foursaints · 2 months
just saw your jarty venn diagram, which I’m utterly obsessed with btw, and I’m curious what other James headcanons you have 👀 James in general and/or jeggy
he's been creeping up on me lately, i will admit...
my james is utterly marvelous & the slightest bit pathetic, in a way that only adds to his charm? james is a sorry, silly, impractical FOOL, but when he laments about whatever idiotic trouble he's gotten himself into, he's half-smiling and things that would make anyone else seem ridiculous only make him rakish & dashing
to me, my james evokes the feeling of when you see someone handsome in slightly too-small trousers with their ankles peeking out. the impression is just hopelessly endearing.
his arrogance is especially annoying because he is SOO pleasant & congenial about it. james makes sparkling small talk, cracking all these hilarious self-effacing jokes about his shortcomings, but you can tell that he KNOWS how charming he's being by acting humble (and how much he loves to be loved)
his idealism is what gives him that larger-than-life quality, as much as it makes him an idiot. james is fundamentally romantic. at his core: he is don quixote, rescuing imaginary maidens and tipping his hat at windmills.
i picture james as the person who can't resist a piano, hunched over one at a family party, on a bench that's the slightest bit too small. he's laughing (his laugh is so, so distinctive) at the way his knees stick out & knock against the wood. he has a gift for embarrassing himself but not making it look awkward at all.
his glasses are always hopelessly smudged. he had a stutter as a child. he's UNBELIEVABLY stubborn in the most sanctimonious, maternal way— he's sternly lecturing with hands on his hips. at a pureblood gala, he's smuggling a tray of appetizers into the garden. he always smiles like he's letting you in on an EXCELLENT inside joke
james is also animated by a deep sadness. a melancholy, even? that same old fashioned romantic quality he has puts him a little off-kilter with the rest of the world. he wouldn't be so charming if he didn't seem lost.
It's all that one quote: "Witty, self-deprecating, sometimes uproariously funny and sometimes unbearably sad"
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disciple-of-frost · 1 year
I am in a mood and I am letting everyone know it! 💙
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loumands · 1 year
I feel like many people have a fundamental misconception of what unreliable narrator means. It's simply a narrative vehicle not a character flaw or a sign that the character is a bad person. There are also many different types of unreliable narrators in fiction. Being an unreliable narrator doesn't necessarily mean that the character is 'wrong', it definitely doesn't mean that they're wrong about everything even if some aspects in their story are inaccurate, and only some unreliable narrators actively and consciously lie. Stories that have unreliable narrators also tend to deal with perception and memory and they often don't even have one objective truth, just different versions. It reflects real life where we know human memory is highly unreliable and vague and people can interpret same events very differently
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aq2003 · 2 months
the way hamlet acts in act 5 scene 1 juuuust clicked to me. like my impression was "smh my head he is so toxic, he did NOT love ophelia as much as laertes did, what is wrong with him" but actually i think the thing that sets him off isn't just laertes' display of grief, it's also how everyone takes it seriously. everyone treats ophelia's funeral like a funeral and is sympathetic to laertes and understanding of his desire to jump in a grave with her etc but these same people around hamlet expected him to celebrate his uncle's coronation and move on from his father's death at the same time. in that moment hamlet sees laertes as similar to the actor narrating priam's death in act 2 scene 2 and it makes him SO mad (and he regrets it later in act 5 scene 2 which is after he realizes laertes' emotions are as real as his own. probably why he calls him "brother" as well)
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cherryatombomb · 9 months
we as a society don't talk enough abt how ghost is canonically like. actually cocky. sure i think he's a lil insecure man at heart but also "are you ugly?" "quite the opposite" let him be a flirt sometimes. angst is fun but also. he can be a lil cocky. he likes his stupid lil dad jokes. he doesn't take himself That Seriously in the grand scheme of things. i love him
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twyrrinren · 3 months
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Chilchuck Timovich and his daughters Chilevny
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 4 months
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shoto’s been staring at you for a good 5 minutes now.
you’d figured he was zoning out about three minutes in but then you looked up from your homework at him and he smiled at you, that cute little loverboy smile he does that have your legs feeling like jelly and has your heart push against your chest like it wants to escape.
okay so he wasn’t zoning out. then what is it ? did you have something on your face ? was he waiting for you to say something ?
"is there something on my face ?" you blurt out, already wiping at your chin and around your mouth
he blinks, registering your question and his eyebrows furrow lightly “no, there isn’t.” he answers curtly. reaching his colder hand up to pull your hand away from your face. you’re so much more confused now that you fail to realize he held onto your hand for a moment longer than necessary.
