#Mycroft x chubby reader
sunshine-on-my-mind · 9 months
Meera, hello!!!!
I saw the DM(?) you post, can I have one for Sherlock plz?
So....with a fem and chubby reader, she's Enola's friend, but she prefers live in Hermit style.
But when Enola want to do sth, she would try her best to help Enola. And when Enola fight with her brothers, she just hide in reader's house.
Sherlock found that r is good at hiding and observing the emotions, she is kind of the opposite of him but is tolerable.
Best friend's brother trope and may I add that reader has a habit that when she feel want to be clingy, she would rub her cheek on his shoulder or his chest with holding his hand?
The rest is by you, wish you have a good day🥰🥰
a/n: hi Nana, so i’ve tried to write something with Best Friend’s Brother AU with Sherlock and Chubby reader, hope you like it 💙
pairing: Sherlock x Chubby!Reader
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You hear a knock on your door, a particular knock which you recognise very well.
And ‘tis indeed her, your closest friend Enola Holmes. You let her in your home, like you have before, several instances regarding arguments with her brother, especially Mycroft Holmes.
Enola was close to her other brother Sherlock, the man of mystery, she looked up to him.
“What is the matter this time?” You ask after offering Enola her favourite cake.
“Nothing new, only Mycroft being a pompous arse!” She huffs and takes the piece of cake from you. “The worst part, do you know? Sherlock didn’t object, didn’t say a word”
Enola was few years younger than you, but the bond you both had formed was very strong. You truly cared for her, and she for you.
Enola and you are engaged in a conversation when you hear another knock on the door.
“Sherlock!” you both utter at the same time.
“Oh I do not wish to go back” Enola looks at you with pleading eyes.
“How about you go to my room and I will speak to Sherlock?”
She nods and goes inside your bedroom as you make your way to the door, fixing your dress, you open the door.
“Mr. Holmes” You give a curt nod to Sherlock, and he quickly looks you up and down. It would a lie that his gaze didn’t affect you, didn’t make you want more.
“My sister…” Sherlock trails off as he makes his way inside your home. “She is in the bedroom.” Sherlock says matter of factly.
You open your mouth to say something but he looks back at you with a certain look on his that makes your whole body shiver. You clear your throat and walk up to him.
“Mr. Holmes, for a person who has extraordinary thinking abilities do you actually ever think?” Sherlock is taken aback
“Yes, your sister is in the bedroom, hiding from you, but do you care enough to ask why? to think why?”
It is at that moment you realise how close you are standing to him, how his shoulders are so broad, how you want to touch his chest, and how you want to run your finger through his hair.
Sherlock never looks at you with ridicule in his eyes, which other people do sometimes. He stares into your eyes, momentarily dropping to your body, then to your lips and again to your eyes. Sherlock didn’t quite understand what he felt towards you, he wasn’t good with feelings, all he knew is that when you touch him sometimes, be it keeping your head on his shoulder when you, him and Enola are out in a park, and you lean to him unknowingly. He is fond of that, he is fond of you.
“Enlighten me” His voice is low.
“Your sister, she looks up to you, it is not Mycroft she is angry at, it is you, because she cares about you. And I know you do too, but that is the issue with you Holmes siblings, you don’t express your feelings.”
“And you are excellent at it, aren’t you?” Sherlock asks sarcastically.
“Well at least better than you.” With that you leave him in the living room making your way to Enola, you have a hearty conversation with her about how Sherlock cares for her too, just does not know how to express it and she listens to you, all while her brother waits for the two of you.
“Right then Mr. Holmes, Enola will go back with you now.” You announce and smile at Enola, who gives you a tight hug and you hug her back.
“Thank you.” Enola smiles at you.
The Holmes siblings make their way back to their home after wishing you a good day.
“Sherlock?” Enola asks her brother.
“You like her don’t you?” Sherlock smiles at that, a smile full of adoration, something that rarely appeared on his face
“She is tolerable.”
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multific · 2 years
First Date
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Mycroft Holmes x Reader
Why couldn't he be more like that?
Why couldn't he show his love for you like the others?
Why did he have to be so...smart?
Mycroft claimed he had no emotions, that they were only for the weak but in reality, he had more than anyone else. He had so many fears, doubts and care hidden deep in his heart which he claimed not to have, simply because it was easier.
His heartbreak started off at an early age, in kindergarten, he used to be chubby, but when others started bullying him about it, his self-esteem quickly dropped.
Then in school, he liked a girl, a very pretty and average girl but he liked her. When he asked her out to get ice cream he laughed into his face, claiming he was a freak and moved on.
Leaving Mycroft heart shattered. After that, he just gave up and focused on his studies, and career. He became one of the most important people in Britain if not the one.
And then, many many years later, he met you.
You, a fiery individual who couldn't take no for an answer, you who tormented his brother and later Mycroft himself.
The first time you ever met embedded itself into his mind like a craving on the walls.
You were quick, sassy and very very interested. You were also smart, you followed whatever Sherlock said and understood what he didn't say.
You were, perfection.
And you showed affection and interest towards Mycroft. Flirting blatantly with the man in front of everyone. Saying things one shouldn't even think about in front of others.
Oh yes, Mycroft Holmes liked you very much.
But he was afraid and insecure, so, he kept his distance from you. Or rather, tried to.
But you always found him. And you always knew just what to say.
No matter if he was at Sherlock's or in his office. You would go in, make a comment about how amazing he looks in his suit, inevitably, make Mycroft blush just a tiny bit before continuing with the real reason as to why you were there in the first place.
Yes, you were unhinged, yes, you were brave.
But soon, Mycroft had to realize that he loved you.
He started to look forward to meeting you. He started to wait to have you in his office, he even had your favourite snacks delivered to his office to just give a reason for you to stay a little longer so Mycroft could see and hear you longer.
And to his delight, you fell for his trick and stayed in his office long enough for him to gather all his courage and ask you on a date.
And to his absolute surprise, you not only agreed but you said "Took you forever to ask Myc, of course, I'll go on a date with you! I have been waiting for you to ask for YEARS." or something along the lines.
Mycroft could barely hear anything over his pounding heart.
And the date?
An absolutely amazing experience, not really it was a disaster. Mycroft planned a nice date in an expensive restaurant but he forgot to tell you so you didn't really dress for the occasion. Then, he planned a nice walk in Hyde Park, also didn't work because the weather decided to ruin it all so at last, he got you to his home where he ordered food. He wanted to apologize, but you were so easy-going and kind, you only looked around his house, asking him about everything and anything you could touch or find.
Mycroft was at ease. He talked about the thing he loved the most, his family. Showing you pictures when the food arrived.
Mycroft hoped you didn't find the date as disastrous as he did. And he soon learned that you, did not.
Mycroft thought that not many people have sex on the first date. But he did. And how fucking amazing it was.
You blew his mind, not only were you willing to go on a date, you listened to him talk about his family for hours and then you stayed in his bed all night?
He won the jackpot, he wondered if it was considered too fast to ask you to marry him during your second date.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @paola-carter​
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Don’t Panic
Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Prompt:  Hi! This is my first time sending a request so I hope I'm doing it right... Could you do a mycroft/reader where the reader is on her period and he finds blood somewhere. Thinking that she has injured herself he freaks out, before finding out what really happened. :)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: blood, swearing 
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Today had started off just great for you, you had the day off work and you finally had some free time to catch up on some reading you had been wanting to do for a while. Mycroft’s giant maze of a house unsurprisingly had a huge library in it and you had made it your personal mission to read every single book in there at least once. The two of you had some kind of competition without saying anything so you decided you would make use of your free time to sit in the library and try to catch up on some reading. After a couple of weeks, the two of you had forgotten the ‘competition’ and were content reading in silence, in each other’s company. The two of you could sit there for hours reading the same book and after you finished, you would talk about all your favourite parts. It was mostly you talking while Mycroft listened but you both cherished those moments together, it had been a while since you had done it. 
You had woken up later than usual, having some trouble sleeping that night because you felt oddly hot and nothing was cooling you down. You didn’t really think anything of it until you were sat down in your designated chair in the library and you tensed as you felt a sharp pain inside you. That’s when you checked your phone to see the date and realised you were due to start your period. You groaned; you had forgotten all about it, the past few weeks seemed to have just flown by. Your eyes widened as you felt your seat get warmer and it felt wet. You shot up and saw that the blood had leaked through your underwear and thin pyjamas. “Oh shit, goddamn it!” 
You prayed that Mycroft never checked his security cameras after this as you pressed your legs tight together to try and stop the blood from dripping everywhere. This helped a little bit but the blood had already started going down your leg and onto the wooden floors. With each step you took, you cursed and groaned as you tried to hobble to the upstairs bathroom as quick as possible. While there were a couple of bathrooms in Mycroft’s ginormous house, the upstairs bathroom was the only one you had thought to stock up with pads and tampons. You were really regretting that decision now. 
“Fuck, screw it.” You could clean the blood up after you had sorted yourself out in the bathroom but you couldn’t do this any longer. You ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, ignoring the disgusting feeling of your blood running down onto your foot. You yanked open the bathroom door and shimmied off your pyjama bottoms and your underwear, hurrying to crawl into the bathtub. You kicked your clothes away from you and reached into the small set of drawers next to the toilet to get out a clean pair of underwear, a tampon and a pad. Your period was pretty heavy so you always had to double up on both tampons and pads, which some girls always gave you sympathy looks for and so they should, it was awful. You grabbed the tampon first and was careful to insert it correctly before you turned on the tap to wash away all the blood over your legs and your crotch. 
While you were doing this, you were too distracted to hear the front door opening to alert you of Mycroft entering the house. He carefully closed the door and took off his jacket to hang up, putting his umbrella in a pot next to the door. He took his briefcase into his office, which just so happened to be located right next door to the library. He was too tired from working all night to see the trails in the hallway at that moment, but he would soon. As Mycroft spent equal amounts of time in his home office and the library, he had an adjacent door built in to freely walk between the rooms without having to go around. He had a feeling he might find you in the library so he opened the door without a second thought and froze. He sniffed once, what was that smell? He stepped forwards and felt his blood run cold at the sight of a blood stain on your chair. 
