#Richie (after being beat up): you should see the other guy - he was really hot
daiwild · 5 months
can i request michie...... i need to put them in a microwave im frothing by the mouth
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Come eat lobster with a monster
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jupiters-galaxy · 8 months
I've seen some people criticize how quickly Peter and Steph fell for each other (to the point of being the thing they treasure most), and while I do understand some of the criticism, I think there are a few key things that some people aren't picking up on.
-Treasuring each other IS NOT strictly romantic. While it's true that Peter is in love with Steph, and Steph with Peter, it goes deeper than their repressed love story. They ARE friends. They do genuinely like spending time together, although their connection is relatively new. They care about each other as people first; neither of them seem like they NEED to be in a relationship with the other. They seek each other out even when they're just friends.
-It's also important to remember that the lords in black only want treasured things in the metaphorical sense: they can't give up OBJECTS. It presumably has to be a person or a concept.
-It's important to remember that both of them have been through an unbelieveable ordeal. Peter's closest friends were murdered. Stephanie lost her DAD, and although they weren't close, that can't have been easy to stomach. I cannot stress this enough; Peter and Steph quite literally have no one else left. Peter has no other friends. It logically tracks for him to be attached to Stephanie, as she is someone who experienced the same traumas as him. From Stephanie's angle, she doesn't really like her friends, and since objects are out of the question, Peter is the only person who she feels truly knows her. He's really the only option for her, even if her feelings are confusing.
-I also want to point out that you can really kind of feel them falling for each other, although it is admittedly subtext. Peter is weak to Steph as early as the opening number. He does out of character things to make her happy; a compliment from her makes his day amazing; he faces his biggest fear in hopes of seeing her at Pasqualli's. Stephanie cares for him from the first day they meet, although her care is a lot more ambiguous. She teases him about how he's into her, but at the same time, she's protective of him, feeling horrible that he got beat up and wanting to stop it. Even beyond that, she's inclusive towards him, inviting him to hang out with her simply because she likes his company. Her attraction to him makes sense: we know that Steph has a thing for funny and smart guys, and Peter's geeky snarkiness ABSOLUTELY fits. Their relationship is one that just makes a lot of sense!
-Their relationship is actually portrayed really realistically near the end. They're not intense about their love, nor are they overtly sexual. In NPMD, they don't even kiss! The furthest they go is dancing close together and having conversations, cautiously stepping into a new relationship that they mutually want. Despite the heavy nature of their confessions in As Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise), the payoff is not drastic. The confessions were likely only so heavy because they both thought Peter was about to die. Of course he would go out detailing how he loves her, and of course she would say it back; their last memories together should be good ones. When faced with normalcy, they progress as most teens would.
-At the end of the day, they're two traumatized teenagers who already liked each other before the trauma. It makes sense that they feel like the other is the most important to them; after all, Grace is the only other survivor from their group, and they're thinking about her in a less than favorable way past Richie's death, if not sooner than that.
This is not to say they're perfect, but I think their portrayal was really sweet and a joy to watch. I think the implications are extremely interesting idk!! I love Peter and Steph, I think they're more nuanced than they're getting credit for. I love to see cringefail nerds getting badass and amazing girlfriends, let me have this!!!!!
Anyways yeah that's my hot take. One of many. NPMD is consuming me someone help
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80srichie · 3 years
just a bet, part 9
30 days remaining
Richie woke up to his phone ringing with a start. It was Eddie calling him. He missed the answer button a few times since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Hello?”
“Richie! Good morning.” Eddie was talking cheerfully.
“What time is it?” Richie asked, rolling over on his bed to grab his glasses off his nightstand.
“11 A.M.” Eddie replied, then paused. “Did I wake you?”
Richie snickered a little. “Yes.”
“Well, good, you should be up anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? My mom is visiting her sister.”
Richie paused for a moment, stretching out his arms and legs. “Well, toots, I’d be delighted.”
Eddie laughed a little. “Okay, well, get over here after you shower and all that. Please brush your teeth, Rich.”
Richie pouted, even though Eddie couldn’t see him. “Are you implying my breath stinks?”
Eddie laughed again. “Yes. See you soon.”
Richie heard the telltale beeps of an ended call and he put his phone down. He stretched again, finally standing up out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Richie more than thoroughly washed his body, purely for the sake of Eddie, and brushed his teeth afterward. He threw on a shirt and some pants, not bothering to make his hair look presentable. He was out the door within the hour Eddie called him.
When Richie arrived, Eddie had already opened the door and was ushering him inside. Eddie seemed very upbeat and excited. “What’s going on with you, huh? Excited to see me or something?” Richie teased.
Eddie smiled. “You could say that. I was making lunch and I got a perfect idea and you get to taste test it!”
Richie raised his eyebrows. “Oh, really? You can’t taste it yourself?”
Eddie frowned a little. “I can! I just want another opinion, asshole.”
Richie smiled, nudging him with his shoulder and bringing him close to him. “I will try anything you make for me, Eds.” He paused, “even your.. bodily fluids…”
Eddie shoved Richie off of him. “You are disgusting and I hate you. I thought you were being sweet.”
Richie scoffed, feigning hurt. “I was Eddie Spaghetti. That was endearing.”
Eddie made a face. “Your definition of endearing is very wrong.” He turned back to the stove, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring something in a metal pot. “Anyway, come here. I want you to try this.”
Richie leaned over Eddie to peer into the pot, a red sauce lightly simmering. Richie took the wooden spoon from him and sipped a little sauce off the utensil. It was a sweet and spicy tomato sauce. “That’s good, Eds! What is it for?”
Eddie smiled and took the lid and placed it back on the pot, turning the heat on the stovetop down. “Ironically, spaghetti. Unless you’d rather have a rotini or penne pasta, that’s an option too. I didn’t know what pasta shape you liked but thinking about it now, it probably would be something like a bowtie.”
Richie chuckled. “I appreciate the consideration you took into my pasta shape preference, but honestly, I’ll eat anything.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I know that Richie, you eat everything. I just want you to actually like it.” He put another pot on the stove with water in it, turning on the other stovetop to boil the water.
Richie smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He paused for a few moments, before continuing. “Of food poisoning, of course.”
Eddie groaned as he put the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter to await the other pot to boil. “You can’t just compliment me normally, can you?” He turned, staring at Richie with a small grin on his lips. “You’re the worst.”
Richie smiled widely, reaching forward and pulling Eddie towards him by his hips. Their height difference was clearer this way and it was Richie’s favorite. Being able to look down on Eddie and see his innocent brown eyes stare back up at him - it was heavenly. “Eddie…” He started, wetting his strangely dry lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip to cry and contain the smile that yeared to appear. “Depends, did you brush your teeth as I asked?”
Richie chuckled, already leaning down to meet Eddie halfway, mumbling out a yes that was muffled by their lips connecting. They fit together seamlessly. Both of them had wordlessly learned each other’s favorite ways to kiss and it never ceased to amaze Richie just how easily their lips fit together. Their first kiss was messy and off-kilter, but every one after that continued to get better and better.
Eddie pulled back after a moment, staring up into Richie’s eyes before taking his hand and sliding it up the back of his neck. Eddie’s hand tangled into Richie’s unruly curls and gently tugged, pulling him back down for a deeper kiss. Eddie had gotten increasingly more forward as time went on and as they both got more comfortable with each other. Richie loved it.
The two of them spent a good few minutes kissing before Eddie, lips a bit swollen, pulled back and detached himself from Richie. “I have to put the pasta in the water.”
Richie made a noise of dissatisfaction but let him go, watching as he dumped the entire box of noodles into the now boiling water. The meal itself was done not soon after, two bowls of perfectly sauced and portioned spaghetti sitting in front of the both of them. They ate in comfortable silence before Richie spoke up. “Hey, Eds, I have a game tomorrow. You’re coming, right?”
Eddie smiled softly, wiping off his mouth with his napkin and setting his fork in his empty bowl. “If you’d like me to.”
Richie nodded. “Of course, I love seeing you in the stands. I always play better knowing a hot guy is watching me.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes and stood, picking up his bowl and taking Richie’s as well.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” Richie protested.
Eddie laughed a bit. “I know, dickhead. I’ll put the leftovers in a container but my Mom will be home soon, so…” He trailed off, letting Richie fill in the rest on his own. He watched as Eddie put the extra spaghetti in a Tupperware and closed the lid, handing it back when he was done.
Richie took it from him with a smile. “You’re practically my perfect housewife. House… husband?”
Eddie blinked at him, intentionally not playing into his joke. “Uh-huh... Okay, bye, Rich.” He ushered him to the front door and left him outside with a peck to his lips. Once Richie got home, he checked his phone for the first time since that morning and noticed he had multiple texts from Stan, as well as a missed call. He pushed Stan’s number and held it up to his ear. It only rang a few times before Stan picked up with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Richie shrugged, laying down on his back on his bed. “I was with Eddie. Why? What’s going on?”
Stan paused for a few seconds. “I wanted to talk about Eddie, actually.”
Richie sat up, looking at the ground in confusion. “Why?” He could hear Stan talking to someone in the background, as well as some shuffling before Stan spoke again.
“I think this has gone too far. The bet.”
Richie scoffed. “I did try to say that like, a month ago, Stan. Why are you bringing it up now?”
Stan sighed again. “You’re going to hurt him if you continue with this and you know it. It’s not fair to him, or you, for that matter.”
Richie took a moment to process what Stan was saying. “Stan, I don’t know if I haven’t made it clear enough, but I like him for real. Like, seriously, genuinely have feelings for him.” The line was uncomfortably silent. “Stan?”
“Okay. How are you going to tell him why you went after him in the first place?”
Richie frowned. “I don’t fuckin’ know! Unless you have an idea, I have no intention of telling him until it’s on my deathbed.”
Stan exhaled dejectedly. “You have to at some point.” He pointed out.
“I know,” Richie groaned. “I know and I will, so, just let me deal with it. Why did you call me anyway?”
Stan clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “No reason, I suppose. Is he going to be at the game tomorrow?”
“Okay,” Stan said and took a few beats before continuing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Without another word, Stan hung up the phone, the line going to dead static on Richie’s end. He pulled the phone back from his ear and stared at the screen, frowning.
The night of Richie’s soccer game was uncharacteristically chilly, most patrons wearing hoodies or light jackets to cover themselves from the cold. It was nearing the end of Fall and the Fall soccer season, so Eddie came prepared. He stood among the rest of the audience in the stands, his hands balled up inside the sleeves of his hoodie and tucked into the front pocket to keep warm. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, watching the soccer game in front of him. Since he had started dating Richie, the rules of soccer started to make more sense. He could easily name the different positions and even knew some of the penalties and why they were called. Half-time had just been called when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Eddie turned, a bit startled. “Oh, sorry, hi, Bill. You scared me.”
Bill offered him a friendly smile. “H-Hey, Eddie, can we talk real quick?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to a grassy area beside the bleachers that was mostly empty, apart from a man and his dog.
Eddie glanced back at the game and nodded. “Yeah, sure, I just wanna get back before the game starts back up.”
Bill nodded in agreement, leading Eddie down to the area he had pointed to, the man and his dog moved on from the area, leaving the two of them alone. “So, um, what’s up?” Eddie asked, bouncing on his feet to keep himself warm.
Bill wrung his hands together anxiously and Eddie waited patiently with a confused smile on his face. “You okay?” He eventually asked.
Bill nodded. “Yeah, I juh-just don’t know how to p-phrase it.” He let out a long sigh before talking again. “I… I like you, E-Eddie.”
Eddie’s friendly smile dropped from his face, hating the way his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Um…”
Bill continued before Eddie had the chance to talk. “I h-have for a good wh-while, too.”
Eddie managed to crack an uneasy grin. “Uh, Bill…” He laughed awkwardly. “You... Why are you telling me this?”
Bill frowned. “Because I wa-wanted you to know, a-and I think y-you deserve better than Richie.”
It was Eddie’s turn to frown now. “I don’t think you have a say in that.” He mumbled, taking a step back towards the stands. “If that’s all, I’m going to-”
“Wait!” Bill reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm.
Eddie gently pulled back from his touch. “Sorry, Bill, I have to get back to wa-”
Bill grimaced. “No! There’s something you need to know.” When Eddie made no move to leave, Bill sighed and spoke. “Richie never liked you.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, Bill, seriously? We have been together for a good few weeks, I would know if-”
“He’s dating you because of a bet, Eddie!” Bill exploded. “It was Beverly’s idea and Stan knows about it too - He hasn’t told you yet because you guys haven’t slept together and that was part of the deal.”
Eddie’s movements faltered, his body growing colder as Bill spoke. “What?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, you’re making that up. He told me the bet Beverly was talking about had to-”
“-do with Stan. He lied. She was talking about you, Eddie, she always was. Richie’s been lying.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath, turning his back to Bill and facing the field. He could see Richie jogging towards them and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “No… You have to be lying.”
Richie approached them, smiling at Eddie. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the look on his face. “Eds? Bill? What’s going on?”
Eddie felt his tears prick with tears. “Tell me he’s lying, Richie. Tell me right now.”
Richie was alarmed. “Lying about what?” He turned to Bill. “What did you tell him?” He demanded.
Bill stood his ground. “The truth.”
Eddie was staring at Richie, his eyes burning from oncoming tears. “Did you date me… Are you dating me, for a fucking bet, Richie? You told me Beverly was talking about you and Stan.”
Richie’s face fell, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. “Eds-”
“Tell me!” Eddie cried, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Richie’s jersey and shaking him a bit. “Tell me right now.”
Richie could feel his entire life fading in front of him. “You have to let me explain.”
Eddie abruptly dropped his hold on Richie’s jersey and took a step back, tears finally finding their way out of Eddie’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks. “You promised me, Richie.”
Richie tried to close the gap between them, but Eddie pushed him away. “Don’t!”
Richie couldn’t breathe, his world was spinning anxiously around him. He felt like he could get sick right here. “Eddie, please, let me explain. It will make sense, I promise, none of this was fake!”
Eddie scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe away the tears pilling under his eyelashes. “You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I trusted you, you stupid fucking asshole.” Eddie’s voice was laced with malice and regret; It made Richie’s heart hurt more. Bill made a move towards Eddie, and he backed up from him as well. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you, either.” He threatened, sniffing and glaring at Richie. “If it wasn’t clear, do not ever fucking call me, text me, speak to me again.” With that, Eddie was gone, disappearing around the backside of the bleachers and into the poorly lit school parking lot.
Richie stood there, shocked and heartbroken, before turning to Bill. “What the fuck did you do?” He asked angrily, moving towards him.
“I-I told him the truth!” Bill said, backing up a bit. “He d-deserves better than you, R-Richie, and you know it!”
Richie pushed Bill harshly by his shoulders. It all clicked. “Oh, and you’re much better?” He pushed him again, Bill falling into the wired fence behind him. “You are a selfish fucking prick, Denbrough, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows.”
Bill stood there, leaning against the fence. “Everyone already thinks you are, Richie.” He said, pushing past him to leave, heading the same way Eddie had gone.
Richie stood alone in the grassy area, attempting to calm his rapid thoughts of anger. Bill told Eddie and Eddie believed him and now he was gone. Richie knew he needed to tell Eddie himself but he couldn’t find any time that would have gone better.
Someone approached Richie from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Richie?” It was Stan.
Richie pulled away from his touch. “It was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Stan blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Bill telling Eddie! It was you, wasn’t it? You put the thought in Bill’s head so he would end this stupid bet!”
Stan frowned. “Bill did what? Eddie knows?”
“Yes!” Richie cried. “Eddie fucking knows! Do you see him here, Stan, huh?”
Stan grimaced at Richie’s yelling. “I didn’t tell Bill to do anything. He had a crush on Eddie-”
“Isn’t that fucking sweet,” Richie mumbled, moving past Stan to chase after Eddie. He was going to make things right, he was going to explain himself.
“What about the game?” Stan asked and Richie nearly exploded.
“I don’t give a fuck about anything but Eddie right now, Stan! Isn’t that obvious?”
Stan nodded his head. “Just tell the truth. Tell him how you’ve always felt, Richie, he needs words.”
Richie stared at him for a few beats, before turning to walk away without another word.
30 days remaining
Richie woke up to his phone ringing with a start. It was Eddie calling him. He missed the answer button a few times since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Hello?”
“Richie! Good morning.” Eddie was talking cheerfully.
“What time is it?” Richie asked, rolling over on his bed to grab his glasses off his nightstand.
“11 A.M.” Eddie replied, then paused. “Did I wake you?”
Richie snickered a little. “Yes.”
“Well, good, you should be up anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? My mom is visiting her sister.”
Richie paused for a moment, stretching out his arms and legs. “Well, toots, I’d be delighted.”
Eddie laughed a little. “Okay, well, get over here after you shower and all that. Please brush your teeth, Rich.”
Richie pouted, even though Eddie couldn’t see him. “Are you implying my breath stinks?”
Eddie laughed again. “Yes. See you soon.” 
Richie heard the telltale beeps of an ended call and he put his phone down. He stretched again, finally standing up out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Richie more than thoroughly washed his body, purely for the sake of Eddie, and brushed his teeth afterwards. He threw on a shirt and some pants, not bothering to make his hair look presentable. He was out the door within the hour Eddie called him.
When Richie arrived, Eddie had already opened the door and was ushering him inside. Eddie seemed very up-beat and excited. “What’s going on with you, huh? Excited to see me or something?” Richie teased.
Eddie smiled. “You could say that. I was making lunch and I got the perfect idea and you get to taste test it!”
Richie raised his eyebrows. “Oh, really? You can’t taste it yourself?”
Eddie frowned a little. “I can! I just want another opinion, asshole.”
Richie smiled, nudging him with his shoulder and bringing him close to him. “I will try anything you make for me, Eds.” He paused, “even your.. bodily fluids…”
Eddie shoved Richie off of him. “You are disgusting and I hate you. I thought you were being sweet.”
Richie scoffed, feigning hurt. “I was Eddie Spaghetti. That was endearing.”
Eddie made a face. “Your definition of endearing is very wrong.” He turned back to the stove, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring something in a metal pot. “Anyway, come here. I want you to try this.”
Richie leaned over Eddie to peer into the pot, a red sauce lightly simmering. Richie took the wooden spoon from him and sipped a little sauce off the utensil. It was a sweet and spicy tomato sauce. “That’s good, Eds! What is it for?”
Eddie smiled and took the lid and placed it back on the pot, turning the heat on the stovetop down. “Ironically, spaghetti. Unless you’d rather have a rotini or penne pasta, that’s an option too. I didn’t know what pasta shape you liked, but thinking about it now, it probably would be something like a bowtie.”
Richie chuckled. “I appreciate the consideration you took into my pasta shape preference, but honestly, I’ll eat anything.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I know that, Richie, you eat everything. I just want you to actually like it.” He put another pot on the stove with water in it, turning on the other stovetop to boil the water. 
Richie smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He paused for a few moments, before continuing. “Of food poisoning, of course.”
Eddie groaned as he put the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter to await the other pot to boil. “You can’t just compliment me normally, can you?” He turned, staring at Richie with a small grin on his lips. “You’re the worst.”
Richie smiled widely, reaching forward and pulling Eddie towards him by his hips. Their height difference was clearer this way and it was Richie’s favorite. Being able to look down on Eddie and see his innocent brown eyes stare back up at him - it was heavenly. “Eddie…” He started, wetting his strangely dry lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip to cry and contain the smile that yeared to appear. “Depends, did you brush your teeth like I asked?”
Richie chuckled, already leaning down to meet Eddie halfway, mumbling out a yes that was muffled by their lips connecting. They fit together seamlessly. Both of them had wordlessly learned each other’s favorite ways to kiss and it never ceased to amaze Richie just how easily their lips fit together. Their first kiss was messy and off-kilter, but every one after that continued to get better and better.
Eddie pulled back after a moment, staring up into Richie’s eyes before taking his hand and sliding it up the back of his neck. Eddie’s hand tangled into Richie’s unruly curls and gently tugged, pulling him back down for a deeper kiss. Eddie had gotten increasingly more forward as time went on and as they both got more comfortable with each other. Richie loved it.
The two of them spent a good few minutes kissing before Eddie, lips a bit swollen, pulled back and detached himself from Richie. “I have to put the pasta in the water.” 
Richie made a noise of dissatisfaction but let him go, watching as he dumped the entire box of noodles into the now boiling water. The meal itself was done not soon after, two bowls of perfectly sauced and portioned spaghetti sitting in front of the both of them. They ate in a comfortable silence, before Richie spoke up. “Hey, Eds, I have a game tomorrow. You’re coming, right?”
Eddie smiled softly, wiping off his mouth with his napkin and setting his fork in his empty bowl. “If you’d like me to.”
Richie nodded. “Of course, I love seeing you in the stands. I always play better knowing a hot guy is watching me.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes and stood, picking up his bowl and taking Richie’s as well.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” Richie protested.
Eddie laughed a bit. “I know, dickhead. I’ll put the leftovers in a container but my Mom will be home soon, so…” He trailed off, letting Richie fill in the rest on his own. He watched as Eddie put the extra spaghetti in a Tupperware and closed the lid, handing it back when he was done.
Richie took it from him with a smile. “You’re practically my perfect housewife. House… husband?”
Eddie blinked at him, intentionally not playing into his joke. “Uh huh.. Okay, bye, Rich.” He ushered him to the front door and left him outside with a peck to his lips. Once Richie got home, he checked his phone for the first time since that morning and noticed he had multiple texts from Stan, as well as a missed call. He pushed Stan’s number and held it up to his ear. It only rang a few times before Stan picked up with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Richie shrugged, laying down on his back on his bed. “I was with Eddie. Why? What’s going on?”
Stan paused for a few seconds. “I wanted to talk about Eddie, actually.”
Richie sat up, looking at the ground in confusion. “Why?” He could hear Stan talking to someone in the background, as well as some shuffling, before Stan spoke again.
“I think this has gone too far. The bet.”
Richie scoffed. “I did try to say that like, a month ago, Stan. Why are you bringing it up now?”
Stan sighed again. “You’re going to hurt him if you continue with this and you know it. It’s not fair to him, or you, for that matter.”
Richie took a moment to process what Stan was saying. “Stan, I don’t know if I haven’t made it clear enough, but I like him for real. Like, seriously, genuinely have feelings for him.” The line was uncomfortably silent. “Stan?”
“Okay. How are you going to tell him why you went after him in the first place?”
Richie frowned. “I don’t fuckin’ know! Unless you have an idea, I have no intention of telling him until it’s on my deathbed.”
