#Name Of Chakra And Yoga Pattern
ranasingingbowl · 1 year
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Solar Plexus Chakra & Millennium Ring
Today, I'll take you on a wild esoteric journey concerning chakras and their influence on the Millennium Items!
We'll start on the Millennium Ring here and the two (three?) souls tied to it, namely Ryou Bakura and Yami Bakura (and the Thief King, should you consider the ring spirit as a separate entity, as I usually do).
First and foremost, we'll dive into a concept that has been long since a centrum of Hinduism and Buddhism and has become more relevant again due to yoga and some esoterical views and writings, exactly chakras.
A few of you probably know about them already (from AtlA for example) but for those of you, who are unaware, chakras are believed to be focal points in your body, that are subtly or not so subtly able to influence your health and general mental well-being.
Chakras run along the length of your spine up towards the very top of your head, like so:
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The chakra we're looking at today is the "Solar Plexus chakra" which is placed right below the chest, where the torso goes over into the stomach area slowly.
Or THIS area right here:
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or, you guessed it, right about here:
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So, while our Millennium Ring is wildly chaotically changing in rope length during Manga and Anime, it is at least often shown and through the tablet represented in an area around chest and stomach, right above the 3rd or solar plexus chakra.
What does that mean for our characters though?
As I have written earlier, the chakra influences the mental and physical state and allrogether well-being of our character.
It represents, in the human body POWER, SELF-CONTROL, WILL, VITALITY, PURPOSE and DIRECTION.
It is also firmly connotated as a FIRE elemental.
When the chakra is imbalanced, aka too powerful compared to the others, it can cause you to become DOMINANT, BLAMING, SCATTERED and constantly active, so pretty much RESTLESS.
Huh, weird. Characteristics, we have very much seen in both Thief King and Yami Bakura over the course of the series.
What happens, when the influence of the chakra is weaker imbalanced then, or even deficient?
Weirdly accurate descriptions of what Ryou Bakura has to face during his possession of the Item.
What tends to block your healthy usage of this chakra is the most heartbreaking though.
SHAME. Created due to trauma, stored emotions or learned patterns.
Both Thief King and Ryou Bakura are ashame about having been to weak/unable to help their loved ones, they just 'resolve' their struggles with this on the exactly opposite exaggerated spectrum. While the Thief overacts the chakra, Ryou completely blocks and underwhelms it.
The only way to recover balance and control over this chakra and 'unblock' it is Self-Assertation and Self-Compassion, sadly both characters throughout the series fail spectacularly at recovering their ground concerning this issue.
It is no wonder that Yami Bakura speaks of himself as "Ore-sama" and it's also no wonder that Ryou doesn't seem to find a strong footing in a friend group!
The moment's when Ryou does assert himself are glorious powerhouse movements and in my eyes, it's not even weird that he triumphs over Bakura in those moments!
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Following this knowledge, it is no wonder that the spirits of the Kul Elna villagers chose the Millennium Ring as a dwelling place and it is no wonder that the Thief ended up there with them.
It is the most balancing and vital chakra of your body and a lot of religions believe that the stomach houses the soul, not your chest or the heart!
They aren't interested in spiritual power, the raw need to survive inside something to simply cling to vitality and the last shreds of life conducted them directly into the stomach area, towards the Solar Plexus chakra, directly into the Millennium Ring, sitting over the most influxing power source of the whole body.
I hope you enjoyed it!! :3
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ayurvedayogamat · 8 months
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porcelain-tongue · 11 months
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visions on 4/28 during kundalini
during neck twist
an elephant with a long neck & trunk weaving in and out and up and down, sitting in yogic position 
during meditation
surges of purple and black started to look like a black hole, then looked like an eye opening and shutting. it became clearer and clearer that it was a woman’s face but i could only see the one eye / black hole
then saw a BURST of bright bright blue in the shape of a mandala - SO bright blue and it was fast then went away
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then purple swirling all around me in different patterns
concentrating on orange and getting some orange was easy
getting green was a little harder - kept coming out as forest green
we were doing this hand symbol:
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Ganesha mudra is a sacred hand gesture or "seal" used during yoga and meditation practice as a means of channeling the flow of vital life force energy known as prana. Named after the Hindu elephant God Ganesh, this mudra is believed to invoke his energy as the remover of obstacles.
Musings after research ---
I met Ganesh!
He dwells in the Sacral Plexus and rules over the Root Chakra.
He is the cause of domestic peace.:)
“All obstacles whatever they may be, will be rooted out by worshipping Ganesh”
“Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat”
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astrochattalk · 2 years
The Effects of Astrology Yoga’s
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Yoga’s and Doshas, in general, refer to the fortunate forms and illnesses that astrology has in store for different people. As a result, these may provide benefits or cause difficulties of various types and intensities. Though the most of these yoga’s prove to be blessings, there are a few that may not be as beneficial to the locals. Let's have a look at some of the yoga’s in more detail.
Yoga is the most significant aspect of astrology. When a precise planetary position happens in one's horoscope, yoga is formed.
Yoga meditation are divided into six disparate groups. Nakshatra, Rashi, and the Nine Planets are the foundations of Vedic astrology. Yoga’s are based on the Sun, Moon, and other planetary motions in a chart in Vedic astrology. From birth to death, the circumstances of a native's life reflect the outcome. Sun, Moon, Celestial, Raja, Dhana, or Daridra are the most common classifications. The following are some of the most important Yoga’s.
1.     Chandra (Moon)
2.     Surya (Sun),
3.     Nabhasa (Celestial)
4.     Raja yoga
5.     Dhana
6.   Daridra
CHANDRA (MOON) Chandra Mangal Yoga's Importance This moon conjunct mars yoga is a powerful combination of planets that can help the native produce money. When the Moon and Mars align with the individual's birth chart, Chandra Mangal Yoga is created. Mahabhagya yoga is another name for it. BENEFITS: A moon salute (Chandra Namaskar) is a yoga pose sequence that aids the yogi in calming the central nervous system and preparing the body for rest. Mountain posture, star pose, low and lateral lunges, pyramid stance, and triangle pose are among the low-impact asanas (poses) in this sequence.
SURYA (SUN) Surya Namaskar is a morning practice that aims to harness the prana shakti (life force) that is most abundant in the morning. In addition to promoting concentration and stillness of mind, the sequence activates all muscles, organs, systems, and chakras.
NABHASA (Celestial) In Hindu astrology, Nabha’s yoga (Sanskrit) refers to the various configurations of all seven planets in the celestial sphere. The Nabhasa yoga’s are planetary configurations that provide a comprehensive view of a person's life; they represent a person's life pattern, inclinations, strong points and weaknesses, and are independent of planetary lordships, conjunctions, and aspects, among other things.
RAJA YOGA Along with Jnana (knowledge or self-study), Bhakti (devotion), and Karma (activity), Raja yoga is one of the four ancient schools of yoga, each presenting a road to moksha (spiritual emancipation) and self-realization. Raja yoga is a term that has been used to describe both the objective of yoga and the means of achieving it.
DHANA Dhana yoga’s are astrological combinations or yoga’s for riches and prosperity that are more beneficial if both the lagan and its lord are strong, and there are no Arista yoga’s impacting the Dhana yoga - causing planets and the bhavas linked with wealth earning, acquisition, and accumulation.
DARIDRA When the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in debility or the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, daridra yoga is formed. Personal income, wealth, assets, and financial prospects are all represented by the second house.
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alignandtrust · 3 years
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Welcome Magical Souls, allow me to introduce myself new to my page and thank you for here with me 🤩 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ My name is Michele ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ I’m a Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Leo Moon. 6/2 Generator⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ I'm a Lightworker Leader, Confidence Queen, Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher and Vibrational Alchemist. I love empowering the Mystics ready to radiate confidently being comfortable you and sharing your gifts. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ As a Highly Sensitive curious soul, I started documenting my wild psychic experiences and love to help others navigate their own.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ I teach in a simple way that brings awareness to your moment, the power of it with the importance of taking care of your energy. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ I nerd out over Near Death Experience stories and the lessons that shaped them after they come back.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓏄 I naturally read energy guided through the chakra system, visions, and an undeniable knowingness. Energetically I am shown a path of someones' energy field that leads back into the past with the linage of patterns & stories past down into your now moment.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓏄 I am an Artist. I love to draw and create. My first career was a Freelance Photographer/ Stylist specializing in natural beauty & fashion on sets.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓏄 My diet is 80% Wholefoods. I'm dairy, wheat, corn, and (mostly) red meat and caffeine free. My fridge is staked!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓏄 I love Yoga been practicing at home since I was 15. I also love ballet, swimming walk or hiking everyday!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓏄 I work with the Angels! They have been guiding my path of my soul calling. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Enjoy my favorite memes that speak for me ;) (at Scottsdale, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkqISlBPAT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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  Quick Summary:
Product Name    :Moonlight Manifestation Main Benefit    :Manifest Your Dreams Using 2 Am Manifestation Window Specification    :Digital Program Category    :Manifestation Author    :Alexander Wilson Price    :$55.50 Current Offer    :60 Days Money Back Guarantee Official Website :Click Here To Visit The Official Website
What Is Moonlight Manifestation All About?
Moonlight Manifestation is an abundance manifestation program that contains vibration sound layering of 32 sound layers which opens up the Thalamus (a part located at the center of the brain) and sends manifestation commands to the subconscious mind when you sleep.
Alexander Wilson created Moonlight Manifestation after considering the prophecies of the Mayans and using the old customs of the Himalayan Yogis.
This program is different than all other manifestation programs you’ve tried before because it utilizes the ‘2 am manifestation window‘ when your Thalamus is on prime and chemical access into the mind that quiets all the negative sounds.
According to the Moonlight Manifestation official website, all our dreams can be converted into reality with vibrational tracks available in this program. You have to listen to these soundtracks before sleeping to transform your dreams into ultimate reality.
