#Pelican Brewing
Making a new farmer
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His name is Niko and he will take up the in-game mantle of being Isaac's personal menace (He's thirsty for him)
He's friends with Haley and Jeric and is stupidly good with slingshot because he doesn't want to get close to the monsters. (He's trying to mine. Rude.)
Immediately works on automating his farm so he can do nothing the rest of the day. (He needs his beauty sleep).
Became a farmer for the ✨️ aesthetic ✨️ also because his grandmother was so pleased to hear he was given the farm. (He cannot disappoint his grandma). Grows exclusively fruits for wine and flowers because they look pretty.
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lexsssu · 4 months
Bewitched (Wizard | Magnus Rasmodius)
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TAGS: Wizard/F!reader, married sex, fluff, smut, simping, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Mere words can never express how much joy you’ve brought into my life from the moment I met you…And to finally become one with you in the hopes of conceiving a miracle of love is almost too much for this old magi’s heart to bear…”
Magnus has lived…for a VERY long time.
So long, in fact, that he’d long forgotten even the name he was bestowed with upon his birth. 
He’d lived through countless wars and watched again and again as humanity sunk into the deepest pits of depravity and despair before picking itself back up. There’s not much he had yet to see or experience after millennia of existence.
However, that all changed the moment you arrived in Stardew Valley, particularly Pelican Town. As the valley’s designated protector, he knew all the secrets within his territory, and especially the people that went in and out of it.
So, with the arrival of a new farmer who would take up the mantle of her deceased grandfather, someone he’d also come to respect and was good acquaintances with, Magnus had high hopes for you.
Now, if only he knew just how you’d so easily bewitch him with whatever magics you seemed to hide beneath your facade of innocence.
Despite having lived for so long and having experienced being married once before, none of his past experiences could ever prepare him for the force that is simply YOU.
Magnus feels like a young, inexperienced boy all over again as he offers you an extra life elixir he ‘accidentally’ made while brewing an order. His traitorous heart kept beating like a drum as his fingers brushed against yours.
Internally, he chastises himself for behaving in such a way that was unbecoming of a master magic user, especially towards his own (technically) apprentice and friend. 
But his carefully crafted walls all crumble to dust when you bless him with such a warm and genuine smile that has his knees practically buckling beneath him and heat crawling all the way to the tips of his ears.
The day you presented him with a mermaid pendant was the best day of his life because it made him feel like everything he’d gone through, the countless years he’d spent alone and wallowing in his own pity, was worth it. 
Despite having spent three days with barely any sleep to take care of all the preparations for your wedding, Magnus would do it all over again just to marry you. 
The lively ceremony itself isn’t what he looked forward to the most, but having your short nails leaving faint red scratches on his back as you broke in your new marriage bed certainly is.
You looked like a nymph sent straight from the heavens with your hair spread across the pillows and your moans, the sweetest symphony to his ears alongside the erotic squelch of your pussy each time he pushed himself into you as deep as he could go.
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Vampire!Sebastian x Reader Headcanons
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🌙 He was turned about a year or so before you moved in and took over your grandfather's old and dilapidated farm. He had taken his motorcycle out to the outskirts of Zuzu City late into the night in attempts to get away from the nonsense brewing at his home only to be suddenly tackled to ground by something inhuman.
🌙 He woke up a few hours later as the sun was starting to rise over the horizon, completely dazed and dizzy while a horrible fuzziness grew in the back of his mind. As he stumbled to stand up, he rubbed at his aching neck only to fins the skin marred by a horrible bite.
🌙 Upon touching the wound, he was suddenly yanked back into reality as memories of the night prior flooded in. He had been attacked by what looked to be a vampire ripped straight out of a B grade horror movie and survived.
🌙 His phone suddenly went off, the shrill chirping rang in his head like tornado sirens. It made his temples throb and his ears to ring as everything became a little more sharp in his vision. Picking up the damn thing from the grass, he saw it was a text from his mother, the woman had been blowing up his phone all morning.
🌙 Upon his return, he bunched his hood up around his neck and shrugged off Robin's worrying questions as he retreated to his room in the basement. It was only when he locked the door and sat on his bed did he realize that the lack of light soothed his fried nerves.
🌙 He recounted everything to Sam when the blond came over later that day, but when he went to show his best friend the bite, he was stunned to find it nearly healed over. There was just a faint divot from where he had been torn into, but Sam believed him nonetheless.
🌙 He didn't tell Abigail, though. The three of them weren't strangers to the odd things that happen in the valley, and he's sure he's seen little creatures out in the woods and odd shadows near the mines. And with Abigail's record of wanting to fight everything, he wasn't going to chance it with her.
🌙 He finally came to the realization that maybe he had actually been turned into a vampire. The sun was starting to become harsher and harsher to his eyes and body to the point he developed an odd rash that only went away when he retreated back inside. He's also been getting an odd itch to go out into the night, feeling an odd pull towards Cindersnap Woods in the direction of the old stone tower to the west.
🌙 His concerns were finally cemented into reality when he was walking past the home lab as he was leaving only to hear Maru gasp in pain. The sight of blood suddenly dripping from her split palm had his stomach twisting with hunger as a sudden pain erupted in his mouth. Retreating to the garage, he caught a glimpse of himself in the polished metal plating of the motorcycle: He had fangs poking out of his gums where his normal canine teeth should be.
🌙 He did what he could to keep the urges away, but it was all just too much on him. His emotions went unchecked, his patience wore thin, his hunger was starting to drive him nuts. Normal food wasn't cutting it anymore and the burn of the cigarettes in his lungs only distracted him so much. So when he came upon an injured rabbit in the middle of the woods, Instincts he never knew he had took over and the poor thing was drained before it could even try to get away.
🌙 Ever since then, that's how he would feed. He couldn't bare to bring himself to even think about feeding from someone let alone somebody from Pelican Town. He would stalk the woods at night and drain the blood from any woodland critter that crossed his path. It went on like that for a year, his favorite spot being the abandoned farm.
🌙 So imagine his surprise when he suddenly sees a light on in the house one night and a new and unfamiliar scent sitting in the breeze. He overheard it from Sam the next day, his best friend went on about someone who took over the family farm. Sebastian's mood soured a bit, now knowing that his best spot to hunt for food would now be tarnished. He couldn't blame you though, from what Sam told him, your life was getting pretty bad.
🌙 So when he met you after a week or so, imagine his surprise when your scent nearly knocks him to his knees. You had come into the shop to ask Robin about installing a well when your scent startled him awake only for his nerves to calm immediately. You smelled good, like heaven straight to his nose. It had to be something you were wearing, there's no way a human could smell that perfect.
🌙 Something intrigued him to know more about you, the vampire often waiting around the lake late at night to catch you walking back from the mines just to talk to you a little bit. It became apparent that your scent wasn't something you were wearing, it was just you. He felt mortified when he felt saliva pool under his tongue as his jaws began to ache, his fangs pleading to come out. You just smelled so good, you just had to taste just as perfect. Right?
🌙 As you both grew closer, he found himself attracted to you, falling for you like this was some sort of dream. It almost felt wrong. It hurt when you flirted with him and he would reciprocate, it hurt when you both would accidentally brush up against each other. It hurt knowing that he was a hideous monster and you were just a human.
🌙 He's come close to fucking up multiple times in front of you. Hell, there was one time you caught him in the act but didn't actually see what he was doing. It was so late at night and he had his back turned to you. He shakily light up a cigarette as he kept the dead rabbit tight against his body as you threw a sweet little 'Goodnight' over your shoulder.
🌙 And then he fucked up. After being so careful for so long, he royally fucked up and attacked you. Your choked cry will forever haunt him as he sank his fangs into your neck. You were the first person he attacked. Sure, there's been a few small incidents with Sam, but it never resulted in him biting his best friend. But here he is, sucking the life out of his partner as you try to fight back weakly. You just tasted so good, he almost didn't pull away. Almost.
🌙 He had to yank himself away from you, panicking as he felt your pulse start to slow against his tongue. He kept you in his grip as you nearly collapsed in his arms. The way you looked up at him with those fearful eyes half-lidded with exhaustion and the way you struggled out his name practically drove the stake right through his heart.
