#One day I will find someone who will rush down a flight of stairs to embrace me tightly
shima-draws · 11 months
Okay but that scene in Titanic where Rose decides you know what no I’m NOT going to guarantee my safety by staying in this lifeboat and she jumps back onto the ship and she and Jack immediately start SPRINTING to try and get to each other and when they finally do Jack kisses her all frantically and calls her stupid…that’s true love baby
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scoutswritingcorner · 1 month
Gala Night
PolyVees x GN!Reader
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TW:Valentino. I do not condone his actions at all.
You quickly moved out of the way as a secretary rushed past you holding the phone to your ear as you tried to listen to what Valentino was saying, “Carino~ You wouldn’t mind going to see Velvette before you grab the limo? She has something waiting for you.” He purred through the phone as you tried to rush to the now closing elevator. “Son of a- those bastards.” You hissed out looking around, guess you’ll be running up twenty flights of stairs then wait 5 minutes for the next elevator, “Yes, go see Velvette and then go pick up the limo.” You repeated back to the Overlord who happily hummed before he had to abruptly hang up as he yelled at someone.
You opened the door towards the stairs and growled, Velvette was gonna be pissed at you for being so late but so be it. You started your ascent up the staircase, putting your phone back in your pocket and ignoring how it buzzed with texts from multiple people. Of course, Vox had called you in on the day of one of hell’s special occasions. The Overlords Gala. Where Overlords throughout the whole 7 rings of Hell get together at Lucifer’s palace. You had the day off originally but Valentino got a little mad and killed off the other chauffeur that drove them around that morning so everything was an hour behind, you were still in your pajamas and had barely grabbed your wallet and phone for the day.
It took a few more moments until you were on the twentieth floor, busting through the door and quickly running down the hall towards Velvette’s Fashion Department ignoring the looks of models and random demons in the hallways. As you walked in still out of breath and practically wheezing for breath you could hear Velvette yelling at some poor model before she moved them away. Janette whispering something to her before she whipped her head towards you, “Where the fuck have you been?” She asked storming over as you stood tall, “Running up twenty flights of stairs,” you replied before she rolled her eyes and pulled you towards the podium. Velvette’s eyes stuck to your outfit like glue before her glare darkened and her frown deepened. “What the fuck are you wearing?” She growled out as you looked down at the ‘Voxtech’ shirt and pajama pants you took from the gift basket (one of many) that Vox sent over to your apartment.
“..my pajamas.” You slowly replied before she scoffed and flicked her wrist as your pajamas disappeared and you were fitted in your normal outfit but the subtle difference was it had the V’s logo embroidered on the chest pocket as if they were planning to show you off and you weren’t just gonna drop them off and then go busy yourself with whatever you could find. Velvette walked over and fixed the jacket from looking lopsided, “Don’t run down those fucking stairs. You’ll tear something or fall and we don’t have time to fix another fucking mess.” She said before reaching up to brush your hair back, “Yes ma’am, no running down the stairs.” You repeated watching as a smile replaced the sneer on her lips. She patted your arms and waved you off to go do whatever else you needed to do. 
It didn’t take you long to get down the flight of stairs and down to the parking lot where Vox kept the limo and other cars you were asked to drive. Quickly showing your ID to the scanner on the door, Vox was really careful about everything. Even one small misprint on your ID would send him an alert that someone was breaking in, you walked into the large garage and looked around seeing the limo sitting near the back of the garage. You walked towards it to make sure everything was okay.
It wasn’t until an hour later as you were making sure the inside of the Limo was cleaned and restocked for the three of them that Vox had called you to tell you that they were about to leave. You got situated and drove the limo to the front of the tower ignoring how demons gathered around to see the Vee’s before they left for the Gala. But bodyguards had blocked the crowds as you rushed to the other side and opened the doors for the three Overlords, who looked like they stole a piece of Heaven with their matching outfits. You were not drooling over your bosses, focus. This is a big night and you’d rather not have a bullet in your head before the night is over. Keep your mind from drifting.
The drive was silent and long, only a few times did Valentino bother you which was weird but you didn’t pay attention to it much. As you pulled to a stop at a redlight, you softly tapped on the steering wheel as your eyes drifted around. You were liable to fall asleep if the silence continued like this, it wouldn’t hurt to play some music while they weren’t paying attention to you, maybe it’d get them to relax a bit too..even if they didn’t hear it due to the partition window. You turned the radio on, turning it down so it wouldn’t be too loud for them to hear as you started to drive down the road once more.
It was another few minutes before you drove past the giant golden gates, you felt weird about being around such a place. Especially since this had to be the first Gala in years after The King’s absence, you felt..unworthy of being in such a place. As you pulled to a stop in front of the palace doors, you parked the car and moved to open the door for all three of them. Valentino was first to exit, then followed by Velvette and finally Vox exited the Limo, his arm slinging around your shoulders. “Are you ready for a fun night?” He asked pulling you closer to his form as cameras flashed all around you. You blinked once..twice before it hit you..Vox was talking to you. “W-What?” You asked looking up at his screen seeing his smile grow wide at the question as he closed the limo door with his foot, his arm moving comfortably around your waist.
If you were anyone else there would be a sure chance he would’ve killed you right there for questioning him. But you weren’t anyone else, you were the Vee’s chauffeur. You were under their protection and you weren’t bound by any soul contract, you had free reign to do whatever you wanted. “The party~ You’re our guest~” Valentino cut in gently grabbing your chin and making you look towards him, oh boy the rumors will be running on for days now. You just whispered a soft ‘oh’ before looking away at Velvette who winked at you. 
There goes your plans to go to that diner downtown and eat dinner for cheap.
Taglist: @aboyscriminalrecord cause I know you thrive on the Vees.
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selfcarecap · 2 years
You're My Holiday [p.p]
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Summary: You and Peter finally go on that holiday you’ve been planning for ages. With the two of you sharing a hotel room and spending all day together half-naked in the soft sand or chilling at the pool with cocktails, you and Peter are closer than ever. It finally feels like you’re ready to take your friendship to the next level. You can only hope that he feels the same, and you’re not just imagining it.
Warnings: smut (18+, brief m masturbation, oral, fingering, handjob, protected vaginal penetration), alcohol, mentions of fear of flying, friends (aka idiots) to lovers (who move very quickly bc this is a fictional fairytale <3)
Word count: 21k… there’s seven/eight days of their holiday though and there’s a little heading for every new day so you can split it up into multiple reading sessions if you feel like it <3
I know it’s not really summer anymore but I started writing this last october and i was not gonna wait another year to post it during peak summer weather lol, also thanks ksi for the title <33 lmaoo😭
(i’ve used that pic of him so many times he’s just the cutest ever 🫶)
teaser | moodboard
Day One
It’s six in the morning and your flight leaves at twelve, so, naturally, you’re on your way to the airport. 
MJ would never admit it but she’s been dropping hints that she gets nervous about being late to things like this, so you gladly got up a few hours later if it helped your friend relax, even though your bed felt extra comfy this morning.
Following MJ’s text that her taxi is in front of your door you rush down, only to see someone else next to MJ in the back of the car. 
You put your suitcase in the boot and join MJ and her partner Chris on the back seats.
“Hii!” MJ hugs you, unusually excited. You assume she’s also trying to compensate for the fact that she didn’t tell you she invited her partner at the last minute. 
You can’t bring yourself to be mad at MJ though, first of all because it’s basically still the middle of the night, but also because MJ is in love. You know she wouldn’t just invite a third person along if she wasn’t absolutely infatuated and sure that you’d get along well.
Still, she should have talked to you first. You probably wouldn’t have had the heart to say no anyways.
It’s not that you don’t like Chris, but it was supposed to be just you and MJ, and now you’ll be third-wheeling on a vacation that you planned.
Your mind drifts to Peter, who is probably sound asleep. Like all best friends, you’ve talked about going on vacation together for years. This would be your opportunity to finally go on that trip you’ve been planning forever and to save yourself from being alone with a couple who is annoyingly in love.
You try not to get your hopes up too soon though. It’s spontaneous, you don’t even know if Peter wants to or if he’s busy, and you have no idea if the flight and hotel are fully booked and he can’t come anyway. But if Chris was able to, then maybe there’s still room for Peter too.
Before you disturb Peter’s slumber, you make some calls and check online. Butterflies erupt in you when you find out that Peter could actually come - if he wants to. You make the taxi driver stop just as you pass Peter’s street and tell MJ and Chris you’ll meet them at the airport, taking your suitcase out and dragging it up the stairs to Peter’s apartment.
He opens the door rubbing his eyes, shirtless and only in boxers that you can’t stop yourself from glancing at. You rarely see him with so much of his bare skin showing, and it’s like a treat every time. “Oh, hi, sorry. I thought you were the mailman,” he puts a hand over his crotch and you resist the urge to stare at it directly.
“I’m here to pick you up to go to the airport with me,” you give him your most charming smile, taking a step closer to him.
“Fuck was I supposed to drive you? Sorry I didn‘—”
“No no, no, you‘re good. I wanted to ask if you wanna come with me. MJ spontaneously invited Chris and I don’t wanna third-wheel. And we’ve talked about travelling together so many times. But I get if it’s too spontaneous or anything, you can say no.”
“You-you’re asking me to come with you? To Mexico?” He asks, suddenly wide awake, keeping his mouth shut to hide his widening grin, but it comes out when he talks, “I-I, they probably won’t even have any rooms will they? And-and the flight–”
“I checked and we can get you a ticket on the plane and a room at the hotel.”
You check your phone, “We still have a few hours.”
“Okay,” he repeats, eyes full of excitement, cheeks rosy in anticipation.
“Oh my god, really?” You’re only just starting to realise what this means, how much fun you’re going to have and how lucky you are. It’s going to be a trip you’ll remember for the rest of your life - going on vacation with your two best friends.
“Yes, of course, I would never say no to that.”
He opens his arms for you to hug him and he squeezes you, lifting you in the air while you squeal - both out of general excitement and also out of being literally swept off your feet with no warning. You don’t let go of each other when he sets you down again. After a few seconds you become too conscious of how naked he is right now and you let go, skipping off into his room to help him pack.
You text MJ.
You (7:01 am)
Peter is coming toooooooo
We’ll meet you at the airport
MJ (7:02 am)
Yay, double date vacation
Don’t be late !!!
You (7:02 am)
Ha ha
You mean me and Peter 3rd and 4th wheeling on your unexpected couple vacation? 
You owe me for that btw, no offence to your relationship
MJ (7:04 am)
I already called the hotel and upgraded us to an all-inclusive package (my dad’s paying lol)
You’ll be thanking me for the free 24/7 cocktails
I’m sure they can make them virgin for Peter :)
Oh and there’s massages (!!!)
You drop your phone when Peter comes up behind you. You hope he didn’t see MJ’s message about calling you and Peter a couple (and about him being inexperienced).
She’s been nagging you about how obviously in love you and Peter are since all three of you first hung out ages ago but you’ve been denying it, unsure if she’s right but also as an attempt to protect yourself from being hurt because you desperately want her to be right.
You two freak out over the upgrade and you quickly text MJ to thank her before you help Peter.
He brushes his teeth and (unfortunately) puts on a shirt before you begin packing. You should have enough time but with New York traffic every minute can count, so you hurry up.
“Wait, May works near the airport. She‘s just getting breakfast but maybe we can skip the taxi money and drive with her.”
He goes to the kitchen to call May and you listen to him telling her the news all excited, ending with a “Thanks, love you.”
He comes back to his room, “May’s driving us.”
“Great, can I help you pack?”
“Yeah just put any clothes in,” he opens his suitcase on top of his bed and disappears into the bathroom. While Peter gets all his stuff from there you stand in front of his closet, trying to find nice clothes for the beach amongst the mess in there.
He comes back out, his arms full of small bottles of shampoo and toothpaste, “Oh my god, just put it all in,” he laughs and takes out a big heap of clothing and drops it in his suitcase, folding some of it so it’ll fit better.
“Okay, okay,” you do the same, taking about 5 random pieces of clothes, “Just didn‘t want you having a meltdown again because you can‘t find a good outfit,” you tease.
“Hey, that was years ago, okay? And don‘t act like you weren‘t crying the day before prom because you suddenly hated the dress.”
“Yeah but unlike you I just picked another outfit and pulled it off.”
“You did, you looked perfect,” he tells you sincerely and you don’t dare look at him to see his accompanying look that always makes you think his affection is more than platonic. He’s never implied that you should be more than friends, so you hate the flutter in your belly you get at the smallest signs that there could be more.
“And we’ll be at the beach most of the time, so I don’t even need any clothes anyway,” he says and your cheeks feel hot as you immediately imagine Peter completely naked. He still means he’ll be wearing swimming shorts. Even that image is enough to make you feel a little warmer than usual though.
He zips his suitcase up a few minutes later, “I think I‘ve got everything.”
May comes through the door a moment later, greeting you with a hug and an air kiss and a short while later she’s driving you to the airport.
You and Peter smile at each other in the backseats, tiredness settling back in, but you’re also floored by how exciting this situation is. You were already thrilled to be going on the trip, but Peter unexpectedly coming too makes everything ten times better.
At the airport, you realise you need to pack some shower products into your suitcase so you open it in the back of the car and rearrange a few things, and you overhear a conversation between May and Peter while they talk behind the car.
You hear Peter’s hushed voice, “Why are you holding… what am I supposed to do with those?”
“Just in case, you need to be safe. You’ll be spending a lot of time together, more than usual and in fewer clothes than normal. You were talking to me about how you feel about her just last week. All that tension between you might finally–”
“I don‘t... don‘t need them.”
May sighs, “Well it won’t hurt to take them then. I didn’t know you were so awkward about sex and–”
“Okay! Okay, I’ll take them.”
Just as you zip up your suitcase and walk over to them, you see Peter pushing something into a tiny opening on the side of his case.
“Hey, what did May give you just then?” You ask Peter a few minutes later after hugging May goodbye and waving as she drives off.
“Oh uh,” his already red face turns a few shades darker, “Uh, nothing. Hey, I can see MJ and Chris over there!”
You fall asleep leaning against Peter’s shoulder while you’re waiting to get on the plane. You wake up when Peter warns MJ not to take a picture of you two - she already has, of course - and a few moments later there’s an announcement that you can start boarding your plane.
Turns out Peter and Chris only got seats because a couple behind you and MJ cancelled their tickets, so you end up sitting next to Peter with MJ and Chris in the row in front of you.
Through all the excitement, you nearly forgot how nervous flying makes you. You try to take deep breaths as you watch the security demonstration and hope you can ignore the pounding in your chest.
“Hey, are you nervous?” Peter asks in a soft voice. You lean forward as the plane starts moving, getting closer and closer to the runway.
“Um.. just a bit. I haven‘t flown in so long and I‘ve always found flying a bit.. unsettling.”
“Do you want to hold my hand?” 
You look into his eyes and see how concerned Peter is for you. You quickly nod and interlace your fingers with his, directing your eyes back out the window to see how far you are.
“Maybe don’t look out, okay? You‘ll feel when we take off but it won‘t last long until you even forget we‘re flying.”
“What should I look at then?” You ask, still looking out the window. 
You feel his hand on your chin, gently pulling you to face him, “Look at me.”
You maintain eye contact with Peter for a while, one hand still in his, and now your heart isn’t only beating fast because of your fear of flying.
“When are we taking off?” You ask, eyes not leaving Peter’s.
He looks past you and out of the window, “Any second now. But don‘t worry, it won‘t feel any different from going on a rollercoaster. Hey, we‘ve been on so many rollercoasters together. This is so harmless in comparison,” he reasons, smiling at you.
You think back to how many amusement parks you and Peter have been to, where you even outdid Peter and went on rides that he was too scared to go on. You feel the pressure in your chest ease up, but a second later you’re pressed back into your seat as the plane takes off. Your eyes flit towards the window on the other side of the plane and you see how high you already are.
“Look at me,” Peter says again and you quickly put your other hand on top of your and his intertwined ones. He adds his own hand on top, firmly lying it on yours, and you feel a tiny bit safer.
“Now… close your eyes and imagine we‘re on a rollercoaster together, yeah? I‘ll do it with you,” you watch him close his eyes and do the same, calming down enough to imagine one of the rollercoasters you’ve been on together, smiling at the memory. 
“Kind of a lame rollercoaster,” you smile, not opening your eyes, getting used to the sensation of flying up.
“I know, right? Really boring,” you can hear the smile in his voice and his thumb starts stroking over the back of your hand. 
“That‘s actually really helpful, I think I‘m good now,” you slowly open your eyes at the same time as Peter. There’s a small jolt and you squeeze your eyes shut again, grabbing Peter’s hands tighter.
“All good, that‘s part of the rollercoaster. We‘re just going around one of those corners where it feels like you‘re about to fall out but you never do…” 
You take a deep breath and open your eyes again. Peter’s are still closed and there’s a smile on his face as he continues. “You know you‘re not going to fall out and yet you always cling to me and I laugh and pretend to be fine even though I also feel like I‘m about to fall out and I need to hold on to you just as much as you need to hold on to me.”
“What are you two dumbasses doing?” You suddenly hear MJ and find her face squished between the seats in front of you.
Your eyes meet Peter’s and you both look around, noticing that you’re in the air now, the plane finally horizontal again “Oh, we’re… Thanks,” you shyly smile at Peter and reluctantly let go of his hands.
Before you can stress over some slight turbulences, you fall asleep with your head on Peter’s shoulder once more a few minutes later. The bang the plane makes as it lands a few hours later wakes you up and when you sit up you see Peter smiling at you, probably happy that you slept through the part of the plane ride that would have made you anxious again.
You don’t realise that you’re still holding Peter’s hand until you’re in the airport, waiting for your luggage. You decide to go to the bathroom, but there’s a resistance when you start walking - it’s your hand in Peter’s, and he didn’t notice how you were walking away.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise I was holding your hand,” you say.
“Oh it’s, it’s okay. You going to the restroom? Do you want me to come with you?” He asks, getting up.
“It’s fine, MJ’s coming with me. But thanks.”
It’s a lot hotter here than it was in New York, so you take off your hoodie and swap it for the short top you had with you. Three of your suitcases are there already when you get back so you stand around your luggage as you wait for the last one to arrive.
“Stop drooling over my best friend and do what you’re here for,” you hear MJ while you’re pretending to not notice Peter looking at your revealing top. MJ points to her suitcase on the conveyer and Peter gets it, picking up two more suitcases after MJ tells him to.
“What, Peter can‘t carry all of that,” you say, trying to take one off him.
“No it‘s fine,” he says, carrying them outside with ease. You try not to let your eyes linger on Peter’s biceps or how his shirt slightly lifts at the bottom. You’ll be seeing him half-naked at the beach soon enough, and you’ll be able to stare less obviously.
The hotel is just as nice as it looked in the pictures, and excitement replaces your tiredness once again. Peter is just across the hall from your, MJ and Chris’s shared room.
While your roommates still unpack, you go to knock on Peter’s door, bikini ready under your clothes. “Wanna go explore?” You ask when you see him, his swimming shorts already on with a simple white shirt that looks incredible on him.
It takes you nearly an hour until you’ve seen all the important spots of the resort and after a dip in the pool and a trip to the spa to plan your spa day later this week, you end up at the bar. You don’t want to worsen your slight sleepiness with alcohol, so you just get a fruit smoothie. 
You take in the view of the ocean, a cooling breeze flying across your skin. You and Peter clink your glasses, “To the next, wonderful week of our lives.”
“To an unforgettable week of our lives,” you add, not taking your eyes off Peter as you taste the liquid heaven. “If summer vacation was a drink it would taste like this,” you grin at Peter and he nods, smiling and finishing his drink quickly and already getting up to get you two more.
The beach is a part of the resort, about a three-minute walk from your room. You spend most of your day there, soaking up the sun and resting from your flight and the early start to the day. Peter looks adorable with the sunscreen all over his face. “Where?” he asks after you told him to rub it in a bit more, a wide white stripe on his nose.
“Here, let me…” you sit down on your knees in front of him, soft sand giving in under your legs, a few grains of it spilling onto your towel. You swallow as you get close to him, stroking your hand over his nose to let the sunscreen soak into his skin more.
Peter closes his eyes in delight, like a dog being scratched behind the ear, so you rub it in as long as you can without him realising that you finished ages ago. 
“Should I get your back?” You ask, unsure if having your hands on Peter is a good idea, but you want to do it anyway.
“Yes, thanks, if you don’t mind,” he smiles sleepily, the lack of rest catching up to him. You would offer him your sunscreen mist, so he can spray his back himself, but you can’t resist him when he rolls over onto his stomach and rests his head on his arms and his wide, defined shoulders are staring at you.
You straddle his hips, which is admittedly unnecessary, and slowly squirt sunscreen all over his back, taking your time with rubbing it all in, getting more on your hands to make sure his shoulders are covered. 
You don’t know if it’s the jetlag or the holiday atmosphere, but right now it’s not your first priority to hide your crush on Peter from him. You just want to enjoy yourself, and that includes being close to Peter. As long as he doesn’t mind, you don’t see any harm. If he comments on it, you’ll blame it on the carelessness that comes with being on holiday.
“Didn’t know all-inclusive meant getting a massage from you. Who needs the spa when I have you?” He practically purrs, cheek squished against his arm. You hum in response, licking your lips at hearing him so relaxed from your simple touch.
Peter thanks you when you get off him, leaving his head on his folded arms. A few moments later, you hear gentle snoring and you turn onto your side to watch him sleep peacefully.
His skin looks so soft, still shiny from the sunscreen. There’s a slight furrow in his eyebrows, his forehead creasing, and you realise the sun is right in his eyes. You carefully adjust the parasol above you, so his face is in the shade.
You get bored after a while and stand up to get a book from your room. As you get up, Peter wakes up, “Where are you going?” He mumbles.
“Just getting something from my room, you need anything?” 
“No thanks,” he murmurs, lying back down. You bend down to kiss his temple, stroking his hair for a second. He smiles softly and falls asleep again. Your heart is so full of love for him as you kneel beside him for another minute or two before getting your book.
You read for a while before you look at the ocean in front of you, only a few feet of sand separating you from it. You don’t want to go alone though, so you tap Peter on the shoulder a few times.
All he does is roll on his back with a sleepy groan and you almost feel bad for waking him up. But then you focus on the sound of the waves and you know it’ll be nice for him too.
“Peter,” you whisper multiple times but he refuses to open his eyes. You straddle him and hover above his hips like you’ve done countless times before when you were playfighting. Only this time you’re in a bikini.
His eyes open immediately and he gulps, hands reaching out to grab your hips but stopping last second. You can tell he’s having a hard time trying not to look at your chest - he fails multiple times as his eyes drift down for only a second each time they do.
You don’t know how you’ll survive a week of him looking at you like that. It’s something you’re scared of - both of you giving in to the sexual attraction but being unsure about your romantic feelings for each other.
It’s clear that Peter is physically attracted to you. But for a guy who is friends with a pretty woman, it doesn’t mean much. You’re sexually attracted to him too, and you don’t mind his attention - it’s always respectful and you know he’d easily manage to control himself if you expressed any discomfort at him staring. He probably thinks he’s being subtle though, but he’s not.
When you’re someone’s best friend who, in your eyes, is a potential romantic partner too, it’s fucking hard to figure out of their affection is strictly platonic. Peter is a loving person and so it’s not easy to tell if his love is friendly or romantic. You doubt romantic affection would feel very different from his platonic love.
You couldn’t bare having sex with him and later find out that’s all he wants from you besides friendship. It would destroy you and so for now, while you’re strong-willed and it’s only the first day that you’re spending together half-naked, you get off of him to prevent anything more from happening.
“Come swim with me,” you smile charmingly and he sits up and yawns, stretching before he stands up. “Last one in the water has to pay for the next drink,” he yells as he sprints into the water, making you laugh.
“They’re free,” you shout after him, following him into the water. He helps you through the first few feet of the water, making sure you don’t step on any spiky stones in the sand.
You enjoy the feeling of zero gravity in the water, splashing each other and joining a group of people who are playing with a ball. Peter looks at you every time something funny happens, which you only know because you’re doing the same with him, and you wonder how it’s possible that every moment spent with him makes you appreciate him even more.
As you sit on the beach with towels around you, you share snacks that you brought and decide to go to the pool now. You don’t say anything for ages, your eyes saying more than words can.
You get in the water together, holding hands as you float on your backs. 
Just this morning, you randomly showed up in front of a sleepy Peter’s door; now you’re in sunny Mexico, having the time of your lives, feeling closer to Peter than ever.
“I can’t believe we’re actually here. I knew it would be good but this is incredible,” you say, swimming upright again. This end of the pool isn’t deep, so you can stand.
“I know. Thanks for inviting me. I can’t even tell you how happy I am,” he grins at you and you grin back. 
Your smiles don’t stop and his gaze hasn’t left yours. You wonder who’s going to give in first. Peter wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. Your heart is pounding and you can’t hide your smile.
It’s finally happening.
You lean in at the same time, closing your eyes already as you feel his breath against your lips. Suddenly, someone jumps into the pool right next to you, splashing you enough to ruin the moment.
It’s MJ and Chris who obviously didn’t realise what they were interrupting. The moment is over and you immediately start talking to them, splashing water against your face to cool you down. You can’t believe what was about to happen.
Peter’s eyes on you didn’t feel platonic at all. There was romance, a deep appreciation and want for you, as more than a friend. But what if it’s just the holiday magic? Or the jetlag? You don’t know if you’d be able to let him kiss you until you’re back home again.
He gets out of the water somewhat in a huff, not mad at you but frustrated somehow. You can’t talk to him if it’s about you though. Normally, you can talk about everything. But not about the thing that might ruin your friendship. 
You try to shake the feeling that something special was about to happen, it’s the first day of your holiday and you’re not used to the situation yet. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment.
Peter doesn’t avoid you, but he’s not with you as much as he usually is either. You’d hate if there was tension between you on what is supposed to be the trip of your dreams.
You all eat together in silence and go to bed early. Despite the unsure air between you and your best friend slash secret crush, you’re excited for the days ahead of you. You’re sure Peter doesn’t want anything to get between you and ruin the vacation when it’s something that can wait until you’re back home. You’re okay with that too, you’ve liked him for months if not years and not said or done anything about it; you can easily manage another week and act as if you just like Peter as a friend.