Stan exhaled dejectedly. “You have to at some point.” He pointed out.
“I know,” Richie groaned. “I know and I will, so, just let me deal with it. Why did you call me anyways?”
Stan clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “No reason, I suppose. Is he going to be at the game tomorrow?”
“Okay.” Stan said and took a few beats before continuing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Without another word, Stan hung up the phone, the line going to dead static on Richie’s end. He pulled the phone back from his ear and stared at the screen, frowning. 
The night of Richie’s soccer game was uncharacteristically chilly, most patrons wearing hoodies or light jackets to cover themselves from the cold. It was nearing the end of Fall and the Fall soccer season, so Eddie came prepared. He stood among the rest of the audience in the stands, his hands balled up inside the sleeves of his hoodie and tucked into the front pocket to keep warm. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, watching the soccer game in front of him. Since he had started dating Richie, the rules of soccer started to make more sense. He could easily name the different positions and even knew some of the penalties and why they were called. Half-time had just been called when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Eddie turned, a bit startled. “Oh, sorry, hi, Bill. You scared me.”
Bill offered him a friendly smile. “H-Hey, Eddie, can we talk really quick?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to a grassy area beside the bleachers that was mostly empty, apart from a man and his dog. 
Eddie glanced back at the game and nodded. “Yeah, sure, I just wanna get back before the game starts back up.”
Bill nodded in agreement, leading Eddie down to the area he had pointed to, the man and his dog moved on from the area, leaving the two of them alone. “So, um, what’s up?” Eddie asked, bouncing on his feet to keep himself warm.
Bill wrung his hands together anxiously and Eddie waited patiently with a confused smile on his face. “You okay?” He eventually asked.
Bill nodded. “Yeah, I juh-just don’t know how to p-phrase it.” He let out a long sigh before talking again. “I… I like you, E-Eddie.”
Eddie’s friendly smile dropped from his face, hating the way his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Um…”
Bill continued before Eddie had the chance to talk. “I h-have for a good wh-while, too.”
Eddie managed to crack an uneasy grin. “Uh, Bill…” He laughed awkwardly. “You.. Why are you telling me this?”
Bill frowned. “Because I wa-wanted you to know, a-and I think y-you deserve better than Richie.”
It was Eddie’s turn to frown now. “I don’t think you have a say in that.” He mumbled, taking a step back towards the stands. “If that’s all, I’m going to-”
“Wait!” Bill reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm. 
Eddie gently pulled back from his touch. “Sorry, Bill, I have to get back to wa-”
Bill grimaced. “No! There’s something you need to know.” When Eddie made no move to leave, Bill sighed and spoke. “Richie never liked you.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, Bill, seriously? We have been together for a good few weeks, I would know if-”
“He’s dating you because of a bet, Eddie!” Bill exploded. “It was Beverly’s idea and Stan knows about it too - He hasn’t told you yet because you guys haven’t slept together and that was part of the deal.”
Eddie’s movements faltered, his body growing colder as Bill spoke. “What?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, you’re making that up. He told me the bet Beverly was talking about had to-”
“-do with Stan. He lied. She was talking about you, Eddie, she always was. Richie’s been lying.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath, turning his back to Bill and facing the field. He could see Richie jogging towards them and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “No… You have to be lying.” 
Richie approached them, smiling at Eddie. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the look on his face. “Eds? Bill? What’s going on?”
Eddie felt his tears prick with tears. “Tell me he’s lying, Richie. Tell me right now.”
Richie was alarmed. “Lying about what?” He turned to Bill. “What did you tell him?” He demanded.
Bill stood his ground. “The truth.”
Eddie was staring at Richie, his eyes burning from oncoming tears. “Did you date me… Are you dating me, for a fucking bet, Richie? You told me Beverly was talking about you and Stan.”
Richie’s face fell, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. “Eds-”
“Tell me!” Eddie cried, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Richie’s jersey and shaking him a bit. “Tell me right now.”
Richie could feel his entire life fading in front of him. “You have to let me explain.” 
Eddie abruptly dropped his hold on Richie’s jersey and took a step back, tears finally finding their way out of Eddie’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks. “You promised me, Richie.”
Richie tried to close the gap between them, but Eddie pushed him away. “Don’t!”
Richie couldn’t breathe, his world was spinning anxiously around him. He felt like he could get sick right here. “Eddie, please, let me explain. It will make sense, I promise, none of this was fake!”
Eddie scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe away the tears pilling under his eyelashes. “You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I trusted you, you stupid fucking asshole.” Eddie’s voice was laced with malice and regret; It made Richie’s heart hurt more. Bill made a move towards Eddie, and he backed up from him as well. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you, either.” He threatened, sniffing and glaring at Richie. “If it wasn’t clear, do not ever fucking call me, text me, speak to me again.” With that, Eddie was gone, disappearing around the backside of the bleachers and into the poorly lit school parking lot. 
Richie stood there, shocked and heart-broken, before turning to Bill. “What the fuck did you do?” He asked angrily, moving towards him.
“I-I told him the truth!” Bill said, backing up a bit. “He d-deserves better than you, R-Richie, and you know it!”
Richie pushed Bill harshly by his shoulders. It all clicked. “Oh, and you’re much better?” He pushed him again, Bill falling into the wired fence behind him. “You are a selfish fucking prick, Denbrough, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows.”
Bill stood there, leaning against the fence. “Everyone already thinks you are, Richie.” He said, pushing past him to leave, heading the same way Eddie had gone.
Richie stood alone in the grassy area, attempting to calm his rapid thoughts of anger. Bill told Eddie and Eddie believed him and now he was gone. Richie knew he needed to tell Eddie himself but he couldn’t find any time that would have gone better.
Someone approached Richie from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Richie?” It was Stan.
Richie pulled away from his touch. “It was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Stan blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Bill telling Eddie! It was you, wasn’t it? You put the thought in Bill’s head so he would end this stupid bet!”
Stan frowned. “Bill did what? Eddie knows?”
“Yes!” Richie cried. “Eddie fucking knows! Do you see him here, Stan, huh?”
Stan grimaced at Richie’s yelling. “I didn’t tell Bill to do anything. He had a crush on Eddie-”
“Isn’t that fucking sweet.” Richie mumbled, moving past Stan to chase after Eddie. He was going to make things right, he was going to explain himself.
“What about the game?” Stan asked and Richie nearly exploded.
“I don’t give a fuck about anything but Eddie right now, Stan! Isn’t that obvious?”
Stan nodded his head. “Just tell the truth. Tell him how you’ve always felt, Richie, he needs words.”
Richie stared at him for a few beats, before turning to walk away without another word. 
hi all!
I'm not dead and i clearly have been rusty with writing reddie specifically, is it as obvious as it feels?
I do intend to finish this fic at some point in the near future. writing this chapter was not as bad as I imagined it would be. i was terribly afraid of how out of my element with these characters I was - but I went back and watched the movie and re-read some of the previous chapters and felt like I could give it a go. i hope to be able to wrap this monster up in one more chapter, so be on the lookout for that. for those of you who have stuck around and are reading this - I love you. thank you for your continued support. this fic was my baby and I intend to have a finished product that I'm at least happy with the last 20% of it. also, if any of you are into anime, I have a separate ao3 account under the name kenmqs so be sure to visit me there.
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kafka-ish · 4 years
stanley’s sister has got it going on | r.t.
richie’s got a crush and he’s got it bad. the only thing that’s keeping him from the girl he’s been chasing is his best friend—her brother.
word count: 4,665
warnings/included: nsfw (not explicit), fluff, swearing, fem!reader
a/n: as i was rereading this i realized that this is the dirtiest thing i’ve ever written??? (so far). in comparison to other works it’s probably vv vanilla so pls bear with me
In the defense of Richie Tozier, it wasn’t his fault he ended up catching feelings for Stanley Uris’s little sister. There were a lot of things he couldn’t control. Like when his mouth opened and out came a poorly done impression of his chemistry teacher. (Which just so happened to have been done as Mr. Ford was standing behind the boy). 
Richie may as well just start a list of things he can’t help, marking y/n Uris down as number thirty-three. 
“Hey, Richie!” Well, well, well, if it wasn’t the person Richie had been most desperately trying to avoid. “Are you going to Stan’s tonight?” y/n asked. She was standing outside of his car door while he was in the driver’s seat, flicking through the radio stations, trying to find a good song for the ride home. 
Upon hearing the voice, Richie stopped fidgeting with the knob. It was honestly hopeless trying to find a good song at this point. None of the good stuff comes on until later. He turned his head to meet eyes with the accompanying voice from outside his car.
Bad idea. 
Of course, y/n chose to wear a tank top and the shortest skirt possible that day. Hell, any day he’d find his thoughts lost in her. Whether she was wearing a bikini at the quarry or in an oversized t-shirt and checkered pajama pants. 
“Earth to Richie?” y/n laughed. She waved her hand in front of his face, trying to capture his attention. Little did she know, that wasn’t necessary. 
“Actually, I was thinking about being a no-show today. I’ve been neglecting my training.” 
“Oh! You train? Which gym?” She was grinning wide and her gaze burned a hole through his heart. 
“The arcade. I gotta keep my skills fresh if I ever wanna keep that high score.” y/n rolled her eyes, but his comment still made her laugh. 
“Well, can you take me home? Once you drop me off I promise you can have all the time in the world to work on your skills.” Emphasis on ‘skills’. 
“Promise, eh?” Richie repeated, giving the girl a hard time. “Did Stan forget how to drive?” 
“No…” The ‘o’ part was drawn out. “He has his bird watching club today and I don’t feel like sitting in the sun for an hour while I wait for him.” 
Richie smiled to himself, thinking for a moment. On one hand, he shouldn’t be alone with the sister of one of his best friends’, as he had different intentions. On the other hand, he couldn’t just leave his best friend’s sister hanging like that. In hindsight, he had come to the conclusion that there was a possibility of Stan getting mad at him either way. 
Taking Stan’s sister home it was. 
“What are you waiting for, y/n/n, get in.” Richie finally made his decision. 
y/n cheered happily, thanking him, as she rounded his car and opened the door to the passenger’s seat. 
“You have no idea how happy this makes me!” y/n smiled, her expression reaching ear to ear. 
“Oh yeah. I bet you’re over the moon about getting a ride from your brother’s best friend in some beat up chevy.” Richie tried his best to distance himself. He really did. But he couldn’t help but notice y/n’s figure in the tight-fitting clothes, especially when she sat in such a close proximity to him. 
“I don’t think you get it, Tozier.” y/n hummed as she started turning the knob on the dash, finally settling on some rock station. She lowered the volume so they could still talk without yelling over the atmosphere. “We never hang out.” 
“We’re hangin’ out right now,” Richie argued, daring to look away from the road for one millisecond just so he could steal a glance at her. 
“Yeah, but… You hang out with Bill, Eddie, and Stan, and stuff.” She sounded disappointed. 
“I guess it’s different with them.” Richie shrugged. It was different with them. Bill, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly even, had their group together. They had the same classes together. They faced off a killer clown together. 
“I get that you guys have your own friend group and stuff.” y/n said quickly, not wanting to sound lonely or weird from her previous statement. “But we’re friends. Aren’t we?” She said this with an unsureness in her voice that Richie didn’t know how to reply to. 
I should’ve just left her at school. What’s so bad about waiting in the sun while Stan’s off watching some stupid birds? I guess it is kind of hot out. But a little heat won’t hurt anyone, right? Besides, she’s wearing a tank top. 
Richie peered over at y/n who was looking out the window as her head leaned against it. 
A white, lacy tank top that makes her skin look even more—
“Richie?” Concern washed over the girl’s eyes. Her attention turned to him instead of the scenery that passed by them. 
Richie whipped his head away from her body and stared blankly at the road. It was almost as if he were a ghost. Except he actually had color in his face. 
“What is it, y/n/n?” Richie’s eyes were still on the road. 
“I asked if we were friends.” The girl giggled, not being able to take anything seriously for longer than five minutes. “But that’s a stupid question.” She looked down and began to pick at her nails. 
“Of course we’re friends.” Richie insisted. The only problem is that I want more and your brother would kill me. 
Something inside of y/n calmed at the affirmation. “So we should hang out.”
“Already told ya, y/n/n. I got a date with destiny today.” 
“I don’t mind being the third wheel.” 
To be frank, that was the last thing Richie needed. It was bad enough that middle schoolers would wait lined up behind him, watching as he lost at some silly arcade game that he still had a passion for. He didn’t need some hot girl hanging over his shoulder while he did so, too. But Richie’s mouth had betrayed his thoughts. 
“Only if you want to, y/n/n.” He had avoided trying to call y/n anything other than her name or her nickname. He wouldn’t allow himself to call her any of the cutesy trademark pet names he’d call other girls that he would shamelessly flirt with for fun. He started implementing this tactic in sophomore year once he really started to notice her. 
At first, it was the way she greeted him every time the losers met up at Stan’s house. Maybe he was crazy, but he swore she gave him special attention: always running up towards him when she saw him, her lingering by his side before Stan yelled at her, asking if she had anything better to do. Her smile was seemingly wider and her eyes brighter whenever she held conversations with him compared to the other losers—or maybe that was just Richie looking into things too much. 
Due to drama and false rumors, y/n had started hanging out with the losers more this year. It was an attempt for her to take her mind off of the absence of friends on her part. None of the losers seemed to mind, even Stan. Thus, she became a regular when the group went on swimming trips to the quarry or slept over at each other’s houses. This didn’t really help Richie’s case. Now, he was basically forced to see her figure in a swimsuit and in every other setting imaginable. Not to mention, he couldn’t do anything about it either. 
The two had finally arrived at the arcade. Richie had managed to snag the closest parking spot to the entryway and y/n relentlessly made fun of how he never parked straight until they got in the door.
“Okay, kid. Once you get your license, you can criticize my ‘bad’ parking. But for now, since you’re hitching rides for free, I say you better just keep quiet for now.” 
“But you’re so over the lines! I can’t imagine your coloring if that’s how you park.” 
“I’ll have you know, y/n, I don’t color. For one, that shit’s for babies. And I am way past that preschool shit. And second of all, coloring’s way lame.” Richie had made his way over to the Street Fighter machine and inserted a quarter in the slot. 
y/n watched him thoughtfully for awhile as he fidgeted with the joystick and jammed the buttons. 
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked, growing bored of watching the same repetitive visuals from over his shoulder. But she didn’t think she could ever grow tired of watching him. 
“Hold on.” His hand smashed against the buttons in rapid fire movements while he simultaneously maneuvered the joystick. A few seconds after, the game played a pitiful noise and the boy let out a groan. Richie had lost. 
“That’s a weird way of saying coke.” y/n hummed before skipping off to the lounge area. 
On her way back, she saw Richie’s face contort in frustration. Once again, he had lost to the game. 
“Cheer up, buttercup!” y/n passed handed him the glass bottle and Richie had finally stepped away from the Street Fighter machine. 
“Easy for you to say. You don’t got an inanimate object beating ya four to one.” Richie pretended to wipe the nonexistent sweat off his brow and looked down to y/n, offering her a smug look. 
“Would a kiss make you feel better?” The girl leaned closer to him and got up on her tippy toes, preparing to peck him on his cheek. 
This was the first of y/n showing any sign of real interest. And while Richie wanted to bask in the glory of his long time crush finally coming around, his thoughts also drew to Stan. What kind of friend would he be if he made a move on his friend’s little sister? Technically she’s the one making the moves- 
Cut it out, Rich!
His internal monologue argued for a while before he realized y/n’s lips were attached to his face. 
“W-what are you doing?” Richie belatedly snapped out of his thoughts and came to his senses. 
y/n pulled away. Her arms crossed tightly around her chest and her posture was now slightly hunched over. Oh. 
“I thought I could make you feel better.” She mumbled. When she eventually spoke, she let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding in. “Can you take me home?” She asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. 
“Of course.” The two started heading for the door and Richie tried to slow his pace so that his long legs would be in sync with hers. “To be honest, y/n/n, I was kinda getting tired of this ol’ dump anyways.” 
A small smile graced y/n’s lips as he talked. Even if she was still embarrassed from the previous events. 
“You’re not gonna be a professional video game player?” 
“Oh no. That dream’s been abandoned for a long time now.” Richie quipped back. He was turning the keys into the ignition and began to drive off. 
The car ride to Stan’s place was silent. Either because of the turn that had taken place earlier at the arcade, or because Richie didn’t wanna open his big mouth and accidentally slip up; ruining his relationship with both Stan the Man and Stan the Man’s hot sister. 
Richie’s old chevy slowly came to a stop at the front of Stan’s house. The sky was cloudless and an unnerving shade of blue today, highlighting how perfectly trim and green Uris’s lawn was. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” y/n finally spoke up. Her voice foreign to Richie’s ears after the fifteen minutes of dead air from the two of them. But it wasn’t that foreign. Her voice echoed through his brain practically everyday. Whenever classes got boring or nights seemed endless, Richie found himself either replaying past conversations between them. Or other scenarios… She was an unhealthy addiction he couldn’t quit. Like smoking, only hotter and way more deadly. 
“What’s there to talk about?” Richie faced y/n, putting on his best ‘I’m-not-interested-in-you’ face, when he really felt quite the opposite.
“Richie, I feel like you don’t like me.” Her accusation was dead wrong, but there was hurt in her eyes. Somehow, Richie had managed to convince the girl of his dreams he hates her when that couldn’t be less true. 
“I don’t.” He forced a chuckle to ease the tension but y/n wasn’t having it. 
“Can I tell you something?” y/n asked. Richie nodded, a quizzical look on his face. Before continuing, y/n swallowed. She didn’t usually get nervous, but Richie was someone to get nervous over. “I like you.” 
Her words felt like something out of a dream Richie once had before. 
“What can I say, kid. It’s impossible not to.” Of course, y/n didn’t really like him. At least, not like that. She was probably just saying this for shits and giggles. Pulling his leg. A classic Richie stunt. 
“I mean, I like you like how Ben likes Beverly.” 
Richie’s eyes then widened at the declaration and his body stiffened. 
“It’s okay if you don’t like me back,” she said with such ease that Richie admired. She shrugged and the thin strap of her tank top fell down her shoulder. Richie couldn’t help but notice, his eyes wandering where they shouldn’t. 
“Listen—” He gulped. His eyes kept trailing down no matter how hard he tried not to. “Listen,” he repeated, now meeting her big eyes, “I don’t not like you, y/n/n. In fact the funny thing is… is—” his words got caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her. Not with Stan’s breathing always down his back (whether Stan was actually there or not).  
“What’s so funny, Rich?” Her soft, sweet voice filled his ears once again. It was like a spell, because suddenly (and conveniently), the thought of Stan was no longer in the back of Richie’s mind. 
“I like you too, kid.” His voice was low, but y/n still heard him.
“So what’s stopping this?” A sly smirk formed on y/n’s face. She climbed over the control panel and her already short skirt rode up to be even higher. 
y/n sat herself on Richie’s lap. The boy had to keep from pinching himself. What was happening was straight out of a wet dream of his he’d probably had last night. 
The girl on his lap was toying with a strand of his hair while looking into his eyes. Her shoulder was still bare from the strap that fell off it.
“I’m so glad you feel the same way.” Richie didn’t think he could help himself any longer with the sultry way she was speaking and the fact that she was on his lap. “Now I can do this.” 
y/n placed a tender kiss to the awestruck boy’s lips. It was slow and steady. She didn’t want to mess things up since they had just admitted their feelings to one another. 
But Richie was impatient. 
As soon as she pulled away, he connected his lips to hers again. He was sloppy and fast paced with his movements, yet still full of passion. 
y/n giggled into his mouth which caused Richie’s heart to skip a beat. She’d been waiting for this moment since she first laid eyes on him. 
The first time Richie stepped foot into the Uris household, y/n had greeted him excitedly. 
“y/n could you get that!” Stan shouted to her from their den. He was busy setting up board games, making sure every last piece was in its designated place. 
“Why do I have to?” y/n grumbled, still walking out of her room so she could get to the door anyway. “You were closer.” 
“I’m preparing for game night. This is the first time my friends are coming over and I want everything to be suitable.” Stan was polishing the game pieces now. 
“I don’t think your friends will mind if one of your little thing-a-ma-bobs is out of place.” y/n jokingly tipped over one of the players to Stanley’s game that he had already put into place but she quickly put it back upon noticing the discontent that marked his face as she did so. 
“I’ll mind.” Her brother replied calmly. 
Another knock at the door. 
“Can you please get that?” 
y/n got up and walked over to the door. She was first met with a lanky boy whose legs were too long for his torso and eyes were too big for his face. 
She didn’t expect Stan’s friends to be hot. 
“Hi!” y/n exclaimed, hoping to give off a good impression on the group.
“I didn’t know Stan had an underaged maid. I guess the Uris’ will do anything for labor work.” No one laughed at Richies joke. 
“That’s Stan’s sister, dipwad,” Eddie said, disgusted at his friend. 
Richie made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and the group shuffled in, meeting Stan in the den. 
“Stan you never told me you had a hottie for a sister.” y/n could hear Richie’s voice from across the hall. Her intestines turned into butterflies and she could pass for a canary with how red her face had gotten. 
But despite having the hugest crush on Richie, y/n never shared any classes with the boy. She was a year younger than Stan, but in the same grade as him because of the accelerated classes she took. So y/n had to admire from afar. 
Well, not anymore. 
Her lips were now attached to his neck, eliciting a moan from him. She smirked at that and started to roll her hips against his. Her name fell from his lips over and over and over again which evoked her to keep going. 
“Richie!?” An angered voice called from the outside of his car. 
It was the one and only. Stanley Uris. 
It was too late to act fast. Richie pulled y/n off him and looked guiltily out the window to see the face that matched the voice. 
But Richie already knew who it was. 
“Who me? I dink you ghat de wrahng goey.” Richie did his best Irish man accent but it was no use. 
“Okay, Richie, cut the crap.” Stan’s face was twisted up in an expression that almost scared Richie. His hands were folded against his chest and he was waiting for an answer. 
Richie simply couldn’t bring himself to answer the boy. He sat in shame with y/n next to him staring at her brother. Richie may as well have had ‘I’M SORRY’ written on his forehead with the way he was gaping at Stan.  
“y/n get out of the car.” Stan said, breaking eye contact with his friend. 
The girl complied, whispering about how sorry she was to the boy who drove her home before getting out. After that, she didn’t dare glance back at him in his car and Richie didn’t have the energy to even look anywhere besides the steering wheel. 