🌙 You collapsed in his arms not soon after. He panicked, leaving you at Harvey's doorstep and pounded on the door until the doctor echoed in the dark clinic that he was coming. Sebastian hid like a coward, watching from afar as Harvey opened the door to your limp body as blood dripped from the wound in your neck.
🌙 He avoided everyone like the plague. His door remained locked for days on end. His phone was turned off, he didn't attend the festival that had passed, he didn't come to the door when Sam and Abigail knocked. Sam had to force his way in, picking the lock and marching down into Sebastian's dark hollow of a room. Sam knew what Sebastian did, but he didn't speak to his best friend like he was some kind of monster.
🌙 Imagine Sebastian's utter shock when Sam tells him that you wanted to see him. You had been released from Harvey's clinic to with a patched up neck a few days ago, the doctor still baffled about how you ended up with such an injury and managed to get to his front door. But you knew. You remembered everything.
🌙 He was hesitant at first, but when Sam threatened to yank him outside in the daylight to go see you, he relented. He came to your front door later that night, knuckles ghosting against your door only for you to open it. He felt horrible upon seeing you. A bitterness sat on his tongue as his guts writhed with worry and dread for what you were about to say.
🌙 So when you asked him if was doing better from that night, he was dumbfounded. You weren't afraid of him? Sure, you eyed him in the doorway warily, but you weren't calling him a monster. You weren't afraid of him after he fed on you forcefully? You were more worried about him being okay than the fact that he was a fucking vampire and you had a big ass bandage on your neck from where he attacked you.
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ursulanoodles · 1 year
Random Harvey Headcanons Pt.1
He was bullied as a child-- by his family and kids at school
Started his career in emergency medicine, but lost a patient and switched to the mundanity that is family medicine so he could focus on his hobbies and interests
Has autism (war planes, ham radio, and old medical journals are his special interests, though he hides them and tries to contain himself when someone mentions any of these things in public for fear of being judged).
His parents treated him very poorly and he has a lot of childhood trauma and insecurities because of it. He was made to feel like he was never good enough and they pushed him to do well in school. Burnout definitely contributed to him moving away from home.
When the farmer arrives in Pelican Town, it has been quite some time since he’s had any sort of romantic partner. I would say at least two years.
He’s definitely been dumped for being too nice.
He never touched coffee until his residency, but now he can’t get enough. He got very into different styles of coffee brewing and owns several different coffee makers including cold brew, French press, and pour-over. Despite what some might think, he doesn’t drink his coffee black and takes one cream and one sugar.
Loves a charcuterie board with his glass of wine.
Very tall-- we’re talking between 6′4″-6′6″ and he has to duck through just about everyone’s doorway in Pelican Town or he’ll smack his head.
Smells like cinnamon and warm spices (and coffee-- obviously)
His favorite kind of cookie is oatmeal raisin
Is very loving and protective in a relationship and will do anything for his partner, even if that means inconveniencing himself.
Has virtually no friends, though he does sometimes hang out with Elliott and Leah.
Makes his own pickles and likes them very garlicky.
The kind of guy who brings a book to a bar. He is genuinely not there to socialize, he just wants a glass of wine while he reads and he needed to get out of the house.
Comes from a little bit of money, but he has nothing to do with his family and does not take handouts from them. Despite this, he does have some expensive tastes and enjoys dressing well.
His favorite wine is a red zinfandel or he’ll go with a cabernet sauvignon if that’s not available. He does also enjoy white wine, Riesling being his favorite white.
Shaves with a straight razor
Wears a mustache to hide the fact that he has a baby face (though in my fic I gave him a small scar on his upper lip that he hides haha).
Is meticulous about his personal hygiene and appearance
Absolutely treasures his alone time
Has a temper that he hides very well
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
STARDEW VALLEY… THE BOYS IN THE FARM LIFE. At least Hank can do some battling with the monsters in the caves if anything. But the farm life….
Oh DEFINITELY! If Slime Rancher is too bright and too happy all of the time, I can imagine that Stardew would help balance out the problems that the more violent mercenaries would have with Slime Rancher. Hank would find the guild interesting and would enjoy killing monsters day in and day out. He would be the primary gatherer of all your monster resources and ingredients you would ever need for anything ever. The guild is both impressed by his ferocity, and nervous about his lust for killing, but Hank climbs the ranks with ease and makes the desert dungeon his bitch. Would pride himself as the most capable killer in the valley. Sadly, it makes the townsfolk of Pelican Town fear him somewhat, so he probably goes out at night or when everyone else is asleep. Sanford finds this almost the perfect life he would live if he wasn't employed as a bloodthirsty mercenary. The animals are all friendly and like Sanford and he even picks up a side hobby. Brewing! Sanford makes his own beer, wine, and ale in a shed he builds on the Player's ranch. He experiments with all the berries, grapes, hops, and wheat he can and his drinks are all surprisingly delicious! He's easily the most approachable out of the top three mercs, with Doc just edging him out just a bit from the number one spot. Not that he minds. This is like a nice long vacation from Nevada and he couldn't be more happier and relaxed. Deimos has vices and that's understandable. There are people that he can surprisingly relate to in Pelican Town, like Shane. Still, Deimos is a bubbly guy and loves to eat at the local bar in town. It's surprisingly similar to Gil's just without the typical burger joint aesthetic. It even sounds the same! Gus's Saloon, Gil's Burgers, it even has a similar vibe to the burger joint! Just without the, you know, random fights that would breakout sometimes and the giant cook that was made from other body parts. Both he and Sanford go to the saloon every night and have a couple of beers and some nice food. Deimos's view is similar to how Sanford views Stardew, like a nice vacation from the madness in Nevada. The beach is also a bonus, especially when the Player decides to go swimming! Thankfully, Sanford is always there to pull him back to reality...well back to this reality at least! Doc is more interested in the magical aspects of Stardew. It's not just another world entirely, but it's also obeying a different set of rules in comparison to the worlds visited previously. He starts off by being as friendly and polite to the populace as possible, earning most of their trusts within a given season. But he also wants to know more about the magical beings that The Player mentioned. Shadow people, dwarves, Junimo, and the void creatures you have on your farm. So he eventually steals BORROWS a magic tome from the wizard's tower in Cindersap Forest and begins to research into the magic of Stardew. He learns a lot to say the least, there was an unspoken magic history that wasn't in any of the museum books. It was like another world existed among the foil of the "normal" realm. To which the Player elaborates about the community center and the fall of jojo mart. Doc is easily invested and continues his research while visiting Stardew. While he's not as outgoing as the rest of the crew, he at least greatly appreciates the Player giving him such an opportunity to explore multiple worlds and how they operate.
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rokiixd · 8 months
Hermittober Day 4 - "Bound"
ao3 link at the bottom
one would think that being bound to another soul would change their own life, as well as their soulmate. tango didn’t think so. to him, the bond forged between him and his soulmate was simply another cruel joke forced upon them by the gods that put them in this gladiator’s pit of a world. but that was all before he met his soulmate.
despite their initial hesitance, tango and jimmy rapidly grew close. after only a day on their scrappy ranch, a connection beyond their temporary soulbond had formed. neither of them were truly aware of it– they’d owed all shared feelings to the soulbond. but deep down, far beyond the surface of their consciousnesses, there was a thin, glowing thread that joined them.
in a way, the bond between their souls prevented them from realising their own fates. even when tango had felt more than just an occasional twinge of pain, he attributed it to the unstable magic that was used to link the two of them together.
but again, that was before all this happened.
oh, what’s “ this ”, you ask?
well, this all started when a little bird told tango of a place far away, free of the constant cycle of chaos and bloodshed that the gods threw at them. and on a whim, (and without any knowledge of where he was even going in the first place) tango had invited a certain rancher to join him in his endeavour for peace.
tango hadn’t expected jimmy to actually show up at the bus stop. for all he knew, their relationship during the life games was just a temporary means of survival. after the games, they had barely spoken to one another, let alone go on adventures to mysterious worlds (even if they were meant to be peaceful).
jimmy had fallen asleep on the bus to pelican town, and despite his careful demeanour, tango found himself slowly drifting off as the bus cruised on.
they’d arrived at the town sometime in the afternoon, the sun blazing bright above them as they stumbled groggily out of the bus. when they’d entered the town, tango had briefly explained to the mayor that they were here on behalf of their friend (who apparently, was a regular visitor) and were going to live on his plot of land for the foreseeable future.
with that taken care of, the two dragged themselves to grian’s farmhouse.
his house was, unsurprisingly, beautiful– well designed, cosy, and appropriately decked out in decorations of all sorts. but at this point and time, tango cared the most about the king size four-poster bed that sat in the bedroom. jimmy apparently agreed, seeing as he’d collapsed on the bed next to him.