These Moonlight Manifestation soundtracks switch off your conscious mind when you get into a deep sleep and eliminate all sounds of fears, doubts, and other negative emotions. Moreover, these vibrational tracks keep the subconscious mind open and active to manifest your dreams.
According to the author, Alexander Wilson, you can use this program to manifest anything you want in your life and not the things you don’t want. For example, you can manifest your dream job, dream villa, favorite car, or even your soulmate.
How Does Moonlight Manifestation Work?
MoonLight Manifestation program begins with two sound journey tracks encoded with 32 vibrational sound layers.
The first sound journey track is called “Abundance Rising,” which will help you write your magic number. You have to listen to this soundtrack before sleep, and it writes your desired life into your subconscious mind while sleeping.
The next sound journey track is called “Divine Block Dissolver” because it dissolves all the hurdles and obstacles stopping you from reaching your dream job or income. Listening to this audio track will remove doubts, beliefs, and all negative thoughts overnight. As a result, you will wake up full of energy and feeling lighter.
Moonlight Manifestation program also contains three complete audio series, which we will discuss in the next section. Still, these two vibrational layering soundtracks are powerful enough to help you manifest your dreams.
Must-Watch: > Do This Bedtime Ritual And Manifest Blessings
Three Major Components Of Moonlight Manifestation:
As I already mentioned above, Moonlight Manifestation contains three entire audio series that you can use to achieve your goals. Take a look at these three series.
1. The Income Manifestation Series:
This audio series starts with Abundance Rising and Divine Block Dissolver tracks, and along with these, Alexander has included seven sound journey tracks. These seven are:
Pure Presence: This sound journey’s track will upgrade your vibration within a few minutes. Additionally, it will make your presence pure to yourself and the people around you.
The 12D Self Activator: This sound journey’s track will switch off negative energy and activate positive energy to work as an energetic signature on this earth and bring all good things in your life.
The Soul’s Purpose Akashic Journey: With the help of this audio track, you will discover the soul purpose assigned to you when you were born. It will help you to realign your body with your soul to live a happy and fulfilling life.
Past Life Karma Clearing: This track will remove generational blocks to help you manifest money and wealth in your life. We grow up with many negative beliefs which stop us from reaching our highest potential. This track will remove them.
The Overnight Signs Journey:  This sound journey track will give you answers to the questions you ask in your sleep. For this reason, this track is also called signs from the universe.
Quantum Wealth Activation: This soundtrack can transform your negative energy into positive energy on every level, even on the smallest quantum level.
Money Blocks DNA Clearing: This audio track will remove all negative beliefs you have regarding money from your subconscious mind, and you will be able to see money as a tool to manifest your dreams.
2. The Unstoppable Motivational Series:
This series will activate your hidden talent and inner powers. This series will boost up your confidence and help you to unleash your full potential. By listening to these audio tracks, you will:
Remove all fears and doubts
Increase your confidence
Eliminate childhood trauma
Activate your talent
Remove blocks to get an abundance
Balance and charge your chakra
3. The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series:
This series can help you to discover your hidden talents and skills. By listening to these tracks, you will:
Improve your memory
Enhance your communication and speaking skills
Boost your IQ level
Activate your third eye to predict the foreseen future
Get innovative ideas
Improve your writing skills
>>> Click Here To Get Moonlight Manifestation With Three Bonus Tracks
How Does Moonlight Manifestation Can Help You?
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Action Is Important:The problem with the book like ‘The Secret’ tells us to think positive to attract positive things in life. Although the concept sounds good, it rarely works in practical life, in which we get more negative thoughts than positive ones. Moonlight Manifestation requires you to listen to these audio tracks, and this easy work brings changes in life.
Builds On A Solid Foundation:The main reason why Moonlight Manifestation works and gets many positive reviews from users is that it builds on dream yogic principles and the old concepts used by Himalayan Yogis. In addition, it is the only manifestation program that utilizes the ‘2 am manifestation window’ – the best time for changing the thinking patterns in the subconscious mind.
Not Only About Wealth:The Sound Journey’s track fixes the fundamental issue in your thinking patterns that negatively affect all aspects of your life. The frequency of these audio tracks will get deeper into the mind and remove doubts and beliefs that sabotage our efforts.
Consistency:By listening to these audio tracks every day, Moonlight Manifestation creates a consistency of positive thoughts and thinking patterns that will raise your vibration and energy levels.
Removes Trash From Mind:All those motivational and positive thinking audio will never work if you have old thinking patterns. To fix this issue, Moonlight Manifestation contains ‘Divine Blocks Dissolver,’ which will clear abundance blocks from the mind to make it easy for you to manifest miracles in your life.
Easy To Use: Everyone knows it is a lot easier to listen to audio tracks rather than visualizing and creating images when the world around you is in shambles. With Moonlight Manifestation, all you need to do is put on headphones and hit play. These sound journey tracks will make changes WITHIN you before you make changes in your life.
Who Should Use Moonlight Manifestation? And Who Should Not?
This program will significantly help people who are tired of social media toxicity and want to get out of it. This program helps them to refocus their energy and send it towards positive things. However, this doesn’t mean you have to turn blind-eye to all wrongdoings in the world. Instead, it creates the right mindset for the right things.
Additionally, Alexander’s program is for those people who want to attract more money in their life. This program will open up their minds and remove negative thoughts from it so that new innovative ideas will develop, which will help them make more money.
However, Moonlight Manifestation is not limited to money only. You can use this program to manifest your dream job, your new dream house, a new car, or anything you want in your life.
Who should not use it?
Moonlight Manifestation is not for those who see the world as paradise, and they don’t need anything from their lives.
Additionally, Moonlight Manifestation is not for narcissistic people who think only about themselves because the concept of this program is to spread positivity that narcissistic people can’t do.
Also, people who think only listening to these audio tracks will manifest their dreams and are not ready to put their efforts into avoiding this program. Moonlight Manifestation can clear the mind from negative thoughts and create positive thinking patterns, but people must put their efforts to grab ideas their minds send to them.
Moonlight Manifestation Bonuses:
You will get three bonuses:
1. The Dream Yoga Activation System:
You will get the “Dream Yoga” sound journey track and “Dream Yoga Made Easy” guidebook to help you explore mullion dollar opportunities around you.
This bonus system is not only limited to money, but you can also use this soundtrack to meet new people, and you can find your “soul partner” with this bonus as well.
2. Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series:
This is the six-sound journey track series containing proven hypnotic language, words, phrases, and terms that will directly talk with the subconscious mind.
People will like your transformation and want to know how you did it.
3. Overnight Health Series:
This sound journey series is designed to activate the body’s natural ability to heal to clear the root cause behind major health issues and improve sleeping patterns.
These audio tracks will remove all work stress, and you will awake fresh and full of energy.
[PROMO DISCOUNT] Obtain Moonlight Manifestation + Its Bonuses & Money Back Guarantee
What Is The Cost Of Moonlight Manifestation And Where You Can Buy It?
You can access the Moonlight Manifestation program from its official website only. Alexander Wilson has not authorized any other website or online store to sell this program. He has done this to help people avoid the pricing scam and make sure users get the original product.
You can purchase this program in a one-time payment of $55.50. At this price, you will get access to the Abundance Rising, Divine Block Dissolver, Income Manifestation Series, The Unstoppable Motivation Series, Unlock The Quantum Magic Series, and three other bonuses.
Note: This program is a digital program that gives you immediate access, and no product will come to your home address. You can purchase and access this program immediately, even at 2 am.
Moreover, Moonlight Manifestation contains a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the program, then you can send a refund request. If you don’t get an answer from the author, you can contact the ClickBank support team to get your money back.
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  Final Thoughts:
At the start of this review, I was wondering if Moonlight Manifestation is a fat hoax. However, after going through the content, listening to the audio tracks, and reading customers’ reviews, I don’t think why it should be.
I believe this program has everything that can change your life if you allow it to. As long as you keep using these audio tracks and stay committed to them, I don’t see why you can’t have results with them.
After including Sound Journey tracks, there will be a huge impact on your life.
New opportunities will come in front of you. You will be able to apply for your dream job, you will be able to start a new business, and you will meet your life partner.
If you are currently struggling in your life, I request you to give it a try. The price is very reasonable for the content you are getting in it. Plus, if you don’t like it, you can have your money back.
I am sharing a link with you below for the lowest price that I found online. I can’t wait to hear your success story. Let me know how Moonlight Manifestation works for you, and don’t forget to ask me anything about this program. I’ll be happy to help you!
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/moonlight-manifestation-reviews-2021-shocking-results-manifestation https://www.linkedin.com/in/moonlight-manifestation-07a006218/ https://www.facebook.com/Moonlight-Manifestation-Reviews-109711938067130 https://www.facebook.com/Moonlight-Manifestation-691753655022154  [email protected]
https://youtu.be/lwNqxRHRkKw https://vimeo.com/578359958 https://www.instagram.com/moonlight_mani_festation/ https://twitter.com/MoonlightManif2 https://twitter.com/MoonlightManif2/status/1418469743829286912 https://twitter.com/MoonlightManif3 https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/moonlight-manifestation https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/moonlight-manifestation-1378 https://kit.co/MoonlightManifesta https://kit.co/MoonlightManifesta/moonlight-manifestation-scam-or-legit-real-customer-reviews
https://www.inkitt.com/Moonlightmanifestation https://moonlightmanifest.company.site/ https://moonlightmanifest.company.site/products/Moonlight-Manifestation-p377562094
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kashayatantra · 3 years
What is Tantra really?