You don’t want him to just see this as a holiday fling, get your hopes up, and go back to being just your friend when you’re home. The moment earlier didn’t feel like just sexual attraction, but you couldn’t bear to have an adult talk with him about your feelings and be shot down - not this week.
Exhaustion fills your every limb, and you’re about to drift off.
“Is she asleep?” It’s MJ’s voice. You hear shuffling from her and Chris’s bed.
“I think so.”
You’re too tired to lift your head and see what’s going on or ask them if they need you, but you jump as soon as you hear them kissing, “Nope. I’m leaving.”
For the few moments that you walk over to Peter’s hotel room, you forget all about the weird mood between you two. You knock again, “Hey Pete, it’s just me.”
He opens the door with a naked and sweaty chest, his cheeks pink. “Oh sorry were you…working out or something?” You ask.
“No uh, it‘s just uh, hot. Come in,” he smiles, happy to see you. Has he forgotten about nearly kissing you or is he over it already? Or maybe your tries to communicate with him telepathically during dinner worked. You were trying to tell him not to make things weird for you two as not to risk having a nice stay.
“I was just wondering if I could sleep here tonight because MJ and Chris were about to have sex. On the bed right next to me, so..”
“Of course. I was wondering from the start why we didn‘t just share a room. I didn‘t know if you wanted to have some, I don’t know, time without me or something. You can move into my room if you want.”
You look around, “I think I’ll be fine on the sofa, just tonight, but..”
“What? No, no you can sleep in my bed. It‘s so huge and it‘s not like we‘ve never shared a bed.”
“You sure?” You ask, hoping he’d say that. 
“Yeah. I wouldn‘t even be in this beautiful place without you, the least I can do is share a room with you. And I want to,” he smiles, cleaning up one half of his bed.
“Thank you. I’ll stay here then. I‘ll get all my things tomorrow… hey, is that my shirt?”
His cheeks go red as he looks at your t-shirt on his mattress, “O-oh how did.. how did that get there?” 
“I must have accidentally put it in your bag,” you reason. His sunglasses ended up in your bag too. 
“Y-yeah and then I somehow- maybe I didn‘t realise I got it out while I was getting something else out..” Peter scratches the back of his neck and turns away from you, “Do you need to use the bathroom? I was gonna go take a shower.”
“I‘m fine, thanks. Don‘t worry about me. I was about to fall asleep before Chris and MJ… y’know, so I think I’ll go to bed now if that’s okay.” You smile at each other and you hug him goodnight. You’re too tired to wonder why Peter is acting so weird and you’re nearly asleep when he sinks into the bed next to you twenty minutes later. 
You feel at peace with him by your side.
Day Two
You wake up with Peter’s beautiful face right in front of yours. He’s softly smiling in his sleep, and he looks so innocent. You look around and it sinks in that you’ll be staying with Peter for the rest of the week, and that means you’ll spend even more time together. You grin at the thought of it and doze off again a few times before Peter wakes up too. You stay in bed for at least half an hour, waking up together and talking, laughing, and planning what you’ll do today. 
After getting ready together, you set off for the day, just the two of you. 
That one moment between you is forgotten completely, the tension all gone, and you’re just looking forward to the dreamy beach. 
You’re simply hanging out with your best friend who loves you a lot. And you don’t love him too, and not for no reason. You know he’d never jeopardise your friendship or a picture-perfect vacation by kissing you when he’s not sure how he feels about you. So if it happens again, although you’re not trying to get your hopes up, you’ll trust him, and you’ll let it happen.
You’re both very affectionate in your friendship though, and it’s been going on for so long that it’s hard to find the boundaries between platonic feelings and more. The only thing that would change is that you’d kiss and be sexually intimate. You already cuddle and share intimacy - intimate conversations, looks, everything. It’s hard to tell if the looks he’s giving you this morning are what they usually are or if you’re overinterpreting some romantic feelings into them because that’s what you’re hoping for.
A pleasant breeze sweeps across your skin and you look out onto the ocean. You close your eyes and breathe. A sense of calmness fills you, and you decide you’ll just let things happen organically.
If you kiss, you kiss. If you don’t, you don’t. But you’re not going to let useless overthinking dictate how much you enjoy this heavenly place. With your best friends by your side, there’s more than enough to enjoy, even if everything between you and Peter stays the way it is and the near kiss was just a meaningless moment - you’ll survive. But most importantly, you’ll try to make this the best holiday regardless of what happens.
Chris and MJ join you at the beach around noon, and you feel it lift your spirits even more. You’re knocked out after lunch and take a nap on your towel, the sun casting a pleasant warmth over your whole body. 
You wake up to Peter spraying your sunscreen on your chest and belly. 
“Sorry, didn’t wanna wake you,” he says softly, “Just wanted to make sure your skin is protected.”
“Aww, thank you.” You want to kiss his cheek but you force yourself to stay on your back. You’re so full of love for him at that moment and maybe it’s just your sleepy state, but you can’t imagine only staying Peter’s friend for the rest of your life.
It doesn‘t help you that MJ and Chris are nowhere to be found, and it’s just you and him. 
You wander to the outside bar by the pool, and you try a new cocktail while Peter drinks the one from yesterday. He sips from your straw when you offer him to try your drink and you make yourself wait a few seconds before taking another sip. It‘s nearly pathetic how eager you are to share an indirect kiss, put your lips where his just were. 
As soon as Peter walks to the bar to get another round, a guy is standing in front of your table. He‘s wearing turquoise-tinted glasses and looks like a dick. 
“Hi, beautiful, I saw you sitting alone and wanted to introduce myself.”
You’ve barely been sitting alone for ten seconds but somehow he still managed to bother you. 
You’re not scared of him, he seems harmless and you’re in this busy bar. But is he annoying you? Yes. You can’t even be on holiday alone without some random guy coming up to you and wasting your precious time. But you’re outside in broad daylight and you’ve already made eye contact with Peter. You scratch your right eyebrow with your left hand - your signal for him to come save you - and he comes hurrying over. 
He sits down next to you and puts an arm around you, kissing your cheek, “Hi babe. Who’s this?”
The guy lifts his hands in defeat, “Sorry man, I didn’t know she was yours.”
You slap Peter’s leg quietly. You know he’ll go on a rant about how if you were his girlfriend you still wouldn’t be his but you’re still your own person et cetera. This guy doesn’t need to hear that though because it won’t change his mind anyway.
“Have a day, man,” Peter says to the guy. The guy gives you two a last funny look before walking off. 
“Have a day?” You laugh. 
“I didn’t wanna say have a good day because he was bothering you and doesn’t deserve a good day, but I didn’t wanna say have a bad day because he didn’t do anything awful, so my brain just blanked.”
“I guess he will have a day,” you agree, clinking your glass with Peter’s, “Thanks.”
“Can’t blame the guy, I guess,” Peter mumbles beside you, “I’d wanna talk to you too.”
He sits back as if he didn’t say anything out of the ordinary, as if he didn’t just send you down a spiral as you wonder how he means what he just said. 
Does he mean he’s happy to have you as a friend, and that he’s happy he gets to talk with you?
Or does he mean you’re attractive and he’d want to talk to you to ask you out?
You take a big sip of your drink and slowly blow air out of your mouth, sitting back. 
You both notice at the same time that Peter’s arm is still around you from when he was pretending to be your boyfriend. 
“Oh uh, sorry.”
“I.. I don’t mind it,” you tell him, sipping more of your drink and not looking at him. All you know is that his arm stays around you and you feel warm, and this time it’s not from the sun. 
Chris and MJ are back at the beach when you go there, and you’re grateful for the distraction from Peter when you go swimming with just the two of them. When you come out of the water Peter’s gone but you find a text on your phone. He says he’ll be back soon and he’s just in your room.
You soak up the sun for a while until MJ asks you about Peter for the third time, “He’s been gone for a while, you should really go check on him.”
You don’t open your eyes, “He’s a big boy, he can look after himself. I’m sure he’s fine. Maybe he’s taking a nap or something.”
You sit up when you hear MJ and Chris whispering something to each other and that’s when you realise they’re indirectly asking you for some couple time, some alone time without you where they’ll be all cheesy and in love. “Yup. I’ll be going then,” you leave your things at the beach because it’s not late yet - you’ll come back later.
The coolness bouncing off the marble floors inside the hotel clears your head and makes you feel like you’ve suddenly dried off completely. You can’t imagine going back to the beach today. Maybe you’ll join Peter and take a nap too.
You scan your key card and open the door to your room as quietly as possible in case Peter really is sleeping. Your heart skips a beat when you realise what you’re walking in on.
Peter is shirtless, the light white covers pulled up to his hips but they don’t hide him jerking off. He has your panties wrapped around his hand as he strokes himself, breaths short and loud.
His eyes go wide at the same time as yours and it takes him a second to cover himself up and another second for you to close the door, stuttering an unintelligible apology.
You awkwardly stand in front of the door for a bit, your hand still on the door handle as you process what just happened. There’s shuffling on the other side of the door but Peter doesn’t come out.
Looking around to check if anyone saw you, you pat the bottom of your beach dress down, pretending like the sudden wetness between your legs isn’t because of Peter. You take a few deep breaths to slow down your rapidly beating heart and you make your way to the other side of the resort – as far away from Peter as possible, so you can think about what just happened.
You sit at the pool with a cool drink to combat the lasting warmness on your cheeks and inside of you. If that’s not a clear sign that Peter likes you then you don’t know what is. It might not mean that he likes you romantically but you’re even more certain that he’s attracted to you now. There’s not a single doubt left about that. This and him almost kissing you in the pool is enough for you to imagine a future together, no matter how small those signs might seem.
The heat just won’t go away and you find yourself smiling at what you just witnessed. It wasn’t an ideal situation, sure, and Peter is probably more embarrassed than he’s ever been but you like him so much and now you know there’s at least some sort of reciprocation. 
You can already see yourself reminding him of this situation in a few months, years even, and you’ll laugh and find it cute how flustered he will be even after ages of being together just because that’s the type of person he is.
You’d scold yourself for thinking that way, he was just jerking off with your panties. If you told anyone, they’d probably think he’s being gross and maybe he is - he definitely is - but you like him so much that even this small thing makes you like him even more because it’s giving you hope. And right now that hope is much nicer to think about than being rational and waiting until you’ve actually talked and you have clarity about his feelings towards you.
This little spark of hope means so much and even if it’s not the most romantic sign, it is a sign.
You were wearing those panties in the morning and Peter walked in on you while you were changing, bikini top on paired with your panties. He didn’t see anything that he shouldn’t have but his cheeks went red immediately and you could feel the blush radiating off of him when you asked him to tie your bikini at the back.
He must have played with the strings for at least twenty seconds and you’d bet all your money that he took so long because he was staring at your body, at how good your ass looks in those panties.
You thanked him and shooed him away so you could change but also so he wouldn’t realise that you’d gotten just as flustered as him. It was an accident that you left your panties on the bed when you left your room this morning but it’s come back to do you good.
Now you just have to decide what to do next. But all you can think of is Peter getting off and the only thing you want to do is go back and sit on his lap.
You set off, your knees weak if you think about what’s about to happen, and your palms are clammy as you open the door.
You find the bed made, the bathroom empty and Peter nowhere to be seen. You can’t help but frown, your shoulders sagging. You check your phone if Peter has texted you (he hasn’t) and text MJ to ask if Peter’s with her (he’s not).
Unsure what to do, you wash off the saltwater in the shower, feeling stupid as you stay in your towel extra long afterwards, hoping that Peter will come in.
You stay in your room all alone, sulking, until dinner time. You just want Peter right now. You get that he’s probably embarrassed but you just realised that there’s an even bigger chance that he really does like you, and you can’t stand him hiding from you. Nothing embarrassing he could ever do would make you want him to avoid you.
MJ knocks at your door, “Hey, you ready? Peter’s waiting at the restaurant.”
You get off of the bed when you hear Peter’s name, rushing past MJ and Chris to go and see Peter. You freeze when you see him sitting at the table. He looks so worried that it breaks your heart; your annoyance about him hiding from you melts away in an instant.
He’s got his eyebrows pulled together, he’s gnawing on his bottom lip with his hands folded together in front of him, wiping them on his trousers every few seconds. He gets up as soon as he spots you, and you give him a weak smile. You can’t tell what he’s about to say.
You pull him into a quiet corner, “Hey…”
“I’m so sorry. I-I-I shouldn’t have. And I’m sorry you had to see - I mean, what.. how much did you see?”
“I… you know what I saw,” you play dumb, “The blanket was in the way but I assume I know what you’re doing.”
“That’s all you saw? You didn’t see..”
“I didn’t see your dick if that’s what you mean,” you lie, hoping he can stop worrying and go back to enjoying his holiday.
“Oh and you didn’t…? Oh. Good. I’m still sorry you walked in on me–”
“No, I’m sorry. I should have knocked.”
At this point, you just want to end the conversation and you don’t like your own serious tone at all. You wanted to declare your love for him and here he was worried sick. Even now that he knows - or thinks - you didn’t see that he had your underwear, there’s still concern in his eyes.
“And it’s fine if you need some alone time, just let me know and I’ll go,” you continue, smiling so he can finally relax, “Or, you know, I don’t mind if you do it in the bathroom or whatever. I can turn the tv up real loud if you want. And now stop worrying.”
You grab his neck to pull him into a hug and he rests his forehead against your shoulder, sighing, which you hope is him letting go of the last bits of embarrassment.
“Same goes for you, by the way,” he says when you step apart, and he’s finally standing taller again, “If you need the room for yourself, just tell me. Don’t feel like you, uh, have to hold back or anything because of me.”
You grin, a playful tone on your lips, “Don’t worry, I haven’t been holding back anyway.”
You haven’t masturbated since you’ve been here, especially not when Peter was in the hotel room with you, but it won’t hurt to put that idea into his head - now that you’ve seen what he’s been doing behind closed doors.
His jaw drops, nothing but a few stuttered words falling out of his mouth, and you walk to the buffet beaming, happy with how you managed to put something completely new into his mind. It won’t leave any room for his embarrassment to return and hopefully give him an idea of how far he can go with you.
You won’t mind making the first step now that you know what you know, but it’ll be fun to try and make him kiss you first.
He joins you all at the table a few minutes later, cheeks still glowing like the moment you implied you’ve masturbated not far away from Peter.
MJ and Chris are too in love to notice anything, but there’s more tension between you and Peter than ever before. He looks like he hasn’t decided between being flustered and turned on or confident and turned on yet but you’re sure he‘ll decide soon enough.
You smile at him over dinner innocently enough to keep him guessing the slightest bit but whenever your eyes meet you know you feel it both; the attraction, the want, maybe a bit of suspense too.
You have no idea how long you’ll manage this, you just want to kiss him silly if you’re honest. But you don’t mind watching him feel the same thing. He’s obvious about it now, staring at you as if you’re a goddess.
At home, you’d just drag him into a separate room alone and kiss him and tell him what you feel. But the holiday magic is doing something to you, making you excited to drag this out a bit because you know the payoff will be even better if you’ve waited longer. The ocean, your friends and the overall situation also make a nice distraction while you wait for Peter to finally kiss you. 
You’ve gone years without kissing him, so no matter how much you want to end that period of your life where you’re not regularly making out with Peter Parker, you’ve worked up enough discipline - and up until not long ago uncertainty - to stop you from kissing him for just a bit longer.
You take another quick shower when you get back to your room at night, and you get lost in the pleasant stream of water and the luxurious soap smell floating through the air. The shower is huge and takes up half of the bathroom, and there’s just a wall of glass separating the shower from the rest of the bathroom. There’s no curtain to cover you, just a blur effect in the middle of the glass.
A knock pulls you from your trance, “No pressure, but will you be long?” Peter calls, “I have something stuck in my teeth and it’s driving me crazy.”
You chuckle, “You can come in, door’s unlocked.”
He sprints to the mirror and grabs his floss, but freezes when he sees your reflection. The glass of the shower that separates you and Peter is blurry but you know he can still make out the shape of your body. His mouth open, he watches you for a few seconds, mesmerised. 
When you look over to smile at him through the mirror he immediately looks away as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. A bashful smile on his face, he flosses his teeth, looking down. 
You get out of the shower while Peter is still in the bathroom, grabbing your towel before he can see you naked. You wrap it around you loosely, letting it hang far down your back. 
He’s seen you in a bikini, and you’re more covered now, but the tension in the air is thick and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling at how nice you feel next to Peter. 
He starts brushing his teeth while you do your skincare, your elbows bumping into each other every few moments. 
You pull a new pair of panties on under your towel, aware that you might expose everything any second, your grip on the towel loose. 
You let go of the towel with Peter still next to you - he’s on his fifth minute of brushing his teeth - and you’re only covering your nipples with your forearm as you put on your sleep shirt. Peter stays with you until you’re done brushing your own teeth. 
You slip into bed together, suddenly tired. 
Maybe you’re just lying closer to Peter than last night, but suddenly the bed feels a lot smaller. You’re brushing up against Peter and you want to get even closer. 
You can’t even see him right now but he’s so irresistible. You don’t know why you didn’t just kiss him earlier. Now you’re tired and you don’t want your first kiss to be half asleep. You don’t know how far he is into sleeping either. 
You decide you won’t kiss him now, but you want to cuddle at least. You scoot over, putting your arm over Peter’s waist and he pulls you closer in an instant, wrapping an arm around you. It makes you nearly forget that you still don’t know if he actually likes you romantically; you’re just sure about the sexual side. But you hope he feels as nice having you in his arms as you feel being in them.
“I’m so happy how things turned out,” you tell him, knowing now that he’s still awake. 
“Me too. This place is so beautiful. And we’re sharing a room. And I love it here, don’t get me wrong, but you’re definitely the best part. You make everything ten times better.”
Your heart melts right then and there and you grip his arm tighter, pressing a small kiss to his shoulder. 
You don’t say much more, mainly because you’re scared of confessing your love to him. And no matter that you want to stay up longer, because going to sleep means you’ll be without Peter, a yawn forces its way out of your throat, and soon your eyes fall shut. 
Day Three
You sleep like a baby and then you feel like crying when you wake up without Peter. You try to listen for the shower, but you’re alone. 
Peter comes through the door just as you’re about to stand up. He grins when he sees you, a tray full of food in his hands. 
You lie back down and let him place the tray next to you, reaching up so you can hug him. 
“Is this for me?” You ask, pursing your lips with a twinkle in your eyes. 
“It is. You were sleeping so peacefully but they stop serving breakfast in a few minutes, so I went and got you some in case you want it.”
“Thank you,” you smile, unable to deal with so much cuteness two minutes after waking up, “Have you had breakfast?”
“Uh, no. But don’t worry about me.”
“No. Come and eat with me,” you pat the bed, making him share your breakfast with you. 
You have a lazy morning together, and you walk to the beach with your hands brushing so often that you may as well be walking hand in hand. 
You meet Chris and MJ at the beach but you barely acknowledge them. You’d feel sorry but that’s exactly what MJ’s been like since her relationship with Chris so you’re sure she understands. She’s probably still too obsessed with Chris to even notice and you’re still so happy for them whenever you think about it. They leave you two for a spa day shortly after anyway.
You can’t tell if Peter is being clingy today or if you are. Either way, you’re together all day.
When one of you and Peter goes into the water, so does the other. Same with the pool or the bar or when you go to your room because you forgot something - Peter comes with you.
He puts his towel next to yours when you decide to take a nap on the beach and he’s still in the same position when you wake up, lying next to you on his side, facing you, impatiently waiting like a little child until he can spend time with you again.
You push yourself up from lying on your stomach, supporting yourself on your elbows. 
“Wait wait wait,” Peter nearly shouts, eyes on your chest and then he quickly looks up at the sky, “Your bikini uh, uh–”
“Oh,” you say, realising the straps of your bikini top must have come undone while you were asleep and the cups are everywhere but on your boobs. You quickly readjust them, pulling the fabric over your chest, “Thanks. I’m good now. Did you see anything?” The question makes you feel like Peter, except you’re not asking out of embarrassment but to tease him.
“No, not, uh not really,” he answers, cheeks red and he’s still looking away.
You sit up and laugh, “Don’t worry, was just wondering. You wanna go for a swim?”
It’s windy when you come out of the water and Peter hands you his towel. He says it’s “bigger and cozier” than yours. He takes your thin towel but he looks freezing with his skin still wet from the cold ocean water, the wind cool against your faces.
“Come here,” you stretch out your arm towards him and he immediately scoots over. You put half of the towel over his shoulders and he instantly relaxes. The towel is big but not quite big enough to cover the two of you, so you’re impossibly close, pressed up against each other.
Your heart starts beating faster and the only thing you want to do is sink into Peter. He notices the goosebumps on your skin and puts his arm around you, pulling you even closer and you rest your head on his shoulder.
The sun comes back from behind the clouds and the wind stops blowing, but you don’t move. You stay cuddled up against Peter even though it’s almost becoming too warm again.
When you sit up after a few minutes and look at Peter, he’s smiling. It’s a soft smile that makes you feel safe and loved and understood.
You have no idea how you’ve managed to not kiss him yet. It was bearable all day when you were a few feet apart but now that his adorable face is right next to yours, his skin pressed up against you, you don’t think you can withstand the urge to kiss him anymore.
Who cares if you kiss him first or he initiates it? You don’t know what you were thinking, trying to tease him and test how far you can go. All you want to do is finally make out with him.
You lean in and he does the same, and your heart feels like it’s in heaven. Just as your lips are about to touch, a voice interrupts you. It’s MJ and Chris coming back from the spa.
“We just had the best massage of our lives,” MJ says, looking at her phone so she probably didn’t see that you were about to kiss. You and Peter share one last look that acknowledges what was about to happen and while you wish you hadn’t been interrupted, you have no doubt that you’ll kiss soon. The line between you being friends and more has vanished. You’re ready to risk it now, you can’t be certain how much he likes you until you ask him, or kiss him and see his reaction anyway.
You don’t want to wait until he kisses you or writes you a love letter. Right now, it’s just pure desire. There’s more to it than that, so much more. But you haven’t been able to stop thinking about what it would be like to have sex with Peter. And your gut feeling tells you the rest will fall in place too. You know he’s not the type for casual sex anyway. So if it happens, you know it’ll mean something.
You sit back down on your own towels and spend some time with MJ and Chris. They met some nice employee at the hotel who brings you cocktails every hour and you’re pleasantly tipsy before the evening, too happy to worry about you and Peter.
You’re all giggly and clumsy over dinner and at night you and Peter end up at the pool, your legs dangling in the water, only up to your ankles.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to get wet with clothes on,” Peter muses.
In your tipsy mind, wet is the only word you hear, “If you had a vagina that would be no problem,” you giggle.
“Oh my god,” he puts his hands over his blushing face, “No I mean, like, get in a pool with clothes.”
“No one’s stopping you,” you say and you watch Peter curiously as he gets up and walks a few steps away. Then he starts running and jumps into the pool, hugging his legs to his chest mid-jump. You can’t stop laughing when water splashes everywhere and Peter laughs with you.
“How is it?” You ask.
He laughs, “Very uncomfortable.”
He swims towards you and you hold your hand out for him. He ignores your help and instead swims right in front of you. Before you register what he’s doing, he’s lifting your legs over his shoulders and picks you up, his face between your thighs. 
He starts walking further into the pool and you’re shouting for him to put you back, and at the same time you’re laughing so hard that you nearly lose balance. When you’re far away enough from the edge of the pool, Peter throws you in and for a few minutes you’re just laughing, grateful that the pool is shallow enough for you to stand because otherwise you’d be too busy giggling to keep yourself above water.
It’s all even funnier because you’re tipsy but you regret drinking when your laughter dies down and you realise how close you and Peter are. You’re not blackout drunk but the alcohol is definitely affecting you. You know you wouldn’t regret kissing Peter but it’s hard to tell how drunk he is, so you force yourself to swim away from him.
“Okay you’re right, wet clothes are super uncomfortable. Let’s get out and get changed.”
He lets you shower first and this time you take your clothes into the bathroom and lock the door, you don’t know what would happen if one of you saw the other one naked again. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow when you’re sober for anything to happen between you two.
“Bathroom’s free,” you say when you get out of the bathroom only to see that Peter has fallen asleep on the bed, still in his wet clothes.
You rush over to him, half laughing, and try to wake him. “Peter, you need to take off your clothes.”
He stirs and lifts his head, smiling, “You take them off me.”
You quickly tug his shirt off before you can let yourself think about what he’s saying. You unbutton his jeans and pull them off, and then you tap him on the shoulder to get him to fully wake up, “I’m not doing your underwear.” It’s not that you’d mind but he’d probably be embarrassed or regret it in the morning, so you pull him out of bed and turn around until he’s changed into dry boxers.
“God, Peter,” you laugh as you get into your side of the bed and feel how wet his side is.
“It’s fine, I’ll just sleep with you,” he jumps onto the bed and snuggles up against you, making you laugh. He puts his arm around your waist and you don’t mind him sleeping on your side at all. You switch off the bedside lamp and settle into Peter’s arms.
“Is it okay that I’m half naked?” He suddenly asks you after a few minutes.
“I mean, are you comfortable? Because we’re so close and I’m only wearing boxers,” he sounds sober now, and more awake, and it makes you grin how important it is to him that you’re comfortable.
“I’m comfortable, don’t worry. Good night, Peter,” you turn your face to kiss the top of his head and then you allow yourself to drift off, thinking that falling asleep in Peter’s arms could soon be a regular thing.
Day Four
You wake up with a headache and with Peter’s morning wood pressed against your ass. You notice it when you try to get up and push your hips back a bit to sit. You don’t have to see it, you can feel that it’s huge.
You’re horny immediately but when you try to turn around - which is hard because Peter’s arm is locked around you - your headache really hits you. You weren’t even that drunk but maybe the drinks together with the burning sun was what did it.
Ignoring Peter, you manage to lift his arm and go to the bathroom where you take some painkillers. You get a glass of water for Peter but he’s already awake when you put them down next to the bed. He’s on his stomach now and his ears are red.
“Hey,” he says, his morning voice doing things to you even through your hangover, “Didn’t think I got that drunk,” he says and by his pained face you know his headache is even worse than yours.
“You remember everything?” You ask, sitting down next to him.
