#My Hero bl
HIStory 1: My Hero
Right off the bat the premise of this show is 🦇💩, which I usually love.
This scenario does make me a bit uncomfortable.
Due to the mistake of some reaper-like character, the soul of a young lady, Lan Shi, gets taken instead of the young man, Gu Si Ren. To fix his mistake Reaper ends up taking Gu Si Ren's soul and allowing Lan Shi to have his body, which she can keep if she can get her boyfriend, Hero, to kiss her within 7 days, and she can't tell anyone the truth.
I'm not great at analysis, nor am I especially well educated in gender or queer studies, so I may not be able to eloquently put into thought or words what bothers me about the premise.
But. There is something about unwillingly stripping a character of their gender that bothers me. I'm all for trans characters (and real people), but that is not what is happening here.
This is a woman being forced into the body of a man. Will she retain her identity as a woman? Will she identify as a man? How does this affect her sexuality? She has already lamented that in order to keep this body she will have to "turn" her boyfriend gay. Will she be comfortable seducing Hero?
I also feel bad for Gu Si Ren, who by any metric had a terrible life, and terrible death. His soul is gone but his body remains, to be given to someone else to use. Which also feels like a violation.
I'm also a little unsettled with the boyfriend Hero's place in this story as well, but for a wholly different reason. As far as he knows his girlfriend just died, and this character is expected to be kissing someone else within a week?! I'm guessing this show is going to blow right past Hero's grief.
Will this show use this premise as a chance to explore issues of gender identity and sexuality? I'll admit my hopes have bottomed out for this show. I'll have to finish it to see.
I've seen that some of the other episodes/seasons of HIStory are highly recommended, so I won't allow whatever happens in this one to dissuade me from watching the others.
After finishing watching it, the show was better than I anticipated, but I still have some issues with it.
Lan Shi had more agency in the body swap than I originally thought. She was complicit in taking Gu Si Ren's body. Her actions which came from a place of desperation, are actually pretty reprehensible.
Her plan was to take Gu Si Ren's body, identy and life, and use them for her own purpose. It's pretty heinous, if you think about it. For her plan to work she needs to deceive and manipulate Hero. And she never considers for a moment what her actions mean for Gu Si Ren. Also, Lan Shi never shows guilt or remorse for her actions.
She learns over the course of the week that Hero, wasn't in love with her, but likely had a crush on Gu Si Ren. She also discovers that Gu Si Ren was in love with Hero through reading his journals. Suddenly she feels like she's inserted herself into a place she doesn't belong (you think?!).
Lan Shi does eventually give back Gu Si Ren's body. It's at a time that is poignant for her, but awkward for Gu Si Ren and Hero.
Lan Shi doesn't ever try to correct any of the problems she created between the two guys, including some pretty insensitive comments about gay men that really upset Hero.
My Hero is a strange story with an uncomfortable premise that I think actually had more potential for exploring issues with gender/sexual identity, than it utilized.
It failed to be a romance due to the fact that the actual lovers are only together briefly, and we see very little of how their relationship evolved.
The show instead revolves around Lan Shi and her inability to recognize that her relationship with Hero had failed, and her unwillingness to accept that. Which, I also could have got behind if Lan Shi had been able to do some introspection and shown some growth.
It did turn out to be a lot better than I feared it would be at first glance, but ultimately it was underwhelming.
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endlesspoetsblog · 4 months
It’s time for a rewatch.
credits to @yarawakagohan on twitter
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stanperformanceunit · 10 months
My problem is that I hyperfixate on dramas I really like but then when I finish them I feel empty inside until I find a new to drama to hyperfixate on...
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dropthedemiurge · 4 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #4 | Fight with Homophobes
Honestly, I wanted to dissect these scenes right away but then we got the rest of the show uploaded and the emotions overshadowed me. But now we're diving into informal Korean speech, swearing and slurs! It's going to be a fun post, let's go :D
Disclaimer: I'll be writing down both English and Korean slurs strictly in educational manner, obviously.
