#Orange Tree Theatre
leeofthestone · 3 months
The reviews are in, and the verdict is that Jimmy kicks ass. The Guardian calls his Vanya “scathing, near-deranged” 😍
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The reviewer (Mark Lawson) cried! And he says he never cries! God I wish I could see it.
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Had a great time seeing James Lance in Uncle Vanya in person and watching again online. Although I did spend most of the online watch taking screenshots. I just love watching his expressions when the other actors are speaking.
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littlequeenies · 5 months
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Theatre Royal, Bath (10th – 20th January 2024) Cambridge Arts Theatre (23rd – 27th January 2024) Chichester Festival Theatre (30th January – 3rd February 2024) Oxford Playhouse (6th – 10th February 2024) Festival Theatre, Malvern (13th – 17th February 2024) Richmond Theatre (20th – 24th February 2024).
Cast Lady Catherine Champion-Cheney - Jane Asher Arnold Champion-Cheney - Pete Ashmore Clive Champion-Cheney - Clive Francis Lord Porteous - Nicholas Le Prevost Teddie Luton - Chirag Benedict Lobo Elizabeth Champion-Cheney - Olivia Vinall George Murray - Robert Maskell
Director - Tom Littler Designer - Louie Whitemore Lighting Designer - Chris McDonnell Sound Designer - Max Pappenheim Assistant Director - Sam Woof Costume Supervisor - Evelien Van Camp Production LX - Amy Hill Deputy Stage Manger - Vicky Zenetzi Assistant Stage Manager - Lily Collins
Somerset Maugham's THE CIRCLE, directed by Tom Littler💍 Jane Asher (Alfie) plays Lady Kitty, a society beauty who notoriously abandoned her stuffy husband Clive (Clive Francis, The Crown), and eloped with the handsome Lord Porteous (Nicholas Le Prevost, Shakespeare in Love). Thirty years later, love’s young dream has descended into non-stop squabbling…Meanwhile, Clive and Lady Kitty’s son Arnold (Pete Ashmore, The Lovely Bones) faces the same marital fate, as his wife Elizabeth (Olivia Vinall, The Woman in White) threatens to elope with the dashing Teddie Luton (Chirag Benedict Lobo, Life of Pi). Will history come full circle? Or can one generation learn from their parents’ disastrous mistakes?
📷: Ellie Kurttz
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sszeemedia · 1 year
Orange Tree Theatre Announces Full Cast for the Return of Sonali Bhattacharyya’s ‘Two Billion Beats’
The Orange Tree Theatre today announcethe full cast for the return of Sonali Bhattacharya’s Two Billion Beats. Nimmo Ismail and Tian Brown- Sampson will direct Shala Nyx (Asha) and Tanvi Virmani (Bettina) in the return of this exhilarating production following its acclaimed world premiere at the Orange Tree Theatre in 2022. The production opens on 24 January with previews from 20 January and runs…
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centrestagereviews · 2 years
Interview: Adam Fenton - The Solid Life of Sugar Water
Interview: Adam Fenton - The Solid Life of Sugar Water 🍊 #TheSolidLifeofSugarWater opens on 19 October, with previews from 15 October, and runs until 12 November. It will be available via OT On Screen between 15–18 November.
The Solid Life of Sugar Water will run at the Orange Tree Theatre till 12th November The Orange Tree Theatre have announced the full cast for Jack Thorne’s The Solid Life of Sugar Water. JMK Award Winner Indiana Lown-Collinsdirects Katie Erich and Adam Fenton.The award provides Lown-Collins the opportunity to stage her own full-scale Orange Tree show production where she will work with designer…
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laiqualaurelote · 3 months
crawling out of the well of fandom hiatus to report that I MET JAMES LANCE?!
I went to see him in Uncle Vanya at the Orange Tree Theatre (loved it even though he was so wretched throughout, his epic breakdown scene was fantastic, give this man all the leading roles! I can't believe he made me actually enjoy Chekhov) and afterwards I was debating with @leupagus @themardia etc if I should stage door (I usually don't, as I have a horror of intruding on people at their places of work) and while I was dithering he suddenly appeared! He was wearing a velour tracksuit and one of his tweed caps. I started babbling about how Trent Crimm changed my life by inspiring me to quit the only job I'd ever had and follow my bliss. He seemed genuinely moved by the notion and asked me about the work I am doing now and signed an autograph and gave me a hug and said "goodnight my darling" and strolled off into the Richmond night. He is the sweetest man and even though I could not convey the specific details of this (i.e. the 100,000+ words of fanfiction I have written on the subject) I hope he somehow grasps how much Trent meant to so many of us, and that he carries all the love from these anonymous people around the world with him in his future work.
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starleska · 1 year
Hello!! Can you do headcanons of Wally comforting reader after they had a bad day and they're crying?
aw hey there anon - of course you can 💖 i'm so sorry if you've had a rough day - hopefully this will cheer you up a little;;;
Wally Darling x Crying!Reader Who's Had a Bad Day headcanons
💖 it's not like you to go missing for a whole day, so your neighbours try to seek you out - but only Wally immediately knows where to find you. Wally discovers you out in the meadow beneath an old, gnarled tree, where you're curled up into a ball and sobbing into your sleeves. Wally doesn't say anything: instead, he sits down next to you and cosies up to your side, resting his cheek against your heaving shoulder. he doesn't try to pressure you into telling him what's wrong. instead, Wally plucks at the grass by your feet, and braids them into elaborate shapes. by the time you've gotten the ugliest part of your crying out of your system, Wally produces a beautiful grass necklace which he slips carefully over your head. "Nature is healing," Wally tells you. "I think this is a good place to cry."
