buryyourcanaries · 1 year
What is something someone always tells you to do less of? - Code Red
To die less. Unfortunately that's unavoidable.
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aayakashii · 19 days
I'm going through the Sinostra chapter right now and I can't stop making theories omg there might be spoilers below so be careful, although I'm just enumerating my questions tbh lol
According to one of Taiga's home screen dialogs, there might be some sort of time loop happening which he's KINDA aware of? Or maybe just aware when triggered somehow.
He said "long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet" which is INCREDIBLY ooc as to how he behaves during the story which leads me to
His extreme memory loss, which apparently lasts less than 24 hours. Why is that? Did he go through so many time loops that it started affecting his memory? There was one small moment in which he remembered Ritsu because he saw the MC face though...
The Clash. What the fuck was it
What's Taiga relationship to Haru? Haru sounds eerily nonchalant regarding Taiga even though the man keeps on threatening Peekaboo. And aftewards, Rui briefly mentions that Taiga has a "destroying what others hold dear" schtick, which leads me to believe that Taiga is seeking revenge for losing something important maybe???? Is the fanfic brainrot too big rn
WHY DOES HE HATE LIKE DOVES??????? I dont wanna go full romantic mode, but is he just resentful of seeing a bird that is the physical representation of someone else's feelings or something......
The spy. Honestly no idea. There's some theories floating around that Haku is the spy, but I would rather see him during the Hotarubi episode before jumping to conclusions, but it's understandable how people might think that I guess...? He IS very nice and helpful and randomly finding the MC fleeing by train was way too much of a coincidence... he does seem to always tie the MC to Darkwick somehow, firstly by KIDNAPPING her and then by talking her into staying. If the MC is the trigger to a bigger event, then one could see that as suspicious. But I would like a bit more evidence first lol
Back to Taiga, why is he. Like why
Okay no but seriously. If we take the timeloop thing seriously + Haku being a spy, here's the theory:
Taiga knows the MC is the trigger for an awful event and tried killing them back in the Prologue in order to cut the problem on its roots. Haku, if we consider him as the spy, WANTS the event to happen (considering he could also be aware of the loop), which is why he saved us and took us to Darkwick, therefore letting it all play out once again.
If Haku isn't the spy, then we would have to chalk it up as Taiga knowing and trying to kill us, but destiny (???) being a bitch, therefore putting Haku there as a pawn to make things play out again
Maybe the spy can control other ghouls? Who know tbh
Finally, what is going on during the first scene we see in the game? Darkwick on fire and the first character we choose jumping off of the building? I wonder what would happen if we choose Taiga as our first card....... maybe I should create a sub acc
Anyway if anyone has more questions/theories PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY IM OBSESSED WITH THIS GAME I NEED TO THINK ABT IT
There is also a good theory on reddit made by u/imonlybr16 that states this:
"Before the prologue, when you open the game for the first time, you're greeted with the opening scene involving MC running through the halls of a ruined Darkwick. The question is asked "When the world is collapsing around you, whose hand will you take?"
There you're taken to your character choice screen. The guy you choose is later shown on the railing of a balcony, about to jump off.
Now I think I have a very far fetched and vague idea as to what is going on.
In chapter 2, we learn that the person that Alan killed was Dante or at least he thought he did. But we meet Dante and he's very much alive.
This comes theory number one.
***You can't actually die on campus.***
Note the use of actually here. You can 100% still die, you just end up coming back to life.
If Rui is your home screen he talks about accidentally killing someone else in his dorm and being annoyed with having to lift them back to Obscuary. This struck me as a particularly odd dialogue because Rui's curse causes people to die.
Unless, you can't die on campus.
This would explain Dante pretty much instantly. Yes Alan killed him but yes he's alive.
The campus itself is an anomaly, stopping people from dying doesn't sound too far fetched. I expect this to be revealed with the other two members of Obscuary, as that dorm seems to have a connection to death. One of the things that always pops up is that ghouls aren't immortal, no matter how quickly they heal.
Also explains how Calamari didn't die in chapter 3. Ren ran from the dorm > the caves > the jetty and Calamari was already pretty dehydrated in the beginning.
But OP you might say, aren't all the guys talking like they believe they're going to die.
Luckily, that brings us to vauge and far fetched theory number two.
***The campus is on fire due to a rebellion***
In the very last chapter of the prologue we get to see Kaito's wickhive. There we see three pretty interesting threads.
. There's gonna be an uprising soon
. One of you is a demon
. There's a guy who could see the future
Kaito is surprised at something he sees in this scene but we don't learn what it is. This chapter's 'preview' is one of the scenes we see in the very beginning. Blood and a Lily.
I believe that the first thread is foreshadowing and will . After you meet your chosen guy standing on the railing you get a line of dialogue (or not if you picked Towa) that changes depending on who you picked. Some imply that what they're doing is going to save you(Jiro, Zenji and Sho), some apologize stating that they could protect what they cared about until the very end (Luca,Kaito,Haru and Yuri) but three characters caught my attention
Leo: Life sucks and then you die,right? I just want to make the assholes responsible regret it.
Ren: This is exactly why I didn't to do this! I knew this was how it was going to end.
Subaru: This is all my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me, but this is the least I can do. Please take this as my final act of good faith.
Especially Subaru's and Ren's, that seemingly imply either the MC's (Ren's) or their (Subaru) involvement in the current situation. Now what does this has to do with a potential uprising?
One of the things we learn from the very beginning is the inter-politics of the houses and by extension the ghouls. Especially after the fallout of the clash. Things are pretty tense and an uprising or rebellion seems to be the most likely thing.
As to what happened and why? I have no clue. Though one thing to note is that according to the prophecy, as long as the ghouls are in Darkwick, they prevent a disaster from coming. If Darkwick is destroyed however, the prophecy can't be fulfilled, or can it?"
This is such a good theory too, I really think u/imonlybr16 has probably gotten a lot of things right.
Although it's weird that death is such a big threat to us specifically, but maybe the Academy can't prevent death by curses, much like the Mesmer Matches dont work on someone who's cursed. Hhmm...
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Intro Post ?
✨ Im the mod, hai. I usually go by Vii online, but ask for other names that are acceptable. I have two other accounts and decided to do this after mulling it over for weeks and then getting an ask from someone who was interested in RP with who will prolly be the main OC of this blog, Yuna.
✨ I have two other accounts that I run, an art account (@heartslabyulzz) and a nothing account for mainly reblogs and non art posts (@teapot-tyrant).
✨ I am a full-time college student and have a part-time job over the summer and so. Responses may take a while depending on different circumstances. I also am pretty anxious on top of it all, which will influence both initiating any kind of contact AND response times at first.
✨ I am an adult (21+) BUT most of these characters that will be introduced are minors. I have no interest in anything sexual regarding these characters (regardless of age) so please keep that in mind when asking or initiating rp.
✨ DNI criteria is standard stuff tbh. I don't particularly think I need to elaborate on that one but basically any kind of bigotry/anything that is inherently harmful to another person will result in a block. Sorry not sorry?
✨ I'll do RP in both the form of asks and DMs, so do whatever you feel most comfy with!!!! Asks are. Only asks, tho (obviously).
✨ Finally, any ooc stuff will be marked with the silly star emoji you all see here or will just have it's own distinct block of text in some capacity.
Character Stuff after the break (will update as this blog continues ig?)
The Characters in this Account (will link to posts as necessary)
If you're asking about a certain character or interacting with someone in particular, I'll probably focus more on the emoji I associate with them rather than text color, but I'll do my best to use both.
Any OCs that are listed as unavailable are just because I wanna get a better grasp on them first (and also design their references 💀). I'll update this post or give an announcement once they are "available" for things lol <333
🦐Yuna Sid (16): My Yuu OC and a version of the Ramshackle Prefect. She's very standoffish at first and can seem very stoic, but she's incredibly open with those that she's close to/trusts. (VERY vaguely twisted from Belle and The Beast) [✨Mod Note: I'm more than willing to play dolls with other Yuus/Prefects/etc. I Love Yuu as a concept and as a whole bunch of different characters So Much!!;!]
🎩 Lewis Hatterson (17) (Unavailable at this time): A Heartslabyul second year and host of a radio show at Night Raven College, NRTea☕ (Aka "the biggest tea party you'll ever come across"). In order to avoid too much discipline for what he talks about, he goes by the alias "Chamomile". (Twisted from the Mad Hatter)
🩺Heinrich Volishtump (47): One of the (if not the Only) nurses at Night Raven College. A bit of a pushover and an even bigger klutz he somehow is incredibly capable when it comes to medicine and technology. Just don't give him a reason to monologue about his tragic backstory. (Twisted from Dr. Doofenshmirtz)
♌Izem Usiku (18) (Unavailable at this time): A Savanaclaw third year and the boss of a small delinquent gang at NRC comprised of students with a strong distaste for their housewardens. Ironically, though, he's pretty supportive of Housewarden Leona. Despite his status, he's very much a brotherly figure to his gang and to his underclassmen. (Twisted from Zira from lion king 2)
🦜Rusul Sader (16) (Unavailable at this time): A first year from Scarabia who is a lot more cunning than he lets on. He's the son of a merchant family and knows quite a lot about how to tell people what they wanna hear in order to get what he wants. He makes extensive lists of costs and benefits before deciding on anything. (Twisted from Iago)
🐁 James Ratt (17) (Unavailable at this time): A Pomefiore second year with a very charming personality and oozes with Charisma. He's close friends with Lewis and is a co-host on NRTea under the alias "Earl Grey". He's great at making connections, but isn't above using underhanded tactics to meet his goals. (Twisted from Ratigan)
🌙 Casimir Chernenko (16) (Unavailable at this time): A Diasomnia freshman who speaks in exceptionally flowery language at all times, a true "Chuunibyou". Despite the excessive wording, he always says exactly what is on his mind, even if that's something that's going to get him in trouble (which it does, and frequently). He has a hard time making friends, but an even harder time trying to prove his strength as a great mage.