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"Fuck. You two are always so fucking close together. (to Myungha) Are you also a faggot (homosekki)? Wow, Kyunghyun's skills are so good." "Why are you so vulgar? What's wrong with being homo?" "You're really crazy. Are you criticizing me?" ... (Myungha kisses Tak Junho) " Ah fu— You damn faggot!" "We both kissed. I'm not the only one who's homo. You're homo too~" "You did it yourself, you faggot!" "Ah, our Junho keeps saying 'homo'. Tss, slurs are forbidden." "Shut up, you faggot." "If you call me homo one more time, I can steal your lips for real. (Junho is silent) Ha, afraid you'll be robbed?"
Honestly, I like the translation in subs this time, I just wanted to give you a more technical version (and to show you the difference, because in Gaga subs the f slur is also used by Myungha but it's not exactly that)
So, as far as I noticed, the slur in Korean is a derivative from the term "homosexual" - thanks to the similar sounding, it became "homosekki" (from sekki - asshole, bastard, bitch etc). This is the word Junho keeps using in almost every sentence. And the socially accepted common term is now "gay" (at least, the cast and couple from Korean reality dating show "His Man 2" refers to themselves as 'gay' and not 'homo').
Myungha uses the original term, just "homo", which also gained a negative connotation but doesn't include a 'sekki' swearword. So he keeps saying "homo" to talk back in the language Junho used, only less derogatory. We'll see later but it's amazing, because both Myungha and Sangwon confidently used this word about themselves (Sangwon even went further and proudly reclaimed the slur itself).
Still, Myungha did threaten gangster Junho not to even call him "homo" or any similar terms. And here's the moment which made me laugh: in the next scene with Sangwon, Junho was angry ranting about Myungha, but he caught himself using the slur "homosekki" and quickly changed to the modern and neutral term "gay". LOL
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Which is what Gaga subs failed to show it to us. Again, let's see more technical translation:
"I'll go after Tae Myungha and Ahn Kyunghoon soon, just so you know. Those fa– Those gay bastards must die. That fucker Tae Myungha kissed me in the lips, shit. Isn't it fucked up? It was disgusting." (Sangwon, pouting) "Wow, really? It must've been nice." "Jeez, you asshole. You're not a victim so you dare talking shit." "I'm being serious, though?" (Junho, appalled) "What the hell are you talking about? You're not a faggot." "I am a faggot, though?"
One, why is it so funny that the first reaction Sangwon had, hearing about Myungha kissing someone in a fight, was: awww :( i wish it was me :((( you so lucky :((
Second, it's hilarious how the gangster ends up the ONLY person who ever uses nice and modern term "gay" once in this show because our protagonists both hit him back with the derogatory terms (Sangwon even attached the slur to himself, when he only liked girls before falling in love with Myungha at first sight, what a legend).
Let's wrap it up with slurs and check out another small detail: informal speech in Korean.
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(Sangwon to Myungha)"Why would we fight here?" (Yeowoon to Sangwon)"Hey, watch your tone (don't use informal speech)" "Was I talking like that with you?" "Talk curt (informally) only with me." "I'm already being curt (talking informally) with you."
This one is definitely a cultural thing that always gets lost in translation (but "being curt" is a nice way of putting it). There are two general styles of speech in Korean: Formal (존댓말, jondemal) and Informal (반말, banmal). Of course, it's a lot more complicated in the language, but I'll paint briefly the differences that are pointed out in the scene.
I talked in previous posts about properly addressing your senior in korean (usually by title/position). To convey respect to your senior, you also use 요 (yo) at the end of the sentences – and both Sangwon and Yeowoon talk politely to Myungha. UNTIL Sangwon uses the rude version of a question, without polite ending ("Why would we fight here?"), to which Yeowoon protests and tells Sangwon that it's banmal, informal speech, and he should only use it with him.
Because with your friends, same age people (Yeowoon and Sangwon in this case) or people younger than you, it's normal to use their names with different intonations (Think Myungha's "Yeowoon-ah, Yeowoon-ie") and talk informally.