[winter 24 year 2]
tango wakes up to the soft rustling of feathers. for once, jimmy had woken up before him and was getting dressed– but not in his normal denim button-up. for once, he’s wearing a sweater (and that sweater happens to be tango’s favourite oversized knit sweater but no one has to know that), and now overalls on top of it.
tango really doesn’t think his day can get any better– and it’s only just begun.
today is technically tango’s turn to go feed the animals, but if he’s going to be completely honest, he really doesn’t want to get up right now. so, he stays in bed while jimmy brews a pot of coffee for the two of them.
but then–
a twinge of pain echoes in his right hand.
and from the kitchen, jimmy curses loudly in a tongue that not even tango knows.
tango frowns, glancing at his hand.
he rolls out of bed and makes his way to the kitchen. jimmy is standing at the sink, running his hand under the faucet.
“show me your hand.”
“aren’t you gonna ask if i’m okay?”, jimmy teases.
tango huffs impatiently and takes hold of his right hand. and there it is– a patch of pink skin on his hand.
“did you burn yourself?”
jimmy nods.
and then he realises.
“tango, did you feel it?”
tango nods.
and then it clicks.
their bond had never been from the gods.
i love you, he wants to say, but the words are stuck in his throat. jimmy opens his mouth as well, but all that escapes is a sob. tango takes his other hand, lacing their fingers together– and jimmy takes the initiative. he presses a soft kiss to the knuckles of their joined hands, and tango nearly breaks right then and there. he squeezes jimmy’s hand once, then throws his arms around him, nearly knocking them both to the kitchen floor with the force of the embrace.
tango kisses him, sweet and agonisingly slow. he doesn’t think he could ever bring himself to stop.
jimmy doesn’t think he can either.
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i think theres a similar request already done to this with a full animal but!
How about a Farmer who accidentally turned themselves (Maybe it was by messing around with magic, or they managed to spill a potion on themselves, who knows how) into half an animal, retaining that animal's traits (example half cat gives them cat ears/tail, ability to purr and preference for meat, half racoon makes them more likely to dig through the town's trash along with racoon ears/tail, night vision, ect) and now has to visit their spouse Magnus for help?
Does the Farmer have to be half raccoon to have their desire to dig through the trash can? I thought looking for something in the junk was the canon of every Farmer OC.
Considering that the Farmer already know how to concoct elixirs themselves and have a very strong connection to the forest spirits, the chaotic hero of Stardew Valley is definitely going to try a little experimentation with either magic or new potions. Especially if their spouse is a purple-haired, old, slightly grumpy (but oh so handsome) wizard who has explicitly surrounded himself and Farmer with magic and alchemy. Except that Magnus spent years sitting with manuscripts and scrolls to learn the intricacies of the arcane arts. And Farmer, though very gifted, could not go far on enthusiasm alone. Or they go too far, and need to correct the consequences of their own failure.
What exactly of the attributes of beasts was added after a failed attempt to conjure - the choice is enormous. Hare ears and fear of every sound and rustle, deer horns, wolf fangs and the desire to have your belly scratched ("but I'm a wolf, not a dog!"), or a squirrel's tail with a great feeling to collect as many nuts as possible before the coming winter? Or maybe a few attributes of several animals and birds at once? The choice is huge and boggles the mind.
But either way - the Farmer screwed up.
Naturally, there's nothing left to do but head to your dearest spouse for help, while trying to cover up the beast ears sticking out of your head or constantly thanking passing Pelican Town residents for praising "costume elements, even though Spirit's Eve is two seasons away" is rather embarrassing. Magnus will always help relieve the side effects of magic, not forgetting to lightly scold the Farmer for their flippant attitude towards ancient magic that requires respect and careful preparation before use.
The situation will be a little more difficult, though, if the Farmer has had a conflict with Rasmodius before, trying to prove that they are already trained enough to try their hand at more complex spells or brewing potion. Stubborn as a donkey, they left the house and headed resentfully into the forest to prove to both Magnus and the others (who's others? Yoba knows) that they could do anything. And in the end - they come back to the farmhouse, remorseful and, most ironically, with donkey ears. Apparently the spirits had a peculiar sense of humour today. Farmer is lucky that Magnus is very quick to accept all the apologies and help his spouse to become the same as they were before.
Though Farmer had to admit - while Magnus had spent hours trying to find a solution to their problem, some of the abilities had even been useful. For example - the cat's keen hearing, which immediately picked up on the way the bachelorettes of the Stardew Valley started gossiping about Farmer ("Hey, I heard everything!"), or the fine dog's nose, which immediately picked up the scent from the Saloon, where Gus is already preparing crab cakes for the evening, mmmm.... Maybe it's not such a side effect of magic, but even the opposite?
However, Farmer started acting very strange in front of the locals (even stranger than usual), so the idea of keeping the animal ears and tails immediately went away. Thanks to Magnus for his quick work, what would Farmer do without his talented, clever and kind wizard?
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middletone · 2 months
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Introduction Post
Spring – Year 1: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Current Goals:
Fast-track Blue Chickens
Fishing Level 10
Weekly Summary: Leander has taken the first steps towards becoming a part of the Pelican Town community! Having heard rumors of Shane’s chicken husbandry skills, our farmer is attempting to befriend possibly the only person in town to actively avoid having friends. Very rude; we just want to talk about chickens!
Leander has found solace in fishing. He prefers fishing at the dock in front of Willy’s shop, but will sometimes move to one of the small islands of the mountain lake. The Fiberglass Rod was a much needed purchase. The mines do instill a growing need for adventure, however…
Having met with the Wizard and “partaken” of his brew, Leander’s magics have begun to reawaken; enough that the Fae saw it within their good graces to bless our first crops. A fruitful first week back at Aurora Fields.
Daily summary & donation checklists under the cut; mod list in the Introduction post.
Day 01:
Our beginner chickens are Honey (white) & Biscuit (brown)
Cleared a small patch of land in front of the house for crops & cut down enough trees for 2 chests
Bought & planted: 1 Parsnip, 1 Cauliflower, 1 Kale, 1 Green Bean, 1 Blue Jazz, 1 Tulip, & 3 Potatoes
Said “Hi” to everyone excluding Alex, Willy, & the Wizard - Not bad!
Found all possible Spring Foragables - Great start!
Dug up a Rusty Spoon and spoke with Gunther about the museum
Hit Foraging Level 1
Day 02:
Forgot to pet the chickens; continue to be mad I can’t pet them while they’re sleeping
Got word from Willy & went to the beach for our first fishing rod
Dropped a chest in front of Willy’s shop & fished until 5pm; treasure: iron ore, frozen geodes
Found Glass Shards on the beach - Serious safety hazard!
Said “Hi” to Willy & Alex, then gifted a daffodil to Linus for the ‘Making Friends’ quest
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Fishing Levels 1 & 2
Day 03:
Rained - Caught all rain fish except the Shad
Fenced off a portion of the Coop area for the blue chewy grass to spread without being eaten
Chickens fully grown - Got our first eggs!
Gifted Shane an egg; Operation Fast-track Blue Chickens is a go!
