#OH ALSO fun fact abt that dnd character
yardsards · 1 year
thinking abt lake getting "tattoos" that are engravings in the metal of their skin
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hothammies · 3 months
just wanted to say I'm really liking this au so far, mike's character breakdown is so fun and I just wanted to thank you for a part of it! when I first read that he wasn't good with guns I deflated a little because I thought oh, it's another incompetent mike and macho will situation 😞 but the fact he's not good with guns because that's a NERF, and he's otherwise actually competent, respectable, intelligent, commanding, just - mike wheeler himself - made me really happy! that's a fun take, and I appreciated the effort in how you used the dnd charts etc too it's so cool!
it makes me look forward to the other character intros, and I already loved how sweet will looked in the party line up art even while holding a gun 😂 idk if you plan to have him only embrace the skill because it's necessary and not entirely what he likes, or something else, but I just liked that kinda contrast in the art regardless it made me giggle
oh also: "would never hesitate to do something deplorable to protect the party: family first" <- iconic. I can see the ruthlessness already I love you mike that's our leader, kind badass boy
this ask made me squeal and kick my feet like five times so thank you for that LMAO
i'm so happy that you (and others) have been enjoying the mike characterization i've put out for this au :"D i put a ton of thought into all of them and i'm having a lot of fun! mike in canon seems to be one of the most intelligent characters in the show, closely rivaled to dustin in making plans and having them go right, so him being incompetent is like an oxymoron.
there's a reason he's the leader of the group, and when people paint him as incompetent and / or babygirlified (in the "damsel, innocent, weak, must protect" sense) because he's played by finn or because he has terrible physical capabilities, it kinda makes me annoyed. so what if he's weak physically? he's still the one who actively squares up to people even when he knows he's about to get his ass beat :P he is the one who puts everything into action. his intuition and plans are correct most, if not all the time, and it pisses me off when people undermine that to try to fit him into someone who needs to be saved.
of course, in this au, his weaknesses more lie in his emotional incapabilities rather than survival. he isn't the best physically either, but that doesn't mean he can't do anything (its the apocalypse - he had to have learned something at some point).
the pressure that bears down on him in this au isn't based on society, and more related to the fact that he sees himself as the sole "caretaker" for the group. being put in charge of the lives of five other people followed by your own is scary as hell, and he doesn't really have an outlet for the pressure he faces until he enters that fwb relationship with will. that's an entirely different can of worms though so i'll stop with that for now!
i'm actually so happy that you mentioned how sweet i drew will in his design <3 will's character sheet will be posted tmrw so hopefully it will make sense why i drew him the way i did. i hope that my explanation regarding the rifle makes sense and does his character justice! him being good with guns was also a way for him to bond with lucas and explore his character a bit - it'll be explained later :O
and abt that last line regarding his ruthlessness... in all of the group's backstories, they all had people outside of the party that very much helped shape their identity and how they act. all i'll say is that mike is very much influenced by nancy in the moral compass department >:)
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equalseleventhirds · 9 months
Hey, do you have any recs for long form, more serious ttrpg systems for fantasy settings? I feel like I hear a lot about short/definitively-lengthed systems, but I've been yearning for a DnD-esque system without all the baggage of equip loads and complicated Challenge Ratings and other rules-y baggage I don't super care about.
do i! do i ever!
serious & long-form systems do on the whole tend to be crunchier than shorter systems (not always, but generally); nevertheless, i've picked out a........ handful......... ok there's Several, i did try to control and limit myself but u kno.......... games......... anyway, here are some that are considerably less crunchy than d&d but still lend themselves to long fantasy campaigns.
uh. under the cut for. oh god it's so long. it's so long. tried my best to explain them, u see. (which is also why it took me so long to reply lol, sry abt that)
godeater (& godeater 2.0): play in a broken, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, where dead and dying gods warp the land, and you raid their bodies for divine magic to help support humanity. 2d10-based, get weird & funky with it! i admit a small preference for version 1.0, which gave u some loose examples but left much of the worldbuilding and even character building up to u to create; 2.0 has some extra books that go with it that i haven't much looked into yet, but seem to give more solid lore to work with, if u would like that.
when the guilds pay in copper, crime pays in gold: alchemical guilds pay shit wages to use people for magical experiments. go do crimes on 'em with your own magic. d6 base, assign dice to stats to make ur own dice pool; fairly light rules and in fact very little in the way of instruction or hard lore on the gm's side, so better played with an experienced gm who's good at making their own stuff, but certainly campaign material for the right gm!
third empire - violence + beauty: the world sucks, and has sucked for a while, through two oppressive empires and into a third one. you play adventurers who are trying to carve out a little goodness, a little justice, a little vengeance, in the world. y'know. lasers & feelings based, but expanded beyond the original (which also comes with it if u get it!) into more lore, more character choices, very collaborative worldbuilding, downtime mechanics, etc etc.
ruby radiance 6e: streamlined dungeoneering built to let ppl play the way actual play podcasts sound, essentially. d20 pool system, based on trophy mechanics but v much adjusted. lots of choices to make during character creation & leveling, but much much less to keep track of during the playing part. u get it.
wizard pals: all of you are wizards, going on adventures and trying to accomplish your goals in a fantasy world. d12-based, fairly lighthearted (can lean silly but u could use it for more serious if not super grimdark adventures), much worldbuilding left up to the gm, but very simple rules, so.
grimblade rpg: (speaking of grim lol,) action & adventure in a grim fantasy world; things like character creation and rewards (and magic) fully imply a fantasy world, but worldbuilding is left up to the gm, altho there are many tables to roll on to give some help. uses d4, 6, 8, and 10; all rolls are contested rolls, with dice picked based on how serious the gm feels this roll is.
shattered aether: post-apocalyptic science fantasy, you roam around a fucked up magic world and protect ppl from various dangers. 2d6 based, based on the lumen system so fairly combat-forward in a very high-action very cool asskicking way. for some reason the font chosen for this book is murder on my eyes, but if u can get past that (or just zoom in lots and read a bit at a time) it's straightforward, simple, and fun!
familiars of terra: this one may be a little too crunchy, but i love it a lot and rly the most crunch is in character creation and tracking experience, actual gameplay is (imo) pretty easy. post-post-apocalyptic fantasy world, some science fantasy elements depending on where you choose to focus, bcos there are absolute PAGES of lore on this extremely cool and enormous world; you and your party go around with your soul-bonded animal friends to spread hope and healing and also do cool shit. y'know. card-based, again it is probably more crunchy than ur looking for but less abt tracking what you can do during things and more abt tracking experience in order to level up stats, so.
