#Mandy totally would but she's a girl
bubblegumbarbie33 · 7 months
Don't mind me just thinking about a Hunger Games Gallavich AU
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ayosdesignz-blog · 9 months
I think they’ll still keep her around as the sitcom archnemesis. One of my biggest problems with Totally Spies is that it doesn’t too anything substantial to change the formula- the much derided Season 6 is proof of that.
Ok hi 👋 sorry if this response is late I don't get notified of these.
Anywho I take it you're talking about Mandy?
They do. I forget what season I dropped off at when bingeing old episodes to watch the new seasons I hadn't known were real and it is strangely more of the same despite them being in college.
Except they doubled down on a couple of things from what I remember which was:
Jerry being a douche and trying to impose fees and expenses on them out of nowhere when he has the 3 of them, whom are top agents, working for him for free plus unspecified "perks" since they were MINORS and without parental consent on top of that. (The girls managed to wiggle their way out of it tho but they shouldn't have had to)
Mandy is a bigger pain in the butt and is marketing herself as a undefined brand, basically an influencer and is somehow more popular in college than she was in high school which makes that future timeline of a Mandy dictatorship likely to happen on a different route.
They decided to give us another Mandy in the form of her cousin. Mindy. (It's awful how similar they are) But almost cute how genuinely close they seem to be...except they're both still awful ppl.
And I remember feeling like some of the missions they have are repeats from old episodes.
And there seems to be no maturity that sticks.
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alotofpockets · 4 months
The unexpected gift | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Reader
Summary: Meeting Alessia at a bar while she's out celebrating her birthday.
A/n: In honour of Lessi's birthday :)
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 1.5k
You were looking around the busy bar, trying to find the friends you had arrived with. Only one of them was still sharing the table with you. “Have you seen the rest?” Emma shakes her head, “I saw Lexi leaving with some guy like fifteen minutes ago, and the last time I saw Mandy, she was making out with a girl on the dance floor.” You laugh, “Maybe we should go and find some people too.” You see your friend looking over your shoulder, “I think I found just the right person.” Her face lights up, so you look over your shoulder to see who she’s looking at. You immediately knew who she was talking about, “Em she's totally your type. You should go for it!” You encourage her. “You'll be alright on your own?” You've probably never nodded faster in your life, “Go shoot your shot!” 
Now it was just you. First, another drink, you thought as you got up and headed to the bar. You had never been one to just step up to a girl and shoot your shot, so you were going to need some more liquid courage. What you hadn’t expected was for a girl to literally fall into your arms.
You quickly react and catch her before she falls down completely. “Oh my god, I am so sorry.” The girl starts apologising profusely, her words barely registering as you’re immediately lost in her piercing blue eyes. “It's okay, but you could've just said hi, you know?” The girl visibly relaxes at your joke. “Hi.” She says with a big smile on your face. You went from being mesmerised by her eyes to being mesmerised by her smile. The girl was absolutely stunning, and you thanked the universe that you were the one she fell into. “Hey,” you send her a smile back, “what brings you out tonight?” 
“I’m actually here celebrating my birthday with some of my friends. What about you?” At that the girl in front of you seemed to remember that it wasn’t just the two of you in the room. “That’s so fun, happy birthday! I’m here with a couple of friends too, except they all left to go make out with strangers.” You joke.
Before the blonde could respond, a hand fell onto her shoulder, “Oi Lessi, what’s taking so long?” Lessi, you smile now knowing her name. She nudges her head your way, hoping that her friend would leave her alone. “Oh, I see.” She says with a smirk, as she sees her friend's cheeks flush. The girl looks your way. “What are you drinking?” You give her your drink of choice and thank her before continuing your conversation, “So, Lessi is it?” She holds out her hand, “Alessia actually.” You shake her hand, “Y/n.” You realise you hadn’t let go of her hand yet, so you slowly retract it. “You should join me and my friends.” She said with a smile you couldn’t say no to even if you wanted to. So, when Alessia’s friend presses a drink into your hands, you find yourself following the two to the other side of the bar. 
“Sorry for the wait, but don’t fear Katie is here with the drinks! Also, this is y/n, she’ll be joining us.” You wave to the group as a bunch of hello’s are thrown your way. Since the group was large enough to entertain themselves, Alessia guided you over to a free spot at the table, so you could continue your conversation. “You’ve got quite the group of people here with you.” You comment, looking out over the twenty something girls surrounding you. “Oh yes, I play football, and these are all my teammates. Since we’re such a big group when we all go somewhere, I like to just invite them out instead of having to host this many people at home.” 
She tells you all about football, and her experience playing in the euro’s after you asked for it. You found it adorable that she was so passionate about her sport. You hadn’t even realised an hour had gone by since you had sat down, until one of her friends stood in front of you. “Less, come on, we want to go to the next bar.” The girl was looking at her expectantly, and looked to be very excited for their next step of the night. “You promised us karaoke, now let’s go.” Alessia looks between the two of you, “Okay Beth, calm down. We’ll go to the karaoke bar, tell the girls to get ready, and I’ll be right there.” 
Once Beth turns around you hear her loudly announce to the group that you’re going to the next bar, you smile at her enthusiasm showing so clearly. “She’s really into karaoke, huh?” Alessia laughs, “I think she just enjoys watching everyone embarrass themselves, honestly. Would you want to come with us? I don’t want our time to end yet.” You loved the idea of spending more time with Alessia, so you agreed. “I’m not singing though.” 
You quickly text your friends where you’re going as you were grabbing your coat, before you join Alessia’s friends outside. Alessia wasn’t there yet, so you make small talk with Lia, Vic, and Leah. A few minutes later you saw Alessia approaching, but before she reached you, she tripped over her own feet. Luckily Leah was quick to catch her this time. “That twice now, seems like you really needed some fresh air.” You laugh. “Trust me it’s not just the alcohol, she’s naturally clumsy.” Vic says, earning herself a playful shove from Alessia. 
The karaoke bar was busy, so it took a while before any of the girls got to sing, but the atmosphere in the bar was great. You were dancing and singing along to the music along with the rest of the girls.
Beth, Jen, and Steph, were the first ones up on the stage, performing their rendition of ABBA’s Dancing Queen, they fully let go and belted the lyrics to the audience, and they sang it back just as loud.
As the night went on, you found yourself getting closer and closer to Alessia. Until eventually, her arms were around your waist, while you were swinging to the music together.
You didn’t want the night to end, but the bar was slowly emptying out, and you knew it was going to close soon. “Alright, last song everybody. This is Sweet Caroline performed by the Arsenal Women's team.” The DJ announced. The girls made their way to the stage, and before you had time to resist, you got dragged along with them. 
Blending into the group, you let go and sing along with the words to the song.
Hands, touching hands
Reaching out, touching me, touching you
Sweet Caroline pam pam pam
Good times never seemed so good
You had to admit that that was a lot of fun. 
Once everyone was out of the bar, Alessia took you aside, trying to get away from the loudness of her friends. “I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you for inviting me to join your birthday celebration.” Her smile grows, “Of course, I am so glad that I did. Thank you for a great night. Actually I was wondering if I could see you again sometime, like take you out on a date." She started fiddling with the rings on her fingers, suddenly becoming nervous. So, you take her hand in yours, “I would love to." Her nerves faded away just as quickly as they had appeared. “Yeah? That’s great. Let me get your number.” You put your numbers in each other’s phones. 
“Thanks again for a great night.” Alessia said, taking your hand in hers again. “Likewise, birthday girl.” You’re about to move back to the rest of the group when you get an idea, and turn to Alessia again. “I haven’t given you a birthday gift yet.” Alessia laughs, “I mean I didn’t really give you any notice.” You smile at her quick joke. “That’s okay, I’m great at improvising.” You take a step closer to her, and lean in to kiss her. 
Her lips are soft on yours, and you taste the sweetness of the cocktails she’s been drinking on them. You break the kiss with flushed cheeks from the wolf whistles and cheers coming from the group behind you. So, you lean in to whisper into her ear, “Happy birthday.” 
Your house was only a couple blocks away, but Alessia insisted on you joining her in her Uber, making the driver take an extra stop. “Text me when you get home?” You ask as you get out, and she nods, “I will.” 
When she was alone in the Uber, Alessia starts reminiscing on her birthday. She had a great time with her teammates, and got a lot of great presents. Thought, the unexpected gift of meeting you, was her favourite gift of all.
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theangelcatalogue · 2 months
⭑ Romantic!
