#Percy hates the gods sm
startledstoat · 5 months
Percy Jackson really said respect women and disrespect authority figures and I think that's beautiful
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rosaadiazs · 2 months
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sotogalmo · 8 months
Bro. The song "Unreliable" by WinchiFrost is so Ganymede/Zeus from PJO???? I just. It gives off that vibe. I can give ya some lyrics;
"You take the lead in a dizzying dance, as I fall deeper in a trance. Did I choose to let myself lose, and give you the upper hand? — I wanted someone tall and firm to reassure that I'm doing this right. But it's starting to hurt when you hold me tight. — Tell me what you like! I'm unreliable! Your guess is as good as mine, when it comes to what's wrong and what is right. So who is my guide? Is it you or my unreliable mind?"
"Did I choose to let myself lose and give you the upper hand?"; he could've done smth else to not be caught. But he is. Did he rlly give Zeus the upper hand?
"But it's starting to hurt when you hold me tight."; Zeus technically has a collar around Ganymede. And for many years he has to live like this
"Is it you or my unreliable mind?"; should gany go with his guts and stop this or should he stay?
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seaoreos · 9 months
looking through the Ashoka tag at nearly 6am and crying and shrieking and stimming
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modawg · 2 months
it’s so sad to me that nico like never learned how much percy tried to help him yk
like percy literally rounded up his closest friends after being the only one to find out nico was the son of hades and decided to at least try to give nico a chance to live his life when the kid literally just tried to kill him, his sister just died, and through everything percy knows hates his guts - like he took all that info and decided to make a suicide pack with his closest friends in order to protect nico when giving nico the prophecy would’ve been the most logical and honestly understandable thing to do
like genuinely do ppl realise how EASY it would’ve been to just give the prophecy to nico his ONLY living relative (other than hades) just DIED they could’ve been like “listen you take this prophecy give it 6 years you’ll be dead with your sister and literally everyone else you know and you’ll be a hero for it” instead even though percy has an entire life, people who love and care for him, and a future wife infront of him he takes it upon himself to DIE in 3-4 years how fucking BONKERS is that
he also almost abandons a WHOLE OTHER QUEST putting himself and annabeth in danger just bc dumbass nico is out doing god knows what in the labyrinth and ends up getting caught (he was doing smth i’m being dramatic but still)
could you imagine being percy your going to war (and from your perspective you’re going to die in the next week or so after methodically doing everything in your power to keep this other random kid who you think hates you from suffering that fate) that kid comes up to you with a plan so you trust him just do be stabbed in the back bc that kids father wants him to be the prophecy child even tho you’ve been mentally preparing yourself to die for the past like 3 years?? id jump that kid too if he randomly came into my deep dark prison cell trying to break me out and then shun him after all that
like i read the way nico talks abt percy and he just seems bitter all the time he’s like “psh percy and his fake friendship what a dweeb can’t believe i had a crush on THAT guy🙄” like you’d be dead if it wasn’t for his friendship gay boy
i want like 5 years into the future annabeth is sitting with nico one day and is like “lol yeah i remember that one time percy made us all pinky promise to keep you safe and we all thought he was dumb bc you hated him sm but he really just wanted you to have a good life and now look at you!! :)” and nico to slow turn to her “…what”
like to this day i get that nico was mad at percy for not protecting bianca and bc of his internalized homophobia or whatever but why not hate on the actual people who sent her on that quest rather than a random kid you just met who said he’d try WHICH HE ACTUALLY DID DO and not idk literally any adult figure who sent her into the fire to begin with
i just want nico to realise that percy is simply just a boy who literally wanted nothing to do with any of this and was trying his best to free nico of that same burden sigh (;_;)
like those two are the fattest example of a miscommunication held together by misunderstood betrayal
disclaimer this is obv dramatic and the prophecy definitely doesn’t work like that but like think abt it ok
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
Can you do a luke fic? Maybe some angst 🤭
I lobe angst sm! This is the song I listened to for inspo,,
𝒲𝒽𝓎 𝓃ℴ𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 ℴ𝓃ℯ
Warnings- Yes I used the TikTok trend what abt it, reader gets stabbed, betrayed, mention of blood and scars
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“Luke?” Your voice was quiet, he knew that voice though. He knew your voice. He snapped his head, suddenly dropping his sword. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared into your eyes.
Percy laid on the soil beneath him, your lip quivering as you stared at the scene in front of you.
“Luke… what are you doing?” You said, stepping closer to him. You were quiet still, your heart beat practically out of your chest.
“Y/n, you have to listen to me-“ he started. Percy stood up.
“Y/n, don’t listen to him.” Percy interrupted. You were torn.
Luke ignored Percy, stepping over to you now. He grabbed your face as you looked at him, face full of confusion.
“Kronos… has a plan for us, for you. And I want a future for us-“
“Kronos? Luke, what are you talking about?” You said, tears threatening to fall. “Why are you talking like that?”