1400 quest: ok that last one was crunchy, this one's very uncrunchy. pick a handful of things and get going! clearly inspired by d&d, but very very streamlined, so things that were pages of mechanics are like, one or two sentences. gm's side of it is like, a handful of rollable tables and then do whatever, so prolly for the more experienced gm. d6 based, but you may have occasion to use other dice. also if you like this one there's others by the same author focusing on other things (1400 mage, sneak, etc), or you can check out others in the 24XX type of games, which started out sci fi but has since been expanded to a bunch of other stuff. u kno.
beast dream: pokemon-inspired game where you make friends with magical beasts and go on magical adventures! d6-based, forged in the dark, so there is a little crunch wrt deciding on position etc and stuff like stress, but the author rly wanted to focus in on letting u adventure and have fun without getting bogged down in numbers and i think that shows, stuff like load and reputation aren't so much a thing.
cognatons: play as sentient, magic-filled automatons doing whatever fantasy adventures your robot heart desires. d4-based, caltrop core, so you get a fairly simple & defined set of actions; less to keep track of, easy to follow.
dethrone the divine: you're gonna overthrow the gods, and also take their places. you're already either divine, semi-divine, or magically powerful in other ways, and you adventure with the goal of gathering power and followers so you can take the place of the shitty gods in power. d6-based, pretty straightforward system, makes characters v cool and powerful, which is always fun.
perilous: do you love dungeon crawls bcos i love dungeon crawls... streamlined and easy to understand fantasy dungeoneer adventures in this one! d20-based, leans towards tags instead of complicated numerical skill stuff to keep track of. go to dungeons, fight monsters, get treasure. simple n good. (adds in some metaplot, like who sent you, how will this affect the people living here, whatever, but rly strong with the very old core of d&d-style 'go do a dungeon' kinda thing, if that's what u like.)
high magic lowlives: ok my latest obsession bcos i'm currently planning a big ol campaign for friends in this one. there are classic adventurers in this world, out there cleaning out monster nests or whatever, but they're usually in the employ of the immortal aristocracy. you? you make your money by stealing from and humiliating the immortal aristocracy, because you're a lowlife. it's a dangerous gig, but isn't it better than going into student debt at wizard school? melds high fantasy aesthetics with like, magical twitch streaming aesthetics. fun as hell. uses all the dice and also sometimes tarot cards (mostly just for character creation, u kno). easy to understand rules, i'm having a great time.
ellipses rpg: setting-agnostic system (make ur own setting!) with simple, streamlined rules and an emphasis on improvisation. d20 based, rly just some very basic foundation and then a lot of encouragement to make things up and do what's fun. so like, loosey goosey & not super structured if you want structure, but could be fun!
unbound: setting-agnostic system but with much more formal structure, got structure around how to collaboratively worldbuild your setting and everything. obvs this means some crunch, but it's still not super crunchy, nice and straightforward rly. lotta character options but not so complex and math-heavy, u kno. card-based system. designed actually for a series of short campaigns in a linked world, tho, so if ur not up for exploring new characters a lot, may not be for you.
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annikuh · 3 months
uh oh Annika’s rambling abt Panathir again, jeez louise‼️
(putting it under the cut bc it’s truly a ramble/thinking-out-loud type of thing after I went back thru my game notes)
doing some Panathir work & I’m VERY indecisive about how magically inclined he is. I’m looking back at the notes I had taken when he first appeared in the dnd game & he was like…very strong. like a true blue sorcerer.
however, this makes zero sense in my canon now bc Jax has zero magical ability, and they were both created and trained to be the same, which means they were both created to be dual-wielding melee warriors. like I think he could’ve honed some magical ability, but I don’t think it would be enough to be doing all the craziness he had done in the first encounter. man was like earth bending and shit LOL.
however however…it’s so fucking cool. like he kidnapped one of Jax’s friends and psychologically tortured him by like slowing down time and altering his reality and stuff, & he had set up his lair in the sewers with trap doors and invisible doors. and it was really fucking scary in the game. like he slowed down time and made it seem like the friend had been there for two weeks, but it was only like an hour in real time, and there was a scary ass moment where he was shaving the friend’s face with a knife very gently & me and all the players were sitting there like 😬‼️
but then again I did have him doing some really crazy rune and soul magic that I refuse to take out…but it also is very inherently nepherit since they do deal in minor soul magic already to switch bodies. but also the villains he’s working with are only using him bc they believe he is a necromancer…which he isn’t LOL. but I would assume he’s honed his magic more intently since then, right????
and if he can do all that psychological torture magic, part of me is like “well he wouldn’t use it on Jax bc he respects them and wants their genuine love” but another part is like “ok well he literally fried an entire family just to get Jax’s attention, so he’s not a particularly clear thinker” and also “if he’s already manipulating them, then it’s not particularly genuine love, eh?” but who’s to say he recognizes that. I don’t think he does.
it is tricky to adopt a character, esp one that was kinda made based on cool vibes LOL. like my partner did a lot of DM’ing on the fly in the moment and occasionally it would not add up; this happened often with Panathir imo LMAO (sorry to my dear partner). also technically I’m his third owner, but when he was first created for a one-shot by one of the players (hilariously the same one who was tortured by him later), he wasn’t intended to be a nepherit. he was just some guy & then my partner yoinked him and put him in the real game.
ALSO another weird fun fact is that he said his name was Burlin—the original name he was made with by that player—and at some point that I entirely missed like years later, my partner changed his name to Panathir & I have no idea why. like it’s better than Burlin, but idk why he changed it LOL. like i kinda know why he goes by Panathir in my canon (when the nepherits were free, they started choosing real names. some were based on their nepherit code, which is what Jax had done, but since they both shared a similar code [J4X-11 & J4X-115], Panathir went his own way [hashtag mgtow] and wanted to separate himself from that forced comparison). he’s a character of many names ig!
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tacochippy · 7 months
Aight since you sent me some of the questions I'm sending you some!