⭑ Gender Neutral!
⭑ Characther and Fandom: Mandy - Totally Spies
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★ -> Mandy is manipulative, jealous, controlling, possesive, attention seeker and maybe flirty and delusional? Anyways she is a pain in the ass
☆ -> Let's start with jealous, she is jealous of most people you talk to! God help you if you are Clover's, Alex's and Sam's friend
★ -> Yeah, for her any friend of yours, maybe anyone who talks to you but it's not her, it's a loser
☆ -> Attention seeker, maybe kinda delusional and clingy, she wants you to praise her and hang out with her most of the time, she carrys you around like some toy and always talk with you about everything, and sometimes she talks bad about people you talk to
★ -> And when you say to her to stop, she always looks confused like she did nothing wrong or says to you
" Yeah? Okay! " *Walking away*
☆ -> She calls you for so many dates and random hang outs that most of your time in school and out of school, Mandy is with you!
★ -> If any boy or girl haves a crush on you, she will make sure to humiliate that person, and everytime you and her(In case Mandy) are talking and plan to hang out, Mandy will look at that person that haves a crush on you with a smirk, like some sort of villain
☆ -> Of course she does that while you not looking or when you in the place, even if you got her doing that, she will make it again and make sure you don't got her(Again...)
" You really think Y/N really likes you? That they would hang out with you!? OMG THAT'S FUNNY!!! "
★ -> She keeps you away of your friends, sometimes she just go where you and your friends are and just leave with you
☆ -> And when you ask why she is doing that, she just give some excuse or just says something like
" Look Y/N! You don't understand! Im just doing because i want the best for you! I love you and you know that right? "
★ -> Resume: guilty trip and manipulation
☆ -> And she even uses her two friends(that it don't remember the name-) to help her and convice her, of course one of them already tried to talk to Mandy about this behavior
" Mandy don't you think you going...to far? "
" What!? Of course not! Why? Do you think i am crazy or something!? "
" No i just- "
" So do what i asked you to! "
★ -> She always tries to impress you cause guess what? Yeah she wants your attention, she just loves it when you praise her
☆ -> And when you not impressed or maybe even stand up by yourself, she gets angry and confused, you don't love her!? You not impressed!? She is pretty, rich, (don't) haves a wonderful personality, everyone loves her and finds her amazing!
★ -> She won't give up of you! She always got what she wants!
☆ -> And she wants you!
★ -> And it will have a point that she won't care anymore if you hate her!
☆ -> Love her or Hate her
★ ->  Both are in hers favor
☆ -> if you love her, she will always be in your heart!
★ -> if you hate her, she will always be in your mind
✦ - Surprise songs! -> 🍬 🕶 👯‍♀️
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✦ - NOTES!!
✮ I love Totally Spies ✮
✮ Idk what to say, just a random hc ✮
✮ Who loved the Shakespeare quote??? ✮
✮ Anways my birthday is close :3 ✮
✮ *Sends a virtual hug for you* Ily you guys! Ty for reading <3
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littlenahsstuff · 1 year
Amanda Young x Reader
Warnings: blood, gore, angst, betrayal, choking, sad with a happy ending, slow, mentions of character death, self harm, blades, anxiety, longer fic, pov shifts kinda, also it’s mainly Amanda’s pov just cuz
Summary: you find out Amanda is a serial killer the hard way, by falling into a trap she made. You survive but does your relationship?
A/n: suggestions are welcome as long as they’re nice, also not proofread
Amanda missed another one of your dates because of her job, which, you don’t know anything about. You were hoping she was just some high level agent if you were being honest. It would explain the natural muscles and bad-assery that was your girlfriend. That’s also why she keeps getting cuts and bruises you tell yourself.
You at least knew that they weren’t from self harm, they were too scattered to be from that and you can somehow tell when Amanda hides self harm scars. It’s like a sixth sense, telling when she’s in danger.
You got the feeling more than you’d like too, but it was a little different when it was caused by Amanda herself. She seems more satisfied with herself sadly.
You just want your precious girl to be happy and safe, even if it’s only been a couple of months she’s your entire world. It just kinda happened but at this point in your life Amanda was the only person you talked to other than the occasional phone call from an old friend once a year. You were just floating right now with Amanda being your rock to tie you down and you, hers.
You convinced her to go on anxiety medication. Well, she refused to get a prescription (she can’t go to the doctors after Dr. Gordon) so she kinda shares your prescription both well aware that’s not a good idea but it does seem to help her and you would do anything for her.
The downside is you aren’t taking your prescribed amount and your next appointment to try and up the dosage, so one pill does the trick for both of you when you split it in half, is months away. You yourself are falling, you can feel it. You keep telling yourself that you gotta just wait it out and take it one day at a time for Amanda.
Right now you’re driving home from work in the rainy city. Your apartment is not Amanda’s yet but what little free time she has away from work is spent there so it might as well be.
A particular bolt of lightning hits a little too close for your liking and the booming thunder after it chills you to your bone. You don’t feel so good.
You try to just focus on what’s ahead while steadying your breathing. Traffic is light on the outskirts of the city, the small complex is right on the town line in a small patch of woods next to one of the parks.
You hate outside dark, outside dark is open and anything could surround you on all sides. You run up to your floor and flick on the lights but to no avail the darkness still remains. Your stomach is tight as a knot at this point, really wishing the owner allowed candles or that you had remembered to buy more batteries for the flashlight.
You grumbled to yourself, thinking you should just go to bed early. So feeling your way through the pitch black apartment, you stumbled a total of three times and now have a stubbed toe. It was a great fucking night that’s for sure.
Your bed offered little to no relief on your aching post-work back but the exhaustion was taking over rapidly. You shuffled a little to get comfy but then heard a creak of a floorboard.
“Hello?” You called out. Nobody answers, why would they. “Mands is that you? Come on you know how scared I get babes. Not the time to do this shit,” no response and yet another creak. You were still though, it couldn’t have been the bed which never makes much sound anyways. You sat up now and try to train your eyes to the darkness, no moonlight was there to help.
You frantically open the drawer to your dresser and procure a weapon Mandy gifted you for protection, boy were you great full now. You couldn’t tell where the thing or person was so you waved it about hoping it would get them.
Your eyes started to adjust and you saw a figure in the corner, once it realized you could see it, it lunged forward at you, sticking you with what you assume was an anesthetic by the lightheaded feeling making it hard for you to push them off. Your screams were muffled with a hand, you tried to bite them but it felt like you were swimming in syrup. Eventually everything just stopped as you lulled backwards.
The figure swooped you over their shoulder and took you out of your apartment, stuffing you in the trunk of a car pulled of to the back of the building.
Amanda’s POV:
She really did feel awful that she had to cancel another date, she knew that whenever she did you just stayed at work later in hopes to distract yourself. She knew you understood but if you knew what was really happening she’s not sure the understanding would still apply.
John called her in with a special request, no details were given about this person and she wasn’t even the one to kidnap them. All she had to do was come up with a new trap. She thought it was like a test to see if her engineering skills have gotten better as well as her “moral” compass. John always was better at tinkering than her and John had found out about her previous unwinnable games so this was most likely just a checkin to see if she would deter again from the purpose.
She blames herself, if she didn’t get all trigger happy with the traps she wouldn’t be missing another date night. She triple-checked to make sure this game was beatable but not too easy, John doesn’t like it when they are too hard orrrr to easy. It was a comfortable in between but definitely still very much challenging. Whoever plays it would have to give up a lot of blood to live if they aren’t careful. It was a solo game, that’s all that was required for this one.
She really hoped that this would be done quick. So while the trap might have been beatable, the timer was set to go off probably fifteen minutes before it should. Good luck to whoever plays this, she hopes they’re pretty bad or else the guilt will eat at her for the rest of the month. Sometimes John picked stupid targets that didn’t do anything bad necessarily as much as he believes it with his “solid” ideals. Maybe after John dies she can hand everything over to mark and move far away from this hell city with you. As much as she wants to, she needs to take care of John for the time being. He’s practically her father at this point.
With the trap finally finished she hands it over to Mark who’s been oddly quiet in the corner. He had a smug expression nobody liked, he was up to something.
“Hope you didn’t make this one unbeatable,” he laughs. He never cared if they were or not before so she’s a little put off, assuming he’s just teasing her for her screw up with John.
“Yeah, yeah,” she mutters and turns around to pick up her stuff. She just wants to get home to you so bad.