“He can give us a better life than the Gods, I need you to understand, we can be free. Free from the Gods, free from Camp, from the rules. We have to leave soon-“ He spoke quietly, as if you were going to break if he spoke any louder.
“Are you sick? Is something wrong? Did I do something?” You asked, tears now falling down your face as you looked at the man you thought you had known.
“No, you didn’t do anything. Think about it, when was the last time you even spoke to your parents? Your mother?”
“That doesn’t matter, Luke.”
He grew more agitated at your words.
“I love you, why can’t you make this easier?” He asked.
“I loved you. Luke, you’re not the man I fell in love with. Whoever… this is, is not my Luke.” You gestured to him, his heart broke as a lone tear fell down his face now. The words he knew were true but didn’t wanna hear.
But with his sadness, comes more anger. You were taken aback when he pulled out his sword, Percy tried to run up and stop him but he was too slow.
He stabbed you, in the side. Not fatally or deep, just enough to injure and bleed.
You cried out, and once the anger was gone, he felt worse than he ever had.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said to you, looking back at Percy and then running into the portal, away.
“Are you okay?” Percy asked, quickly coming over to you.
You groaned, lifting up your shirt to reveal your cut to Percy. He flinched upon seeing it.
“C’mon, let’s go to the medic.” He said, helping you stand up and walk.
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You took a walk through the forest, it was a lot quieter now. It was dark out, and you were supposed to be in bed. But Dionysus is too drunk to notice anything and Chiron isn’t looking.
Your mind went to Luke. It had been for the last couple months. Every time you saw converse, an oak tree, curly hair, or even brown eyes. You pretended for a moment it was him, and for those moments you were happy.
You didn’t hear someone coming up behind you until you heard a branch snap. You turned around, furrowing an eyebrow as you tried to see what or who it was.
A familiar figure came into your view. You could see that curly hair and know it was him from miles away.
You stood straight, breath catching in your throat as he came closer. You looked down at his hands, no sword.
You pulled out your sword, and he held up his hands.
“Please. I just wanna talk. That’s all I want.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, and you looked at his pleading eyes. The eyes you knew you couldn’t resist.
You put it away for now, and you both stared at each other for a moment.
“I’m sorry. I…” the words were lost in his throat when he saw your gaze. It wasn’t loving like it used to be, it was more hateful.
“You stabbed me.”
“I know. And I’ve felt like shit, ever since I haven’t seen you.”
You could tell, his hair was disheveled, the bags of his eyes heavier and darker, he looked malnourished.
“You stabbed me.” You repeated.
“How bad is it?”
You lifted up your shirt to the scar it had left. He swallowed the lump in his throat, and he stared into your eyes again.
You swore to yourself if you ever managed to run into him again, you wouldn’t cry. But, you couldn’t help it.
The man you had loved for years, the man who had always been there for you, the one who helped you through everything.
“I still love you.” You managed to blurt out the confession. You sat down on a tree’s roots, putting your face in your hands as you choked out a sob.
He sat next to you, rubbing your back as you cried.
“I love you too. I’m sorry. For everything.” He said quietly.
You eventually curled up next to him, he just threw his arm around you like he used to.
“Can we still.. be friends?” He asked hopefully.
“I don’t think we can, Luke.”
“So.. this is it.. for us?”
You nodded, “I guess it is.” Your lip quivered as you said the words. He took a deep breath and stayed quiet before speaking again.
“In another universe, I imagine we would own a beach house or something. We would be off on our own.” He said, “then eventually we’d get married. Have kids or something.”
“Why not this one?”
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ssparksflyy · 21 days
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what's he got that i don't? 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader summary based off this request!! an i actually love this request sm 😋 in jealous percy we trust
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PERCY sighed dramatically as he plopped himself down on his bed, scooting up to put his head in your lap. he'd just gotten back from a meeting with chiron about helping out with teaching new campers how to handle swords and was quite frankly, exhausted. he'd spent his whole day running around, going from lesson to lesson, already helping out with all sorts of things. he hadn't seen you since breakfast and desperately needed to feel you close after his hectic day. walking into his cabin to see you sitting in his bed reading made him feel like maybe the gods didn't hate him and they knew how to answer his prayers after all.
"long day?" you asked, moving one of your hands down to his hair and ran your fingers through it while the other continued to hold up your book.
"mhm" he hummed in response.
"what'd you do?" you followed up.
"teach, teach some more, help out, then go teach again" he said, "i didn't even ask to be a teacher."
"you didn't ask for a lot of things, just another thing to add to the list babe. im sure the kids who need help greatly appreciate you and your teaching"
"i guess"
you sat in silence for a minute, continuing to play with percy's hair and read. he would've been fine staying like that and maybe even wouldve ended up falling asleep in your lap, but he had hardly spent any time with you today. he wanted to talk to you more and kiss your lips and hug you, but your nose was stuck in that stupid book he didn't even understand.
"whatcha reading?" he asked and lifted his head up, moving it to rest his chin on your stomach.
