#Momiji Soma
v-67 · 5 months
6:35 7th January, 2024
Completed watching Fruits basket
And I'm all🥹❤️❤️❤️
I'm also all😭😭😭😭
Yesterday when I saw the episode and I stopped at there to go to sleep
I woke up feeling like I never should've watched this anime, because of the way it made me feel, it made me feel so much and I worried about Kyo being in any way related to Kyoko's death
I didn't want that, and so I worried, and I woke up feeling too much, I thought, yes maybe I should've never watched this, it makes me feel too much
But I did, I continued watching it
And I'm glad I did
And in a way, isn't this show exactly about it?
Don't stop halfway, don't give up, whatever the outcome is, we are ourselves, and we have to accept it
A bad situation is a bad situation, but we can accept it, we can look for the good within it, we can hug our fears, we can choose to do something about everything and do it
Locking away our feelings is the same as locking away a part of you, you might feel trapped, because you trapped a part of yourself away from you
So shouldn't we welcome all of ourselves, and embrace the parts which we want to lock away, because everything needs love, and all of you. Each and every inch of you is deserving of this love.
I love myself, and I accept myself. And I hope that everyone and everything finds themselves and the happiness that awaits them.
I'll make a note of all the words from the show that I hold dear to me, and post them.
I want to remember how this show made me feel
The feelings I feel may fade into the background
But I'll always remember feeling so strongly
I'm happy for everyone
For all of my fictional characters, for the real ones too
And everyday, I'll strive to be a better person, to others and to myself.
One more thing
I always decline when someone talks shit about themselves, but I've realised that me doing that isn't a good thing, it's my way of keeping a positive approach, but sometimes people want to hear about things as they are, and maybe I should do that and listen and understand and still be able to say, "It's okay if it's this way, but it's in your hands to do something about it, I'll be here to help, but you're the one who has to take a step further"
I've also realised from this anime, that I'm always scared or embarrassed to say the word lonely, it feels wrong, I feel ashamed even, it feels pathetic. But it's a feeling and it's okay to feel this way. At times like this, I've to reach out and everything will start feeling okay
I will hold on to these words, the poetic beauty, this anime, this feeling it made me feel, for as much time as I can🫶
When I found out Tohru was hurting as well, when she spoke about how she's not pure too
When she was lonely, when she went through things too, how she shut away parts from herself
I felt, something. Frustration maybe? More of sadness, a feeling of misery, a feeling of why. Why did she feel all of this, why. But not in a way of feeling sad for Tohru, but a way of madness, of feeling like, You can't feel this way.
And I wondered about myself. a lot at that moment.
Tohru to me looked like a happy person, a person who cares about everyone, is a friend, a mother, a family member. And resonating back on what I felt, I feel like I looked at Tohru as a character in that way. And when she broke, it felt like something that should've never happened. Because that is how I see the elder people in my family, the ones I love. So much. I can never imagine how I'd feel if I ever saw them crying, hurt, heartbroken. I don't ever want to see them feel this way. But if ever, such a thing happens, I want to be there, to repair such feelings.
I once saw my uncle almost cry, and I don't ever want to see him like that again. It stays within my mind and my heart clenches, because to me he is a strong mountain.
When she spoke about her feelings, and when she told Akito if she's pure then so Is Akito, I understood a little better of the way I felt
of the things she felt
Of how all of us are human
And how all of us feel lonely
How all of us need love
And how all of us, are all of us
I wasn't planning on writing this much
But, I'm glad I did
Thank you, for creating such a beautiful anime, such wonderful characters.
I'll always be grateful.
One of my most favourite lines from this anime amongst many is 'She reacts to my emotions with hers.'
I react to your emotions with mine, you may feel different, we may not agree, but you still react to my emotions with yours, ...
I'm writing this from memory, it may be worded differently
But Thankyou, for letting me react with my emotions, for making me feel them
I'm grateful.
