#Mob Character Ichigo
writing-frenzy · 9 months
Mob Protag Ichigo and the Puppet Master (UraIchi Isekai Idea :3 )
So yeah, for anyone who's read my first idea with the Kurosaki Fam Isekai, they'll know all the stuff that has inspired this and that I've already mentioned an idea with a Mob Character!Ichigo and a Puppet Master Benihime (AKA Urahara Kisuke)
Let us set the scene :3
How will Ichigo go to a fantasy world, especially with how he is? Well, as Ichigo was growing up, one of his sisters was really, really sick; they weren't sure if she was going to make it tbh. Ichigo did all he could, but being a little guy, there wasn't much he could do. One day, he came upon a weird being who said they could grant wishes; Ichigo immediately asks if they can make his little sister healthy. The being said yes after a moment, but it will cost him a peaceful afterlife. Ichigo takes the deal, the being is admittedly touched by this child's goodness and unselfish desire, because for such a sweet child, they know of death and the loss it brings already. So the being actually doesn't twist the wish like so many others he does, letting the children live out their natural lifespans in peace.
All is well, until a 17 year old Ichigo saves his other sister and her friend from dying to a truck. Our World's Divine Being is like; damn, you still had way, way more life span and time than you should have to had died now... but since you have a contract, I can't just let you survive :/ eh, I'll use it to at least give you perks to survive your reincarnation in that hell hole. (not to mention how they too are actually touched, they're a sucker for loving families)
Ichigo: wut
Godly Being: *throws a book series and some powers at him* Wish you luck out there!
After feeling just a bit violated and like someone was digging around in his head and blood, Ichigo wakes up in an abandoned house in some modern looking steampunk like city. Looking around he doesn't have much but some basics for survival, weird as heck items, and a book series. Not much to do, he reads the series, which answers a whole lot of questions even as makes Ichigo scowl like a thundercloud.
See, this is a very, very dark fantasy like series, it's gonna have all the canon Bleach fighting and gore but with magical surprises and such, with a very, very bittersweet ending. It's kinda like a modern setting meets with a very eco-friendly way because the world will crush those it sees trying to abuse it (mother nature don't play around here) so it's kinda steam/water/wind/solarpunk. Don't know who I want as the OG Story's protag to be, maybe Rukia or one of the Karakura Kids, but it follows them in a world were contracts/pacts/deals with spiritual beings is over everything; it can be with weapons, it can be with bloodlines or any such. Not all pacts and such are unequal, some in fact are real and true bonds, the pact bound loyal to their contractors to obsession... others, it is is very much a thing of slavery and torture, which can go both ways depending on what was exactly contracted.
Ichigo goes about trying to figure out his own contract/pact thing, which while so long ago, is just something he has never been able to forget, seemingly inscribed onto his very soul in a way. He knows he was picked because his soul was the most compatible for the spirits the being wanted for him, and he already knows its going to change his body as well, but it still confuses him.
(maybe something like;
A mix of holy power and darkness that would find most be consumed,
Flames properly controlled that can reach the moon,
Cut it from the sky and devour it if so desired,
But yet all one wants is to protect their own wary lost and life tired,
For One such as you a power so great is to be entrusted,
It will find you, change you, leave your life chain broken and rusted,
In Time it will be shown if you can make this power your own,
But already, your fate has sown.)
(LOL, this is Ichigo, he's gonna break his fate and make friends with his Hallow and Ossan, because I love the idea of the three together again in this au :3 later tho)
But yeah, so Ichigo is figuring things out, especially with controlling his body once more because his strength went a bit wonky, but I also like the idea of a different weapon Ichigo if that makes sense? Like, he will still be an op power house, but the thought of him using spells and martial arts makes me grin evilly? Like, with his Hollow more bonded later, he can make claws come out to rip soft bellies apart and such. And Ossan just insists he learn a bow for those times he needs long range and such, even if he gets a bit despairing when Ichigo occasionally gets too frustrated and just throws the damn arrow (all three in Ichigo's head are quiet whenever the move proves highly effective, which is always.) Oh, but now I can't help but think of Childe from Genshin Impact's fighting style :D maybe instead of blades though, Ichigo switches to a hand to hand with bracers of some sort covering his arms that are hard as fuck, easy to move around in because of magic.
But ah, getting sidetracked again, this all comes later down; for now, Ichigo is still figuring shit out, avoiding protagonists and co because yeah, people not protected by plot armor tend to die really, really messily around them and he still can't do jack right now (doesn't mean he doesn't do what he can, even if its just simple things like helping the elderly, making sure kids get home safe, or even knocking out some regular thugs harassing some ladies.
Ichigo, despite all his scowls and looks, still draws people in with his kindness and protective nature in this dark, lonely otherworld.)
Its as he's helping someone shopping, this sweet little lady who goes on and on about her sweet grandbaby, that Ichigo goes to the Urahara Shoten for the first time; not much gets his attention, besides the fact that the protagonist has only been here once or twice in the early chapters for some odds or ends, this place being some mixture of candy/pawn/tea shop.
But then something in the shop resonates with him; with his very soul. Looking around, Ichigo tells the sweet grandma he'll be right back, and call him when she's done, to which she gives a cheerful reply before Ichigo goes off, looking high and low before he finds a strange book and block with it, like a set. Picking it up, it just feels so damn right... till he looks at the price tag and cringes. While he has odd jobs here and there to help him out, it's just enough money for him to live with since he doesn't have to worry about rent with his questionable abandoned house, covering his food expenses and the public bath fee.
"Find something you like dear customer?" is said from behind him, which makes Ichigo jump like a few feet into the air, clutching his book and block set to his chest, before turning to the one who startled him.