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(Yeowoon to Myungha) "I asked who it was." "You're being curt (that's an informal speech)".
Fast forward – Yeowoon loses patience and demands Myungha "I asked who it was", question without polite ending as well. To which Myungha cheekily says "that was an informal speech", reminding Yeowoon of his own remark to Sangwon.
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Fast forward again – and now I have to take back my previous statement from another post that Yeowoon never called Myungha by his name because I found the rare case of him doing it xD
"Tae Myungha is so frustrating." "You're speaking informally more often these days."
Again, a youngster! calling his senior! by his own name! Not using the polite ending! The horrors of informal speech. He's not being too rude but he's sulking therefore he's rebelling. Though I can swear, again, Yeowoon hears Myungha's scolding and resorts back to speaking politely, and from now on, he'll keep using 'senior'.
If you survived until the end of this post, congratulations! The second half probably wasn't needed but in case you're learning Korean or you want to know why these seemingly normal phrases are being considered "curt" out of nowhere, I hope you understand it now a little bit better :)
// Previous messages translation + other language moments here //
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seretoningghost · 9 months
Tomura Shigaraki x Male Reader
Warnings : Belt play, breath play, overstimulation, masochism, light sadism (but its just Y/N enjoying the other kinks and enjoying giving them to Shigaraki)
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Idk why he gives me so much inspo, I swear I have other fics in the works like Mezo and Tamaki - I swear😭
Today's Tomura's Vibe song has to be Animal by Mindless Self Indulgence.
Powerbottom Y/N
Here Tomura was again, laying on the bed - legs hanging off the bed, feet planted on the ground, pants barely halfway down his thighs.
His belt ripped from its loops, and instead secured around his throat - buckled and squeezing.
Tomura's vision went hazy, tongue lolled, chin dribbling with spit.
Eyes lovestruckenly staring up at Y/N, who was moaning lovely above him - not even looking at him with the bliss from riding his poor denied cock.
Y/N kept the belt taught, listening to Tomura gasp and gargle for breath - but grinning internally as Y/N could feel Tomura's cock throb strongly with each gasp inside him.
One of Tomura's hands held tight to the fine leather belt, unable to relieve some of the tension to even sneak a breath - not like he wanted to anyways.
And his right death gripping on Y/Ns hip, fingers digging into the sexy flesh.
This time Tomura had said something along the lines of finding leadership sexy, and Y/N had to put him in his place - beneath his form.
Y/N had to make sure that despite to everyone elses knowledge - that Tomura was not in charge here.
Tomura always loved to tease Y/N - and get his very own belt used on him.
Tomura even bought a fancy belt with tightening brackets that go the full length of the belt so it could secure around his neck.
Instead of with every bounce of Y/N's hot hips - untightening slightly.
"F-Fuck..." Tomura whimpered, eyes pricking with tears, cock twitching wildly.
The dolly pink hearted cock ring around his straining cock keeping him from ejaculating right then again, just like it had all night.
Tomura knew it was fruitless to beg for release - Y/N was a real powerbottom, and didnt stop until he was satisfied.
Tomura's cock was slowly but surely getting uncomfortable - and raw, it ached and longed to fill Y/N's blazing hot tight insides with his load, but couldn't.
But he was getting more and more addicted to the sensation the more times they did this.
Tomura's eyes got a tad too murky, a soft gasp left his lips, Y/N noticed - looking down and smiling softly.
Moaning softly as he gently slowed down, giving Tomura's belt slack.
Tomura let out a long moan, taking in several panting breaths.
Both oxegyn finally running to his brain and cock - but the man is driven by the cock.
His head throbbed with the impending heavy hangover like headache for tomorrow - and he could more clearly feel the overstimulation in his limb buried deep inside Y/N.
"A-ah-...!" Shigaraki whined.
But now instead gripped tight onto Y/Ns hips, letting out soft panty "ah"s as he made shallow but rather quick thrusts up into Y/N.
