#Mandalore’s reluctant royals
authortobenamedlater · 11 months
Sabezra DinBo Week Day 4
I know it’s not cool to draw attention to one’s own mistakes, but I am going to make a disclaimer that these fics are the roughest of all the half-baked stories this week. Especially the Mando one. But as we’ve established, I’m no quitter. Even when maybe I should be.
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This is my least favorite of the fics I've done this week, but it's my favorite title. This one will get completed when I have a moment to breathe.
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The fluff! The feels! The cuteness! The thrill of hitting post without beta-ing or enough editing!
@jedi-nurse @starryfictionalgirl @sassygirl579
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a-name-bruh-idk · 1 year
din had such a good set up- winning the darksaber from one of Mandalores biggest enemies. Getting a royal ship. Wearing pure beskar armour.
I think we all like the trope of reluctant king and from what we see in this ep and previous ones is that Din actually can communicate effectively with other species and settle disputes. He also literally the covert get land in Nevarro so they’re not dying from a giant lizard everyday.
He just had so much potential and I’m pissed they haven’t explored him being a ruler and focused on Bo instead.
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katy-89 · 1 year
So, I watched the Mandalorian finale...
Yeah no, sorry. I truly hate this season. I tried to like it, but....no.
Did Din even have a character arc? No.
Any chance he got to have one he literally said "no thank you". Stop being racist to droids again, no. Leave the cult, no. Lead mandalore, no. Keep the darksaber, no.
Ah right, he got a job finally and a plot of land to himself and his son. Same place as season 1 but that plot of land isn’t portable bruh
They could have made a regular guy who wasn't even Mando by blood be the one to unite mandalore with the darksaber and make the antagonist someone of royal blood who feels entitled to the throne and the darksaber. But they just didn't.
"Din doesn't want to be a leader"
Are you aware of what a character arc is? Ever heard of the reluctant hero? He didn't want to raise Grogu either but he grew as a person and did.
This is literally what everyone thought it was gonna be and what it should’ve been. This is way more compelling and interesting.
Whatever. Just my opinion.
Star Wars is about how you can’t accomplish anything unless you come from a notable bloodline 🙂
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iknowwhattosaynow · 2 years
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Rated: T (spicy parts marked) Word Count: 113,920 Part 3/3 of A Reason to Fight, AKA, my accidental trilogy that started with the idea of 'omg what if Hera was conscripted into the Empire to control her parents and spiraled out of control from there. Hera Syndulla was 14 years old and assisting in flying a relief mission when the Empire took her away from her family and sent her to an Imperial Academy as a means of controlling her family. Padawan Caleb Dume died at the age of 14 while he was running like a coward as his master was gunned down; the womanizing, bar brawling, selfish Kanan Jarrus was born only days later in a desperate act of self preservation. Sabine Wren was 10 years old when her private tutors informed the Empire that she was a prodigy and she was forced into the Imperial Academy on Mandalore. Alexsandr Kallus was born on Coruscant, the top of his class at Royal Imperial, and a promising Imperial Officer that could have had any promotion he desired; promotions that he consistently declined.
With no ties binding them except the Empire, the four find themselves thrown together as clearly reluctant crewmates in a fight against the Empire and an evil like none the galaxy has seen before.
Hera simply wanted revenge. Kanan just wanted to live. Sabine lost everything. Kallus can't come to grips with what he is.
Together, they'll have to find a reason to fight; especially when the only other option is dying.
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ladykatakuri · 2 years
Omega`s First Trick or Treat
Just a little thing that just popped up into my head when thinking about this.
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The day after Trick or Treat, Omega turned out to be the one with the biggest haul out of all of her friends. All of them were amazed and a little jealous, wondering what it was that made this newcomer, who had gone trick or treating for the first time in her life, come back with such an amount of treats.
It was watercooler gossip that solved that mysterie.....
When asked, people commented on the why they ran out of candy so fast and why they had all given as much candy to just one girl in a Jack-O-Lantern outfit.
She was escorted by a scarred giant with a cybernetic eye, a man with half his face tattood like a skull wearing a bandana and sporting a vibro blade, a man with cybernetic limbs of which one was a kriffing vibro machete instead of a hand, a goggled tall man who explained in detail how gifting royally would benefit them all and in the back a tall and snarky looking guy with a sniper rifle strapped to his back and blasters on the sides.
Not many were even willing to not give much candy when confronted with a cute, young lady and her escort of some grumpy, scary men....
@imabeautifulbutterfly@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@cyroku@reluctant-mandalore@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@galacticgraffiti@ashotofspotchka@dindjarindiaries@dinbeskarbaby@djarrex@djarinsbeskar@rowansparrow@photogirl894@rigelmoonshine@rigel-the-moonstrider@nahoney22@loth-wolffe@neon-junkie@bobafetts-princess@cyarbika@charnelhouse@zoeykallus@kin-rokku@jgvfhl@honestly-shite@here-comes-the-moose@dindjarindiaries@firstofficerwiggles@fictional-men-ruin-lives @ladysongmaster @lozalot @moonstrider9904@lorjukka@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @rain-on-kamino @monako-jinn-stories @middimidoris @wild-karrde
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gffa · 4 years
THE MANDALORIAN - A TIMELINE Assumptions this post will make: - It’s possible that they’ll throw out canon/contradict something that’s been established up to this point (I’m hoping not, as Dave Filoni is one of the main people who oversaw the creation of that canon, but it’s still a possibility!), especially as Favreau has mentioned that he wants to recanonize some Legends stuff, but for now we’re assuming canon is canon and they’re going to work with that.  This is a post that is focused on what canon and creators of canon have said! - Din Djarin is ~44 years old, as a reflection of Pedro Pascal’s age. - Out-of-universe, Star Wars’ timeline is referred to by BBY / ABY (Before the Battle of Yavin / After the Battle of Yavin) because that’s when the Death Star was blown up/the Rebellion battled the Empire over Yavin IV, which was because A New Hope was the central compass point as the very first SW movie.  However, this timeline will focus on The Mandalorian season 1 as Year 0, as I think that’ll make it clearer how everything relates to this show. THE TIMELINE SO FAR: 50 Years Ago - The Child (Baby Yoda) was born, Anakin Skywalker was born in the same year 41 Years Ago - The Phantom Menace ?? Years Ago - The Mandalorian Civil War.  There was an insurgency against Satine Kryze’s rule of Mandalore, which eventually required the intervention of the Republic, by sending two Jedi (Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi) to protect her, causing them to go on the run for a year.       Obi-Wan later describes this as, "An extended mission when I was younger. Master Qui-Gon and I spent a year on Mandalore protecting the Duchess from insurgents who had threatened her world. They sent bounty hunters after us. We were always on the run, living hand-to-mouth, never sure what the next day would bring. A civil war killed most of Satine's people, hence her aversion to violence. When she returned, she took rebuilding her world alone."  Whether he means that the people loyal to Satine were killed or nearly all of Mandalore was killed, it’s hard to say.  (Presumably the latter?)