I think that's about everything for now? Idk I just wanna make more friends in the twst fandom bc I love it here very much and if that friendship is via sharing my art or my blorbos or what have you, I dont rly care!!!! ✨✨✨ I'm just nervous and also a bit excited to be here.
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lipglossandsacrifice · 7 months
Not required to answer this, just some lore I’ve compiled. So we’re lucky both the game and lore pages for Orin Ayo are still up because then I would be fucked, but unfortunately Breakthrough can’t be played unless you happen to find an archived version.
For Dave Ruy though, all you really need to know is that he used to work at a medical supply chain company, which he hated. He dreamed of being able to work with all the big dogs like doctors and nurses, but that dream never became a reality. He grew hateful and resentful of his own life, feeling like it was going nowhere. Then, he began to project that hate onto others, blaming them for all that has gone wrong in his life. With that hate, he sought out a new goal in life. He faked his death, quit his job, and recruited two other friends, Paige Cook and Hue Bickers, to start something bigger than themselves: A cult ran by a new man, Tab. Paige was an electrical engineer while Hue was a programmer, and combined with Tab’s medical knowledge, they began experimenting with a substance called ferrofluid. Their goal was to find a way to immortalize a person’s pain, before the goal shifted to killing those who deserved to die and torturing them for all of eternity. This is where the main them of Orin Ayo comes from. However, it wasn’t fated to last. The first mistake came from Paige when she missed her assigned target and shot Ethan at a parade. She was tortured and I presume she’s dead. Then, Hue got piss drunk and got himself killed by a tiger, to which Tab blamed the groundskeeper and proceeded to torture him until Tab didn’t feel joy from it anymore. He then learned that someone stole his old identity which happened to be stolen by a dude he didn’t like (Derick), so he killed him too (won’t elaborate because it’s in the documents). Then, Tab learns about the apartment fire and the forcing of Kurt to burn the place down. Lastly, Hety Banker, another cult member, went off the deep and and killed Lilac before dying at a hospital. Everything was falling apart, and the people he trusted are either dead or betrayed him. So, he gathers up all the documents associated with the cult and their activities, scatters them by Derick’s corpse to absolve the cult of blame, and then turns himself in. For 2 years Tab stayed in prison before he was given a second chance. The cult had access to impressive technology, and if Tab agreed to use it for good, he would have his own medical research facility he gets to direct so long as he shows complete obedience to the hospital he works under. This kicks off Breakthrough, which takes place three years after Orin Ayo
Orin Ayo game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/881670502
Orin Ayo Character Profiles: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/904500450
Orin Ayo Lore Document (subject to change): https://docs.google.com/document/d/19xC3qvjp5AcPiMudQer3jacrEeJrMSGoKqALOMH9Vz0/edit
Be sure to check the wiki too, but don’t always trust what’s there. The main thing you wanna look for is James’s full unburnt document. Feel free to pick and choose what you want, I know the story isn’t really written the clearest so there might be things you just wanna flat out change lol. That’s what I do
Feel free to DM me if you got any questions
(ooc: thank u, i'm gonna toss this up onto the blog and then save the link for future reference! ^^ )
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strawberrybaat · 2 years
From magic to baby Silver
Literally just some twst headcanons that was started for fae magic and then turned into how Lilia and Malleus probably took care of a baby Silver.
@rose-lord-of-simps helped with some of them, and was the one who swerved it to baby Silver, lol
Shit's probably ooc, but idc, half my shit was thought of cause it was FUNNY!
The shit like this is gonna be by rose, I got permission by him to have his interjects. It makes more sense with them stuck in, lol, flows nicer.
I like to think that Malleus and Lilia probably don't need magestones
Malleus has that the Valley of Thorns basically uses magic on the daily, if I remember right? So fae could have evolved to either completely not need the tiny rock, or just barely need them.
Sebek, since he's a half fae, would only need them for stuff like his unique magic(if he has one), or bigger spells like it. Basic, every day magic he could get by without the magestone and accumulate less blot
Here's where we started derailing, lol
Silver! The only full human in the diasomnia crew!
Man needs the magestone.
For basic, small spells, he's like Sebek. Can totally get by without the stone. He can't do some of the same basic spells Sebek could, but Silver can get by.
Do you think Lilia found the best stone for Silver?
Yes he fuckin did!
Lilia got the best looking, and reasonably biggest, magestone for Silver.
Since I don't think they have/got their magestones as pens til they enrolled at NRC, I see Silver wearing his as like a pin or broach(Lilia definitely made it)
Other fae probably would've tried to steal it, cause pretty rock.
But then they saw the most intimidating, tall ass mother fucker you'll ever see, and the fuckin war general pipsqueak(I love Lilia, I promise)
Yeah, they said fuck that.
Since Silver most definitely learned most, if not all, of his spells by his father, he'd have the endurance to accumulate less blot than normal humans/beastmen/merpeople.
Still accumulates more/faster than Sebek and full fae, but less/slower than the nonfae
do you think Silver grew up with malleus as like, the cool uncle?
Originally I thought Silver would see Malleus like an older brother.
Then changed my mind and said he'd see malleus as like a mix between another father and a brother.
Like a cool older cousin?
Nvm, now it's cool older cousin.
I'm with damn near everyone else, Lilia sees the other three as his children.
He most certainly took care of them.
Not so much Sebek, cause Sebek had his parents(apparently grandfather too, I'm just figuring this out while rewriting, lol) take care of him.
Lilia just appointed himself as Sebeks godfather.
Lilia raising Malleus and Silver together. Malleus being a grown ass adult acting like a child, cause whatever human world toy Silver got, he did as well
I love this, cause it scream only child.
Which, assumedly, is what Malleus is. An only child, slightly spoiled rotten by Lilia, that just recently got a sibling.
Not at all part of the original blurbs, but now I'm thinking of grown ass Malleus, messing around with a two year olds play toy.
Omfg, him with a cat piano. 👀👀 Someone with better skill than me, draw this, please. I'll fuckin pay.
Silver and Sebek seem to canonically fight like brothers, imo
Silver sees him like that, while the same could barely be said for Sebek
Imagine Silver not fully understanding how important Malleus is, and climbing him like a playground.
Swings on his horns as a child.
Gets embarrassed about it now that he's older.
Malleus thinks it's funny.
Silver definitely did that shit when he was like three
Lilia has the proof, has like a million pictures(idc if Thorn Valley doesn't have any tech, Lilia definitely has a camera by the time he adopted Silver)
Silver tried to burn them all
Unlike Azul with his childhood, Silver was Hella unsuccessful.
If Malleus has a dragon form, Silver has definitely played around with him in that form.
Would beg for Malleus to "Be the dragon!"
Lilia thought that shit was cute as fuck.
Baby Silver with hands so small
Malleus is scared to hurt him
By the time Lilia has Silver, Malleus has most definitely interacted with babies in his lifetime
But fuck that, imagine Silver being the first time Malleus has interacted with a baby. Ever.
Malleus totally has the same worries/intrusive thoughts my dad did.
"what if I drop him?"
"....would he bounce?"
Fucker has a certain look in his eyes when he has these thoughts, and if/when Lilia sees it he just shwoops little silver up. Just "ooookay! No more holding the baby for you!"
Pinches his chubby cheeks
Malleus pokes baby Silver's cheek, just one, and his reaction is just: 🥺🥺🥺
Tumblr media
That's Malleus right after
Boops his nose and squeals
Silver is typically a quiet baby, but one time, when Malleus was holding him, he just started balling
The only thing that ran through Malleus's head was- "shitshitshitshit! I broke him! What did I do?!"
Was about to cry too
Especially when Lilia came over and asked what happened
"what happened here? Why is silver crying?"
"okay, well don't cry! He's probably just hungry! Sevens know the last time he ate"(spoiler alert, Malleus fed him like two hours ago, cause he wanted to feed the baby. Old man just forgot)
Before Silver learned to crawl or walk, Lilia would just set him up in a basket with a bunch of blankets to keep him warm.
Malleus watching over him while Lilia does his own shit.
Just thinking "I will not let a single thing happen to this tiny human"
Continues to squish his cheeks while Silver is in his little basket.
Lilia teaches Malleus how to hold baby Silver properly.
When he does learn how to properly hold him, Malleus just never lets silver go.
Silver fell asleep on Malleus.
Malleus's dragon hoarding thoughts take over. Just "this is mine now, you're never getting him back"
Real shit tho, Malleus follows the cat/dog law with Silver
"Malleus, what are you doing?"
"...I can't move"
"Lilia, I can't move. He fell asleep. ...I'm stuck."
Obsessed with the idea of everyone using it/it's when referring to Silver, until he's just "I wan dis!"/"dat one!" With he/him pronouns.
Around 4/6, Silver asks Lilia about it, and their interaction is just:
"Why don't you say 'he' when talking about me like Malleus?"
"Would you like it if I did?"
"Okay, little one, I'll start refering to like that."
Running off this idea, and projecting my mom's habit onto lilia-
Lilia uses both "it" and "he" when referring to Silver.
"See! Look at it! It's evil!!"
"Look at how adorable he is!! My baby boy!"