Purchased a Fiberglass Rod & Bait from Willy’s Shop
Spent the day fishing; treasure: iron ore, geode, Aquamarine
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Fishing Levels 3 & 4; got Fisherman achievement
Day 04:
Spent the day fishing
Gave Pam a Joja Cola to rub on her sore nose - ?
Egg for Shane
Did some foraging before bed
Hit Fishing Level 5 - Chose Fisher perk
Day 05:
Adopted our first cat, Steve “Captain America” Rogers
Cleared some of the farm towards the southern exit
Completed the Rat Problem & Mine cut scenes
Dropped a chest in the mine by the elevator for future use
Dropped a chest in front of the Community Center & moved items in preparation for first round of donations - Reminds me of stacking bugs/fish outside Blather’s while the museum upgrades in ACNH lol
Nothing worth buying from the Traveling Cart today
Spent the day fishing
Day 06:
Got high with the wizard and made first round of donations to the Community Center
Gave Sam a Flounder that he wanted for unspecified reasons
Spent the day fishing
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Received a visit from the Fairy!
Hit Fishing Level 6 & Foraging Level 2
Day 07:
Learned Stir Fry recipe
Bought a Red Mushroom from the Traveling Cart
Gave Lewis a Daffodil for his birthday
Bought & planted 8 Potatoes; purchased the first pack upgrade
Spent the day fishing; treasure: Skeletal Tail
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Found & read Mining Monthly; gained mining XP
Hit Farming Level 1 & Mining Level 1; got Mother Catch achievement
Community Center - Crafts Room 1/6:
4/4 Spring Foraging: Wild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, Spring Onion
0/3 Summer Foraging: Grape, Spice Berry, Sweet Pea
0/4 Fall Foraging: Common Mushroom, Wild Plum, Hazelnut, Blackberry
0/4 Winter Foraging: Crystal Fruit, Snow Yam, Crocus, Holly
0/5 Exotic Foraging: Coconut, Cactus Fruit, Cave Carrot, Red Mushroom, Purple Mushroom, Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, Pine Tar, Morel
0/3 Forest: Moss (10), Fiber (200), Maple Seed (10)
Community Center - Pantry 1/6:
4/4 Spring Crops: Parsnip, Green Bean, Cauliflower, Potato
0/4 Summer Crops: Hot Pepper, Blueberry, Melon, Summer Squash
0/4 Fall Crops: Corn, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Yam
0/1 Rare Crops: Ancient Fruit, Sweet Gem Berry
2/4 Garden: Tulip, Summer Spangle, Fairy Rose, Blue Jazz, Sunflower
0/4 Brewer’s: Mead, Wine, Juice, Pale Ale, Green Tea
Community Center - Fish Tank 0/6:
1/4 River Fish: Sunfish, Catfish, Shad, Tiger Trout
3/4 Lake Fish: Largemouth Bass, Carp, Bullhead, Sturgeon
1/4 Ocean Fish: Sardine, Tuna, Red Snapper, Tilapia
2/3 Night Fishing: Walleye, Bream, Eel
2/5 Crab Pot: Lobster, Crayfish, Crab, Cockle, Mussel, Shrimp, Snail, Periwinkle, Oyster, Clam
0/2 Master Fisher’s: Lava Eel, Scorpion Carp, Octopus, Blobfish
Community Center - Boiler Room 0/3:
0/4 Geologist’s: Quartz, Earth Crystal, Frozen Tear, Fire Quartz
0/5 Treasure Hunter’s: Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Aquamarine
0/3 Engineer’s: Iridium Ore, Battery Pack, Refined Quartz (5)
Museum - Artifacts 1/42:
Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV, Chipped Amphora, Arrowhead, Ancient Doll, Elvish Jewelry, Chewing Stick, Ornamental Fan, Dinosaur Egg, Rare Disc, Ancient Sword, Rusty Spoon, Rusty Spur, Rusty Cog, Chicken Statue, Ancient Seed, Prehistoric Tool, Dried Starfish, Anchor, Glass Shards, Bone Flute, Prehistoric Handaxe, Dwarvish Helm, Dwarf Gadget, Ancient Drum, Golden Mask, Golden Relic, Strange Doll, Prehistoric Scapula, Prehistoric Tibia, Prehistoric Skull, Skeletal Hand, Prehistoric Rib, Prehistoric Vertebra, Skeletal Tail, Nautilus Fossil, Amphibian Fossil, Palm Fossil, Trilobite
Museum – Minerals 0/53:
Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz, Jade, Diamond, Prismatic Shard, Quartz, Fire Quartz, Frozen Tear, Earth Crystal, Alamite, Bixite, Baryte, Aerinite, Calcite, Dolomite, Esperite, Fluorapatite, Geminite, Helvite, Jamborite, Jagoite, Kyanite, Lunarite, Malachite, Neptunite, Lemon Stone, Nekoite, Orpiment, Petrified Slime, Thunder Egg, Pyrite, Ocean Stone, Ghost Crystal, Tigerseye, Jasper, Opal, Fire Opal, Celestine, Marble, Sandstone, Granite, Basalt, Limestone, Soapstone, Hematite, Mudstone, Obsidian, Slate, Fairy Stone, Star Shards
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skatermusic · 2 months
"Where are you headed this time, dear?" Elliott asked from his study.
"Oh, just gonna kick Pierre's ass. Don't wait up for me." Taylor answered.
Elliott simply nodded, engrossed in planning out his next novel. Then, his husband's words hit him, and he sprung to his feet. "Taylor, what do you mean?" Elliott asked, hands on Taylor's shoulders.
"Heard from Sam that the piece of shit's been taking credit for my produce. He bought one of my bottles of ancient fruit wine for his mom's birthday, and Pierre had the audacity to claim that he brewed it himself." The farmer was fuming by this point. He unsheathed his Galaxy Sword. In the other hand, he pulled out his phone and opened a text conversation between himself and Sam. "Get a load of this, babe."
The picture in question was of the farmer's best friend holding the bottle of wine mentioned earlier. In lieu of the "Blackwood Farm" label was a label from Pierre's General Store.
Elliott was appalled. "Well, I never!"
"Yep. I almost wish I'd let Joja settle in so I could sell my stuff there instead."
Elliott hugged the farmer. "I'm so sorry he did this. Surely Mayor Jodi will realize once she opens her birthday present?"
"Hopefully. Unless she throws the book at him, I may as well fly my stuff to the city instead." And Taylor easily could. Not only did he possess a private pilot's license, but, just before he pulled a "Fuck this, I'm out," from his job at Joja, he used his cut of his grandfather's inheritance to become the owner of a Cessna, which was parked just outside.
"I definitely wouldn't fault you for that. We do speak of the same individual who placed a bucket of water atop the door and revealed my secret to everyone in town."
"That son of a bitch!" As if Taylor hadn't already lost enough respect for the man. If Pelican Town wasn't such a tight-knit community, that could've ended with his husband being experimented on, or being an attraction for a water park!
"Agreed, and he is not the only one. Who do you suppose was in on this act of betrayal?"
Of mother-fucking-course, the douchebag who used to call himself mayor paid Pierre to do it. Yoba forbid the man spent his money on improving the town. Instead, he made a gold statue of himself and, apparently, paid shopkeepers to expose townsfolks' secrets.
Normally, Elliott would never condone violence, but he would happily make an exception for Pierre. "Remember not to tread any blood on the floor, darling. That will be an absolute nightmare to clean."
With a kiss from his husband, Taylor was off.
Just as he was about to enter the store, he saw his father in law leaving, groceries in hand. "Hey, Pops." Taylor greeted.
Willy noticed the amount of weapons the farmer was carrying. "Headed to the caves, my boy?"
"Not exactly."
Taylor and Willy walked to the saloon, where he told the fisherman everything.
"Trust me, son. I had a bone to pick with them both. Lewis was picking his teeth off the floor just before he got locked up, and after Pierre let Elliott's secret out, I had half a mind to buy a Joja membership."
Taylor patiently waited for the "But....."
"Sure, Pierre's a scumbag, but I couldn't bear the thought of the community centre being destroyed."
"Yeah, that's fair."
"Lewis deserved everything. May have broken my hand, but like hell do I have any regrets."