"the hunger games" you replied.
he mumbled a quick 'okay' and kept his head on your stomach, looking up at you and watching as you read.
as much as percy loved quiet moments like this, it was the opposite of what he wanted. he knew you enjoyed reading, and now was one of the few opportunities you got to read in peace, but he hadn't seen you in hours and (even though he wouldnt admit it) was in desperate need for your attention. when he saw you smile at something in your book, he decided to try for a conversation again.
"whatcha smilin' at?"
you looked away from your book, "nothin. just this guy."
he got up and furrowed his brow, "what guy?"
"he's not real, percy."
"don't matter, what guy is making my girl smile like that?"
you rolled your eyes, "a guy made of ink and imaginations. that's who."
"lemme see" he said, holding out his hand for you to hand him the book.
you handed him the book and watched as he squinted his eyes, trying to read it.
"i can't read."
"i know."
"what's it say?"
he handed you the book back, ""i don’t think it’s going to work out. winning . . . won’t help in my case," says peeta. "why ever not?" says caesar, mystified. peeta blushes beet red and stammers out. "because . . .because . . . she came here with me.""
percy pauses for a second. "you were smiling at that? what does it even mean?"
"see! you dont get it, it's nothing." you said, trying to brush it off.
"mmm i think its something" he said. he already had your attention away from reading your book, now it was just a matter of keeping it up.
"you wanna know? fine." you huffed, "im smiling because i remember when i read this for the first time and i was freaking out because katniss and peeta hardly even talk in this part of the book, and he just reveals that he's got a crush on her, but you don't know that he's actually faking it - but at the same time he's not - because it's set in katniss' perspective, so you're left all 'what was that?! what does he mean!!!' and it becomes something that peeta does again later cause he's smart and knows what cards to play in order for people to like him!!"
he looked at you in surprise, "oh- wow, sorry." he apologized, taking your hands in his, "so is peeta your favorite character?"
you knew you could just give him a simple yes and be over with the whole thing, but if he wanted the truth, then the truth is what he would get.
"yea, he really is. he's just the perfect guy" you said smugly, opening your book back up and pretending to start reading again.
"pfff- yea right! what happened to imaginations and ink?" he said. you could hear the slightest bit of jealousy in his voice and decided to keep going.
"doesnt take away the fact that he's perfect" you said as a mattter-of-factly.
"oh yea? well i think he's a fake nobody."
"fake nobody or not, he's still really smart, strong, an artist, a great baker, handsome in the movies-"
"josh hutcherson is not handsome."
"im gonna act like you didn't just say that." you said, realizing this was going the way you wanted it to, "but gods, did i mention how good of a boyfriend he is? i mean the way he cared for katniss?? hes literally everything a girl could ask fo-"
"hey you know im your boyfriend, not him, right?" percy asked, his tone sounding unsure and annoyed.
you stopped there and put your book down. you didn't think he'd actually be bothered by you talking about a fictional guy. he was never really the jealous type, had he actually taken it seriously?
"perce... are you.. jealous?" you asked in disbelief.
he gave you an offended look that you could tell was fake, "what?! no! course not! why would i be jealous of some fake baker dude??"
you couldnt help but laugh as he continued to try and defend himself from your 'wild' and 'indecorous' 'accusations'.
"i wasnt accusing you of anything! just asking!!" you said through your fit of giggles.
"yea you were! i feel very attacked right now, i though this was supposed to be a safe space!!" you only laughed more.
once you managed to get yourself to stop laughing, you moved closer to percy and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "i was just joking, you know that right?"
he mumbled a quick 'yea' while moving over to your side so he could put his arm around you and pull you into his chest. he left a kiss ontop of your head as you got comfortable in his embrace, putting your book on his nightstand.
percy had gotten his chance to talk to you, and now was able to hold you close, just like he wanted. yes it took listening to you ramble about some other (fake) guy, but who cares!! before finally closing his eyes and falling under hypnos' spell, he only had one more question about the book you were reading.
"by the way, who's finnick odair?"
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alexwritingspot · 8 months
hii ! i LOVED your percy x reader sm!! and your writing is BEAUTIFUL !
ik you just posted recently but could you do percy x gn!reader with prompt 9? and possibly make it enemies to lovers? <3
Maybe even enemies can love each others…
prompt 9: “are you flirting with me? Took you long enough to understand it”
A shared punishment imposed by Mr. D, by the side of the great Percy Jackson leads you to finally face all the feeling that you had hid for so long…
A/n: Omg! Thank you so much! 😭😭😭 you have no idea how much this comment means to me, you literally made my day 🧡🧡 I’m not an English native speaker, so I’m always doubting about both my writing and my language skills, so having a compliment like this is just very appreciated! As always the prompt list is on my page. words count: 800
warnings: maybe cursing? Other than that none
It wasn’t like you totally hated Percy Jackson. He saved your life more than once and was after all a nice guy. But he got under your skin, a whole lot. You hated how everyone at camp saw him as the perfect guy, the handsome boy with a golden heart who saved Olympus twice and had chosen to refuse immortality to help the camp, heck, even his fatal flaw was a merit! But you hated it because it wasn’t absolutely like that… ok, maybe it was. But you hated how no one pointed out his flaws.
