#Mikey soft
wearepurplejackets · 2 years
❌ Incorrect Tokyo Manji~ ❌
At the start of the manga:
Takemichi: Oh my god, this is the f*cking Sano Manjiro in front of my eyes. The big boss, the king of the kings, the dreat deity, the captain of this entire ship, the one who's gonna save my ass forever when I will need him most. I should show loyalty to my savior in every fight, I OWE HIM MY-
At the end of the manga: Takemichi:
Takemichi: Look, I just... I just wasn't looking at you for a second and...
Takemichi: And seriously, wHAT the f*ck have you being doing ALL this time without ME to keep you SAFE for the imminent DEATH you just seem to be asking for CONSTANTLY????? EH?!?!
Mikey, *probably on fire*: I DON'T KNOOOW!! T-T
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matchstique · 6 months
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Giving old man Mikey a cat campaign. (It’s Klunk btw)
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happyfoxx-art · 2 months
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Aftermath Family Meeting 5 | A deal has been struck uwu <3
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scatterbrainedbot · 4 months
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ok but the ghibli vibes of @triona-tribblescore 's wandering guardian au???
like i could live in this world forever tbh
inspo boards/refs below ft trionas SPECTACULAR GORGEOUS AMAZING og works of the au bros
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forgetful-nerd · 11 days
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Leo isn’t even mad. He’s just impressed.
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yanderederee · 7 months
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ctw: Yandere themes ~ explicit nsfw midway
part1 … part2 … part3 … now~ … part5
“I’m just worried about you!”
“You shouldn’t get so close, yaknow…”
“He’s going to hurt you one of these days!”
Mikey really couldn’t stand your friends sometimes.
They thought they knew the whole picture. Some goody two shoes who fell head first for the bad boy who never came to school.
It’s not like they bothered to acknowledge how you two genuinely got to know one another, how you helped get him back on track with school, how you looked at him like he held the world in his hands, or how deeply he cared— really cared for you.
All they wanted to acknowledge was how you never had any free time anymore. ‘He’s so clingy’ this, and ‘can’t we talk alone?’ That.
Sure, maybe Mikey hated when you looked at someone other than him for longer than ten seconds. But that didn’t make him a bad boyfriend!
“What’cha guys talking about?~” Mikey smiled innocently when he came up behind you. The girls surrounding you gasped, and backed away immediately.
Mikey was so friendly, how could they reject him so harshly? Maybe it was the death glare he burned into their skin, or the threats he made to them days prior for trying to fuel your head with all this nonsense to begin with.
“Morning, Manjiro~” you smiled back, placing your hand softly on the arm he slung over you protectively.
You never cared how other people saw you, even if you were dating the most notorious delinquent in Shinjuku and Shibuya alike.
And that same indifferent nature was just another reason you had him wrapped around your finger.
One of your friends clicked her tongue, and glared at you. “Whatever, don’t come crying to us about it later.”
You were a tough cookie. It took a lot to get under your skin. Yet somehow, that did.
Little by little, anyone who you used to interact with would suddenly give you the cold shoulder. No more friendly smiles or casual waves. If you even were acknowledged, it was with strained levels of respect, addressing you only by your family name, or curt bows.
No doubt from Mikey’s influence.
Still, if no one else, you had your Manjiro. His undeniable presence of security and words of comfort… he had only ever meant to give you the world, and in secret, punish anyone who would dare separate you.
“They don’t know nothing,” Mikey waved off your friends before hugging you close. You didn’t bother to point out his grammatical mistake. “You know I’d never make you cry, right?” He asked with his watery puppy eyes.
Smile so pure, you ruffled the mess of hair on Mikey’s head. “Course not.” You agreed.
He loved when you agreed with him. Validated his delusions.