Tohru Honda
Kyo Sohma
Yuki Sohma
Momiji Sohma
Arisa Uotani
Saki Hanajima
Kyoko san
Kazuma Sohma (shisho)
Hatsuharu Sohma
Rin Sohma
Kisa Sohma
Hiro Sohma
Ritsu Sohma
Kagura sohma
Ayame sohma
Hatori sohma
Kureno sohma
Shigure Sohma
Akito Sohma
Natsuki Takaya
Fruits basket🌻🫶
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readtilyoudie · 6 months
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Fruits Basket Vol 2 (Omnibus 1)
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Fruits Basket Masterlist 🐱🐭🍙
Jealousy ~ Yuki x Reader
Matching Rings ~ Haru x Reader
“See you soon.” ~ Kagura x Reader
“I fucked up.” ~ Hatori & Shigure x Reader ||suggestive||
Star-gazing ~ Isuzu x Reader
Book Nerd ~ Kyo x Reader
Yoo~ Yuki! ~ Yuki x Reader
Rainy Secrets ~ Haru x Reader
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shigures-house · 1 year
Momiji Sohma shipping poll
To celebrate that I can do polls now, a Momiji shipping poll
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dashythroughthesnow · 2 years
my cousin, who is watching fruits basket for the first time after i convinced her to join me in rewatching it, just pointed out something i can never unsee
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An analysis of Momiji's parents (yes, you read that right, bear with me, this is not absolving them completely, but will perhaps help you understand them better!)
Note: Momiji's one of my favourite Fruits Basket characters and one of my favourite characters in general so please don't think I don't appreciate how incredibly painful, traumatizing, and lonely his childhood experiences are. I am not at all denying that what his parents put him through was traumatizing.
We all know Tohru, her friends, family, and especially the Zodiacs are complex, believable (once you peel back the layers of eccentricities and the influence of their Zodiac animal spirits) people, but it seems many do not expect their parents to be so, too. While it's true most hardly appear on-screen/on-panel and therefore come off as a bit one-note and the story is, after all, mostly from the perspective of children going through adolescence (so we also see pivotal, powerful moments like them finally becoming strong enough to realize these abusive parents and relatives, who once seemed insurmountable and bigger-than-life, are in reality, so small, weak, and have their own struggles... or that terrible moment where Kyo realized his father was speaking to him the same way he always spoke to his mother, always shifting blame and breaking people's spirits with undue blame and finally understood why his mother had done what she did)...
Momiji's mother, curse aside, exhibits very, very clear signs of a real psychological condition, the milder and more famous form known as baby blues (low mood after giving birth, difficulty bonding with and caring for a child, lasting one or two weeks, often treated with support and understanding from family), and its more severe representations, which Momiji's mother exhibited, much-less-understood and far-more-stigamtized, post-partum depression.
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I believe there is a strong, but ignorant, form of ableism in bashing Momiji's mother, because she is very, very clearly a case of post-partum depression, leading to a suicide attempt, that never received the help she needed, likely due to either social stigma (remember, the Soma are a very powerful, elite, and secretive clan) or, more likely, due to her and her husband's strong belief in the curse.
People often idealize mothers and motherhood, even pregnancy, leaving many of its serious risks and dangers unspoken about, even though we have long-known women often used to die in childbirth, particularly in the past, before the advances of modern medicine. Still, some risk is inherent to pregnancy, due to the many changes it brings about in the body and the effects of the fluctuating hormones--which can also affect one's sanity and mental state.
Unlike the very temporary baby blues, postpartum depression is much more severe and even dangerous untreated and without understanding and support from the family to care for the child when the mother is unable... failing to bond with the baby, rejecting them, and even thoughts of harming herself or the baby--Momiji's mother had untreated postpartum depression.
Now, the reason I say they likely didn't treat her more because of the belief in the curse and how inevitable it is than the fear of stigma (which is unfortunately common throughout Japanese society and many eastern/Asian societies, like mine, where any form of mental illness is severely stigmatized and people will shun you as a "crazy person," refuse to marry or hire such a person, avoiding them, discriminating against them, etc.--this is likely why all of these kids in Fruits Basket had to overcome their past on their own, with Tohru's help...) is because Momiji's father was clearly not that kind of man to care about what others think, despite the deeply traditional society and old-fashioned clan.
