#Raphael is an artist okay
iosagol · 7 months
Losing my mind over the idea of Hamato Raphael being an art kid
When his harsh personality starts really establishing itself at say five? and he's just SUCH a precious screaming handful? Splinter spends a year trying to corral this child before he adds brushes and ink to the list of what to buy on the surface, in an attempt to teach Raph some nice calm calligraphy, right
Raph paints on the cabinets with it.
And from then on he's absolutely unstoppable
He learns by copying drawings out of picture books and the few textbooks that Splinter gets ahold of, by copying out of comics, by trying to draw from real life. It's pretty ugly drawing in most ways because he's six but he's so excited about it pshshsg
And this doesn't actually make him that much sweeter/softer as a person, but it does serve as an expression of his thoughts when he has no earthly idea how to say them
So when Raph has sudden pitches in wanting to hurt his brothers, and yeah he's eight so it's probably normal but also he looks almost *upset,* Splinter stops trying to get Raph to verbalize and starts asking if it would be alright for them to do some drawing together
So that's part of how they communicate (not to say that Splinter doesn't also communicate with discipline and firm tone, but I think in the times when he can see there's something deeper, he takes the time to ask about it through art)
Fast forward to nine years old; they're all starting training now, and Raph is suddenly being taught an activity that feels absolutely right to him
He soars
And by this I mean that Raphael and Leonardo are very clearly neck in neck for the entire 2012 series; Leo only outstrips Raph when 1) his brother steps down and gives his respect willingly, 2) when Leo is ahead on a spiritual sense, and/or 3) on an emotional sense.
But whenever Leo is spiritually and emotionally lacking and Raph is too mad to back down, they're fighting and Raph is winning
And this
This derails things
Because there wasn't a hierarchy, you know
They're different ages, so that creates some competition, but to be very real, Leo, Raph, and Donnie all look the same age; it's Mikey who looks a different age. They're very close in years
But now there's a competition
Now Raph is good at something useful and he has to prove that he belongs there
He's the strong one
So drawing gets dropped for say six years in pursuit of being the best martial artist in the house
And then he's fifteen and Splinter assigns the leader and it's not him
Raph put everything into being the best at sparring, with his weapons, in every physical level
And yet in the days when Splinter tried to communicate with him, art didn't get through anymore, and neither did words, and so he was not considered a safe choice
He's livid
And then they go up to the surface.
It's ridiculous. It's incredible.
And Raph, to his own horror, goes home that night and paints until dawn.
He triples the number of signs that say DONT COME INTO MY ROOM, BRATS on his door and he adds locks because now
Now it's out of control and the same kid that painted on the cabinets has torn posters off the walls and he's feverishly painting a mural of the city above him on those same walls, a mural of the night sky and the rooftops and the birds and pizza and cars and the funny shape of dumpsters
Raphael made himself out to be the muscle, the rage, the powerhouse, and now he can't stop drawing and getting paint everywhere
What the heck is wrong with him?
This is what's wrong; he's inspired by something other than competition for the first time in six years
He's making something excellent for himself alone
He's happy with it
And so for a long time he hides his sketchbooks, in his dirty laundry, under his pillow
And no one comes into his room
He visits an art shop one night on the surface because he made sure it's on his patrol area
He takes markers and pastels and gouache and a bunch of pencils and he leaves as much crumpled money as he has in an attempt to make it okay
It's so okay. He loves this so much.
Sometimes he can't hide the marker stains on his hands and he has to walk around with extra bandages on his hands and say he had a sparring accident. When they realize this actually gives him more traction and softens the pain of his punches, everyone in the family starts mimicking this fashion.
And then Spike turns to Slash, knows the horrible angry bitter parts of Raph's life and Raph never thought a real person was watching all this time
He's horrified
Because when he is angry at Leo he draws Leo, and he draws him in a rage
There is proof of how much he despises his own brother, filling pages of books in his room
And someone saw those pages and was moved to hurt
Raph's art nearly killed someone he loves
He throws away his brushes, pours the paint and markers into the sewer system
Swears off of doing art even though he was finally finding his style and getting much better at realism and becoming a real artist
He leans on Casey a lot, watches Casey do graffiti and tries to be content with standing near that and maybe picking the colors if his friend lets him.
The Kraang strike New York.
April's dad is mutated, Casey's family is stuck back there, Shredder throws Leo's body through a window, Shredder throws Splinter's body into the sewers
And they're running away?? And for the first time in his life he has no idea what to do?? He has to be the leader now, sort of, but he doesn't know how it's done, or he knows how it's done but he can't do it, and isn't that worse?
Raph finds a torn notebook and a few pens in a corner of April's farmhouse and without even thinking, he starts to draw.
He draws thoughtfully, painstakingly, tearing out pages when he's not satisfied. He draws Splinter in excruciating detail, the little scars peeking through his father's fur, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes.
There's no game plan, no revenge plot. Raph is alone, and he can't fight, so he makes good art.
It's when Raph sits down with his new sketchbook next to Leo's tub and tries for the very first time to draw Leo from real life that he loses it and ends up leaning with his forehead on the edge of the tub, crying himself senseless.
He's not okay
He's in so much pain
And he draws to take that away.
He's sick of cartoonish art; caricatures got his family attacked by Spike
Raphael dives into realism
He gets out in the woods and draws the trees, funny leaves, flowers, pinecones, ducks, clouds. He wanders around the house drawing it from all angles and changing bits of it.
One day, April knocks on the door of the room he claimed as his own and when he opens it, she gives him a watercolor set.
"I just had a feeling," she says with a smile when he asks what it's for. "No other reason."
He's practicing his katas one afternoon when he notices Mikey fell asleep under a tree. Slowly, Raph gets out his supplies and paints Mikey right there, kneeling on the grass.
He tiptoes back inside.
Later, Raph is chopping wood when Mikey saunters over.
"Can I look at the picture you drew of me?" he asks calmly.
"What?" Raph sputters. "Drew? Drew what?"
"I wasn't really asleep," Mikey explains. "I thought you could use a real model, you know?"
And that's how Raphael learns that his youngest brother knew he was doing art for all of these years.
I don't really know where this goes, but all I can see is Raph slowly letting people see him drawing and slowly letting people look at his drawings and slowly making more really excellent stuff and in times of peace he gets on an online platform and shares what he has and the internet goes ballistic and suddenly he's a really well-known online artist
When Splinter dies, Raph builds a triptych of three rice paper screens and paints across them
The first screen shows Splinter's past life as a human
The middle one shows him being the father to the turtles
And the last one shows him walking through a beautiful garden with Tang Shen; his face is obscured from view.
Ages down the line, when Shredder is long dead and mutations have slowly become a more accepted thing because plenty of people were hit with mutagen over the years and now people see it as more of an accident/disability than a mark of a monster, Raph finally goes to the New York Art Institute
and becomes the first mutant to graduate cum laude.
