see talked about, and it’s Dream’s rules. Or rather, how his rules were made to be used as justification to hurt Tommy.
The thing about exile is that, outside of the initial rule of “Don’t go back to L’Manburg”, Dream never told Tommy the rules, yet constantly operated under the assumption that Tommy already knew them, and had accepted them. The rules also changed constantly, without Tommy ever being notified until he was already in trouble.
The second time Dream told Tommy to put his armor in the hole, he didn’t tell Tommy to do that right away. Instead, the conversation went like this (slightly edited to remove stammering and unrelated dialogue).
Dream: Do you have, uh… something you wanna put on the floor here? Tommy: Yes. (drops two pieces of red concrete as Dream digs a hole) Dre-eam! You’re evil. You’re evil. Dream: Anything else, Tommy? Tommy: Nope! Dream: Oh c’mon, I know there’s something else you wanna drop down here. Tommy: (panicking slightly) No, there… (messages BBH “take this and run”, throws him the disc BBH had gifted him earlier) Um… I don’t reckon there is! (pause) Dream: Okay, are you suuuure? Tommy: YES. Dream: Alright… How ‘bout your armor, Tommy? Tommy: Well, no, this is- I actually earned this myself. Dream: I know you did! Tommy: Leave me alone. Dream: Just drop it in the hole, Tommy. Tommy: Wh- no, NO, you can’t just come and demand things from me! I’ve been exiled, I’ve done your shit, what do you mean?! Dream: (sing-song) Tommy… Tommy: What? (Dream hits Tommy with his axe, taking over half his health) Tommy: (screams, drops his armor) OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY!
The only rule Tommy was aware of at this time was that he wasn’t allowed to go back to L’Manburg. Dream had taken his armor the night before, but there was no indication that he expected Tommy to do this constantly. Taking his armor upon initially arriving at Logstedshire made some kind of sense, allowing Tommy to keep it would run the risk of him trying to fight his way back into L’Manburg. Taking his new, very shitty armor (seriously it was an iron chestplate and a pair of golden leggings he got from a ruined portal chest) made no sense at all, so the fact that Tommy was confused and refused to cooperate at first isn’t unexpected in the slightest.
And the thing is… Dream was aware of this fact. Throughout the conversation, he never really sounded annoyed, and was actively teasing Tommy at times. This isn’t a good thing btw, it’s a sign that he was fully aware that Tommy didn’t know what he wanted from him, and that that would create a situation where Dream could “put him in his place” as it were.
If you’re a parent, and your kid does something that’s not allowed, without knowing it’s not allowed, you don’t start off with a beating. You sit them down, calmly explain the rules to them and explain why those rules are there, then send them on their way with the knowledge that they shouldn't do it again.
This interaction wasn’t an instance of Tommy acting out and Dream correcting him. This interaction was a trap. Dream set Tommy up to fail by not telling him the rules beforehand, and when Tommy offered even the slightest bit of resistance and asked why he needed to drop his armor, Dream jumped straight to beating him. It’s a powerplay, plain and simple.
This is demonstrated again with the destruction of Logstedshire. Dream got pissed that Tommy disobeyed him by having hidden chests with gear under his house, and retaliated by destroying everything Tommy had built, destroying every item he’d collected, killing his pet and only foodsource, barring him from the Nether, banning everyone except himself from visiting, and telling him to start over from scratch after a whole lecture about how Tommy betrayed him.
Again, I wanna point out some specific lines from this lecture that illustrate my point very well.
Dream: You were lying to me! You were lying to me. Tommy: No- Why was I lying?! Dream: What do you mean, why were you lying?! Tommy: I wasn’t hi- I wasn’t- Dream: You hid things in a chest knowing they were things I wouldn’t want you to have! And you hid it in a way that way I would never find it!
Except Tommy didn’t know that. The contents of the stash were all items that Tommy had obtained previously without any issue (diamonds, emeralds, iron, ender pearls, some pickaxes, and some purely sentimental items like flowers, a jukebox, and pictures of Tubbo and L’Manburg). In fact, the vast majority of them came from Tommy’s aboveground storage, which Dream had full access to, and had looked through before!
Dream also never said Tommy wasn’t allowed to hide stuff, and there was nothing to suggest he didn’t want Tommy to keep secrets from him.
There’s been a theory floating around for a while that Dream knew about Tommy’s item stash beforehand, since it was a very strange place to dig a hole (like, right in front of the house in the center of Logstedshire itself, instead of out in the plains where the TNT wouldn’t damage any structures), and Tommy had previously forgotten to cover up the entrance ladder. While Dream hadn’t looked inside the house, he would’ve definitely heard Tommy place the block back.
If this theory is correct, then this was yet another trap. Dream knew Tommy had a hidden room, and instead of just saying “hey, I don’t want you to have a hidden stash, go put this back and fill in the room” (which would’ve still been bullshit btw), he went COMPLETELY ballistic, destroyed EVERYTHING Tommy had, and while doing it, kept admonishing Tommy for betraying him, said shit like “I thought we were friends”, and even accused him of preparing to attack Dream. Again, a powerplay.