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31 Years Ago - Attack of the Clones, the Clone Wars begin, Kamino’s clone army is discovered, they become part of the Republic, which may tie into Dr. Pershing’s arm patch symbol likely being the Kamino emblem.
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~31-28 Years Ago - The flashbacks we see in The Mandalorian are likely to take place during the Clone Wars, that the people were attacked by Separatists (hence the Super Battle Droids we see being used) and were rescued by Mandalorians, adopting Din Djarin as a Foundling, raising him in the Fighting Corps.   Din would have likely been around 10+ years old?        At least one of the Mandalorians in the flashback was wearing a Death Watch symbol, but it’s unclear how the politics of this were going, since they’re fighting Separatists in the flashback and it’s unclear precisely when Pre Vizsla joined with Dooku and the Separatists.  (Separatist alliances shifted all the time, so this isn’t hard to work with!)
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~31-28 Years Ago - Death Watch, a Mandalorian splinter group, publicly arises as a protest against Satine’s pacifist ways and determination that Mandalore leave behind its warrior past.  They bomb targets in the city of Sundari and work with the Separatists to try to kill Duchess Kryze and put their own leader into place on Mandalore proper.       Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla is the governor of Concordia (a moon of Mandalore), voiced by Jon Favreau, secretly leads the Death Watch and reveals that he has the darksaber when he fights against Obi-Wan Kenobi after its revealed that Pre is part of Death Watch.  (Clan Vizsla is one of the most central Clans of Mandalore.)       They are not successful in their plot (to have the Republic Senate forcefully invade Mandalore under the threat of Death Watch/the rumor of Mandalore joining the Separatists) and remain neutral in the Clone Wars.       It’s also later revealed (a few months later/a season later) that Bo-Katan Kryze, Satine’s sister, is a lieutenant in Death Watch.
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28 Years Ago - Darth Maul creates his own Shadow Collective (an alliance of various criminal organizations) by allying with Death Watch and taking over Mandalore.  Duchess Satine Kryze is murdered by Maul as part of his takeover of Mandalore/his revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as Pre Vizsla is killed by Maul when they disagree over the direction/who is leading Mandalore.  Maul takes the darksaber. 28 Years Ago - Fenn Rau, as part of Skull Squadron of the Protectors (a group of Mandalorian royal guards), assisted the Jedi in the Clone Wars, including helping out in a fight with Jedi Master Depa Billaba and Padawan Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus). 28 Years Ago - The Clone Wars are nearing the end, the Siege of Mandalore happens at the same time as ROTS/Order 66, this is referenced as “The Night of a Thousand Tears” by Moff Gideon, “when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance (to the e-web cannon) laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in the Night of a Thousand Tears”.  He doesn’t say who the gunships belonged to, if they were Republic gunships or Maul’s Shadow Collective gunships or something else.
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     The Siege of Mandalore is basically:  Darth Maul has set himself up as leader of Mandalore, so Ahsoka Tano and a battalion of clones (including Captain Rex) lead a mission to retake the planet.  While they’re in the middle of this mission, Order 66 happens, where the clones’ inhibitor chips have them turning on the Jedi, including Ahsoka though she is no longer officially a Jedi. During/after this huge shitshow, Bo-Katan Kryze is appointed Regent of Mandalore. 28 Years Ago - Revenge of the Sith, the Republic fell, the Empire rose, the Jedi Order was genocided basically out of existence. 11 Years Ago - The Ghost crew discover Maul hiding out, who still has the darksaber, and they retrieve it.  Sabine Wren (of Clan Wren) briefly trains with it, but struggles to decide how to proceed with it and her contentious relationship with her family.     Fenn Rau (governor of Concord Dawn, as appointed by the Empire) explains the history behind the darksaber to Kanan Jarrus, that a thousand years ago (give or take) the first Mandalorian Jedi was named Tarre Vizsla who created it as his weapon, that it stayed with the Jedi until a few decades ago, Clan Vizsla stole into the Jedi Temple and took it back, as it was a symbol of House Vizsla and had the power to unite the Clans/Houses in the right hands.
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10 Years Ago - Sabine Wren rallies her family into deciding to fight back against the Empire’s occupation of Mandalore and gives the darksaber to an initially reluctant Bo-Katan Kryze.  Leaders of several clans of Mandalore swear allegiance to her and they vow to fight the Empire, after many years of living under Imperial rule.
