#Randall: why did you make me think everyone had betrayed me?
quibbs126 · 2 years
Does anyone else see similarities between what Randall was told happened after his “death” and The Count of Monte Cristo? Which by the way, happens to be originally French, and was also made into a few musicals?
Like, did Descole just get some basic points from Randall’s history and go “oh boy I can turn this into a recreation of my favorite musical” and just run with it?
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felikatze · 10 months
andaron saga screaming
like "haha baud is so disorganized that's why jakka is the convoy character
i know what you're doing
i know
also if you dont take the dawncaller mortimer gives you a SILVER SWORD. HEY
also also like. as soon as aylanda says she's pregnant it's like. yeah baud is gonna die
i really didn't expect morty to be the one to do it
logical brain: yeah out of the steel brothers morty really is most suited to be king. he's the only one with any intelligence
emotional brain, sounding a lot like jakka: MORTIMER STEEL YOU ARE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH
it's so fucking funny how i. saw baud's corpse thru the cell. i checked his stats. all zero. "ah yeah cuz he's unconscious right. this is gonna be an escort mission" checks his con. "still 7? theodor can carry him easy then"
aylanda: "my husband is dead"
me: "ah"
and like. it feels SO logical that morty would be the one to betray him. at first i was ragging on samuel in the scene where baud and morty get "captured" cuz i thought it was just sam but
it's entirely logical that when sam came back to house rose to heal theo that morty would catch wind of baud and aylanda. and that morty could use a) baud hurting theo and b) sam's hatred of aylanda to turn ol' sam against baud
cuz it was morty needling baud into taking the throne when all he wanted was to elope. morty's arguments for killing baud makes sense. baud has the most legitimate claim to the throne of andaron since the rebellion. what really sealed his fate was having a kid, cuz it proved he and aylanda are for realsies. everyone fucking hates the lightbringers, everyone fucking hates house steel, but the worst thing about tradition is that it has weight
morty cant kill aylanda and the kid cuz of the whole "only a lightbringer can stop darkness" thing, which he WOULD know about bcuz he's the biggest momma's boy and lady maria was besties with the lightbringers. (didn't he also learn illusion magic from a lightbringer tome?)
on the other hand of course you're on jakka's side here. from the game you know that baud is just a good guy who dreams of a simple life with the people he loves. there's the whole backstory that he was a bit of a scoundrel, a gambler and a player - but falling for aylanda really changed him, made him want to shape up and do right by her. it's a shotgun marriage after 3 months yeah but that's also game limitation you cant build the relationship up for half the game since you gotta keep the plot moving.
so seeing how baud changed and that he was only convinced to take on randall with the argument it would keep his family safe and then he's killed by his brother. augrh.
and jakka's been his right hand through everything. jakka's a piece of shit in a lot of ways but he cares about his crew and he DOES soften up to jaheira and garram throughout the game. all it really took for him to start dismantling his prejudices was actually meeting the people he kept talking shit about and seeing them as. also just people. like he's not all there he still keeps calling jaheira a scalie but he respects her at the very least.
also the convo with ashley where she asks him if baudimon was really a brother to him and he gets so worked up about it. like i dont think he has a crush on baud NOW but he definetly did at some point. but also this convo questioning jakka's feelings right before he finds baud dead AURGH
and jakka's skill being loyalty. When within 2 spaces of Baudimon-
it's a skill that gives him bulk earlygame when jakka really needs it but now it's just. a dead skill slot. it's nothing. it's just gonna sit there. Loyalty. When within 2 spaces of Baudimon-
I had Baud and Jakka on B support and as for any dead character that's just gone now. AURGH.
rip to everyone who took the dawncaller and didnt get zakarias cuz i am THINKING abt his talk with jakka in 12x. how he said jakka's gonna come to a choice soon and jakka said he'd put baud's life over his own. and zakarias tells him it's always easy to choose in your own head but would jakka really? would he put baud over his family? over femke, a character we've never seen and only know through how much jakka loves his sister?
and i think that can still apply and i am betting RIGHT NOW that jakka will have to choose between his friends/family and his desire to avenge baud. it wont be baud's life he puts first, it will be his war brother's ghost. i am saying this now i am speaking it into existence.
Good game moment jakka vowing to kill mortimer really really hurts. morty i trusted you. i'm gonna kill you so fucking dead. if it plunges andaron into a civil war because the entire royal family is dead then so be it.
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crimsonwolfie · 4 years
“I Can’t Lose You” — Hamish Duke x Reader (The Order)
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Hi! So this is my first ever completed fanfic i have ever written so please give me feedback and if you want me to write more! This is a “The Order” fanfic because i’ve recently become obsessed with this show and in specific, Hamish Duke. Darn he’s so cute! Also there needs to be more fanfics for this fandom so i thought i’d try! Hope you guys like it!!! Sorry this one is a bit of a sad one, but sometimes sad ones are THE ones you know?
Warnings: character death, guilt, just overall sadness tbh. Don’t read if you’re in a good fluffy mood lmao
Word count: 3,500
Pairing: Hamish Duke x Reader (also slightly Knights x Reader)
Edward (or should i say, grand Magus)’s plan for world domination was going too smoothly, and everyone was worried. The Knights of St Christopher and Alyssa knew they had to do something, even if it meant death. Even though you were only human, not a knight nor a member of The Order, you still wouldn’t let anything happen to your friends. Especially Hamish - he’s different. You have a soft spot for him, an unrequited love even...never mind if he’s a little older than you.
You walk into the knights’ house to see Vera pottering around the room, searching through books and handling strange objects in her hands.
“The hell is she doing here?!” Lilith screams, eyes changing with rage.
“It’s okay, she’s here to help” Alyssa replies, shrugging Randall’s hands off of her shoulders
“...fuck that WHY ARE YOU HERE DAMNIT?! Lilith practically roars after hearing and seeing Alyssa’s presence. Yeah her memories came back, but so did emotions linked to them.
“Lilith please, you have to calm down.” Alyssa reaches her hands out in an attempt to comfort Lilith, only to realise it made things way worse. You stand there unable to trigger what is even happening...heck you even felt betrayed when you found out Alyssa wiped Lilith’s memories of the order...now she feels like someone you used to know. You look down and notice Lilith’s claws start to come out and quickly you run over to stop “Kilith” making an appearance.
“Lilith i’m so glad you’re okay, what happened??” You ask, hugging your friend who surprisingly returns the hug.
“Thank YOU for noticing i’m alive. SEE I CAN SAVE MYSELF, THANKS FOR YOUR HELP GUYS!” She shouts, knowing the boys can clearly hear her.
“They’re just dumb, stupid idiots who messed with the wrong Knight, that’s all.” She smirks
“Well i’m glad you’re okay. We had a plan, you know” I say, gently squeezing her shoulder
“Why wouldn’t you. You can’t survive without me” she laughs, although she’s got a point.
Alyssa looks over to us, hovers her gaze and then looks away. Even though i can’t read her mind, i still see how she looks at me and Lilith and remembers painful memories of how they used to be this close. I just don’t understand why she doesn’t listen to us when we all say that The Order is bad for her, it’s just going to destroy her humanity. Even Jack agrees.
Randall, Jack and Hamish run over slightly shocked to see Lilith standing in the doorway. See here’s the thing, when i see Randall, i get happy. But in a comfortable way, like a sibling like love. When i see Jack, i just get annoyed and aggravated since he’s always up to no good...but when i see Hamish, it’s like the world is in slow motion. Nothing else matters until you see his face, or know he’s okay. He’s like your safe house, your anchor that brings you back to comfort and reality.
“Oh my god Lilith you’re here! How are you? Are you hurt? What the fuck are you wearing?” Randall blabs on, checking Lilith everywhere for marks or enchanted knife stabs
‘Okay since when has Randall shown so much care towards Lilith?’ You think...seems a bit forced in your opinion but oh well.
“Lilith! Urm...we kidnapped a child for you” Hamish stutters, happy to see Lilith but also confused about what is happening right now
“I’ve been kidnapped?!” a small child pipes up from the corner chair, eyes wide open and comic book stretched over his chest
“Oh for god’s sake” Vera huffs whilst flicking her finger towards the small child, instantly knocking him unconscious
“You what?” Lilith chokes, slapping Randall’s hands away from her face “why would you do that? Wait...he thinks his son is his only son right? So when he gets the child back he’ll still lose at his plan?”
“Exactly. Wait we’re letting an innocent child get killed? Isn’t there some fool-proof plan to make sure no one gets killed?!” You remark, earning a few sorrowful glances at your humanity
“There isn’t another way. It’s the only plan we have i’m afraid” Hamish replies, stepping towards you.
Alyssa and Jack look towards each other in synchronisation, as if they have a plan.
“Okay i think i have an idea, but Alyssa i’ll need your help” Jack says, nodding his head hopefully. “Whatever happens, make sure no one gets hurt”
After Jack and Alyssa leave, you step to the side and begin thinking of ways that you can not only save thousands of innocent lives, but also help save those you hold closest - Hamish, Lilith, Randall and Jack. If Edward wants to sacrifice his own son, then what if...
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” You turn around to see Hamish behind you, looking down at you with eyes of concern and care. His hand is on your shoulder, rubbing small circles with his thumb
“Nothing, just worried that’s all” you reply, hoping he doesn’t see through your act. You know he wouldn’t approve of your thoughts, so you keep them to yourself.
“It’s going to be okay, he doesn’t know Jack is his first born and without him, he’s failed. We’re gonna be okay.” He pulls you into his chest, instantly calming your nerves. It feels like forever when he hugs you, and how you wish you could freeze time in that moment as you lean into his warm touch and burry your face into his chest, his grip tightening on your upper and lower back for support. You can hear his heart beating, making you smile into his chest.
“You know, you really are a special human being” he hums as he gently strokes your head with his thumb “not just because you have a heart of gold, but because you manage to light a room up even if tragedy occurs”
You can’t help but coo at his words, smiling a smile so big into his chest. You look up to see that adorable little smirk he does, with his hair hanging down and his eyes fixated into yours.
“Awhh, Hamish. Thank you” your cheeks blush as he chuckles, before he lets go of you. Moments like this are your favourite, always.
You look over to see Vera staring outside the window, a panicked look on her face. You’ve never known The Order as you’re not a member, but you’ve heard plenty enough from Hamish and the others to know they’re no good. And that goes for Vera - she only helps if she gets something out of it. None of them have any genuine good in their hearts unless it involved selfishness.
“Okay we’ve got a problem, you have visitors” she turns around, announcing like some high monarchy jester...you can’t help but roll your eyes at her.
“What do you mean? Who’s coming?” Randall asks
“It’s the Order, they’re here for the child” Vera replies
“Well they aren’t getting him. We have to stop them” Lilith cries, actual seriousness in her voice...’damn i’m so proud of her’ you think as you remember how she felt no remorse in killing before.
“She’s right. C’mon” Hamish agrees. As Randall and Lilith go out and their hides come out, Hamish pulls you to the side.
“Y/N, you have to stay in here. It’s too dangerous and i don’t want to lose you okay? We need you here” he looks restless and panicked, a look you haven’t seen on his face so genuine before.
“I’ll be right here, it’s fine. Go!” You reply, kissing him on the cheek as a way to say ‘i’m not losing you either, idiot’. He leans into your kiss, holding his cheek with a smile after and then steps out of the door.
Vera seems to be the only one left inside, so you ponder over to her in an attempt to begin a conversation with her. ‘Maybe she isn’t as bad as the others?’ you think.
“Hey, Vera?” You ask hesitantly
“Urm...yes? Y/N isn’t it?” She replies whilst looking into her book of potions and concoctions
“Yeah, i was just wondering about a spell that could shape shift you into something...or someone else...is there one?” You ask, weary of trusting her
“Of course there’s such spell, it’s like the basics of magic” she replies “why?”
“I was just wondering. I mean, i don’t think this whole plan will work and...”
“You want to help.” She finishes your sentence
“...yeah. I know i’m no knight or member of The Order but i still want to help.” You stutter, playing with your fingers, twirling them around each other
“I see. So you want to shapeshift into someone else?” She replies, turning towards me in curiosity
“I guess...” you begin as you trail on about your plan in order to save everyone and especially, to save Hamish.
Time goes by and you receive a call from Jack
“Jack what’s wrong?” You ask as you hear Jack’s heavy breathing on the other end of the line
“It’s Alyssa, Edward’s got her. He’s got her and won’t give her back until he gets his son back...” he’s running it seems, panic set in his tone and regret “It’s all my fault, it’s my fucking fault. An innocent person is going to die either way because of me now. It’s Alyssa or his second child” he chokes up, clearly about to break down
“Jack, hey, Jack listen to me...it’s NOT your fault, you tried to save everyone and it doesn’t work that way, much like magic - There’s always a price to pay.” You look up to Vera, who sympathetically smiles at you with a sad smile
“Just get back here and we’ll figure something out okay? We’ll get her back, Jack. I promise” you softly say, hearing Jack calm down and agree. You hang up and linger for a second on your home screen - a picture of you and your friends. Hamish is sitting next to you with his arm around you tightly and his other arm holding a cocktail. He’s staring down at you laughing. Randall is on the other side of you, laughing with his head up as if he was mid throwing his head back in laughter. He’s holding one of your hands whilst his other arm is near Lilith. You’re leaning into Hamish’s chest, giggling and looking down with a blushed cheeks, whilst Lilith is sitting next to Randall but not touching anyone (no surprise there) and looking down at Jack laughing. Jack is in front of you all, making a silly face and lying on his side, with one leg up in the air and arm tucked under his head. You’ve all got smiles on your faces and look like a proper family, which is exactly how you see them all.
Vera sees you staring down at your phone, aware that you’re doing something she has never seen anyone willing to do before “You don’t have to do this, there must be another way” She pleas, but you both know no other way is guaranteed to fail Edward of his task. “It’s not too late. Think of what you’re losing”
“Vera i know, but i’m thinking of what i’m earning for those i love” i reply, tears welling in my eyes. Vera understands my position and agrees to help me.
An hour later
“Where’s Y/N? She should be here! She said she would keep safe” Hamish runs up and down the house looking for you, unaware of what’s to come. He’s beginning to get restless and worried more than ever now
“It’s okay, she said she went to get supplies for me. She’ll be back” Vera lies
“We don’t have anymore time. Edward will need a sacrifice by 12, which means we have 20 minutes. And if we don’t give him a sacrifice he’ll kill Alyssa” Jack cries
“I need to give him someone. Guys scrap the plan, i need to go. I have to. I’d never forgive myself if Alyssa dies. Not because of me” Jack screams, anger venting inside him. Randall approaches and tries to calm Jack down before things get messy or before something he regrets happens.
“I need to know Y/N is safe, i couldn’t live if she got hurt” Hamish joined in, gaining looks towards him in surprise but also...guilt...from Vera.
Hamish notices Vera’s guilty look and instantly begins changing into Tundra through anger built inside of him but also...fear.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?” He practically growls at Vera, who holds her hands up to defend herself (as if that’s gonna stop a werewolf pftt). Vera begins to back away in fear of getting eaten alive, but Randall and Jack start to hold Hamish back, as his hide begins to hide again even as he fights against Jack and Randall’s grips
“It was her idea. She’s gone to stop Edward” Vera replies, eyes wide and hands ready to cast a spell as blood seeps from her palm.
“NO we need to stop her” Hamish cries as he breaks free from the boys’ arms and runs out the door, with the others following.
Jack enters the temple to see Edward preparing for his final task - the sacrifice. Alyssa is standing to the side, hands behind her back. She’s been enchanted from performing any spells, as Edward clearly saw he couldn’t trust anyone anymore. Upon Jack’s entrance, Alyssa runs up to him and hugs him, suddenly realisation sets into her glare.
“Jack what are you doing here, you can’t be here he’ll kill you!” She whispers, gripping onto his arm.
“It’s okay, at least you and everyone else will be safe” he replies, rubbing her hand on his arm
“Jack, i don’t see my child...you do know what a trade means don’t you?” Edward mocks, standing straight and tall in an attempt to threaten Jack.
“Grand Magus, you need your first born for the spell to work. Correct? Therefore, i’m here.” He stands tall and strong, stepping in front of Alyssa in a way to protect her. Edward looks around sheepishly, confused at what is happening. He takes a step forward and demands Alyssa tells him the truth. “Is this true, Alyssa? Don’t lie to me. I will know.” He booms, face inches away from Alyssa’s.
Alyssa hesitates before Edward threatens to come closer “okay it’s true. Yes, Grand Magus. He’s your son” she cries, tears threatening to spill as her words came out.
“Very well. Honourable of you, Jack. I must admit. However, that is not a quality you pursue from me.” Edward mocks, as he drags Jack towards the table where the book is. Jack climbs onto the table, as Edward starts summoning words and phrases, eventually producing a knife. Magus takes out the knife from the book
“NO!” Alyssa cries out, tears streaming and hands trembling. Edward ignores her screams and raises the knife in the air, thickening the suspense. Footsteps can be heard from behind the temple doors, lots of them. They sound as if they are quickening towards the door. Jack’s face drops a single tear as Edward releases his arms from the air and stabs him in the chest with the knife. As soon as the knife has been released, the doors burst open and Jack appears. Edward double takes towards Jack, who is standing by the door with Hamish, Vera, Randall and Lilith. He then looks towards his “son” in front of him, only to see him fade into Y/N. Alyssa screams as she falls to her knees. Edward’s timer chimes, as he roars in pain and anger at his failure
“NO. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT” he screams at Y/N’s motionless body on the table. As he stares into the eyes of those before him, he directs his words at Jack
“See you in hell, son.” before he demises away. Hamish and the others run towards Y/N on the table, blood seeping out from her mouth and stab wound. Tears are shed from each person in the room, even Vera. Hamish holds you in his arms, praying that there is a way Y/N can be saved. “You promised me you’d keep safe. You promised me you wouldn’t get hurt” he chokes as tears pour from his bloodshot eyes.
“I...i’m sorry” you stutter, blood quickly spilling as you speak. “I need-“ you’re struggling to speak without choking on your own blood. “I needed to...to make sure you were...were safe” you cough up a pile of blood, as Hamish holds you tighter.
“We need you, i need you” he loudly wails as everyone surrounds you
“I love you, Hamish Duke” you manage to say before coughing even more and gasping for a breath
“Y/N why did you do this” Jack asks as guilt and fear cloud his voice. He grabs your hand and wipes your hair out of your face. His face is completely wet with tears, as well as everyone else’s.
“It’s the only way, to know you’d all be safe” you reply, your voice breaking with tears “and it worked” you half heartedly chuckled
“There’s got to be a way we can save her” Lilith cries out, looking towards Vera and Alyssa. They hang their heads low as their tears drop to the floor. There wasn’t a way, and you knew that. That’s why Vera warned you, but you knew the price you had to pay.
“What...what about a hide? What if that will heal her?” Randall pleads, looking up to his fellow Knights, to which they shake their head. A hide wouldn’t want a dying host.
“I love you so much and I didn’t get to tell you how i felt, Y/N. You’re the one person who makes me smile like never before and we never got the chance to go on dates” Hamish is rocking from side to side holding you in his arms, you look up to him and faintly smile at his confession
“It’s okay” you reply, bringing a bloody hand up to his face as you stroke his cheek with the last of your energy. He cups your hand with his hands, wet with his tears and your blood. His face has lost colour from watching the love of his life dying in his arms
“No it’s not okay. You can’t leave me, i can’t lose you. Y/N don’t close your eyes, don’t you dare close your eyes” he screams as his body shakes violently from shock and tragedy.
“Hamish, i’m alw-“ you’re interrupted from a violent coughing fit, as your face loses colour even quicker. “-always with you” you carry on “i have always loved you, and will till my last breath” you whisper as tears fall towards your pale, cold cheeks. Lilith and Randall are holding each other as Lilith is trying to stop your bleeding. It’s not working though. Hamish leans down and kisses your forehead, lingering for a moment as if he is treasuring this moment for an eternity to come.