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Think about it, Momiji (while still small and childlike, due to the stronger influence of the rabbit spirit, when the curse was still strong and largely unbroken) dressed in frilly, childish, and even girlish Lolita-inspired articles of clothing. Even when he's older, he's quite fashionable, he just no longer dresses cutesy or frilly, but he still wears that bunny backpack and has tons of bunny plushies.
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Momiji did seem to understand he couldn't get away with it anymore when he finally looked his age, although it's hard to tell if that's from his father or from society at large (maybe Momiji is a little more sensitive to that than his father or he simply wants to be recognized as the man he's growing up to be, in faint hopes that Tohru would love him back? Momiji was so happy when she called him "handsome"... "but I'm a man too")--given how they gave him flack at school for wearing the female uniform's top, even though he wore boyish shorts underneath and added a sailor hat--the a sailor suit, which yeah, was originally for boys, but that top was tailored for the female school uniform in Tohru's school...
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A boy getting to dress like that might happen under a mother's care, but a father? Momiji at this point is raised only by his father, who promised to love him twice as much to make up for the terrible sacrifice he is about to make (erase Momiji from his wife's memories, so she can be rid of her knowledge of the cursed child she bore and never loved...).
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I believe he truly did try. Someone had to have bought Momiji all of those cutesy clothes, the bunny bags, the many bunny plushies in his room... I think his father did his best to indulge him, but was still too weak and cowardly to fight against the curse. The curse was seen as something powerful, all-consuming, mysterious, and he likely did not believe getting his wife help otherwise, while keeping this child near her, would do any good. He's still a very weak-willed person for placing such a terrible weight on his very young child's shoulders and I'm less sympathetic to Momiji's father, but I definitely believe he truly did try to love and indulge Momiji more, while still afraid of the curse and so keeping his family away from him. That's why he didn't even want Momiji showing his face around them and, heartbreakingly, told him to quit his violin lessons because Momo was learning from the same teacher within the clan (Soma being as insular a clan as they are, they were likely only learning from one violin teacher who IS part of the clan and lived on the estate, much as the zodiacs only receive treatment from one doctor, Hatori himself...).<-partly conjecture, but based on Hatori being their doctor.
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He likely believed it was all the curse's doing and, maybe, in the world of Fruits Basket, it really was all the curse's doing, because as they mentioned, mothers of zodiac spirits were usually either suffocatingly overprotective or completely rejecting their children--but this doesn't erase that Momiji's mother clearly exhibited nearly all of the signs of a true mental illness and was never treated. She really was depressed to the point of trying to take her own life. There's an ableism in fandom--however born of ignorance of the condition or the young age of the readership and viewership making them unable to empathize with an adult character it might be--but it's clearly there.
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TL;DR: I think a man, from a very old-fashioned and hierarchal clan in a very conservative country as Japan, who would allow his boy to dress the way Momiji does publicly, indulging all his love of rabbits and childish and cute frilly clothes, would would NOT care about the stigma of having a "crazy" wife either and would get her treatment, so I think it truly is because of the fear of the curse and belief that it's something insurmountable and impossible to overcome that prevented it.
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As Momiji grows up, he can speak with his mother, even if only from a distance, without her knowing who he is, and even without knowing, Momo wanted him as her brother... as an adult, Momo knows he's her brother (I haven't read Fruits Basket Another, myself, yet, so I only know that one scene, keep in mind!), so I think, especially as the curse breaks, there's no longer a reason for Momiji to stay away... I don't know if they'd ever tell his mother about all of that (I wonder how immensely guilty she'd feel if she was told after the curse broke, or if she would never be able to bond with him simply because all her memories of him from back then were erased, or if they'd have an easier time bonding without that cloud over them (more like she's adopting him?), or if it'd always be a bit awkward instead, but still pleasant...) <-this last part is all conjecture.