1 and/or 2, 7, 10 and/or 11, 14, and 15
Feel free to pick and choose which ones you wanna answer if you don't wanna answer all of them ^^
What is/was your favorite subject in school and why?
I really lo ed math !! it was nice qhen i understoos the moethod and reasoning, because then i can just sit and do tbe same rhing over and over again. Oh, doing percentages? ik how to calculate that and why it is that way. Stats? oh yeah theres diff things for specifci reasons and you figure it out tjis way. FUXKING ALGEBRA AUAHGHGG. THERES THINGS YOU FILL IN ITA THE SAME FORMULA EACH TIME JUST SOUBLE CHECK AND YOURE GOOD <33
What's a subject you feel knowledgeable about (including fandom stuff!)? What're your favorite things/facts in that subject?
I feel pretty knowlegable about abuse and childcare/certain child psuch things! not very much, but ig uts the thing i could ramble the most abt aside from lego monkie kid and a few toehr fandoms i cant quiiiiteee rembemebr. My fzv fun fact is that threats of physical abuse can and mostly do have the same mental effects as if the person had followed through (ie/ getting told by your dad that hes gonna hit you, after enough time/consistently enough, you will react as though he had hit you all those times)
Do you have any projects going on right now? What's it about? What's your favorite thing about it?
I dont have any projects going on right now, but i just finished one so ill tell you about that !! This is my dnd character, Bramble Elodia! She was created by a man named Foth Eir Oak Elodia. He has a dream of creating a city full of just robots and mschinery and living artifical people, such as bramble who is based off of porcelain bjd's!! :3 my fav tbing abt her is her cute, friendly nature despite her tall (she is 7'2) stature and sense of looming. I also ADORE her camera apeture eye, she has a camera in her head. Funf act abt her !! she has water based mechanisms inside her, like little mills and such, so she always sounds like flowing water :}
Tumblr media
What are some (movies/shows/books/video games/songs/other media) you'd recommend and why?
Movies - Tangled !! Its fun and lighthearted with some pretty epic emotional beats. very relateable.
Books - Percy Jackson. Need i say more?
Video Games - Deep Rock Galactic !! Go into the mines and kill aome bugs! Good customisation, none of the classes are useless, good for accesibility settings. Has subtitles. Rock and Stone !! Cute robots too (bosco and molly and bet-c and dottie etc) Good and fun lore. Angry Man Is Funny (mission cobtrol). If you get it i can play with you !! :D
Songs - Two of Many by The Happy Fits! very cute song <33. Cotards Solution by Will Wood and the Tapeworms! SO COOL !
Other Media - Satorun Devouring His Son by Goya! its a good painting.
What hobbies do you have? What's your favorite part? Your least favorite part?
I mostly do digital art, i write too, and kandi art as well! For digital art, my fav is definitely the colours and special effects i can do. I have the whole rainbow whene i need it, i can easily change and wdit the pallette, its so fun and good. Least favourite is comijg up with what to draw akdbfjbgf
For writing, id say my favourite part is using nice words and portraying things drawings cant express (at my skill level i mean) and how you can change the readers feelings with just a few simple word choices- its nice to cut through to your reader like that. Feels like im making a connection. Least favourite part is keeping the words in my head and the words in my word doc the same or similar. Im bad at keeping the words in my brain when i think up cool things to say, so i tend to get the vauge thoguht down but not what i wsnted
For kandi art, i LOVE how pretty it is! giving it away as gifts is fun too. The beads slot together so well, creating paths for the string js fun and so satisfying. Least favourite is when i ACCIDENTALLY DROP THE STRING AND THREE HOURS IF WORK GOES DOWN THE DRAIN T-T. its a little finnecky sometimes too, and i got big clumsy sausage fingers jsjfjgjf
Silliest thing you've ever done?
okag okay. no judging ne over this even though i was like 14 and passed the age i should have done stuff lsike. uh. thatm this. i suppose.
So. Im 14. im about to make a hot chocolate. the water has boiled.
I decide i want filtered water instead. I decide, in a moment if beautiful clarity, that the shirt ive been wearing for like three weeks straight without breaks (deppression) would make a good filter.
I put my shirt over the mug. i am standing on my tippy toes to reach the counter. there is cat hair on my shirt and it is deeply stained. I have not yet realised that my shirt will then be wet with BOILING HOT WATER ON MY STOMACH. nobody is home. i am safe in the ignorance and ignorance of all rules and laws.
The mug is halfway full.
I need to take a break from being on my tippy toes. i stand down on flat feet.
the mug tips.
i now have boiling water all over my stomach.
my wet and warm shirt is now on my now burnt stomach.
i go upstairs and douse myself with coldish water in the shower.
sopping wet and in pain. i cry
i do not come clean about this for a whole year and a half. i say i just spilled it on my stomach normally.
end scene
What was your dream job(s) as a kid? Why did you wanna do it? Is it still your dream job?
My first two dream jobs were fahsionista/fashipn designer and an author! I wanted to be a fahsion designer cause i lovelove clothes and being able to express myself really well. As for author? I just like dwriting, and telling kinda fucked up stories (at my age and reading and writing elvel i mean). Mostly wrote about lesbians. Didnt know what a lesbian was.
Id always loved story telling, i just thoguth and still think its really cool. When i was about 4, i think dad said, i would tell HIM bedtime stories ibstead of him telling me any. This more than once lead to me telling stories such as the one where a big monster went to this town and atr my entire family (i went into as much grotesque detail as my brain could muster) and sawed off peoples limbs to use as utensils like chopsticks and then ate those too and bit off peoples heads to trhow them at my other family members. the big momster had fun doing this. much fun. then at the edn i reveleaed that the monster was ME the wjole time and yeah dad said it was scary for me to do stuff like that.
