nailsonblackwomen · 8 months
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boredjaneblog · 2 months
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atths--twice · 5 months
Surprising Discoveries
Stopping by Mulder’s apartment unannounced, Scully is in for quite a surprise.
This is the second story I wrote for the MSR Fanzine. A bit of humor and fluff. Hope you enjoy.
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May 1999
Scully turned her head and listened, frowning as she heard the muffled sounds of the television through Mulder’s door. She tried knocking again, but there was still no answer. 
“Well,” she said under her breath, taking out her phone and calling him, waiting for him to pick up. 
She could hear it ringing on the other side of the door, but he did not answer it. Sighing, she disconnected the call and put it back into her pocket. Pulling out her keys, she placed his into the lock and opened the door. 
Closing the door softly behind her, she put her keys back into her pocket and walked into the dimly lit apartment. His phone was on the table and the television was playing an old movie, but Mulder was nowhere to be seen. 
Glancing at his half closed bedroom door, she wondered if she should enter, or leave and never tell him she had stopped by. 
What if he was not alone? What if… 
She licked her lips, let out a deep breath, and knocked on his bedroom door. 
“Mulder?” she called, but heard nothing in reply. 
Pushing the door open, she stepped into his nearly equally dim bedroom and frowned, still not seeing him. 
A noise from his bathroom gave her pause, but then she stepped forward, sure she would finally find him in there. 
“Mulder?” she asked, rapping gently on the closed door. 
“Sc… Scully?” he asked, as she heard something hit the floor. 
“Yeah, it’s me. I tried knocking and then calling you, but you didn’t answer,” she explained, now feeling almost silly for stopping by unannounced. 
“Yeah, I uh… uh…” 
“I should’ve called first,” she said, shaking her head. “I was leaving my mom’s after having dinner there and thought I’d stop by. But, I’m gonna go. I’ll talk to you later.” 
“No!” he called out, as something dropped again and he swore. “I’m glad you’re here, I was just…” He sighed loudly and she frowned, wondering what was going on in there. 
“Mulder, it’s fine. You continue what you’re doing. It wasn’t anything important. I’ll let you get back to it.” 
She took one step back and he opened the door at the same time. When she looked at him, her eyes widened in surprise. 
“Ohhhh,” she breathed, laughter being choked down as she stared at him, fighting back a smile even as she felt it stretching across her face. 
“Yeah, I know,” he grumbled and the laughter she tried to contain came bubbling out, bending her forward, as he crossed his arms and sighed deeply. 
“Mulder,” she laughed, shaking her head as she looked at him again, taking in the green clay mask on his face, thicker in some spots and thinner in others. Thin streaks of it were even in his hair. “What are you doing, Mulder?” 
“I…” he said with a sigh. 
“Have you… have you…” She laughed and then tried to sober up, still snickering softly. “I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh.” 
“No, you shouldn’t,” he said, attempting to look angry, but with the clay mask covering his face so unevenly, it did not come across that way. 
“Mulder,” she said, laughing as she shook her head again. “What? How long have you been doing this?” 
“Well, in case you couldn’t tell,” he said, turning around and walking back into the bathroom, looking into the mirror as she followed him, smiling at his reflection. “I’ve never done this before. I think I did it wrong.” 
“It’s just…” she said, stepping closer to him and tilting her head, pointing to the left side of his face. “It needs to be a little thicker on that side. You’ve also got it in your hair. A headband would help that from happening.” 
“Oh right. I should have used that headband I have lying around,” he said sarcastically, looking at her as she smiled. 
“I think I have an extra one if you’d like to borrow it. For next time,” she offered and he shook his head. 
“I think this may be the only time. I don’t know if it’s for me.” 
“Come on,” she said, picking up the container and opening it. Taking a sniff of the familiar scent, she smiled and handed it to him. “Put it on the rest of the way and let it sit the full twenty minutes. Then decide if you don’t want to do it again.” 
