#Saiki has moments of remembering
zip-zoom · 4 days
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most irrelevant saiki k character
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lili-harg · 3 months
Can you do a Megumi fic?? Where the duo (Yuji and nobara) trying to tease Megumi with reader's name! and it's just a heartwarming scene. Pls do it. Thank you! I love your writing.
hii, thank you for your request, I really liked it and sorry for the delay, I had a bit of a busy week and also infinite thanks for your words, I am very glad that you like my writing 🫶🏻💗
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Don’t say her name
• Fushiguro Megumi x Reader
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-Yuuji idiot you must be quiet!
-But I can't move Nobara!
The two young sorcerers were hiding behind a small bush ready to spy on their reserved black-haired friend.
But before continuing let's see how all this started.
Lately Nobara and Yuuji had noticed their partner a little distracted, out of his mind, something that was not at all common for Megumi. So one afternoon Nobara decides to tell the pink-haired man about her suspicions.
-"Yuuji, have you noticed that Fushiguro is more... I don't know, distracted." She says smiling, eager to comment on her suspicion
- "Umm now that I think about it, maybe I noticed he wasn't as irritated as normally" says the pink haired man in a carefree manner - "Why do you ask?"
Nobara gives a disappointed sigh, as she clearly didn't hear the answer she wanted to hear. -"Don't you realize Itadori!!!, it's very obvious, Fushiguro is in love" she says with a big suspicious smile
- "In love? Do you think?" he says doubtfully.
-"Well, of course, that's why he's so distracted and so happy, what else could it be. Men are so easy to decipher" Nobara says the last part between murmurs.
- "There's only one way to check it," says the pink-haired man, standing up much more excited than he was a few minutes before.
Nobara gives him a knowing smile and explains to Itadori her plan to find out.
And that's how we got to the current situation, after watching Megumi write on her phone with a small grimace (which could be taken as a smile) they decided that they would follow him to wherever their "date" was.
So after following him, and passing by one or another store, they arrive at the moment where Nobara verifies her theory.
While the young people were hiding in that small bush, the sorceress said to her friend.
-"I knew it!! He's heading to the flower shop, without a doubt Fushiguro is a romantic. She says proudly for successfully proving her theory.
-"In fact I don't think he's heading there" Itadori says in a whisper while pointing at his partner.
Clearly As Yuuji said, the young black-haired sorcerer had continued past the flower shop entering a bookstore? Nobara's face was shocked.
-"It's not possible, let's follow him more closely, I'm never wrong." The young sorceress says firmly, while she brushes off the leaves of her uniform and drags Itadori towards the bookstore where his friend had entered.
Then, in the most stealthy way they could find, they began to follow the black-haired man. They moved behind him, looking at everyone. the books he was looking at, without finding any answer.
-"Maybe he's looking for a book to give her instead of a rose" says Yuuji
-"That's a good point, it would also prove my theory, now we just have to figure out which book he chooses and for whom. is" says Nobara, very immersed in her role as a spy.
This is how they chase him to the Manga section where they see him take one after inspecting it with his phone, determined to buy it. Anxiously, the two sorcerers pick up the manga after Megumi walks away and can see that it was the new volume of a comedy manga called "The Disastrous Life of Kusuo Saiki".
-"Wait a moment..." Nobara says remembering something "This is the manga that Y/n said she wanted last week" now smiling she has the proof that was the last piece to confirm her theory "Are you thinking what I'm thinking Itadori" she says while looking at the pink haired boy who nods at him with a knowing look.
-"FUSHIGURO IS IN LOVE WITH Y/N" they say excitedly in unison, without noticing that they would attract the attention of a certain sorcerer who, upon recognizing those annoying screams, would know who the owners were.
A very upset Megumi, after paying for her purchase, drags her classmates out of the bookstore (where they had actually been kicked out for their behavior) and tells them with annoyance.
-"What the hell were they doing in there!!?"
-"Or don't act mysterious, we already discovered your secret" says the young sorceress with a big smile.
-"You can't keep it to yourself anymore Fushiguro, if you liked Y/n you would have to tell us, we are your friends" says Itadori
Megumi says when hearing Y/n's name in love in the same sentence, I can't hide the blush on her cheeks and ears.
-"What, what are they saying" he says annoyed while turning his face
-"Ohh come on we already know, no one loves that manga more than Y/n" says Nobara pointing to the small bag that Megumi was carrying.
When the black-haired man analyzes the situation, he manages to realize that they had been following him all this time, so he internally curses how intrusive his companions were and, exhausted, he sighs and confesses (in a very short way) the feelings he has for his recently named partner Y/n.
Nobara and Itadori high-five after having successfully proven their theory and decide to help their friend confess his feelings for Y/n, although he refused and insisted that he did not need help.
And that's how on a beautiful afternoon Megumi hands over the book, and she also hands over her chosen gift for the black-haired boy as they had planned a few days ago on the phone, but what Y/n didn't know is that inside the book there was a letter where the sorcerer confessed his feelings. And so it was that on that same Autumn afternoon the two young lovers shared their first kiss.
And from some distant bush two hands high-fived again for the success of their plan.
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Four
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Four: Safety Drills and Clairvoyants
Summary: (Y/N) and Saiki perform a safety drill, and Saiki has to make sure his friends don't get tricked by a fake psychic.
            “Listen up, everyone! There’ll be an evacuation drill today!” announced Hairo.
            “Evacuation drill, huh?”
            “Ha! I’ll be fine. I don’t need to rehearse,” said Nendou.
            “Yes, he does,” whispered (Y/N), leaning over to Saiki. “Yesterday, he walked into the first-year hall and thought it was ours.” They grinned cheekily.
            Saiki sighed. “Of course, he did.”
            “Nendou, you shouldn’t take the drill so lightly,” warned Hairo. “Take a fire, for example! You’re surrounded by hot flames. The smoke makes it hard to see. You have trouble breathing! Now, what’re you gonna do in such a hot and hostile environment?! Can you make a level-headed decision in that situation when you didn’t even bother to participate in the drill?! Preparedness always pays off!”
            “You’re as hot and suffocating as a fire,” said Saiki.
            “Fires are great for making s’mores on a summer night,” said (Y/N), thinking aloud.
            They wouldn’t survive a fire, either, would they? The psychic sighed. For all (Y/N)’s good sense, they lacked it at some critical moments. Yare yare. They’re all so troublesome.
            “Anyway, when the fire alarm goes off, follow the instructions and evacuate to the schoolyard,” said Hairo. He was acting much calmer than he had been a few seconds ago. “This is a mnemonic created by using the initials for the important considerations during an evacuation. ‘SOS.’ ”
            If I remember correctly, it stands for “Slow, Orderly, and Silent.”
            (Y/N) brightened. “I was right earlier! ‘S’mores On Summer nights.’ ”
            Saiki deadpanned even more than usual. That’s not even close.
            “Oh, I get it!” piped up Nendou. “ ‘Save Our Selves!’ ”
            “That can’t be right!” protested (Y/N).
            Do they remember what it actually means?
            “We should Save Others before Snacks!”
            Well, at least they have good intentions…
            “Well, I suppose, but…” said Hairo.
            “Then, it must be ‘Someone! Over here! Save me!’ ” said Nendou.
            “Do it yourself,” said Saiki.
            Kaidou laughed derisively (acting dramatic as usual). “You’re stupid as ever.”
            “What?! Do you know what it means?” questioned Nendou.
            “Hmph, of course, I do,” declared Kaidou confidently.
            “What? Is it ‘Save Others with Superpowers?’ ” laughed (Y/N), obviously joking.
            Nendou laughed. “Good one, pinky.”
            “No! It’s ‘Scorching Oblivion Smackdown!’ ” said Kaidou.
            Everyone was silent.
            “I was just kidding,” said Kaidou, backpedaling quickly. “It stands for ‘Slow, Orderly, and Silent.’ ”
            “Yes, that’s right,” said Hairo. “So everyone, please remember SOS when you are participating in the drill.”
            The PA system turned on. “A fire broke out in the science room on the first floor. Please evacuate.” The fire alarm began to ring.
            “The sound of fire alarms makes me panic,” said Teruhashi.
            “This is important. We should pay attention,” said Saiki.
            “Fire, you need to Stay calm. Open your bag and take out your safety hood, then Stand in line in order of your student number,” explained Hairo.