“I think I do. Thanks for uh, taking off my clothes. And, oh God,” he looks as if he’s remembering how he got his side of the bed all wet and slept on yours, “you probably didn’t have any room, sorry for–”
“It’s okay,” you say, “I didn’t mind it.” You hope he realises that by it you mean being cuddled up to him in your sleep, and his soft smile tells you he does.
You stay in bed until the afternoon and decide to check out the spa Chris and MJ told you about - they’re already there, recovering from their hangover too. Peter gets a different massage from the rest of you, and you don’t remember the last time you were without him but you’re glad that you can catch up with your other two friends while you wait for your massages to start.
“I really love this place,” Chris says, “I’m glad I could come. And your Peter too.”
Your cheeks heat up at how they call him your Peter.
“MJ, how much have you told Chris about me and Peter, by the way?” You ask MJ and Chris.
“Not much, why?”
“Do you think Peter seems like he likes me?” You don’t need someone else’s validation. No one but Peter knows how he really feels. But you’re curious to see what your relationship looks like from the outside.
Chris hesitates, “Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t he?”
“No, I’m asking like.. do you think he’s into me.”
“Again, yeah, Why wouldn’t he?” They repeat.
All three of you stare at each other for a second, wondering where the miscommunication is. Chris is the first to start again, “Okay so… you’re asking me if I think your boyfriend likes you… and it definitely seems like he does, so yes.”
“Oh. Oh oh, no it’s…” you can’t hide your smile, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“What?” Chris shouts, making you and MJ laugh, “You’re telling me you two are not together?”
“We’re not,” you say.
“Well, you’re obviously in love with each other. But, um, sorry for assuming I guess?”
“No it’s okay, that answers my question perfectly, thanks.”
The fact that Chris, who barely knows you and Peter and your complicated friendship, thinks you’re a couple makes you smile so much that your cheeks hurt. It feels so nice that even the massage seems unnecessary now and you hug Peter when you see him again after the spa. Hugging him almost feels like a second massage.
You start getting ready for dinner a few hours later. “Have you seen my lip balm?” You walk into the bathroom to ask Peter. The smell of his cologne hits you as soon as you’re in the room, “You smell good,” it comes out of your mouth the second you’re thinking it.
He smiles, “Thanks. And I think your lip balm was on the table next to the bed.”
You don’t move. His scent is intoxicating. It’s earthy and sweet and it’s exactly Peter.
“Have you been wearing that all week?” 
“No, I found it in my suitcase today. Forgot I brought it with me, it’s new.”
“Well, it’s really, really nice,” still not leaving the room, you’re now in front of Peter, trying to get his scent to take over your whole being.
He smiles at you, putting down the gel he was applying to his hair.
“Give me another smell,” you say, ignoring the heat on your face, and you lean forward to smell where he sprayed the cologne on his neck. You close your eyes and inhale it, feeling stupid but you also couldn’t care less because the scent is perfect for Peter and you want to bury yourself in him now. Even more than usual.
“You like it?” He giggles, his face getting red now.
“Mhmm, this makes me wanna eat you up. I’ve never smelled anything this good,” you can’t control what you’re saying anymore, it’s just your body responding to him and his cologne. That, and the feelings and want for him that you’ve felt for years.
“We-we can get room service and you can just, like, smell me all night,” he smiles awkwardly and you fall for him even more.
“You’re so cute,” you say, placing a kiss on the side of his neck, getting a last smell before you force yourself away.
You get your lip balm and sit on the bed, using your phone camera as a mirror while you apply it. When you’re done, you look past the opened bathroom door, finding Peter still flustered, his eyes still following you. He scratches the back of his head when he sees you noticing him, “I, uh… yeah,” he closes the door a bit and goes back to touching his hair.
You’re looking out of the window while you wait for MJ and Chris to be ready for dinner, Peter lying on the bed. You’re admiring the view of the ocean, with the sunset giving the waves a red glow.
When you turn around another wave of Peter’s cologne hits you and literally makes you weak in your knees. You don’t know how much longer you can do this. You decide to finally do something. You’re not getting anywhere like this.
When you sit down on the bed, you straddle Peter, “Do you plan on giving in soon?” You ask, placing your hands on his shoulders, “Cause I’d really love to fuck you to this view before we go.”
Peter’s mouth is open, but nothing comes out. His hands find your hips and he looks outside, taking in the view as he nervously swallows. He stutters something but the words won’t come out and when he adjusts his position his hips push up against yours, making you flustered too.
You don’t say anything but you both just start grinning. Despite you sitting on top of him right now, the romantic energy between surfaces. 
It’s not all about sex, and deep down you’ve known it for a while. You’ve been looking for a grand gesture when really it’s obvious from all the small things Peter does and says to you, even how he looks at you has always made you feel like there’s more. You were just too scared to risk it and lose your best friend. But now you’re ready. Finally.
You cup his cheek as you both lean in. 
Then there’s a knock. You don’t move, both considering if you should just ignore it and finally get to kiss each other after being interrupted god knows how many times.
You decide to kiss him but just before your lips are on his, MJ shouts, “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”
“Coming,” you say, slowly getting off of Peter and recomposing yourself. Peter doesn’t actually roll his eyes but the bashful smile he gives you before you open the door suggests that that’s exactly what he wants to do. You squeeze his hand before going out into the hallway.
Dinner feels like one whole night and one whole day and at the same time like ten seconds, the divine scent of his cologne still killing you whenever he leans closer to you. At some point, you see Peter’s leg nervously bouncing up and down and you put your hand on his knee, calming him.
You hope you haven’t made him too nervous. It just felt right in that moment. But he seemed to enjoy it too, happy that you finally made a move; it just wasn’t ideal that you were interrupted yet again. And you hope you didn’t put any pressure on him to have sex with you while you’re still on holiday. The romantic side is much more important than the sexual one to you, but you know he doesn’t have a lot of sexual experience and worries about this kind of thing.
You try to get him alone all night, not only to kiss him but more so to reassure him, to tell him it’s okay just in case he wants to wait, but somehow MJ and Chris are always with you. You‘re not sure if he‘s ignoring you or if he‘s simply too worried to look at you and not see in your gaze what he wants. Or maybe he’s not even ignoring you at all and you’re the one who’s worrying. You just want to pull him to the side and kiss him and tell him it‘s okay and you like him. 
Before you all go up to your rooms, you go for a walk along the beach. Peter pulls you to sit down with him while MJ and Chris continue walking. You can tell he wants to do something, or say something at least but there are too many people. 
So instead of talking or kissing you just put your head on his shoulder and hope that he feels as nice as you do when you‘re together. The kiss he places on your head tells you that he at least feels something. 
Maybe this trip isn‘t where you and Peter kiss for the first time, and that‘s okay. Maybe it‘s just a wonderful trip to Mexico with your best friends and that‘s more than enough. 
You wordlessly walk up to your room together, and you lazily unlock the door and close it when Peter is inside too. 
Just as you turn around to walk to the bed, Peter‘s hands gently find your waist and he walks you back to the closed door, carefully pressing your back against it. 
He quickly looks from your eyes to your lips and back again and asks, “Can I kiss you?”
Your heart wildly flutters in your chest and you grip Peter’s shirt out of instinct, “You don’t have to ask,” you whisper and you both start smiling as you lean in for the kiss. 
You fully expect something to come between you again, a knock, or maybe a fire alarm, or a phone ringing. But this time the universe gives you your moment and lets you kiss Peter. 
It’s everything you ever wanted, and you’re addicted to him immediately. You’re addicted to the feeling of his smile against your mouth and you’re addicted to how his lips taste and how his hand wanders down to your thigh. You wrap your leg around his hip, his hand staying on your leg, holding you there as if his life depended on it. 
You lean back against the door and wrap one arm around Peter’s shoulders and the other one under his arm, placing your hand on his back to grab his shirt again. You feel too good, you have to just grab something to channel your energy and pure need into. 
Peter sucks on your bottom lip and you gasp, nearly moaning, and you push your tongue between his lips. You’re nearly overwhelmed with how much is going on, how badly you need him and how badly he needs you. 
You pull back from the kiss but Peter can’t let go of your lips yet, chasing them and giving you five more quick kisses until he can tear himself away. You link your hands together behind his back to keep him close, both of you still panting and grinning. 
“You were so on edge during dinner after I told you I want you, I wasn’t sure if you were nervous about having to reject me later,” you smile, now able to be honest because you know you were wrong. 
“I was dying from anticipation. There were so many moments in the last few days when we nearly kissed and it was killing me that we never got to actually do it. Then you were literally on top of me, and somehow it still didn’t happen.”
“Well, it’s finally happening,” you smile and kiss him again, your hand on his cheek. 
Without letting go of your lips, he tries to pull you to the bed but you both stumble and decide you can stop kissing until you’re sitting on the bed. 
“So,” he kisses you, “I haven’t been imagining how you’ve been in the last few days? You really do like me?”
“I do. And have for ages. But I didn’t know if you felt the same and didn’t wanna risk ruining our frienship. But when I saw you jerking off with my underwear, things got a little clearer,” you tease, kissing him again but his mouth is open and he’s mortified. 
“I-I thought you didn’t see. I’m so sorry, it wasn’t okay of me and—”
“Shh, Peter. I don’t mind, it’s okay, good even. It was so hot I had to go sit down for a few minutes to calm down.”
His smile returns and he lets out a relieved breath. But just as he opens his mouth he realises, at the same time as you, how hot it is in your room. You both look up and realise you forgot to turn the AC on before leaving for dinner, and it’s boiling. 
“Fuck,” Peter says as he gets up to switch it back on. You see how his shirt sticks to his back and you feel a bead of sweat running down your belly, and it makes you really realise how hot it is. The kissing didn’t exactly cool you down either.
“Can I shower first?” You ask, a charming smile on your face but when you meet Peter’s eyes you realise, “Oh. Or we could, like, shower together?”
“Save water?” He muses, licking his lips at the idea. 
You walk over to him, playing with his shirt again, “I can, you know, put my bikini on or something if you want.”
“Oh—no, no you don’t have to. Unless that’s what you want, I don’t mind.”
“Okay,” you say and pull your top over your head and slip out of your skirt, “You coming?” You ask, walking into the bathroom and taking off your underwear. Peter nearly trips when he takes off his shirt and then nearly falls again when he pulls off his trousers. Now you remember why teasing Peter is so much fun. As long as you know you’ve got him, it’s fun to play with him. 
You turn the water on and step into the shower together. 
“You’re drooling,” you tell him and gently push his chin up to close his mouth. 
“Yeah. Because you look like this,” you feel your cheeks heating up at his compliment and you kiss him to distract from it. You know that you’re beautiful but it’s still nice to hear it from the man you like. And you know Peter would like you naked no matter what your body looks like but the straightforward compliment makes you even more confident. 
Peter kisses your shoulders and neck and face whenever he has the chance while you’re in the shower. You kiss him back every time and the anticipation of what’s to come is killing you. 
He squirms every time his hard dick brushes up against you, profusely apologising and covering himself with his hands or turning away. But this time you grab his shoulders so he stays facing you and you kiss him, gliding your hands down his abs until you’re touching him where he really wants you. 
“This okay?” You ask, your fingertip lightly running down the length of him. 
“Fuck— yeah.” He’s already panting and you haven’t even started yet. 
You look into his eyes as you start stroking him. You turn down the water and the pearls of water drip down both your bodies. 
You don’t have to say anything and neither does he. Your thumb gently glides over the head of his cock and Peter puts one hand over your shoulder and against the wall to hold himself up, trapping you between him and the wall but you wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else. 
He’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open and his mouth closed, moans escaping every few moments. You know he’s on the edge and that’s when you start speeding up and finally looking down as you stroke him. 
He has no time to warn you when he cums. You’re jerking him off onto your belly, his cum landing on your stomach. You’re getting so wet watching him cum, his eyes squeezed shut and his eyebrows pulled together, mouth open in a groan. 
You’re out of breath too as you finish touching him, squeezing him to prolong his pleasure as much as you can. He leans forward to rest his forehead against yours when he’s finished, opening his eyes to look right into yours, kissing you for what feels like an eternity. 
You frown when he gently washes your belly to clean his cum off of you and when he sees your pout he quickly kisses it away. 
“What?” He asks, a teasing smile on his lips. 
“Nothing,” you shake your head and kiss him before he can ask more questions. You have enough time to figure out each other’s kinks but now it’s your turn. 
It’s like he reads your mind because when you turn around to turn the water off fully you feel his lips on your neck, making his way down your back with soft kisses to your wet skin. He’s breathing heavily again, just from kissing your body. “Hmm?” You hum and his response is a small bite into your bum cheek. 
He’s kneeling behind you now and you take a step back and lean your chest against the wall to give him better access. He’s slow, and you don’t know if it’s just him being gentle or if he’s deliberately teasing you, so you push back into him. 
He answers your command immediately and spreads your ass cheeks, pressing a kiss onto your pussy. His lips go back to your ass cheeks, kissing your skin there while he reaches around your hips to play with your clit. 
But you can’t have his mouth so close on you and not have him use it, so you turn around and put one leg on his shoulder. “Can you eat me out?” You ask, not sure how far Peter wants to go yet. But he nods eagerly and his tongue is between your legs immediately. 
He looks up at you as he starts eating your pussy, his hand lifting your thigh. He stops for a second, “You’re so fucking pretty.” You grin and bury your hand in his hair, pushing him closer to your pussy again. 
He smiles before he starts running his tongue up and down your pussy, sucking on your clit every now and then. Your legs buckle every time he does it and no matter how good it feels, you have to ask him to move it into the bedroom because you’re scared you’ll fall over when you cum. 
Peter dries you off and makes out with you while he pulls a towel over himself, waiting for you two to dry enough. Then he carries you to the bed and lies you down, putting one of your legs over his shoulder again when he lies between your thighs, his tongue on your clit. 
Now, freshly showered and naked, with the AC on full blast it’s too cold. “Come closer, I’m cold.”
He looks up, hands still around your hips. “But then I can’t eat you out.”
“Just..” You pull him to sit next to you and place his hand on your clit, lying one of your legs over Peter’s and pulling the other one up against your chest. 
He’s mesmerised as he looks down at your pussy, rubbing your clit up and down and you probably look just as mesmerised looking at his concentrated face. He catches you looking at him and his hand stops moving. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says. You smile, “Mmh, don’t stop.” You move his hand yourself now to rub your pussy with his fingers and he starts moving again, his finger slipping inside of you a few times so he can bring it up to his mouth to taste you again, humming when he does. 
You bring his hand back to your pussy every time, and although you really just want to cum it’s also cute that he doesn’t realise what he’s doing to you, but you’re too tired and too close to coming to talk right now. You’re holding your hand over his now to make sure he keeps touching your clit how you need him to. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” he mumbles, his face right next to yours. You start kissing him, half distracted by his fingers on your pussy, and you look down when you’re about to cum.
“Don’t fucking stop, okay? That feels so good—” you moan and kiss his jaw to quieten yourself and this time he gets it, not stopping when he hears your gasps and feels how your hand tightens around his. 
You cum when you start grinding against his hand, your moans quiet and soft in his ear and he doesn’t stop until you’re pulling his hand away. He sucks his fingers into his mouth again, and you take his hand before he gets the second finger. You wrap your lips around his finger and suck off your juices and Peter closes his mouth to muffle the soft moan he lets out. 
“Can I taste you again? Just one second. I need to.” He moves between your legs and you nod with a laugh as his tongue trails up your pussy to taste you, a look of content on his face before you tell him he has to stop because you’re getting too tired. All the feelings of the day are starting to catch up with you and you can’t stifle a yawn. 
“I need to go pee,” you say, kissing him. 
“Noo don’t leave me,” Peter frowns and takes your hand. 
“I’ll just be a minute, you baby,” you kiss him again and scoot to the edge of the bed.
“Your baby,” he says. You look at him and he looks at you and you both cringe at the same time. “Ew sorry, let’s pretend I never said that,” he adds. 
“Said what?”
Peter has underwear and your pyjamas laid out for you when you come out of the bathroom and he kisses you as if he hasn’t seen you in years. Your heart melts.
When you lie down to cuddle before going to sleep Peter pulls you to his side of the bed. “This is where it happened,” he says proudly. 
“What?” You laugh.
“Where everything changed. If you hadn’t say on my lap and asked me when I’d kiss you, I wouldn’t have kissed you tonight and who knows what would have happened then.”
“I’m sure the world would have ended,” you say as you look up, pretending to be deep in thought. You’re just trying to tease him but it really does feel like something special with him. 
“It would have,” he confirms and kisses you on your lips. You’re ready to go to sleep but he starts kissing every part of your body at least once, lifting your legs and flipping you around on your belly to make sure he kisses every part of you. 
“You’re so adorable,” you hold his face when he’s back to your lips and you kiss him on the nose.
He looks at you for a few seconds before he says, “And you’re fucking beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you grin, “You’ve said that.”
“I know. And I’ll say it again. Because it’s the truth.”
“You’re pretty,” you tell him this time and watch his cheeks flush, “What? It’s the truth.” You bury your fingers in his hair, making sure you can look at him and he can’t hide his cute blush from you. 
“You’re prettier.”
You shake your head. “We’re both pretty.”
“No one’s as pretty as you.”
“I like you,” you say, playing with his hair. 
He grins and leans down to kiss you for a bit. “Good. Because I like you too.”
“Really? I find that hard to believe,” you joke, putting on a serious face. 
“I know, but it’s true. That’s why I’m on top of you right now and kissing you.”
“Oh, so that’s why! I wasn’t sure.”
You can’t stop yourself from grinning and kissing Peter again. He gets off of you and lies next to you instead, pulling you close and putting an arm around you. 
You snuggle into his side and put one of your legs between his knees. You don’t have to say much, feeling his fingertips running up and down your spine feels more intimate than anything he could say. 
You turn your head to kiss him one last time before you feel yourself falling asleep.
Day Five 
The next morning, your limbs are still tangled with Peter’s but you make no attempt to move. You watch his face and count the freckles on his nose before his eyes flutter open a while later and he grins as soon as he sees you. 
It’s hard to keep your hands off each other in your hotel room but it’s even harder at the beach, because here you actualy have to. You needed last night to free yourselves of the tension that had been building up between you, all the looks and the closeness and the anticipation, the almost kisses. But right now you just want to cuddle him. 
You’ve decided not to tell MJ and Chris yet. You want to spend some time with just the two of you knowing that you finally did what you’ve been wanting to do for so long. 
It can be for just you and Peter now, and it‘s not like you‘re officially together yet. 
You‘re at the beach now, lying your towels down and getting out your things. You tell Peter to turn around so you can put sunscreen on his back. 
First you’re distracted by how attractive it is when he reaches behind his neck and pulls his shirt off but your smile is wiped off your face when you see how red his entire back is. 
“Oh my god, Peter..”
“What?” He turns his head. 
“You have the biggest sunburn on your back. I’m so sorry,” you frown, gently touching his back to see if it hurts. 
He turns around fully, “It’s not your fault,” he laughs, “And it doesn’t hurt, so don’t worry.”
“But I always put the sunscreen on your back, but I guess I didn’t do it properly.” You know it’s not your fault, but you just don’t want Peter to be hurt and you know you could have prevented it. 
He giggles, “It’s literally fine. Don’t worry, I can’t even feel it.” He leans in to kiss you and you immediately start smiling again. He seems fine so why should you worry. 
You want to keep kissing him but you don‘t want your friends to see yet. 
You slather an extra big amount of sunscreen onto Peter’s back every few hours and manage to keep the touching to a minimum while Chris and MJ are around. 
They don’t catch you until the late afternoon, when you and Peter are asleep on the beach, his arm around you, your head tucked into his shoulder and your leg over his. You could have probably still gotten away with saying it’s just platonic cuddling like you’ve done loads of times before, but when MJ wakes you two up to congratulate you, Peter pulls you closer and sleepily kisses the side of your face. 
You can’t help but smile and lean into him more and you decide it doesn’t really matter that they now know. It just means you can openly be affectionate around them - maybe you’ll even give them a run for their money as the cutest couple around. 
You walk around town hand in hand in the evening, buying souvenirs for your friends at home.
Peter buys you a necklace and you get matching bracelets for him and you. His is a light pink with red and white woven into it, yours is brown and white and baby pink. The bracelets are thin and will probably fall off before you‘re home but you like that you and Peter are matching (ignoring the probably hundreds of tourists that have bought the same bracelets in the last week. But you don‘t care about them, you only care about Peter.)
Peter invites you on a date that entails room service dinner and a film.
Your feet are on Peter’s lap and he’s stroking your leg by the anklet you got a few days ago. You keep freaking out when you’re in the ocean, saying some fish touched your foot but in the end it’s just your anklet.
Peter can never decide whether to laugh or protect you. Usually he picks you up first to show you that it’s just your anklet and once you’re in his arms, bridal style, floating in the water, he starts laughing. You don’t know how you still had doubts when you were doing stuff like that all the time.
You’re sneaking in kisses every few minutes and barely pay attention to the film. At midnight you order another snack that you eat when you start your second movie. You’re in Peter’s lap and he’s holding you as if he’ll never let go. You fall asleep like that. 
Day Six
After you’ve woken up and stretched a bit, you catch Peter standing in front of the window the next morning, looking at the ocean. You hug him from behind and kiss his cheek, “You know what I said about, uh, wanting to have sex to this view - we really don’t have to. No pressure at all. I’m okay with waiting however long you want to, I just said that to tease you.”
Peter turns around, his mouth open. “No, no. I want to. I want you to fuck me all day, every day, whenever, wherever.”
“Oh,” you smile, kissing him, “Good. We can arrange that.”
He turns you around and lifts your legs up around his waist, pressing you against the window. He starts kissing you gently and you take his face into your hands as you eagerly kiss him back. 
Just as your hand slides down his front, his tummy growls loudly. His smile turns shy and he looks down, “Maybe I should uh, maybe I need some food first.”
“Good idea,” you pat his stomach and hold his hand as you make your way downstairs for breakfast. 
You end up going to the pool with MJ and Chris but you and Peter are both thinking about sex. Your subtle glances and his not-so-subtle glances excite you both and you only manage fourty-five minutes before you sneak upstairs. 
You trip on your way to the bed but Peter catches you, carefully lowering you onto the floor and following you. You’re making out on the floor for a few minutes before you take off your bikini top. 
Peter‘s hands reach out for your waist, his eyes glued to your chest. “Can.. Can I?” He asks, voice shaky and excited. You take his hands and place them on your tits as you grind your hips up and into his but he’s not as eager as you anymore. 
He’s licking his lips, breaths broken and shallow. You stop what you’re doing and take his hands off your chest. “Are you nervous?”
“I don’t know. No. Kind of. I’ve never been with anyone that I’ve wanted to impress as much as I wanna impress you.”
You don’t know how many (or how few) people Peter has slept with exactly and you won’t ask if he doesn’t bring it up himself, you don’t care. What you do care about is that Peter is relaxed and comfortable. That’s how you feel when you’re with him. 
“I promise you, you impress me just by being you. And to have you care about my pleasure is all that I need,” you kiss him and he relaxes into you. His smile lights up his face, and his shoulders relax but his hips become more tense as he pushes into you. 
“You wanna do this?” You mumble against his face. He responds by moaning into your mouth, kissing you deeper but you pull away. 
“You need to say it,” you whisper, holding his hand as you start kissing along his jaw. 
“Yes, of course I wanna do this. I’ve waited all my life to be with you.” You know it’s an exaggeration, you’ve only known him for a few years. But it feels like that for you too. You’ve waited all your life for him. 
You get up and pull Peter with you, slipping out of your bikini pants before you lie on the bed. He quickly takes off his shorts, his upper thighs slightly lighter than the rest of his tanned legs, the sight making you smile. 
“C’mere,” you take his hand to pull him to the bed with you but your smile falls when you realise, “Oh. I don’t have any condoms.”
Peter looks down and gets off of the bed, “Uh I.. I have some.” He takes some out of his suitcase and joins you again. 
You smirk, “Were you planning this?”
He shakes his head. “I’ll tell you later,” he mumbles quickly and starts kissing you again, hovering over you. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, your lips on his face and his jaw and his neck and his shoulders. You reach for the condoms but Peter stops you, his cheeks pink. “I wanna go down on you first.”
He kisses down your body quickly and you bury your hand in his hair as he lifts your legs over his shoulders and wraps his arms around your thighs. 
His lips are on your inner thighs first and then on your hair above your pussy. “Peter…” you whisper, not allowing your voice to be louder because you know it’ll sound desperate. 
He looks up and his eyes meet yours. Your look in them must be enough to tell him what you need because he spends no more time teasing you. 
His tongue is on your pussy in an instant, playing with your clit as if his life depended on it. He’s much better than he was a few days ago and you wonder how much he’s thought about it since then. 
You let yourself sink into the pillows and you spread your legs more; you’re doused in pleasure. One hand on your belly, the other spreading your lips, Peter is fully engrossed in eating you out, his mouth loud against your wet pussy. 
“Fuck,” you moan, your hand in Peter’s hair tightening when he gets faster with his movements, tongue flicking against your clit. 
You don’t know who’s moaning more; you’re biting into the back of your hand - because you’d hate to be that hotel couple that has loud sex - and Peter’s moans are muffled by your pussy. 
It’s hard to say anything when he has you so close to coming so fast, and the only thing you can do as you cum is grip his hair harder and let the waves of pleasure roll through you, Peter sucking your clit. 
When you come down from your high, you ease your grip on Peter’s hair while he keeps kissing your clit a few times. “Ow,” he says. 
“W-what?” You lift your head up, still dazed. 
“My hair,” he says, but he’s smiling so you know you haven’t seriously hurt him. 
You sit up, pulling your legs away from Peter’s grip and kiss the top of his head a few times, “I’m sorry,” you mumble into his soft and messy strands. 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay,” he says and pulls your chin down so you can kiss his lips instead of his hair. You make out for a few minutes, hands wandering but you haven’t touched him where he really needs it yet. 
You sit back and put the condom on him. “Can you be on top?” Peter asks, a shy grin gracing his face. 
“Mhmm,” you say and switch positions, fluffing up the pillows for Peter before he lies down and he grins at your gesture as if you just gave him a diamond ring. You lean down to kiss him, your hands on his cheeks.