“Fair enough, I suppose,” he said, dipping his fingers into the container and scooping up more of the clay, applying it to his face as he followed her directions of where to put more, even taking her suggestion to add it halfway down his neck. 
“There. How does that feel?” she asked when he was done and he washed his hands as she closed the container. 
“Hmm, it’s starting to feel slightly… tingly?” 
“Yeah. That’ll be from the mint. It’ll start feeling tighter as it dries and then you can wash it off.” 
He stared in the mirror, tilting his head from side to side and then back as he looked at his neck. Cutting his eyes to her, she smiled at him and nodded. 
“You’ll like it.” 
“How about some tea while you wait? Or a beer?” she asked with a laugh when he made a face. 
“I think I have some in the fridge.” 
“I’m almost certain that’s all you have,” she teased. 
“Nah, I’ve also got some leftover Chinese from the other night.” 
They went into the kitchen and he took out containers of food and two beers while she grabbed utensils, plates, and napkins. At the table, he sat down and she smiled behind her hand as she watched him filling his plate, his face and half his neck covered in the clay mask. 
Stabbing an egg roll with a fork, he ate it carefully, chewing slowly. 
“So,” she said, taking an egg roll for herself. “What made you decide to do this?” She waved to his face with the egg roll, crossing her legs as she sat forward in her chair and took a bite and began to chew. 
“Well,” he said, setting his egg roll down and wiping his hands on his napkin. “I needed some shaving cream and as I was walking down one of the aisles, the sight of the container caught my eye. I stopped and picked it up, reading what it did exactly and well…” He shrugged and then frowned slightly. “Oh, I feel it tightening a little.” 
“Hmm,” she said, setting her egg roll on a napkin and reaching for the container of chow mein, eating a forkful of the cold noodles right from the carton. 
“It’s a really odd feeling,” he said, touching his face gently. “It’s drying in some spots and still a little damp in others.” Tilting his head back, he touched his neck and hummed. 
“Don’t touch it so much,” she said, laughing softly as she pulled his hand away from his neck. “Just let it dry.” 
“How often do you do this?” 
“Uh, once a month usually. Two times, if I feel like it.” 
He moved his mouth from side to side and raised his eyebrows up and down which caused her to laugh, his expression quite comical. 
“I really wasn’t sure why you weren’t answering my many attempts to reach you, but I admit, this never crossed my mind.” 
“Always gotta keep you on your toes, Scully,” he said, taking another bite of egg roll and smiling, the skin on his face stretching to accommodate the movement. 
“That you do, Mulder. That you do,” she said, laughing as she stared at him and he winked. 
March 2003
A late winter storm blew in, forcing them to extend their stay in a cabin they had planned to leave after their prepaid two weeks. They had food, firewood, and some bottles of wine to tide them over, so they did not view the storm as a hindrance. 
When the power went out and the generator kicked on, the lights dimming somewhat, they decided to turn off the movie they had been watching to conserve power. Mulder stood up to search for some candles while she stirred the fire and added another couple of logs to it. 
“So,” Mulder said, walking back into the room with his arms full of candles in varying shapes and sizes. “I have an idea of what we can do to pass the evening now that the movie is off the table.” 
“Really?” she asked, an eyebrow raised as she looked at him. “The whole evening?” 
“Not that,” he laughed, reaching for the matches and handing them to her. “I mean, unless…” He raised his eyebrows, jerking his head toward the bedroom. 
“Hmm, maybe later,” she said, smiling as she started lighting the candles. 
“Then I’ll be right back,” he said and she watched him walk to the bedroom, wondering what he had in mind. 
He was back quickly with his hands behind his back, a happy smile on his face. 
“Pick a hand,” he said, coming closer to her. She smiled and pointed to his left hand. Pulling it from behind his back, he presented her with the container of her clay face mask. 
“What?” she asked with a laugh. “What else have you got hidden back there?” 