            (Y/N) walked over and picked their hood up. Since the buttons were directly under their chin, they fumbled with them. Sighing, Saiki walked over and buttoned it correctly. (Well, really he held his hands up and the buttons did themselves, but it was still Saiki making them do so. It counted).
            “Thanks, Saiki!” chirped (Y/N). Their heart fluttered at his help, and they smiled widely.
            “Yare yare. It’s just for helping at the sports festival,” said Saiki, looking away. He didn’t like being in debt to anyone, so helping with buttons would even out the food thing. That was all.
            “Oh, no,” said Teruhashi, frowning down at her hood. “I can’t figure out my buttons.” Saiki will see me in trouble and help! Then I’ll thank him, and he’ll say “Oh, wow!”
            Not happening.
            A swarm of boys jumped to Teruhashi’s side. “We’ll help you, Teruhashi!”
            “We shouldn’t wait around here! The fire could spread,” warned Hairo.
            “If you spend too much time helping me, you guys will…” Teruhashi gasped dramatically and softened her eyes thankfully.
            “She’s right! What is your guys’ plan?” asked Hairo.
            “Sacrifice Ourselves to Save her,” declared the boys.
            “I-I see,” said Hairo.
            Saying nary a word they’d Offer me their help. They’re my love Slaves. Teehee, thought Teruhashi.
            Class 3 lined up by the door and began exiting.
            “Okay! Let’s start evacuating,” ordered Hairo.
            “Oh, shoot, I left my phone in class,” said Tadashi. He began to turn around, but Hairo interceded.
            “Stop, Tadashi! You’re Out of line, Stay in place,” commanded the class rep.
            “He’s trying too hard.”
 ��          “Mhm,” hummed (Y/N), chewing on a snack.
            Saiki almost deadpanned more than usual. They had marshmallows with them. No wonder they kept thinking about s’mores. “I feel like I’m hearing SOS in almost everything now.”
            “That’s a Strange Occurrence, Saiki,” said (Y/N).
            “See? What did I tell you?”
            (Y/N) blinked before smiling. “Whoa, you’re So Observant, Saiki.”
            “Stop it, guys. Obviously a fire drill doesn’t have time for Stupid quarrels,” said Kaidou to Hairo and Tadashi.
            “Right! Great call, Kaidou!” said Hairo. “Let’s continue down the stairs! We’re almost there!” He stopped at the first floor. “What?!” The way was blocked. “Stop! The path leading Outside has been Shuttered?!”
            “Seriously? Come On. We’d be Screwed if this wasn’t a drill,” muttered the discontent students.
            “I wonder if the shutter was closed by mistake,” said Teruhashi.
            “I think it’s because this goes by the science room,” pointed out (Y/N), still munching marshmallows.
            Saiki nodded. How do they manage to be so observant and clueless at the same time?
            “Stay calm. Obviously, there’s gotta be a Solution,” said Hairo. “A solution?” He became serious and introspective. “I see…I now understand the point of this shutter!”
            “I think he finally figured it out, too,” said Saiki.
            “We’re being tested! This is an obstacle!” declared the redhead. “During a fire, Sometimes Obstacles Stance in our way! In other words, to move forward, we must break through this shutter!”
            “Isn’t it made to be tough to break?” asked (Y/N), tilting their head.
            Excepting Saiki, the boys weren’t listening. “Alright then! Let’s break that shuttle!” The grabbed a fire extinguisher and a desk to throw at the barrier.
            “In a real fire, they’d be the first to go,” said Saiki. He glanced over at (Y/N) and their marshmallows. “You might be next.”
            They were blissfully unaware of his comment and just held out a sweet treat to him. “Want one?”
            “…Yes.” Coffee jelly may be his favorite snack, but he liked other sweets, too. Alright, so maybe I’d save you since you bring me dessert.
            Finally, Hairo, Nendou, and Kaidou managed to open a corner of the shutter and let the students pass through. Mr. Matsuzaki was waiting on the other side.
            “So…You wrenched open the shutter and escaped through the front entrance,” observed the gym teacher. “I see…Who would break a shutter?! We just installed it! Are you Simpletons Out of your minds? Do you know what it costs to repair a Shutter?!”
            “We’re sorry!” apologized the boys.
            Geez…This is why I told them…Ah, I guess I didn’t tell them directly. Well, this school doesn’t need an evacuation drill to start with, though. Because…So long as I’m around, Ordeals such as fire Simply will not happen.
            Yare yare. Now I’m doing it.
            Throughout the town, the news of the House of Fortune Telling was spreading like wildfire. Apparently, a skilled clairvoyant worked there. People were loving what she said. Whether or not she was correct in her predictions was still unknown, but people kept on going to her, especially curious teenagers.
            “Hmph. How stupid. Fortune-telling is just an illusion created by a bunch of people who pretend to be prophets,” said Kaidou.
            “Wow, it’s pretty rare that you and I agree on something,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “I find it hard to believe someone who can actually see the future isn’t being sought out by governments.” They grinned. “But I’m going this afternoon, anyways. I’m curious about what she’ll say, even if it is totally made up. It’ll be fun.”
            “Well, forget that,” said Kaidou, “I have something more important to discuss with you two. Come with me after school today. Have you noticed? I sense a strange aura being given off in this town. I think Dark Reunion is behind it.”
            “Whatever floats your boat,” said (Y/N), “And I already have plans.”
            “That’s just an illusion you created,” said Saiki to Kaidou.
            Saddened, Kaidou walked away. Nendou popped up beside Saiki and (Y/N).
            “Pal, pinky! Have you heard? There’s a fortune-telling shop nearby,” said Nendou.
            “It’s ‘House of Fortune Telling.’ I’m tired of hearing about it already.”
            “Yeah, I know!” chirped (Y/N). “I’m going to check it out later today, ya know, for curiosity’s sake!”
            Looks like I’ll be making sure my friends bothers don’t make bad decisions today.
            If Saiki was being at all observant of his own actions, he’d notice that as soon as (Y/N) was involved, he was way more willing to wade into irritating situations to keep track of his friends. Acquaintances. (Friends).
            Saiki, invisible to all, sighed and followed (Y/N) inside the House of Fortune Telling. Kaidou was with them because they had spotted him “in disguise” in line. The inside was made to look like a stereotypical psychic’s shop with a crystal ball, shimmery drapes, lows lights, the whole nine yards.
            “Welcome to the House of Fortune. Please have a seat,” said the fortune teller.
            “O-Okay,” said Kaidou.
            “Alright,” said (Y/N).
            They both sat down.
            “I’m Mikiko Clairvoyance. Nice to meet you,” said the lady.
            (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion at her name. That feels way too on the nose. Like a stage name.
            “On what matter would you like advice today?” asked Mikiko.
            “Umm,” said Kaidou.
            I see. They seem half in doubt, too.
            “Oh, my…I sense a very unusual aura from you, young man!” said Mikiko.
            “What?!” gasped Kaidou.
            “You’re no ordinary person, are you,” asked Mikiko slyly. “Do you have special gifts?”
            (Y/N) watched the proceedings in amusement.
            “And you!” Mikiko turned to the teenager.
            “Me?” (Y/N) pointed to themself.
            “Yes! You’re quite important to someone with gifts, aren’t you?!” questioned the clairvoyant dramatically.
            (Y/N) shrugged and laughed. “Sorry, ma’am, you got the wrong person.” They brushed her off without a second thought. There weren’t many people they wanted to be important to, and having gifts didn’t go into it. Plus, the list wasn’t that long. Their friends, family, Saiki.
            But Saiki’s a friend, so there we go, thought (Y/N) decidedly, brushing the way their mind separated him from everyone else away.
            Wait…important to someone with gifts?! thought Kaidou. Does that mean…me?! A sudden blush overtook his cheeks as he looked at (Y/N).
            Oh, wow. Saiki frowned slightly. He was more annoyed than usual as he saw Kaidou, even though he was just confused, get all flustered because of (Y/N). It just felt so…troublesome
            “Ah…well, perhaps you’re just not aware of it!” covered Mikiko expertly. Not a good target. I should focus on the boy. She turned quickly to Kaidou. “You’re troubled by something! Am I wrong?!”
            “How did you know that?!” gasped Kaidou.
            People without troubles wouldn’t come to a place like this.
            “Let me tell you what it is…” Mikiko carefully gaged what her predictions should be by watching Kaidou’s reactions. “A problem with romance…is not what it is, so an issue with your future and schoolwork…isn’t what’s troubling you, either. So it’s something to do with your friends and relationships!” She nailed it on the third try. “Yes! Your source of trouble is one friends and relationships!”