“Hold up,” Mark stops her, “John wants you to watch live with him. She groans in response.
“Fine let’s get this over with,” and with that they leave.
It was the same old set up, a rusty building. She definitely didn’t like the idea of having to get a tetnus shot. She hates needles, preferring to sedate people using chloroform or with blunt force to the back of the head.
She split ways with mark, her going to the observing room where John was already.
“Hello Amanda,” he croaked smugly.
“What is with you and Mark, you guys act like you just got the president?”
“They certainly are important but no, they are not the president. I can’t wait to see your work on them, I’m sure after our talk this trap will be exemplary?” He tilts his head upwards. She awkwardly laughs, his questioning gaze makes her slightly uncomfortable.
“Should be,” she mutters.
“Well then let’s begin.” She turns on the cameras to see marks back covering the kidnapped. She yawns but when he moves away it cuts off with a choke. She really hopes her eyes are deceiving her, she still can’t see much of the face but everything else looks exactly like what you were wearing this morning. They really need better cameras but money is tight in the Jigsaw business.
“So, I didn’t ask before but what’s the name of this one?” She starts to panic, please don’t say your name, please.
“I thought you’d recognize Y/n?”
Everything shatters, she doesn’t know what you could have possibly done to deserve this so she assumes it’s her fault for going against orders.
“John please, you and I both know she doesn’t deserve this. She isn’t cruel I would know she tells me everything, I put a tracker on her all she does is go to work!” She’s pleading for your life right now.
“I know, this is for you though. Even if she has done nothing she lacks the understanding you and I have of our message. The only way to understand is through this method. If she doesn’t make it out than she’s not worth it anyways, she didn’t fight hard enough for you.” His explanation makes sense but what happens when you don’t. She already knows you’d fight for her as hard as you could, she doesn’t need proof of that. And honestly she was content on hiding this part of her life from you forever.
Oh god, you must have been so scared, your about to be terrified when you wake up. She’s torn, she could get you and risk everything, Mark would kill both of you anyways and John might let it happen too. She has to painfully wait it out.
“I can see your worried, rightfully so, this is good. I promise. We do good for the world, and I’m doing good for you.” She wants to strangle him but she just breaks down sobbing. She sees you moving on the monitor in the corner of her eye and her breath hitches; you’re awake.
Mark had left the room and made no attempt at sticking around. He probably went home like the two of you should have.
She didn’t want to watch but she needed to see how you progressed. There was a collar on you’re neck that squeeze a millimeter tighter every five minutes, which originally would have killed you in an hour but she adjusted it so it gave you forty-five minutes. It’s incredible how cruel life can be. She threatened somebody’s life more just to get to you but now she might not get to you because it’s you who might die.
There was no audio but she could see all of the panic by the way you tensed, she would hate herself forever. You were not completely an idiot, thankfully. You checked all around you immediately and then found an envelope eventually in your pocket. The next thing you found was the tape recorder taped on the underside of an old table.
She had no idea what it said or how helpful the hints would be. She always debriefed John on how to disable the traps because his favorite thing was to record those tapes, so she let him. Her stomach jolted when she remembered your device cut into your neck as well. It wouldn’t draw blood until the thirty minute mark but blood loss was an added motivator to get the player to hurry up. She could tell you wanted to throw up when you heard something specific on the tape. Most likely that you would need to mutilate yourself more to find the key hidden inside your body. She had no idea where mark put it but she did know that your entire body had to be cut so you wouldn’t be able to tell exactly where it was put in your body just by looking.
You were then most likely searching for something sharp to preform the painful process of self-mutilation. She knew that the key would be put somewhere easily accessible at least given the time limit. You found a knife behind a pipe and you stared at it.
You hesitated, now what not the time for contemplation, Y/n.
She saw you sit on the ground and feel around for any foreign objects under your skin, when you paused and then continued to feel a specific spot right over your heart she went whiter than she had been.
“I didn’t tell him to put it there,” John muttered. He wasn’t worried for you but maybe a little for Amanda’s sanity. He thought she would be handling this better, he had to remind himself that this was in her best interests. He needed to make sure you were perfect for his little girl.
She just stared blankly at the screen. It had been 25 minutes already, you had just enough time to gauge the key out but you were looking worse for wear and had to be very careful with the cutting. You now had your shirt off and we’re biting down on it as the blade sliced your skin where the cut already was. You were shaking, barely managing to get the key.
By the time you got it out it was only 2 minutes left which you used to unlock the death collar. You threw it with whatever might you had left to the other side of the room.
When the timer was finally up the collar snapped tightly together. You where bleeding everywhere, but still stood back up to greet Billy the Puppet as he wheeled in to the now open door. Again she had no idea what he was saying to you but you looked right at the camera and ran out the door. She could hear your footsteps come closer to her room.
You burst in with a newfound strength and yelled as well as you could with a sliced neck,
“Amanda are you okay, oh my god I was- are you hurt? Oh-“ you stopped and looked around her, John was still there but what really confused you was that she looked not only completely fine, but that there were monitors with the room you were just in on them.
“Before you go allow me to explain,” John spoke up, “you my dear have been chosen to help revive humanity. What that was, was a test. You passed and now appreciate life. Amanda here did not know about you, however, she did make the trap. If you join us then, you too, can spread an appreciation for life.” Your eye twitched and you looked back and forth and back and forth and then collapsed.
Amanda ran to catch you, this was from blood loss and probably you finding out she was a serial killer as well as working with the man who now not only gave her trauma but you too.
You knew how fucked up that ordeal made her, you know how badly her nightmares still are. What you didn’t know was that even though she’s mentioned feeling more alive and slightly grateful that she herself would become the thing that she feared.
“She passed. I’m gonna patch her up, she just needs time,” Amanda sniffled, tears finally poured down her face. You were still here, she would never let you go again. She dragged you out of there and back to her room where all her medical supplies were, and she started to patch you up, kissing each stitch despite it getting her bloody too.
When she was done she laid you to rest and started to come up with things to say to beg you to stay when you inevitably break up with her. She doesn’t know if she can let you go but she realizes it’s ultimately your decision. She’s already hurt you so much.
Twenty minutes go by when you awake to Amanda holding your hand. Your eyes aren’t open but you desperately wish that none of that was real. The aching and stinging pain coursing through you was a dead giveaway that this was real. You peeled your eyes open to a greatfully dim room, Amanda’s room.
“Your awake,” she states.
“Were you gonna tell me if the Jigsaw killer didn’t put me in that situation?” You asked. She didn’t want to lie anymore
“No… but I wanted to forget about it myself. I just wanted to spread the message until John- the Jigsaw Killer died. I was gonna runaway with you so we could live happily. I would never miss a date night again and yeah, you wouldn’t have known about that but I couldn’t lose you. I never wanted this at all, I just didn’t want you to leave me. I will never ever hurt you again. I technically owe John my life and in the process of repaying him he treated me like a daughter more than anyone before. I know you know I’m sick but it’s so much worse than that, I care about you both so much. I would have gotten you out of there but the man who put you in there, Mark, would have killed you anyways. I know I am a sick person, I will never pay enough for this but please don’t leave me, please! You are the only thing that makes me feel normal and sane. You can leave when your better if you must. But if you are willing, we can work together, the idea is insane but you and I are proof that it works. I want to live life again and live it with you please.”
You look at her and your eyes gloss over, you have no idea what the hell to do but as much as you hate it she’s all you’ve got too. Everything is screaming at you to just run away to the hospital and get their asses arrested. Everything.
Except your heart.
You fought to live for her, you could have waited for death rather than living through this trauma but you fought to see her again and when that puppet told you she was here you had the exact same look of horror still plastered on Amanda’s face. He’s right and you know it, you want to live more. Maybe you’re more fucked up than originally thought.
“Okay” you say
She tilts her head afraid to ask you to continue so you do for her.
“I can’t leave you, but I don’t want to be a part of this idea for awhile,” you wince, “I need time to think that over but I know that after everything I still just wanna be held by you. I’ll stay…” you pause, “I don’t forgive you right now but if you ever lie to me again I will leave faster than that stupid puppet can wheel into a room. I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose, but it’s going to take a bit till I can trust you again.”
She finally lets go of a breath she’s been holding in since she met you. You’re gonna stay with her even though you know everything and went through it.
You’re staying.
“Yes, now come on into the bed I’ve had an insanely long day.”