Showing her his other hand, he held the three bottles of nail polish from her makeup bag, along with her stretchy headband, which was hanging from his wrist. 
“Face masks and pedicures?” she asked, looking from one hand to the other. “That’s what you want to do?” 
“Or we could…” He gestured to the bedroom again and she laughed, shaking her head. 
“If I can paint your toes, then I’m in.” 
“I choose the red one,” he said, setting everything onto the table, except the bottle of red nail polish that he began to shake as she laughed. 
Pouring them each a glass of wine, she sat down as she pulled her hair back and put her headband on, looking up at him expectantly. He grinned and picked up the container, removed the lid and scooped out some of the clay. He rubbed it in his hands and then began to apply it to her face, massaging as he did.  
“That feels really good,” she said, closing her eyes and tilting her head back further. 
“Good,” he said, rubbing the clay across her chin and down her throat. “And if at any time this becomes too erotic for you and you do want to head to the bedroom, I have no doubt that this can be washed off quite quickly.” 
She scoffed as she opened her eyes, smiling and then rolled her eyes at him.  
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” 
“Good,” he said again as he kissed her softly and she closed her eyes, concentrating on the relaxing feel of the mask being applied, even as her heart beat faster. 
His mask application took longer as he stopped her many times for a kiss, some lasting longer than the others, his hands at her waist and traveling down further before she stepped out of his reach and he groaned in protest.
“You think you can make it?” she teased and he hummed as he shook his head. 
“I honestly don’t know,” he admitted and she laughed quietly as she stepped close to him again and rubbed the clay onto his forehead. 
They sat on the couch, his feet resting in her lap, and she smiled as she covered his previously bare toenails with red polish. Blowing on them, she heard his sharp intake of breath and looked up at him. 
“No,” he said firmly and she chuckled with a nod of understanding. 
Switching positions, she placed her feet in his lap. He painted her toenails a light blue and she smiled at the focused attention he put into it, making sure it was done well. He looked up at her when he was finished and he smiled. 
“Oh, I forgot about the mask,” he said, touching his cheek. “It’s already nearly dry.” 
“Well, you can wash it off soon. Unless you want to wait until our polish has dried and we could wash it off in the shower.” 
“The shower? To wash off a face mask?” he asked with a frown. 
“Yeah,” she said, raising her eyebrows. 
“Oh. You meant… together,” he said, raising his own eyebrows. 
“That is what I had in mind, yes.” 
“After the polish has dried,” he reiterated. 
“Mm-hmm,” she hummed with a smile, her own mask feeling almost dry as well. 
“Well…” he said, making sure the bottle of polish was closed tightly before he set it on the coffee table. Lifting her foot, he blew gently across her toes and it was her turn to draw in a sharp breath. 
“Fi… five minutes,” she whispered, licking her lips. 
“Let’s see if we can’t cut that in half,” he said, blowing on her toes again and she nodded. 
“I’m also not opposed to simply redoing them tomorrow, should they not have time to dry. Just so you’re aware,” she informed him. 
“Yeah, that works much better for me,” he said, moving her feet and rising from the couch. 
Reaching for her hand, he pulled her up and toward the bedroom as she laughed; the face mask stretching as she did.
Her toenails would most certainly need to be redone tomorrow, but she did not care. At that moment, her desire for the man she loved took precedence over all else. 
Especially smudged toes. 
Or face masks that had not quite dried. 
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petitpiedgalbe · 11 months
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More green or more blue?
The best thing about this nail polish is that depending on the lighting source, it can look more like green or more like blue. I just love it!
Have a great day and a wonderful rest of a week, all!
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shannnnanigans · 29 days
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nickysfacts · 5 months
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Regular pedicures should so be more of a thing cause they aren’t just about looking and feeling really pretty, though they help with that as well!