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9 Years Ago - A New Hope, Alderaan was destroyed, the Death Star was destroyed, also the events of Rogue One happened. 6 Years Ago - The Empire Strikes Back 5 Years Ago - Return of the Jedi, the Second Death Star destroyed, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader died, Yoda died, formation of the New Republic 4 Years Ago - The Battle of Jakku, which is the final giant battle between the New Republic and the Empire, where they officially lost (see: Star Wars Battlefront II for the story) 0 Years Ago - The Mandalorian, season 1 THINGS I’M NOT SURE WHERE TO PLACE ON THE TIMELINE: - Din and the other Mandalorians have cultural differences from the Mandalorians we’ve seen up to this point.  The tradition of being unable to take their helmet off, lest they cannot put it back on, doesn’t match up with what we see of Pre Vizsla in The Clone Wars, who was the leader of Death Watch, rather than Satine’s New Mandalorians who were pacifists.  This also strongly contrasts what we see of Bo-Katan Kryze (who was affiliated with Death Watch) and Sabine Wren (along with her family, who all took off/put on their helmets).  Is this a splinter group?  Is it different for people who were born Mandalorian vs Foundlings who must prove themselves? Something else? - Satine says that Jango Fett was not Mandalorian, but a regular bounty hunter and she didn’t know how he acquired the armor.  Out of universe, Pablo Hidalgo has supported this, but that was years ago and canon evolves over time.  Dave Filoni has also talked about how, as far back as Attack of the Clones, George Lucas intended for Jango to not actually be Mandalorian. THE BIG QUESTION MARKS: - Paz Vizla’s name is spelled without the “s” in the credits, is this a reference to the different spelling as used in SWTOR?  Or is it a typo?  Favreau has been re-canonizing some Legends things, but also the credits for Chapter 5 have “Tuskan Raider”, which is a typo of “Tusken”, so typos are a thing in the credits. - The Great Purge isn’t clearly set within the timeline yet.  It does not seem to be the same thing as the Siege of Mandalore or Order 66, because it’s too significantly tied to the Empire.  
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      While the Empire was being created during those moments and it’s possible that Paz Vizla was referring to something that happened in the aftermath of the Siege of Mandalore, something big enough to referred to separately, it might also very well refer to something that happened after Bo-Katan Kryze received the darksaber and united Mandalore against the Empire, as we don’t know how that fight happened, and may little comments in The Mandalorian indicate that seeing Mandalorians is very rare these days.  Last we saw them, when Sabine talks about the Imperial Academy on Mandalore or when we see House Wren’s interaction with the other Clans, they don’t seem to be that rare.        Paz Vizla says, “Our strength was once in our numbers. Now we live in the shadows and only come above ground one at a time. Our world was shattered by the Empire, with whom this coward shares tables.”  and “These were cast in an Imperial smelter.  These are the spoils of the Great Purge.  The reason that we live hidden like sand rats.“   Unless they are a splinter group, Mandalorians didn’t live hidden away 10 years ago in the events of Rebels.
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gaiuswrites · 3 years
Made up fic title -
For the Want of True Power
no one said it grammatically had to make sense; that's not how I roll 🌝
Kendra hi ily 💙 (why am I getting massive Thrawn feels from that title?? I don’t even read Thrawn, I just know of him through what you post haha)
Okay, I’m getting Mand’alor!Din vibes. I’m spitballing here: he’s the reluctant king of this planet, and his day is filled with the political humdrum of a cushioned royal life. Okay, there’s some explosion in the capital (an assassination attempt? Who’s to say?) and Din takes it upon himself (he would be so eager; finally a chance at some action, excitement of a sort) to investigate what’s going on in his city. He begins working with a woman tasked with aiding his investigation and the two, upon working long hours, become close. Intimate, even. Fucking in the throne room, in the corridors when they guards are changing shifts, in her chambers—files of inquiries and suspect profiles littered on her bed. It stretches for months and through that time, there are a series of smaller attacks committed, all with bizarre timing and coincidental facts that don’t add up—with information that could only be known by an insider. Din begins to suspect a mole among his court. BLAH BLAH BLAH political intrigue. Anyways, long story short, we discover that this woman is actually the plant, and she’s been seducing Din to get closer to him— to dull his senses, to make him blind. Turns out, her family is apart of some old crime syndicate (?) that believes they’re the rightful rulers of Mandalor or some shit idk. And they’ve been attempting to overthrow the government and end Din’s reign.
BUT THE KICKER IS, she’s been slowly falling in love with Din. Her mission was to spy, to sew distrust in the court and point the finger to other officials, to throw Din off their scent. But she could have never expected him: that strong masculine presence, his wordless elegance, his desire, his endless need to be sated, his longing, his loss— and now she must chose between her past and her righteous blood ties and the possibility of a future with a man her family wishes dead.
✨ send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it ✨
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swanandphoenixsong · 3 years
Aliit - Ao3
Chapter 7: Offworld
Series: Part 2 of the Star Wars - Nouveau AU series
Chapter Summary: The Cadets and the Nite Owls flee offworld.
Notes: This chapter begins in Soniee’s POV, then shifts to Lagos, in case it isn’t clear. If you’d like clearer indicators in-text in the future, just let me know.
Translations of Mando’a: *Cabur’ade – guardians of Kalevala, similar to the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn
– –
19 BBY – Mandalore
A few hours after their failed rescue, Soniee and Amis were sneaking into the spaceport. Bo-Katan had been reluctant to depend on them getting a ship, but they had convinced her, explaining that while the Nite Owls created a distraction at the main entrance, the cadets could get the ship in the air. Then Bo-Katan, Varad, and the sentries could focus on covering the ship’s path and meeting up with Wren and the rest of the Nite Owls at a landing pad outside the dome. Korkie and Lagos would be with them, as Lagos was still injured from the crash, and Korkie was too recognizable, as nephew to the Duchess.
Soniee had Amis watch the corner, while she hacked into the mainframe. It looked like the Death Watch soldiers were holding most of the Kom’rk-class fighter/transports, but there was the Aka’jor-class shuttle ramp, not as heavily guarded. Those were more commonly flown by the Mandalorian royal guard. As the shuttles had no hyperdrive, it looked like Death Watch had deemed them of little concern.
Which made one of those shuttles Soniee’s best option. She knew the Nite Owls would probably prefer something with more capabilities, but that might be an easier task on Kalevala, not here in the heart of Death Watch’s takeover. Soniee found their route to the corresponding hangar bay platform, then signaled for Amis to follow. They snuck behind crates and dark corners, most of the soldiers sufficiently distracted.