"What should I do about Pierre, Pops? Can't just let him get away with this."
"That's the thing-you won't. And I have an idea."
Taylor's phone buzzed, his husband's name appearing on the caller ID. He answered the phone. "You're on speaker, hon, and your dad's with me. I caught him up, and he has an idea."
"Ah. Do tell."
"One of you will blow the whistle on his ass, just like we did to Lewis." Willy explained. "The Flower Dance is right around the corner, and Pierre always uses Taylor's goods for the buffet table."
"Sounds like a plan. I think Elliott better do it, Pops. You know how I am when I'm pissed."
"Happily, darling." Elliott agreed.
With the plan made, all that was left was to wait for April 24th.
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nauticallyhypnotical · 4 months
Medicinal Properties
Harvey x female OC
this is only chapter one. read the rest on my ao3 (WIP)
It was Saturday, Harvey’s favorite day of the week. He began the day like any other, brewing himself a cup of coffee with his Keurig while he turned on the radio. A soft jazz melody began to play throughout his small apartment. Harvey hummed to himself as he laid out his outfit for the day. On days like this, when he didn’t have to open the clinic, he usually opted for khakis, a sweater-vest, and a matching bowtie. When he wasn’t catching up on paperwork, he enjoyed spending time at Pelican Town’s museum. The museum doubled as a library, holding more literature than artifacts; every wall doubled as a bookcase, every shelf containing books on any subject imaginable. Harvey had lived in the town just shy of five years, and still he found himself nowhere near finished reading the entirety of Gunther’s--the librarian—collection. Of course, he started with the books on modular airplanes. He'd always wished he’d been a pilot, rather than a doctor. But, with his bad eyesight and fear of heights, he had to put aside his dreams. His parents wanted him to pursue medicine, so he became a doctor.
And as it turned out, Harvey really loved what he did. It was hard work, but he found it incredibly rewarding. It kept him busy throughout the years, especially after he opened his own practice in Pelican Town. Unfortunately for Harvey, being as busy as he was meant he had little time for romance. He found himself a bachelor at thirty-seven years old, and sometimes after a particularly long day at work he would imagine what it would be like to be married, to have someone there waiting for him at home. Harvey had had girlfriends in the past, but those relationships were short-lived. The dating pool in Pelican Town wasn’t really in Harvey’s interest, either. Everybody was either too young for him, or already married. Not to mention they were all patients of his, and as the nearest medical practice was almost hours away in Zuzu City Hospital, that wasn’t likely to change.
Harvey tried not to think about how lonely he was as he walked across town to the museum. He figured a deep nosedive into a good book was the perfect remedy for his melancholia. Reaching the front of the building, he tried for the doors, disappointment settling in when they didn’t budge. It was then he noticed a note taped to the glass, reading: Closed for family emergency –Gunther
Harvey sighed, not wanting to return to his empty apartment just yet. He decided to walk east of the museum, footsteps leading him to Shearwater bridge where he stopped to gaze at the river beyond. He thought he’d never grow old of the valley; growing up in the suburbs, he didn’t see much of nature besides the city park. But here? Nature was everywhere . The skies were filled with birdsong in the day, and clusters of stars at night. Flowers of every color imaginable cluttered throughout the grass, so beloved by the town’s residents that every spring they hosted a festival celebrating the fertility of the valley. Something was different about this place, Harvey felt it the moment he moved in. It felt magical, in a way.
Harvey was enjoying the cool autumn breeze when he was interrupted by the chirping of a very orange cat. The cat walked on the ledge towards him invitingly, tail hooked in the air as if to say, “Hello, friend!” He stuck his hand out, and the cat nudged at him immediately accepting the gesture.
“Well, aren’t you friendly?” Harvey asked the cat. It meowed in response, purring like a motor as it rubbed against Harvey’s body affectionately. He wondered if this was one of Marnie’s barn cats, The pair were a bit aways from her farm, Harvey had never had cats before and so wasn’t sure how far they were inclined to roam.
“Shall we take you home, then?” He asked the cat.
“Mrrp!” It chirped at him, jumping down from the ledge as if in understanding. The sun had already begun to set, retreating behind the horizon ever so slowly and painting the valley in deep red and orange hues. The cat followed beside Harvey the whole way to Cindersap forest, where Marnie lived on her ranch with her nephew, Shane, and his godchild, Jas. Harvey had gotten to know the woman quite well over the last few months, when he first learned that some of the women in town were having weekly aerobics sessions in Caroline and Pierre’s house. He had asked to join them, to keep up with his health, and became an honorary gossip girl after some time. He learned after the past week’s session that the old farm north of Marnie’s ranch was finally being cleaned up and renovated by Robin, because apparently the old farmer’s granddaughter was taking over. Harvey had caught glimpses of the farm before, when he had to take the bus into Zuzu City for his work conferences. The land, after years of neglect, had been covered with yard debris and taken over by weeds. He’d wondered of the farm’s potential. The new farmer certainly had her work cut out for her.
By the time Harvey and the cat had reached Marnie’s, the sun was completely set. He rapped on the door three times using a door knocker that was in the shape of a chicken. Harvey smiled to himself; he quite liked the novelty.
Marnie answered the door wearing a checkered apron covered in flour.
“Lew-? Oh, hello, Harvey. What brings you here at this hour?” she asked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.
“Good evening, Marnie. I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I was just wondering if this cat was yours? It followed me all the way from the bridge,” he looked down at the cat, who sat next to him licking its paw to groom its face. Marnie’s gaze followed suit.
“No, I’ve never seen this one around before,” she said. “It’s cute, though. Do you know the sex?” She asked. Harvey shook his head.
“I’ve never owned any animals,” he explained. Marnie removed her apron and hung it up beside the door before crouching down to take a good look at the feline.
“Hm, I can’t see any signs of a neutering. I'd say you’ve got a little lady here, doctor,” she said with a smile. She stood up and brushed her hands on her dress.
“I’d say you’re lucky, too. You say she followed you from Shearwater bridge? Seems like she’s chosen you, Harvey,” she said. Pet ownership had not crossed Harvey’s mind, but now that the idea was out in the open, Harvey imagined what it would be like. The cat was brushing against his legs, now.
“Have you got a name for her? If you’ve got a name, you’ve got to keep her,” Marnie said. Harvey thought of a name befitting the creature before him.
“I think Marigold suits her lovely, don’t you think?” he asked. Marnie nodded.
“Marigold is perfect. Do you need any supplies while you’re here?” she offered. Every business owner in town, save for the manager of Pierre’s opposition, lived where they worked. With how small the town was, it was a matter of convenience. Marnie’s front room was also her shop. Harvey picked out what he needed for Marigold with Marnie’s guidance and placed them on the counter. She waited patiently for him outside, large gold eyes watching his every move.
When Harvey and Marigold arrived home, he had to scoop her up to carry her through the clinic. She began to protest, and Harvey tried his best to soothe her.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be quick!” he said, fumbling for his keys to open both the clinic doors, and the doors leading up to his apartment. She was perfectly fine the minute she was back on the ground upstairs, acting as if her attitude had never changed and started to make herself at home. She jumped on Harvey’s bed, which sat in the corner of his living room, and started to knead at his blankets. He had heard that cats “make biscuits” from Jas during one of her visits, and he was delighted to see it in person. Harvey was smitten.
He just wished Marnie had warned him about the psychotic three-in-the-morning rampage. Marigold bolted around the apartment like she owned the place. She jumped on Harvey like she was the one paying the bills, disturbing him from an almost peaceful sleep as the air gets knocked out of him by a ten-pound cat. As fast as it starts, the storm is over, Marigold once again finding her spot to sleep in next to Harvey’s head. He groggily looks at her, moonlight cascading in through the window. He can see her fine this close without his glasses, and she’s the most peaceful looking creature he’d ever seen, despite what had just transpired not even ten minutes prior.