“Anything for you”, she replies, kissing you softer than ever before.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
14 - Best Birthday Gift
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Part 15
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams
Pushing open the bedroom door in our apartment I smiled brightly seeing that my husband was still peacefully asleep in our bed. He was doing his best to earn more money since Dale was getting tired of running his shop. I could tell that he was interested in opening up a tire shop since he was looking to work for Mandy’s dad. “Georgie, I have a surprise for you. Wake up sleepy head. I made some waffles.”
“Oh hey babe…you didn’t have to make me breakfast in bed.” He rolled over onto his side so he was facing me. His hair was a mess more than its usual curly mess and he still had his sleepy morning voice.
Sitting the tray down on the bed he scooted over where we could both sit on the bed. “Well I think that my husband and father to my two beautiful children should be treated well on his birthday. Especially when he is turning eighteen years old. That is a big deal.”
“Oh man I totally forgot. You are the best Y/n.” He sat upright starting to quickly dive into eating the waffles and bacon. Laying my head against his shoulder I smiled watching him for a few minutes. I would be turning eighteen in two months so then we would both be adults.
He turned his head holding out the fork feeding me a piece of waffle talking with his mouth full of food. “So what are we gonna do today. Movies or something?”
“I was thinking dinner at the Mexican place. I convinced Meemaw to make you some of your favorite foods for tomorrow night and let the kids help her make it. But tonight I want it to just be us.” I explained leaning forward pressing my lips onto his.
He moved his freehand up to rest against my cheek drawing me in closer to kiss him. He smiled, breaking it when we heard some tiny feet running towards our bedroom. “That sounds perfect, darlin’.”
“Hi daddy!” Aurora and Evelyn both giggled running inside climbing up onto the bed. The pair tackled their father in hugs and kisses almost every morning but this time they were longer since I said it was his birthday.
He made them both giggle and cackle their heads off when he tickled the crap out of them singing a song that he was taught as a child. “The stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of the Texas. The prairie sky is wide and hot deep in the heart of Texas…remember always four claps never three.” I smiled knowing that no matter how old they are we could never stay mad at them. Our girls would be our whole world.
“What exactly were you two thinking. Stealing the truck and driving through downtown!” I raised my voice at our two daughters sitting in the lobby chairs of where the guys worked at.
Aurora raised her hand trying to say something but she had nothing. “Mom I, we just wanted to see Uncle Sheldon and Aunt Amy.”
“So you didn’t think to wake us and up ask could we take you!” I shouted at her.
Evelyn jumped backwards in her chair whimpering at my raised tone. I never ever really yelled at them until right now. “You guys were too busy with the new baby…”
Georgie turned his head in our direction. He was leaning his back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest frustrated with them. “Well that doesn’t excuse what you two did. You two aren’t allowed to watch tv for two weeks when we get back home and no random trips to Dairy Queen either. You both understand that?”
“I’ll ride back with Penny and Montana. I think it’s better if you have them with you.” Spinning around on my feet I crossed my arms over my chest. He nodded, staring down at me, handing me my jacket that I had thrown off terrified that they were injured when we first came inside.
Penny came inside from one of the doors waving to us when she walked up. “Hey, I can follow you guys home. You know, keep an eye on them if you want. That way you two aren’t worried about little Montana.”
“Uh thanks Penny. That’s great.” I responded following her outside watching our daughters climb in the backseat of her car. Georgie and I went to his truck with me carrying Montana in my arms. Shutting the passenger door with my right hand I cradled my son in my arm’s just watching him sleep like his daddy until what Eve said came back to my mind. “Do you think that Eve was right…that we are focusing too much on this little guy?”
Georgie sent me a look having one hand on the steering wheel. “In his defense he ain’t even one year old yet. So they have nothing to be jealous about.”
“Don’t act like you don’t think about it. Remember when growing up with Sheldon you and Missy always felt left out or ignored. I don’t want anything like that to happen to our girls.” Glancing in his direction we stopped at a red light where he rested his freehand to my cheek being able to tell it was worrying me.
“Hey, stop worrying about it. They are old enough to know that we have to give him extra attention right now since he is a baby. We won’t do what my parents did to them. I promise.” He vowed simply before we made the rest of the drive back to our place. The girls were sent off to their room leaving us alone laying in our bedroom watching Montana sleep in the crib.
Laying my head on Georgie’s chest where he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Even though I am angry at them I can’t stay mad at them forever. Honestly we couldn’t even make it an hour without them on your birthday once.”
“You’re right about that, darlin’. He replied, kissing me gently where I ran one hand through his curly hair remembering his eighteenth birthday.
We entered the restaurant where I was wearing a dark green dress and a Jean jacket thrown over it. I had some ankle brown boots on it. Georgie had on some jeans with a red shirt and we had Connie watching the kids for us. “You really didn’t have to take me out tonight. Especially since we are having dinner with my family tomorrow.”
“Georgie, don’t worry. You deserve to have some fun on your birthday. You only turn eighteen once in your life so let me treat you.” I shrug my shoulders, forking some of his chimechonga since we decided to split just one.
He smiled, shoving some food in his mouth pointing the fork end at me. “It is weird though by this point Eve would have been starting a food fight.”
“Oh right. Remember the time when Aurora decided to stick the cheese sticks in her mouth and pretended to be a walrus. I almost spit out my food that night.”
Georgie snorted, picturing the memory. “The victory dances that they would do when they managed to beat us at bowling when they can use the bumpers…huh crap Y/n. I think we have to head home.”
“You’re missing them too don’t you?” He nodded to my question where I grabbed my coat following him toward the door throwing some money down on the table. He pushed open the door to Meemaw’s house seeing that the girls were passed out under some blankets on the couch meaning that his meemaw was asleep in her own room.
He leaned his elbows on the back of the couch smiling down at the little angels. “Thank you for taking me out for Mexican. But I just want to stay right here. These two make my birthday great.” He kissed me slowly and I smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too and happy birthday.” Laying my head on his shoulder I smiled Intertwining our hands together. “They really are the best thing to ever happen to you and me.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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clouds-of-wings · 4 months
Ugh, Missy has to "take over" and "step up" and "play the mommy role" and everyone's acting like it's cute when she's actually getting parentified to hell and back. I already wrote last season about how Missy bears the brunt of all the dysfunction in the family, but now it's reaching an entirely different level. Why does a 13 year old have to play the mommy? Dad can't do it? Grandma can't do it? Even Mandy, who's 30, can't do it? No, the youngest non-baby in the house has to shoulder all the responsibility so everyone else can keep being immature and childish. And don't tell me they're all just broken up about the tornado. First of all, Missy is probably just as stressed by it as everyone else except for Connie, and secondly - they knew well in advance Mary was going away. Did they not make plans for who was going to do the work of the woman who single-handedly kept the house tidy, kept everyone fed, decided all disputes and made everyone do their chores?
I'm (obviously) not saying she should not be expected to help out in the household and pick up some of her mother's chores (as should everyone else), but the way she has to basically do everything, coordinate everything and force everyone else to help her isn't good. Also, the whole thing would be a lot less bad if all the emotional tension in the family weren't an element in the plot. A teen girl doing more in the household than normal for a few months isn't that bad. A teen girl who already keeps apologizing for having emotions, who is already struggling with the family situation, having to coordinate the household of the people who refuse to give her any care is bad. At the very least they should have distributed the tasks in advance, when Mary was still there.
The thing is, just like Missy's arc last season, this is a very realistic way for things to progress in a family that's falling apart - all the emotional and organizational burden is being shouldered by the only daughter. Mary is well-established as caring mostly about Sheldon, George is well-established as the stereotypical sitcom dad who has a good heart when it's easy but tries to get out of household work whenever he can, to have as few responsibilities as possible, only being forced to cosplay an adult by his boss and his wife. Missy, as I said in my other post, is established to be perceptive, sensitive and socially attuned and it makes total sense that she would slip naturally into the mommy role when no one else picks up the slack. What bothers me is how this is portrayed as cute or natural. Missy is 13 and has enough problems already. Life forcing her to take care of people who don't seem to give a shit about her - and just to point this out once more, everyone except for the baby is WAY older than she is - will make things even worse for her.
Narrator Sheldon said last season that Missy kept sneaking out at night that summer despite promising not to, that she secretly got a piercing - her life is very taxing for her, no one shows her any care or understanding and having to take over all household duties on top of that is breaking her emotional back.
Really, I will link the parentification thing once more just so that maybe 1% instead of 0.5% of people click it.
