#Nihil is trans??
egonspenglerishot · 10 months
Okay okay
I had a thought
What if Nihil was trans
Hear me out
And I ain’t talking ftm
Mtf mother fuckers
And he couldn’t come out or nothing.
And all I imagine is young Nihil meeting old
Y!Nihil: so we never transitioned…
O!Nihil: no. No we had four children, and we stayed male
Y!Nihil: despite everything…all the trauma and upset we went through
O!Nihil: it was a phase…nothing more
Y!Nihil: so this is what I turn into
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coyote-roadkill · 4 months
shoutout to she/her trans boys and he/him trans girls ily all
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nihilistgf · 1 year
cum and take it 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏴
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gravysside · 11 months
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THROWBACK 7INCH COMP!! (Art by me :) ) //2/2 ghostie art//
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Guess my fav (impossible)
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Since you are currently request less: Papa's comforting a dysphoric trans-masc reader?
Hi, I love requests like this even if my inbox is full. And I love and support all my trans readers, I'll be delighted to provide content for you. 💚 - Jez
Papas comforting a dysphoric trans-masc reader
Will listen to your problems and ask if you want his advice or just comfort.
Tries to get to the root of the problem. What are you dysphoric about, exactly?
Why does it make you dysphoric?
How would you like to solve the issue?
He just asks questions, he doesn't give you answers.
He lets you come to the conclusion yourself and supports whatever solution you come to.
Asks you exactly what you need to feel better.
Do you need to get your mind off of these thoughts or do you want a permanent solution?
As the Sugar Daddy Lover™, he'll buy you anything you want.
Do you want a binder? He buys you a set of binders.
He also makes sure you wear them a healthy amount, he doesn't want you to get hurt.
If you decide on a surgery, he makes the calls and pays the bills.
He wants his darling to be happy, that's it.
His first reaction is to assure you that he loves you and all your insecurities.
He wants you to know that he's attracted to you, no matter how much your dysphoria might make you feel wrong and unattractive.
He holds you, whispers comforting words to you.
He might bring up solutions to the issues if you asked him to. If not, he's just there, offering support.
If you decide to get a binder, he gets you the coolest design he can find.
Wears one too in solidarity.
He tries his best to comfort you and tries talking to you like he relates to the problem.
"I mean, hey, I didn't like my nose and jaw and now I think they're super cool, so maybe that can help you, too?"
He's the first to suggest actual surgery.
He loves you and wants you to be happy. He was happier after his surgery, maybe you'll be happier, too?
He offers to wear a binder with you if you feel the need to wear one.
Does this mostly to make sure you take if off when it becomes uncomfortable and wearing one gives him an idea of when it might get uncomfortable.
Old Nihil
He's a bit oblivious sometimes so he needs you to actually come to him and directly talk to him about your issues.
He needs a bit to understand, but eventually asks if you want him to call a doctor. And what type of doctor you want.
In his logic, if it can be fixed, it should be fixed, however possible.
Pays for anything you need.
He gets really excited, too! If you're happy, he's happy, and he'll do anything to make you happy!
Young Nihil
It's the 1960s, he can't really do much, but he'll try.
He's still a bit dense, it's something that never passes. So he's a bit confused when you come out in general, but hey, he needs his partner happy.
He's gonna offer you his clothes if it helps.
Holds you in ways that kinda cover your insecurities.
If you're insecure about your chest, for example, he drapes his arms over your shoulders and let them hang in front of your chest.
He'll tell you you're hot either way.
If you decide to wrap your chest in bandages, he'll try his best to keep it in mind so he can make sure you take breaks. He will forget sometimes, but he tries!
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lovelydrusilla · 1 year
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you're so right tien tran
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buggbuzz · 1 year
learning abt anatomy in college biology is so great cause. gender roles really don't mean anything. sexual dimorphism is fundamentally meaningless. the reproductive systems are just organ systems they have zero meaning. biology is inherently without meaning by nature i love it. do what u want be what u want and be happy bc our brains r what invented the concept of meaning. xoxoxo
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manyeyedgirl · 2 months
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Read blessed is the flame yesterday amazing read
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aranyle · 1 year
No matter where you are
No matter how alone you may feel
No matter how much hate there is around you
Do not give up
Keep going, no matter what
Because no one else will
Because you are stronger than that
Stay alive, because in doing so, you are ensuring a better life for the next generation of your community. The people who will struggle with the same things as you.
Be the hero you needed.