“I’m thankful for you all” you begin, slightly lifting your head to see your family around you “you’re all my family, and i love you all so much” as you’re addressing them all, they whimper in pain and grab your hands, squeezing them tightly. Randall kisses your cheek and puts his forehead on yours, leaving a final kiss on your forehead. Lilith grips your hand tighter than ever before, thinking of your friendship and how she sees you as a sister, and to see her sister dying in front of her is something that will always haunt her. Hamish doesn’t want this to be real...he planned how he would tell you he loved you, where he would take you for your first date, the places you two would travel for road trips, the pets you two would get together, where he would propose to you...now he can’t. He never planned on telling you he loved you on your death bed, it’s destroying him.
“Thank you for everything, my family” you mutter faintly as your energy is leaving you. As you see the faces around you, you see what you always imagined you’d see before you die - your family surrounding you. That’s how you wanted it. With that, you smile one last time at Hamish, stroke his cheek with your thumb, then everything goes black and your body becomes numb. Your hand falls to the floor, and the Knights howl into the air with grief, pain and anger. They knew the Order was to blame for your death, and they would not let your death be in vain. You’d always be remembered in their pack, and with every moment they lived, they’d take a moment to think of you, and think of their love for you. How you saved people you didn’t know, and how you did it for them. Hamish never stopped thinking about you, even years after your death. He was different after that, they all were.
Hope you guys liked it! Let me know if you want me to do more and who you want me to write about :) love always 🖤
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volturi-stuff · 4 years
Blue Rose
Hamish Duke x Reader
Requested @elleclairez
Hi! Could you do a Hamish x reader one-shot? Where they have been dating for a while but then the Knights discover that the reader is in the Order (which she is in only because her family wants her to) so the two get into a fight and he compares her to Cassie saying that reader will never be as good as her (obviously regrets the same moment) so they break up and during class (she is his student) everyone notices he is cold to her but then then make up while going against Coventry. Thank you!
A/N: I hope you liked this! Thank you for requesting! I changed it a little bit. I hope you don't mind!
Hamish had walked you back to your dorm. Like he did always after class. "Hams, you really didn't have to walk me all the way back to my dorm." You said looking at him in awe.
"I love you! Of course I had too!" He said pulling you into his arms. He leaned his head down and pecked your lips.
"Okay, go to class!" You said pushing him away.
"I miss you already!" Hamish said walking away.
You walked into your dorm. You saw a blue rose sitting on your bed. You immediately threw it in the trash not wanting anyone to see it. You got your books and went to class.
Little did you know you were being watched.
You walked into Hamish's classroom and he gave you that smirk that melted your heart everytime he did it.
You sat down and put your books away. And Hamish began his lecture for the day. When all of a sudden two knocks interrupted class. It was Lilith. "Hamish, can I talk to you." She said looking upset.
"Excuse me, class." He said walking outside.
You heard him raise his voice.
"Y/L/N, can I speak with you?" He said clenching his jaw. You grabbed your bag and walked outside.
"What's wrong?" You asked closing the door.
"Can you explain to me why I found this in your trash?" Lilith said throwing the rose at you.
"I can explain!" You said.
"Don't bother." Lilith said looking disgusted.
"Were you just using me?" Hamish asked with tears in his eyes.
"What? No if course not." You said trying to grab his hand. He took a step away from you.
"Don't touch me. You know, I was stupid to fall for you. I can't believe this!" He yelled.
"Look, my mom forced me to do it." You tried to explain.
"You are conspiring with our enemies!" He shouted. You flinched.
"Cassie would never. What am I saying? You've never been her." He hissed out. Then his face fell. Realizing what he had said.
Your jaw dropped and tears began to fill your eyes. Your hands dropped and you felt like your world was dying.
"Harsh, Hamish." Lilith said.
You threw your bag down and ran away before he could see you cry. You loved him. You would have never hurt him.
You ran all the way to your special spot on top the school. You just sat there sobbing. He ment what he said. You thought he loved you.
The next day you walked into his classroom, he shot you a glare and you started tearing up again. You took a seat and Hamish began his lecture. Shooting you glares ever chance he got. Gabby kept looking at you. She clearly noticed.
Ever since you lost Hamish, you lost yourself as well. Everyday was harder than the other. Then when you found out what Coventry was planning you had to go tell him despite the fight.
You pounded on the door as hard and loud as you possibly could. Randall opened it and tried to close it in your face. You pushed it back open and ran into the house.
"Look I know that everyone in this room hates me but, Edward is planning something really bad and I couldn't let it happen!" You yelled.
"How can we trust you?" Randall asked.
"Because, why would I give you false information?" You said raising your eyebrows.
"Good point." Lilith said.
Hamish just sat there silently.
"I'll help you fight. I can't let anything happen to you guys." You said.
Hamish got up and went downstairs to the basement.
It had been two weeks. You had filled the Knights of St Christopher in on everything that had happened. And in that time Lilith had gotten herself kidnapped. You Randall Jack and Hamish were brainstorming ideas on how to save Lilith. When all of a sudden Jack runs outside.
"Where are you going, Jack?" Hamish said following Jack outside.
"Jack!" Randall screamed.
"So much for plan A." Hamish said throwing his arms up.
They began running after Jack and you tripped on the step so it took you a second to catch up. When you got there you saw, Edward casting something towards Hamish.
"Hamish! Move!" You screamed. But he didn't hear you.
You didn't think, you ran over to him and pushed him out of the way. Whatever, Edward casted it hit your ribs. You fell completely on the ground you were bleeding.
"Oh, you trader. Imagine your family's reaction when I tell them you betrayed us." He spat.
Your breathing was getting slower. Hamish ran toward you. He put his hands over the wound.
"Oh my god!" Randall screamed.
"Hams, I'm so sorry. I love you so much." You said clenching your jaw as tears fell.
"No, baby. Please stay with me. I forgive you, baby I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything I said." Hamish said panicking.
Your eyes were getting heavy.
"I-I'm sorry!" Hamish said bringing you in his arms.
"Don't leave me, Y/N. Please don't leave me!" Hamish yelled.
"I love you." Everything went black.
"No! Please don't, don't leave me please!" Hamish begged.
You woke up on a soft couch. Everything was bright and blurry.
Your eyes scanned the room. You realize where you were.
"Hamish?" You whispered. Your voice was horse.
"I'm right here, baby!" Hamish said kissing your hand. You moved slightly and groaned.
"It's gonna hurt for awhile," hamish said.
You sighed. "I'm so sorry, for everything that happened." You said getting teary eyed.
"No, I'm sorry. I should have never compared you to Cassie." He said moving closer to you.
"What happened today, made me realize that I'm the one that should be sorry not you. You tried to tell me and I was being an asshole." He explained.
"I'm sorry too, I should have told you about the rose. You had a reason to be upset. " You said. Your voice cracking.
"Will you take me back?" Hamish asked.
"Will you hold me?" You asked.
"Is that a yes?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Of course, come here!" You said holding your arms out for him.
He gladly excepted and laid next to you. You crawled onto of his chest. Taking in his scent you so desperately missed.
"I missed you." You said bluntly.
"I missed you too!" He said stroking your hair.
"Get some sleep, my Love." Hamish said kissing the top of your head.
"Don't leave me okay?" You said.
"Never ever again. I can't lose you. You scared me half to death, Y/N." He said rubbing your back being extra careful of your rib.
"I love you, Hamish." You said falling asleep.
"I love you more!" Was the last thing you heard before you drifted off to peaceful sleep.
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The Talk - J.M.
A/n: So we’re only doing make readers now huh? HECK YEAH! This app needs more anyway. Keep in mind I DO non-binary and female readers, so you can ask for those too!
Request: “Hi 👋🏻 could I request a vera stone son reader x Jack Morton flirts with him but gets nervous when he see’s his mom aka the best grand magus ever. And maybe Vera sits jack down for the if you hurt my son they will never find your body talk. Thank you and your amazing and I love you ❤️” by anonymous
Word Count: 2600+
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Vera Stone would swear to Pluto and back that she had no favorites, but everyone knew that was a lie. She had a soft spot for Jack Morton, and Y/n Stone, her son, had been the makings of her heart his entire life. Of course. What mother didn't favor her son over everyone else?
Unfortunately, Jack was having a hard time. After he'd gotten his memories taken, he had made friends with Y/n. His interest in Y/n had driven him away from Gabrielle and though they were playing friends, it was never a dating situation. When he got his memories back, things got a lot more complicated because Y/n wasn't just  part of the Order- he was the son of the Grand Magus. Things got progressively worse as Praxis became a problem and the whole world nearly ended. Again.
When Hamish was kidnapped, so was Y/n as they'd been together at the time. And though they'd gotten Hamish back rather quickly, the same wasn't true for Y/n. He was in the hands of Praxis and they weren't letting up on why they still had him. It wasn't until Salvador finally exposed what spell she wanted in exchange for Y/n that it really became what she meant by leverage. The problem was, even though her mom instincts were screaming, Vera knew she couldn't give these people this spell.
Then Vera did something really stupid.
She shot Salvador and killed her.
Alyssa had been at odds since her girlfriend had been sucked into the demon realm and her magic had been iffy. After Vera tore her down for not having magic and then it was exposed WHY she didn't, she felt betrayed. Vera had been bending backwards to protect Jack, Hamish, and Randall, but easily wrote Alyssa off for something that was Vera's fault. Not to mention she obviously had no care for Lilith. In her mind, Vera was worse than Edward Coventry and she wouldn't see reason. She didn't give her a chance to explain or fix her mistakes. In fact, the second Vera got the chance to do either, Alyssa disappeared with Praxis. Which left her on the side of those who were holding Y/n hostage.
During that time, Alyssa talked to Y/n a lot. The boy seemed fine with listening, watching her carefully as Alyssa went on and on about all of the mistakes of his mother and all those who had come before her. She had endless proofs as to how the Order was corrupt by power and selfishness, and Y/n stayed silent because... well she was right. In a way. Also he knew that arguing that people made mistakes wasn't going to get anywhere with her. Not to mention the book was magically enchanted to corrupt those in leadership... but he didn't talk about that.
It was when Alyssa began talking bad about the wolves that Y/n struggled to keep quiet.
"He's so self righteous and puffed up. Like he knows everything and does nothing wrong. Always has the right drink. Ever think he does it just because he's a drunk?" Alyssa would begin, rolling her eyes.
"He's trying his best," Y/n would reply immediately. It was the first time Alyssa had gotten him to speak. The first time anyone had. "And despite all the shit that would probably throw anyone else off, he's still a good leader and does what's right mot of the time. He's loyal and smart and hard working."
It was later when Alyssa tried the tactic again. She ranted about Gabrielle and Edward and the necromancer twins they'd dealt with a while back. She went on about names Y/n didn't know, and even his own mother. But the second she mentioned, "God he's never serious! He constantly goofs around and flirts and is a total idiot. He lets his emotions guide him and it makes him sloppy. If he used just a shred of logic he might actually get somewhere. Like his whole hatred of the Order even though they were the only ones with the resources to help them find Lilith. Even when some of us were really trying, he still refused to cooperate."
"To be fair," Y/n snapped. "We have a record of betrayal, power plays, and selfishness, as you've so generously bestowed upon me for the last while. He actually cares a lot and that's why he's so emotionally driven. Because he cares. Not enough people these days care. Not enough people these days FEEL and express and dare to stay upbeat in a world that takes anyone with a smile and seeks to destroy them with a deep rage. Like happiness is a sin or something."
The violent reaction to Alyssa insulting the Knights was unexpected. She never made herself talk badly about Lilith - she loved her after all, and talking bad about the possibly dead when that person was your whole world... terrible idea. She did however crack the case when she mentioned Jack to Y/n. "He has this hero complex that makes him so... annoying. He isn't the center of every problem. Not everything is about him. He doesn't have to save everyone. Not everything is Jack's Mission or something, you know? Maybe he should get over himself just a little."
"Shut the fuck up." Y/n's head was hanging forward, eyes on his lap. Before, he usually went on rants and berated Alyssa for talking badly about the wolves. What was it about Jack that made him not even be able to look at her? Was it that because his mother had trained him to never show weakness to the enemy, he was trying to cover up an especially touchy topic? Was it simply that he agreed with Alyssa enough that he had nothing more to say? Or perhaps he was nervous to expose something if he talked too much about Jack.
Whatever the reason was, Y/n had never acted like this before. He'd always been the professional, withdrawn kind of person. He was his mother's right hand. He kept to himself and rarely talked, if ever. He was quiet. A wallflower. People often wondered if he was capable of emotions at all, the same way they wondered about Vera. Except that he never got to the point that he was cracked enough to expose himself. Even when his mother faltered in her place of leadership to keep the Order and herself and everyone she cared about together at the same time, Y/n still held strong.
What was it about Jack Morton that he was always the weak spot in everyone's armor, no matter how tough or thick or well taken care of it was? He seemed to find cracks like a hungry dog hunting for food. It was kind of impressive actually.
Alyssa prodded at this weakness a lot. She mentioned Jack a lot. Every time Alyssa and Jack crossed paths, Alyssa would tell Y/n every detail of it. Force him to look at her as she said it. It was never a cruelty though. She could tell that he liked to hear it, and her act was from a point of curiosity only.
Then Salvador died and Alyssa rose to leadership. She tried people out to see if the fur would take to anyone, but it never did. Until...
Finally Vera broke. With the Tartarus Blasts threatening to coalesce into an Apocalypse Blast and wipe everyone out, on top of Alyssa taunting how close to making Y/n she was, Vera couldn't hold out anymore. So she brought him along to the exchange. Y/n came in, uninhibited and willing, but stayed by Alyssa's side. No one could place what exactly was wrong. He still nodded to his mother and seemed to be perfectly himself. He even rolled his eyes when Alyssa went on about her purpose, and got visibly angry when Vera told her what the spell actually did and Alyssa ignored her.
Yet, Y/n didn't act out against Alyssa either. He seemed to even be protective of her. Perhaps they were... dating? Or he had some feelings for her. Vera couldn't imagine Alyssa getting over Lilith like that but perhaps Alyssa had changed even more than Vera had thought.
It wasn't until Alyssa turned on Vera to kill her that Y/n made a move against her. "We made a deal," he reminded her. "Are you about to break your end?"
Exhaling sharply through her nose, Alyssa looked away. "She deserves to die."
"No she doesn't," Y/n snapped. It was the first time he'd defended his mother to Alyssa. It was the first time he could. "She made a mistake, but she's a good leader and she has a dream that a lot of people believe in." Y/n grabbed her shoulders. "I know you've been through a lot, Lys. I know you've been hurt by every single person you trusted or looked up to or anything along those lines. Betrayed. Left behind. Let down. I know how much pain you're in. You know I do." She sighed a little softer. "I also know that killing my mother will give you no peace, and you know it too."
Alyssa looked at him for a long time. "What, no speech about it's not who I am?"
Y/n chuckled at that. "It's not my right to tell you who you are. Only you can do that. But I'm telling you, revenge is a slippery slope, and we have a deal. Making an enemy of me will be bad for you now and in the future, if you somehow manage to escape. I can be an ally, and I would like to be. Not to mention that whatever you're looking for, you will not find in this."
For some reason, Alyssa believed what he was saying. Her lips curved in a frown. "Promise me you won't leave me, Y/n. Or betray me."
At that, the boy hesitated. "You know I want to stay."
She nodded. "I know that. But, we can be friends?"
Y/n smiled. "Anytime you need me, Lys. You know where to find me. We'll find Lilith, and we'll bring her home, and-"
It was that time that Jack Morton decided to join the party. He quickly caught them up on Lilith being back, but the whole demon situation going on with her. But he also told Alyssa she had to run. "I know how much you want to see her, Alyssa, but Midnight is coming here to kill you. He took over Gabrielle- what are you doing, Y/n?"
Alyssa had not moved a muscle. She didn't even seem worried. Y/n was removing his clothes, and that seemed to put her at ease. "Hello to you too, Jack." Y/n chuckled. "I would like to update you on how Alyssa and I here became friends." He pulled off the shirt he had after shedding the flannel he'd been unbuttoning, and kicked off his shoes. "She was looking for a champion. I needed to be able to get her out of here without killing people I cared about. We negotiated and then we talked and now we're super cool."
Jack's eyes went wide as Vera gasped. "You're-?"
"Yes," Y/n confirmed. He closed his eyes and felt the change take him. His body grew and widened until he was a wold. A werewolf. Alpha, of all of them.
"You're going to fight Midnight?" Jack demanded. "You could kill Gabrielle!"
"No," Alyssa corrected him, though she didn't know what had happened since she'd been gone that Jack cared about Gabrielle being alive or not. "Watch."
The doors busted open and there stood Midnight. The eyes of the two wolves locked and the temperature of the room rose about ten degrees. Jack groaned and clutched his hand over his heart. He shifted right there, whimpering on the ground. Midnight held, for a second. Another second. Yet another. Then he broke and looked away and Y/n stood tall and howled. Jack breathed in relief and Midnight took running off.
Alyssa was safe.
Both boys morphed back into humans. "I don't know who he'll go after, but everyone we care about should be safe, so no worries." He looked at Alyssa. "Go." She nodded and took off, alive and well. Jack cleared his throat, a wide smirk on his face. "What?" Y/n asked, eyebrows knitting in intrigue.
"You're whole take over there," Jack mused. "It was super hot actually."
Vera cleared her throat and it was then both boys realized they were naked and blushing, in front of Vera Stone who was Y/n's mother. Gross and awkward to say the least. "Sorry," Y/n dismissed. Vera glared Jack down and he seemed to become suddenly awkward and tense. "Mom, we're gonna head back to the Den to catch everyone up on the situation and check up on Lilith."
"And get dressed," Jack added in a rush. Y/n tried not to laugh at him.
"I'll be back later," Y/n told her.
That was new. His whole life, Y/n had always been second at the very best. Usually he was even further down the list, fine with living in the shadows because it allowed him to learn and live while dodging most stressors and dramas. He always relinquished dominance to his partner in a project, or the other person in the scenario, or his mother. Confident leadership was a good look on him. As much as his comment had bothered Vera, this role fit her son well and she couldn't say she wasn't proud. "Sounds good to me."
"Will you be okay?" Y/n asked gently. She hesitated then nodded and he returned it before looking at Jack. The boys both sobered before shifting back into wolves and booking it to the Den.
After everything settled and they started to get over shock and try and figure out what to do next, Jack took a second to pull Y/n aside. "What is it, Morton?" Y/n sighed.
"I'm just... I wanted you to know that I'm really glad you're back. Safe. I've been worried sick about you and with everything else going on- I mean I guess my worry is nothing against you being the one captured, but- Look I just-"
"I get it," Y/n reassured. He had a small smile on his face. "You know, bonding with Alpha helped me finally understand the power of being just a little vulnerable. Maybe we can figure this out... sometime? I doubt there will be a good time because it seems we're always facing some shit or another, but maybe we can get coffee some time around all the chaos?"
Jack smiled. "I would like that."
"Cool. See you tomorrow morning at 8am. Don't be late, Morton." With that, Y/n walked away.
"I won't!" He called after the boy.
The familiar sound of Vera clearing her throat sounded and Jack felt himself freeze and stiffly turn to face her. "Hey!" The word was long and high pitched in his mouth. Awkward and full of tension. He was never as afraid of her killing him as he was now.
"Let me get one thing straight," Vera snapped, pointing at him. "That is my son." That alone hit home. Jack knew better than most what having a son meant to Vera after she'd lost her daughter. "He has been through hell and I have had to do things I hate myself for to bring him home safe. I let loose self destruction incarnate to bring him home safely. Do not think for even a second that because I have some soft spot for you, that I will not be willing to gut you with my bare hands and teeth if you hurt him. My non-magic, non-werewolf, fingernails will carve you a new face. Is that clear?" Jack could only manage a nod. “Good." She stood straight. "Don't be late, Morton. My son cares a lot about punctuality." And with that she left.
Despite everything, Jack managed to find humor in the situation. No matter how much Vera Stone scared him, Y/n scared him more. He made Jack feel things that terrified him. Things he hadn't even begun to touch until since Alyssa. Things that had been warped and ruined for him because of Gabrielle. Things that he was now wanting for the second time in his entire life. Vera was scary, but Y/n? Y/n was terrifying.
Like mother like son I suppose.
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ecrirereadver · 4 years
Okay but what if Alyssa revived or survives to season 3 and kills Randall?
Stick with me here.
I saw this post about Alyssa becoming an antagonist based on the quote: the way to hell is paved with good intention.