His eyes went wide as his gaze followed the drops of blood on the floor. He didn’t hesitate to pull out a pistol he kept in his trouser pocket and slowly approached the library door when he heard your muffled scream followed by a soft bang. He ran to follow the trail of blood on the floor, panting as he was overcome with worry, what had happened here? Were you hurt? If you had been hurt because of him, he would never forgive himself. He reached the bathroom and slammed open the door only to see you lying awkwardly on the floor next to the bathtub, rubbing your arm and groaning. He saw the blood stop at the pile of your clothes on the floor. He looked around, confused. If there was no one here, what happened? 
He reached down to help you up, trying to look over you to see if he could spot a cut or a wound of some kind. “Are you okay? I saw the blood on the floor and thought something terrible had happened to you. I promised you I would keep you safe and-” He was cut off by your laughter. Granted, you probably shouldn’t be laughing but this situation was a little bit funny to you now. Mycroft frowned at you, were you concussed? He put his hand against your forehead to see if he could feel a bump of some kind. You lightly batted his hand away, trying to speak through your laughter, “I’m fine, Mycroft, honestly.” 
He sighed in relief, “So who’s blood is this?” You scrunched your nose in embarrassment, “It’s my blood...my period blood.” Realisation was shown on Mycroft’s face as he pieced together all of the evidence, “Oh...so you came up here to..” You finished it for him, “I came to the bathroom to get some stuff, deciding I would clean it up later, I didn’t think you would be home for a little while longer.” Mycroft chuckled lightly, “And I imagine your scream was you falling out of the bathtub?” You blushed in embarrassment, mumbling out, “Well, it’s slippy.” 
Mycroft sighed and helped you up, “Well, you stay here and continue to clean yourself up, I’ll clean downstairs.” Your head shot up, “Oh no, you don’t have to do that, I’ll do it, just give me a couple minutes.” Your face screwed up in pain as another cramp came on and you clutched your sides, taking deep breaths. Mycroft smiled down at you as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, “Nonsense, what kind of partner would I be if I didn’t take care of you, I’ll be back soon with some medication and new clothes.” 
You smiled at him as you moved to sit on the toilet so you could put on your underwear and pad. You moved your dirty clothes into the laundry basket and decided to clean the blood on the bathroom floor while you waited for Mycroft to return. It was a few moments later when he entered the bathroom with a glass of water, a box of pain relief tablets and a clean pair of pyjamas. You gratefully took the water and tablets first before reaching for the pyjamas, wasting no time to change into them. Mycroft then carefully lead you from the bathroom into your bedroom, “Why don’t you lie down and I’ll get a hot water bottle for you.” Before you could ever say thank you to him, he was gone. You groaned as you laid down, feeling another cramp but it wasn’t as painful this time, showing the medication was already working but it wouldn’t be long before you needed some more. 
Mycroft wasn’t ashamed to reveal that he had done a lot of research about menstrual cycles. He thought it was important to know your partner’s body almost as well as you knew your own. No matter what the situation was, he was always going to be there to help you without any judgement on your part. He found it strange that not all male partners felt the same way, periods were a part of nature and yes, Mycroft has never experienced one himself or seen someone else deal with one until now, but there was always opportunity to learn; now he was prepared for the future. 
He came back to you in thirty minuted with a hot water bottle in hand, he had taken his time cleaning the floors and the library so he wasn’t all that surprised to come back to see you sleeping in the bed. Hopefully, you weren’t as prone to mood swings as some women were when on their period, it wouldn’t do him much good to be scared of his own partner. But then again, he would tolerate anything for you, because he loved you.
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joanquill · 2 years
Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist II
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Guide: Fluff: 💞 Angst: 💧 Songfic: 🎶 Sensitive: ⚠️ Platonic: ✨
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Moran + Sherlock
William + Louis
Mycroft Holmes
Albert Moriarty
Von Herder
James Bonde
Zack Paterson
Fred Porlock
Billy the Kid
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Being In A Relationship With Them
Moriarty Brothers
Moran, Bonde, + Porlock
Sherlock + John
Mycroft Holmes
Charles Milverton
Billy the Kid
Your Relationship after the Time Skip
Sherlock Holmes
Love Languages
Falling In Love
Moriarty Brothers
Moriarty Brothers
Sherlock (Bonus: Clingy!S/O)
Mycroft + Sebastian
Getting Rejected
Albert + William
First Time Holding Hands
William + Sherlock
Bragging/Gushing About Them
Albert + Mycroft
Taking Care of Sick!S/O
Moriarty Brothers
Sherlock Holmes
S/O Taking Care of Them When They're Sick
Moriarty Brothers
Jumping Into Their Arms
Moriarty Brothers
S/O Receiving Love Letters and Vice Versa
Albert Moriarty
Fighting and Making Up 💧 -> 💞
Moriarty Brothers
Moran, Bonde, + Porlock
Cheating on You 💧
Albert Moriarty
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S/O's Birthday
Moriarty Brothers + Sherlock
Their Birthday
Moriarty Brothers
Valentine's Day
Moriarty Brothers + Sherlock
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Wedding Day
Moriarty Brothers + Sherlock
Married Life
Sherlock, Sebastian, + William
Domestic Headcanons
Moriarty Brothers
Moriarty Brothers + Sherlock
Sebastian Moran
Albert, Moran, + Sherlock
Having Children
Moriarty Brothers
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William James Moriarty
Fem!S/O with Maladaptive Daydream Disorder (MDD) [VERY SHORT!]
Subordinate!Reader ✨
Albert James Moriarty
Sugar Daddy Albert
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Going on a Date with James Bonde + Sebastian Moran
Spending Summer Together with William + Sherlock
Simple Moments with William + Sherlock 💞
Hiding from a Stalker with the Moriarty Brothers + Von Herder
William and Sherlock's S/O's
Albert & William Crushing on The Same Fem!S/O
Russian!S/O with Sherlock, Sebastian, Albert, + William
Sweet Tooth S/O with Albert, Mycroft, + Sebastian
Chubby!Fem!Reader with Albert + Sebastian
Smart!Reader with William and Sherlock
Strong!Reader with the Moriarty Gang
Flat-Chested!S/O with Albert, Sebastian, + Bonde
Asexual!S/O with Albert + Sebastian
Jack's Niece with Albert, William, Louis, Mycroft, + Sherlock
Back Scratches with the Moriarty Brothers
Tattooed, Pierced, (and other details) Reader with Albert + Sherlock
Albert & Louis with Their Sister-In-Law
Jack Renfield with William's S/O
William & Louis with Albert's S/O
Moriarty Brothers with Holmes' Younger Sister
Sherlock with Moriarty's Younger Sister
Childhood Friends
Moriarty Brothers + Bonus
S/O Wearing Glasses
William, Sebastian, Fred, + Herder
Sherlock, Watson, + Billy
Self Harm ⚠️
[Moriarty Bros, Moran, + Porlock]
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Sherlock + William
Albert, Louis, Moran, Porlock, + Bonde
Christmas Headcanons
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YuuMori Masterlist I (ONE SHOTS)
Events Masterlist
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hard-to-be-the-bard · 4 years
Masterlist :)
My updated Masterlist 
Otis Driftwood:
Heat Exhaustion
Nerd Reader
Bubble Baths
The entity
Bubba Sawyer:
Flat S/O
Asa Emory:
s/o who helps him
Deaf!Mute reader
Short Reader
Soulmate Name AU
Bubble Baths
Body Swap!
Vincent Sinclair:
You’re my favourite piece of art
S/O defends him in front of Bo
Reader who talks down about themself
Soulmate Scar AU
Chubby Reader
Clingy s/o
Heat Exhaustion
Body Swap AU
Soulmate Name AU
S/O who bursts out crying
Bubble Baths
First meeting
Reader on her period
Bo Sinclair:
S/O who bursts out crying
Soulmate Scar AU
Bo with calm s/o
S/O who wears his clothes and pretends to be him
S/o with djungelskog
Chubby Reader
Heat Exhaustion
Soulmate Name AU
British Reader
Shaved Legs
Bubble Baths
Flat S/O
Snow day
Thomas Hewitt:
Chubby s/o 
First Words Soulmate AU
S/o with djungelskog
Clingy s/o
Tackle Hug
Heat Exhaustion
Body Swap AU
Soulmate Name AU
British Reader
Bubble Baths
Reader on her period
Trans!Male Reader
Flat S/O
Lester Sinclair:
Reader who talks down about themself
Long Fic: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Chubby Reader
Soulmate Name AU
S/O who bursts out crying
Shaved Legs
Nerdy reader
12 Days of Lester Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Ray of sunshine S/O
Short Reader 
Body Swap!
Pyramid Head:
Day at the zoo with S/O head canons
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Reader on her period
Stretch Marks
Snow day
Michael Myers: 
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O 
Half Sister
First Words Soulmate AU
Chubby Reader
Heat Exhaustion
Body Swap AU
Trans!Male Reader
Stretch Marks
Flat S/O
Snow day
Billy Loomis: ”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand 
Watching Scary Movies with S/O
Stu Macher:
Watching Scary Movies with S/O
S/o with djungelskog
British Reader
Flat S/O
Carrie: ”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand 
Carrie going to prom with S/O who finds out about the blood prank
Trans!Male Reader
  Jason Voorhees:
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand 
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Jason X Reader Part 1:The killer at camp crystal lake
Chubby Reader
Body Swap AU
Shaved Legs
Reader on her period
Trans!Male Reader
Stretch Marks
Flat S/O
Snow day
Brahms Heelshire:
”Hold this” But it’s their S/O’s hand
Reaction to Clingy/Touch starved S/O
Half Sister
Shaved Legs
Picnic by the train tracks 
Patrick Bateman:
His clothes
Halloween Songs
Body Swap!
Halloween Songs
Gremlin Meme Wife
Quiet S/O
Short S/O
Greg Lestrade:
Messages Slight NSFW
Christmas party
The Witcher:
Touch Starved S/O
S/O who gets injured saving him
Different reality meme gremlin s/o
S/O who defends him
Married and Kids
Snow day
Snow day
Snow day
s/o beats him in training
Soulmate AU
Autistic Reader
Modern Reader: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Sam Wilson:
Lazy Day
Loki with touch starved s/o
Hannibal TV:
Collapsing reader
Spicy Food
Deadpool S/O
Body Swap!