The landing platform with the chosen shuttle was nearly clear, just a patrol passing through and two guards looking bored. Soniee and Amis hid behind a pillar while the patrol left, then they aimed their blasters and stunned the remaining guards. They swiftly proceeded into the shuttle, ascending its platform lift and heading to the cockpit.
Soniee took up the helm controls while Amis had the co-pilot seat. They both had had some flight-training earlier this year as part of their advanced courses, so they weren’t terribly concerned about flying. The larger issue was getting safely to the landing pad without a guidance instructor, especially once the soldiers spotted their departure.
Soniee huffed as the shuttle ascended, while Amis was calm at her side.
He brought up the Nite Owls’ frequency on the comlink and reported, “We’re in the air.”
“Got you covered,” Varad answered, and two Nite Owls rose up, flying beside the cockpit as Soniee piloted the craft around the side of Sundari’s dome. They could hear faint shouting and blasterfire behind them, but the cadets focused on their course, trusting Varad, Bo-Katan, and the others to have their back.
Once they rounded the dome, they were able to see that the determined landing pad was clear for them. Wren, the other Nite Owls, and the two remaining cadets were awaiting them on the sidelines. Soniee set down the shuttle and let out a breath, her heart hammering away in her chest.
“Not bad, Dochek,” Varad said over the comm.
“Thanks,” Soniee smiled over at Amis and they lowered the platform lift. The Nite Owls started loading repulsor crates into the cargo bay, while Wren and Korkie helped Lagos up into the ship.
“Would’ve preferred something with armaments,” Bo-Katan interjected, “but it’ll get us offworld at least.”
Soniee and Amis stood as Wren and Korkie supported Lagos, guiding her into one of the seats, as Varad removed her helmet and took over the helm controls.
“How you doin’?” Soniee asked as she sat next to Lagos.
“Not too shabby,” Lagos said dully, “I like the ship.”
Bo-Katan entered the cockpit then, taking up their attention. “Let’s get in the air, Varad.”
“On it, boss.” Varad saluted and Wren took up the co-pilot’s seat, Bo-Katan standing between them. Amis and Korkie braced themselves at the sides, while Soniee and Lagos strapped in as the shuttle lifted off, heading for Kalevala.
Their flight was short, as Kalevala was in the same star system as Mandalore. From orbit, Kalevala was significantly different from Mandalore. Expansive seas, grassy lakelands, and snow-peaked mountains covered the surface, rather than the barren wastleland and domed cities of their homeworld.
“You ever been to Kalevala?” Soniee asked Lagos, her eyes transfixed on the planet.
“No, I’ve never even left Sundari. You?”
Soniee shook her head. “Only through my parents’ archives. I’m sure they don’t compare to the real thing.”
Amis chuckled beside them. “You two are in for a treat then. When we visited Kalevala to see my uncle, I could hardly bear to leave it. The planet’s beautiful.”
“Your uncle?” Varad asked, keeping her eyes focused on their descent through the atmosphere.
“Toa Ordo. I lost contact with him about a year ago.”
“Heh, I hoped you were the same nephew Toa mentioned. He’s still with the Cabur’ade here on Kalevala. I was there earlier this year, before I joined up with Bo-Katan.”
“I’m surprised the Cabur’ade didn’t keep you around.”
“Oh, they tried. But I wanted to make my own path.” She gave a quick smile back at them, “What about you Dochek, Farr, either of you got family offworld?”
“Only extended family, on Taris,” Soniee said, “They’re from my father’s side. I could never establish stable contact with them, although I certainly tried.” She looked over to Lagos, surprised to see a tear rolling down her cheek.
“No one. My parents are– they’re– all I have.” She shuddered, avoiding Soniee’s gaze as she brushed aside her tears with her wrist. “What’s gonna happen now, to everyone back home?”
Wren turned around in her seat, removing her helmet and addressing the cadets. “Let us worry about that for now, alright? We’ll get you safely on Kalevala, and then we’ll take it one step at a time.”
Lagos nodded silently. Soniee placed a hand on her knee, and she looked up at her gratefully.
Korkie caught her eye then, having been quiet through all of this. His expression was grim, but his voice was steady. “The Republic has Satine’s message. We have to trust that they’ll intervene on her behalf.”
Soniee grimaced. From her knowledge of the Senate, it was unlikely that they would act outside their best interests, but she had to hope she was wrong. For all their sakes.
– –
Lagos, despite the pain in her leg and missing her family, was awed, struck silent by Kalevala’s beauty surrounding her. When they had left, it was midday on Mandalore, but it was late evening where they had landed on Kalevala. So, her first view of the planet was a brilliant sunset, streaks of pink and orange stretching across clouds and reflecting off the landscape. There was snow on the mountains, dark and rich grass on the lakelands, and glistening, mesmerizing oceans in the distance. Holopics on a datapad could never replicate the smells of nearby vegetation and water, or the feeling of the breeze, refreshing and cold compared to the desert heat of home.
The Merrik estate’s landing pad and hangar bay was private, with no other ships than their shuttle. After they had disembarked, Bo-Katan and the Nite Owls started offloading crates, while Amis, Korkie, and Soniee had helped Lagos to sit on one of the benches facing the western landscape.
Soniee sat just as still with her on the bench, cradling Lagos’s injured leg in her lap. “Guess we’ll go inside soon,” Soniee said quietly, “but I don’t know if I can bear to sleep knowing all this is out here.”
Lagos nodded. “I’m exhausted from everything, and it’s not like I can do much but sit and stare, but I’m happy to do just that.”
Amis leaned on his elbows on the back of the bench between them. “Wait til you see Esplanade. The town’s nothing like Sundari.”
Nothing like home, Lagos thought, and wondered if her parents had ever had the chance to come here. Was there a place for her and her family outside Sundari, despite that they were loyal to the New Mandalorians’ ideology?