(If someone knows who posted that tell me so I can credit where credit is due)
So Alyssa wants to save the world, she believes in Praxis, and she needs people to get behind that. She’s not afraid to go a little too far, she thinks sometimes to do good one must make hard choices right?
At least that’s what Salvador taught her.
So maybe the Knights are working with the other organizations, maybe Randall gets taken prisoner on a raid, and maybe the knife that can wound them was in the vault and Alyssa has kept it close.
So she calls The Order and the Prometheans (because why not), she tells them, let’s parlay if you want your wolf back and maybe she texts Hamish just in case Vera swipes it under the rug.
(Vera wouldn’t do that, every single one of her disciple matter to her. They are hers. Her annoying, stupid, murderous, disobeying, insubordinate wards and if you put a hand on them hell will befall. Especially the Wolves. But Alyssa doesn’t know that Alyssa thinks Vera doesn’t care about anybody because she didn’t about her and she didn’t did she? She was lured by the Vade Maecum.)
So Parley happens and the ribbons happen and now Vera and Xavier are bonded with Alyssa and another Praxis member. Alyssa lays down the terms and tells them if they meet it they get Randall back alive. Negotiations start.
Meanwhile, the wolves are outside. They’ve been told to be on a leash and Hamish only brought Jack with him because he can’t be sure Gabrielle and Lilith will not say fuck it and just kill Alyssa and they need to know where Randall is. Hamish wants to kill Alyssa and maybe Jack will temper him even if Jack trashed his room when he found out while screaming.
Nicole is at the Den looking into location spells while the girls are trying to not kill anyone (maybe running, maybe punching something. The point is they are not at the house when it happens) Nicole is in the Reliquary and the door to the Chest Room is open because… just because. And a chest slams shut. And Nicole doesn’t scream but she runs into the room and stairs and pray, because maybe it just was the wind, maybe maybe. But when she opens it there it is. A hide. A hide.
And then she screams. And she screams and she kicks the chest and screams
“NO! NO! NO! NOT HIM! YOU FURRIE SHIT! GO BACK! GO BACK!” She screams before falling to the ground.
Randall was her friend, Randall was the reason she didn’t completely fall apart when Lilith was in Hell, Randall who didn’t look at her like she had betrayed them when she told the Order they had stolen from the Order. Randall who always has a smile. Had. Randall always had a smile.
Taking out her phone Nicole texts her alpha, because maybe maybe Alyssa isn’t the only one who thinks Vera doesn’t care about her disciples.
Looking up the practitioner can see her girlfriend and Gabrielle at the door. Midnight’s champion is on her knees tears running down and Lilith has her hand on her mouth. Nicole crosses the room and has her arms around her before she knows what she’s doing. The two of them fall to their knees and cry. And suddenly there is a head leaning on their shoulders and Gabrielle’s arms are around them both. Together they cry, together they mourn.
Later Gabrielle will let Midnight out, later she will listen to her wolf, later she will howl and hunt down Praxis members beside her pack, later she will late Midnight’s pragmatism take the wheel, later she will let her wolf comfort her by promising her blood and revenge, later Gabrielle will be Gabrielle Fucking Dupres who is willing to torture and kill, later she will let her anger consume her. Later Midnight will hunt down the people who dared think they could get away with killing a member of their pack. Later Midnight will roam free.
Later Lilith will let her anger out, later Lilith will do what she does best a bash heads and rip out hearts, later Lilith will use her teeth and claws and kill, later Lilith will let her wolf out so that Timber can hunt, maybe she’ll do it alone, maybe she’ll hunt for Alyssa alone. Because she knows who is responsible for this, she knows Alyssa, knows her deep in the bone, knows exactly what she is capable of, knows what the girl she once called a sister can do to get what she wants. Later she might even let the guilt consume her because Alyssa Drake would not have made it more than a month into the Order without Lilith Bathory and isn’t that fucking ironic, because without Alyssa Drake Randall would be alive.
Hamish knows before he receives the texts. He doesn’t want to know, but he knows, deep inside, with Tundra, something deep where he knows when his packmate is hurt, he knows where they are and how they feel. He knows but he doesn’t want to believe. So he waits and he waits (and isn’t what he always does.) And then feels his phone vibrate. He doesn’t want to look. He wants to bury his head in the sand and forget. He wants to never have to lose anyone ever again, he wants to stop losing people.
But then he looks up and there is Jack. Looking at him. Looking at him questioningly, looking at him with innocence in his face, because no matter what Jack can’t believe Alyssa will hurt Randall. She might use him as a bargaining chip, but she will never seriously hurt him.
And Hamish decides he needs to stop putting his head in the sand and wish to forget so he looks.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and looks.
Greybeard came home
Anger and desperation are the first to come, but Hamish is Tundra, and Tundra has never been lead by his emotion, Tundra needs to be smarter. So the eldest Knight (it should be him, it should be him, IT SHOULD BE HIM-) turns around and opens the doors with a flick of his finger and walks into the chamber.
He walks with purpose head heald high, no tears in his eyes, murder on his face.
Everyone turns to look at him and maybe some of them don’t realize that this face is different from his usual but the important people do. Vera and Alyssa.
Vera waits, waits for her wolf to put the phone on the table, waits to see the message in front of her, to have proof, because she can’t just act, she needs proof. And then she has it.
Vera Stone stares at the message in front of her, stares, and doesn’t let the tears come.
Looking up, she stands up and disappears the items on the table. “Negotiations over Miss Drake.” She says, “Greybeard come home.”
Somebody chokes behind her.
“He escaped?” Xavier asks, looking from werewolf to Grand Magus and their enemy.
“No,” Jack whispers.
And then Xavier doesn’t need to ask anything else, because if there is something he has come to understand lately it is loss and he sees it on the face of does around him. Turning around and walking out he stops near the eldest werewolf. “Anything you might need.”
Vera looks ahead. At her student, at someone, she protected and cared for, at someone she taught what she knew. (What if she killed him with a spell you taught her? You could see her ambitions, you should have predicted this, you should have seen this, this is your fault-)
“Hamish-” Alyssa shocks out.
“Where is he?” The alpha interrupts her taking a step forward.
“We have the ribbons!” The Praxis Practitioner yelps out. Brandishing the ribbons like they are a shield in front of him.
Jack growls, claws out, teeth sharp, eyes glowing.
Alyssa turns toward her companion, grabs the ribbon, throws them in the air, cuts her hand, and speaks an incantation.
And then Praxis is gone. Instead in their place is a ripped piece of paper with an address and the ribbons.
Hamish jumps the steps into the abandoned warehouse. Not even five minutes from the Den (So close, he was so close.) Jack beats him, wrenching the door off.
There he is.
Eyes open, staring ahead at something they can’t see. Chair tipped over, chains holding him to the arms and feet of it. Blood pooling around him.
Somebody is screaming and it’s not him.
Jack is on his knees, tearing the chains off and dragging his packmate into his arms and he screams. Face in the curly hair that tickled his face this morning. (This morning he was alive, this morning everything was fine and Randall stole his breakfast and Jack was supposed to get back at him for that, this morning-)
Jack said he was done with revenge, said he left that with Midnight. Silverback is humanity, Silverback is acting and not thinking, Silverback is emotions and feelings and fuck the consequence. Jack said he was done with revenge, but… but… for the first time in his life, he understands Pete. He thought he knew hate, for Edward, for taking his mother. But he was always on the fence about that, wasn’t he? He hated Edward but maybe he didn’t have to dedicate his life to killing him. But now? Now his chest is filling with anger, with hate, with desperation, with pain. Fury is filling him.
He trusted Alyssa, he loved her, he defended her, he saved her and she… she…
Silverback is humanity, but humanity isn’t just being good, humanity is war and murder and revenge and blood and killing and anger and hate. Humanity is horrible too and Silverback feels it.
Hamish is on the floor beside Jack in seconds, slowly he takes the younger wolf in his arms. The cold body slides to the floor and Jack whimpers, staring at his friend (more more, brother, packmate, family, a part of him).
Hamish turns the brunet’s face toward him. Buries him in his scent and maybe that way he can forget the smell of death. Jack closes his eyes and grips Hamish’s shirt and cries.
While the younger man (teenager, child, not old enough, none of them are) cries, Hamish stares, he stares at Randall, at his open eyes and the blood cacking his hair and his pale face and Hamish stares. He is going to imprint this image inside his mind, so that every time he closes his eyes he sees it, every time he tries to rest, every time he wavers, every time he hesitate, every time he takes a minute to think; he will see it. Because apparently, Cassie wasn’t enough, he didn’t understand, he made the same mistake again (YOU’RE FAULT, YOU’RE FAULT-). He stares and makes sure his eyes are dry.
Tundra is the cunning one and maybe that makes him slow, maybe that makes him less likely to take immediate action, but that also makes him the one who doesn’t forget. For the rest of his life he will remember this moment, Randall’s body on the floor dead because he wasn’t ready, he didn’t act like the werewolf he is. (Midnight’s voice in his head, telling him to act, to be a werewolf and he didn’t learn did he?)
Hamish turns his face down, still able to see the body, but enough to smell Jack’s scent (pack, pack, pack, mine, mine, mine, protect, protect-)
Later Hamish will let his monster out, later Hamish will hunt down every Praxis member, later Hamish will kill them all (pull them apart, hear their scream, eat their heart) and take back what is theirs, later Hamish will take away anything Alyssa Drake has left, all she cares for, later Hamish will go back to the Den and fall asleep with his pack in his bed (protect, protect, protect-) and feel the missing piece, later Hamish will make the drinks and toast to the fallen and drink water instead of alcohol, later Tundra will help Hamish plan how to destroy and rip, and tear and demolish and ruin and smash. Later.
Later Jack will destroy his room and ruin every single thing Alyssa Drake has ever touch, later Jack will let Silverback out to kill, later Jack will fall asleep with his pack wishing for a sixth body in the bed, later Jack will learn every horrible murder and painful incantation there is, later he will hunt, later he will toast, later will go to his pops’ grave and say “I understand,”, later Silverback will be free like he hasn’t been in fifty years. Later
(And in case anybody cares, in case the good intention that paved the way matters: this is what happened:
Alyssa Drake took her friend prisoner and stabbed him where she thought he wouldn’t die from it and she left him to be guarded and told him not to worry because he would be home soon. She ignored his words and pleading and left.
Randall Carpio was taken prisoner by someone who was once his friend and stabbed in a place he knew was lethal, especially with that knife, and he pleaded with his once friend because he knew his pack would hunt her down and kill her and tear her to pieces. He pleaded for her life (and maybe a bit for his own because he wanted to live) because Randall Carpio has always cared more about other people than himself. He tried to free himself and tipped his chair over. Randall Carpio died staring at a door that didn’t open because a woman that was once his friend thought she was doing good.
Later, but before the Knights stop mourning, Alyssa Drake will stare at the knife that took the life of her friend and think “I am trying to do good, I am trying to save the world, I am trying to save lives, I didn’t mean too.”
She will think “Randall would understand.” And continue.
But do you really care for the good intention? Rarely. Especially when it is us that suffer the evils used to create wannabe utopia. And neither do the pack, neither do Hamish, Lilith, Vera, Jack, Gabrielle, Nicole. They don’t care. At the end of the day the paving doesn’t matter.)
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shawn-mendes-post · 4 years
Broken Promise
bnA/N: So this is my new series that I talked about. Chapter one done after a couple of days. I got side track because I was watching the Order on Netflix. I really like the show and hope there will be a season 3. I can’t wait to read some fanfic of the Order. I love Randall and Hamish ❤💕❤. Alyssa kept getting on my nerves, but I did like her in the beginning.  
Requested: No
Words: 3000
Paring: Reader x Shawn Mendes, Reader x Dylan (friendship), eventually Reader x Timothee C. 
Two years. Two years down the drain. The relationship will not ever be the same, no matter what. A beautiful relationship that did not consist of fighting or envy. The couple spent their time in secret, not wanting to ruin the bliss. How could this happen? Where did things go wrong? 
You sat on the bed, close to the edge, staring into space, recalling the moment; every damn moment of the relationship, looking for a clue. You yearned to understand how a perfect relationship becomes completely broken. How could a single girl shift everything between Shawn and you?
'Well, she is not some girl,' you thought, bitterly, phone in hand open to a disturbing sight. The news popped up on Twitter, as fans kept retweeting over and over again, to your annoyance. When you first see the tweet, disbelief filled your body, not wanting to accept the idea Shawn was cheating on you. However, you started to check for more proof that could either confirm your suspicions or disregard it, which you hoped was the latter. 
Time freeze at the moment you found a dozen articles about the two, who were acting more than friendly. Frantically, you skim them, dreading the answers to your questions written in the words of the articles. 'Fourth of July? He said he was spending time with his sister, who supposedly came to visit him.' You swallow back the tears that threatened to spill while at the same time, your heart is breaking into million pieces. 
You send him multiple messages hoping to get him to deny these speculations before, moving on calling his cell as you begin to panic. Silence is what you received because Shawn does not answer, leaving you in the dark, making your mind come up with many crazy ideas. 
"Bub, please call me back."
"Darling, what the hell is going on?"
"Baby, why are you not answering?"
"Shawn, I swear I will leave you."
An hour went by with no response, which leads you to believe Shawn is with Camila. Done with his lack of response, you fiddle around the room, grabbing your suitcase, filling it up with clothes, needing to getaway.
Shawn was supposed to be the one.  He was the one that felt like home, but now he feels like a stranger. Shawn was the one to tie you down and start a family, but now that seems impossible. 
Your breathing becomes heavy, panic setting in at the thought of being alone. Your hands become clammy as you struggle to calm down, knowing a full panic attack will occur if you do not stop. You could hear the blood pumping through your ears thump, thump, thump, while your breathing became haggardly then before. 
Ring! Ring! 
Your phone rings, making you take deep breathes before answering, praying the will not pay attention to the sound of her voice. You pick up, not knowing who is calling, but thinking it is Shawn. 
"Sha-" You tried to speak, but gets cut off by the caller. 
"Hey, it is me. I was wondering when you will be on your way? You know filming will start soon," Dylan asked, missing his friend since it has been a while. 
"I'm leaving soon. It slipped my mind completely," you laugh shakily before continuing," I missed you too, Dyl." Glancing around the silent flat, you knew it was time to stop living in a silly fantasy. The secret relationship with you and Shawn would have never lasted, you think. The two of you lived separate lives, barely having time to see each other. Shawn would be on tour or writing music, living his dreams, while you would be traveling to star in movies and television shows, pursuing your dream. You even had a couple of chances to dabble with directing and producing. 
"Is everything okay?" Dylan asked, knowing something was wrong, deciding to offer his ear, thinking you would need to talk. 
"I will be okay, Dyl. I missed shooting and can't wait to see everyone. " You explained, fingers running through your hair, worried he would keep asking questions.
 "If you are sure. I am here when you need to talk," Dylan said, not wanting to push you, but wanting to let you know he will be there. Dylan was the first co-star you meet, and things immediately hit things off. The two of you would be the ones singing onset or pulling pranks on the other co-stars. The two of you were like siblings off-screen, which helped you to play Clay Jensen's sister. 
"I know, Dyl. It is significant to talk in person so I will see you soon. How is Lydia?" You asked, thinking it will distract him. You knew how Dylan gets when his girlfriend is named. 
"She is well. I can't wait till filming is over so I can spend more time with her. You know how busy she can get with the band. I also have been spending time with the guys coming up with new songs. I can show you if you want. I am interested in seeing some of the songs that you promised me," Dylan spoke, smiling at the thought of how you get embarrassed when others look at your songs. 
You chuckle, regretting telling him about you writing some songs in your free time. "I will, Dyl. I need to before I miss my flight to California. I have a few things to resolve before I can leave. I will see you at the flats," you said, assuring Dylan, already planning the next steps. 
Hanging up, you make your way to the bedroom, glancing to make sure you got everything significant. Sighing, you grab a paper and pen, wondering what to write to Shawn, needing to find closure or else. 
Dear Shawn, 
I heard you were with someone else. I thought it was a silly rumor until I saw the proof myself. Camila? I never thought the two of you would betray me, but I was wrong. I knew there was a feeling between the two of you, but I did not think they were so strong. I wished many things went differently between us. 
I wished we spent more time together, then maybe you would not look elsewhere. Who am I kidding? You would have found a way to be with her because you love her. I witness the way you look at her. Shawn, you look at her the way you used to look at me. I wished I stopped myself from falling for you. I never thought we would become separate from each other or the idea of falling out of love. I wish we were open about our relationship, and I know it was my fault. I was scared to face the hate I would receive from your fan girls. I was nervous about the paparazzi invading our privacy, and I value it. I could keep going, but I should not, or else I will have more regrets. Shawn, I did love you. I do love you with my whole heart. I hope she makes you happier then I did. I will miss spending time with your family. Please send my regards to them. 
Shawn, I did think you would be the one. I thought I would spend the rest of my life with till my death. I envision the two of us settling down in a cute home close to your family. I pictured popping out a few kids that would love you to the moon and back. I could see us getting old together, watching after our grand kids and their kids. I would have given up my acting for you if you had asked. I would have given you everything in return to be mine. I was yours, and I thought you were mine. 
I am leaving to help myself heal from this heartbreak. I think it is best if we do not communicate for a while. I do wish you the best. 
Sincerely, (Y/N)
You broke your promise, Shawn. You hurt me. Broken Promises. 
You sniffle, folding up the note, thinking of a place to put it. You grab your things, making one last swept of the flat. Satisfied, you place the golden ring on the counter with the note, walking out, silently saying goodbye. Your head is down, fighting off the tears as you make your way to the airport. The beginning of your new chapter about to begin and some things will surprise you. 
You made sure to stay hidden from everyone, not wanting to be surrounded by fans. It was hard to get through the airport undetected, but you made it. There were a few accidents along the way; however, nothing that discourages you. The plane flight was relaxing for you as you slept on the plane, knowing you would be busy shooting in the few months. 
Shawn woke up in an unfamiliar bed next to a sleeping figure. He groans because he tried sitting up, and a pounding headache meets him. His hands rush to his head, hoping the pain will go away soon or else he did not know how long it would last. 
Shawn could only remember a few things that happened last night, but that did not freak him out. It was the body next to him, which he knew could not be his lovely girlfriend/ fiancee. Persistently the pounding in his head made him groan ever so soft as he moves to remove the covers. His eyes widen at the female figure next to him. 
"Oh shit," he mumbled, getting off the bed quietly, running a hand through his locks, thinking about how he got in this situation. Memories flash through his mind about the two hanging out. 
Shawn stood by the pool, laughing at Camila's joke. She slowly entwines their hands, which seemed okay with Shawn. Shawn knew he should have stopped anything that seemed too friendly, but he didn't think it would be a problem.  The party lasted for hours until the fireworks at the end of the night. Shawn spent his time with Camila, having the time of his life. He missed having fun because of all the stress of trying to get the new song out.  Something was missing, but he did not think long about it. He would drink more than he probably should have, but it was a night where he could relax. Drink after drink made him feel loose and want to have more fun.  The next thing he could recall was a pair of lips touching his. 
"Fuck," he cursed out, not caring if he woke her up. He could not believe the mistake he made and the consequences. He picked up his phone to see the many unanswered calls and text that were from (Y/N). 
He glances at Camila to see she is starting to wake up to the horror of Shawn. She smiles at him, brings the covers up as she sits up. "Hey," he said lamely, not knowing what to say in this awkward moment. 
You arrived at the flat, needing some time to sleep, despite taking a nap on the plane. Everything that happened would change your perspective on relationships and love. Inspiration struck you, grabbing your songbook, sitting down on the bed, you write your feelings. You write everything down, needing to express yourself, or else go crazy keeping; everything bottled up. 
Knock. Knock.
Startled at the sudden noise, you raise your head in alert, on guard when walking towards the door. Looking through the peek hole, you smile at the sight of your friend, Dylan, leading you to open the door. 
Dylan stood there with a dopey smile, arms holding box of pizza and other containers while carrying bags of groceries, waiting to be let in. " I thought we should have our tradition of eating junk food and watching movies till we pass out," he said, hopeful, giving his best puppy dog eyes. 
You think about it, not knowing if it would be a good idea or not since you are dealing with a breakup. "Sure, that would be lovely," you decided, thinking it would be a good idea to get your mind off. Moving aside, you let Dylan enter before shutting the door behind him. 