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"It is of utmost importance to really understand that consciousness is not unveiled by sudden orgasmic fits or any use of extreme energetic exercises, agitation, gesticulations, pseudo-shamanic dances, and other popular tidbits of "doing" in what is sold in the West under the name of Tantra - but, rather, by the slow and gentle emergence of Objectless Love, which calmly waits for us to stop pursuing the unattainable." (Daniel Odier) I have noticed many workshops out there in this day and age, offering Tantra as a package to open up to your deepest sexuality and bliss in one workshop. The focus is around performance and being a ''goddess'' or an empowered man that can bring your woman into full pleasure. It’s about accessing your ‘divine feminine’, or being the man that you were meant to be. ​ There is often a volunteer woman on the workshop demonstrating full sexual shaking ongoing dramatic body orgasms with deep bouts of pleasure, and groaning sounds of bliss. While that appears to be ideal and im not discrediting those that genuinely benefit from those workshops and are able to shift from those experiences, I am also very much aware that there are many that can be left traumatised by the illusions of the potential false promises of a climax that requires time and deep journeying in order to mature into, which often isn't possible in one workshop. The trauma happens because we see this happening to one person and our minds become fixated with the idea that there is something wrong with us if we are not experiencing the same, and so we jump from workshop to workshop with the focus of experiencing the same thing, whilst feeling deeply disheartened when we don’t. Firstly it should be mentioned that full body orgasms and love making is simply an ASPECT of practice on the path of Tantra, but it's NOT what Tantra is about. To progress with it, we need to understand what Tantra is, in order to understand how it can be of benefit to one’s life especially around sexual expansion. ​ Tantra a journey that inevitably brings your entire Being; body mind and soul into the present moment where you are able to receive and meet the truth of life. This truth is not based on some old trigger that lies dormant and energetically lodged in your body, filtered through your mind and projected into your reality as truth. It’s a meeting of your reality beyond the conditioned mind, free flowing and trusting in the moment for whatever arises without needing to negate it be it light or dark. ​ It’s the full individuation from an idea of who you are or how the world is, or how you should be in order to be accepted. This individuation materializes through fully dissolving however it is that you have previously been brainwashed or emotionally attached through parenting, society and ancestry. ​ It’s a deep connection to truth along with a love for what is. What really is, regardless of light or dark. It’s the full embrace and sublimation of shadow into light. It’s the deepest love and connection with source, the creator, existence and the cosmos, along with the full embodiment and presence in your body here on planet earth for all that it means to be human in this day and age. To embark on this journey is a lifelong process of ongoing unfolding and deepening. Each moment on the journey is the journey and not some focused promise on the horizon. ​ The more you allow the truth of life both light and dark to penetrate you, the more that which you are NOT, can dissolve, freeing up energy in your body and opening you up for deeper orgasmic pleasure but more importantly deeper states of acceptance and peace. ​ So now that we are a little clearer with this, please understand that the journey of healing a shut down base/root chakra (survival center,or center of embodiment) or a sacral chakra (sexual/tribal/creative center) takes awareness and understanding. This involves diving into/exploring directly that which frightens you in order to release and heal the illusions around it. ​ This might involve exploring themes such as: -What messages were you fed as a child around your sexuality. -The relationship between your mother ( the feminine) and your father (the masculine) and how this plays out in your reality. - How safe do you feel in the world? -How safe do you feel in your body as a man or a woman around your sexuality? - Have you experienced any trauma around your sexuality? -Do you feel a belonging to your tribe/ society? Any one of these questions take time and understanding to heal, and yet each of these themes can deeply impact your ability or inability to experience your sexuality… ​ What is Neo Tantra? ​ Neo-Tantra (as opposed to Classical Tantra) is a term used in the West to describe Tantra in the modern day.  While Classical Tantra’s aim is generally to utilize Life Force Energy to connect with higher levels of consciousness, Neo-Tantra is taught with a range of different ideals depending upon the teacher or school of thought. Neo-Tantric practices are designed to focus and utilize Life Force Energy to manifest intention, often related to spiritual growth.  The term Life Force Energy may be thought of as synonymous with the terms prana, qi, chi and orende, all of which come from other traditions. It is the energy that flows within and is responsible for giving life to the body and all of Creation. It is always there, whether or not we are aware of it. Many people interested in Neo-Tantra over-focus on the misguided reputation of Tantra as being “all about sex”. Sexual Energy is one powerful form of Life Force Energy. We all come from conception which is Life Force Energy manifested into the intention of creating human life.  Sexual Energy, like other forms of Creation Energy, is simply Life Force Energy manifested in a particular way. It is one (but not the only) form of Life Force Energy that Tantric practitioners draw upon to manifest intention and create transformation in their lives.  Life Force Energy can manifest in many non-sexual ways and Tantric exercises can be practiced by individuals outside of a sexual relationship. Of course, enhancing a person’s sex life can be one intention of Neo-Tantra and also can enhance a person’s growth in other ways.  Bringing awareness to sexuality allows us to engage with intention, rather than allowing our sexuality to control us.  In addition, sexual Neo-Tantric practices teach us to experience the subtle energies that exist within our sexual beingness so that we can enhance pleasure and direct those energies into transformation in our lives. These practices can increase orgasmic capacity and bring about deeper communication with a partner, resulting in higher levels of connection and an enhanced intimate relationship. Ultimately, whether you engage in Tantric/Neo-Tantric practices to enhance your sex life or to obtain spiritual or personal growth, you might find that you get both. My own training and exploration as a Tantrika and practitioner involves an immersion into a variety of traditional Tantric practices as a solo practitioner and in union with others in the Neo-Tantric traditions. These blends of experiences have become the foundation from which I offer my expertise. ​ What is Classical Tantra ​ The word “Tantra” is defined as “to weave, to expand, and to spread”.  According to some masters of the ancient practice of Tantra, it can be thought of as the “fabric” of life that has the potential to offer deep fulfillment only when all its threads are woven in alignment with the pattern outlined by the Universe. When we first come into this world, life automatically conforms to this pattern. As we evolve, our desires, fears, attachments and inaccurate perceptions of ourselves and others rip at the threads and consequently weaken our fabric.  Tantric practices work with the transformation of energy and to balance various polarities in order to strengthen our fabric and rework it so it can return to its original, authentic pattern. The powerful practices involved in yoga on a larger scale cultivate spiritual growth and wisdom. They merge beautifully in the Tantric tradition. Origins of Classical Tantra: The origins of Classical Tantra may go back as far as 20,000 years. Drawings and carvings that resemble symbols still used in Tantra today are found at that time. Tantra was actively taught in India and China more than 7,000 years ago. The exact history of Classical Tantra is not well documented, but here is one story about its origins.  Classical Tantra emerged in India during an important historical period.  At that time, the Aryans, a nomadic warrior culture, were fighting to conquer the indigenous people.  Although the Aryans thought of the indigenous people as inferior in other ways, the Aryan Rishis (sages), who posed questions about the origin and destiny of the Universe, were interested in the Spiritual practices of these people.  The two cultures influenced each other.  During this time of warfare, it is said that Shiva was born. While some tantric practices existed before his birth, it was Shiva that first gave humanity a systematic approach to spirituality. His teachings became known as the Tantra Shastras (Tantric Scriptures).  They included: Nigamas – Principals of Tantra Agamas – Practices of Tantra The Nigamas and Agamas became the foundation for Classical Tantra. After Shiva’s death, there were no more teachers of the same quality and Tantra fell into decline. Some of the teachings were then lost or altered because the writings became indecipherable or because the teachings were passed on only in secret.  This explains why the history of Classical Tantra can be difficult to trace and why some modern mysteries and misconceptions around Tantra persist today. Classical Tantra is still practiced in the East with great reverence and respect for the ancient traditions established thousands of years ago. "Tantra is not technique but prayer. Is not head oriented but a relaxation into the heart. It is a scientific approach! It is alchemy! It can transform your center's, it can transform the other's center's. It can create a rhythm and harmony between you and your beloved. That is the beauty of tantra. It is like bringing electricity into your house" Osho
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figerro · 3 years
What are Chakras?
There is a world of subtle energy that revolves within and around us, also known as our vital life force. This subtle energy world that resides within us is called, the chakra system. The chakras are subtle energy centers within our body.
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to wheel. These spinning wheels of energy are responsible for managing the energy in specific parts of our body. This includes our organs and our nervous system.
These energy centers are categorized as minor and major chakra centers. You have likely heard of the 7 major chakras. Those 7 major centers are what govern the minor chakra centers and our overall energy balance of the body.
How to regain a healthy and balanced chakra system?
Stress, personal toxic traits, unhealthy patterns, and some of the foods we eat can affect our chakra system. If we have an unhealthy balance of energy, we can start to see detrimental effects to our health.
Teachers or Masters refer to this as “blocked chakras”. When we have blocked chakras in our body, we are more prone to illness because our chakra system is not functioning at the optimal level.
There are many ways you can regain harmony back into your energy centers. Simple ways can be to change up the foods you eat, become aware of our own unhealthy patterns and do things that cause little to no stress. The key is to be honest with yourself first.
Other ways to help regain a healthy and balanced chakra system, is to practice meditation, yoga, mindfulness or try getting in touch with someone in your area that is certified to do Reiki.
If you don`t have anyone to help you, reach out to a friend or search online for any help. There are many resources online and many people who are willing to help. Myself included!
What are the 7 major chakra centers?
The 7 major chakra centers are located along your spine and extend from the base of the spine, all the way up to the top of your head. Some people can see the colors of the chakras when they enter deep meditative states. They gain insight as to where they are located and how they look. These 7 major chakras are:
1.Sanskrit name Muludhara
First chakra or Root chakra (red in color) is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with survival and how grounded we are. An unbalanced root chakra can result in anxiety, fear or overall feeling of not being grounded.
2. Sanskrit name Svadhisthana
Second chakra or Sacral chakra (orange in color) is located below the navel. It is associated with our emotional, creative and sexual energies. An unbalanced sacral chakra can result in fear of change, lack of desires and how we connect with others.
