#Mid Year wrap up
It’s the first day of July and it’s time to check in on those reading goals! I've been doing this tag for the past two years and I'm happy to see that this year so many other booklrs are doing it too!
My reading has been going fine. I have started DNFing more books which is ultimately great so I have fewer 2 star reads than usual (I don't count DNFs towards my reading goal). Thrillers are supposed to be my favorite genre but this year I've had such bad luck with them, they're either 3 stars or lower. Romance is the only genre that's making me happy. As always I have multiple answers for everything so here goes:
1. How many books have you read so far?
I’ve read 97 books woohoo
2. What genres have you read?
Here are the genres by stats:
31 romance books
27 mystery/thriller books
12 contemporary books
10 fantasy/sci-fi books
6 non fiction
5 graphic novel/manga
2 historical fiction
2 anthologies
1 poetry/in-verse book
1 classic
3. Best book you’ve read so far this year
This is the year I've read the most romances and they've been making me the happiest
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4. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
I read the entirety of the Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee in the first half of the year and both Jade War and Jade Legacy were fantastic sequels and the trilogy itself was so good! I also read The Brown Sisters trilogy by Talia Hibbert and Act Your Age Eve Brown was my favorite among them!
5. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to
I'm in such a summery mood so I might just read all of these asap
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6. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
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7. Biggest disappointment
I hyped these up too much in my head which ended up with some average reads:
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8. Biggest surprise
I didn’t expect to love these as much as I did:
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9. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
I haven’t read enough from these authors but I would surely like to read everything they write:
Mariana Zapata
Fonda Lee
Talia Hibbert
Akemi Dawn Bowman
10. Underrated gems
Not enough people have read these books:
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11. Newest fictional crush
Oh man I don't really have a bookish one so far this year although I finally binge watched Gilmore Girls and read plenty of Luke and Lorelai fanfiction and now I have a huge crush on him 😍
12. Newest favorite character
I would have to go with Anya from Spy × Family because she's so funny and we basically have the same name 😂
13. Book that made you cry
These made me cry:
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14. Book that made you happy
If you wanna smile then read these:
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15. Most beautiful book cover of a book you’ve read so far this year
Romances have the best covers so it was hard to narrow down to these (I guess I just love the sky+water combo):
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16. How are you doing with your year’s goals?
So my year’s goals were:
Read 100 books (on track)
TBR Buster Challenge 2022 (14/25 books read)
Read a non-fiction every month (6 books read so on track)
Complete 5 book series (3 series finished)
17. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
The only books I have planned to complete by the end of this year are in my TBR Buster Challenge!
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sandramiksaauthor · 11 months
mid year book tag | mid year book wrap up 📖
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booksteacupandreviews · 11 months
2023 Mid-Year Freak Out Tag #MidYearWrapUp
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Mid-Year Reading Wrap-Up
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mommy-mystic · 11 months
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Cannot believe my 3 cover buys this spring turned out to be my favorite reads of the year so far lol!
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cata-strophes · 2 years
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little guy for college
hiiii im unable to draw anything for..... minimum another week lol (im suffering here), im full of end of the year deadlines and theyre consuming my life, so here's is some stuff for a thingie i did, these were part of a tiny little beat-in-a-minute game lol (I drew these in. five minutes each? i was running out of time)
this is just like a life update, i wanna draw but i cant o(-( idk if i have been gone too long (ive been working all day everyday, days are mixing together, i just want a good night's sleep) but hopefully i will be back soon
i want to also start planning the thing i wanted to do where i draw some of my fave scenes from fics... one day......
anyways back to working byebyeeee, <3
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
I forgot that it's Tis The Season to rage at the radio cuz they insist on playing My Favorite Things.
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
some day i will actually finish all my half finished cover projects instead of getting distracted and starting a new one., some day .