            “H-How do you know that?!” stammered Kaidou.
            You make it too easy.
            “Most teenagers have that problem,” whispered (Y/N) to Kaidou, but he paid them no mind.
            “Yeah, you’re right. That is the source of my troubles,” said the blue-haired boy. “I’m an assassin known as the Jet-Black Wings who came from a parallel world.”
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped.
            What is he talking about? thought Mikiko.
            I ask myself that question every day.
            “But after I learned the truth about the organization…” rambled Kaidou.
            Mikiko nodded. “I understand.”
            “I’m used to fighting.” Kaidou clenched his fist. “But sometimes I think about my life…I live in solitude…I don’t have anything I can call frie—I mean, comrade.”
            “Aww, I’ll be your friend!” chirped (Y/N), leaning affectionately towards him.
            “A-Ah!” Kaidou squeaked and blushed.
            Saiki’s eyebrow twitched. (Y/N) was too nice for their own good, and Saiki didn’t need Kaidou having any misguided feelings for them. That would be complicated. That was the trouble. Obviously.
            In an attempt to keep his attention, Mikiko said, “But he needs someone to completely understand him! You need a new approach. You should try to understand others.”
            Oh, so she says some decent things, too. Maybe I misjudged her.
            “Also, this will help.” She opened a box which held necklace. “You’ll be fine if you wear this necklace.
            “What’s that?” asked (Y/N).
            “If you wear this, you’ll be able to make friends with one hundred people and with Kento Yamazaki!” explained Mikiko. “If you buy now, I’m willing to offer you the low price of thirty-thousand yen.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and their jaw dropped open.
            “Thirty-thousand yen?!” cried Kaidou. “I-I’ll buy it! But I want to know one thing first. Will this make me friends with Saiki?!”
            A soft smile spread across (Y/N)’s face. “Aww, Kaidou…”
            “If you wear it, that Saiki guy will follow you around saying, ‘Hey, pal,’ ” said Mikiko.
            (Y/N) blanked. “Huh?” There was no way that was happening. Plus, that was Nendou’s line.
            “I-I’ll buy it!” declared Kaidou. He paid without hesitation.
            “Well, well, good luck, now I must see other customers!” Mikiko rushed them out the door to the street. “Next person! Please come in.”
            Kaidou regarded the necklace happily as he walked down the street with (Y/N).
            “If nothing else, it’s…pretty,” said (Y/N). They weren’t sure it would work.
            Both teens turned around. Kaidou was excited to have his first friend while (Y/N) was just surprised that the necklace might actually do something. They were both let down because it was just Mikiko.
  ��         “I’m giving this back! I had no idea what you were saying was true!” she cried. She shoved Kaidou’s money back into his hands.
            “What? Then what about the necklace?” asked Kaidou.
            “You can have it! I bought it at a street stall for five-hundred yen!” she shouted as she ran.
            “What?!” cried Kaidou, realizing the necklace wasn’t magical.
            (Y/N) patted his back. “Sorry. At least you got your money back. And don’t worry, you’ve already got one friend. Me!” They beamed radiantly.
            The pair turned after hearing Nendou’s voice. He had just run into Saiki.
            “Oh, hey, pal! Oh, and you, too, runt, pinky?” asked Nendou.
            Kaidou’s eyes widened. Three of the people he was closest to were suddenly all around him. He gazed in wonder at the trinket in his hands. “So this necklace really is…”
            Saiki sighed.
            (Y/N) grinned. “No, no, Kaidou. Can’t you see? We’re already your friends!”
            Kaidou blushed. “A-Ah! R-Right!”
            Saiki was torn between being annoyed at Kaidou’s flustered state and enjoying how kind (Y/N) was. Those two annoy me, but you—he looked at (Y/N)—I can tolerate you.
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gurofushi · 11 months
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“i left love letters in your locker, don't forget to read them.”
꣑୧ saiki kuriko x fem! reader. (fluff)
warnings; none. <3
a/n; kusuo as a girl (kuriko) is actually so pretty oml i HAD to write something about her :<
(apologies for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language^^)
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recess was about to end soon. you and your usual circle of friends were sitting at a table somewhere near the entrance of the cafeteria.
they were being loud as usual, but you didn't mind, they were your best friends after all.
though for some reason, you couldn't seem to focus on whatever topic they were shouting on about to eachother.
instead, your mind was being occupied by a pink haired friend of yours, one that was sitting right across from you on the table.
saiki kuriko, she was one of your closest friends and long time crush.
she was quiet, reserved and liked to be alone most of the time, but you'd always find yourself spending time with her quite often.
even though she doesn't really say much, she has always had this silent charm to her that has never failed to draw all of your attention to her.
despite all of your feelings towards her, you knew that you could never confess, you were too scared to cause you knew you could possibly put your current friendship into jeopardy.
‘i'm completely happy with staying friends with her.. right? yeah, i totally am. she doesn't have to know anything, i don't wanna lose her.’
well, too bad for you. kuriko could only raise her eyebrows as she heard your thoughts.
unbeknownst to you, kuriko felt the exact same way. only difference is, she had already planned on confessing her feelings to you.
her plan was already underway as of right now.
so far, she successfully wrote three long and heartfelt letters expressing her admiration and love for you.
that was a lie. each letter only had ‘i like you.’ ‘you're very pretty.’ and ‘be my girlfriend.’ written on them. she tried her best.
she was able to teleport those letters into your locker, in exchange for some silly cat drawings you kept. (but don't worry, she made sure to remember to give them back to you.)
now, all she had to do was to tell you about the written confession she left so that you wouldn't miss them before you went home.
easy enough right?
wrong, seems like kuriko didn't think hard enough about that part.
there's no way she would actually *tell you* that she was confessing. that's absur–
the bell rung, signalling the students to go back to each of their classes.
each of you stood up from your seats and started to bid eachother goodbye before making your way out of the cafeteria.
“y/n, wait.”
kuriko held your wrist to prevent you from walking for a moment. you turned to look at her, and so did your other friends.
unfortunately, kuriko didn't notice that they did. her focus was completely on you.
“ah, yes?”
“i left love letters in your locker, don't forget to read them.”
she told you bluntly. you were stunned, unable to move as your mouth hung open.
after a moment of silence, you quickly regained your composure and nodded with slightly red cheeks.
“o-oh, i see. okay, kuriko. ill be sure to read them.”
kuriko only responded with a nod and slight smile before turning away and walking towards her next class.
she felt accomplished, all she had to do now was to wait for your response to her feelings, even though she already knew your answer, she wanted to hear it come out of your own mouth.
“woaah, y/n! didn't know our pal kuriko had the hots for ya! congratulations!”
she froze as her train of thought suddenly came to a halt.
others thoughts started to fill her brain as she slowly realized what she did.
she DID NOT just tell you that in front of all the others.. right?
‘im done for.’
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this was way too rushed than i intended it to be 😭 it's literally almost 1 in the morning and im just finishing this up.
i hope this was still readable anyway, i promise that ill be posting better stuff soon! xoxo
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sillylittlelemon · 3 months
hehe hi im the anon from the first saiki kusuo matchup and i would love it if i could hear your in-depth thoughts on how it would be like for me and saiki 😭 ilysm btw u made my day <3333
Nuh-uh Anon, YOU made MY day
So there. lmao
But yes ofc! This one will probably take me longer because i want to do it super good, but i promise i'lldo my best to finish it promptly! <333
Omg anon im so sorry this took so long i love you i swear
Saiki headcanons
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Like i said (or did i say? I think i said) Kusuo doesnt do bugs. You know this, i know this, everyone KNOWS this, so like- man up and get that spider the fuck away from him what the fuck are youdoing? Whyare you so slow? What do you mean youre scared?! Hurry up- OHMYGODITSMOVINGKEBCDZKCBSS
An actual conversation youve had. He didnt talk to you for roughly 29 hours after (he only relented when you showed him the fancy coffee jelly you got him)
We know he has an aversion to physical touch, but i feel like a while he sort of just does it on autopilot. Like- a hand on your lower back to redirect you in a crowd so you dont bump into that man thats about to run past, a hand slipping into yours when he can hear you starting to get overwhelmed by the crowd (or juzt Teruhashi bc that girl is a whole mess). Maybe an absent minded side hug when he gets distracted by something stupid his (totally not) friends are doing. Just fleeting, light touches for a while, then he slowly relents and lets you cuddle him. (Cue him stiff as a board as you hug him from behind as you guys lay and watch his show)
He never forgets ANYTHING. At all. Anniversaries, birthdays, firsts, nothing slips past him. His mind is a steel trap for dates. He remembers the exact SHADE of your favorite color as you point to it in a fleeting moment while you two walk. He remembers the way you smile as you pass your favorite flowers in a shop window, he just knows. And he acts all 'oh i dont care', he cares. That hobby you mentioned that you wanted to try in passing like 2 months ago? He has the basic supplies wrapped and in a box, ready for your birthday in a week.