That was last week. Since then, Stan and Richie hadn’t said a word to each other. Richie hadn’t spoken to y/n since then either. The tension was too thick between Stan and Richie and Richie didn’t want to mess things up more than he already did. 
“I c-cuh-can’t believe yo-you liked y/n.” Bill chuckled. 
It was after school and the two were in the library. The details of what happened that day eventually got out. Both Stan and Richie had told their sides of the story and the losers were respectful enough to not take sides. They just hung out with Richie when Stan wasn’t around and hung out with Stan when Richie wasn’t there. 
“What’s so bad about that?” Richie looked skeptically at his friend, trying his best to defend himself. 
“I mean, yea-yeah sh-sh-she’s cute—”
“She’s beautiful.” Richie cut off but Bill rolled his eyes. 
“What-h-ever. I-it’s just funny tha-hat you wuh-would go after her.” 
“I already told you she kissed me first.” Richie proclaimed, a little too proudly. 
“Sh-he’s Stan’s sister!” That was true. 
“And a good kisser.” That was also true. 
“Gross, Richie.” Bill returned to the book in front of him, but Richie kept egging on the conversation. 
“I don’t see why someone has to be off limits just because they’re related to a friend.” His annoyed tone was evident and Bill gave him a sympathetic look. 
“It-t’s b-ba-basically written in th-the br-r-ro code.” Bill paused for a moment and Richie didn’t know if it was because he was embarrassed of his stuttering or if he was gathering his thoughts. “But i-i-if you li-li-like her… wh-who am I to s-suh-say any-th-thing.” 
If Bill was insinuating what Richie thought he was, then that made him cooler than he already was. 
And that’s how Richie found himself in y/n’s room Friday night. The losers were meeting up at the Aladdin to see the new Jim Carrey movie and somehow Richie had been able to get himself out of it, claiming he was overdue on chores and couldn’t make it. 
“Th-that’s t-too bad, R-Rich.” Bill said over the phone (but he knew better) while the other losers pressed their ear up against it, listening in. “The c-co-omedy should be ri-right up your alley.” 
“Dumb and underdeveloped?” Eddie asked Bill. “I don’t wanna see a movie just to hate it,” he complained. 
“Yowza, Eds. And I thought you appreciated my jokes.” Richie feigned hurt over the speaker. “Anywho, I gotta make like a tree and hang up. The ‘rents are asking for me.” They weren’t. 
“O-okay. Maybe nuh-nuh-next wee—” Beep. 
Richie had already hung up. 
y/n grabbed his hand, which was clamped over her mouth and took it off. She was bursting to the seams with laughter. 
“I can’t believe you’re a liar now,” she tsked, trying to fake an ‘I’m-not-mad-at-you-just-disappointed’ look that her English teacher had given her once. 
“Only under these circumstances.” He was fast to attach his lips to hers. They didn’t have much time and he wanted to make the most of what they had now. 
Richie was on top of her now, his lips still on hers. He kissed her everywhere from the crown of her head to the crook of her neck. If his kisses left a print, her skin would be buried under them. 
“Rich…” She sighed contentedly, eyes fluttering from the pleasure he inflicted on her when he had found a sweet spot behind her ear. y/n kissed him back hard with force and a sort of dominance Richie didn’t know she had in her. 
She flipped them, so that she was on top now. y/n took this liberty of having full control to take off her shirt and Richie’s as well. 
Richie smirked and began to kiss lower. His pace was slower than he originally started. Painstakingly slow. y/n wined at how delicate his lips felt tracing her skin but she needed more. 
“Touch me,” she urged. Richie obeyed, his hands were now on her chest, massaging and caressing her delicate skin. 
There weren’t enough words to describe the thrill and satisfaction Richie gave her. y/n could relish in this boy’s embrace forever with how good he made her feel. She began grinding against his jeans, just like the day they were caught by Stanley, so she could ease the ache for him between his legs. 
Richie chuckled, feeling her press against him. He knew precisely what she wanted but to give or not to give in was the question. 
“y/n/n, we don’t have that long,” He warned. 
“I don’t care.” She started peppering his face in kisses the same way he had done to her. At the same time, she began to unbutton his jeans. Who would Richie be to turn down sex anyway? 
She was fast at getting him inside her. Definitely not inexperienced. But Richie didn’t want fast. Not with y/n, at least. He wanted their first together to be slow, sensual, special—
“You’re amazing,” he grunted and she blushed in response. 
Her pace quickened at his praise. Their movements together felt electric and y/n herself was so hypnotic, Richie felt he could get lost in the thought—or the feeling —of her forever. 
A feeling that was indescribable washed over Richie once the two of them were finished. He had stayed inside of her, and y/n was now laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and tracing circles on his skin with her thumb. Their chests rose and fell together at the same time, a small action that Richie melted at the sight of. 
“For the record, I didn’t want it to happen like this,” Richie said. There was a sort of fear palpable in his tone. 
“For the record, you kissed me first.” y/n eyed him suspiciously before giving him a peck on the cheek. “And what does that mean? Did you…” She shyly decided on her words for a moment. “Did you not want to..?” 
“No, no, no, no.” Richie immediately counteracted the girl’s suggestion. “I so wanted to do this. I’ve dreamed about doing this—” Richie stopped himself before his talking could make things worse, but y/n found his rambling amusing. 
“So, what did you mean?” y/n tried again. She reached out to hold his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. 
“I mean.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “I wanted us to be, like, an official couple and shit before we do this shit.” He motioned between them and to where they were still joined. 
y/n flushed at the sight and covered her face. 
“Hey.” Richie was soft. Softer than y/n had ever seen him be. He took her wrists in his hands, uncovering her face so he could admire her. 
She was stunning even after sex. 
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” He was almost embarrassed to admit it, but with y/n he didn’t feel the need to be afraid. “I want us to go on dates and hold hands and tell each other about our day.” He was looking at the ceiling, daydreaming at the thought.
y/n’s eyes searched his face thoughtfully. “Of course, Rich. I want that, too!” She kissed his lips once more, elated at the boy in front of her. Her face fell shortly after she had a sudden understanding. “What’re you gonna do about Stan?” 
“Who’s Stan?” But Richie’s fake grin wasn’t fooling anyone. “Uh, well, we could tell him…” But when Richie saw a certain uneasiness consume y/n’s face, he ruled that option out. “How do you feel about dating in secret?” He offered. The situation wasn’t ideal, but at the time it seemed to be the lesser of the two evils at hand. 
“Okay,” y/n whispered. “So you should leave.” 
“Woah, babe, I just got here.” Richie sat up, looking for his shirt. 
“Yeah, but the movie should’ve ended by now.” y/n gestured towards the alarm clock on her nightstand causing Richie’s jaw to drop. 
He was heading towards the window now, knowing he had enough time to get out, but he wanted to be careful. 
“See you tomorrow then?” y/n giggled at how clingy he could be. 
“I’ll call you.” And Richie just couldn’t get enough of the smile she was wearing. 
“Sounds like a date!” He yelled from outside her house. 
During the drive home, Richie’s thoughts became lost in y/n once again. This was just the beginning.
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tevivinter · 4 years
For DWC! Pairing of your choice for the college/university AU: "you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night"
I couldn’t finish this in time for DWC but I wouldn’t be able to wait until next week to post! Thanks @luzial​ for the ask, I love these modern AUs so much :D
It had been only three weeks ever since someone moved into the room above his own. Not even a full month and this person, whoever it was, had already managed to turn his weekends into shit. Marel threw the pillow over his head in an attempt to hush the damn noise coming from above. No matter what he did - whether it was putting on headphones or even bumping the ceiling with a broom - nothing could change the fact that sleeping on Sunday nights felt like an impossible task to do.
“Hey, pissbag!” Sera, his roommate, yelled from the upper half of their bunk bed. “We’re friggin’ trying to sleep here!”
Marel’s voice came out like a muffled grumble from under the pillow. “They can’t hear you.”
“Ugh,” she groaned in frustration. Sera stared at the ceiling for a moment, considering. “We should really prank that guy. Bet he couldn’t do any parties that way.”
Marel took the pillow off his head with a frown. “You know who’s up there?”
“One of the popular ones,” she shrugged. “His dad is rich or something. Bet they’re both asses.”
“What’s his name?”
“Dorian, I guess. Pff, you really don’t know shit about him.”
“How should I-” Just when Marel began to answer, the roaring sound of music somehow became even louder. The beats thumped incessantly in his ears, loud enough to make him feel like the room was goddamn shaking. Marel tightened his fists. “You know what- fuck this.”
Sera sticked her head off the upper mattress once she heard the sound of footsteps in the dark. She quickly caught the sight of Marel reaching for the doorknob. “Tell him to piss off for me, yeah?”
He glanced at her before opening the door. “Gladly.”
Marel let out an annoyed groan as soon as he walked outside the room. He didn’t bother to change his flannel sweatpants nor the oversized shirt that he wore for sleep. Hell, he didn’t even bother to put some slippers on because he was pretty sure it was at least 2am and he just wanted to sleep. Marel crossed the corridor easily enough even while in the dark. He only used his phone light to go up the stairs, putting it back into his pocket as soon as he got there.
It didn’t take long for Marel to find what he looked for. The room just above his own had plenty of colorful lights leaking from underneath its door. The noise was somehow even worse on the second floor, which made Marel wonder why the heck no one else had complained about it yet. He approached the room with furrowed brows and knocked.
But no one answered. Fucking Creators. Marel took a deep breath before closing his fist tighter to knock once again, hitting the wood with more force. He was already counting the seconds for the third knock, and gods help him if no one listened this time--
The door suddenly creaked open, revealing a flash of colorful light that felt utterly blinding in contrast to the dark corridor. Marel instantly winced in response, raising one hand to his eye level to block some of the brightness towards his face.
The man who answered the door was impeccably dressed. His dark purple shirt was a perfect fit for his body without being too tight, and the fact that he had at least one button undone was distracting to say the least. His black pants looked expensive as well as his shoes - in fact, his entire outfit looked like something worthy of a movie star. But his clothes alone were not the reason why Marel went speechless for a second.
Marel cursed at himself for feeling his cheeks growing hotter by the second. “You're making too much noise," he finally said. "It's pissing me off."
He never expected that guy to be so damn handsome, for fuck’s sake. Marel simply found himself unable to look away from his face, swallowing.
"Well? Can I help you?" The stranger asked, arching one dark brow at him.
"Truly?" The man asked in what appeared to be genuine surprise.
Marel frowned. "You seriously thought that no one would hear this shit?"
"Who's there, Dorian?" A female voice came from inside the room.
Dorian looked over his shoulder, still holding the door half open. "It's only an unexpected guest, Mae. I'll be back in a moment." Just when he was about to step out, he added: "Oh, and turn the music down, will you? We so happen to be bothering our neighbors."
And with that he looked at Marel once again. "Well then. Do you have a minute?"
Marel took a second to realize that he was still standing in the doorway. He stepped back with a confused expression, not bothering to say anything.
The stranger turned the corridor lights on as soon as he stepped out of the room. "Let's start again, shall we?"
Now that they could properly see each other, Marel couldn't help but stare into the stormy grey eyes ahead of him. Something about those eyes seemed to pull him in, and Marel swallowed silently once he realized that guy was not only handsome - he was fucking breathtaking. 
Marel slipped his hands into his pockets, once more muttering silent curses to himself. "I'm not exactly here to chat."
"I know, which is why I'll make things brief." Dorian managed a small smile that lifted the edges of his moustache just a bit. "Truth be told, I was quite sure that my room had soundproof walls until this very moment. I did ask for it before moving here."
"Really? A soundproof room?" Marel scoffed. "You realize clubs are a thing, right?"
Hearing that made him frown slightly. "If only things were that simple.” There was a hint of resentment in his tone, Marel noticed, but it soon faded away with a small shook of his head. “In any case, I owe you my apologies. I had no clue I was bothering other people.”
It was becoming increasingly harder to stay mad at Dorian, mostly because his words sounded pretty honest. Still, the fact that no one even thought to knock at his door for three weeks made Marel intrigued. “So no one else came here to complain before me?”
“You are the first one. Shocking, isn’t it?” Dorian crossed his arms while casually leaning against the wall. “The other students - I assume they are most likely to be afraid of my father. How foolish of them,” he waved dismissingly. “But now that I’ve mentioned it...” He looked at Marel again with a certain curiosity in his gaze. “You don’t happen to know who I am, do you?”
Marel shrugged. “My roommate said you are a rich guy named Dorian.” A pause. “By the way, she told you to piss off.”
Somehow the comment made Dorian chuckle humorously. “She’s not entirely wrong, I’m afraid. It seems I should apologize to her as well.”
Marel couldn’t help a small smile at that. “You probably should. Wouldn’t want to see her angry,” he suggested.
“What about you?” Dorian asked, looking at Marel up and down in an attempt to recognize him. “I don’t recall seeing you around. What is your name?”
Somehow Marel had managed to completely forget that he was still in his pajamas up until that moment. He was probably looking like a clown with his red flannel sweatpants and old blue shirt. Hell, he didn’t even need to see his reflection to know that his undercut was a complete mess too. In the meantime Dorian looked dashing in every possible way, which made him feel more than just a little self conscious.
He glanced down for a moment while wishing to bury his head on the ground. “I’m Marel,” he muttered.
“Marel? I believe I’ve heard some things about you.” That earned him a questioning look, one that made Dorian chuckle once more. “But don’t worry. I’m not one to believe in mindless gossip.”
Being aware of his own reputation, Marel almost sighed in relief after knowing that Dorian didn’t care for any of that. People often thought of him as a troublemaker for numerous reasons, up to the point that he was already used to it by now. Still, it felt refreshing not to be judged at first sight.
“Me neither.” The music had already stopped by then, leaving the two of them in silence. Marel took his hands off his pockets. “I... think I should get back to sleep.”
Dorian nodded. “Naturally.” He watched for a moment as Marel began to walk his way to the stairs. “Oh, and Marel?”
Marel looked back at him, stopping when he was just about to step down. “What?”
“Do feel free to stop by if you ever want to have a few drinks.” Dorian smiled as he opened the door. “You should invite your roommate as well - I hear vodka is a wonderful way to apologize.”
The corners of his mouth involuntarily twitched into a smile. Marel let out a breathless chuckle, glad to be far away so that Dorian couldn’t see him blush. “I’ll see you around, Dorian.”
The lights were on when Marel returned to his room. Sera didn’t even wait for him to properly enter before practically leaping at his direction. “The music stopped. Just- stopped! How did you do that?” She questioned, eyeing him suspiciously for a second. “Did you find that Dori-whatever?”
“Yeah.” Marel closed the door, not minding the way she interrogated him. “Turns out he’s not an ass.”
“Really?” Sera asked, stepping away to allow him to move towards his bed. “Because he looked like richy-ass type to me.”
There was a slight creak of wood when Marel laid on his bed. He turned his body to face the wall. “He said that I- we,” he quickly corrected, “could join him for a drink sometime.”
It didn’t take long before Sera had a mischievous grin on her face. “Ohhh.” That made him roll his eyes. “You think he’s hot, innit?”
She giggled when Marel threw a pillow in her direction, dodging it with ease. “Missed it, dumbass.” She didn’t need to see his face to know that he was embarrassed.
“Go get some sleep,” Marel grumbled.
“Alright, but only because it’s hella late.” Sera turned the lights off and proceeded to effortlessly hop into the upper bed. A moment of silence went by before she spoke again. “Try not to dream of him, yeah?”
Marel groaned. “For fuck’s sake, Sera-”
She giggled one last time before finally falling asleep.
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mk-tozier · 4 years
Losers are 15 here, Bev came back from her aunts because i can, x reader
warnings: swear words, a bit heated and just Richie being richie, sorta fluff? plot twist, kinda short because I’m just trying to get out some writing. ok peace
Here I was sitting in Bill’s room, carelessly staring at him, I have a huuuge crush on Bill. He’s adorable, he has a great personality and he’s just so ughhhh 😍. I sat up from Bills bed, sitting criss cross apple sauce. “So Bill?” I look down at my legs. “Yes Y/n/n” Bill says almost immediately, my name flowing with the sweetness of his voice. Something about hearing him say my name makes me flustered.
“I was wondering, do you u-um like anyone?” I ask looking up at him. Bill looks off to the distance for a second. “I don’t know, maybe.” He shrugs a bit. “D-Do Y-you?” “Yea, he’s the most amazing boy I know.” I smile slightly. Bill smiles at my comment. “W-well who is the m-m-mystery boy?” He asks beaming happily. This is it. I’m going to admit my feelings to him. Little do I know, I wouldn’t be the only one who would decide to do this. Before I could say anything the doorbell rang, echoing through the whole house. “I-I’ll get it, but y-you’re telling me a-afterwards.” Bill giggled and winked, swarming my stomach with butterflies once again.
Bill went downstairs and I waited patiently, sitting on his bed, smiling and thinking. After 5 minutes I realized he was taking awhile. I got up from the bed and began walking down the hallway and down the stairs. I stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Hey Bill! What’s up it’s been taking awhi-“ I cut myself off seeing Bill and Beverly, lips locked, pull away. “O-oh.” I say lowly. “S-s-sorry, I didn’t mean to d-ditch you, this k-kinda just h-h-happened.” He blushed madly. Tears swell up in my eyes, I feel a lump in my throat. “N-no it’s fine Bill, I h-have to meet up with Richie at the arcade a-anyways” My voice cracks a bit. “A-are you o-okay?” Bill asks. “Yeah, you seem a bit upset Y/n/n?” Bev says worry In her eyes. “No, I’m fine, I really have to get going though, wouldnt wanna be late or Richie might kick my ass” I joke, faking a smile, running up the stairs, into bills room.
Of course he likes her, I don’t hate Bev, its the exact opposite. She’s sweet and funny, she’s soo beautiful, just the dream girl, perfect for any guy, I don’t exactly hate myself, but I’m obviously not enough for Bill. I grab my back quickly, wiping my cheeks and swallowing the lump in my throat. I go downstairs. “Bye guys” I say quickly before walking out the door, not even waiting for their goodbyes.
Time skip
“Tozier!” I exclaim, hugging him from behind. “Your day just got a thousand times better!” I giggled, trying to get the thought of Bill Denbrough out of my head. Richie turned around and faced me, looking down and grinning. “You bet it fucking did sweetheart.” I hugged him again, tightly, smiling into his chest. “I missed you Rich” I say. “I missed you too sweet cheeks.” He chuckled slightly. My smile died down as I pulled away from the hug. “You okay there y/n/n?” Richie bites his cheek slightly. When he says my nickname, its different from Bill, my name flows with the sweetness of his voice, meanwhile with Richie, My name just fits with his raspy voice, like a puzzle piece. “Y-yea I’m fine!” I fake a smile. “Don’t lie to me, I’ll beat your ass if you don’t tell me” Richie looks at me sternly. “F-fine.” My voice lowers.
“Bill” is all I can let out before I get the same lump in my throat. “Did he hurt you, I’ll beat him up, wh-what’d he do to you?” Richie’s eyes fill with worry. “No, not that. He, he kissed Beverly” I say lowly. He frowns looking into my eyes. “Your amazing doll and if he can’t see that, he’s fucking blind, Blinder than me. I need glasses and i can tell you’re beautiful Don’t be sad over a dumbass like him, I’d pick you over any girl any day.” Richie hugs me. “Thanks Rich.” I sigh slightly. “I just wish it were him who would pick me over any girl, you’re  my best friend, that’s different, obviously you would pick me.” Richie sighs lowly, biting his lip slightly, he looked hot with his lip tugged between his teeth,concentrated- ohfuckno, I did NOT just call Richie Tozier HOT. Okay maybe I’d be an idiot if I didn’t realize my best friend was cute, not only cute tremendously hot but I don’t like him, I’m just smart enough to know he’s got good looks. Richie put his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. “Then let’s make him jealous, show him what he’s missing, sound good doll?” He smirks, licking his lips slightly. I smile up at Richie. “Sounds great Rich, but how.” “Okay so you get a makeover right? Look like a whole art piece, not like you don’t already” Richie winks at me before continuing. “And follow my lead.” I nod and smile at him.
Time skip to a couple days later.
I rode my bike next to Richies. “are you sure this is gonna work?” i ask him. “Of course its gonna work, and if it doesn’t then its still a win, we get to pretend to date. I get to act like I’m with the most beautiful girl in the world and you get to act like your with me, the hottest and funniest guy ever.” Richie smirks. “yeah yeah” i roll my eyes, smiling. We pulled over by the quarry, about 2 feet away from everyone else. I got off my bike, laying it down next to a rock. “its way too hot out today, if we go in the water, there’s about 20 diseases we can get but if we stay in the sun, we could get heat strokes” Eddie rambles. “It’s hot out because of me and Y/n!” Richie exclaims. I roll my eyes again, this kid is something else. “shut up Richie” Stan groans. “Eddie we’ve been in the quarry billions of times and every time we come put fine, why are you still worried” i say, reassuringly. “you never know” He replies. “hes just making up excuses because hes too afraid to jump” Richie smirks. “whatever” Eddie says, going back to doing whatever. I look over to see Bill sitting on a rock, staring at me and Richie, i give him a small wave before turning around so i can undress, my swimsuit under my clothes. I watch Richie take off his shirt, his skin pale but slightly toned, he has slight abs which is confusing since the kid almost never works out. I eagerly take off my shirt and shorts/skirt, I feel eyes on me, i look over, seeing Richie looking me up and down. “eyes to yourself Tozier” I giggle. “Hey! I’m just admiring the beauty! Cant a guy look at his girlfriend!” Rich snaps. “girlfriend!?!” Everyone mutters from behind us, shocked. He winks at me. “called it!” Bev says. “its about time you two got together, the sexual tension is unbelievable” Sexual Tension? But there’s nothing between me and Rich, what is she talking about? This whole thing is fake. “Yeah seriously, I’m surprised you guys havent fucked by now” Stan says. What the hell are they talking about? But I’ve always liked Bill. Yeah, Me and Rich flirt all the time but there’s no feelings involved, right? I feel my cheeks burning, not from the sun either. Richie smirks, staring at me. “Who says we havent” He shrugs, the smirk staying on his face, as if it were glued there. “RICH!” I squeaked, my cheeks burning even more. “forget i ever said anything” Stanley gagged. “DO YOU GUYS NOT KNOW THE AMOUNT OF DISEASES-“ “yes we know, we know, and Richie is only joking” i roll my eyes. “Bill, you okay?” Ben asks. Rich winks and elbows me softly. “y-yea I’m fine” he replies. “you sure? You’ve been awfully quiet” Ben asks again. Richie nudges me again. I don’t wanna make Bill jealous anymore, what if this whole time, i only told myself that i like Bill to cover up the fact that i like Richie? No I’m just being stupid now, I’ve never liked Richie. Hes just my best friend and hes just helping me out, thats all. “i-I’m okay, l-l-lets just swim!” He says, smiling slightly.