When Lilia's teasing Silver, he'll use it/it's.
But when he's serious, or gushing about his son he'll use he/him.
Projecting on Silver a bit now, but he just grows up not caring about his pronouns.
Imagine just:
"hey Silver! What pronouns do you use?"
"...what pronouns do you go by? Like he/him? She/her? They/them?"
"...oh! Yeah, no, I don't really care about that. Just use whatever."
Back to baby!
Malleus grabbing baby/toddler Silver by the door and treating him like a sack of potatoes.
Chris Hemsworth style.
That meme.
Fuckin swings him sometimes.
Silver thinks its the fuckin funnest thing ever, and will ask for it so often
"again! Again!"
"no, that's enough for now. People will start thinking I'm abusing you."
Silver kinda gets sad after that, until Malleus just puts him on his shoulders.
Lilia will do the same fuckin thing to him, but he floats while doing it.
So he only really does it in the mansion/palace.
Lilia mostly holds him by the hands when he does it tho.
Silver would cling to one of their legs and get a leg ride.
It's completely normal for them, and barely trips Malleus up.
For Lilia, he'll just float whenever silver does it and it's his favourite thing.
Do you think they celebrate birthdays?
Lilia and Malleus don't really celebrate their own birthdays, at least not until they enroll in NRC.
Definitely did when they were like, under 40 years old, lol.
They most definitely celebrate all of Silver's birthdays, at least until he's sick of celebrating them.
Even when he doesn't want to anymore, Malleus and Silver still buy him a couple gifts. Even if Silver doesn't want them.(he does, he cherishes everything they get/make him)
Lilia's favorite picture of them is during Silver's first birthday
It's a picture of Silver sitting in Malleus's lap, staring at whatever shiny thing they got him.
All starry-eyed, reaching for the shiny in Malleus's hand
Malleus is just staring fondly at Silver, the only thing going through his head is:
"I will forever protect this small child"
Lilia's screaming in at how cute the scene is
Took a picture, and has so many copies of it
Has one in his messy ass wardrobe at NRC
Lilia is one of those dads that has a fuck ton of photos in his wallet.
Will always embarrass his kids with it, no matter how old they are.
Does this with Sebek too
Basically appointed himself as Sebek's godfather
Romantic interest?!
Someone takes a romantic interest in Silver, and Lilia has SO MANY embarrassing baby stories to share
Has embarrassed both Malleus and Silver in some of stories
This whole last part is just Rose, cause it was fuckin cute as shit, lol
When Malleus makes a friend, Lilia brings out the baby pictures
Person interested in Silver?
They set up a study session to try and get to know Silver better.
Lilia comes in to bother Silver.
Sees them cuddling, with the interest asleep on him.
"what do I doooooo!?"
Lilia's taking a million pictures(silvers just mildly panicking, completely clueless)
S/o likes to braid Silvers hair. Does it gently whenever he'll let them.
Malleus sees it once, and the "he can have it, so I can have it too" growing up semi-spoiled instinct pops up.
"Lilia? Can you do my hair like Silver's?"
"Father didn't didn't do my hair, s/o did."
"S/o, can you-"
Malleus pouts cause Silver doesn't want s/o to do his hair.
Silver wants one thing to himself, and that's s/o and s/o messing with his hair, lol.
Another reason, is that when s/o is messing with Silver's hair, they let him open up. Bonding with heart to heart communication.
He thinks if they did Malleus's hair, they'd bond like that too, and he's slightly jealous/annoyed at the thought.
S/o ends up doing Malleus's hair really quickly, in a different style than Silver. And Silver gets extra cuddles afterwards.
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walkingdeadrewatch · 1 year
Season 2 Episode 2
Been a WHILE since I watched the early episodes, however, I have now finished the entire series so this will be interesting.
Ah the before times 
Rick being polite is annoying. Damn Lori, guess we understand why you like Shane.
Aw baby Carl is sad
Run Rick, Run
Admiring Rick for his ability to carry the dead weight of a child WHILE RUNNING (again)
MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!! Fucking love her
Hershel and BETH! Ah I forgot how much I love them (not at this stage though)
Hershel is so efficient but very different from the Hershel I remember, interesting to see characters at their start after knowing their end.
As much as I hate Shane, I do appreciate how he is trying to keep Rick calm
The blood type thing is funny to me after watching the finale.
Love that Daryl’s current priority is Sophia. He is fighting so hard to get her back
I love that medical care, taping a cloth to it, I suppose that’s all they have, but no wonder it gets infected
Theodore Douglas. I think I missed that was his name every other time I’ve watched this.
Dale is just giving T-dog a task because he doesn’t want to babysit
So this is what it’s like for Shane to have Rick’s back.
Carl actually showing his pain here makes me realise a lot of characters don’t show theirs like that when injured. Normally just a hiss of pain or instantly passes out. Amazing acting from baby chandler Riggs here.
(FINALE SPOILERS Judith showed her pain but didn’t cry like that, just saying)
Feel like Shane is being very supportive so far in this episode, feels a bit OOC
At least Otis is taking responsibility for his actions, Maybe you could learn a little something, Shane
Just a little bit on Carol. In later seasons she can be ruthless when it comes to protecting her people, and never stops fighting. Whereas here, she has lost the most important thing to her but agrees to head back for the night as long as they continue tomorrow. Carol from the later seasons would say fuck that and keep searching. However, this Carol has just had her world changed by losing Sofia, after having her world changed with Ed’s death, and that freedom after having her world changed by a freaking apocalypse. Shit keeps happening and it’s interesting to see her like this compared to the multiple Carols from throughout the season.
Don’t understand Rick why gives his gun that means a lot to him to Otis when Otis has a gun and Shane is right there. I know Shane has a gun, but this one means a lot to him.
Did Dale just take a look at Glenn and assume he plays guitar? TF?
Watching this scene just reminds me of the Bad Lip Reading video (Very Cool)
T-Dog is spitting Facts
Fish can hear you thinking just before you sneeze
That’s a big spiders web
How did she walk so far away when they were just walking as a group?
But I mean, cool entrance for Maggie
‘This chick’? That is your future wife Glenn, speak more respectfully!
Thinking about it, was Otis going to carry that deer all the way back? Feel like he would have struggled a bit
I love Hershel’s optimism, but lol you’re all fucked, this is worse than a plague.
Aw love that Carl wanted to give his blood, adorable
I was just thinking why isn’t this man surrounded by food and drinks after donating so much blood.
Why is Lori wearing makeup during a freaking apocalypse?
Lol he might be just a vet, but he’s a damn good vet, and literally all you have
Did they not JUST pass an ambulance? maybe check in there for supplies as well?
Why is Glenn apparently the only competent one to get T-Dog there? Literally feels like trying to get rid of him but whatever
Daryl is good and helpful
Did they consider turning the sirens on and running? It would keep the walkers attention for much longer
Rick needs to sit the fuck down.
Also if they had finale knowledge Daryl should have gone to donate blood.
Why is Otis carrying what appears to be the bigger and heavier bag?
I do appreciate how dedicated Shane is to getting back to Carl and making sure he lives. 
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rufeepeach · 2 years
1/2 I'm a rumbelle shipper indeed! I actually made it through 3 seasons and I know it would hurt but the question is how much? (I mean I don't like to get hurt at all, but I used to be a game of thrones fan and a Jaime/Brienne shipper, so if no one ends up crying in the middle of a winter night in a nightgown while the other one leaves to die the stupidest death ever with his fucking twin sister - I probably could bear it (sorry it's been 3 years and I'm still fuming)).
2/2 Like, on the scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is a fluffy happy ending and 10 is something that makes you want to scream, throw things, wipe out your memory and regret coming across this show - how bad it is?
So as I've said to my mind you've already gotten everything you're going to get out of OUAT lol.
HOWEVER it sounds like you're gonna keep going despite it all which... it would be hypocritical of me to criticise that decision. So. You're probably aware season 7 is totally different to the others - it's set I think like 20(?) years later but also time fuckery generally means some characters are older and some stay the same age (i.e. we keep the actors who wanted to stay on and lose everyone else).
All this to say, there’s two endings: S6, which ends the series storyline started in the pilot, and S7, which tries to end all of it, only more and bigger and with more CGI WHEEE!!
The S6 finale, I will admit, is pretty fucking good. 6B had no right to pull it out of the hat the way it did after the absolute crap they’d been pulling for years by that point, but y’know what? It works. And if you decide that the whole of 6A was the villain of 6B fucking with everyone’s head with magic to get her way a-la Community’s ‘gas leak’ season you can even overlook some of the OOC melodrama. So, S6 ends pretty perfectly. You should stop there. That’s where I meant to stop. It is an unapologetically happy ending - they make a big deal, actually, out of it being a ‘happy beginning’. Nice subversion of the fairytale thing, you thought, nice way to say ‘the first day of the rest of their lives’ we all said.
And in my opinion, you need to stop there and accept S7 as the creators’ bad fanfic.
S7 then has one (1) Rumbelle episode where it crumples that nice hopeful ‘happy beginning’ into a ball and throws it into the saddest possible well it could find because what we really needed was to see the whole happy ending play out and somehow still end tragically for Rumple.
Some people love S7 - I’ll be clear that I only saw that one episode and the finale (which uh, also sucked imho?) - so I’ll let others clarify if it’s actually worth watching. No disrespect to anyone who did watch it! Weaver gets a lot of love and Hook seems better in that season but I really had had enough by then.
As you can tell, I have a lot of very bitter opinions about this show. Y’know since these responses get longer every time.