And so thus the first meeting with Urahara Kisuke, Geta-boshi as Ichigo likes to call him. After a bit of back and forth between the two, Ichigo admits he can't afford the book and block set, too which Urahara merely hums, eyes oddly shadowed from his hat as he considers that. one thing leads to another and somehow Ichigo not only gets the set but even a steady job at the shop, even if his paycheck will be cut because of said set. And sure, Geta-boshi is sus as fuck, but Ichigo doesn't sense any ill will from the man, not too mention the man even helps him with understanding the book, a soul book as its called, which strengthens souls and their contracts, enabling them to get a growing weapon called an Asauchi that transforms with the soul. Its not bad.
On Kisuke's part, he is actually pretty intrigued by Kurosaki, this youth who carries the potential of a predator but the heart of a protector, actually reacting to the soul book and Asauchi Kisuke had made more for curiosity and boredom then to actually make a functional weapon. Not to mention just how much fun it is too mess with Ichigo, the boy shows he has a clever mind and a strength that just seems to constantly grow more and more. Kisuke is actually considering just how he can possibly use this youth for his goals, wondering if he can be the chest piece he needs to finally topple the king in this game between Puppet Master Benihime and Greater Lord Aizen.
Ichigo does know about Puppet Master Benihime from the story, they were a neutral character only focused on making sure the world would not collapse, no matter the amount that would be needed to be sacrificed in the end. But in the story, it only ever showed Benihime herself, never even mentioning that she was actually contracted, and 100% loyal to said contractor, so Ichigo has no clue about just how scary his mentor is at first, besides when the man actually did finally spar with him and Ichigo couldn't even get a hit on him. In this world, these two have a bit more time, a bit more room to act, and with it they bond, much to Kisuke great surprise even as he still plans to use him.
So things happen, things are reveled, discoveries are had, and Kisuke goes to Ichigo, confirming that he knows.
And then he kneels before this youth; he kneels and apologizes, thinking and knowing in his soul he's done something unforgiveable, thinking he won't be forgiven and fine with that as long as Ichigo still lives well... only for Ichigo to actually forgive, just like that, just because he could tell Kisuke meant it, scowling still but most of all accepting.
Its a good thing Kisuke was already kneeling because that alone would have made him bow just from the sheer acceptance and warmth Ichigo just seems to shine with. Ichigo has no idea just what he's done, who's utter loyalty and trust he has secured, and Kisuke will kill, die, and live for this boy, he just has to say the word. Even with all the people Ichigo has gathered, from villains to protagonist, people who are loyal and true if to no one else but him, Kisuke feels blessed he can be included, can be trusted even over the others to always remain at Ichigo's back and protect it no matter what.
In return, Ichigo looks up to Kisuke as both a mentor, ally, friend, and after an interesting dream, a damn annoying crush he can not get rid of, going strong for years (no longer a crush then but let him deny it for a bit). Parts of him wants to devour this man whole, never share him with the world, but Ichigo is such a being of freedom he could never dream to rip such a thing from someone else. (Kisuke being Kisuke wouldn't mind if its Ichigo tho >:3 All Ichigo has to do is ask, and this man would give him the world, Benihime right behind him.)
I feel like this story would be a slow burn but not if that makes sense? like, there is a tension from the very beginning of the story to Demi-romantic/sexual Ichigo's awakening of shit, so that's what that feels like (Fight me on this, I will defend it to the grave Very Demi!Ichigo)
But yeah, so far that's it for my Bleach Ideas :D hope you enjoyed them and stuff.
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elyonholic · 1 year
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— Anime MC [ Fall 2022 ]
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frankencanon · 9 months
I'm curious to see how the results will change now that the top contenders from each poll are all being pitted against one another!
※ Why were these specific characters chosen?
All of the characters above were taken from the top six results of the two preliminary polls.
※ What do you mean by "best protagonist"?
Which character would you most prefer to have in the role of protagonist?
What sort of personality, backstory, attitude, skills, motivations, morals, and various other traits would you prefer for the protagonist of a shounen series to have?
(It's also fine to just vote for your favorite character however since "likability" is, afterall, a very important, very vital part of being a protagonist...)
The results are in...!!!
The Best Shounen Protagonists as Voted by Fans are... 🥁
Top 3:
1. Edward ‐ 1,886 votes
2. Luffy ‐ 1,653 votes
3. Mob ‐ 1,420 votes
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Runners up:
4. Maka ‐ 534 votes
5. Gon ‐ 376 votes
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※ The vote counts were estimated based on the total number of votes multiplied by each character's percentage.
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thesovereignsring-if · 8 months
Hello there, dear author! :D
I'm wondering, if you could cast voice actors for all the important characters in your game (ROs, siblings, empress, etc. ), who would you choose? :3
I personally prefer Japanese voices, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on those, but if you like English more, then that's fine too!
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! :D
Oh this is a really cool question!! I am a connoisseur for both Eng and Jp Vas so I will provide both. Lmao Some of these are highly specific because some of these characters were lowkey blueprints 🙈 Though I'm curious about what other people would think!
His voice is soft, light, almost sweet tenor. It's gentle and very friendly, the kind that kids find soothing and approachable, but can go into a deep earthy tone when he wants to be serious.
Miyano Mamoru (Chrollo/Light Yagami)
Matt Mercer (Yusuke Kitagawa)
His voice would be a very smooth, relaxing tenor, dark but very gentle.
Jun Kasama (HiMERU) or Yuichiro Umehara (Alhaitham/ Keito Hasumi)
Greg Chun, specifically when he making cheesecake or as Adam)
Her voice would be the dark, warm and slightly husky voice. Y'know the one that screams Mommy that will wreck you uwu but also playful aunty.