Time skip
The whole time, me and Rich splashed each other and messed around, flirting a lot too. Richie dunked me under the water before pulling me back up, grabbing my waist, our bodies touching, our faces inches apart, his lower body brushed against my leg,holy shit,rich was hard. My face heated up, why is he hard, he doesn’t even like me.Just breathe, its probably just a teenage boy thing. His thumb rubbed circles on my bare waist, our faces inched closer,only about 2 inches away from eachother now, i felt his warm breath against my lips. This can’t be happening, worst part is I’m not stopping it. “RICH! Y/N! C’MON WE’RE GETTING OUT! WE’RE GONNA GET ICECREAM” One of the losers yelled. Me and Richie pulled away, both of us blushing, Richie blinked before swimming away. My face heated up thinking about what happened in the Quarry. Why’d I allow us to get that close. “H-hey Y-Y/n can i t-t-talk to you for a s-s-sec?” Bill asks. I look over at Richie, who sends me a smile. His eyes look sad, why would he be sad? This was his plan afterall.
I followed Bill into a small opening away from the losers. “I-i know I’m k-k-kinda later but i l-like you. It’s o-okay if y-y-you dont like me. i-i k-kn-know your with richie.” Bill admits. “actually I’m not with Richie, it was to make you jealous because i liked you but what about Beverly, I wouldn’t want you to lead her on, she obviously likes you” i say. “y-yeah i kn-know. the k-kiss happened o-o-out of nowhere. i t-t-told her I wasn’t s-sure of m-m-my feelings” He says. “w-wait...l-liked?” “yeah...i- i think i like Richie.” i say softly. “o-oh. okay..” Bill says. “he d-d-definitely likes you b-back. You sh-sh-should shoot your shot” i smile. “thanks Bill” “o-of c-course! G-g-good luck!” he says
I walk back over to Rich, who was trying to put on his shirt but was failing miserably, i giggled. He finally got on his shirt. “Jesus this damn thing hates me or something” He mutters, causing me to giggle again. “oh hey! sooo how’d it go with Bill” Richie smirks. “um...i actually rejected him” I say. Richies eyebrows furrowed, he frowned, but i could tell he was trying not to smirk. “why? i thought you liked him?” he asks. “Beverly likes him, it wouldnt be fair to her. aaaand I’m pretty sure i like someone else.” i say. “oOoOoO and who might that be” Richie smirks. I put my hands on his shirt, pulling him closer to me, connecting my lips with Richies. This was a Kiss waiting to happen, Richies eyes went wide but they soon relaxed as he put his hands on my waist, kissing me back. I pull away, out of breath. “does that tell you who i like?” i ask. “nah, i think you’re gonna have to try again.” Richie smirks. I roll my eyes smiling before connecting our lips once again. This kiss was much more rough and passionate, our lips glided against eachother, smoothly as if our lips were made for eachother, like puzzle pieces connecting. His tongue glided against my bottom lip, asking for entrance, i part my mouth slightly, Richie entering his tongue right away, exploring my mouth. The kiss got more heated and rough, both of us out of breathe but not wanting to pull away. “THATS DISGUSTING” Eddie yells. “hey lovebirds we’re gonna get icecream” Beverly chuckles. I pull away from Richie, panting. “we’ll catch up, i still have to put on my clothes” i say. The losers start to get on there bikes and talk amongst themselves. I grab my shirt and short/skirt putting it on quickly. “sucks those have to go back on” Richie winks. “RICH!” i squeak. “whaaat? I’m only telling the truth, I’d rather watch you in your swimsuit” he replies. I roll my eyes. “so...Wanna be my girlfriend?” Richie asks. “no because i just made out with you for no reason. Of course i wanna be your girlfriend Rich” i reply, he rolls his eyes smiling. “Now lets go before the losers forget about us!” i say hopping on my bike.
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cocastyle · 4 years
Change - Ch. 2 | T H R E E
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 7,912
A/N - so I know I told you guys to prepare your tissues but I didn’t realize how much I was going tog do in depth with these beginning scenes so you have been spared one more chapter before the monstrosity that is the next chapter. I just feel like this part is too heavy to lightly brush by, so it is very necessary to build up the scene/background before really diving into the emotional problems next chapter. anyways, I hope you guys like this!
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T H R E E - Fortune Cookies
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Greyson Uris had never seen his mother so happy in his life. Sure she was happy when she was with him and his uncle Stan, but this was different. A good different and Greyson found himself never wanting the night to end.
He watched as his mother interacted with her friends, throwing her head back as she fell into a fit of laughter and leaned against Eddie for support while the adults who Greyson learned used to call themselves the Losers Club reminisced on the memories of their past.
Greyson learned quite a bit about his mother including how she used to spend the summers with his uncle in Derry which is how she met Richie, Eddie, and Bill. The five had been close every summer that she came and it was obvious how close they still were despite the years apart. Y/N's last summer in Derry had been when she met Ben, Mike, and Beverly and those three fit into the group just as well as the others. Y/N hadn't visited Derry since then, her parents keeping her away with their whole divorce.
For a moment Greyson wondered why his mother had never spoke of the Losers if they were as close as they made it out to be. Their friendship didn't seem like something that was easily forgotten, but somehow he knew his mother had. He wanted to ask how they had left things, but he found himself not doing so because he didn't understand how it could've ended badly when the group was acting like a bunch of thirteen year olds just by being with each other.
Greyson hadn't even touched on the fact that his mother and Bill obviously had something going on. If the hug the two had given each other upon reuniting hadn't been enough proof then the longing glances they threw at each other when the other wasn't paying attention was.
He wanted to freak out over the fact that his mother and his favorite author Bill Denbrough had the hots for each other, but he kept his mouth shut and just had the biggest grin plastered on his face for the whole night. All he could think about was how he knew their life would change after this night.
He had a feeling none of the adults were about to let go of each other any time soon and the prospect of having the Losers in his life was not something Greyson could argue against. He would do anything to keep the smile that was on his mother's face for it was a smile that shone brighter than anything he had ever seen before.
It was the smile Stan would tell the boy about. The infamous Y/N Uris smile that could make everyone in the room stop just with one flash of it in their direction. And Greyson never wanted it to disappear.
Y/N on the other hand had never seen her son open up to people the way he did with the Losers. His nerves were pretty much nonexistent by now and he was conversing with the others like he had known them his whole life.
Richie and Greyson could match each other's energy perfectly and Y/N would be lying if she said she didn't about swoon at the sight of Bill wrapping an arm around Greyson's shoulders as the two laughed about something, her son looking up at Bill in adoration while Bill gave the boy a smile and ruffled his hair.
The grin that dawned Greyson's face was one that made Y/N's heart soar and she was beyond grateful that the Losers accepted Greyson with welcoming arms the way that they did. He needed it, especially after everything that had happened with his father and lacking those other family figures in his life that weren't Y/N, Stan, or Patty.
As if sensing her gaze, Greyson turned his head to look at his mother and Y/N couldn't help but smile, the action instantly bringing an equally bright one to her son's face. Y/N reached out and brushed some of the hair from Greyson's eyes and his gaze was loving as he looked to her.
Neither of them wanted this night to ever end.
"So wait," Richie said, his eyes turning to Eddie in amusement and disbelief and making the Losers and Greyson all turn to look at the man. "Eddie, you got married?"
"Yeah, why's it so fucking funny, dickwad?" Eddie questioned, sitting up straighter as he got really defensive all of a sudden.
"What? To like a woman?" Richie asked, his face blank as he tried to act as serious as possible. Y/N sent a small playful glare in Richie's direction and couldn't help but notice the emotion that seemed to flicker through the man's eyes as he awaited Eddie's answer.
Eddie looked as if he were about to blow a gasket and Y/N was quick to gently place a hand on his arm in order to try and calm him down. Eddie instantly relaxed under her touch and collected himself enough to glare at Richie and point at him with his chop stick as he muttered, "Fuck you, bro."
Richie laughed before exclaiming, "Fuck you!"
Greyson furrowed his eyebrows for a moment with a smile playing on his lips and used the calculating gaze he had on Bill and Y/N earlier on Richie and Eddie, but no one seemed to notice.
"Alright, what about you, Trashmouth? You married?" Bill asked instantly earning a chuckle from Y/N who was quick to throw a hand over her mouth while Richie looked to her in betrayal.
"What's so fucking funny, Uris?" Richie questioned, his eyes narrowed despite the smile he was trying to hide.
"Nothing," Y/N insisted between laughs as she held her hands up in surrender. "Just. . .there's no way you're married.”
Richie's eyes widened and he went to say something but the other Losers were quick to agree with Y/N, none of them believing for a second that the man they knew was married.
"No, I am! I am," Richie insisted. "No, I got married."
"Richie, I've known you for like an hour now and I don't even believe it," Greyson told him as he smirked and took a bite of his food, the other Losers chuckling softly while Richie playfully glared at the boy.
"When?" Eddie questioned, deciding to play along with the man. Although, he couldn't help but notice the look Greyson sent in his direction as if he knew something that Eddie didn't.
"Did you not hear this?" Richie questioned in disbelief, his gaze flickering back over to Eddie who was sipping from his cup. "You didn't know I got married?"
"No," Eddie said, his amusement falling once he noticed the dead serious look on Richie's face.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at Richie and the man's eyes locked with hers just long enough for her to catch on that this was a joke and she was quick to look away, a small smile dancing on her face while Richie looked back to Eddie.
"Yeah, me and your mom are very very happy together," Richie said and everyone burst out laughing at that except for Eddie who glared at Richie as his shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.
"He totally fell for it!" Richie laughed as he pointed at Eddie, the man frowning and looking away while Y/N reached over and patted his arm.
"Fuck you," Eddie grumbled earning another round of laughter from the Losers.
"She's very sweet. Sometimes she'll put her arm around me and she'll whisper to me. She'll go-" Richie trailed off as he began to make Jabba the Hut noises and Y/N realized then that she probably should stop drinking because she laughed so hard she started to cry.
"We all get it!" Eddie exclaimed in annoyance. "My mom's a great big fat person. It's hilarious! Hysterical!"
Y/N laughed even more at that and Eddie turned his attention to the girl before lightly shoving her as he tried not to laugh as well. "Fuck you, Uris!" Eddie yelled while Y/N desperately tried to wipe away at her tears.
"What about you, Y/N?" Beverly spoke up, a warm smile on her face as she tried to change the topic so everyone would calm down. "Who's the lucky man?"
Y/N's laughter began to die down almost instantly and she ignored the looks that Eddie, Bill, and Mike sent in her direction as she tried to keep her smile on her face. For a moment the sound of a door slamming in her face and her own sobs whispered through her ear, but a hand gently grabbing ahold of her own had her glancing to see Greyson giving her a small reassuring smile despite the anger he was trying to hold back.
"Uh. . .there's no one," Y/N replied, her smile not as big as usual as the sparkle dulled from her eyes.
A beat of awkward silence fell among the group, but Richie was quick to speak up as he smirked and said, "Bill, that means you still have a chance!"
Y/N and Bill's faces reddened instantly and the whole group broke out into hysterics once again while the two adults glared at Richie and Greyson stay there smirking between them. "Tozier, I swear-" Y/N began and Richie couldn't help but sigh dramatically and put a hand to his chest.
"There it is. Shit, I haven't heard you say those three words in forever. It just bring tears to my eyes," Richie joked earning an eye roll from Y/N as she began to relax and laugh once again.
She knew what Richie was doing and was silently thankful that he had managed to turn the conversation around and ease the mood even if it meant teasing her and Bill about their past relationship.
Y/N felt a pair of eyes watching her and turned her head slightly to see Bill's gaze was on her. His face instantly reddened as he realized he had been caught, but the smile Y/N sent him was enough to keep him from looking away.
Greyson looked between the two adults and couldn't help but shake his head at their obliviousness. He loved his mother, but sometimes she wasn't the brightest and right now was only proof.
"Hey, Mom," Greyson said instantly snapping the two adults out of their trance as their faces reddened. Y/N's eyes instantly flickered down to her son and he gave her a small smile before pointing to Eddie. "Is it okay if we switch seats? I kind of want to talk to Eddie more about all the crazy shit you did as a kid.”
Y/N blinked in surprise and couldn't help but feel her heart melt at the fact that her son was interacting with her friends so well. "Of course, kid. Whatever you want?" she told him before she began to get up and switch seats with him, not noticing the small look Eddie and Greyson shared before Richie sent the kid a small thumbs up.
It was only when Y/N was sitting back down that she realized where she was now sitting and she quickly turned her head, her eyes widening at the sight of Bill now sitting beside her. He had the same surprised look on his face and the two blinked before small smiles appeared on their faces.
"Hi," Y/N whispered making Bill smile more as his eyes flickered over her face.
"Hi," Bill whispered back, desperately trying to keep his voice as steady as possible despite the sudden wave of nervousness that was washing over his body.
They hadn't even noticed that the Losers and Greyson had stopped their conversations to watch the two with knowing smiles, but when nothing else happened, Richie cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. "Wait, let's talk about the elephant not in the room," Richie announced before gesturing towards Ben. "Ben, what the fuck, man?"
Ben blushed almost instantly and looked down shyly as he said, "Okay, okay, obviously I've lost a few pounds."
"Yeah, no shit!" Eddie exclaimed making Y/N chuckle softly as she put a hand to her mouth to try and hide her smile.
"Lost a few pounds? You're like uh. . .you're hot," Richie said as he gave the man a baffled look which wasn't surprising since everyone else except for Greyson did as well. "It's true. You're like every Brazilian soccer player wrapped up into one person. Gorgeous!"
Ben was getting redder by the minute and Y/N couldn't contain her laughter any more. She had to grip onto her sides because of how hard she was laughing and Bill quickly joined her, the two leaning against each other for support as they laughed.
"Leave him alone," Beverly told them while Ben bashfully looked at the table before looking up at Beverly. "You're embarrassing him." That earned another round of chuckles from everyone while Greyson looked around at the adults in amusement.
"Okay, okay, alright! Please, come on," Ben said as he tried to calm the laughing table down. He gestured towards the empty chair that Y/N had desperately been trying to avoid looking at. "Is Stanley coming or what?"
Y/N's eyes flickered over to the empty chair, her laughter slowly coming to a halt as she began to realize just how long they had been sitting there without Stan's presence. Greyson noticed his mother's stare and couldn't help but look to the chair as well, an uneasy feeling washing over him as he furrowed his eyebrows confused as to where his uncle could be.
For the Losers it was like a switch had been flipped in their head, instantly reminding them of the other half of the Uris cousin pair. The others slowly looked over to where the empty chair was and everyone fell silent as they began to remember the curly haired boy.
"Stan," Eddie muttered in disbelief as if he hadn't even thought of the boy up until that moment.
"Stan the-" Bill trailed off as if he couldn't remember the other half of the saying which maybe he couldn't. It wouldn't be the first thing they had forgotten.
"Stan Uris," Richie muttered as he distantly remembered sitting with Y/N in the synagogue as Stan walked out on his own bar mitzvah to prove a point to his father.
"Stan Urine!" Bill and Richie exclaimed in unison making Y/N roll her eyes at the boys as a fond smile began to appear on her face.
"He always hated that name," she whispered and that was enough to make all eyes turn to her, everyone instantly remembering how Stan and Y/N were cousins.
"Y/N, you still talk to him, right?" Mike asked, his eyes flickering over the girl as he took a sip from his drink. The look he gave her seemed to tell her that he already knew the answer, but Y/N quickly shook it off and just gave the group a small smile.
"Yeah. We live near each other," Y/N explained. "Greyson and I had dinner with him and his wife Patty last night actually."
"Wife? Woah, Stan the Man had enough game to get himself a woman?" Richie joked making Y/N playfully roll her eyes at the man.
"I thought Uncle Stan was coming," Greyson spoke up as he gave his mother a confused look. Y/N glanced at the chair once more before looking back at her son, putting on a fake smile as to not worry him.
"He's probably just running late is all," Y/N assured him before looking around at the table. "That would have to be my fault. I forgot to check in with him before I left town last night and you guys know Stanley. He probably was about to leave and saw a bird or something. I swear he would be late to most things if it weren't for me by his side to keep his head on straight."
The Losers chuckled at that and it seemed a bit of the tension was gone. "That or he's too much of a fucking pussy. He's not going to show," Richie teased.
"That or he's too busy fucking your mother to show up," Greyson instantly retorted, not liking the way Richie degraded his uncle like that. Richie blinked in surprise and put a hand to his chest as if Greyson has physically wounded him.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock and it was one of those moments as a mother where she had to hide her laughter just to scold the boy. "Greyson," she said, but the boy only shrugged with a shy smile on his face.
A loud laugh was enough to have both of them turning to see Richie looking at Greyson in pure amusement while the rest of the table began to laugh as well. "See this," Richie began as he pointed at the young boy. "This is why you're my new favorite Uris."
"Woah! Hey!" Y/N exclaimed as she put a hand to her chest and feigned hurt. "Rich, I thought we were friends."
"My bad, sweetheart. You know I love you," Richie smiled, winking at the girl while she playfully rolled her eyes with a small chuckle.
"We are so getting off topic here and that's what Ben wants," Eddie laughed, pointing a finger at Ben who let out a small sigh once he realized he had been caught. All eyes turned accusingly to Ben who held his hands up in surrender with a shy smile on his face.
"Why would Stanley save you anyway? Was I not the one who basically performed surgery on you. . ." Eddie began to trail off and his eyes widened as the memories began to come back, ". . .after Bowers cut you up! Holy shit, that's right!"
"Holy shit," Y/N breathed out as she too began to remember that day. "Wasn't that the day where. . ." She trailed off and began to snap her fingers as if it would help her remember before a loud gasp escaped her lips and she pointed at Beverly. "That was the day we met you! We tricked Mr. Keene so that the boys could escape out the door with all the medical supplies."
"That's right," Bill laughed as he too began to remember that day. Although he froze slightly as he distantly had a flashback of seeing Y/N walk out of the store, her whole person just glowing under the sunlight as she gave him that smile that made his heart flutter out of control. Back then that was the moment he realized he still had feelings at her and at that sudden memory popping up, Bill couldn't help but glance over at the girl by his side.
It was like time stood still for Bill as he took a good look at the girl, remembering how she used to make him feel back then and noticing how his heart still thumped rapidly in his chest just like it always had and always would when he had Y/N by his side.
"Fuck," Bill muttered out loud as the realization hit him, but it was so loud that everyone turned to look at him only to find that he was staring at Y/N with an unreadable expression on his face. Y/N gave the boy a confused look and Bill's eyes widened in surprise as he quickly looked away with a blush of embarrassment on his face.
"Th-That was so long ago," Bill tried to cover up his actions and it seemed to do the trick because the group all laughed and looked away from him as they began to agree.
"Please tell me you ended up becoming a doctor, Eds," Beverly spoke up, successfully moving the attention away from Bill which he was grateful for.
Eddie quickly shook his head as if he couldn't even fathom the idea. "No, uh. . .I ended up becoming a risk analyst," Eddie told them.
"Oh, that sounds really interesting," Richie said in a sarcastic tone that only Y/N and Greyson seemed to notice, the two sharing a small look before looking at Richie in amusement. "What does that entail?"
"Yeah, so I work for like this big insurance firm and uh-" Eddie was cut off by the sound of a Richie snoring and the group all glanced at Richie who was leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed as he pretended to sleep.
Eddie had never looked so unamused and the Losers all tried to stifle their laughter while Greyson accidentally let a few giggles escape as he looked between Richie and Eddie in amusement. At the sound of Greyson's laughter, everyone began to laugh while Eddie continued to watch Richie unamused.
Richie pretended to wake up and blinked a few times before looking over at Eddie who muttered, "Fuck you, dude. Fuck you."
"Was this job invented before fun?" Richie questioned in a deadly serious tone which made Eddie frown.
"Oh, that's so not funny," Eddie told him, but the laughter at the table begged to differ.
"It is funny!" Richie argued as he began to laugh as well and Greyson who was trying to drink his water in order to stop his laughter couldn't help but spit it back into his cup as laughter shook his body. Y/N laughed even harder at that and wrapped an arm around her son as the two tried to control themselves but only ended up laughing even harder, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Eddie.
"No," Eddie said to Richie before looking at Greyson and Y/N offended. "What the fuck are you two laughing at?"
"Oh hush, Eds," Y/N laughed as she reached over at pat the boy's cheek. Eddie went to move away, but he would be lying if he said a small smile hadn't begun to appear on his face.
Beverly cleared her throat and everyone's laughter began to quiet down as they looked to the girl with smiles, a much lighter mood surrounding them now that they weren't thinking too hard about where the hell Stan was.
"I propose a toast," Beverly announced and the adults all cheered as they picked up their drinks. Greyson look around before picking up his water and holding it up as well.
"To the Losers."
- - -
The evening went better than Y/N thought it would, but for some reason she still found herself waiting for the twist. Like something was going to pop up and ruin the whole night which was crazy, right? What could there be to worry about?
Laughter was prominent at the table for the whole evening to the point where a waitress even had to tell them to quiet down a bit and Y/N had never been so happy in her life. Getting to be back with the Losers was one thing but getting to be back with the Losers with her son by her side was a whole different story.
Y/N conversed with the group for a while before her and Bill ended up breaking off and talking to each other instead, although neither seemed to realize what they had done. Bill told her about Audra and their divorce, about his writing career and how he was currently working on a movie version of one of his books. In return Y/N told him about her adventures in raising Greyson, about her life with Stan and Patty, and about Greyson's love for books and writing.
She avoided the topic of her ex husband entirely and it was obvious that Bill had noticed by the way he danced around the subject. Y/N knew she would have to tell him eventually and it was only when she was watching Bill in silence as he stopped talking in order to take a sip of his drink that she spoke up.
"He left," she said, her sudden words making Bill look at her in surprise while Y/N quickly averted her gaze with red cheeks. "Uh. . .Greyson's father. I know you were wondering."