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scarylarry376 · 2 months
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guys im not obsessed with Rasey.
has anyone noticed that I cannot choose a style for the life of me? no? okay good
Also, my fic isnt on haitus im just kinda slow guys<3
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zinzabee · 5 months
A Message for the RotTMNT Fans
For everyone who is afraid of drawing Rise Raph because of his large body type and proportions, I am here to give you this message: I promise you, I would much rather see you try your best effort and it look a little wonky than for you to exclude him entirely from your art and doodles.
The reason I am able to draw Raph as well as I am right now is because I learned how to draw fat/muscular/chubby body anatomy in my early art career. But it's really never too late to start practicing! I encourage you, I implore you even, to take a few small steps out of your comfort zone for a bit and see where it takes you. If you want to draw him (or any favorite character from a piece of media you love, really) but are intimidated because of their size being abnormal from the thin/skinny, I want you to know that it's okay to be scared. What's not okay is giving up, quitting, or not even trying to attempt their bigger proportions at all. Because then that will bleed over into the rest of your art style/mentality, and there are aspects of your art that you may never improve on because of that. You don't know until you try.
I know it may feel awkward at first, and you may be intimidated by the pressure of getting it right, less anyone make fun of you or you get caught by peers or non-artists and be judged. Trust me, I know. I have been there! It's not a pleasant experience. But if you want to get better as an artist, you need to learn different body types. You need to unlearn the internal fatphobia that society has ingrained into your brain. You need to free yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes as you learn and practice to get better.
Raph is such a wonderful character and he deserves just as much love as all the other brothers, but I've talked to so many artists who all repeat the same thing; "He's so hard to draw." "I can't get his shapes quite right." "I don't draw him that much because I'm intimidated." You are 100% valid for these feelings, I promise. But I think it's for these reasons that you should draw him anyway, and learn his shapes, and learn to draw larger bodies and bigger muscles, because it helps you grow as an artist. And besides that, representation matters. I know there's plenty of fans out there who would love to see more representation like Raph.
So go for it. Even if you're scared. Even if you're unsure. Give yourself a little grace if you wanna draw that big lovable turtle, and do your best. And when it comes down to it, I bet that if he was real and you showed it to him, he'd love it and appreciate the effort no matter what. <3
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gh0stlyscooter · 2 years
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@scribesynnox - “-Raph under a pile of stuffed animals! (specially made by his family so that he doesn’t accidentally rip them up)-”
Big turt with his bears
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oozedninjas · 6 months
Heyyyy I was wondering if you could do how the boys realize they're in love with you and how they react to said realization? Maybe even how long they'd take to confess??
Sorry if that's too much in one go or if you've already done it, ily and I love your writing <3
These are technically two requests so I'll just stick to "How they realize they're in love" if that's okay :)
MDNI / Turtle guys are mid to late twenties
Once he notices, Leo would carefully consider the implications that come with romantic emotions and reflect upon whether or not he's willing to go through what it entails to give himself to someone.
He would make sure this isn't just a fleeting thing before making any decisions on acting upon those feelings. Once he does, he'll drop little hints that surpass obviousness.
Don't get me wrong, it isn't that he is not brave enough to make the moves; it's just that he assumes that what he has to offer is little and prefers to give you all the signs. This way, if you want a relationship with him, you have the necessary tools to let him see that you do want to be courted.
Donnie's sharp enough to recognize what he's feeling the moment he discerns those exquisite tingles in his chest as something beyond just excitement. Yet, like the reserved creature that he is, digesting such emotions and coming to terms with them is… another thing entirely.
I think he would tough it out for the most part. Often bombarded by intrusive thoughts of a negative reaction on your side if you were to find out. His mind plays tricks on him, making him daydream about delightful dates with you, followed by the voice of mockery asserting that could never come to happen.
He has to be realistic. It isn't logical that someone as beautiful and brilliant as you are would risk being with a non-human creature who's not even biologically compatible with you. No, he's better off as your friend.
He knows what he feels for you; however, he refuses to accept it in his heart (or in front of anyone else, for that matter) because it would be too painful not to be reciprocated. Nevertheless, as his feelings for you grow, so do the desires to protect you and keep you safe and secure. This makes it difficult for him to conceal his true feelings to a sharp, tenacious eye as your own.
If he comes to confess his feelings, Raphael would strive to balance his rough exterior with moments of tenderness, as he recognizes the importance of displaying his softer side to achieve more deepening emotional connections.
Mikey's excitement and eagerness to be around you would give him away in the blink of an eye. It's cute because he holds this "We should totally date! Haha, joking, joking... UNLESS!" attitude all the time.
I think he would express his feelings in a joyful, creative form. You can expect an outpouring of artistic expressions: drawings, poems, or spontaneous acts of affection.
I think Mike's the one with a higher rate of emotional intelligence; many lessons he's learned across his journey, and in his adult years, it's easier for him to establish his limits and boundaries. With this in mind, I think he would ponder if it's worth potentially ruining his friendship with you. If the answer is yes, he goes with everything he's got.
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xtreklx · 10 months
Bumpin' ~ Raphael x reader
One-shot: bayverse Raphael x reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: SFW, fluff, slightly mature themes (rated 17+, see my masterlist for disclaimer)
A/N: a self-indulging one-shot I thought up for Raphie boy. thanks for reading!
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"Y/N, I'm boooooooored."
Michelangelo let out a long, drawn-out sigh and turned to look at you. You were both strewn about the living room of the lair, him on the floor and you on the couch. This time was normally used for your weekly Mortal Kombat sesh, but Donatello had shut off the lair's power to make a repair, so the two of you were forced to find an alternative activity. Which sounded like a simple task, but had since proven the opposite.
You mimicked your friend's long-drawn out sigh with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, I bet Don decided on purpose to do this right now," you replied. "Not that I blame him, we do get pretty loud when we game." You were laying on the couch as you spoke, scrolling absentmindedly through your phone's home screen and hoping that an app or notification would give you some sort of inspiration.
You thought for a moment as Mikey continued his mock sighs, which were rising in both volume and drama, before turning to him with an idea. "Hey Mikey, do you use Spotify to listen to music?" He looked to you again before pulling out his phone. "Yeah, team Spotify all the way! Why?"
You sat up with a new invigoration. "We should create a blended playlist!" You exclaimed, opening the app on your phone. "We can compare our music tastes and see what we have in common, it'll be fun!" Mikey sat up from his spot on the floor and handed you his phone with the Spotify app open. "Hell yeah, girl! I'm always in the mood to bump some tunes! Lemme go get my speaker." And with that, he took off to his room.
You got to work with both of your phones in your hand. When he returned, you hit shuffle on your blended playlist and the music started flowing from the speaker. You moved to sit next to him on the floor.
