mwagneto · 1 year
it's all be gay do crime and eat the rich until the rich actually get eaten and then suddenly it's nooo don't be cruel human life is precious 🥺🥺 these are people who have never been in touch with human life and thus i am unable to view them as anything but a fascinating story and a major L in return. stupid games stupid prizes and so on
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Some of y'all trying to encourage empathy for these unethically wealthy people, who agreed to be bolted in to a metal tube, that was unapproved, unsafe and was controlled by a fucking off brand playstation controller from 2011 just for a cute lil death tourism trip is why we as a society will never be free.
They went to a part of the ocean that is so deep, more people have been to space than that far down. With a man who said safety shouldn't be a concern. Oceangate literally fired someone for saying that the window wasn't going to be able to withstand those depths. They'd lost another vessel before for 5 hours. Like plllsss the self preservation left the room. This whole situation is absurd.
Even this man's own stepson doesn't give a FUCK and you want me to? Nuh uh you have the wrong one I'm afraid😭😭
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rovermcfly · 6 months
nobody should have to go to work while it's snowing, everyone should get to stay at home under a blanket and get one free cocoa
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kaylor · 1 month
i can do it with a broken heart is so fucking funny like she really thinks she's the only person ever who has had to show up at their job when they didn't feel like it
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hyunpic · 3 months
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hyunjin on bubble: im going to milan
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radio-show · 1 month
I love trigun fanart and fanfiction that portray Wolfwood as looking at all the crazy and the weird stuff and the alien nonsense or even just the artists trying to make the twins attractive or whatnot and Wolfwood just being the most normal person there. Just like "i aint paid enough for this."
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Republican Boomers: Life’s not fair, get used to it!!
*Student Loan Forgiveness is introduced*
The same Boomers: Hey, that’s not fair!!
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musicalchaos07 · 18 days
I hope stranger things ends with Will Byers suing the government and winning
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bosooka · 2 years
i genuinely cannot get over the fact that the central emotional conflict of owk is that obi-wan and vader are just. utterly consumed and unmade by their mutual obsession. they are incapable of living, of thinking, of breathing without being reminded of the other. their love is so vast it cannot even burn into ash on mustafar. what the fuck
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mwagneto · 1 year
honestly just imagining being stuck in a pringles can, very slowly suffocating to death, knowing you will die eventually, stuck on your ass because there isn't even room to stand, not even having a decent place to piss in the meantime and you are stuck with 4 of the most insufferable cunts on planet earth. While also being an obnoxious cunt yourself. I know you don't care about these people at all and tbh yeah, but jesus fucking christ I feel like pissingn and shitting an d clawing at the walls just thinking about it.
That they spent so much money to go and gawk at a deep-sea monument to hubris and then ended up like this is just so poetic. Like you could barely have made this up history is rhyming right now
LITERALLY like that's why this speaks to me so hard, because it's genuinely such a horrifying and extremely specific scenario that it all sounds made up. like the fact is you could not fucking pay me 250,000 dollars to do this and these people PAID that amount to go there. and the horror of imagining myself in there contrasted with how i unironically want billionaires to die horrible deaths and i finally get to watch it happen for once. it's all so poetic
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pressradio · 5 days
Bryan Bozzi appreciation post ❤️
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bunabi · 4 months
why is late game content for MMOs always so tedious
maybe my character would like to retire from adventuring and run a successful bake shop instead of grinding the mandatory penis explosion event at the memorial group instance third anniversary double lunatic mode dungeon
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unlikecharlie · 1 year
every comment or post that I see yelling about sympathy, empathy, and reminding us that those people are humans with lives and families only makes me wish they're dead even harder. matter of fact, I hope they all suffer as much as possible and then go to hell and suffer even more. there
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maeamian · 7 months
When I was a young excited physics student I went down to my advisor and asked for a job in a lab. Those of you who are in the sciences may recognize this as exceedingly common, most schools with science departments will hire undergrads for their labs both to give the undergrads experience and to have someone comparatively cheap to do the least skilled labor in those labs.
For me, the lab I was sent to was one doing cool photonics projects and I was assigned to a guy who was doing the theoretical modeling for them and I got put on a side project for them to develop a method to double check their results using Monte Carlo simulations.
Put bluntly, I toiled away in the little cubicle they had me in for about half a year before I transferred to a different school without ever having produced anything of any particular value other than a Monte Carlo simulation whose temperature readings were not taking into account the existence of a heat sink and therefore got overwhelmed by thermal photons in a completely inaccurate and unhelpful way.
Ultimately, many tasks, farmed out like this in a speculative way to undergrads, fail, certainly it's not exceptional that mine did and I learned a lot about the process in the process, so it wasn't wasted time for me, but it produced absolutely nothing the lab could use to further its results.
This is where it turns from a little anecdote about my work history into a morality tale, because what I have thus far deliberately failed to tell you is that the lab I was assigned to is a provider of radar services to the US Military. Had I produced anything of any value whatsoever the work I did would have been used by the US military to help with its capacity to deliver bombs. This is, unfortunately, as those of you who are in the sciences may recognize, also exceedingly common. Luckily, and through no foresight or moral thinking of my own, simply the inexperience of youth, I produced nothing of value but view the path they tried to set me down as a grim warning of what might have been.
I'm not asking for forgiveness, the harm I might have done was not done by me, although I'm also sure was done without my help. They didn't need it to be me they just needed someone with basic calculus knowledge who wouldn't think too hard about the connection between the work and the world, and they were happy enough that particular warm body was me.