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rohansdisciple · 2 years
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idk how to feel right now, idk if I'm scared or happy that he grew 😭⁉️
he looks so sad too 🥲 .
im at a lost for words , this was literally like whiplash bro what happened 😟 .
anyways I'm finishing this today I'm quite literally done with all of them , so I'll be back later🧍🏾‍♀️.
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deaths-wife · 2 years
**Fruits basket (2019) ending spoilers!!**
I iwas. i was nOT prepared for the ending of fruits basket. The speech Tohru's mom gives in the death flashback?? about living and growing old?? the fact Kyo watched her die??? oh my god Akitos arc?? she was so lonely that whole time?? every single character in that goddamn show has. so much. trauma. send them ALL to therapy PLEASE. I kin Isuzu which is. honestly worrying. and specifically in that scene where she finally accepts Tohru's help and just??? sobs on her????? wow. WOW. AND MOMIJI!!! I honestly wasnt prepared for him to grow up so much in s3 like physically and mentally that poor lil bunny :(( there was a serious lack of Uo-chan and Hanajima in s3 tho ngl bc i absolutely adore those two bitches (Uotani reminds me a lot of Beidou from GI i think bc of the hair, voice, and bad bih attitude so my sapphic ass dEFINITELY has a type oops)
anyway im so glad that everyone got their happy endings but. ngl that show has forever changed me and i will forever love it and ill miss that ill never get to watch it for the first time again. everyone in it grew so much, helped eachother, forgave people, it even addresses when Isuzu doesnt want to forgive Akito when most of the other Sohmas do (understandably, Akito damaged her SO much)
anyway have some of my favourite fruits basket quotes:
"Sure, the idea of forgetting does make me sad- but if that's what it takes, I'll grin and bear it... I do have one thing to ask you- if I forget you, please befriend me again?" - Tohru Honda, S1E2
"People like me cling to kind people. We seek them out. We leech them dry. That’s why I won’t involve anyone else in this. It’s better if I go it alone. I’ll keep running alone. Nobody has to understand me. It’s easier if they hate me. It’s better if I’m all alone. That’s what I decided, and I intend to stick with it. I decided I wouldn’t cry." - Isuzu (Rin) Sohma, ?
"I hate this. This is why I didn't want to get near her. She's that type of person. The type of person who makes me feel this. I wanted to burst into tears. I wanted to run to her, let myself lie in her lap- and surrender my heart to her. I wanted to whine and complain about my weakness. I couldn't do that. People like me lean on, yearn for- and take advantage of kind people.. I'm sorry! I'm going to lean on you- I'm so powerless- I'm so weak. I don't know what to do anymore, I don't know!" - Isuzu (Rin) Sohma, S2E19
"It's scary to be by yourself. It's scary to be- on your own." - (to Isuzu) Tohru Honda, S2E19
"Come on carrots, I don't get what you are so embarrassed about. It's not like I'm asking you to pick up panties for her or something. Jeez." - best girl Uotani :3, ?
"When somebody is important to you, there are times where it can be hard, times when where they may feel lonely… but in the end, it's worth it. Happier, sad, together or apart, my weakness will always be.. Tohru." - best girl Hanajima <3, S1E21
"Just as no matter how hard you try to keep it away, despair will attack you again and again. In the same manner, hope will return to you. Again and again." - Kazuma (Senpai/Master) Sohma, ?
"Even if the world doesn’t need us, we live for the people who do." - Kyoko Honda, ?
"I never thought I’d be praised. I never thought that day would come. I’m imperfect, warped, defective…and yet here is someone who’s praising me." - Machi Kuragi, ?
"If I keep trying, then someday… I’ll be strong enough that those memories can’t defeat me. I want to believe that there’s no such thing as a memory that’s okay to forget." - Momiji Sohma, ?
"I knew it. I knew it all along. Just as there’s rejection in this world, there are people who will reach out to you." - Kyo Sohma, ?