"When I look at the playlist story, it says we have a 56% music match." "Okaaaaaaay, that's not too bad," Mikey replied. "Where do we match up, dudette?" You tapped the screen again, showing him. "Our number one match is Tyler the Creator. That makes sense, I listen to him a lot!" "No way, me too!" Mikey exclaimed. "He's definitely one of my fave artists."
The two of you began chatting away and singing along to songs as they came up, while unknowingly summoning a third party.
"Poor Don'll never get the quiet time he wants," Raphael spoke, shaking his head as he walked into the living room from the dojo. His gruff voice startled you from behind and your heart rate increased, as it often did around the short-tempered brother. You had had a crush on him for a few months now, but were far too intimidated and nervous to make a move, so it went unaddressed. The turtle in question strolled over and plopped down on the couch, looking down at you both on the floor. "What're you two idiots doing, anyway?"
"We're just bumpin' some tunes, bro!" Mikey called, shaking his head to the beat of the song playing. "We're comparing our music tastes!" You excitedly said. "And actually, we're using a very technical algorithm, so this is in the name of science! Donnie couldn't argue with that," you grinned up to the turtle in red. Raph rolled his eyes but let a small smirk grace his features in return. Dork.
"Alright dollface. Since it's so impressive, show me how it works."
You explained the process to him as Mikey continued to jam to the music playing from his speaker. Raph listened and examined the blended playlist you had created. "Hmm... Y/N, see what ours would look like," he pondered, reaching for his phone. Again, your heart sped up, but you breathed out an "O-okay" and took his phone from him. As you tapped the screen, you ignored Mikey wiggling his brows at you in your peripheral vision, knowing about your feelings toward his brother.
When you finished, you gasped slightly, and turned the screen to Raph. "We're at 84%!!!" you squealed, showing him where your favorite artists intertwined. You scrolled through the playlist to see a mix of heavy metal, grunge, classic rock, R&B and rap. Tyler the Creator was also listed as one of your top matching artists.
"No way," the brute scoffed, leaning towards you so that he could look over your shoulder at your blended playlist. You both pointed out which songs were your favorite and why, and also chatted about the favorite artists you had in common. Your nerves eased as you connected with him, your heart thrumming at the realization that he was being... kind of vulnerable with you. You were getting to see a part of Raph that he had never shown you before.
All of the sudden, the song changed to 'Dogtooth' by Tyler the Creator, and Mikey jumped up, hollering. You gasped with joy, and you both looked to each other with excitement. "I love this song!!!" You both yelled, and then: "JINX!" You laughed hard as Mikey ran from the living room, yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs, 100% looking to annoy his other older brothers.
As your laughing ceased and you turned back to Raph, you took in a quick breath as you realized how close you two were leaning in before the outburst. You were still on the floor, but had scooted towards his spot on the couch until you were practically leaning on his lap. You could feel his warm breath brush your face, and he got an amused look on his face as he gazed at you.
Your eyes widened naturally with the proximity, and after a moment of silence and staring at each other, you opened your mouth you speak. But before you could, Raph began rapping along to the song playing from Mikey's speaker, a growing smirk on his face and a unique glint in his hazel eyes as he watched you.
"She could ride my face, I don't want nothin' in return. Except for some her time and all her love, that's my concern. I'm tryna buy my neighbor's house..."
The eye contact he was giving you in this moment could only be described one way: heavy. And your face turned beet red. The closeness, his gaze, his smirk, the words- it was all too much for your poor heart to take.
"R-raph, w-what are you doing?"
"I'm just bumpin' some tunes, dollface."
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
For the 1k prompt (which btw congrats) i would want to request that MC luck saves their life by axcidently summoning Michael
Hello there, anon!
So okay, this is just remnants of my 500 follower event lol. I haven't started the 1k event yet so I guess this is just a pre-event? Anyway...
I know I said any character aside from Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen, but I honestly did not even think about Michael. I wasn't expecting anyone to request him. I was going to say that I won't write for him, either, but then I changed my mind.
The thing about the other three is that we have some information on them and I feel like I know their characters fairly well except for how they are when they're being romanced. So I'm just waiting until they become dateable to start writing about them.
But Michael? We have very little info on him, just enough to get a glimpse into his character.
So I wrote this based entirely on my own headcanon of what I think he's like based on what we've seen so far. I described him, too, but again, that's entirely my own headcanon since we don't have an official design for him yet.
This takes place in the human world because I think if he showed up in the Devildom it would likely cause some problems. It also ended up almost twice as long as most of these little blurbs, but that's because I felt like I had to describe more than usual.
Anyway, I hope this is close to what you were looking for. I actually had a lot of fun writing it because I was able to take so many artistic liberties lol.
Thanks for the request!
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GN!MC x Michael with prompt Luck
Warnings: well MC almost dies, but doesn't actually die so do with that what you will, also I would say a lot of making up stuff for Michael
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You had returned to the human world for a little time away, to see your family and friends, to experience sunlight again. It was just a short time that you would be there, but you made sure to make the most of it.
And so you had decided to go on a little hike in a nature area nearby where you lived. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining brightly that morning. It wasn't too hot out, so it was the perfect time to go enjoy the nature of the human world for a little bit.
You spent time in the Devildom flora, too, of course. But it wasn't quite the same as the familiar trees and plants of the human world. The sunlight streamed through a handful of white puffy clouds as you went, listening to the cheerful bird song, hearing the sound of a nearby stream. You pulled in a lungful of fresh air, thinking about how next time you might invite your favorite demon to come back to the human world with you. How nice it would be to walk this path with him side-by-side. To show him where you lived before you came to stay in the House of Lamentation.
You reached the edge of a tall cliff that overlooked a beautiful stretch of forest. Beneath you, you could see the tops of trees and the sparkle of a distant river. You took one step closer to the edge, wanting to see as much as you could, taking in the sight of the blue sky stretching out above you.
There was a hole in the ground right where you stepped and your ankle rolled. You felt yourself unable to stay standing, falling as the pain shot through your leg. You hoped to at least catch yourself on your hands when you hit the ground, reaching out desperately. But you were too close to the edge, the momentum of your body was too strong, and you felt yourself go over. Your fingers scraped the edge of the cliff as you went, still trying in those last seconds to stop yourself.
And then you were free falling. The wind was rushing past you, pushing on you, as you plummeted. Your mind was in complete panic, full on terror screaming through it, and you thought you might be screaming with your voice, too, but you were too disoriented to tell. You could sense a burning on your finger, so hot it made you shake your hand as an automatic response. But you still didn't register that fully as the fear overcame you.
You closed your eyes, prepared to hit the ground, prepared for pain at the very least and death at the very worst.
But you never hit the ground.
Instead, you stopped. It felt like you were suspended in midair. Your heart was still racing, your mind still screaming, but you could also feel arms around your waist and the still burning sensation around one of your fingers.