Y/N grinning as he pushed his hips down into the thrusts.
Shigaraki's eyes swelled with tears, it hurt, but hurt good.
Shigaraki was at this point only being fueled by the sensation consuming and radiating from his cock.
The vessel for pleasure throbbing harshly inside of Y/N - much to Y/N's enjoyment.
"Y-Y/N~... Y/N~! I-I w-wanna cu-M!" Shigaraki was cut off as Y/N pulled taught on the belt.
Shigaraki loosing his breath and letting out a pleasured cracky squeak, cock throbbing intensely - he would have came just then.
Y/N grinned wildly, recalling how fun it was to ride him with the belt without the cock ring - Shiggy came so much when they did that, but he rarely lasted half the time the duo had been at it currently.
Shigaraki gasped lovingly, gripping tight onto Y/Ns hips, mind being consumed with the desire to pump Y/N full.
Whining animalistically Shigaraki's back arched up, chest heaving as he audibly sucked in air.
Y/N grinned, wrapping the belt around his clenched fist - his hand hardly being 6" from Shigaraki's face.
Tomura's eyes dilated to finally get his sexy hand in view - but once he did - a grin cracked on Shigaraki face.
"O-OhhhHhhhh~" Shigaraki groaned brokenly, cock throbbing again.
If his hardened nipples weren't noticable from under his black shirt before - now they were.
Shigaraki was without a doubt - if he wasn't before - in love.
Shigaraki would be slobbering over Y/N's hand gripped around the belt if it were close enough and still choking him - or be taking Y/Ns cock in his mouth.
"S-Sadist-i-ic p-puppy~" Shigaraki whimpered, tilting his head back slightly.
Y/N moaned, grinning as he leaned forward slightly, getting in Shigaraki's view again.
Tugging on the belt - Shigaraki's eyes dilated again, focusing on Y/N's face.
"Shiggy~ ohh~... Your doing s-so g-gooood for me~.." Y/N purred.
Tomura groaned weakly back, cock throbbing, the demeaning nickname got his rocks off so bad.
If he could be both complimented and degraded in one sentance with it seeming natural - he got so fucking hard.
Y/N sat up fully again, biting his lip - his own cock throbbing.
His prostate was being berated with Tomura's large size.
Y/N whimpered softly, wrapping his free hand tightly around the base of his cock - it throbbing madly in his hand.
Y/N drastically slowed, and gave slack to the belt.
"S-Shiggy~? You ready to cum baby~?" Y/N whimpered, biting his lip and shuddering.
It took a moment but Shigaraki's eyes cleared, giving a stressed loud whimper - nodding frantically.
"Y-Yea-Yeah!" He blurted raspily.
It hurt his throat to talk - but that wouldnt stop him from being verbal during sex.
His cock throbbed wildly.
"Okay~.... Hold back for me babe~.." Y/N whined, pulling off of Shigaraki's cock panting.
Shigaraki simply groaned, feeling his release get dangerously close as Y/N slowly slipped the ring strangling his cock.
But Tomura knew the punishment - he tried his very best to hold it back.
Cock throbbing with a cold pulsation as blood steadily flowed back to his red cock.
Y/N whimpered, seeing the poor sexy cock - wanting to give it a deserved stroke, but knew Tomura would burst then.
"A bit longer Shiggy~.. Your doing soooo good~...." Y/N whined, sitting down on the cock again.
Savoring each raw inch that filled his tight ass.
Finally down to the hilt, the duo panted - both of them staving off orgasm.
Y/N moaned softly, beginning to slowly bounce of Shigaraki's cock.
Y/N got to a medium pace, moaning loudly as he gripped his hand onto his cock.
"C-Cum!" Y/N moaned, instantly pulling taught on the belt.
Shigaraki groaned brokenly, dick throbbing wildly against Y/N's moving walls as he finally released his large load.
Eyes fogging over again he whimpered and moaned strained, clawing onto Y/N's hips like Y/N was the only thing keeping him alive.