"When did I start thinking stupid, sappy things like that? And why? It's almost like… I'm…" - Kyo Sohma, S2E9
"She must have known that if she let go… I would never return. If I slipped through her hands, I'd be gone. And no one would be able to bring me back. She didn't erase all my pain or offer to solve all of my problems. She didn't fix everything that was broken. But that's not what I needed anyway. Not really. What mattered most was that… she stayed." - Kyo Sohma, S2E9
"I wish I could’ve lived my life without making any wrong turns. But that’s impossible. A path like that doesn’t exist. We fail. We trip. We get lost. We make mistakes. And little by little, one step at a time, we push forward. It’s all we can do. On our own two feet." - Yuki Sohma, ?
"I think it’s true what they say…crying, unexpectedly, does make you feel better. Without shame, like a child. When you get older, you forget about that. It’s not easy to have a good cry anymore." - Hatori Sohma, ?
"You've been sad- miserable- and so very lonely." - (to Akito) Tohru Honda, S3E9
"No- I'm scared! I don't want this! I was promised- so much more! This world- where no one needs me, where everyone's a stranger- I don't want it... No! It's too late! Don't you understand that? This world is unrecognisable. There are no promises, or bonds- no hope of eternity. I'm scared. I can't live surrounded by strangers- alone. Without any guarantee that- I'll be loved? I can't." - Akito Sohma, S3E9
"The second I cry, you'll decide you've had enough. If I complain, you'll get mad. You'll stop liking me- and throw me out of your life!" - (to Tohru) Akito Sohma, S3E9
"Akito- please, don't cry. It's alright. Everything's alright, the scary times are over. You made it." - Tohru Honda, S3E9
"I'm begging you please, do what I cant. Protect my baby girl... Sorry, honey. I guess this is goodbye. I have to go- but I pray that you'll be happy. I pray that your years will be full of people who love you. Live the kind of life you can be proud of in the end. Even if you make mistakes, or take the long way around. Live so that- when it's your time to go- people will say; "You fought well." Have lots of happy times, and sad times, and everything in-between. That's how I want you to grow old." - Kyoko Honda, S3E12
ok thats it, promise.
ik like no one will read this post so its mostly for myself but if anyone out there in the void also enjoys fruits basket- pls take this offering xoxo
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animeloverinsignia · 2 years
Yet another anime I have started... this time it's Fruits Basket.
And goshhh episode 7 with Hatori's backstory really has my heart hurting.
I'm loving the Shigure and Hatori friendship though. Has me ready to write on it.
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Can't express my love for fruits basket.
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v-67 · 5 months
I love Momiji from Fruits basket so much
I love each and every character tbf
But Momiji
I just love him too much.
Currently on S2 episode 17
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Yuki, Kyo, Kagura, Momiji, Tohru with a reader from zodiac
((reader’s zodiac is based off of western/greek zodiac signs; will be capricorn!reader))
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Is so shocked to find out there is a second zodiac curse
So grateful that there are more people like him
^^feels really bad about this
Bc y’all aren’t from the same zodiac - physical touch is even more dangerous
I mean,, imagine seeing not only a rat surrounded by clothes, but a weird goat-fish hybrid???
Regardless, tries to have physical contact with you whenever possible
Linking pinkies, resting his head on your shoulder, being shockingly close at all times,,
Is worried about ur scales dehydrating when you transform - tries to keep water on him for you
Makes sure you never feel insecure about your zodiac form like he does
Has a really lovely feeling of solidarity w you
Would do anything to protect your secret
Because he knows you would do the same
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Straight up thinks you’re lying at first
“There’s no fuckin way”
You tackle him to prove it
“wtf that’s not even a real animal????”
Gets v flustered when u transform back
Mans is fine being naked, but seeing other naked ppl?
Hell nah
Eventually just kinda takes you under his wing w an annoyed sigh
So so touch adverse; is so scared of you seeing his true form
Like with the rest of his zodiac - wishes he was like you
So envious, but in a way that carries a deep sadness
Shows his affection through banter and friendly violence
((Mans will not hold your hand; however will kick you behind the knees - gentle enough as to not hurt, but hard enough to make you lose balance))
Scolds you for anything that could put your secret at risk
“How did you even survive before you met me, dumbass?”