The two of you move to the furnished living room, setting the stuff on the coffee table. You go to the kitchen, grabbing plates and things for the food, knowing Dylan is already putting on a movie. "So, I think we could watch Beautiful Boy," Dylan told you, smiling as he continues," since you are in it."
Settling on the couch, piling food on your plate, you glance at him, raising an eyebrow. "Is that all? It would not have to do with my co-stars?" You asked, knowing he is a fan of the office (I don't know if it is true). Dylan looks at you sheepishly, not bothering to deny it, already knowing it would be foolish. 
"Come on, let us watch it," Dylan said, stuffing his face, while the movie begins, making you laugh. Your attention focused on Timothée Chalamet through the film, and how a great actor he is. You could feel the pain and desperation of Nick, who moved your heart. You regretted not spending more time with Chalamet and yearned for working with him once again. There was something about him that draws you in, and that is interesting to you. 
Tense. Shawn felt tense on his way to the flat, after looking through his phone at the messages. There was something that made him feel worried about what he was about to walk in; nonetheless, he opens the door. He surveyed how dark the flat looks, which brought terror to Shawn at the idea of (Y/N) leaving without telling him. 
Shawn strides towards the bedroom; however, he stops when something shiny catches his attention on the counter. His hands grasp the ring as he immediately moves to the couch, his other hand holds the note. Shawn could only stare at the band, his fears becoming a reality when he opens the paper, reading it over and over again. 
'I messed up. I should have responded sooner. I should not have cheated on (Y/n), despite not being in control fully. ' Shawn thinks, tears sliding down his faces, not knowing what to do. One part of him wanted to lay down while the other wanted to go out and search for his love. He should have told her about what was going on. The plan consisted of Shawn having to be with Camila because of their new song until the heat died down. 
Shawn stared at his phone, gloomy when he noticed there were no new messages from (y/n). He went through their conversation, frowning at how happy they were until he ruined everything. 
In the middle of winter, Shawn took a break from tour, wanting to spend time with (Y/N). He planned to purpose to you and needed everything to go perfect. In the morning, Shawn woke up early to make your favorite breakfast before bringing it to you on a tray with a single (favorite flower) in a vase. 
"Darling, wake up," he coos, setting the tray his side of the bed. You start to rise from the bed, yawning as your eyes meet hazel eyes. Your stomach growls when your nose smells something delicious. "Mhm, that seems good," you reach for the tray after kissing Shawn. Shawn holds the plate, breathing a little shaky, which made you concerned. "Is there something wrong, Bub?"
"I, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, never thought I would find my soulmate. I am almost always gone, but you stick by my side through it all. You offer your support whenever I need it, and I am grateful to have you. I love you (Y/N), and I want you in my life. Your laugh makes me happy just by hearing it because it sounds magical. You are outstanding, and I love your acting. I still can't believe I am with the brilliant, (Y/n) (l/n), who started acting when she was ten. Your heart amazes me when I see you lend a hand to help people in need without a complaint. You bring awareness to issues in the world, which is brave to speak up, despite what some people may think. I love you and how you comfort me when I am stress because of the concert or if I am having a bad day. You will drop everything for anyone to come over to help no matter the time, which gets you in trouble with your manager or the directors. You are a perfect goddess, and I am lucky you are in my life. I love your height and vision us taking turns spooning each other as we cuddle in bed. You are the ones that I want to see every morning and every night. I want to spend every day treating you like the queen you are and hope that I will be your king one day. I want to love you for eternity, and am willing to give up everything for you. I don't need money or fame. Not even the fans and I do love each of them and how they supported me. I need you (Y/N)," Shawn confesses, grabbing a small jersey box from his pocket, raising it for you to see, slowly opening the box. 
"I promise to never hurt you," Shawn vowed, as the box is open," will you marry me (Y/n)?"  Your face was streaming with tears at his speech, not needing anytime to think. "Yes," you said, lifting your hand for him to place the ring. He does. The two of you share a passionate kiss, wanting to celebrate the event.  However, the moment was interrupted when your stomach starts growling, which makes you blush. "Sorry," you apologized, grabbing the food to start eating, while Shawn chuckles and watches. 
"You broke your promise," you said out loud. 
"What?" Dylan asked, wanting to know what is the matter. 
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
Hamish & Vera soulmate au headcannons
Lil headcannons for a colours soulmate au in which the S1 finale wasn't the first time Hamish had been hit in the face with the powder. Because why not? This version of the colours is the one where you can only see varying shades of the colour of your soulmate's eyes. Because why not?
Here is part two, as promised
To everyone who knows Vera on any level, she hasn't changed a bit. Okay, maybe she's a little bit more sharp now and then and she gets a little testy whenever it rains. But maybe that's just the stress of being Grand Magus, and Temple Magus, and Chancellor of Belgrave setting in.
When she's alone at home, Vera stays up late into the night, wondering if she made the right decisions. She falls asleep in Hamish's jacket often.
The jacket is completely worn through now, the suede verging on ruined again. But she doesn't want to make back to brand new again nor does she ever want to get rid of it. It's quite literally that last bit of Hamish -- her Hamish -- that she has left.
She tells herself that it's for the best. If the Knights remained active, the Order would pursue them to the ends of the earth. But you have a seat of power almost all disciples would die for, that inner voice says, you can turn the Order around.
"They're our enemies." "But they don't know that." Well ok fine but I'm also deathly afraid of seeing Hamish's face again so let's not talk about this ever.
Eventually, logic trumps all else and Vera agrees to induct the Knights.
When Alyssa returns their memories, Jack is consumed by rage and hatred. Hamish wants to feel the same, he wants to be burned bitter by the betrayal, but he can't.
"Secrets are terrible things. They ruin the best of things and can break down nearly everything."
"I love you."
Hamish understands Randall's apprehension, Lilith's disgust and Jack's rage. He wants to say he feels the same. But all he feels his confusion. All he thinks about is the day he watched Vera leave.
Who's jacket had she been wearing?
Hamish runs his thumb over the letter hanging from the chain before tucking it under his new Order robes.
Did the necklace belong ..... to Vera? Because he knows it isn't his and he found it right where he'd fallen.
What the fuck is in Hamish's head on repeat for the entire evening.
"If you're going to stand there, at least make yourself useful." While Vera congratulates herself on her ability to appear as normal in front of Hamish, Hamish studies Vera as he passes her a drink. The same drink he'd watched her make back in the den.
Vera is momentarily distracted by the taste of the drink in her hand.
"Drinks are an art form, V, which means I can make whatever I want with justifiable reasoning." Laughter echoes. "And what are you calling this drink? It's a bit . . . harsh for all your old suggestions." "I'm thinking something along the lines of Vera."
"Are you calling me harsh?!" "I would never!" Pure, unfiltered joy echoes through the entire apartment.
"Magus?" Hamish's voice brings Vera back to the present. "Mingle, Acolyte. It's your party, after all."
Hamish reluctantly leaves the bar. He wants to stand there longer and study Vera -- maybe some of his questions will get answered.
"Drink it all in one go or your brain will shrivel up to the size of a raisin." "Bottoms up."
Suddenly, Hamish can recall his high school locker combination. Lilith is talking about some childhood fear, Randall's complaining about a retainer, Jack's crying about a tattoo -- frankly, that part scared Hamish a little -- and then he's stunned into silence with the flood of memories.
And then he's as angry as Jack was. He's furious. But not at Vera for what she did. He's furious at her for not waiting. Waiting for him to respond, waiting to see if they could have made it work.
He's furious because now he'll never know if they could have avoided all the deaths between then and now. Maybe the Knights could have allied with the Order. Maybe the Knights could have weeded out all the bad magic in the Order. Maybe he and Vera could have done it together, made the Order what she said it could be, a secret society of magic practitioners that is dedicated to preserving and passing on the art of magic. So many maybes, so many what ifs.
A part of him wants to storm into the temple, into the reliquary and demand that Vera confess. The more rational part of him keeps him grounded to protect the fact that they have their memories.
He'd feel a little bad about planning to rob the Order blind if he wasn't so pissed at them for raiding the den. Thanks to Lilith's potion, Hamish is slowly developing burning rage at the idea of being betrayed by his own goddamn soulmate. As time passes, he's starting to forget that he used to understand her circumstances, her choices being bad or worse.
So when they come across Zecchia, he's ready for it without any hesitation.
"Bring me something in a tall glass." Okay maybe a little hesitance. Just a little.
Hamish thinks it might have been a mistake when the news about Rogwan is delivered. He realises he's gone and royally fucked up on a Jack Morton level when they find out Zecchia robbed them.
"So, what's all this talk about wolves?"
Vera's too pissed with them to register the fact that Hamish has his memories (not all, though, right?) "Where is my inventory?"
"It was . . . stolen from us." "For fuck's sake, Hamish, can't you keep track of anything in that fucking apartment?" Randall: ( ͡° ʖ ͡°) (ಠ_ಠ) what the fuck is happening here 🙃 "I am seriously considering killing both of you." "Please don't." "SHUT UP"
Rogwan taking Hamish's fear could have been incredibly catastrophic if Vera had had her phone on her around the same time Hamish got his hands on money and a phone booth, even worse if she had answered any of those calls (though to be honest, she might just have been incredibly confused about it or more accurately, Hamish might not have even dialled her number properly)
Hamish standing at the phone booth with the dial tone while Randall repeatedly tries to climb a nearby tree: I know what you did, Vera Stone. You wicked witch with a cute butt. You jacket thief, alcohol thief, heart thief-- vest thief! + stupider and stupider things until Randall eventually gets his attention again.
"I give my life to the cause to protect the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose from threats both inside and out." "So . . . we're supposed to babysit the Grand Magus aka you?" Both Vera and Hamish shoot Jack a withering glare. Randall finds it funny and Jack is grateful for Randall.
"Is everyone okay?" Awww she cares. Stop smirking at her -- stop -- STOP IT, FACE!
As much as Hamish was internally laughing at Vera for her still harbouring her old feelings, Hamish realises that he hasn't forgotten his own instincts when it comes to Vera when he sees the Magistratus, Angus, charge at Vera.
He may have fucked several things up, but no one is allowed to harm Vera. Tundra is a Knight of the Blue Rose, but Hamish is Vera's -- it's not as if he'd have it any other way anyway.
Vera's pretty stressed, what with the impending end of the world. Hamish is waiting for Vera in the reliquary, having discovered something ... interesting about the Tartarus explosions.
"I got your text." Hamish stands, book in hand. "Yeah, I found -- . . . is wearing three different shades of black a conscious decision or--" "Shut up."
Hamish happily complies. Who cares what colours she's wearing when he's got her in his arms? For someone who doesn't like anyone kissing in the reliquary, Vera seems to be very unopposed to the idea when she and Hamish are the ones doing all the kissing.
Not that Hamish is complaining. He wouldn't ever want to stop Vera. "Wait -- wait, this isn't why I'm here." "Your text specifically said you had something big to show me." "I ... see how that can be misconstrued."
Vera glares. "Make it quick, I'm busy."
"Tease," Hamish mutters with a grin before delving into the very solid fact that the world is going to end.
"The council wouldn't listen to reason so . . . I gave them fear. Stopping Praxis is the only way to stopping these eruptions." "Or is it the only option you'll consider?" The glass hits the table hard. Hamish is beyond pissed, but he's not sure at what. Vera is clearly stuck between a rock and a hard place. Perhaps he should let her know about his first clash with pulveris memoria
"They're asking for something I can't give them." "Or won't." He knows he's being difficult but he doesn't feel guilty about it at all. He's still mildly miffed that Vera didn't think he could make the choice for himself on whether or not he wanted anything to do with the Order.
Of course, his entire demeanour changes when Alyssa shows up in the reliquary. He may be pissed and a little disappointed in Vera but that doesn't mean he's willing to let her stand in harm's way. And of course, Alyssa knocks him straight the fuck out. (I mean personally I don't like her but I have to admit, that was a smart move)
I can't fucking remember how the scene goes word-for-word but you all know it.
Hamish wakes with the gripping fear that Vera is hurt or worse, dead. As soon as he sees Vera though, he's incredibly calmer. She seems okay. She's alive.
"She took your magic." Honestly, it could have been worse. It really could have been a lot worse. But he doesn't say so because he knows magic is something that is important to Vera and he knows that she's fucking terrified -- even if she won't say.
"I imagine she, like you, finds me a selfish woman." "Vera, I don't think you're selfish. You're demanding and ... weirdly ticklish, but not selfish."
Vera thinks about all that she's put Hamish alone through. She has very many a regret in her life, but Hamish somehow seems to dominate that lost. "How can you be so sure?" "Because of all the times you could have killed the Knights but you didn't, because you wanted th-- us to live. To learn."
It's a little hard to separate Vera's soulmate from Tundra's champion, but Hamish does it. He's still a Knight, despite whatever feelings he and Vera might share. Both of them are him but not together. Not just yet.
"It's all right to let someone care about you, V." "You--" "You dropped this." Vera stands still as Hamish puts the chain over her own head. How long had he had all his memories? Said nothing? All this time, he'd kept his mouth shut -- was it for her sake? Old guilt creeps back into her.
"Maybe you are selfish, V, but not for all the reasons you think. Your selfish acts are always about protecting other people. Me, Jack, Alyssa, the Knights, the Order. Selfish doesn't mean evil."
"What's he doing here?" "We're not staying." "Yes, we are."
"No, you're not." "It's not safe." "I'm no threat to her."
Hamish really doesn't want to leave Vera alone with Alyssa. But she trusts herself so he'll trust her. Besides that, he still has to save Lilith.
When Hamish returns to the temple, chasing Midnight, Alyssa is dead and Vera is shaking.
"V, it's not your fault." How does he know exactly what she's thinking?
Hamish sets a drink, Vera's drink, in front of her and turns to leave. To give her space. To give her the choice. He drags his hand over hers. Do you want me to stay?
Vera makes no movement other than wrapping her fingers around Hamish's hand and holding fast. Yes.
And as he stands there and the doors to the reliquary closes, he glances down at Vera and realises that bad as things are, they could be worse. Vera tried so many times to push him away, but she's failed every time. And he's incredibly thankful for that.
Vera doesn't have her magic, but she's got all the colours in the world because of Hamish and somehow, that's so much more important to her.
Someone help me I'm Sad™ I wanna write this but like ,,,,, not as a full book because that would make me cry ,,,,, maybe like a nice collection of scenes 0.0 what do you think?
Take a look at other soulmate aus I've chosen to torment myself with
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!: You’re Everybody’s Sidekick Review
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OK KO was easily one of the best animated series of the 2010′s and i’ll stand by those words. The brainchild of Ian Jones Quartlery, voice of Wallow in Bravest Warriors and more importantly former head writer for Steven Universe, and current longtime romantic partner of that series creator Rebecca Sugar. That part isn’t AS important, but I still find it sweet.  Anyways OK KO was the story of K.O., a 6-11, not my own laziness for once but the show’s own way of doing age, year old boy who wants to be the best like no one ever was. In this case i’ts being a hero in a world that’s basically like if someone took the marvel universe and smashed a retro game collection and a pile of manga on top of it and then blended up the result and shot it full of gamma rays. Full of heroes of all kinds ranging from those fighitng crime to those who just want to loiter outside strip malls or cut hair.  To achieve this goal KO gets a job at Gar’s Bodega, the combination of your average bodega (for those unfamiliar with the term, i’ts a convience store) and a video game item shop, so the slurpee machine is right next to the power ups and ninja stars, and everything from skateboard polish to Spread Guns is avaliable. The bodega is owned by Mr.Gar, a mustachiosed muscle man whose basically a shoutier mexican version of MIke Haggar but with shades and a mustache. So a somehow better version of him, though with him being busy watching over the plaza itself, doing secret hero missions and what not the day to day operations are left to two teens: Rad, a muscle bound dude bro alien with telekenisis and a secret heart of gold and Enid, a cynical, slacker ninja whose also bilogically a witch because her parents are a vampire and a werewolf. So the series follows these three as they run the boedega, grow as people and fight the robots that frequently attack the plaza sent by the evil Lord Boxman who hates the place literally because it’s there and it’s existance annoys him. This is the canon explination and it is utterly hilarious.  The series was funny, had great character work, decent ongoing stories, great jokes and a fun tone that could go from meaningful and well thorught ot utterly batshit from episode to episode and was sadly canceled after 3 seasons because Cartoon Network is kinda stupid right now and dosen’t know how to handle a superhero show that still makes action a priority, but it did get a solid ending, a slew of great crossovers and a decent amount of representation under i’ts belt.  WHich brings us to today and the start of RED ACTION WEEK: A week dedicated to the series most prominent gay character and the bisexual ninja witch who loves her. I’m covering all 5 of Red’s more prominent apperances... I was just going to do the red/enid episodes but decided this was a better introduction to the series itself, as well as the fact it allows her character arc to better tie together by her final episode, which directly uses this one as a major plot point. I also threw Plaza Prom in there since, even if she’s only a supporting character, it’s still one of her few major apperances, is part of her final major episode, is one of my faviorites, and the climactic dance fights is one of the most intentionally homoerotic fight scenes i’ve seen in some time. With all that out of the way, let’s do this after the cut. 
We start at Gar’s Bodega, just after the opening two parter, with KO starting his first day of work, part of the reason this episode is a fairly smooth introduction into the show. Not even in the door he accidently shoryukyn’s joe cuppa, a stand up comedian with a cup of coffee in the big time for a head... I told you anything goes and I meants it.  After that accident, we find Enid at the counter, ignoring the customers before shooing them away and when KO asks for work, plays along with his enthusasim and tells him to clean the store.. which he does in minutes, before being told to sort the penny dish, and while he does the two discuss KO’s love of helping people: KO just genuinely thinks that’s part of his job, the right thing to do and feels good while Enid.. dosen’t feel it’s worth the effort and people are just generally ungreatful and not worth it.  I really like this scene for showing off their character dynamic beautifully: It starts showing that while at this stage Enid is largely an asshole, she does care about K.O. and while he’s cleaning, despite usually turning customers away, still let’s Ginger, an elderly patron and one of KO’s mom’s dojo customers, not only check out but pay in freaking pennies. It shows that try as she might, Enid really isn’t a cyncial or heartlesss as she claims. It’s also nice setup for later in the season as, and as i’m sure Ian Jones Quartlery and crew were preparing for, we later DO see why Enid hates people so much: her best friend, possibly more, Elodie, who i’ll certainly be covering eventually, betrayed her for a spot at Point Prep, basically UHA or Xavier’s for this world and claimed their friendship was just a ploy (It wasn’t, but again, story for another time), while her one date with Rad went terribly due to him acting like a huge jackass at the advice of his even bigger jackasses of friends. It’s easy to see why she stopped carring: When she opened up in the past it only lead to her being hurt and alone. K.O.... is the opposite. He genuinely belivies in everyone and tries to help them because, as said above, it’s just what he does and what he belivies a hero should be... he hasn’t been hurt or influenced by assholes like his friends, and thus is able to get them to open up. It’s a wonderful dynamic and I love it.  And naturally, KO is determined to help Enid see the light, with Enid responding with the wonderful line “You’ll never melt my icy heart”... give him a few more episodes Enid, give him a few more episodes.  So K.O. Decides to set out helping people, shouting about it to enid back at the store as he does because he’s 6-11 and kids in that age range are many things, but subtle is not one of them. He starts with Geoff and Nick Army, a monk and gay duke nukem reflectivity who despite having polar oppositie personalities, are both a couple, as confirmed by the creative team and then the finale, and a crime fighting duo who are having a dispute over opening a pickle jar with the good old ultra violence or non violence, which KO solves by letting both do it once, which results in a pickle jar explosion, both men in their underwear and everyone happy, especially the shippers.  KO continues his quest, going to Logical Cuts where we meet Mr.Logic, a robot who has a rather moving and well done backstory we’ll certainly get to, and is voice by James Urabanik, aka the voice of Rusty Venture on the venture bros, to my utter delight. And yes i’ll be covering the venture bros eventually, and might be this month. His customer, another one of KO’s mom’s regulars, is upset because her haircut isn’t right while Mr.Logic is upset, well as upset as a monotone robot can convey, that his usually 100% mathmatically perfect haircuts are off. KO pitches in and the new result is perfect, with both being greatful. 