How would her life change, now that she and the cadets had left their homeworld? How long would they be hiding from Almec and Death Watch? How could she ever go back to living behind rigid cubic walls, now that she had seen open space like this?
“Best not to be out here too long,” said Korkie beside them, a strange gruffness in his tone. His eyes were hard, skimming over the mountains to the north. Lagos wondered if he was thinking of his aunt, stuck in the royal prison, or of his grandfather, killed in a Death Watch bombing, or of his parents, lost to an avalanche.  
And here I was, missing my family when I know their safe on Mandalore, Lagos thought, instantly ashamed of her self-centered pining for normalcy.
“I suppose you’re right,” Soniee said, looking up as Amis came around and helped Lagos to stand. Soniee took her other side, and together the cadets made their way into the estate.
They settled in a spare bunk-room with four bunks built in to the walls. However, the cadets situated Lagos on the plush loveseat, turned toward the windows facing the eastern sky, sparkling with stars. She watched as they piled cushions, blankets, and pillows on the carpeted floor in front of her, and then lounged together against her seat, taking comfort in each other’s close proximity.
Wren and Varad checked up on them a few minutes later. Wren carried in a medkit and the crates from Satine’s safehouse and set them by the door. Varad was towing in another small stack of crates, seemingly from the shuttle, as they had the Mandalorian royal guard’s gallant crest upon them.
Only Korkie and Lagos were still awake. Amis was asleep, the back of his head slightly touching Lagos’s knee, although she was sure he would wake at a moment’s notice, with his protective nature. Soniee had similarly claimed she’d only close her eyes for a second, but Korkie had carefully set a pillow underneath her head and a blanket overtop her. Lagos had let her hand hang off the side of the loveseat, occasionally stroking her hair. Lagos knew that despite her feigned confidence in their plan, Soniee had actually been nervous, unsettled with the weight of their escape offworld resting on her shoulders.
Lagos had tried to tell Korkie to rest too, but he had waved away her concern. Now, Wren leaned over them, giving Korkie a brief smile and placing a gentle hand on Lagos’s injured leg.
“How do you feel?” she asked quietly.
Lagos gave a minimal shrug. “It aches, but I don’t think it needs redressing before morning.”
Wren nodded, pulling a painkiller from the medkit. “Use this if you can’t fall asleep. It’s not a strong dose, but it should dull the pain enough for a couple hours.”
Lagos held it tight, opting to stay alert a little while longer.
Korkie spoke up, “What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
Varad kneeled beside him. “Kryze and I will set off for Esplanade at dawn to meet with the Cabur’ade. We don’t think Maul or Saxon has made contact with Kalevala, but they may have heard about Almec’s reinstatement. If we’re lucky, Captain Ordo and my mother will agree to come back with us, at least to see you all alive and safe.”
“And if they won’t listen?”
“Ordo is smart, and I told him I’d look out for his nephew, if I got the chance. He knows I wouldn’t use that against him.”
Lagos watched him sigh and look out the window. “I’m not worried about trusting him or you and your family. I’m worried Bo-Katan won’t hold back her pride long enough to ask for their help.”
Varad gave a bark-like laugh and nudged his shoulder. “Don’t worry. Bo-Katan may be a pain in my ass, but at least then she isn’t antagonizing anyone else. Besides, all I have to do is remind her how much she’s screwed up already. She won’t put your safety at risk.”
He shook his head, and Lagos reached out her arm, just barely settling her fingers on his shoulder. He leaned toward her, and she felt him relax slightly under her touch.
Wren had moved to the window, and now shut the curtains most of the way. “Get some rest, kids. Morning will be here before you know it.” She went to the door, and Varad followed her out with a dutiful salute towards Korkie.
Lagos cuffed his jaw gently with her knuckles, prompting him to turn toward her. The gray-blue gaze of his eyes shined in the dim light.
“I’ll make you a deal,” she whispered. “I’ll take the pain meds if you promise to get some sleep.”
He nodded silently against her hand, but she wouldn’t be satisfied with just that.
“Say you will, Korkie. Or I swear I’ll jab you with it instead.”
He almost laughed, but she muffled it with her palm. “Fine, fine,” he said when she let him speak. “Can’t catch a break, can I?”
She smacked the back of his head gently.
“Seriously though,” he said, as she heard him check over Soniee and pull Amis to lean against his shoulder. “I’ll fall asleep once you do. I know I’m safe, and I know Satine’s been through worse than a royal prison cell. Even if we didn’t get her free, at least she knows we didn’t give up on her.”
Lagos huffed in agreement and fulfilled her end of the bargain, taking the painkillers in the soft spot between her injured leg and the inside of her hip. She let out a drowsy sigh as she began to feel the meds disperse throughout her system.
She soon fell asleep, and trusted Korkie to follow behind.
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More AA Star Wars AU, now moving to the Next Gen.
Kristoph is a Senator from an old, powerful political family who seems initially favorable to the Jedi. He worked with Phoenix during Phoenix’s initial investigations into Senator von Karma’s corruption, but he’s just been biding his time to figure out how he can frame the Jedi for treason against the Republic. Which he does. The Republic’s armies turn against the Jedi and it’s a little less massacre and a little more civil war, albeit a short one that ends with the Jedi being pretty badly massacred. But the chaos of a galaxy being suddenly plunged into a short war against what were supposed to be its peacekeepers - though who have been more and more disdained for more shutting themselves away in their temples and less trying to keep the peace - leaves time for some actual treason against the Republic to be committed.
Kristoph is busy attempting to consolidate some power and position himself as the power behind the next chancellor, and every chancellor after, and then he kind of looks around and finds that the planet of Khura’in has done some actual treason against the Republic and actually gone off and straight taken over, and this is an Empire now, with Empress Ga’ran at its head, and her husband ruling Khura’in specifically. And Kristoph is just like “what, no, this was supposed to be MY power-grabbing opportunity!” and he turns around and starts trying to track down the last of the Jedi so that he can organize them into a rebellion against this new Empire, so that when it falls, Kristoph can be the hero who leads a new government out of this empire’s ashes.