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biganimal92 · 11 months
for the unrecommend a book thing: i'm going to cheat and go with a play. that play is part ii of johann wolfgang von goethe's faust (that one about the middle-aged german doctor who makes a deal with the devil, acquiring a demonic sugar daddy). my goodness, it's a downgrade. weird time-travel shenanigans where faust is determined to go back in time so he can fuck helen of troy, pseudo-symbolic shit with a homunculus, squandered character development of a character we saw in part i who LOOKED like he would be set up for a bigger character arc... there's a lot. don't even get me started on the ending, because what the actual fuck was up with that. you know how "puella magi madoka magica: the rebellion story" was very divisive and still is? faust part ii's ending is sort of like that except most people i've met also agree "yeah no part ii kind of sucks ending-wise". it's just the rebellion story without the pretty music and the trippy animated nightmare sequences (though i liked rebellion. So.)
i liked rebellion a lot up until the part where homura became satan, i talked about it a while back but i feel like the last 15 minutes of the movie were redundant when it comes to the themes of the movie, even though i knew what they were trying to do it and i ultimately do like the very end of it, i feel that it needlessly repeats what the entire movie had been about at that point and i also feel that the decision to become a demon was so ooc for homura that her entire personality did a 180 to try to justify it in the writing
i go more into my opinion on it and cite my sources in this post but i maintain that rebellion is still a very good experience and i would certainly watch it again
anyway onto your recommendation, i didn't realize faust had a part 2! granted when it comes to classical literature i'm not the most well versed in goethe's work, but i have read the original faust and i enjoyed it quite a bit. it was very influential in a lot of creative circles and it's even resulted in its own adjective (faustian, which fits in the same box of fun literary terms as kafkaesque in my mind) so i feel as though i should know more about it. when you describe part 2 to me though it sounds pretty nonsensical and inconsistent with the original story in terms of tone, it sounds silly when you put it the way that you did lol. i'm glad i'm not too into faust because i would have been very disappointed if i'd gotten super into faust and then realized that the sequel was a sack of shit
thank u for the recommendation, lemme know if there's anything you'd suggest i read or further stay away from lol
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Fucking cackling at someone thinking Keanu Reeves would "cry himself to sleep" over a bunch of 20-30+ years olds writing fic/making art of a character he played. Deffo agree some of the shit is ooc for Johnny but Keanu has acted in larger projects with bigger fandom, has been an actor basically all of his life, has a happy healthy relationship, and more money than any of us will ever see. People making raunchy content of of one the characters hes played isnt gonna keep that man up at night- hes fine.
LOL. He probably would think those people are very sad individuals.
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askthesouleatercrew · 2 years
Happy gay month! Drop all of your lgbtq soul eater headcanons
[answering this ooc so we can get into details >:) sorry (or not?) for how dang long this got. please enjoy...
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-girl! trans! demigirl in a "all girl but Girl is so much bigger than cis people think it is" kind of a way.
-bi! uses it interchangeably w/ pan but tends towards bi as a descriptor. being a girl is a big part of her attraction. iykyk
-recognizes when she likes someone very quickly which makes her an absolute outlier in this group. love that for her. everyone clap
-now being vulnerable by admitting to those feelings to others...a little more complex! i am rooting for her
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-boy! also trans! my guy my dude my man. this guy can fit so much t swag in him.
-bi! loves women as a man but queerly and bonds with kilik about this. important note.
-even worse than maka at feelings which is saying something
-doesn’t bind generally. too uncomfortable and his back is already messed up due to the *gestures at so many things about this guy* so yeah. his presentation is v influenced by his sensory needs.
-his name stuff is very important to him as evidenced by him canonically owning multiple clothing items with his name on it. every time i have to type out soul eater evans i am physically pained by this but there’s no good solution. soul eater my friend soul eater
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-nonbinary. trans. gender is symmetry. you know!!
-made a comic about this a bit ago
-”’boy”’’ terms are fine w/ him. gets a little >_> (positive) when people mix in they/thems for him with his he/hims. beloved he/they boything
-very new to thinking about all this but he has already figured a lot out gender with support from his friends!!! proud of him
-attraction/sexuality...less so! knows he’s not straight but is not really able to think about himself in the context of attraction at the moment. he will get there when he gets there...
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-girl! she is the only cis person in the crew, lol.
-she is lovingly referred to as "our liz cizbian, our ciz lizbian" etc by many of them
-lesbian as aforementioned. an absolute wreck. tries her best to play it off but so very nervous about acting on stuff.
-advice giver despite this lmao. good at picking up on other people's stuff if it doesn't involve her
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-girl :3 transgender :3 she is having a great time. gender stuff was unfortunately part of her and liz’ reasons for leaving home
-thinks its hilarious to vary the sizes of her breast forms and she’s right. she’s very powerful and does whatever she wants. trans joy is real and patty is proof
-assigning words to her attraction/sexuality simply not on her radar at this point in her life.
-she’s also like . why is everyone so pent up about this just kiss the people you want... i will do it since you are so fucking complicated
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-trans boyyy... gender is being THE BIGGEST and being THE GREAT BLACK*STAR
-he knew EXTREMELY early. like basically never got why people were calling him a girl early
-sid and everyone else around him were super supportive! he basically never had to transition socially, it was p immediate
-gay!! attraction and “fun” dating easy and great, Big Feelings/Romance are...much more difficult! he is simply bouncing around like an electron can’t catch me vulnerable thoughts and feelings!
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-trans girl! was also very supported by her family and has had a relativeley smooth time of gender. want an easy one for her lol
-pan! also uses bi but prefers pan. truly like “the future is open who knows :)”
-sees herself like...idk how to phrase this but her self view is very utilitarian mostly? like her function and her abilities rather than Her as a person if that makes sense.
-so it’s a nice like...genuine expression of self care for her to have been able to express these aspects of herself. tsubaki..
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crona my beloved
-nonbinary of all time. they/them so much. just so not in the binary. we love to see it. did not have the language for it (or most things) growing up but always knew on some level they weren’t a boy or a girl.
-re crona gender medusa was along the lines of ‘as long as you serve your function, whatever’ which is shitty in its own special way but at least. you know.
-as far as attraction/sexuality...oh crona. does not know what a crush is. woefully out of their depth in terms of being able to conceptualize themself as someone capable of being loved or loving others at this point in their life. and yet! both of these are possible. and in fact. happening right now... bless them. it’s hard. they will get there..
happy pride everyone!!!!!]
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
I be having some interesting conversations sometimes lol also this my first time writing for Naoya Zenin, he’s probably a little OOC but what do you want me to do about it? femme reader
TW: noncon, (one) slap on the face, a touch of misogyny but that’s to be expected with wonderful Naoya :)
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Walking around the Zenin estate always felt like you were being hunted. Darting around corners, hiding in forgotten closets, pressing yourself against the walls of desolate hallways - all to stay away from him.
Your official role in the estate was a housecleaner, a simple maid that got bossed around and was generally meant to go ignored and unseen by the people that actually lived here. Yet for some reason, the future head of the Zenin clan had formed quite an attachment to you.
“(Y/N)!” Naoya called your name curtly from down the hall. He must have sensed you were nearby and wanted to play with you. Holding your breath, you waited to see if you could hear his footsteps approaching. When none came, you turned the opposite direction to the sound of his voice and ran away.
There were many times you’d tried to quit, tried to run away and hide from him, but they never worked. Whatever Naoya wanted, he got. You weren’t allowed to quit, he paid you far too much money and he made sure you wouldn’t be able to hide anywhere, he had people just waiting to search for you should you try to give him the slip.
You were right in feeling like every second spent at the estate felt like being hunted for sport, because you were.
When you didn’t immediately reply to Naoya, you knew your fate was sealed. In truth it would probably be better to just go to him outright and see what he wanted, but you couldn’t help but prolong the inevitable; you couldn’t willingly give yourself away to a predator such as him.
Ducking around a corner, you could faintly hear the shoji screen slide open and his footstep crossing the threshold. He was no doubt leaning over into the hallway to see where you were.
The first empty room you saw, you went into. It was one of the Zenin families personal libraries, absolutely full of so many books that it would take at least two lifetimes to read them all, and even more to fully comprehend them.
Hiding behind a large tufted armchair, you held your breath and tried to listen as closely as you could for any approaching footsteps. Slapping a hand over your mouth to further silence yourself, you squeezed your eyes shut and prayed for the best.
“Hiding from me won’t do you any good.” Naoya’s voice sounded right above you and a spike of fear shot down your spine. Throwing yourself away from his voice, you looked up in horror at the man standing above you in his pristine yukata.
Naoya laughed at your horrified expression and the way you tried to shoot up and run away from the room. His hand caught your wrist, yanking you back to him with an ease that scared you even more.
“Stop running away (Y/N).” His voice was too casual for the way he pressed you into his chest, grabbed your throat and pulled your head back. “You know I don’t like to play with my food.”
“Zenin-sama, please.” There were already tears brimming at your lashes, getting bigger and threatening to fall as Naoya tightened his grip around your throat. Squirming against him, you clenched your eyes closed and let out a little hiccup as the tip of his tongue connected with your cheek.
“I thought I taught you that when I call your name, you’re to run to me with your tits out and mouth open ready to suck me off?” Naoya pressed his lips right against your ear and pressed his fingers into your pulse.
“And didn’t I also teach you that when a man is speaking you’re to be silent?” Completely closing off your airway, Naoya chuckled into your ear as you desperately clawed at his hand. When your arms turned slack, he let you go, let you sputter and cough back to life in his hold.