“so then why are you staring at me ?”
he lightly tilts his head to side at that, looking at you questioningly “ why should i not be looking at you ? does it bother you ?”
“wh—no no !” you sputter, he’s flipped the tables on you now “ i was just wondering what was up because you’ve been staring for..a while now” you trail off, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. his eyes widen just a fraction and you think maybe you got it all wrong somehow and he was zoning out, but then he’s lowering his head in shame “i’m sorry, yn. i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with my staring..” he apologizes.
you’re frantic, shaking your head so hard you fear you’ll twist your neck and waving your hands hurriedly “ no, no, no ! it’s okay, sho ! you didn’t make me uncomfortable or anything !” you feel relieved when the tension on his face dissolves the slightest bit “ i was just curious, that’s all” you sigh, your arms fly back next to you because you feel like your sweating buckets and you really don’t want him seeing pit stains.
he hums like he’s thinking about something then suddenly a small smile breaks onto his face and you feel like you’ve been hit dead on by a semi truck. shoto todoroki’s ability to be so effortlessly pretty is and will forever be an enigma to you. “ i like looking at you” he starts “ whenever you do mundane things like studying, you always have this look on your face. i like it, i think it’s cute.”
okay, so turns he was out to kill you.
“ i-i do ?” he responds with a simple “mhm”. you feel like you’re sweating a lot more.
“oh.” is all you say. it’s all you can say because what the hell were you supposed to say ?!
shoto doesn’t look all that bothered by it, cool as usual, simply opting to keep staring at you. you fiddle with your fingers for a bit before you lift your head up to meet his unwavering stare “ i—uhm—thank you.” you whisper. he shakes his head “don’t thank me, you don’t have to. if you want me to stop, i can try to.”
he can try to. you feel like you’re losing your mind.
you’re way beyond flustered now. todoroki’s not a man of many words but when he does use them it throws you for a complete loop, you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. “no that’s fine.” you answer meekly.
“you’re sure ?” you nod and he hums. “okay then, if you don’t mind.”
“it’s fine” you confirm, feeling your face heat up. “i like looking at you, too.”
you definitely like looking at the handsome smile that forms on his face from your words.
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bloominglegumes · 8 months
our large bipedal son who we found on the street
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deep-space-lines · 3 months
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An archangel is actually a type of babygirl,
We've all seen The gabe dress but I had a divine vision of him in a kroj (Czech folk costume) and y'know what? I was right. He slays. What's the point of art if not to take some fictional guy, say "that's my wife" and put clothes on him like a paper doll
Anyway I think everyone should draw him in their culture's folk costume now. I wanna start a trend
((bonus sketch idk if I'll finish,,))
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amid-fandoms · 22 days
dan’s commitment issues don’t extend to phil simply because phil isn’t a commitment, he’s part of him, a physical extension that he realistically at this point probably couldn’t live without
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iinryer · 23 days
the catholic guilt and the “second chance”… i think at the core it’s just eddie desperate for the forgiveness that only he can grant himself, but keeps refusing to
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luxites · 1 month
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"Know your place, fool." ⛩
I really want to know more about how he became the King of Curses
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eggariesalad · 3 months
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been thinking abt @keferon's lostlight snow au ... can u guess whos my favorite
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scholliski · 5 months
I can’t get over how funny I find it when I look through the AFTG AUs on AO3 and every single one tags Andrew’s job but no one tags Neil’s job because because in a ‘normal’ circumstance we’ve all collectively decided he’s just that one strange guy everyone knows who shows up places and always seems to have an abundance of money but is never actually doing anything apart from stress-running and looking out of windows suspiciously
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gordonsicedcoffee · 6 months
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Leigh Whannell on Recovery (1999)
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me when I fckn GET u
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
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" what the hell are you doing ?"
you look away from your screen to stare at your boyfriend from beneath the mountain of pillows you’re laying under. there are snacks ranging from sweet to salty strewn all around your bed and a spot right next to you saved specifically for him.
you raise a brow " i’m watching my show." you state. katsuki’s eye twitches. he stalks towards you slowly, menacingly, like he’s waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce at you. you shove your chin and nose underneath your blankets.
"you’re watching our show. " he corrects, squinting at you "you’re watching. our show." he reiterates.
" our show. an’ yer fuckin’ watching it without me." he glares daggers into your fucking soul and with the rage of a thousand suns as he spits the words out like they had somehow caused him harm.