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kingstrawberry · 9 months
(cw: feet, a little gross)
kags’ meticulous nail habits only apply to his fingertips. keeping his toe nails trimmed isnt on the top of his priorities. as long as his feet fit in his sneakers, he’s fine. he forgets most of the time cuz he’s always wearing socks.
he doesnt think anything of it until the first summer that he and tsuki are living tgt.
tsuki sees kags’ bare feet for the first time and demands he cuts his nails. once that’s done he drags kags to a salon to get a pedicure.
this is also how tsuki discovers kags is very ticklish. kags does a good job of keeping still and tries his best to be quiet cuz tsuki is talking to the nail tech but he lets out a laugh every few minutes.
kags’ face is pink from the effort of not laughing or twitching.
tsuki thinks it’s endearing but he’s also fine with not doing it again since kags had a tough time with it.
cut to three weeks later and kags pops into tsuki’s office like “pedicures tonight?” and tsuki’s like :0 “yea, if you want to”
kags grins and they make a monthly habit out of getting pedicures together.
bonus: tsuki also takes a chance to ambush kags and pin him to the couch to discover exactly where and how much his bf is ticklish.
when tsuki stops his Vicious Attack, he sees kags all pink faced, looking up at him, breathing heavy, he can’t help but kiss him.
(they get so into making out they fall off the couch and still don’t stop.)
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delightfulfeet · 2 months
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Lily Allen
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catgirl-soup · 11 months
i love pedicures because they’re such a mishmash of uniquely interesting experience, it’s basically like:
have indecision anxiety at the wall of nail polish colors
ooh they’re putting mystery goop on my legs
bubble bath
revenge of the mystery goop
seran wrap!!
your legs must enter the plastic bag of being hugged really tightly by a plastic bag
eeya oowa owie ow with the cheese grater on the feets
full foot and leg massage, i forgive you for cheese grating my feet
the hot rock, or as i like to call it, the wario of bar soap
pretty colors
sit in the chamber of red light to be judged for your sins
aaaaaaand now i can take acceptable feet pics ^^
being a girl is so fun you guys highly recommend
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kcdoessl · 4 months
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We know how to relax
►Deep Static ~ Poppy Glasses @ Uber (January 25th thru February 22nd)
~ Credits~
➟LeLUTKA & Belleza GenX Curvy
➟Boataom :: Nicole LelutkaEvoX Applier 'Latina"
➟Boataom :: Belleza body Apllier
➟S H I M M / Lelutka Eyes Applier / Tokyo Eyes Set II
➟.NONNATIVE - Hyuna Bun & Bangs w/Cleangirl hairbase
Addams // Collete Loose Sweater & Be Free Belted Shorts
Thalia Heckroth - hoop earrings
Orsini Jewelry Darla Necklace
BellePoses - Toxic 7 (along with JIAN Great Dane)
✈︎Location: Backdrop City
My Flickr💜
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honeycombhank · 3 months
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Omg my sister paid for us to have our toes done at the salon and I am so excited about it!
This was actually her Christmas gift to me lol
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boredjaneblog · 2 months
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usaq22 · 4 months
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shannnnanigans · 2 years
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seriouslynatural · 1 year
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trashyswitch · 2 years
The Start of Friendships
Jamie Meets Marvin
How about another story: How Jamie met Marvin! And let me tell you, this is a funny one.
This fanfic was suggested by Shannon! I hope you enjoy!
Marvin was sitting in a room, waiting patiently for his pedicurist while his feet soaked in the water. The pedicurist was getting her tools ready and her other items ready for doing his feet. However, there was another guy in the room with him that he didn’t really know. 
“I’m sorry, Marvin. I forgot that I had scheduled you in for 11:30 and ended up scheduling Jamie in at the same time. I hope you don’t mind.” She told him. 
Marvin shrugged his shoulders. “Doesn’t bother me. The more the merrier.” Marvin replied. 
Jamie looked at Marvin with a smile in reaction to his words. 
“Good! I’m glad we can work this out.” She told him. 