Will x Reader x Hannibal
Meme Gremlin S/O
Being hit on Hannibal x Reader x Will
Affections Hannibal x Reader x Will
Avoidant Attachment S/O
Snow day
Margot Verger:
Meme Gremlin S/O
Will Graham:
Will Graham x s/o
Short s/o
Dating Will Graham
Sub!Will SMUT
Baking Reader
Body Swap!
Will x Reader x Hannibal
Meme Gremlin S/O
Non Binary Reader
Being hit on Hannibal x Reader x Will
Affections Hannibal x Reader x Will
S/O with huge dogs
Snow day
Catching stray dogs
Peaky Blinders:
Thomas Shelby:
Modern!Reader Part 1 Part 2
John Wick Series:
John Wick:
Modern!Reader Part 1 Part 2
Star Wars:
Force Sensitive Reader
Molag Bal X reader
Chubby Reader
Stretch Marks
Hobbit/Lord of the rings:
Being taught Elvish
Wedding night NSFW
Human Reader ANGST    PART 1         PART 2
Pregnant Reader
James Bond:
Le Chiffre:
NSFW Headcanons
Sugar Baby headcanons
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First off. This is my new favourite blog ever. Secondly, if you still do this could you do a oneshot with a chubby reader who's insecure and something happens and Mycroft is super sweet and makes her feel better. Preferably they're not together yet.
Despairingly you look at your lunchbox and let out a soft sigh.
Working for one of the most important parts of parliament afforded you many things such as duties that challenge your mind, a well-fed bank account, and more scrutiny toward your appearance.
“It is so sad that your assistant is so lazy,” one Japanese ambassador had commented to your superior during one meeting discussing trade between the two countries.
The meeting had gone through without a hitch and you had volunteered to stay behind to help tie up loose ends with the contracts.
“Lazy?” your superior had questioned unaware that you understood any Japanese or how you stilled your work ever so slightly to listen in.
“Yes,” the ambassador continued. “It is easy to tell since she is so fat. Only lazy people can get that big by indulging while we hard workers,” he punctuates with a point of a finger to your supervisors middle, “stay in great health by working hard every day without fail. It keeps us fit and healthy.”
Your supervisor unable to say anything in your defense in order to keep such a favorable deal just smiled and nodded along.
Looking glumly at the pudge in your middle you wonder if you truly are as fat as the Japanese ambassador says.
Surely you’ve put on a bit of weight with the workload that you’ve been burdened with, that you don’t take time out anymore to take those long runs you used to favor back in school, and sometimes you’re a bit lazy when it comes to cooking leaving you to eat takeout more readily after a long day.
Poking your tummy you can’t deny that you’ve gotten out of shape. Your arms had ballooned when they once were rather slim, your clothing pulled to tight in unflattering places, and your once trimmed waistline start to shoot forward more than your breasts.  
I am fat you think bitterly and begrudgingly take a bite out of the protein bar that was to be your only meal today with a water bottle.
It was a bitter pill to swallow but you had to face facts especially when they were physically evident.
“Is that all you’re eating _____? You do know we have a four hour meeting with the Russians next and they tend to run on later than usual.”
Stopping mid chew of the dry protein bar you find that Mycroft Holmes, the Ice Man, the proverbial ‘Queen’ off parliament hovered above you with his own lunch.
The smell of his lunch had your tummy cry in want but you couldn’t give in, not when you needed to lose weight.
“Oh, I had a really big breakfast this morning so I’m not that hungry,” you try to play off as casually as you can but you both know it’s a lie by the way your belly protests.
Taking the initiative to situate himself on the bench beside you Mycroft settles his tray on his lap, “You do realize that diets are always doomed to fail?”
Your heart sinks a bit hearing but luckily Mycroft continues to wax on. “The only thing that will help you get to where you want to be is a life style change,” Mycroft presses taking apart bits of his lunch and none too subtly forcing it into your hands to eat.
“It’s very different from dieting because it takes commitment toward that life style change in itself entirety rather than just starving yourself. There will be days when you determined and following the change to the letter and there will be days like for me, you’ll fall off the wagon entirely but the important thing is to keep jumping back on,” Mycroft states between bites of his own food and gentle nudges for you to partake as well.
“Well I need to lose weight,” you insist, “I can’t live on like this where I’m belittled behind my back because I’m chunky.”
Mycroft puts up a placating fork, “I both hear you and understand ______ but Rome wasn’t built in a day and real change takes time.”
Regardless if of its validity it still doesn’t make you feel any better as you continue to eat the offered food by Mycroft if only because you know that Russian relations tend to run on long.After all you’re hardly help to anyone on an empty stomach.
“I personally don’t see anything too terribly alarming with your current weight ______,” Mycroft offers as you both finish off the tray, “but if it would make you feel better we could work out our schedules and exercise together.”
“So you’re saying that misery loves company,” you tease as Mycroft gets up to dispose of the tray.
“Well, it’s hardly a misery if I’m with you,” shoots back leaving you very confused and very bothered.
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imagine-by-susu · 7 years
Shut up and eat the Biscuit - Sherlock x Plus Size!Reader
A/N: I am wirting mood and it flowds like water. So, here is another request. This one is from @disneymarina and I hope you like it. I never wrote for a plau size reader so I hope I did a good job at this one. Requests are open! List of Fandoms GIF IS NOT MINE! Keyword: (Y/N) = Your Name                  (Y/E/C) = Your Eye Colour                  (Y/H/C) = Your Hair Colour
Word Count: 945
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"But Sherlock. This is fun." You said as you pulled off your thick Winter coat and put it on the rag near the door of the 221 b. Sherlock scoffed as he pulled of his blue scarf. "I don't see the point in watching stupid Christmas movies." Sometimes he was worse than the Grinch.
"Please, Sherlock. I'll do anything." You pleaded with your big (Y/E/C) eyes. Sherlock tried his best to look away from your puppy dog eyes. It made you even cuter than you already were. But he would never admit out loud. "Really, anything?" he asked as still took a glance at you.
You smiled brightly. "Yes, everything you want." Hiding your excitement, you waited for he Detective to spell out his wish. A slight smile was plastered on his face as he walked over to you. "Maybe some of your delicious chocolate Christmas biscuits." Your face fell at that.
You were a girl that was on the …let's say bigger side. And you had promised yourself to take on a diet. That meant no Biscuits or Cake or anything that would make you fatter than you already were, in your opinion.
Sherlock saw your sadden face and pulled an arm around you. "You are doing a Diet again?" he never was a fan of those things. He couldn't understand why you can't just love yourself just the way you are. For him it doesn't matter that you are not as skinny as some other girls would be.
Now, he pulled you into a hug stroking your (Y/H/C) hair and whispered in your ear "When you lose weight that means less you for me to cuddle. I don't want that." This made you smile. It was rare for Sherlock to be all Lovey Dovey. But when he was, of course when no one else was around, it was like he was a completely other human.
"Thank you, Sherlock." You said as laid your head on his chest while listening to his steady heartbeat. "Do have any ingredients to make the biscuits?" the sudden question from you made Sherlock steer up making you laugh. "I knew it. Just let's go to my place. I have everything I need." You offered him. The dark haired man smiled a bit at that not showing his childish excitement for the biscuits you're going to make for him.
"Than what are we waiting for?" he said as he pulled on his scarf again, helping you in your coat as he finished. "Had I known that my biscuits had such an impact on you I would make them more often." You laughed as you two walked out into the snowy streets of London.
Rolling his blue eyes Sherlock turned to you. "Just don't tell Mycroft. Or John." With a big smile on your face you begun the walk to your flat together with Sherlock by your side, intertwining your fingers in the middle of the walk.
 Now, covered in flour, both you and Sherlock sat at your kitchen table waiting for the Biscuits to be ready to be put out of the oven. "You have something on your face." Sherlock said as he got closer to you. Expecting a kiss from him, you were shocked as you felt the flour covering your face even more than before. He couldn't help but laugh at your face. "You are going to regret this, William Sherlock Scott Holmes." You said groaning while you stood up from your chair.
Quickly Sherlock jumped from his seat. "What are going to do?" he asked as he stepped a bit back as you tried to reach him. "Deduce it." You only said as you grabbed some frosting that laid on the counter. "(Y/N), put the frosting down." The man tried to calm you down but with no success. A devilish smiled spread across your face as you smashed some of the frosting right into his gorgeous face.
The flat went silent as you both just stood there in the kitchen. But the silence was broken with your heartful laughter. "You look really delicious, Sherlock." You said under your fit of laughter.
In the mean while Sherlock smeared the frosting out of his eyes. "Good to see that you have fun." He grumbled which made you stop laughing. Closing the space between you, you place a kiss on his frosting covered cheeks. "You started it." You said as you pulled away.
Now it was time for Sherlock to laugh making you title your head confused. "What's so funny, Master Detective?" you asked teasingly. Sherlock cupped your chubby cheeks in his delicate hands and pulled in for a kiss. Surprised at his actions you stayed still.
But as you relaxed a bit you pulled Sherlock a bit more down to deepen the kiss. As you both pulled away you smiled at him. "And what was that for?" you asked him smiling. "First, you are just so cute I couldn't resist. Second, you had frosting on your lips." Before you could react to that the oven gave the signal that the biscuits were done.
"Guess we have to continue this later now it's biscuits and movie time." You said as you pulled away from him and pulled out the freshly made biscuits.
 Still covered in flour and frosting you and Sherlock sat on your couch with a big plate of your biscuits on your lap. The Grinch was playing on the TV while you both munched on the Biscuits. Sherlock wanted to say something but you put a biscuit right into his mouth. "Don't you dare ruin this movie for me. Just shut up and eat this delicious Biscuits."
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The Holmes - Request
Requested by anon:  I have a request: could you do a one shot in the episode when Sherlock parents come to visit him and when you come back from work you meet them but they think you’re dating him but you’re just friends and they invite you to dinner.