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atticrissfinch · 5 months
Totally agree with the other anon, I love reading all those extra random details about mmitb joel and sugarplum. That's how I know I'm obsessed with them bc I be wondering random shit like what does sugarplum do in her free time besides fucking joel or what she smells like lmao
Ahhh!! Thank you!!!
Also I think SP is a bit of a rotty girl. She likes to nest a little, watch her reality TV and melodramas. She does like to hang out with friends occasionally, like Mandy, but as she’s gotten older she has discovered that her particular friends can be quite A Lot, so she enjoys her alone time. But she does like to go to clubs and bars on some weekends. I think she dabbles in cross stitch because she wanted to get into the whole subversive cross stitch hobby, but she struggles to stick to it and ends up having to reteach herself every 6+ months. She makes one or two mediocre pieces, and gives it up again for a long time. If she had the money she would probably travel a lot more, but she is just above paycheck to paycheck at this point, so it’s not quite in the cards.
As for her smell, she’s an Ariana Grande Cloud or Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth girlie. She loves smelling like a delectable little candy. Loves vanilla scents, so all her shower/lotions are in that realm. Joel is certainly not complaining.
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mrspandas · 2 years
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sub!karl x dom!reader
summary: karl brings home a girl but she leaves him crying so reader comforts him and helps him get off
warnings: hand job, mommy kink, subspace
!not proofread!
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living with karl definitely was interesting. hearing him throw his chair around the room whenever he’s streaming, catching him in the kitchen eating cereal at 3am, finding him watching cartoons whenever I come home from the store or just randomly having him skate around the house. the best part tho is definitely that he never brings home any girls, his bedroom is right across the hall from mine so that would be awkward. well that was until today. I was just sitting in the kitchen when Karl came home with some random girl I had never seen before. apparently her name was Mandy but who cares. she just briefly introduced herself before hastily shoving karl upstairs. Great they’re gonna hook up. jealousy twisting through my stomach at the thought. That should have been me and not her. I had been crushing on Karl for the longest while but I was always too scared to say something. well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions. if I had told him earlier she wouldn’t be here. but I can’t change that now. I decide it would be best if I stayed downstairs to not get confronted with any kind of noises. I make myself comfortable on the couch, turning on the tv to watch gravity falls.
I was halfway through the second episode when I suddenly heard what sounded like… yelling? a little weird but okay. maybe he’s into that? no idea but that’s none of my concern. that’s when I suddenly heard his bedroom door slam, followed by someone angrily storming down the stairs. it was Mandy. she hastily grabbed her jacket before rushing out and slamming the front door. wow what a drama queen. whatever might have just happend I am certain it wasn’t karls fault, I know him and he would never do anything to upset a woman. I turn off the tv before getting up to go check on him.
"karl? are you okay" I knock on his door hearing quiet sobs. when I get no answer I open the door slightly to take a look inside. Karl is curled up on his bed crying. "Hey. Hey what happened?" I close the door behind me, rushing over to him. He still doesn’t answer, only starting to cry more. "shhh it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me just know that i’ll be here for you okay" i reassure him taking his hand, gently caressing it with my thumb. He nods seeming to feel better with my company. "Do you need some time alone or do you want me to stay?" I ask not wanting to overstep any lines. "stay" he mumbles pulling me onto the bed. I lay down next to Karl, pulling him closer so his head is resting on my chest. I wrap my arm around him comfortingly and hold his hand to help him calm down.
"It’s okay I’m here for you, tell me whenever you’re ready. Or never if you don’t want to" I brush some of his hair out of his face before I start playing with it. This seems to have calmed him down as his breathing got steady again.
"It’s pretty embarrassing" he mutters starting to fiddle with the hem of his shirt. "I’m the queen of embarrassment. I promise I won’t judge you" I soothe Karl, still caressing his head. "Well uh- we were making out and she wanted to have sex but I didn’t want to go that far so when I said no she snapped and started yelling at me. She called me a pussy and said I should be glad that anyone would even offer that because apparently no one likes nerds like me" Karl rants, his voice slightly shaking. "That’s bullshit. She’s wrong, theres plenty of girls and even boys out there that would give anything to be with you. And second of all if you didn’t wanna have sex that’s totally valid, it’s okay to say no, she can’t shame you for that" I reassure him, pulling him closer. "Thank you" he mumbles burying his head in the crook of my neck. We enjoy the moment of silence before the realisation hits me. "Wait and then she just left?" I ask making sure. Karl nods. "So she never even got you off?" I whisper, a hint of lust lacing my voice. He shakes his head. That’s when I notice his boner, that had been neglected this whole time. "Aww I’m sorry bunny. Do you want me to help you with that" I offer, my finger tracing circles on his hip. "Yes please" he whimpers grinding his crotch against my thigh. I bite back a snarky remark as I slide his boxers down just enough to give me access to his dick. "Mommy please" he whimpers, his hands clutching my shirt. Without further ado I wrap my hand around his cock, sliding my thumb over his tip. "S‘this good bubba?" I ask, my other hand caressing his head. "Mhm" he assures grinding against my hand. At this point he’s so deep into subspace he can’t even form any sentences. "Shh baby just relax, mommy’s gonna make you feel good, alright" I place a gentle kiss on the top of his head, sliding my thumb across his tip a few more times before pumping my hand up and down on his dick. Karl was whining and whimpering, his voice sounding strained already. "You’re doing so good for me pretty boy" I praise feeling his dick twitch in my hand. "Mhm close~" he whines squirming around. "Cum for me baby, you deserve it" I speed up my hand a little to help him chase his high. "Thank you mommy thank you so much" he whimpers as his orgasm hits him. he’s clutching my shirt, his moans becoming louder, his face nuzzled in the crook of my neck and his hips bucking up into my hand as he releases all over my thigh. "Good job bubba. You did so good" I caress his head before helping him get dressed and grabbing some paper wipes to clean up my thigh.
I consider going back to my room, not wanting to make Karl uncomfortable but before I can get up he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me even closer. "Please don’t leave" he mutters half asleep, laying his head on my chest. "Okay I won’t" I smile, wrapping my arms around him before drifting off to sleep myself.
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zhoras-bitch · 2 months
Chiming into the UT/UB discussion with my two cents.
The reason I didn't like UT is because its whole conflict felt so very artificial. They push these ideas, but the story gives me no reason to believe them.
The story tries to push MC and Kit's relationship as a forbidden romance, but the only thing that makes it forbidden is that Austin will throw a temper tantrum when he finds out about MC and Kit. As trashy as affair books like TNA, FCL, and TBB are, at least the MC and LIs' relationships actually feel forbidden.
They try to say MC and Kit's relationship affects the ranch, but the story gave me no reason to believe that.
They try to push Kit as a heartbreaker and a player, hence Austin trying to "protect" MC from them, but all we ever get is two scenes of fangirls/fanboys flocking around Kit, with Kit being totally unresponsive (on that note, I personally found Kit to be textbook definition of a personality-less customizable LI).
They try to give MC and Austin this backstory about their parents passing away when they were young, hence Austin's overprotectiveness and infantilization of MC, but it felt very poorly set up compared to MC backstories/traumas like the ones in ACOR and ILITW. They just kind of throw the background details at you and expect you to roll with it. Also, was MC being set with having a business major even all that important?
Heck, it didn't even feel all that sexually charged to me outside of the CGs, despite being a "17+ sexy" book. I generally hate PB's style of smut writing but at least books like TNA and Surrender and Witness are interesting in that their smut is fun to mock. UT just had me either bored out of my mind or frustratedly yelling at my phone.
There's also a point that a lot of people have brought up, where the whole "older brother protects younger sibling from their player friend" is supposedly meant for wlm and doesn't make sense otherwise. In a mlw route, that attitude would come off as slut-shamey; and in a mlm or wlw route, it'd come off as homophobic. These can be interesting concepts to explore, but the story doesn't acknowledge them. Though I'm not fully sure how I feel about that aspect, so do with it what you will. Though even as someone who likes to see gender-reversals of typical cisheteronormative relationship tropes (hence why I generally play GOC LI stories with a mlw route when I can), this book still felt incredibly flat to me.
Now I haven't started UB yet, but I do think that part of what appeals to me is Mandy being a LI. And not just in the aspect of having two non-GOC LIs. Despite Mandy veering dangerously close into the stereotypical "girly girl talk best friend that only exists to validate your feelings for LI and be your walking wardrobe" back in UT, she was actually the only prominent character I found remotely likeable. Like, the only one I felt was able to bring some degree of common sense to the table while Austin was acting like Caillou over MC and Kit's relationship.