You opened your eyes and found yourself looking back at a man with large white wings that had an opalescent sheen to them. His arms were what you could feel around you. You could barely see his face because he was glowing so brightly - an almost blinding light. You looked down at your burning finger and saw a similar light radiating from the Ring of Light.
With a great flap of those mighty wings, you were propelled back upward. You felt your feet touch the ground, a little ways off from the edge of the cliff you had just fallen from.
The light dispersed from your ring, your finger no longer felt like it was being burned. The man who still held you lost his glow as well and suddenly you could make him out.
There was no doubt that you were looking at an angel. His eyes were like the eyes of all the other angels you knew, blue with a distinct halo shape inside it. But where normally there was gold, here you saw a prismatic shine of rainbow colors. His hair was long, cascading down his back in bright golden blond waves. His white garment was gathered at one shoulder, held there by a clasp made of opal and glass. His other shoulder was bare, half of his chest visible to you. A single gold chain hung around his neck. His wings spread out behind him, the pearly sheen of them glimmering in the sun.
You were mesmerized by this figure before you, but you were also still dealing with the adrenaline and fear of having almost lost your life. You found that at some point you had begun to grip the arms that were around your waist.
"Who…?" you managed to ask.
The angel smiled and you nearly fainted at the way it transformed his face, from concern to something that could only be described as beautiful.
"You know me," he said. "I'm Michael. You inadvertently summoned me as you were falling from the cliff. The Ring of Light let me know that you were in danger. It's lucky that I was able to leave the Celestial Realm in time to catch you."
Michael? The Michael? Well, it wasn't like this was the first time he had saved your life.
"Th-thank you," you said weakly.
"Are you going to be all right?" Michael asked.
You took several deep breaths before letting go of his arms and stepping away from him. "Yes," you said firmly. "I'm going to be fine. Thank you for saving me… again."
Michael chuckled. "I know you have no reason to trust me, MC," he said. "But I can often tell when you're in danger and I will intervene if I need to. My former brothers care for you very much. Please try to be more careful."
You nodded, still too overwhelmed with everything that had happened to form a real coherent thought.
Michael surprised you by reaching out to brush your cheek with his fingertips, his expression going soft. "I'm really beginning to understand what it is they see in you."
You stared at him, eyes wide, but you didn't have a chance to respond.
He smiled again, stepping back. "Farewell, MC. Until we meet again."
You had to shield your eyes as he began to glow again. He flapped his wings once, lifting into the sky, before simply disappearing in a glimmer of light.
You stared at the blue sky for some time before deciding you would go home earlier than you had anticipated. The fear of having almost fallen to your death was still fresh in your mind. And the feeling of that angel's arms around you persisted. You looked down at the ring on your finger and wondered just how much luck had been involved.
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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golby-moon · 4 months
I am a very simple single brain celled-organism: I see pokemon, I click. this time for the @deancasanimebang whoo
due to having way more artists than authors, this bang had kind of a weird system where two artists were paired to each fic. for this one, @keikakudom did the banner and some bonus character designs (and also had the idea to do pixel art to reference the game which was definitely a fun change) and I did some silly art pieces for it
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here's Dean and Cas meeting in the fic. I'm not too great at pixel art really since my style in general is pretty two dimensional and I don't do much as far as shading or color blending goes but idk I think it turned out okay. I especially like how Cas' Cubone turned out here since it actually kinda looks like a Cubone. Chansey too really though most of it is off-screen. tried to do a simple Pokemon Center-y background that keeps the colored line art thing I had going on originally before swapping it to black outlines (which is a lot more eye-catching)
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I did another little piece for this fic with Dean and Cas walking out of Raphael's gym and off into a new life together (with Chansey and Cubone ofc). I kinda based the background off of Pokemon Platinum's Veilstone fighting type gym with the tires and punching bags and...boxing rings? idk fighting types man who knows
but yeah it was fun collaborating on this. never worked on a team before this bang so it was fun to try that out
the fic this is made for is called "Catch" by @nickelkeep for the deancas anime bang
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lark-of-mirkwood · 8 months
So upset about the fact that there are artists who whitewash Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3, like ... That man has bronze skin (human form) not LIGHT PINK 💀 And then when I point it out and that it's not okay, leaving a tip on how to avoid that mistake next time, they don't know what I'm talking about and are offended!
"I color-picked from a screenshot" DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT HIM ONCE
"Why do you come to my post und comment something like this???" AS IF I CALLED YOU NAMES OR SOMETHING, omgg
It can happen that you pick the wrong skin color, that's okay, especially as an artist without much experience, but listen to other artists who point out to you that that character looks whitewashed, be open to LISTEN and AVOID picking the absolutely wrong skin color next time. Simple.
Glad blocking exists 🫶🏽
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3m0n3rd · 3 months
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info abt her under cut, itz a lot
okai Tang Shen, wassss going to marry Yoshi, so she would introduce herself to other as Hamato Shen, but once Leo killed Splinter, she went back to referring to herself as Tang Shen.
Shen is Japanese and wishes the turtles would take after her culture more instead of being weird emo Americans. But Leo does do this more than the others, so she loves buying Leo Japanese clothes. She does baby Donnie the most because she relates to him.
When Shen was raising Saki (Yoshi and Shen are the shredders parents, Karai isn't related to Saki because she is just his general instead of stepdaughter) Saki one day training, accidently slashed Shen across the face with his katana-Blinding Shen in the right eye and a scar on her face. So, Saki ran away, horrified of what he did to his mother.
In 2000 Shen found Yoshi, mutated, and living with four turtles. She was happy she had found him and lived with them, until one day she found Yoshi pouring boiling water on Raphael when he was trying to protect Mikey from getting hit. She than helped Leo poison Yoshi. And after that she took care of the turtles, giving them names. (because Splinter never did)
Shen was into art at the time (she still is) and gave the turtles their names from her fave artists. Shen was a good mother and taught the turtles her lessons in ninjitsu. Shen was a bit afraid when Leo chose Katanas for his weapon (because of Saki) But she soon was able to watch Leo train with his swords.
Tang Shen was horrified when she found out the Turtles were committing crimes and using their trainings for the wrong reasons. She shut down for a week, not being able to face the turtles and blaming herself for not teaching them right. When Shen did come out of her room, she saw that the turtles had met April and were trying to be better so she would stay friends with them. At first Shen had just been able to stand up and drink water, it shook her that the turtles met another person. But she was happy she didn't have to yell at the turtles, because they were already learning to be better by themselves
When Shen found out that the turtles knew Saki and were fighting him. (both were villains, but the turtles were trying to be better) Tang was already dealing with a lot, so when she found out that both her children were fighting violently, she shut down again but for a month. The turtles and April took care of her for the first week, but after she just wouldn't talk, they just stopped trying. But Don kept taking care of her, because they also shut down but not as bad as Shen
Don one day-taking care of Shen- introduced Arrow to her as their partner, which Shen did smile at her (which was shocking because she didn't make any facial movements at all when she shuts down) Arrow and Donnie soon both started to take care of Shen, creating a stronger bond with Tang than the others.