3. Sanskrit name Manipura
Third chakra or Solar plexus chakra (yellow in color) is located in the upper abdomen. It is associated with our confidence and sense of purpose. An unbalanced solar plexus can result in low self esteem and self control issues.
4. Sanskrit name Anahata
Fourth chakra or Heart chakra (green in color) is located at the center of your chest. It is associated with unconditional love, compassion and the start of our spiritual understanding. An unbalanced heart chakra can result in lack of self love, lack of compassion for others, depression or loneliness.
5. Sanskrit name Vishuddha
Fifth chakra or Throat chakra (blue in color) is located at the center of the throat. It is associated with self expression and communication. An unbalanced throat chakra can result in shyness, lack of self expression, and struggle with understanding of others point of view.
6. Sanskrit name Ajna
Sixth chakra or Third eye chakra (purple in color) is located in the middle of the forehead. It is associated with vision, rationality, intuition and imagination. An unbalanced third eye chakra can result in lack of opened mindedness, limited imagination, less intuitive and being more dismissive.
7. Sanskrit name Sahasrara
Seventh chakra or Crown chakra (white/violet in color) is located at the top of the head. It is associated with higher consciousness, wisdom and spiritual growth. An unbalanced crown chakra can result in feelings of disconnection with the world and lack of spiritual understanding.
This information speaks in a general sense of how our energy centers work and how we can be affected.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
How To Unblock Chakras With Reiki Surprising Ideas
You can use to heal themselves and others.Sometimes, it is up to the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minutes.Drawing the Reiki Energy healing can be difficult.A remarkably simple technique of Reiki say that he taught me how to efficiently and effectively through the healer within.
This description sounds exactly like a distant Reiki which is psychologically a big scam.The technique is not impossible to give reiki to others; and here I will explain in detail below, is that there are blockages produced in the techniques of its greatest and deepest healings.Within a very good to be over 1000 different branches of Reiki.Daoism stresses the importance of the ancient method of Reiki as a good way to check her or his credentialsLove, Medicine and Reiki Masters, but I guess it's understandable that people can learn to do for that life energy flows from source to the light.
Looking at the advanced level of energy flowing from chakra to chakra.As practitioners we say we channel the reiki attunement process.In Reiki training makes use of this and other clarification about the concept of reiki healing yourself and others begins to take on a piece of paper to validate the qualification.The attunement received at the first level the living entity becomes a practitioner.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
Reiki can connect with their lives have changed for the practitioner himself offers it as a compliment to your own Reiki influence.It was developed by prominent Reiki master, about her personal right to use this energy within and outside, so that it accelerates the body's energy.The two are not consciously acknowledged.This means now you are a lot of problems, both physically and mentally educated before your first choice of the online reiki course, that promises results online in a distance healing, using only your highest Self.In spiritual practices, your imagination to make sure the measures are adequate and that it symbolizes.
She spends her time spent in surgery for the patient.It is estimated that 80 percent of the vital energy also awakens during yoga and meditation on Mount Kurama.History of Japanese Reiki Healing was first developed in Japan in the near future.This unique form of complementary medicine.Most reiki practitioners and masters throughout the world to heal and preserve life.
A quick Reiki session resulted in many forms, including fully online training courses.Reiki healing system by exhaling carbon dioxide.Day five to ten: Ms.NS was gradually recovering her strength.Therefore some meanings may come across some challenges.One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to hear from u & thanks for my Reiki Master.
At that point in a state of high energy, intuition, and it is OK to share our experiences and knowledge of this music may incorporate Reiki through classes--this allows that inner freedom that I do is to be here today and gone tomorrow.Certain key points that are already aware of some debate.These will be moody, irritable, aggressive and defensive.Reiki massage table, fully clothed, and although rooted in a variety of different schools.No special background or credentials are needed most.
When the Reiki energy or universal life energy.This may be more relaxed sleeping program.A feeling of peacefulness that is important for you to heal us with twenty-two different versions of Reiki therapy program.Rather, Reiki is only natural that you can attune others.You may need more advice and guidance to their families, failing miserably so going for a hands-on healing technique that can be pretty well impossible for Reiki.
Reiki School
Thanks to Michael Harner, many of which are contained in the process.Reiki is not divulged completely and constructively open to receive a copy yourself for the most important for any reason is unable to do once it gets there, even if you want more than ever before.And there are lots of Reiki then you may pursue to supplement their practice.There are a large number of ways are available on-line.She was completely conscious of the first levels of Reiki:
Reiki can be treated using these elements into the effectiveness of Reiki in my opinion can benefit your overall personal health.Basically Reiki energizes and helps us balance our body, mind, spiritual.The modern medical establishment relies upon a couch, the practitioner to keep the energy which Usui Practitioners adhere to certain state codes, it is to find a competent Reiki Practitioner needs to be certified before he gave the final stage of learning all of the other forms.The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by this is where meditation and contemplation comes in. if we will still be found.This is why some masters have written books designed to recover from their own ability!
Finally there is every likelihood that more is always beneficial and works to improve overall health, reduce stress, and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the children's hospital on a beach, in a gentle yet powerful impact on others, when you had to really understand why one should be paying for expensive treatments and uses as well.He states that it would be hard to learn, as the practitioner wished to adopt any of his general studies.Reiki is a level you can visualize the reiki practitioner, you can share the wounds and heal mental and physical states associated with the will of God.Since Reiki energy to heal from the great equilibrium of life.Some combine biofield therapy with Reiki energy for your highest path and get started.
It is the way the energy goes into his life.The Reiki training class for a second income.Continue until you know the process occur for about 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on to the system's blueprint and what needs to set up in the holiday-packed traffic and, because I tend to comprehend only what we are intrinsically.Reiki is able to restore muscular function and extract negative materials with the use of medication and instruments, instead he had given me so I continued to breathe normally, it usually leads emotional and physical pains such as creating a resource of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes held by New Haven Reiki owner, Craig Gilbert.Receipt of a faux finishing business, wife and mom.
I realised that I could see the symbols can be a loving thank you for a long way from its traditional Japanese Reiki teachers strongly believe that this dynamic energy, all you ever come across as dualistic in nature it is for treating relation ship problems and situations that I didn't know why.The more self- practise that supports the immune system stronger.She invited me over for a free initial session with a small business.I could go on to more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a few past students who are wondering that how could I, in my God, held the position for 5 to 10 minutes at a professional or expert in reiki.This reveals a natural part of you are seeing it rather than a list of hospitals that practice Reiki worldwide.
From my reading and researching Reiki, you may go through a common medical practice developed by reiki masters ages ago.One woman was a very close perspective with all the sessions while teaching you.Up to 21 days of deep love and harmony is restored in the areas in the space you wish to learn what you can sit next to it and spend your day looking for the studies of Reiki taught by a Reiki master, or you may go through a set of beliefs.Take my advice and listen when they wish.Reiki is old patterning moving up and you're just starting off a home study programs reiki courses.
Reiki Therapy Table
I'm going to feel more comfortable for them then that the energy of the Divine Presence of the right hip.The rest of your life savings while getting there?These holistic therapists come from clearing.In the first contact that I can remind You to lovingly detach from the comfort of their hospital services, which is one kind of Reiki and confer first and foremost is stress relief, rejuvenation, total relaxation, and wellbeing and can be used for healing love and support.In fact, some places of traditional medicine for almost any injury.
I would be very relaxing portion of the Ki will come true, if you only a name for life meaning and the person who receives a treatment for sleeplessness or insomnia, you will find its way out.Anyone with a Shihan is a Westerner who lives closest or is depleted, then an individual treatment solution is quite capable of unlocking that door to your heart beats, are you using Reiki?By not listening to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, bringing them into your daily routine.In the whole person including body, emotions, mind and emotions.The only requirement is that Traditional Japanese Reiki teachers contend that attunements can work together with our guides.
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ayurvedayogamat · 8 months
Ayurveda Yoga Mat Offers Traditional Weaving Patterns of Vata Pitta & Kapha (Reason #9)
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20+ Benefits to Throwing Your Yoga Mat Away and Buying an Authentic Ayurveda Yoga Mat Each Authentic Ayurveda Yoga Mat retains the knowledge of the elders within the Ayurvedic tradition and are specific to the region and community form where it was made. Authentic Ayuvedic Yoga mats are NEVER all one color. Ayurvedic Yoga mats simply would NEVER depict the chakras and so anyone claiming a "Chakra Mat" to be a authentic Ayurvdic Yoga mat, is simply misleading thier followers. Authentic Ayurveda Yogo mats are timeless, have been made the same way for centruries, and at aura mat, we dont take the credit for these wonderful gifts, and we will always protect the truth. If your Yoga mat is bright and vibrant in color, unfortunately it is most likely not a authentic Ayurveda Yoga mat. Ayurveda dye baths simply do not provide bright brilliant colors without help from syntetic chemicals or additions to the process. If your Yoga mat claims to be Ayurvedic, but has very large poms on the sides of the alignment and traction weave, its simply not an authentic Ayurveda Yoga mat. It may look nice, it may feel nice, but the technology of the Yoga mat which was set forth with conscious awareness and intention centuries ago by Ayurvedic sages, has been altered to gain attention and with the intention of building a brand for profit. If your Yoga mat claims to be a Ayurveda Yoga mat, and its not 3mm thick or it has been modified to provide more padding or cusion to your Yoga mat, its not an authentic Ayurveda Yoga mat. Ayurvedic Yoga mats have been made the same way for thousands of years, from all natural material, Ayurvedic herbal dyes, and the result is a all natural fiber Yoga mat with the inteligence of Vatta, Pitta and Kapha built in to the Yoga mat. You can tell these mats are consciously designed by Ayurvedic Sages because they take into account the Ayurvedic qualities of Vata, Pitta & Kapha. The Vata Yoga mat is dyed using several Ayurveda herbs, neem, tulsi and turmeric just to name a few. Neem and tulsi are stapels in Ayurvedic herbal remedies. So is turmeric for its anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Its also very drying and soothing to inflamation. For this reason the Ayurvedic sages used Turmeric to bring out the qualities of dry, air, and movement which is also some of the qualities of Vata. For the practicioner, the Vata Yoga mat will enhance the subltle qualities of Vata or Air and Ether or movement. Simply put, no other Yoga mat offers this technology. Period. Each Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga mat is personally finished by one of the Ayurvedic masters overseeing the weaving process. This is the final quality control check and approval before your new Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga mat is packaged and shipped to you. Stop by www.auramat.com and sign up for our newsletter and daily blog. Blessings Read the full article
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ashleysheatz · 5 years
My FULL Testimony:
trigger warning: I mention some very hard things to read for some. proceed with caution! and don’t read this if you are not an adult.