So here you were, forced to a shared punishment with the son of Poseidon because you two had ‘disturbed’ Mr. D’s breakfast with your bickering. You pulled up your sleeves and put on a pair of gloves waiting for the torture to end. You two had to wash the breakfast dishes in the camp’s kitchen and you both were left alone since Mr. D had left.
You watched the water pour from the sink faucet as you held out an hand and waited for Percy to pass you a plate… except he didn’t. When you turned he was juggling with some apples found around. You let out a tired sigh “have you finished messing around or do I have to clean up all of this by myself?” Annoyance dripping from your voice. With a single move he stopped throwing the apples in the air and put them down on a near wooden table “you should enjoy your life more, you know?” He teased, a smirk was playing on his lips and Oh gods, how much you’d like to smack it out of his sneering face! But you couldn’t, so you simply turned your glare back to the sink and said nothing else, you had to bite your tongue to not retort back.
He then came closer to the counter with a pile of dirty dishes in his hands, a light was entering the window and kissing his face almost poetically, his green eyes shining bright… what were you thinking?! You forced yourself to simply take a plate and you started washing it, well aware of his eyes on you. “You’re just gonna stay there all day staring at me or you’ll actually help?” You asked him in a very serious voice, and he laughed, how dared that- “relax, we have plenty of time and if you didn’t notice I’m helping you” he said, clearly amused, you side glared at him “how, exactly?” He put down the pile of plates and took a step nearer “I carried here the dishes” he pointed out, you rolled your eyes, and turned your head once again to give him a warning glance to not make you anger, but you stopped the moment his face came into your vision. Why did he need to have such a pretty face, you wondered. You ended up doing all the dishes alone as he stood there, until finally he spoke “I like your eyes” he said, you turned, confused, he had that same playful light as always “you what?” You ask, looking at him, your face scrunched up in confusion “You heard me” he said smiling, as he got nearer “do you want to play 5 questions?” He asked, you turned fully, your back resting on the counter as you dried your hands, the dishes could have waited
“Wasn’t the game ‘20 question’?” He shook his head “It’s funnier this way, you have to choose the most important ones” He said, your shoulders were touching and, oh boy, you didn’t mind at all “Who starts?” You asked, he went straight to speaking up “what’s your favourite colour?” You laughed a bit at the irony of the question “what about the talk you made about three seconds ago about the fact that this way we had to do important questions?” You mocked him “you didn’t answer” he answered back, ignoring completely your statement “I like green” you shrugged “like my eyes?” He questioned “like your eyes” you confirmed “my turn… do you like someone?” You asked, sure that the answer would have been a positive one, even if strangely the thought made you jealous. “Yes, a certain child of y/g/p, who has a really smart mouth” he looked you in the eyes and you could swore he was looking into the depth of your soul. You stood there, processing the information with your mouth slightly agape. “Are you flirting with me?” You asked, in total disbelief, he took a step closer, placing his hand on your cheek, even if he was warm it made you shiver “took you long enough to understand it” and then he closed the gap between your lips, with the softest kiss someone has ever gave you…
A/n: Hope it reached your standards! Feel free to request anything else! 🧡🧡🧡
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timefight · 4 months
SYNOPSIS note to self, don’t break a singer’s heart. their next album will be about you. charlie bushnell can speak from experience.
CONTENTS nothing bad, charlie jokingly blocks leah but shes unblocked the next chapter
NOTE nah im not making this canon compliant im lazy anyways crabbush = charlie, chanelz = dior, leahsaveme = leah, walkthetalk = walker, ijbol = aryan, andrewnotgarfield = andrew duh dont ask me to explain the usernames djfndndn (but i probably will) ALSO idk how to do dms/gcs/texts 😭😭 any ideas???
DISCLAIMER i don’t own these pictures, i found all on pinterest! also the reader’s fc is asian and reader does play cindy moon, aka silk, in the marvel universe but feel free to change that to something that fits you!!
charlie bushnell/fem. reader smau
series masterlist. prev.
hanihoney just posted to instagram!
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Liked by ethanitup, icespice, dior.n.goodjohn, and 248,831 others.
hanihoney me because tonight’s over :( aaaa thanks for having me and ethanitup perform ‘about you’ for the first time ever… that song makes my brain itch. ethan, thanks for sharing the stage with me, it was the best with you <3 ily guys sm!!
tagged ethanitup
View all 92,294 comments.
user1 ATE!!
ethanitup its ok even if all my fans paid more attention to u than me … you outshine everyone else too so what can i expect
hanihoney is this … a compliment i hear?
ethanitup shut up hanihoney
user2 omg are her and ethan dating ??
user3 no, just friends
user4 so they say👀👀 user3
user5 stop speculating abt ppls private lives weirdo user4
dior.n.goodjohn your voice is SO gorgeous😭👀 duet?
hanihoney dont have to ask me twice 👀
dior.n.goodjohn omg i actually cant believe you replied
user6 the way we are the same age and youve done so much more than me …
user7 who is dior?? and how does yn know her??
user8 i think shes playing clarisse in the new percy jackson series !!! and i dont think they know each other personally i just think shes a fan of yn😭 dior likes marvel
Liked by dior.n.goodjohn
crabbush what the hell dior…
chanelz WHAT? you don’t know that im the biggest fan of her 😍🥰🥰 i love her
shessogone just posted to instagram!
