#Mortgage News
bankermatch · 1 year
One day, a mortgage branch manager woke up feeling frustrated and defeated. His loans had not closed on time, causing him to lose two clients, and he was still waiting to get paid on a few loans that had closed weeks ago. Desperate for a change, he decided to go on the hunt for new opportunities.
He reached out to various mortgage companies on LinkedIn, but received very few responses and a couple of low ball offers. Disheartened, he turned to BankerMatch, a recruiting company that uses AI technology to match professionals with top mortgage lenders in the industry.
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To his surprise, he received offers from dozens of top mortgage lenders after using BankerMatch's AI technology. He was thrilled to find an amazing compensation plan and PNL model, as well as a very high sign-on bonus.
With the help of BankerMatch's AI technology and the best human negotiators in the industry, he was able to secure the most aggressive deal possible. And with his dream job in hand, he lived happily ever after.
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mfi-miami · 1 year
Does UWM Have A Hostile Work Culture Problem?
Does UWM Have A Hostile Work Culture? Bloomberg Reports That It Does. However, UWM Disputes The Claims Does UWM have a hostile work culture problem? A scathing story published Wednesday by Bloomberg claims it does. The story depicts United Wholesale Mortgage Holdings Corp.’s workplace culture as hostile. The report is ripe with allegations of sexual harassment, drug use and racial…
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bestandfree · 1 year
Carrington mortgage under investigation 10 guide
Carrington mortgage under investigation 10 guide
Carrington Mortgage Under Investigation The U.S. Department of Justice announced on September 12, 2018, that it has opened an investigation into the carrington mortgage lending practices of Countrywide Financial Corporation and its former subsidiary, Merrill Lynch. The investigation is looking into whether the companies engaged in discriminatory lending practices against black and Latino…
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retrogamingblog2 · 5 months
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crehador · 6 months
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that's my dream ending tbh
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godduh · 2 months
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i am so normal about them (i'm not)
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backslashdelta · 2 months
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
So I know this isn't anything that like actually needs an apology but it'll make me feel a bit better to say it. Oof whoops this ABoT chapter is super late. Timing kinda sucks since I wanted to have some updates out while s3 was airing but
Been kinda mega busy and stressed since October with the whole condo buying thing which rolled right into immediate day 0 plumbing and boiler issues I had to get fixed and general moving hassle and financial commitment stress and I kinda just fried myself hard. Plus then acclimating to a new place without my familiar street or familiar grocery store or familiar room or any of that. Like there's no "just go home and take your mind off it" to this cuz home is the "it". So I'm just kinda enduring until I can calm the hell down.
And anyway I definitely have progress on ch47, like 7000-ish words of it, but it's the kind of like "there is writing there" and hasn't exactly hit the "there is substance there" that I want ABoT chapters to be. Like this in particular is a chapter I want to be good, not just be done. So it's taking time to get my brain somewhere that can do that.
#anyway#i mean just in case anyone was like wondering if its discontinued to anything#its still going i just can't make it Good quite yet#(plus i need to get furniture cuz as it stands the place is really quite empty and bare except for like my room and the kitchen)#(also the bank had my address wrong so they havent been able to send me any of the mortgage information which was technically due already)#(ive been in contact with them but it's a whole thing)#(plus im still not quite finished with all the utility switching. i still need to get water in my name)#(and the boiler issue fucked up my gas bill so now ive got a crazy high gas bill i just need to... pay)#(i have actually started seeing a therapist but thats a whole other Thing now figuring out insurance and deductables and using my HSA#account and just... it's a lot)#(oh also my homeowner's insurance policy number doesn't actually work for getting me into the online portal. and the geico guy said he was#looking into it but I havent heard anything in a while)#(its a lot im just gonna melt for a while i guess)#(plus all the upfront stress has made it really hard to associate the new place as 'home' instead of 'place of great many plumbing evils')#(i sat on like 4 million couches this week and the only one i really really like probably doesn't quite fit in my living room)#(the downstairs neighbors tv is too loud and i need to talk to her about it in a way which isn't 'hey im holding on by a thread and this#one small inconvenience is the thing which is making me turn into ash')#(oh thats right i have to go pay my january HOA dues...)#(oh also I need to file for the owner-occupied tax exemption thing now that its 2023)#anyway......... ill be normal eventually. im just not normal right now.#chrissy speaks
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in-styx · 1 year
Not really Dc/Dp but I cannot get it out of my head
The general supernatural public keep trying to do soul contracts and stuff for favors and like… most of the cultists already gave him their souls, and if you’re dead but not yet a ghost he kind of already has your soul unless it’s already been sold to a different buyer before you died yknow
But they need something for the contract to be binding, so he tries to make it easy when he wants someone’s help. So sometimes it’s just, like, a dollar. He doesn’t have high standards.