Phoenix is aware that Kristoph is a backstabbing bastard, but since he’s not running a shoot-on-sight policy against the Jedi right now, Phoenix deigns to work with him. Phoenix doesn’t trust him enough to let any of his friends work with him, though.
(I’m gonna say that the Gavins are from Naboo, simply because I think it’s funny and also makes sense that they would come from somewhere with such culturally extravagant fashions. Also this from last time we were on about this AU:
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Klavier with two different extravagant hairstyles every day and Apollo’s like “we are rebels and smugglers on the run how the fuck do you do that”. I’ll come back to Klavier later.)
Miles, Franziska, Gumshoe, and Ray fled to Zheng Fa, a planet that was nominally part of the Republic, but always valued its freedom and distance from the Senate, and which has now pulled even further away from the Empire. Zheng Fa is in a position that it can be neutral on the Empire and maintain that independence, bolstered by support of its clone army, identical and terrifying soldiers in black loyal only to the royal family. Lang, no longer a Senator, is now the general of this army. Justine remains in the Galactic Senate, the powerless body that it now is, but she has sent her son to take sanctuary on Zheng Fa, afraid that someone may try to use him to get to her. Sebastian, like Lang, has left the Senate; he has some weak connection to the Force, not enough that he was taken by the Jedi, but enough that Miles is now training him in secret. Lang is glad to have their help, having previously been betrayed by his lead bodyguard, Shih-na, who turned out to be a Clawdite assassin. As is the kind of shit that happens here.
Right before the fall of the Jedi, Phoenix was given an apprentice, a Togruta girl named Trucy, who he hides away on Dathomir. He trains her as a Jedi whenever he can sneak away back to Dathomir, and while he is gone, Maya and Pearl train her in the ways of the Witches. 
Returning to the topic of Khura’in, it has always harbored dislike of the Jedi, much like Mandalore, despite Khura’in being a core world. Members of the Khura’inese royal family are often uniquely gifted in the Force; the Jedi have historically sought to bring them for training in their temples, while Khura’in refuses to give up its royal children. However, without the rigid structured training of the Jedi, these often become dangerous to themselves and their people - reckless, cruel, and susceptible to corruption by the dark side. Khura’in is often rocked by infighting, and it sees frequent turnover in its representatives in the Galactic Senate as new Queens come to power and appoint new senators. 
The citizens, and the Republic and the Jedi at large, hoped for some stability when Queen Amara gained power. She opened her planet to the overtures of the Jedi and soon married Dhurke, a Jedi Knight who had been sent on assignment to Khura’in. This is wildly against the Jedi Code, and he probably should’ve been tossed out of the Order, but the Council made an exception for him because they were desperate to build a relationship with Khura’in. Dhurke and a few other Jedi founded a training academy on Khura’in; Queen Amara was still reluctant to give Force-sensitive children up to Coruscant, but bringing aspects of that Jedi Temple training to Khura’in is a compromise everyone was willing to make. On giving birth to her first child, Amara agreed that as soon as he showed signs of Force-proficiency, she would allow the Khura’inese academy to train him, and eventually, when he was older, allow him to go to the Temple on Coruscant for further training. 
Unfortunately, Amara was assassinated, and it was blamed on her Jedi husband Dhurke. He managed to escape from the planet, taking with him the Force-sensitive children he had begun to train, and the Jedi who had come from the Temple, into exile. Some Jedi chose to stay and fight in Khura’in’s civil war to overthrow Ga’ran, while others returned to the temple on Coruscant and were told that the Jedi could not intervene, as this was a civil matter for Khura’in. After several years of fighting, Dhurke sent most of the Khura’inese padawans to Coruscant’s temple to keep them safe there; he kept with him only his own child, Nahyuta, fearing that some agent of Ga’ran’s would find Nahyuta were he in the Temple on Coruscant. 
Apollo is a Togruta boy who was found alone orphaned on Khura’in, where Dhurke took him in and began training him as a Jedi. Apollo was then sent to the temple on Coruscant and trained there; he was a teenage padawan when the Republic turned against the Jedi and he managed to escape the fighting. He eventually joined on to the crew of the Cosmos, a trader ship whose crew included pilots Starbuck and Clay, mechanic Metis, Mandalorian-exile weaponsmith Aura, and an ever-increasing number of droids that Metis and Aura built. 
Aura and her brother Simon were the children of Death Watch exiles living on Mandalore’s moon. After their parents were killed in the fighting between Death Watch and the Mandalore governing forces, the two of them left their home to sell their services as mercenaries. There they met Metis and her daughter, Athena, a Force-sensitive child who Metis refused to give up to the Jedi, and she has been on the run since, determined to keep her child whatever it took. They travel together for years and get a small ship of their own, but they are caught in the civil war between the Republic and the Jedi, attacked, and separated. Metis and Aura make it out to join a freighter crew with their skills; Aura privately blames Athena for the loss of her brother, being sure that the Republic/Empire came after them because of Athena’s Force-powers.
Simon and Athena, however, do survive, and with them Simon’s droid TK-A4 (”Taka”). Unsure of what to do next, they return to Mandalore and for a time join the Mandalorian fight against the new Empire. While they’re there, Simon steals the darksaber, because why not. Nobody else here deserves it! When Mandalore falls to the empire’s control, the two of them flee and become bounty hunters, seeking any Jedi survivors who would be able to train Athena. They hear rumors of Phoenix, and on hunting him down, he sends them to Zheng Fa for Athena to be trained by Miles.
Meanwhile, Klavier, Kristoph’s younger brother, who Kristoph’s been hoping to raise into a staunch and loyal political ally to help Kristoph with his end goals, decides that he doesn’t have the temperament for politics, and together with a member of Kristoph’s guard, Daryan, runs off to become bounty hunters. They aren’t terrible at it, but Daryan has more love for money than he does sense in his head, and deciding that it’s the real best way to get rich, Daryan, against Klavier’s wishes, turns their crew to spice smuggling and gets them caught up in a terrible triple-crossing scheme that ends with their whole crew, except Klavier and the blind Togruta bounty hunter Lamiroir, who hired onto their ship a few months prior, dead.