💖 you let Wally coax you back to the Neighbourhood, and while you walk, you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your terrible day. Wally listens intently, nodding in all the right places. when you're finished, he shakes his head slowly from side to side. "I don't blame you for feeling sad," says Wally. "I'm not good at frowning. But a day like yours would make me cry." before you can make your turn onto the Neighbourhood's main path, he pauses in front of Sally's house. Wally gestures up at the star-patterned theatre curtains which cover the home's exterior. "The bad moments only last a little while," says Wally. "But every night, we can always see the stars."
💖 although the sun is setting, Wally manages to catch Howdy just ten minutes before the bugdega closes, and exchanges a joke to gift you a hot dog. the joke is terrible: ("What's a caterpillar's worst enemy? A dogerpillar!") but it makes Howdy laugh so hard that he throws in a couple of apples for free. by the time you make it back to your house, the beams of orange streaking the sky are finally giving way to subtle mauve. in the growing darkness, you see Wally's black eyes shining with an emotion you cannot identify. "I hope tomorrow is better for you," he says. "But if it's not, I'll still be here."
sending hugs your way, anon - Wally loves you very much 🥰
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ransprang · 2 months
thank you for your request again @auryborealis we hope you like your match up :3
If anyone else would like a match up this is our kofi
Your Stardew valley match up is…
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How you met: You were the new farmer in town and you were looking to make friends. Sam had invited you to his, Abigail and Sebastian’s weekly game night, joking that you reminded him too much of Seb. You agreed to come and although initially a bit quiet and reserved, once you all started playing games and cracked open a few cold ones, the inner sailor came out. Eventually, you were cussing out the gaming console with enthusiasm, dissolving the rest of the gang into a fit of giggles with your colourful and inventive curses. Even the usually sour-faced Sebastian was hiding a smile. As the evening went on, you grew more comfortable and when everyone was resting after an intense board game session, you decided to play some of your favourite horror fiction podcasts. You could see Sam was the one who was getting the most scared, jumping at every small sound while Sebastian simply listened intently. You offered to turn the podcast off but Sam refused, and after a while declared that he needed to use the restroom but was too afraid to go alone. After giggling and teasing him for an appropriate amount of time, Abigail agreed to take him. You and Sebastian were left alone, lounging on beanbags, nursing the dregs of your fourth beer that evening. The podcast still played in the background, but Sebastian’s attention was directed towards you. He eyed you carefully, before asking, “Will you play the triangle in our band?” You blurted out a laugh at the abruptness of the question and Sebastian’s cheeks took on the faintest blush. “You don’t have to, of course. It just would be nice to spend more time together,” he explained sheepishly. Your brown eyes crinkled in amusement, and you agreed, clinking together your near-empty beer cans, a toast to your new life in the Valley.
It’s great that you love autumn since that’s the only season where Sebastian actually leaves the vicinity of his house and walks around the town. You both can enjoy each other’s company and watch the orange and yellow-leaved trees dance in the wind together. Seb would be completely chill if you wanted to head back early during your adventures for a nap as well.
Seb is a night owl just like you. Being a programmer he often works odd hours or he’ll just spend the night gaming. So you’ll always have someone to spend time with at midnight. If you’re asleep while he’s awake Seb looks at you completely lovestruck and gives you a kiss on the cheek before going back to whatever he was doing.
Since Pelican Town’s movie theatre has a small selection of movies he is more so accustomed to enjoying thrillers and mystery movies. If you guys manage to order movies from Zuzu City or even go there he’d be willing to give horror movies a shot. Super unlikely that he’ll get scared. As long as it has an interesting plot he’ll enjoy it. 
Seb would often find you bundled up in his hoodies. He finds it super endearing and it gives him a deep sense of satisfaction to see you wrapped up in his belongings. 
You love Halloween and he loves pumpkin soup. In October, your house would be littered with pumpkins, which you gore and carve with delight and he makes pumpkin soup from the remains. It is a beautiful domestic scene.
Seb would often take you on long motorcycle rides in the night. He likes the warmth of your body on his back as he drives into the chilly night air. 
Seb would teasingly open your messy bun and twirl the hairband around his finger nonchalantly. He likes teasing you, watching your hair just fall down and frame your face.
He would give back hugs and neck kisses, and Seb’s embrace would be super warm and cosy, especially in the fall. Cuddling in oversized sweaters on the couch would be the go-to.
Seb would organise surprise dates out of nowhere to show that he appreciates you. Being a homebody, he would order food from outside, and set up fairy lights and a cosy blanket on the couch.
your goths,
admins sar, san & sav
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childofthewolvess · 26 days
for the ask meme you reblogged: what things do you associate with loki (that may or may not be upg)? I'm talking things like food, animals, drinks (both soft drinks and alcohol), movies/books, fictional characters, even like silly things you might see in thrift stores.