"you said i could start without you last time !" you defend weakly. he rolls his eyes as he stomps over to you and climbs into your bed "yeah, last time, but this ain’t last fuckin’ time, dumbass." he growls. you whine when he lifts up your blankets and the cold air nips at you. "oh shut up, big baby, weren’t whinin’ when ya decided ta watch the one show you know we watch together." his words are mean but he scoots impossibly closer to you
you scoot over to make some extra space for him so he can lay down comfortably before squeezing yourself right next to him again. “you’re the one who said, and i quote ‘ i could give less of a shit about this stupid show, just don’t have anything better to do” he scrunches his nose at your crude impression of him. “ i don’t fuckin’ sound like that.”
“it’s what you sound like to me.” you retort.
he growls, nipping at your ear which causes you to let out a giggle mixed with a little squeal “needa get yer fuckin’ ears checked then.”
“i just started anyway. i can just rewind it” you lean forward to place your mouse back to the beginning and plop back on your pillow with a groan. katsuki snorts. “ i was gonna wait for you, but you were taking too long” you mumble out already invested in the images on screen.
katsuki knocks his forehead against the side of your head softly then also turns his attention to the screen. “ it’s shitty hair’s fault” he gruffs out “fucker kept on yappin’ about whatever the fuck, couldn’t leave.”
you fake gasp in shock. pretending to be hurt you place a hand on your chest and look at him wide eyed. he raises a brow “wow. i can’t believe you like kirishima more than me.” you turn your nose up at him and hold back a laugh when you see his expression morph from confused to straight up insulted.
“where the fuck d’you get that from?!” you can’t keep up the façade when you see his face and burst out laughing, his facial expressions are seriously something else. he relaxes slightly but he still doesn’t look amused. “i’m just joking. i know you just wanted to be nice” you reassure, his face relaxes and his shoulders sag as he releases a frustrated sigh. “you know, since he’s your friend.”
he cracks his head to look at you, wide eyed and brows furrowed he shoves his head against yours so hard he basically headbutts you. you let out a little yelp and laugh “don’t even start with that ! fucker ain’t my friend." he spits the word friend like it tastes gross in his mouth, it makes you laugh even harder. “right~” you sing.
you think things have calmed down after a little bit, your both watching your show, then katsuki suddenly knocks his forehead against your head again.
“hey.” he mumbles. you blink up at him waiting for him to finish. he chews at his lip and looks towards the screen then looks back at you, cheeks turning pink.
"ya know i don’t…like him more than you, right..?"
you tilt your head "who ?" you ask. he grunts like speaking is physically challenging, his face turning redder by the second “shitty hair. don’t like ‘im more than you." his eyes dart away then focus back on yours " don’t like anyone more than you."
you feel your cheeks flush and you suddenly feel extremely warm and giddy. you giggle and his cheeks darken in color "where's this coming from?" you chortled. he scoffs at you and pokes you in the stomach, turning back to the look at the screen to avoid your mushy warm loving gaze. "fuckin'—nowhere ! m'not allowed to…fuckin—!" he fumbles around for what to say. you decide to spare him and place your hands on his scorching cheeks, he struggles a little bit (barely) but let's you turn his head towards you, he pouts at you, trying his best to look intimidating but he just looks like a angry little kicked puppy.
"m'just teasing you , suki" you're rubbing his cheek with your thumb and his eyebrows stay furrowed despite him leaning into your touch "i know you don't like him more than me, if you did, i don't think you'd be here" he rolls his eyes and bites at the palm of your hand. you chuckle "i don't like anyone more than you, either" you're sure there are hearts in your eyes as you speak, you hope he can see them.
" 'f course you don’t." he mumbles out the words into your palms fast without missing a beat, it tickles. he smirks into your hand when he sees you roll your eyes at him, he truly is a little shit.
"don't like nobody more than you." he proclaims quietly, closing his eyes, his long lashes brushing against his cheeks.
"yeah" you purr, the hearts in your eyes spread all around your body to the tips of your fingers and toes, it makes you warm and soft, and so fond of him. you don't like anybody more than katsuki, you can't. not when he opens his eyes and gazes at you with burning cheeks but hearts in his eyes and you hope the ones in yours spread all around his body too, because his have started to intermingle with yours, coursing through your veins.
"yeah." you sigh, " yeah me neither."
you can't like anyone more than you do katsuki as you watch your show together.
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@slashersl0t i wrote this thanks to you twin <3 !
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