Miyuki Sawashiro
Allegra Clark (Chihiro Morimura/Beidou)
Junichi Suwabe (Sukuna/Archer)
Cam Clark (Kratos Auron/Prince Crescendo) but Patrick Seitz (Frederic Chopin) works too.
Finny has a youthful voice, something bright and almost nasally. I wouldn't take him very seriously and ruin the tone of the story, but I think it would be sooo cute if he had a little lisp. ;//w//;
Masakazu Morita (💕Tidus💕/Kurosaki Ichigo) or Yuki Kaji (Alibaba)
Max Mittleman (Ryuji/ Itto Arataki)
She would have a very sweet, bubbly and airy voice. Something that borders on fairy-like and soothing, but isn't grating to the ears.
Rie Takahashi (Emilia/Hu Tao/Takagi)
Laura Bailey (Cheria Barnes/Rise Kujikawa)
Her voice would be something bright, cute and confident. Nothing too high or low, something just right in the middle.
Haruka Tomatsu (Kyoko Hori/ZeroTwo/Asuna)
Kelly Sheridan (Barbie/Sango)
Her voice would sit somewhere between pretty, sweet and just edging on sexy. Not too bright or husky, a rich tone that's fitting for a young woman.
Rie Tanaka (Himeko / Lisa)
Michelle Ruff (Velvet (OdinSphere)/Sakuya Tachibana /Sadayo Kawakami)
Androgynous, but soothing, dark and slightly husky. Something that makes you question their age, gender and your sexuality.
Romi Park
Veronica Taylor (Tsukasa Okino) or Eric Vale (Yuki Sohma)
SASS. Something not too bratty, but has a rich and sauve twang to it. A rich tone that borders on nasally.
Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke Uchiha/Uryuu Ishida/Shimazaki (Mob Psycho100))
Liam O'Brian (Ingway(OpinSphere)/ Akihiko Sanada) or Yuri Lowenthal (Suzaku Kururugi/ Sasuke Uchiha)
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kcuf-ad · 5 months
Hey I’m bored and stuck in class so let’s do something stupid, you don’t have too answer this if you don’t want to bestie👍
Assign one of your favorite characters with your friends (as well as yourself if you want but we probably already know the answer XD) as a partner, not your friends favs your faves
Bestie... You should not have given me this power.
You are getting Joseph Joestar. Why? Because this man is practically a Florida man that is English. He punched a cop, drag dressed and faked his own Death, twice. Not to mention he pulled a gun on a vampire.
@thundermarisol I will give her Molly McGee cause she would love to be besties with Molly as she is upbeat, positive, understanding and I am fully convinced she plays Kirby games.
@angel-of-sweet-revenge I am giving you Yuno purely because I think it would be funny that you keep on bullying him as hr is done with your shit.
@starlightshadowsworld You are getting Jaden Yuki because you and I both love this boy to death.
@stardust-maiden I know she won't see this, but still. I am giving her Ichigo Kurosaki because this man would see her and instantly think of her as his little sister. He pretty much adopts girls as his Younger sisters and hr would kill people to Save them.
@sabellabella I am giving you Soulburner because if you love Jaden, then I know you will love this himbo.
@kingboohoo37 I feel like you would vibe with Shigeo Kagayama from Mob Psycho, don't know why tho.
@the-geek-librarian You would vibe with Gojo, I can just tell. You two would cause chaos everywhere.
@blue-rose-penguin-prince You are getting... Hmm... Mirio from My Hero. You are vibing with him
And I think everyone knows who I am assinging myself. Sasuke
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narhinafan · 28 days
Somebody posted a tier list of anime characters that are ranked based on hand to hand combat skills and Sakura was ranked higher than Ichigo and Fairy Tail's Natsu. I reacted to it explaining that Ichigo knows hand to hand combat and cited instances that he took down thugs, 3 lieutenants and sent 4 sternritters flying without using his zanpakuto. One was dismissing me when I said thugs but quickly countered him by mentioning the 3 lieutenant level shinigamis. I even explained the fighting style of Natsu Dragneel, which involves incorporating his fire dragon magic with his strikes. I had to mention the time he fought his fellow dragon slayers in hand to hand combat.
Another user used the "medical" ninja excuse for Sakura's hand to hand combat skills and dismissing Ichigo since he's a sword user. Too bad for him, many commenters posted the same comments I made, stating that Ichigo was a hand to hand combatant prior to him becoming a shinigami. Also, he can fight hand to hand combat when needed.
I really can't fathom why they say Sakura is a good hand to hand combatant when up until Boruto, she can't fight without assistance or gets one-shotted by Omoi. Lastly, I'll reiterate this again, her defenders using her being a medical ninja wouldn't excuse her poor fighting skills as she is a kunoichi and Tsunade's disciple, who is a formidable fighter herself. She will always be scrutinized for that.
Sakura would rank very low in hand to hand. Her hand to hand skills are just barely enough to defend herself, but she is a healer not a fighter. Even with CES her fighting skills are quite low without it makes them even worse. Taijutsu is not her strong suit and is only there to give her some means of self defence she doesn't compare to any actual fighters hence why Omoi can one shot her so easily.
There is a reason why we have never once seen Sakura take part in an actual taijutsu clash in canon cause her skills just aren't enough. Sakura was trained by Tsunade to be a medic first and foremost and not actual fighting her CES and taijutsu was to give her the bare minimal to defend herself, but what little we is only against mobs. Sakura is mostly just shown CES the ground there is no taijutsu skill in that its a simple punch and outside using chakra to increase her strength no technique behind it, its not even a fighting style.