(propose by naisho no pierced, svp made from the midi they provided lol)
#vocal synth wip#synthv#genbu lite#sorry i like. inexplicably fell head over heels for genbu both his fucked up lite and his actual bank#how do i explain that i love genbu Because i think he kinda sucks without pissing off both genbu fans and genbu haters#actually thats not fair his full bank seems decent and out of the volor voices hes not That Bad#he sounds a little worse quality than eleanor (who is personally not my taste but shes solid despite that)#but hes not quite renri level or anything (and i say that will all the love in my heart for synthv renri <3 <3 <3)#(although shes free so i cant get too mad either way LOL)#(but genbu was also the first male bank we got for synthv so i cant get too mad at him either <3 hes an old man)#but like. he sounds like a decent but slightly glitchy utau bank. and his lite sounds like a REALLY glitchy utau bank HJKDSHKds#listen. i havent been able to use utau in forever because i had gotten a new computer a few years back#and i didnt wanna break anything by switching locales so i havent been able to install it orz#and im still struggling to wrap my head around openutau.....i'll get there. i'll get there someday#but genbu and especially his fucked up lite is kinda scratching that itch you know#like his lite is apparently based off his higher range and not his mid range? so thats why hes always fucking YELLING#thats so so funny to me i love that he sounds so odd. fucked up little robot man who screams and whispers randomly#lemme tell u working with his lite specifically. i imagine this isnt a problem on his full because u have all the ranges#but the lite since its one range you have to FIGHT HIM to get him to either stop yelling or speak up HGKDHJds#its wonderful. i love a project
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puttingwingsonwords · 10 months
not to complain about my hobby that I do for fun, but making blog posts is so much work. like I'm not doing a lot of book reviews any more bc they take a lot of brain thinking that I don't have the energy for so a book rec list is easier in that regard. but those still take so much time! I think that if I went and timed every step even I would be surprised at how long it takes
basically this is why I'm trying not to care about how often I post on my blog and how timely my posts are or feel obligated to post for certain events/times of year bc it's not like I'm getting payed to do this. it's my hobby so I'm only doing it if it actually makes me happy
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first-full-moon · 1 year
i finished Wuthering Heights on Friday btw
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sandramiksaauthor · 1 year
Mid-Year Movie Wrap Up (the 16 movies I've watched so far in 2023 👀)
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gg-selvish · 1 year
genuinely kind of want to write you (& only you) knf getting married
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bedcorpse · 1 year
me a harry styles enjoyer on mcrblr trying to not get stabbed
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mommy-mystic · 11 months
✨️ Mid Year Reading Wrap-Up ✨️
I cannot believe it, I'm a reader 🤩 this year I truly discovered (maybe for the first time) how much I enjoy reading. The past several years I was so engrossed in nonfiction, psychology, parenting books, children's lit, academic reading, and classics that I ignored all other genres. However, finally, I started enjoying good, old fashioned stories again. Much to my surprise, I've been loving the fantasy genre! (Rom-com makes me cringe but it's easy/entertaining to read too!)
Here's the books I've read this year so far (that i can remember) 📚
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: a Celtic Guide to Listening to Our Souls & Saving the World by John Phillip Newell 🌿
The Witch's Feast: a Kitchen Grimoire by Melissa Madara 🔮
The Thorns Remain by JJA Hardwood 🧚‍♀️
Cackle by Rachel Harrison 🔮
Bringing up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🇫🇷
The Entire Twilight Saga (again) by Stephanie Meyer 😔💀🌧
Plant Parenting: Easy Ways to Make More Houseplants, Vegetables, and Flowers by Leslie F. Halleck 🪴
From Bad to Cursed by Lana Harper 🔮
The Bone Orchard by Sara A. Mueller 🦴🧠👻
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman 🔮
The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us & How We Can Rule It by John F Tierney and Roy F. Baumeister 📖🎓
Small Town, Big Magic by Hazel Beck 🔮
Beach Read by Emily Henry 📚⛱️
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondō 🧹
Messy Minimalism : Realistic Strategies for the Rest of Us by Rachelle Crawford 🧹
Scottish Witchcraft : A Complete Guide to Authentic Folklore, Spells, and Magickal Tools by Barbara Meiklejohn-Free 🔮
I think The Bone Orchard, Cackle, The Thorns Remain, & Beach Read take the cake on my favorite reads of the year so far. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I forgot I even read at ALL until making this list and opening a Goodreads account. I even had to check my list of library rentals to remember it all! Quick note: I'm obsessed with the Army library on base as well as the one by our house & the state digital library I access with the Libby app.