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So so excited to learn there is another curse
“We’re the same!!”
Is jealous of your animal form
You’re a cool, cute, mythical animal; and she’s just a pig?? Unfair!!
Constantly lets you know how unfair this is
Pretty upset that she can’t cling to you all the time
She just wants to show you how much she loves you, y’know?
Ironically, tries to do alot of mud and clay treatments to your skin and scales
Loves loves self care nights together
Isn’t opposed to cuddling when no one else is around, despite animals and then nudity
Doesn’t care if you see her naked
But anyone else???
Instantly branded a pervert.
Tries to keep you all to herself; “to keep the curse a secret, of course!!”
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Another one that is genuinely Thrilled to find out there are more like him
But is also instantly worried
“Who’s your god? What are they like?”
When you assure him that you’re safe, is So relieved
Even after this, is nosy as all hell lmao
Wants to know Everything about Everyone
“So you are Capricorn, ja? Who is Pisces? Because I am a pisces too!!”
Thinks your zodiac form is adorable!
Loves sitting in-between your horns when you’re both transformed
Unsurprisingly; will be exceedingly touchy-feely regardless of transformations
Mans does not give a single flying Fuck
Even when ur in public and have to be careful of transforming - is never Not touching you
Holding hands galore!!
Shows you off to the rest of the zodiac
But doesn’t let you anywhere near Akito
You’re too precious
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Feels so blessed to be meeting more special and unique people
Is very vocal about this
Is also V nosy; but not in a malicious way
Plays guessing games as she meets everyone
((Usually gets it wrong))
Doesn’t know as much about the Western zodiacs, but is very excited to learn!
Very very cautious to make sure you don’t transform
Thinks you’re beautiful and fascinating when you do though!!
But wants to keep you safe
However, its a well known fact that she’s one clumsy mf
Me too, Tohru, me too
Will tell the most Wack cover stories for you
Wants you to be besties with her zodiac
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amaya-writes · 2 years
What Type Of Partner Would The Fruit Basket Zodiacs Be Pt 1
Day One of The Underrated And The Unwritten
Notes: eek i'm so excited to write for this fandom! Tbh i was kind of very slightly sad about everyone ending up with someone at the end because that meant it was awkward to ship characters or write about them with someone else but eh.
Warnings: this is both sfw and nsfw content! so like how would they be as a partner overall. mdni
Characters involved: Yuki Soma, Kyo Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Yuki Soma
Yuki is a very gentle lover and partner.
He's pretty conscious about his real personality can come off as cold or aloof which is why he'd probably force himself to be a little outgoing near the start to get to know you.
You'd have to start off as friends first and it would take a little getting used to but once he understands his emotions for you Yuki's quick to accept them and confess.
A relationship with Yuki can be full of excitement. He wants to try new things and discover different situations with you.
Yuki can easily associate happiness with someone who makes him feel comfortable which is why he tends to be around you when he's sad because he thinks your mere presence makes things better.
When it comes to being more intimate Yuki can take very long to get comfortable that way. He's so used to associating physical touch with violence that it really takes time for him to get used to your physical affection.
Definitely would be a bottom at the start, but once he gets used to it Yuki can be quite the switch.
He isn't into BDSM at all because of his traumatic childhood but if there's certain things you're into that you'd want to try you can always ask and have a talk.
He loves cuddling in bed for aftercare and will probably let you fall asleep in his arms (and then clean you up while you're sleeping because he's just that cute).
Communication is key when it comes to being with a guy like Yuki, whether that be in the bedroom or outside it, which is why you need to learn to be vocal about your emotions and thoughts because he can be a little oblivious at times.
He's honestly just a softy who needs love.
Kyo Soma
Tsundere. Need I say more?
Getting a confession out of Kyo Soma is possibly the most impossible thing ever. Like seriously, you need to be committed for a longgg time before he makes a move and even then you'll probably have to force a confession out of him.