Summary: Everything from above.
Pairing: Sherlock x reader.
Word count: 2,344
Warnings: None.
A/N: I couldn’t help my self and made it extra fluffy.
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221B was loud that afternoon. The clients – whoever they were – had talked about a lottery ticket for almost thirty minutes straight. (Y/N) was impressed that Sherlock hadn’t shut them up and kicked them out already.
“Is he sick?” (Y/N) whispered to Mrs. Hudson. They were huddled outside her flat’s door listening.
“Uh… I think you should go up and figure it out.” The old woman suggested and sneaked into her flat without leaving any time to argue.
Mrs. Hudson had always shipped John and Sherlock, that until (Y/N) appeared and so her ship changed. “Unbelievable what Twitter can do to a woman like Mrs. Hudson” Watson had said, but he was inertly please because he also liked Sherlock and (Y/N) as a couple.
The girl fixed her clothes and got upstairs confidently and ready to pretend she hadn’t heard the whole conversation. She opened the door slowly.
“Did you find the lottery ticket?” Sherlock asked. He looked bored, but he wasn’t acting like usual. Instead, he was sitting at his seat while the two clients – an old couple – sat at the leather couch.
“Yes, turns out he had it on his back pocket.” The lady giggled, “So we had time to…”
“(Y/N)!” Sherlock cheered as he saw the girl appear behind the door. He jumped out of his seat and rushed over to her. “Kill me.” He mouthed jokingly. (Y/N) chuckled in silence and Sherlock winked at her. The old lady cleared her throat, capturing Sherlock’s attention back.
“Am I interrupting, Mr. Holmes?” (Y/N) inquired, using her professional voice tone.
“Not at all, my dear.” Sherlock said, “They were about to leave, right mum?”
“Mum?” (Y/N) gasped.
“Yes, sorry.” Sherlock dragged her to the leather couch as the couple got up. “Mum, Dad, this is (Y/N).” Sherlock introduced them, “(Y/N) these are my parents.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (Y/N) smiled warmly.
“The pleasure is ours.” Mrs. Holmes said. She had a strange look on her face, and same look was shared by her husband. Both of them alternating their gaze between Sherlock and (Y/N).
“You came, you talked non-stop, you met (Y/N), and now you leave.” Sherlock urged to say, “Tell Mycroft I say hi.”
“But Sher…” His mom tried to argue, but Sherlock was already pushing them out. His mother stopped right before she stepped on the hallway and Sherlock couldn’t help but to stop pushing them due to the authoritarian look on her face. “Dinner, at eight today.” She said.
“I’m working on a case.” Sherlock argued.
“The victim is already dead, however we are not.” Mrs. Holmes snapped back, “Dinner at eight today.” She repeated and then looked at (Y/N). “Bring her.”
“William Sherlock Scott Holmes, you better be there with her or else…” She threatened.
“Yes, mum.” Sherlock nodded.
“Good boy.” She palmed his cheek and then left. Sherlock stood still, frozen in place until (Y/N) walked closer to him.
“I’m afraid you have to come as well… She can be scary when she’s mad.” He mumbled. (Y/N) giggled, guiding him to his seat.
“It’s fine; I’d love her to answer some questions for me.” Sherlock chuckled, finally relaxing from his sudden terror.
“There’s a list, she knows it by memory.” He commented.
“A list about common questions about you and Mycroft?” She inquired.
“Oh no, just a list of me.” Sherlock explained, “Mycroft’s got a whole file… She still doesn’t memorize it.” (Y/N) laughed loudly and Sherlock soon followed her.
“Nice place.” (Y/N) observed as the cab parked in front of the restaurant.
“It’s my mother’s favourite.” Sherlock explained. He paid the cabbie and got out. (Y/N) was impressed to see him holding the door and a hand out for her. She took his hand and got out as well. “You look astonishing.” He whispered.
“You don’t look bad yourself.” She whispered back and she could’ve sworn he blushed for an instant.
He extended his arm for (Y/N) to wrap hers around it and then the two walked inside where Mycroft and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes were already waiting.
“I thought you wouldn’t come!” Mrs. Holmes cheered.
“I couldn’t say no, could I?” Sherlock inquired.
“Of course not. I would’ve gone to that dirty flat of yours and dragged you out.” She said quickly and pecked her son’s cheek. Sherlock couldn’t help to make a face at her action, but was unnoticed because of (Y/N)’s presence. “You came too!” Mrs. Holmes hugged her.
“She started drinking at the theatre.” Mycroft explained as (Y/N) caught glimpse of him from over Mrs. Holmes shoulder. “Hello, (Y/N). Nice to see you again.”
“Mycroft.” She greeted, “You lost weight.”
“No he didn’t.” Sherlock interrupted.
“Yes, I did.” Mycroft hissed, “Two and a half pounds.” Sherlock rolled his eyes and dragged a chair for (Y/N) to seat and then sat beside her.
“We’re so happy that you’re here, (Y/N).” Mr. Holmes smiled at her.
“Oh yes, I have a lot to ask you.” Mrs. Holmes added.
“That makes two of us.” (Y/N) joked. Mrs. Holmes shared a knowing look with her husband and took a deep breath.
“Here we go.” Mycroft and Sherlock whispered in unison.
“No, we didn’t do drugs. He says he’s a sociopath but we believe its Asperger. No, it’s not Mycroft’s fault. He was very sensitive as a child. Yes, he was chubby but not as Mycroft…”
“Because he was fat.” Sherlock snapped.
“Shut up.” Mycroft fumed.
Mrs. Holmes glanced at them. “Sorry.” They apologized and so she continued.
“He was always very smart but he was more into pirates than detectives back in the day. Yes, his cheekbones are natural and so is his hair. No, he’s never got a boyfriend. He learned to play the violin at a very young age…”
“Wow.” (Y/N) couldn’t help the expression. Mrs. Holmes smiled proudly. “That sums it up pretty well…”
“I told you.” Sherlock whispered into her ear. (Y/N) smiled at him.
“Now, it’s our turn.” Mr. Holmes said, holding his wife’s hand. “Where did you meet Sherlock?”
“We work together… In ocassions.” (Y/N) replied instantly.
“Surprisingly she doesn’t hate him.” Mycroft muttered, but everyone noticed the little smile lingering on his lips.
“Oh I couldn’t… Hate him.” (Y/N) mumbled shyly.
“See? She’s smart, that’s why we work together.” Mr. and Mrs. Holmes melted into a loving smile.
Little did they know, Sherlock and (Y/N) were just friends. But it was truly hard to tell because of how they acted around each other. From the way his face lit up when she appeared at the flat to those little winks they gave each other. Without mentioning how close Sherlock was to her as in space matters – He had dragged his chair to be closer to hers, and with each second he leaned closer and closer until their arms were rubbing against the other – and of course the smile he had whenever she looked at him. It was a kind of smile none of the Holmes had seen him wear since he stopped being sentimental.
“So do you live together?” Mr. Holmes inquired.
“Oh no, I was there just to… Catch up.” (Y/N) explained.
“Yes, I’ve been too busy with this case.” Sherlock added.
Mrs. Holmes squeezed her husband’s hand, and he replied with a proud smile. Mycroft rolled his eyes before giving his brother a sassy grin. Sherlock furrowed in confusion, he had no idea what was going on in their minds.
The dinner passed by. The Holmes were enchanted by (Y/N). She was easy to get along with, and had the ability to hold a fluent conversation without stopping from being interesting. Mrs. Holmes was already thinking of inviting (Y/N) to spend the holidays with them when Mycroft decided to drop the news.
“So, (Y/N), tell me the truth.” He begged and Sherlock recognized the naughty look on his brother’s face, which made him tense in anticipation, “How did Sherlock asked you to… You know.”
“I’m sorry?” She furrowed. Sherlock gave his brother a death glare. “I don’t understand.”
“Mycroft, please stop being a cock.” Sherlock hissed.
“Sherlock!” His mother fumed.
“Sorry, mum.” Sherlock took a sip from his wine.
“I just want to know how you told her. That’s all.” Mycroft acted innocent, but Sherlock was fully aware that Mycroft knew they were still friends.
“Oh, brother mine.” Mycroft rejoiced, “In love, finally in love.”
“It’s not love. I don’t love.” Sherlock argued.
“You were always the sentimental one.” Mycroft touched his heart dramatically. “When will you tell her?”
“Never.” Sherlock looked down in embarrassment.
“Why not? Don’t you like her?” Now the concern was real in Mycroft.
“It’s exactly why I won’t tell her.” Mycroft nodded, knowing exactly what his brother meant. But even so, he made himself a vow: to make sure they ended up together. Not because he was a romantic or anything, but because he knew why his brother was so cold hearted and missed the old Sherlock. He wanted his brother back, and he wanted him to be as happy as he could.
“Told me what?” (Y/N) asked Sherlock, who hesitated to reply.
“To tell you about… our new project.” Mycroft huffed.
“Oh Sherlock, dragging your girlfriend to work…” Mrs. Holmes shook her head.
“I’m married to my work, mother.” Sherlock spoke. (Y/N) was still processing the “girlfriend” part.
“Who wants dessert?” Mr. Holmes asked, recognizing the look on (Y/N)’s face. He might not be the smartest Holmes, but he was the most sentimental.
“Delightful, splendid…” Mrs. Holmes beamed as they walked out of the restaurant.
“Mum tends to list all the nice words she knows when she’s drunk.” Sherlock explained to (Y/N). His hand was at the small of her back.  (Y/N) giggled and so the Holmes looked at her.
“(Y/N)!” Mrs. Holmes cheered, “I’m so glad Sherlock found someone like you, you’re just what he needed.” Sherlock asked his brother for help with just a glance. Mycroft pulled her again from (Y/N) and tried to drag her to the cab.
“Please excuse her; she’s out of her mind.” Sherlock begged and (Y/N) smiled at him.
“No problem, Sher.” She said and so Sherlock relaxed.
“You should come for Christmas!” Mrs. Holmes spoke from the cab. Sherlock rolled his eyes and excused himself to help Mycroft to get her inside. Mr. Holmes used the opportunity to approach to (Y/N).