Oh absolutely I can do this! Loki loves random things, in my experience, so I have... quite a few random things I associate with Loki. Let me know if any of you also associate any of these with him! A lot of these are super personal but stand anyway.
Forest fires—nature's balanced form of chaos)
Redwood and sequoia trees—cones are serotinous, meaning they only open when fire reaches them
Southeast Alaska/temperate rainforests & fjords—they're very geographically similar to Iceland/Norway and I feel Loki's chaos in the sharp winds and chaotic seas
Orcas—similar to how the wolves are viewed, they have a negative representation when they're integral with their chaos to the cycle of balance in ecosystems. I actually have a bunch of orcas on Loki's altar! He showed me orcas when I lived in Alaska.
Glow sticks—literally don't have a reason for this one.
Wolves—this one is not a UPG because of Fenrir, but I personally associate wolves with Loki because they for a very long time were viewed as the "bad guys" and monsters, when in reality, they were the balance to the ecosystem that was needed. Awfully reminiscent to Loki in his myths.
Solar eclipses—also not necessarily a UPG, but the sheer chaotic energy and power from solar eclipses reminds me of Loki's energy
My roommate's cat—lol, she is an AGENT of chaos. As someone who grew up with cats, never had a more chaotic cat in my life. She also raids fridges. And stares at Loki's altar every day. My roommate says she's a witch.
Writing and storytelling—Loki Does It For The Story, and a lot of times speaks to me through my world and creative writing.
Fireball shots—it's the cinnamon I think, but Loki gets fireball shots every few days (lol.)
Green, orange, black, and blue—Loki's colors, this one jsut makes sense to me and I can't really describe why.
Nature—nature is inherently chaotic but maintains a cycle, and this is Loki's energy to me. He is also part Jotun, associated with nature, and to me, he is present everywhere in the wild and unpredictable forces of nature.
Sweet tea—don't know why but Loki enjoys sweet tea
I'm Just Ken (Barbie Movie)—this is the funniest one yet, but Loki literally showed me the entire dance sequence to I'm Just Ken in my sleep (I had watched the Barbie movie once), and would not stop bothering me until I got him the Barbie movie vinyl and played it for him.
Performance in storytelling—this could be theatre, but really just performing and putting on a show while telling a story. This is the same deity who tied his balls to a goat and saved all the assess of the Norse pantheon because he got Skaði to laugh, so this one checks out.
I have so many more but there you go for a start. Working with Loki is just sheer chaos, if you couldn't already tell.
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 months
It's press day for Orange Tree Theatre's UNCLE VANYA, fronted by James Lance. Which means new interview with Chris Evans.
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During their discussion it's revealed that Evans was to moderate the TED LASSO cast SAG-AFTRA panel in New York, but it fell through. Which led to James talking about his "terrifying" experience moderating the cast panel. He says he prepared to interview as Trent (which was advertised), but 30-minutes ahead of the panel Jason Sudeikis asked him if he was sure if he wanted to do it in character which explains why James gives up the bit after one or two questions.
He also said he ran out of questions 30 minutes into the hour-long panel.
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leeofthestone · 3 months
James Lance on stage in Uncle Vanya at the Orange Tree Theatre in London
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Had a great time seeing James Lance in Uncle Vanya in person and watching again online. Although I did spend most of the online watch taking screenshots. I just love watching his expressions when the other actors are speaking.
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littlequeenies · 1 year
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April 2023 - Jane Asher as Lady Catherine "Kitty" Champion-Cheney in W. Somerset Maugham's "The Circle", running at Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond, London, from April 29 to June 17, 2023. This photo was sent to my email account from the theatre thanking me and my sister for having seen the production, directed by Tom Litter at his debut as an artistic director of Orange tree Theatre.
Seeing Jane on the stage has been a dream to me since the late 1990s when I knew about her (I think it was late 1990s anyway). But because I was little, my English wasn't good, studies, work, etc, it looked it was an impossible task. And every time there was a stage production in which she was performing, I sighed and thought "Hopefully next time!".
Then we watched the recorded version of "An American in Paris" when it was played in cinemas in Barcelona in 2018... and the pandemic came, thinking maybe I would never be able to see her live on the stage!
So luckily when the world came back to normal (more or less) and saw this production, I told my sister this was the time to go... I also asked Pri from @lady-jane-asher if she could come with us, but it was impossible for her this time.
Anyway, we bought the tickets, we also purchased a program, and we wrote a little postcard for Jane. We gave it to a lady who was working there when we came in:
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And here's some photos of me that my sis took outside the venue that morning (we spent the day to the Kew Gardens nearby, it was a very lovely day!):
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And then in the evening we went to see the play!!! It was very funny, you laughed with the characters, you suffered with them... seeing lovely Jane on the stage doing what she loves and what she's best at is priceless. She was very good, all of them were.
We were sitting in the first row (of course! haha) and we got this little gift, a thankful note, to have supported the play, the venue, the art.
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So if you can, please go! You'll enjoy it!!