I feel like jealousy can go either way with him- a) totally chill because he can literally read your mind and he KNOWS you arent interested in that dufus or b) completely irrational
So- lets say scenario a.
Some guy or girl is flirting with you (bc you a baddie no matter your preference) and he's watching, tempted to be amused as he watches them fumble at your outright bored look, stuttering over their words, face flushing and you just standing there like '🤨 spit it out? I have better things to do? Dont you see me clinging to my scrumptious boyfriend? Shoo fly, dont bother me.' And he can hear your inner complaints and he actually mearly cracks a smile at it, turning his face away to hide the subtle smirk
However- scenario b is a different story. Imagine this person is pushier, maybe they got a little.... handsy.
Oh no. No way in HELL is that sliding, okay? Youre clearly uncomfortable and youve told this guy/girl no more than once. My man is seething. Okay? Furious. Who do they think they are? Who gave them the right to lay a single one of their twisted, grimy, heathen fingers on you-. It literally takes the feel of your hand on his to realize he had shattered the phone in his hand. Said person is now scrambling to leave, a totel mess as they eye your downright terrifying twink looking boyfriend with enough hidden strength to shatter a phone. (After this was the forst time you... yknow)
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bajablastwrites · 2 years
You’re not broken.
Saiki x fem reader
TW: past sexual abuse
Authors Note: no one likes to talk about shit like this, so I’ll do it myself. This is a sore subject for me as well and I’ve rewritten and deleted it more than I’d like to admit. This is my final attempt and while I can’t convey everything I wanted into a coherent sentence, I got most of it out and I’m ok with that. Hopefully it’s not complete word vomit, I wrote this and didn’t completely check it because I don’t want to end up spiraling.
Everyone has secrets they like to keep and you’re no exception to this. Except Saiki knew about it because it’s always in the back of your mind, like an open tab on your computer. Except you can’t close it, you can’t stop it from lingering in the back of your mind.
He can see and hear your thoughts after all. He can hear you wonder what you’d be like if it never happened or what it would be like to have someone simply put their hand on your back— or any part of your body that wasn’t your arms or head and not have the touch burn or even tingle uncomfortably even after it’s long gone. Sometimes he can hear or see parts of that event replay in your head, or just see the area where it happened and nothing else.
Even when you know that you shouldn’t be ashamed of something that wasn’t your fault, you just can’t help it. You can’t help but feel like you’ve been broken, dirtied and tainted. You have to live with the consequences of someone’s actions for the rest of your life.
So when you miraculously got into a relationship with him, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. You don’t know why you accepted his confession in the first place.
You knew you had to tell Kusuo eventually, because what kind of girlfriend doesn’t show affection to her boyfriend. What kind of girlfriend doesn’t let her boyfriend touch or hold her. It’s not that you didn’t want him to touch you either, you wanted him to hold you and be able to his arm around your waist and do all that basic couple’s affection, but your body just won’t allow it.
Of course Kusuo knew about your entire dilemma— he can hear it after all. It didn’t bother him that you’re limited to certain types of affection (he kinda is too) at the moment, what did bother him was that you were trying to force yourself to be ok with him touching you.
When you did tell him about your past and why you are the way you are, he of course already knew but saying it out loud instead of thinking it just hits completely different. But he told you that he still loved you just the way you are— and he really means it. Because of how much weight your past carried he decided to hold off on telling you about his powers for about two or three days. But when he did, to say you felt awful was an understatement. Regardless this set a new level of trust between the two of you and strengthened your relationship.
Kusuo thinks that you’re pretty resistant, considering that your mind pretty much replays that event on a daily basis and the fact that you’re trying to get used to certain touches as well? You’re pretty durable, even if you don’t think so.
If you remember who did it, he’s hunting them down and if you don’t he’ll find a way (psychometry or maybe his brother as a last resort) to figure out who they are. Either way he’s finding them and making them pay with interest. He’ll try not to involve you too much, unless that’s what you want. Either way Kusuo will retaliate on your behalf, anything to make you feel even a little better.
He’s a little protective over you, more so that usual. It’s not that he thinks you can’t take care of yourself or anything, he just doesn’t want to see you in pain.
He’ll be with you as you start your journey to heal, and even though the mental and psychological wounds will never completely go away, it’s better than nothing. He still loves you regardless.
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crehador · 5 months
just had an extremely detailed dream where the third episode of bucchigiri?! aired early with a special op except it wasn't bucchigiri?! it was
for some reason cherry and joe sk8 were there AND jiro and saburo (???) my hpmi sons were there, along with some sort of baby
(if you aren't familiar with sk8 just sub in rijyu for cherry and joe, if you aren't familiar with hpmi i'm sorry i can't help you this is first and foremost a hpmi blog)
like in this dream at the end of ep2 i think matchablossom and jiro+sabu were working together on some sort of odd job for some reason, to find a child? (who may or may not be spyxfam anya, more on this shortly)
anyway ep2 ended with the four guys colliding in like a comically large dust cloud while the baby got away, and ep3 started with a unique op mostly focused on joe and cherry except they were like
bickering a ton (even more than usual) while running around chasing the baby (like a literal infant in a onesie) who they had some sort of beef with?? i can no longer remember whether the baby was in a pink onesie or had pink hair, but i think it had some sort of superpower that made it very difficult to catch, so it may have been anya or saiki or something
so dream!me (who is delightedly watching this episode of bucchigiri?! that isn't bucchigiri?! but aired early) is beyond delighted by this op because L M A O why are cherry and joe beefing with a baby!!! and with each other. in a way that seems... familiar...... yet not.........?
IT'S THEN THAT dream!me has this big gasp and realization moment where i was like HOLY SHIT IS THIS A BODY SWAP EPISODE?! and then it was! the op ended, and the episode proper started and revealed that joe and cherry were fighting more and in a way that didn't seem quite like them because they were JIRO AND SABURO they had all gotten swapped in the big dust cloud collision
woke up shortly after that, unfortunately. i may. just maybe. may be watching too much anime lol
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Glad it's open again! Prince rukia, can you do saiki kusuo's reaction to his son who traveled to the past by mistake? The child is 14 years old and has the same powers as his dad! Thank you, ur the best
Alright this is an interesting theme to go for
Not me forgetting you said "by mistake" and only realizing after writing the reason n how n all that
Towards the end are quite a lot of lil timeskips cause aaaaaaaahhh And I noticed myself drifting off to some negative feels a bit lol so uh there is a cute ending dw
Saiki K Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Kusuo Saiki x male! reader
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Small accidental visit
(Y/N) opened his eyes, scanning the area around him with a blurred eye sight. His back laying on the hard, wet concrete as raindrops rained down on him.
//What is going on now?//
He quickly realized his glasses were covered in water and that's why everything was blurry before his eyes. Weirdly enough, that was the only thing he could really complain about at that moment. There was neither pain or any other feeling of discomfort present.
Besides the feeling of wet concrete against his back and limbs anyway.
A strange thing considering he certainly did not teleport to that location.
(Y/N) couldn't recall any reason why he would lay there or the fact that it started raining. But it must've been going on for a while before he landed there, or else under him would be still dry.
He gave himself a slight slap on the inside, this information was getting him nowhere.
//Okay, let's step back a second and think. What was I doing before I-//, a glance past the rim of his glasses to his digital wristwatch made him widen his eyes in shock, making him sit up and frantically dry off his glasses.
//This can't be.//, (Y/N) simply stated, staring at the date on his watch, on the year specifically.
It read May 11th 2014, 4:22 pm.
Last time he checked, he wasn't even born during that time. So obviously, this didn't make much sense.
//This watch is supposed to automatically adjust itself to the current time and date of the timezone it's in once activated. This has to be broken.//, he frowned, doing what everyone would do in that situation. Slap the life out of the wristwatch in a poor and rather aggressive attempt on making it work again.