Shen than started to function again, not shutting down. But Donnie who LITERALLY PASSED NUMEROUS COLLAGE EXAMS that were taken at Harvard, diagnosed Shen with BPD. (Donnie isn't a doctor, but literally is better than an average doctor or something like that) Knowing this now, Shen decided to go to an actual doctor, and was diagnosed with BPD again.
When all the turtlez came out to her, she was overjoyed. Bought them lots of pride flags (they were all working on not stealling anymore) and was very happy with them. During 2009 being apart of the lgbtq was harder than it is now (it still is hard either way) So Shen welcomed them with open arms.
Shen (she/her) straight
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savemeafruitjuice · 5 months
OKAY THIS RIGHT HERE! 🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Lee! Donatello
Ler! Raph, Mikey, Leo
TW! None!
It was a normal day for the turtles, Donnie and Raph playing video games as Mikey watched from the couch, cheering no one on in particular as he stared intently at the screen as his brothers battled. Leo was out doing whatever Leo does in his spare time, probably finding a place to eat for later or something of the sort.
Raphael had won twice in a row so far, and the brainiac was starting to get a little frustrated. They were playing another Lou Jitsu fighting game, and Raph always took the strongest character, the bulky turtle barely giving his brother an opening for attack whenever they played.
The match had just started, and Donnie's health was already half way drained! It was impossible! He had already planned out the best moves for attack, and knew his brother a little too well for his moves to be surprising, so how was he winning? Surely since he knew all of the best combos he would have an assured victory, right?
Not only was he losing, but his older brother had been teasing him about it too, along with Mikey! Things like, "Hey, it's not my fault that you're so caught up in your science that you don't play as well as me!" and "C'mon Dee, don't be such a grump and just admit your losing!" echoed throughout his brain.
He was trying with every fiber of his being to win, he really was! The purple-themed turtle clenched his teeth as he fought for control. How was his brother beating him? Unless...
"Raph, you're totally cheating!" the smug grin on his brother's face never faltered as they mashed their controllers. "Hah! That's not cheating, this is cheating!" Raphael's grin widened as he reached over to Donnie, still focused on the video game.
Donnie realized what was about to happen, panicking slightly. He froze, eyes scrunched shut as he waited for the inevitable. While he wasn't all that comfortable with being touchy-feely, he supposed he could make an exception just this once. Plus, he was getting rather agitated over the game, and laughing a little couldn't hurt.
A smile crept over his features. He couldn't bare to watch as his brothers hand crept closer and closer, inching forward until-
"Eeheek! GyaHA!"
Laughter poured through his lips as his armpit was attacked, wiggling fingers drilling mercilessly beneath his clamped arm. Within seconds, his controller buzzed in his other hand as a pop-up appeared on the screen. Once more, big bold words appeared on both of their sides of the tv, the all too familiar "You Lose" echoing through the lair as the turtle squealed in mirth.
"Y-YohohU WOHOHON! Quihihit ihit alreHEADY!" the controller fell from his hands as he wiggled about, Raphael cheering as Mikey clapped, giggling as his older brother didn't stop tickling the other. The artist crawled over to the two, hitting the ground with an "Oomf!" as he slid off the couch.
Raphael turned fully to Donatello now, his controller tossed to the side while he latched onto his brother's ribcage with his left hand, the right still wiggling under the poor turtle's arm. The genius was full on cackling now, squirming about until eventually he lost his balance.
He toppled backwards, being caught by Mikey. 'When did he get there?' "MIHIHIKEY! HEhelp meheheeee!" his brothers laughed with him, Raph switching from squeezing at his ribs and armpit to wriggling all six digits along his waist. Little relief came from that action though; the purple themed turtle threw his head back and screeched as his little brother snatched up his arms, holding back his biceps with his forearms.
His face flushed a light shade of pink, squirming increasing ten-fold. "Ihihi meheheahant heHELP ME GET AHAWAAHAY! AHAAHNGELOO!" his older brother straddled his calves, now only allowing him to thrash around his torso and as much of his knees as this new position would allow. "Nice gohoing Mihikey!" the other two couldn't help but chuckle along, Donnie desperately reaching for Raph's hands as they moved down ever so slightly, now spidering along his thighs, but given how Mikey held his arms, he couldn't reach his tormentors.
"Awww, Dee! Your smile is so sweet!" Mikey now had begun teasing, each word sending shivers down the other's spine as his tone darkened slightly. "Ihihit's noHOHOHOT! L-EHEHEEE!" Donnie had almost called out for his twin, but quickly decided against it, because let's be real- he wouldn't help in the slightest.
Almost as if reading his thoughts, the portal user rushed into the lair, arms flying over his head. "GUYS, GUYS, GUYS! Oooooh~ watcha doinn'?" his excited smile quickly turned to a mischievous grin as he paused, taking in what was happening.
Don's cheeks were rosy, his eyes squeezed shut as his hips wiggled about, trying to avoid Raphael's fingers as they scuttled along his thighs. Mikey was putting quite a lot of effort into keeping his arms up, and looking from behind them he could see the youngest nuzzling his brother's neck, causing him to shrink away.
Leo giggled. He hadn't seen Donnie genuinely laugh in weeks. The oldest of them was lightheartedly making fun of his brother, noting how he wasn't telling them to stop. Leo swore he could see the pink of his face tinge the back of his neck.
"What did you wanna tell us?" Raph had looked up to Leo from the floor, tilting his head slightly in question. 'Maybe it's not THAT important..'
"Oh, it's nothing. We can deal with it later." his grin turned to a smirk as he crept up behind his brothers. Sensing his brother's presence, and knowing how ruthless he was when tickling, Donatello made a frantic plea for his release. "PLEHEHEASE! Leheo hE-AAAHAHA!"
The younger twin had already made up his mind, squeezing his brother's sides, making him laugh a little louder before going to sit to the left of him. He plopped down on his knees, looking at his brother's face. He didn't seem too frantic, but he did look happy. When Leo had stopped squeezing his sides, his laughter died down to high-pitched giggles, eyes opening to see Leonardo's wiggling fingers making their way to his hips.
A gasp pushed its way out of his mouth, his waist contorting to avoid the offending fingers. Donnie knew he couldn't escape. He knew it was pointless, so in one of the only options of being stubborn he had left, he used his hand to shield his face from them all. Jerking his head to the left, he used his right hand to swat at Mikey's face as it opened him up for more nuzzles on that side, using his other hand to block his own from his other brothers' view.