Also do you KNOW how concerned my teacher was when 4th grade me wrote a story about two girls locked in this guys basment in tiny little capsules and they had to escape with the other girls that qere there? and how they had to kill the giy that trapped them ans the emotional aftermath of taking a human life, but knowing it was them or you and they saved all these women too? so concerned. dad said i wrote like if stephen king loved pink glitter and fairies that ate people. and was also 9 years old.
sorry these werent answered in roder i jsut copy apsted all of the questions so i wouldnt forgor skfbgngjgj
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bagofspoons · 1 year
holy SHIT y’all the hiatus is over w a long ass session to start us off. i passed out so hard post session but now. i have things to say abt peoples characters and im going to say them. plus an added pronoun check for my own memory. this is a long post so ill pop it all under da cut. tldr at the end 2
i LIKE THEM. i like them. i was very eyes emoji at their intro and im rly excited to see a druid. i have a feelin that theres a lot more 2 alastrelle than meets the eye but im not rly sure what. we got an insight check that he seems to know more than hes letting on... but like. idk. i have a feelin that theyre more like... they know stuff but not in a malicious way? mayb im bein 2 optimistic and alastrelle is just waiting 2 absolutely decimate every1. they DID heal ma’el tho so like... i think they do not want this. they seem kind. i want 2 know more.
CADILLAC | R-D 2.04 (pronouns unknown - seems to vary)
everybody is so mean 2 me image. r-d is rly. look. i love them but i also hate them. he’s so fuckin funny but also.... gestures broadly at the last hour of the session. she seems 2 b tha only character built 4 outright combat. at least from what weve seen. it seems like a lot of the others went 4 classes that cld offer support (from my limited knowledge of the classes themselves plus dnd) whereas cadillac built (literally) a beast. she seems really cool and had some rly amazing moments first session. designated antagonist im super interested to see how every1 is going 2 interact w the person who drew 1st blood!! also tha character we got the most backstory 4 session 1. kinda dont blame it for the murders but. i dont want any pcs to die T_T
NOX | DOCTOR (PALL’OR) REMAEDI (he/him, okay with they)
HE’S COOL... the outfit is very wizardly but we know hes a cleric. am i right when i look at the ref art and see that hes purple. he is purple. he also shotgunned an unmentioned vial (WHY DID NO 1 ASK ABOUT THAT AUAUEUEGEUGH) and the rice and meat. chuggin ig. seems like... cautious? mayb suspicious but remarkably chill. well. i say chill. again. gestures at the last hour or so of the session. LUV the weapon design. would luv 2 see it do some more damage (see “r-d is built for combat” above. terrifyink). i want 2 know more abt his eyepatch and stitches and general deal. do we think hes an unethical doctor guys. would he kill u for like. fun.
CERIN | EIWN (she/her)
pretty lady. fllushed emoji. i love her design a lot its rly cool. i assumed she was druid bc of it but idk if pep would have allowed class double ups? plus cerin is bein v secretive... possibly monk? eye dee kay im rly just guessin at this point. shes so funny 2 the bit w the shelter being her height and alastrelle tryin 2 fix it secretly was great. i dont have much 2 say abt her yet but i think she will turn out to b EXTREMELY interesting. i kno 4 a fact cerin will say smth and then the dash will explode w how much we love eiwn.
RIVER | MA’EL(VAR) (he/him)
IS HE NORMAL??? squints. i dunno... intro was. suspicious. i did like him tryin 2 explain stuff to r-d that was kinda funny. he seems to b like... relatively level headed? i struggled to get a read on his personality except like... suspicious of others but wants 2 cooperate. clearly doesnt want 2 b here el oh el. HE DID ALMOST DIE 2 TIMES WITH NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING EL EM AY OH. i wonder how hes gonna react to that.
PEP | MIYM (she/her, okay with they)
MIYM MY FUCKIN BELOVED. kenku AND a bard? plus card themed LDFKJ. alto WISHES he could. the resume made me laugh sm and she generally just seems so nice... i like that she’s immediately forming more positive relationships w tha others... probably intentional on pep’s part as a filler character for the pair offs. i was wondering why they were getting such an outright dmpc and was wondering if she was gonna get killed early... i was real newvous. its cool tho. i like her a lot. very glad miym explained the whole premise 2. thank u from da audience i was a little like WHAT THE HELL. but in a good way
TL;DR - I LIKE THEM ALL. i think theres a LOT of things we havent touched (obvs. it was 1 session) but a lot of seeds and references to things wer made i think. also it looks like we got a lot of elves lol. im generally just rly excited 2 see them play again and having consensual and established pvp will make things VERY interesting. i wonder what the symbols on the like... bracelets/necklaces are 4. and what happens when someone dies.... do they both go to zero/make death saves? i guess we will see....
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
would you be able to list some ttrpg systems that are best for specific things? or just some that you would recommend with a short little reason or something?
I'm like abt to go backnto bed lol so i dont wanna think out a huge list but here's 3 off the top of my head and ill add more later possibly
1. FATE is my go to reccomendation. It is essentially the open source software of ttrpgs. As long as you have a setting you can pretty much just drop fate into it and have a fun time. And it blends combat well with the rest of the game as opposed to having an entirely separate set of combat mechanics. And it allows for character creation that is flexible to any kind kf concelpt willbwork.
It has a few issues but its so extremely moddable that you can fix those if they bother you. I was even writing my own magic system for it back when i still had ppl to play ttrpgs with lol. But even without modding it's a ton of fun. Oh and also other ppl have written mods for kt you can use.
2. Blades in the Dark is a personal favorite of mine. I often find PBTA-based systems to be lazy but that is not the case here (if u dont know powered by the apocalypse dw about it).
The premise is you play a group of some variety of outlaw (smuggler? Assassin, cultist, etc.) uh idk what id call the setting. Like bloodborne but with ghosts instead of blood. Close to Sunless Sea, if you know that. And the gameplay loop consists of 'planning' heists or other jobs (but ill use heists going forward) going on them, and then working to expand your groups influence and goals in downtime.
I say plan in quotes because you do not in fact plan heists, mostly, though you can prepare for them. Instead bitd has a system i love where you can spend a resource to have 'flashbacks' to your preparation to the heist. So, instead of saying ohh ill bring this and that and this and that and do this beforehand you can be like. Okay flashback we agreed beforehand to have a signal for when ppl were coming. Or flashback i brought my wire cjtters along. It allows flr a heist to work without having to actually successfully plan a heist ahead of time wjich is uh. Basically not really possible to do in ttrpgs and still have an interesting heist. And if the system sound unbalanced trust me there are factors to mitigate abusing it.