//It probably broke during whatever happened to me that made me wake up infront of grandma and grandpa's house.//, he concluded, looking ahead at the rather familiar house infront of him. Though, it seemed kind of different, (Y/N) didn't pay it any mind.
The rain picked up, covering the boy's glasses in thick raindrops yet again. //Agh, this stupid rain.//
Without even looking around first, he stood up and rose his hand in the air. The other arm was busy drying off his glasses as he blew away the rainclouds like it was nothing.
//This is starting to get more irritating than confusing. Well, at least no one's here to bother me.//
"Look! Cyborg Sider-man No.2! Did you see that!?"
//Oh oh.//, the (Y/HC)-haired flinched, not even daring to turn around, //Dad is going to kill me.//
"He just made the rain stop with his hand!", the little boy let out a loud gasp, "Is he your apprentice!? I want to be your apprentice too!"
"I don't even know that kid.", another voice sounded out, clearly annoyed with the kid he had to accompany to buy soda.
//Okay. That sounded suspiciously like my dad, but I'm just going to leave while I can-//, (Y/N) sneaked away, still not sparring the two behind him a single glance.
Really, he was too scared to check. He took another glance at his wristwatch and it still said 2014. Even after trying to reverse it, he could only see the minutes going backwards.
And in addition to that, the name "Cyborg Sider-man No.2" sounded way too familiar. (Y/N) remembered his dad talking about the time he had to babysit a little boy from time to time.
A boy who kept calling him that.
The dots were slowly connecting, but (Y/N) clearly didn't want to believe it and ended up blaming it on paranoia. Because time travel was also a topic at the dinner table. One he didn't remember having anything positive to it.
And hearing what his father went through when he traveled back into the past really killed all motivation to do that himself.
So denial it was.
//There is no mistaking it, that boy is a psychic too. He seemed to have used the exact same method I used to make it stop raining not too long ago.//, Kusuo monologued, frowning internally, //Why do I keep attracting these kinds of people?//
Ignoring Yuta's begging and rambling, as well as the fact he noticed the 14 year old sneak away, Kusuo walked towards his house.
//I'd like to say it was none of my business and I should just ignore him, but he was already way too close for comfort. I don't need another rando to ask me to be their teacher.//
A mental image of a purple haired student by the name of Reita and a green haired magician called Kouta made itself present in the pink-haired's mind. He really just wanted to be left alone.
Once Kusuo was finally back in his room, he stopped in his tracks.
//I couldn't hear his thoughts.//
Now, even though it was rare and rather unusual for him not to hear someone's thoughts, it didn't make it less concerning. The opposite in fact, as he was so used to knowing what everyone was thinking.
The teen sat on his bed, looking down to think, //And he's most definitely a psychic. I didn't see anything about his character, not even his face. There is no way I can tell if he's evil or not.//
The annoyance built up even more inside of him and he could very well tell how the volume of his inner voice increased.
//The fact he was so close to my home may have something to do with me. Did he see me use my powers without me noticing? Now I have to look into this.//
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was looking for a good spot to teleport away. He didn't want anyone else to see him use his powers, otherwise his dad will definitely scold him.
Doesn't matter if he really time traveled or not.
Soon, he found a rather tight alleyway, so tight that he had to walk sideways, //Perfect.//, he quickly slipped in, clicking his tongue with annoyence at how the walls dirtied his clothes.
Once the (Y/HC)-haired reached about the middle of the alleyway, he looked left and right to ensure noone's watching and then finally teleported away.
To his house to be exact.
//I should tell dad about-//, mouth agape, he stared to the spot his house was supposed to be. Only to find a small field with a rather big tree a bit further ahead.
//You gotta be kidding me.//
The view before (Y/N) gave him no other chance, but to believe he traveled to the past.
But he still went up to the tree several meters away from him, inspecting it for any signs of carvings he did with his father. And as feared, there were none to be found.
//Well shit.//, (Y/N) let himself slide to the ground with his back against the tree, //How am I supposed to go back?//
Crossing his arms infront of his chest, he began to think. And after a few minutes of doing just that, the only thing he could come up with is asking Kusuke, his uncle, for help. Problem with that was, however, that there was a chance of him changing the future through doing that.
Overall, the 14 year old couldn't think as clearly as he would like to. He wasn't able to stay as composed as his dad could be, that being the fault of his personality. His grandpa's genes must be showing just a tad bit.
//Damn it. What would dad do? Go to Kusuke, I'm sure, but I just can't...//
Meanwhile, Kusuo was also in thought.
The pink-haired crossed his eyes yet again, in search of any signs of that mysterios psychic. //Still nothing, where could he be?//, he blinked once to normalize his eyes and put a hand to his chin in thought, //There is a possibility that he teleported to an area too far away for my powers to reach, if he truly has the same or similar powers as me. That would make this far more annoying than it already is.//
Sighing internally, the teen laid down on his bed, //I will just have to stay on guard.//
Night approached.
And with (Y/N) having no place to stay or way to get back to the future, all he could do was collect some firewood, rocks and a lot of dirt.
He put the rocks in a circle in a space where no grass grew and poured a bit of dirt in the middle, enough to cover the ground. He poured more dirt around the rock circle and the rest at the side where he could easily reach it.
He didn't have to fear anything catching fire, but he didn't want any possible passerby to scold him. More so for the sake of keeping his powers a secret, since his dad made it more than clear how important it is to ensure no one ever found out about them.
Besides, (Y/N) tried not to rely on his powers so often. There was no fun with being able to do almost anything imaginable with a snap of his fingers.
Finally, the (Y/HC)-haired threw some wood in the circle and lit it on fire using his pyrokinesis.
//...//, the boy leaned against the tree behind him, an all too familiar sense of loneliness washing over him, //I hate this.//
The next morning, the 14 year old did nothing in particular. How could he? Pacing back and forth infront of the big tree and singing songs to himself, of which he keeps forgetting bits of the lyrics of, were pretty much the only things he could do.
There was hunger slowly building up inside of his stomach, but at the same time he felt like he couldn't even eat a single bite. Anxiousness was overtaking his mind.
//...I can't keep going like this though...Dad...//
"Oh, Ku! There's a young man here asking for you!", the pink-haired heard his mother call out for him. //What now?// He stood up from his position on the floor infront of his TV and gaming console, making his way down the stairs.
Kurumi smiled at him as she stepped out of the way. //That's-//, he stared at the boy right outside of his door, //That's the boy from yesterday! What does he want?//
"I'll be in the kitchen making you two some snacks. Have fun you two!"
And with that she walked away from the scene, to the kitchen, leaving the two of them in a rather thick layer of tension. "Hello.", the (Y/HC)-haired greeted, still not looking up to look Kusuo in the eyes.
//He didn't move his mouth while speaking...//, Kusuo pulled him inside with his powers and shut the door. (Y/N) let out a weird noise out of surprise, a look of panicked confusion on his face as he got dragged further, up into the pink-haired's room.
The boy, now sitting on the floor with Kusuo towering behind him, only heard the door close before Kusuo spoke up, "Who are you and what do you want?"
Hesitantly, (Y/N) looked the other in the eyes, "(Y/N) Saiki."
"Saiki? Are you a lost brother or something?", looking closer at the boy's face, he could see some resemblance of his bloodline. "Not exactly- I- You- I'm from the future and don't know how to get back, please help me-", the boy splurted out out of nervousness, being fixated by the older one's cold stare.
Also, there shouldn't be any beating around the bush in this matter, otherwise (Y/N) might as well never go back.
For just a moment, silence filled the room, the only noise being the shabby backgound music of the cheap game Kusuo had been playing.
"Good grief..."
It didn't take long for Kusuo to believe his supposed son from the future. Looking at all those things he had to deal with on a daily basis up until this day, it really was just another inconvenience in his life.
Now sitting at the dinner table with his parents and (Y/N), he already began to make plans in his head how to approach his older brother with this situation, hoping he'd help out without making it too much of an annoying experience. Because after sending the boy back, he also had to deal with fixing the timeline. He didn't believe (Y/N) being up for that important task.
Kuniharu paused for a second to smile at the 14 year old sitting across from him, "I'm positively surprised my son tutors a kid in his free time, but isn't it getting a bit late now? I can drive you home if you want." "Ah, well...", the (Y/HC)-haired glanced to the pink-haired next to him, a silent ask for help.