Marvin nodded to Jamie. “I’m Marvin.” 
Jamie nodded and took a moment to roll up his shirt. He showed Marvin the tattoo he had. 
[Jameson Jackson] 
Marvin smiled. “Oooh! Cool name! JJ.” Marvin reacted. 
Jamie visibly giggled. But…no giggle sound came out of his mouth. Marvin noticed this, but didn’t say anything about it. He was too nervous. 
The pedicurist sat down in front of Marvin. “When you’re ready, I would like you to remove your feet please.” She told him. 
Marvin nodded and removed his left foot. The pedicurist patted his foot dry and started filing and trimming Marvin’s nails. Marvin watched curiously as she worked on his feet so casually, yet so professionally. 
Marvin looked over to Jamie, and noticed he was watching her as well. Marvin went back to watching as she clipped his nails into a straight-across shape. She took the nail file and filed his nails down to fix the curved ends. 
Jamie smiled and watched as the pedicurist finished. She cleaned her tools and walked up to Jamie. “I would like you to remove your feet please.” She told Jamie. 
Jamie nodded and removed both his feet. She grabbed his left foot with a towel and patted it dry. She patted the right foot dry next, before grabbing her tools and starting to clip and file down his toenails. 
Halfway through, Jamie gently tapped the pedicurist’s shoulder and signed something. 
The pedicurist smiled. “Sure! I can get that for you right now.” the pedicurist replied. 
She put her tools down on the towel and got up. She opened a drawer and grabbed a notebook and pen out of the drawer. She flipped the book to an empty page before giving the book to Jamie. Jamie placed his hand onto his chin and moved it forward with a smile. 
“No problem, Jamie.” She replied. 
Jamie wrote something down onto the notebook and handed it to Marvin. Marvin looked at the notebook and read it: 
[I can’t speak. I have to use sign language in order to talk to people. And if someone doesn’t know sign language, I use this.] 
Marvin smiled. “Cool!” Marvin replied as he gave Jamie the notebook back. 
Jamie raised his eyebrows in surprise as he grabbed the notebook. 
Marvin watched as the pedicurist started to push back the skin on the nails on Jamie’s toes. Jamie was completely calm during this procedure. He barely even reacted! It was incredible! 
The pedicurist switched out her tools and headed to Marvin’s toes next. She started to push back the cuticles, and focused on the toes while Marvin struggled with the pain. Marvin tried to breathe through it, but it really hurt. It was an abnormal pain…A pain he barely ever felt. Marvin let out a silent sigh of relief when she finally finished. 
Marvin looked over at Jamie and was taken aback. Was Jamie…laughing at him?! 
Sure enough, Jamie was visibly giggling with his hand over his mouth. Marvin rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly in response. “You have the worst poker face ever.” Marvin told him. 
Jamie let out a wheeze and slapped his own knee in response. 
Marvin couldn’t help the giggle that left his own mouth. 
The pedicurist looked at the two of them and smiled as she grabbed out the exfoliating scrub. She put it into her hand, rubbed it together and covered Marvin’s feet with the exfoliating scrub. Marvin closed his eyes and sighed as felt her rub and massage his feet. It felt amazing to him. He didn’t realize, but Jamie was giving Marvin the most surprised, confused face. 
She massaged his feet for a few more minutes before dunking his feet into the water again and rinsing him off. 
Then, she grabbed the exfoliating scrub and smirked at Jamie. “Now, are you gonna be able to handle this part today?” She asked. 
Jamie bit his lip and blushed out of pure embarrassment. 
Marvin chuckled a little bit. “Sounds like someone’s ticklish~” Marvin teased. 
Jamie visibly groaned and flipped the bird at Marvin. Marvin just laughed in reaction. 
And before Jamie was ready, the pedicurist started rubbing the exfoliating scrub all over Jamie’s feet. 