So seeing her return as a LI is pretty awesome. Buuuuuuut like someone else said, it is weird that they did this despite hinting towards Mandy/Austin at the end of UT. Like, why not a throuple relationship between MC and Mandy and Austin? I mean, as much as I hated Austin, that still would have been pretty interesting.
One last thing I will say though. Outside of Mandy... I'm not sure what connection UB and UT are even meant to have with each other. IIRC, PB even admitted that they couldn't be bothered to include the option to transfer data from UT to UB, hence why people were getting Kits and MCs in UB that didn't match the ones they chose. I'm gonna hazard a guess that even HSS:CA has more to do with OG HSS than UB has to do with UT. Not that UT had a lot going for it anyways, but you get the idea.
Sorry for the long post, but yeah these are pretty much my thoughts.
I somewhat agree. I think that UT conflict works in theory, but there are a bunch of issues with the book's implementation that make it hard for some readers to feel invested and even plot points that seem to work against it, thus lowering the stakes. I'll try to keep it as short as possible, but here are my thoughts:
The story would work better if MC was in high school. I understand that they wanted to write smut, and that's why they couldn't do it. But narratively, 'My parental figure doesn't approve of my crush' is 1) very juvenile 2) works better when the parental figure actually has legal power and authority over MC. But when MC is a 20 something adult it's like. Girl (gn) you can do whatever you want, what's Austin gonna do about it? Get mad?
Austin and MC’s relationship should've been a bigger focus since it's essentially the main conflict of the book. Specifically I wish we saw more of Austin's loving side, saw how much he did for MC and grown to care about him the way MC does. That's another reason to set the story earlier too. That way we could've seen more of the aftermath of their parents dying, MC relying on Austin more as their caregiver and their only living relative and him fighting tooth and nail to protect his sibling. Without that emotional investment Austin is just some asshole, and it's really unclear as to why I as a reader should care about hurting his feelings.
Kit should've been more problematic. I agree with your point about how them being a player is stated but never really shown. I guess they were too afraid to make them unlikeable, but you have to give Austin a legitimate reason to be against their relationship with MC. Give them and Austin a sour past. Or make them wear a leather jacket. Just something that would scream 'trouble' to an overprotective older brother.
Finally, the resolution of the whole Austin and MC's conflict felt a little too... easy to me? I wish MC could call out the problematic side of Austin's behaviour more overtly, Austin reflect and meaningfully change, and them both come together as a family again.
(Typing this all out, I now honestly want a retelling of UT with highschooler MC, which is set shortly after their parent's death and centers largely around MC's relationship with Austin and his struggle to keep custody of their sibling without letting the family ranch completely fall apart.)
As for Unbridled, I think it's pretty obvious what they were trying to do. They saw UT was successful, so they wanted to capture that audience again with a sequel. But UT had no more story to tell, hence the spin-off. So to answer your question, the connection between UB and UT is literally just smut+cowboys+grumpy ML. Mandy is really only there to tie these books together so that they can market it under the same brand and (hopefully) pull in the same audience again. Which makes it doubly funny that UT fans seem to hate UB and vice versa.
Maybe they did plan to make UB about Mandy and Austin initially and then back paddled when they saw that a lot of people didn't really like Austin all that much? It's kind of a conspiracy theory, but it is funny to think about. It does make the entire Austin and Mandy plot line in UT essentially irrelevant, which is objectively not very good writing. But I didn't like Austin, so I'll take it.
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lousirs · 9 months
ok more of a debate but I think that the scene where the spy girls find out Lou is a prototype is some what significant.
So from rough memory I'm gonna just briefly explain what happened. Tuesday is still kinda ditsy about the whole thing, her main focus is on whether that's a bad thing. Lydia doesn't seem very fazed but still shocked to an extent. BUT (to me at least) Kitty seems kind of uncomfortable. She's clearly seen kind of backing away.
I think Kitty felt uncomfortable because she felt lied and betrayed to. Well I mean yea obviously all of them would have felt like that but she seemed to be the most loyal to him in a way. Yes, Tuesday and Lydia were too, but Tuesday was mostly distracted by Lou's charms and good looks, Lydia seemed to be kind of meh about it. But Kitty seemed the most dedicated to him? Like this guy she works for turns out to be a fake? everyone's shocked yea, but based on her body language she seemed extremely uncomfortable and disturbed.
Maybe it just clicked in her head faster that Lou literally manipulated all of them to think that the uglydolls were bad. Probably most heavy on the spy girls because they did Lou's dirty work in sabotaging them and all that. Also another piece of evidence I have to support the fact that Kitty was the most loyal to Lou is that she was not easily distracted. Like when they first say Ox, Lydia was about to start talking about how she loved bunnies while Kitty was focused on the main goal.
There's so much other things I have to say but I CANT REMEMBER
This is probably just me digging in too deep lol but this movie has a chokehold on me 💋💋💋
ooh that's interesting... also yay i get to talk about my favourites (kitty and lou)
stuff under the cut, i feel like i'm going to ramble A LOT (we gotta love digging in too deep into some silly kids film WEEEEE)
i just rewatched the scene, and yeah i totally see that. i first thought that kitty was uncomfortable cause lou said he was a prototype (which seems like the dolls consider it a bad thing) and called them all "sycophants", but even before that she's got her eyebrows furrowed and her body language is closed in and kinda on the defensive.
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i personally feel like the girls have been working for lou for years, as that would make sense as to why they would feel so betrayed by lou. if they were new dolls, they wouldn't care as much, just like the other prettydolls.
i was thinking that perhaps lou wanted a message man (or rather spy) of sorts. sure, he has the robots, but they were there to assist in training only. he wanted a doll to do more dirty work, like spying and receiving information (e.g. learning about gossip etc) so he could gain more power and influence over the other dolls. so, he hired kitty (perhaps since he noticed how strategic and calculated kitty is through her training etc). and since kitty was friends with lydia and tuesday, and was probably inseparable from them, lou hired the three of them. that would make more sense if lydia and tuesday just tagged along for their friend since, and as you said, kitty normally is the one to take action whilst tuesday and lydia are normally distracted.
...but whilst on this topic, i'd like to bring up another thing. i suppose that, yeah, the moments after the gauntlet do show a turning point in the spy girls' (and especially kitty's) trust towards lou, as well as when lou says something along the lines of "and if you think that you're going to take that away from me, you're just as empty-headed as the rest of them".
but there's another moment when you see kitty's trust waver. when lou breaks mandy's glasses.
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mandy is obviously devastated, but look at kitty! the other spy girls seem unbothered, but kitty seems upset. and i don't think it's because of lou breaking mandy's glasses, as she was still smugly grinning as lou took them off and smashed them, but she's rather upset over mandy's devastated expression. it seems like kitty genuinely cares about mandy, and seeing her upset makes kitty upset too.
so i think that lou, kitty and mandy all had a close bond. and in this moment, kitty is probably internally debating which side she's on, because she seems to care about both lou and mandy.
on a side note, another moment where kitty seems to care about mandy is trying to get her to join in with the girls' conversation when they first appear.
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it's a small gesture, but it seems like mandy is the outsider of the group, and kitty is trying to get her to be more involved. how sweet <3
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back to the recycling scene, kitty expresses regret in this shot too. tuesday is like "uhh what just happened", lydia is like "HE DID NOT JUST DO THAT" and kitty is genuinely rethinking EVERYTHING. it looks like she's almost reaching out, thinking about holding lou back to stop him. i doubt the spy girls have seen lou go to such lengths before, as recycling was only recently opened up again. so seeing this must be such a shock to kitty, and probably made her uncomfortable of lou after that point.
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writersmilex · 1 year
Sapphire Earrings
Larry "Peanut" Romano X Fem | Preppy | Reader
Summary: (Y/n) lost her very sentimental Sapphire earrings and a secret friend is willing to help her find them. ______________________________________
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She just really, really wants to wear them. The prettiest earrings she has. And the best thing is, that it matches her Aquaberry uniform! And even the rest of her elegant jewellery. But, there is one thing, those beautiful Sapphire earrings are a family heirloom, once owned by all the women in the (L/n) family before her. If anything were to happen to these earrings, her mother would surely break her legs. She'll have to be extra careful then!