So this is my plea, if you're young and getting involved in the sciences because you're passionate about knowledge and understanding our place in the universe. When you go to get that job in that lab that's such a good stepping stone to the next thing you want to do, take a second and look into where that lab's funding is coming from. If it turns out it's the military, maybe then take another second and really deeply consider what kind of thing your work can be used to do and if you would like some of the most bloodthirsty people on the planet to be able to do that thing because of your help.
I got lucky that I didn't help, but I'm hoping that with this warning you might be able to not help on purpose which is a greater moral good than what I managed.
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litnerdwrites · 1 month
Okay, but who owes who, really?
The Ic love to talk about how 'ungrateful' Nesta is and how they do so much for her, and how spending 500 gold marks is so terrible. But Feyre admits herself, it isn't the money that's the issue, it's what Nesta spent it on; Booze and food.
However, the IC are buying whole estates and drinking each other under the table at Rita's almost every night. So it's safe to infer that 500 gold marks isn't that much when compared to what the rest of the IC spend. If I remember ACOFAS right, they all have a communal fun money account too, which Nesta should be given access to, if she was a member of his court since the war ended. Especially since attending those events the IC make her attend, count as court work (as I'll explain later).
For now, I've decided to list everything I can think of that Rhysand owes Nesta.
We can start with paying her rent for the use of her property to facilitate the meeting. (Not letting them die or suffer emotional/physical damages from it should be given).
Paying her for organising and supplying anything needed for the meetings to happen (so like event organisation) since the Ic pretty much just showed up.
Payment for the trips she took to mail the letters.
Paying for the servants to leave during the day Feyre arrived, and during the meetings. This includes tasks the servants would've normally done during those days but didn't because they needed to be out.
Then there's restitution for bodily harm, and emotional damages from being kidnapped (To both Nesta, and Elain)
Payment for new accommodations, including food, clothes and other necessities.
We can also add on restitution for any property damages inflicted when Hybern broke in.
Restitution for emotional damages for when she was attacked in the library.
Payment for her services in training with Amren plus trying to fix the wall.
Payment for her work at the HL meeting, plus a bonus for the emotional tole it took on her.
Payment for her scrying.
Payment for the works she did around the war camp, like fetching buckets and wrapping wounds and stuff (since I bet every other soldier, nurse, healer, or whoever, was paid in one way or another).
Payment for being willing to cross the battlefield with Amren and Feyre, and Elain, putting their lives on the line to reach the cauldron.
Payment for saving Cassian from the cauldron.
Payment for being willing to go as bait to lure out the king.
A reward for actually killing the kind.
Reparations for their fathers' death.
Payment for each scrying session in ACOSF.
Payment for going to The Middle.
Reparations for emotional damages caused by the Kelpi when she went to find the mask.
A reward for actually getting the mask.
Payment for going to the prison.
Reparations for emotional damages in the prison.
A reward for finding the mask.
Payment for taking her made swords, unless the wanna return those.
Payment for every single meeting she attends with Eris, be it in Spring, The Middle, or wherever.
Reparations for being thrown into the blood right, for all three of them, (since the ones who kidnapped them where Rhysand's own soldiers, and given that they're camp lords, we can assume they have decent ranks)
A reward for killing Bryallin (even though it was literally the IC job, since they promised to do that in exchange for her training to fix the wall and find magic items.
Payment for the dancing in Hewn city.
Payment for every dancing lesson she spends her time doing with Morrigan.
Emotional damages for the verbal abuse she gets from each member of the IC.
Payment for her work in the library
Payment for her training (since both that and the library were forced onto her).
Reparations for evicting and demolishing her apartment.
Reparations for the emotional damages inflicted by the Illyrians who stare and gawk at her the whole time, and insult her behind her back and too her face.
Her father's inheritance (If he didn't leave a will, then it's divided up by inheritance law, which Emerie mentions, includes females now, in the NC. We can also assume, based on her interactions with her cousin, that his side of the family got very little after her father's death. So, we can assume his fortune, business contracts, properties, including ships and things would go to Nesta. A majority of it would, anyway.)
Oh, and payment for every party she attends. And I mean more than just rent. Since Amren wants to use the argument that Nesta is part of the court, then every party she attends, from the bridge party, to starfall, to solstice, is considered a work trip, and she needs to be paid in full. For each one.)
Plus, emotional damages caused by the fire, the insults from their court, and the fact that she was on a boat, over water, despite her trauma.
Moreover, we learn in ACOMAF that Rhys doesn't lowball what he pays his court or those who work for him. Meaning that it's reasonable to expect the amount he pays to be from the higher end of the threshold. So, depending of if Rhysand pays from the mid to high end of the threshold, the total amount he owes Nesta would be pretty close to or even well over the millions.
The 500 gold marks that Feyre was so upset about was a first for Nesta, so even if we add that to Nesta's expenditures over the past year, and subtract that from what she's owed, she'd still have a lot of money. Maybe it would still be in the millions too.
That said, this is all just speculation, since we don't know the irl value of a gold mark, or the exact expenses Nesta incurred during that one year. We also don't know for sure exactly how much Rhysand pays his court or his soldiers.
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clouds-of-wings · 9 months
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Amy and Sheldon in their HP merch through the seasons. Amy is a Hufflepuff (confirmed 2 times) and Sheldon is a Gryffindor (confirmed 3 times). I think it's a nice touch that the writers didn't go "their nerds lol their obvs Ravenclaws".
I think it sort of fits? Amy is very unpretentious and loyal, Sheldon has a kind of bravado about him. Both have, in each their own way, a strong sense of fairness. It's a small detail, but I like that they don't get reduced to their intellect.
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