He puts his hands on your hips when you sit up. You place a hand on his chest to steady yourself when you take his dick and rub it through your folds a few times, your knees feeling weaker from the stimulation on your clit.
“Fuck, I need you,” he moans, his hands gripping you tighter. You don’t want to go even another second without him inside of you either so you slowly sit down on him, both of you gasping when he’s fully inside of you.
“Mmm,” you close your eyes, feeling him inside of you and adjusting. You slowly start moving and find a rhythm that feels good. He‘s filling you so good and it feels even better when he starts rubbing your clit. 
You open your eyes when you start moving faster, his cock hitting that sweet spot deep inside with every time you come down. Peter’s eyes are locked on you. He looks as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing right now, that you’re actually this beautiful. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he says, voice half broken from how desperate he is, “And you’re so fucking wet, oh my god, and so so pretty. And so–fuck.” He’s losing track of what he’s saying, his hand now on your ass. His thumb on your clit is sloppy and he’s unfocused but you can’t blame him. 
You take his hands and place one on your chest, and he gently squeezes you, thumb playing with your nipple. You put his other arm around your waist and lean forward, your chest closer to his, so you’re close enough to kiss him, and you do.
You lift up your ass while you start rubbing your clit just how you like it, tracing tight circles on your pussy. Peter holds your waist tight and starts fucking into you from below, his skin slapping against yours - you don’t know if that’s louder or if your moans are, but all you can focus on is Peter’s face in front of yours, and the sounds of him thrusting into your wet pussy.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” Peter says in between breaths and gasps and moans. 
You have a hand next to his head to hold yourself up, the other one on your clit, and you’re so so close, you can almost taste it.
“Me too, me too me too,” you squeak, eyes closing as your orgasm washes through you and you let out a long gasp. Peter starts fucking you faster, compliments on his lips that you can barely hear through your pleasure and his mumbling while he cums with you.
It both takes you a while to come down from your highs. You collapse and he catches you, holding you tight while you both get your heartbeat back to normal. When you’ve calmed down, you turn your face to look at him, only to find him softly smiling at you already.
“That was better than I ever dreamed of,” Peter tells you, and you grin and take his face to kiss him.
“I’m so glad we finally did this. I love being with you,” you say, cuddling back into his side.
“Me too.” He beams, kissing your temple and not letting you go.
You shower together, lazily massaging the shower gel onto each other’s bodies, kissing the other every chance you get. You cuddle while you have your towels around your bodies, waiting much longer than you need to to dry off. You just don’t want to let him go. When you peek past the closed curtains in your room, you see that it‘s still light outside. 
You go back to the beach, hand in hand, to look at the ocean, maybe read something or listen to some music. Or just to lie next to Peter. Yeah, that sounds good.
“Hope you used protection,” MJ briefly looks up from her book and you feel the skin on your face burning up. You give her a dirty look and turn to Peter. 
“I was gonna ask, where did you get them?” You ask Peter quietly and he looks away quickly.
“Uh… May gave them to me. Just in case.”
You hide your face in Peter’s neck, not sure if you can look May in the eyes again for a while. You know she’s definitely no prude, and you imagine it was great growing up with her, with proper sex education. But you did not need to know that. “Was I that obvious?”
“No, I was obvious and she’s always known that I like you. And we did talk about you last week. She‘s my best friend, after you, she knows almost everything.”
You kiss him and smile, looking out into the ocean, the sand covering your feet, and you realise how lucky you are to experience something like this. A beautiful trip with your beautiful friends and beautiful Peter.
It wasn’t how you imagined your vacation to go. Not at all. Instead of a girls trip it turned into a one week long double date, but you loved sharing the experience with MJ. You’re both happy, so it’s a good holiday, whether it was how you expected or not.
While you’re getting ready for bed that night, you get a few texts from MJ. She’s sent you a bunch of pictures and the word ‘Ew’.
They’re all pictures of you and Peter, mostly you taking a nap with your head on his shoulder. One at the airport, on in the plane, and at least four of you and Peter sleeping at the beach and pool.
Peter comes up behind you and you show him the pictures.
You grin at him while he looks at them and he puts his arms around your waist, holding you from behind. “You’re so beautiful,” he says but you know he means so much more than just that. He’s happy that you feel so safe around him, safe enough to sleep anywhere, as long as you have him to protect you. He’s asleep in some of the pictures too, but those are even more beautiful. You want to print them out and hang them up everywhere.
There are more pictures, some with the stunning view of the ocean in the back. You and Peter are just talking in them, but both of your faces are lit up so brightly, grins so wide. And those photos were from before you kissed. If you’d seen yourself and Peter from the outside, you would have never doubted that you’re meant for each other.
You turn around to kiss him when you’ve looked at all the pictures, and you make out for a few minutes, his warm lips pressed against your mouth.
You know it won’t lead to sex, you just want to kiss him, appreciate him, show him how much he means to you.
“I want to print out the pictures and permanently tape them to my forehead,” he says and you let out the loudest laugh, and he looks at you like this was the moment he decided to give you his whole heart. 
But it’s your last full day tomorrow, and you worry what will happen after.
When you come back to the mundane everyday life full of studying and work and being busy. But when you look at Peter and watch him fall asleep, his gentle snores calming down your heartbeat, you can only think of this moment; and it’s gorgeous. You have nothing to worry about.
Day Seven
The last day feels like it lasts only a few hours. You make use of your all-inclusive package one last time, going to the beach and the pool and the spa, getting your favourite foods and cocktails. You watch the sunset from the beach and all talk late into the night, going on a last walk through the balmy evening.
You’re tired when you come up to your room but you toss and turn for at least half an hour before you realise you don’t want to go to sleep. You don’t want this holiday to end.
“Are you awake?” Peter whispers from beside you.
“Yeah, can’t sleep,” you turn around to get closer to him.
“Same,” he says, kissing your cheek and holding you.
Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness in the room, and they land on the bathtub that’s in the middle of the bedroom. “We never used that,” you point towards it.
“Is it an actual bathtub that you can use? I thought it was a weird decoration.”
With that, you’re up on your feet and Peter opens one of the curtains, the light of the moon illuminating the whole room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he opens all the curtains. It looks magical.
You open the tap of the tub and the water comes out, “I’m getting in,” you say, taking off your shirt and underwear and Peter quickly undresses too.
The bathtub is huge but you still stay close to Peter while the tub is still filling up. First you lie between his legs, his arms around you, but you’re awake now and Peter’s erection poking into your backside certainly isn’t making you sleepy either. You turn off the tap early so you don’t make a mess and splash water all over the floor (and so you don’t drown while trying to suck Peter’s dick).
You turn around so you’re on your hands and knees in front of Peter. “Hi,” you smirk, your eyes trailing from his face down his body.
“Hi,” he says, eyes following yours to his dick, and he puts his hands over it, “I don’t… uh, we don’t have to do anything. It’s just you’re naked and you were like right here.” You kiss him to get him to stop talking, and you take his hands away from his lap.
“I wanna go down on you,” you tell him, kissing his neck. He nods so hard that you hear a click in his neck but he says he’s fine.
You kiss his chest and lick your way down his abs, letting your tongue glide down his happy trail. His abs are contracted and tense, he’s waiting for you to finally touch him, but you gently squeeze his thighs to tease him some more first.
When he tries but fails to stop a whimper from escaping him, you decide he’s earned it.
You bend down to lick the head of his cock as lightly as you can, your tongue barely touching his skin. Peter’s gripping the edge of the bathtub now, trying not to make any noise from how needy he is.
Finally letting him have it, you wrap your lips around him, letting your spit drip down. You take him further, your wet mouth on his dick. You look up at Peter, and you can tell he’s trying so hard not to cum yet, and it nearly makes him look like he’s in pain when really he’s feeling too much pleasure.
“Fuuckk,” he groans, cupping your face with one hand as you take him into your mouth once more, going all the way down until his hairs tickle your lips. You pull your lips off of him and kiss up the side of his cock, your tongue leaving a light trail of spit on him.
You’re about to wrap your lips around him again, but he stops you. “If you wanna continue after this you have to stop now because I’m about to cum.” You frown for a second but then sit up. You still wanna feel him inside of you tonight and you’ll have plenty of time to suck his dick in the future, when he can maybe go more than once because it’s not the middle of the night.
He pulls you up so you can kiss him and you immediately get lost in it. You don’t know how you’ve gone all your life without kissing Peter Parker every day.
He sneaks a hand between your legs and you grind against it, it feels nice with your lower body half just barely in the water. Your pussy is right at the surface of the water, and the splashing against your clit adds something light and teasing that makes you feel so fucking nice. You definitely need to opt for a bath instead of a shower more often.
“I’m so fucking wet, Pete. I want you now,” you whisper into his ear, carefully taking his earlobe between your teeth. Peter sighs when you do it, and starts mumbling something. You patiently wait for him to recompose himself, to drag himself out of the pleasure and his dazed mind to say what he wants to say.
“I’m wet too,” he says, gesturing to the water and smiling all proudly at his joke.
You kiss him, not being able to stop yourself from loving the joke, “You’re ridiculous,” you laugh, “Get the condoms.” He reaches for them, half hanging out of the bathtub to get them from the small table by the foot of the bed.
Taking advantage of all the space you have in this bathtub, you turn around and lean forward to get into a reverse cowgirl position. Peter grabs your ass and spreads your cheeks, reaching between your legs, his middle finger finding your clit and playing with it. You look back at him with a smile on your face, but you can’t decide if you should start fucking him or let him make you cum first.
His eyes meet yours and he leans forward to kiss your back. “You’re so gorgeous,” he says, eyes not leaving your face and it makes you turn around completely just so you can properly kiss him.
You turn back around and wrap your hand around him so you can guide him to your pussy. With Peter’s hands on your ass, you lower yourself onto him, and his hands go to your waist to steady you.
Even though you just want to look back at Peter, you force yourself to look out of the window. You said you’d fuck him to this view. The moon casts a white shine on the ocean and the waves almost have the same rhythm as the water splashing around in the bath while you ride Peter. 
You reach back to pull his hand so you can show him the view too, but he’s looking at your pussy swallowing his dick with every one of your bounces.
“No, look at the moon,” you laugh, stopping your movements.
“You’re more beautiful,” he says, not taking his eyes off you, “Only wanna look at you.” You roll your eyes and grab his face to look out of the huge windows.
“Oh, that is quite nice,” he says, surprise in his voice, “But I’d still rather look at you.”
You lick your lips when you feel a throb in your pussy and it‘s like your neediness washes all over you more intensely than it did before. You adjust your position so you can sit on Peter‘s dick again but he pulls you towards him. 
“I’m not gonna last much longer,” he says quietly and you turn your head to him to smile, making sure he doesn’t think you’re mad, “I’m.. I’m not used to it yet so uh, can I make you cum first?”
You nod with a soft smile, “Mhm. Where do you want me?”
He pulls you to sit between his legs, your back against his chest, and he reaches his arm around you and finds your clit. “Wait,” you say, sitting up more and bending your legs. You line him up with your pussy and slowly sink down on his cock. 
With no effort at all, Peter supports you enough so you’re comfortable sitting on him. You close your eyes and try to focus on Peter’s finger on your clit, focus on how good it feels to be pressed up against him, both of your bodies comfortably wet and slotted into each other.
Every time you squeeze around him or lean back against him some more, you hear Peter’s quiet moans right in your ear. You reach back to put your hand on the side of his neck, holding him even closer as he rubs circles into your clit while he’s fully inside of you, moving ever so slightly.
You communicate via moans and gasps, the silence is peaceful and you can just cherish the feeling of him rubbing your clit, hearing nothing but your lover’s quiet noises and your wet pussy. You let out a high-pitched gasp when you reach your high, your eyes screwed shut as the pleasure pulses through you.
Your pussy squeezing him tightly, Peter lifts you up a bit so he can fuck into you, but he doesn’t stop rubbing your clit. Your voices and the splashing subside a little bit after you both stop moving and he turns your face to kiss you.
You let in some new water to take a proper bath this time and you wrap your whole body around Peter’s, sitting in his lap and facing him this time.
“Can I ask you something?” He asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
“Of course.”
He takes a deep breath, and you can feel his heart hammering in his chest.
“Um. I know it’s early, I know it’s so so early. And it’s totally okay if you need more time. But I was just wondering, because, you know, I really really like you and I have for so long. And I just.. do you want to, or I mean maybe we could.. make this official and.. do you want to be my girlfriend?”
You bite your lip to stop your smile and pretend to think for a bit. It’s absurd to you that he thinks you might say no. “You’re right. I mean we don’t need a talking stage, we’ve been talking for years and know each other well. We’ve kissed and had sex and spent 24/7 with each other on more occasions than this week,” you try to think of more reasons that you don’t actually have to say out loud but Peter’s face is almost comically frozen in anticipation so you think you’ve teased him enough. 
You kiss him to snap him out of it, “Of course I want to. Do you also wanna be my boyfriend?” You ask in a cute voice, taking his hand. 
“You don’t have to ask,” he says and kisses you, grinning against your face. “Wait, really?” He asks again when he pulls away.
“You really though I’d say no?”
“I hoped you wouldn’t. I couldn’t imagine you would. But it is early, so, you’d have every right to reject me,” he shrugs.
“Yeah but we’ve known each other for so long. Liked each other for so long, so I think it’s a little different than if we’d just met each other last week. I know you, and I know I want to be with you.”
“Same” is all he can say in his adoring daze, looking at you as if you he just discovered love for the first time.
You hug him tight and kiss the side of his head. He squeezes you back and doesn’t let go for a few minutes.
“How about we try out all the features this fancy bathtub has and then we go to bed?” You ask, and Peter nods happily, turning on the faucet closest to him. There are about six different buttons in total. Some make water flow into the bathtub from the sides of it and one turns on the faucet at the other end of the tub. It’s slightly higher than the edge of the bathtub and a thick stream of water comes out in a circular shape, water flowing into the bath. 
Peter smirks at you and turns you around, facing you towards the faucet. He maneouvres you to the other end of the tub and lifts your legs up so they’re folded against your chest. You can’t imagine he’s comfortable with your full body weight on him, but he chose to put himself into this position.
You giggle when you realise that he’s trying to position your pussy under the stream so you can cum again, “I like the way you think.”
After some adjusting, the water finally sprays right onto your clit, and you gasp and clutch the edge of the tub when you first feel the stream between your legs. It’s powerful but it’s big, so it’s spread out nicely when it meets your pussy.
You lean your head against Peter’s shoulder, enjoying the way he’s holding you and how good the water feels on your clit.
Peter starts whispering compliments into your ear, kissing the side of your face or your neck every few moments.
“You’re so fucking pretty. And you’re the sexiest woman who has ever walked this earth,” he kisses your shoulder and looks over it, watching the stream of water, “And I’m so jealous of this water because it’s touching your pussy right now and I’m not.”
You laugh and quickly kiss his cheek, “Is that your idea of dirty talk?” 
“Maybe. I mean it’s working, you can’t tell me you’re not wet,” he lifts his eyebrows.
“No more wet jokes, okay, I just wanna cum and go to sleep.”
You hear a hum of agreement from Peter and hold one of his hands, placing it on your tummy and moving so your pussy is back under the stream. Peter lets go of your hand and his fingers wander down to your thigh, spreading your legs some more.
He moves to your pussy and spreads your lips, making the water go directly onto your clit. “Yes, yes, fuck. Just like that,” you gasp and flinch as you immediately feel close to an orgasm.
You try to move your hips up to get more friction but the water isn’t quite enough and a whimper makes its way past your lips - you’re so close. Suddenly you feel Peter’s finger on your clit and it’s exactly what you need to finally tip over the edge. You put your hand on his just to make sure he keeps going until you’re finished. It’s the best orgasm you’ve had in days. It reaches your whole body, soaking you in bliss from head to toe. 
Your body goes slack on top of Peter’s but he scoots back and lets you lean your head against his chest. You look up and he kisses you from above, missing your lips but it doesn’t matter because you’re close to him either way.
“I wish I had a bathtub as big as that at home,” you say, your eyes closed, sinking into Peter’s arms.
He huffs out a small laugh and tightens his arms around you, “I’m sure we’ll manage to have sex in your small bath too.”
You sit up, the water splashing around your sides, “Who says I wasn’t just thinking about taking a nice innocent bath in a big bathtub?”
“I know you too well for that,” he strokes your belly, hand going up and down, the water moving slightly with Peter.
“You do know me well,” you lean up to kiss his jaw and before you sit back down, you look into his eyes. They’re looking right back into yours and you feel like you could just stay like that for days and not get bored.
“I…” you start, stopping yourself from saying something stupid. You only just officially started your relationship, and even that happened very early. You’re probably just confused and tired and in the honeymoon phase, but you don’t want to say those three words too early, so instead you say, “I think we should go to bed. My fingers are all wrinkly.” 
You lift your hands to show Peter, but he takes them and kisses all your knuckles and then your fingertips individually. You stay in the bath for a few more minutes, just kissing.
Last Day 
Your flight back home isn’t until noon, but since you stayed up for so long you sleep longer and end up stressing about making it to the airport in time anyway. 
You make it to the plane and somehow luck is on your side, because the third seat next to you and Peter is empty, so you have more space in your row. 
As the crew closes the door and does their security announcement and demonstrations, you feel your heartbeat picking up speed. With all the stress of getting here, you forgot about the stress you might have once you’re on here.
A baby starts crying somewhere in the back and a cat in the row in front of you keeps scratching the travel box it’s in and their owner is bashfully trying to shush their cat but that only makes more noise. 
It’s overstimulating and you feel sweat gathering under your arms. Forcing yourself to take deep breaths isn’t helping much.
Suddenly you feel Peter’s hand on yours and you look up to see him smiling softly, holding up his big over-ear headphones. “Thanks,” you say, turning towards him so he can fit them over your ears and adjust them over your head. It’s already quieter and calmer, now you only have to worry about your fear of taking off and landing, not the noises around you.
You laugh when Peter turns on the music and it’s some nature inspired meditation song, “Normal music is fine,” you smile, lifting off one side of the headphones “Are you sure you don’t want your headphones?”
“I’m fine. Do you want some space? Since there is some,” he nods towards the empty seat.
You shake your head, “No, I wanna hold your hand. But thanks.” Peter kisses your cheek and you take your intertwined hands into your lap, putting on some music and closing your eyes.
A few minutes later, when you’re calmer but still on edge, you only hear the end of an announcement through the plane’s speakers.
Peter leans in to fill you in and tell you that you missed your slot and might need to wait another thirty minutes or longer until you can take off. You take a deep breath and try to focus on that. You can’t do anything about it but at least you get thirty more minutes of peace.
Peter puts his arm around you and pulls you into his side when you yawn, and you relax against his shoulder. You open your eyes every few minutes, waiting to catch MJ taking another picture of you from between the seats in front of you, where she and Chris are sitting. But the third time you open your eyes, expecting to find MJ taking a picture, you look out the window and realise you’re above the clouds.
You check your phone but you’ve only been asleep for about twenty minutes. You look at Peter, your eyes still sleepy and half shut. The smile he gives you is sheepish.
“What?” You ask.
“When they made the announcement they may have only said that they’ll be fifteen more minutes. But I knew you were tired so I hoped you would be able to relax and fall asleep so you wouldn’t be awake for the take off.”
You press a quick kiss to his cheek. What he did wasn’t a big gesture and there was no guarantee it would work. But he tried anyway and it helped you avoid a whole lot of panic.
You’re looking at him and you see the tenderness and warmth in his eyes and you can only imagine there’s a similar look of adoration in yours.
“I love you,” you say, smiling softly, and then your face falls when you realise what you just said. “Shit, sorry. Oh god that was way too early I—”
“Did you mean it?” He asks, face nothing like the woman he kissed for the first time this week just told him she loves him. 
You swallow and think. You do love him. You’ve loved him as a friend for years now and felt more for him for ages too. You still love him as a friend but now you love him even more. “I mean it.”
He grins as if he just hit the jackpot, “Good, because I love you too.”
You hold the eye contact for a few more moments and then you both laugh quietly, unable to contain the amount of joy there is in you.
Any little doubt you had just flows away. You know that the feelings you have for Peter and what happened between you wasn’t just a result of the holiday magic that made you more careless and lowered your inhibitions. Even on this crowded plane and after the abrupt ending your holiday had with you and Peter oversleeping - you still like him, even more now. You love him, you probably always have. And you have no doubt he feels the same.
You’re jolted awake when you land. You fell asleep on Peter yet again and you don’t know how it’s possible that you feel so nice and comfortable with him that you can fall asleep on him even with your fears right around the corner.
Your fingers are still in his and his thumb is stroking the back of your hand. You can’t take your eyes off of him and he can’t stop looking at you either. You know this was meant to happen, and it would have still happened some other time if he hadn’t come on holiday with you.
It doesn’t matter that you’ve left the paradise you just spent a week in because you’re each other’s escape, every day, no matter where you are. 
He’s your holiday, and you know you’ll start loving him even more every day. The holiday magic had nothing to do with you two finally getting closer, the magic is the feelings you have for each other and the bond you’ve created over all the time you’ve known the other - that’s what has pushed you two closer. 
And the way Peter is smiling at you tells you everything you need to know:
He feels the same, and the real love story is only just beginning.
☆.。.:*support a writer and reblog if you enjoyed, it helps out a lot.。.:*☆
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if these walls could speak (nsfw 18+)
Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
written for anon request: Daemon x reader x Aemond nsfw fic (threesome, not a love triangle) - reader's house is not specified
word count: 2.5k ▪︎ masterlist
You've always been drawn to the dangerous and alluring, the temptation of such giving you an undeniable thrill. And in all of the Seven Kingdoms, you've never found anything more intoxicating than two Targaryen princes. And as fate would have it, they feel the same about you.
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... have at it, all you filthy animals 🔞🖤
You have always been expected to act like a lady, given the importance of your house in Westeros. To be proper, to be pious, to never do things unbecoming of one with your status. You devote your days to having lessons with the Septa, assisting your father in his council meetings, attending feasts and tourneys. Normal activities, fit for a noble lady such as yourself.
But your nights are filled with something more unmentionable. Exciting. Deliciously addicting.
As your father is part of King Viserys’ council, you have become a ward in King’s Landing. You practically grew up with the Targaryen and Velaryon children, forging lasting friendships. Even Aegon, considering that he has grown to become quite the twat.
You've grown to enjoy living in King’s Landing, mostly because of the company. The dragons also fascinate you greatly, and, well… some of their specific riders have also caught your eye. Namely those of Caraxes and Vhagar. Both savage, menacing, and yet exquisite creatures among their kind. Both the dragons and their riders.
Their riders which are the reasons why your nights have been occupied, and not just with the comfort of slumber. Although, you’ve been experiencing greater comforts than you’ve ever had before.
These nights would be spent with your Daemon, perhaps your first love, the rogue prince who always goes back to you, without fail, despite his ill-fated marriages throughout the years. And just recently, there would also be Aemond. Now also, your Aemond, as he has sworn his devotion to you. Both princes were content to have your heart, however you would let them.
A smirk grows on your face, in anticipation of what is about to unfold. The midnight air drifting in from your windows feels cool and crisp, and it carries a distinct scent that can only be present in the hour of the owl. Pulling the hood of your dark cloak over your head, the one Daemon gifted you at the beginning of this affair, you feel just as crafty and mysterious as he is. Having this shared secret, only yours, Daemon’s, and Aemond’s, makes you feel alive.
You once jested about how your father would certainly shun you when he finds out, to which Daemon replied, "He can bloody well try. Surely he would not be opposed to our dalliance if I were to wed you."
Aemond had glared at his uncle, unable to hide his distaste at the suggestion. If you were to wed anyone, it should only be him. Compared to Daemon, he believes his affections to be pure and ardent.
You make your way toward the corner of your chambers, and forcefully slide a pilaster to the left, the motion feeling all too familiar. A deep, gravelly sound echoes, as it reveals the secret hallway that runs all throughout the castle. You rush inside, taking the path that you now know by heart, feeling like a spy creeping through the walls. Down a flight of stairs, a turn to the right, a long and narrow hallway, another right, then a left. You know the way so well; you’d be able to find yourself through it with eyes closed.
Until you reach… there. The panel has already been pushed to the side, and you see faint candlelight reflected inside. You slow your pace as you enter.
"My prince?" you call out, awaiting a response from either of them.
Someone shuffles from the corner of the room, partially covered in the shadows, and makes his way over to you. Strong arms wrap around your waist, and your back is pressed against Daemon’s chest.
“Little dove,” he lowers his lips to your ear, slowly dragging them across your flesh as he does so, “Have you come to play?” You breathe deeply, reaching behind to caress Daemon’s face.
“Of course she has,” Aemond’s voice rings true, as he makes his presence known to you, “this little dove always comes, don’t you, my pet?”
“Our pet,” Daemon corrects his nephew chidingly, “Although, she was mine first.” He spins you around quickly, making you even more lightheaded, and desperately connects his lips to yours.
Daemon’s grip on your jaw is firm but gentle at the same time. He snakes his tongue past your lips, making you groan against him. Aemond refuses to just stand by and watch. He has accepted this arrangement, dividing your heart and your flesh between him and his uncle, but a part of him just wants you to be his and only his. Rogue Prince be damned. Aemond would face his uncle in battle for your hand; he would risk everything so that you might favour him. But tonight… as with many other nights, he lets this continue. He delights in seeing the unabashed ecstasy in your eyes, knowing that the two most coveted and most infamous princes in the Seven Kingdoms were both yours.
Aemond begins to unravel the ties on your dress, and your bodice falls slightly, revealing your shoulders and the curve of your breasts. You feel him nuzzling your shoulders, his lips lightly sucking on your skin, raising goosebumps in his wake. He grips your arms and pulls you back against him, causing you to break apart from Daemon. Aemond grows restless, biting your neck from behind. You crane your neck to look up at him. At the same time, Daemon roughly pulls your dress completely to the floor, followed by your undergarments, leaving you completely bare to both princes.
You stand in between the two halves of your heart, your back snug against Aemond’s chest, and Daemon in front of you, licking and sucking your breasts in a torturous pattern. You struggle to stand upright, one hand gripping Daemon’s hair and the other reaching back to hold Aemond’s neck as he kisses you.
“Mmm,” you bite your lip, and let your thumb flit over Aemond’s mouth, cheekily whispering, “You’re beautiful.”