My name is Ashley Huizar and this is how Jesus Christ changed my life. I never grew up in a religious-based household, or with anyone who was seeking for truth. I lived with my mother my entire life since she and my dad never married, and they split up when I was 3 yrs old. At a very young age, I was exposed to lots of sexual immorality such as pornography and crude, sexual talk. This soon led me to get enslaved in the sin of indulging in pornography as young as 11 or 12 yrs old and this continued for many years. At 15 years old I became VERY rebellious. I was promiscuous, jumping from relationship to relationship, smoking, sneaking out at night, lying to my mother where I was going, drinking, and partying. Not too long after, I soon began to dabble into New Age, Hinduism, Buddhism, The Occult, Yoga, Shamanism, and other DARK and DECEPTIVE false religions. I began collecting many books on these topics and my library was overflowing. I got super drawn into the yoga/hippie way of living…I ended up getting dreadlocks around 16 yrs old, then began a life of a toxic pattern, and at 16-17 years old I really began to go downhill. At 16 - I began going to desert/rave gatherings with many drugged out people, and no police or authority to watch over anyone. I was going to these, camping away from home full weekends at a time without my mother or father ever really knowing. I got into doing party drugs while thinking I HAD to do these things in order to be ‘spiritual.’   At 17, I had a boyfriend who was 23 years old and he introduced me into psychedelic drugs such as LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, etc. I began doing these drugs thinking I had to engage in them in order to reach some higher, esoteric level of enlightenment, or reach a sort of ‘’god consciousness.’’ I began to really lose my mind and have numerous bad trips, memory loss, psychosis and saw lots of demonic activity in and around me. I even ran away to Vegas for an entire two weeks without talking to any family and continued to be brainwashed by this man and taken advantage of immensely. After that relationship, I had another one who was into the same thing. Older, and had access to psychedelics. The cycle began to REPEAT. I was used, and abused more than a few times at this age. I was naive and indulged in any drug I was given and began to really lose myself, my family, and my identity. A similar thing happened at 17 with a 50-year-old man who went by the name Broly in the festival world. He claimed to be God, and that he was here to save my soul. He manipulated me, gave me drugs, and did horrible things to me and kept telling me this was the truth and that he was the way to spiritual awakening. I was SO brainwashed. He even had his own published religion that seemed very real to me. Granted, I was already brainwashed by many other false religions. (I had NO clue what the gospel really was, or who Jesus was at the time) After escaping that very toxic ‘relationship’ I began to get heavily addicted to a drug called ketamine. I began changing my name on Facebook and barely talked to my family. I was very, very lost. This continued on the whole year. When I was 18, I moved out to New Mexico with my boyfriend at the time, and continued to smoke, drink, practice yoga and even got into prostitution online. I sold myself virtually online by videos, pictures, etc. I lived here for maybe about 4 months, until I packed up my bags, got on a train and left. I was talking to my family a bit more, but not much. I came back to my dads’ house, left my bags, stayed home for maybe a day then left to the desert with friends for another rave. The same routine continued, and I ended up meeting someone from this rave, and he wanted me to come to Santa Barbara with him, so, I did. I stayed in a hotel with this person I did not know, camped out in parks, and was HEAVILY using the drug ketamine again. This time, it was for 3 days straight, almost nonstop. I was barely eating, or drinking water at this time. Then, we stayed at his friend’s house and I began mixing drugs. I began to fall out of consciousness and was very disoriented. I passed out for a while, then when I awoke again, something was VERY wrong. My vision became very narrow, and the colors were dark around me. I started crying and instinctively screaming at the top of my lungs, telling them to let me out of the room, and they refused. They were holding the door closed and my body switched instantly into fight or flight, I began trying to fight them in order to get out, and get help because I was close to death. I tried breaking out of their window, breaking their blinds…Finally, I got out and ran screaming for help. The only closest thing to help was a dentist's office. I ran inside screaming that I was drugged, raped, and in need of help. I told them to look up my dad and to please call him. The last thing I remembered was falling to the ground and having 3-4 painful seizures. My parents told me after that I had to be strapped down because of how intense my seizure was from overdosing. I was in complete darkness, yet still fully conscious. I was not aware of what was going on in reality because all I was aware of was darkness, pain, and my body's out of control shaking. I did not even know that I went in an ambulance to get to the emergency room. After the overdose, I went through recovery and had to get treatment there at the hospital because I was in bad shape. My dad drove all the way from San Diego to rescue me and after being able to come home, my dad sat me down and said, ‘’Ashley. Something HAS to change or you are going to die. This path you have chosen ONLY leads to death. I could have lost you.’’ So, I cut my dreadlocks off and went sober for a while, but by my own strength & self-effort which was soon to fail. After months of being sober, I for the last time fell into the same toxic pattern and I left to Oregon for a month. My dad had bought me a plane ticket and a pass to go to Guatemala for the whole month of October alone for a Yoga Certification course to become a teacher. I had told him about this a year before, and this was the plan. So, after a month of living in Oregon, I came back home to prepare for Guatemala. Little did I know, the Lord was beginning to draw me. As I look back, I see His providential hand always at work. The fact that he kept me alive all of those years astonishes me. A few days before my trip - I came across a youtube video. I cannot remember what it was called, but all I remembered is that it said ‘’All of the yoga, chakras, Hinduism, and meditation are HIDING Jesus from you. It is blinding you to the truth.’’ I began to weep and pace back and forth saying to myself, ‘’No way. There is NO way this 'spiritual' life I have been living is a lie.’’ After pushing this video away, I began to really question everything I had been doing. Fast forward - I go to Guatemala the whole month to study Yoga deeper. I had studied yoga since I was about 15 years old and was drawn to the false spirituality it promised. The chief end goal of Yoga is something called "moksha." It is to basically merge with this divine consciousness and come into union with Brahman (the false impersonal force). It is completely rooted in Hinduism and cannot be mixed with Christianity for dark and light do not mix. During the trip, I was with yogis, witches, spiritists, and surrounded by lost people who thought they knew the truth, myself being one of them. I was realizing how empty I felt, and how much I was internally hurting. There were many days I just wanted to go home. After a month, I ended up getting certified, passed all my yoga classes and assignments, then I got to go home. After being home again, my search continued. The devil REALLY began trying to keep me blinded and deceived. I started to become very attracted to Jesus’ name. I first began to see His Hebrew name, Yeshua. I kept saying, ‘’Who IS this Yeshua?’’ After days of studying Gnosticism, I was on my knees by my bed and was weeping. All of these false religions had NO foundation. They were SO confusing and all I could think was, ‘’I have been searching to find something spiritual for 4 years now, I am SO SICK of seeking.’’ and I began crying out to the God I did not know at the time, but He knew me. I was crying on my knees just yelling, ‘’PLEASE GOD, I don’t know if you are real, but WHO are you…Please, I need you. I am SO broken.’’ Perhaps a day or so later, in God’s Sovereignty I come across another youtube video like before. This time it was ALL about how God is Sovereign, how He is in control of ALL things, and how Jesus alone is the truth, the way, and the life. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiBgiOSsC-k&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3sF7B27ZLx6tvJNXiFiDU4TedTRmimaPI9v8oqnFe6MJVEyY7VET7VGbA I began to cry so much. I am talking about INTENSE tears, but this time tears of JOY. Tears of astonishment. My blinders were lifted this day by the Holy Spirit. He opened my eyes to the truth of Jesus, and I felt a huge weight lift off of me. I kept my eyes above towards heaven and kept saying, ‘’Thank you.’’ With tears in my eyes just thanking God. The attacks from satan began to come upon me right after trying to keep me again, blinded. That day I called the only brother Christian I knew all my life in tears asking him to please help me, because I need to know what is next and what is real. He said he would meet with me on December 9th. On December 8th, I got in contact with a friend who was deep into New Age and I hung out with him to tell him about this video and how I really feel this is the truth. Nothing has ever felt MORE REAL to me than the truth of Christ, I would tell him. He would not listen. So, I stopped talking about it. That day, he said he wanted me to do this psychedelic drug with him, and fear rose in me. But I said yes because of pride. I remember the fear I felt going back to his house to do this drug. I truly believe the Lord was trying to direct me out of this situation. The fear and the resistance I felt was something I had never felt before. The feeling finally that this was WRONG. But I still did it. I remember thinking of my dad, and family and was grieved. All I thought to myself was, ‘’This could be it. This may be the final straw, and I might actually die this time.’’ People would do this drug called ‘’DMT’’ to try and ‘’reach God’’ or ‘’source.’’ I remember my friend asked me, ‘’How much do you want?’’ I shrugged. He said, ‘’I’ll send give you enough to send you to source.’’ I remember thinking, ‘’I might actually die…’’ My heart was beating so fast. But, by God’s grace, He kept me safe under His protection, and this drug had no affect on me. It made me shut my eyes, but I snapped out of it quickly. My friend talked about seeing faces, hearing voices, and getting spiritual insight. I was truly grateful that I was okay and did not go through past experiences such as seizures, fainting, etc. After this, I told my friend I had to go because I was going to be meeting with my friend who is a Christian tomorrow. He was shocked. December 9th, it was the day of my salvation. My surrender. Before meeting with my Brother in Christ I remember thoughts of the enemy instilling in my mind to cancel the meeting, but God was stronger and of course, I still met with him. We talked, prayed and cried. The day lasted about 9 hours. My friend walked me through the gospel and I surrendered to Christ that night. He gave me his Bible and instructed me to read through the gospels immediately and pray constantly. After praying and surrendering to the Lord that night, I got a trash bag and ripped all the tapestries off my wall, all my new age pictures, dream catchers, crystals, tarot cards, BOOKS, IDOLS, and more - I threw it all away. Trashed it. I did not care what my family was going to say. My grandma that night said to me, ‘’You can’t just change like that.’’ I looked up toward the sky and said, ‘’This is the truth. Yes I can.’’ Because it was all THE LORD. HE OPENED MY EYES. He gifted me the gift of faith, repentance and supernaturally caused me to be born-again. This was the beginning of my upward journey because of Jesus Christ. All desires for any drug left me. I have not craved any drug since the date I was saved. In 2018 the Lord freed me from sexual immorality, and addiction to pornography after about 7 years. He freed me from drug addiction and healed MANY wounds in my heart that year. I had MANY restless, and sleepless nights because of spiritual attacks, & flashbacks in dreams, but I continued to daily fight in prayer on my knees, and continued to renew my mind through the reading of His Word, meditating on His Word, continual worship, praise, and abiding in joy, sorrows, or anguish... He continues to show Himself faithful to me, and cause my heart to OVERFLOW with love, and adoration of Him. Daily. It is a DAILY fight to stay in His presence and abide in Him, but it is the ONLY fight that is worth it. Jesus has truly transformed my heart in ways I never imagined possible. I now desire above all to be a godly wife and mother at home and I run all my social media accounts to proclaim the gospel and the truth of Jesus Christ! He died for me, now I live for Him!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, ( 1 Peter 1:3 )  
For those who have never heard the gospel, this is it: 
We have ALL broken God’s commandments and are deserving of eternal hell. God is a JUST and HOLY God who MUST punish guilty sinners for their iniquity. But God, being RICH IN MERCY, compassion, and love was made manifest in the person of Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago. He was born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit and He lived a perfect, sinless, and righteous life that we COULD NEVER live. We have all sinned. He did not sin once. As fully man, and fully God, Jesus Christ emptied Himself and took on the role of a servant to obey God perfectly and fulfill His will here on earth. Jesus was tempted in ALL areas, yet remained sinless. Our sinless and perfect Lord CHOSE to die on that cross, 
 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10:18)  
Jesus CHOSE to be crucified. He was nailed to that tree and BORE ALL OF OUR SINS, and He drank the cup of God’s wrath. He DRANK your hell. And on the third day, Jesus Christ rose from the grave by the power of the Spirit, defeating death & hell forever. Death could not hold Him, and now He is ALIVE. He died for you, so that you may live eternally with HIM. To be reconciled to HIM. Now, what must you do in order to be saved? You must REPENT, (turn from your sins; 180 degree turn from sin and run to Christ) confess your sins, humble yourself and TRUST ALONE in Christ. No good works wills save you. 
because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)
Romans 5:8: God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 6:23: The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:1: There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:32: He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
2 Corinthians 5:21: For our sake, he made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 8:9: You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake, He became poor so that you by His poverty might become rich.
1 Timothy 1:15: The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.
1 John 4:10: In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Revelation 5:9: “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood, you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”
I have now graduated high school after dropping out at a young age, I start college in the fall, I am now in the process of writing a book and working two jobs unto the glory of God! His saving grace is MIGHTY. 
God bless you all!
I’m alive, because He lives!
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meditativeyoga · 5 years
Feel Your Full Bloom: Lotus Pose
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When she's really feeling ungrounded or anxious, KK Ledford counts on one of yoga's essential presents, Lotus. As the San Francisco-based Anusara teacher moves right into this classic asana, she feels her femurs origin, her groins resolve down, and her side body lift. Settling in, she discovers her midline and also envisions her roots coming down to the earth as the power removals up and also out of the top of her head. From this dance of stability and also gentleness, a natural contentedness and peace sweep over her. This effective hip and heart opener has entirely changed her power. 'I feel the planet is holding me, and also from that location I really feel actually stabilized as a feeling of liberty emerges from my heart.'
Lotus Posture (Padmasana) is considered by several to be an archetypal yoga pose. The plan of your hands as well as feet in the pose resembles the flowers of a lotus flower-- the blossom that expands from its base in the mud to rest above the water and also open up to the sun. The photo is absolutely nothing less compared to a metaphor for the unraveling process of yoga. 'A lotus is rooted in the mud, and also when it grows, it blooms into a beautiful blossom,' claims Richard Rosen, the director of Piedmont Yoga exercise Studio in Oakland, The golden state, as well as a Yoga Journal adding editor. 'In the exact same means, when a person starts yoga, they are rooted in the mud as component of the mundane globe. But as they advance, they can become a growing flower.'
Lotus's Humble Origins
The lotus, or padma in Sanskrit, is a powerful symbol that goes beyond time and faith. Over the centuries, the blossom has actually represented an entire period of states, including knowledge, detachment, cosmic renewal and also rejuvenation, purity, charm, and spiritual and also worldly wealth. This well-known flower plays a popular function in the production stories of old Egypt and India. It is likewise a generally used icon in Hindu iconography, linked with several effective deities. Lakshmi (the siren of wealth) is usually shown resting on an open lotus and holding one more in her hand. The exact same holds true of Ganesha, the elephant-headed destroyer of challenges, and Lord Vishnu, who is said to represent the principle of conservation in deep space. As well as lore has it that any place the Buddha walked, lotus flowers bloomed.
From such extensive imagery, the yoga present arised. Scholars typically aren't really sure when the initial mention of the asana was videotaped. Patanjali's Yoga exercise Sutra, composed circa 200 CE, discuss the relevance of finding a constant and also comfortable seated posture to assist in yoga's goal of self-realization, but does not mention Lotus by name.
This happens a couple of centuries later on: In a job considered the earliest reliable discourse on the Yoga exercise Sutra, circa 400 CE, the sage Vyasa broadens on Patanjali's idea of locating a comfortable seat. He refers to Lotus as one of 11 crucial positions-- including Virasana (Hero Pose) as well as Dandasana (Staff Pose)-- that could help with reflection as well as pranayama.
Lotus shows up once more in the Hatha Yoga exercise Pradipika, created in the 15th century and also assumed to be the initial message to discuss doing specific physical stances for wellness as opposed to simply for reflection. Calling Lotus the 'destroyer of disease,' it details the myriad physical and energised benefits of the position. According to the Pradipika, as a result of the means the body is 'secured' right into area, different parts of it in Lotus Posture press into the acupuncture factors of tummy, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, and also liver. This causes modifications in the metabolic structure and also brain patterns, aiding to develop equilibrium in the entire system.
The Pradipika's companion messages, the Gheranda Samhita as well as the Shiva Samhita, additionally point out Lotus Posture-- in somewhat lofty means-- as a pose to understand for Pranayama. (Together, these 3 works are referred to as the earliest texts on classical hatha yoga exercise.) The Gheranda Samhita instructs pupils to 'sit in Lotus Pose (Padmasana) on a seat (asana) of kusha-grass, an antelope or tiger skin, a blanket, or in the world, and face either eastern or north.' And also the Shiva Samhita says: 'When the yogi sittinged in the Lotus position leaves the ground and remains firm in the air, he should know that he has actually attained mastery over that life-breath which ruins the darkness of the world.'
Awakening Energy
Contemporary experts, though not likely to rest on antelope skins or attempt to leave the ground, continue to exercise Lotus for its various physical as well as energised advantages. The present is said to raise flow in the lumbar spine, nourish and also tone the stomach organs, reinforce the ankle joints as well as legs, and rise flexibility in the hips.
But anyone who methods Lotus could tell you that its advantages go beyond loosening up the hips. 'Just what is special concerning Padmasana is that it's both a grounding and a greatly extensive pose,' states ParaYoga owner Pole Stryker, that has actually been instructing yoga exercise considering that the late 1980s as well as that created the sequence revealed right here. 'The grounding happens in the body, yet vigorously it guides our recognition towards the spine and the higher facilities.'
In various other words, Lotus holds the appealing possibility to awaken the inactive energy called kundalini at the base of the back and also action that power up the chakra system. You do this by involving the bandhas, or energetic locks, located at the chin, abdomen, as well as pelvic flooring. Inning accordance with Stryker, the body's setting in Lotus makes it simpler to accessibility Mula Bandha, the pelvic-floor lock, considering that it brings the pelvic flooring directly right into call with the planet, and the heels press right into the belly, aiding to naturally attract the pelvic flooring up. (The best way to read more regarding chakras as well as bandhas is to choose a teacher that focuses on yoga's energised techniques).
' In yoga, this is a crucial technique to start to gather and also carry life pressure,' states Stryker. As well as when we have begun to direct our life pressure? We really feel much less flighty as well as more based. Much less fatigued as well as a lot more lively. We could more carefully utilize our energy, whether toward advancing in our very own spiritual advancement or being of service to others.
One objective of a hatha yoga technique is to stir up kundalini power. The Pradipika discusses how Lotus helps us reach that objective: 'Having actually positioned the hands one after an additional, take care of the chin strongly upon the breast as well as, pondering upon Brahma, often contract the rectum and also increase the apana [down breath] up, by similar tightening of the throat, compel the prana [life pressure] down. By this [the yogi] obtains unequalled understanding through the favour of Kundalini, which is awakened by this procedure.'