“I can’t wait for our next study session~” Mikey sighed in contentment, a soft blush hanging over his features. Your face too caught heat at the taboo mention, in school no less. “T-that was..” you tried coming up with the words that could properly display your thoughts on yesterday, but Mikey loved finishing your sentences for you. “Heavenly. I don’t think I’ve ever felt closer to heaven in my life, than I had then…”
Mikey nuzzled the bridge of his nose into the crook of your exposed neck, regretful he hadn’t left any long lasting love bites behind, like he intended. He was too enthralled in other sensations, but tonight, he’d make sure not to be so negligent.
“You’re so cute,” you giggled at his words of sentiment. “But don’t get spoiled now.”
Mikey narrowed his eyebrows in a pout. “Not fair~” he whined into your shoulder, unfazed by the looks of shock or ridicule classmates around you were giving at the public display of… affection.
Turning your head, you kissed your Manjiro’s scalp lovingly. “Fine fine~ just be patient. After school, okay?” You affirmed in a soft spoken tone.
Mikey smirked.
He loved how easily you gave in to him.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ nsfw below ┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈┈
“M-ma—! Manjiro..!” You yelled desperately, feeling your legs tense so harshly, you began to shake uncontrollably. “Pl-please, I-I’m—!”
But your voice only fueled the desire that flooded Mikey’s senses.
The feeling of your soft thighs against his hands. Your smell. The way playing with you made you scream. It was surreal, like nothing he had ever experienced. The adrenaline of doing these things for the first time only amped his speed further.
Ever since you showed Mikey how to pull back your clitoral hood and exposed your most sensitive parts, he’s been infatuated.
Exploring his tongue over the bundle of nerves, he tried everything, til his hearts content. Shallow licks, slow at first, until he crescendo’d the movement into a quick zig zag motion. The first orgasm he got out of you was evident and loud.
He was so glad he moved his room to the shed, lest his grandfather kill him for his inappropriate actions.
Yet still, even when you twirled his locks into your gentle fists to pull him up, he hurried himself deeper into you. This was heaven, like he said before. How could you take what away from him?
With a more broad sweep of his tongue, he made sure to slowly taste all the wetness you’d produced from your first orgasm. So sweet.
Just as slow as he started, adding pressure from the tip of his tongue, he started from your exposed clit, down til he felt the inward dip of your fluttering hole.
Your moan was soft and low, the movement perfectly easing you down from sensations just seconds ago. But he wanted to keep going, see what sounds you would make by sucking on you.
A drawn out whine escaped your throat when he’d done this. “I-I’m sensitive..! You can’t-“ you tried reasoning with him, but his lazy hooded gaze spoke for itself: he was having the time of his life.
With another hard suck, you whined loud, and threw your head back. “Ahh!—“
God, your cries alone could render him into a horny mess. More, he decided. He wanted to hear more of those sounds. Putting in the extra work, the grip he had on your legs slid up til your hips were under his strength. Pulling your hips upward, he pressed his tongue unbearably closer.
You always gave him just what he wanted. Louder; his name escapes your lips like a mantra. Mikey couldn’t get enough. Just as the muscle of his tongue and your squirming hips met a comfortable rhythm, it was only a matter of minutes before you felt that familiar tension building inside you again.
“M-Mikey! Gonna’..” you made weak attempts at warning him of your oncoming release, but the release overtook your senses before you could do so. A moan more pornographic and sincere soon blessed Manjiro’s eager ears.
You were heaven. It was obvious now, all his blessings in this world was squirming right under him. Your essence. Your angelic cries. The way your thighs cradled him impossibly closer— the way your toes curled and shaking body rattled the frame of his bed.
You were his euphoria.
It was a shame your head was thrown back. He tried getting a good look at your face when you cried so sweetly, but couldn’t.
Enjoying the last few involuntary thrusts your body released, Mikey finally release your core with a loud sounding pop.
His lips were red from friction, but he’d never been happier. Attentions all about you, he slowly rose to his knees on the bed, trying to see your face. His hands stayed glued to your hips as his fingertips traced the curves of your body.
“Manjiro…” you breathed out quietly, turning to reveal your glazed over eyes. Mikey smiled wide, feeling his heart skip a beat at the sight of you.