Beyond that i do also just find the skill and rolling system fantastic. If you have zero idea what to do but fate sounds dauting to run i think this is rhe way to go
3. Finally this isnt the same vein as dnd but as someone who loves storytelling rpgs i strongly reccomend The Quiet Year. It's a small rpg (one 4 hour session). You take turns essentially simulating and progresding the story of along a small civilization which has been hit hard and is on the brink of collapse. It is very open as well to the point where you end up having created an entirely new setting when you're done with it. There's also games like Microscope but i havent ever actually gotten to play those with ppl lol.
Beyond those if you want a good place to find things Drivethrurpg.com is my go to source. Spend some time clicking around on there and u might find something. Bcuz tbh the real lesson i want to impart when i say dont play dnd isnt 'play this instead'. It's 'there are so many ttrpgs out there, don't just play only one' it's kind of like only playing one video game or board game. Sure you like it but theres so many to try.
Hope this helps! Like i said ill probably add more later.
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felikatze · 2 years
s13 good. it’s a goddamn dnd season what more do you want. also... the fabled cole centric season. incredible.
immaculate vibes. i’ve seen a post abt this before, how this season barely has any technology too (with even the season’s obligatory mech that gets trashed within one episode being made of rocks). it’s all magic! which is fun. did not expect the wings of the wingfolk to just be magic jetpacks though. eh whatever.
this season had a ton of great comedic bits imo. i love how kai and nya independantly managed to become heads of government through... unconventional means. imagine how this looks in history books. “yeah these two peoples who hated each other for the past like thirty years maybe found peace because the chancellor and the queen happened to be siblings.” wild.
i did want to knock jay over the head though cuz dude!! your fiancee is right there i know you’re trying to be polite but still!! i do love seeing nya’s temper shine through again when she challenges the munce queen to a battle for jay’s hand in marriage. is this a trope subversion by fighting for the guy’s hand? it.. might be. huh.
also kai encouraging zane to cheat is great. cmon zane you’ve lied to people before. what’s a little perjury gonna do. cmon zane.
neat deet is that the people who went to the munce get silver armor and the peeps who went to the geckel get gold armor. still an even 3 to 3 tho with cole getting gold armor later. knight outfits for the fantasy season what else.
i love vania she’s so fun... AND she’s not a love interest. at all. audible sigh of relief when cole said he doesn’t like her that way. she adds a fun energy to the cast this season (especially in the cole-wu-vania trio bits). like, she’s just super excited to be here, but she’s still a normal person unacustomed to adventures, so she understandably freaks out occasionally. she’s trying her best to be brave ok!!
she’s just so. holds her. she’s just kind of an adorable goofball. it’s sweet how she looks up to cole as a mentor and he’s so encouraging of her. AND again it’s all platonic. dude i had this imaginary friend wanna go down to the mines with me. sure dude yeah let’s do it. oh crap dude let’s free these guys. man i just barely escaped the mines let’s go down there two more times to defeat the evil basement wizard. oh crap my dad is evil. i’m gonna fight him.
i like that she ends up saving everyone and like unites the people of shintaro n shit she’s great. no more slave labor guys we’re unionizing against the wizard.
fun fact this is the second time cole has staged a workers’ revolt. comrade cole. cole will unionize all unpaid labor operations within ten miles of himself. watch out for this hammer and scythe jkjfnkjsanvc.
she lloyd and skylor should form an evil dad support group. for people who have evil dads. the skull sorcerer works as an antagonistic force but is kinda boring. like yeah capitalism or whatever. upholding the opulence of your kindgom by enslaving unseen lower classes. yikes dude. neat to know where Every Antagonist Ever gets their vengestone from though.
neat how lloyd initially distrusts vania cuz (harumi). love how this season directly confirms that lloyd has trust issues now. gg.
good wu arc this season tbh. wu has been cool every since s7 he’s cool. it’s kind of sad to see him in a funk bcuz he thinks the ninja don’t need him, but just because he’s not their teacher anymore doesn’t mean they don’t still want him around! it’s great how the turnaround for this is when wu plain up doesnt know something. he can’t teach cole how to do the spinjitzu burst, but he can still be there for cole emotionally! he can still support his students even if he can’t teach them!! wu ur kids love u thanks. wu ur not unwanted if u dont provide a service.
how could i talk abt this season without talking abt cole. amazing cole content this season. my sister is gonna love it when she gets here.
i’m always a lore whore so i liked having a background on cole’s mother! the only thing we knew abt her so far was that she’s probably dead from day of the departed, right? but it’s so cool to hear a bit about the exploits of past elemental masters.
it’s again really cool to hear more about cole’s motivation in becoming a ninja. this promise + lilly’s death recontextualizes early series cole in fun and painful ways. guy is grievin. after reconciling with his father so long ago by now, he gets a chance to, in a way, reconcile with his mother, too. feel like he’s finally upheld his promise and made her proud by protecting the same people she did.
godddd i love how this season’s macguffins turned out to be just. regular swords. it wasn’t some magic power swords that let her help people. in cole’s words, “it was all her,” and so it was all cole who defeated the skull sorcerer. he believed so dearly in the swords because they are a memento of his mother, and he’s desparate to have anything of her. but he doesn’t need mementos. because he always carries her legacy with him.
(i like when there’s character development moments between the action and comedic bits)
on a final note i think episode 8 (the real fall) was one of the funniest episodes in the entire series. i already mentioned offhand that i think the cole-wu-vania trio is great, and it is. every bit in the episode made me laugh a truly dumb amount. how vania wasn’t screaming until cole told her he didnt have a plan and then she started screaming. how wu’s hat kept flipping all over the place. “this is just like a toilet, except we’re the-” “I KNOW, COLE.” thank u ninjago writers for turning ten minutes of three characters falling down a hole into the best thing ever.