Left stranded, and regretting every choice that has led him to this moment, Klavier almost considers returning to his brother, and politics, but Lamiroir talks him out of it. She reminds him about all the monstrous deeds they’ve seen that the Empire has done, and how ineffective the Senate is. If they want to do something to save the galaxy, it’s got to be done from the front lines.
Apollo separates from the crew of the Cosmos, hoping to find his way back to the Khura’inese exiles and find Dhurke and Nahyuta again. He ends up crash-landing on Dathomir, where the Fey clan find him and rescue him. Trucy latches on to him immediately, eager for news of the galaxy at large, and having hoped for a pilot to find their way to Dathomir to help Trucy leave and go looking for Phoenix again, having sensed that he’s in trouble. Apollo agrees, not wanting to piss off a clan of witches when he’s at their mercy, but once they’re off the planet, Apollo and Trucy quickly find that they were both Jedi once, and bond over that and the fact that they’re both some of the only Togruta they’ve met, having both grown up amidst other species in the time since the Jedi were destroyed.
Their quest to find Phoenix, which has already waylaid Apollo’s quest of finding Dhurke, is further waylaid when they pick up a distress signal and go to the rescue of Klavier and Lamiroir. They end up banding together in opposition to the Empire, which is after them for reasons unknown (it’s Lamiroir; she doesn’t remember she used to be a Jedi), and several crime syndicates who are after Klavier for what Daryan did to screw them over. Klavier still believes the lies about the Jedi, that they were enemies of the Republic, which makes this a bit of a difficult arrangement for Apollo and Trucy. Their weird little crew is finally rounded out when Trucy’s search for Phoenix brings them to Ema, a part-time mechanic, part-time medic, who is very sick of her dull life, which has been dull since she met Phoenix like, over a decade ago, and signs onto the ship without any of them asking her to come with them. (Trucy was gonna ask though.)
They pretty much just careen around the galaxy helping people, fighting criminals and Imperials, and doing crime themselves.
Species Breakdown:
Human: Klavier, Kristoph (Naboo), Simon, Aura (Mandalore)
Togruta: Apollo, Trucy, Thalassa
*I decided Apollo’s a Togruta because they’ve got the montrals that could be like Apollo’s hair horns, so now the rest of his family is, too. Maybe Trucy’s only half Togruta? Maybe Zak was human. I’m not sure what concept I like best.
And everyone else again, I don’t know! Suggestions?
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authortobenamedlater · 10 months
I have a sudden pressing need to see 16 for Din and Grogu. If you don't write it, I will! XD
As promised I did not forget about this!
Set in my MRR universe but it’s not necessary to know that AU to understand this.
(Send me two characters shippy or not and I’ll write a little fic)
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
Sometimes, Din felt a little guilty for knowing nothing about his own son’s species. Maybe Grogu himself didn’t even know. He’d never told Ahsoka, or Luke, or Mara through the Force. 
Not knowing Grogu’s species meant nobody knew Grogu’s physiology. Any knowledge the Jedi had, had burned with their Temple. Dr. Pershing was the closest thing around to any kind of Grogu medical expert.
Grogu coughed, and Din jolted out of his doze. “Hey, little buddy,” the ex-bounty hunter soothed. “How you feeling?”
The little green guy made a pathetic sound. 
“That bad, huh?” Din chuckled softly.
For most humanoid species, the illness would just be a common cold. For Grogu, though, there was always the possibility that a pathogen or substance benign to other species could cause serious illness. 
Dr. Pershing hadn’t been concerned, at least no more than his usual jittery self. That didn’t stop Din from worrying.
The kid also didn’t talk yet, leaving his caregivers to decipher his noises and expressions. Sure, Din was an expert at it by now, but he still wished Grogu could just talk to him.
Grogu hacked, bringing Din back to the present. 
“Is he OK?”
Din looked up at Bo-Katan. “I think so.”
The Queen of Mandalore stepped into the dark room, pulling her robe tighter around herself. “How long have you been up with him?”
“I don’t know,” Din yawned as Bo-Katan kissed the top of his head. “Awhile.”
“I can watch him for awhile” Bo-Katan offered. “You need sleep.”
“No,” Din sighed. He stroked a hand over Grogu’s ear. “It’s OK. I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
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authortobenamedlater · 8 months
From these fanfic asks.
Thanks for indulging me 😂 because I love coming up with and talking about my wild headcanons.
My absolute wildest headcanon, which I do not take seriously and no one else should either, is Steve noped out after Endgame because he knew Sam and Bucky were going to start working together. And, well, Papa Lasky’s “never let your old friends meet your new friends” axiom stands across fandoms.
Another one is Thor studies every country/culture’s professional sports in an effort to understand the Realm of Midgard and becomes a hockey fan in the process. I don’t have a fic for this it’s mostly just a funny idea. I think Thor would like hockey.
There’s Sabe the handmaiden having a thing for Obi-Wan, that’s really more Mr’s than mine but we can share it.
Cortana has a twin brother/male alter ego named Anduril. They fight all the time. This is hilarious to everyone except the Master Chief. Anduril looks like Sebastian Stan, because why not. This came from a deleted scene in Exception Handling plus another fic I read.
Din and Bo adopt three girl foundlings and the Royal House of Mandalore becomes Last Man Standing: GFFA Style.
In an offshoot to my MWAS AU, Tom and Chyler have a kid who’s sort of Infinity’s version of Beckett Mariner from Star Trek: Lower Decks. Not QUITE that obstinate but very much the most potent combination of both parents 🤣 I have nothing for it beyond this little scene:
Chyler: Guess what your child has done.
Tom: OUR child.
Chyler: *slides report across desk, frowns, crosses arms*
Tom: *reads, sighs* My child.
Chyler: Mm-hm.