His free hand immediately went to work, yanking down the collar of the yukata he put you in. Naoya had made a rule early on that you could only wear the clothes he gave you, and most of the time it consisted of nothing at all or skimpy lingerie. He’d taken all the clothes you had brought with you to the estate and picked through them, only giving back a handful of necessary undergarments.
Shoving the fabric down your shoulders, he was close to tearing the whole thing to shreds. You didn’t have a bra on underneath, he’d taken all of them as part of your punishment for running away last time.
“What a fucking whore.” Naoya tsked upon seeing your unobstructed breasts, nipples pebbling under the sudden cool air. Once your yukata was fully gathered around your waist, Naoya slapped a hand onto one of your breasts and pulled you against him.
“Stop...” You whimpered, craning your head away as he nudged it with his nose. Naoya ignored your pathetic cries in favor of swiping his tongue across your neck, coating it in his saliva before biting down. “Zenin-sama!” Your body jerked in response, your back arching hard to try and get away.
You could feel his hard on through his yukata, pushing strongly against the curve of your ass. Naoya sucked on your neck, digging his teeth in further and letting drool drip down the front of your chest.
His hand was hard at work as well, fondling your breasts far too roughly and pinching your nipple between his fingers. The tears that were at your lashes were now falling in a gentle stream down your cheeks, dripping right onto his hand.
“Stop your pathetic crying, filthy slut.” Naoya barked, ripping his hand away from your chest and slapping you across the cheek. “You should be grateful I’m using you like this instead of keeping you as some no name maid.”
You tried to stem your crying, you really did, but the stinging burn on your face coupled with his harsh words and even harsher treatment of your body weren’t making it easy. Looking up at the ceiling, you sniffled hard and let out a short shout when he bit your shoulder abruptly.
“Zenin-sama...please let me go...” You’d given up physically struggling, only gripping his sleeve pathetically with your free hand. The whole side of your neck and top of your shoulder were covered in his teeth marks and blooming hickies he’d be sure to touch up later.
“Shut the fuck up.” He sighed, holding you still so he could grind against your ass. “Shut up and take what I give you.” Groaning low in his throat, Naoya dropped his head and thrust into your ass, tightening the grip on your wrist as he rut into you.
The push he gave you was abrupt, and you were face down on the floor in seconds. The hardwood scraped across your chest and face painfully but there wasn’t any time to hobble up to your feet as Naoya dragged your hips up and forced your ass in the air.
“Zenin-sama!” Your feet beat against the floor as he pushed and pulled the bottom of your yukata up to bunch at your hips, exposing your naked lower half to the room. When Naoya took your clothes away, he also took away your underwear.
“God you’re fucking loud.” He sounded properly annoyed as he spread your asscheeks apart with his hands. Looking over your shoulder, you could see him gather saliva in his mouth and spit right on your asshole, biting his lip as you clenched around nothing.
“Better put on a show for me then, you little bitch.” Landing a hard smack on your ass, Naoya begins to adjust the front of his yukata, pulling his cock out from the confines of the fabric. Pumping it once, twice, he presses it to your asshole. “Put on a nice show while I take what's mine and maybe I won’t put a shock collar on you like last time.”
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imaginethathaikyuu · 3 years
kinktober - day sixteen
osamu miya - hungry 
kinktober faq  kinktober prompt list
NSFW warning featuring: service top osamu, oral sex (reader receiving), fingerng, motivated by jealousy, he wants u bad, no aftercare other tags: osamu is very jealous, reader is a Player, their relationship is confusing and is never openly explained lol, months of osamu pining over u, mentions of reader using other men to make osamu jealous, potential ooc osamu but i dont care  fem reader
word count: 3377
p.s thank u @closetedweeb01 for beta reading the beginning and helping me get this story in the right direction it was so helpful<3! and thank u @natsuonii for helping me basically the entire time i was writing this fic up until like ten minutes ago LMAO ily thank u sm sophie muah thank u <33 and also to everyone else who reached out to help or gave advice :) much appreciate
“Look up.” 
Osamu did, and you grinned, laughed in disbelief as you stood over him. 
“What?” he asked, squinting eyes dark with intent to stay looking at yours until you asked otherwise. 
“You listened.” 
“I already told you,” he started, and even as your hand moved to hold his face, even as you squatted down to straddle his lap, he didn’t break that eye contact and his baritone voice didn’t falter, “I would do anything you told me to do.” 
Osamu knew that you were testing him, but this was a game he was always ready to play. “Anything.” 
“Why’s that?” you asked, only teasing - you already knew his answer. “You got so jealous at the bar earlier, watching me dancing with Hinata. You know… you don’t own me, Osamu.” 
His only response, “I’m better than him,” and all you could do was laugh. 
The look in his eyes was all too familiar - seeing it was almost comforting. That hunger he only had for you was burning hotter than ever, now mixed with competitive passion and a need to win. 
“Shoyo’s pretty fit,” you hummed, a playfulness laced through your voice in a way that Osamu didn’t like. “I think he’d be a good time… I’m still waiting for him to text back.” 
With his hands on your hips Osaumu pulled you closer, slotting right between your legs, the center of you perfectly aligned with the peak in his jeans. 
“I’m better,” he repeated, and still, his voice was strong. As if you couldn’t break him no matter how hard you tried. 
But this teasing would only be fun for so long, and although Osamu could take it for as long as you’d give it, you were growing tired. You hadn’t given him so much as a crumb and still he was waiting for you to hand him a full meal - somehow his interest in you had only grown despite your snide teasing and better-than attitude. 
You were sure he would have lost interest by now, and yet he still acts as if the two of you hadn’t been in this exact position dozens of times before. Your plans to make him jealous never fall through even though everything he’s jealous of isn’t his, but he never fails to remind you that he’s the one you run back to. 
And he does do everything you say. He listens and complies and obeys and yet he’s never seemed as submissive as moments ago when two words had him looking up at you like a begging dog. 
You thrived on it. 
“Kiss me.” 
At any moment he could turn this around on you. He could leave you wanting, needing, begging; he could deny what you were asking of him and make you feel how he’s felt. And yet, he doesn’t. You told him to kiss you and so he kissed you, and he wouldn’t stop until you pulled away and gave him more instruction. 
It wasn’t like him to be so behaved, to exist by someone else’s word, but, really, he was only doing what he wanted to do; the gratification he felt from doing as you told him was unmatched, and the look of pride in your eyes despite any taunting words you’d say was addictive. 
And he’d take any chance he would get to show you how much he thrived on it. 
He was being eager and you liked it. His hips were rocking up against you in minutes; both of his hands were holding your face and keeping you in place so he could kiss you as long as he wanted. 
Maybe you were letting him get away with too much, and maybe this was going to go much faster than you ever intended, but he was finally showing you just how deeply hungry for you he was - and maybe you couldn’t get enough of it. 
You matched his rocking with a thrust of your own and you felt him shiver, and you pulled out of the kiss to take this chance to tease. 
“Too much?” 
“Not enough,” he groaned, chasing your lips for more. You only gave him a short taste before pushing him back again, and he hit the back of the couch with a thud. 
“God, you’re so fucking desperate,” you taunted. “Already this hard from one kiss?” 
“All for you,” he admitted, throwing his head back as he wondered why the hell he let himself do this with you. How many times had he watched you dancing and flirting with another man all while your eyes were on him? How many nights had you left him with nothing to do but fuck his fist while trying to remember the way your lips tasted? How much longer before he’d finally have enough? 
What was it about you that he was so addicted to, anyway? What did you give him that everybody else lacked? Maybe it was just the chase of it all - maybe when he finally got a piece of you he’d be able to get past the wave of emotions you send over him any time you were around. 
But he knew he’d never get enough. Even if all of you was only his, he wouldn’t be satisfied. 
“What do you want, Osamu?” 
“Whatever you’ll give me,” he answered without looking up. 
You eyed the expanse of his neck before latching your lips onto his skin, pulling a reaction out of him that had you shivering this time. 
“That’s not a good enough answer,” you hummed. “Tell me what you want.” 
Like he’d come to the end of his rope and had no other option but to blurt out the truth, he said, “I want to fuck you,” and he had to swallow another moan before he could think of continuing. “Wanna stuff you with my cock and fuck my cum into you and show you how much fucking better I am than anyone else who’s ever tried to make you feel as good as I can - fuck, stop moving your hips like that, baby.” 
While he was mumbling descriptions of daydreams, sounding like he was making a wish to some god or star above, you were left wondering how far you would take this. You always knew you’d eventually come to this point, and yet the answer isn’t as clear as you once thought it would be. 
What happens when you give Osamu what he wants? Your fun with him would end, this cat and mouse game would be over. He’d get a taste of what he’s needed and maybe he would realize you weren’t all that. And he’d be off chasing someone else while you were left looking behind, waiting to see his needy eyes on you. 
Still - perfect moments like these don’t come often. And you were done toying with him, weren’t you? 
“You think you can make me feel good, ‘Samu?” 
“I know I could.” 
“Better than Shoyo could?” 
Every time you think you’re pushing just the right buttons, Osamu’s patience shows out. He should have thrown you onto the couch and had his way with you by now - you’d have no complaints if that’s how it panned out - but he held back. Even though his eyes said everything he was thinking, he stopped himself. He waited for your exact word before making any decision. 
He was avoiding your eyes and you didn’t like it. “Look at me, Osamu.” He did.
“You’re gonna stop saying anyone else’s name, sweetheart - it’s not as cute as you think it is.” 