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lilacponds · 1 year
more random facts my first dnd character was a halfling ranger girl named Bree Tealeaf, that campaign had no plot or anything which a player that joined later hated but i loved bc i had never played dnd before that and it let me understand and learn without pressures anyway one of the last things that happened before that DM moved out of town and we stopped playing was some bullshit i dont remember but all i remember is Bree got her limbs stretched out and i was horrified
my second dnd character is Akta, a genderfluid tiefling rogue and theyre my beloved, theyre a whore with commitment issues <3 and how i got to explore my gender !!!!
ive had a bunch of oneshots with new characters theres too many to go thru rn but other campaign characters:
Ilphe, a tiny ass drow barbarian who failed his first intimidation check even though he was supposed to be the bodyguard of the noble moon elf he was travelling with (thankfully the guy knew magic and also how to defend himself, but ilphe got a bruised ego a bit from that) ANYWAYS he's also a werewolf
Perrym a RLY TALL FOR HER RACE halfling rogue I LOVE ROGUES shes a trans girl and shes super fun and bubbly and loves her teammates dearly and LOVES cuddles . she likes cuddling with her snake friend and her swan friend IDK THE RACE NAMES BUT THEYRE A GIANT SNAKE N SWAN THEYRE ACTUAL PCS I LOVE THEM and i love the cuddle piles .
ill talk abt more dnd characters at a later point but i love these mfers even though only Perrym and Zareyl WHO I WROTE ABOUT LIKE LAST WEEK? TWO WEEKS AGO? IDK TIME IS FAKE are the ones im currently playing the others fell aside
OH ALSO BROOK, A GAY ASS HUMAN ROGUE im also playing him every week sorry i didnt mean to forget him hes special in my heart sometimes i forget hes dnd hes so gay for the blacksmith he travels with, and theyve got A Thing going on tho theyre not Official Official yet (YET !!!!!) but theyre gay and having matching necklaces BROOK CARVED A LIL SWORD CHARM AND TAEYANG MADE IT INTO A NECKLACE N THEN GAVE BROOK THE FIRST RING HE EVER MADE TO WEAR AS A NECKLACE brook is so so so gay also he used to be a pirate and ofc hes traumatized and has both mommy AND daddy issues we love that . hes also flirty as hell but is a virgin dont tell the rest of the party no one knows except my dm
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fairytaleliving · 2 years
Vtuber! Yuu
Hello after I thought of Vtuber Yuu more ideas popped into my head so use whatever you’d like lkdfhsd
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okay for those who don’t know, vtubers have lore that goes along with their avatars (vox akuma being a demon, iron mouse being literal satan, etc)
and knowing twisted wonderland, there’s so much lore fodder that could be added
and since twst wouldn’t be a game, yuu would have so much material to use
nobody can even call them out on their shit bc the only person who knows abt twisted wonderland is yuu themself so they have all the creative liberties
i know that i joked that yuu would use malleus as an avatar, but let’s be honest all of them are prime vtuber ideas
mysterious king of the faes, malleus draconia? 
sunshine and friendly, kalim al-asim? 
mischievious and tricky, ruggie bucchi?
 unpredicable eel merman, floyd leech?
 shy otaku fire boy, idia shroud? 
pretty but short tempered, epel felmier? 
rational yet playful, trey clover?
lets be honest you simps the characters are one of the reasons you play this god damn game
everyoner has a type and there are 22 characters to choose from as a favorite like come on
prime claps fucking claps vtuber claps lore
Vtuber Artist: omg you’re so detailed and this design looks so realistic
Yuu, sending a candid photo they took with one of their friends:i have a very big imagination :D
if anything ppl would just think yuu was just a big disney fan lmao
like yuu talks disney and vaguely talks abt how similar it is with twisted wonderland and lets pretend theres no possibility of yuu getting sued by disney
grim doesnt say anything he just vibes on yuu’s shoulder or head
yuu wouldn’t have any personal info told by the students bc they’re not an asshole and made a promise but that wouldn’t stop them from mixing truth and fiction
like not the trauma or the reasons for the overblots
but cmon lets be honest theres so much clownery and personality each person has is a gold mine
yuu’s lore video would just be nrc shenanigans mixed with what yuu themself has experienced at twst
like seriously you’ve seen those out of context tweets, explaining shit abt twst wonderland to someone who doesnt know anything would be a wild ride
the fact yuu gets isekaied into a magical college and appears in a coffin of all things is crazy in it of itself
he could also be like fulgur ovid and pretend hes just using an old dnd character as an avatar
and since yuu is just friends with everyone, they probably have everyone’s personality down to a T
yuu is the campus therapist they kinda have to know whether they like it or not
tell me yuu would’ve exaggerate ace’s personality bc they’re petty
yuu name drops each person and twisted wonderland itself but nobody believes them bc they all think its a part of the lore
Viewer tweeting:wow twisted wonderland has such a cool atmosphere and they seem like they actually lived through this
Yuu, having flashbacks of whatever the fuck they did at nrc:...bestie you have no fucking idea-
yuu is friends with ace so they definitely have good voice impressions under their belt as well
yuu creates a crowley hate club amongst their fans bc of how much they complain and they have no regrets about it
no matter what dimension, yuu will always rant abt how much abt how much of an asshole he is
yuu describes Night Raven College and the dorms and ppl designate each other to each dorm
Viewer A: I think I would fit in with Octavinelle! Azul and the tweels look like they would be so much fun to hang out with
Viewer B: Pomefiere sounds so regal and I would love to have a beauty lesson from VIl!
Yuu, remembering the time Floyd threatened another student and Vil scold Epel for the nth time abt his manners:...well you see-
someone has probably made fanart abt nrc thats eerily close to how the boys looks like and the dorms that yuu has to take a minute to contemplate everything
if the other twst boys find out it would be so entertaining
yuu wouldn’t hide the fact, but they wouldn’t admit to it either
yuu would be probably be giving them a tour of the real world when someone walks up to and says that theyre a dedicated cosplayer and yuu has to drag everyone away and explain lmao
idia probably watches vtubers so he would think the idea was cool
he would probably pass out bc of how popular his character would be if yuu decides to use him as a avatar
he would probably stream with yuu with the slight stress of trying not to refer to yuu as yuu and as a student he probably hasn’t interacted with-
azul would be impressed by the grind, especially if yuu gets paid for it
malleus would be confused yet flattered?????
vil would love or hate it depending on how well the artist drew his likeliness but wouldnt dm the artist abt it bc hes not an asshole bc you should respect artists for their works you fucking fools
the man doesnt understand technology but hey ppl like him and loves that yuu thought he was memorable enough to make a character for him to play
lilia probably thinks its fucking hilarious
like of course yuu would be the only person to do this type of shit
he would probably even encourage yuu to start their own vtuber streaming in twisted wonderland
but with a new avatar bc these are real ppl with reputations to use-
cater is proud and wants to know the secrets on how yuu became popular
would’ve considered making his own if he wanted to
all in all they’d either be: confused, concerned, impressed, amused, embarrassed, or all of the above
yuu would probably get more self conscious if the others end up watching lmao
ok im done back to watching vox recite the entire of fnaf lore
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solarswitchback · 4 years
pls... if you’d like, share the other coswave thoughts???