Bill blinked in surprise and let his eyes flicker over the girl's face as she swirled her beer in the bottle. "Why?" Bill finally asked, knowing that Y/N was only opening up to him because she wanted to talk about it and the fact that she wanted to talk to him about it made his heart skip a beat.
"For no reasonable explanation that's for sure," Y/N sighed and she seemed to be staring more intently at her beer bottle as she spoke. "We had dated for two years and were married for another before I found out I was pregnant with Greyson. He. . .he wasn't as excited as I was and before I knew it he packed his bags and told me he wasn't cut out to be a father and didn't want to be held down anymore." Y/N was silent for a moment before she looked up at Bill and gave him a sad smile as she shrugged. "Then he left."
Bill didn't know what to say as he tried to wrap his head around what Y/N had just told him. Greyson's father had left them just like that? Did he not realize what he had? Not only was Y/N one of the most caring and loving people anyone could ever meet, but Greyson was an amazing kid who deserved way more than an asshole for a father.
Y/N let her gaze flicker over to Greyson and she smiled softly as she watched her son team up with Eddie as the two argued with Richie about something. "He tried to come back a year ago, but Greyson told him to fuck off and never speak to us again before slamming the door in his face," she chuckled softly, but when she looked back at Bill there were tears in her eyes.
"My sweet boy didn't deserve that bastard for a father. He. . .he's given me so much joy in my life that I didn't think I would ever find again and I wish he had the father I know he wishes he had, but life can be cruel sometimes," Y/N stopped herself once she realized she was rambling and looked away in embarrassment as she wiped at her tears.
"I'm sorry. You did not deserve to have me dump all of that on you," Y/N laughed sadly, but Bill was quick to reach out and grab onto her hand.
The action made them both blush, but neither looked away from each other. "No, I'm glad you told me. You know you can always tell me anything. We puked in those bushes together after riding the Gravitron. I think it's safe to say we have a bond that can never be broken," Bill joked before both adults let out soft chuckles.
"I was hoping you forgot about that," Y/N laughed before she let her eyes lock with Bill's.
"I think all that puke is forever engraved in my head," Bill told her before squeezing her hand which they both hadn't realize he was still holding onto. "But seriously, you can always tell me anything. I'm sorry for what that son of a bitch did to you two. Neither of you deserved it and I'm sure he doesn't know what the hell he walked away from because if he did, he wouldn't have even thought about leaving."
Y/N was silent for a moment as she looked at the man, her heart skipping a beat at his words. "Thank you," she whispered, her eyes watering slightly at what he had said. Bill always had been so sweet to her and she never understood why.
The two were silent as they stared at each other for a moment, their eyes flickering over each other's faces as their hands slowly moved so that their fingers were intertwined.
Y/N couldn't help but notice the way they had both seemed to inch forward ever so slightly and it was then as she stared into Bill's eyes that she remembered why green had always been her favorite color. Although it seemed that over the years, Bill's eyes had grown to be just a to be more blue than they used to be and now the mixture of blue and green was almost as breathtaking as the very being that was Bill Denbrough.
"Oh, there we go!" Richie's voice exclaimed instantly pulling Bill and Y/N out of whatever had just been going on between the two of them. Both adults turned to look at their friend, their eyes slightly wide at the idea of him talking about them, but Richie's eyes were focused on the bowl of fortune cookies being set in the middle of the table.
Y/N and Bill both let out small sighs of relief before they glanced down at their intertwined hands. They were quick to pull away, dark blushes appearing on their cheeks as they looked back to the table.
"Mom," Greyson suddenly said and Y/N was quick to take the small distraction and look to her son who was holding out a fortune cookie to her.
"Oh, thank you," Y/N smiled as she took the fortune cookie from the boy. Greyson just gave her a soft smile in return before turning back and shouting something at Richie who frowned while Eddie high-fived the boy.
Y/N was too lost in her thoughts to register what the three were talking about so she turned her attention back to her fortune cookie. She was just about to open it when she felt a pair of eyes on her and she glanced over to see that Bill was watching her.
"What?" Y/N asked, a small smile playing on her lips as she stared at the boy curiously.
"Uh, nothing," Bill quickly said as he grabbed a fortune cookie. "This is just weird. All of this. All these memories. People that I don't even remember forgetting."
Y/N's face softened and she nodded ever so slightly, knowing exactly what the boy was talking about. After all, how could she have forgotten about the Losers that easily? These were the people who had been her best friends, the people who had helped her get through her parents' divorce.
And even now that she was with them she still felt like she barely remembered her past. It was like her memories were different pieces of an incomplete puzzle and she still had so far left to go.
"I mean it's weird, right?" Ben spoke up and the two glanced over to find that the whole table had stopped to listen to them. Ben ran his finger along the rim of his cup and frowned slightly as he whispered, "Now that we're all here, everything just comes back faster and faster. I mean all of it."
"Yeah, you know when Mike called me I threw up," Richie commented, his fingers tapping together as he spoke. Y/N's eyes instantly caught on to that and she remembered how she had learned from a young age that whenever Richie tapped his fingers together it was because he was nervous. Y/N couldn't blame him. She felt the same way. "Isn't that weird? Like I got nervous. I got like sick and I threw up.”
Richie chuckled softly, trying to lift the mood but everyone was deathly quiet as if they knew what he was talking about. Everyone except for Greyson who was looking around at the adults confused, not sure why they all looked like they were about to be sick or something.
"But I feel fine now. I feel very relieved to be here with you guys," Richie said, but when he looked up at his friends he finally caught sight of their faces. "Why is everybody looking at me like this?"
"I didn't throw up, but I felt it too. The nervousness. The feeling like I was about to be sick. Funny, right?" Y/N questioned as she locked eyes with Richie. She thought back to the previous night and a frown appeared on her face as she suddenly remembered her cousin's odd behavior. "Stanley was the same way I think. He was acting nervous after a phone call which I assume was from you, Mike. I had never seen him look so afraid, but he wouldn't tell me what was wrong. He didn't want to worry me I guess. Although what is there to worry about?"
"When Mike called me I crashed my car," Eddie said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock before she reached behind her son to put a hand on the man's shoulder.
"Oh my god. Are you okay?" Y/N asked, her voice shaking with worry as she looked at the man scanning for injuries. He seemed to be fine and Eddie gave the girl a weak smile as he reached up and put a hand on top of hers.
"I'm fine, Y/N. I promise," Eddie assured her and Y/N swallowed thickly before letting his arm fall back down to her side, still not fully believing the man but knowing better than to fuss over him right then.
"Man, I hear ya. I mean my heart was literally like pounding right out of my chest," Ben said, his gaze flickering between the others only to find that they all were giving looks of understanding as if they knew what he was talking about.
"I thought it was only me," Beverly spoke up.
"It was like pure f-f-f-" Bill began to stutter in a word and it was then that Y/N realized the man sitting beside her hadn't stuttered once this evening except out of nervousness. He must've finally gotten over the stutter and for a moment Y/N remembered how it had gotten worse for a summer but couldn't recall why.
"Fear," Mike finished and everyone's eyes flickered to him. "It's fear. What you felt."
"So you all felt scared?" Greyson questioned confused. "Why? Because you were going to be seeing each other again after so long?"
"That's not it," Y/N muttered as the realization began to dawn on her that something bigger was going on. She couldn't remember what it was, but she knew Mike had called them there for a reason. "Mike," she whispered and the man looked to her. "Why are we here? Why did we feel like that?"
Mike looked down and shifted uncomfortably on his seat which everyone instantly noticed. "You remember something we don't," Bill muttered in realization. "Don't you, Mike?"
"Something happens to you when you leave this town," Mike told them, keeping his gaze on the table for a moment before taking in a shaky breath and looking up at his friends with a serious expression that put them all on edge almost instantly.
Y/N slowly reached over and grabbed onto Greyson's hand, the boy giving her a confused look but squeezing into his mother's hand in response once he recognized that she needed his support and comfort for some reason.
"Further away, the hazier it all gets," Mike continued. "With me, I never left. So yeah. I remember. I remember all of it."
Y/N could feel the hair on the back of her neck beginning to stand on end and that same feeling she had gotten when talking to Mike on the phone suddenly began to wash over her body once again. Her grip on Greyson's hand tightened and Greyson sat up straighter and gently began to rub his hand up and down his mother's arm as he whispered in concern, "Mom? What's wrong?"
"Pennywise," Beverly whispered.
Y/N froze at that, her eyes flickering over to Beverly as her face paled. It seemed to hit her all at once and Y/N shook her head as she muttered, "You're fucking with me. This isn't real. This isn't fucking real."
Greyson's eyes widened at the frightened look on his mother's face, but his comforting didn't seem to help. He glanced around at the table only to find that everyone except for Mike was wearing the same expression on their face like Y/N and Greyson didn't have a clue why. What or who was Pennywise?
"The fucking clown," Eddie muttered, his breathing shaky as he looked down and Greyson only became more confused.
Pennywise was a clown? Why were they all afraid of a clown?
Eddie began to hyperventilate and he went to check his pockets for his inhaler. As for the other Losers they were all sitting there in shock, none of them being able to wrap their heads around what was happening.
Greyson's touch wasn't helping Y/N at all and the woman pulled herself away from her son before leaning forward and putting her head into her hands. Greyson gave his mother a worried look and looked to Bill who locked eyes with him for a moment before glancing at Y/N.
Bill knew Greyson was freaking out about seeing his mother in this state, but if Greyson knew what was flashing through Y/N's head right now then he wouldn't blame her. Bill shakily brought a hand out and gently tugged it away from Y/N's face, the woman instantly looking to him with wide eyes as if to ask him if this was really happening.
Bill was silent, but kept his gaze locked with hers as he took her hand in his and squeezed it, a sign that told her that he was by her side. That she wasn't alone in this.
Y/N sat back up, her grip on Bill's hand tight, and Greyson relaxed just a bit at seeing his mother acting more normal, but still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.
"Mike, you said you wanted our help with something," Bill pointed out, everyone's eyes widening slightly as they turned to look at the man in question. Bill's hand tightened around Y/N's and he swallowed thickly before asking, "What was that?"
"There's an echo here in Derry and it bounces back every twenty-seven years, right?" Mike told them and Y/N shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut as she willed this not to be real. If Mike was about to say what she thought he was about to say, Y/N didn't know what she would do.
All Y/N could think about was how she brought Greyson with her. She brought her son. There was no way in hell he was going to suffer through the same things she did. She wouldn't allow it.
"What are you talking about?" Eddie questioned, his voice low as he gave Mike a look that practically screamed he better be messing with them.
"Okay, listen. Listen," Mike insisted. "We thought we stopped It back then. We thought it was done, but-" Mike began to flip through a small notebook that none of them realized he had and Y/N continued to shake her head.
"I'm confused. What are we talking about? Who's Pennywise?" Greyson questioned, but his voice fell on deaf ears for everyone was looking at Mike in disbelief.
"Mike," Richie sighed in exasperation, trying to hide his fear behind his facade he always put up.
"A week ago," Mike began as he found a page and pointed to something in the book. Bill glanced over at it, but didn't let go of Y/N's hand as the woman slowly opened her eyes. "A man Adrian Melon slandered. A girl-"
"Mike, stop," Y/N pleaded, not wanting to hear any of this. She thought it was over. This had to be over. She wasn't the same reckless thirteen year old anymore. She was a mother. She had a kid to worry about.
"-went missing. There's already been others and there will be more!" Mike insisted, but no one wanted to hear it and everyone continued to try to tell Mike to shut up.
Greyson, who had been sitting quietly looking around at the adults, rolled his eyes before standing up and slamming his hands on the table. "Calm the fuck down!" Greyson yelled and everyone instantly looked to him with wide eyes, but they were all quiet and that was what the teen wanted.
Sighing softly as he pinched the bridge of his nose, Greyson gave the group a small smile before saying, "Now let's talk like adults, okay? Can someone please explain to me what the fuck you all are talking about and how a man being killed and a girl going missing have anything to do with this?"
No one moved or even made a sound and that only seemed to worry and piss off Greyson even more. His eyes instantly flickered to Y/N and he gave her an almost pleading look as he whispered, "Mom?"
Y/N's mouth fell open and she tried to say something, but no words came out. Everyone's eyes had fallen on her and she knew she had to be the one to tell her son what was going on, but she really didn't want to.
Inhaling sharply, Y/N gave her son a small nervous smile. "Greyson, honey, listen to me, okay? I can explain all of this to you later, but right now is not a good time," she admitted and maybe it was the look on pure fear on her face but for once Greyson didn't bother arguing and just gave a short nod before sitting in his seat, hanging his head a little. Y/N stared at her son for a moment before looking to Mike. "Mike, I think you need to explain."
The Losers all went to object, but Ben was quick to stop them. "Y/N's right," he said, sharing a small nod with the woman before looking to Mike. "Just let him explain. Let him explain."
"That echo, we might've changed it just like it changed us, but we didn't stop it," Mike explained. "Because it just bounced back. We made an oath, alright? That's why I brought you back. That's why you're here. To finish It. For good."
Y/N shook her head and both her and Bill tightened their grips on each other's hand, the two practically holding onto each other like they were their lifeline.
"Well that shit got dark fast," Richie muttered, but not even his teasing was enough to lift anyone's mood. "Thanks, Mike."
Even Greyson was sitting in his seat with a frown on his face as he tried to understand what was going on. All he got was that there was some clown named Pennywise that they were all afraid of and that his mother had made an oath to come back.
Everyone else was silent as they tried to comprehend that the horrors of their childhood was back and that Mike had called them to fight the same clown that had terrorized them years ago.
Eddie was the first to break the silence with a sigh as he opened up his fortune cookie. He scoffed almost instantly and held the paper in the air. "My fortune cookie just says 'could,'" Eddie announced, hoping to change the subject.
The Losers were quick to take the distraction and after another comforting squeeze on the hand from Bill, Y/N and Bill both let go before going to grab their fortune cookies as well. Everyone began cracking theirs open and one by one frowns appeared on their faces.
"I don't know how they do fortune cookies here, but mine just says 'guess,'" Richie muttered as he showed the table his fortune.
"You wanna throw that over here?" Bill asked as he stood up, gesturing towards the middle of the table. Richie and Eddie both places their fortunes on the table. "What you got Mike?"
Mike was silent but handed the man a slip of paper that said 'it.' Ben and Bill both put theirs on the table and got the words 'cut' and 'not.'
"Beverly?" Bill questioned and the red head frowned before handing him her slip of paper which had nothing but a small dot in the middle—a period.
Bill placed them all down and Richie, Eddie, and Ben quickly stood up. "What the fuck?" Eddie muttered before he and the others began to try and figure out possible combinations to the words.
"Guess. Cut. Not. Could. It. Period," Richie read confused.
"It's a message," Mike whispered shakily, but no one seemed to acknowledge him. Not that they were really paying attention to anything else because if they were they would've seen the pale look on Y/N's face as she stared at her fortune cookie, only to grow even paler when Greyson shakily held his paper near her own.
"No. Guess. It. Could. Not. Cut," Richie muttered as they continued to move the papers around.
"Why would it guess it could not cut?" Richie questioned earning a roll of the eyes from Eddie.
The boys and Beverly erupted into chaos as they tried to figure out the words, but Y/N and Greyson payed no attention.
"Mom?" Greyson whispered, his eyes flickering up to look at his mother in a mix of fear and confusion. But it seemed Y/N couldn't hear him, her eyes not leaving the papers in her hands as tears began to pool in her eyes.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Bill looked at the words again before realizing that if everyone had gotten a word then they were still missing two more from Y/N and Greyson. The man turned his head to look at them, but he instantly tensed at the sight of them.
"Y/N?" Bill called out, his voice soft as the others all turned to look at her as well. Greyson was gripping onto his mother's arm and she finally seemed to snap out of it long enough to look up at the group, her eyes instantly locking with Bill's as tears rolled down her face.
Bill's heart instantly stopped and he whispered, "Y/N, what's wrong?"
When the woman didn't respond, Greyson knew he would have to be the one to do something. His hands were shaking to the point where everyone at the table noticed, but they weren't quite sure what had messed with the two enough to get them to this point.
Greyson grabbed the two slips of paper out of his mother's shaking hands and she looked to her son with wide eyes as he turned to the table and reached out to move the papers around. It was only when there was a big space that Greyson placed the two papers down and everyone's breath hitched in their throats while Y/N put her hand over her mouth to stop the small sob that escaped her lips.
She knew something was wrong and this was the proof that she needed cause in big fat letters spelled out across all of the papers was one sentence that she knew could mean nothing good.
* * *
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billdenbrough · 4 years
stan’s nineteen when he first thinks to himself that he might want to kiss a guy. it’s not the first time he kisses one (fifteen, richie tozier, all nervous energy and unwieldy glasses knocking against noses and a best friend who’s desperate to be Good at kissing and wants to practice on someone he trusts, someone who he knows would never use it against him, and stanley will be that for richie until the day he dies) but it’s the first time that he wants to for himself.
his name is mike hanlon, he’s best friends with stan’s dormmate eddie, and rooms with both richie and eddie’s other best friend, bill. he also talks about emily dickinson when he’s high, brings bev coffee to their social theory classes, and helped richie steal a goat when they were both drunk and neither of them died. stan looks at his fingers—calloused and thick and strong, steadily drumming against his thigh as he thinks, nails uneven from being bitten—and imagines what they’d look like twined with his.
stan’s twenty when he thinks to himself he might want to kiss patty blum. she’s sweet, a little shy, and the way her eyes light up when she talks about translated poetry makes stan want to reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear. so he does. and she blushes, and it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen.
he doesn’t ask for her number that night, but she and richie turn out to be in the same poetry class (about the beats; they disagree on the work—richie is fascinated by the techniques and phraseologies they invent, patty is a bit too aware of what misogyny sounds like in the mouths of men convinced of their own aptitude to ignore it—but agree that while the beats kinda went Off in anti-war sentiment, they were by and large Awful People) and stan sees her again in a coffee shop with richie after class one day. this time, after speaking for another six hours, stan does ask for her number. she bites her lip, glances down, smiles. holds her hand out for his phone. stan looks at her fingers as they skitter across his screen, tapping in her number—they’re soft and rounded, moving quickly and precisely, lavender nail polish chipped. he doesn’t have to imagine what her fingers would look like intertwined with his. he finds out three nights later.
bill and richie throw a party in their dorm (it’s mike’s dorm too, but best as stan can tell, he mostly just let them do it in trade off for not having to clean it up the next day. somehow, stan thinks he’ll still end up helping clean. bill and richie are many excellent things, but competent with cleanliness is not one of them) and stan invites patty. he feels warm watching richie light up when he spots them, barrelling over and completely ignoring stan to spin patty in a delighted hug. he can’t help his grin when eddie and ben pop up, polite and welcoming and engaging. what he’s not prepared for, however, is the feeling that blossoms in his chest when patty and mike start talking. mike’s an english major, and possibly the best person in the world, and patty’s also an english major, and also possibly the best person in the world, so stan’s not surprised they get along. he’s just startled at how much it feels like having the wind knocked out of him. how breathless he feels.
he and patty aren’t dating, exactly. or, they are, but it’s early days. stan thinks she makes everything better, though. like the world is brighter with her laughter in it. so it’s not doing anything wrong to feel his heartbeat quicken sometimes when he feels mike’s eyes on his, to have a rare slow smile spread across his face when it’s two am and mike is talking sleepily to him, but it’s not exactly ideal, either. and stan’s not entirely sure what to do. he likes to think he’s well-equipped for life—an entire childhood with richie tozier will do that to you—but nothing has prepared him for this.
to make matters worse—or maybe better? stan’s never sure whether that tightness in his chest is panic or want or something in between—mike and patty keep hanging out. sometimes with stan, sometimes with richie or bev, but sometimes just by themselves. which obviously is fine. it’s just another thing for stan to have to try contend with.
he and mike kiss at a party, and it’s just a game, just truth or dare, and patty’s not playing—she’s sitting in the kitchen with eddie, the two of them carefully guarding their cups from the hot sauce richie is pouring into unsuspecting party-goers’ drinks, trading quiet observations and making each other giggle—but she doesn’t care that stan is, so that’s not what’s weighing on his mind, exactly. it’s the way his stomach swooped. the way his chest warmed. the way all he could think of was what it would be like to do that again, just for themselves, fingers entwined.
he stumbles away, and he probably looks drunk, but he’s not. he’s simply dealing with feelings that don’t make sense with the world he’s built for himself. so. like he always does when he’s not sure what to do, he finds richie.
richie has stopped pouring hot sauce into people’s drinks by now—why he was doing that, stan has no idea—so stan tugs him by the sleeve into a spare bedroom. “kinky,” richie starts, laughing, before catching sight of stan’s expression, and sobering up immediately. “all right,” he says, “lay it on me”
it all sort of tumbles out, mostly a mess of frustrated gesturing and alternating between heart eyes when talking about mike and patty & his voice cracking when he tries to explain the confusion. richie listens, brow furrowed, eyes intent. whatever anyone says about richie—and stan might say it himself, but there’s nobody he wouldn’t fight for richie, nobody he wouldn’t defend his best friend from—he cares, listens, tries.
“so you don’t like either of them better than the other...” richie muses, and stan hadn’t really thought of it in those terms, but that’s it, that’s true, that’s the crux of it. he could make a pros & cons list for both if he tried, but there’d be no point: the only thing on either con list would be the way he feels about the other. “have you considered that you like both?” richie asks, and stan. blinks
“that’s the problem, rich,” he says, and richie gives him a Look. “i mean,” richie says. “is it?” and stan doesn’t exactly know what to do with that. which richie clearly can tell, because he barrels on, “look, i’m just saying... you’re allowed to like both. especially if both like you. and... i know you better than either of them, but like, maybe they like each other too?” and it’s just. a lot. for stan to try unravel, but he thinks richie’s saying... it might not be either/or, and feeling like someone’s missing for the rest of his days. he thinks richie’s saying it could be and.