Humping up into Y/Ns thrusts.
His orgasm felt like heaven, but soon another overwhelming orgasm rushed over his quivering cock.
Y/N mewling as he let go of his own cock - thick ropes of cum staining Shigaraki's shirt - even getting some on Shigaraki's cheek.
Y/N shuddering lovingly at the hot feeling seeping into him, quickly spreading throughout his insides, pooling into him.
"O-OooHhh~ agAin~!" Y/N whimpered, back arching like a slut.
Shigaraki's arching as well, as if he even heard Y/N ask, he was too long gone in pleasure.
Groaning lowly as he released another load, cock getting much more overstimulated now.
Whimpering and huffing now, out of breath as it stung - but he couldn't get enough of Y/N.
Still hard as a diamond, and throbbing wildly he kept at it.
Y/N's spine wracked with euphoria as Shigaraki kept going, moaning loudly as his cock bobbed - squirting another load messily over Tomura's shirt.
Y/N bit his tongue, groaning loudly as he grabbed tight hold of his cock - fisting his dick madly as he milked his throbbing member.
The two simply whimpered loudly and moaned, Tomura groaning loudly as he let out a orgasm laced with painful overstimulation after.
Tomura kept going however - as he was slowly softening - watching Y/N rub one more out.
Y/N moaning loudly, throwing his head back as he came again.
Shigaraki slowly pacing down as Y/Ns hips stopped moving.
Stopping - panting loudly as Y/N released his belt - his cock steadily softening inside of Y/N.
Tomura's dick throbbed wildly.
The two sat in silence, panting and enjoying eachother.
Finally Y/N sat up a bit straighter.
"You did sooooo good Shiggy~." Y/N cooed affectionately, smiling.
"Y-yeAh...." Shigaraki crackedly whispered, smiling.
"You oWe me Lots of lEMon wAter..."
"Yeah? Well your the one who buys sexy belts like these~..." Y/N grinned, teasing as he twirled the end of the belt.
Shigaraki turned red.
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jupitervortexx · 5 months
Hitorijime My Hero manga extras
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
My Hero Academia: CPR + BLS
You know, Pro-Hero is probably one of those professions where it's mandatory to know CPR and Basic Life Support. Because after the villain's been taken out or all the people have been evacuated from a disaster zone, the Pros and their sidekicks are definitely the first responders until the paramedics arrive on scene.
And the idea that Aizawa, Endeavor, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Hawks, Ryukyu, everyone has to re-certify every two years is really, really hilarious to me. It's just so absurdly mundane.
If your job doesn't require CPR certification, let me break this down for you: You sit for two hours give or take, watch a video that's you've probably seen before, maybe take a brief test, and demonstrate that you can in fact perform CPR on a mannequin as well show you can use an AED kit and maybe demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver, and then you wait for an email that has your certification cards. It's tedious and the information doesn't change very much, but it is essential to review, so you suck it up and you be as diligent as you can because there could absolutely come a day where you will be in an emergency situation and need to use these skills. Nonetheless, you really just want to get on with the written and practical tests and get out of there.
That said...Hawks is definitely an annoying prick who keeps asking questions just to purposefully draw out the session.
Kaminari would probably bring snacks, suddenly start choking, and become the unwitting live demonstration.
Iida studied beforehand, took notes throughout, and then got way too into the practical exam. (Because you are often acting out a simulation to prove you are adhering to proper safety measures.)
Mineta...can he even...?
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pridewhatpride · 9 months
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Officially nearing the end!!! POs will close very very soon!
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They are currently still available here!
Expand for a peek at the real thing ;)
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mickeykipper · 3 months
Here's this week's Doujinshis. It's a bnha one! Hawks and Dabi are reincarnated in a new world with their memories still intact. They learn to forgive and fall in love again
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Also can't forget the kiss!