He's the kind of partner who would act all annoyed whenever you're affectionate but then also do things like holding your hand when the street's too crowded or texting you to make sure you got home safe (but he completely denies that's why he sent you a text).
He also gives off old dad energy please he'll have the most awful dad jokes and hold his phone like a forty-year-old father.
Very protective. Will literally yowl at people who even look at you threateningly. And no I don't mean that 'manly' little growl thing men do in books, I mean literally yowling like a cat who wasn't fed.
This ranges from sneers to eyerolls plus scoffs to actual yowls. He will not be afraid to throw hands if he sees the other person is making you uncomfortable.
Kyo is honestly so cute when it comes to being intimate. He gets all flustered and you'll probably have to take the lead the first time. However, he might switch it up and take control halfway.
Really just depends on how comfortable and into it he is. Will hesitate a lot and ask you questions constantly.
Also the king of aftercare like literally doesn't let you do anything the rest of the day.
Kyo can be hard to keep up with as a partner because of his tendency to reject his emotions, but if you're someone who likes teasing their partner then he's basically perfect for you.
Just give him time to you, but don't be surprised if he's unwilling to leave once he has experienced your affection.
Hatsuharu Soma
Haru is the type of partner who's obsessed with you but doesn't show it that much. It's not that he's trying to hide it but just that he's not very open affectionately.
He's fine with PDA and likes showing you off and making it clear that you're his but he can also be a little...slow when it comes to catching on.
This means that if you're ever jealous then he'll take a while to notice and then blatantly point it out. If you're angry/upset with him he won't understand it and will force you to talk to him because he refuses to read between the lines.
But he's such a sweetheart. He's always so comforting and will constantly check up on you, sending you messages or randomly showing up at your house because he missed you or wanted to make sure you were okay.
Dates with him are usually spontaneous and not overall grand but the kind that are simple yet romantic.
He's also very sweet when you're intimate.
Switch but not in the way you think.
While his normal side can be quite the pleasure dom/soft dom, when Haru goes dark things can get a bit...BDSM like. However, him going dark that way is very rare and will probably only happen if you make him very jealous/worried.
Momiji Soma
He is such an obsessive partner.
Momiji wants to know everything about you. He wants to learn every little quirk and secret, every small trait. Your favourite flower, food you dislike, drama going on in your life, Momiji is there for it all.
He's just so completely infatuated with you he can't help but feel a need to know everything.
It's not the kind of thing where he asks you questions at rapid fire trying to learn everything, but more that he's just always wanting to get to know more about you.
Momiji has always had to love people from a distance so he gets a little excited at the prospect of being able to love you without restrictions, without having to pretend he doesn't know you or doesn't care.
He's quick to confess and even quicker to get into the hang of things, constantly hugging you and dropping kisses on your hand, face, lips, neck, anywhere you would allow.
Momiji is fully and completely obsessed with you, and he loves it. He loves you.
He will rear it in if you feel like he's getting overwhelming but Momiji cannot not love you.
When it comes to being intimate, Momiji might be a little overwhelmed at first, like too excited, and you'd have to help ground him and focus on the actual act rather than going crazy because your top's off.
He can be so soft and gentle, almost as if he's afraid to break you, but once he gets the hang of it Momiji's open to exploring new things.
He isn't one for BDSM (like at all, honestly he's more opposed to it than Yuki) and prefers more of the lovemaking type of intimacy.
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lionsoap · 8 months
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i decided to go with like a studio ghibli kinda-ish look for it, as always with tumblr click for better quality. it’s sorta based off the furuba 2019’s umbrella opening. i’m no pro artist this is just for funsies
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closer picture
anyway here are the rules:
-you can change the pose or clothes just keep the general theme
-obvs no offensive art or anything like that but i doubt that’ll be an issue💀
-be respectful, don’t diss anyone else’s art
-use the tag: #akitodtiys24 and tag me pwease
-deadline is TBD
-prize tbd but probably art bc i’m broke
-if you have any questions just lemme know😎
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