“like... a trio?” stan ventures, and richie clicks his tongue. “call it whatever the fuck you want, my dude. polyamory. ménage a trois. personally, i fuck with throuple.” (stan, in some part of his mind that is not currently trying to process everything else richie is making him aware of right now, decides immediately that he will never say throuple.)
they sit and talk for another ten minutes, and then bev pops up to say bill’s challenging richie to karaoke, and stan sends him off. he stays, sitting, thinking. dreaming. imagining what it would be like, patty’s hand in one of his, mike’s in the other. their other hands entwined too. his chest hurts. he thinks maybe it’s from sheer wanting.
patty finds him not that long after. she sits beside him, cocks a quizzical brow, half smile playing at her lips. “you disappeared,” she notes. stan looks at her, in her knit cardigan and pleated skirt at a house party, and thinks maybe he’s in love with her. it makes the next words both utterly terrifying and as easy as breathing. “do you like mike?” he asks. patty blinks at him, mouth dropping open slightly. “i like you,” she says after a moment, sounding confused, but also... maybe slightly panicked. or guilty? stan doesn’t know how to decipher that note, but it bolsters him. “i know,” he says softly, and it’s true. he does. he cares a lot about her, and he knows she cares about him, otherwise he’d never try ask her this. “i meant... as well.” he can’t believe he’s saying this. the power of richie tozier.
she just blinks at him, something complicated passing across her face. “do... you?” she asks, so hesitant that stan feels it scrape slowly across his heart, just like mike’s teeth did across his lips earlier, and, wow, he didn’t need that reminder. “i—” he starts, and she suddenly holds up her hand. “i think maybe mike should be here,” she says, and stan is freaking out a little, but she’s right, so he nods, and she just pulls out her phone and... does she have him on speed dial? who even uses speed dial?
mike comes up, glances in and steps into the room, looking shy and a little confused. “hey,” he says, “patty said you need to talk to me? what’s up?” stan’s heart is beating faster, but something about it feels. solid. steady, even. like all ground was invented simply to exist between the three of them, a meeting of the hearts and minds.
“stanley asked me an interesting question,” patty says at the same time that stan blurts out, “i think a lot about your hands.” mike blinks, patty throws stan a scandalised look before bursting into peals of laughter, and stan groans at himself. “i don’t know if i understand what’s happening here,” mike says. polyamory negotiations, stan thinks, but he’s not saying that out loud until at least three years after this is all dealt with.
“i’ve been having a crisis up here for two hours,” he says in the end, deciding to bite the bullet. if richie ever calls him a pussy again when stan’s had this conversation and richie can’t even ask out eddie despite having made a very embarrassing and frankly bizarre playlist about him, stan’s pushing him into a fountain. “because i keep thinking about you kissing me, but also patty kissing me, and also both of your hands, and it’s just a lot, and richie kept saying words, some of which i truly believe he made up, like what the fuck is a throuple—” and, hm. he did not mean for all of that to come out. eddie’s the motormouth and richie’s the trashmouth. stan’s mouth is meant to obey him. outrageous.
mike’s open-mouthed, and then he turns to stare at patty, who stares back at him. stan can’t decide if this is more or less nerve-wracking than them staring at him. but then their eyes are shifting. it looks like there’s a question in mike’s. stan wonders if he can find an answer in patty’s, the way stan always does. from the way mike’s eyes shine when he turns back to stan, he thinks yes. there’s an expression on his face, open and hopeful and earnest, and it’s so fucking beautiful that stan just... wants to kiss him again. and he’s resisted doing it for so long. literally over a year. and it’s hard, so hard, especially when mike looks like that, when he looks at stan like that, and stan’s tired. so this time, he doesn’t resist. he leans forward, and presses his lips to mike’s.
when he pulls away, mike’s smile is blinding. so is patty’s, for that matter. stan blinks at her, unsure if he should apologise, when she leans forward and kisses him. then, with a flush high in her cheeks, she glances at mike, and gently presses a kiss to the side of his mouth as well. it twists in stan’s chest, and this time he knows it for what it is: explosive, unrestrained happiness and want. like maybe this is what it feels like to see the rest of your life in front of you. to see everything you never even knew you wanted.
stan doesn’t have to imagine what it would be like to entwine his fingers with mike’s anymore, what it would be like to have patty hand-in-hand on his other side. it’s better than he’d ever dreamed, anyway.
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nerianasims · 3 years
Billboard #1s 1983
Under the cut.
Toto -- "Africa" -- February 5, 1983
This song becoming massively popular recently sort of mystifies me. But maybe it shouldn't; the music is very pretty, and we've been short on popular music that goes for "pretty" for a long time. The lyrics... I really don't know. The best explanation I've seen was someone joking on Tumblr that maybe the narrator's a werewolf. I'm sure that wasn't the intent, but it's what I'm going with. It is a good song, entirely because of the music.
Patti Austin and James Ingram -- "Baby, Come to Me" -- February 19, 1983
I'm not sure I've ever heard this song before. It's a romantic duet. It's not annoying or anything, it's fine, but now that I've heard it I think I'm probably about to forget it again immediately.
Michael Jackson -- "Billie Jean" -- March 5, 1983
This song, I've heard. A whole hell of a lot. Like everyone else, we had the Thriller album (or tape, rather.) Actually I had it -- for some reason, Thriller was seen as some kind of child's first pop album. Every kid I knew had it. (And since seeing Leaving Neverland, that has been very creepy to me.) As for me, I'd put it on and dance, especially to this song. I pretty much understood what the song was about, and even got the "His eyes looked like mine" line. I didn't have an opinion on whether or not the kid was his son. It didn't matter; it was entirely about the music. Which is truly great.
Dexys Midnight Runners -- "Come On Eileen" -- April 23, 1983
Until the last couple years, I didn't entirely know what this song was about, because I couldn't understand Kevin Rowland's weird singing outside the chorus. I got that he wanted Eileen, and that this was about the combination of arrogance and horniness of youth. I did not know about all the references to the previous generation's pop culture, with an obvious inference that they felt the same way at one time. Also about Margaret Thatcher's intentional destruction of her own country's society. You don't have to think about any of that to enjoy the song if you don't want to, though. It's a fun dance song as well as being complex lyrically.
Michael Jackson -- "Beat It" -- April 30, 1983
This is the Michael Jackson song I remember being played on the radio by far the most when I was a child. It's basically the main background song of a couple years of my childhood. It's a hard-driving song about how you should run away from a physical fight rather than die. "It doesn't matter/ Who's wrong or right." Yes. It's rock, and it's dance, and it's... probably really great? I don't know, some things are too formative.
David Bowie -- "Let's Dance" -- May 21, 1983
"Put on your red shoes and dance the blues" makes no sense. But this is David Bowie; he knew that. It's part of the point. While this song is perfectly feasable to dance to, it's not really a dance song. It's achingly romantic and not the tiniest bit soppy, with music that's both accessible and fascinating. And my god Bowie could sing. I love it so much.
Irene Cara -- "Flashdance... What A Feeling" -- May 28, 1983
I didn't see Flashdance until college, when my roommates decided we would watch a bunch of cheesy 80s movies because it seemed a brilliant thing to do. It was, actually. Some of them even turned out to be good. Not Flashdance. Flashdance is memorably stupid, at least -- it doesn't hold back. It's extremely entertaining because it's deeply unintentionally hilarious. This song, though, I've heard a lot since it came out. The song is much better than the movie. It's got a wide-eyed optimism that's appealing, and the music is fun.
The Police -- "Every Breath You Take" -- July 9, 1983
I remember people periodically insisting that many, many women don't understand this song and think it's just romantic. I have never met any of these women. I have a feeling it was only a few, and that got blown up into some kind of crisis, as things do. Especially when people can imagine angelic airheaded women being dumb and somehow inviting abuse from those scary scary men. That's a favorite hobby for many. Anyway. It's a really good song that gets into the mindset of a really bad man -- or of a man who's currently imagining being really bad but is going to wake up, deal with his hangover, and get on with life. It's not a comfortable song, and that is good. Also Sting's hot.
Eurythmics -- "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" -- September 3, 1983
Usually repetitive songs drive me nuts. This song is incredibly repetitive lyrically. I love the lyrics, though. And musically, it changes up just enough to keep my interest. It's almost hypnotic. Apparently, Annie Lennox can do whatever she likes with me. Speaking of "some of them want to be abused"...
Michael Sembello -- "Maniac" --  September 10, 1983
The original demo of this song was about a serial killer, and it sounds like it, with the Psycho-like musical parts. It's not a dance song at all. Michael Sembello worked with Stevie Wonder during his best years, but he's no Stevie Wonder. He has that 70s light rock white guy voice, and it doesn't fit this song. If he'd handed this to another singer, it would have been better. Though still goofy, because it's music about a serial killer wedded to a story about a dancer. Many of the lines don't seem to have been changed either: "On the ice-blue line of insanity/ Is a place most never see." And  okay, that's a good line; I wouldn't want to leave it out either.
Also my aunt is a professional dancer (mostly choreographer now), so I've seen quite a bit into the professional dance world, and it is seriously unhealthy. It seems to be getting better, at least in modern dance, but the reason my aunt didn't go farther as a ballerina and switched to modern dance is that she could not get skinny enough for the fashion in ballet, no matter what she did. We're a muscular family with solid bones, and she couldn't get rid of that. She's got an eating disorder still though. Professional dance is harsh and terrible, and probably kills more women than serial killers do.
That's what I think of when I hear this song.
Billy Joel -- "Tell Her About It" -- September 24, 1983
Billy Joel's best songs didn't make it to #1, but that's almost always the way. This bouncy throwback of a song is still fun. With most excellent advice: "Tell her about it/ Tell her everything you feel/ Give her every reason/ To accept that you're for real." (It occurs to me that my husband is the first guy I dated who did that actually while we were dating, as opposed to waiting until after we broke up. Most of the guys I dated did not take in "I will not get back together with you if we break up." Not my fault; I told them about it.) Anyway, this isn't as good as "Big Shot," or "You May Be Right," or "My Life," or a whole lot of other Billy Joel songs I like a lot better, but it's pretty good.
Bonnie Tyler -- "Total Eclipse of the Heart" -- October 1, 1983
Melodrama, I love it. This song is so Great -- big, fantastical, unembarrassed, and awesome in both meanings of the term. Bonnie Tyler knows her strengths and has no hesitation about using that huge voice, and yet she doesn't oversing, either. The lyrics? Hell if I know. To me, it sounds like that part of a relationship where you're losing yourself and can't think about anything but the other person, and especially about having sex with the other person. But whatever else it is, it's poetry. And big thunder crashes. Which is a lot like falling in love. It's not necessarily happy. It just is.
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton -- "Islands In the Stream" -- October 29, 1983
Going from "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to this song induces emotional whiplash. The opening goes "Baby, when I met you/ There was peace unknown." That's the exact opposite of "Total Eclipse of the Heart." What is the same as "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is that the lyrics make no actual sense -- but of course they don't, this thing was written by the Bee Gees. Nonsensical lyrics can be poetic, but the Bee Gees didn't do poetry, at least not good poetry. Oh well, it's probably their most tolerable song. It's a sweet and light song, and I'm sure the narrators will be very happy together. They sound exceedingly "emotionally healthy." But as art, I prefer the "Total Eclipse of the Heart" take. Also I think this song might have been better with just Dolly Parton. Kenny Rogers was good, but he couldn't match Dolly.
Lionel Richie -- "All Night Long" -- November 12, 1983
Lionel Richie puts on a fake Jamaican accent for this thing. Also he makes up pseudo-African chants. I'm not going to go all "j'accuse!", at least not of problematicicity. No, I am accusing him instead of being annoying. Also dull. This is a party song, but an extremely boring one. Also Richie kind of tries to do an "ow" thing, obviously inspired by Michael Jackson, but of course it doesn't work. It's still not terrible. Unlike all the gloop Richie made, I can listen to the whole thing. The drums --  or drum machine, rather -- have a neat beat, and there are some good horns and other musical touches.
Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson -- "Say Say Say" -- December 10, 1983
Well this is weird. I can't remember ever having heard this song before. The song is about begging someone not to "play games with my affection." And it sounds like the two men are singing to each other, regardless of the lyric about getting through to a "girl." It's not bad -- Michael Jackson gives Paul McCartney the musical edge that he'd lost as soon as he left the Beatles. Strong beat, harmonica and all. But I'm not going to seek it out, either. I think the beat's too repetitive. Also it feels too busy.
BEST OF 1983 -- "Let's Dance" by David Bowie, "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler, and "Sweet Dreams" by The Eurythmics. Great year for the pop charts. WORST OF 1983 -- There aren't any that I think are truly terrible this year, so I guess I'll go with "Baby, Come to Me," because as predicted, I have already forgotten it.
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
Who Are You Again? / 2019! Richie Tozier Imagine
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Request: could you maybe do an IT 2019!Richie imagine set during the reunion like your others where the reader and Richie were together as teens and reader stayed in Derry like Mike so when the losers come back reader is really happy to see Richie and tries talking to him a bunch ect and Richie’s being nice because he DOES know reader but doesn’t remember everything until it all comes back to him, or something?? idk, i’m bad at asks😂 
and: @barnesbabes hey lovey! how have you been? could I request something 2019!richie tozier fluff with a male reader? I have a more specific request but I think I’ll leave that for another day :) 
This is such a dream, thank you lovelies! <3
Starting to step into the restaurant, your heart beats painfully hard in your chest, glad to be stepping out from the inky darkness of the town’s chill night and into some kind of warmth. As you enter the Jade of the Orient, stalling slightly as you swear you feel eyes burning into the side of your face, you look behind you quickly, searching into the deserted street for some kind of movement but the only thing you feel is a flash of pain in your palm, a reminder of the promise you made many summers ago. You had wished, prayed for years that you could forget that promise, forget all the memories of him, Richie Trashmouth Tozier, the boy with the buck teeth and glasses too big for his face, the boy who had left you all those years ago, but that was your curse. Your burden to bear. You still loved him with all your heart, but Derry needed you, and something in your brain would never let your mind falter from the task at hand.
Perhaps there is hope yet, you think. Perhaps Derry’s, and your abandonment was a temporary thing, that the universe would bring joy and life back this place. You just needed to bring the magic eight back together.
‘Hey, Eds, what the hell happened to your fanny pack?’
As Eddie turns away from the fish tank, a little more hyped than he should be both in total terror and the slight relief his heart still feels at having escaped Myra, of having been taken back to the one place he always knew where he belonged, where he was always destined to be, his mouth twitches into a smile as he sees you standing gingerly next to the giant gong, letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding in.
Looking around at the three boys you had spent nearly every day of your childhood with, the boys who look back at you with equally devoted and terrified eyes, a smile twitches at your lips and you run over to them, engulfing them all into the biggest, tightest bear hug you’ve had since the day they left Derry.
‘Why the hell did you guys never visit Mike? Or, hell, even me?’
‘To be honest y/n,-’
‘w-we didn’t r-e-ember.’
‘I don’t even remember forgetting this place’, Eddie chimes in, biting his bottom lip as he looks at you with nothing short of unbridled terror.
‘Yeah, it’s like coming back to a place you never left, right?’ Swinging round, you smile as you see Bev standing in the entrance way, a smile not having made its way onto her lips yet as her hands gingerly play with the strap of her backpack, slight tears welling in the corners of her eyes.
As the ripples of the gong fill the otherwise silent private room with a dull thudding beat, it’s final shrill crescendo making you wince back a little into Eddie’s maroon jacketed arm, you’re surprised to look round and find the boy who had owned your heart all those years ago looking back at you, as if you were looking into a mirror. The two of you just freeze, standing on the slightly stained and sticky carpet as if in the middle of a Western movie, both of you afraid to draw first and speak in case of ruining this moment. Hell, you don’t even realise for the first few seconds Ben was standing next to you at all, and as Richie fumbles his hands back into his pockets you feel like he doesn’t either.
‘Y/n? Oh Jesus, hey Y/n. It’s been way, way too long, nearly thirty years huh, and yet here you still are. Like a dream. Like you never left. Like I’m fifteen again, oh god, I’m going to be sick.’
‘Oh god, beep beep Richie’ the rest of the guys groan out, laughing timidly amongst themselves as they move to sit down, but thankful for the little sliver of familiarity the moment had allowed them to revel in before the more serious business began, before playtime was over and they had to face up not all of them came here for a pleasant little reunion dinner. Richie bangs his fist against his chest, fighting back the nausea that licked against his tender throat like someone had shoved embers in his mouth.
Shoving past Ben, Richie comes sliding over to you, his sleek black shoes nearly tripping him up on the carpet with the grace and skill of a new born giraffe, his desperation to be near you again evident in every movement as his hands fumble onto your shoulders to upright himself, reminding you of the scared brash little boy you used to know. The boy who, at the age of fifteen, would never leave your side on the bright days you used to cycle down to the quarry. The boy who would lie next to you on the stony gravel that cut into your skin, a thin blade of glass clenched between his teeth as the radio blares next to his ear, slight chuckles erupting from his mouth as he listens to his favourite comedy radio show like a rusty tuba being played for the first time in years every time Richie guffaws, not a care in the world. The boy who in reality lay there, afraid to move in case you would run away from him, scared that he meant nothing to you as he threw heated little side glances your way whenever he thought you were looking down at the emerald water, the shy little smile on your face making his heart starts performing back flips and raising his mouth in a dopey grin. The boy who would sit up, a soft look lining his blank face as he raises a finger  to push his glasses back up the brow of his nose before saying, ‘hey, y/n, um, can I talk to you for a second?’, only to push himself forward onto the palms of his hand and press a short and tender kiss against your lips, pulling away after a few seconds to fiddle with his hands as a rising blush covered his cheeks. The boy you had spent the last thirty years crying over whilst he slowly forgot you.
Yet here he was, a man standing in front of you looking exactly as you had remembered, just a little more exhausted looking and with a lot more stubble. He glanced back, wringing his hands in a familiar and subconscious frightened action he hadn’t done since that day at the quarry, glancing down at you over the tip of his black rimmed spectacles, his eyes searching yours, little flickers of gold swirling in their dark mix that you had forgotten about.
‘I’m sorry-I’m sorry I never wrote, or called very often like I promised to. I did write some jokes about you, if that makes you feel any better?’
He scratches against his neck as neck as you stare up at him, wondering whether to take him seriously or not.
‘Richie- did you, did you forget me?’
He starts to blubber, leaning his head back and sliding his glasses back up his nose but you interrupt him before he starts blabbering, ‘it’s alright if you did, that’s just what happens when you move away from Derry. But I didn’t. I didn’t.’
He glances shyly at you, wringing his hands before letting out a shaking breathe and taking the seat next to your legs, shrugging off his jacket. He leans over to his left to pull out your seat, hitting the cushions with a small pat as you lower yourself down suspiciously.
As the night progresses, and Richie downs more shots, dropping the glasses to the floor with a light clink, laughter fills the room as the food slowly decreases and decreases. But Richie’s heart eyes grow only more and more, his mind beginning to fill in blanks he didn’t realise had been missing as he looked over at you from the rims of his glasses, watching the dips of your cheek, the way your eyes still sparkled as brightly as when you were stupid children playing street fighter.
‘Hey. y/n, is the arcade still here?’
‘You remember!’
‘Of course I do, how could I forget where we had our first date.... And our second, and our third.’
‘God, you were soo romantic.’
‘Hey, I took you to that new ice cream parlour for out fiftieth date!’
‘Yeah, because Eddie had given you a coupon!’
You giggled, a bright, starry sound that seemed to knock Richie’s mind back into his sixteen year old self. It was a reminder of all the summer days by the quarry he had spent telling stupid jokes to try and get you to laugh and notice him. It felt like being back there again, but this time, he actually was being noticed. He shoved you lightly in the shoulder with a thankful smile, leaning down quickly to kiss your forehead before you shove him with a kuagh. Looking back over to your side with hot glances, as Bill and Bev start wrestling each other, he notices your eyes had a softness to them, there was something so welcoming in the rich doe colour that swirled like comet tails, deep set in your face and wiser than when he was young, than he remembers, but still as beautiful. Richie felt just a little more lost, a little more at home, each time they met.
Richie feels the heat rise to his cheeks as you looked in his direction. He could feel they were still on him, burning into his cheeks with a silent confusion but light hope.
‘I remember it all, you know Y/n. How could I ever forget you? My first love... and my only one.’
Richie glances over at you as his words falter off, his breathing becomes softer, the pensive look melting into a smile as his body squirms just a little as his muscles relax. There is something about that gaze of his, as if in that moment their souls have made a bridge that can never be broken again.
‘Yeah, I still love you too, Richie.’
His heart thumped so hard that he swore it was audible, his knees knobbling underneath the table as the others start to natter warmly again, filling the room with a familiar warmth that ripples over Richie’s skin, not even realising the long coming declaration of eternal love that had left his mouth, not realising two soulmates had finally reconnected, had finally realised it had been each other all along. That their hearts, no matter how far apart, had always belonged to the other.
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Reddie 75 and 87 pleaseee :)
Thank you for the prompt. Here it is!
75. “We may be soulmates, but that does not mean you can just waltz in here like you own the place! I could have been naked or something!”
87. “What? Sorry–I didn’t hear you. I was too busy getting lost in your eyes. Ow! What? I was just trying to seduce you!”
Eddie pushed open the door to the cinema, welcoming the feeling of the cool air from the AC against his skin after walking all the way there in the hot summer air. The place was empty except for one person wiping the concession stand distractedly. That person looked up as soon as Eddie walked in, dropping the rag to adjust his glasses. 
“Eds my love!” Richie said, flashing him a huge grin.
“Hi Rich.” Eddie said. He had long ago given up on trying to get Richie to not to call him any of that, even if it still made his cheeks pink up every time. 
“How was the arcade?” Richie asked, his task abandoned, his attention now solely on Eddie. “I wish I could’ve gone with you guys.“ 
Bill and Eddie went to the arcade earlier that day. They had asked Richie to join them and he would’ve, if he didn’t have a shift at the cinema.
That was probably the only thing Richie didn’t like about his summer job ⎯missing plans with his friends. The free candy, the free tickets and the money, even if it wasn’t much, almost made up for it. 
Having Eddie visit him did too, he would often say. 
He did it all the time, visiting Richie. When the rest of the losers were busy or simply when he wanted to be out of the house, he would hang at the cinema and keep Richie company. Sometimes Richie would sneak him into movies if his supervisor wasn’t around or slip him a candy bar or a bucket of popcorn for free and if the place was really empty Richie would sometimes join him and they would watch a movie together and talked as loud as they liked. 
"It was good.” Eddie said, then grinned. “I beat Bill’s ass at street fighter and he had to pay for my ice cream.”
“That’s my Eds.” Richie said with a proud grin. Eddie’s cheeks flared up against his will. “You deserve a treat, pick anything you want.”
“You know what I want." 
Richie grinned, reaching for a package of Reese’s cups, Eddie’s favorite. He slid it over the counter with a wink. "I always know what you want Eds." 
Eddie rolled his eyes, unwrapping the candy and biting on it. He ignored Richie’s comment. "Slow day?" 