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impitoyable · 1 year
why r there so many gingers
maybe its the various showdown blogs ive followed but there r a lot of gingers in the media and ive taken it upon myself to sort them into the categories of gingers and redheads, this took me an hour and a half and my eyes r physically burning, my bad if i missed a character or two
riley williams (we are the tigers)
ocean oconnel rosenberg (ride the cyclone)
caleb widogast (critical role)
itsuka kendo (my hero academia)
donna noble (doctor who)
batgirl (dc)
beverly crush (star trek)
ginger fitzgerald (ginger snaps)
nami (one piece)
mito freecss (hunter x hunter)
wendy corduroy (gravity falls)
alfredo linguine (ratatouille)
william “dex” poindexter (check please!)
wylan can eck (six of crows)
ichigo kurosaki (bleach)
mafuyu sato (given)
gimli (lord of the rings)
akane hino/cure sunny (smile precure)
daphne blake (scooby-doo)
reisuke houjou (mirai nikki)
fiona (shrek)
risa koizumi (lovely complex)
dexter (decters laboratory)
kim possible (kim possible)
cady heron (mean girls)
katheryn janeway (star trek)
shoyo hinata (haikyuu!!)
himaru kenshin (samurai x)
rosetta (tinkerbell)
amy pond (doctor who)
firestar (warrior cats)
rand al’thor (a wheel of time)
kaoru and himaru hitachiin (ouran high school host club)
asuka langley soryu (neon genisis evangelion)
ponyo (ponyo)
crowley (good omens)
athen cykes (ace attorney)
bloom (winx club)
samael keene (homesick)
kenny luckstar (homesick)
tulip olsen (infinity train)
wanda maximoff (marvel)
max mayfield (stranger things)
christine “ziggy” berman (fear street 1978)
buffy gilmore (scary movie)
theo (scary movie 2)
gideon nav (the locked tombe)
cal kestis (star wars)
hiromi higa/shadow (sk8 the infiniry)
anne shirley (anne of green gables)
hercules (hercules)
vicky (fairily odd parents)
suzuki shou (mob psycho 100)
reigen araraka (mob psycho 100)
rowena macleod (supernatural)
jack merridew (lord of the flies)
raven (theyll never catch us)
polly plantar (amphibia)
jay ferin (just roll with it)
natasha romanoff (mcu)
giselle (enchanted)
winnie sanderson (hocus pocus)
candace flynn (phineas and ferb)
phineas flynn (phineas and ferb)
leon kuwata (danganropa)
childe (genshin impact)
akito shinonome (project sekai)
garfield (garfield)
ruby roundhouse (jumanji: welcome to the jungle)
tasuki (fushigi yugi)
lysandre (pokemon)
monkia (doki doki literature club)
misty (pokemon)
aviendha (wheel of time)
coran (voltron)
ashlynn ella (ever after high)
sparrow hood (ever after high)
holly o’hair (ever after high)
poppy o’hair (ever after high)
futaba sakura (persona 5)
anna (frozen)
general hux (star wars)
kanon tachibana (the world ends with you)
ron delight (ace attorney)
kyo sohma (fruits basket)
rei yasaku (do it yourself!)
diluc (genshin impact)
gren (the dragon prince)
chiyo sakura )gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun)
philip j fry (futurama)
felicia sundew (amphibia)
blossom (power puff girls)
april o’neal (teenage mutant ninja turtles)
junichirou tanizaki (bungou stray dogs)
captain amelia (treasure planet)
rachel elizabeth dare (percy jackson)
emma (the promised neverland)
penny polendina (rwby)
elizabeth afton (five nights at freddys)
orville elephant (freddy fazbears pizzaria simulator)
dana scully (x-files)
atushi otani (lovely complex)
merida (brave)
puss in boots (shrek)
little my (moomin)
quasimodo (the hunchback of notre dame)
sora takenouchi (digimon)
ikuyu kita (bocchi the rock!)
gwen tennnyson (ben ten)
ahiru/duck (princess tutu)
eda clawthorn (the owl house)
shallan davar (stormlight archive)
clary fray (shadow hunters)
keyleth (vox machine)
ms. bellum (power puff girls)
zarine (the pirate fairy)
chuuya nakahara (bungou stray dogs)
subaru akehoshi (ensemble stars!! music)
yuta aoi (ensemble stars!! music)
hinata aoi (ensemble stars!! music)
jenny bennett (monster house)
nick wilde (zootopia)
tomo aizawa (tomo-chan wa onnanoko!)
kirishima eijirou (my hero academia)
hikaru shidou/lucy (magic knight rayearth)
urbosa (breath of the wild)
bowser (mario)
operetta (monster high)
knuckles (sonic)
poison ivy (dc)
starfire (dc)
silver (pokemon)
ranma saotome (ranma 1/2)
will vandom (w.i.t.c.h)
grell sutcliff (black butler)
undyne (undertale)
janai (the dragon prince)
red guy (dont hug me im scared)
wendy (wendys)
ronal mcdonald (mcdonalds)
anastasia romanova (anastasia)
anzu hoshino (romantic killer)
michizou tachihara (bungou stray dogs)
ezra scarlet (fairy tale)
lizzie hearts (ever after high)
shirayuki (snow white with the red hair)
reki kyan (sk8 the infinity)
luna (scooby-doo)
zarzamora (saber marionette j)
jessica rabbit (who framed roger rabbit)
707 (mystic messenger)
kyle broflovski (south park)
souma yukihira (food wars!)
circus baby (five nights at freddys: sister location)
mikoto mikoshiba (gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun
karma akabane (assassination classroom)
kineshi hairo (saiki K)
ariel (the little mermaid)
clifford (clifford the big red dog)
rinne amagi (ensemble stars!! music)
hiiro amagi (ensemble stars!! music)
mao isara (ensemble stars!! music)
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metalandmagi · 1 year
The Real Anime Awards of 2022 part 2
A few weeks ago, I made my own joke categories for what I consider the real 2022 Anime Awards (The Real Anime Awards of 2022 part 1), but I also wanted to put the memes aside and make my real list of nominees for the real categories that Crunchyroll usually does (minus best director, best film, and best fight scene). I did it last year too, and it was a lot of fun trying to think of a varied list. So here are my picks!