“My wife is…” (Y/N) chuckled.
“Just like Sherlock when he’s drunk.” Mr. Holmes nodded.
“He likes you… We all do.” He said softly.
“Well, I like you all.” She replied shyly.
“He likes you in the same way I liked my wife before marrying her.” Mr. Holmes insisted. (Y/N) cheeks blushed immediately. “I know you like him too, why aren’t you…?”
“Sherlock is married to his work… I couldn’t…” Mr. Holmes pressed a hand over her shoulder.
“He might have been married to it before, but trust me, not anymore.” And with that, he joined his sons at the cab and got up. Waving good-bye to them and winking at (Y/N).
“Well, brother mine,” Mycroft started, “I have to finish some… things.” Sherlock nodded, “It was great to see you, (Y/N). I hope this isn’t the last time.”
“I hope that too.” She smiled at him.
“I know she was drunk, but you should really consider spending Christmas with us.” Mycroft begged, “It would make us all very happy.”
“Don’t try to manipulate her, Mycroft.” Sherlock fumed.
“It’s not manipulation; you know I do like her.” Mycroft gave his brother an insistent look, and Sherlock knew exactly what it meant.
“Good night, Mycroft.” Sherlock said and dragged (Y/N) away. She barely managed to wave good bye.
“That was odd.” Sherlock spoke.
“You dragging me to a dark alley or the night in general?” She inquired jokingly.
“I wish I had the same humour as you.” Sherlock confessed shyly.
“It wouldn’t be you…” (Y/N) replied. Sherlock stopped walking and so did (Y/N).
“Would you like me to change?” He inquired.
“Why would I?” She furrowed.
“Maybe it would make you like me better.” He explained. (Y/N) let out a sarcastic laugh.
“I’m walking in the middle of the night with you at a dark alley, right after having dinner with your parents. Do you honestly think I don’t like you enough?” She lifted an eyebrow.
“You got a point.” Sherlock granted, “But…”
“I don’t think you like me in the way I would like you to like me.” He stuttered.
“You realize you just said the word ‘like’ three times in one sentence?” She joked.
“You’re avoiding the subject.” Sherlock commented.
(Y/N) observed him for longer than he would’ve wanted. He looked vulnerable. Not only did he showed her the “normal” part of him – his family – but he was also opening up to her and she didn’t even noticed it.
“Sher…” She walked closer, “Just tell me what you mean.”
“I…” His voice faded. He couldn’t speak. She had never been so close to him, and the proximity was messing with his mind.
“You were always the sentimental one.”
“Sentimental people express through actions, right?” He asked in a whisper.
“I suppose.” She tilted her head and Sherlock didn’t lose any more time.
Without further warning, his lips crashed against hers. His hands landed one at the back of her neck and the other at the small of her back. He hesitated, not knowing what to do or even how she would respond, but when (Y/N) didn’t pull away to slap him he started moving.
It was a soft, lingering kiss. The kind of kiss lovers give each other under the rain or when they are going back to bed. Full of passion, but rather shy. The kind of kiss that melts your heart.
Sherlock pulled away and stared at her, expecting the worse reaction.
“Guess I am spending Christmas with you after all.” She mumbled. Sherlock smiled widely and pecked her lips once more. He couldn’t help but to laugh; laugh full-heartedly. He had never felt so alive in a long time.
“That would be lovely.”
*Requests are ALWAYS open.*
Tags: @deanwssister @resurrection-huntress @oaisara @charlottemalfoy @zena-dukmak @just-a-blog00
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Prompt:  Could you write a one-shot where the reader is a dectective in Scotland yard, who met sherlock for the first time recently and sherlock still knowing that his brother is lonely decides that she would be a perfect fit for him and tries to set her and mycroft up... Basically I'm looking for a sherlock plays matchmaker.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: none? 
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“So dead man on the floor, house ransacked, what do you think?...Sherlock? Sherlock!” Said man jumped out of his trance and turned to face Lestrade who was looking at him with frustration, “Well?” Sherlock rolled his eyes, “Come on Garret, this is easy even for you, wedding ring missing from the finger, seemingly half the possessions gone, absence of any pictures. It was the wife if you couldn’t see that already. Now enough about that, who’s she?” Greg sighed and rubbed his face with his hand before looking over to where Sherlock was facing, “Detective (L/N)? What about her?” 
Sherlock said nothing, just observed you and Greg looked at John next to him. The former soldier just shrugged, “I don’t question it anymore Greg, I’m sorry.” Greg looked at Sherlock, then you, then back to Sherlock, “You like her or summit?” Sherlock hummed in approval, “Not for me.” John chuckled from how confusing his friend was being but like he said, he didn’t question it. 
Without a word of warning, Sherlock made his way over to you, “Hi, I have a proposition for you which I have no doubt you’d be interested in. I would like to have you accompany a friend of mine to an evening meal. Judging by the past few failed relationships, you don’t like being lonely, even if you know you’re not compatible. But you’ve been making more of an effort in your appearance lately which can only mean you’re looking for another relationship.” You chuckled to yourself, “And you must be Sherlock. Given what people say about you, the last thing I expected you to be doing was setting me up on a date.” 
Sherlock huffed impatiently, “Yes yes, now will you go on the date or not?” He clasped his hands together, a silent plead for you to accept. You thought it over for a few moments, could it really hurt to try it out? And you doubted someone who called themselves a detective would actively put you in danger so what was the harm? Nodding your head, “Okay fine, but you owe me.” Sherlock scoffed but shook your hand, “Deal, here’s your phone back, I’ll text you with the details.” You were shocked but mostly confused when Sherlock gave you your phone back, when did he take it from you? You weren’t really mad at him though, he had given you something to be excited about. 
It had been a while since you had any excuse to dress up for an occasion and Sherlock had just presented it to you on a silver platter. Normally, you wouldn’t agree to this kind of thing but it had been difficult to date because of your new job now, being a detective was a turn off for most men, it seemed like. 
. . .
“A what?” Sherlock rolled his eyes at his older brother, “A date, I know it’s been a while but you must remember what a date is.” Mycroft let out a sigh of frustration, “And what makes you think you can meddle with my love life like this?” Sherlock looked at Mycroft, “Oh get over yourself, you’re lonely and you know it, I’m just trying to help. Maybe then you won’t be so...you.” Mycroft glared at Sherlock, “Listen brother mine, how many times do I have to tell you that I am not lonely. I do not need you to be playing matchmaker for me, if I wanted to be in a relationship, I could easily go out and find myself one.” 
Sherlock accidentally snorted from holding back a laugh, “You really think so?” At the sight of his brother’s anger, Sherlock calmed down, “Just go on the date, you’ll thank me later, she’s lovely.” Mycroft gritted his teeth, “Who is ‘she’?” Sherlock texted his brother a picture of you that he had taken from your Facebook profile, “Her name is (Y/N) (L/N) and she works with Graham.” Mycroft frowned, “Who is Graham?” Sherlock looked down at his phone as he started flicking through twitter, “Oh you know Graham, Scotland Yard, grey hair, could stand to lose a few pounds.” Mycroft leaned back in his chair, “You mean Greg Lestrade.” Sherlock nodded, “That’s what I said.” 
Sherlock turned and left his brother’s office, but Mycroft shouted after him, “Where am I supposed to be going?!” He didn’t hear a response but his phone vibrated to show a text from Sherlock with the time and address. He sighed as he rubbed his face with his hand, why did he have a feeling he was going to regret this? Mycroft was tempted to just refuse to go on the date to annoy his brother but as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was lonely and a little companionship might be nice for once. Spending each night alone in his large, empty house was getting rather tiring over time. 
. . . 
You had been told to dress ‘fancy’ so you had worn your best dress in your closet, a long sleeved, off the shoulder light pink knee length dress that flattered your body by making your waist seem smaller to give you more of an hourglass shape. You had your hair styled just how you liked it and you had decided to wear heels for this date because you didn’t want to risk seeming under-dressed and you didn’t have any flats that would match the dress. You had a small clutch that had your purse, some makeup and perfume in, as well as your keys. 
You had taken a taxi to the address Sherlock had given and you were not surprised to see a very fancy restaurant, one that looked more intimidating than anything else. You weren’t sure what to do but luckily as you were stood staring at the building, you heard someone clear their throat next to you. You turned to see a man dressed in a suit and had an umbrella with them? It hadn’t been raining but you decided not to question it. You smiled at them, “Hello,” 
Mycroft had been a little taken aback when he saw you, you almost seemed too good to be true. He was never someone who had much preference for looks, but you were just so beautiful. He could tell by the look on your face that you had never been here before and were nervous, symptoms of a blind date he presumed. He walked over to you and cleared his throat to get your attention and when you smiled at him, he almost forgot what to say, you had such a captivating smile. When you started to look weary of him, he realised he actually had to say something to you, “My apologies, I don’t suppose you’re here because of Sherlock?” Your shoulders dropped slightly in relief, “Yes I am, are you my date for this evening?” 
Mycroft nodded in agreement and held out his arm for you to take. While the date wasn’t his idea, he was still going to be a gentleman. Your nerves started again when you walked inside the building, it was all so elegant and posh and you felt really out of place in here. You bit your bottom lip as you looked around, half listening to your date talk to the hostess. It was then that you realised you didn’t know his name yet. When the two of you were taken to a table, you cleared your throat, “I’m (Y/N) by the way, it’s nice to meet you,” Mycroft hummed, “Likewise, I’m Mycroft.” Your eyes widened a little, “Mycroft? That’s an unusual name isn’t it? I like it though.” 
Mycroft studied over you, trying to pick up on all the deductions he could about you but he seemed to have a little trouble concentrating and everything was a bit of a blur. You leaned forward a little, “So how do you know Sherlock?” Mycroft straightened in his seat, “He’s my little brother?” Mycroft could see the amusement in your face, “Really? What’s it like having a genius for a brother?” Mycroft scoffed, “I wouldn’t say he’s a genius, I’ve always considered myself the smartest between us.” You could help but chuckle a little to yourself and when you saw Mycroft’s confused and partially offended expression, you explained yourself, “If you were really that smart, you would’ve noticed that I’d rather have this date anywhere but here. I’m not made for fine dining.” 