"Good grief...He wanted to ask if he could stay for tonight."
Back up in the 17 year old's room, (Y/N) watched as Kusuo laid down a futon on the empty space of the room. Despite the want to call out for him, (Y/N) remained silent, it might be for the better that way. It was just, his dad didn't do much with him for quite a while now and the boy started to miss him and all those fun times together.
//He's technically not my dad yet though.//, he told himself.
Once Kusuo finished with his task, he himself laid on his bed, "We'll go to Kusuke first thing in the morning, so go to sleep now."
The darkness of the room and Kusuo's words set the 14 year old's mood even further. He felt lonely. Still, nodding his head, he crawled onto the futon and tugged the blanket over his body up to his head.
There was no changing anything at that moment and no other way to go. He had to push his needs to the side for now to get back into the time he belonged to.
//Why does he look so sad?//, Kusuo's eyes fixated onto the blanket burrito. Discarding the question as soon as he asked it, he turned off the little lamp on his nightstand, burrying himself under his own blanket and trying to fall asleep.
The closer (Y/N) got to going back to the future, the more intense got the feeling of wanting to stay. Kusuo would have no choice, but to look out for him, right? Though, he didn't want to force himself onto him like that. But- He craved for that attention.
All hopes of Kusuke needing some time to get a device ready were crushed quickly when he announced of having one right there, ready to go.
"So he can go right away?", the pink-haired asked, a bit cautiously, waiting for a possible catch. Kusuke only nodded his head with a smile, turning his gaze to (Y/N), "Just make sure you visit me, little one."
A silent nod was all (Y/N) could provide as an answer.
Satisfied, Kusuke left the room to get the device started. It left the (Y/HC)-haired's heart racing and fingers twitching.
The both of them stood there, waiting, for a while. And Kusuo couldn't take it anymore, he had to ask, finally, "Do you not want to go?"
"...", the boy didn't really know how to reply to the other one's question at first, rubbing his fingers against each other in a subtle fidgeting manner as he thinks about it.
"I- It was nice to have dinner with someone again."
Before another word could be spoken, Kusuke returned, telling them that everything was ready. (Y/N) nodded yet again, quickly following the younger version of his uncle, leaving Kusuo standing there, speculating about his words.
Everything was over faster than (Y/N) and Kusuo thought, as if there was still something missing. But it would be too late anyways, the time machine was activated and the 14 year old was gone, back to where, or when, he came from.
It all left Kusuo with a bitter aftertaste, but there was no slacking off now. He got a timeline to fix.
When (Y/N) opened his eyes again, he was met by the sight of grass and a small, brownish-grey house, as wood scratched against his back, making him quickly realise where he was. He snapped his head to look up the tree branch, sure enough, there were many little carvings of letters and symbols scattered across the texturey surface.
A look at his wristwatch gave him the last confirmation he needed that he was indeed in the year he was supposed to be in.
//Guess I'm back now.//, he shifted his gaze back fowards, looking at his shoes as he moved his feet back and forth, //So back to everyday life.//
The boy decided to go back inside, maybe make himself a sandwich or two. Opening the door and kicking his shoes off his feet, he didn't expect to hear the TV in the kitchen. He certainly didn't forget to turn it off since he didn't turn it on in the first place.
He poked his head into the room, eyes widening when his gaze met the back of his dad, appearantly cutting some vegetables on a wooden cutting board. "Dad?", the boy accidentally called out, it just slipped out of his mouth like that.
It made the other flinch slightly.
Kusuo turned around, "(Y/N), I told you not to scare me when I'm holding sharp objects." "Ah- Sorry, dad, I didn't mean to.", the boy stepped into the kitchen with an apologetic smile, "What are you doing here?"
The pink-haired gave his son a sideglance before getting back to cutting, "I'm making dinner." "But you're usually away at this time." "I might have been before your little trip.", Kusuo paused what he was doing again to pat his son's head, "But now it will be different."
Slowly understanding what was going on, the 14 year old smiled brightly. Even Kusuo couldn't help a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Good grief...you seem to have a bit of energy left to help me make dinner."
"Yes, sir!"
"Oh, and look around before using your powers next time."
"Yes, sir-!"
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violynt-skies · 2 years
rewatching the reawakened series and i noticed a couple things in the episode where akechi comes over to saiki’s house
watching the little interaction between akechi and kurumi, akechi greets her and says that it’s been a long time and kurumi recognizes him enough to think she’s met him, even kusuo thinking that kurumi might’ve remembered him. at first she doesn’t but the then recalled him once the “boy who peed his pants” fact came out
all of this to say, akechi probably came over to saiki’s house for play dates at some point when they were kids and that’s adorable.
in addition to that, when akechi mentions that there’s more things that saiki and him could compete over after the horse racing bet, saiki has a small moment of panic, most likely because it reminded him of kusuke’s games which is so upsetting bc i love him, and with akechi’s brain it could probably be just as bad. But when akechi clarifies that they could be good friends again and compete in good fun saiki chills and even considers it.
which makes me want to think that if kusuke wasn’t obsessed with winning, he and kusuo could’ve had a much better relationship and the games could’ve been fun instead of what they are now, it’s rather disheartening that they never got that relationship. but at least kusuo’s opening up to other people
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Since you included the question, this counts as just a regular ask in my inbox, which is always open lol.
1) Favorite Toritsuka ship is Torisai. Toritsuka can't gaslight gatekeep girlboss Saiki no matter what ghost he gets his stinky hands on. Saiki has to completely consent to any tomfoolery that occurs, and that's important for a character whose primary trait is... uh... not being super concerned about consent. To put it lightly.
I do think they have a bizarre chemistry that would actually work, though I generally think Saiki would do best in a polyship where he has other partners. So I guess I'd specify that I most enjoy Torisai in a Psychickers Polycule scenario lol.
2) Least favorite Toritsuka ship is Toritsuka x Aiura. She doesn't deserve that!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would anyone do this to her??????
If you need to get Aiura out of the way for another Saiki ship, you can easily pair her off with Akechi (my bias), Teruhashi, Kuboyasu, or Yumehara tbh.
Personally I think Toritsuka should never get a girl, it would be karmic retribution for all his bullshit even if he grows into a better person and gets a happy ending after all.
3) Not a quote (tbh I can't remember any Toritsuka lines hsfjdlshfks) but my favorite moment with Toritsuka is when he's staring at the lady magician while pretending to be Nendo and Saiki asks him which he values more, untouchable (yet very viewable) boobs or Saiki having a slightly higher opinion of him. And Toritsuka immediately starts behaving again. There's just no heterosexual explanation for this that makes any sense lmfao.
Thanks for the ask!! 💜💜💜
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blowedtvhead · 2 years
Can a have a Kaidou drabble with prompts 7, 8, 20?
Shun Kaidou with Prompts 7: "I'll always be there to save you" || 8: "Would it be okay if I held your hand?" || 20: Going to a haunted house
Warnings: Warnings: just standard horror content, mentions of weapons, scary creatures, mentions of fake blood, and fake scenarios with death and/or peril.
Word Count: 1.1k
I hope you like it!!
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"Alright, guys, I know you are excited about the haunted house. I know I am, but we gotta remember to protect one another, okay?" Toritsuka announces to the other members of the Occult Club.
"Okay," Kaidou agrees with him as you and Yumehara beg to whatever power is out there to be paired with Kaidou. Makino seems excited to be there, and Saiki reluctantly decided to join you. You suspect Toritsuka bribed Saiki with coffee jelly.
"So, are we gonna draw straws like last time to be paired up?" Makino asks Toritsuka. Toritsuka looks to Saiki.
"What do you think, Mr. President Saiki?" Toritsuka asks Saiki.
"I don't care what you all do," Saiki replies, so Toritsuka turns back to the group.
"Seems like our president likes the idea of drawing straws," Toritsuka then brings out straws he seemed to already be carrying with him. He lays them out in his hand for everyone to take one. You again pray that you're paired up with Kaidou. Makino takes her first straw, and it's medium-sized. Toritsuka takes his, and it's the long straw. You take yours, and it's the short straw. So, the other three take their straws, making the groups Saiki with Toritsuka, Makino with Yumehara, and you're with Kaidou. The God of Luck was with you on this day. So, when you finally enter the haunted house with Kaidou, you can barely contain your excitement.