Your next two words, “Make me,” were punctuated with a dramatic shift in your position - he pushed your body onto the couch and came towering over you, just like you’d been expecting him to do. 
“That’s all I needed to hear - I will.” 
You watched in awe as the man finally seemed to crack; he pulled his shirt off and the mask he seemed to be wearing all this time came off with it. His pristine control was thrown across the room, and all that was left was a hungry man tearing your clothes off like he was preparing his last meal. 
“Are you finally gonna have your way with me?” 
He grinned and said, “No,” and for a second you naively thought he was giving you a taste of your own medicine. He’d never dream of doing that, though. “I’m gonna take you how you deserve, baby - gonna show you how to feel good.” He kissed you without permission this time, too sweet to be so short, and followed it with the biting whisper, “I’m yours to use - tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Use me.” 
You’ve always had this much control over him, but it was never this apparent. And you had never used it for much benefit, because you really never knew how tight of a hold you had on him. You could tighten his collar until he couldn’t breathe and he’d let you; he would take any pain you inflicted as long as you kissed him better afterwards. 
And he was begging you to tell him what to do, waiting patiently and staying eager, and only now were you realizing how badly you needed to be served by no one but him. 
Maybe that realization is what had your act of confidence dissolving; maybe that’s why you could hardly wrap your tongue around your next words, “Your mouth, Osamu,” because just the thought of getting what you wanted had your stomach fluttering and your underwear soaked. You’d spent so long pushing him to the edge that you ended up right there with him, teasing yourself more than you ever teased him. 
He asked, “Where?” with a daring flirting edge posed to be a genuine question, like he was trying to see how commanding you would be. 
You pushed his shoulders down and said, “You know where,” and as he finally moved lower down your body, you stripped yourself of the clothes he’d left behind. 
He watched in desired awe as your pretty bra fell to the floor; seeing you bare underneath him for the first time felt like a bigger test of temptation than any time you had ever teased him on purpose. 
But he knew where you wanted him, even if you wouldn’t say it, even if it’s not where he wanted to be yet, even if he couldn’t take his eyes off of your neck or chest or stomach - there was no need for him to do anything you didn’t ask for. 
You’d already kicked your pants off and all Osamu had to do was take off your underwear, which he noted weren’t a match to your bra, and he’d add that to his list of endearing things about you. It was something so normal that nobody else would notice while he’d remember forever, something he’d tease you for later, something he’d stroke himself to the thought of. 
It’d go to the back of his mind for now, though, as he pulled your underwear down your shaking legs while you watched him. 
And he was convinced he was going to wake up any second now, so he rushed to make himself comfortable between your legs before his alarm clock woke him up - because there was no way this could actually, finally be happening. “God, you’re a dream.” 
He could’ve listened, but he had to treat you right - this was only worth doing if he took his time. 
“Just relax,” he told you as he left kisses along your hip, “can’t rush these things.” 
“I would have came three times by now, if Sho - shit!” 
You were cut off with a rough spank to your thigh as well as Osamu’s tongue just barely tracing your clit, and it was enough to have your words stick to your throat. 
“What was that?” His voice sounded as dark as the look in his eyes, and it showed you that you’d finally found a button you shouldn’t press.  
“Go on - finish that sentence. I dare you to.” And he smacked your thigh again, just to prove his point. “You think anybody else would take their time with you? Would anyone else give this pretty pussy the attention it deserves, baby? Or do you know I’m the only one?” 
You had to swallow any excess pride just so you could voice a shaky reply, “I don’t know - show me.” 
Instead of voicing a response, he knew the only thing he had to do was what you asked. But he was sure if you pulled another stunt like that he’d end up leaving bruises with how brutally he’d show his ownership of you - that was one thing he wouldn’t let you get away with. 
But in that moment all he had to do was hook his arms around your thighs, hold you against his face, and devour you like he’d been dying to do for months now. So that’s what he did, and he watched as you threw your head back, listened as you moaned out for him, held you down as you rocked your hips against his face - and that was it. He felt like he’d just gotten a ticket into heaven. 
“That’s it,” he hummed, and you hardly noticed he’d pulled his mouth off of you because he didn’t break for long. He left with his teeth barely grazing your clit before he let himself speak again, and you had to reach down and grab his hand just to keep yourself grounded. “Just come undone for me, baby.” 
He groaned loud into you when you got a hold of his hair, and you felt those vibrations from his throat to your toes. 
And he needed you; he had his name on your lips and your legs around his head and his tongue inside you and still, still it wasn’t enough. He wanted more even though he had it all, and he wanted to push you further even though you were right where he needed you to be. 
But you kept pulling his hair and squeezing his hand and moaning his name - you were begging for him in every way you could and Osamu could hardly keep going without completely devouring you. 
You seemed to be getting close and he was filled to the brim with pride, but he had to stop to see just how much control you had slipped into his grasp. 
“Look down.” 
You did; for the first time, to Osamu’s recollection, you listened to him. 
You opened your eyes and saw him looking up at you, with the same look in his eyes as when you gave him that instruction, messy hair and flushed cheeks making him look as fucked out as you felt. 
Finally, suddenly, eagerly, he gave you more than just his mouth, his fingers exploring until he sunk two of them into you, and your head fell back. 
“Look at me,” he demanded, the sharpness of his voice matching the bite he left inside your thigh. “Don’t look away, or you’ll finish yourself off. And you’ll be moaning my name when you do, I’m sure.”
“Osamu, please.” 
“Just like that,” and he was laughing at you, grinning and happy to be the one teasing. “What is it, sweetheart? You wanna cum for me?” 
You pulled his hair and forced his mouth onto you, “Please, ‘Samu,” and he let you take the reins again because, despite how much he loved toying with you, all he really wanted to do was give you what you wanted.  “Fuck, just let me cum.” 
The curl of his fingers pumping into you and the warmth of his tongue lapping your clit and the obscene moans coming from his throat, with the look in his eyes and how tightly he was holding your hand and the way he was listening to your every command - it was all too much. It was all the realization of what you’d been missing, teasing, and leaving; it was something you didn’t know if you’d have again but you sure as hell couldn’t go without. 
He could see the way your body reacted to every single touch, and maybe that’s why he was giving it to you exactly how you liked. And he wanted to cause a scene; you were moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear and still not loud enough for Osamu - he was pleasuring you like he had an audience watching him and he’d be damned if he disappointed. 
He was made for this, you were sure - he was right where he belonged and both of you were loving it. 
“Come on, baby,” he taunted, “wanna see you cum for me, sweetheart, wanna feel this tight cunt cumming around my fingers - I know you’re holding back, just let it go.” 
He tried pulling his hand from yours but you only tightened your hold and pulled his mouth back down to your clit rather than giving him his free hand or a moment to breathe. So he squeezed your hand, endeared at the feeling of you holding on to him. 
Osamu felt it as you started to do as he told you and let go - he watched as your world started to amplify as you chased for more of him, begged to reach that peak, focused on getting there. Your eyes squeezed shut and Osamu just didn’t have it in him to punish you for it, especially when you looked so pretty being absolutely unraveled. 
Teasing words were caught in the back of his throat but he couldn’t stop tasting you long enough to say them. Your thighs were shaking and your moans were screams and he could hardly keep pumping his fingers with how tight your walls were pulsing around them and that was it - Osamu was close to cumming himself just at the sight of you cumming for him, and the ache in his pants was more apparent now than ever before. 
But he couldn’t care about his own pleasure, not while he was so absolutely focused on you and yours. You were the only thing on his mind and he could only hope you were thinking about solely him. 
“So fucking hot,” he said, not even thinking anymore as he kept you cumming with his fingers. “My good fucking girl - that was all for me, wasn’t it? Look at you, making a fucking mess, all for me. All mine, aren’t you?” 
He couldn’t stop, he wanted to draw this out and take you there again, he wanted to push you farther. He didn’t want you to catch your breath or take a break, he only wanted you to keep moaning, begging, cumming for him. 
But, as he was ready to add a third finger inside of you, “Too much, ‘Samu.” 
“Not enough,” he reminded you. “You’ve got one more for me, sweetheart, try for me.” 
But you pulled on his hand you’d been holding, trying to pull him up to you, and he had to give in. After pulling his fingers out of you, careful and slow and too attentive to the way your body seemed to resist, he let you tug him up. 
You clinged to him, your legs coming to wrap around his waist and your hand holding his jaw to bring him down for a kiss. 
“You’re a mess,” you said with a laugh upon noticing his glossy lips and soaked chin, all caused by you. 
“It’s your fault,” he said. “I’ll go clean up - you need anything?” 
You shook your head, “Stay,” and hooked your legs together across his back, as if to lock him into place. 
“Look who the clingy one is now,” he remarked, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love it. 
He didn’t know what all of it meant. He didn’t know how you had gone from dancing with another man mere hours ago to clinging onto Osamu like he was the only thing keeping you sane, but it didn’t matter. He had you and you were his, at least for the night, and he’d gotten a more than good enough taste of you. That was all he needed to know it’d never get better than you - and he’d keep waiting for more. 
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
What if all the stardust crusaders were also mermen?
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This is my first time writing for the other Jojo’s, so I’m sorry if they’re ooc. I tried 🤷‍♀️
Didn’t know exactly what you wanted so I just did some random things XD (sorry for the weird formatting)
What if the Crusaders were also Mermen? Chaos, that’s what. Just imagine a journey across the seas just to beat up the sea snake that is Dio, but then think ten times harder. Going from the Pacific Ocean, to the Indian Ocean, into the Arabian Sea all just to get his ass.