The problem is, for the people who actually appreciate his help, they feel like that’s not appropriate and started up-charging their own contracts. So for the ghosts that understand money, they start doing heists for him. A lot.
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lifewithaview · 2 months
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Elizabeth Montgomery and Agnes Moorehead in Bewitched (1964) Be It Ever So Mortgaged
Despite it being a stretch on his and Samantha's finances, Darrin finds a house for them to purchase, which irks Endora, who doesn't understand why Samantha would agree to such Earthly confines. Regardless, on Samantha's urging, Endora accompanies her to view the house, which is unfurnished, and as it is newly built, the property is not landscaped. Endora sees the situation as being drab, while Samantha sees it as a blank canvass upon which she and Darrin, using their hard earned mortal cash, can buy the necessary furniture and seeds/plants to make the house their home. But that doesn't stop both Samantha and Endora using a little witchcraft to experiment with both exterior and interior design options. Their witchcraft causes a bit of an issue with Samantha and Darrin's potential neighbor, the busybody Gladys Kravitz, who sees a landscaped yard and furnished interior, and then not.
*Endora reads a magazine, entitled "Harpies Bizarre" - a play on the magazine 'Harper's Bazaar'.
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galerymod · 3 months
A myth (more rarely mythus, obsolete mythe, plural myths, from ancient Greek μῦθος, "sound, word, speech, tale, legendary story, tale", Latin mythus) is in its original meaning a narrative. In religious myths, the existence of humans is linked to the world of gods or spirits.
Myths claim validity for the truth they assert. This claim to truth has been criticised since the Greek Enlightenment by the pre-Socratics (e.g. Xenophanes, around 500 BC). For the Sophists, myth stands in contrast to logos, which attempts to justify the truth of its assertions through rational evidence.
In a broader sense, myth also refers to people, things or events of high symbolic significance or simply a false idea or lie*.
For example, the adjective "mythical" is often used in colloquial language as a synonym for "fabulous-vague, fabulous or legendary".
How can it be that a man who describes himself in public as a successful businessman worth billions cannot pay a financial penalty and that someone wants to vouch for him?
Trump can't pay 450 million dollars
In February, former US President Trump was fined 450 million dollars in New York for fraud. Now his lawyers have announced: Trump cannot pay. According to his lawyers, former US President Donald Trump is currently unable to guarantee payment of a fine of more than 450 million dollars from a fraud trial. Despite great efforts and negotiations with around 30 companies, it has not yet been possible to obtain such a guarantee, according to a letter from his legal team to the competent court in New York. Several US media outlets unanimously quote from the letter, arguing that it would be "practically impossible" to make the payment on time.
Trump has received a refusal from 30 bail companies, according to a letter from his lawyers to an appeals court on Monday. Many would not provide collateral in excess of 100 million dollars and would not accept real estate as collateral.
Forbes magazine estimates the property entrepreneur's total assets at 2.6 billion dollars. Trump recently stated that his cash assets totalled around 400 million dollars.
"I thought he was a billionaire? Is he lying to the public or the court?" Law professor Andrew Weissmann poses the question of questions on X in relation to Donald Trump's liquidity: How much is there to the image of the self-made billionaire?
How much money does Trump himself have?
Last year, Trump testified in court that he had a cash fortune of around 400 million US dollars. The latest legal documents indicate that he does not have anywhere near that amount of money at his disposal, Professor of Business Law Will Thomas from the University of Michigan. However, he and the Trump Organisation would have significantly more assets at their disposal. His largest asset holdings are tied up in property. If Trump is unable to pay in other ways, he could be forced to sell some of his properties, according to Professor Thomas. His lawyers want to prevent this and warn that Trump would have no way of buying them back if he is successful with his appeal.
Where could the money come from?
Without liquid funds, there are two options for Trump to prevent enforcement for the time being.
Guarantees: A guarantee would probably be the only solution for him. This would allow him not to have to sell anything for the time being. At the same time, guarantors require collateral and often only accept cash or shares in return - not property. Trump also needs to find someone who is prepared to guarantee an enormous sum of over 550 million dollars.
Donations or campaign funds: He is also receiving support from private sources, but the sums are nowhere near enough. Trump supporters are collecting money for him on the internet, with over a million private donations having been collected so far.
Again and again, it is also about money from Trump's election campaign. Federal law prohibits Trump from using campaign funds for personal purposes. However, it is legally unclear to what extent campaign money from political action committees (PACs) and funds from the Republican National Committee (RNC) fall under this. But even these funds would be far from sufficient.