When you both enter, you first see a dusty old-style living room. There didn't seem to be anything to jump out of you at first. Just some guy waiting for you at the end of the room. Before you guys can continue, Kaidou turns to look at you.
"Hey, I think you should be behind you so I can...uh...protect, you know, in case you're scared," Kaidou says. You can't believe what you're hearing. You give him a small nod, and you both walk towards the man at the door.
"Welcome to Hell Manor! Enjoy your stay," the man says to you both in a high-pitched voice. He opens the door to reveal a long hallway. The cliched long hallway in any haunted house. You walk behind Kaidou, who is visibly shaking in front of you. You look all around, trying to ready yourself for any threat, while Kaidou looks to the end of the hallway. There are framed pictures all around on the walls. You both move slowly when suddenly the pictures slide down to reveal people wearing scary masks who scream at you both. You and Kaidou both let out high-pitched screams, and Kaidou grabs your arm and he books it out of the hallway. You guys are now in a new room, which looks like a kitchen. There's a lady in an old-time mom outfit, which is covered in blood.
"Are you both staying for dinner?" the lady asks in a scary voice. You and Kaidou go around her and notice that she stands in front of a table that is covered with rotten foods and human body parts. You begin to pass the fridge, but it suddenly opens to reveal a frostbitten zombie who reaches out to you and Kaidou. Kaidou pushes you out of the way, and you guys then book it out of the kitchen.
Before entering the next room, you and Kaidou stop to catch your breaths.
"Kaidou," you pant. "Would it be okay if I held your hand?" You can see his blush creep across his cheeks, and you are surprised that you're so bold at that moment.
"Uh, sure," he agrees, and he grabs your hand in his, and you both go into the next room.
The next room is a living room with two people who are basically zombies sitting and watching scary imagery. You guys walk around the zombies next to the tv, which has a doorway. When you get close to the television, a Samara-looking kid comes out of the tv, scaring you and Kaidou. Kaidou grabs you and drags you out and into the doorway. The doorway leads you both to a staircase. You and Kaidou look at one another before starting the trek up the stairs. Kaidou still holds your hand very tightly. You can even feel him sweating under his bandages. As you're walking the stairs, you both feel your ankles being grabbed at from below, so like before, Kaidou squeezes your hand and brings you up to the top of the stairs and away from the snatching hands.
"Are you okay?" Kaidou asks.
"Yeah, yeah, are you?" you ask him.
"Uh, yeah, I'm alright," he nervously replies.
You guys then go to the next room, and the next room is a kid's room with scary drawings scattered all around. As you're walking, someone lying in the pictures springs up and scares you both. It looks like a dead victorian styled girl. You pass her by, and then the closet doors next to the room exit suddenly open up, and a giant cloaked monster reaches out to you. You and Kaidou run out together, and the next room is a room that's full of dolls. On shelves, on chairs, and even on the floor. You guys both stop and look at all the dolls, and then suddenly, a doll gets up and scares you both. You both scream together and hug onto each other. Then, you both haul ass to the exit and see a staff member at a small opening.
"Is it over?" Kaidou asks the staff member.
"Yes, it is. You just have the slide left," the staff member points to the opening.
"Whew, that was a lot," you say to Kaidou.
"Yeah, no kidding," you finally realize how freaked out he truly was at that moment. You almost feel bad that you didn't try to help make him feel better. "I'll go down the slide first, okay?"
"Alright," you agree, and true to his word, he goes first. You wait a moment before you also go down the slide yourself.
You fall into a ball pit that is filled with red plastic balls. Kaidou's waiting right at the exit of the slide. He even catches your arm to help you stable yourself.
"Oh, thanks," you say to him.
"Don't mention it," he waves off.
"Honestly, thanks for everything today," you say. "You made sure I wasn't too scared, so thank you."
"Of course," he replies.
"You really saved me back there," you admit.
"Well, I'll always be there to save you," he tells you. You feel your temperature rise, and your heartbeat gets faster.
"Thank you, Kaidou," now you can't stop thanking him.
"Of course, Y/N," he repeats. "Uh, we should probably get back to the others before they start worrying about us."
"Oh, right, good idea," you agree. Kaidou helps you up and grabs your hand like he did before.
© yakshasslut 2023, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, use for ai, copy, translate, or repost my content on any platform. comments, reblogs, and likes are loved
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akirameta84 · 7 months
Just, behold all the Aren angst and eventual comfort, first after Saiki's revival, then after Akechi puts in the Rarefaction Cell! And yeah, expected the no mouth thing to be accidental. After all, Saiki was running on low power without any water, so the fact that he managed to make Aren as well as he did is quite the accomplishment on its own.
Also yeah Toritsuka is strong so he's allowed to literally rip the Rot Cysts out of Nendou's back. That was part of the logic regarding that thought. ...that and just, he's allowed to have a severe flash of anger when he realizes he has to delay bringing Saiki back to fix a mistake he made in creating Nendou. At least he managed to make it productive instead of detrimental.
Also Nendou thoughts! Like, Nendou was created with a purpose in mind. He knows how much hope his creator put into him when he was sent out. And even if he has problems with remembering when a Cycle is close to it's end, or realizing a threat is nearby until it's right there in his line of sight, he knows how to SURVIVE. He's always prepared to eat something until completely full, so that by the next Cycle he doesn't need to hunt as much to prepare for the Cycle after that one. He always has a spear in his back plates, ready to be grabbed and used, just in case. He stock piles Pearls in various Shelters, in case he encounters a Scavenger Toll. He may not be intelligent, but he was designed to SURVIVE and bring back Saiki. He was designed to have his back against the wall by a Vulture, and manage to get away, leaving a Vulture corpse behind him, wearing its mask. And considering the fact that he did his job, and continues to live afterwards? Well, that shows that Toritsuka made him correctly. Something that, at times, Toritsuka reminds himself of whenever the grief and misplaced guilt of what happened to Saiki threatens to drown him.
...meanwhile before all of that Aren gained a great amount of fear of Mera after, from a distance, he witnessed her completely and utterly BUTCHER a Scavenger Toll group, grabbing a corpse, and then dragging it along with her as she left. To the point that when she came down to them years later with clothes it took him so, many, Cycles to be able to not constantly keep an eye on her out of fear. Much less hibernate in the same shelter as her.
yesyesyesyes. its a miracle aren didnt get the rot himself tbh. and is still able to survive relatively normally, aside from the bizarre way he must eat, and his lack of ability to communicate in the slugcats verbal language.
its hard to believe nendou is as powerful and good at surviving as he is, especially to the slugcats that try and talk to him. they wouldnt have believed he was the one with the slag reset keys if kusuo had not confirmed that nendou was the first thing he saw upon revival. at least hes pretty sure it was nendou scug, as hes pretty distinctive.
also toritsuka does have a tiny moment where he cant believe he made a mistake in creating a purposed organism that was worse than the mistake a nearly dead iterator made to a purposed organism. but creating life is challenging, even for the iterators and their godly levels of intelligence.
i imagine aren was just on neutral terms with the scavengers before seeing mera do that. he sometimes gave them spears if they possessed items he wanted like grenades or lanterns, but didnt interact very much. but after mera's massacre of the toll (she didnt even eat any of them! she just took one and left to who knows where), he actually helped the few scavs that survived get back to their shelter, because it would be very bad if they decided all slugcats need to be killed. hes on decent terms with them after that.
the other scugs around kusuo were wary but willing to let mera into the chamber with a close eye on her, but aren flat out refused, telling everyone (even if kusuo had forgotten sign language in his collapse, aren still remembered, so he taught the other scugs the best he could so he could communicate) what he saw her do to the scavengers. she wasnt killing them for food. if she had, she would have maybe picked off one of them. she was killing for sport
but he lets her in with a wary gaze when she explains that her grudge has been left far in the past, and that it existed to begin with because scavengers murdered her parents and siblings in cold blood. she regrets her own actions, even, but whats done is done. her only goal now is to deliver these robes to the ruins of an iterator before her
ty for the ask i get so SO happy to see them, ilysm anon. reading them is amazing even if i dont have much to say (but luckily, this time, i did!)
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8 Shows to know you
Tagged by: @fortune-maiden thanks!
Tagging: @marsdiogenes @veraverorum @dangermousie @endrega23
Ah this is hard but I will try
1. Avatar the last Airbender.
I remember when nickelodeon would air the complete series on a weekend every now and again and that was how I originally watched it. Then it was on Netflix and I rewatched it again. And again and again. This is THE show to me.