oh man, i have. so many. none of this is going to be cohesive.
i spend,,, more free time than I probably should thinking abt these two bc like i said a while ago in another post, im in a transformers dnd campaign and one of my player characters is Cosmos and what kind of person would I be if I didn’t try to include Soundwave and the cassettes in there somewhere when they've got so much good story potential
but as for y’know, the actual IDW comics versions of them. honestly? poetic cinema. IDW gave us Cosmos, someone who’s never listened to, someone who has more than a couple instances of people just either hearing him but not listening or, even worse telling him to shush. IDW gave us Soundwave, someone with an outlier ability to hear everything, even people’s thoughts.
IDW also gave us Cosmos, who was given mostly spy work, then gave us Soundwave, who was the communications officer for the Decepticons. It always makes me wonder if maybe they crossed paths before and we just never got to see.
Also, in terms of interactions I think about A LOT, when Cosmos was outside Sanctuary Station for the first time, Soundwave didn’t go outside to fight Cosmos. He went out there to invite him aboard. Y’know, “May I invite you in?” Cosmos was just understandably a little jumpy because it’s Soundwave and then we got the very fun overgrown tape deck line.
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(Also after the tape deck line, we get the First Instance of “Little Autobot” which is, hilarious, because Cosmos is like just a little shorter that Soundwave when he’s not fuck off huge like in MTMTE, but is also a Really Soft nickname imo)
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Not to mention the Princess Bride-esque “As you wish.”
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There’s also this panel.
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Soundwave sees Cosmos sorta begrudging(? i dunno, that’s the vibe I get from Cosmos’ expression) look and just immediately basically goes Oh shit, he’s not treated so well. ”Hey stay here.”
I wonder if Soundwave ever sees a bit of his past self in this convo. Or at least, I can see Cosmos saying he doesn’t serve Optimus, letting it slip he’s maybe not treated like an equal among the other autobots, and insistence on talking to Doc even though Jetfire tells him Doc’s ‘just a tool’ (or at least the mention of it with Cosmos’ “Or drones...”) echoing Soundwave saying way back when that he didn’t serve Ratbat and the fact that himself, Ravage, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw weren’t exactly ‘equals’ back then either, since Soundwave at first didn’t have a good grip on his abilities and that wasn’t any use to the senate and Ravage, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw were beastformers and were therefore not seen as equals because they ‘weren’t cybertronians.’
I’m also never gonna let go of the lines “You said I could call you, and I think everybody else is dead and I’m all alone and I don’t know what to do and... and... I’m scared Soundwave.” “You are not alone, Cosmos. And there is no reason to fear, little autobot.” because that makes me Soft every single time
There was also always this line that got me bc it shows Cosmos cares about Sanctuary Station (and what it stands for) and what it means to Soundwave just as much as Soundwave does.
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Coswave is good because Where Else are you going to get Two Dudes who are both genuinely compassionate and kind but Also people you don’t want to mess with. Soundwave can be terrifying but even the comics describe him as having a heart of gold and Cosmos comes off as genuinely kind and compassionate (which he is) but also has so much sass and has the capacity to be a being of Pure Rage.
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ipatrichor · 2 years
Can we ask about the dnd character? Also how was the road trip?
it went fine! we made good time, and my nausea stayed minor so :}
oh absolutely you can i would love to talk about them!! :D their name is crow, and they're a halfling warlock for a christmas-themed oneshot my brother is dming
- he has a sibling named raven that he's very protective of (raven uses she/he and crow uses he/they but prefers they just a bit more), the two of them live in a cabin in the woods outside town
- the pair are orphans raised by a hunter who was,,,,, not good to them! and crow in desperation made a pact with an unknown entity that went something like this- the entity gives them the power to protect raven, and in return crow will feed it with fear
- in practicality, what this means is that since making the pact and (accidentally, which leads to a lot of conflicting feelings) killing the hunter who both raised and hurt them, crow has been in a heightened state of fight or flight- constantly terrified, and unable to trust anyone but his sibling. while he lives in unending terrified hypervigilance, his patron feeds on the fear that he produces, essentially treating him like a battery
- crow sets out to break the deal and kill their patron after an incident where their paranoia and jumpiness caused them to lash out when raven startled them. they realized something had to change before they ended up actually hurting their sibling, and joined up with a party in the hopes of finding and killing the entity
- sometime along the way, he finds out that said patron is actually krampus- the darkness that town legend kringle supposedly killed all those years ago. in fact, not only is krampus not dead and breaking free, it's specifically the pact with crow when he was younger that allowed the demon to survive. crow has been unknowingly acting as both krampus' food source and link back to the living world all this time
- when they find out, they're stricken with guilt and resolve to find a way to kill krampus and undo a mistake they didn't know they were making, no matter the cost. they have no idea if krampus can even die while they're still alive and feeding him with fear, or if they'll survive forcibly breaking the pact, but they're determined to see it through anyway for raven's sake and the sake of the friends they've found in their party
anyway!! that's the story parts, now onto the fun stuff :}
- their highest score is charisma at 18 bc it's their spellcasting, and their lowest score is strength at 7 :'
- they're a lightfoot halfling around 21 or 22 years old
- their melee weapon is a sickle that i fondly refer to as the hexsickle (because they're a hexblade warlock, and that's their hex weapon lmao) and they also have a sling with a pebble pouch that they enchant the stones from to do extra damage with the magic stones cantrip
- their alignment is true neutral
- they have an invokation that lets them see perfectly in magical and nonmagical darkness for 120 ft, and another that lets them cast detect magic without using a spell slot
- my brother and i set up a defense thing from krampus to keep his battery alive that mechanically means the first time in an encounter that crow's hit points drop to zero or below, the spell sword burst is activated and they get 1d4 hit points for every entity killed by the attack. lore-wise, that means every time crow is hit with a killing blow, spectral sickles appear and spin around them, slashing everything (friend or foe) within five feet and for every being killed by this, they're a bit less injured. for someone who already has a guilt complex.... yeah :)
if u have other questions abt crow my darling my skrunkly my favorite wet rag please ask, i love talking abt them! ^^
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cierics · 3 years
10 ;) also 24, 44, 45, 48-50
character superlative asks!