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Djs Name:平和な世界に転生したら兄の親友が前世の天敵だった件
Circle Name: 犬も鳴く程高周波
Creator Name: 煮ルda
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heretherebedork · 3 months
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I love Ever 9 and his newly emerged fashion and how pink is absolutely his favorite color @respectthepetty.
Bonus: Boy planned both their looks!
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Vegaspete x The Wicked King by Holly Black
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absolutebl · 7 months
BL recs (from any country) that don't have any s*x scenes? I'm too ace to enjoy them at all. Happy ending preferred, angst v welcome:)
BLs Without Sex Scenes
Oof, this is a hard one. Is a dead fish kiss okay? I do have a heat sorting on the spreadsheet of doom, and there are some with no kissing at all, but a dead fish kiss is in most of the HEA ones.
BLs with No Kisses
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21 Days Theory (Thailand, YouTube) - the only thing I didn't like about this pulp was the fact that they don't kiss, so... yeah, this is my first pick for you. Very YA first love angsty, fantastic queer rep and side characters. RECOMMENDED
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My Esports Genius Brother (China, Gaga?) - it's hella odd censored bromance but enjoyable. No real angst tho.
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HIStory My Hero (Taiwan, Viki) - basically a BL with no sex or kissing, but also body-swap so is it BL? I can't remember the end but I think it's happy?
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Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan, ????) - this 2017 yaoi adaptation is a full on BL just no kissing at all. The source manga (I Hear the Sunspot) is a favorite of mine and the casting was decent. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for you (but not in general). Grey only.
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Love of Siam (Thailand, ????) ALL THE ANGST, I'm pretty sure the most they do is hug, I could be v wrong though because too sad for me to ever rewatch. Very formative to the Thai BL industry.
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The Lover (BL cut) (Korea ????) sometimes you can find the BL cut on YT, it has slapstick comedic sexualized moments that are maybe a little homophobic (or something), no actual sex or kissing, but no angst at all. (Korea's working some shizz out with this early offering.)
Kabe Koji AKA Kabesaa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shounin Yokkyuu wo Kojirasete iru (Japan, Viki) - I watched this and I was excited about it before it aired, but I seem to have expunged it from my memory and kept no screen caps in annoyance, so that's all I got.
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Love in Spring AKA Spring of Crush (Korea, ????) - a crossdressing historical that flew utterly under the radar. I decided it just wasn't really BL, but it has BL aspects and it's kinda a little queer... or something. Grey only.
Evening Cafe (Thai pulp, YouTube) - No heat and no kisses, but a decent lead pair, about a boy who works in a cafe and the new employee who has a crush on him. That’s it, that's the whole story.
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea, Viki) - Has no kissing and many people found it really good as @isisanna-blog reminded me, thank you). It certainly has ALL THE ANGST. (I did not like it at all, but I'm a terrible judge of this kind of BL.)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? (Japan ???) - this is such a lovely show, very warm and comforting and slice of life. There is very little angst, they too old for that shit, but little to no sexual content either. It's very warm and loving. A safe extremely yet queer show - and oh boy do we not get many of those. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Censored Bromances
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So No Kisses (TM) for the gays but the hets might do stuff I didn't pay attention to. All these from China. Some happy, most not.
The Untamed
Word of Honor
SCI Mysteries
Stay With Me AKA Addicted 2.0 (I never watched this so there may be rough play)
Mr CEO Falling in Love With Me
The Fairy Fox
Youth in the Breeze
Precise Shot
Advance Bravely
His Cat AKA His Cat Boyfriend
The Male Queen: Han Zi Gao
The "Ghost Boyfriend" series
Past Youth
I Go To School Not By Bus (Hong Kong short)
Recommended Shorts with no kisses, but cute & fun
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The 8.2 Second Rule (Japan YouTube)
One Last Order (Korea, Gaga)
Love Advisor (Thailand, YouTube)
BLs with Dead Fish Kisses (maybe? only one, if any)
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His the series: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love (Japan ????) - (NOT His the movie) this one has all the angst you could want in your whole life. ALL OF IT. Japan wins at emo, it's their THING.