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dallasdoesntexist · 8 months
dark academic things I love since moving to Edinburgh
I recently moved to Edinburgh to study psychology at the University of Edinburgh. These are some things I like to remind myself of how privileged I am to be able to experience when I'm feeling a bit melancholic
The sun against Arthur's seat in the morning
Feeding the squirrels in George Square garden when you got to the lecture too early
The empty Royal Mile on your way to your 9AM
Mourning the loss of Teviot Row House (may she rest in peace... for two years while she gets renovated)
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Watching the sun paint the sky pink and the buildings a deep orange as it sets, cup of hot earl grey tea, laptop open, notebooks everywhere, LED candles flickering around the room.
Tutorials where people take things as seriously as you do
Walking around Greyfriars Kirkyard on a crisp autumn evening, sipping chai from a local coffee house
Sharing biscuits with the crows in Holyrood park
Disgracing the architecture of the Holyrood Parliament building -- much preferring St Andrew's House -- but also just disgracing the Parliament as a whole
Not feeling like you're trying too hard; everyone's trying harder than you
Meeting a bunch of Oxbridge rejects. Being thankful you didn't apply (and thus avoided that embarrassment...)
Buying dried herbs from the herbalist across the street from the university to make your own tea blends
Quoting Shakespeare; someone finishes the quote for you
Pondering your own mortality in the many museums across the city (especially the Surgeon's Hall museum...)
Feeling validated when someone mentions they're on their third coffee of the day and it's only 12PM
getting the bus from Old Town to New Town, being able to look out across the North Sea. Mentally conjuring up Siren's songs
Venturing out to Leith for the Witchcraft Market once a month
Pinning handouts of poetry to your pin board in your room. Saves you spending money to print off your own
the Law library
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Taking a French class, because Greek clashed with your main course and Latin had prerequisites. Studying all 3 on your own out of spite
Being taught in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, where Burke and Hare delivered bodies to
It's normal to wear a suit and tie every day; it's also normal to wear a hoodie and jeans if you woke up too late from studying all night
Cringing when someone compares the city to Harry Potter. Then softening as you realise they're just noticing the same magic that you noticed, too, only articulating it differently
Watching the trees turn red and scatter their leaves across the pavement before they're carried away by the wind. being reminded once again of your own approaching doom
Going to the Frankenstein bar, zoning out of the conversation and watching the black&white film that plays on loop. Then talking at the person next to you about the inaccuracy, using quotes from the novel to back up your argument
Bonus points if they agree
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Everyone freaking out about deadlines in a few weeks' time; knowing you'll be fine, because you developed your study methods in school
The Christmas market coming up
Farmers' markets on the weekends
Beltane Fire Society, and the upcoming Samhuinn festival in the pitch black of Holyrood park
Imagining the horses and their carriages trotting along the cobblestone roads
Fantasising about moving to Dean's village; knowing you'll have to settle for Stockbridge
Or wanting to move to Murrayfield, but not wanting to be too far from the university
Vanilla room spray. Fresh black coffee. Biscuits to dip into it
Being the one people go to for answers, but only helping them if they're genuinely stuck and want to learn
Cashmere scarf, tweed coat, saddle bag -- copious amounts of compliments on your outfit choice
Watching the bats flutter past your window
Not being able to go into the castle, lest you fail all your exams!
Buying a hefty coat from Armstrong & Son's vintage emporium
Double doors built so small, you have to open both in order to get through. Then feeling like a villain as the heavy wood slams behind you
Dimly lit, dark wooden hallways
Free coffee, if you know where to look
Taking a nap in the library between lectures. No weird stares
Being able to spot the people you know have definitely read The Secret History, or The Song of Achilles, or The Picture of Dorian Gray
Avoiding the touristy areas, but finding places just as good
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rayslittlekitten · 1 month
Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls
A/N: This is finally done! I swear I started this like two years ago inspired by a Writer Wednesday prompt and I kinda got stuck trying to paint the exact picture I had in my mind and I think I finally succeeded. Okay maybe a little less detailed, but it's got the point I wanted to make across. This is kinda like a villain origin story. I chose to pair him with an OC (who also has physical descriptions) instead of reader character because this is really all about Dieter and I don’t think the reader would want to be the OC anyways. Also thanks to the lovely @lovebarefootblonde for beta reading!
Rating: T/M
Word Count: ~4.5k
Pairing: Young!Dieter Bravo (18+) x Named OFC
Plot: Dieter stumbles into his own Hollywood movie, but it's not the ending he expected.
Contains: mentions of sex, recreational drug use, angst
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The sun is starting to set and palm tree silhouettes sway in front of the pink and orange skyline. The Golden Hour. The light casts long shadows as the glowing star descends. Dieter quickly pedals, cutting through alleyways and side streets to avoid the rush hour traffic and tourists.
Finally, he bursts through the front door of his apartment holding a take out bag and sweating like he just ran a marathon. He pants and tries to catch his breath as he quickly makes his way to the kitchen and shoves the bag into the nearly empty refrigerator. After slamming the door shut, he jogs over to the bathroom where he passes his roommate on the couch.
"I brought home some leftovers if you want it," Dieter quickly mentions.
"Is it a cheeseburger?" his roommate asks, his eyes never leaving the television screen.
"No! It's spaghetti and meatballs!" Dieter shouts from the bathroom where he starts getting rid of his sweaty and smelly clothes from waiting tables all day after turning on the shower.