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KO’s next stop on his good will help people crying for help tour, after the above bit of wonderful art shift as that version of ko moveds like a south park character for some reason. Anyways, it turns out best friends, co workers and the dante and randal of this show, i.e.two best friends working a dead end job who despite arguing a lot need each other, A Real Magical Skeleton, self explaintory and Greg, a bear, are having an argument because RMS is trying to do their job and frame a baseball for a guy while Greg is being a dickhead and playing the drums constantly. As you can probably wager, I do not like Greg, probably more than rusty, partly because a future episode has him making KO doubt his macaroni art gift for his mom so he can eat it, yes really,and partly because he’s less intresting than his buddy and yet the two are shipped frequently despite my honest assumption they’d kill each other.. much like if dante and randall finally banged. However if you do ship them, I have no hostility with you. Unlike say loudcest or shipping sam with lincoln over at the loud hosue, there's nothing wrong with RMS X Brandon, it’s just not for me.  Anywho KO solves it in the hilarious and awesome manner of just putting Brandon inside one of those baseball cube things... it’s a shame he apparently gave him air holes but whatever. Proud of himself, K.O. plans to head back when he runs into the Ally Teens: Red Action, rude teen warrior from the future who just had a bad haircut, Drupe, a sentient strawberry because of course, and Greg, Drupe’s nonbinary best friend and combination of one of the bone cousins and Woodstock. K.O. offers to help and , with the trio being huge steaming bowls of elephant piss at this point, they instead trick him into waiting in a lava flow and then have drupe whip him every time the lava causes him to cartoonishily jump in the air.  Yeah despite both Red Action and Drupe going on to having supporting roles, like our good pal tom, who I will get back to this month, there isn’t nearly as much wiggle room in their first apperance. With Tom Lucitor, he was a dick.. but you could make the case, even just off that ep that he genuinely dosen’t know HOW to be a good person or that what he’s doing is sketchy at best. Here, it’s fairly obvious the ally teens know setting a child on fire and using vine whip on him super effectively is wrong, that’s why their doing it. Red, being that special brand of asshole, posts it on social media. I mean posting a video of yourself hurting a child, that’s Tucker Carlson level’s of dickery right there. Stone cold. Enid sees it and is understandably concerned, and goes over to see if KO’s allright when he returns and is forced to explain to him that no they weren’t laughing with him, they were laughing at him and were just being dicks. Also he wasn’t in lava, it was magma. It was above ground. 
K.O. glumly wonders why and Enid reitrates this kind of shit is why she dosen’t help people. K.O. also wonders how she saw it and we find out Enid is basically facebook stalking red action on her social media, as you do, and that Red’s been on a bit of a tear lately, smashing up shit and farting in Geoff’s face all because she got a bad haircut, with K.O. , likely going thorugh more of her posts, realizing theirs a pattern: When bad things happen to her she lashes out at others.. just like Enid. I do like the parallel there: Enid likely has a crush on her because the two are fairly similar.. but Enid runs cold and tens to be standoffish as a result of her past, while Red tens to take out her anger and frustration on everyone else and runs red hot. But they come together because opposities attract... it’s what noble laurite MC Scat Kat taaught us after all.  K.O. however, having Steven Universe level’s of empahty and an equal sense of wanting to help, and just as few boundries as he had as a tween, decides that it’s clear the ally teens have underlying issues to adress and gets Enid help to look at their social media. Returning to the ally,and seemingly unphased by earlier, K.O. sets out helping them, starting by helping red get her haircut fixed by Mr. Logic. Red is adorably delighted. Moving on K.O. notes that Drupe basically just follows Red’s lead but has a fashion blog and clearly an identiy of her own and we soon learn she believes no one reads it. K.O. showed it to the not at all ambigiously gay duo and Geoff and Nick thank her> That’s two blushes and two wins in K.O.’s court.  Finishing up, K.O. realizes Gregg stays quiet because they have low self esteem and feel they have nothing to be proud of. K.O. however found lots to be proud of and framed Gregg’s valdectorian certificate for him, again with some help from earlier.  Instead of graditude red just calls him weird and leaves and KO slumps back depressed. I’ts a good lesson though: people DON’T change just because you did one weirdly kind thing for them. That takes time.. as we’ll see with Red and as we see with Drupe, who has less of an ons creen journey but is far nicer after her next apperance. While Enid is grossed out over having helped someone, Gregg comes in.. and after some great deranged animation thanks K.O. and Enid admits after some prodding that it does feel good to help, and K.O. is happy to have helped her int he process. The two playfully mess around as the episode ends. Final Thoughts: This was a really good one. Reaching back this far into the series, I didn’t think it’d would be nearly as good as it ended up: It serves both as a good proper introduction for a lot of the plaza regulars, a good setup for Enid’s character arc, and was also really funny with great animation. LIke Tom, I don’t think the creators knew exactly what they were going to do with the Alley Teens and thus take the two they end up focusing on in opposite directon: Red keeps her assholishness for her next apperance and grows from it, while Drupe’s drops off by the end of this season, likely due to her fashion blog taking off, but we’ll get into Red more in a review or so and Drupe more later this month.For now this episode was good and next up we have their next apperance in Plaza Prom. Until then, follow this blog for more reviews and nonsense, like and reblog it if you enjoyed this, hit me up with asks for review suggestions or comssions and until next time, later days!
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Watch What Happens - Chapter 5
Chapter links: 1, 2, 3, 4
Summary: Arthur, an aspiring comedian, has struggled to find normalcy and compassion his entire life. Y/N, a hard-working paralegal and transplant to Gotham, has just been put on a case for the Wayne Foundation. When they meet, unexpected sparks fly.
Chapter warning: Swearing, Angst
Words: 3,235
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The week hadn't been kinder than most. Arthur's mother continued to badger him into mailing letters to Thomas Wayne, which he always did, though it was starting to frustrate him. He’d gotten notice the fee for heating the apartment was going up due to record oil prices. And he'd been fired.
It was a harsh coincidence that his biggest failure had been at the place he loved to perform the best. He'd been singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" with the children at the hospital, moving along to the upbeat music. They were having fun; even the staff had been smiling. It had been one of those rare times that he'd felt good. But he'd lost himself in the dance, as he tended to do, and made a mistake.
He'd taken to carrying the .38 regularly for protection. Feeling less vulnerable was nice for a change. And Randall had been right: no one had known he had a gun.
The pistol had sat safely tucked in his waistband. But Arthur spun a little too eagerly, stomped his foot a little too hard. The pistol had fallen through his pant leg and onto the floor.
His head had whipped around at the sound of metal hitting the linoleum. Faking a cry, he’d lunged towards the weapon, giving it a slight kick. Maybe if he retrieved it foolishly, the nurses would think it was part of his act. He had grabbed it and shoved it in the lab coat he wore over his Carnival costume of a yellow vest and patched brown pants. Nervous giggles escaped him as he put a finger over his mouth, gently shushing the children. Thank god he hadn't had a laugh attack.
Now he sat on the subway, large prop-bag by his side, still in make-up and costume. He hadn't even removed his wig. The train car was quiet, with only a woman reading a book and a middle-aged lady nearby. Staring into nothing, he remembered his conversation with Hoyt.
Someone from the hospital had called before he'd gotten to a pay phone. The despair he'd experienced when begging for his job still sat heavy in his chest. Hoyt had called him a liar. Arthur had lied. Hoyt hadn't believed Arthur before when he'd said he'd been jumped - why would he believe he was carrying the gun for self-defense?
And Randall... Randall had told Hoyt that Arthur had tried to buy the gun off him. It became clear to Arthur, then, that the gift, the kind gesture that had meant so much, had been the trick he'd originally suspected. He'd been an idiot to take the weapon. He hadn't even wanted it. He wasn't sure what hurt more: losing his job or being the fall guy.
It didn't matter, anyway. He shouldn't have brought that gun to the children's hospital. He was such a screw-up. It was difficult, how hard it was for him to make the right decisions sometimes. How could he be so good at taking care of his mother and so terrible at caring for himself? All he could do at the moment was sit and contemplate what went down.
The train came to a stop and three men in business attire walked in. Their volume and obnoxiousness made it clear they were drunk. A woman ran in after them and headed to the back left corner. She dropped onto the seat and took a folder out of her canvas bag. After a few seconds of watching her, Arthur realized it was Y/N. The corners of his lips turned up slightly. She had headphones on; he wondered what she was listening to. He wanted to go to her, but the men were in the way.
The shorter of the three men sat, eating fries out of the greasy paper bag he held. The other two friends continued to stand and talk.
"I'm telling you. She wanted my number. We should have just stayed." the man without a suit jacket said.
The taller man scoffed. "You're dreaming, man. She wasn't interested - at all."
"Did you see how close we were dancing?" the first man replied as the train began to move. "She was in love!" He started shimmying, badly, as he hung onto the pole grip
Arthur watched them closely, admiring their confidence. Maybe some of it would rub off on him.
The sitting guy held the paper bag out to the woman with the book. "Hey, do you want some fries?" When she didn't respond, he wiggled it at her. "Hello? I'm talking to you. Hey."
The woman looked up, answering politely. "No, thank you."
Confusion came across Arthur's face. Wasn't offering a woman a bite to eat a normal thing to do? He'd offered Y/N his favorite donut and she'd responded well. Maybe the woman wasn't hungry.
The dancing man sat next to the fry guy. "Don't ignore him, " he intoned, gesturing to his friend. "He's being nice to you."
French fries landed in the woman's hair as the men started throwing them at her. It was then Arthur understood the men's offerings were not kindly meant. They were like what Randall had done to him - selfish and ugly.
The woman looked to Arthur, obviously wanting him to intervene. He found he couldn't do more than look at her in sympathy. Even as he did that, he felt like a coward. Part of him wanted to speak up, but he was filled with unease. As his discomfort grew, he felt his body tense up, his throat begin to tickle. He shook his head lightly, turning away. Not now. 
Not now, please...
Loud, throaty laughter burst out of him. He felt the eyes of everyone stare at him. Wincing, he covered his mouth in desperation. He took a deep breath and lowered his hand, seeming to get his fit under control. But then his body betrayed him again, and more involuntary gales escaped.
The woman with the book got up and left the train car. Arthur didn't dare to give Y/N more than a glance. She was watching him and the men, taking her headphones off.
"Hey, asshole. What's so fucking funny?" he heard the tall guy yell at him.
Arthur's guffaws came even louder through his fingers. He lowered his hand to his stomach, willing his diaphragm to calm itself. He waved in their direction, trying to dismiss his outburst.
The men moved towards him. The tall one was singing, swinging from strap to strap as he got closer. Arthur could only choke out, "Please. Stop."
He felt his eyes tear up as they passed over Y/N, then down to the floor. He curled away as his laughter continued. The two times they'd met, he'd been able to hide himself from her. Now she was going to see him as the weak freak he was. She'd hate him. He'd lose her kindness. The same way he lost everything.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. He hadn't spoken up out of fear of unwanted attention, and now his condition was making him a show. The gun in his waistband felt heavy against his abdomen. He felt like turning it on himself.
The feeling of warmth against his arm caused him to still. He screwed his eyes shut against the blows he knew were incoming.
"Come with me to the next car." Y/N's voice surprised him.
Arthur couldn't bring himself to face her, but, out of the corner of his eye, he could see she was standing between himself and the men. He wondered if it was all a dream. But it couldn't be. His affliction never struck him in those. No. This was real. And Y/N was tugging at his sleeve.
Still bent with laughter, he stood and grabbed his bag. He walked in front of her. The door to the next car seemed so distant.
"Hey," he heard the tall man yell. "What are you, lady, a clownfucker?"
Anger bloomed in Arthur’s chest. She was being insulted because of him. Shouldn't he be rescuing her? That's how it went in every film he'd seen. He stopped, starting to spin, wanting to go back and cold cock the guy. Before he could, though, Y/N gently pushed him forward. Reaching the door, he opened it, then passed through the second door and entered the next car.
It was empty, thankfully. And the men hadn't cared enough to follow them. He dropped his bag to the floor. Various items spilled out of it when it tipped over. Slumping down on a nearby seat, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. A confusing mix of consolation and shame coursed through him. "I'm-" he coughed, laughter finally subsiding. "I'm sorry."
She was standing some distance away, further than she had the other times they'd met. That wasn't lost on him. "Are you all right?" she asked.
"I - I have a condition." Fishing around in his inner vest pocket, he retrieved a laminated card that explained his laughter and held it out to her. He didn't know how he kept his hand from shaking. She'd know the truth now. Frustrated and sweating under his wig, he ripped it off and reached to shove it in his bag.
Y/N was suddenly crouched in front of him. "Arthur?"
Stilling, it dawned on him that she hadn't recognized him in costume. He'd given himself away. "Yes," he said, defeated. He lifted his gaze to her.
She was looking at him so...affectionately. There was empathy there, a little sadness. But a gentle smile was on her lips. He wished he could be sure of what it meant. She handed his card back to him, then started to pick up the props that had fallen out of his bag.
Relief she hadn't run away, and was seemingly glad to be around him, settled in his body. It was foreign. He watched her pick up the magic wand that had rolled a couple feet away. When she handed it to him, Arthur felt the urge to pull her into his arms. He settled for squatting next to her to help her pick up instead.
"You must have had a show tonight," she said. "How'd it go?"
That snapped him back to reality. He snorted humorlessly, shaking his head. "It went great."
"I'm sorry I missed it."
"It was at the children's hospital." He shut his eyes, remembering giving back the lab coat and his Dr. Arthur name tag. Anxiety crept back into his body. "It was nice." Slowly, he stood and brought his hand to the side of his face, fingertips smudging his make-up. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this. I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore."
There was an awkward silence before Y/N chuckled. His eyes narrowed. Was she laughing at him? "Because you're dressed as a clown? Don't be ridiculous." The train slowed and she straightened, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. "This is my stop. Come on."
He picked up his bag and followed her to the doors, standing beside her. Once the train stopped, he followed her onto the platform. His steps slowed, doubt refusing to leave his head. "No." His earnestness felt disgraceful. "Because of my condition."
Y/N stopped and looked at him. "Arthur, it's fine." She continued along, then. "Let's go up. It smells like piss down here."
He blinked as she hurried up the nearby stairs and turned to wait for him at the top. Her silhouette against the background of streetlights and steam loaned him the strength to get his legs working. His pace quickened, a grin daring to spread across his face at the prospect of walking with her again.
When he caught up with her, he touched his ribs, sore from his earlier laughter. "If you didn't know who I was, why did you help me?"
She started going down the sidewalk at a slow but steady pace. "You were in trouble."
Guilt assuaged him at the slight disappointment he felt. He'd wanted to believe she'd helped him because he was Arthur, not because he was some defenseless stranger on the subway. Straining, he fought that negative thought back. He didn't want to taint whatever they had with that. He should be glad she seemed to be a good person; he'd try to be.
Her continued answer warmed him, though. "I wouldn't have told anyone else this was my stop. Or invited them along." She flashed him a grin. "Know how I recognized you?"
A painted eyebrow lifted. "How?" he asked
"Your nice hair." She chuckled. "That's actually how I referred to you before I knew your name. 'Good hair, Tan jacket.'"
He made a face, looking away from her. Was she flirting with him or trying to cheer him up? Maybe she had a thing for weirdos. He'd happily be that weirdo. His hands raked through his unruly curls, trying to come up with a good reply. "Glad I took the wig off."
"Me, too," she said.
Arthur's head was spinning. He'd had a great gig, lost his job, been rescued by Y/N. What a fucking day. He reached up and squeezed his left shoulder. Yes, he was still here. She was still next to him. A breath he hadn't known he was holding escaped him.
At the next corner, Y/N stopped. "This is my street." She leaned in slightly, lowering her voice. "I don't want to be pushy. You're a grown man. But are you gonna be all right on the way home? I mean, I could call a cab. It's a long walk, you don't have a coat, I-"
"I'll be fine," he said, gently but firmly. "Don’t worry about me."
Smiling wryly, she pointed at his prop-bag. "You could always take out anyone who bothered you with that." She rummaged around in her purse and held out a piece of paper to him. "Here. Just...call me tomorrow? The earlier the better. And let me know you made it." She continued as he took the it, his fingers brushing against hers. "It'll make me feel better."
He studied the business card intensely before putting it in his vest pocket. "Okay. Thank you. I- I don't know what to say."
She shrugged. "Just say you're alive. That won't be too hard, right?" She nudged him with her elbow.
That wasn't what he had meant, but her smile was infectious, and for once he didn't mind being misunderstood. "Yeah."
Y/N started off down the street, walking backwards. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Get home safe."
Arthur nodded and watched her turn to head the other way, standing there until she was out of sight. He patted his vest pocket and started to run home, in a hurry to get her card in a safe place.
Despite his firing, Arthur had had a busy morning. He'd dropped off the rent check, confirmed his upcoming appointment with the Department of Health, and gone to HaHa's to pack up his locker.
That last one had stung, but was surprisingly less stressful than he'd assumed it would be. He'd been able to avoid Hoyt, which was a rare stroke of luck. Arthur hadn't been sure if he would burst into tears, laugh, and beg for his job back, or punch him in the throat. His former co-workers either greeted or ignored him, as usual. There hadn't been many questions. When the Chippendale behind him joked about Arthur killing himself, he knew they were glad to be rid of him. Gary had shown sympathy, though, and it hadn't been fake like Randall's.
Arthur was fairly proud of how he'd revealed the pistol belonged to Randall. Then "punched out" by knocking the clock off the wall. Then ruined the sign telling everyone to smile. Sometimes pettiness was the only fuel to get through the day.
Now at home, Arthur was turning the business card Y/N had given him over and over in his hand. His knee bounced as he leaned back against the kitchen counter, smoking, running his thumb over the embossed name on the card-stock. It seemed like an easy thing, picking up the phone and calling a woman. When he daydreamed about it, it was. And he longed to. But, despite Y/N's demand that he call her, he hadn't worked up the nerve to do it.
Walking with her after the train had felt...normal, like what he wished for himself, when so few other aspects of his life did. Her smile, her friendliness - they hadn't disappeared despite his laughter or the taunting he'd been on the receiving end of. None of it had seemed to bother her. And she'd returned his card. They were usually discarded by those he gave them to. She'd looked into his eyes as she'd handed it back. His chest ached at the memory.
She was the kindest woman he'd met, the only one who hadn't talked to him because it was her job, but because she saw him. And here he was, letting his insecurities fritter away his chance to talk to her again.
It was already early afternoon. He muttered to himself and rubbed at his forehead. "'Hi, Y/N.' 'Hi, is Y/N there?' 'This is Arthur. Is Y/N available?'" He swallowed hard. Should he ask her out? He couldn't afford much, but he had a few dollars in his wallet. The thought of being in her presence again made his stomach flip.
Before his doubts could claw him back down, he pushed himself off the counter, picked up the receiver, and jabbed her office number into the phone. He puffed on his cigarette, willing himself not to hang up as it rang on the other end.
"Shaw & Associates. How can I help you?"
The calmness in his words concealed the force he put into being able to speak. "Is this Y/N?"
"Arthur!" The smile in her voice reached through the line and grabbed him. "I'm glad to hear from you." Her tone softened. "When I didn't hear from you this morning, I was afraid I'd have to hunt you down."
He braced himself on the wall next to the phone, relief washing over him. This time, he was fairly certain she was flirting. A unfamiliar thrill went through him, thinking of how to flirt back. "Maybe you're talking with a ghost?" he attempted. Y/N snorted lightly. He closed his eyes, pushing the next words out. "I want to repay you for last night and was wondering -"
"You don't owe me anything," she interrupted.
"- if you like pie?" he continued without stopping.
There were a few seconds of silence before her answer. "I love pie."
He smiled widely. "Okay. I have an appointment in your area tomorrow. In your office area. It's at three."
Her response came quicker than he expected. "Meet me outside my building at one? The address is on the card."
He nodded to himself. "Yeah. Okay. That sounds good."
Y/N's gentle reply caused him to blush as he savored the sound of her voice. "I'm looking forward to it. See you then."
The receiver stayed in his hand until it began bleating at him. He slowly put it back in its cradle. Laughter started, genuine laughter, as he took a long drag off his cigarette.