“You’re so perfect.”
You would never be able to leave Manjiro. For years to come, you would faithfully remain his. Lest the taste of death come between you.
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twiyke · 1 year
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scribbly sits and squats
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bontwisty · 3 months
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Nap in the Meadow ❤️🧡
I’ve figured out how to do dappled lighting and thought it’d fit perfectly with these two having a relaxing moment 🫶🫶
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sasstastikarts · 2 years
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-stares @cupcakeslushie- Feral!Leo AU...
and Leo is still Leo... so of COURSE he redirects... and of COURSE I had to draw it because APPARENTLY I needed to draw angst this week!! >:V wtf
anyways this AU is oddly sweet and I love it so much for some reason. kay bye.
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mytaiyakeylover · 1 year
you taste like roses.
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synopsis: your boyfriend seems to be pretty sad lately, so you decide to give him a surprise.
pairing: mikey x gn!reader
warnings: maybe some signs of obsessive behavior, just a tiny bit of angst (not even sure if this counts) and kissing.
word count: 1.3k
series masterlist | previous | next
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Charcoal eyes blinked sleepily at the sound of knuckles hitting a wooden surface. The blond, however, opted to ignore it in favor of getting some more sleep. A minute or so passed, yet the sounds did not seem to fade. Manjiro huffed, a loud groan escaping his lips. There was no way the boy was going to leave the comfort of his bed to open the door. He had already made that decision when he was forcefully pulled out from his deep slumber.
The knocking did not cease, and Manjiro pressed the pillow harshly against his ears to muffle the sounds. Where was Emma? Oh, right… He had forgotten that she had stayed over at Hinata’s place for a sleepover. For once would he actually prefer she was home, but no, she just had to go and have a sleepover. Not to mention with a person she barely knew! The betrayal…
Realizing that the visitor — or rather, his next victim — would not leave, the blond angrily threw his pillow to the floor as he got out of bed. Stomping towards the front door, he could hear Shinichiro's distant cries, warning him not to do something he might regret. Ignoring his own conscience, the blond swung the door open forcefully, fully prepared to confront and unleash his fury on the person who awaited him.
However, instead of being met by the face of some random dumbass, it was you who were standing before him. Smiling all innocent as if you hadn't just woken him up from his very much needed slumber at god knows what hour. Though, the boy couldn’t bring himself to be mad. You were just being so cute, and he could already feel his mood begin to lift from his previous tantrum.
Before the boy could utter a word, he felt something being shoved against his face. A sweet and tender fragrance entering his nostrils as a type of unknown euphoria spread through his senses. Opening his eyes, charcoal was met by deep and vibrant crimson, an ocean of blood-red roses presented before them.
A smile soon found its way to his face, albeit slightly shaky, cheeks flushed with a soft shade of pink. His hands were trembling just a little bit and he could feel a tornado of butterflies swarming aggressively inside his stomach. “What’s this for?” He asked, voice strained from emotion.
You smiled at him with that endless sweetness that you met everyone with, but was always a bit softer and more affectionate when directed at him. (E/c) eyes conveying nothing but pure adoration and endless devotion that made his heart squeeze whenever eye contact was made between you both.
The answer didn’t come straight away, as you looked down to avoid making further eye contact. A sudden portrayal of shyness that wasn’t present before. Hands fidgeting as you played with the hem of your shirt. Then you faced him again, cheeks coated with a pinkness of your own.
“It’s just that you’ve been kind of down lately and I wanted to cheer you up,” you mumbled quietly, a faint smile grazing your lovely lips.
Oh, how lucky he was to have you by his side.
“Do you not like them?” You asked, eyes betraying a hint of worry and uncertainty. Manjiro shook his head in response to your question. Because how could he not like them? They were a gift from you. Everything that came from you held an air of divinity and otherworldliness. Should anyone believe otherwise, he would make sure to change that.