"There's a party happening downtown tonight. Are you going?"
"No, I got this gig last minute. I gotta leave in like 10 minutes," he replies before shoving his toothbrush into his mouth.
"Come on, there's gonna be so many women there!" his roommate comments.
Dieter rushes through cleaning his teeth and spits into the sink.
"I'm working the Titanic premiere at the Chinese theater," he shouts before jumping into the shower, not even waiting for the water to warm up. He shrieks at the shock of the cold temperature.
After Dieter's record quick shower, he throws on some decently clean clothes after giving them a sniff and then shoves his feet into his shoes.
"The Titanic premiere? Get out! Who the hell did you have to blow to get that gig?" his roommate asks skeptically.
"No one. One of my coworkers also works catering and someone dropped out," Dieter shrugs. "I'm getting paid to serve stars. I'm not passing up on that."
"Well, look at you, climbing the Hollywood social ladder. Next, you're gonna tell me you're the new Leonardo DiCaprio."
"You could be the next Leonardo DiCaprio if you actually went to auditions instead of waiting for someone to notice you," Dieter shoots back.
"You do you man. I have my own methods," he replies smugly.
"I gotta go. See you later. Please do the dishes before you go to this party," Dieter adds before grabbing an apple out of a fruit bowl sitting on the kitchen counter and taking off.
As Dieter races to the theater on his bike, riding as quick as he possibly could while weaving through traffic, he slows down for a moment when he sees the large crowd lined up by the red carpet outside of the beautiful iconic theater. His breath is taken away as he admires the glitz and glamor in front of him.
The Grauman’s Chinese Theatre is a place he’s gotten well acquainted with since moving to Los Angeles. It’s one of his favorite places to go in his free time, watching all the new film releases. Sometimes multiple times if he enjoys them that much. However, he’s never actually attended a movie premiere and the elegant transformation has him in a chokehold.
As he approaches the theater, he hops off mid-roll as he slows down and hears a loud roar coming from the fans barricaded off to the side. He can't see who it is, but a limo just pulled up to the front of the theater and the screams get louder as someone steps out of the car and walks down the red carpet. He knows one day, it'll be him walking down that plush red carpet and loved by fans.
He moves quickly to behind the theater where his coworker told him to meet her. He sprints when he finds his coworker right outside the back door appearing to finish putting on her uniform.
"Oh, thank goodness you made it!" She says as she buttons up her uniform vest.
"I got here as quickly as I could." He drops his bike and with his hands on his knees, Dieter pauses to catch his breath.
"We don't have time!" She tosses him his uniform vest.
Dieter instantly throws the vest on.
"Come on! We gotta run," she tells him as she takes off inside.
"What about my bike?" he asks as he throws his bag over his shoulder.
"Bring it in!" she shouts from the long hallway.
Dieter takes his bike with him and rushes inside, letting the door close behind him. He leaves the bike and bag somewhere and she gestures to him to hurry. As he follows her, he buttons up and stuffs his shirt into his pants. By the time they enter the kitchen, he's mostly put together as he smooths out his hair, slicking it back.
He doesn't even get a moment to catch his breath when a tray of hors d'oeuvres get shoved into his hands.
"Go, go, go!" the man in apron shouts as he nudges Dieter towards the swinging doors.
Dieter rushes out while trying not to tip over the tray. He gathers his composure and walks around offering hors d'oeuvres while taking in the celebrities and VIPs. He was so in awe of everything and everyone around him, being in the midst of one of the most important parties celebrating what he believes will be one of the biggest movies of the year. It’s James freakin’ Cameron!
Throughout the night, he continues to walk around with trays of food and beverages while taking everything in. He’s taking notice of what people are wearing, saying, who’s talking to who. Even though he’s not able to mingle with the stars, he’s just as happy that he gets to still, in a way, be in the middle of it all. He was even able to sneak into the theater a few times to watch the movie.
As he makes his way back to the kitchen with an empty tray, suddenly he’s blindsided by a swinging door.
“Oops! I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t know you were behind the door,” the person apologizes.
“You went out the wrong door,” he exclaims while picking up his tray off the floor.
“Are you okay?”
When Dieter looks up at the offending person, his face softens. She looks like a Golden Aged Hollywood star. Her long wavy hair cascades down her exposed back. Her floor-length shiny dress is slinky against her smooth skin, hugging her every curve and dip, and flaring out at her ankles. Her long fanned out lashes and cat eyeliner frame her piercing eyes.
“I… yeah I’m… I’m good,” he stammers, swallowing the saliva pooling in his mouth. “Um, can I help you? Are, are you lost?” He vaguely points to the kitchen doors.
“Say, you happen to know where I can powder my nose?” She asks curiously while tapping the tip of her nose with he satin-covered fingertip.
“Uhhh, the ladies’ room is that way,” he points to a general direction.
“You’re adorable,” she compliments with a giggle after a silent moment studying him. “This is your first time working one of these big Hollywood parties, isn’t it?”
“Uhhh… no?”
Something out of his eyesight catches her attention and she loops her arm through his before quickly swooping him away into a different direction.
“So, uh, what did you say your name was again?” She asks as she briskly moves them farther away from where they were, occasionally glancing back.