Normally, this would have annoyed Mycroft, not being able to see something as obvious as this. But you intrigued him so he was more focused on learning more about you. He waited until there was the least amount of people watching and then grabbed your hand, leading you outside of the restaurant, “Where do you propose we go now?” You turned to him and looked at him with a curious expression, “You want to go watch a movie together?” Mycroft hummed, “It depends on the types of movies you prefer.” You smiled, “I like old movies.” “Hm, then I believe I have something to show you.” And that was how you found yourself being driven to Mycroft’s house.
It was weird that you didn’t feel uncomfortable around him, you didn’t feel scared of him or felt any bad vibes from him. He was surprised to feel oddly at ease with you as well, he felt like he could tell you anything despite having known each other for a very limited time. When you arrived at Mycroft’s house, you were taken back by the size of it, “My god, are you some kind of secret billionaire? Where do you work?” You giggled to yourself as you looked around the walls and ceilings, taking it all in. Mycroft had disappeared into the kitchen for a small while but could hear you talking as he came back with wine and two glasses, “I work for the British government.” 
You stopped in your awe, “Are you serious? That’s pretty cool.” Mycroft felt a sudden burst of pride at how easily you were impressed with him. He smirked to himself, “I suppose so, may I ask you a question?” You gladly took the glass of wine from his hand and took a drink, “Go ahead,” “What were your first impressions of me?” You walked closer to Mycroft, “Well, I thought you looked a little fancy and uptight and I still do, but you looked like a man who was lonely in my opinion. Very cute though.” You winked at him over the rim of your glass as you took another drink and Mycroft for once, didn’t have anything to say. 
You smiled at him, “Go on then, what did you think of me?” Mycroft cleared his throat and looked down at his own glass of wine, “I thought you looked beautiful, a little intimidated but someone who wasn’t afraid.” You blushed from his words and the two of you were lost in a moment between the two of you just looking into each other’s eyes. You hadn’t realised the two of you started to get closer until he was almost touching you. You cleared your throat, “So what was it you wanted to show me?” 
It was like the two of you were pulled out of a trance as Mycroft blinked and moved back one step to create some distance between the two of you. He walked down the corridor to lead you into his ‘theater room’ which looked like a small cinema in your opinion. You were in total awe of this man and his house, it was so big and fancy you were almost scared. Mycroft had you sit in a seat next to him when your eyes caught the projector, “I haven’t seen one of those in absolutely ages, my parents used to have one when I was a kid.” Mycroft smiled briefly at you as he set it up, your attention being directed in front of you when the light flashed on, illuminating the dark room. 
You had been excited to watch the movie and you had to stop yourself from laughing when you saw Mycroft mouthing the words along with the actors out of the corner of your eye. You were having such a good time, you almost didn’t want it to end. It was halfway through the movie that ,Mycroft put his hand up on the chair arm and didn’t realise your hand was already there until he felt it underneath his own. He was a little embarrassed about it and wasn’t sure what to do, should he keep it there? Should he take it away? Just as he was about to pull his hand away, he felt your fingers slowly wrap around his own, holding his hand. Mycroft felt his heart beat rising as he in turn held your hand and you smiled to yourself, only half focusing on the movie now. 
It was disappointing when the projector stopped as the movie was over, that meant you had to let go of Mycroft’s hand while he got up to turn off the device. You stood up and stretched, the chair had been comfy but it was awkward to sit in the same position for a long time. You smiled at Mycroft after you checked your phone to see the time, “It’s getting late, I suppose I should head home.” Mycroft was unable to hide his disappointment in your words, but it was going to happen sooner or later. He was surprised to see how close he felt with you after knowing you for so little time. 
Mycroft called his driver to take you home, wanting to ensure that you got home safely. “Are you sure? I can just get a cab, it’s not too much trouble.” “Please, I insist on it,” You had begrudgingly accepted his offer and the two of you waited at his front door until the car pulled up. You turned to face Mycroft, “I had a wonderful time you know.” Mycroft nodded, “As did I,” You opened your mouth to say something the same time as Mycroft and you lightly chuckled, “Oh sorry, you first,” “No, please, I’d hate to interrupt.” You bit your lip before you asked, “Would you perhaps like to do this again sometime?” Mycroft had been hoping that’s what you were going to say, “It would be my pleasure.” 
You blushed a little and looked at him for a moment before standing up on the tips of your toes to kiss him on the cheek, he was a lot taller than you. Quickly, you turned around and walked over to get into the car, not looking at him until you were inside so he couldn’t see you through the tinted windows. You relaxed against the leather seats, letting out a deep breath. Your head had just touched the back of the seat when your phone buzzed. Curious to see who was texting you, you pulled it out of your clutch and read the notification on the lock screen. It simply read, “Had a nice date? - SH” You shook your head but grinned at the message before turning your phone off again, putting it back in your bag. What a weird day. 
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Simply Gorgeous
Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Prompt: Would you be able to write a mycroft/reader where she is very self conscious about how she looks and he shows her just how beautiful she really is!  ;) 
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: insecurities, smut
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To say that you and Mycroft were an unlikely pairing was an understatement. The most dangerous man in England with a insecure detective. You had met through Sherlock, of course. You were the new recruit for Scotland Yard and since Sherlock likes to include himself with most cases, it was only a matter of time before he met you, “Ah, got yourself a new one, Graham? She certainly seems better than Anderson.” “How many times? It’s Greg.” Sherlock stood in front of you and looked you up and down, “Hm, lives alone, sweet tooth, parents live far away, siblings aren’t that far but you’d prefer not to see them if you have the chance, bit of an introvert, terribly self conscious and hasn’t had a relationship in a few years.” Your mouth opened in awe but no words came out, “How did you do that?” 
As time went on, you became highly requested to take a lot of high profile cases, ones with Sherlock but the only reason was because “Your face doesn’t annoy me like Anderson’s does, the irritating twit.” You supposed it was a good a reason as any and at least it kept you out of the office. Due to your increasing involvement with Sherlock, despite how obviously platonic it was, Mycroft took the opportunity to get himself involved. 
You had just been finishing work when the car had pulled up and a woman walked out, but you ignored it, it didn’t look particularly interesting to take note of. Then you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around to see the woman on her phone behind you, “(Y/N) (Y/L/N)? I think it’s best you get in the car, my boss wants to see you.” You looked around the street and saw no one around, but surely anyone attempting to pick up a detective outside their own station didn’t have ill intentions, right? There was also the fact you were unarmed in this situation that forced you to get in the car. You knew it was pointless asking questions so you kept them to yourself. 
The car stopped and the woman next to you made a motion with her hand telling you to get out of the car. Rolling your eyes at her, you got out and walked over to where you saw a man standing. It was a bit weird that he had an umbrella since you were inside and it was obvious that he had been here for quite some time. You slowed down once you were stood in front of him. Mycroft motioned to the chair next to you, “Please, take a seat.” “I don’t want to sit down, thank you. Tell me what this is all about, now.” While you were nervous, you weren’t appreciating having your night ruined for someone to try to threaten you, at least, that’s what you assumed was happening. 
“You’re here because of your recent involvement with a man known as Sherlock Holmes.” You shrugged, “What’s that got to do with you?” Mycroft cleared his throat, “I am offering you payment in exchange for information on his whereabouts at all times.” You scoffed, “You want me to spy on him? What do you think I am? His girlfriend?” Mycroft looked taken aback, “Aren’t you?” You laughed a little, “No, definitely not. He’s not my type.” You made a point of looking Mycroft up and down before turning around and heading back to the car, leaving a stunned Mycroft behind and he was never stunned. 
Since that first meeting, Mycroft had kept a close eye on you and you weren’t oblivious to it, you had become accustomed to your routine to know that something was going wrong. You’d stolen Mycroft’s number off Sherlock’s phone and texted him that you would find it more flattering if he checked up on you himself. The next day you had Mycroft knocking on your door to ask you to dinner. From then on, your relationship slowly progressed with each ‘check up’ and while Sherlock complained about it all the time, he was secretly glad that his brother had found someone. 
While you were happy in your relationship with Mycroft, you were still unable to control your insecurities. You would never say anything about them or point them out but they were still there. Tonight was a perfect example. You were supposed to be attending some kind of fancy event with Mycroft but you had spent the last thirty minutes standing in front of the mirror looking at yourself in your dress. Most days, you would’ve thought you looked quite elegant and beautiful but today you just saw all of your flaws. In your mind, the dress made your stomach look bigger, your curves wider, the fabric seemed to stretch far too tight around your thighs and the lack of sleeves showed off your arms. Every angle looked awful to you and you hated it. 
Having enough, you took the dress off, and sat on the bed in your underwear, thinking about how you were supposed to tell Mycroft you didn’t want to go with him tonight. You stood up and looked at yourself again in the mirror, you still didn’t like what you saw, so it wasn’t just the dress. You felt your eyes starting to water as you kept looking at yourself and wishing you could change your body at that moment. 
It was then that Mycroft entered the room, fully ready in his immaculate suit, perfectly chosen for the occasion. “What have you been doing? I told you to get dressed hours ago.” You quickly turned away from him and wiped your eyes, trying to cover yourself, “I was just..um..” You mentally cursed your voice break, giving away how you were feeling, not that it would’ve taken Mycroft long to figure it out without it anyway. He approached you and gently put his hands on your shoulders, turning you to look at him, “What’s wrong, dear?” You couldn’t look him in the eye so you kept your eyes on his chest, he was so much taller than you. 
After using his skills of deduction, he realised what was going on and sighed, “Ah I see. You’ve been lying to yourself again.” You frowned in confusion as you finally made eye contact with him. Mycroft moved to stand behind you as he face you towards the mirror. You felt a little vulnerable with being in just your underwear and Mycroft was fully clothed. He put his hands on your waist and you cringed. He sensed it but remained where he was, “Look at yourself and me what you see.” You closed your eyes, “Please don’t, I don’t want to.” Mycroft sighed and rested his head on top of your own, “Alright darling, I’ll tell you what I see then. I see a woman that is just simply gorgeous, a creature that beholds the meaning of true beauty. A woman whom I love and adore very much. Someone who’s body is so enchanting that I am having a hard time controlling myself right now.” 