Enemies are still sent by Dio, but now Dark Blue Moon is no longer special, kek. No but, while the enemies remain similar, Stands aren’t really a thing and therefore it becomes more a fight of physical strength. When Mer can come in all sorts of shapes, colours and sizes however, the battles always remain with an unsure outcome. Vanilla Ice the Giant Squid was a very close call.
The journey itself was tiresome, with them having to swim the entire way instead of being able to use transportation. Not to even mention other things. Every day is chaos - not even taking enemies into account - when travelling with the crusaders:
Polnareff won’t have to worry about clean toilets for once but still always seems to be complaining about something, Kakyoin and Jotaro are both still adolescents so they don’t quite have a grip on their instincts yet, more easily distracted by small things such as animals they don’t yet know or a shape quickly fluttering away in the current (must be chased and caught!!!), Joseph is basically an overgrown adolescent even if he is the patriarch of the pod so he usually shoots along with his grandson and friend. Iggy is there but then he isn’t??? And then he is again?? All in all, Avdol should get a medal, award, title, anything and everything really for his patience and ability to keep the others on track and keep them going.
Now, personality wise:
The Joestar pod is a big one. Family and friends coming together over time to form a larger and larger pod until it is eventually one of the largest out there. All kinds of Mer have come together to form this giant family unit and - apart from one defect (Dio) - it has stayed surprisingly tight knit.
He is the pod patriarch, making the decisions together with Erina, who is the matriarch.
Super protective of the pod. Would shield the entire family with his body if he could. But since he can’t he’ll settle for just shielding all the pups, since the others can protect themselves. He is large enough to do so anyways.
Best play mate possible. All the pups love him.
I imagine he either has the body of a seal, or a blue whale. Very different yes, but he is just an excited ginormous puppy, hence the seal. But he is also a gentle giant, hence the blue whale. And also... other, more obvious reasons (*cough* he buff and giant *cough*).
In his younger years, he is the bane of existence of all the adults in the pod. In both his adolescent as well as young adult/adult stage, Joseph is a hyperactive troublemaker. More than once he has snuck out of pod territory, only to come fleeing back with an angry sea creature on his tail, needing resident buff protector Jonathan to step up and chase his attacker off.
In his older years, he has mellowed out a bit, needing to be since he inherited the position of pod patriarch from Jonathan. He is however, still a prankster and always will be. He will play a prank on the pups every so often where he pretends to have died in the night when they come get him for meal- or play time (He’s been scolded by Suzie Q for that after one of the pups burst out crying. He promised to never do it again, but he definitely will).
I imagine he has the lower body of a dolphin. Dolphins can be real assholes. But also very playful and agile, which Joseph stays, no matter his age. Either that, or a sawfish. Their faces look a little silly, but don’t bloody mess with them. They are fast as all hell and they can also get to be fujking big. About 7 meters (23 feet) on average to be exact. But then again, Joseph wouldn’t get the face so he has nothing to worry about.
Oh, Jotaro. Our resident grumpy Mer. In a pod dynamic he usually has one of two moods. Tolerant, or, leave me the fuck alone. Usually it is the latter.
Surprisingly enough however, his personality seems to appeal to several of the pups. It’s about a 50/50 chance whether they’ll be scared of him, or think he is the coolest. Oftentimes a disgruntled Jotaro can be seen, followed by about two or three small Mer who are chatting his ears off or chewing on his side fins as they teeth.
Thanks to this, Jotaro is often the one who goes hunting. It finally gives him a bit of that peace and quiet he needs. Yare yare indeed.
I imagine Jotaro to have the body of a bull shark. Not the biggest or most aggressive shark out there, but part of the top 3 for sure. Also, Mer have the tendency to have their tails be bigger than their animal counterpart, such is definitely the case with Jotaro. Male bull sharks averaging in about 2 meters in length while just Jotaro’s tail is already almost double that.
Josuke has inherited some of his father’s hyperactivity unfortunately. The young Mer can often be heard from a mile away whenever he is hanging out with his friends.
Speaking of which, one day Josuke just turned up with several Mer in need of a home. Guess they’re part of the pod now!
Josuke is always quick to help anyone who needs it though. Need a hand? Josuke is there. Want someone to watch the pups? Might be a bit of a hazard, but Josuke will gladly do so. Need something that is very specific and probably quite a swim-distance away? Josuke is already on his way there.
He just wants to help and be useful, let him do stuff please 🥺
Still somehow has his hairdo, even underwater.
I drew Josuke as a Nurse shark a little while back, but for some reason I can also really see him being a sting ray?? I don’t know why, I think a sting ray fits him but that may be my bias towards stingrays.
But the lower half I can really see him having is that of a sailfish. (Have you seen the sails on those fish? They are just as impressive as Josuke’s hair. It’s a perfect match) they are fast as fuck boiiiiii, perfect for our lovable goof.
Either that or he is an otter cause they are bloody adorablez
Giorno wasn’t born as part of the Joestar pod unfortunately. Growing up, his father, Dio, had different goals and morals and broke away from the Joestar pod. Oftentimes Giorno heard him talk about the old pod he was once a part of, and how he vowed to wipe it from the sea.
This sparked a curiosity in the young Mer and when he was old enough, he decided to just up and leave the Brando pod. His initial goal was to find the Joestar pod he had heard so much about, but on his travels, he came across a different one. After spending some time with them, he decided to remain with Bucciarati and his pod of misfits.
All kinds of sea creatures flock to Giorno. For some reason, the calm and confident aura he gives off makes many animals feel safe and protected, hiding under or against his body if he is resting or sitting down on the ocean floor, or - if Giorno allows it - following him as he swims.
Giorno. Hmm, Giorno. I think he might have the lower body of a barracuda or a lion fish. Sleek, streamlined, dangerous. Or, pretty, yet hard to approach with his poisonous spikes poised unless he trusts you and allows you near. His spikes will lie as flat down his body as he can get them to show this. Not many Mer have this honour.
(Or he is part of the requiem shark family, lols, sorry I had to)
Jolyne can be energetic or standoffish, you can never really tell which of the two it will be. Her dynamic in the pod differs from day to day depending on her mood, but when it comes to it, there is nothing she won’t do for it.
Very playful and giddy. Loves to hang out with her best friends and is the unofficial appointed forager with how much stuff she brings back whenever she goes for a swim.
Jolyne’s lower half. Hum hmm. Her body either somewhat resembles a butterfly fish, only- updated to be more mermaid like by being more stretched out, her tail fin mainly resembling the fish while her tail is more classic. It’s very pretty though and she somehow has some octopus genes in her, making her able to change colours, which she absolutely loves to do, nearly coming in with a new colour every day (though she has a few favourites) Either that, or she resembles her dad a little more with the lower half of a spinner shark. She’s sleek and agile. A swift and dangerous predator you should not mess with. She might look harmless when she’s chatting with her friends, but when she is spinning at you with claws poised and no way to escape, you’d click a different tune.
Haven’t read part 7 or 8 yet, sorry :(
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1/2 "Explore the fuck was that" Xiaoge is not Xiaoge and talking is not the problem here. It's literally everything thats the problem. Also like you I've also read all the books, but failed to put into words why Xiao Yu Liang's and Huang Jun Jie's Qilings didn't give me any divergence from the original character despite the changes, while others did and pretty drastically. I thought it was a bit irrational on my part, but you just sorted it all out so effortlessly I'm a bit jealous
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Lol I said the exact same thing, the talking and the phone was not a problem as some say, he has a phone in the book too at some point and talks more than you'd actually think, it's just that literally nothing about him is Zhang Qiling. Literally not one vibe or even tiny feeling. I don't know how that happened honestly.
AAAAAAAAA I saw the smile comments too lmao. I was like who's gonna tell them. Not only he smiles, he's full on laughing in the 2nd book already, when Wu Xie is using his spit as a lotion lmao. And Wu Xie was so happy about, he was like "I saw him smile before, but it was always so bitter and cold, this was the first time he smiled genuinely, he just needs to spend more time with him, we'll get him there" T_T Before that his smiling was legit a bit scary tho, sometimes brash, like when he told him about the stairs and he went "oh really?" haha
I thought about it and I honestly have no idea about the reference point for some people. I think maybe they go from that first adaptation? Maybe they think it's how he is in the book? Idk. It just weirds me out that I feel like some created some their own picture in their head and then judge everything from there throwing "thats ooc" left and right. Like this "Xiao Ge doesn't smile thing". Maybe it's because of the "Poker-face" thing, but do they know that "Men You Ping" doesn't actually mean that, it was just the closest thing you could come up with with english alternative to keep the nickname short (like I doubt it would read well if he kept calling him a bottle xD). Like according to Wu Xie since the very first book, his hubby can't even lie, so he's definitely not a poker face at all. He also gets pissed pretty easily and he likes to fool around sometimes too (like troll Wu Xie and Fatty obviously).
He's also not emo and not the "mysterious hero from some romance", not a stone and not a zooty. I don't know where this all came from tbh.
I can really debate 24/7 about this, but they're 100% Qilings, just slightly changed and softened accordingly to what they'd be like at this point of their relationship, if he did write it in (and I'm like pretty sure I'm right about this). It's the way they behave, how they act in certain situations, how they're with Wu Xie, how they're with other people, the right amount of sass and being done with everything, just the overall picture, the "you're an idiot, but you're my whole world". But also you know, that strange feeling that Wu Xie describes, like "when he's there, everything is suddenly alright" lol (just the magical safety vibe esp in SOP). I literally don't know how ppl who read the whole thing watched them and thought "thats not right". It's the fucking overall feeling of.. yes, i'm watching Zhang Qiling.