“I, I didn’t,” he stutters. “Where are we going?”
“You know where we can just get away from the crowd and maybe get some air?” She asks while scanning the place.
“Yes, I actually do. Follow me!”
Dieter stealthily navigates them both to a section for employees only and out through a back alleyway. She looks behind them and when she sees that nobody has followed them, she lets out a sigh of relief.
“Phew! Thank you so much,” she says to him.
“No problem. So who or what were we running away from back there?” Dieter asks her.
“What are you talking about?” She asks calmly.
“You wanted to get the hell out of there and you kept looking back like you’re checking to see if anyone was following us.”
She ignores his observation, walking off a few feet away to put some distance between them as she takes out a cigarette from her clutch.
“Are you in danger?” Dieter asks.
She scoffs and lets out a chuckle.
“No, nothing dramatic like that,” she responds right before she lights her cigarette and takes a drag.
He notices she doesn’t have a wristband or any visible credentials.
“Are you even supposed to be at this party?” He asks her with narrow eyes.
Suddenly the door swings open, knocking into Dieter and preventing it from opening further. He moves aside and pokes his head around the door.
“Hey, sorry, buddy. Did you happen to see a woman with long dark hair about this tall come out this way? She has on like a long shiny dress?”
“Uhhh…” Dieter glances around the alleyway on both sides and briefly notices the woman hiding behind the door with her back against the brick wall, trying to make herself as invisible as possible.
“I mean, that could be anyone here,” Dieter responds to the man with a small smirk. “But no, I didn’t.” He shakes his head to underline his confirmation.
“What are you doing out here?” He asks with slight suspicion, noticing his uniform. “Shouldn’t you be inside working?”
“I’m just taking a break,” he shrugs.
The woman quietly offers Dieter her lit cigarette behind the door and he takes it from her without raising any alarms.
“A smoke break.” He shows the man the cigarette in his hand before taking a puff himself.
“Well, make it quick. if you see anyone matching that description, please let me know.”
And with that, he hands Dieter his business card.
“Will do, sir!” Dieter nods to him as he takes the card.
Dieter watches the man walk back into the building, and when he is completely out of sight, he looks over to where she is and notices she has started to tiptoe away.
“He’s gone,” Dieter tells her.
She stops in her tracks and turns around.
“Thank you for that. I really appreciate it.” She claps her hands together.
“You owe him some money or something?” Dieter asks, slowly walking towards her while taking another pull of her cigarette.
“Mm, I guess it depends on who you ask,” she replies coyly.
“What does that mean?” He tilts his head curiously.
After what he did for her, she feels she owes him at least an explanation.
“We had just met a few hours ago and I charmed him enough to sneak into this party but I got bored halfway in. I thought I’d be able to rub elbows with some important people, but turns out he doesn’t really know those important people here and if you don’t know anyone, you’d be lucky to even get to say just hi to the people everyone wants to talk to, so I dressed my best for nothing,” she replies.
Dieter checks the business card that was handed to him and it reads:
“Lights, Camera, Catering
Abner Bailey Jones
“Shit, I think that was my boss,” Dieter laughs. “But that still doesn’t explain why he’s looking for you and why you’re avoiding him.”
“My guess is he’s expecting something in return for him getting me into the party,” she shrugs.
“Oooh,” he simply replies. “Wait a minute. So you got all glammed up and came here not knowing if you were going to get into the premiere?” He asks.
“You gotta fake it ‘til you make it, right?” She shrugs again as she struts back to him and takes her cigarette back. “So you ever gonna tell me your name? You can call me Beatrice.”
She takes a long drag while waiting for his answer.
“Dieter. My stage name," he explains. "It's a nickname my family gave me when I was a kid because I couldn't pronounce theater correctly which I loved going to all the time and it came out sounding like Dieter and it just stuck. The movie theater is where my passion for acting started."
“Of course you’re an actor. What’s your real name?" 
Dieter doesn't answer, but simply flashes a cheeky smirk at her, his dimple creasing deeper into his face.
"Hmm, suddenly so mysterious. Nice to meet you, Dieter.” Beatrice extends her gloved hand out and Dieter shakes it.
“You’re new in town, aren't you?" she asks curiously then drops the cigarette butt on the asphalt.
"Not really. I moved here about six months ago."
"Six months only? Oh, you are new in town," she comments. "Practically a tourist."
"Really?" he asks with a tilt to his head. “What makes you say that?"
"Your eagerness. You still got that sparkle in your eyes. You haven’t been jaded by Hollywood yet.”
“And you have, I suppose?”
Beatrice shrugs and flashes an award-winning smile, her turn to be a little mysterious. Her blood red lips make her perfect teeth even brighter.
“Hey, you wanna get out of here? Got a place we can go to just like, hang out?” she asks.
Dieter looks around to make sure she was talking to him and then stares back at her like a deer in headlights.
“M-me? You wanna hang out with me?” He points to his own chest, shocked.
“Yeah, why does that surprise you?”
“I mean you… you look like that,” he points to her dress. “And well…” He then gestures his hands to himself.
“You look like a star. I just didn’t think women who look like you would want anything to do with people who look like me,” he replies.