"Hiding, are we? I think I can fix that~" the blue themed turtle began rapidly squeezing Don's hips, causing a loud squeal to echo through the lair. The younger twin made little noises at the tormented, furthering his descent into madness. "Tktktktktk~ Does that tiiiickle? Is poor wittle DonTon tiiickwish?"
Donatello gave up on hiding his face, arms flailing about as his back arched up, only sending his evil twin's fingers further into his hips. The oldest of them had reached back and started scribbling along his feet, leaving the teen to breathlessly chortle and plead with his brothers.
"LEHEHEOOO! Dohohon't Doho thahaaat! Ihihit TIHIHICKLEEHEES! HAH!" Donnie's head began to go limp, chin pressed into his chest, before shooting back up and cackling once more as Mikey blew a raspberry on the back of his neck. "WAHAHAHIHIHIHIIIIT!" the scientist wailed, his hands flapping furiously.
Leo took note of this, and knowing his twin better than anyone in the room, put an end to his torture. "Awww! Okay guys, he's happy stimming! We should prolly stop before we kill him or something." all of their fingers slowed, Raphael pushing himself off of his legs, Leo switching to gently rubbing his sides, and Mikey releasing his arms, which he now crossed over his chest, hand flapping slowing until he slid to the floor, remaining giggles flowing out every once in a while.
The three looked down at their brother to make sure he was okay before Mikey ran to go get him some water. When he got back, Donnie took a sip, muttering a "thanks" before Raph picked him up from the ground, carrying him bridal style to the couch. He laid down himself, setting Donnie on top of him, Leo and Mikey soon throwing themselves on the pair as well.
The purple-themed turtle sighed, all of them enjoying this rare moment of affection in between their chaotic lives. They didn't have a lot, but one thing was for certain: they'd always have each other.
This turned out to be kind of a monster fic, and honestly, I'm okay with that. I love these guys waaaay too much, so I hope you enjoy!! Remember to drink water and eat, and have a wonderful day or night! 💕💕💕
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Angels sooooo have era centric styles, you can’t tell me they don’t.
Are you gonna tell me their 2000’s era clothing were their choice???? Absolutely not.
>Gabriel is 100% the 70’s, did you see how at home he was in those clothes? Bro would wear bell bottoms unironically and I love that for him. (Also orange is his color and that era LOVED orange) also the 70’s was the time for an artistic revival with disco at the forefront! I especially love how it took advantage of the 60’s which is usually regarded as the big honcho of out there ideas and today is blamed as the turning point of delinquency. And much like Gabe, the 70’s skirts prosecution because of the distraction the 60’s posed. But! 70’s fashion took it’s turn with comedy and charisma and ended up paving the way for the 80’s scene, which is also right up Gabe’s ally. It’s funny actually because Dean is heavily influenced by the 80’s and the rise of rock and roll. Didn’t Dean say if Gabe was less of a dick he’d be his type of guy? Or was that a fanfic… ANYWAYS!
>Micheal is the 50’s… don’t ask but it’s definitely influenced by Clickbaitcowboy (Can you tell I’m heavily influenced by him??) and also y’know, his overall vibe. He EMBODIES the baby boom and postwar influence on the people of that era that undercut the survivalist women of the 40’s and thrusted men yet again at the forefront of innovation. Aka men taking advantage of the times and capitalizing off of the efforts of women that happened during the depression when they had the chance so they can forward their agenda. (Profiting off of war efforts and raising soldiers… very Micheal)
>I wanna say Lucifer would be Victorian because of the gothic aesthetic but also the vampires and demons… hello. Also I think it’s hilarious that Nick would quite literally be a sickly Victorian child if Lucifer cared a smidge more about his overall appearance. Also historically speaking the period is the Industrial Revolution which not only caused an actual intellectual renaissance but also brought about a ton of crime, murder, cheap sin, and desperation. I think it’s very fitting since Luci’s Revolution also led to crime, murder, cheap sin, and desperation.
>Raphael. If I were lazy I’d say 50’s because she follows Micheal so dutifully but she is an individual and I heavily believe she followed Micheal only because she genuinely thought he had their father in mind for all of his decisions. She is a daddy’s girl but also a boss ass bitch and so she DESERVES the 40’s!!! The 20’s era feminists and individualists influenced an era of craftiness in the depression. They were literally sewing bag dresses and inventing affordable foods to keep everyone alive which is very much Raphael. (Or at least my understanding of her character) But also it was much more subdued than the 20’s which I think is Raphael’s main thing. She’s very much an independent and intelligent Angel but that all takes the back burner in the face of her responsibility as archangel—protecting her siblings and navigating for them while keeping up pretenses that everything is okay.
>Castiel was so easy, he is literally the 2000’s. Style is usually invented at the point of individualism or for the sake of self expression and Cas became himself when he met Dean aka in the 2000’s. Also the style is very him, trench-coat with a loose tie and a white shirt? Sir, get out of my Starbucks with your bullshit, you can’t be anything other than 2000’s camp, you psycho.
——Apologies for any misspellings or grammatical mistakes, it is midnight lmfao.
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Serendipity (2007!Raphael x Fem!Reader) 9.5
CHAPTER IX.5: Intimacy
Okay, before we start, this is my very first time writing an NSFW chapter or any kind of 18+ writing! Let me know if you enjoyed or if it was good for a first-time Raph having sex chapter? Also i lied LMAO I was so excited to write this chapter that I stopped trying to write the final chapter! Anyway, enjoy!
Some tunes while you read! -
Chapter key:
——— = a flashback is happening or ending (——— followed by italics means the flashback is beginning)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or ====
= perspective change
~ = small time skip -----
And holy mother of mutagen, he wanted this bad. Because honestly, he couldn’t be more in love with you.
Raphael is putting all the knowledge he has to work here. He’s gonna thank Casey Jones after this because if everything goes the way Casey said it usually goes, yeah, he's gonna be pretty happy. Raph was never a porn guy, just for the knowledge, but it was unrealistic. So, he had to get it from the source. And the only source he knew of was…well…Casey. 
“It’s natural, nothin' you see on the Hub, man.” That was the first thing Casey said before he gave a whole night class session on sex. Sex 101. It wasn’t until April overheard his class and stepped in, snatching the whiteboard and black Expo marker away as he tried to find the clitoris of the vagina HE drew.
“Coming from a woman, this is totally wrong. Here-“ April points the marker at the clitoris, “although it’s a terrible looking drawing-“ 
“Hey!” Casey whines. Hey, not everyone can be an artist, right?
“-it won’t always look the same. It varies, it may be smaller or larger depending on how aroused she is. It’s up to you to work with what you have and get her to that point.”
Okay, so it went on to be Sex 101 with Casey AND April- until Casey just sat back and put his two cents in now and then. 