Your Journey Does Not end here
Stay Alive
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nihil-ism · 2 months
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Actually went out with friends yesterday and had a great time! I should dress up out of spite more often... ⚰️🦇
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(This is completely self indulgent ehe) How would the papas react to their child coming out to them as a trans guy :]
Thank you for the ask, I am a cisgendered woman so I know that might not be an easy question to ask someone like me but I will do my best to describe how I would feel like the Papas would react...
(In general for transmale/transfemale)
He's absolutely fucking clueless. So much that he doesn't even know what being trans means. Sister has to explain it to him multiple times before he fully grasps the concept. At that point, he honestly doesn't care and has a laissez-faire approach much like he has with the rest of his parenting.
"...Soo uh...what's that mean?"
Primo is very kind and compassionate. He offers his child everything he knows when it comes to spiritual transition and is happy to help in any way he can with any physical transition that may need to occur through spells and magic.
"When and if you're ready my child, I will commune with the spirits to help us on your journey."
Secondo is very surprised by this. He loves his child and will continue to love them very much but he's not good with change and has a harder time with coming to terms with things. He does accept them for who they are and does eventually work it out. Until then however, he struggles with pronoun and name changes. Often accidentally, and without malicious intent, misgendering and dead naming his child until his Prime Mover finally gets his ass in shape.
"When will sh---he learn to listen to his elders?"
He's completely fine afterwards and honestly he tells them he knew all along. He is very much like Primo about the whole thing. Encouraging and willing to help his child in any way he can.
"I already knew and will love you no matter what. This doesn't change anything between us."
This is hard on Copia, but not in the way you might think. He would break down and cry. He worries about the implications of his child being trans. About the way the world will treat them and about his need to protect them at all costs. He knows what it feels like to have been an outcast and treated poorly throughout his life. The thought of his children being on the receiving end of any type of hatred would drive him absolutely mad. He would of course love them unconditionally and be supportive of them as always. He would however always have a lingering worry about their well-being. Adding many more stressed filled, sleepless nights to his repertoire.
"...but I worry about their well being, cara."
Hope that helps ghestie! Sending you love!!!
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venussdraw · 11 months
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Daddy Nihil, I STILL can’t believe he cheated on Sister. Like?? WTF man.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 1 year
transmasc ask anon!! masculine terms and help with gender affirmation :'))
Thank you for your patience for waiting, Anon! I hope you enjoy this!
and BIG Thank you to my proof reader for helping me with this!! <3 <3
Papas helping their Transmasc Partner with Period pains
Note: I know this is a rather personal subject for each individual, so I tried to keep every response varied from Papa to Papa. I know not everyone shares the same type of preferences, and what works for one person might not work for the other. Please enjoy as I tried to keep it different to suit a few different scenarios and situations! As always, feedback is always super appreciated! :) 
Also trigger warning for references to gender dysphoria and general period talk! 
Papa Nihil: One would describe Nihil as a partner as well meaning but sometimes rather daft. Typically not out of maliciousness, but usually from his own lack of understanding. But what Nihil does know is that he cares about you and hates seeing you not feeling well. Especially this time of the month when it can be the worst physically and emotionally. One day he casually just asks why don’t you just stop your period. If you hate experiencing it and hate the way it makes you feel less masculine… why not stop it? You, understandably, stare at him for the over simplified suggestion. The only thing preventing you from being upset was the sheer genuineness of the question. But before you answer Nihil continues on about how several members of the high ministry use the Clergy’s stupidly good medical coverage to help. “Do you know how many men here stopped their periods? Why not you too, Caro? We use MY doctors!” This is how you found yourself sitting with one of the premiere doctors employed by the ministry to talk about all of your hormone and physical options. Nihil is there with you excited that you were getting steps to transitio
Papa I: If anyone in the ministry is equipped to help you, outside of healer ghouls, it’s definitely Papa. Forget the pills you were going to take, the man has an entire APOTHECARY in your kitchen! Papa is more prepared for your symptoms than YOU are sometimes. He’s the first one by your side with a homemade brew and herbal paste. Anything to kill the pain before it starts. Something you noticed, too, is that during these times Papa tries to be very keen on your mood. He knows sometimes this time of the month just has you very down on yourself. Papa recognizes there is only so much he can do and say as a supportive partner. So there is no shame in asking someone else with more experience to help. Papa one day asks if you’d like to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing you are going through right now. When you say yes you are surprised to find yourself in the office of Papa IV! Who happily is there for any advice or just venting about your shared experiences. You end up making a good friend out of Papa IV, while still being pampered by your attentive partner!   