As he closed his eyes once more for sleep, Harvey thought about how glad he was that he didn’t have to spend his nights alone anymore.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
How Dano Characters Would Play Stardew Valley Part II | Dano!Characters x GN!Reader
Dano!Characters x GN!Reader
Author's Note | we got part two up in here! this concept is so fun to me so I hope that y'all enjoy the lighthearted content! I promise I am still working on my milestone requests (y'all would not believe how many requests I actually got oh my gosh) but I just wanted to break it up with this fun little thing!!
Warnings | slight spoilers for Stardew Valley? overall, this is pure fluff!
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✰ Joby Taylor ✰
First of all, you'd have to force Joby to play the game. He'd roll his eyes at the cutesy graphics and write it off as just a time waster. But he'd get sucked in and get super invested in it.
Joby doesn't really like farming. He isn't good at it. And he has a hard time budgeting out his money to buy the proper amount of seeds. He also isn't great with planning ahead and has absolutely planted seeds a few days before the turn of the season and gets surprised when they all die.
But he loves planting wheat. It grows fast and then he can turn them into beer. He gets really good at the brewing aspect and regularly sells the spoils of his keg collection and gets rich that way.
He dates literally every single bachelor and bachelorette and gets both the scenes with the boys and the girls where they all slut shame him. He gets so pissed off that none of the marriage candidates will talk to him the week afterwards.
When he builds up his friendship levels again, he has a hard time choosing between Sebastian and Abigail. He alternates between both, marrying one, staying with them for about a year, divorcing them, and then marrying the other. He erases his ex's memory and proceeds to romance them all over again. He has absolutely no remorse for this.
Joby chooses a dog as his pet. Surprisingly, he gets very attached to the dog. He’d name the dog after some rock legend like Kurt, Sid, or Mick. That dog is basically the only creature he bothers to care for in the entire game.
Oh. And yeah. He absolutely sells out to Joja Corporation purely because he thinks it's funny and doesn't want to have to gather all the goods for the community center.
✰ Louis Ives ✰
Louis would adore the concept of this game but would be a fairly casual player. They're not super intense on farming or mining. But they love decorating the farm and the house.
They memorize the pathing of each NPC so they can build around their pathing in town. They decorate with all sorts of greenery and stone pathing and spend lots of time switching out decor to match with the passing seasons. Louis has the prettiest version of Pelican Town on their save file.
Louis makes friends with all of the townies so quickly. They're good at memorizing all of the birthdays and setting aside presents to give everyone.
When deciding between a dog and a cat for their pet, Louis chooses a cat. And they’d name it some sort of feminine human name like Lily or Claire. 
Louis has so much fun with making clothes. The second Emily gives them the sewing machine, Louis is spending all of their gold on getting a barn full of sheep so they can continually be producing wool to make into fabric.
They will combine basically every item they possibly can with fabric to see what sort of clothing it would make. And they make a deliberate effort to wear every single article of clothing possible.
They would marry Emily. Emily was the girl who introduced them to sewing, which is what initially gets them interested. She's just so unique and fun and it keeps them on their toes.
When Emily gives their character the Magic outfit, Louis will try and incorporate at least one piece into their outfit at all times.
They venture into the mines (even though they absolutely suck at combat) just to find minerals to give to Emily.
✰ Percy Dolarhyde ✰
Percy is the biggest brat with this game. He isn't even good at the game in the slightest. Which is probably the most frustrating thing of all for him.
He can't even try to flex being good at any of the mechanics. Catching fish? He loses them all. Farming? Boring. Combat? Terrible.
Percy gets knocked out every single time he goes into the mine and loses half of his items. Or he loses track of time and passes out at 2 AM and ends up getting mugged. This angers him immensely.
This man is the only person in the world who could develop rage over a game like Stardew Valley. He isn't good at it and doesn't understand it and this upsets him a lot more than it should.
Percy doesn't care about forming genuine friendships with characters. He'd marry random villagers and then divorce them for just the drama of it all. Hell, he'll randomly give trash to villagers just to see their reactions.
Just like in real life, no one likes Percy.
He gets heavily attached to the dog and the horse you can eventually get. He probably calls the dog Copper and names the horse Dusty. Truly, those are the only characters (are they even really characters though?) that he can even slightly form a real bond with.
Needless to say, someone is absolutely putting a few bullets through their Nintendo Switch before whining to their father to get them another one.
✰ Pierre Bezukhov ✰
Pierre gets super invested very quickly. Especially with farming. He's terribly useless in the mines, of course. But he tries his best. If he's playing multiplayer with someone else, he'll sacrifice himself in the most dramatic fashion if any monsters attack.
On farming: Pierre is so diligent with it. He does all of the math for how many crops he can manage to grow in a season. He doesn't care too much about profits, however. The joy of planting seeds and watching them slowly grow into pixel fruits and veggies fulfills him more than any amount of money ever could.
He's super attentive to the crops and will insist upon watering them all himself instead of just using the sprinklers.
Pierre loves the animals and chooses a cat for his pet. He’d name it some stereotypical cat name like Whiskers or Mittens. He’s a simple man and when he sees a pixel cat, he can’t help but be smitten.
This man marries Penny, of course. Pierre loves her kindness but also loves her dedication to kids and having a family. When she offers to decorate the bedroom, he chooses the Forest and Moon theme.
Pierre can fully embrace the slice of life narrative and doesn’t get bored by it. He could literally waste hours away on this game between building up his farm and discovering what the world has to offer. He takes the most time to technically “finish” the game because he really cares about exploring every aspect.
✰ Seth ✰
Seth goes into this game with one goal in mind: making as much money as possible. And he means business. He will try any and every money making tactic in the game.
He isn't great with farming though. Not for a lack of trying, either. He just simply forgets about his crops. He's constantly forgetting to water them and ends up accidentally letting them die.
This man has a thing for pyrotechnics and will always be using bombs in the mines to get through the levels. This is where he gets a lot of his riches. He goes the route of getting diamonds and making dozens upon dozens of Crystalariums so he can duplicate diamonds forever.
Seth is also pretty good at fishing, surprisingly. When he can focus on it, he can get sucked into wasting an in-game day standing on the dock at the beach, just casting his line while using the Treasure Hunter so he can get extra gems while fishing. 
Before too long, Seth fills up his farm with four separate sheds, each filled with Crystalariums that are all hard at work. On the days where they're all finished duplicating, he just waltzes through each shed and mutters to himself, "Time for daddy's payday..."
If he needs any ores or wood or stone, he's not harvesting it himself. He buys all of his supplies at this point.
Seth doesn't get married! He isn't letting himself get tied down in both the real and virtual world. But he does flirt with every one of the bachelorettes. Of course he does.
He gets slut shamed by all of the bachelorettes and he's kind of bitter about it. But he gets over it quickly and moves on. 
His biggest achievement? Being able to place the Gold Clock on his farm.
✰ Simon Feck ✰
Simon is unabashedly in love with this game. He likes playing video games in his spare time anyways, but this one is intriguing to him because of the wholesome themes and because it literally never ends.
He doesn't get too into interacting with the other characters. He just loves automating his farm.
The day he gets the enrichers that spread fertilizer automatically? He's in paradise. He places Junimo huts everywhere so that they can do everything for him.
This man absolutely mods his game. Simon gets obsessed with adding random expansions packs that give him extra crops to mess with, extra NPCs, and extra locations.
He's not great at connecting with the NPCs so he tends to look towards the wiki for help on knowing what to do and which gifts to give who, though he is very secretive about this and will get offended if anyone even implies that he's not being a purist.
Simon falls head over heels for Maru. It takes him a while to get there, but he eventually marries her and adores the fact that there's an NPC who's just as into science and technology as he is.
✰ Timothy Klitz ✰
Klitz also mods his game. But the mods he uses are mostly cosmetic. He definitely uses the one that changes the villager portraits to anime style portraits.
He’s also a huge video game purist so he really tries to toe the line between keeping his experience as true to the original as possible while also making his game prettier to look at. He’s a sucker for a mod that puts a good filter over the whole game.
He also chooses a cat for his pet. He’s allergic to dogs in real life and he’s dragging that with him into the virtual setting. He’d choose the orange cat and would name it Garfield just for the fun of it.