“It’s going to seem foreign to you, but trust me, it’s human nature to reproduce, it’s science, or whatever Donnie would say, ya know, go wit ya instincts!” Casey exclaims from the opposite side of the couch. 
“Oh…oh, fuck, fuck,” Raphael melts at the feeling of his erected dick sliding so smoothly in your tight hole, being squeezed by your walls. It’s a feeling unmatched by anything. His hand didn’t compare to the feeling of you taking him all in despite being so tight. He’s never felt this feeling before, and he will now fantasize about you like this all the time. How gorgeous you look under him, your cheeks flushed. 
“Oh my god- you…you feel so fucking good, Raph~” You arch your back slightly as a response to the sensation of Raph beinginsideyou. He’s inside. He’s inside you, feeling the most intimate parts of you. Your sex, your dripping wet cunt that squelches every time he pumps in and out once he gets his pace. Raph grabs the headboard to your bed with one hand and fondles one of your breasts with the other. Now, Raphael is an ass man at heart, but due to the position, he was a titties man at the moment. God, he loved how soft they were, he would never be able to get over that. 
Since it’s Raphs first time having sex, he wants it to last. Last as long as it can before he cums. Plus, he wants you to cum. All over his emerald dick; He wants your juices all over it, so much that it glistens in the moonlight when he pulls it out to admire your excitement, then to put it right back in and continue business as usual. 
“Yeah? It’s good princess?” He moans into your ear, before moving his hand from your breasts down to your clit, ringing it like a bell. 
Flick, don’t rub. 
“Yeah! Oh-!” Your walls clench around Raph as he continues toying with your sensitive bud, as it only makes him love the sensation of you squeezing him. 
“Fuck, Raph! Faster!” You’re holding onto his bicep while your other hand covers his own, motioning to him that it feels too good, but he doesn’t stop. He slows his fingers down, he doesn’t want you to cum just from clit stimulation. He wants you to scream forhim, not his fingers. 
His pace quickens, you didn’t have to ask him as he thrusts at a faster rate in and out. Raph continues looking at you, not once stopping. He loves how your face makes those cute expressions every time he hits a particularly good spot. How sexy your body is, and how it’s his. 
This goes on, your moans fill up the room as it’s mixed in with your boyfriend's grunts and (also, surprisingly) moans. Raphael’s moans are quiet, as he tries to cover them with his grunts. But, he shouldn’t cover them. They may be the thing that sends you over the edge. 
That, or how he switched positions to have you on top of him, as he’s now fully balls deep inside you. Once you get comfortable on top, Raph’s hands are already toying with your ass, squeezing it. He’s an ass man at heart, don’t get it twisted. 
And honestly, this may be the thing that sends Raphael over the edge. It feels way too good. 
Forget the feeling of your velvety walls clenching around him every time you bounced on top, he couldn’t get over the visual. He was face to face with you, breast bouncing every time you moved. How you gripped the headboard with one hand like Raph, and the other on his plastron. How you were working hard to make him feel good. He deserved it. 
Okay, forget the visual, it may be the smell. Or is it the sounds? Everythingdammit. Everything is perfect. 
Raph’s heightened senses can smell your sex, how you possess a distinctive sweet aroma. The smell of sex fills the room, as well as the perfume you put on today. Or, it could be your moans and how they intensified when you were on top. Raphael’s dick was on the bigger side of the spectrum. Not only that but being 7.5 inches whennot hard? Yeah. This turtle was packing, and he knew it. And to top it all off, the curve his dick had was gorgeous. Now, before he slid it in the very first time, you may have stopped to take a look at it. It was like a regular human dick, only… well, green. In Raphael’s case, he was also pretty veiny. With all this being said, it allows for an ensemble of different positive genital features to all play together and causes you to sing in response to their music. 
It was perfect, and Raph was perfect. His dick felt so good that your cunt dripped with juices, and you loved to feel it flow out when Raph’s member slid out of you when you bounced too high. You were feeling an addiction coming on because you couldn’t wait for it to be back in. How you hungrily grabbed it and moaned as you slid it back in yourself, guiding Raph’s hands back to your ass, and asking if he could spank you. 
He complied, although he wished you asked that earlier because his hands would’ve been all over your juicy ass. 
Raphael smirks up at you, spanking you again. Only this time, he smacks it harder. 
“Takin’ charge now…huh? Ya doin’ so good, baby…fuck,”  He cooes as he praises you. 
The stinging sensation on your cheek along with his sexy low voice only causes you to moan in response. because you can’t seem to form a proper sentence with all the oxytocin being released to your brain. 
Raphael watched as your eyes seemed to roll back from all the pleasure, and he started to thrust into you from under in a hungry manner. He wanted to cum, he had to. Once he heard your moans get louder, he decided to take charge now.
“Here, arch ya back fa me, just like that,” Raph orders you around, guiding you into the position he wanted you to be in. As your ass was in the air and your face smushed into the pillow, you couldn’t help but blush, you could feel Raph’s gaze on your dripping wet pussy. 
“All that fa me?” He teases, bringing his thumb on your clit to begin circular motions. You feel the same wave of pleasure again, and when Raph fills you up once again with his now twitching member, you feel this knot in your stomach that must be snapped no matter what. 
Before he begins to move, Raph rubs his hands all over your ass, giving it a hard smack that fills the room and then starts quickly slipping in and out. Now, this is it. Between the view of your hot supple honeypot taking him in and going deeper than he’s ever before, hitting new places, Doggystyle was the perfect position for you two to reach full nirvana.
His pace is faster than previous, and when you beg him to do it harder, he doesn’t skip a beat. 
“Ya gonna cum fa me princess?” Hearing that intensifies the knot in your stomach, and you turn your head so that you’re looking at your boyfriend. 
“Can’t hear ya,”
Raph smirks, his eyes now fixated on watching your ass hit his pelvis, “Still can’t hear ya!” as his fingers once again find their way to your clit, causing you to scream. 
“Raph! Yes! I’m gonna cum for you!” Raph doesn’t stop, he can feel your walls clenching around him as he plays with your nub, only for you to spasm under him and scream his name. He’s coming to enjoy that, by the way. 
“I-I’m g-gonna~” “Dat’s right baby, just like that,” Something about Raph’s voice had been the deal breaker to send you over the edge, because you felt that knot coming undone inside you, and you arched your back in pleasure, as you reached your beautiful orgasm that came because of Raphael.
Raph’s thrusts calmed down so you could ride out your high, and his fingers slipped away and went back to gripping your ass again, and as soon as he knew you came down, he started up again. Only this time, you were more sensitive. 
“Mmm oh my- Raph!” Raph’s smirk falters when he feels himself about to cum, and he gives one last hard thrust into your pussy and pulls it out, watching as his cum squirts all over your back. 