Best boy
Bon (To Your Eternity season 2)
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Yuu Izumi (Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie)
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Wakana Gojo (My Dress Up Darling)
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Matsuboshi Raidou (Aharen is Indecipherable)
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Milo Nekoyanagi (Sabikui Bisco)
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Yoshikazu Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano)
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Best girl (as per tradition, there are more than 6 nominees, because they’re all best girl to me)
Marin Kitagawa (My Dress Up Darling)
Aoi Amawashi (Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story)
Eiko (Ya Boy Kong Ming)
Yor Briar (Spy x Family)
Desumi Magahara (Love After World Domination)
Ranko Mannen (Akiba Maid War)
Lum (Urusei Yatsura)
Nazuna Nanakusa (Call Of The Night)
Best protagonist
Eve (Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story)
Kong Ming (Ya Boy Kongming)
Mai Kawai (Police in a Pod)
Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Anzu Hoshino (Romantic Killer)
Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100 season 3)
Best Antagonist
Enrico Pucci (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean)
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Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan the Final Season part 2)
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Daki and Gyuutaro (Demon Slayer Entertainment District arc)
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Mami (Rent A Girlfriend Season 2)
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Faputa (Made In Abyss season 2)
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Riri (at least until the last two episodes) (Romantic Killer)
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Best Animation
Demon Slayer-Entertainment district arc
Akebi’s Sailor Uniform
Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Chainsaw Man
Mob Psycho 100 season 3
Honorable mention: Fuuto Tantei
Best Score
Spy x Family
Made In Abyss season 2
Call of the Night
Chainsaw Man
Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Honorable mention: To Your Eternity season 2
Best Character Design
Yurei Deco
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Yojouhan Time Machine Blues
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King’s Ranking cour 2
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Do It Yourself
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Golden Kamuy season 4
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Made In Abyss season 2
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Honorable mention: Mob Psycho season 3
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Best VA Performance English (Sorry, I don’t watch many dubs)
Elizabeth Maxwell as Barbara and Barbie (Shadows House season 2)
Christopher Wehkamp as Nyanko Sensei (Natsume’s Book of Friends. They started dubbing it this year, so it counts!)
Megan Shipman as Ayna (Spy x Family)
Johnny Yong Bosch as Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War)
Courtney Lin as Riri (Romantic Killer)
Mick Laur as Bon (To Your Eternity season 2)
Best VA Performance Japanese
Tanezaki, Atsumi as Anya (Spy x Family)
Imai, Fumiya as Yuuya Niyodo (Phantom of the Idol)
Kuno, Misaki as Faputa (Made In Abyss season 2)
Satou, Rina as Ranko (Akiba Maid War)
Koyasu, Takahito as Bon (To Your Eternity season 2)
Hikasa, Youko as Hizuru (Summertime Rendering)
Best OP (No the Chainsaw Man op isn’t in here, I literally made a separate category for it on my meme awards)
Spy x Family OP 1 (“Mixed Nuts”-HIGE DANdism)
Ya Boy Kongming (“Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”-Queendom)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean (part 2) (“Stone Ocean”-Ichigo)
Akiba Maid War (“Maid Daikaiten”- Ton Tokoton Staff)
Call of the Night (“Daten”-Creepy Nuts)
Mob Psycho 100 season 3 (“1”-Mob Choir)
Honorable mention: Yurei Deco (“1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 LOVE”-clammbon)
Best Ed
Spy x Family ED 2 (“Shikisai”-Yama)
I’m the Villainess So I’m Taming The Final Boss (”Nomick”- ACCAMER)
Kaguya-Sama Love is War season 3 (not the special ending, the regular one, though the special ending is good too)
Mob Psycho 100 season 3 (”Cobalt”- Mob Choir)
Shadows House season 2 (“Masquerade”-Claris)
Chainsaw Man (I mean come on, how is this fair? What are you trying to prove by making 12 different endings? You’ve got to be kidding me!)
Honorable mention: Komi Can’t Communicate season 2 (“Koshaberi Biyori”-FantasticYouth) (no I'm not kidding, this ending fascinates me. I can find something new to focus on every time I watch it.)
Best Comedy
Aharen is Indecipherable 
Police in a Pod
Spy x Family
Romantic Killer
Bocchi The Rock
Play It Cool Guys!
Honorable mention: Isekai Ojisan
Best Romance
Sasaki to Miyano
Love After World Domination
Kaguya-sama Love Is War season 3
My Dress Up Darling
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
When Will Ayamu Make His Move?
Best Drama
Dance Dance Danseur (it might technically be a sports anime, but it certainly felt like a drama in the second half)
Attack on Titan the Final Season part 2
Summertime Rendering
Shadows House season 2
Made in Abyss season 2
Akiba Maid War
Honorable mention: Golden Kamuy season 4 (I don’t care if it had to go on hiatus, it deserves to be recognized)
Best Action (I usually judge this category based on how good the action in the show is, rather than the show as a whole)
Demon Slayer Entertainment District arc
Lycoris Recoil
Mob Psycho 100 season 3
Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War
Chainsaw Man
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 
Best Fantasy
King’s Ranking cour 2
Shadows House season 2
Sabikui Bisco
Made In Abyss season 2
Vanitas no Carte season 2
To Your Eternity season 2
Honorable mention: Kokyu no Karasu (Raven of the Inner Palace)
Anime of the Year
Spy x Family
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Demon Slayer Entertainment District Arc
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Summertime Rendering
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Chainsaw Man
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Mob Psycho 100 season 3
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Made In Abyss season 2
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Honorable mention: Akiba Maid War (yes unironically)
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But who cares what I think? What would you guys pick? Let’s see how much I match up with Crunchyroll!