What the hell was he going to wear?
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​@clowndaddyfleck​ @stephieraptorr
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cinnbar-bun · 4 years
No Logic in Friendship (Magisa x Lucilius)
A/n: Quarantine has done something to me so now you get this random ship I have thought of. I love them both so the idea of them being together makes me a bit happy and the dYNAMICS?!?!? I am here for it and now you must witness my madness. As always due to not much backstory and lore to these two IM TAKING IT INTO MY OWN HANDS AND MAKING MY OWN!
He is stuck. He is trapped. Despite being given free reign to explore so long as he was being watched, he felt entirely trapped inside the large ship. He murmurs to himself as he continues scribbling messy notes onto a journal that he was given by the captain. They sure were an eccentric one, deciding to keep him hostage here while giving him access to materials he could use. He couldn’t comprehend how that lunacy destroyed him once before.
But that was then, and this is now. And now his mind is crawling for some sort of knowledge. Something he could use. Perhaps even planning his escape. His thoughts were cut off when he heard a knock on the door.
“Knock, knock, dear~!” A teasing voice called.
Of course she would appear the moment he thought of something. She didn’t wait for an answer, instead she swung open the door, book in hand as she gave him her infamous sickly sweet smile.
“Good morning, you seem sprightly.” She said sarcastically as his frown grew bigger.
“What do you want, witch?” He spat out the last word before he continued writing. She merely giggled before she pulled a chair out and plopped herself right next to him.
“Oh you know the drill, dear. My dearest captain wants me to watch you to make sure you don’t get any ideas.”
“Tell your captain they can go shove it up their-“ he sighs and rubs his eyes. He doesn’t have the energy for this.
“Aw, Lucy are you tired?” She smirked.
“Shut up.” He growled as tried his best to ignore her. She chuckles as she leans over his shoulder. He slams the book shut and glares at her. “Do you mind?!”
“No, I don’t. I’m interested in what you’re writing. I mean-what if you’re planning on killing us all? That would be awful to let it happen right under my nose.”
“Trust me, if I could’ve, I would’ve had you all burnt to a crisp.” He grumbles. “Especially you.”
“Oh? Are you saying you like me, Lucy?” Magisa teasingly smiles.
“Hardly. You’re a pain to deal with. You’re even worse than Belial.”
“Me? I haven’t even shown you all of me. Unless this is your way of saying you wish to know me more intimately~?” She innocently batted her eyelashes at him as he rolled his eyes.
“Quiet. You’re a nuisance and you’re getting in the way of my research.”
“Well, what are you researching?”
“None of your business.”
“ACTUALLY- it really is. I was told to watch you so that is a duty I will carry out.” She stated, her voice lowering. He recognized it meant she was being serious.
“I’m trying to figure out how all of you imbeciles interact with one another without killing yourselves. You all are a bunch of annoyances, and I feel myself going insane from being in this hellhole for over a week!” Lucilius snapped. Magisa nodded and shrugged.
“It’s true, we are a crew of multiple types of people. But isn’t that what makes it so unique? No two people are exactly alike.” She said as tapped her chin.
“I think you all are just insane. I have never wanted to jump of the deck until I met those two idiots who screamed about punching and kicking one another. Or that hulking moron who was crying over his lost hat despite wearing it. The only reason he found it was because that assistant of his told him!” He recounted.
“Ah, you mean Feather and Randall. The ‘hulking moron’ is Barawa and his assistant is Sarya.” Magisa explained.
“I didn’t really ask.” He sighed.
“Well I just think you need to take it slow. Here, since you’re obviously just getting started with the whole ‘being nice’ attitude, why don’t we start off small?”
“What are you referring to?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, we haven’t properly introduced ourselves besides our names. You only see us as your enemy.” She said.
“And you only see me as a prisoner.”
“If we’re gonna be friends, then I’ll say that you’re a handsome prisoner. See, it’s not so hard to be nice to someone!” She smiled. He felt his cheeks heat up as he shook his head furiously.
“I don’t want to be your friend. Nor do I plan on ‘being nice’. You’re holding me here, and I’ll get out one day.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it. One thing you should know about me, when I want something, I won’t stop until I get it.”
“And what is it that you want?”
“I would like to show you that you can make friends and be nice. I mean, think of it like this, if you behave, you’ll get more freedom. Doesn’t that sound lovely?”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll kill you.” She said, grinning at him. “I’m sure you don’t wish to know a true power of a witch.”
He sighed.
“Good! Since you’re being compliant-“
“I never agreed.”
“Since you are compliant, let’s get this small experiment running.” She clapped her hands together.
“And what does this experiment entail?”
“Not much. It’s just about getting to know one another more. For starters, tell me what your favorite color is. I’ll go first- mine is red, as you can see.” She said as she tipped her hat.
Lucilius pondered it.
“I don’t have one. It’s stupid to prefer one color over the other. They mean nothing.”
“That’s boring. Come on, don’t think about it too much. What color makes you happy?”
“Colors don’t make people happy! What kind of idiotic statement is that?” Lucilius yelled.
“On the contrary, they do. Some people like things because it’s pleasing. Sometimes they like it because it reminds them of happy memories. You must have SOME sort of preference.” Magisa sighed in disbelief.
“You skydwellers are ridiculous. Fine. My favorite color is black. There. Is this stupid experiment done?”
“No. Why do you like black?”
“I don’t know. I don’t care to have a reason to know.” He said quickly.
“Well, maybe you should research yourself a bit more. I think you’ve forgotten about who you truly are.”
“I know who I am! I am Lucilius, head Astral researcher and I will not be talked down to like that!” Lucilius angrily shouted.
Magisa sat there, unfazed as she giggled.
“I just noticed, your eyes are a gorgeous shade of blue.” She said. “It’s a shame they’re always used for a frown.”
“Why you-! Insolent! Stupid! Gah-!” He yelled incoherently as he clawed at his hair. “I would rather be dead than endure this nonsense!”
“It’s not nonsense. It’s just what makes a person up. Surely you should know that, Head Astral Researcher.” Magisa teased.
“A color does not make a person. Their eyes do not make a person. What makes a person is their power and their intelligence!” Lucilius retorted. “What they control is what they are!”
“But you control nothing. So are you nothing then? You have no power here, Lucilius.” Magisa asked.
He growled before he looked away from her.
“Well? By your own logic you’re practically useless. But I think you should realize you’re with humans. Humans don’t need to use that logic.”
“It’s been the way we Astrals have lived by. Your use is only by what you can create and think and control.”
“And yet you Astrals were defeated by us humans. Do you see the fault in that logic?” Magisa pointed a finger at him. “Humans are more than machines. We do not need to abandon feelings in pursuit of greatness.”
“Humans are illogical. One day they’ll suffer their downfall. Human nature brings nothing but discourse and nonsense. It’s absolutely stupid that you would keep me, someone who was this close to ending the world and keep me alive. If you all were rational you would’ve just killed me.”
“Well, I’m sure there are plenty who want you dead. But nevertheless, because we are, in your words, ‘illogical’, we get more out of it. Sandalphon was once someone who felt betrayed and wanted to end the world. And now look at him. He’s one of our closest allies.” Magisa explained.
“Does that mean you wish for me to be dead?”
“Mm... I’m thinking about it. I think I would like to know you first before I decide if I should end you or not.” She grinned. “As I said, once I have a goal, I won’t stop until I get it done.”
Lucilius mulled over her words before he sighed.
“Fine. I’ll play along. I have nothing better to do and it could give me something slightly beneficial out of this.”
“I’m glad you had a change of heart. Why don’t you ask me some things?” Magisa stared at him and he pondered it for a moment.
“Why did you join this crew.”
“Because their goals aligned with mine. Of course, after I met them, I found a family to call my own. So now I wish to help them get to their goals too.”
“So you admit you were thinking selfishly? Isn’t that hypocritical?” Lucilius frowned.
“Well, yes, I was. I was thinking of myself. Just like you’re doing now. You really don’t have any interest in me, and you’re doing this now to relieve your boredom. And that’s fine. Not everything has to start off as absolutely friendly. But later on down the line, things can change. Who knows, maybe you’ll fall for me.” She grinned.
“Absolutely not.” He gagged.
“Kidding, kidding. But yes, I was selfish before. But I had made so much wonderful friends here. I think you could take the time to make some too.” Magisa explained.
“I doubt the rest agree.”
“And that’s okay too. Not everyone has to like you, just as you don’t have to like them. But maybe if you show them a side to you that’s nice, they might like you too.”
“This is ridiculous. Human relationships make no sense. There are things I’m supposed to suddenly get? You’re a hypocrite and you just agreed to that. So why am I in the wrong for doing as you once did?”
“Don’t forget you still committed a bunch of heinous acts. You definitely have that going against you. But I say this as someone who selfishly came onto this crew, things can change. And that’s what being human is all about. Changing. Who I am now is different from who I was the day I met the captain. The person I’ll be tomorrow is also different too. The same can be said for you, no matter how much you deny it.”
“Change, huh...” he repeated quietly.
“You Astrals invaded our world because your world was unchanging. And now you get a chance to change in this world, Lucilius.” He was a bit surprised that she actually said his name, and he thought of her words again.
“Okay. I’ll attempt this. Then how will you conduct this experiment? I want it all laid out for me step by step.”
“Being friends doesn’t take steps. It’s about finding out more about each other. You can’t have steps for that.”
“Then how are we supposed to get to know each other. You don’t have plan!”
“Not everything needs a plan.”
“Then how do you get things done? You expect me to just go about this unprepared?”
“You just use your feelings, Lucy. There’s nothing you need to prepare for.” Magisa responded. Lucilius sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
The thought of not having steps made him a bit anxious. Plans were what he used always. He always had a routine, a plan for everything he did. And now she just wanted him to not prepare for it? He didn’t know the first thing about her nonsensical experiment, and he was beginning to dread this project.
Damn this witch for making such stupid ideas.
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mxlxdroit · 4 years
black sails s2e9 liveblog
shit is going to go down in this episode, i can feel it
i never really liked richard guthrie but i am sad he’s dead
i don’t think flint is going to succeed in achieving his goals with peter ashe. that said, i’m interested to see what, if anything, he does accomplish
flint’s backstory with mr gates! and whoah! miranda! straight out of the gates saying you incited a murder ok girl
flint asking ashe to judge him for his end goals, not his means, is very reflective of his overall philosophy. i do wish he’d explain why he had such anger towards lord hamilton. then again, being like ‘im gay’ might hurt his case
i love billy. ‘i love the rigging crew but you are all so annoying. god bles’
i know the passage the pastor is quoting! actually one of the few verses i know decently well, and one of my favorites. ‘though i walk through the shadow of the valley of death, i shall know no fear, for you are with me.’ good for a funeral :(
randall!!!!!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
black sails has so many moments where everything goes wrong and i hate it every time. especially since you almost always can see it coming before the characters do. you know vane’s going to attack the ship and you know it’s going to go badly. i’m just glad he doesn’t have the entire walrus crew killed- that seems unusually merciful for him at this point in his arc
flint is more hopeful, and more like mcgraw, than i think i’ve ever seen him. he really thinks he’s going to succeed with ashe. i find it interesting that he views flint as a persona, when i don’t think it’s that simple. even if he feels his actions as flint are separate from who he really is, he still did them. he was flint, he is flint. but he doesn’t have to be flint forever, i guess is his hope- to be odysseus, and to never return to the sea.
eleanor’s slow turn against piracy is suuuuuper interesting. it goes from being her single business prospect to threatening a future of legitimacy. her plan with flint is actually a compromise of both of their dreams of independence, although i don’t think they realize that yet. getting ashe’s cooperation will give them legitimacy, and it may get pardons for all the pirates, but it folds them once more under civilization’s wing, and it’ll mean their freedoms will be curtailed in ways they won’t like. she gets seduced by the power that legitimacy could bring her.
oh eleanor... no.... using your massive power to kill people won’t work out
sweet to see that anne realizes she loves jack beyond what she feels she owes him tho. good scene
she was right to say what she said. the truth had to come out. it would have been simpler for flint not to know, but would it have been worth it?
billy managed to convince VANE to save flint? damn but he’s convincing
this episode paints vane in a bit of a different light. black sails is kind of actually about the concept of an independent nassau, which here is what vane is fighting for. hornigold and dufresne may be allied with the law by betraying eleanor, but they’re 1. betraying someone for personal gain and at the expense of everyone who relies on her and 2. by doing so, completely destroying nassau’s future. so that makes vane, who though he is much more violent and lawless than hornigold and dufresne, much more sympathetic because he’s actually fairly honorable and will fight to create/at least preserve a free nassau.
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darkshadow90 · 4 years
His Obsession Chapter 11
A/N: Hey guys. Here’s chapter 11. It takes place after the Gotham riots. Arthur has been taken to Arkham, and he gets some visitors. I ended up putting Joker in the story, but that will be in the next few chapters. Hope you like this one :)
Chapter 11
Ashe was confused about how she ended up in the hospital. “The hospital? But how? The last thing I remember was Arthur grabbing me before I tried to jump out of the kitchen window. Did he bring me here?” “No. After Arthur lost his shit and killed Randall, I was afraid of what might happen to you, so I was gonna call the police. Luckily, as I was on my way to a phone booth, I came across two detectives. I told them about what happened. Unfortunately, Arthur was gone by the time they got there. They found you unconscious on the bed. You weren’t responding to them, so they called for an ambulance. I’m glad I was able to get help for you in case something awful happened.” Ashe didn’t know what to say. She knew thanking him wasn’t enough. “I really owe you big time, Gary. But why? Why did you help me?” “It was nothing, really. I couldn’t just leave you there. It was the right thing to do. When Randall mentioned he saw your name in the papers, I knew you were the same girl who was missing, and that Arthur must’ve kidnapped you. I just...had to get you out if there somehow. I had no idea how sick he was. I knew he had problems, but for him to kidnap you, and then kill Randall like that...it’s bonkers. I thought I should wait with you until you woke up. The detectives want to talk to you, so I should probably let them know you’re awake.” Ashe nodded. “Gary?” He turned back to her. “Would you mind staying with me for awhile? I don’t want to be alone right now. After everything that’s happened, I just...” she choked up mid sentence trying not to sob. “I just need someone here.” “I understand.” “Thanks, Gary.” He nodded and left.
A few minutes later, Gary came back with the detectives. “Hi, Ashe. I’m detective Burke and this is detective Garrity. We have a few questions we’d like to ask you. Are you feeling up to it?” “Sure.” “Great. As you know, we’ve been looking for a man.” “Arthur.” “Yes, that’s right. Arthur Fleck. Can we ask you some questions about him?” “Go ahead.” “When we found you in his apartment, you were heavily sedated. Were you aware he had sedatives?” Ashe’s stomach dropped. “No. Are you saying he drugged me? Is that why I feel so sluggish?” “Most likely yes.” ‘That crazy bastard drugged me! He drugged me and I had no idea! Fuck. He could have done anything and I wouldn’t have been able to stop him.’ “Did he mention anything about murdering people on a subway a few weeks ago? What about his mother, Penny? We found the body of his co-worker in his apartment.” “Easy on the questions, Burke. She’s a victim, not a suspect.” “Right. Sorry,” detective Burke said. Ashe began sobbing uncontrollably. “Yes. I’m sorry. He said he killed those three guys because they were harassing a girl on the subway and beating him up. He told me he killed his mom because she lied to him his whole life and let her boyfriend abuse him. And he killed Randall because he thought he betrayed him. In Arthur’s diary there’s an entry that mentioned him being fired for bringing a gun to the kids hospital. It mentioned Hoyt told Arthur that Randall told Hoyt Arthur tried to buy a gun off him the week before. I’m sorry. I should’ve done something. I know one of you called. I wanted to call you back, I really did, but Arthur was right there. I was scared. I was worried he might snap completely. I’m sorry.” Ashe was still sobbing. “Ashe, it’s alright. You were being held against your will. You’re not in trouble. But we need to find Arthur, okay? Can you tell us where he was going?” It suddenly hit Ashe like a truck. “Oh, no. Murray! He said he was going on the Murray Franklin show tonight. Please, I have this feeling that something terrible will happen. You have to stop him!” Gary turned on the TV. It was too late. The news was already reporting Murray Franklin’s death. They said a clown named Joker shot him. Ashe knew who it was. She didn’t want to see it. She covered her face with the pillow. Gary and the detectives watched in horror. Ashe heard Arthur’s voice. “You get what you deserve!” She heard the gunshot and the screams of the audience. Arthur’s maniacal laughter was the last thing she heard before the reporter was back on the screen. “Thankfully, Joker has been apprehended and will be taken to Arkham State Hospital. Though we still advise everyone to keep their doors and windows locked to remain safe from the riots.” “It’s finally over.” Burke sighed in relief. Ashe didn’t feel the same way. Her gut told her it was far from over.
It had been almost a week since Arthur was taken to Arkham. During that time, he received two visitors. They wore clown masks to hide their faces. They considered themselves followers. On the night of the riot, they helped Arthur escape police custody before he was apprehended for the second time that night. “Listen, boys. I need you to do me a favor. There’s a girl asleep in my apartment. Her name is Ashe. I need someone to be there with her when she wakes up, and make sure she’s safe from harm. She has anxiety issues and a terrible fear of clowns. I planned on being back in time to get changed so she wouldn’t have to see me as a clown, but that’s not gonna happen so that’s why I need you. Do whatever you have to do to keep her safe, and make sure you’re not wearing those masks around her. Come to Arkham in a few days, and let me know how things are going, got it?” “Sure, boss.” It was time for them to give an update, and unfortunately they had bad news. “Looks like some fans if yours have come to visit,” the orderly said. Arthur sat there smoking his cigarette and shrugged, signaling to let them in. “So? How is she?” “Boss, we have bad news. We did everything you said, but when we got to your place, she was gone.” Arthur pressed down on the table so hard his knuckles were turning white. It made the two men nervous. Arthur relaxed his grip on the table and sighed. “I should’ve been more careful. The cops must have found her. I should’ve known they’d take my angel away from me. I need to get her back.” “Don’t worry, boss. We’ll find her. It might not be easy to break you out of here. They aren’t gonna let you walk out of here.” “Of course they won’t, but think of the fun we’re gonna have with them.”
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 years
Truth to Triumph
Chapter 4: The Secret
July 6, 1904 
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Six days later, Jamie arrived at the Beauchamp family brownstone on East Twenty-Second Street and Third Avenue, holding a bottle of wine wrapped in a paper bag.
 The home couldn’t have been any different from the two-room tenement he had grown up in on West Fourteenth Street – let alone the rented room on Stanton Street that housed his belongings and a simple iron bed.
 The townhouse was elegant. Understated. Beautiful and well-designed – as the brownstone of a lauded architect would be.
 And, as he would quickly discover – a very lived-in and much beloved home.
 The door was opened by an Irish chambermaid, who quietly escorted him to the parlor.
 Henry Beauchamp’s home was quite a few blocks south and avenues over from the mansions he designed for New York’s rich and famous – but seeing his work up close and personal made Jamie realize just why he was in such high demand.
 The parlor where he waited was cozy without feeling small. Decorated with a thick Persian carpet over a mahogany inlaid floor, shelves and tabletops covered tastefully with art and decorative objects from all over the world. Early evening sunlight streamed through the windows, overlooking the street and framed by window boxes of forget-me-nots.
 Footsteps in the hallway – Jamie rose. There was Claire…leading a small boy by the hand.
 It was immediately apparent that the boy was a carbon copy of her – her whisky eyes, her riotous brown curls.
 Jamie crouched down to the boy’s level, smiling. “Hello.”
 “Hi,” the boy shyly responded.
 “Can you introduce yourself?” Claire knelt at the boy’s side, encouraging him gently.
 The boy straightened his well-made but grubby shirt. “I’m Henry. Who are you?”
 “I’m Jamie.” Jamie reached out one hand, and to his surprise the boy shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Henry.”
“Do you like roast chicken?”
 Jamie’s smile widened. “Yes, I do like roast chicken very much. Do you?”
 The boy nodded. “I’d have it every day, if Nanny Fitz would let me.”
 “Now.” Claire straightened the boy’s lapels. “Mama is going to sit with Jamie here in the parlor for a while. Can you get back upstairs to the nursery? I promise I’ll be with you for your roast chicken supper tonight.”