It’s painted beautifully on you, and you feel the evidence of Raph’s arrival drip down onto your ass as you sit up, turning around to kiss Raph as his heavy breathing falters. Not caring about the mess you both made, you delve deeper into the kiss, your dry lips from all the screaming you did collide with Raph’s, and like usual, you melt from the sensation. It seemed like every time you kissed him, your body had no choice but to simmer down and feel at ease.
Once you both break the kiss for air, you decide to shower- together. Because that’s the best part of aftercare. The non-sexual intimacy between two people. Between that and the massages you gave to Raph’s muscles, to the thigh rubs he gave you, it was beautiful, what you two had become.
So before you turn off the light to go to sleep, the turtle in red engulfs walks up behind you and wraps his strong arms around you into a hug. Because you were the one. You always were. It took a long time, but, whatever. Time doesn’t measure anything but the rotation of the Earth. 
Raph’s first time couldn’t have gone any better. It was much more than he thought it would be. He expected you to be accepting, of course, but he wasn’t expecting you to be so…excited. Being a mutant and all, he’s not the most sexually desired by anyone. 
But you weren’t just anyone, and he was going to have to get used to being confident in the sex category of the relationship.
As you turn around to look up at Raph, you watch as his golden eyes twinkle with passion and love for you. You wrap your arms around his neck, going on your tippy-toes like you always did, and reciprocate the same embrace. Now, Raph’s not one to be soft nor angry ALL the time, he was somewhere in the middle, but right now, he was mushy soft. The high school sweethearts soft. The extreme lovey-dovey soft. Because you brought that side out in him, and this side would be something he would love to share with you.
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sleepyheadd0 · 4 months
pat pat pat!! they are so silly!!! picasso!!!!!!!!
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...more stuff about picasso please?? im not really sure what to ask exactly,, but i genuinely want to learn more they're so silly!!!!!! /gen!!
oh my god im so sorry about this taking so long
the tmnt au comp gave me motivation to post about picasso lmfao
SO. picasso backstory.
the very beginning starts after the episode "Sparring Partner", S1 E18B, where we are introduced to Franken-Foot; the reformed paper ninja in raphael's care. after meeting the reformed paper ninja, mikey has an idea. at this point, hes still very babied and coddled; although now he is feeling bolder, with both "Hot Soup: the Game" and "Nothing but Truffle" already having occurred.
seeing raphael being able to reform one if their "enemies", mikey decided to replicate it, for the sake of showing raphael up and proving he can be responsible. so, after yet another battle with the foot clan, mikey slipped away to pluck an injured paper ninja out of the heap of paper after the dust settled.
the paper ninja was in bad shape, to say the least; especially after mikey had to drag it back into his room with his brothers none the wiser. after all, paper isnt exactly the strongest material on its own. but mikey knew exactly what to do, he knew how to make paper stronger. he was the artist, after all! he worked with paper a lot, unlike raphael. and his plan? paper mache.
he slowly but surely fixed the paper ninja up, it took a few days with all of the drying, hiding the living behind from his brothers, all that jazz. but if course, he didnt want to make just another paper ninja, thats boring. he needed to add his own razzmatazz to it! so, using his skills, he created his own turtle pal; complete with a painted cardboard shell.
now, this paper mache turtle wasnt exactly the strongest thing. with all of that weight, it needed something to keep it together! so mikey wrapped ribbons around its limbs, adding an extra layer of protection.
but of course, someone was going to find this out eventually. one day, while mikey was out spray painting the sewers, leo snuck into his room to grab one of his comics he let mikey borrow. only to find a strange colored turtle reading it.
mikey made leo swear to keep it a secret, but after just a week or so, leo spilled the beans to april, who brought it up with donnie assuming he knew. and finally after a month or so, raphael finally learned of the paper mache turtle when it was just walking around. mikey got in deep trouble that day.
once the family finally all knew of the paper mache turtle, it began to join them in their family time at home. its vocabulary expanded, and became almost like a toddler. donnie had some theories, but none were fully solid.
eventually, the paper mache turtle began to notice it was different from the others. no flesh or skin or scales, it was all paper mache. it felt alienated from its family. although, this didnt stop the paper mache turtle from trying to cheer itself up. so when mikey went into his room one day, he saw the paper mache turtle superglueing paper loops on the back of its head to replicate the brothers bandannas / masks.
but more on other things, picasso uses any/all pronouns, because as paper, they couldnt care less what you refer to them as. mikey is essentially picassos older brother/father figure, taking his toddler creation out into the sewers to teach it things.
while picasso doesnt know much about the world, he isnt a complete idiot. he may be comedically bad at using things when hes first introduced to them, but he eventually learns, like a toddler.
picassos "weapon" of choice is a fork. it was originally a dumb idea my irl friend cane up with, i actually like this idea.
so. mikey spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and picasso follows him because hes her caretaker. she watches him cooking a lot, and she also helps by passing mikey some ingredients or tools for him to use. when she saw that mikey also used a fork a lot to eat, test the readiness if potatoes, whisk together eggs, etc., she decided shed use a fork for everything, just like her caretaker and best friend mikey.
this au is also completely platonic, and picasso is aroace.
thanks for letting me ramble! im thinking of calling this au "paper mache ninja turtle ", or pmnt!
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sorivii · 9 months
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Tc*st/proship deny. Like I will yeet you into the sun.
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LMS Master post
Last Man Standing – pillars of hope, a rottmnt AU by me! Sorivii aka Siv.
(=´∀`)Updated: Jan 11 - 2024(´∀`=)
I’ve been waiting to see a peepaw Raphael-oriented future timeline AU. But alas everyone either has him dead from the start, kills him off too early, or has him as background noise or a cute afterthought/side character. So I suppose it’s up to me to fill the gap of storytelling. (if you do know any raph-centric content then pls send me plssss)
Updates are slow and will come gradually as I have time. I study full time, so please be patient with me. English isn’t my first language! So correcting my grammar is much appreciated.
Any questions regarding the AU you are more then welcome to ask me. Any use of my fan comic as inspiration for fics and art is okay with credit. Alsooo pls tag me so I get to see it <3
Volume 1. Back to life
Cover | Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 (soon up!)
Other mini-comics:
Then the fire nation attacked (lol) /? /?
1 /2 /3/4
Character references:
Raph | Shelldon | ??? | ???
To find anything else revolving around the Au the tag is #PillarsofHopeAu
Any doodles or drawings I make of significance to the lore or story will be put here so, do not worry! A great tip is to go through this as an oversight to see if you’ve missed anything <3
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pageofheartdj · 11 months
Okay I've came up with an idea of Splinter picking names for six turtle babies.
The thing is, his mother loved the world of art, especially Italian. The birth of Venus is her favourite piece, Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo are her favourite artists. And Jennika? Atsuko loved doing clay sculptures and was selling/gifting them under the 'Jennika' name.
Splinter gave his children all the names that have a special meaning to his beloved mother's life passion.
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