If he loses the aura of the successful billionaire self-made businessman, he also loses his aura of success.
This kind of legal action would not only be a serious blow to Trump's finances, but also to his image, as he always praises himself as a brilliant businessman.
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The biggest bankruptcies* of Donald Trump
It was always visible to everyone, but as long as you can keep generating capital, the myth can be maintained
Trump Ice
In 1995, Donald Trump founded the Trump Ice Natural Spring Water brand (Trump Ice for short) - his own brand of bottled drinking water. However, the sales figures were not particularly good. After missed payments to the producer and a lawsuit against Trump Ice in this connection, production was discontinued. Today, only bottles with collector's value are sold on eBay and the like.
Trump Steaks
Donald Trump founded his own steak company in 2007. The company was to be dedicated exclusively to selling his favourite food and running a steakhouse in Las Vegas. The prices for the steaks varied between 199 and 999 US dollars. Despite such bargain prices, the company had to close in the same year. The steakhouse was shut down after the health department found 51 health code violations.
Trump University
In 2005, Donald Trump opened "Trump University" - a distance learning university specialising in the real estate industry that was not officially recognised as a university. Enrolment cost up to 35,000 US dollars, but many of the course instructors, who were allegedly selected by Donald Trump himself, often did not have the appropriate qualifications. The school had to be closed down for good in 2011. Thousands of students filed a lawsuit against the former US president, who relented in 2017 and offered a settlement despite his supposed innocence. This was confirmed by the US Court of Appeal in 2018 and secured compensation of USD 25 million for the more than 4,000 ex-students.
New Jersey Generals
In 1984, Donald Trump bought his own football team, the New Jersey Generals. However, they did not play in the famous National Football League, the NFL, but in the smaller offshoot, the United States Football League (USFL). Just one year later, the team was bankrupt and the entire United States Football League with it. Trump had tried with all his might to bring about a merger of the UFSL with the NFL. This prevented Donald Trump from taking over a team in the NFL.
Trump Vodka
According to Donald Trump himself, he does not drink alcohol. However, this did not stop him from launching his own premium vodka on the market in 2005. However, production was discontinued in 2011.
Trump Magazine
Donald Trump made several attempts to land a hit in the luxury magazine segment. After two failed attempts, he launched the quarterly "Trump Magazine" in 2007, which covered topics such as yachts and other toys for the rich. However, the magazine was cancelled in 2009.
In 2006, Donald Trump ventured into a search engine for luxury travel. It included private jets, tickets for exclusive events and supposedly personal recommendations and travel tips from Donald Trump. However, it was shut down again after just one year due to poor reviews.
Trump: The Game
Trump tried twice to establish himself on the board game market with the board game "Trump: The Game", but failed twice. The game is, of course, about money. The game first came onto the market in 1989, but was discontinued shortly after its release. In 2005, he tried a new edition in collaboration with Parker Brothers, but this version also failed.
Trump Shuttle
In 1989, Trump bought his own airline, "Trump Shuttle". The airline was to fly business people back and forth between New York, Boston and Washington. The interior of the Boeing 727 was elegantly furnished with maple panelling and chrome seat belt buckles, and gold fittings were installed in the toilets. However, the luxury was too expensive for the passengers. Three years later, the over-indebted company was sold to US Airways.
Trump Entertainment Resorts
With the company "Trump Entertainment Resorts", Donald Trump operated several casinos in the gambling metropolis of Atlantic City, including: Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza and Trump Marina. All were closed between 1999 and 2016, and the company filed for bankruptcy three times between 2004 and 2014. In 2014, debts are said to have totalled around 1.8 billion US dollars. Trump himself withdrew completely from the company in 2016 and sold his shares to billionaire Carl Icahn.
Trump Mortgage
In April 2006, Donald Trump announced the founding of his own mortgage bank, Trump Mortgage, at a press conference. He predicted a rosy future for his endeavour and that the bank would soon become the largest lender for home loans in the USA. However, as with "Trump Magazine", the timing was not exactly fortunate. Just one year later, the former US president's mortgage bank had to file for insolvency.
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salted-caramel-tea · 5 months
I remember the times you were struggling with dating because none of the guys tried to understand your sexuality. I’m very happy you found someone that does 💖 wish you both all the happiness
(he asked me to move in w him)
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depresseddepot · 22 days
bad news gamers. I think the lesbian at work has a crush on me
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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never-was-has-been · 6 months
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Just rewatched ‘everyone browns out’ (bc of the podcast withdrawals) and now I NEED to see macdennis doing some kinky cop role-play where Mac is arresting Dennis and pushing him up against the wall and handcuffing him etc etc 
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