Klitzy is madly in love with Hayley. He thinks she's the prettiest bachelorette in town and it absolutely breaks his heart when she bullies him.
When her birthday comes around in Spring, he gives her the only thing in his inventory, a dandelion. And when she says, “It's my birthday and you give me this? Is this some kind of joke?” He is in mourning. He will quit the game and restart the day just so he won't have to deal with that lowering his friendship level with her.
He takes it personal when she rejects him at the Flower Dance. Even if you explain that he just needs to have at least four hearts with her, he is absolutely insulted.
It takes him so long to actually figure out what gifts she likes to receive because he's dead set on not checking the wiki. He considers it cheating and takes the purity of his gameplay experience very seriously.
He's actually good at fishing. Big shocker, but he has the patience and the reflexes to actually catch every fish fairly quickly. He also likes keeping them in fish tanks; he has so many fish tanks littered throughout his house and his sheds. 
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Proud to announce that I spotted 60.5 species of birds in my week trip to Florida (copied-and-pasted from my Big Year google doc, so the FA stands for Florida):
Marsh wren FA
Limpkin FA
Great white heron FA
Cattle egret FA
Anhinga FA
Snowy egret FA
Great blue heron FA
Black-crowned night heron FA *was on a boardwalk trail and saw a bunch of people crouching down and looking at something and I thought they saw another gator (on this trip we saw 32 gators in total) but it was something better! A bird! And then I saw another one the next day hiding under brush.
Wood stork FA
Common moorhen FA
Blue-gray gnatcatcher FA
Turkey vulture FA *was looking for wild turkeys and unfortunately didn't see any this trip but one of these guys was stalking on the side of the rode and for a second we got exciting thinking it was an actual turkey.
Black vulture FA
Yellow-rumped warbler FA
Tufted titmouse FA *my grandma's favourite bird
Little blue heron FA
White ibis FA *we were ambushed by them because people at the park would feed them so they expected us to feed them but we wouldn't so they just surrounded us and we thought they would attack us but they didn't.
Cooper's hawk FA
Cardinal FA
Green heron FA *my grandpa was walking a little ahead of me and whispered for me to come and there was this gorgeous green fishing. Moved so slowly and gently that he didn't make a sound, it was incredible.
Carolina warbler FA
Pine warbler FA
Sandhill crane FA
Carolina chickadee FA
Bluejay FA
Osprey FA
Chimney swift FA
Red-tailed hawk FA *saw this lovely lady perched on a fence as we drove out of my grandparents' neighbourhood
Prairie warbler FA
American kestrel FA
Glossy ibis FA
Pied-billed grebe FA
Double-crested cormorant FA
Grey kingbird FA
Brown pelican FA *we weren't anywhere near the ocean but a storm was likely brewing and huge flocks of brown pelicans and white pelicans flew inland
Fish crow FA
Royal tern FA
Bald eagle FA
Painted bunting FA *didn't think I'd see one this trip because the nature garden we went to last year that had a lot of birds, including the painted bunting we saw last year, had too many people this time around so there weren't many birds. But then I saw a painted bunting at a different trail and literally forgot to be quiet and freaked out.
American white pelican FA
Common grackle FA
Boat-tailed grackle FA *did you know that these grackles make a clicking sound when they see humans or predators that sounds like a turkey gobble sound? I didn't until these guys wouldn't stop yelling at my while I was just trying to rest my legs on a bench.
American purple gallinule FA *gorgeous birds. gorgeous.
American coot FA
Brown-headed cowbird FA
Tricolored heron FA
Mallard FA
Black-bellied whistling duck FA
Eastern kingbird FA
Yellow-billed cuckoo FA
Muscovy duck FA
American bittern FA *my grandma and I saw this one and at first thought it was a green heron but then realized it wasn't haha.
Ring-billed gull FA
Feral American Pekin FA
Mallard-Pekin hybrid FA *spent so much time trying to identify these weird ducks until I went on my laptop later that evening and read up way too much on duck genetics and realized that they were hybrids. They were probably second-generation hybrids from my brief scan of pedigree charts of ducks, meaning their grandparents were a mallard and a pekin, but their parents were a hybrid and a pekin.
Eastern bluebird FA
Yellow-bellied sapsucker FA *went to a park my grandparents recommended and there weren't really any new birds there and my legs hurt from walking but then I heard this guy tapping around in a tree and there he was. Still wouldn't recommend this park.
Red-winged blackbird FA *was complaining to my grandpa that I hadn't seen any red-winged blackbirds yet and my trip was almost over when a bunch of these guys literally flew down in front of us.
White-eyed vireo FA
Mottled duck FA
Broad-winged hawk FA *saw this guy as my plane was literally taxiing out of the runway to go home. I was looking out my window cause I was nervous and there he was! Just perched on a sign!
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SOOOOOO uh have any head canons for Elliott or the Wizard? I really like them.
Ay! You're my first ask! Thanks!
Now, this might have some spoilers and I have taken some liberties because this was quite open-ended. Let me know if you like!
Magnus Rasmodius, aka the wizard
Groes Stardrops for fun
I feel like he vibes more with Krobus than the Dwarf
The dude used to get around in his hayday. Before his wife and afterward. Let’s just say, man must have been a party.
Yo, isn’t also basically a straight up war criminal? I feel like he helps the traveling merchant get through Pelican Town and the Valley with the smuggled goods from the ongoing war between the Ferngill Republic and the Gotoro Empire. 
Somehow he gives me the vibes of “the adult fuck boi” but with class. Although that might be the hat.
I also get the vibe that he makes extra brews, maybe just for himself but definitely has extra mead for himself.
I don’t think he waters his plants with sea water. I think he genuinely forgets to water and then proceeds to kill them either by neglect or by well intending drowning.
Somhow I bet he would have written fanfic and then got the idea that he could just… write his own story. 
Suffers from chronic “I’m writing” but actually I’ve been hiding in a corner because the action of writing is terrifying.
I just KNOW he drinks too much. Not like in an alcoholic kind of way but in the way people get too drunk with friends, a mix of peer pressure and low inhibitions. Like those times were he asks the farmer if they would love him less if he drank a bunch of pumpkin ale—the man would be sloshed.
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saleintothe90s · 7 months
478. 93 things about 1993, part 4
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(part 3)
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18. ValuJet flies for the first time (October 26)
ValuJet's first flight was from Atlanta to Tampa on October 26, 1993. By 1994, the planes with their silly mascot on them had made 15 emergency landings! 1 On June 8, 1995 one of their ancient planes had an engine fire on the tarmac in Atlanta.
We all know what happened to ValuJet just 2 1/2 years later.
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19. Kenneth Junior French kills 4 because of "gays in the military". (August 7th)
He got four life terms + an extra 35 years tacked onto his sentence.
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Newsweek, February 8, 1993
20. Socks Mania
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People went absolutely feral over Bill Clinton's cat, Socks. There was merch:
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Such as this Socks cat food container (eBay seller passalong)
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This Socks watch that I still remember seeing at my local Kmart in 1996. Yes, the battery was dead. (eBay seller ha-340226)
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This socks doll I also remember seeing at Kmart on a family vacation in Ohio that I desperately wanted. (eBay seller 13navybeans)
I don't have the date on it, but here is a clip of kids petting Socks at Christmas.
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21. Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett get married (June)
When Roberts returned to the set of The Pelican Brief following her wedding, the cast and crew (including co-star Denzel Washington) threw her a party in which they all wore shirts that read: "He’s A Lovely Boy … But You Really Must Do Something About His Hair" on the back. 2
They only lasted til 1995, but they were cute together.
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22. Base Closings (March)
Growing up, I thought this was the first time bases closed in the U.S., ever. No, a whole bunch closed just a couple of years prior!