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Liked by olivvy and others.
shessogone how did his castmate find me
olivvy its not like youre the main character from a major franchise or anything
tatertitty why did you even respond too ^^
shessogone everyone kept tagging me in her comment!!! i didnt know what to do and it wouldve been obvious if i just ignored it bc i respond to a lot of comments usually especially if theyre from other ppl in the industry sjfndndn
ethanitup its not that serious bae shessogone
olivvy dont call her bae shes my bae ethanitup
ethanitup telling ur bf ur cheating on him olivvy
olivvy he said he’d understand if it was with yn ethanitup
ethanitup trouple???? 👀 olivvy
olivvy 👀👀👀 ethanitup
shessogone i mean if u dont mind me writing a song abt yall … 👀👀 olivvy
olivvy omg we can be the next haylor shessogone
shessogone oh my god fuck yeah olivvy
crabbush just posted to instagram!
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Liked by chanelz and others.
crabbush why do u guys hate me
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chanelz what are u even talking about
crabbush YOU.
chanelz ME??? what did i do crabbush
leahsaveme is this about her commenting on a certain someones insta post …
This comment has been deleted by crabbush.
crabbush SHUT UPP leahsaveme
chanelz WHAT???? leahsaveme WHY??? CHARLIE DO YOU HATE HER??? she didnt even do anything crabbush
walkthetalk wait who leahsaveme
crabbush oh my god
leahsaveme you DONT KNOW??? and its not exactly hate… chanelz
chanelz HOLD UP??? IMSG RN leahsaveme
ijbol how do you not know did you not stalk charlies priv when we all followed him… walkthetalk
walkthetalk wait yeah but i didnt get very far tbh ijbol tell me anyways
leahsaveme i see you deleting the posts but i dont even have to have proof 😌
This user has been blocked by crabbush.
andrewnotgarfield you kinda did this to yourself bro shouldve just kept your mouth shut
crabbush shut up you know i dont think straight when it comes to her 😒 andrewnotgarfield
🧾 © timefight
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nerd-at-sea5 · 5 months
i keep seeing sm anti percabeth (idk how i am very pro percabeth tumblr what are you doing) and like. i feel like a large amount of people forget that they are both massively traumatized kids/teenagers who are in their first and only relationship.
they’re gonna fuck up, they’re gonna be a little toxic, but overall they’re is so much communication and time and like. life that we DONT see.
percy is also an unreliable narrator (no hate but he is), he’s sarcastic and sometimes people don’t pick up on his sarcasm. he insults himself a lot and he really does see some things with rose colored glasses
annabeth and him were also friends first, so a lot of how they behave is very friend-like. the teasing of being smart (god knows my friend and i tease each other religiously for being smart or not smart). honestly the judo flip as well (can’t tell you how many times my friends and i have thrown punches at one another and before you say ‘yes well he’s an abuse victim! so it’s different!!’ yeah, so are some of my friend and so am i. we’ve talked about it, and don’t step out of line) communication is important kids!! (so is consent!!!! had to throw that in there)
we didn’t see them talk about it! they 100% did, why else would annabeth be comfortable enough doing it?
anyway i know this is a long ass rant, i’m just mildly annoyed that people think these traumatized kids with absolutely no therapy experience whatsoever are going to be 110% perfect 24/7, like yeah they’re a great relationship but hey, they’ve still fucked up. we all have
* also ik i didn’t go into every single minor detail. i am not that focused. i’ve got adhd and it’s vacation so fuck that. i also haven’t reread in a while (rlly into fantasy right now) so…..sue me 🤷
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finally reading tsats here are my live thoughts (spoilers, obviously):
i’m so excited because some pages are darkly decorated and its so cool. still don’t vibe with the title though (the sun IS a star and its peeving me)
why are we talking about dating darth vader 😟 where are we rn (anakin is a yes, but DARTH VADER???)
maybe i’m too old but the jokes are not funny 😭
“this whole place feels like my soul. empty and dark. dark as the pit of the underworld.” <- i don’t care if he’s joking nico would never say thissss 🙏😭 we’re only 10 pages in but please stop butchering my fav character he’s not himselffff i am cringing so bad
i know i’m being dramatic but if they do nico dirty in this book i’m going to end it all
oh my god i don’t think i’ve thought about the words “significant annoyance” in so long. bringing back good memories for sure.
i can tell which parts were written by riordan and which parts were written by oshiro. i don’t think their voices are blending very well together…
also, maybe it’s because it’s the start of the book and they’re trying to familiarise new readers quickly with the characters but it feels like they’re making nico the caricature of ‘emo and shadow and ebony darkness dementia raven way 🥀⛓️🖤’ and will the caricature of ‘happy and sunshine and blonde and flower gleam and glow ☀️🌈🫧’ and i usually like this dynamic when it’s not blatantly pointed out every other page. i have faith they’ll show more complexity than this later on though. future yan will let me know by the end. (future yan here, im not at the end but the characterisation def does get more complex thank gods)
oh ok so it is bob the titan
since when was nico’s actual name niccolo??? how did i forget this detail??