“So are you, my love,” Aemond purrs, burying his face against your tresses, “No one in this world can ever hold a candle to you.”
Daemon chimes in, straightening from his position, “He speaks the truth, little dove. There will only ever be you, for us.” He emphasizes the last word, growing aware of Aemond’s possessiveness over you as of late.
You’re almost certain Aemond’s expression hardens behind you, knowing he isn’t one to welcome assertiveness from anyone. His voice is more forceful when he speaks, eliciting an even greater desire within you, “Then shall we take our little dove to bed, uncle?”
You’re caught in a flurry of movement, as both Daemon and Aemond grabbed hold of you, pulling you to them. With each of your arms in the grip of each prince, you can’t help but let out a giggle at how this must look. Like two little boys fighting over their precious toy, unwilling to share with the other.
“Alright,” you shrug out of their grip, “both of you,” and slowly walk across the room, stealing a playful glance at them over your shoulder, “I thought we agreed that you would behave.”
Daemon is first to respond, walking after you, “Oh, my lady, all this time I was under the impression that you take pleasure in what my misbehaviour usually brings.”
“That I do, my prince,” he reaches you at the foot of the bed, and you begin undoing his tunic. You meet Aemond’s hungry gaze from across the room, and coax him over, “Come here, my love.”
“Hmm,” he makes that sound, the one he knows you love. You once told him that his sly, little hmms can bring you to your knees, which caused a genuine smile to stretch out on his lips. “In that case, little dove, I’ll have to hmm more frequently, for you,” he had said slyly.
Daemon’s clothes fall to the floor in a heap, and he pushes you down on the plush, velvet sheets. He kisses you hungrily, almost devouring you. He nips down to your chest, your stomach, your hips, and pauses just above your throbbing cunt, his lips suspended above it tantalizingly, like an impending storm cloud.
Aemond reaches for your face, hovering above you, having just finished undressing himself in a rush. You are overwhelmed with his familiar musk, and his silver locks frame your head like a curtain. Just for a second, you think you can detect rage in his eyes. An unspoken agony. Before you can mention it, he claims your lips in a searing kiss. Carnal. Feverish. As if he wants to erase any trace of Daemon on your lips.
Seemingly on cue, Daemon’s lips clamp down on your cunt, and you moan loudly against Aemond’s lips. He takes it as a sign of encouragement, gripping your face and licking a stripe across your cheek.
“Fuck,” you gasp, “Aemond, Daemon,” The latter looks up at you, his mouth glistening with the juices from your cunt, “I’m going to make you scream, little dove.”
Aemond brings his mouth close to your ear, muttering something meant for only you to hear, “Not if I make you scream first.”
The two princes grow wild, like two dragons set on a race to make you see stars. You’ve come to know their ways in bed; Daemon being more unhinged, quick and demanding. It doesn’t take long for the Rogue Prince to have you arching your back in utter rapture; his intensity can only be described as maddening. Aemond, on the other hand, prefers to take his time, his hands and lips memorizing every inch of your skin, while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear. You could never doubt his devotion.
Two sides of the same coin. They could not be more different, they could not be more alike. And you are irrevocably enamoured with them both.
Daemon continues in his onslaught of your pussy. His tongue moves frenzied, his thumb padding with your clit, and his nose pressed against your heat. Admittedly, you used to feel a pang of envy at the thought of all his previous whoring, but you’ll be damned if you don’t appreciate the skills he picked up from it. Because, seven hells, the Rogue Prince’s tongue might just be a gift from the gods.
A glint of sapphire shines in your vision, as Aemond looks down at you in adoration. You reach down for his cock, and he spies the lust evident in your eyes. “Come,” you plead, “let me taste you.”
“Oh, my little dove,” he positions himself beside your head, his thick cock already glistening at the tip. You drag your tongue at the base, and right away, he moans, “Gods, my love. Take me.”
His palm gently guides your head, pushing his member deeper in your mouth. Your fingers curl at the base, keeping him steady, relentless in stroking.
“So good, pet. Only you… only…” he pants, as your head bobs even faster, “My only love.”
Only you. His words echo in your mind, and digs roots in your heart. Only you, he said. You would say the same in return, if you could. But it can never just be him. Not while another Targaryen prince is still breathing, the very same who is making you writhe and spasm with his lips on your heat, his nails leaving a faint trail on your thighs.
Daemon glances up at you and Aemond, and without a second thought, he shuffles upward. Craving your attention, he sours at the sight of your lips wrapped around Aemond's member. It remains a miracle to him that he is capable of sharing the object of his desires. But if you wish it, you shall have it. And he knew you wanted them both.
"Come now," Daemon pulls your face towards him, remnants of Aemond shining on your lips. He drags his thumb across your mouth, cleaning it off, before kissing you yet again.
Aemond repositions himself, settling between your thighs. You feel his cock pushing at your opening, and he drags it along your folds, collecting your juices. Tempting you.
Daemon moves on to your neck, and you glance down at your one-eyed lover. "Please, Aemond," you whine.
"Hmm? Please, what?" He taunts, knowing he's got your full attention now.
"Fuck, my prince, just... just... fuck..." your words are lost as he enters you, careful and languid, stretching you out. He falls forward, interlocking his fingers with yours. Daemon leans back, rubbing his shaft, revelling in the untamed expression on your face. You breathe heavy and you bite your lip; you moan as Aemond slams into you yet again.
Daemon catches your eye for a moment, as you continue to unfold. "You look fucking perfect like this, little dove," he strokes himself faster.
"Mmm," you look between your two lovers, utterly content.
Aemond is slow in fucking you. With each thrust, he buries himself to the hilt, his thick cock disappearing completely inside you. "Gods, Aemond," you pull him in for a kiss, one which he eagerly accepts.
"My love," Aemond purrs, "you feel so good, wrapped around my cock. So tight, so perfect."
You mewl in return, and Aemond picks up the pace. He grunts in your ear, the sound of it low and deep that it fires up your core. He rams into you, quicker than usual, mercilessly plunging his cock into your pussy. Unbeknownst to you, this is his way of staking his claim. You might want the two princes, but soon, one day, Aemond would ensure that you're only his.
You remember your other lover, and reach for him as he lays beside you. Daemon is more than glad to let you take the reins. You stroke his erection, your delicate fingers easily sliding up and down his length.
Both lovers lunge forward to kiss you, Daemon nipping along your jaw and Aemond smashing his lips onto yours. You feel yourself begin to come apart, eyes half-lidded, hazy with pleasure. You cling to Aemond's shoulder, while your other hand strokes Daemon's swollen cock.
Three flushed bodies entangled atop the lush sheets, lost in a familiar heated dance. The two princes are overtaken with how they crave you, melding their skin onto yours.
The sounds echoing in the room would be enough to make the virtuous weep. Moaning and grunting, skin slapping against skin. Vulgar whispers shared, even promises of undying passion.
"You fuck me so well, my love." Your voice shakes.
"No one else can have you. No one else can make you ache so beautifully." Aemond, your dark prince.
"Your pretty fingers around my cock. Don't cease. Make me come onto you." Daemon, the first to possess you, to make you untamed.
Aemond shudders above you, his pelvis spasming, yet he continues his manic penetration of your already raw and throbbing cunt.
Daemon is first to reach his climax, and he positions himself hastily, spilling his seed over your breasts, your nipples covered in the milky-white spews from his cock.
You feel the warmth building up, low in your belly. Aemond spreads your legs even wider, burying himself even deeper, hitting that one fucking spot each time.
"Oh, fuck," your back arches, Daemon's cum dripping from your chest onto the sheets, "I'm coming."
"Let go, my love."
"Come, little dove."
The two princes watch in awe as you writhe, climaxing around Aemond's cock. At the sight of you, Aemond lets go, filling you with his seed and rutting inside you.
"Gods, I love you," he presses his forehead to yours. Your heart swells, you've always known that you love him too.
Daemon makes a clicking noise with his tongue, as if to chide his nephew, "As it happens, dear nephew, I just might love her more than you do."
"Now, now, my princes," you caress their faces, "my heart has just enough room for the both of you."
"Only you, my Aemond," you kiss each one in turn, "and you, my Daemon."
A moment later, Daemon positions himself at your entrance, which is still glazed with yours and Aemond's cum.
He smirks, "My turn."
Let's just say that they have an arrangement with the maester that the reader is administered with a less harmful form of moon tea after these nights. 😉
Not me realizing near the end that I've been writing this in a way that favours Aemond (I can't help it you guys)
Also, I don't claim to be any expert in the ancient lore of threesome fanfiction so please don't sue me if anything sounds weird or out of place 😂
taglist: @angel6776 @huntycola @sanguinalia @random-human02 @thelastcitysposts @schniiipsel @just-a-harmless-potato @outundertheocean @thermiting @witchofthenorthstar @m00n5t0n3 @throughgoeshamilton @xcallmetaniax @wrendermeuseless @m-indkiller @mikariell95 @nsainmoonchild @lttflower99 @aemcndtargaryen @fairaardirascenarios @blackravena @daeneeryss @wondergal2001 @graykageyama @my-dark-prince @darylandbethfanforever9 @boofy1998 @itscheybaby @caspianobsessed @moni-cah @avalyaaa
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uhohwhathaveidone · 1 year
I really like reading your posts. They give me a home like feeling because u always manage to bring out the characters well and the place and atmosphere to life.
I have an idea. What if Seb woke up during weekend thinking he overslept- but he actually woke up super early. He runs around the room to get ready and then he speeds to the great hall, only to find that there is no one. Anxiety gets to him. So he runs to the class and passes by reader who is a prefect and they tell him that it’s weekend. So they fix his messy uniform ( tie and so) and walk with him to some quiet corner of the castle where he falls asleep again but in their arms as she kisses his hand and tells him that he’s safe and alright.
Thank you so much and have a nice day🌻☀️
Overslept? (S.S)
I'm so glad you enjoy! I hope you like this one too, I'm sorry it's late! <3<3
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    Sebastian shot up from his bed, eyes wide as he looked around the room. His vision was blurry as he looked to where Ominis slept, not seeing the bundle of blankets on the bed. His head spun around, and he quickly glanced at the clock in the corner, unable to read it as he quickly got out of bed, tripping around his items as he grabbed for his clothes, putting them on. He muttered to himself as he reached for his tie and robe, putting them on half-way as he grabbed for his school bag and slipped on his shoes. “Late? No one thought to wake me up, either. I can’t believe this.” He continued, nearly tripping down the stairs as he hurried out of the common room, earning an odd glance from Imelda, who sat by the window looking into the lake with a book in her lap.
      Sebastian quickly sped through the halls, looking into rooms in search of his classmates, who were nowhere to be seen. He let out a frustrated sigh as he turned to the Great Hall, pulling one of the doors open to reveal its empty contents, the candles that hung in the air extinguished as they floated idly around. “Empty? How late is it?” He muttered to himself, taking a final look around before turning away. He stood for a moment as he tapped his foot, the small echoes of shoe on hard flooring the only sound in his ears as he tried to figure out what to do next. “Ominis could have woken me up, yet he didn’t. Where is everyone, anyway?” He said to himself, biting the inside of his cheek as he turned to walk up a flight of steps, huffing in frustration as he stepped on the hem of his robe, nearly falling down the steps for the second time that day.
      Ominis returned to the dorm, rubbing his eyes as he stifled a yawn, not even glancing over to where Sebastian slept. He placed his wand onto the table beside his bed, kicking off his shoes as he slipped back under the covers. He had just returned from to toilets, fixing his blankets as he snuggled back under them. He furrowed his brows for a moment, hearing the absent sound of Sebastian’s snores, but shrugged it off as he got cozy, drifting back to sleep.
      The ghosts that floated around the halls frowned as Sebastian passed by them, rushing through them without even greeting them. “Well, that was uncalled for!” A woman spoke, earning a quick “Apologies” as Sebastian continued by. Peeves floated behind him, speaking in riddles about how Sebastian was being rude, saying something along the lines of “Waking up on the wrong side of the bed, with looks like that.” Sebastian let out a frustrated sigh as he waved the Poltergeist off, shaking his head as he tried to ignore Peeves. He continued to float around Sebastian, content with pestering the Slytherin, seeing as there weren’t any other students around to torment. “Not now, Peeves! Can’t you see I’m in a rush!” Sebastian shouted, glaring as Peeves as he turned to the colourful menace. “Deary me, deary me! Seems like someone didn’t just wake up on the wrong side of the bed but woke up with a storm cloud hovering over his head!” Peeves laughed, spinning around Sebastian for a moment before drifting off to find someone else to bother.
      Sebastian began to walk faster as he continued up the spiral of steps, muttering about the time as he tried to fix his hair, stray curls falling over his forehead; unbrushed. He passed by a hall without bothering to check down it, cursing to himself as he made his way to where the Charms classroom was held. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you looked away from one of the paintings that had called you over, disrupting your morning rounds. You turned to the sound of the voice, watching as the billow of green and black robes disappeared from the entrance, excusing yourself as you moved to follow. “Students aren’t usually up at this time, who’s running around?” You asked yourself, reaching the end of the hall you occupied, watching as the figure took a sharp turn towards another hall. You hurried to catch up, putting your duties in the back of your mind as you began to catch up, watching a head of brown hair turn and go into an empty classroom. You huffed to yourself; another student trying to sneak something out of a classroom, no doubt.
      Sebastian stood in the middle of the room; eyes wide as a frown formed on his lips. The classroom of empty of students, and there was no sign of Professor Ronen either. “Perhaps I’m later than I thought.” He muttered, running a hand through his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh. You stood in the doorway, smiling as you recognized the student to be Sebastian, who usually took to stealing from the library instead of a classroom. “Didn’t think you were a big Charms fan, Sebastian.” You said, chuckling lightly as he jumped, spinning around to face you with a slight pink tint to his cheeks. “Y/n! I swear, I overslept! I didn’t mean to miss my classes, you understand.” He rambled, stepping over to you. You shook your head as you smirked, letting Sebastian speak. “Did you know that you’re my favourite Prefect?” He asked, wide-eyed as you shook your head once again. “I’m begging you, don’t send me to the Headmaster, I don’t think I could handle another detention this week.” You chuckled as you reached to fix his tie, frowning playfully as you tried to fix the knot he had left. You sighed as you looked him up and down, raising a brow as you took in his disheveled state, biting back a smile.
      “Sebastian, do you know what time it is?” You asked, crossing your arms as you smirked. He shook his head, scratching the back of his neck. “Sometime after nine, that’s for sure. Ominis didn’t even wake me, and the Great Hall was empty, now Charms? I’d be surprised if I had any classes left!” He rambled, pinching the bridge of his nose. You laughed as you shook your head, taking his arm as you led him out of the classroom. “It’s not even seven thirty, Sebastian. Even if you had woken up late, it’s the weekend, we have no classes today.” You said, showing him a clock that stood between two stands of armor, who saluted you in greeting. Sebastian looked at the clock in shock, frowning as he shook his head. “It can’t be the weekend already, can it?” He asked, watching as you nodded, a sympathetic smile gracing your lips. “Saturday, to be exact.” Sebastian continued to shake his head, his thoughts running through his brain as he tried to comprehend everything. “It was just Tuesday, I swear!”
      You walked with Sebastian down the hall, leading him to a small corner you had discovered that homed a rather comfortable loveseat, one that you found yourself relaxing on when you had some time to yourself. You sat him down as you conjured up a tea set, pouring him a cup. “You seem to have a lot on your mind lately; not knowing what day it is and all.” You spoked, gently offering the cup to Sebastian, who took it gratefully as he breathed in the sweet scent of Chamomile filling his senses as he nodded. “Would you like to talk about it?” Sebastian thought for a moment, savoring the warm taste as you took a seat next to him. “I’ve been staying up late, I suppose. Catching up on schoolwork, things like that.” He said, looking around at the plain yet comforting décor that surrounded the two of you. You nodded, taking a sip of your tea. “You seem to being doing the work in the classes we share, are you stuck in a different class?” You asked, turning your gaze to him as he shook his head. “I wouldn’t say I’m stuck on a subject, per say. My mind has been…occupied with other things. I haven’t been able to focus on classes because of it.” He spoke, biting the inside of his cheek. You nodded thoughtfully, giving him a gentle smile.
      “Does the matter that occupies your thoughts have something to do with Anne? I understand that she’s still unable to return to Hogwarts.” You said, your gaze softening as he slowly nodded. “She’s not getting better, and I’ve been trying to think of ways that would ease her pain.” He spoke softly, furrowing his brows as he let out a frustrated sigh. “Nothing that I’ve found is helping either, but I can’t stop looking. It’s taken over most of my time and thoughts, as you can see.” You nodded, moving your hand to fix his hair. “Perhaps you need a break, some time to just relax. People can’t breeze through a whole week and not realize it while still being able to function normally.” You said, smiling softly as you continued to fix Sebastian, straightening up his robes a bit as you set his bag onto the floor. Sebastian only sighed, frowning as he felt his stomach growl. “I don’t suppose the Great Hall will be opening anytime soon?” He asked, a slight smile gracing his lips as he looked at you. You shook your head as you smiled back, looking over at a nearby clock. “Breakfast is served an hour later, of course. You have around two hours until they start serving. If you’d like, we can stay here, you can catch some more sleep, I’ll wake you when it’s time.” You offered, watching as Sebastian nodded.
      “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep after all the stress I went through to get to a class that wasn’t even in session, but I can try.” Sebastian said with a chuckle, setting his cup down as he made himself comfortable. You chuckled with him, biting the inside of your cheek. “My duties for the morning are mostly done, so there’s not much I can do to help you with that problem.” Sebastian scoffed as he poked your side. “What are your duties, anyway? Walking around the halls at seven in the morning, I’d hate to have that job.” You shook your head as you sighed, leaning back into the cushions as you began to explain your weekend routine, smiling softly as you felt his head begin to rest on your shoulder. You spoke softly as you looked over at Sebastian, his eyes visibly growing heavy as you spoke. “It’s not that boring, you know.” You joked, shaking your head. Sebastian let out a small huff as he found your hand, holding it in his own as he let out a small sigh.
      “I don’t think they’re boring, just not my thing. But it’s a good thing you were around, else I’d probably still be roaming the halls thinking I overslept.” He said softly, his eyes fluttering shut as you let out a short chuckle. “Perhaps you would, but I saved the day, like always.” Sebastian’s breath grew slow as he drifted to sleep, allowing you a moment to take in his features as his face relaxed. You hadn’t realized just how many freckles dusted his cheeks, and you smiled as you watched his hair fall back into his face, the small, untamed curls from his bed head laying softly over his skin. You sighed as you rested your head onto his, bringing the hand that he still kept in his grasp up, smiling as you placed a small kiss to the back of his hand as you whispered to him. “You’re safe here. You don’t need to worry about anything, just the two hours of sleep you deserve.”
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final-girl96 · 3 months
Firefly Chapter Fifty-Five
Ellie's eyes flew open, “Ah!” She threw someone onto the floor and took the switchblade from underneath my pillow. She was prepared to fight for my life until I realized it was just her best friend Riley.
“Riley?” She asked, sitting up on the edge of the bed. Riley was laughing, “Ow!” She said as she slowly stood to her feet. “I landed on my hip.” Ellie stood from the bed and looked at her best friend. “What the hell? I thought I was bitten,” she said. Riley let out a chuckle, “I know. It was kind of awesome,” she told her with a smile. She paused and looked at Ellie, who still had her blade trained on her. “Well, you're not gonna kill me, are you?”
Ellie rolled her eyes and put the blade away, ”I haven’t seen you in. I don’t even know how long,” she told her girl in front of her. Riley sighed, “Forty-five days. Well, forty-six... technically. Wanna know what I've been up to?” She asked. Ellie was a little angry at her best friend for leaving her here, at the FEDRA school, or as she liked to call it, the orphanage for unwanted children, “All this time... I thought you were dead,” she exclaimed.
Riley softened and reached for the chain around her neck. “Yeah. Here,” she removed the pendant from her neck and passed it to Ellie. “Look.” Ellie took it and examined it. She was looking at a round pendant with the fireflies symbol on it. “No way,” she said in disbelief. Riley shrugged and looked around the room. “Still no roommate? I had to sleep under Liz for three years, and you know how much that girl smells.”
Ellie didn't answer about the roommate. Instead, she said, “You're a Firefly.” Riley pulled a picture of her and Ellie from the wall. “You still have it up,” she said softly.
Ellie came back to reality and rushed past her, opening the door, checking the hallway to make sure no one heard them. “Wha- What are you doing?” Riley asked, setting the picture down. Ellie closed the door and turned to her best friend. “I'm making sure I don’t get caught with a Firefly in my room,” she said.
Riley rolled her eyes at her, “Relax. There are no soldiers on the entire floor,” she said. Ellie gave the pendant back, “Here. Congrats,” she said, more harshly than she meant to. She was still upset with Riley for leaving. She turned away from her but Riley caught her arm, “Hey! Are we cool?” She asked.
Ellie scoffed and snatched her arm free. “Are we cool?” She said in a joking tone. Riley's eyes softened. “I disappeared and you're mad. Ellie scoffed in reply. “And... I owe you an explanation. Let's get out of here and I'll tell you all about it,” She said, hoping Ellie would agree with her.
“It's almost morning. And I have military drills. You know, where we learn how to kill Fireflies,” Ellie said, pulling away. Riley reached down and grabbed Ellie's jeans off the floor. “Put some pants on, and let's go.” Ellie caught them with a sigh. She had a battle going on in her head, but it didn't last long as she pulled her pants on. “This is so dumb,” she commented. Riley opened the window again and stepped out of it. “Come on. When have we ever gotten into trouble?”
Riley led them through the alleyways, being careful not to get caught by the FEDRA officers that were on the night watch. It was way past curfew. She led them to an old apartment building that was no longer being used because of how bad it was inside. Parts of the roof were caved in letting the elements in.
They climbed up onto an old dumpster in the back alley and crawled through a window. “That was close, huh?” Riley asked. They had almost been caught by the flood lights FEDRA used but were able to duck down just in time. “You're kinda fast there. I'm impressed,” Riley said. Ellie said thanks before following Riley up a flight of stairs. “So, how did you find them?” Ellie asked. “The Fireflies?” Riley asked. “Yeah.”
“Remember that Firefly that you bit and stole his gun?” Ellie acknowledged that she remembered him, and Riley went on to tell her how she came to be with the Fireflies. “That's Trevor. I saw him walking the street, so I tailed his ass. I followed him into this alley, and all these Fireflies ambushed me. They took me right to their hideout. To Marlene.”
They jogged down a hallway, turned, and ducked under the bored up door to an apartment. “Were you scared?” Ellie asked. Ellie decided to slow down and look around the apartment, and Riley waited until she was finished. “Terrified. I thought this time she would actually shoot me. But instead, she just says, “what took you so long?”. She was expecting me,” She answered, Ellie.
Ellie was standing at a dining room table and picked up a flier. It had a picture of Marlene on it. A front photo and her side profile, side by side.
At the bottom had a description of Marlene and any other criminal priors she had and cautious for what to be aware of if someone were to come across her. But at the top, someone had taken a black marker to it, writing HERO over the large red wanted for firefly affiliation.
“And she just made you a firefly?” Ellie asked, turning back around. “Something like that. That whole almost killing me thing was a test. She wanted to know I was committed.” Ellie jogged back over where Riley was and followed her into the main bedroom, or at least that's what it looked like. The ceiling was caved in exposing the apartment above. Riley and Ellie climbed up onto whatever it was that fell all the way from the roof, Ellie wasn't sure what it was. She just climbed up on top of it and to the next floor.
The room they were in had been a kids' bedroom from the look of posters on the wall. There was a giant hole in the wall that looked into the living room and kitchen area of the place. Ellie flattened her back against the wall and carefully crossed to the other side of the room. “Who do you hang out with these days?” Riley asked, climbing through the hole in the wall. “I don't know. No one really,” Ellie answered. “What about Tino and the rest of them? How are they doin’?
“Riley, those are your friends,” Ellie said, following her into the next room. “But you talk to them,” Riley told her. Ellie rolled her eyes and looked around the apartment. “Yeah. Yeah,” she mumbled. She followed Riley around the corner but came to a stop when she saw the firefly's symbol on the wall marked in red spray paint. Above it said “find the light”.
“Have you found the light yet?” Ellie said, rolling her eyes once again. “Oh, har, har.” Riley responded. “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend your people,” Ellie said sarcastically. She turned to see Riley ducking under another hole in the wall that led to the laundry room of the apartment building. “So, what? You buy into this whole thing now?” Ellie asked, following after her. “All I know is I'm not a soldier,” Riley told her. They walked out into the hallway, and Ellie saw another sign written in black spray paint and one in red underneath it.
Don't be a sheep
As the two teenage girls headed up the stairs, an announcement came over the intercoms around the QZ.
Attention. We are pleased to report the zone has been free of Cordyceps infection for thirty days. Your cooperation and dutiful attention to suspicious activity…
“Thirty days, my ass. People are getting infected all the time. They just do a good job hiding it,” Riley said. They ran up the steps, took a left, and went down another hall. “You've run into more infected?” Ellie asked. “That's part of my ignition. They actually made me kill this… You know, let's talk about something else.” They went to the end of the hall and jumped through a busted out window and onto the roof tops.
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escape-the-real · 5 months
Broken Promises. (Deku x reader)
Drabble, Characters are 18+
Synopsis: Called into work the day of your wedding anniversary. Will you be able to make the dinner plans or will being selfless cost you?
Word count: 1,265
Key: (Y/n) - Your name, (e/c) - eye colour
Warnings: Fluff, death, and angst.
Written for @bells2319, hope you like it! Please let me know what you think!
"Nooooo, I'm not letting you out of this bed!" The whiney voice of your husband rang out, his scarred and calloused hands holding onto your hips tighter while burying his face in your chest.
You let out a chuckle as you ran your fingers through his mess of green curls, kissing the crown of his head before countering by saying, "Izu, baby… I have to head to the agency today. They need me for a super quick, in-and-out mission. Then I'll be back before you know it!"
"The day of our second wedding anniversary? They can find someone else, like Kacchan! You need to stay here and be with your husband," Izuku pouts and moves to rest his head in the crook of your neck. You suddenly let out a gasp when you felt him start to kiss your neck and you didn't have to see his face to know that he was happy with your small response.