"More like fucking dead. You’re the third person to walk through those doors since I got here.” Richie groaned. In slow days like this, time seemed to pass even slower. “Are you here to see a movie?" 
Eddie shook his head, munching on his chocolate. "When Bill left I played a few more games but that got boring really fast so I thought I’d stop by.”
Richie offered Eddie a bright, smug smile. “Are you saying that I entertain you Eds?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, a smile threatening to break. “You amuse me at best.”
Richie grinned, pleased. “I’ll take that.” He said. “I’m really glad you came. I was one second away from bouncing off the walls.”
Eddie snorted, that didn’t come as a surprise. If he didn’t have anything to do, Richie tended to get antsy. “At what time do you get off?”
“Whenever you want baby.” Richie said with a leer. 
“Shut up.” Eddie said with an eye roll, taking a step away from the counter. “I’m leaving.”
“No! No Eds, come on.” Richie said, reaching for Eddie over the counter. “I don’t think I’ll make it if you leave. I’ll die of boredom.”
Eddie chuckled at his friend’s dramatics, not planning to leave at all. “Fine but only because I don’t have anything better to do.”
At that moment two girls walked in, tickets in hand and headed for the concession stand. Eddie recognized them from school, they were one or two years younger than them and they were obviously checking Richie out, giggling at his stupid jokes and whispering to each other when he had his back turned to them while filling up their popcorn bucket. Eddie tried not to glare but he only relaxed when the girls paid and left to go see their movie. 
When they disappeared behind the curtain, Richie was back with Eddie in an instant, leaning over the counter towards him and poking at the crease between Eddie’s eyebrows. “Don’t frown so much Eds, you’ll get wrinkles.”
Eddie schooled his features, blushing at being caught glaring at the girls, luckily for him Richie didn’t ask him what that was about. His arms were crossed over the counter and he was staring at Eddie intently, it made him fidget under his stare. “You⎯ uh. You didn’t tell me at what time your shift ends.” He asked, but Richie just stared at him with a funny look that Eddie couldn’t quite decipher. “Richie?”
“What? Sorry- I didn’t hear you.” Richie said, with a slight frown then he grinned and winked at Eddie. “I was too busy getting lost in your eyes.” Eddie reached over the register to swat at Richie’s head, while trying to will his cheeks to go back to their usual color. “Ow! What? I was just trying to seduce you!" 
Eddie rolled his eyes with a sigh. "You know Richie, if you put half the effort you put in trying to seduce me,” He said sarcastically and making air quotes with his fingers, “In flirting with girls like the ones who were just here instead, you might actually get a date.”
“Yeah, maybe except that I don’t want to date those girls, I want to date y⎯” Richie cut himself off but not fast enough. Eddie stared at him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “I mean⎯ uh. Hey, look, we’re almost out of⎯ uh. Gummy worms. I’ll be right back.” Richie rambled before disappearing into the backroom. 
Eddie stared at him and then at the door once it swung shut. His mind was going a mile a minute trying to make sense of what had just happened. There was no way Richie was about to say you as in I don’t want to date those girls I want to date you as in I want to date you Eddie. He was probably going to say your mom or something like that. Yeah, that made more sense. Except why would he stop himself or flee if that was all he was going to say?
“What the fuck?” Eddie muttered under his breath before ducking under the counter and following Richie, storming to the backroom. He needed to know how Richie planned to finish that sentence. 
He pushed the door open and it slammed against the wall, startling Richie who didn’t look like he had been looking for gummy worms but actually pacing around the small room, biting his nails. “Eds!” He said, voice coming out strangely high pitched. “Dude, we may be soulmates, but that does not mean you can just waltz in here like you own the place. I could have been naked or something.” He said with a laugh but it came out strained. 
Whatever Eddie had been planning to say died in his throat and he arched an eyebrow at Richie as the door swung shut behind him. “Soulmates? Richie what⎯ and why would you be naked in here? That makes no sense!”
Richie simply shrugged. “This backroom has seen a lot of things Eds and so have I, you don’t wanna know.”
Eddie opened his mouth to ask but thought better of it, shaking his head. “Whatever.” He said, he gave Richie a pointed look. “What was that back there?”
“What was what Eds?”
“Don’t play dumb with me Richie. What you said back there⎯” Richie gave him an innocent look and Eddie let out a frustrated groan. “You said you didn’t want to date those girls and then⎯ what were you going to say then?” 
Instead of answering Richie looked at the door, his only way out looking like he wanted to make a run for it. Eddie planted himself in front of the door, blocking him. Richie sighed, “Fuck.”
Eddie’s expression softened when he saw that Richie actually looked nervous and he approached him carefully, slowly. “Rich.”
“I was going to say I wanted to date you, not them.” Richie muttered under his breath but Eddie understood perfectly. He gulped, the hand that had been moving to touch Richie’s shoulder freezing in the space between them. “That’s why I flirt with you and not them. I mean I flirt with them a little I guess but not⎯ not like I do with you.”
“You⎯” Eddie frowned, genuinely confused. “Wait, you flirt with me? Like, for real?”
Richie let out a disbelieving laugh. “Pretty much since I met you Eddie, thanks for noticing.”
“But that was just you being you. Joking.”
“Yeah, no. I meant every word.” Richie said, hand hanging from his neck. 
“What the fuck?” Eddie muttered under his breath, distraught. How did he miss that?
Richie grimaced, stepping away from Eddie. “Listen you don’t⎯ we don’t have to talk about this we can just forget this happened and⎯”
“Shut up. I’m not⎯”
“Mad? You seem pretty mad.”
“I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at me for missing this.” He said, gesturing between them. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Eds I don’t know how I could be more obvious buddy. I just figured you didn’t feel the same way because you never said anything and⎯” His words were cut off by Eddie taking two long strides towards him and pulling him down by his neck, bringing their lips together. The angle was slightly off and he ended up pressing his mouth against Richie’s bottom lip and chin but he hoped it was enough to get the message across. Once Richie processed said message, he cradled Eddie’s face in his hands and angled his head right and then they were finally kissing, for real. They only broke apart when someone rang the bell on the concession stand, the sound traveling through the door to their ears. 
They stared at each other, blinking. “I⎯ I should get out there.” Richie said and Eddie nodded. “My shift ends in less than an hour though. Maybe⎯ if you want to wait, we can get dinner together? After?”
“Okay.” Eddie said and the bell chimed again. “Go, before they come here looking for us.”
“I’ll let you know when the coast is clear.” Richie said opening the door just a crack, blocking Eddie from view. Before slipping through, he turned to face Eddie one more time. “In case it wasn’t clear, I meant it was a date.”
Eddie’s face broke into a grin. “I know Rich.” He said. “And the answer is still yes.”
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh @yes-dillman-yes   @richietoaster @beepbeeprichiellc @its-stranger-than-you-think   @lemonaayyee @pennys-pet-kitty @tinyarmedtrex   @richiefuckfacetozier @sam-i-am2468 @richardtoz  @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @constantreaderfool @thundercatseddie @captainbartholomew @mirandonsky @proton-disaster-blaster @alargedepresso @purplepoisonedgem @pan-ini @reddie-to-cryy @reddieforlove @trashmouthnick @multi-fandom-wby @wheezyeds (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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xandertheundead · 4 years
I saw those tags...hitman boyfriend AU? Please!!!
Oh man. I really don’t have much more than an idea cause I reblogged that thing late at night, but I can try. Hope you don’t mind headcanons. @jwilliambyers This is for you babe ❤️
Eddie, desperate to get away from his mom as soon as he could, joined the army as soon as he was of age. The army never treated him like he was weak and that’s what drove him. He rose in ranks, serving term after term and became incredibly skilled with a sniper rifle.
He was a sniper in the 101st Airborne Division, 75th Ranger Regiment, and eventually Special Forces.
However, during the end of his third tour of duty, Eddie was captured and became a POW. When he was finally rescued he had lost almost all of his sight in his right eye from repeated beatings.
Eddie was honorably discharged and suddenly had no idea what to do with his life. His mom was dead by then, he didn’t exactly want to work among civilians either. So when his friend Bill brought up an interesting idea, Eddie was willing to jump for it.
Being a world class theif had never really occurred to Richie when he was little. He just liked making jokes and doing funny voices. It wasn’t until he was fifteen and he stole a CD from that he knew he was onto something fun.
It was all about the challenge. He learned to pick pocket quickly, soon not even a zipped purse stood a chance against his fingers.
He took a gap year, traveling to Europe and meeting just the most interesting people. After that he only came back to the states to visit his family.
He started traveling the world with a group of associates. Embers, Cardinal and The Architect, and damn if they didn’t pull off the best god damn heists.
After a few years, he got his own fun little nickname in the group. He became The Chamelon, slipping into characters easier than blinking. Costumes, make-up, wigs and even a few prosthetics lined his bags and he considered it a test of his skill to see how well he could blend in to different crowds.
No one would suspect Archie Baldwin, meek man who just wanted to impress Carol, manager of Tiffany’s New York branch store on fifth.
After sleeping with Carol and stealing the Tiffany Diamond right from the case, Richie got a piece of pizza with the group and they drank while The NYPD went into a god damn frenzy.
After that his group had to part ways for a while, until the heat died down. With six million in his bank account Richie headed for the apartment he liked to keep in California.
He knew the exact second someone else was in his apartment, just having gotten out of the shower when he had to duck and his attacker smashed their elbow right into his bathroom mirror.
The guy had moves and after a solid hour of beating the absolute shit out of each other Richie and his ski mask wearing assassin both slid down the wall in his living room out of breath.
“Fuck,” Richie gasped, his lungs burning and body aching. “They sure didn’t go easy on me sending you.”
Eddie let out the best chuckle he could, which was barely anything with how heavy he was breathing. It was so damn hot in California and he had to be stupid wearing this mask in it. He reached up, not caring anymore and pulled off the mask, sweaty hair looking ridiculous as he let the back of his head lean back against the wall when he heard Tozier let out a soft fuck.
“Well, Damn. You should have just come at me like that.” Richie tried to purr, but it came out as a weird gurgle. Man, one of his ribs were probably broken. “With a face like that I would have done anything you asked.”
Oh. Eddie blinked, before grinning widely. “You hit on everyone who tries to kill you?”
“Only the drop dead gorgeous ones.”
I don’t know.
@tinyarmedtrex @oldguybones @queen-sock @constantreaderfool @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @eddiecare @marsisaplanetyall @mars-14 @moonlightrichie @lifesucksheres20bucks @pink-psychic @richardtoz @girasol-eddie @madi-personal @uppperteeeth @trashmouthnick @trashmouthtozierr @eduardoandale @stanleuyris @appojoos @thorn-harvester-ven @yikesitsrylee @reddieforlove @inthebreadbinwrites @recycle-byn @edstozler
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good-doctor-imagine · 5 years
Sucking Faces (Stanley Uris)
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Pairing: Stanley Uris x Reader
Summary: You don’t know why Stanley has been ignoring you so you decide to get some help from Richie to confront him.
Word Count: 1400+
A/N: This is the very first thing I have ever wrote for the IT fandom so I hope you guys like it!
Stanley has been your best friend for a long time, especially after the encounter that you had with IT. Something about being in a place where your lives were dangling by a thread brought you closer together.
You’ve known Stanley since you were children, playing hide and go seek in the woods and attempting to join the other kids who played freeze tag. Even though you’ve known him for years, he’s been distancing himself lately.
You don’t mind if he needs some time alone, you’ve gone through that whole faze before, but it’s been making you anxious. The more you think about it, the more you want to throw yourself out the window. 
Am I not entertaining enough? Am I annoying to him?
You groan, turning over on your side with your hands covering your face. You knew the only reason for those thoughts is one thing: You’re falling hard. You knew you were crushing on Stan ever since he yelled at Richie for calling you a dumb bitch back in fourth grade. Something about the way he stood up for you made your cheeks flush and heart race. Since then, things have only gotten worse. You avoid making eye contact with him as much as you possibly can because otherwise, you’d be a breathing tomato, which is not a pretty look. 
“Well maybe it’s me that’s avoiding him,” You whispered, pulling yourself to sit up on your bed. Looking to your left, you sighed. Richie was already 15 minutes late, as usual. You invited him over to your house to talk about Stan because he’s the only one out of the Losers that knows Stanley the most. Well, besides you.
You jumped when my bedroom door swung open, revealing thick-rimmed glasses and a mop of dark hair. “Sup hot stuff!”
Your shoulders immediately relaxed, your eyes rolling at Richie’s boisterousness. “How’d you get in here?”
“Your mom let me in,” Richie replied, making himself comfortable at the end of your bed.
Richie had been to your plenty of times before, from sneaking into your room to play with your new lego set to having a whole sleepover with the Losers club. To be honest, your parents really didn’t mind the guys at all, they trusted them around the house and around you. Mostly because at their young age girls still had “cooties”. They’re less lenient now about sleepovers and such, but they could come over whenever they wanted as long as there was some sort of parent in the house.
“So, why did you call me here?”
You stalled for a few seconds, contemplating whether or not to straight up tell him the truth or dance around it. You didn’t exactly want to tell Richie the truth because you knew he would have a shit-eating grin on his face, teasing you about your little crush that’s not so little anymore.
“S-Stan’s been ignoring me lately and I thought you would know why.”
Richie raised an eyebrow at you, pursing his lips before responding. “I wouldn’t say he’s ignoring you.”
You internally groaned at his short reply, finding nothing useful in it. “We haven’t been hanging out as much as we normally do. I mean, you know how close we are, we literally do everything together. It feels like he’s been distancing himself from me and it makes me nervous.”
“Nervous?” Richie questioned.
You could feel the smirk starting to form on his face before you saw it. “Richie, cut it out. I called you over for a reason, and it wasn’t to try and get into my head. I want to know why my best friend is choosing to give me the cold shoulder.”
Richie didn’t bother to hide the grin on his face, only widening it as he continued to talk to you. “If you’re so upset about it, why don’t you ask him yourself?”
You deadpanned, ready to strangle Richie. “Because he won’t talk to me smartass, that’s why you’re here.”
Richie held his hands up defensively and chuckled, “Fine, fine. Since I’m your loyal, wonderful, hot friend let’s come up with a plan.”
You ignored his self-given compliments and agreed with forming a plan. Now, looking back on it, Richie really is a wonderful friend.
You bit your lip nervously as you waited outside of the theater, where Stanley was supposed to meet you and Richie. However, as planned, Richie is going to show up pretty late, giving you and Stanley enough time to catch up on stuff.
You shook your head, remembering what Richie told you when you made the plan earlier. “I better not come back and see you two sucking each other’s faces. As much as I love matchmaking, I don’t want to see a porno between my friends.” Honestly, you weren’t very surprised by his words, you’ve been friends with him for as long as you can remember as well. As much as you liked Stanley and fantasized about kissing him, you couldn’t see him making out with someone outside of a theatre, especially making out with you of all people.
“Is Richie not here yet?”
You just about squealed when you heard Stanley’s voice suddenly appear beside you, making you stumble slightly away from him. Stanley tilted his head and offered you a small smile, both amused and confused by your reaction.
“Sorry,” you apologized, “I was spacing out and I didn’t notice you walking towards me.” Stanley, instead of responding, just nodded his head in understanding, leaving you both in silence. You cleared your throat, attempting to get rid of the awkward atmosphere. “So, what have you been up to?”
“Nothing new,” Stanley replied, turning his head to face away from you.
Annoyed by his short responses, you suddenly blurt out, “Are you ignoring me?”
“W-What?” When he turned his head back to you, you could see the pink starting to form on his cheeks. “Ignoring you? Why would I do that?”
“That’s why I’m asking you,” You said blankly, “You’ve been trying to stay as far away from me as you can for a while.”
“Well, I’m here, aren’t I? I’m not ignoring you, I’m just-” He paused, mouth open but nothing coming out.
You blinked at him, not understanding why he couldn’t tell you his problem. “Stan, we’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember, and we spend all of our time together. What’s changed?”
His cheeks were full blown red now and you could feel yours heating up too. “Nothing’s changed,” He sighed, “It’s just- I don’t know. Something happened.”
“Something happened?” You inquired, furrowing your brows at his statement. “What was it? Am I not interesting anymore?”
“No! It’s not that. You’re perfect, it’s just me.” You definitely couldn’t stop your cheeks from flaring at that. “Richie has been teasing me a lot lately saying that we look like a good couple and we should just kiss already.”
You clenched your jaw at his confession, taking a mental note to chew out Richie for ruining your relationship. Now Stan probably feels awkward, noticing your jittery reactions to everything he does, one of the worst qualities that comes with having a crush.
“You can ignore Richie, he’s just trying to play matchmaker,” You bite out, forcing a smile on your face.
“But I’ve been thinking about it,” Stanley continues, completely ignoring your interjection, “A-and it made me realize how much I actually like you.” You’re both silent for a moment, just standing next to each other in complete shock.
“Wait- like me?”
“Yeah,” He replied, bringing a hand up to cover his face slightly, “Like, more than a friend.” You felt like falling to the ground and crying out of joy, your heart beating out of your chest. You couldn’t believe it: Stanley liking you? Apparently, it took you too long to respond because Stanley groaned and put his head in his hands. “Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have told you that. We can act like it never happened.”
Your heart stopped, your hands starting to jitter at the thought of him taking his confession back. No way! In a haste, you move the hand that's covering Stan’s face and place your lips on his.
It wasn’t one of your best moments considering that Stan stood like a rock for a while out of shock and it probably looked forced to the people that were coming out of the theatre. But eventually, Stan was able to process what was happening and kiss you back, moving his hand to your cheek.
The kiss wasn’t very long, and considering both of your inexperience, it wasn’t very coordinated, but it didn’t matter to you. You thought it was the best kiss in the world, warm, sweet, and just Stan.
Once you two parted, you smiled, locking fingers. “Does that mean we’re dating now?”
Stanley nodded, leaning in again to kiss you, but he was interrupted by someone.
“I said no sucking faces!”
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har-rison-s · 5 years
you've silenced the great richie tozier!
request: I love your writings! You said you will write for all of the losers? Would you write a Richie x reader where the reader is an even bigger trash mouth and he’s like oh thats super hot?
A/N: Bonsoir, ladies and gents. Saturday, 19:45. Starting a little earlier, yay. Really wanna finish this tonight. I've watched 3 horror movies today, jesus christ. + Now I'm home alone. Now it's Sunday, haha. My eyes are tired from crying (I watched Chapter Two again and cried everything out). But I wanna finish this, I hope I do. Yah, lol, I didn't even live up to my own expectations. It's Tuesday and I really hope I actually finish and post this tonight. Happy reading!
warnings: strong language, horrible jokes cause I'm no comedian in all actuality.
IT masterlist
main masterlist
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gif credit goes to owner, which isn't me!
“Beats spending it inside your mother.” Richie's exclaims and raises a hand for Stanley to high-five, but the boy brings it down. Last day of school, the boys have emptied their school bags of their contents, and are currently sharing their summer plans.
“Oh, it's Y/N.” Eddie announces, he sees the girl coming towards him and his friends. “Hi, Y/N.” Eddie waves at her and Y/N waves back.
“Hey, virgins.” She greets them with a big smile. The boys respond with quiet “hellos”, and they expect Richie to respond with something in his style of conversation, but there's just a small “hello” from him, too. Bill shows his surprise, looking at Richie with raised eyebrows. Y/N senses the strange silence between the four and scratches the back of her head out of pure nerves. “Why are we all so stiff? Playing manikins?”
“Yeah, haven't heard of the new play? The plot is set in a clothing store.” Richie says, his tongue back to work. Y/N narrows her eyes at the boy.
“And I assume you'll be playing the guy who gets a wardrobe makeover?” She raises an eyebrow, and eyes Richie up and down. His friends laugh, and for the first time in his life, Richie doesn't have anything to say. Even his friends notice. “So, what are you guys doing today? Last day of school!” Y/N wiggles her eyebrows with a grin on her lips.
“W-we have thuh-the Bar-Barrens.” Bill informs her. “Y-You wanna come al-along?”
“Sure. I've got nothing else to do, anyway.” Y/N shrugs.
“You're so sweet.” Richie says sarcastically.
“No sweeter than your dad's tongue.” She shoots right back, which earns laughter from the other three boys. Richie's quite frozen on the spot from her quick response. He adjusts his glasses. There's many things to say, but none of them cross Richie's mind. And he hates to be losing at a conversation of this sort.
The group of five start to head towards their bikes, though Henry Bowers and his friends are unfortunately in the group's way. First Bowers pushes Richie into Stanley, which causes both boys to fall down. Y/N immediately runs over to them and helps the boys to get back up on their feet.
Once they're up again, Richie and Stan both thank her for it. One boy is more flustered than the other, looking at her with deep red cheeks. Confidently, and without shame, Y/N faces Henry Bowers and shows him her clearly pissed off expression. But the bully isn't looking at her yet. “Hey, Bowers!” She calls out to him. Eddie, Richie, Stan and Bill look to her in a contained panic, and the Bowers gang, all four of them, turn their attention to Y/N, and the main bully sees the angry expression on her face. But it doesn't intimidate him in the slightest. “The fact that you're a dick doesn't make yours bigger.”
“Are you crazy?!” Eddie hisses to her, but Y/N pays no mind to the boy. Eddie's clearly in worry about her further well-being. Henry Bowers starts approaching her, and she stands bravely between her friends, not intimidated. And even though she's not afraid of the bully, she knows she should have kept her mouth shut. Just like Richie, this curse of always spitting out jokes and insults, will get her literally killed one day.
“Your summer will be hell.” Bowers growls. “You'll wish you were never born, you slag.” He tells her.
Y/N still looks at the bully, her slight anger rising more and more in his eyes, and feels a tugging at her skirt. It's Bill, signalling for her that it's time to go, but she doesn't notice him yet. “At least I'm not a failure like you.” She shoots right back at Bowers.
“Fuck!” Richie curses and they have to grab Y/N and make her leave with them a bit forcefully. The only way she could survive now is just to run. She and the boys head in a quick pace to their bikes, they're running as fast as they can, the Bowers gang right behind them. Though it's a little hard for Henry to run when his legs are like wooden sticks.
Though Richie is scared to death to actually get caught by Bowers and for Y/N to have the same destiny, he's very impressed by her. She's just like him, but—wait, could that be possible?—a bigger trashtalker than Richie. Could that really be possible?
He's also a bit jealous of her, but mostly he finds this increased, female-version-of-him Y/N quite… attractive. And not just because she speaks the way he does and because their personalities are basically the same, but also because she's pretty. She's very pretty. Though he feels like her personality bests her looks (No offense, Y/N's face, he thinks). She's magnetic.