 He nodded, then grinned brightly, smacking her cheek with an exaggerated kiss.
 It was the first time Jamie heard Claire laugh.
 Henry made a quick polite bow toward Jamie, then scampered up the winding staircase at the end of the hall, disappearing as the marble stairs twisted away onto the next landing.
 Claire stood and extended a hand, helping Jamie to his feet. She led him to the parlor and softly sank into a plush couch; he sat in the armchair at her right.
 Silence stretched. He waited for her to speak.
 “He’s four – he’ll be five in August. He’s spirited, and inquisitive – Papa says I was the same, at his age. He encouraged that in me, and I want to do the same for my son.”
 He listened.
 “Yes, he’s mine. And no, he doesn’t have a father – not even on his birth certificate.”
She paused.
 “The other day, in the courtyard at the hospital, you said you wanted to know me. Now you know what many people don’t know.”
She gave him a long look. “That’s valuable information, for someone in the press.”
 “You know I’d never betray your confidence, Claire.” He held her gaze. “But why tell me? You could have easily chosen to not do so.”
 “You’re right. I decided to trust you instead. Time will tell who’s the fool here.”
 “Excuse me?”
 The maid re-appeared at the door, carrying a tray laden with a silver tea service.
 “Thank you Lizzie.” Claire gestured to the table in front of them. “You can set it down here.”
 The maid did so, then quickly retreated from the room. Claire scooted to the front of the couch.
 “How do you like your tea, Jamie?”
 “Black, I suppose. I’m not much of a tea drinker.”
 Carefully she poured the steaming tea into a solid china cup.
 “And how do you like your tea, Claire?”
 She set his cup on a rattan coaster on the coffee table, then poured her own cup.
 “With a bit of cream. No sugar – all the latest medical research says that added sugar is not the best of things for one’s health.”
 Jamie wrapped his hands around the mug and sipped his tea. “Where on earth do you find the time to read medical research, between traveling to the hospital and spending time with your family?”
 She sipped her own tea. “I manage. I always figure it out.”
 He met her eyes. “I don’t doubt that one bit about you, Claire.”
 For a while they talked about this and that. The article he had been researching about sanitariums. His ideas for a series in the World about Slocum survivors. Her experiences with a particularly trying patient that day.
 And then –
 “Why haven’t you asked me more about Henry?”
 He pursed his lips. “Because it’s none of my business. Because it’s your story to tell.”
 “He does have a father, of course. But I haven’t spoken to him in years.”
 Jamie swallowed. “Is he Randall’s son?”
 Her eyes closed. “He’s my son. But yes, Randall fathered him.”
 Jamie paused, swirling the dregs in his teacup.
 “He forced himself on me. It was in the cab, on the way back from the opera. Bizet’s Carmen. He had had far too much to drink at dinner, and then at the intermission, and then after the performance.” Her fingers drummed on the rim of her teacup. “It was very quick. But as my professors taught me in medical school, once is all it takes.”
 She set down her teacup. “I broke it off the next day. He doesn’t even know. Nobody in his family knows.”
 Jamie could find exactly nothing to say.
 “Thank God my parents have supported every decision I’ve made along the way. They know it’s not my fault – do you know how many other parents would think otherwise? Send their daughters to Europe for six months, to recover? No. My parents hired tutors to come to me when I was showing too much to go to class. Nanny Fitz – she was my nanny growing up – was thrilled to step in. None of my professors knew – and certainly none of my classmates. Fortunately he was born in the summertime, during vacation.”
 “What do you tell everyone?”
 She shrugged. “We say that he was the son of a second cousin from upstate, and orphaned in a typhus epidemic. It happens often enough – you know that from being in the news business. Nobody questions it. They praise us, even, for taking on such a charity case.”
 A pause.
 “But it does grate on me – to not be able to acknowledge him as my own, out in the world. I take him out, of course – when he was a baby I pushed his pram, and now that he’s older we go on walks together. Even visit Madison Square Park.”
 It was too much. She had to know that she had his support. So slowly, tentatively he reached his hand to lie atop hers.
 “You don’t have to bear such a heavy burden alone, Claire.”
 She looked at him. Really looked at him.
 “I’m not alone – I’ve got Mama and Papa and Nanny Fitz.”
 “That’s not what I mean. And you know it.”
 “I know it’s not, Jamie. But at the end of the day – it’s not just me I have to worry about. You can’t blame me for being cautious. How do I know you won’t hurt me like he did?”
 Jamie was taken aback.
 “What makes you think I would?”
 “I don’t exactly have the best track record, do I? Plus, I’ve got Papa’s money, and this house, hanging like a porkchop around my neck. And I’m pretty enough to look at.”
 “You are.”
 She snorted. “Like I said – plenty of reasons for unsavory characters to come knocking.”
 “But that’s not your fault, is it? And surely you don’t think I’m unsavory.”
 She didn’t answer.
 Somewhere in the house a grandfather clock chimed.
 “You want much more than an article, don’t you, Jamie?”
 “Like I said, Claire – I want to know you. Whatever you care to show me.”
 “But why?”
 “I will be honest with you, Claire – for it’s what you deserve. Why? Because I find myself wanting very much to be a part of your life. “
 Her eyes widened.
 Now he took her hands between both of his. Pressing them tightly.
 “Claire, I’ll have you in whatever way I can. Whatever way you will have me.”
 She swallowed. “But why, Jamie? I still don’t understand why.”
 Now he smiled. “Don’t tell me that maybe out of something terrible, something beautiful can happen. That two people who are in so many ways alone, can find each other.”
 Her eyes filled with tears. He longed to thumb them away – but held his distance. Respectful. Trying his best to puzzle out this strange, singular woman.
 “Miss Claire?”
 She whirled to face Lizzie in the doorway.
 “Dinner is served.”
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likingletsplays · 5 years
Could you maybe do 62 and 63 with Yan and Eric?
62 its ok their gone now
63 why do they have to be so cruel?
Authors note:
Please be nice to me. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to write Yan
Also I am so sorry it took me so long to get to this
Eric sat on the barstool swiveling back and forth. He slid his empty coffee cub pack and forth between his hands. Eric sighed and looked down at the new black prosthetics. He was very grateful for them, he couldn’t of asked for something better. The Googles and Bing had gone above and beyond what he could have ever hoped for. But he also hated how much he stumbled and almost fell anywhere he walked. His old prosthetics were broken beyond repair but he had “fixed” them. They were more duct tape then anything but he had learned how to walk in them. So with the new shiny ones, he felt like he had lost his legs all over again and was learning to walk in prosthetics all over again. He rubbed his yellow handkerchief between his fingers, took a deep breath and turned to stand up. This would be the best time. If he didn’t leave now he would be stuckin the kitchen all through lunch.
He jumped when a loud voice carried to him from down the hall that he didn’t recognize “Dark won’t be happy about zis.” The voice saidcoming into view. Two men supported a third between them who was visibly drunk. This must be the septiceye egos that everyone had been talking about for the last week and a half.
“Can you go find Bing?” the other man huffed. Eric had never seen someone look like this before, he had long bright green hair and waswearing what looked like a cat mask. Eric watched as the two men skid the third man into the chair.
“Ill go now.” The man who looked like Dr. Iplier said, turning away and running out of sight.
“I…don’t want to see that bastard.” The third man slurred swaying forward in the chair, “you keep him –hic- away from me Marvin. Stacyhas already done enough damage. I don’t need-hic-more pain.”
“Chase,” Marvin chastised pushing a lock of green hair away from his mask, “Bing is your best friend. Drink some water.” Marvin waved his hand in the air, with a puff of green dust a water bottle appered in his hand. Heheld it out to Chase.
Chace took the water bottle and threw it half way across the room. He then turned his glassy blue eyes onto Eric, “Who’s the cripple?”
Eric felt his face redden “My name is Eric.”
“Fuck off cripple. I already have enough people wanting to see my pain. I don’t want you here.” Chase slurred. He leaned back in his seatand closed his eyes.
Marvin rubbed the back of his neck looking embarrassed, “Sorry….It’s Eric right?” Eric nodded, “He isn’t always like this. He is actually one of the sweetest of us…he is just having some family issues right now. He starteddrinking early this morning and by the time we understood what was going on…it was too late to try to do anything about it.”
Eric gave an understanding smile, “I’m used t-to it. A-a lot of people used t-to b-be mean t-tome s-sober. A-and I understand t-the loss of family a-as w-well. It changes people. S-some people b-become monsters….” Eric’s eyes stayed locked on chase. He reminded him strongly of his own father after his brothers and mom had passed away. “W-what is he running from? W-what doesn’t he w-want t-to remember s-so bad t-that he hides himself in a-alcohol?”
Marvin opened his mouth to answer but Chase’s eyes flew open rage apparent in them, “It’s none of your damn business,” he yelled, “And if you can’t not stutter or talk about things that aren’t your business you need to keep your mouth closed your hurting my head.”
“Chase,” Marvin said a sharp tone in his voice. A phone began to ring. Marvin reached into his black cape and pulled the phone out, “HelloAnti?…yeah you need to get here now. He is beyond messed up. Dark is going to be so pissed.” Marvin walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
“So how’d you-hic-lose your legs? Did they fall off because they hated the sound of your stuttering?” Chase asked laughing.
Eric gritted his teeth but turned when he heard the front door open and close. Yan walked into the kitchen her eyes puffy and red herhood pulled up almost coving her eyes. “Chase you need to shut up. Papa Warfshashewon’t like hearing you talk like that to Eric.”
“I don’t take advice from someone who doesn’t even know what gender he is. Get out of my fucking face.” Chase answered back crossing his arms.
To Eric’s surprise Yan burst into tears and ran out of the kitchen. “I don’t know who you think you are!” Eric exclaimed balling his handsinto fists, “But you need to shut the fuck up. Everyone here knows Yan is a woman and you need to keep your opinions to yourself. She has been a she for years. So leave her alone!” Eric stood, nearly falling on the floor face first. He caught himself on the chair and left the kitchen with Chase’s cruel laughter following him. Eric followed the direction that Yan had gone and knew there would be two places she would possibly go and he was betting on the makeshift shooting range that Wilford had shown him and Randal their first day here. He walked quickly past Marvin who was still on the phone and collided with another body. Theyboth fell to the floor.
“I’m so sorry Eric!” Bing gasped helping pull Eric back onhis feet.
“It’s fine.”  Ericsaid flattening himself against the wall as Bing continued to run down thehallway the Dr looking man and King not far behind.
Eric slowly made his way to the shooting range and saw Yan held her throwing knives. She took one and threw it at the wooden pole. The knife sunkdeep into the wood.
“Yan a-are you ok? I know b-being made fun of isn’t easy. B-but he is just a-a drunk blubbering idiot w-who doesn’t know w-what he is t-talking a-about.”
Yan turned her head to lock eyes with Eric. Her hood was still up and there were tears streaming down her cheeks, “Why do they have to be so cruel?”
“W-who is t-they?” Eric asked walking forward and leaning against the wooden table. With shaking hands she reached up and pulled her hood down. Her usually long red hair had clumps cut out. There were even parts thatyou could see her scalp. “W-who?” Eric repeated anger and horror in his voice now.
“Girls from my swim class,” Yan sniffled hiding her face in her hands, her body shaking, “I thought college would be easier but no.”
“Yan.” Eric sighed pulling his friend into his arms.
“I wish I could tell you it’s ok they are all gone now,” Yan whispered glaring down at the table, “But they are still alive. Dad won’t have a mess to clean up for me again. Maybe he will see me as an adult now and not a child who doesn’t know how to control her feelings.”
Eric laughed half-heartedly, “I’m pretty s-sure Dark w-would have understood t-this. T-they w-weren’t t-trying to s-steal your s-sempi…t-theya-actually hurt you.”Yan sniffled and pulled away, “I want to make dad happy…and my hair will growout again.”
“A-and you w-want t-to impress Red t-too.” Eric teased.
Yan smiled slightly, brushing her tears away, “Is it thatobvious?”
“Probably not t-to a-all t-the Egos, b-but I’ve s-seen your s-shrine in your closet.” Eric said laughing
Yan laughed as well. They stopped and turned. The sound of ringing could be heard, which only meant one thing Dark was coming over. Yan yanked her hood up as Dark and someone Eric had never seen before walked into view. Eric couldn’t look away from this man he was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his entire life. His hair was died brown and the roots of his hair were green like Marvin’s. His ears were pointed and gaged. His eyes were a dark blue with a tint of red behind the iris. His teeth were pointed and he had a breath taking smile. There was something slightly off about him. His figure was somewhat stable but would move like a television trying to find a good signal and he had squares of what seemed to be his form falling away from him and dissipating into nothing “W-whos that?”
“That’s Anti.” Yan whispered back before they came into ear shot.
“I am so sorry for anything that Chase said to you today Eric. I was told of some of them and I wish I could have gotten here sooner. Wewill be keeping him away from alcohol. Bing and King will be with him until he sobers up and when he is himself..” Anti began to explain.
“Look I know loosing family changes people. I’ve s-seen it happen first hand. S-so there a-are no hard feelings on my part.” Eric repliedfeeling himself blush in embarrassment from his stutter. This was one of the times he wished he could impress the person in front of him.
Anti smiled softly, “I like you Eric. Thank you for being understanding of the uh..” he turned to look at Dark who had his black eyes locked on Yan who was purposely inspecting the grass at her feet, “misunderstanding. I also understand that Chase said something to you Yan and again I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Yan said quietly.
“Yan will you please join me in my office?” Dark asked stepping forward and holding his hand out. Yan sighed putting her throwing knives down on the table and taking Dark’s hand. They both walked away.
“S-so w-why does your s-skin do t-that?” Eric asked turning his eyes nervously to the man. He had never had such a strong case of butterfliesin his stomach in his life. Anti walked over to stand next to Eric.
Anti held up his arm as a few squares fell and faded, “I am not technically a person. I am aglitch that manifested into existence with the help of Sean. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard all about me.”
Eric heard the bitter tone in his voice, “I a-actually haven’t heard a-anything a-about you yet.”
“So you know how Dark is betrayed on Mark’s channel as being the villain and wanting to end Mark and his channel?” Anti asked picking up one of Yan’s discarded throwing knives and twirling it slowly in his fingers.
“Yeah, b-but he isn’t like t-that in real life. Dark is one of t-the most caring people t-that I know.” Eric responded his eyes flickering between the knife in Anti’s hand and his beautiful blue eyes.
“So I’m like that too. I have to play a part. Yes there are things wrong with me but that is everyone.” Anti explained throwing the knife and it stuck in the wood under where Yan had thrown her knife.
“You know I w-would w-want t-to get t-to know you off t-the camera instead of in front of it. I hope you w-would b-be t-the s-same w-way b-because I hate b-being on camera. I s-stutter worse t-than t-this, I forget my lines….I’mnot meant t-to b-be in front of it.”
Anti reached over and hooked his fingers under Eric’s chin and lifted it so their eyes would meet, “Eric I couldn’t imagine someone betterstanding in front of the camera.”
Eric felt like his head was spinning. His heart was beating so hard it felt like it might escape through his chest and he couldn’t catch his breath. Suddenly a loud explosion came from behind them. Eric pulled away looking around Anti in time to see glass falling to the floor from Dark’s office.
“Eric I wouldn’t.” Anti started to say but Eric ignored him. He ducked under his arm and ran full sprint to the house. He ran down thehallway past the kitchen and came to a halt. He frowned in confusion. Wilford and Yan crouched near the floor, Wilford covering Yan with his own body. Eric turned to look into Dark’s office and saw what looked like a black wave rushingtowards him.
“Eric.” Anti gasped grabbing Eric’s arm and wrapping himself around him pressing him to the other side of the wall. With a grunt Ericcovered his ears as a loud screeching yell washed over them along with the black wave. When it cleared Eric maneuvered his head to see that Wilford’s shirt was shredded and he was bleeding.
“W-what’s going on?” Eric asked as Anti pressed himself harder against Eric as another black wave crashed out from Dark’s office.
“It’ll be done soon.” Anti whispered gritting his teeth together as another wave came through, “Dark is very angry about something andsometimes,” Anti groaned in pain as another wave came through, “he loses control. He will calm soon.” Eric closed his eyes and pressed his face against Anti’s chest. After a few minutes Dark walked out of his office sweaty and paler than usual.
“What happened?” Anti asked stepping back from Eric but his arms still resting on his shoulders.
Yan stood helping support Wilford. Her hood was off, “He wants to kill them.”
Anti glared, “I would have exploded too Dark.”
Yan sighed, “We will be fine. I dropped the class and I told Dad if something like this happens again I’ll take care of it myself.”
Dark scoffed and watched Yan help Wilford walk down the hall towards Dr. Ipliers room, “she won’t ever have to worry about those littlebitches ever again. Ill tear them limb from limb.”
“I’ll help.” Anti said sliding his hands away from Eric.Eric watched the two walk back into Dark’s office. He wished he could be brave enough to follow but this was just something he wasn’t comfortable with. Murder was not his thing. He was one of the few if only sane Egos. He slid down the wall and closed his eyes. He imagined the feel of Anti’s body pressed against his and for a moment enjoyed the fantasy that Anti had done it because he had wanted to, not out of necessity to save his life.
Authors note:
No I don’t think Seán or Chase would ever be like this. It just worked with my story
46 notes · View notes
Disaster Bisexuals ~ R.C. (Part 3)(Final)
A/n: I wanted to finish this trilogy before I started on my asks. Those will be posted next!
Word Count: 4600+
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They went out to the woods, everyone once again following Y/n's lead. He found it too odd not to make a comment. "Fun fact I'm never in charge."
"Surprising," Randall responded. "You seem to be really good at it."
Y/n snorted in amusement. "I'm never letting you forget that." He stopped and then turned to face them. "This is far enough."
He looked at the others expectantly before removing his own shirt when no one did anything. They all smiled at each other before following suit and soon they were all transformed. They were back, baby. Nothing was going to stop them this time. They returned, rushing at the sound of magic, to Alyssa of all people being in the Den, over an unconscious Order member.
Jack looked to Y/n, who nodded. If he wanted to kill her... Somehow Y/n understood that Jack knew. He went inside and Y/n kept the others at bay.
"I can help you."
A pause and they watched Jack turn back into a human. Alyssa seemed overcome with relief... and also the image of Jack completely naked in front of her. Even in the tension, it was amusing to Y/n. "You could help a monster?"
That took Y/n's amusement away. Why did Jack still listen to Alyssa more than he listened to his life long best friend? What the fuck? "You're not monsters," Alyssa assured. "You're the Knights of Saint Christopher. You're the Champions."
"And we were friends," Jack added after a very long time.
"Yes." Y/n almost rolled his eyes, if he hadn't been a wolf instead of a human. The others were getting agitated. They weren't as in control as Y/n was. "Close friends." She struggled on the words. "Which is why I can help you. Your memories. Your real memories. They'd been suppressed. I can return them, but... you need to be human."
"What do you think guys?" Jack asked.
They turned back into humans, grabbing the robes they had abandoned when they'd gotten dressed before. When Alyssa whispered, "Oh- thank god," it wasn't clear if she was relieved by the slight less revealing attire of the others, or the fact that they hadn't killed her.
Y/n wasn’t quite done with that option yet though.
"Help us?" Y/n stepped forward and even Jack stepped back. Whatever anger Gad eased before had returned now. "Help us?” He wasn’t quite snapping, but he was a thin tether. The relief of seeing his friends again had twisted in the fact that he had lost them in the first place. “Where were you six months ago when we needed help? When we helped YOU and those people you defend so much? When you all turned on us after we put our necks on the line for you and wiped out memories and THEN ransacked our home?” She flinched as Y/n took another step forward. “Where was Alyssa when I was alone and couldn’t trust anyone? When my life long best friend looked at me like he’d never even met me in his entire life? When my boyfriend-“ His throat closed and her was shaking, his hands curled into fists. He looked away from her. It wasn’t anger that drove him now but pain, and she wasn’t enough of his friend to see him hurt like this.