"Those Earrings look really cute, (Y/n)!" Pinky, (Y/n)'s best friend compliments the jewellery. (Y/n) beams at the compliment, "Thanks, It looks great!" She admires the blue gems in her small hand mirror. "They're family heirlooms." She brags a little, the gems match the Sapphire necklace that your mother got you for Christmas. "I should totally ask my daddy to get me Sapphires." Pinky comments, "Then we can match outfits." she explains, and (Y/n) smiles at her. That sounds like fun, but (Y/n) still has to be careful, if she loses these precious jewels she'll surely disappoint her mother, and even her grandmother. And all her ancestors!
After showing out their outfits for today, (Y/n) and Pinky make their way to the gymnasium to join the other girls in the locker room to get ready to change. "Nice Earrings, (Y/n)." Mandy compliments in an overly sugarcoated tone as she glances at the shimmering gems that (Y/n) takes out of her ears as gently as possible. It's time for cheerleading practice, and (Y/n) really shouldn't be wearing them while jumping around.
"Come on! (Y/n)!" Pinky shouts from outside the girls' locker room, "Coming!" (Y/n) calls back and rushes over to her best friend without closing her locker, leaving her clothes and trinkets out in the open. And those precious gems are out in the open as well... ~~~~ The best friends giggle among each other, gossiping about how the Jock was totally checking them out while practising. Upon entering the girls' locker room again, (Y/n) notice that her locker is open, that sight causes her to get slightly nervous, as any person would upon seeing that. "Oh no, I forgot to close my locker. Thanks for distracting me, Pinky!" (Y/n) is almost too quick to blame her best friend. "Don't blame me! You should look after your stuff!" Pinky shoots back snarkily. (Y/n) goes through her things to ensure that everything she owns is still here, and almost everything is there. Only one thing that is missing, the one thing that (Y/n) had feared would easily be stolen if they ever were in public. And when she doesn't find the objects she is looking for, her face turns pale. "Oh no, no no no! Oh my God, NO!" (Y/n) panics as she can't find the precious earrings. "What is it?" Pinky rushes over in a panic and worries for her friend. "The earrings, They're gone!" (Y/n) sinks to her knees dramatically, "No! My parents are going to kill me!" She is nearly in tears. Pinky tries to comfort (Y/n), rubbing her hand over her back. "Don't panic, (Y/n). We'll get them back," she says, although it doesn't seem to work much. ~~~~ (Y/n) has been stressed out ever since the gems when missing, her best friend has been beside her to try and console her this whole time. Sitting outside on a bench, (Y/n) has her elbow on her knees, her head in her hands. This is a disaster, now she surely won't have any access to her trust fund now! "I'm so done for..." She sulks and presses her face in her hands, hoping it could make her disappear from the world. Her parents and grandmother will have her head for losing those earrings that have been in the family for 6 generations. "We'll find them, (Y/n). Don't worry!"  Pinky is slightly losing hope herself, those precious gems, anyone could have taken them. "What's going on here?" A New voice joins in, causing both girls to look up in surprise. It's Peanut, standing there rather awkwardly with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He looks rather concerned, seeing (Y/n) so upset like that. "Move along, Greasball." Pinky hisses at the Greaser, keeping a protective arm around her best friend. "I just wanna know what happened." Peanut defends himself and shrugs. (Y/n) lets out a sad sigh, running a hand through her now messy hair that is usually styled. "oh, Peanut. It's a disaster!" she stands up, "I lost my Sapphire earring! It's horrible." And her face is in her hands again, muffing a frustrated groan. "You're upset about some earrings? Just get new ones- oh!" Peanut is cut off guard when (Y/n) grabs him by the lapels of his jacket and shakes him roughly. "You don't understand, Larry!" she pulls him close to her, face to face. "Those were real Sapphire earrings! They were family heirlooms, my great-grandmother looks down at me!" (Y/n) hisses right in his face, before pressing her face in his chest and sobbing. Peanut is left speechless at the rather pathetic display. Looking down at (Y/n) leaving stains on his shirt, he pats her head awkwardly. "ah, don't cry, (Y/n). I'll get your earrings back." he says to try and comfort her. (Y/n)'s head shot up from his shirt. Looking him in the eye, "Really!? You'll help look for them for me?" she asks, her eyes showing newfound hope. Peanut is not sure what he is getting himself into this time, but he nods anyway, he likes seeing his Preppy friend happy. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" (Y/n) then hugs Peanut around his shoulders and quickly lets go of him before Peanut could react. The two girls rush off, seemingly to look for (Y/n) jewellery. ~~~~
Jimmy is walking around the school looking for something to do. Somewhere in the grass, he finds The Greasers' second-in-command kneeling, presumably looking for something. "What are you doing?" Jimmy asks with amusement to see a Greaser searching through the grass like this. Peanut looks up and then stands up, dusting up his pants. "Uh... I'm looking for (Y/n)'s Sapphire Earrings," he explains, looking down and gesturing at the grass. "That Preppy girl?" Jimmy questions, Peanut confirms with a sharp nod. "why doesn't she just get new ones?" Jimmy wonders out loud with a nonchalant shrug. ''That's the thing, man." Peanut adds and walks up to Jimmy to talk to him. "Those earrings are like, heirlooms or something. And she said her parents will have her head if she loses them. And I'm gonna find them so she'll like me!" peanut confesses honestly. "Wow, A Greaser and a Preppy. Romantic..." Jimmy chuckles and is about to walk away, but not before the Greaser snatches him by the arm. "You gotta help me, man! Please!" Peanut almost begs. Who knew that looking for expensive jewellery would be so hard? "Alright, fine. I'll help..." Jimmy agrees reluctantly, causing Peanut to beam at him. "Awh, thanks, man! You're a real life-saver!" Then he turns back to his search. Jimmy walked away to start his own search for some jewellery from some rich girl. Sapphires weren't they? Jimmy started asking around for the earrings, mostly the girls. And the best lead so far is the one he got from Christy Martin. "I saw Mandy snatch them, when (Y/n) accidentally left her locker open. Why should she steal such sentimental stuff like that? It's just wrong!" She said to him. Jimmy already had a pretty good idea of what happened to the jewellery, Mandy took them. And now he has to take them back from her to give to Peanut, so Peanut can give them (Y/n) and woo her or something. Jimmy found those earrings in Mandy's locker in the main building, damn thief... After Stealing the Earrings back, Jimmy returns to Peanut. "I got your Earrings!" Jimmy announces himself loudly and throws the jewellery in the Greaser's direction. Peanut could catch the Sapphires just in time, scrambling to get a good grasp of them. They are indeed Sapphire earrings, decorated with pearls and smaller diamonds, they feel old and fragile, Jimmy really shouldn't have thrown them. "Thanks for helping me man, Here is a little something for ya." Peanut pressed 50 dollars in Jimmy's palm, and he is to make sure to spread the good word about him to the other Greasers. Right now he needs to return the earrings to (Y/n), he is sure that she'll be over the moon once she sees her precious gems again. ~~~~ (Y/n) simply cannot calm down, walking back and forth in front of the Harrington house and biting her usual manicured nails until she nearly has no nails anymore. She'll have to get new nail polish later. Peanut got a sharp glare from Bif as he approached the rich kids' house, Bif made a gesture that he is watching the Greaser while he is there and will not hesitate to pummel him if he tries anything. The Greaser does his best to ignore the threat to resume his goal. "Hey, (Y/n)!" He calls to the Prep girl once he sees her. (Y/n) stops pacing and makes eye contact with Peanut, smiling at him and walking up to meet him halfway. "Did you find them? Please tell me you did!" (Y/n) begs, paranoia evident in her voice. Peanut only smiles at her, then digs in his pocket. "Are these yours?" He asks in a playful tone and reveals the Sapphire gems in his palm. (Y/n) lets out a surprised yelp and snatches the earrings from the Greaser, inspecting them and quickly pocketing them herself. "Oh my gosh! Larry, you're the best!" She jumps for joy and then wraps her arms around his neck in a grateful hug, squeezing him tight. Peanut laughs surprised and returns the embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist. This is exactly what he had hoped for, being praised by (Y/n) for pleasing her. "Thank you so much! You're amazing!" (Y/n) beams at the Greaser. Peanut grows a little flustered at the praise. Surely now, he got a little closer to wooing the cutest Preppy girl in school. _______________________________________ This one took a little longer than expected. This is all my fault since I was procrastinating on this one, but it's finished now so I can work on the rest of these. Thanks for reading❤️ - Smilex🙂
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clarkes-and-god · 10 months
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"Honey, I know you're trying to be a good mama, but with Dolly in college, and little Charlotte in pageants, they're just being exposed to so much sin! If I was you, I would totally take them out of those activities, and really start focusing on faith, you could even move back here and attend our church if you-"
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"You know what, thank you so much for all your advice, but I'm going to go say hello to Cherish now, I've not really seen her since her wedding."