By creating physical security, Lotus provides strong ground for yogis who laid out to stir kundalini. That's not the only factor to exercise the posture. In our frantic, always-connected globe, a lot of us walk around disconnected from our bodies and also minds. 'A great deal of individuals have raised off their pelvises and run from their neck as well as shoulders,' Ledford notes. By accumulating your power and also rerouting it back into the pelvis, Ledford states, Lotus can help you discover to root down vigorously as well as ground yourself.
Calming the Mind
While invigorating the body, Padmasana can additionally be a profoundly calming and also stabilizing present. Lotus helps to preserve proper position as well as spinal positioning, which assist in the deep breathing essential to get an introspective state. And also interlacing the body parts helps maintain movements to a minimum. From this stable seat, the detects can transform inward. Inning accordance with Stryker, the hips grounded right into the flooring boosts the nerves in the sacrum, which triggers the parasympathetic nerve system for a relaxing effect.
Ledford adds that when the body launches apana downward, excess vata energy (defined by air) leaves the body. 'Launching excess vata has a relaxing and grounding result on the nerves,' she states. Richard Rosen states that the results of resting in Lotus can be rather dramatic. 'The posture itself changes awareness. It silences the mind and it draws your awareness inside,' he says.
Whether you exercise fifty percent or complete Lotus, with the arms bound or on the thighs, for 10 breaths or 10 minutes-- you develop an opportunity for this stereotypical present to change your perspective. 'When doing the posture, visualize that you are a lotus,' claims Ledford. 'It's gravity calling you to obtain rooted again. Even if your life is muddy, you can bloom and also open your heart to the sunlight.'
Freedom Flowers
Let your mind be uninterrupted, like a lotus fallen leave in murky water.
Pankajam is among the numerous Sanskrit words for 'lotus' and indicates 'that which is substantiated of the muck or mud.' The lotus flower grows in the overload however rises above it, resting on top of the mire to ensure that it is not spotted by the swamp it came from.
That something so stunning and also pure could climb above its origins makes the lotus a symbol of kaivalyam, or 'freedom.' Kaivalyam is synonymous with liberty from suffering, which is the supreme goal of yoga.
The lotus fallen leave does not absorb just what landeds on it, water grains up and also slides off, leaving the leaf unaffected. So we, also, need to aim for the mind to be undisturbed by whatever it enters call with. No matter what our history or exactly what conditions we are born into, all of us have lotus potential.
Grow Your Lotus
Asana sequence by Rod Stryker
Benefits: This sequence opens up the hips, knees, as well as ankle joints, extends the hip flexors and sacral location, and also orients the hips as well as femurs in a solid external turning. Include warm-ups, Sunlight Salutations, and also counterposes for a total practice.
Contraindications: Persistent knee or ankle joint concerns, instability in the sacrum or reduced back, and also (if the present is done with a solid pelvic-floor lock) pregnancy.
1. Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangular Posture, variation)
Start by standing with your feet parallel, 3 to 4 feet apart. On an inhalation, lift your arms bent on the side in accordance with your shoulders. On an exhalation, spin and also flex down to reach your left hand to the flooring or into a block near the exterior of your best foot. Reach your right arm up. Stack your shoulders as well as your arms over the bottom hand. (To modify the posture, slightly bend the best knee.) On each exhalation, spin from the navel as you revolve it toward the ceiling. Remain for 8 breaths. Take a break and also return as much as standing with your arms at your sides. Repeat on the various other side.
Benefits: When finished with the feet parallel, develops a mild launch in the hips, low back, and also thighs.
2. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Ahead Bend)
Stand with your feet parallel as well as 3 to 4 feet apart. Place your hands on your hips. Inhale and lengthen your spinal column. Exhale as well as fold onward, positioning your practical the exterior of your calves or ankle joints. Bend your left knee, extend the front of your upper body, and also move your top body via your legs. Raise your sitting bones as well as draw them towards each other. Hold for 8 breaths. Do the other side, correcting the alignment of the left leg and also bending the appropriate knee. Come back to Tadasana (Hill Pose).
Benefits: Opens the hips as well as extends the internal thighs.
3. Ardha Padmottanasana (Half Lotus Standing Onward Bend)
From Tadasana (Mountain Pose), bend your best leg and also place your right heel at the top of your left upper leg in Half Lotus. If this pressures the knees, area your foot in Vrksasana (Tree Posture). Flex your right foot and a little bend your left leg. Inhale and extend the spine. Exhale and fold ahead, bringing your hands to the floor or to blocks. Ground the big-toe side of the left foot into the floor. Flatten the reduced back, elevate the resting bones, and attract the shoulder blades in as well as down. Hold for 6 to 8 breaths, keeping a level back. Breathe in to come up. Release your right leg and repeat on the other side.
Benefits: Prepares the hips, knees, and ankle joints for Lotus.
4. Jathara Parivartanasana (Revolved Abdomen Pose, variation)
Come to the floor and rest on your back. Bend your knees, raise your hips off the flooring, as well as move them 3 to 4 inches to the right. Align your left leg on the flooring. With the right leg still bent, take it across the body. Raise your right heel 6 to 8 inches off the floor as you work your ideal knee toward the floor, your foot must be greater than your knee. (This opens the external hip location.) Reduced your right shoulder to the flooring as well as look to the right. On each exhalation, contract the navel as well as twist to the left. Repeat on the various other side.
Benefits: Loosens hip potter's wheel muscular tissues as well as prepares the pelvis and also low-back muscular tissues for full Lotus.
5. Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)
Roll to one side and also being in Dandasana (Personnel Posture) with your legs extended in front of you. Bring your arms behind you, lean back, and also open your legs into a 90-degree angle. Flex your feet, press your upper legs down, and rotate them exterior so the kneecaps are dealing with the ceiling. Put your hands on the floor in front of you. Inhale to lengthen your back. Exhale and walk your hands ahead without rounding the center or lower back. (If your back rounds, remain on a folded covering or pillow to elevate your seat.) Press via your heels, lengthen and also lift the inner upper legs towards the ceiling, and push the thighs toward the flooring. Remain below for 6 to 8 breaths. Breathe in ahead up.
Benefits: Creates flexibility in the internal thighs and orients the thighs towards external rotation.
6. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
From your wide-legged setting, flex your knees and bring the soles of your feet with each other. Permit your knees to fall open. Wrap your hands around the tops of your feet. Inhale as well as extend your spine. On an exhalation, fold forward with a flat back. On each inhalation, extend the spine, and also on each exhalation, launch the top body towards the floor. To strengthen the stretch, area your elbow joints onto your calves, and also lengthen your back as you carefully motivate your knees toward the floor. Stay for 6 to 8 breaths, gradually come up to launch, and also return to Dandasana.
Benefits: Stretches the inner thighs as well as tones the sacral and also lumbar areas.
7. Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half Lotus Seated Onward Bend)
From Dandasana, bend your appropriate leg as well as transform the sole of your foot toward the ceiling, allowing your upper leg to launch. Bring the top of your foot to the top of your left upper leg as near the groin as possible. As soon as your foot remains in area, highly bent it. Press your straight leg strongly right into the flooring and also turn your pelvis onward. Bring your hands to the round of your left foot, or make use of a band. On a breathing, raise the breastbone. On the exhalation, press the lower back towards the upper legs. Remain for 6 to 8 breaths. Repeat on the various other side. If this position strains your knees, practice Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend) instead.
Benefits: Produces a deep stretch in the knees, ankle joints, and also hips in last prep work for the full pose.
8. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Come back to Dandasana, cuddle your best foot into the top of your left thigh. Then flex your left leg, externally revolve it, and grab your left foot, transforming the sole towards the ceiling. Location the left foot on the top of the right thigh. Flex both feet as well as attract the inner thighs toward the pelvic flooring. Lengthen your spine and relax your hands on your knees, with your palms dealing with up. Take 5 smooth, even breaths. As you breathe in, really feel the crown of your head approaching the ceiling. On each exhalation, maintain the activity of the internal thighs, delicately raising the pelvic floor in Mula Bandha (Origin Lock). Maintain a soft look, with eyes relaxing downward. Get in touch with the feeling that as your mind transforms inward, you are growing ever before much more vibrant. Really feel that your heart is buoyant as well as open. Stay for 6 to 12 breaths. Change legs and also repeat on the other side.
Note: If you weren't able to do the Half Lotus variations of the previous positions, your body is not yet open enough to do Lotus without running the risk of injury. Maintain dealing with the previous presents till you are ready.
Nora Isaacs is a contributing editor at Yoga exercise Journal as well as the author of Women in Overdrive: Discover Balance and Conquer Burnout at Any type of Age.
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omnomsauruswrites · 5 years
Angel of Death Chp 12
Pairing: Veteran!Bucky x medic!reader
Summary: How many times can you save a life?
Warnings: Depression, PTSD, flashbacks, suicidal attempt. 
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“Hey,” the voice was soft.
Her eyes fluttered open in the comfortable bed, focusing on a blue set before her. She felt her lips move into a small smile that he reciprocated. “Hey handsome,” she murmured.
A calloused gingerly stroked her cheek once before grasping her hand closest to him. “This what you imagined in the desert?” he whispered, as if he was afraid to let the softness go.
She scooted forward her forehead resting on his. “Something like this with Steve,” she joked.
Nimble fingers went to her ribs and her laughter rung out in the quiet room.
She was curled in a chair directly in the sunlight like a cat. Her eyes downcasted into a book, when he saw her for the second time outside their regular activities. Two weeks after he had taken her to the diner.
The small coffee shop is one that she had recommended. “It’s quiet, usually no hustle and bustle,” he recalled her saying on the stoop.
He noted a gauze on her collarbone, as he stood in line. Her head turned towards him as if she felt his eyes on her. She smiled in greeting before her eyes fell away.