Jamie had the most confusing mix of facial expressions. One one hand, he looked really uncomfortable. But on the other hand, he had a wobbly smile forming onto his face. He was breathing somewhat quickly and at one point, he accidentally smiled with all his teeth for just a couple seconds before covering up his mouth with his hand. 
Marvin laughed the moment he saw the wide smile on Jamie’s face. “Wow! Who knew Mr. I-feel-no-pain, would react so strongly to being tickled.” Marvin reacted. 
“He has ALWAYS dreaded this part. But it’s even worse today because it’s not just me watching him.” She told him. 
Marvin smiled. “How often does Jamie get a pedicure from you?” Marvin asked. 
“A couple times a week.” She replied. 
Marvin widened his eyes. “Wait, seriously?! Isn’t that a bit much?” Marvin asked. 
The pedicurist shrugged her shoulders. “I warned him of that…but he seems to like it too much to stop. So I’m not complaining.” She replied. 
Marvin hummed before resuming watching Jamie struggle through the pedicure. It was honestly quite cute. But Marvin didn’t feel like he knew him well enough to say much else. 
And then the pedicurist moved her hands up to his toes. And Jamie snorted! He actually snorted! Marvin couldn’t help the surprised gasp he let out (or rather, let in). Jamie was already a dark red color. He covered up his face to desperately hide his embarrassment. But that only made it even more obvious that he was embarrassed. 
…And then the pedicurist snuck a few tickles in. Jamie snorted yet again as the pedicurist removed her hands from his feet. She giggled as she got up. “Yohou can put your feet into the water now, Jamie.” 
Jamie nodded, his face still covered with his hands, as he placed his feet back into the warm water. He was thankful for the tickling to have stopped. But he was still super embarrassed. It was just too embarrassing for him…especially with this Marvin guy around. 
Marvin chuckled as he watched the pedicurist clean her own hands. When Jamie removed his right hand for a moment, he immediately saw Marvin’s smile and quickly covered up his face again. Marvin chuckled and gently placed a hand onto Jamie’s knee. “It’s okay. I’ll keep your secret.” Marvin told him. 
Jamie slowly uncovered his eyes and looked at Marvin with a soft, embarrassed look. He grabbed out the notebook and wrote in it, giving it to Marvin. 
[You’re not bothered?]
Marvin shook his head. “I’m not bothered at all. I think it’s really cute, actually.” Marvin admitted, giving him back the notebook. 
Jamie blushed a little bit more upon hearing the last part. He took the notebook back hesitantly and wrote something else in the book. He showed it to Marvin. 
[Oh… >\\\\< ]
Marvin laughed at the makeshift emoji that Jamie drew. “Again, further proving how cute you are.” Marvin said. 
Jamie huffed and crossed his arms before pouting like a little child. This made Marvin AND the pedicurist burst out laughing. 
Jamie’s pout was soon interrupted by surprise as the pedicurist started removing the dead skin from Jamie’s feet next. Jamie pretty much jumped 4 feet in the air. Jamie covered his wide mouth and squeezed his eyes shut as his belly and shoulders bounced from newfound laughter. 
Marvin giggled as he watched the man. It was really funny seeing a person without a voice just laugh. It really made him notice the other things besides the auditory sound that people do when they laugh. The body jumps, the dimples, the wiggles, everything besides the auditory laughter seemed to be a little bit more exaggerated. 
Jamie soon pulled his feet back from the pedicurist’s grip. He started breathing heavily as he held his folded legs away from the pedicurist. 
The pedicurist laughed and shook her head. “Do you really need a break already? I’ve been working on your feet for 5 minutes!” She asked, still holding the purple pumice stone. 
Jamie covered up his face again out of pure instinct. But the pedicurist was not having it. “Now Jamie, don’t hide that smile from all of us. The least you can do is show us that big smile.” She told him. 
Jamie shook his head and curled his toes. 
“Okay…Well, if you’re gonna act like that, then I should do Marvin’s feet.” She told him. 