“It’s that kinda thinking that makes me want to hang out with you even more. You’re not full of yourself. You seem like a cool guy, Dieter.”
Dieter’s face flushes. “Thank you. You seem super cool too. Like way cooler than me. Oh! My shift ends in…” he glances at his watch. “Maybe another hour.”
“Oh, come on, Dieter!”
Dieter sighs, stuck between staying for the party or going with this beautiful woman in front of him.
“You’re not gonna leave a damsel all in distress, are you?” Beatrice fakes an exaggerated pout while batting her hazel eyes.
“You have a habit of following around strangers?” He teases.
“Strangers? You and me? No. You lied for me and basically saved my life. You’re practically my savior,” she corrects him.
“Saved your life? I thought you weren’t in any danger. ‘Nothing dramatic like that’, I believe you said,” he jabs back.
“You saved me from dying of boredom,” she smirks and it draws a small laugh out of Dieter. “So what do you say, hero?”
Dieter chews on his lower lip as he weighs his options.
“Come on, you really wanna work this boring party? I’m pretty sure half the cast left already,” she gripes. “Oh, I also got…”
Beatrice fishes inside her clutch and pulls out a small baggie.
“Weed! I don’t know if you indulge, but I’m willing to share,” she tempts him as she dangles the baggie. “We can chill out and talk about the movie or whatever.”
After a few more moments, he finally makes a decision.
“Wait right here. I’ll be right back,” Dieter tells her right before he rushes back inside.
“Yes!” Beatrice exclaims enthusiastically.
A few minutes later, Dieter returns with his bag and bike.
“My coworker’s gonna cover for me. She owes me a favor,” Dieter says.
“Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s gonna fit the both of us, especially not while wearing this.” She points out her delicate gown. “Let’s hail a cab!”
After grabbing some tacos off a street cart, they end up back at his place.
"I don't think my roommate is home. He went to some party downtown,” Dieter says while giving her a quick tour of his apartment.
When they finally reach his messy bedroom, she notices the canvases sprawled throughout.
"You're an artist?” Beatrice asks while admiring the art.
"I dabble in paint whenever I have the time,” he shrugs. “Which sometimes is a lot,” he laughs.
"Your style is interesting. What do you have going on here?" She asks, pointing to a canvas with splotches of color on it.
"I don't know yet. I just paint whatever comes to my mind." He stuffs his hands into his pockets and shrugs as he walks over to the painting.
"Whenever I get inspired, I just..." He vaguely gestures his hand to the half empty white surface. "I have to admit, many of them have been under the influence," he laughs.
"Oh, yeah? What's your poison of choice?" she asks, suddenly very interested.
“Well, usually just some marijuana. That one was actually a result of the first time I tried mushrooms.” Dieter points to a different painting.
“Have you ever tried cocaine?”
“That’s a rich man’s candy,” Dieter replies, shaking his head.
“I can get some for us,” she offers. “I know someone.”
“You have that kind of money?” He asks curiously with a raised brow, inching closer to her.
“Money isn’t the only currency there is, especially out here in Hollywood."
Dieter studies her for a few moments trying to understand what she could mean.
“A-are you… do you…” He couldn’t bring himself to finish the question without possibly offending her.
“No, I’m not a prostitute if that’s what you’re going to ask,” she chuckles. "But you wouldn't be the first person to think that."
"I'm not judging." He puts his hands up in defense. "Everyone's gotta do whatever they can to survive."
"Especially out here in the wild, wild West. People are nice to each other, but in the end it's everyone for themselves." She tips her head to him.
"I wish you success but also hope I get the role instead of you, ha ha ha,” she mocks with an obvious fake laugh and then rolls her eyes. "So much ego."
“Ouch. Sounds like you've been burned before.” Dieter walks over to her.
"Yeah, but I have thick skin. You've gotta have that to be in this game. You've gotta grow one after the umpteenth rejection. Or even worse, having to suck it up and reject a role because you refuse to suck a dick for it— a background role at that. You mind?" She pulls out a joint and the corner of his lips turn up.
“Not if you share," he replies.
She lights it up and after taking a pull, she hands it to him.
"Can't say I've had the opportunity to suck a dick for a role yet," he chuckles before taking a hit.
"Oh, trust me, you will. There is no discrimination. Women might get it more often, but there are definitely men who have fucked to get a role as well."
“I should be, but why am I not surprised?” he chimes in.
“Enough of all this talk. It’s bringing the mood down. Oh, I’ve got an idea!” she says, taking a drag of the joint as she lays down on his bed. “Draw me like one of your French girls.”
"Are you for real?" he asks.
"Yes, I am." She takes another drag and passes the joint back to him before starting to strip down.
Dieter is shocked and speechless. He is in awe as he watches her remove her clothes until she's down to her lacy underwear. Her braless breasts hang freely as she lays down on her side, just like Rose did.
“Are you just gonna stare at me all night or do you need more drugs?” she asks him after a few moments.
“I’m just admiring the art that’s already in front of me,” he replies before taking another toke of the joint.  “Not sure if any amount of drugs will do it any justice.”
“You’re sweet,” she comments as warmth rises to her face. “But I wanna see what you see. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
Dieter continues to study her for a few more seconds before finally nodding.
“Alright. I think I got something.”