Hell, even the exile conflict itself is this! Tommy was exiled for griefing the king’s property while being a high-ranking official in L’Manburg. Except Fundy, the then-president’s son, CONSTANTLY griefed Eret’s shit after the L’Manburg war, ranging from ripping down one of their towers to “shrink” it, filling another tower with water, and multiple elaborate plots to steal the throne from under their nose. But apparently, between all of that shit and the exile-conflict, the rules were silently changed, meaning Dream could exile Tommy for breaking a couple blocks and placing some rude signs in George’s house. Even the punishment itself was changed without warning, as Tommy went from being exiled from L’Manburg to exiled from “everywhere that’s ever been touched.”
...I was originally gonna make a different point here. I may put it in the reblogs, because I still think it’s very interesting. But, in the middle of writing this essay I had to stop because it was late, then I spent the entire next day packing up because I’m in the middle of a move. It's now the next evening, I'm sat in my new room, on my camping bed, I opened this doc because I pretty much forgot what I typed, I reread it, and then I realized… This isn’t an isolated series of events. This is a pattern for Dream.
Before Tommy first joined the server, there were only three set rules: no stealing, no griefing, and no killing people. Except by that point, those rules weren’t enforced at all. In fact, Dream broke all three at once at one point, by killing George and burning his diamond armor because he didn’t feel it was fair that George got to run around in full diamond when everyone else still had iron.
Tommy joined the server, and broke the rules like everyone else. He stole shit, broke shit, killed George for funsies… and he got exiled for it. Seriously, they dumped him in an empty snowfield for breaking rules that nobody had enforced for weeks. So technically, the Exile-arc isn’t even the first time something like this has happened to him!
During the events that would eventually spark the Disc War, Sapnap stole a bunch of Tommy’s items (including the only Netherite chestplate on the server at the time), and told him he’d only give the stuff back if Tommy helped him with a conflict he had with Ponk. Long story short, Dream tried to intervene and was killed by Tommy and Sapnap, and Dream stole Tommy’s discs to force him to apologize. He then kept the discs, and the Disc War followed. Sapnap, despite being the aggressor and arguably forcing Tommy to participate in the conflict, was never punished.
This proves not only that the rules can change whenever Dream feels like it, but that they’re arbitrarily enforced. Dream refuses to punish his friends for the same crimes he endlessly fucks over Tommy for.
L’Manburg was created in part because of the fact that the rules were unevenly enforced. Tommy, Wilbur, and later Tubbo were repeatedly killed, stolen from, imprisoned, and even held hostage for very minor crimes, while the people killing, imprisoning, kidnapping and stealing from them were able to do so without impunity.
This was also the point where Dream just started making up new rules; there was no rule against having governments on the server, or making a separate area where Dream’s rules wouldn’t apply, so Dream banned governments, and used this new rule as an excuse to kill them, take their items, and tear their land to shreds.
And that’s another thing: the punishments for breaking Dream’s rules are INCREDIBLY harsh.
Kill him non-canonically one time? Your most prized possessions will now be dangled over your head and used to hurt you for the next few months.
Make a country with different laws that doesn’t infringe on anyone’s territory, has no desire to expand, is explicitly pacifistic and open to trade negotiations? You’ll be forced to fight a war you’re in no way equipped to fight, you’ll be betrayed and murdered and have your land destroyed in front of your very eyes until you literally have no choice but to surrender.
Mildly vandalize the king’s house, which nobody else has ever been punished for? You’ll be dragged into court, exiled from your home, and subjected to weeks of abuse until you believe that all of your friends hate you and you actively want to kill yourself.
Hide some stuff in a secret chest? Your only shelter will be exploded, your pet/only food source will be killed, all your items will be destroyed, you’ll be banned from the Nether, and none of your friends will be allowed to come see you.
This is all such disproportionate retribution it’s ridiculous. It’s like punishing someone for speeding by blowing up their car with a ballistic missile.
So to sum up: Dream’s rules are arbitrarily enforced, and he can just straight up make them up on the spot if he feels like it. Sometimes, he won’t tell you a rule exists until you’ve already broken it, and you’re treated as if you broke it out of malice instead of genuine ignorance. And if you do break a rule, and he decides you have to be punished, it will always be a punishment so harsh it doesn’t even ATTEMPT to fit the crime.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty fucking corrupt and tyrannical to me.
When people say Tommy deserved exile, or made Dream spiral into villainy, or abused Dream somehow (seriously I’ve seen this take multiple times and every time it makes my brain melt) by breaking the rules, I would invite them to take a step back and ask themselves, why did that rule exist? Did Tommy know it existed? Was it enforced for everyone other than him as well? Does the punishment fit the crime?
Dream has a bad habit of making up rules, or enforcing old ones that were never enforced before, to punish those who threaten his power. None of the Dream Team were ever punished for anything, despite committing the same crimes as the L’Manburgians. That is, until they founded Mexican L’Manburg (i.e. went against Dream’s rule), at which point they were attacked by Dream and George was dethroned for “not being neutral enough.”
Tommy should’ve faced consequences for what he did. But those consequences should’ve come naturally, and been carried out by the people he hurt. Like, if Dream hadn’t intervened, griefing George’s house would’ve resulted in George griefing Tommy back in revenge. In fact, he DID do that, by turning Tommy’s entire house into granite and putting the Jump In The Cadillac picture on his front lawn.
These are natural, proportionate consequences. Exile was none of that. The Disc War was none of that. Everything that happened to L’Manburg was none of that.
Dream’s rules and how he enforces them are inherently corrupt and tyrannical. To pretend it’s anything but is disingenuous at best.
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