You let out a shaky breath as you opened your eyes and made eye contact with Mycroft through the mirror. You turned your head to look at him and he in turn looked at you as well, before you tilted your head slightly as an invitation to kiss you. He wasted no time in accepting the invite and kissing you softly and gently, like he usually does, but this time it felt better somehow. You slowly turned around in his hold so that you were facing him, making it easier for the two of you to deepen the kiss. Mycroft panted softly as he pulled away, “Sod the dinner, it's only the prime minister, get on the bed.” You giggled as he pulled away to lock the door and you did as you were told and sat on the edge of the bed. 
Mycroft walked back over to you, taking off his suit jacket and laying it over the pouffe at the end of the bed. He stood between your spread legs and you bit your lip as you looked up at him. You placed your hands on his thighs and started to move them upwards when Mycroft took your wrists in his hands and moved them away, “No darling, tonight I have to make you feel as ravishing as you look.” He gently nudged on your shoulders to push you down onto your back on the bed, following you down and resting on his elbows. 
You couldn't help grabbing his tie and pulling him closer to you to kiss him again, if there was one thing you knew for definite about Mycroft, it was that he was a damn good kisser. Your hands slowly started to unknot his tie as the kiss continued, throwing the piece of fabric to the side of you. You had started to unbutton his shirt when he pulled back to give you a scolding look and you playfully grinned in return, “Hm, perhaps your wandering hands need to be contained for now, until you’ve learned your lesson.” He picked up his tie and you were sure that your body told him in ten different ways what a great idea that was based on the look in his eyes. 
You were only too eager to place your hands above your head for Mycroft to tie them together, looking at him while he did it. Mycroft then gently ran his hands over your arms and down your sides, barely touching your breasts and you arched your back slightly from instinct. Mycroft smirked, he loved how responsive you were to his touch, only his touch. You gasped as he reached underneath you to unclasp your bra, luckily it was a strapless one because of the dress or he would’ve had a hard time taking it off. You closed your eyes as he looked at your body, not wanting to see his face. Mycroft waited until you opened them again before he leaned down to kiss your neck, making a small trail of soft kissed from your throat to your collarbone before his hands cupped your breasts in his hands. “You are so extraordinary, my dear, I consider myself to be the luckiest man in England to be in such an intimate position with you.” 
You couldn't help a smile forming on your face from his words, he always knew exactly what to say to you to make you feel better. You didn’t have time to respond before he flicked his fingers gently over your nipples, making you gasp and roll your hips enough to grind against his pelvis. Mycroft kept his eyes on you, he loved the look of pleasure on your face as he touched you, knew exactly where to touch you to make you do anything he wanted, moan, whine, squirm, scream. You were putty in his hands and that’s how both of you wanted it to be. 
You bit your lip as Mycroft continued to caress your breasts and you continued to grind against your lover, placing your feet up on the edge of the bed to make it easier for yourself. By now, your panties had grown wet with your arousal and you were becoming desperate for more, “Mycroft, stop teasing please,” He smiled to himself, “Forgive me for getting carried away from the task at hand, my dear. I believe my next move was to..” He trailed off as his hand slid down from your chest, over your stomach and his fingers pushed themselves underneath the waistband of your panties. 
On instinct, you spread your legs wider to give him more access to your most intimate area. He moved back up to kiss at your neck while his middle finger teasingly ran between your slit to stop at your clit, making you moan. Mycroft brushed his lips against your ear as he spoke to you, “I can see how hard you’re holding onto that tie, you’re desperate to touch me aren’t you. If I untie you, will you behave?” You nodded, “Yes,” but you both knew that you would do no such thing. Mycroft reached up to untie your hands with his other hand to free you. Just as he did, his finger started to rub your clit in circular motions, making you hold onto Mycroft and moan just a little bit louder. Your hands immediately began to unbutton his shirt again while you kissed him. 
Your hands ran over his chest and abdomen as he continued to pleasure you with his hands. He slowly slid two fingers inside you, causing you to moan into the kiss and arch your back once more. You whined as he kept his fingers moving at an unsatisfyingly slow pace, “Faster, please Mycroft.” Hearing you moan his name gave him motivation to thrust his fingers faster, watching you grind your hips to pleasure yourself on his fingers. 
Mycroft could see that you were getting more and more impatient and desperate for release as he continued and while he hid it well, he wanted to speed things along as well. He slowly removed his hand from your panties to lean back and pull them off for you. You bit your lip as you rolled over to reach into the bedside drawer to pull out a condom while Mycroft undressed, taking off his shirt, trousers, shoes, socks and underwear. You moved to kneel in the middle of the bed and Mycroft gave you a strange look, “I thought I could be on top tonight?” He slowly lay down and you wasted no time in ripping open the condom and placing it on his erection, taking your time and stroking his cock as you did to tease him in revenge for his earlier actions. 
Straddling him, you leaned down to kiss him again as you lined up his cock and rubbed him between your pussy lips to help lube up his shaft before sinking down on it. Mycroft’s breath hitched as you moaned from the long awaited feeling of being filled. You slowly moved to put your hands on Mycroft’s abdomen to balance yourself as you slowly moved your hips to grind on him. He placed his hands on your thighs, edging their way higher up your body to hold onto your waist. You normally would have shied away from his touch, feeling insecure about him touching one of your more curvier areas but he loved that he was able to hold onto you without worrying that he was going to hurt you. 
You moved faster as you gained more confidence in yourself. You even had the strength to open your eyes and look down at Mycroft to see him looking back at you. You kept eye contact as you moaned his name, seeing the lustful look in his eyes and you gasped in surprise as you were gripped tightly and felt Mycroft thrusting into you from below. You leaned back to hold onto your ankles as you were bounced on Mycroft’s cock. You still moved your hips, not just letting Mycroft do all the work but it was getting harder to keep up with his pace as you could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm. 
You resisted the urge to tense your thighs as you whimpered, feeling Mycroft hit a more sensitive spot inside you that always brought you closer to the edge. Mycroft could see it on your face that you were close and kept up his pace, ignoring how out of breath the both of you were at the moment. You moaned and reached down to rub at your clit, the small motion enough to make you cry out as you came hard on Mycroft’s cock. Your thighs shook while he was still thrusting inside you and you whined from the pleasure it gave you from how sensitive you were afterwards. Soon, he came after you and he pulled out to take off the condom. 
Tired, you rolled off of him and onto your back, catching your breath. You turned onto your side to look at Mycroft and you reached your hand up to cup his cheek, “Thank you, Mycroft, I love you.” “I love you too, my dear, I just wish you loved yourself as much as I love you.” You grinned and kissed him on the cheek, “Round two in the shower?” Mycroft rolled his eyes at you but you only giggled and grabbed his hand to drag him away into the bathroom. 
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Sherlock Preference #3
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How they react to finding out about your insecurities and self-hatred 
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Sherlock can’t help but notice it straight away, it’s all so very clear in your body language and the way you present yourself. He doesn’t say anything about it even though he’s tempted to, though he feels he might get called insensitive again by John. As he starts to gain feelings for you, it gets harder and harder not to say something until one day, he decides he’s had enough of your constant self-bullying jokes. He’s angry and he shouts at you, “Why don’t you see that you’re good enough, why do you have to tear yourself down for no reason, can’t you see you’re hurting everyone else by hurting yourself?” He regrets his outburst when he sees the hurt in your eyes and the way you run out of the flat. Sherlock follows you and catches you before you make it to the front door, pushing you against the wall and kisses you, “Just let me show you how beautiful you really are.” 
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John takes a little more time to realise how you feel. He doesn’t pick up on your jokes about yourself and the way you try to hide parts of your body from people when you sit and the way you stand. When he does, he’s shocked. He doesn’t understand how someone as perfect as yourself can hate themselves so much, it doesn’t make sense to him. He sits you down to talk about it and hearing the words you use to describe yourself brings him to tears, making you realise just how much John cares about you. You’re guilty for it but John pulls you close to him, hugging you, his hand on the back of your head. He doesn’t let go until you promise you’ll learn to love yourself as much as he loves you. 
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Being so body-conscious himself, he knows exactly what’s going on in your mind, he’d be a fool not to see. You are one of the only people Mycroft has ever been interested in pursuing in a long time and to know that’s the way you feel about yourself upsets him. He just wishes he could show you the way he sees you and not the twisted version your mind deceives you with. Mycroft doesn’t bring it up but you notice him buying you a lot more presents, clothes, chocolates, flowers, just because he can. He shows you how much he loves you and it is his fortune that it works, he can see with each compliment he gives you, your spirit lifts a little bit higher and he knows now that he will never stop because he can never see that look in your eyes again. 
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Jim knows that you’re insecure about the way you look but he regrettably ignores it when he first meets you, you haven’t earned his attention just yet. But as time goes on and he become attached to you, he begins to despise the way you see yourself. Why can’t you see how gorgeous you are? Jim doesn’t laugh at your jokes about your body, he stands still and stares you down. You don’t know whether to be scared or worries but you’re a bit of both. The next time you say something bad about yourself, he’s angry, it needs to stop. Jim lets you know just how sexy you are in the most fun way, in the bedroom. He’ll tease you until you compliment yourself and he believes it. All in all, a good time for everyone. 
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You hide your feelings well so it takes him a while to figure out what’s going on. Truthfully, he would never have guessed you hated the way you looked had you not kept cracking jokes about your weight and your appearance. Hearing you talk about yourself in such a way was slowly breaking him down. You come home one day to see Greg sat on the couch, crying into his hands. Immediately, you rush over, thinking the worst has happened. Greg looks you in the eyes, “Why can’t you see how beautiful you are?” His words leave you speechless, you would never think someone like Greg would get so upset over your insecurities. It makes you cry as well, you’re not sure in a good way or a bad way. Greg holds you close and doesn’t let go all night, not wanting to leave you alone. You two have a long and emotional talk about why you think the way you do and you tell him that you’re going to try to get better. Greg accepts that for now, just wanting you to be happy. 