He passes the joint back to her and with that, Dieter starts squeezing some paint onto his palette, mixing colors and spreading them on the canvas. His dark round eyes dart around her face and body, taking in the image in front of him and then finally scraping some paint onto the canvas to spit out what his mind is processing.
She can’t see what he’s doing but notices he’s using a lot of different colors and broad strokes. After about ten minutes of this, a wide smirk plays on his face.
“What? Do I look silly like a Picasso or something?” She asks.
“No,” he shakes his head. “I just can’t believe the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met is naked on my bed, asking me to paint her.”
“You don’t get a lot of women getting naked in your bed for a portrait?” She teases before taking another drag and passing it on to Dieter.
“No,” he laughs, taking a pull of his own.
“Although, I’m not quite naked yet.” Beatrice slides off the bed and struts towards him. “Let me see what you’ve got so far.”
“No, no, it’s not quite finished—“
She takes a peek despite his protests and the breath is knocked out of her.
“Dieter, this is…” She’s at a loss for words.
“Yeah, I know, it’s… it’s really rough and—”
“This is beautiful!” She turns to him.
It’s a somewhat abstract piece with globs of paint spackled onto the canvas. He highlighted the soft features of her face and how her tendrils of long curls hung off her head. Her bright red lips pop out against the browns, beiges and yellows behind it. A splash of blue and green in the background pulls her away from the canvas. While her body isn’t complete yet, the simple and rough outline he laid out seemed intentional. If he hadn’t said anything, she would have thought he was finished.
“Thank you, you’re kind.” His face heats up as he rubs the back of his neck.
“I mean it, Dieter. Seriously! You have a gift.”
Dieter is now the one speechless. His face starts to get warm and pink.
“But maybe you need a closer look to finish this painting. Catch the details you might have missed.”
Beatrice proceeds to push her panties down until they hit the floor, which made his jaw do that as well. She then takes the joint from him, takes a big hit and straddles his lap. Leaning in, her lips graze his as she opens her mouth. He opens up his own and sucks in the smoke into his lungs. After a moment, their lips meet and they begin to make out, working up to fog his windows.
When Dieter wasn't at an audition or waiting on people, he spent most of his time with Beatrice. They'd sneak into movie theaters to catch a flick, especially when they were playing classics, which they both appreciated, but many times they ended up making out instead. Sometimes they'd take long strolls along the Santa Monica pier while smoking weed. At some point, she introduced him to cocaine and whatever drugs she was able to get her hands on, and in turn he would churn out pieces of art while admiring her, his muse.
They did almost everything together. They laughed, cried, loved, and tripped together. They even went on auditions together and supported each other in preparing for them. He had such a strong connection with her, sharing the same passions and navigating life together in this crazy movie town. He thought he found his soulmate.
It was the best time of his life. He was living his own Hollywood movie and he felt like he was at the top of the world, just like Jack Dawson, but he then learned he’s no Leonardo DiCaprio. As quickly as he got high on all this, the crash came down just as fast.
"I don't understand," Dieter says, confused.
"You don't make friends in this business, Dieter. You make transactions and deals."
"Wow," he could only muster up with wide eyes. "What about relationships? Friendships? Do you have any connection - a genuine connection - with anyone?"
"The only connections I need are transactional. I give something in exchange for something else, whether it be for survival, pleasure or power."
He scrubs a hand over his face and studies her for a few moments.
"So what was I? What did you get in exchange for... for whatever this is?" Dieter asks, waving his hand between them.
"You had a good time, right?" she shrugs as she throws a small smile.
"This was more than just a good time for me," Dieter shoots back with air quotes. "I-I thought we had something special. We talked about making it in Hollywood together!”
"Oh, honey..." she frowns and reaches for his face, but he flinches, pulling away from her and walking off.
"How do you-- how can you--" Dieter takes a deep breath to compose himself.
"Hollywood is going to eat you alive, sweetheart. You're not cut out for this place," Beatrice shakes her head.
"No," Dieter shakes his head. "You get one fucking role and then you think you're too good for me?"
"It's nothing personal," she explains. "I'm just playing by the rules. I didn't create them. And once I'm in, like in in, I can help maybe you get your foot in too."
Dieter is speechless. He just stares at her with misty eyes and brows turned down, shaking his head in disappointment.
“I don’t need your charity or… or your fucking connections! Did you have to suck a dick for that role?”
She looks back at him in disgust and scoffs.
“No need to be rude. I earned that role,” she replies with her arms crossed.
“That’s not a no,” he retorts.
“Whatever. I don’t need to explain myself,” she huffs. “Look, I just came to tell you I can’t see you anymore and to pick up my things and say goodbye.”
Dieter just stares at her again, trying to process what is unfolding as the reality sinks in.
“Just go. Take your shit and go,” he simply says.
After she gathers her things, she takes one more glance at him.
“Goodbye, Dieter.”
When he doesn’t respond, she finally walks out the door, leaving Dieter to cry alone and pick up the broken pieces of his heart.
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thecolebrothers · 2 months
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Finn Cole to Make Stage Debut in Lucas Hnath's Red Speedo. Finn will play Ray in the UK premiere of RED SPEEDO at the OT this summer, directed by Matthew Dunster.
📸:Ali Wright
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