Alyssa swallowed the lump in her throat. “Y/n I can’t imagine what you went through, I-“
“No,” Y/n agreed, looking back. He had relaxed but the ache had not eased. “I didn’t remember for one week. Just one. One week, one whole week, and I couldn’t even-“ he cut off again, growling at the way his throat clogged. Finally being able to talk about it was hard. He had trained himself for the last six months to be silent and do closed off and push people away and pull himself along inch by inch - by himself. This pain was apart of him and everyone in the room could see it. Y/n scoffed after a second, shaking his head. “You know what, forget me. Where were you when Gabriella walked Jack around like he was a trophy - just to get to you? When she gaslight him with actual brainwash and changed how he acted and dressed and the color of his hair and controlled how he spoke to her and treated her and interacted with people? What about about when he needed you?”
Alyssa had nothing to say. She just looked at Y/n, desperately avoiding the looks from the others. Y/n knew that Lilith and Randall would be murderous, and Hamish wouldn’t be far behind. Jack... goddamnit he didn’t deserve to hear this. “I’m sorry,” was all Alyssa had to offer.
Y/n scoffed, shaking his head. “You know what I’m not going to waste energy on you. It’s not my place to demand answers for you on the behalf of other people.” He looked at Jack. “I’m sorry.” Jack just shook his head, easing the worry. Dismissing it even. He seemed almost supportive of Y/n’s pushing and prodding and demanding. Maybe he had wanted her to answer... but that wasn’t for Y/n to be here for. So he turned back to her, focusing on her watery eyes that made him feel not even a lick of guilt. "You have one chance," Y/n warned. "I'm keeping you alive to restore their memories. Betray us and I promise you, I won't just get away but I will come back with a murderous rage - do you understand me? I will take out every one of you and your precious cultist demon spawn." He stepped close to her, his voice low and even and very, very dangerous. He wanted for her to nod before he walked away.
It was natural for him to end up downstairs, in the basement. He had ended up here so many times... now it was painful. He looked at the empty room and he realized for the first time that this place had become a safe haven. Where he'd come when everything had gotten bleak and terrible. Now it had been gutted and everything that had shaped this home... it was gone. He sighed, squatting on the floor to organize his thoughts.
Breathe. Calm down. Think. Control yourself. You’ll figure it out. You’ll be okay.
It was only a minute later when he realized it had gotten quiet. Too quiet. Far, far too quiet. He wasn’t sure when exactly it had gone so silent, but it made him anxious so he made his way upstairs with a terrible feeling sinking into his gut, chased by a simmering rage and dark resolve. She better not have.
Empty. Everyone was gone. There was a dusting of white powder everywhere.
Y/n felt his eyes glow silver as his rage rose. His hands turned to claws and a growl rose up from his throat. He was going to end them. Every. Single. Fucking. One. He would kill her. He would kill everyone.
"Whoa whoa there tiger." Y/n jumped, his eyes finding Randall. When their gazes met, Y/n almost collapsed in relief. There was recognition. “Randall?"
He smiled, chuckling weakly. "Hey, Y/n." There was life in his eyes. Clear knowing. Every inch of anger and desperation and agony melted away in relief and elation so vibrant and colorful that Y/n almost broke into a sob right then and there.
"Y/n." He turned at his name to see Jack. Blonde now, but with that same knowing look. Y/n covered his mouth with both hands. Jack smiled before opening his arms and Y/n ran into them, hugging him tightly.
He saw Hamish and hugged him as well, going to Lilith right after. "You guys are all back?" They nodded before Y/n turned to Randall, begging.
Randall moved closer, raising his hand to touch Y/n's face. "Hey there." The words were a repeat of the greeting that had been interrupted before and Y/n completely melted.
"Hi," he whispered.
"I know you guys need some time to figure all... THAT out," Hamish sighed. "But we have work to do."
Randall and Y/n looked away from each other. "Right." Everyone was looking at him and he shifted. "You guys have your memories back don't you?” He cleared his throat. “What's going on Hamish?" He was uncertain, trying to collect himself as he shifted the leadership back where it usually was.
They seemed to realize what they were doing. Hamish cleared his throat and stepped forward. Y/n finally let out a breath. Thank god. He didn’t like being in charge. He was too similar to Midnight these days; the both of them were grunt workers. No leader. Barely a second in command if needed. And they were okay with that. It allowed them to sit back and react. To be there when needed and keep an eye on everything. They could feel without the pressure of keeping it together; fall apart without everyone noticing immediately. They could see things and jump in if needed.
For a second, Y/n had anything. He had his friends again. His family. He had his position in the group back, and their dynamic back. He had his knowledge and stood as someone to bounce ideas off of or get details from.
The only thing he didn’t have was time.
It seemed the world was really against giving Y/n and Randall the time to sit down and talk to each other about their feelings. Give them time even to just express those said feelings. Every time they were alone it usually left them both exhausted or severely stressed out. They barely had time to catch each other up on everything they'd missed in the time apart. They spent a lot of time cuddling. Somewhat because Randall had really REALLY missed Y/n... but it was mostly that Y/n was readjusting to having other people being in the Den again. He was startled by the others constantly and got very anxious when they were suddenly gone for long amounts of time, even if it was just for class.
Randall seemed to be helping though. They talked about what it had been like. They talked about how much Randall hadn't realized Y/n had been helping with his classes and how much he treasured real friends before he'd forgotten all of them and had only the one fake friend.
Aside from Y/n adjusting to having his friends back, Randall was also adjusting to having his feelings back. The little habits he used to have that had made their friendship and flirtiness so natural had gone away. Now everything seemed a little awkward and forced. Everything needed time to get used to. They hadn't realize how many habits Randall had that allowed him to touch Y/n until Randall manifested them and Y/n jumped at the contact, having been so anxious about proximity up to this point. When Randall would put his arm around Y/n's shoulders, or touch his shoulder or grab his arm or wrist or hand for whatever reason. Randall touched Y/n a lot, and each time it was an iffy stop and go for Randall, who simultaneously had but didn't have these habits. The things he used to do so naturally belonged to a person he hadn't known had existed for six months, and he had unlearned them. But that person was still there and to THAT Randall, they were still natural and habit.
In Summary: trying to figure a relationship out between Randall, who was only just realizing how central Y\n was to his everyday life, and Y/n, who had forged a lifestyle that kept people far away from him - who had gotten anxious about proximity while his friends had been gone, amidst all the other drama and complications to life that came with their current Werewolf-versus-Warlock situation.... It was near impossible, and there was next to no time to do it.
Then Jack suggested a Magic Heist. Which was a great idea until they walked into the fear hallway.
Y/n had expected his greatest fear to be his friends dying. A year ago, that would have been the worst thing ever. When Jack had died it had carved him in half. It had destroyed him. The loneliness of losing someone that meant so much to him was unbearable. Not to mention the, you know, actually losing someone who meant so much to you part.
Recently though, Y/n had been introduced to something far, far worse. So it wasn't bloody bodies or creepy dolls or sinister Orders or death itself that Y\n confronted in that hallway. It was a school hallway, empty except for his friends and those of the Order that had been sent to babysit them. Instead, this time, Alyssa was next to Jack instead of Gabrielle. He felt his heart squeeze. "Guys!" He called.
They all looked at him. Randall glared. "A werewolf."
Y/n felt his heart begin to race. “We're all werewolves!" Y/n was hysteric.
Each one of his friends pulled a mask up. The last thing he saw were those distant, empty looks. The one he had seen aimed at him for six months. Looks that lacked any recognition or care. Looks that came with each and every memory of him being taken from their minds. Looks that meant the Order had won. They were all part of the wrong side and Y/n was never going to get them back again. Alyssa raised a hand and cast a spell and somehow, Y/n knew it was going to kill him. Those who had once been like family to him, now didn't even flinch as he died.
To say that he wasn't willing to talk about it when everyone went around the table to share their nightmares was an understatement. He was shocked that everyone else agreed. Even Lilith. It had almost made Y/n share too, but when it came to his turn all he did was shake his head.
"Come on," Randall encourages. "We're bonding. This is bonding. Even Lilith shared." Y/n only looked away.
Jack spoke up in Y/n defense. "If he doesn't want to share he doesn't have to."
Randall let it go then, but Y/n should have known he'd come back to it when they were alone. Which happened to be soon after they all got into a fight about whether or not to summon a demon of all things, leaving Randall and Y/n on the opposing side of the other three. When the pair left, opting out of the single dumbest idea any of them had ever had, Randall didn't wait long before he asked, "So... your fear in the Hallway of Doom."
Y/n sighed. He didn't have the energy to fight Randall on this. "You guys didn't remember me. But this time, you were part of the Order. You didn't remember being Knights at all and-" He looked away, his jaw working. It sounded stupid when he said it out loud. "You let the Order kill me. You didn't even care. You didn't know or recognize me. That look... like I'm transparent. Like you're looking through me, not at me." He crossed his arms over his chest as he spoke, his nails digging into his skin.
Randall grabbed Y/n's shoulder, just hard enough that they both pulled to a stop. Y/n went to ask what was wrong but Randall grabbed his face next, pulling him into a kiss. Y/n melted instantly, all other thoughts slipping out of his head quickly. When they parted, Randall rested his head against Y/n's. "You know, watching all of my friends fall for people in the Order... I'm kind of glad you came along. Jack and Alyssa. Lilith and Nicole. It's so easy to be with you compared to everything else. You're always on my side. You make sense. You don't play sides. You're consistent." He leaned away but his hands didn't leave, his thumb instead caressing Y/n's jaw. It was a weirdly intimate gesture. One Y/n didn't think Randall capable of. How could this boy be such a goofy idiot one second and then so tender and compassionate and capable of such deep emotion the next? Not even his fears were simple or straight forward. They were complex and layered. It was weird to see such a young boy be like this. Young man. "I can't imagine what you wen through when we were gone, Y/n. Just from what you've told me, and the tole it's taken on you... I mean you used to love being close to people. You used to crave being touched." He laughed. "You know when we first met you we thought you and Jack were dating because of how touchy you two were." Y/n laughed too. "Now..." He sighed and both of their smiles faded. "I'm sorry that you didn't. It made everything so much easier, but I can't imagine what it would have been like to remember."
Y/n pulled away. He was quiet for a second, turning his back to Randall. "You know when I was a kid, I read books a lot. I was this super smart kid and all my grades were perfect and school was so easy for me. I used to get in trouble for reading in class." He took a deep breath. "Do you know why I read so much?" He turned in time to see Randall shake his head in a no. "I was incredibly lonely. I was really bad at emotions. At expressing myself. I had a hard time telling someone how I felt with a small amount of words and my vocabulary was limited so I didn't even try. I rarely spoke to anyone. I had no friends. All my teachers only liked me because I had such good grades and it made them feel a little less like a failure in a society who treats teachers like shit." He shook his head. "I'm rambling. My point is, kids used to say I was sociopathic. Call me Pinocchio, because I didn't act like a normal boy. Like a real boy." He swallowed, trying to get rid of the huge lump in his throat. Randall was speechless. "My parents were really harsh about it. They told me I wasn't normal. They tried to medicate me for depression or anxiety and took me to doctors to get psychoanalyzed when that didn't work. Everyone told them that I was just bad at expressing emotions. That's all. Just awkward and a little weird. Not in a bad way, just in a Not Totally Normal way." He grew quiet.
"I'm so sorry," Randall whispered.
Y/n chuckled humorously. "Look at me going on a rant again. Talking off your ear. It actually wasn't that bad. I didn't like people that much anyway because they each made me feel emotions and I couldn't make sense of them so..." He shrugged. "Throw in being gay and it just got worse from there. I always had reading. I had peace and quiet and magical worlds where I was normal and no one cared about me and we were all friends and experienced everything together. Those characters and I understood each other on a level that didn't need words because I could read their emotions explicitly. The author told me how they felt. Exactly how they felt, and why, even if the character themself didn't know. Even with crazy shit going on things were simple and straight forward. It was easy to understand something, finally." Y/n smiled a little. "Then I met Jack. He taught me what was great about friendship. Showed me how people could be. Should be. Without him, I would have probably never made it."
Randall's eyebrows came together in confusion only a second before his eyes widen. Part in understanding and part in horror. "Y/n..."
"I didn't tell you this for your pity," Y/n dismissed. "I told you this because trust when I say this Randall, I lost my memories of Jack for a week. Well, eight days." Y/n shook his head. "It took me eight days to get so depressed that my grades dropped to nearly failing. Eight days for everyone to get so worried for me that the person who was supposed to watch me to see if remembered anything became the person who was making sure I didn't do something stupid. Not because she cared, or because the Order cared, but because Alyssa cared and she asked her to." Y/n scoffed. "I thought I didn't even have a babysitter, but Alyssa mentioned it a few days ago and I pried the truth from her. When I got my memory back I was so rocked and upset that I lashed out. I pushed my "friend" away and didn't trust anyone. I was too scared that I'd lose my memory again. Too scared that I wouldn't get someone to babysit me the second time. Too scared that you guys would never come back, and that even if you did I wouldn't be there to know it. So I pushed everyone away. Emotionally and physically. People still don't come close to me and I've been sent to the Dean twice about it. They backed off when they saw we were all together again. I even got a letter from the Dean telling me how happy he was that I seemed to be doing a lot better. My grades were perfect again in time for them to have not affected my usual perfect score. I mean it took all the remaining time with you guys gone to do it, but I managed it and my failing dip didn't go on my record." He shrugged. "I just thought you ought to know."
Without even hesitating, Randall swallowed Y/n in a hug. Y/n tensed at first but then smiled softly and hugged Randall back. He let his nose dip into the space between Randall's neck and shoulder, burying his face in Randall's chest. He smelled good. "You know you've come a long way since you were a kid. You told me all of that better than I could have told anyone. I don't mind that it was long winded and drawn out. I'm very glad you told me." Y/n sighed in relief, melting into Randall finally. They were quiet for a while, just holding each other. "I won't leave again. I won't forget you. I promise, and I don't make promises lightly."
Y/n smiled and let himself believe Randall, even though neither could be 100% sure of such a thing, even if Randall really did mean to keep the promise. "Okay."
Just because they finally made time to talk didn't mean they had things figured out. There was still the whole end of the world thing that was heading straight for them and that kind of came before cuddling and making out and... other things.
Well, the end of the world DID come before other things. That is, until they had no fear and therefore no reason to fear the end of the world. Which, of course, meant that after Hamish, Randall, and Y/n got their fear taken by Mr. Big Mean Bad Demon Guy... Randall and Y/n weren't distracted by that pesky little end of the world thing anymore.
When Jack and Lilith came looking for help, what they got was Hamish with a broken arm and Randall and Y/n making out on the couch. Needless to say, they left empty handed.
"I think I'm in love with you," Y/n whispered after he pulled away. "Isn't that so weird?"
Randall considered that. "Totally weird." He kissed Y/n's neck then paused, sitting back. "You know, I think I'm in love with you too." They looked at each other for a second before busting up laughing. "That's totally dumb, right?"
"Super," Y/n agreed. "We're barely early twenties it probably won't last."
Randall nodded. "But we can enjoy it while its here." He smirked and suddenly Y/n was on his back, laying on the couch. Y/n caught his breath as Randall hovered over him. Randall's head dipped, lips attaching to Y/n's neck this time. Y/n's eyes went wide and he jerked into Randall. It was a very nice feeling as Randall alternated between kissing and softly biting. Randall's teeth lightly ran from Y/n's ear to the hollow of his throat and he shivered. "Do you like this?"
"You care?" Y/n scoffed.
Randall gave Y/n a look. "I may not have any fear Y/n but it doesn't mean I was joking when I said I love you. I want you to enjoy what I'm doing because if you don't feel good then what's the point?"
Y/n smirked. "You sap."
Randall laughed. "You don't have a hidden romantic side too then?"
"I do," Y/n conceded after a second. "I don't want you to be cute when you're leaving me hickies Randall." He propped himself up on his elbows. "I want you to fuck me."
Randall's eyes dilated. It never occurred to either of them that they were currently in public or that Hamish was in the room.  Thankfully only Randall's shirt came off before they both froze, bodies filling with horror as they realized what they were doing and where they were. It hit them very suddenly and they looked at each other, eyes teeming with-
With fear.
They realized that at the same time too. Randall stood up, looking at Hamish who had been playing with a puppet but had thrown it right around the time Y/n and Randall had stopped the... activity they were on the path of. "You're afraid," Randall vocalized.
"You're shirtless," Hamish countered. His face twisted with disgust then. "And I was in the room. Damn it you guys! I'll never be able to forget the sight of you two making out. UGH!" He left then and Y/n grabbed a pillow to hide his face. He was mortified of what he'd said.
Did his romantic side come from a fear of some sort? He knew he liked being romantic. And since when was he so easily capable of getting what he was feeling across without going on a twenty minute rant? Well, he knew he had a fear of being misunderstood and saying the wrong thing. Maybe that was it. Was he overthinking so much that it messed up how he talked to people? How much anxiety did he have that being without it changed his personality so much?
"Um. Y/n?"
Randall sat down and Y/n lowered the pillow just enough so he was able to peek at Randall from over it. Randall was smirking. "You're on my shirt." Y/n stood from the couch, slamming Randall with the pillow before running out of the room. His heart was racing. He thought what would have happened if they hadn't had their fear for just a few moments longer... Y/n wasn't ready for that yet. Not going all the way at least. He'd never been like this with someone before. He might be in college but he was a virgin and that meant he had no fucking idea what he was doing with himself. Oh god. He suddenly had so much fear coursing through his veins, like his body was trying to make up the time he hadn't had any.
He didn't make it far before Randall caught up with him. "Y/n I'm sorry." He went to catch Y/n's shoulder but Y/n moved out of his reach. Randall's hand fell and with it, his expression. "I..."
Y/n swallowed. "It's not your fault. I- I've never-" Y/n felt his face begin to burn.
"Oh." Randall's eyes shot wide. "Oh!" He moved closer, still giving Y/n space and not touching him but coming within a distance that what he said next sounded almost intimate. "That's okay. After what you've told me, I'm glad you're with me at all with how stupid I am. And seriously I'm a total idiot. Lilith tells me constantly. A lot of people do actually."
Y/n chuckled, but his eyes were watering. "How do you like me? I'm so weird. My emotions don't even work."
Randall got a very serious look on his face then. "Y/n, I-" He hesitated around his next words and Y/n froze, remembering everything they'd said to each other 
"You don't have to-" Y/n began.
Randall interrupted him by grabbing his face. His eyes bore into Y/n's. Neither could look away. "I love you." There was a long silence as Y/n tried to remember how to breathe. "Did you know I used to dream about you when I didn't have my memories? When I saw you in the Den that day I almost lost my whole mind. You were literally the guy of my dreams. And then it got even better because you were so kind and patient. You were willing to answer any of our questions and understood when we needed you to say or not say something, even if we couldn't tell you when to or not to say something. You made everything make sense and brought things back to me that I really cherished. I don't know what we would have done without you there honestly."
"Probably figured it out a little slower," Y/n reasoned.
Randall rolled his eyes. "I'm trying to appreciate you, shut up." Y/n blushed but did as Randall asked. "Forgetting you was like having to hold my breath for six months, except the pain just got worse, I never died. And seeing you again... Remembering you. Kissing you. Being able to hold you and see you and recognize you and make sense of all the weird memories and feelings I sort of had but shouldn't." He shook his head. "And since then, I've only had time to realize that my life is better with you in it and losing you is one of the worst things that could happen to me. One of the worst things that did happen to me." He chuckled. "Your tendency to ramble is contagious it seems."
"I get it," Y/n whispered. "Not having you... you forgetting me was worse than Jack forgetting me, and I thought that was the most nightmarish thing that could ever happen to me. I-" Y/n chuckled, feeling a sudden head rush and lightness. "I-"
The door busted open and Randall and Y/n looked over, Randall's hands dropping. Not because they were embarrassed for being caught like they might have been before today, but because the doors slamming open was startling and also because Jack was standing there and he looked distraught. "Jack?" Randall prompted.
He looked at them with watery eyes. It hit Y/n instantly, all the good feelings draining from his body so quickly he felt lightheaded. "Jack, where's Lilith?" The only the answer they got was a brokenhearted look from Jack, but it was enough. Randall reached over and gripped onto Y/n as he tilted, as if he'd lost his footing. Y/n barely caught him, even if he didn't know how he was standing himself.
Just in time for Randall and Y/n to finally figure it out, they had something else to worry about.
Lilith was dead.
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