“you have to listen if not you’ll share my fate.” “ominous much?” <- ok he’s finally himself again guys it’s all good
the one-sided beef nico has with percy will never not be funny
“cookie monster appeared over the mouth of the jar, reached inside and gobbled up nico like the chocolate-chip cookie he was.” <- nevermind i’ve gone back to hating this book again
“what was one straight boy when you spent your whole life longing for the impossible?” <- i’m reminded of that time a few years back where everyone made ‘having an unrequited crush on percy’ nico’s whole fanon personality, so i’m glad they addressed this somewhat. this boy has been through so much and people really thought crushing on percy was the biggest thing to focus on about ‘nico angst.’
“we made a mistake. you have to fix it.” <- call me a red flag but if i was nico i would do anything and everything to not go. i would medicate myself so highly on sleeping pills that i can’t dream (doctor bf can go kick rocks). i would track percy and annabeth down and haul their asses into tartarus instead to do it. and if i had to go i would only go in to kill bob myself for sending me those traumatic ass nightmares. no thx. bro willingly jumped in himself and now wants me to save him. nuh uh.
not cupid being will 😭 its like his aphrodite 😭 i am not well.
they always have a really good and emotionally moving scene and they ruin it with a dumb joke. let it be heavy 👏👏
something’s really fishy and i have a feeling that it might not be bob calling for him
if this whole “grumpy ball of darkness” thing continues i will actually lose it
you can’t tell me the percabeth pep talk was actually needed. i will forgive it because i miss them though
im sensing tension in the gap between nico’s connection to the underworld and his relationship with will and i’m here for ittttt. give me the dramaaa
who is the gorgyra girl and why is she in their business sm?
oh shit a will solace pov??? christmas came early 🙏
nevermind that whole nightmare sequence was so fucked up 😭😭
somebody HELP HIM i never thought we would get will angst (nico angst fs, but will???)
nico strangling epiales in his sleep is so fucking cool he’s literally HIM he’s literally THAT GUY
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keefessketchbook · 4 months
Episode #7 thoughts
i actually loved this episode, don't hate me
I love love love LOVED the flashback scenes. They were so good at showing a clip of Percy's life yet conveyed all the hardships they had gone through for every dam school
Unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed the scene with Crusty. How I interpreted it was Sally had told him the stories of these monsters and heroes and gods and so when he was face to face with one, he knew how to deal with it since Sally couldn't be there to guide him.
Still on the Crusty scene. I loved how this showed new fans how unpredictable/different the gods and their children could be. i saw a post on here (i think) about how Percy was like when the tide was calm and loving and playful, and how *insert another child of Poseidon* was when the sea was unpredictable and dangerous and out to get anyone in the way. I'm not saying Percy can't be those things but he only shows those characteristics when he or someone he loves is in danger.
I loved how the writers tricked us, thinking Sally could be saved with the fourth pearl, and Grover losing his and percy being like 'No you are leaving. period' <<<<3333
Also Annabeth giving grover the ball so he wouldn't pick at his horns 😭😭😭
The Cerberus scene was good. Don't really having to say about it.
I loved how Hades offered them Sanctuary. He could see how desperate percy was for his mom and how he didnt really want to be in a war
Hades in general was great
Of course the Tartaus was great
Im so excited to watch tomorrow's episode. It looked so good but im going to be sad not having new episodes release but hey this could lead to them starting filming for season 2!
I love you guys sm!! I really enjoyed doing these too. Love you guys<3. Stay Weird!!!!
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dovrt · 2 months
Percy Jackson appreciation post bc I know we all love him but he deserves it!!!