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Cherry Magic AKA 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii AKA Cheri Maho (Japan ????) - there's sort of some bed tussling and implied sex but you could imagine them just being snuggles for the mains, the sides have dead fish kiss. In general there's some angst but not much. It's fluffy and great. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Bonus: overt ace representation for one of the side characters.
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Meow Ears Up (Thailand Viki) - sides may kiss? I enjoyed this pulp especially at the start, the premise is fun. I think my biggest complaint was lack of kissing.
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My Love Mix Up AKA Kieta Hatsukoi (Japan Viki), a case could be made for a demi seme in this BL. So much frenetic angst around bisexual identity crisis. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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My Ride (Thailand Gaga) - my favorite Thai BL pulp the sides have a good kiss and the mains do kiss but it's v dead fish, not at all sexual, and it comes at the very end. Otherwise extremely chaste, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this BL, queer and complex and engaging.
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I Want to See Only You AKA Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan ????) - This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. The only kiss is the one pictured above, v dead fish. Full review here.
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding (Korea WeTV) - 12th Night goes BL in this cross dressing historical that ended up feeling like a Cinderfella fairy tale, lightly dramatic and utterly charming. Full review. There is one dead fishy kiss at the end but it's otherwise aggressively pure.
If you like this last style of KBL (with a kiss at the end being okay, I have quite a few more to recommend). Until 2022, most KBLs only had one dead fish kiss in them, so you are pretty safe with pre 2022 KBLs. They tend to be quite chaste and de-sexualized. Other good examples: Wish You, Light on Me.
That's all folx.
Some of the above I may be misremembering (since I don't rewatch this kind of BL and my memory is shit). And I may have forgotten some too, so I hope comments with jump in.
Others to consider:
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endlesspoetsblog · 4 months
Here I am writing another beautiful post with all you need in it.
Best BAKUDEKU Doujinshi so far~ I’ll keep the list uploaded 🙏🏻
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This one is hilarious yet beautiful written https://myreadingmanga.info/iidako-raccoon-dog-and-fox-my-hero-academia-dj-eng/
ACCURATE PLOT/ probability
So far the best plot I’ve found (pretty accurate and can be canon if they were/ are gay):
Sweet/Funny + 🌶️
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masakousuke · 8 months
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Quiet hours...
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anfeva · 9 months
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impromptu-sketches · 8 months
Hello... Can I ask for BL recs that have this tropes : Age Gap, Height Difference, Teacher/ Student Relationships? It can be one of these tropes or mix of them...
Sorry if my taste seems a lil problematic, thanks if you want to reply....
Thank you for the ask ♡
I haven't read many teacher/student stories, but here are some I recommend that may fit that dynamic:
Hitorijime My Hero | student x teacher, height difference
Caligula no Koi | student x teacher, younger top/dom
Junjou Romantica | student x tutor, age gap, height difference
The Origin of Species | age gap, size difference
Limited Run | director x actor, age gap, height difference
Don't Get Me Wrong, Boss! | boss x employee, age gap, size difference
Pian Pian | boss x employee, age gap, size difference
Mother's Spirit | tutor/guide x foreigner, size difference, younger top
Love so Pure | size difference (side couple: age gap, size difference)
On or Off | older director x younger new employee, height difference
Anemone Theater | slight age gap, size difference
Jinx | age gap, size difference, younger top
Stranger | age gap, younger top
Lover Boy | age gap, younger top
Sign | boss x employee, age gap, height difference
Dangerous Convenience Store | age gap, size difference
The New Recruit | boss x employee, age gap, size difference
Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta / I Didn't Mean to Fall in Love | age gap
Miscreants and Mayhem | age gap, father figure, younger top
My Purrfect Boss! | boss x employee, age gap, younger top
Under the Green Light | gang boss x art student, age gap, younger top
Twittering Birds Never Fly | yakuza boss x employee/bodyguard, age gap, younger top
I like younger tops lol ¯\(ツ)/¯
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