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undonerhapsodize · 1 year
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|| HI! You can call me Rhaz, and I write badly ||
|| They/Them || 19 || Includes +18 Content || MINORS BEWARE ||
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|| RULES ||
This blog caters mostly to a gender neutral reader with no references of sex bits- though sometimes will get specific with anatomy and gender
Fictional characters are aged up
HARD NOs: Most yandere content - Abusive!characters - Hard Dom!characters - bimbo!reader - sub!reader - scat - ageplay - pregnancy - possession by breeding
DNI RULES: Minors interacting with or on +18 NSFW content of this page will be blocked. No age in bio? Blocked.
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|| Writing ||
Fandoms: Bleach - BlueLock - MHA - Trigun Stampede - JJK - DSMP - Sonic Series (Movies) - One Punch Man - Mob Psycho 100 - Fairy Tail
My boxes are always open! But requests may not always be filled Ask Box: May I? Submission Box: What do we have here?
Mains: Kunigami Rensuke - Ichigo Kurosaki - Bakugou Katsuki On occasion (in no particular order): Raichi Jingo - Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez - Reigen Arataka - Kirishima Ejiro - Midoriya ‘Deku’ Izuku - Vash the Stampede - Itadori Yuji - Knuckles the Echidna - Genos - c!Dream - etc
I many write for others. Don’t be afraid to ask :)
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|| Tags ||
Works: Rhaz’s Works Reblogs of other creators’ works: Rhaz’s Reblogs Rants: Rhaz’s Rants Rules: Rhaz’s Rulez NSFW Content: Rhaz’s NSFW
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inflatuati0ons · 4 months
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Fandom list (WiP)
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Anything crossed out can't be requested for at the moment but can be requested for in the future.
If you want to request for a character/Fandom that isn't there please ask if it is alright with me first. Not every Fandom I will do.
-> Anime/Manga:
One piece -> Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Brook, Usopp, Vivi, Law, Kidd, Killer, Ace, Whitebeard, Roger, Rayleigh, Shanks, Oden, Yamato, Kiku, Izou, Katakuri, Jimbei, Kuzan, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Akainu, Mihawk, Perona, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Corazon, Eneru/Enel, Lucci, Kaku, Hancock, Hawkins, Bartolomeo, Beckman, Cavendish, Pudding, Koby, Smoker, Dragon, Paulie, Fujitora, ...
Bleach -> Ichigo, Rukia, Sado, Orihime, Rangaiku, Kenpachi, Unohana, Yoruichi, Aizen, Urahara, Shunsui, Toshiro, Byakuya, Jugram, Gin, Ishida, Stark, Grimmjow, Shinji, Renji, Ukitake, Isane, Yumichika, ...
Naruto -> Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Obito, Madera, Hasirama, Minato, Kushina, Garaa, Neji, Shikamaru, Guy, Yamato, Tsunade, Itachi, Shisui, Sasori, ...
Demon slayer -> Rengoku, Uzui, Obani, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Tomioka, Genya, Sanemi, Muzan, Kokushibo, Gyomei, Akaza, Douma, Haganezuka, Shinjuro, Hinazuru, Kagaya, Sabito, Makio, Yoriichi, ...
Vagabond -> Musashi, Sasaki, Otsu, Yoshioka, Kohei, Rindo, Gennosuke, ittosai, Honiden, ...
Berserk -> Guts, Griffith, Casca, Serpico, Fernese, ...
Baki -> Baki, Yujirou, Orochi, Katsumi, Hanayama, Retsu, Musashi, Pickle, Alai, Kureha, ...
Attack on titans -> Eren, Mikasa, Armin. Levi, Erwin, Hange, Zeke, Reiner, ...
Jujutsu kaisen -> Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo, Getou, Shoko, Nanami, Sukuna, Choso, Maki, Inumaki, Yuta, Kamo, Naoya, Kashimo, Hiromi, Kong, Toji, ...
Black butler -> Undertaker, Sebastián, Vincent, Charles, Lau, Williams, ...
JoJo's bizarre adventures -> Jonathan, Joseph, Ceaser, Dio, Jotaro, Josuke, Johnny, Gyro, Jolyne, Kira, Rohan, Bruno, Diavolo, Avdol, Fugo, Mista, Trish, Anasui, Giorno, ...
Blue lock -> Oliver, Sae, Chigiri, Nagi, Rin, Michael, ...
Castlevania -> Alucard, Trevor, Sypha, Dracula, Lisa, ...
One punch man -> Saitama. Genos, Garou, Sweet mask, ...
Black clover -> Yuno, Yami, Julius, William, Fuegoleon, Nacht, ...
Mob Psycho 100 -> Reigen, Shigeo, Katsuya, Sho, Ritsu, ...
HunterxHunter -> Chrollo, illumi, Meruem, Feitan, Kite, Shizuku, Machi, Killua, Gon ...
Avatar the last air bender -> Sokka, Zuko, Azula, Hakoda, ...
Death note -> Light, L, Misa, ...
Howl's moving castle -> Howl, ...
Neon Genesis evanglion -> Kaji, Nagise, ...
Vinland saga -> Thorfinn,
Record of Ragnarök -> Thor, Loki, Adam, Eve, Aphrodite, Shiva, Buddha, ...