He was kicked out of six schools in six years, grew up with a loving mom who tolerated a pos abusive husband just to protect him, he has ADHD and dyslexia, and a ridiculously low self esteem. He found the one "disabled" guy in school and not only became best friends with him, but stuck up to bullies for him. He loves his mom sm and has way too much faith in people. He didn't want to let Paul down after he got kicked out of the school, didn't say anything bad against the guy when he found out his mom was seeing him. At no point in the first book could he have predicted that Luke would have betrayed him bc he genuinely thought of Luke as a good friend. He's on the side of good, not bc of the gods but bc the gods are the lesser of two evils. He goes on quests half the time not bc he was in the prophecy or bc he wants the glory, but bc his friends were in danger (Grover in SOM and Annabeth in TTC). Even after Nico hated him, Percy wanted to take over as the child of the prophecy bc he didn't want to put that burden and responsibility on someone that young. He took on the curse of Achilles even though many people warned him against it, fought and sort of won against not one but 2 gods. He gained the respect of gods like Artemis, Apollo, Hestia and ofc Poseidon. Also!! he's a huge feminist and in Greek heroes and Greek gods, he tells the reader it's not their fault if they were assaulted and that it's never the victim's fault. He also warns minors against drinking alcohol in the same books. He's seen as a goofball, as someone who doesn't take things as seriously, but he's a great strategist and has fought titans, giants and monsters of all sorts. Might I mention he's fared well against most of Hercules' (or Heracles') labors, killed Medusa like his namesake, gotten the curse of Achilles like the legendary hero, and survived against the lotus eaters, Circe and Polyphemus like Odysseus. He loves and respects the women in his life, he's just so in love with his gf he falls into literal Tartarus with her rather than letting her go.
Not to mention the fact that literally anyone that ever encounters him falls in love, which I can't really blame them for.
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levforfakes · 8 months
since everyone else is ranking pjo series' on this godforsaken website i am doing the same and would like to tell all of you that you are wrong.
magnus chase and the gods of asgard
percy jackson and the olympians
trials of apollo
heroes of olympus
the kane chronicles
my reasoning being:
mcga is the best, great characters, plot points, overall amazing, you havent read it? go read it rn.
og series, nostalgic as well as amazing since i read it many years ago
toa almost beat pjo j bc i love apollos perspective sm. hes so funny and he grows sm as a character as well as his relationships with other characters and is just amazing
hoo is good, i love the characters but i kind of hate the plot? hot take but like, he could've done sm better, the war was underwhelming, i hated leo's end of arc, character arcs were sort of flat. very eh.
and the kane chronicles was good, but i j wasnt v into it, it was sort of forgettable, but im gonna read it again at some point so maybe ill change my mind
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urmomw4ntsme · 3 months
ahsei thoughts on frazel jason/piper and caleo GO
Okay SAW THIS AND WAS LIE. i need to mswer tjsi and. frazel didnt make me feel thst jason/piper didnt make me feel that CLEO CALEO IT FCUKIGN SUCKS EW I WIL TEL MORE.
um so jsson/piper NO jiper. hehehehe or better yet pason ehehhehe idk what to fee about them tbh thty lowky give steggy vibes mainly cus jason gives me stvve vibes hes also stronh soldier traumatised asf. :( and piper is js like peggy badass gorgeous beautiful shud be with me i shud be kissing her rn alexa play boyfriend by dove cameron :( and I knwo the futjre i readspoilers so now its js there in my brain can do noting about it
omg this fucjing shitp. shit? ship? who knwos i literally adore calypso okay i love her sm but i just fucking hate it that they made her fall inlove with leo?? like this is wrong (to me) on so many levels a. she was CURSED to fall in love with every single demigod who ever went to ogygia or wtv. and it was devastating obvs that she had to go thru tht heartbreak again and again but !!!! IT WAS LITERALLY NOT HE. FAULT THE STUPID FUCJING DOGS sorry gods CURSED HER CUS SHE WAS. R E L A T E D. TO A TITAN. HOW IS THT FAIR. HOW .
and ir was literally. bound to happen. there was absolutely no way that be it percy or leo or whomstever thw fuck went to that god forsaken island SHE COULD NEVER EVER HELP BUT FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT PERSON SHE WAS CURSED. i js googled it btw in case i was wrong or misinformed BUT NO. SHE WAS CURSED. SHE . HAD. TO Fall FOR THAT PERSON EVEN IF SHE DIDNT WANT TO EVEN IF SHE HATED THEMM how is that fair to EITHER LEO OR CALYPSO??? I LOVE LEO SM HE IS MY BABY I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS?????. this IS SOOOOO REMADORA CODED DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEDDDDD like. it felt liek the author wamted both of them to be in a romantic relationship ANY romantic relationship and then was js like ok well theyre byh single lets do it. NO??? NOOOOOOO AND IF U SAY ooooo bu. they spent like 1000 days on the island tgt they developed chemistry NO BITVH THEY DIDNT. LEO WAS 16 YEAR OLD TEENAGE BOY WITH NO ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE EVER. like tell me u have never ever thought u have a crush on someone of the opposite gender while spending time with them even if u probably didnt have a crush on them??? if u haven't thats fine BECAUSE I HAVE and its Normal very many people go thru that u see perosn of opposie gendrr u R FORCED !!!! TO SPEND TIME WITH OERSON OF OPP GENDRRZ and u think omg ...... do i .... Like? them. WHAT. and u probably dont ur js a loser (like i was , like leo was) who has never spent tiem with someone of tbe opposite gender (wa. raised in an extremely 'conservative' read: boys and girls cannot ever just be normal friends household also wen to all girls elementary and high school , leo was js a loser thsts my excuse for hmm) OKAY GET IT???? THEY DID NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER WHILE MAKING MECHANIC PARTS TOGETHER at least leo didnt AND I LOVE MY GIRL CALYSO AND I LOVE ADORE LEO BUT I FUCKING BET IF CALYPSO WASNT CURSED SHE WUD NOT LOOK TWICE AT LEO HE IS LITERALLY JS A LOSER GUY PATHETIC (ADORABLE AWESOME AMAZING FUNNY BUT SRSLY LITERALLY NAM ONE GIRL WHO TOOK HIM SERIOUSLY OUT OF ALL THE GIRLS WE SEE HIM INTERACTING WITJ IN THE SERIOES) anyway thanks for coming to MY ted talk its MINE dont get offended love yall stay safe muah muah
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supermellon64 · 2 years
could I get the redwood run gang roller skating for the doodle requests(Percy is really bad at it)
Oh my god I love that Idea sm!!!! I can totally see that!