“Fuck, I forgot my bike.” Y/N realises a big detail.
“You can ride with me.” Eddie proposes, and Y/N nods. They try to get on their bikes as fast as they can, with Bowers right around the corner.
“Be careful, Eddie, she might give you cooties.” Richie says, already on his bike and waiting for his friends to get started.
“You've already got all of them.” Y/N responds before Eddie can, and the boys laugh, despite their situation.
Y/N gets on the back of Eddie's bike, and off they all go. Bill leads his friends the shortest way to the Barrens, they pedal behind him as fast as they can. Y/N hears Bowers yelling profanities after them, threats that he will find them and make this summer their last.
But the girl only laughs at his threats and yells, and that takes Richie's attention once again. He adjusts his glasses and grins at the girl. She's completely untouched by Bowers and what comes with the name, the fear of him is chained to his last name like a dog to a fence. She's reckless, and she's funny. She's got a strong spirit. And Richie digs that. He hasn't met a girl like her before.
At least one that hangs out with him and his friends, and is, on the inside, a good person. Y/N looks over at Richie. “What are you looking at, Tozier?” She asks. “Glasses don't work? I'm not Diane Lane, sorry, sweetheart.”
The other boys laugh, but Richie's reaction is lesser. There's only a smile on his lips. “You wish.” He says to her, and Y/N sticks out her tongue at him.
“You wish you were Matt Dillon, Tozier.” She says, and looks at the road in front of her, and Eddie's hair that gets in the way of this view.
Richie hangs onto her words, and doesn't want to admit the truth in them. He does wish so, Dillon's the biggest heartthrob of this decade. There isn't a boy who doesn't wish to be in his shoes, with his looks and his charm. Cause all the girls dig Matt Dillon.
“You like him?” Richie asks her, and Y/N turns her head back at him. She raises an eyebrow once again.
“What's it to you?” She asks. Richie pretends like he's thinking, thinking deeply. His hand on his chin and a far-away look in his eyes.
“Say, what would you do if I woke up tomorrow and I would be Matt Dillon? Look like him, talk like him.” Richie proposes an idea. “What's your action?” He raises an eyebrow and grins suggestively.
“You'd be in Hollywood, which is a thousand miles away, so… I wouldn't really be able to do anything.” Y/N says, shrugging.
“Take a left!” Bill yells from the front, and Eddie speeds in front of an appalled Richie. The glassed boy only stares after Y/N on the back of Eddie's bike. She's got a big grin on her face, and she even laughs at Richie. Once again, she's made him lose his voice.
“Ha-ha! I'm in front of you!” Eddie brags to Richie. The boy's always been the fastest, but not now. He can't even think of being at the very front of his friend group. It doesn't even seem to matter now, doesn't seem like the most important thing.
What does though, is how to out-smart this girl. But looks like she's always a step--no, correction--a joke ahead of Richie. She's out-sassed him, and Richie is blown away. No one's ever done that before. And a girl? Most girls these days can't even look guys in the eye without fainting or blushing red like tomatoes. But Y/N's different. And Richie can't deny that he finds her hot, and her snapping back and out-smarting him.
Through the time the Losers and Y/N spent together on the last day of school, most of it was spent listening to Y/N and Richie going back and forth with jokes, too-corny-to-be-used-properly pick-up lines and pop-culture references. Though Y/N mostly beat him down, winning the unofficial contest. And she left Richie with his mind blank and mouth hanging open quite often. Bill, Eddie and Stanley had laughed at their friend. They were thankful to have found someone who makes the all-powerful Richie Tozier stutter and actually doubt his superiority in the comedy business.
He became quite fascinated with her, and he couldn't even hide his blush when she spoke to him. Though he did try to hide it, she still saw the pink tint coloring his squishy cheeks. And she had laughed, but to herself. She didn't want to embarrass the boy more than she already had. But it did make her feel a little powerful to be able to do so.
“Oh, no, now I get it.” She had said, and Richie had looked at her. For some reason, he thought she'd have a genuine statement to make. “You're auditioning for the red dress in the play.” She had concluded, and left Richie with his voice stuck in his throat.
“With a pale skin like yours, you'll do great as the white one!” He'd soon replied, which earned him a splash of Derry sewer water on his legs. The boy had only laughed and looked at the magnetic girl with wondering, wide eyes.
“I'll do great as a vampire.” Y/N had responded, and made a face that was supposed to mock the mentioned creature.
“And live off other people's blood? Disgusting, but enticing.” Richie makes an i'm-thinking face.
“I think blood is much more valuable than relying on them to always laugh at your jokes.” Y/N had admitted, and that earned her a splash of grey water on her legs. She'd squealed, but with a smile, and given an even bigger splash back to Richie. He'd gasped, almost covered in the liquid head to toe, and looked at Y/N.
“You're dead!” He'd screamed and pin-pointed the moment all hell broke loose. More specifically, he broke the hell right onto Y/N. An intense water duel had begun then, which no one except Richie and Y/N took part in, finding the activity more disgusting and unnecessary than standing by and watching would ever be.
Permanent tag-list:  @gabiatthedisco @v0idbella@inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie @deardeacy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16@mrsmazzello @benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid @intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131 @eddie-spaghetti-boi @radiantrichie​ @terratori812 @urban-dreams​
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mysterioh · 4 years
La Douleur Exquise - Ch. 2
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SYNOPSIS: Bucky promises to write to you every day after you moved away to sunny California, but it doesn’t take very long for him to forget his promise. Luckily, there’s a certain blonde that keeps it for him. Through an exchange of letters, your childhood affection for Bucky blossoms into something more. If only you knew it was Steve that returned those feelings and not his numskull of a best friend.
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California Dreamin’
December 12, 2010 
Greetings from Sunny San Diego! 
As the years go by I’m forgetting what winter feels like. The icicles hanging from bare trees, the cold nipping at your cheeks and nose, the howling wind passing by the window when you’re cuddled up in thick blankets on snow days. It’s like my memories are starting to grow numb. Guess I should come over and thaw them out? 
I think it’s kinda funny how you’re probably over there freezing to death while I went to the beach with some friends the other day. I know how much you hate the cold so why don’t you come over and I’ll warm you right up?
It’s been five years, can you believe it? It seems like time just flies by as you get older and you’re only left wishing for the past. I think it’s amazing how committed we are to this and there isn’t a day that goes by when I’m not excited for another letter. How have you been lately? Algebra 2 still kicking your butt? It’s not so hard if you’re organized but considering your habits I can see why you’re struggling. Am I sounding mean? Because I should be…
Anyways, there’s this place on the boardwalk called Richie’s Pizza and they claim to have the best New York Pizza in the world. My friends really like going there and I have to pretend like I actually like the stuff. It tastes like cardboard to me. It may have been years but you can’t fool my taste buds when it comes to NY pizza. God, I’m crying just thinking about that damn pizza. 
Mind if I get a little serious real quick? It’s something that’s been on my mind lately and I don’t really know who to tell. I don’t trust many people, but I trust you. 
Do you ever feel alone even when you’re around others? Cause I do. Yeah, they’re my friends but they’re not my “friends”. Does that even make sense? I can’t really tell them everything and sometimes I feel like they don’t really care much about me. It’s like I’m a third wheel. Sometimes I think it’s my fault. I’m not funny enough or pretty enough. I always feel insecure and pressured. Like I don’t belong. 
At least I have you and these letters. Even if I can’t see you, I can feel you and that’s more than enough for me to feel wanted.
Bucky Barnes you are one heckuva dude and I think of you greater than any other person I know. 
Sending you the warmth of the California sun, 
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The classroom is warm compared to the wintry chill outside. Steve was one of the lucky ones. Though the classroom walls are bare, the windows were large and everyone wanted to sit in the unsubdued morning light of the winter sun. And Steve just so happened to have the best seat, in the back corner next to the window. The teacher never really remembered the guy in the corner and that made it all the more lovely. 
Forgotten from the rest of the room, he took it as the time to finish homework he was too lazy to do the night before and maybe even write a few letters.
“Hey Steve,” Bucky slid into the desk in front of him. He quickly stashes the letter into a folder. “Whatcha working on?" 
"Just history homework,” Steve smiled. “What’s up?" 
"Nothing much,” he shrugged. “I’m going skating with Cindy after school today you wanna come along?" 
His jaw went slack. "Don’t you think I’ll just be third-wheeling?" 
"Nah,” Bucky replied. “She’s bringing one of her friends. The ginger with the curls. Uh–Edith or something…" 
"Don’t you think you should know your girlfriend’s friends?” Steve sighed. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he plucked at the cuff of his sweater. “We’re just friends." 
"Well, the way she clings onto your arm says something else,” Steve said, his tone colored with bitterness. 
“It’s nothing,” Bucky brushes him off. “Seriously." 
"If you say so,” Steve exhales while shaking his head. 
“So is that a no from you?" 
"It’s a no from me.” He nods, beginning to write again. 
“C'mon, man,” Bucky groaned, “this could be your chance. I really think Beth likes you." 
"You said her name was Edith." 
"Right, anyway I saw her making eyes at you in the hallway,” Bucky wiggled his brows. 
Steve snorted. “I think that was you. No girl looks at me like that, it’s only you." 
"That’s because you’re too busy sticking your nose in those books. All you ever do is write. Sometimes I forget what you even look like." 
"Thanks, jerk,” Steve said. 
“C'mon Stevie, whaddya say?” Bucky enticed him with a striking smile. “It’ll be fun." 
"Get out of my desk, Beaverface,” Sam hollered from the door. 
Bucky grunted at him but does so. He turns towards Steve before leaving as the teacher strolled in. 
“We’re not done here, blondie,” he pointed at him, making his way towards his desk. Steve sinks in his chair, wondering how he was going to get out of this one.
The sounds of chalk tapping against the board signals him to sit up and open up his notebook to a fresh page. He writes the date and nothing else. 
Your letter sticks out of the pages and he pulls it out and finds the picture you sent him. He smiled to himself and his neighbors could’ve sworn he was crazy for smiling like a fool. But he didn’t care. 
In the picture, you were sitting on the trunk of a car, (probably a friend’s dad’s convertible), with a letterman jacket placed over your shoulders to keep you warm from the cool briny breeze sweeping by a sunset on the beach and flowing through your hair. It’s definitely too big to be yours and he hopes it’s just a friend’s and nothing more. 
All he could think about was being there with you. 
Under the California sun. By the waves of the Pacific. The musty air coming from the ocean flowing through his hair. The sand sticking to his legs and feet. The sound of your giggles echoing along the shoreline as he chases you into the water. And maybe as the sun sets, he’d get to hold your hand and share the view with you. Then when the sun lays to sleep he’ll look into your eyes and you’ll look into his. He’d dip his head, lower his lips, and close the gap between until he finds yours in a—. 
“Mr. Rogers,” Steve bolts up at the sound of his name. His classmates giggle but Mrs. Lewinsky was not amused. His cheeks burn a bright red out of embarrassment. “Nice to know you’ve decided to come back to the real world. Now get your book open to page forty-seven and read the first paragraph." 
"Y-yes,” he said, fumbling with the pages of his copy of The Catcher in the Rye. 
“That’s the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty. Even if they’re not much to look at, or even if they’re sort of stupid, you fall in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. Girls. They can drive you crazy. They really can." 
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"Bills, bills, bills,” your dad drones as flips through the day’s mail in his hand. “Junk, ooh coupons." 
"You don’t have to narrate it,” you deadpanned, walking over to the kitchen sink to drop in some dishes. 
“Well, then I guess you wouldn’t care about this letter from Bucky Barnes. 1463 Mulligan Drive." 
Your ears perk at the sound of Bucky’s name and you dash over to him to take it. 
"Uh-uh,” he shook his head, swiping the letter away from within hand’s reach, “I wanna know who this Bucky Barnes even is." 
"It’s a friend!” You exclaimed. “From New York!" 
"Wait,” he furrows his brow. “You’re still friends with those kids?" 
You groaned, taking the letter from him. "Yes, I am,” you replied, walking away. 
“In the day and age of social media, you’re writing letters,” he stated amused. “You kids know how to write a letter? Are you even sending it to the right person?" 
"His name is on the envelope, dad,” you sighed, walking towards the staircase. “Besides there’s something more heartfelt about writing letters. It’s more romantic so to speak." 
"Romantic?” He questioned with a raised brow. “What’s this kid writing to you about?”
You climbed the stairs towards your room. “Nothing you need to worry about,” you teased, running up and into your room. 
You lock the door to limit any nosy dads. Plopping onto your bed, you stare at the letter with a wide grin. You brush your fingers across his name on the front. It was all capitals and leaning towards the right. You rip open the envelope carefully and pull out a paper. 
Your heart beats wildly and your cheeks burn. It gets like this everytime and as the days go by it feels like it’s getting worse. Who would’ve thought one letter would do so much to a person? 
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December 17, 2010
Greetings from the saddest place on earth! 
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year and yet it feels like the worst. 
It’s gray and boring. There’s dirty snow stuck to the curbs. And everyone gets an extra dose of cranky in their bones. Trust me when I say, forgetting the winter cold isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I slipped on ice and almost died this morning on the way to school. So that was pretty fun. I also almost got detention today because Sam decided he wanted to play football in the hallway. 
I sound like the grinch or something. I promise you I’m not anything like him. Just down on my luck I suppose. The winter doldrums, I guess? You make me jealous with all your talking about warm, sunny days by the beach. It’s not fair. How about you bring some of that California sun over here? Cause I’m too cold to come over there. 
Best New York pizza huh? I have to laugh! It’s probably so hot over there that it burned their taste buds off. I feel bad for you, but not that bad. It’s what you get for dragging my Algebra skills. 
By the way, I’m doing a lot better. I got a B+ now instead of a C. Maybe I just didn’t understand imaginary numbers. Like aren’t they all imaginary??? Math is stupid and I’d rather stick to something more practical like English or History. 
I know exactly how you feel and just know if you can’t tell anyone anything, you can always tell me. I’ll always listen (or read haha) what you have to say. It’s the best part of my day. 
I don’t know why but I always end up distancing myself from others. My friends haven’t changed. It’s still the same old gang, but it feels different ever since you left. I feel like I’m not a good friend for distancing myself from them. They like me and I like them but there’s just something missing. A sense of understanding? A sense of belonging? I can’t really pick it out. There’s a plethora of reasons. 
(Plethora means a large amount of something. Start reading books you ignoramus.) 
I feel alone. I feel lost. Like there’s nothing left to look forward to. At least I have your letters and waiting for the next one only makes me look forward to another day where I can read about your day. Wishing I could be a part of it. Maybe someday in the future. Hopefully someday soon. 
I remember something my Grandma once told me. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we’re here we might as well dance. 
If we ever got the chance would you dance with me? 
Best wishes from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 
p.s. Not pretty enough? Liar. I saw your picture. They gotta put your face on a Cover Girl Magazine. Anyone who says otherwise is gonna catch these hands. 
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TAG LIST: @chuckennuggets1213 @joeyrumlow @bigbuckyenergy​
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cyberdva · 5 years
Triple Date - Stanley Uris X Reader {Imagine ☆}
Summary- The reader and Stan go on a ‘double date’ with Beverly and Bill, the catch is Bev and Bill had planned it in advance and the other two had no idea what was going on. Beverly had noticed the strong chemistry of her two friends and took action into her own hands. Will the day go as planned?
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Main Masterlist
IT Masterlist
Word Count: 2.1k
Date Uploaded: 10/28/19
Pairing: Stanley Uris x Reader
Warnings: None and Sick Turtle References
Prompt: “It’s not a double date if we’re third and fourth wheeling.”
“Come on Y/N, Stan will be going!” Beverly meticulously planned her date with Bill to a tee. Recently, she had noticed Stanley and Y/N were growing an odd liking for each other. They use to never hang out, but now they seemed inseparable. Whenever she brought up the subject to Y/N, she would shrink back into her turtle shell. She was basically head over heels for him and the other way around for Stan.
 After they defeated that sickly clown, or what they called ‘IT’, some of the Loser’s Club began to drift away from each other. They assembled into groups, going weeks without seeing all of them together. Sure it was sad, though not all of the teens really fit well together. The constant banter of Bill and Stan, or Ben ogling at Beverly in front of everyone, they weren’t the best match. Even the other Losers didn’t really care or even notice relationships blooming, like the oblivious Eddie with Richie, but Bev knew it was a sworn job to bring Stan and Y/N together, somehow. She saw them together, going out, married even.
 That’s how far she would go. Neither of the shy kids would step up to the bat and ask each other out. After long pleading, Y/N was going to go, only Beverly didn’t mention that it was a makeshift double date. There was no way that Y/N would go if she knew, Beverly knew what she was doing and hoped that it worked. Now she had to get Bill on her side. Bev sat up against her bathtub, phone in her lap, and cord around his dainty fingers. It rang a few times, but Bill picked up. She shivered as a wave of cold air came through the permanently propped open window.
“Hello, Bill Denbrough speaking.”
She smiled, “Hey Bill, it’s Bev. I have a small question to ask you, a makeshift favor.”
She heard him sigh and frowned into the receiver. She didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not her fault that Bill is always ‘busy’ with Mike or Eddie, but what can you expect from a high school relationship.
“What is it this time? Do you want to borrow my bike or something?”
She breathed in, he heard, “No, I was wondering if you want to go on a date?” No response. “With Y/N and Stanley, well they don’t know they’re going on a date, but I want to get them together somehow.”
“Do you remember the last time you tried to play matchmaker.” Ouch.
“Why is he so stubborn?” Beverly mentally facepalmed, maybe this won’t work out.
She retorted back at her boyfriend, “Yes, but i-”
“Come on Bill.” she whined, “You know they would be perfect for each other.” He was going to say something, but caught himself.
“I-I don’t know…” he stuttered through his bedroom telephone. He had a dreadful day of work with his father and couldn’t wait for a good night’s sleep. He was also skeptical about this whole idea. Why would he want to trick their own friends? What if they didn’t even like each other, but a date with Beverly didn’t sound so bad. Bill did like her, to an extent. He just didn’t have time to devote to her when she really needs it. Beverly didn’t like Bill that much and he was very quiet and awkward, which made things so much worse. Don’t even get him started on his stuttering. Rejection was a hot topic in his mind and the more he thought that the date wasn’t even for Bev and him, he became unhopeful. It was just a plot to get their friends to hook up and will it even work? They were 14, nothing works out for them. They’re the damn Losers Club, but what if Beverly didn’t do that intentionally. She’s too nice for her own good. There was no way he could bail now, he dove headfirst into this.
“Fine…. I’ll go.”
Beverly smiled, “Thank you so much, Bill! I don’t know how to repay you.”
He flushed, “It’s no problem. Where are we meeting?” Maybe she did want to hang out with him, it won’t be that bad.
“By the Barrens?” Close enough.
He rubbed the back of his head as a chill ran up his back, “Yeah see you tomorrow Bev.”
“Bye Bi-” he slammed the receiver down and plopped back onto his bed. He racked with nerves.
“Beverly, I don’t want to barge in on you guys. You and Bill should at least have some time by yourselves.” Y/N didn’t want to cut in on their ‘date’, she tried to push back the thought that Stanley was coming. She had a massive crush on him and at this point it was completely obvious. Of course she would ask Stan out, but the time was never right. It was all she could think of and all she wanted was to not be alone with him. 
“Y/N, it will be fine.” Bev’s reassuring words didn’t help much, “We’re almost there anyways.” Y/N didn’t want to mess up her chances with Stan. She felt calm with him, it was odd. 
“Just relax, he won’t think anything of it. As long as you don’t do anything.” Beverley huffed up the hill.
“Oh shut it, I am calm.” Drain pipes flowed below us, water rushed as we trotted up the steep hill.
She looked at me, “That blush would say otherwise.”
“Like you said, it’s not a date if you don’t make it one.”
She laughed, “Just don’t mess it up, he likes you too.”
“Bill are you sure i should come, I don’t want to ruin anything.” Stanley shuffled behind him. Sure, he was a bit on edge, he didn’t want to mess up with his crush.
Bill wanted to get this over. He wasn’t pleased with going out on a cold Saturday morning, you could say he was a bit under the weather. He most certainly didn’t want to deal with a nervous Stan.
“You’re f-fine, just stay with Y/N.” They were around the corner from the Barrens. Butterflies filled his stomach at the mention of her name. 
The sun beat down on their heads, Stan felt especially hot with bandages covering his head. He was trying his best not to overheat. A few branches littered the damp ground, Bill kicked a few and landed with a soft thud on the road. Their walk was silent, Stanley didn’t want to overthink anything.
“They should be here by now.” Bev looked down at her new watch she saved up for. Her dad didn’t want to buy her one and there was no way she was stealing again. The watch released a soft ticking sound, the water pushed down the stream. It was half past 10, they were late.
Y/N though they were going to ditch the duo until, “Hey guys sorry we’re late.” Bill and Stan rounded the corner. Stan and Y/N briefly made eye contact and exchanged swift smiles. This technically isn’t any different than any other hang out, just with the pressure of Bev and Bill. Beverly watched the ‘lovers’ mingle, they each brought up small conversations like homework, or tiny updates on family. Beverly whispered something to Bill, neither of the other two heard.
“How about you two go head over to the rocks, we’ll meet you there in five.” That caught the attention of Y/N, Stan nugged her to comply, even though he was nervous. Beverly looked at her, moving her head forward in a motion to get going.
“Beverly, I thought this was a d-double date.” Bill’s whisper was louder than he thought. Everyone heard. Y/N’s face went red and Stan began to sweat. A double date wasn’t what they agreed to, or so they thought. Beverly’s expression went sour, Bill had to say something.
She glared at him and faced the other two, “Just head over there, we’ll be there ASAP. Promise.” She motioned for Bill to follow her into the loose barricade of trees surrounding her. 
Stan looked around for some sort of comfort, ”I guess we should go…”
Y/N laughed, “That was awkward.” Stan nodded, his face began to redden too.
She noticed, “Hey, It’s not a double date if we’re third and fourth wheeling.”
He looked at her, “But, what if we had just a date. Not a double or a triple.” “What.”
They stared at each other, neither expecting those words to come out of Stan’s mouth.
“Wait, are you being serious.”
She took Stan’s hand, a scar had already formed from the blood pact, ”Well I would like that.”
He gushed at the girl, “Maybe we could go bird watching together.”
“I’d love that Stan. Maybe even get some ice cream when they fair is in town?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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