Papa II: Papa would never admit he’s always ill equipped to help you when you’re sick or in pain. He loves you dearly, but his first instinct is to bark at the medical staff to assist. It’s his way of caring. However, he does know one thing about that type of cramping; and that it can be helped with EXERCISE! And unfortunately for you, he LOVES exercise. Imagine your surprise when you waddled out of bed exhausted and grumpy to find a brand new jogging suit and sneakers laid out for you… you didn’t even know Versace MADE work out gear. “Caro, we are going to the gym.” You stared at him at first in disbelief. You felt like shit and he wanted to WORK OUT? But you had to give in when he insisted and the light exercise made you feel much better! It started with walks, light aerobics, and even Yoga (which Papa was rubbish at but INSISTED on joining you in). At first, this was just a monthly routine that REALLY helped cut down the pain… but you both found yourselves doing more and more. Not just during your times you were in pain, but just going when you both felt like it! Suddenly you were a master at easing your cramps and even started feeling more confident in the way you moved in general! The next thing you know you’re Papa’s favorite boxing buddy and you both couldn’t be happier! 
Papa III: Papa always knows when you’re dealing with cramps. He’s a firm believer that laughter and love are the best medicines! You know the same joke is coming whenever he comes home and sees you on the first day of your cycle. Papa always looks at your slumped form on the couch and yells the same thing he always does. “CARO MIO! MY LOVE! What’s wrong with your handsome face?? Did you hurt yourself falling for me again??” It never gets old! From the beginning, Papa has always been attuned to your needs. His primary focus was always finding ways to make you more comfortable and getting you out of pain. Papa looks for ways to make your cycle a little more bearable and light hearted. No one wants to be in pain for a week! You’ve come to find he likes to bring humor to the situation to help you both be less irritable and know that you are in a safe and comfortable place. He’s happy to get you some pain killers and joke about how the best medicine is cuddling him- charming eyebrow wiggles and all. Papa always feels powerless any time you are hurt or sick, so to him laughter and smiles are the best medicine. That, and sometimes matters don’t always HAVE to be serious. You’ve appreciated that as sometimes you just don’t want things to be a big fucking deal.   
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: If anyone has your back about this, it’s your loveable dork Copia. Because he had been dealing with those same problems FOR DECADES! Granted, he hasn’t had one for a while but he sure as Hell can help! Copia knows all the tricks from before his cycles stopped, and has been a bottomless well of knowledge and support for you! Most of his knowledge has helped you find the right products to get through your cycle without too much mental stress. Before dating him, you didn’t even KNOW you could use a packer to hide a pad! Copia hooks you up with everything you need! Whether it’s advice on keeping your chest comfortable during peak tenderness, the best comfy clothes so you can keep working, or just the best over the counter remedies for pain. He’s your guide and helper through it all! You’re delighted to know everything he recommends works! What’s even better? He’s always there to be as loving or to give you as much space as you need. Copia will even insist that the best cure for pain and hormones is PASTA! Will make you so much! 
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gravysside · 10 months
Hi. I'm seven and a half inches.
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"wow dude this guy is tiny he must be a dwarf"
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I tried something VERY new this time working on this piece, so here's the B/W version :) Bonus: warm up
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coyote-roadkill · 5 months
one of those "why i left the left" videos except its why i became a post left anarchist and contains actual critique of leftist theory and ideas instead of complaining about "wokeness" and how much i hate trans people
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max-uhhhh-talks · 2 years
Terzo's trans because I said so and all his brothers are supportive of him.
Prior to officially coming out to his family, siblings of sin would find that a lot of the bandages have somehow disappeared?? Where did they go???
Terzo was stubborn however and refused to find proper and safer ways to bind, insisting he could do it himself. This lasted a few years unfortunately.
At some point, he decided to give himself a more masculine haircut. But he completely butchered it. He didn't care however, he was proud of himself!
At this point, his family were able to put two and two together. They never brought it up though, Terzo would say something when he was ready.
After Terzo officially came out trans, Primo helped him touch up his haircut and even bought Terzo his first binder as a surprise gift (terzo cried,,, a lot).
Secondo even took it upon himself fo pay for Terzo's top surgery. He didnt have to, Terzo had more than enough money to do so himself. But I guess Secondo just felt like being nice in that moment.
Primo and Secondo even went with Terzo to get his top surgery.
Sister and Nihil just went "... well I guess you'll be Papa in due time then!"
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