"That's it! Izuku Midoriya, I will be leaving this bed!" You challenge with narrow eyes as you pry and twist yourself away from your husband's death grip. This made you roll off the bed and land on your wobbly feet.
"Get your sea legs yet?" He questioned with dark green eyes.
"Oh, shut up!" You giggle, making your way to the shared closet.
"Now, it's only 4:00 pm and I'll be home in time for the special dinner you had planned for us," You explained, taking off your pajamas while grabbing your hero costume, "And then… We can do whatever you want afterwards."
Izuku whined at the feeling of your warmth leaving the bed, his arm lazily moving his forest of hair from his eyes so he could watch what little show you put on.
"You don't get into trouble while I'm gone young man, do you understand me?" You tease him, fully dressed in your hero costume and coming near the unmade bed.
Izuku huffed. Using his free arm he lifted himself to be level with you, except for the small height difference. Even in your hero uniform, you look perfect in his eye. Everything about you screamed perfection to him.
"You better come back safe and not be late, darling." He said, emerald green eyes looking down at your e/c ones.
Smiling warmly, you knew that he held such a deep love and concern for you. Reaching up to cup his cheek, you leaned in and placed your lips against his. He tried to make the kiss heated, and you allowed it, letting him kiss you with every ounce of passion you knew he held for you.
When you finally did break away, you kept your forehead on his. While he kept his arms around your waist.
"I promise I'll be safe and come back to you." You whisper.
That whisper rang true in his heart while he watched you go. It rang true while the hours passed. It started to falter when you missed dinner reservations, and it completely shattered when he got a call from the police station.
Everything was muffled to him, all he could remember hearing was, "We deeply apologize Mr. Midoriya."
Never had the hero felt more of a punch to the gut than this moment. Never had Izuku known that the last time with his beloved Y/n would be the last. The last time he heard you laugh, saw you smile, feel your warmth, wipe your tears.
"N-no, this… T-this is a joke." was the last thing he said before he was up and out the door.
Izuku wasted no time running down the many flights of stairs of your shared apartment building, knowing that the elevator would have taken too long for such a rushed occasion.
"Damn it!" The freckled man yelled once he reached outside, not caring who saw or heard him. He made quick use of his quirk and made his way to the police station, ignoring all the startled cries of the crowd below. The words from the phone call became clearer in his head.
"We couldn't get to them soon enough sir, we tried everything in our power…"
Gritting his teeth and forcing himself not to break down, he ignored the voice in his head while he drew closer to the station.
Barging through the doors of the police station, Izuku didn't even bother checking with the front desk, knowing exactly where the chief of police would be located. Ignoring the confused looks and concerned voices he punched down the chief's office door, his now dark emerald eyes glaring holes into the startled man who immediately stood up at the number one hero's presence.
"Mr. Midoriya, I-I know you're-"
"Where are they?" He said in a low voice, glowing green streams emanating from him with fury and worry as he challenged the man to say anything.
The chief looked at the young hero up and down before seemingly reading his thoughts and threats.
"This way…" the chief said hesitantly, walking past Izuku and out into the main room. At this point anyone who was there had their eyes on the two men, knowing exactly why pro-hero Deku was there and why the chief looked so sullen.
N-now, listen Deku.." That was all the chief could get out before shouldering the man out of the way and swinging the merge door open.
He froze once fully inside the room and was met with your resting body on a metal table. Visually, everything looked completely fine with you. A little disheveled, paling skin colour and your face was tear streaked but nothing more than that.
"T-their sleeping. Tell me they're sleeping." He whispered, his stomach doing flips.
"I'm sorry Mr. Midoriya.." the mortician began dryly, "Y/n's lab results c-came back, and it appears that they suffocated to death due to a quirk that creates a gas c-called phosgene b-but it was mixed with another compound we are unsure of at the moment. But that aids in the gas working so quickly. "
"Did they suffer?"
"E-excuse me?" The mortician questioned, looking at the young man who was now clutching your cold hand in his.
"Did they suffer?" He asked again to her.
"Uh, I-"
"And don't lie to me," He said as the air filled with that buzz of green electricity.
"Y-yes, sir. The gasses caused severe respiratory effects. This means that it disrupts the blood-air barrier to the lungs and the other gas b-basically, once inhaled, tears holes into the lung tissues… causing suffocation… and d-death." The lady squeaks out.
"That's enough," The chief said nodding to the mortician before focusing back on him.
"Mr. Midoriya, we want you to know that they saved all of their colleagues, most are in the hospital recovering as we speak. If it hadn't been for them, we would have lost a lot more from the hero team and even the police force. They dragged everyone out selflessly, even when they knew there was danger."
At this point, Izuku was shaking violently: anger, sadness, and utter despair flowing through his entire body.
"Deku… Mr. Midoriya, I am deeply sorr-"
"NO!" Izuku screamed, causing the chief and the mortician lady to jump.
"They are not dead! That villain can't take them from me! Not like this, they can not die like this! Not now, not ever! He cried out, curling your limp body into his carefully.
He didn't care how desperate and broken he sounded. You were not allowed to leave him, especially like this. Where was his happy ending with you?
"You were supposed to keep your promise Y/n!" He sobbed out. And those sobs rang through the room and the entire police force. Was this the happy ending he deserved?
Thank you for reading, I hope y’all enjoyed it! Have a great day, even after reading all that angst!
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aphrodisiac-siren · 1 year
Ettore X Fem!Reader
Summary: A deadly virus has begun spreading, a disease attacks the brain and causes victims to lose their humanity, rendering them violent and insane creatures. You were chosen, along with a bunch of others, to help find a cure for the same. Along your journey at the organisation, you meet a certain someone who is as daunting as he is captivating.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse.
Part 4
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To say your heart was racing would be insufficient information to convey how you were truly feeling. You were in equal parts both exited and nervous for Ettore to walk through those doors of the library in which you were sat, pretending to read a book.
You knew it was wrong for you to encourage him, to allow yourself to break the rules by asking him to meet you but the place was no less of a prison and this new relationship you'd formed with him was starting to excite more than frighten you.
You were thankful that no one really visited the library after dinner, too tired and worn out after their busy day. This gave you the perfect place to host your meetings with Ettore who for some reason possessed enough energy to sacrifice sleep to come see you all the way until it was curfew.
You waited and waited, constantly looking toward those doors hoping to see his familiar cheeky grin but to your dismay, he wasn’t there each time you glanced that way. You knew you shouldn’t be upset, that you shouldn’t get attached to him.
He has a criminal record, you reminded yourself, but was he really at fault? Besides, his tongue felt so good against my- Stop, bad girl!
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks as you recalled the events that took place that very afternoon. Your recollection of your sinful activity was interrupted by your name being called out and you were disappointed to find Aris to be the one who had called for you and not him.
"Figured you'd be here," he said with a sigh as he walked toward you, seeming out of breath like he'd just run up a couple of flights of stairs. You closed your book as you patiently waited for him to speak "I need your help"
"I'm not doing you any more favours" you said immediately, hoping he would just leave before Ettore could get here "do whatever work as been assigned to you, yourself"
"No that’s not-" he heaved another sigh, this time one of frustration "you've been working a lot with subject eight lately"
Your heart immediately skipped a beat; where was he going with this? Had you been found out? Did someone hear you? You had tried to be as quiet as you possibly could. Calm down, don’t act suspicious.
"And?" you asked, trying your very best to show no emotion whatsoever.
"He seems to be far more calm when you’re around" Aris said, now walking back toward the door "he's throwing one of his tantrums again, help keep the bastard in check will you?"
You wondered what he'd gotten himself into that it required you to go and calm him down but nonetheless, you followed Aris toward the subjects' sleeping quarters. The usually silent hallways now echoed with the sounds of things being thrown around, with the occasional accompaniment of a swear or two. You could immediately tell that voice belonged to Ettore and the harshness of it truly surprised you. He used to be so calm and timid when he spoke to you, even when he was being a cheeky brat.
You pushed past two of the guards at his door and immediately the room went silent when Ettore's eyes landed on you. His swearing seized and he stood there frozen as his chest rose and fell while he caught his breath. He looked rather surprised to see you there, borderline abashed to have you look at him in this state.
"What happened?" you asked looking around his room that was now a mess with things thrown around, most of it being broken or smashed beyond repair and even though the question was directed at Ettore, one of the guards took the liberty of answering it for you.
"Heard this runt throwing things around. When we opened the door to talk to him and get shit under control, this cunt started to get aggressive"
"What'd you say?" Ettore's eyes snapped back toward the guard who had just spoken. He menacingly marched toward them, fists clenched at his sides "who the fuck are you calling a-"
"Hey enough" you pressed your palms against his chest to push him back just a touch before this could lead to a fistfight that Ettore would indefinitely lose. Gosh, did he enjoy fighting? "he needs to be taken to the med bay"
"I'll come with" Aris began to walk with you but you told him you had this covered, firmly assuring him that you would be fine. Ettore threw nasty looks at the others before he followed you, mumbling some more profanities under his breath.
You did your routine of reaching into your pocket to retrieve your lanyard to use your access card but Ettore beat you to it, using the card you'd given him to scan and thus grant you both access. He kept his head down but ushered with his hand for you to walk before him.
"At this point I'm convinced your hobby is inciting chaos" you said as you walked toward the far end, sitting on one of the hospital beds and patting the space next to you for him to come and sit.
"I asked to be left alone" he grunted as he sat beside you, the mattress sinking as a result of the added weight "they fucking had it coming"
You silently reached into the drawer to retrieve some ointment and cotton before you took Ettore's hand in your own, rubbing gentle circles on the back of his hand with the pad of your thumb.
"Your knuckles are bleeding" you simply told him even though you were sure he knew that already "It'll sting, but I've got to get this cleaned up"
Ettore didn’t seem to protest. He just stayed silent as he let you take care of his bloodied knuckles, eyes occasionally glancing up to look at you. He looked almost like a curious puppy, a complete contrast to how he was only moments ago when you'd seen him in his room. He was silent the entire time which was very uncharacteristic of him since he always had something to say when he was around you. You noticed he was fully dressed in his casual attire- a grey hoodie with a black jacket and some black sweats.
"Were you on your way to come see me?" you tenderly asked as you discarded the used cotton swab, impressed that he didn’t wince at all as you cleaned his wound. You reached into the drawer again to grab a jolly rancher that you handed to him; to which he responded with a soft chuckle.
"don’t I get any candy?"
"What for?"
"For being a good boy and letting you do your job"
"Got these stocked up just for you" you told him with a smile "what happened back there?"
"I was on my way to come see you, yea" he spoke slowly and softly as he twisted open the wrapper of the candied delicacy before he popped it into his mouth "thought I'd take a nap before and uh.. had one of those dreams"
"Dreams?" you asked, confused.
"I've been getting these vivid dreams, ever since I was a kid" he patiently explained, taking his time to form sentences "nightmares, you could say- started since the abuse began back at home. Ever since I've been away from him, the nightmares got less frequent but anytime I do get them, they’re just as anxiety-inducing. Woke up feeling all sorts of emotions: fear, anger, frustration. I had to let it all out, that’s when those idiots walked in"
You once again reached out to hold his hand and this time he gave you a gentle squeeze.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" he suddenly blurted out "what are you getting out of this?"
"You think I could only be kind to you if I was gaining something from it?" you cocked a brow but when you looked up from your hands to meet his eyes, you saw that he was being serious with his question "despite our situation here at the organisation, at the end of the day you too are a person like me and deserve to be treated as one. You’re not merely some subject who W.I.C.K.E.D. is using for their experiments in finding a cure to the flare. I hope that we find a cure soon, so that we all are free to live our lives"
"Didn’t really have much of one to begin with" he grunted under his breath. He wasn’t aware of everyone else's situation before they ended up here but he most certainly didn’t have much to look forward to if they did end up finding a cure and sent the subjects back "leave this place and go where, back to that fucker of a step-dad? Live on the streets? Much rather die amidst those cranks"
You looked at him sadly, unsure of what to say.
"Ah fuck that though" he shrugged, flashing you a grin as he masked his disappointment "we didn’t really have to come all the way out to the med bay, I could’ve easily washed away the blood under that sink in my room"
"Yes, but this is the only place I can hang out with you past curfew, which was ten minutes ago" you said with a mischievous smile which Ettore mirrored.
"Careful Y/N, I'm starting to think you actually like spending time with me" he proceeded to playfully nudge your shoulder with his, casually swinging an arm around your shoulder before he leaned in, his breath fanning against your neck sent up and involuntary shiver "I might be as bold as to say we’re slowly starting to become friends"
"That's unlikely" you replied with a sarcastic undertone, all while leaning into his side "I noticed you've got two triangular tattoos, do they have some sort of significance?"
"I've got three actually, third one's right here" he pointed his finger toward his bicep that was covered with the sleeves of his jacket and hoodie "Triangles symbolise harmony and growth. The former was something always amis in my family, something I wanted as a kid and the latter, well it’s more like how I was forced to grow up too early. I know that’s not the kinda growth it stands for but yea, that was my thought process when I was getting these done"
You reached out to gently traced the tattoo on his neck and Ettore watched you with utmost curiosity as his hand again reached under your hoodie and this time he allowed his hand to wander upward, the gesture making you gasp.
"You enjoyed yourself this afternoon, didn’t you?" his voice was low with a hint of authoritativeness and by the way he said that, it was more of a rhetorical question. His hand rose high, fingers brushing the underside of your breasts and he grinned "enjoyed yourself so much that you didn’t bother wearing a bra this evening"
"Fuck off" you muttered and even though you sounded unfazed, your stomach was doing cartwheels in reaction to his intimate touch.
He groped one of your tits with his large hand, kneading the soft flesh of your mound before his fingers pinched your nipple and you bit your lip to prevent yourself from whimpering.
"You didn’t get to finish earlier" he mumbled against your neck, peppering your skin with sloppy kisses that made you sigh with contentment "how about I fix that?"
AN: I have a research paper due tomorrow so you’re going to have to wait for the next chapter to read the smut
Taglist: @sahvlren @greenowlfactif @tinykryptonitewerewolf @babyblue711 @afro-hispwriter
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hinatastinygiant · 6 months
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6 | Amour de Molène
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Fem!Reader
Serpents and Roses
After you walk out of the classroom and down the hall, someone suddenly grabs you by the arm. You yelp as you're yanked down a flight of stairs and shoved into a corner, but a familiar voice says "Shhh," and covers your face before you can get any help from others. 
Once you're no longer dragged, you see your brother James looking both ways before glaring at you angrily. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/N?"
"What!? I didn't do anything!" you lie to his face, thinking there's no way he could have heard about the duel already.
"You're getting into a fight on your second day! That's not nothing, you idiot!" he whispers angrily at you.
"Wow, news travels fast here," you say with a shrug. "But I don't care, I'll be fine."
James shouts after you as you begin to walk away, but you ignore him as you look down at the map you've been using to find your way around.
Once you get to the courtyard, you see Sebastian and his pale-eyed friend who, quite honestly, looks even more handsome in the light. But before you can call out to them, Amit and Luna rush to your side.
"What's going on, Y/N?" Luna asks. "Do you have a death wish?"
"It's just a duel, not a death match. Besides, it'll be worth it to wipe that stupid look off his face," you scoff, rolling your eyes.
"Are you really a muggle?" Amit asks you. 
Your face heats up as your two new friends await your answer. "I am," you admit slowly.
"Well, shit," Amit groans. "How are you supposed to compete against wizards?"
"I'll be fine. Trust me, I know how to fight."
"Y/N," Luna says as she takes you by the hands. "I love you no matter who you are. And we're going to be on your side no matter what, but you better have some kind of plan if you're going to go up against one of the best wizards in our school."
"She's right," Amit says as he nudges your shoulder. "We're here for you, but you need to be very careful. There are people like Ominis Gaunt whose families are known to hate muggles."
"Ominis Gaunt? Who is that?" you hum just before Amit points toward the blonde-haired man you were just ogling over before their arrival.
"Ahh, okay," you nod, even more curious about him now than you were before. "Thanks. I'll definitely make sure to stay away from him then."
At that point, Sebastian's eyes meet yours and he begins to walk over. "He's coming," you whisper to your friends as they turn to watch the smirk on Sebastian's lips begin to grow.
"Are you ready, Bennett?" he asks you with a hand on his hip.
"Sure thing, Sebastian. But I've got a little twist for this duel since I, as a muggle, am at a bit of a disadvantage. Will you indulge me?"
"I don't have much of a choice," he rolls his eyes. "What is it now?"
"No wands. Let's see who can outwit the other without the usual magical crutches. Shall we perform a duel of the mind or are you afraid you'll lose to a muggle without your precious wand?" you smirk.
"No magic. Fine. I can beat a muggle anytime, anywhere," Sebastian huffs.
"That's not the spirit I was hoping for. I was hoping you'd want to impress me," you grin.
Sebastian laughs. "Sorry, but I don't think you're quite my type. Don't take it personally."
"Fine. Are you any good at chess?" you then ask him.
He looks over at Ominis on his left and smirks. "Better than any muggle could be," he says before readying his wand.
"Not so fast," Amit steps in. "I'll do it. To make sure things are fair."
"Wow, hitting on me in front of your boyfriend? You've got quite the nerve, Bennett," Seb snickers. "That was fast. Are you trying to make it around the whole school in a week?"
Amit rolls his eyes as Luna's darken. "Stop being rude," she whispers just loud enough for you to hear.
"Is that girl alright?" Sebastian asks as he conjures a seat on one side of the chessboard and sits down.
"Yes, she is. And her name is Luna!" Amit answers for her.
"Whatever. Are we going to start?" Sebastian sighs. "Why don't you sit down already? Oh, that's right..."
"You don't have to act like such a dick, you know," Amit grumbles as he conjures a chair for you. 
"Well, if that's the case, maybe you should tell your muggle friend to go back to England where she belongs. Then I wouldn't have a problem," he rolls his eyes.
Without answering him verbally, you make the first move on the chessboard. Sebastian smiles as he moves his knight in a way that seems familiar to you. As you make your next move, you find yourself watching his expression closely. He seems shocked, almost as if he hadn't expected you to know how to play chess.
The game goes on for an hour and a half. Most of the crowd who was interested at the beginning, has moved on before hearing you call "Checkmate!"
"Beaten by a muggle," Sebastian shakes his head. "Good show, Y/N."
"Yeah," you say, still a bit surprised at the outcome. "Thanks. Glad I was able to get you to take me seriously. Even though I'm sure a part of you still doesn't think I belong here, it was still nice of you to not make a fool of me."
"No worries. It was fun," Sebastian nods as he holds out his hand to you. "And besides, you are smarter and more skilled than all of me put together."
"Ah, I'm glad to see that you've learned your lesson," you laugh. "Next time, just trust a muggle, okay?"
"Deal," he nods.
As you turn back to your friends, you see your brother in the far corner who has been watching this whole time from behind a book. You shake your head slightly as Luna wraps her arms around you. "You did great!" she beams.
"Thanks. Hey Sebastian-" you begin as you turn around to face him. But he's already long gone by then. "I was going to invite him to hang out with us, but I guess he didn't want to stick around."
"It's okay, Y/N," Luna assures you. "He's not exactly the warmest of the Slytherins."
"Even still, he should have stayed and said goodbye properly," Amit grumbles.
"Whatever. Let's get some food."
The next day you don't have class so you decide to spend your time by familiarizing yourself with the school by following your new map. 
"So that's me..." you whisper to yourself as you walk through the halls without paying much mind to your surroundings. "And the quickest way to get to James' classroom is by-"
Suddenly, you bump into the back of a student. "Hey! Watch it!" the Slytherin boy says as he turns around to face you. 
"Ominis," you gasp without thinking.
"I'm sorry, do we know each other?" he asks as you take a step back. "Wait, I know your voice."
"My voice?" you repeat.
"Yes," he nods. "You're the girl that bested Sebastian in the chess match yesterday, aren't you? You're the muggle."
"I, um," you stammer, unsure of what to say.
"It's alright, I don't hate you. In fact, I believe congratulations are in order for finding a way to take him down a peg."
"Thank you," you bow slightly. "I'm sorry, I don't think I've properly introduced myself."
"No need," he shakes his head. "I already know your name, Y/N Bennett. Would you care for a cup of tea?"
"Yes, that would be lovely," you say as he begins to walk away.
You follow him closely as he takes a turn down a hallway and finds a spot on a nearby loveseat. You watch in amazement as a floating teapot makes its way into Ominis' hand.
"That's fascinating," you whisper as it pours itself two cups for the pair of you.
"If you don't mind my bluntness, may I ask why you are at Hogwarts?" Ominis then asks you.
"Oh!" you gasp, certainly not expecting him to ask that right away. You take a moment to collect your thoughts as the teacup lands softly in your hands before responding. "It's because my brother is the new muggle studies professor... Professor James Bennett."
"Ah, yes, I've heard some of the girls talking about him," he nods, causing you to audibly groan.
"I've heard about your family, too," you admit to him. "Is it true?"
"Careful. If you don't choose your words carefully you might end up regretting them," Ominis says as he takes a sip of his tea.
"Sorry. It's not my intention to offend you," you say. "I'm just trying to learn about this world. But maybe I should just go..."
"Don't. I quite enjoy your company. And I have respect for anyone who is willing to stand up for themselves," he smiles, his pale blue eyes twinkling as he looks at you.
You feel your face burn up at his words. "Thank you, I respect you as well," you nod.
"Then perhaps we could be friends, if you're willing to have a Slytherin in your life."
"Of course," you beam.
"Then it's settled," he grins. "What are you doing tomorrow? If you're free, I'd like to meet you in the courtyard after lunch. Say, three?"
"Sure," you nod. "I've got class but I can come right after."
"Good," Ominis smiles. "Well, I've got a class to get to, but I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Y/N."
"Likewise," you smile, waving goodbye to him as he walks away.
"I can't believe it," a familiar voice calls out. "Didn't you say you'd stay away from Gaunt?"
You turn around and see Luna shaking her head as she approaches you. "Oh, Luna, I was just-"
"Talking to Salazar Slytherin's direct descendant. Yes, I saw. Are you really so stupid, Y/N?" she asks you.
"What? No. We were just having a cup of tea, that's all."
"That's all?" Luna frowns. "Honestly, Y/N, could really do better than him, Y/N."
"Luna, come on, be reasonable. We're just friends. There's nothing wrong with that," you shrug. "It's not like we were making out."
"Fine, whatever, I'm just warning you. If you get involved with him, it could be dangerous."
"Luna, I appreciate the concern, but I can handle myself. Besides, I'm pretty sure my brother would murder me for kissing anyone before any Slytherin could."
"Alright, fine," she sighs. "But try not to get yourself too attached to him."
"I'll try," you nod.
"That's all I ask," she smiles before turning around. "Come on, let's go get some lunch."
With a grin, you get up and follow after her. As the conversations change from school to your previous life and all the other things in between, you can't help but think about the pale-eyed Slytherin that stole your attention.
"Y/N?" Luna's voice calls out to you at the end of lunch.
"Are you feeling okay? You seem distracted," she says as she takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "You're not still thinking about that Ominis Gaunt, are you?"
"What?! No!" you laugh.
"You know, you don't have to lie to me," she whispers, leaning in closer to you. "I can admit he's cute, too, but don't become delusional over some guy! It's only the first week!"
"I know, I know," you reply, shaking your head in an attempt to discard all thoughts of Ominis Gaunt.
"Good," Luna smiles, pulling away to gather a few bits of leftover food. "Now, let's go find Amit. I'm sure he's hungry after missing lunch."
Serpents and Roses
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fiveapocalypse · 1 year
Hold on
Lila thought she’d never find herself back in the hospital again.
Whoooo an update ! It’s not a good one folks @maibeenot @lookingforhappy @aka-tua-braindump @tinned-beef
The cleaning products that burn at her nostrils make Lila want to gag.
She’s sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair, legs crossed and brows furrowed as she distracted herself with a magazine that she wasn’t exactly looking at it. Each second that passed had her glancing at the clock, tsking before she tore her eyes away.
It’s been four hours.
Four hours since Five nearly died in her own home. Four hours since Lila broke all speeding limits in her rush to get him to the hospital. Four hours since Grace was left with her uncle Viktor because a seven year old didn’t need to be stuck at a hospital waiting for soul crushing or hope lifting news. Four hours since Five got admitted to the ICU and her butt is starting to hurt from sitting for so long so with a sigh, she closed the magazine and stood up, stretching as she marched her way down the hall, fishing out coins from her pocket to get something to snack on. Her stomach was rolling, twisting itself into knots. She hasn’t called Diego yet. Lila doesn’t know what to tell him. What do you say to a husband when his brother is in critical condition? Diego’s started to see Five as his kid too, not surprisingly, and she doesn’t think she wants him breaking speeding limits just to get to the hospital but, then again, they had promised each other no more more secrets, no more hiding.
She had to tell him sooner or later. Why not now while she waited for her snack to be vended and needed someone to talk to? Lila didn’t think she’d ever find herself in the hospital again. Not after giving birth to Gracie that is. She tried not to have anything too serious. Hospitals freaked her out. There was so much that could go wrong. Why trust people who say they know what they’re doing when so many funerals happened because of them? Lila didn’t want to risk it. She never had. And yet, she’s chewing on her nails while hearing the phone ring in her ears, she’s squeezing the granola bar she bought, smushing it against plastic and her index finger.
Diego answers. Confused. Curious. And then— “Hey, hey—what’s wrong?” Worried. Take it for Diego to instantly know when she was upset. Lila wonders if she can talk now. If she can tell Diego that his brother was in emergency care as casual as she could call him stupid. A second goes by. Then two. She decides that if she can’t say it now, she most likely never would.
“I’m at the hospital.” Diego’s breath hitches, like he’s going to prepare himself for the worst news possible. Lila adds on, “Gracie is fine, she’s with Viktor. I’m fine too. Apart from the feeling of pure and utter dread. You know how it is.” She doesn’t say his name. She can’t. Diego figured it out anyway.
“Five.” And then her husband breathes and oh, he sounds like he’s going to cry. “Can’t that little shit catch a break for once?” Lila thinks she should chuckle, so she does—it’s watery and wet and she hates herself for crying. “You’d think with how much trouble he gets into, the little girl Klaus keeps seeing in heaven would give him a wishbone and tell him go wild.”