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I Have some head cannons about the rest of the gang. (sorry in advance for longer post then usual)
Molly, Trixie, and Feenie: I feel like they would go to a roller rink together and stay as a group the whole time. Molly probably wouldn't want to go skating very often even if she had time because it would be pretty loud, but once in a while the trio would go there when it wasn't busy. They are all equally bellow average at skating and have trouble keeping their balance. they hold on to each other for the whole time trying to keep their balance and roll around pretty slowly and bump in to the wall a-lot, but they laugh it off and have a pretty good time together.
Giovanni: Giovanni has absolutely gone to mother son skate nights every Friday since he was 5. He is pretty damn good and can easily hold his own. He wears rollerblades over roller skates as they are easier to make sharp turns in. He also gets very competitive with the other people on the rink. He uses his steam jets to go much faster than everyone else. Then promptly slams in to the wall. He also definitely wear's a dumbass outfit complete with flame decaled sweat band on his head. All the employee's know Gio, and groan when ever he comes in.
Sylvie: Sylvie doesn't strike me as someone who would skate as a sport or for fun in a roller rink. He might be convinced by Molly and Gio to go to a roller rink one night in which he reluctantly agrees. He's really shaky on skates and can barely keep his balance. He swings his feet opposite ways attempting to catch him self but ends up falling a-lot. He gets even angrier when Giovanni speeds by him. Sylvie tries to race Gio but ends up falling directly on his face and cracking his glasses. After that, Molly and Gio convince him to hang on to both of them while they skate the rest of the night. He's pretty pissed about it but he holds on pretty tightly.
Mera: Mera blows Giovanni out of the water in terms of skill. She's better at ice skating and definitely takes classes but is also insanely proficient at rollerblading. Girl did a triple axel like it was NOTHING in episode 4. She absolutely has her own rollerblades and ice-skates. Mera's insanely graceful and can pull off some high level maneuver's. Mira is extremely carful when she skates though and makes a point to swerve away from people as to not bump in to anyone. She's had some close calls, but anyone who has gotten too close had the unfortunate of being tackled by Indus.
Indus: At first glance Indus doesn't seem like he would be very good at rollerskating but he's learned to keep up pretty well with Mera. He's definitely not as skilled as her but he's just good enough so they can skate together. He cant rent skates at any of the roller rink or ice rink establishments because no one had the size for his gorilla feet. so Indus had some custom fitted. Unfortunately Indus is now banned from a couple of their favorite places on account of panic tackling other skaters to the ground when they got too close to Mera. He was dragged out by the ear by Mera.
Percy: Aforementioned, Percy absolutely sucks at this and has NO coordination for roller skating. She constantly whips forward and backward violently trying to regain balance and ends up slipping with her legs in a 90 degree angle and falling on her back. She has a rough start, but eventually starts to get the hang of it. She see's it as overcoming a challenge and is very proud of her self for it.
Zora: Zora is a hazard to those around her. She also has absolutely has NO coordination for skating and she flails around and manages to accidentally hit a couple people in the face with her flailing. She hates every minuet of it and despises that Ramsey is much better at it then she is.
Ramsey: Ramsey is actually pretty decent. He probably skated in collage and has a bit of experience under his belt. Although he's a bit rusty he can pick up Percy's slack and help her not fall down as much. He constantly teases Zora for being an elite gunslinger yet terrible at skating. She promptly uses her epithet to stop his skates and make him trip and fall on his face.
Rick: Rick does not know what a roller skate is or what to do with it. After the employee's stop him from trying to shove the skate in his mouth and explain how to use it, he roll's out to the middle of the rink and immediately falls on his face. He try's to get up 3 more times and falls on his face every subsequent time. After that he cries face down on the floor and waits till the employee's of the roller rink drag him pathetically off of the rink.
Naven: Bambi on ice. From the moment he gets out on the rink he starts shaking like a chihuahua. Moves at the speed of a snail and is a huge side hugger. He does not enjoy himself the entire time and after one lap he immediately goes back to the seating area for the rest of the night.
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