“No, of course I like them,” he found himself speaking in a rather rushed manner, nervousness getting the best of him. He just couldn’t help it. The giddiness was unbearable. Knowing how much you must have worried about him to come so early in the morning to make his day better. All this, simply done for the sake of his happiness.
“But you didn’t have to come this early (Y/n)-chan,” he said, shaking his head amusedly. “You know how much I hate waking up too early in the morning.”
A fleeting hint of mischief passed your pools of (e/c) as you snickered slightly for some unknown reason. Manjiro arched an eyebrow at that, not quite understanding what was so funny.
“Jiro, it’s 2 in the afternoon,” you said, soft giggles escaping your lips. Cheeks flushing red at your words, the blond hid his face behind the bouquet of roses he held in his grasp. Then he felt your soft, slightly cool fingertips, touching his hands, as you carefully lowered the flowers in his hands to get a look of his face.
Manjiro sighed, coal eyes peering at you with fondness, enjoying the way your soft hands caressed his own, as you were still trying to calm down from the excessive giggling. A sudden idea entered his mind as he continued to stare at your pretty lips, tongue peeking out to wet his dry ones. The boy leaned in, left hand cupping your slightly flushed cheek.
Giggles were suddenly muffled as a soft texture pressed against your exposed lips. You blinked in surprise before relaxing and leaning into his soft touch. The rosy scent coming from the lonely rose petal between your lips adding some sort of dreaminess to the sensation, as your mouths moved in a sensual dance, lips molding together.
The blond boy sighed against the floral leaf as his other hand let go of the bouquet in favor of sneaking his arm around your waist. Thumb drawing absentminded circles on your soft, plush cheek as he pressed your body closer against his own — if that was even possible. He just couldn’t take it. He needed to feel you, to hear you, to smell you. He needed your everything — whatever you were willing to give and beyond.
However, like every human did, you needed air. So your soft, gentle, tender hands began to push his chest. But Manjiro didn’t budge, needing you just as much, if not even more. He felt as if he would suffocate in the next few seconds, were your body to get away from his own.
You panted as the boy finally let go, cheeks now flushed with a deep shade of crimson. Petal falling down from where it had been previously held captive, floating freely in the air until it reached the cold pavement. Vibrant red texture now scrunched and dry-looking in appearance. Manjro’s kisses were always sweet and gentle, but could sometimes turn passionate and demanding — possessive even.
Manjiro stared at you, mind filled with spiraling thoughts of you, you, you… He pressed his forehead against yours, breaths mixing together as neither of you still have managed to calm down from the wonderful kisses you both shared. Coal eyes filled with adoration and endless pinning for you.
“I love you,” he breathed out, admiring the dreamy and slightly dizzy look on your face. The sound faint, but holding so much emotion within it, you feared your knees would give out. Manjiro smirked at that, finding your state truly mesmerizing. A sense of pride enveloping his senses at the fact that he was the one to make you feel this way.
Then you smiled, that usual breathtaking smile that was just so you. And the blond felt his breath catch in his throat, unable to produce anymore thoughts. Mind growing empty as you uttered the words he always found himself craving to hear, despite the many times you’ve already uttered them to each other. The sound faint, like a distant whisper, yet so powerful it shook through his core.
“I love you, too.”
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I have not stopped thinking about the new tottmnt trailer I’m sorry
As an outlet I am starting practice on figuring out how to draw the goofs in their style so enjoy this random thing??
-> Commissions || My Kofi || Tip Jar :) <-
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shantechni · 8 months
Help I just realized Donnie and Raph were holding his fingers😭😭
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tblsomedoodles · 2 months
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The Preferable Alternative - part 6
Start - Previous - Next
An Idea has been Had : )
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jellyfish-kitty1 · 10 months
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oh no! Donnie what chaos have you unleashed!?!
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little-b1rdy · 3 months
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The Fallen Ones
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forgetful-nerd · 3 months
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The sunset duo are huggers especially when it come to their immediate older brothers.
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