10. is the hottest?
atm i simply Cannot stop thinking abt jim "coyotelad" graymoon (my boi for a western oneshot > https://pin.it/3FwiCNb). he is sexy in a rat kind of way <3
but serious answer JSNSNK probably reyva... arcane magic tattoos PLUS buff as hell PLUS Tall ™ PLUS sexey sunblade... and also the fact that she would've taken oath of devotion if her paladin level had gotten high enough 🥴
24. would win a battle royale with all the others?
probably willow! she had 20s in dex AND strength, had an extra reaction from her time spent in the shadowfell (magic fuckery ❤), had over 200 hp by the end of her campaign, and had a magic glaive with a super long reach! plus sentinel feat, which means if anyone tries to run from her she turns them into salami <3
but if they were all at the same level, i'd probably say someone like ashe (no biases here 💖) who had great damage spells as well as the ability to heal herself on a bonus action (healing word). and if she'd been able to take more levels in wildfire druid, her wildfire spirit would do a lot of the damage for her!
the rest are under the cut !
44. is the most like you?
OH BOY.... i mean, all of my ocs get a Little of my personality, as a treat. but i don't think any of them ended up being all that similar to me? or at least not to how i act on a regular basis lol. i think kaatima might be the most similar? amongst other things, she has a big perfectionist streak and a tendency to get upset if she's not sticking to the rules she's set for herself, which i can relate to a Whole Lot 😔✌
45. is the least like you?
again, i find it difficult to gauge my own personality nkndksn, but probably cipher? she's detached and cold and doesn't like to get her hands dirty helping others, and i find sticking to her character hard sometimes. but then again there are parts of her personality that are very similar to me (like her sense of humour and introverted-ness) so idk!
48. do you consider the most stereotypical / classic example of their class?
illumina! my tiefling light cleric! who was super devoted to her (now-dead) goddess and to her temple after they saved her life! she was prim and proper and disliked swearing or using her goddess' name in vain, but wasn't afraid to spill blood. she was my first ever cleric and she died at the end of her oneshot, which was prophetic rlly snksnks
49. is or was your favourite to roleplay?
i feel like everyone knew this bUT. ASHE MY BELOVED... she was SO much fun because she threw herself wholeheartedly into everything she did, from fights to friendships, and had enough faith in herself and her party to believe that they could make the world a better place. also, sending and speak with plants are the best spells in dnd ❤ (clerics have the BEST potential for both drama and goofs, yes this is the hill i will die on)
50 answered!!
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hedon1sm · 4 years
98 n 64 for juni 67 n 32 for amadeus 20 for both !!!
dnd questions!
20. What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
junie would probably say, after his very fun dream with tymon, not trying harder to find him after graduating. maybe letting himself not react like he did during his first graduation.
amadeus knows it’s the manner in which he left his family. mainly the state he learned he left his mother in, and the fact that they just thought he was dead.
32. What is your character the most insecure about?
OH WHAT A FUN ONE. amadeus doesn’t like to show his insecurities! youd think for being a mentally ill bard itd be him not thinking his art isnt great enough but he’s really insecure about his outward appearance! about how others view him! not even physically, just....how he handles his body and interacts with others. esp after meeting the party and getting...kinda criticized on a lot of things he does!!
67. What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone in the party?
hi ok. this is simple. he’s incredibly envious of several party members’ healthy relationships with their families. that’s it!
64. What is your character’s opinion on killing others?
oh juniper has a real complicated relationship with this. he...kinda really hates it! but also was like. kind of trained to be this deadly weapon. it’s most of the time the easiest way out of a situation. he still thinks abt the innocents he ended up killing alongside of vargus in the rebellion, but not vargus.
98. What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
“stay strong and don’t look back. this is what your life is now. it’s not easy, but if you grin and bear it, you’ll find exactly where you belong.”
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horizonwalkers · 4 years
a fun fact abt my dnd character: hes a human technomancer wizard (thank u UA/homebrew) and during around 8 4hr sessions he has had crushes on 3 different people. but he cant talk to any of them cause hes a dumbass and a bi disaster? it started with the first NPC we met too, she called him an idiot and he was just silently staring like "oh no im in love", and then the second NPC also called him an idiot and once more he was like "OH NO IM IN LOVE"
rip this boy
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totopopopo · 4 years
K finished first episode of graduation here’s my review:
I loved the last game system they played but I’m really thrilled it’s back to dnd
Justin continues to be the KING of character creation AND voice acting .,, a king a god a legend , I love him so fucking much
Also on the topic of Justin I’m glad he’s a magic user again but now he’s a Druid so like a whole new set of spells to play with so it’s like optimal I’m happy
SUCH a fun premise for a story , Travis really hit it out of the park , A+ it’s fucking fantastic
That being said listening to a podcast about being in college is VERY sad to do in a quarantine when my own college was shut down. But I guess this is giving me like. This is a school I can attend even as I am at home crying bc my own college is closed. So like. Escapism? Lmao
Griffins character is WILD i feel like he’s making up for the fact that he’s not DMing for the first time in a main arc but like I’m so here for it
Clint has one (1) jovial character voice just fucking ONE and it brings me MORE joy than I can say also his character is neat as HELL.
I also like that he & Griffin r competing to be the atttactive characters while justin who was the previous sexy dnd character is a literally dirty bog giant (who’s stolen my heart so completely once again)
My one kind of complaint? Was that I feel like a lot of the action was Travis talking to himself as various NPCs. But honestly, that wasn’t even that big of a complaint, the NPCs themselves are super interesting, the dialogue itself was interesting, I could listen to Travis talk about dirt and I’d still be happy, and the only thing that made it weird I guess is just the concept of him talking to himself for extended periods of time but ya know what that doesn’t matter
Oh yeah talking abt NPCs I love the necromancer uuummm A LOT and I also very much appreciate that she has like. A rad magic wheelchair. Like hell Yeah disability representation in fantasy stories!!!! Travis once again nailing it!
All and all,,,, i like it a WHOLE whole lot
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