Veil -> Aleksander, Emma
-> Manhwa/Manhua/Webtoons:
Windbreaker -> Jay, Owen, Vinny, Dom, Joker, ...
Ennead -> Seth, Horus, ...
Solo Leveling -> Jinwoo, Thomas, Il-hwan, Jongin, Baruka, ...
Heeran love song -> Yato, Soru, Ja hyun, ...
Villains are destained to die -> Penelope, Callisto, Winter, Reynold, ...
Trash of the count's family -> Cale, Choi han, Rok soo, ...
Omniscient reader's Veiwpoint -> Dokja, Joonghyuk, ...
Operration true love -> Eunhyeok, Dohwa, ...
Heavens' official blessing ->
Under the oak tree -> Riftain, ...
The beginning after the end -> Arthur, kathyln, ...
19 days -> Jian Yi, Zhan Zheng Xi, He Tian, Mo Guan Shan, She li, He cheng, Brother Qiu, ...
The boxer -> Injae, Manuel, Yuto, Ryu, Yu, J, ...
-> Comics(+ any adaptations):
DC comics -> Batman, Superman, Nightwing, Red hood, Wonder woman, Aquaman, Joker, Deadshot, ...
Marvel comics -> Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Deadpool, Wolverine, ...
-> Games:
Call of duty -> Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Konig, Roach, Nikolai, Alejandro, ...
Arcana -> Asra, Nadia, Julian, Muriel, Portia, Lucio, Valerius, Namar, Nazali, Navra, Nahara, Aisha, Morga, Salim, ...
Five nights at freddy's -> William, Micheal, ...
God of War -> Kratos, Freya, Heimdall, Thor, Týr, ...
Love and Deepspace -> Zayne, Raphael, Xavier, Tara, ...
-> TV Shows/Movies:
The walking dead -> Rick, Daryl, Shane, Glenn, Negan, Maggie, Michonne, Tyreese, Ezekiel, Jesus, Dwight, Gabriel, Rosita, ...
The rookie -> Tim, ...
Grey's anatomy -> Derek, Mark, Christina, Owen, DeLuca, Burke, Denny, Nico, Lincoln, Alex, Arizona, Meredith, George, Izzie, Lexi, Jo, Jackson, April, Amelia, Denny, Bailey, Maggie, Addison, ...
Bridgerton/Queen Charlotte -> (king)George, Charlotte, Daphne, Simon, Eloise, Will, Anthony, ...
Game of thrones -> Jon snow, Daenerys, Jaime, Oberyn, Tryion, Robb, Sansa, Ned, ...
Vikings -> Harald, Bjorn, Ragnar, Lagartha, Ubbe, Athelstan, Ivar, Rollo, Heahmund, Harbard, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Ecbert, ...
Vikings: Valhalla -> Harald, Leif, Freydis, ...
Big mouth -> Leah, Judd, Val, ...
House of dragons -> Aemond, Aegon, Daemon, Rhaenyra, ...
Avatar/ Avatar: The way of the water -> Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Aonung, Tonowari, Tsireya, Miles, ...
It's Okay not to be Okay -> Moon-young, Gang-tae, Sang in, ...
Strangers from hell -> Moonjo, Jong-woo, ...
Hannibal -> Will Graham, Anthony, ...
-> Celebrities:
Snowfall -> Franklin, Andre, Teddy, Leon, Melody, Gustavo, Alejandro, ...
Formula 1 -> Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Daniel Riccardo, Lewis Hamilton, Carlos Sainz, ...
If I have watched/read/played it (or know the celeb), I'm writing about it because there is at least one breedable character.
0 notes
ao3feed-ichiruki · 1 year
Bound By Fate
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wEvptBH
by ToshiroHitsugayaCap
In a world completely different from the actual world of Bleach, what would happen if Bleach was set in a modern era? No spiritual connections. No Zanpakutos. No Shinigami. No Quincies. No Hollows. Nothing that makes Bleach the anime it is. Only characters. In a world where people can meet their fated lover through the red string of fate, two damaged souls are attached.
Toshiro Hitsugaya: a bartender/boss of a bar called Winter Dragon during the day up til midnight. During the night and early hours in the morning, he’s a Mafia Boss that is known in the underground world of Japan, and he is known throughout Japan as a different man. Karin Kurosaki: a college student who is neglected by her family but is only loved by her father. These two damaged souls meet and are able to heal each other slowly…
However, their lives become even more dangerous when other Mafia gangs are stirring up trouble, Toshiro and Karin have to work together and keep Japan safe. Even if Karin has her own demons to defeat.
Words: 1138, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Hitsugaya Toushirou, Kurosaki Karin, Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Yuzu, Kurosaki Kaien, Kuchiki Rukia, Kuchiki Byakuya, Kusaka Soujirou, Ichimaru Gin, Matsumoto Rangiku, Yin (Bleach), Yang (Bleach), Zaraki Kenpachi, Ayasegawa Yumichika, Madarame Ikkaku, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Hitsugaya Toushirou/Kurosaki Karin, Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Isshin/Original Female Character(s), Ichimaru Gin/Matsumoto Rangiku, Unohana Retsu/Zaraki Kenpachi, Kusajishi Yachiru & Zaraki Kenpachi, Kyouraku Shunsui/Ukitake Juushirou, Hitsugaya Toushirou & Ukitake Juushirou, Ayasegawa Yumichika/Madarame Ikkaku, Hitsugaya Toushirou & Matsumoto Rangiku, Hitsugaya Toushirou & Hyourinmaru, Hitsugaya Toushirou & Kusaka Soujirou
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Mob, Mean Kurosaki Yuzu, Ichiruki, hitsukarin - Freeform, Kurosaki Karin needs a hug, Mafia Boss Hitsugaya Toushirou, Alive Kusaka Soujuro, Remarried Kurosaki Isshin, Good Parent Kurosaki Isshin, BAMF Hitsugaya Toushirou, BAMF Kurosaki Karin, Alternate Universe - No Shinigami (Bleach), Alternate Universe - No Quincies (Bleach), Alternate Universe - No Hollows (Bleach), Angst, Romance, Family, Team as Family, Yaoi, Blood, Mafia Gangs, Zanpakutos are humans
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wEvptBH
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frankencanon · 10 months
Obviously I couldn't include all of them, so I tried my best to select the ones I thought were the most popular. If there's another character you feel should be on the list, feel free to mention them in the notes!