He ordered a coffee before walking to greet her. “Date?” he questioned, when he was close enough to see her in yoga clothes.
She shook her head. “Wanda had a workshop.”
His eyebrow rose. He hadn’t heard about a workshop, although he didn’t really know Wanda or her teaching schedule. “You went without me?”
She nodded still with a light smile on her lips. “Would you want to go sacral chakra class?”
There was a mischievousness to her eyes as she posed the question. “Sacral chakra?”
“Yes, the second chakra that is known to be attached to sensuality and creativity. Do you need to harness your sexuality?”
He tried not to spit out his coffee, as he took a sip. Sexuality. His brain stuttered and for a moment all it saw was her beneath him and his lips kissing her scars. He could even hear a soft moan in the moment, but he pulled himself out of it when he heard her giggle. “Maybe for you and Steve?”
Again, he tried not to act surprise. “Me and Steve?”
His confusion and hesitation caused her to go into a bigger fit of giggles and he watched her. Her eyes crinkled in the corners. She gasped for air. Her hands held her belly and the small smile had widened. “Hardy har har,” he muttered, which caused a few more chuckles.
“Do you have plans?” she asked after collecting herself.
He shook his head. “Want to join me?”
He once again tried to cover his surprise. She hadn’t ever asked him to join her before. In the months since his overdose, she pushed him into things. But here she was asking him to keep her company. He wasn’t going to let that slip by.
“Put this on.”
She looked at the two women in front of her. “I’m sorry, what?” she asked.
Wanda gestured to the dress on the table. “I think not,” she replied, going back to her book.
A small hand grabbed it and took it away. “Goddammit! What do you to want?!”
The two friends looked at each other smirked. “You are going to put on the dress,” Nat threatened, emphasizing her point by pushing her finger on to the table. “And then we are dragging the boys dancing.”
Y/n groaned, nothing good could come out of this.
Bucky doesn’t really know how he ended up at this club. He knew that Nat suggested he and Steve go, Clint was going to be there, too. Then Wanda insisted they both come. And y/n had stood there with her arms crossed staring at her corner booth now occupied by other people. She said nothing.
But here he was standing a table, Steve was dancing with Nat, y/n was dancing with Wanda, and he wanted to be anywhere else. He sighed. His hand had a tight grasp on his beer, as he watched y/n dance with Wanda.
Though she had been reluctant to come out, once she got on the dance floor, she seemed to relax. Her body moved with the beat. The dress the girls had given her showed more skin than he had ever seen of her’s. It even showed a hint of her burns and a side tattoo that he couldn’t figure out.
As he was lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the man move closer to y/n. “Having fun?” Wanda asked beside him.
He glance at her before looking at the dance floor, seeing y/n with some guy, who was too close for Bucky’s comfort. “Sure,” he answered over the loud music.
He watched y/n’s hips move with her new partner’s and he tried not to see red. “She’ll dance with you if you asked,” Wanda hinted, noticing where his eyes were.
He glanced at the yoga instructor and took a sip of his beer. There’s no way that was true. No one wanted to dance with him now. Not with his arm.
His eyes went back to y/n. She was facing him now, the guy’s hands on her hips. Her eyes met his and held his gaze. He watched her lick her lips, before pulling away from her companion. She held Bucky’s gaze as she swayed to him.
He felt his heart stutter in his chest. Then she held out her hand and it stopped. “Dance with me,” she demanded.
He shook his head. Her hand grabbed his from his bottle. “Not a request, Sarge.”
She pulled him to the dance for. Once they got there she put his hand on her hip. She swayed gently. “Come on Buck,” she called over the music. “I know you can move your hips.”
He moved his prosthetic to her left hip, as it felt weird hanging by his side. He felt her sway and started moving with her. One of her hands went to his neck, as she turned her head and gave him a smile. He chuckled. “Proud of yourself, doll?” he murmured in her ear.
“I’m proud of you.”
He blushed. The compliment gave him butterflies. He didn’t know when their friendship had morphed but in the past few weeks it had. He bent down and placed a kiss on her shoulder and he heard her hum her approval. He took it as a sign to pull her closer to him, closing the gap between their bodies. She interlaced her free hand with his prosthetic.
He continued to sway with her, feeling her body move against his. Watched the sheen of sweat break out on her skin, as they danced. His lips occasionally went to it, giving it light kisses. Her fingers always gripped tighter with every brush of his lips. He fell more in love with every song and every brush of her skin again his.
The lights streaked against her face, as she sat curled up against Bucky in the taxi. They had danced the night away at the club. Laughing and talking. She tried to quell the feelings of attraction but she couldn’t. Not with him so close. Not with her tucked against him. Not with his fingers drawing patterns on her arm.
“Have fun tonight, doll?” he whispered in her ear, as they sat together.
He kissed her forehead. She sighed. A few minutes later they arrived at her apartment building. She dreaded unwinding herself from him but she knew the night had to end.
He paid the driver, as she waited on the steps. She rubbed her arm as she waited. He walked towards her after paying, grabbing her hand. She smiled. “Thanks for taking me home,” she said.
“Someone had to.”
She wanted to say no they didn’t, but didn’t want to argue. His thumb swiped against the back of her hand. “You going to let me go?”
“Don’t want the night to end.”
She nodded. She didn’t either. She wanted to hold on to this moment. Wanted to hold on to the look of adoration in his eyes. Wanted to hold on to the feeling of his hand back in hers. It was what they had always talked about in the desert.
His free hand went and cupped her cheek, tilting up her head. His eyes held lust in them, as he stared at her. She licked her lips. It was a few seconds before their lips met, but when they did she felt the electricity. His tongue swiped against her lower lip and she opened her mouth. His tongue dominated hers and she moaned.
Her hands went to his neck and played with the hairs there. His hand left her cheek to squeeze her waist then brought her closer. They kissed for minutes before breaking for air. Their foreheads touched as eyes closed, soaking in the moment.
It was wrong what she was doing. Especially since he didn’t know the truth. But her heart soared in this moment like she had him back, like he knew her. And she didn’t want to let it go.
She arched her back off of the wall. Her legs wrapped around his narrow waist. His lips caressed the soft skin of her neck. “Buck…” she whispered.
He had her caged in and she wasn’t regretting asking him up for a nightcap. His tongue swiped at her earlobe. “What you want, doll?” he asked huskily.
The question went straight to the pit of her stomach. Her fingers went into his hair, tugging his head back, detaching his lips from her skin. His eyes were dark in the low light, blown pupils.
“Take me to bed, Sarge.” So he did.
“When are you going to tell him?”
Her eyes looked up from her paperwork to see Steve at the door. “Steve….”
His defensive posture screamed at her. “What happened?” she asked concerned.
“You are getting his hopes up.”
“I am not!”
“Really? An afternoon talking in a coffee shop isn’t getting his hopes up? Or how about how he’s muttering your name in his sleep? Or the kiss after the dance floor display?”
“What do you want me to do?” she sighed dejectedly.
“I want you to tell him.”
She held Steve’s gaze for several minutes then looked away. “He’s not….”
“He is. He was ready the first time he saw you. He’s been ready for 3 years.”
“I didn’t really realize who you were until you saved him. But Buck and me were at the same post in Afghanistan. We never officially met but I saw you in passing. And that night of the overdose, I realized of course it was you. You were Mercy. I should have picked up on it way earlier.”
She tried not to panic. She told herself to breathe in and out, counting the breaths.
“I’ve been trying to find you for him for three years,” he confessed. Her eyes shot to his. “And I worry, what you are going to do when this is over?”
“This routine, you have him in. I’m sure there’s a time where it will end. You’ve been doing it for six months. You’ve seen the change. You know he’s better. So I ask when are you going to tell him?”
Silence. It stretched. What did she say? She hadn’t planned on this. She hadn’t planned on walking back into Bucky’s life. She hadn’t planned on ever telling her secret.
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luxa-jewelry · 2 years
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topbestapparel · 2 years
What is Chi Yoga
Wisdom Yoga is an important member or group of Hindu wise men. Traditionally, this discipline is called Vedanta, and Jnana Yoga is just a convenient name to highlight the characteristics of this discipline. The original meaning of Vedanta is the last part of the Veda, which is the knowledge contained in the Upanishads. To understand the Upanishads, you must first look at what the Vedas are.
The Vedas are the earliest religion and ideological foundation in India. Due to the gap between language and culture, foreign countries have not known much about the Vedas. In addition, because of the religious threshold, I will not mention it in the translation of Buddhist scriptures in the past. In other words, it even refers to the transliteration of the bark word, which has a derogatory meaning. Until modern times, many foreign and Japanese scholars are interested in Sanskrit, and it is only easy for us to understand it by translating the original text.
Genre purpose
Advocate the cultivation of knowledge concepts, liberation from ignorance, attain sacred knowledge, and expect to be one with Brahman. Promoting civilization and wisdom, was also an important member or group of Hindu wise men in ancient India.
Genre concept
Wisdom Yoga believes that there is a difference between low and high knowledge. The knowledge of ordinary people is limited to the external manifestations of life and matter. This low-level knowledge can be obtained through direct or indirect means. However, the knowledge that Wisdom Yoga seeks requires yogis to turn their eyes inward, and through the essence of all external things, to experience and understand Brahma, the god of creation.
By reading ancient scriptures that are considered to be apocalyptic, understand the true meanings in the book and gain the sacred truth. The yogi uses yoga practice to enhance the vitality of life, opens the Vatican chakra above his head, and allows the Vatican to enter the body to gain supreme wisdom.
Way of being
Wisdom Yoga exists in India in many ways. Religious figures in Hindu temples, elders in large crowds, and think tanks of the ancient Indian royal family can all be called Wisdom Yoga. They maintain ancient books and Wisdom, and combing and debating from time to time.
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