Just change the book's impending doom of tragical "you're my whole world, but I can't stay and there's no way for this to work" to "we actually have a future and I want to stay in our home with you" and that's basically Yuliang's and Junjie's versions (one on the way, one fully there by the end). But even if for some reason you can't accept this, I still don't get how some could hate it, cause overall they still have basically everything they need. Unlike others who are way off in my opinion, bc of the weird templates they are.
And about "Explore the fuck was that" (lol I'm gonna use this title from now on) seriously, no offense to this creation and everyone who liked it (no judging here for real, everyone likes what they like), I'm not gonna heavily diss anyone or anything, I don't really care for the thing, just telling the truth. No one who's participated in this thing have a fucking idea about the characters they're playing or writing about.
I mean, as a fan many things that were adapted from books, I already do not care for minor divergence or even bigger once, if it makes sense and you see the care and understanding of the characters, but sadly here it felt like no one cared. Like for example honestly if someone asked me what would you choose "watching wu xie and xiao ge but not 100% sticking to the plot" or "loosely watching the plot, but it's not wu xie and xiao ge", I'm gonna pick the first option.
And some will say that's it's only the writers/directors mistakes for not explaining or guiding actors etc, but to be honest it's not completely true, bc as we know many actors if they really care before taking on the role actually try to do a research about the character and read the material to understand what they're playing. Especially if it's such iconic characters of a franchise Сhina's been going crazy over for like a decade.
Like how the hell happened that Zhu Yilong for example while playing embodied all the Wu Xie's traits througout the whole book series from behaving exactly like young Wu Xie did in certain needed parts to going to the cold, strategic and rational old self in others, I mean, they could've just go with the "Restart" one, where not much happens and he could've played just that. But literally each time he did something, I was like "yeah, that's my boo". And that wasn't the part of this exact book, it was part of Wu Xie. Like the way he behaved, acted in some previous situations that you know its him. That's happening only when the actor knows who he's portraying.
Or Yuliang knowing and loving and feeling the character he plays, because he wanted to know and cared.
It's just strange to me, bc if they're not making it for the fans, then for whom do they even make it? For themselves? It's really stupid no matter how you look at it. Like your success depends on it, so what's the point in sinking your own ship I will never get.
I also do not get how could they just fail literally everything. Like casting was a miss already, but good acting and chemistry and putting character's soul in it could've make it great still, but they have literally none of anything, it's just fascinating to me. I just don't think I ever seen something like that, it's kinda funny.
But this is like once again just my opinion. Like everyone is free to think what they think, but maybe just stop yelling "OOC" without knowing the original character, cause maybe it's not really OOC. Like book Xiao Ge is not exactly what many ppl claim him to be really.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
You’ve probably discussed this a million times before, and it’s all a bit tedious, but I’m relatively new here in fandom, so forgive me.
I detest the Klaine cheating storyline in 4 SO MUCH. Ok people say it wasn’t OOC of Blaine, as he had all these abandonment issues, but there is no way you can convince me he’d have cheated. Four episodes before, he’s looking for reassurance that they’ll always be together, and he started having his panic of being left behind from mid season 3 onwards. - he was so devoted to Kurt. And then they get him cheating? I’d have believed it more if they’d grown apart, or lack of communication for a few more episodes, then an almighty fight and them splitting then for a while, but not cheating.
I see people say that Blaine and Klaine followers don’t call him out enough for his shitty behavior, this bring the prime example. I can see his faults, but never believe he’d have cheated on Kurt. This is one example of where I really do blame the shitty writing, the inconsistency of plot, and it just puts a whole big black spot on what is really an adorable love story. (Yes they should have issues, but not like this).
Hi Nonny! Welcome!
The interesting thing in watching new people get attached to the show is watching them go through a lot of the same feelings and emotions a lot of us went through at time of airing. And I totally get that! I HATED the cheating story line when it happened in real time. I was incredibly resentful that we had to go through that, and I feared that it was going to destroy Blaine as a character for me.
I have softened considerably over the years. Maybe I'm just old, maybe I've just analyzed the shit out of this show too long, maybe I've just gotten to the acceptance part of being fan, lol, I don't know.
Some things to consider, and things I've come to after years of hearing different people's view points on the matter. (Keeping in mind that I'm not attempting to change your heart or your mind, just how I've made my peace with it.)
1. Glee's connotations with cheating work on a different level than that of the real world. (I'm half convinced Ryan Murphy has inner trauma with cheating, which is why it's everywhere in his work.) Every character on this show cheats on everyone else in some capacity. Everyone. Some are more extreme than others, but it's a theme that plays through every character. (Kurt did it multiple times if you want to get technical - though he cheated on other love interests with Blaine, so people see it differently.)
And I think it's important to remember the lens in which Blaine's cheating is seen through. The focus point is on Blaine and this bad decision, while others get to skate by without it being a lingering plot point. So of course it's going to feel bigger. I'm not necessarily going to reprimand a character more than any other character just because their mistake is more glorified.
2. It isn't entirely out of character - at least according to a lot of Blaine stans who identify very deeply to him.
Now, personally, I still feel that it was cheap and easy writing - and the only way you were really going to break up Klaine is if it was a big thing like this. And Ryan Murphy is a sadistic little bitch.
But I do see Blaine as someone who self-sabotages. And I do see how the narrative can get from point A to point B. Yes, I do think more set up would have worked much better. But I can see that a Blaine who already feels his relationship is over would drown himself in another person in an attempt to make himself feel better. Humans don't always make sense in their decisions. Emotions are complicated things. And 17yos are kinda dumb. (My regards to 17yos - but you're still learning a lot about life at that age and your emotions and feelings are still very extreme.)
The other thing to keep in mind is that Glee likes to present big things and skip over the details. It does big sweeping moments like break ups and getting back together, but the finer nuances of smaller stories, and the links between those points, are often lost. (Which is why we have so much great fanfiction!)
And that said -- I would much rather we see a show about Kurt and Blaine suddenly stopping, and spending a great deal of time working their way back together than to see a long winded, downward spiral of their relationship.
3. I think one thing to remember is that after all this darkness, they end up together and happily married. Kurt wasn't completely innocent during the whole first break up. He neglected his relationship, thought you didn't have to work at it, and figured it'll be fine, etc, etc. That is definitely not an excuse for anyone to cheat on anyone else! But... they both learned something from the experience (same with the second break up). That relationships are hard work, and that it's something you have to work at maintaining in order for it to last.
The fairy tale romance of the second season is broken, and that's okay! Because they learn to love each other as actual people, not a romanticized idea of what a relationship should be.
I see people say that Blaine and Klaine followers don’t call him out enough for his shitty behavior, this bring the prime example
Nonny, this is not me putting you on the spot, I promise. But if there's one thing that I'm absolutely over, it's the fandom wars -- and how one group needs to be right by calling out all the shit on the other side, and then claiming things like the above statement.
The only time I see people refer to this is when anti-[insert thing] start shouting from the rafters about all the faults of the characters they don't like -- and instead of having a nuanced conversation within context, they just want scream about all the bad things that happened.
There have been fans of any character who do idolize them to the point where they do no wrong. And I don't think that's a healthy thing. But I think those of us who engage normally (subjective word I suppose) like the characters for their high points and their low points. Characters (like real humans) fuck up. If they didn't - they wouldn't be a good character.
I'll always call out shitty behavior (I most certainly did for Kurt in my meta). But I'm over the idea that someone with a biased attitude is going to make me feel guilt or shame over enjoying a thing because I don't hinge on every bad thing like I do the good things.
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reptile-ruler · 3 years
For the fanfic tropes game: fix it and coffe shop AU(separately). Also extra question: do you prefee enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
Oooh thank you for playing!
Fix it:
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
I think I'm either quite forgiving towards canon, or I'm just not going to be interested in fic if I didn't honestly didn't like how the original thing was handled. Like, me and most of the iz fandom agree that the Tallest were ooc in Enter the Florpus. I've read some good fic explaining why that was, and I've read fix-its where they were as competent as in the original show. I like these! They're good and interesting! And I'd read any new ones that come up, but I don't really... need it. I'm more happy to read fanfics putting the characters into completely new situations. And letting canon, flawed as it may be, just sit there the way it is. Unfixed and flawed. People can use it for inspiration or they can ignore it, lol.
Coffee shop AU
C: Neutral. A good author might be able to sell it, but a bad one will kill it deader than dead.
I'm sort of clumping this with any café/small shop owner au, and my answer would be the same for all of them. It probably depends on the fandom. Some are just better equipped for it than others. I've read some really good slow-burn café aus, though, and it's a nice dose of feelgood fic!
It's always a bit escapist and romantic, and there's honestly nothing wrong with that. But too much of it would probably be too sweet for my tastes.
OK now for... Enemies to Lovers VS Friends to Lovers
AAAHHh why would you make me choose!! I like them both... Enemies to lovers are so good for reading about conflict and trauma and fucked-up characters being FORCED to learn how to love and be soft and tender. I really love it. It's delicious.
But friends to lovers... Man, that slowburn yearning. Ultimate mutual pining possibilities. The fear of ruining what you already have... It's also good, but for different reasons.
These two options just scratch wildly different itches for me. I'd say that, today, enemies to lovers wins, if only because I do really like a cool fighting action scene with my romance. Heck yeah. Though last week after I had finished a published novel where the main romantic subplot was enemies to lovers... That sucked so bad and I hated it and I was so angry. On that day I would have said I preferred Friends to Lovers.
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