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"Hey girl! Gosh I haven't seen you in so long, just when you getting married, and now you have two little ones! How's it been?"
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"It's been good! Tyson's almost 6, I can't believe it, and Mandy is getting so big too. They grow up too fast, but it's such a blessing to watch."
"Totally, and it doesn't get better. Dolly, my eldest, has gone off to college and I can't believe she's already grown. I was so upset after dropping her off, but she's loving it. She's 19, so only a few years younger than you. I was 16 when I had her too, so about the same age as you when you had Tyson, isn't that funny? Anyways, how's married life?"
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"Oh, yeah, uhm, Tyson is such a great headship, he's really good at making sure me and the kids keep on the right track. He's working really hard at Christ Chicken, so hopefully he'll be promoted soon. We're really trying to save up some money for a house, but you know, kids are expensive, and Tobias has his hobbies to pay for, which is only fair. I bought some fabric to make a quilt for the sofa, which is collecting dust since I don't really have the time, so at least he's getting use out of his Xbox games, you know?"
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"Well, Markus has always been a hard worker, he doesn't really play Xbox, but now we're comfortable financially he loves to get himself a new gun. A lot of what you're saying reminds me of me, 15 years ago. I was a young mom too, and for the first few years we were really struggling with money, since we were also supporting Markus' siblings and Esther. So if you ever want some help, just call me or Markus and we'll see what we can do. Like I said, you're basically the same age as my daughter, and I'd hate to see her struggle."
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"What are you talking about? We're not struggling, we're fine. Cherish, come over here and get us some food, then I think Mandy's diaper needs changing."
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Irwin: Here is where you are wrong, my friend. This woman has killed before.
Billy: Allegedly.
Irwin: Okay, whatever. But she was a big girl. We are talking about a large, healthy woman of questionable stability.
Billy: Oh, you are totally underestimating the never-say-die scrappiness of a survivor.
Mandy: Hey, guess what? Nobody cares who would win in a crazy fantasy fist-fight between Anne Frank and Lizzie Borden.
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Glitter Blast (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Phaedra Lyeman
DOB: July 17th
Occupation: Superhero
Residence: Justland Park
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Caucasian-American
Age: Same Age As The Rest Of The Sidekicks
Abilities: The ability to create and manipulate glitter of many different colors.
Headcannon Voice Actor: Jules Medcraft (English); Diana Alonso (Spanish)
Relatives: Lawton Lyeman (father); Paige Lyeman (mother)
Personality: At heart, she is a very deceptive girl who is will to fabricate false tales about herself to use people and to get ahead in life. Due to her parent's careers as lawyers for the corrupt PEACE and many questionable heroes, she has come to believe that lying is an acceptable practice to better one self. She shows no remorse for using people and sees people as her pawns to use in her way to fame and glory as a hero. She is very arrogant and loves bragging about all the stuff she's allegedly done, which includes good deeds in order to make herself seem like a good person. She is also very underhanded and devious who will use dirty tactics like framing someone for bullying her to get sympathy.When she is found to be lying she doesn't hesitate to turn on the people she once was pretending to friendly and gloats about how she fooled them. She also is very dramatic and loves putting on grand performances with her powers to wow people. She is very shallow and vain and tends to be very superficial. However, despite those traits she also is very intelligent and cunning which she uses to help herself in many situations. She likes attention and will get it by any means of lying. She also very self-centered and selfish and tends to not think about how her actions hurt others. She also is a would be gold digger who goes after boys who can bolster her status or are from a good background. Background: She was born to lawyers who did work covering for PEACE and many superheroes when it came to legal troubles, as a result she grew up a privileged lifestyle and also came to adopt their habits of lying and stretching the truth. She would get into the hero industry by becoming a sidekick and at first prove herself to be a friendly face among her fellow sidekicks and told fabrications about herself but then turn out to be a two faced liar who was never the person she really is and really is only out for the perks of being a hero. She would then drop the nice act and act more hostile to them while continuing the facade of being a fake nice girl in order to climb the top in the hero industry.
* She is based on Mandy Lux from Totally Spies and Lila Rossi from Miraculous Ladybug.
* She is getting into law school to become a lawyer on the side like her parents.
* Her powers at first were thought as not that threatening and useful until she trained them into being forceful blasts, aiming them at her opponents eyes, covering them up with it, using bursts to distract them, etc.
* Like Ruby Rani, Judger, and the Le Couturier, they are often the most disliked members of the circle of sidekicks. She actually being the most due to how she crosses lines Couturier and Rani don't cross.
* She and Rani butt heads and often compete for attention.
* She and Le Couturier will date at one point.
* She has a social media presence to bolster herself like Ruby Rani.
* She does freelancing like Couturier and like him it's to get attention of more prominent superheroes in hope they take her in and she can pick the one who can help her gain popularity. She really wants to one day get noticed by a member of the Golden Rule with her hopes either being Gold Heart or Miss Heed, who she is a fan of both.
* She is not above spouting lies to her fellow sidekick's mentors to make them think their sidekick is doing something wrong.
* She also loves spreading hurtful rumors in order to get back at those she dislikes.
* She has a great love for doing art projects with her glitter blasts. And is a big art fan which she loves to do as a hobby and hopes she can do it as a side gig and sell it at a high price when she becomes very famous.
Created through https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2198667
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afpwestcoast · 1 year
The Social, Orlando, FL, 6/16/23
The recent set of shows in Santa Fe started unusually late (doors at 10) because the venue was basically part of an art installation that was open until then. In Orlando this situation was essentially inverted: the venue hosts a club night that BEGINS at 10, and so doors were at 6. With a hard curfew to contend with the Dresden Dolls started promptly at 7, but the early hour did nothing to dampen the energy of the band or the enthusiasm of the crowd.
The band has recently adopted a habit of doing shows in 3-night stands over a weekend, and the first night, with the band well rested, tends to be the tightest and smoothest of the three. This night would seem to fall into that same pattern (time will tell) as it went off without so much as a hiccup. Great performance from the band and great response from the crowd (coincidence? I think not); overall a sterling example of Dresden Dolls magic. Annotated Set List:
Good Day
Sex Changes
Modern Moonlight
My Alcoholic Friends - Just as this song kicked off a woman in the crowd collapsed. The band stopped playing and tour manager Jaron Luksa leapt into decisive action and helped her out.
Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover) - The band donned John Lennon sunglasses for this one.
Bad Habit - Brian said this was the first song he ever heard Amanda play, on Halloween in 2000. Before that, when she was just starting to play in public, Amanda said she played at an open-mic night at Club Passim in Boston. The rest of the contributions consisted of 20-30 folk songs about going to other places. Amanda played Bad Habit solo on the piano. It did not go well.
Missed Me
Amsterdam (Jacques Brel cover) - Since the venue had no balcony Amanda was forced to stand on the bar for this one
(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!) (Beastie Boys cover featuring Tilley Komorny on bass, Brian on guitar, and Amanda on drums)
Delilah (featuring Veronica Swift) - I really want a peek inside Veronica’s closet. I’ve never seen her wear the same thing twice and all her outfits are fantastic!
Amanda opined about touring back in the day and the different reception that the band got in different parts of the country and how it all seemed so much more extreme and scarier now. Looking forward to the planned upcoming album and tour she concluded that the only thing to do is to get on stage and be very queer.
Whakenewha (pronounced Fuckin-A-Fa)
Mandy Goes to Med School - This one really clicked tonight for some reason. Totally en fuego!
An appropriate time for a brief interlude to campaign to get abortion rights on the ballot, with the full support of Ron DeSantis, I’m sure.
Memory (from Cats; brief excerpt)
Coin-Operated Boy - No INXS mash-up tonight
Half Jack
— —
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Girl Anachronism
Photo Gallery:
Say what now?
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Pre-show selfie!
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Good Day
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Welcome to the Internet
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Random Amanda shot
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Preparing to fight
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You gotta fight! For your right! To paaaaaaaarty!
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The Dresden Dolls, ladies and gentlemen
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Campaigning to get abortion rights on the ballot
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Selfie time!
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Red light district
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