📚 Currently, I'm reading another parenting book, another fantasy, and my FIRST Silvia Moreno-Garcia!
🎃 I swear one day I'll make a list of all my fav Children's and storybooks we have in our house, especially the creepy Halloween/spooky ones!
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ninasbookshelf · 11 months
mid-year book freakout 2023
Hi all! I’ve seen a few different versions of mid-year book freakouts and mid-year reading wrap-ups going around social media. I decided to combine a few of them and share my responses. I’d love to hear in the replies whether we share any of the same opinions (or have totally different ones). How's your reading going so far?
Amount of books you’ve read so far: 38
Best book you’ve read so far in 2023: Just Kids by Patti Smith. I finished Just Kids a few weeks ago, so I’m sure part of the reason I’m choosing it is because it’s fresh in my mind, but I really loved Patti Smith’s sincerity and storytelling. I also respect the way she raises up the people around her and honors them through her writing. She has so many stories to tell and she tells them beautifully!
Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2023: Mysteries of Thorn Manor by Margaret Rogerson (the sequel novella to Sorcery of Thorns). I totally expected this novella to be simple fluff (and I was a-ok with that). I love slice-of-life moments, but as it turns out, there is even more to this sequel than I expected. Underneath the fun and games, there is a darker, poignant story that really stuck with me. It’s one of love, consequences, and the painful shackles of time. Months have gone by since I read Mysteries of Thorn Manor, and I still feel my heart ache every time I think about certain characters. It’s a beautifully orchestrated sequel.
New release you haven’t read yet but want to: Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn. This isn’t super new, but I had preordered it after reading Legendborn last year and I still haven’t gotten around to reading the sequel. Legendborn was engaging and intricate, and I’m sure Bloodmarked will be as well. 
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year: Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig, the sequel to One Dark Window. I was introduced to One Dark Window through Fairyloot and I absolutely loved it. I’m really hoping this sequel lives up to my expectations. I was a big fan of Rachel Gillig’s writing style and plot setup and I’m excited to read more of her work.
Biggest disappointment: I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki by Baek Sehee. This book didn’t quite hit the way I wanted it to. It was on so many book recommendation lists, and of course has such an enticing title that I had to read it. I ended up DNF’ing because a lot of the book felt oversimplified and almost obvious to me. Maybe it’s because I already have experience with the topic of mental health, but it just couldn’t capture my attention.
Biggest surprise: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I don’t read much sci-if so I was hesitant going into this one! My boyfriend recommended it to me and I wasn’t sure I’d like it, but it ended up being one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. 
Favorite new author (debut or new to you): Patti Smith! (Just new to me of course.) 
Newest fictional crush/favorite character: I’m combining these two because I don’t think I have any new fictional crushes this year, but I definitely have a new favorite character in Silas from Sorcery of Thorns and Mysteries of Thorn Manor. Silas gives an impression of aloofness but is droll and secretly affectionate towards the other main characters. In other words, he has the personality of a cat and it’s very endearing. 
Book that made you cry: Miss Memory Lane by Colton Haynes…
Book that made you happy: Miss Memory Lane by Colton Haynes. This one had been on my list for awhile, but I didn’t know just how fully it would enthrall me, or how quickly I would devour it. It was such a striking memoir, and even though it was heartbreaking, there was a hopeful spin to the ending that made me happy, too. 
What I want to read by the end of year: I want to read the rest of Ruth Ozeki’s work! A Tale for the Time Being is one of my favorites, and I loved The Book of Form and Emptiness as well. I’m making it my goal to read the rest of her work by the end of the year. 
Additionally, I’d also love to read more Patti Smith. I really adored her writing in Just Kids.
That's all! If you want to post your own mid-year book freakout I’ll share the blank questions in a separate post so that you can easily copy and paste them. Thanks for reading!
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heartsyncproductions · 11 months
Mid-year Book Freak Out Tag: 2023
We are once more halfway through the year and as per tradition, it’s time for the Mid-year Book Freak Out Tag. I have hardly read any books, and the majority of my reads have been manga, so I guess this will be more like the ‘manga freak out tag’ than it is anything. With that being said, there haven’t been much this year that has been a true stand out for me, both in terms of being a favorite or…
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