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Irene can see that you are uncomfortable with the way you look but she never realised just how insecure you were until she asked you to be hers. She notices the way you hide your body from her, the way you cower when she tries to be intimate with you. She eventually coaxes the truth out of you and you reveal that you are embarrassed of your body as you think it won’t be as attractive as her past clients. Hearing this breaks her heart, she thinks you are gorgeous, the most exquisite creature on the planet and shows you this. She goes slow with you, pressing kisses over every part of your body until you’re comfortable with her touch. She is determined to make you realise just how irresistible you really are. 
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Molly can see it in your eyes, all your self hatred, but she’s too sweet to bring it up for a while, hoping that she could make you feel better without having to talk about it. As time goes by, she can see your mental health getting worse and she knows she needs to put a stop to this. She compliments you a lot more than normal, telling you how good you look all the time, preferring the sight of you blushing in happiness than your self-pitying look in your eyes as you bully yourself. Molly would buy you tighter clothes and beg you to wear them to work and out in public so she could compliment you even more, giving you more confidence. You eventually ask her why she’s doing so much for you and you see her eyes start to water, “I just wanted you to see yourself the way I see you. You’re perfect the way you are (Y/N), you needed a little help to see that and I’m glad I was the one who got to show you that.” 
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
American Horror Story
‘Bite Me’ - Elizabeth x Chubby/Plus Size Reader x James Part 1
‘Bite Me’ - Part 2
‘Bite Me’ - Part 3
‘I Like Your Hands’ - Jimmy Darling x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Mine to Keep’ - Sally McKenna x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Play House’ - Dandy Mott x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Play House - Part 2’
‘Love is Blind’ - Cordelia Goode x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Country Love’ - Misty Day x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
AHS - Evan Peters #1
AHS - Evan Peters #2
AHS - Evan Peters #3
AHS - Evan Peters #4
AHS - Evan Peters #5
The Witcher 
‘Songbird’ - Jaskier x Chubby’Plus Size Reader
‘Nurse Witcher’ - Geralt x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Oh Shit’ - Jaskier x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Soft’ - Bucky Barnes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Jealousy’ - Thor x Chubby/Plus Size Reader Part 1
‘Jealousy’ - Part 2
‘Workout’ - Steve Rogers x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Beautiful’ - Tony Stark x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Diet?’ - Thor x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Scales’ - Peter Parker x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Pretending’ - Carol Danvers x Chubby’Plus Size Reader
‘Just In Time’ - Bucky Barnes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘She’s Mine’ - Peter Parker x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘What?’ - Tony Stark x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘PJs’ - Bucky Barnes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Accidents Happen’ - Steve Rogers x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Dangerous’ - Natasha Romanoff x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Hands Off’ - Steve Rogers x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Too Long’ - Yondu Udonta x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Avengers Preference #1
Avengers Preference #2
Avengers Preference #3
Avengers Preference #4
Avengers Preference #5
Avengers Preference #6
Avengers Preference #7
X Men
‘Sweet’ - Erik Lehnsherr x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Perfect’ - Charles Xavier x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘New Guy’ -  Peter Maximoff x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Oblivious’ - Peter Maximoff x Reader
X Men First Class Preference #1 
X Men Headcannon
Guardians of the Galaxy 
‘Misunderstandings’ - Nebula x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Little Red Dress’ - Hellboy x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Weightless’ - Hellboy x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Justice League (2017) 
‘I Need Friends’ - Barry Allen x Chubby/Plus Size Reader Part 1
‘I Need Friends’ -  Part 2
‘I Need Friends’ -  Part 3
‘Double Trouble’ - Arthur Curry x Chubby/Plus Size Reader x Mera
‘Simply Gorgeous’ - Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Here Comes Trouble’ - Greg Lestrade x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Intruder’ - Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Matchmaker’ - Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Don’t Panic’ - Mycroft Holmes x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Sherlock Preference #1
Sherlock Preference #2
Sherlock Preference #3
‘Dibs’ - Jerome Valeska x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Queen of Gotham’ - Oswald Cobblepot x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Together Forever’ - Edward Nygma x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Crazy’ - Barbara Kean x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘A Friendly Face’ - Nick Jakoby x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Harry Potter
‘Swines’ - Severus Snape x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Changes’ - Draco Malfoy x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Golden Boy’ - Harry Potter x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Joke’ - Sirius Black X Chubby/ Plus Size Reader Part 1, Part 2 Part 3
‘In Trouble’ - Parent Remus x Reader x Parent Sirius
Fantastic Beasts 
‘Cute’ - Newt Scamander x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
‘Our Secret’ - Credence Barebone x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Sons of Anarchy 
‘My Lady’ - Juice x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
SOA Preference #1
[no longer taking requests for SOA]
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chubbyreaderwriter · 4 years
Here Comes Trouble
Greg Lestrade x Chubby/Plus Size Reader
Prompt: Could you do one where you are sherlock's sister and he and/or mycroft find out that you are sleeping with lestrade?? 
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: none 
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Honestly, you were surprised that you’d been able to keep it a secret from your brothers for so long. It was a countdown from the first night you slept with Greg six months ago. You had only supposed to go over to the station to get some information for Sherlock and John’s case when you saw Greg in his office and you popped in to say hi. The two of you ended up talking all night and he had invited you over to his house for a drink. It was only supposed to be a one time thing but you found yourself staying the night more than once. 
The two of you wanted to make it official but you were unsure of how Sherlock and Mycroft would take it. Like magic, your phone buzzed in your pocket, “Get over here now!” Sherlock’s texts were always like this so you weren’t really as worried as you should have been. You drove over to your brother’s flat in Baker Street and became more concerned to know that Mycroft was here as well, you could tell because the door knocker was straightened again. 
You walked up the stairs slowly but you couldn’t hear anything. You walked into the room to see Mycroft, Sherlock, John and Greg all standing around. You raised your eyebrow as you looked between them all, “What’s going on?” There were very few situations that would require all five of you to be in a room together. Sherlock moved to sit down at his desk so you sat in his chair, “Now that you’re here, we can go over the case, it’s always good to have a second opinion.” 
John cleared his throat, “You asked for my opinion?” “Yes well, I meant a proper one.” You stifled a laugh and smiled at John, “What’s the case?” Mycroft was the one to answer you this time, “It is a case of great importance, there are 3 secret service agents-” Sherlock sniffed the air rather loudly and looked over at Greg, “Graham, why do you smell so familiar?” Greg rolled his eyes, “Do you just refuse to learn my actual name, it’s Greg, not Graham.” 
You hoped that Sherlock would move on but now that he had another case to solve, he was more interested in revealing Greg’s personal information. Mycroft and John both turned to face Greg as well, why was this more important? Mycroft scoffed, “Isn’t it obvious brother? He’s sleeping with someone you know, can we move on?.” Sherlock waved his hand in Mycroft’s general area to get him to shut up, “So soon after your divorce?” Greg huffed and put his hands on his hips, “We divorced years ago, do you really not know anything about me?” 
Sherlock rolled his eyes, looking Greg up and down, “Judging by how tense you’ve gotten, it’s someone you don’t want us to know about, but why?” You caught John’s eye and winked at him and he laughed from surprise but covered it over with a cough, “Think i must be getting a sore throat.” You both watched as Sherlock and Mycroft continued with their deductions. It was Mycroft’s turn this time, “The arrangement hasn’t been going on long but it’s obvious you care about her enough to want to protect her identity to someone in this room.” You smiled as you just sat and listened, Sherlock continuing on, “It can’t be a friend, John and I wouldn’t care and Mycroft doesn’t have any, so that leaves a family member, correct.” 
Both Sherlock and Mycroft glanced over at John, “John’s sister!” Sherlock frowned, “Hang on a minuted, I thought you sister was a um..” You decided to put them out of their misery, “A lesbian? Yes she is.” They both looked at each other in confusion before it clicked in their minds and they looked at you in shock. Sherlock look appalled, “You and him, you’re.. together? You and...him.” Mycroft opted to stare down Greg so you got up and walked over to stand by him, “Yes, we’re together and I’m very happy so piss off.” 
Sherlock shrugged, “Well don’t blame me if you have stupid babies.” You rolled your eyes playfully at him and Mycroft looked unbothered but you knew it was only a matter of time before he dragged your boyfriend away to threaten him. “Before you have one of your ‘brotherly’ talks with him, he already knows not to hurt me.” Mycroft straightened his posture, “Yes well, one can’t be too sure.” Greg awkwardly looked at the floor and you grabbed his hand, “Well, we’re leaving so have fun catching the bad guys all by yourself.” 
You let Greg walk down the stairs first and you popped back into the room to annoy your brothers even more, “Oh and the sex is amazing, bye~” Sherlock and Mycroft both groaned and Sherlock even covered his ears, “Just go already!” You heard John’s laughter from the door as you walked outside to catch up with Greg. 
You wrapped your arm around his waist as he wrapped his around your shoulder, “I think that went pretty well, don’t you?” He laughed, “Well, I’m still alive aren’t I?” You smiled, “Mm and I’m glad you are, come on then, where do you wanna go for dinner?” Greg walked you over to your car and just as he was about to get in, you noticed Sherlock and Mycroft watching you two through the flat window. Deciding that it was a lot more fun to mess with them, you pulled Greg in for a kiss, putting his hands on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “It feels good to do that in public.” Greg smiled at you and leaned in again but you stopped him, “Nope, hurry and get in, they’ll be here any second now.” Greg looked confused as you pushed him in the car and you got into the drivers side to start the engine. You watched as they ran out of the door just as you pulled off. 
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rallsa · 6 years
Howdy! Could I request a hwadcannon for Jim Moriarty x Chubby Reader? I was inspired by the Mycroft one and just have to see how the 'Napoleon of Crime' would react to such. (Maybe both SFW and NSFW?)
Thanks for requesting, anon! It’s up on my other blog, @imagines-n-stuff . A disclaimer, if anyone wants to request stuff, please request over there! Thank you!! 💜
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