“Maybe she hates him.”
“No one can hate Five.”
Lila agrees. Only sick and twisted people could. The kid was like an Angel dressed in devil’s clothing. “And if they do hate Five, I’m punching them.” She should probably not encourage violence. It’s a bad example for Gracie. But, well, she’d punch someone who hated Five too. Everyone would.
“Little tiger is an idiot.” Lila sniffs. She’s accepted the fact that she’s actually crying now. Over Five of all people. How the tables have turned. “I don’t know what happened. One day he’s calling me an idiot, the next he’s struggling to walk up a flight of stairs and gets bed ridden. And now he’s in the hospital. Have I told you how much I hate hospitals?”
On the other end of the line, Diego hums. “I’ll come over.” Lila thinks she hears him packing up his stuff, “we can scold him for being an idiot together.”
Sniffing again, Lila is a bit glad Diego doesn’t comment on her crying. She thinks she’d cry more if he did. “Don’t get arrested for speeding,” She tells him, sitting back down in the uncomfortable plastic chair, “or else, you’ll be the bigger idiot, and our lecturing won’t work.”
Diego laughs. It’s wet and watery. Lila doesn’t comment on his crying either.
She just sits in the chair, hoping the next hour is when Five wakes up.
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dino-fart · 1 year
Vengeful Spirit | Chapter 1: Sanctum Sanctorum
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Summary + Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female!Reader
Genre: Action, Horror
Summary: You are cordially invited to a grand manor deep in the mountains of Aspen, CO. You discover that you’re not the only one, there are nine other people. You soon get involved with some otherworldly beings in the manor and it turns from a party to simply surviving until help arrives. Good thing your sister is way ahead of you by contacting a local Master of the Mystic Arts. 
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Your sister, Jess, who was only three years younger than you, rushed her way to the large doors of the Sanctum Sanctorum. She was about to knock on the door when the doors opened automatically. She slowly walked in and stood there in the foyer. “H-Hello?” She called out softly. 
“Greetings, are you...Lost?” A male voice said and Jess looked up to see the great Doctor Strange flying down the stairs with his cloak. He landed a few feet from her and looked at the scared expression on her face. 
“A-Are you Doctor Strange?” Jess asked just wanting to be sure. 
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In the foyer, Jess sat in the armchair with a cup of tea in her hands. Stephen said across from her looking at the manila folder on the coffee table between them. “So your sister...Was invited to this place and now she’s disappeared?” He said moving to open up the folder. Jess nodded. 
“Have you gone to go check on her?” 
“N-No, sir, I...I got a text of an audio recording and photos from her...She told me not to come...She said...There was someone trying to kill her.” 
“Have you alerted the authorities?” 
“No, just...Just look at the photos she sent me and you’ll see why.” Jess opened the folder for him and splayed out two photos of two translucent beings in a hallway. 
“That’s...Well, that’ll do it.” Stephen raised a brow. 
Jess looked up at the sorcerer, “S-So c-can you help her?” 
“I need more details, I need to know what I would be up against.” 
Jess nodded, “A few days before she went, she kept talking about how she was seeing things.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like...Like that.” Jess pointed at the ghost with hollowed eyes, “She said she kept seeing this in her dreams and stopped sleeping. I-I thought maybe it was because she was stressed at work and I just dismissed her. I should’ve listened...I could’ve stopped her.” 
Stephen gave her a sympathetic look, “Take a deep breath...I need to know what was the last thing she said to you.” 
Jess didn’t answer, instead, she took out her phone and played the audio recording. 
“Jess...Listen...I want to say I’m sorry for scaring you so much but...But I’m going to prove I’m not crazy. This is the fucking place that keeps showing up in my dreams, it means something. That woman keeps leading me here. I’m going to find this out and show you.” Your voice echoed throughout the room. 
The recording stopped and Jess felt tears in her eyes, “H-How can I tell anyone about this without them thinking she’s insane?” 
Stephen nodded slowly and understood. 
“I’ll pay you whatever you want, just please help her!” Jess pleaded with tears falling down her cheeks. 
Stephen’s cloak was removed from its shoulders and wrapped around Jess comfortingly. 
Jess was speechless seeing this happen and looked at Stephen, “S-So I guess...This isn’t something...Far-fetched for you?” 
“Aliens, sorcerers, superheroes, I’ve dealt with...Ghosts are...Definitely something new.” Stephen sighed. 
Jess tapped her foot on the floor absentmindedly. Her anxiety was through the roof but Stephen’s cloak did offer her some comfort. 
“I’ll track your sister down and bring her home.” Stephen finally said. 
Jess smiled widely and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thank you! W-What do you charge?” 
“Please, I can’t accept payment. My curiosity being satisfied is enough for me.” Stephen reassured her, “So where do I start?” 
“The Aspen Mountains, there’s a manor there at the outskirts of the town. I can get us a flight there a-” 
“Y-Yes, I want to come with you.” 
“Absolutely not. If what you’re telling me is true then you know it’s dangerous.”  
“I-I know but my sister...I didn’t leave things on good terms, it was my fault.” Jess began to sob. The cloak moved its ends to wipe her tears. “Thank you...” Jess smiled. 
“You can say all that you need to say when I bring her back, I promise,” Stephen said softly and Jess nodded. Stephen escorted Jess out of the Sanctum, “I’ll call you when I’ve brought her back safe and sound.” 
“Thank you so much!” Jess embraced Stephen and he returned the hug lightly. He watched Jess leave and walked back into the Sanctum. 
“Well...Here we go.” He sighed.
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Dividers By: @firefly-graphics​
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Cold Dead Heart Ch. 9
Marilyn Thornhill x OC (Rowan Ali)
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You hadn’t known what Marilyn had been up to. She would leave before dawn and return back in the night. Days passed. Marilyn would return in the evening, immediately resting on the sofa, body facing the back of the couch. You wondered if she was trying to deter you from speaking with her. Neither of you had spoken for days. You were being driven mad by all of this. How could you let her remain in your home? She was going to hurt someone and the blood would be on your hands.
Despite all of this, you didn’t want her to leave. You were tearing yourself apart at the way thoughts of her consumed you. There were a million emotions that came to mind when you thought of Marilyn Thornhill. You just wished indifference was one of them.
You wanted her to come speak with you. You wanted her to initiate some form of contact, anything to hold her once more. You knew what you were doing when you left your bedroom door open. Going about your business, you change from your pantsuit, pulling off your clothes and draping them over a chair. You head to the bathroom to shower, leaving the bathroom door open as well.
You kept an eye on the bathroom doorway, peeking out from the shower curtain every so often. You couldn’t deny you were disappointed when you finished your shower and Marilyn hadn’t attempted to join you. You dry yourself off and wrap your hair in your towel, leaving the bathroom stark naked. On your way to your dresser, you peek out of your bedroom door, seeing Marilyn still laying on the couch, facing away from you. With a sigh, you dress yourself, choosing an oversized shirt and underwear.
Beginning your nighttime routine and giving up on the thought of Marilyn joining you, you head back to the bathroom to put on your lotion and hang up your towel. When you return to your bedroom, Marilyn is seated on your bed, knees to her chest, her eyes finding yours. You turn off the bedroom lights, leaving only the light of the candle on your bedside table. Wordlessly you climb into bed, both of you meeting in the middle. She clings to you, her face settling into the crook of your neck. It felt natural, the two of you laying like this. It felt like this was your purpose. Your bodies seemed to fit so perfectly together.
You were surprised when she finally spoke, “I wish I didn’t want to hurt people.”
“Just because you want to… It doesn’t mean you have to.” You repeat the words that had been spoken to you long ago when you were first turned. The woman who uttered those words was the same person who turned you into a vampire and she couldn't stand your impulsiveness. Even over a hundred years later, you still never felt completely in control of your words and actions so there was a small well of empathy for Marilyn in you.
“The-the wheels are already in motion… There is no stopping this now.”
Her response caused you to shut your eyes, pulling her even tighter. Maybe if you held her close, it would calm the demons running amuck in her brain. You didn’t want to ask what she was about to do. Rather, you decided to live in blissful ignorance, hoping that whoever she was planning on hurting wasn’t someone you loved.
When you awoke once more, it was due to the buzzing of your phone. You pick up the device and see the text was from Fern: Please come to my room. I need to know what happened at Nevermore before I arrived. You quickly rise from your bed, feeling a sickness in your chest. Marilyn was nowhere to be found and Fern was beginning to ask questions about a time when Marilyn was all too present at Nevermore. Was Fern the person Marilyn intended to harm?
You quickly text her back, Be there in 10. Rushing to dress yourself, you pull on pants and a sweatshirt. You were still putting on a shoe when you ran from your quarters when you ran down two flights of stairs to Fern’s room. Every moment you ran there, you hoped that your worst fears would be proven wrong, that Fern would be sitting in her bed waiting for you. You push your way into her room without asking, “Fern?”
You hear nothing of your friend. You call her name again and again as you search her rooms, but she is nowhere to be found. You feel the panic rising in your chest when you spotted Fern’s phone laying face down on her bed. Where would she have gone without her phone? From her rooms, you race down to her classrooms and search the greenhouses, finding nothing of her once more. Finally, you rush to Larissa’s office and then her chambers, banging on the door until she opens it, “Larissa! Please open up! Is Fern there?”
Larissa opened the door, still in her clothes from work that day. She had been sitting in the living room with a glass of wine, hoping that Fern would be the one who came knocking, “Fern isn’t here.”
Larissa’s eyes grew wide when she saw standing there, breathing heavily from running all over the school, “We need to find her. She texted me, asking me to tell her about what happened at Nevermore before she arrived. I went to her room, her office, and the greenhouses and she was gone, nowhere to be found. And her phone was still on her bed.”
You pushed past Larissa, entering into her rooms without permission, knowing you were going to be working together until you found Fern. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Larissa who you suspected to be behind Fern’s disappearance. If you were to tell her, you might speak it into existence.
“Was there anything left in her room? Anything at all?” Larissa enquired, her hands reaching for her coat before she moved to grab a pair of shoes.
You shook your head. You hadn’t noticed anything else out of the ordinary, especially as Fern’s room had been empty as of late due to her living with Larissa. You hadn’t felt your chest tighten with this much anxiety since you were a human. You had to admit you were happy for Larissa’s ability to take charge.
She spoke quickly, pointing to the door, “Go check again. I’m going down to her classroom and office to see if I can find anything.”
You did what you were told, jogging back up to Fern’s room, hoping to find any trace of her. You pulled her phone from her bed and while you couldn’t read the messages, you saw she had many missed calls and texts from Larissa and there was the text from you that you sent earlier. With Fern’s phone in hand, you run back down to Fern’s classroom.
You had no real evidence that Marilyn was behind this, but deep down you knew it was true. You debated sharing this information with Larissa, but you knew Larissa might try to murder you if you had been harboring the person that was trying to kill Fern. The extreme guilt you were starting to feel was overpowering. Was Marilyn going to kill your best friend? If she did, it would be your fault. For once in a very long time, you debated sitting down to cry.
When you arrived down into Fern’s classroom, there was no sign of Larissa, so you moved towards the greenhouse, hoping you could find the shapeshifter there. What you saw was Larissa on her knees, weeping before a tree that had been chopped to bits, “Larissa, what happened?”
There was no response from Larissa, she could only continue crying. You approached and pulled the note that was pinned to the tree with a small hatchet. It read, The cellar once was used to save the outcasts. Now I will use it to kill what’s yours. Hopefully, you can arrive to save her in time. Don’t worry either way. I will take good care of you. -PL
Was Fern’s kidnapper really Marilyn? Her initials would be MT or LG, neither of which matched the initials on the note. You spoke up once more, hoping to work towards finding Fern, “So we need to find this cellar? Then we find Fern?”
No response came from Larissa.
There was no time for Larissa to wallow in grief or guilt when Fern was possibly still alive and needed your help. You squatted down so you were face to face with Larissa, “Larissa, I’m loving this vulnerability, but I’m going to need you to get your shit together.”
Larissa finally looked up at you and she couldn’t help but give a weak smile at your statement. She spoke, but her voice was thick with tears, “I don’t- I don’t know what to do. Fern is probably dead in a cellar because of me.”
“Larissa, even if she is dead, I don’t want my best friend’s body rotting in a random cellar.” You knew that these wouldn’t be the most comforting words, but you needed to get Larissa to snap out of this to find Fern, “Cellar was once used to save the outcasts. Who has saved outcasts?”
“Plenty of people. I mean-“
“You aren’t getting it, Larissa! Put it all together! The descendent of Crackstone is holding Fern in a cellar where the outcasts were once saved! Who saved the outcasts?” You had jumped to the conclusion a little quicker than her, but you wanted her to work her way there on her own.
“Goody Addams…” Larissa finally was clearing her mind, understanding where you were going, “And she saved the outcasts by surviving the meetinghouse fire and building the school.”
“But how did she survive?” You smiled wide, knowing that the old meetinghouse would be the first place to look for Fern.
Link to Chapter 10
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floped · 1 year
high school crush woes
I wonder if you would care if I was gone. When I post I do it in hopes you'll see it. I dont know why I'm so hung up on you. You're just a pretty face, that's all you should be. A part of me thinks Id grow to hate you if we were together. Even then I want to pick you apart to see if there are any feelings behind the cold exterior you always front. I dont know why my feelings have grown, we don't talk anymore and even when we did it was mostly about you. You're selfish. You went on an on about yourself but would it have killed you to ask about me, the things I enjoy? I felt like you tried to impress me but maybe Im desperate and grasping at straws. At any indicator that showed you cared about me. You who clearly has no taste for fashion who cycles through the same 3 sweaters would stay up till dawn to comment on the dresses I would send you, even when you had to be up early for your dance lessons. You sent me pictures and videos of you showing off you 6-pack and while it was very impressive why would you send that to me If you weren't interested. Now that I think back, it been almost a year since then. I've grown so much but you keep a part of me stagnate. I think about you an unhealthy amount. If you knew you would probably be concerned. God I feel like a loser. Im a bad friend too. My friend liked you and you knew that, you rejected her but continued with your awkward middle school friendship until you ghosted her the next school year. I know this but I still like you and I know its wrong. At the same time since it was a while ago I feel like it should be okay. You never dated. I feel like she still has feelings for you or at least wants some type of closure. She has no idea I feel this way for you or that we talked for a bit. I'm scared that it might change our friendship and I cherish her. By the way you and her used to talk I bet you liked her. She's pretty, skinny, and smart-the holy trinity. Its not like I'm ugly but like any highschooler Im saddled with insecurity. I dress up on days we have class together and on days we dont in the hopes we randomly cross paths. I remember I came in the building and I saw you were walking to class. Even thought we have the same one we never get their at the same time. My heart fluttered as I rushed to get closer. I stayed behind you walking up three flights of stairs and holding my breath, I dont know if you knew If I was behind you but just being near you was enough. Its crazy I feel this way when I cant remember the last time I even spoke to you. I wish I could enter your brain just for a moment to figure out what you thought of me, a failed talking stage or something more. I was the one who ended up "Ghosting you" I dont even think it counts I just stopped initiating conversations and you just stopped. That really broke my heart but I guess I should have known better. I know I deserve better but theirs no one around me who is. I know Im young but Im sick of feeling unlovable. Since Its hard to come up to you and start a conversation Ill just sit by you and glance a couple times. Maybe more than a couple times but I dont think you even noticed. You always seem so wrapped up in your little world, which I find kind of endearing. Im always making a joke or talking and its ironic I would be this down bad for someone whose my exact opposite. If we're in the same room lll say any joke a little louder for you to hear, I looked over once and I saw a smile on your face followed by a chuckle. Blood rushed to my face but thankfully I had blush on. I secretly hope you stumble upon this even though you're definitely not on tumblr. This is my way of saying everything I cant to you. I love that you play piano, you played in front of me once and I thought it was beautiful. You said you would send me a video of you playing but you never did. I wonder if you think about that. I know you wont reciprocate my feelings, your probably not even aware of them, but I hope to find someone who looks at me the way I look at you, someone who thinks of me the way I think of you, and loves you the way I do
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chdatz9000 · 2 years
Fleeting Words
Day/Prompt 23: Ocean
Continuation of … The Inlet/The Shipwreck etc. It's extremely recommended that you read the previous part beforehand.
Words: 5093
A man slowly walked within the enveloped darkness, with a lantern in hand, he decided to explore the sudden newest addition to the town. “I can’t believe a ship this size remained intact after crashing onto the shore,” he said aloud to himself. He moved the lantern around to continually study his surroundings, he figured he’d spend all day exploring the wreck. 
He heard something like someone coughing from up ahead, he held his lantern high in hopes of seeing the person, but it didn’t illuminate anything. 
“What was that?” he asked himself, “Is someone there?” He asked aloud, concerned for the other person. It was a wreck, after all, they could be in trouble. He heard the same sound once more and it was clearer than before, “Okay, I definitely heard someone coughing just now. Maybe it’s one of those kids from the town? But where are they…?” he theorized to himself as he continued to find the source. 
He found himself in front of a set of doors after a flight of stairs and he cautiously opened the door. Walking in he saw the sight of a little girl. She had long black hair and wore a tattered white dress. Seeing a lone child in a room that was in a ruckus state on a wrecked ship caused the man to be immediately concerned. 
“Hey, there you are,” he spoke in the most soothing voice he could muster; he kneeled to get eye level with the lonesome child, “What are you doing here, kid? And who are you?” he asked with a smile. “Were you a passenger on this ship, maybe?” 
The girl slowly took several steps back, but the man reached his arm out towards her without thinking. She gasped, flinched instinctively, and raised her arms to defend herself.
“Hey…hey…it’s okay. You don’t need to be scared. I’m just here to help.” He kept his smile large and sincere. “Are you okay?” he asked once again.
The girl eyed him up and down several times before slowly lowering her arms.
The giant crack formed at the center of the ship, causing the ship to sink within itself.  Korra’s and Asami’s bodies tensed in anticipation. It was only a second later that the entire ship exploded into many tiny pieces into the air as a giant monstrosity emerged from within it. The girls stared in absolute horror as the spirit towered over them. 
“It’s…it’s larger than Unalaq!” Asami gripped onto Korra tightly. 
“I...I see that.” Korra’s head raised to follow the continuing growing spirit. 
“A͡͞ļ҉l̷ ̡o̴͜f̨̕ ͘͝t͢h̴̸͡i͡s̨ ̵̛į͢s…͡͞f̕͠o͜r̛͟ ͞h͢҉̨ì̡m” The little girl’s brows furrowed in anger, her eyes on the two women that tried to erase her. Her tiny figure sat atop a giant body made up of wrapped-up ghastly-looking tendrils. On each of its sides held three arms that stretched out to a giant bundle of tendrils. Spikes and many other small arms were scattered across the main body. 
Korra didn’t wait and she hurtled the giant chunk of rock toward the demented spirit. It crashed against the body, it recoiled only slightly. A low groan was heard before it raised one of its arms and smashed the ground where the two were standing. They had already moved out of the way as soon as they saw the arm move upwards.
“How does your spiritbending work, again?” Asami asked frantically as they both try to find a temporary place to stand.
“I have to wrap water around its body and then focus to free the spirit.”
“I’m assuming you can’t just do that now?”
“No…” they dodged another strike from the angry spirit. “No, it’ll take some time to raise the water.” 
“We better think of something.” 
“I got an idea or two. Just, try to find a safe space.”
Asami nodded and tried to find the best place to not get attacked by the rage filled spirit.
Korra rushed towards the water and bent a giant ice spear that pierced through the behemoth. It screeched in pain only for a moment. It regained composure and used its many arms to pull out the spear. Korra knew that that wouldn’t kill the spirit, but she couldn’t predict that it would just toss aside the attack so quickly. “I didn’t want to do this!” Korra shouted aloud before she widened her stance and pushed a giant wave of water upwards. It reached its peak before cascading back down onto the spirt and Korra froze the water. The spirit turned into a real-life iceberg.
Quickly thinking, she began to slowly raise water around the spirit, but the ice cracked almost instantly. The water only went a few feet up from the surface, Korra had to try to hurry the process, but the more she tried to quicken the process, the more unstable the water loops became. 
It was only for a few more seconds that the giant remained frozen. With a quick burst of movement, it shattered the ice surrounding it causing ice shards to rain down across the beach. With only a second to think, Korra bent the air above her and created a small cyclone to gather the ice fragments. With the ice collected, she sent them hurtling toward the spirit. They all pierced straight through the body, but the spirit didn't react. The plethora of holes were quickly filled, and two arms were raised high into the air in retaliation. They smashed the ground and Korra was stuck between them. She stumbled over from the intense quakes they caused. 
A few days later the man decided to return to the ship. She definitely piqued his curiosity. She never spoke, but yet was adamant that she stayed in that room. He promised that he would be back soon, and he meant it. 
He opened the door to see the girl once again standing in the middle of the messy room, this time it seemed like she was anticipating him. 
“Hey there. How are you feeling?” he asked in a more normal tone, yet still soft enough for a possibly scared child. The girl didn’t respond, still, but she whimpered a little bit. “Well, your cough seems better, at least.” he offered a sincere smile once more. He kneeled once more and reached for his bag that was slung behind him. “Check it out. I brought you some bread today,” he extended his arm slowly to the girl and she watched it carefully for a second. After a few seconds, she slowly grabbed it and stared at it for a long moment before feverishly devouring it. It only took a few seconds before she began to cough.
“Whoa,” he laughed, “easy there! Geez, you must have been starving,” he continued to watch in bewilderment as the girl finished coughing and went back to eating the bread. “Well look, no one’s gonna take this from you, so just take it easy so you don’t choke on it, okay?” The girl didn’t seem to recognize his sentiment as her focus was solely on the bread. “So…what were you doing on this boat, kid? Actually, you know what? First things first: I need to stop calling you ‘kid.’ You got a name?”
The child’s focus finally seemed to move from the bread and towards the man standing in front of her. She looked at him in the eyes for only a second before she couldn’t bear to look at him anymore. 
“Well, this is going nowhere fast. Let’s see…” he thought for a moment. “Hmm ...Saryu… How about I call you Saryu? Is that okay with you? I mean, it just sort of popped into my head, but what do you think?”
The girl snapped her eyes back at the man and widened in excitement, she nodded her head many times.
The man chuckled at the sight, “Heh. Guess you’re okay with it. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Saryu. My name is Hans.”
Korra pushed herself away quickly with the help of a powerful gust of air. She got up and only had one idea left. She looked at the spirit at the top and decided to try to disconnect her from the rest of her body. Korra once again raced to the water. She threw fireballs toward the small girl on top, she tried to blind her. The spirit instinctively moved her top two arms to block the fire onslaught. Korra smiled; she took the bait. She raised a solid circle of water and made it spin rapidly. Korra tried with most of her might to get it to spin faster and faster while she had the small open moment. She saw how the arms were moving away from the head and she used the small window of distraction and threw the water disk, severing the small body from the large one. 
The tiny girl’s portion slowly started to slide off the giant one, but the spirit used one of her other arms and halted the movement. The five others raised up and placed the small half back to its original resting point and the tendrils reconnected themselves.
Korra watched in horror as the spirit came back to life and resumed as if nothing happened. “What…what can I do?” 
“Í̸͠ ̨̕͘w͏i͜l̷͝҉̧l̶̡̀͡…̸̴́b̕̕̕̕͜e҉̴c̵̵̢̀ó̶͜m̕͞e̸̢…̸̧h̷̀u̷҉m̵͏̡à͏n͟͜͠…̸̸̵̢”
Asami watched Korra carefully. She knew she was panicking. This wasn’t normal, nothing was having an effect on the spirit. Asami began to think about how this situation could be fixed. Is there a way for this giant to just be stunned for just long enough for Korra to do her thing? She theorized that she could try to distract it, but she didn’t know how long she could actually last, if the spirit would become aware of her plan or not, and if Korra would ever forgive her for doing that. 
Asami dashed towards Korra, she had an idea.
“What are you doing? You have to get out of here.” Korra shouted.
“I am…I have an idea…”
“What is it?” Korra looked into Asami’s eyes for answers. Their eyes darted at each other. 
“There’s no time to explain. Just…I’ll be back…Stay alive!” Asami quickly planted a kiss and pulled back quickly. She took one last look into Korra’s eyes, trying to plead all her concerns into her gaze. She gripped tightly to Korra’s shoulders before turning around and running out of the area. 
Has returned to see Saryu many times over the following weeks, sometimes multiple times a day if he could. He became aware of his growing parental feelings for the girl. She didn’t speak a word, but the way she expressed herself, it felt like they could talk all day to him. 
            “Hey there, Saryu. Say, where did you get that red bag?” 
            Saryu twirled a bit, excited about showing off her new possession. 
“Found it on the ship, did you? Heh. Well, it looks like you really like it. I’m glad. Anywho, it’s good to see you. Afraid I don’t have a lot of bread today, but I did get you something else…” He procured something out of his pocket and outstretched his hand. “Here. It’s a ribbon. Let me tie it in your hair for you.” It was pristine white, he saw it in the market and immediately thought it would be a great fit for Saryu, it also matched her clothes. He kneeled and carefully tied it into her hair. Content with his work, he smiled and stood back up, “Well, what do you think? Pretty nice, huh?”
Saryu eye’s darted at Hans before she bashfully looked away at his remark. She felt…pretty…for the first time.
“Huh, what’s that on the floor?” he caught something reflective in the corner of his eye. “OH! It’s a mirror. Well, how lucky of us. Let’s check out your new look!” he said cheerfully. “If you go over there where it’s brighter, you’ll be able to see yourself more clearly.” He pointed over to where he left a spare lantern. He put out his hand to give her the little mirror.
Saryu took a few steps back and shook her head slowly, she watched the mirror as if the mirror would be the cause of her death.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to see?” Hans asked, concerned and confused. He came to a realization, “Oh, I think I understand. Your eyes must be pretty sensitive after spending all this time in the dark, huh?”
Saryu looked sheepishly away from the lantern.
“Well, it’s not like we can have you stay here forever. We should work on getting you out of here so you and me can go look at the ocean together. How’s that sound?”
The little girl looked back at the man and smiled widely. 
There was a citizen that was still on the beach apparently. that suddenly followed Asami out of the inlet. Korra was shocked that someone was even there in the first place, the beach was an unsafe battleground. Asami didn’t notice her follower and she escaped into the tunnel first.