2. Monk - in which a germophobe is a detective
This show aired the same year I was born so I'm kinda going to be biased. Rewatching some of the episodes in 2023 I didn't expect to find out that my brand of humor apparently originates from an early 2000s show but it certainly appears so!
3. Shadow Hunters
Did I drop this show after catching up with the books and being so frustrated at how they adapted things? Yes. Do I even care about the books anymore? Not really. BUT this show (or rather Malec) is what originally got me into shipping so I think I still need to mention it.
4. Stranger - A kdrama about a man without emotions suffering with chronic pain having to solve a murder and making friends along the way
Living my life I never saw a character that made me go "oh I feel represented by them! I can relate to them!" That was until the Male Lead of Stranger came along. Instead of the show being about his disability it's about a murder that needs to be solved. It's about him solving this murder and navigating through it with his disability. It's about friendship. This show probably has one of my favorite female leads. And even if I'm not much into crime dramas anymore this show is so so dear to me.
5. The disastrous life of Saiki K - in which the anime protagonist has all the powers in the world that he doesn't want. He just wants a peaceful afternoon is that so much to ask!
Not much to say about this show except this is also one that nailed my brand of humor.
6. Tom and Jerry
A special shout-out to it because as a child I was obsessed with it.
7. Mr. Queen - In which a womanizing star cook from modern times transmigrates and now he is the queen of joseon. Political court intrigue on the menu as well.
Everything about this show was almost tailer made for me. The humor that never fades even into the late episodes. The characters and their complexity. The romance between two people who started as enemies. The drama, the intrigue! Perfect! Amazing! Wonderf- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS THE ENDING
Mr Queen managed to give me the worst ending I have possibly ever seen and still managed to become my favorite kdrama. Because even if the last episode is a crime everything before that really is just too well done.
8. Love between fairy and devil - in which the most powerful man is the universe is forced to take care of a plant
My feelings with this show and Mr queen are pretty similar except that with Lbfad while maybe not the best paced at the end the ending didn't suck. The couple just has so much love and respect for each other. And the emotions ahhh. So many emotional moments!
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saturnzskyzz · 8 months
I have a question ✋
Do any of you guys seen or at least know the plot behind 'The Disasterous Life of Saiki K' ?
Tumblr media
(Main character in gif by the way)
Because the fandom on here is quite lively for the most part, but not so lively for the type of fanfics I write for..
If you don't already know, to my followers, that I write for mostly Kpop at the moment, but I'm also wanting to write for other's as well. Like animes, Tv shows and series, ect.!
Therefore, I have a fanfic, that is in the works, for an anime that I mentioned. And I've put in quite a lot of detail for it just so the dialogue matches with each character's way of talking, personality, all that!
So, if you don't know the anime, that's okay! I just wanted to let you, my followers, know that I also write for others than just Kpop. Who knows! You might like this anime??
It's a comedy anime, but it also has a good plot behind all of the mishaps that happen in each episode! Fair warning that it has typical teenage inappropriate comments and actions, but it doesn't show anything or make anyone do inappropriate stuff if you know what I mean 🥲🥲
If you like English dub than English sub then the first season would be good for you to watch, but unfortunately they cut off the English dub for season two and three. But I also think that the movie, or the comeback series(if I remember correctly) is in English dub, I'm not too sure though..
Again, it's a really good anime and I highly recommend it!! I just wanted to let you know that an up coming fic will be out that involves the characters in that anime!
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sadlynotthevoid · 9 months
Rating some things I've dreamed
Jason Todd and Saiki Kusuke are bfs.
I don't remember most of it besides Kusuo entering into Kusuke's apartment flying and finding Jason there. They proceeded to look at each other without moving until Kusuke came from other door and throwed a glowing yellow ball at Saiki.
Kusuo and Jason got along for some reason and I think that's nice.
Kusuke didn't like Bruce and he was so petty about it.
Has potential for a crack fic.
7/10. Could improve if I knew more about it.
A whole bnha AU where AFO successfully took over Japan's government and there's a resistence.
Pretty good, actually.
Izuku was part of the resistence since it's founding days when he was, like, ten years old. His mom let them reunite in their home until it was growing way too big and they had to get other place.
Dabi and Shoto both joined the resistance for separated and for different ways. They went a long time without knowing about the other until they met on a basement.
Mei was there doing her thing.
At some point, Hawks accidentally crashed a meeting and then just kept appearing and sleeping there. They kinda adopted him as a member or a pet and I don't remember which one was.
AFO had these big jail cities where no one was allowed to go away and it was quite scaring, actually.
There were also ruined cities that had been abandoned by the government but that AFO couldn't take over them.
It was strange and I think there was an octopus involved.
8/10. Post-apocalyptic dystopic society is not my jam, but it was interesting.
The one where Danny had a sword duel with a vampire (a real one, not Vlad) in a museum.
This is an old one, so most of it is blurry.
There was something about doors, mythical gates, and some guy named Janus. Who I think is a mythological god about who I read once.
At a moment Tucker threw off the curtains, but it didn't do anything? What kind of cheap vampire was it?
Sam knocked out a guy. Good for her. (I don't know who tho).
Btw, the duel was while he stayed in his human form. Which, cool, but Wes was not happy.
I think Tucker had sand control and Sam trained squirrels to attack him. Probably because he was being annoying.
6/10 I don't remember more than that, and the little I do sounds like crack.
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captain-natey · 2 years
a dream of you - rivetra short (canonverse)
{Word count: 630
{Summary: Petra thinks she's dreaming but in fact, she's not.
{Tags: fluff, pre-relationship, mutual pining, comedy
{author's notes: I'm inhaling copium. Inspired by that one episode of saiki k (・∀・○) no beta, I wrote it on the spot
Levi wondered how did he ended up like this.
With his heart beating way too fast, and his arm being tightly embraced by the ginger subordinate he adored a little bit too much for his comfort.
Petra snuggled her face into his arm with a wide smile. For her it was like a dream, and it was his fault.
"You're dreaming! It's a dream." it's what he told her when she caught him hiding a cake the he and the squad got for her in the kitchen at night. He almost never panicked, but for once, he couldn't bear the thought of ruining her birthday surprise for her. This world was shitty enough.
"I never had such a vivid dream before!" Petra beamed and raised her head. Their eyes met and he felt his heart flutter as she clearly was about to kiss him. Fuck, she probably thought he actually knew how to do that and his lie will be discovered.
Her face went red and she clasped her hands on her cheeks.
"AAH! I can't! Even in a dream." she lamented and jumped off the table they were sitting on. He watched the blushing mess she became, and couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.
Levi prepared himself mentally before joining her side. He put a hand on her lower back, bringing her attention back to him.
"Let's go to bed."
Petra watched him with her wide eyes and blushed again.
"My mind is so dirty!" she panicked, sure that it was all the doing of her brain.
Levi brought her hand to his lips and left a brief kiss on her knuckles.
"I just want to hold you."
Petra seemed to calm down a little and nodded, looking deep into his eyes.
On their way to her room and he prayed to Ymir that no one would see them. He tried his best to come up with a good way to get out of this but it was hard when she was this close, constantly holding his hand. He never noticed but even with their similar heights and figure, her hand was tiny compared to his.
There was a moment of hesitation on her side before she pulled him on the bed with her. It was meant for one person, but it was just right for the two of them. He watched her playing with his fingers, and for a moment he considered if he was the one dreaming. He supposed that's how it would look like. Her giggle made him look back at her face.
"I hope I will remember it in the morning." she said, looking deep into his eyes. "I don't think I will ever see the real captain with such a soft look. He's always so tense."
Her smile has decreased but was still there. She put her hand on his cheek, gently stroking it.
"He has so much on his mind. The responsibility they put on him...how can one person carry this much?"
Levi watched her in silence, not moving an inch. Even though she thought it was a dream, making moves without her knowing it was real felt dirty. He couldn't do that to her. Not to Petra.
"Good thing he has you." he replied and Petra smiled, content with the answer before yawning.
"Weird...I'm sleepy even in a dream." she murmured and came closer to snuggle into his chest. "Maybe that's what I really want. Hearing your heart and knowing you're safe."
Soon he realized it was the last thing she told him. She fell asleep.
Slowly, he sneaked out of her bed and fixed the sheets so she wouldn't get cold.
Both of them couldn't hold the eye contact for more than a brief second the next morning.
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