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23. Florida tourists killed
The state government ordered that all company logos be removed from rental cars, and it abolished special license tags for such vehicles. Rental car agencies now give customers detailed safety brochures in English, Spanish, German and other languages, and they play tape recordings with similar messages over the public address systems in their rental offices every five minutes. 3
There was even a bit in the SNL episode (hosted by Shannen Doherty) where Phil Hartman played Disney's Michael Eisner, alerting tourists that you'll won't get murdered in northern Florida where Disney is:
Hi, I’m Michael Eisner, speaking to you from the Magic Kingdom here in Orlando. You know, for the last few months, Florida has been victim to a terrible tragedy: the horrific murder of nine foreign tourists in Southern Florida. We here in Northern Florida express our sympathies.. to the families of those murdered hundreds of miles away.. in Miami, the capitol of Southern Florida.
8 tourists were killed in 1993. 4
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24. Miller Clear
Faced with lackluster sales, the Miller Brewing Company has ended its market test of Miller Clear, the brewing industry's first clear beer. "We're not manufacturing it any longer for the near term," Eric Kraus, a spokesman for the Milwaukee-based brewer, said on Tuesday. "We had a tremendous initial trial, but repeat business was not necessarily as good." The beer that has been made will be sold, but no more will be brewed, Mr. Kraus said. In April, Miller began test-marketing its clear beer in Richmond, Minneapolis and Austin, Tex. 4
(there's some more about it on Weird Universe)
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25. Tonya Harding's dress pops (January)
Earlier this year, a snap on her costume broke at the United States championships. At the 1992 Olympic trials, her blades were mounted slightly out of position, leaving her stranded with a broken axel. Skate problems also delayed her arrival at the 1992 Winter Games in Albertville, France, where she finished a disappointing fourth. By 1993, fourth was the best she could do at the United States championships. 5
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“ValuJet - Airlinefiles.” n.d. Accessed October 13, 2023. https://airlinefiles.com/valujet?showall=1.
“TBT: Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts Got Married After Dating for Just a Few Weeks.” n.d. InStyle. Accessed October 14, 2023. https://www.instyle.com/news/tbt-julia-roberts-lyle-lovett-relationship.
Rohter, Larry. “Tourist Is Killed in Florida Despite Taking Precautions.” The New York Times, September 9, 1993, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/09/09/us/tourist-is-killed-in-florida-despite-taking-precautions.html.
Clary, Mike. “Woman Confesses to Killing German Tourist, Police Say : Crime: She Reports Being Angered When the Couple Targeted for Robbery Would Not Stop Their Rental Car. A Third Suspect Is Held.” Los Angeles Times. September 11, 1993. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-09-11-mn-34072-story.html.
Longman, Jere. “FIGURE SKATING; For Harding, Not All Sequins and Music.” The New York Times, October 26, 1993, sec. Sports. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/26/sports/figure-skating-for-harding-not-all-sequins-and-music.html. https://archive.ph/G5T63
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porridgefeast · 10 months
an undetermined number of people you’d like to know more
I did away with the “nine” because I’m not tagging anybody anyway. I was tagged by my dear @emotionallychargedtowel.
last song i listened to
The last song I know I listened to is this cover of the Karate song “Gasoline,” which I really love and find cathartic. Pelican is an instrumental band and as such they don’t have a singer, so they enlisted this guy Chris Hansen from a band called Pinebender. He does a great job—his voice isn’t completely unlike that of Karate singer Geoff Farina, but he has a different, very affecting yell-y quality that really pays off when the song reaches its climax. And it’s a very climactic song / version of the song.
currently watching
Uncharacteristically, I don’t have one main thing I’m currently watching. I should soon. I just finished watching Not Me for the second time. I’m partway through the new miniseries of Justified. Like many people, I watched the first episode of Only Friends earlier today. Already a lot going on there! And this evening I thought I’d take a look at Gay Ok Bangkok per @waitmyturtles and I guess I got sucked in because I made it all the way through the show’s first season. Oh, and Jun & Jun.
currently reading
I’m near the beginning of Harrow the Ninth, which I’m finally picking up. I read Gideon the Ninth ages ago but I felt like I needed to reread it before I attempted the sequel. I got a new ebook copy of that one & read it on my July trip to Washington. I had bought a hard copy of Harrow in June when my colleague had an event for the release of her first novel; I wasn’t going to buy her book because I already had a copy by then, but I made sure to buy one book every time I went to one of her events. Another book event was my excuse to buy a copy of The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz, which I’ve wanted for years. I guess I’m also reading that, just very very slowly and not from beginning to end.
current obsessions
I often have at least one cooking obsession but the insane heat where I live has made that hard to keep up. At a certain point, food is barely interesting. Closest thing I've got now is tofu scramble.
Making cold-brewed tea in the fridge.
Fermentation, as per my reading material. I want to try doing water kefir soon.
I've wanted to make a scarf like Kaito's (below) from Zenkaiger since I saw it, maybe 1 1/2 to 2 years ago. ("Like" as in stitch pattern, though I'd probably also do stripes.) It just looks really soft. I have yarn brain at the moment because I'm scheming about yarn for this and a knitting project.
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Probably my biggest current fascination (of a non-media-related variety) is mending things and practicing mending. My bestie is an avid thrifter who wears clothes to pieces, so I have a near-endless source of mendable items to practice upon.
Organizing, if something can be both an obsession and a source of dread.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
An imbiber's guide to Barleywine Bacchanal 2023, hosted by the Beveridge Place Pub.
With Spring being less than two weeks away, it's important to get your Winter beer drinking in while you can!
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image courtesy Beveridge Place Pub
What better way than by visiting Beveridge Place Pub for their annual Barleywine Bacchanal, starting March 9th (thru the 12th)? Now in its 21st year, Beveridge Place Pub's celebration of all things barleywine invites guests to enjoy something new, something old, something barrel-aged, and something probably never seen again. That's right, among the list of beers featured at this year's event will be some from at least one brewery that has since closed.
Reaching out to the public house in Seattle's West Seattle neighborhood, Beveridge Place Pub responded with a list of some 25 beers. Besides this information, additional listings were recovered from their social media accounts. The result is a list of some 35 beers planned for the first day or as part vintage flights, throughout the week. Recognizing that many of you might be new to barleywine (aka barley wine barleywine style ale, or barley wine style ale), might be unfamiliar with the beers or the style, here's a handy guide.
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More on the Imbiber’s Guide
Broken down by vintage, followed by the Pacific Northwest, and finally "everything else", you're invited to compare names on Beveridge Place Pubs daily menu, against this modest list. Except for vintage releases, descriptions have been omitted to avoid getting caught up in long descriptions.
Finally, the current standard for a beer being vintage is anything older than (say) several years. So, for example, a 2019 Barren Wood will be found in the Pacific Northwest section, while an Oakshire Barleywine '14 is in the vintage category.
In fact, the 'Pub has announced the following beers (included in this guide will be tapped on March 9th.
Lumberbeard '22
Matchless Ol Lifewine '17
Midnight Sun Bourbon Arctic Devil '17
Oakshire '14
Pelican Mother of All Storms '20
Reuben's Brew Three Ryes Men '20
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot '22
Skookum Barren Wood '19
Stoup '22
To Øl Mine is Bigger Than Yours (Denmark) '15
Upright '15
Varietal/Skookum Sovereign of Nockmarr '19
Alesong Maestro '22
Boneyard Wooden Femur '21
Boulevard Rye on Rye #6 '19
Braufactum Arrique (Germany) '17
Buoy Love Lost at Sea '21
E9 Sekiu '22
Fremont Brew 6000 '22
Ft Feorge Etymology '22
Future Primitive TWO '20
Georgetown Chateauneuf-du-Chad '18
Guineu Barley Win (Spain) '20
Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws '19
Finally, as Beveridge Place Pub does not operate a full-service kitchen, guests are encouraged to bring their own food or choose from the limited menu at the 'Pub. To help find options, there's a link at the bottom of the guide that links to Google Maps.
And that's it! Remember to stay hydrated, well nourished, and above all enjoy the 21st annual Barleywine Bacchanal.
For more information, including daily updates to their taplist, visit Beveridge Place Pub's website at https://www.beveridgeplacepub.com/
Pacific Northwest
Everyone else
Food options, via Google Maps, near Beveridge Place Pub
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3F5RVEx
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