One of the arms moved across the beach and slammed itself in front of the tunnel’s entrance, trapping Korra and the random person. Korra took notice of the other arm that raised itself high into the air and was beginning its descent down to crush the human. Korra quickly ran to the citizen and bent fire underneath her feet to propel her faster. She caught up to the person and stopped next to her. Korra took a wide stance and bent a large gust of air upwards, trying to stop the arm’s attack. It wasn’t enough as the arm still lowered slowly towards the two. 
“Get…out…of here…” Korra strained through the energy of her attack. She tried to gather as much energy as she had so they wouldn’t get grabbed or smushed. The girl ran away, and Korra could now solely focus on the air being bent out of her. Korra had the feeling that no matter the speed, the arm would definitely crush her under the weight alone. She pushed more and more air out of her hands, but the arm still came down. Her whole body tensed as she tried to give one final push. She had to try something else as a last resort, so she bent the air to concentrate into a small area. The pressurized point of air was still enough to keep the arm above her but still had to free herself somehow. She started to scream from the pressure and managed to blast an extra amount of energy that caused the air to abruptly transform into a wave and it sliced through all the tendrils in the arm.
The arms recoiled from the pain. The tunnel was now accessible, Korra turned around and yelled. “YOU NEED TO GO NOW! BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!” When she turned back to face the titan, she was already growing a new clump of tendrils for a hand that was just cut off. With her back to 100%, Korra figured there was nothing she could really do to this spirit. All she could do was stall for time. Make sure no one would get hurt. She jumped into the air and got in contact with the rocky cliffside. She grabbed hold and sent a surge of her bending prowess throughout. Suddenly, a barrage of rocks shot quickly from the entire cliffside surrounding the inlet. They continuously shot at the spirit’s body. Korra hoped it would be distracting just enough.
“W̛͢͞h̷̷̷y̢̢͘͘͢ ̶̧̡̕͠d̷̡̡͠͡o̢͢͜͞ ̷̛́͠y̶̛o͟͜͜͢͡ù̢̡ ̨͘͞t̢r̷ý̢̛͢ ̀̕͢͞t̢̢͝͞o҉̴̢̀ ͞͡s͘͝t͟͞o͜p҉̸̛҉ ̴̡̀m̴̴͟͟ȩ̛̛́́?͘͡”
Getting Saryu out of the ship was harder than Hans thought it would be, she would always sink away at the mention, but he still tried. And today would be no different, he was planning on trying again, as long as it takes. 
He walked into the familiar room once more. “Hello Saryu, I got your food for today.” He tried to give it to her, but she remained still. “Huh, what’s wrong? Aren’t you hungry?” Saryu only nodded once emotionlessly, not looking him in the eyes. A pattern seemed to have emerged the more he thought about it, “You haven’t been eating much lately. Are you okay?” he asked, concerned. She nodded once more, still averting his gaze. He slowly smiled, he believed he came to the conclusion of what was wrong with her. He kneeled and spoke softly, “You know, I think I know what’s going on. And it’s perfectly normal to feel that way. Do you want to know what I do to make myself feel better?” 
He stood up slowly and began to sing, it quickly grabbed Saryu’s attention. She watched in amazement as her caretaker sang, beautifully and majestically according to her ears. He only went for a few bars until he noticed the wide-eyed expression the little girl uninhibited displayed. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Heh, sorry. I always thought that humming a jaunty tune was the best thing to put a spring in your step, you know? Songs are like a little bit of wisdom that makes the tough times easier. I love them, personally. I mean, not that I’m any good at singing.” he nervously laughed. 
Saryu smiled quickly and took the same stance as her caretaker had just taken and tried to sing the same song. It was…not good, but he continued to smile to encourage her to continue. However, he was surprised at how deep her voice was. 
“Whoa. Your voice is a bit rough there, but you’re actually pretty good!” he white lied. Saryu’s smile widened and she gleefully bounced on her tippy toes. 
“You know, an old friend of mine when I was your age used to hum that same song a lot. We were always together when we were younger, and I guess it just kind of stuck. Of course, that was quite a while ago…before she moved away.” he couldn't stop the small frown from forming. 
Saryu took immediate notice and inhaled sharply tried singing the same song once more. Even though it sounded just as bad as it did a moment ago, the man smiled weakly. “Hey, are…are you trying to cheer me up?” He chuckled, “You are a kind soul, Saryu.”
Korra entered the Avatar state and bent two sizeable chunks of rock on the opposite sides and threw them simultaneously at the spirit. They crashed together, sending smaller rock chunks into the air. A thick layer of debris covered the head, and it seemed like Korra was able to knock the spirit unconscious. Korra jumped off the cliffside and landed in front of the gargantuan spirit. 
She bent a large wave straight up the spirit once more, maybe she would be able to freeze the spirit once more and get more time. As the wave reached its climax it fell back right down. Korra didn’t see the arm coming from the opposite side and it side-swiped her, hard, knocking her out of the Avatar state. She felt all her breath harshly leave her body as she flew across the beach. She crashed and rolled across the beach unceremoniously. She tried to get up, but she immediately recognized that she had a problem breathing right. She would have to heal somehow during this fight. 
She looked up and saw that another arm was coming down right on top of her. She bent a blast of air from her feet to get away quickly. She air bent once more to course correct herself so she could land on her feet. Korra didn’t take much time to think as she began to pummel the spirit with fire blast after fire blast. They were shot randomly across the giant’s body. She knew it wouldn’t do much, but she could use any distraction she could use to find an opening. 
With the continuation of the fire barrage, she once again went into the Avatar state and used the boost in power to increase the size of the fire blasts. She took the momentary distraction of the giant and raised her body and arms straight up, causing several large ice spears to erupt from the ocean. The spirit reeled and started to pull out the shards with its multiple arms. Korra took the opening to grab some water and placed it on her side for the small moment that she was given. 
The spirit was able to pull out the last spear all too quickly and returned its attention to Korra.  It roared, a soul-forsaken sound, as it raised all six arms into the air and smashed them all over the ground. Korra was able to jump into the air thanks to some well-timed firebending and she landed on top of an arm. Korra took her new opportunity and started to run up the long arm. Her best bet was to attack the small child figure at the top.
“So, were you able to write that letter? You know, now that I’ve taught you how?” Hans asked, albeit too excitedly.
Saryu slowly shook her head and hid her face in disappointment. 
“Not yet, huh? Well, there’s certainly no reason to rush.” he caught that a small smile was forming on Saryu’s face. “You know, it makes me so happy that you’ve taken such a shine to me. First time we met, I didn’t have the foggiest idea what was going on in that head of yours.” Saryu nodded in agreement, she was no longer trying to hide her face. He decided then to finally express what he was truly feeling. “So, hey. I’ve been thinking,” he nervously chuckled, “How about you come live with me? It might be kind of nice to have a daughter around.”
Saryu’s eyes widened in fear and quickly took several steps back, she shook her head ‘no.’
“...Not into it, huh? Guess I should have figured. I’m sad to hear it, but it’s your choice, of course.” He forced a smile. “Listen, I have to get going, but I hope you’ll still want to go look at the ocean with me one day.”
A smile returned to Saryu’s face, and she nodded over and over again. Hans smiled back and took his leave. It broke his heart for her to say ‘no’, after all the time they spent together and the amount of time he gave to her to teach her so many things. It stung. He left the ship, trying desperately to stop the tears from forming in his eyes.
The spirit was already on the offensive as the tendrils began to shoot up from the arm, maybe this wasn’t the best idea. Korra's gamble didn’t pay off as one of the tendrils grabbed hold of Korra’s foot and she tripped. She tried to get up, but more tendrils wrapped around her body. Korra now unable to move, had to wait in terror to know what would happen next. She didn’t have to wait long as she felt the momentum of the arm moving quickly. The arm, and her, smashed against the cliffside. 
All the air left Korra’s body as she crashed against the ground. She definitely heard something crack inside her. She couldn’t breathe right. All she could produce were coughs. She tried to will her body up back to a fighting stance, but she was only able to get onto her arms before she hacked up blood and collapsed on the ground once more. She managed to land in such a way that she could see the spirit. 
She watched, helplessly, as all six arms once again raised into the air, but this time they held their position. It was seemingly concentrating tremendous amount of magical energy into its head. There were dark circles encompassing its head and Korra could feel it resonating throughout her broken body. The spirit’s body began to glow dark amber as the pitch of the collecting energy raised in tone. Korra couldn’t move an inch, even if she tried. Nothing in her body was recognizing the primal instinct to escape.
“A̫̫͕̜̼͕̖͐͌̿́͡l̰͍̯͊̿̃ͧͧ͜l̡ͨ̉ͨ̋̍̓ͧ҉̶͎̤ ̸̡̳͍̀̒̇I̶̩͓̱̺̯̬͉̩̓ͦ͠ ̢͎̠̳̙̺̼̓̚͟w̸̳͉̬ͫͬ̇ͨ͂̈a̗̘̙̥͚͌̂̀̓̒ͫͭn̨͉̰̭͚ͯ̇ͪ͂ͮͩ͘͞t̫̝̪͍̱̭̠̉̾̍̅̚͘͠͡ ̷̴̬̟͇̍̾ḭ̵̢̬̜͈͙͕͚͋͆̚s̸͉̲̅͒ͧ͘ͅ ̸̙͎͔̘̬̞͊̓͗̈͂͊̓̎̀͢ͅt̯͓̞͙̤̗̱ͭ̊ͣͬͯ͝ǫ̶͍̘ͦ̋̎ͤ͋̚ͅ ̜̩̬̠̲͍̎̾̔̽̏͊̑ͬb̺̹̹̙̘͊̊̀ͬͪͥ̋̂̚͡ě̛̩͖̼ͯ̀ ̛̤̭̩͔̟͎ͦ͐̇ͤ̈̇̚͢͜w̡̮͇̤̳̪̜̠ͮͧͮ̏ͮĩ̵̮̩͖͓̙̮̗͆͝ţ̴̛̻ͮͦͨͣͅh̴̵̅͌̔̏ͩ̊́ͧ҉̠̠͙͍͚͕̜͍ ̢͎̙̼̳͎̌̎̏̅ͭͅh̭̱̹̬ͫ̐̐̾ͨͭ̅͋̒i̷̗̝̪̘ͧ̄ͩ̎̽̕͠m͔̺̘͙̝̻͉ͬ̎ͭ̚͢ͅ”
Korra winced in pain and chose to keep her eyes closed to prepare her body for the attack. 
“KORRA!” Asami screeched in horror from across the beach.
Korra slowly opened her eyes, she tried to not scream from the overbearing amount of pain. She looked at Asami and tried to plead with her eyes.
“...run…” was all she could quietly muster before letting her head fall to the ground, unable to hold its weight. 
“Hang on!!!” Asami yelled as she revealed her electric glove in hand. The spirit paid no attention as it was gathering the last of the energy it needed. Asami smashed a particular component against one of the many stones that were scattered across the beach and quickly threw it into the ocean. The electric glove activated, and lightning encompassed the glove as it hit the water. The glove did its job and sent electricity throughout the entire body of the spirit. It groaned loudly in pain as it hunched over, the spirit’s body now smoking.
Asami ran to Korra, “I’m here, I’m here, I’m here. I’m so sorry that took so long. The car was still parked at the hotel. Can you move? Can you get up? We need to hurry, that was our only chance.”
Korra shook her head but was able to raise her hand. 
“Okay, I’ll pick you up and I’ll take you closer to the water. I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Asami pulled tightly on Korra’s arm and brought her up to her feet. She then placed Korra on top of her shoulders and fireman carried her over to the shoreline. She heard Korra wince in pain a few times and hated the thought of what could have possibly happened to her. Asami got to the shoreline and carefully placed Korra back on her feet. 
Hans clutched tightly the letter that he had written to Saryu. It had already been a week since he saw her last. He was just given the news about his health and his time was short. He could only stare at the door that he’d walked through over the many years. He didn’t have the courage to this time. No, he couldn’t bare the weight of saying goodbye to her, possibly for the last time. He sniffled as his vision blurred. While most people would probably never approve of his actions, he was proud of the time he spent with the forever young girl. Even though she never accepted him as such, he was glad that he was able to be a father figure for her. 
After staring for eternity, he finally took the step forward. No, he thought, I must talk to her. I don’t have more chances left! He confidently strode toward the doorway and grabbed hold of the doorknob and was suddenly frozen in fear once more. How does one say goodbye to their daughter? How could he possibly explain what was going to happen to him, sooner rather than later? Should he pretend that nothing was wrong, give her the sense that everything was fine and that he’ll see her again? Put on a smile for her and make promises he had no chance of keeping? It’s…already been a week….
He slowly let go of the knob and turned away in sorrow. He hated himself that he came to this decision, but it was still the easiest. Nothing was out of place in the ship, and he taught her long ago to be self-sufficient, so she would be fine regardless. But was it the right thing to do? He approached the stairs leading down and out of the ship, thinking about this was the last time he would do this. How his life changed so drastically long ago when his curiosity took the better of him. Tears fell, his heart shattered from the pain… His chest suddenly felt like it was constricted too tightly. He broke into a cold sweat as he couldn’t hold the weight of his head. He clutched his chest as he crashed onto the floor.
“I know you’re hurt, but you got to hurry, who knows how long she’ll be knocked out from the discharge.”
Korra nodded as she slowly and painfully raised her arm. Water slowly circled around the giant spirit. It began to glow ethereally yellow as it moved up the spirit’s body. It took a few minutes, but it was able to reach above the spirit. 
“Go…in…peace…” Korra quietly said as a yellow light started to slowly move up the entire body of the spirit. 
Saryu felt the sensation and accepted her fate. She felt her entire body both feel warm inside and being released into the world. She gathered the last of her strength to stand up straight. She took the moment and looked at her arms. “How could I end up with such a…hideous…body…” she mourned her form for a small moment before she turned to face out into the ocean, into the sun. She felt the warmth of the sun on her body, she saw flickering reflections across the ocean, she sighed in contentment, “And yet…this world…” She moved her head slowly, taking the sight in fully. She wanted this moment for so long, she wanted to drink it all in. “This world is so full of beauty….” 
Saryu stared out into the horizon for as long as she could. She could feel her body dissipating beneath her. The sensation crawled up her tiny frame all that was left was her head. She didn’t dare to break contact with the scenery she promised to share with someone so long ago. It didn’t take too much longer for the rest of Saryu to disappear from the world forever.
With the fight finally over, Korra collapsed from her weight and passed out. Asami panicked and screamed out for help. She fought with her mind for what was best for Korra at this very second, she needed help, immediately. The only way she saw how to do so was to leave her behind and go find someone. She hated the idea of leaving her, but she knew if she tried to move her anymore, she could make things so much worse for her. She cursed herself as she carefully laid Korra down on the sand and ran to the city for help. 
0 notes
moodyclouds89 · 2 years
Rindou x fem reader
She looks just like a dream
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Rindou felt like throwing himself off a flight of stairs. He was frustrated by how his morning started off.
First his alarm didn't go off and he woke up late. He had to quickly get ready and didn't have time to eat any breakfast since it was getting late.
Second, while on his way to Bonten headquarters he got stuck in traffic. Making him even more late than he already was. He had to wait a whole 10 minutes until it cleared off and he was able to quickly rush to work.
Once he arrived he quickly rushed out of his car and into the building. He looked at his watch and saw that he was 20 minutes late to the meeting that was being held.
He cursed under his breath. His phone started ringing but he didn't mind answering it.
He burst open the door with big deep breaths. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at an out of breath rindou.
"Oh he here" ran said with a teasing look which caused rindou to scowl. He made his way to his seat and sat down with a pissed off expression.
"Well then, since everyone is now here we can start the meeting."
The meeting was longer than usual. He couldn't wait to go home for the day, so when mikey dismissed the meeting rindou was the first one out the door.
All Rindou wanted to do was get some takeout and go home. After finding a restaurant and ordering his order, Rindou was excited to go home and relax for the day.
He got his order and left the restaurant. While on his way to the parking lot, Rindou received a phone call. He looked at the caller Id and saw that it was his brother.
"What do you want?"
"Well why are you so grumpy today?" Rin scoffed and almost hung up until ran spoke again.
"Can you do me a little favor?"
"Can you buy me some takeout? I'm still in my office finishing up some paperwork."
"C'mon just do this small little favor for your older brother okay?" He sighed and looked at the time. It was only 5 so he still had time.
"Thanks! I owe you one."
He then hung up and walked to his car. He decided on ordering from rans favorite restaurant so he started the car and drove away. Once he got there he quickly ordered the food and then left to go drop off Ran's food.
He arrived back at the office and exited his car with rans takeout in his hands. He once again got a call from his brother.
"Are you here?" 
"I'm almost there- HEY WATCH I-" He yelled when someone bumped into him. He quickly turned to the person only to see that it was a girl.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking!" 
All rindou could do was stare. It was like he was stuck in some sort of trance. You apologize one last time before walking away in a hurry.
Rin watches as you slowly disappear from his view. He snapped back into reality when he heard ran in the other line.
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh uh- yeah." 
He said and hung up before quickly running inside the building.
Rin made it to rans office and opened the door to see sanzu sitting down on one of the couches ran has.
"Ah finally! I'm starving!" Ran said before grabbing the takeout bag from rins hands and thanking him. 
"Oh? Rindou are you okay? You seem- a little flustered." Sanzu said, which confused rindou.
"Huh?" He took out his phone camera and saw the tinted pink blush on his cheeks.
"Oh what happened while you were out there?" Ran said in a teasing voice. Rin then remembers about the girl he bumped into earlier.
"Fuck! You guys won't believe what just happened!" They both looked at him confused but signal him to continue.
"I ran into this girl earlier when I was on the phone with you ran and fuck- she was beautiful." He said and ran and sanzu eyed each other before looking back at rindou who haded this lovesick look on his face.
"I'm telling you guys! She was just- she looked just like a dream, the prettiest girl I've ever seen" sanzu crackle while ran started teasing rin.
"Oh? Love at first sight?" Sanzu teased and rindou looked away in embarrassment.
"Simp" ran coughed which made Sanzu laugh even more.
You were in his mind all day after that
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i-lovethatforme · 2 years
omg the if ned didnt pop up on the rooftop PROMPT?!?!? i am v excited and looking forward to it, bcs anon was so right like they were going to kiss KISS that look mj gave is something else i swear!!
It’s not the first time Peter has hoisted MJ onto his back and crawled up the back wall of the gym. He still thinks it would be easier to swing them up here when the teachers aren't looking, as opposed to creeping through the shadows, but as much as MJ lov - as much as MJ likes him, she’s not about to go swinging unless there’s another life-threatening situation. And with all that’s happened recently, she really hopes they have a good few years before anything bad happens to them again. Besides, by then, no one will care who Spider-Man is. Not in Boston anyway. 
So coming to the roof and calming Peter down is something MJ has become well versed in. A little quicker than she would have anticipated and probably faster than she would have liked - but she can’t find it in herself to care now. Not now he’s laughing for the first time today as she reads ridiculous lies about them in the Daily Bugle. It’s the only reason she picks it up on her way off the subway every morning. Even if Jameson rants about it on Twitter for the rest of the day. Something about her being a double agent and just using Peter to get information. MJ’s not sure what information he’s referring to and nor is he - seeing as he’s never spoken about that aspect. 
“Some suggest Parker’s abilities include the male spider’s ability to hypnotise females…”
“Stop, come on,” Peter wheezes, his eyes closed against the sun. It’s slightly chilly up here but MJ doesn’t mind. Not really. Especially when the wind blows Peter’s shirt slightly open and she can see the hard planes of his chest under his top. She’s only seen his chest a few times and honestly, the circumstances were less than ideal. She still looked, obviously, but there were other things running through her mind at the time. 
She still manages to sketch his body whenever she misses him on patrol and she still thinks about him when she’s dazing off in class. She still wants to see him without his shirt on in a normal, probably heart racingly nervous situation. But that’s a part of their relationship she doesn’t want to rush. MJ isn’t about to ask a superhero to take his top off for her when she can barely walk three flights of stairs without wheezing. 
“Yes, my Spider-Lord,” she replies, deadpan as she can. It makes Peter laugh harder so she doesn’t mind sounding a little strange, even to herself. The newspapers have barely been right about anything since Peter’s identity was released against his will. But they were pretty on the money when they suggested she’d do anything he asked. 
MJ looks over at Peter because his smile always takes longer to drop when he's been laughing and she likes the subtle way his eyes shine when he catches her looking. It's strange to be on this side of it all, to let him see her looking at him, as opposed to snapping her neck in her efforts to pretend she was looking at the board. Or before that - when she could look at him all she liked because he wasn't looking back at all. He was looking at someone else. 
She finds she doesn't dwell on the thought of being hopelessly gone for him before he really knew who she was when he turns to face her. Because none of that matters anymore. Not when he looks at her like she hung the moon for him. Not like he looks at her like she's sunshine even though she was born a rain cloud. Not when he looks at her like he doesn't ever want to be anywhere else.
MJ almost asks him what he wants, why he's looking at her like that. But then his eyes drop to her lips just quickly and she figures that just leaning in will show him she always wants to kiss him too. 
It's not comfortable rolling over on the concrete but the second her nose brushes his, she doesn't care about the gravel digging into her elbow or the chill on the back of her neck. She can’t think about anything other than the breathy noise he makes whenever she presses her lips quickly, only to follow up with a firmer kiss moments later.
"MJ," he whispers, wedging his hand under her elbow and she knows his knuckles will take the brunt of the harsh ground but he wouldn’t stop even if she asked him to. His other hand brushes her hair behind her ear and she tries to remember how to breathe. It’s new. They’re still so new to this but she hopes this feeling never fades. That she never forgets how safe and happy Peter makes her - no matter what happens. 
His hand comes to rest on the back of her neck and she no longer feels the cold with the way he’s pulled himself closer and the way her body feels like it’s on fire with every touch of his tongue to her lip. 
Peter shuffles his hand around and MJ just knows he’s about to move her because he’s going to think she’s uncomfortable - as if she could be anywhere near that when he has his hands on her. But she feels herself tilt either way and his hands drop to her waist as he sits up, settling her carefully in his lap. 
MJ rests her forehead against his as she tries to deal with the fact she’s practically straddling Peter and it’s something she’s thought about at length and yet - they weren’t on top of the school in broad daylight. 
“Is this okay?” he asks, his voice deeper than before.
“Yeah,” she breathes, her heart thumping clumsily in her chest. She leans forwards, pressing her lips to his lightly, once, twice, three times, until he threads his fingers through the hair at the nape of her neck. 
“You’re so pretty,” he says with a smile as he pulls back to check she’s okay. Like she doesn’t stare at his lips twenty four hours a day. 
“Shut up,” she groans, leaning to bury her face in the crook of his neck because it’s possibly her favourite place to be. But he stops her, his hands lightly against her jaw, his fingers barely brushing her skin but she can’t move anyway. 
“So pretty,” he repeats as his gaze flicks over her face. MJ screws her face up as she desperately tries not to blush at his words. 
She's never been one for compliments. She’s always been the type to shout that they shouldn’t comment on her beauty, more on her brains. She’s brilliant after all. But her chest feels tight whenever Peter tells her she looks nice, or that he likes the way her brows furrow when she’s thinking or the pout of her lips. 
“You’re still pretty, MJ,” he says with a laugh and a roll of his eyes when she scrunches her nose up. His fingers flex against the back of her head, his thumbs rubbing against her cheeks. 
“You’re pretty,” she whispers, feeling far too exposed as he looks at her. For a moment, she thinks she might have made it weird. As if there’s going to be anything she could say that would make any of this even weirder than it already is. As if her superhero boyfriend didn’t crawl up the wall with his fingertips only. 
But then his face splits into a smile - she only sees it for a second before he’s pulling her towards him with his lips on hers as best he can.
“You’re my favourite, favourite,” he mutters against her lips as she links her hands around his neck. 
“One more time?” she teases. She has a thing for repetition. 
“You’re my favourite.”
“You’re mine, as well.”
“Can we stay up here?” he whispers, his fingers trailing down her spine. 
“Yeah,” she breathes, her chest moving in unison with his. She wants to let him do whatever he wants until the end of time. But then she remembers the eight-page essay in her bag that she worked really hard on and she remembers the way she has multiple prepared arguments to squash Flash in debate class. 
“Until the end of lunch,” she mumbles down his throat. “I have a debate to win.”
“Em Jaaaay.” She almost lets him win with the way he says her name, his tone slotting into the folds of her heart. But she thinks her dad is already mad at their relationship and if he doesn’t see her winning the debate - he’s not going to let Peter into the house anymore. He’ll know she’s with him.
“My dad is coming to watch,” she says, her eyes closing as she breathes him in. Just for the few seconds before he freaks out like he does whenever she mentions her father. 
“Oh, that’s - wait, what?!”
“He likes to -”
“Why didn’t you tell me! I’m not wearing my smart shirt -” he starts, stumbling over his own words as he rushes to stand up even though he carefully lifts her to her own feet. “I barely did my hair this morning, Em -”
“Peter -”
“And I - I should be on the team, right? I should impress him with that!"
"Pete -"
"Because he used to like me! And now I have to sneak in through your window like a common criminal and I really want him to like me and I can't impress him with my cooking because I get that from May and you know she can barley make toast.”
Well, that’s true. She has been to the Parker’s for dinner a few times and while she loves May - there’s only so much take out she can eat. 
MJ has told Peter before there’s nothing he can do to fix this with her dad. He’s not mad at Peter. He doesn’t even dislike Peter at all - but there’s a fatherly instinct to protect her and he knows he won’t win even if he does tell her to stop dating Peter. Besides, none of the Jones’ are able to keep their emotions of their face - especially not those of dislike. 
There’s nothing she can say though that will settle his mind. So she does the only thing she can think of. So she moves forwards, darting past Peter’s waving hands - he probably does most of the avoiding to be fair - he’d never willingly hurt her - and she presses her lips to his. 
“Calm boy, bug boy,” she whispers, running her fingers down the back of his neck. 
“Okay,” she repeats, waiting for the frantic beating of his heart to slow as she kisses him again. “Do you want to stay up here? I can send snacks. Or do you wanna come down with me?”
“I always want to be with you.”
“Only for you.”
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