I haven’t even settled on whether Lasky Jr. is a son or a daughter, but a son would be Cadmon and a daughter would be named after Chyler’s mom.
@mrtobenamedlater did I miss any wild headcanons?
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authortobenamedlater · 10 months
Dinbo Five-Sentence Addition Pitch!
His hand clasped in hers the moment she stepped away.
(Send me two characters shippy or not and a sentence and I’ll write the next five)
This has sat around for a LONG time and finally I decided to complete it! Hope you see this anon.
His hand clasped in hers the moment she stepped away. “You can’t leave, Bo. I can’t lead our people alone.”
“You mean that?”
Din let out a short sigh. “Also, you’re my ride.”
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
(Not necessarily in order and subject to change next time I get tagged in one of these)
Anakin and Rex won a war, they can handle two Force-wielding toddlers, right?
I always come back to this as my #1. @mrtobenamedlater gave me the idea and I ran with it. Everyone lives/nobody dies, crack treated mostly seriously, funny and also a little sad in places, lots of callbacks and fan service. I had a ball writing this one.
A bounty hunter and an heiress get more than they bargained for following The Rescue.
This kicked off my MRR AU. After the S2 finale I said in jest “I think Mando’s gonna have to marry Bo-Katan for political expediency next season” and Mr said “You should write that.” And. Well. I did.
This was one of the first DinBo fics on AO3, if not the first. Even though this AU has stagnated since I lost all my documents for it last year, I love it dearly.
Let Halsey stick an AI in your brain, they said. It will be fun, they said.
Only they never said that, and it is not fun.
Absolute crack. This one was a wild ride. I don’t think it’s my best fic, but it’s absolutely my funniest.
Fair warning: Nothing explicit, but plenty of roasting that which Halo has brought upon itself. I know this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
The Master Chief is only human, after all.
Follow-up to Everyone’s Favorite Scene(TM) in S1. This fic was a lot of frustration and lot of work and a lot of nerves. It was, however, very satisfying to write even if it wasn’t fully canon compliant anymore by the time I finished it. I tried to treat a messy situation (and boneheaded storytelling decision) with the weight it deserved while not making the story unbearable and I like to think I did all right.
Again, fair warning for nothing descriptive but several mentions of canonical sexual content. That is the whole reason the story exists, and all.
NCIS/Halo (TV or game) crossover.
For the crossover-themed International Fanworks Day 2023. I really like the dialogue in this one 😂 and I like the idea of a the UNSC having its own NCIS. I’ve been contemplating writing some more for this crossover AU.
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I have an idea for a MRR fic where Bo-Katan teaches Din some Mandalorian equivalent of yoga and he thinks it looks easy but has no idea what he’s actually getting into.
Might be inspired by that Duck Dynasty episode where Willie goes to yoga with Korie.
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Woot woot another DinBo/Sabezra first draft done! Sharing for accountability purposes:
“Are you sure that was your first kiss?” Bo-Katan smiled against her ally’s—her lover’s—lips.
He slid one hand into her hair and the other around her back. “Stop talking, Lady Kryze.”
I’m not sure if I’ll keep this as the end but it is for now.
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authortobenamedlater · 5 months
Because I am the master of AUs.
Got a major case of brain fog and couch lock today and went into my drafts to finish this FINALLY.
I will take asks and DMs about anything here. By which I mean I am begging for asks and DMs about anything here 😆
Star Trek AOS
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The Pike-April Family Business: My oldest AU and the one with the least to show for it. This was the first AU in which I became really invested. I tried to revive it on AO3 a few years ago and just couldn’t get it going. I hope to one day find a way back to it. The older stories are still on my FFN.
I have tons of headcanons for this that have never seen the light of day and might not unless I get asks about them.
Tagged “pafb au”
Star Wars
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Mandalore’s Reluctant Royals: Canon divergence from Mandalorian S2 finale. Bo-Katan comes up with a solution to the Darksaber problem that may be more than she or Din bargained for. A political “marriage” that eventually turns into the real thing.
I had a whole timeline and several WIPs and ideas for this AU most of which got lost when my computer crashed in May 2022. The series will never be what I envisioned, but I still love it and think about it a lot.
Tagged “mandalore’s reluctant royals”
Untitled ROTS Fix-It: A Winter Soldier-inspired AU that came from me looking at Sebastian Stan and Hayden Christensen’s similarly wild hair and “haha Samuel L. Jackson.” Someday I might do something with it, but it’s just been turning over in my head for about seven years. Couldn’t even think of a good image for it.
Tagged “rots mcu au” for want of anything better
Halo (TV)
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Vital Record (Angel-117 on AO3): The fallout from Everyone’s Favorite Scene(tm) is S01E08. Starts from the eponymous fic and branches off into several AU possibilities. Canon divergence from S01E09.
This one lives mostly in headcanons on Tumblr as I have too many ideas for it to make anything cohesive 😂
Tagged “vital record au”
Halo (game)
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(I wish I could get a grown-up picture of them.)
Married...With a Supercarrier: Get in loser, we’re going down the highway to rarepair hell. Chyler doesn’t die in Forward Unto Dawn and she and Lasky get their happy ending with the occasional lovers’ quarrel.
Tagged "married with a supercarrier au"
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NCIS: Reach: Grew from a seemingly inconsequential crossover for International Fanworks Day 2023. I ended up finding these universes fit each other well and really enjoying the concept, though I haven’t written anything else for it (yet).
The first fic can work for game or TV Halo, but the rest of the AU would be game-verse if I continued it.
Tagged “ncis reach au”
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For Such a Time As This: An epic crossover that will almost surely never be finished entirely, taking off from some point in Spartan Ops. Infinity gets dropped like a rock into the Babylon 5 world. Halsey escapes and gets loose on the station and basically causes the Shadow War and all kinds of other problems.
I do not have the time or talent to pull this off and changing anything about the B5 storyline feels like sacrilege to me 😂 but I still enjoy playing with this AU.
Tagged “for such a time as this au”
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