She switched out her pumice stones and grabbed a blue one for Marvin. She started scrubbing the pumice stone on Marvin’s feet to remove the dead skin. Marvin smiled and watched curiously. It seemed to be working well, actually. He could feel the dead skin just falling off out of fear of the stone scraping it off by force. Well, that’s what he imagined, anyway. 
Jamie was watching as well, unsure how to handle the calmness Marvin was showing him. He pointed to Marvin’s head and looked at the pedicurist in shock. He did a sign by putting the backs of his knuckles together and doing a circular shape into a book-shape. 
The pedicurist laughed. “I don’t know how he’s so calm.” She replied with a giggle. 
Marvin shrugged his shoulders. “I guess I’m just that good at getting pedicures.” Marvin replied. 
“You‘re the most compliant person this week for me! Though I’ve been doing pedicures for kids' feet for the last couple days.” She replied. 
Jamie huffed somewhat loudly and poured like a kid. 
The pedicurist took one look at Jamie and smirked. “Including Jameson.” She replied. 
Marvin laughed at the playful chemistry between the two. And while the pedicurist was rubbing cream on Marvin’s feet, Marvin tilted his head. “Wait…Jameson? Like the Jameson whiskey?” Marvin asked. 
The pedicurist nodded. “Spelled exactly like the whiskey.” She replied. 
Marvin chuckled. “Chase will get a kick out of that.” Marvin muttered. 
Jamie turned to look at Marvin with surprise. He quickly grabbed his pen and wrote something in his notebook before handing it to him. Marvin grabbed the notebook and read it:
[Chase? As in…Chase Brody?] 
Marvin widened his eyes and smiled brightly. “Yes! Chase Brody! He’s a friend of mine.” Marvin told him, handing him the book back. 
Jamie silently giggled as he took the book back and wrote something else. He showed Marvin the book, and Marvin read the new words: 
[Chase is my friend too. I met him a couple years ago.] 
Marvin smiled brightly upon reading that. “That’s a hilarious coincidence.” Marvin reacted. 
Jamie silently chuckled as the pedicurist smirked. 
“What are the chances…” Marvin muttered as she looked at the pedicurist. 
The pedicurist shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t know about that…I just wanted you two to meet.” She told Marvin. 
Marvin blinked and tilted his head. What did she just- 
Jamie gasped loud enough to grab Marvin’s attention. Marvin looked up at Jamie as he started signing words rapidfire. 
The pedicurist squeezed her eyes shut as she bursted out laughing, loving every second of Jamie’s reaction. “Yehehehes…Ihihi mahay have intentionally set you two up at the same time…” She told him. 
Marvin looked at her, dumbfounded. He looked at Jamie right around the time that Jamie looked at him. 
Jamie signed something to her with a smirk on his face. 
The pedicurist gasped and scrunched up her face in a fake pout. “You wouldn’t…” She warned. 
Marvin tilted his head, confused. What were they talking about? And then he got his answer…Jamie had smirked and started wiggling his fingers in the air for both of them to see. 
Wait…Is he really planning on tickling an esthetician?! 
“Wait, do you know each other outside of the pedicures?” Marvin asked. 
Jamie looked at Marvin and bit his lip. He grabbed out the notebook, wrote something in it, and handed it to Marvin. Marvin read the handwriting: 
[Yes, we are friends outside of her workplace. And I grant you permission to help me as well. If you want to, then follow my lead.] 
Sounds of screaming and giggling filled the room right as Marvin’s eyes read the word ‘follow’. Marvin lowered the notebook down and stared at them with shock and uncertainty as Jamie tickled the pedicurist’s sides and ribs. 
Jamie kept waving towards Marvin to join him. But Marvin smiled and shook his head. “You enjoy.” Marvin told him. 
And so, Jamie ended up getting revenge on the pedicurist for tickling his feet. Although, is revenge really required if it’s a part of your job? 
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