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The final part has been posted!
Click here to vote now!
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Saw this ship related thing reblogged from one of the several blogs I follow. The rules are simple: list 5 favorite ships along with the reason why you love said ship (Screenshiots/GF)s of the characters featured the characters in the pairing and honorary mentions can be included) then tag folks who may want to participate!
1) Rayla and Callum (Rayllum) - The Dragon Prince
My OTP of all time. Both their chemistry and character development is easily the most exceptionally written inWestern animation, from my experiences. Their understanding plus how the base of their relationship (best friends first and foremost) is incredibly refreshing in my eyes! Plus, nothing will ever top their Arc 1 love confession.
2) Ichigo Momomiya andd Masaya Aoyama (Ichisaya) - Tokyo Mew Mew/New
My first OTP~. While I watched the dubbed version of the 2002 anime when I was 8, I (thankfully) do not recall much aside from the dub OP. Reading the manga in my preteens, I fell in love with Ichigo and Masaya's dynamic and devotion to each other. And I continue to enjoy the original content in the reboot anime in addition to seeing the moments from the manga being translated to animation.
3) Takeo Gouda and Rinko Yamato - My Love Story!!
Unconventional meets the conventional. The very fact that Rinko loves Takeo just as he is and he's the most sweetest guy out there is what makes them unique among shoujo romance couplings.
4) Sawako Kuronuma and Shouta Kazehaya (SawaShou) - Kimi ni Todoke
The couple that really kickstarted the trend of awkward and sweet girl paired with a nice popular boy. Sawako's character growth is very well done with Shouto being a supportive partner.
5) Arataka Reigen and Katsuya Serizawa (SeriRei) - Mob Psycho 100
Charasmatic flawed conman meets awkward former hikikomori/unwitting bodyguard to the (also former) head of a terrorist organization. Their first meeting is literally just Serizawa, fresh off his heel-face turn, coming in to defend Reigen from his former boss. While the subtext from the manga is a lot more subtle in the anime adaptation, it's clear that Serizawa is genuinely grateful to Reigen (and in turn Mob) for giving him the chance to improve himself in personal matters and help others who may be in the same position as he used to be.
Shout out to @bewitchedbunny, @berrychanx, @heartsofcinder, @kennycantdecide, and
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grimmichi-ao3-feed · 2 years
[New AO3 Fic!] The Only Murder I Escaped
by Mothwood
Ichigo’s seen ‘Love’, and now he’s seen ‘Obsession’. He’ll never be able to confuse them again.
(Or; In which Karakura High gets a transfer student, and only Ichigo seems to see a Problem.)
Words: 17321, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Kurosaki Ichigo, Asano Keigo, Inoue Orihime, Arisawa Tatsuki, Sado "Chad" Yasutora, Kojima Mizuiro, Kurosaki Karin, Kurosaki Yuzu
Relationships: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Tags: Hysteria, Paranoia, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Psychological Horror, Body Horror, Gore, Dubious Consent, Obsession, Hollowzine 2022, karakura gang - Freeform, Ichigo being a parent and a sibling all at once to his sisters, Blood and Injury, Mass Death, Mob Mentality, Highschool Setting, Trans Male Character, Trans Kurosaki Ichigo, Creepy, Unsettlingly handsome grimmjow is here to cause problems and ONLY problems, Implied Sexual Content, Implied Underage Attraction, the middle schoolers all have a crush but it ain't reciprocated, eldritch horror, Junji Ito inspired work, Nightmares, brief cannibalism, Possessive Behavior, Insanity, Tomie AU, Angst and Tragedy, Inciting Violence, Gun Violence, Murder
Read it now on AO3!
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llycaons · 3 years
then again if I watch yyh and compare I'd be like 'edward would never treat his gf like this bc he was written by a woman'
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lesbiansanemi · 2 years
I see so many people compare Reigan to other shounen mentors/teachers and say they’re “all the same character but different fonts” or something along those lines and just... just how have you so blatantly missed the point of Reigan as a character? 
Reigan, who actively encourages Mob to run away from fights. Reigan, who wants every child character he encounters to have a good, normal childhood and tries to keep them as far away from truly dangerous things as he can? Yes, he helps them cultivate and understand their powers and abilities, but he refuses to throw them headlong into battles or dangerous situations if he can help it.
Personally, I think Reigan would rip characters like Gojo or Aizawa or Urahara apart. Do these other teachers care about their students? Sure, but not like Reigan cares about his. 
You think Reigan would be cool with Gojo saving Yuuji’s life just to put him through hell and then eventually execute him? You think Reigan would be okay with a place like UA existing, the whole point of which is to train child soldiers? You think Reigan would be alright with Urahara manipulating Ichigo and his friends into situations and training so they get powerful enough to help get rid of problems he had a hand in creating? 
The whole point of Reigan as a character is to be a responsible adult and to help let children be children, not encourage them to fight. Like I know it’s mostly “haha funny joke” but genuinely... you missed the point of him if you think he’s at all comparable to other shounen mentors
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