dromaeo-sauridae · 9 months
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energonbunny · 3 years
I got to see V2 today and here are some of my very Important notes:
-During an argument about what V can eat, Eddie responds that the two chickens they have in their apartment have brains and Venom goes “I MOST PASSIONATELY DISAGREE!”
-Venom also refuses to eat the chickens because they’re “friends” with each other
-The tire swing is there for Venom to bite when he gets really mad
-The holes in the ceiling are from 1. V+E chilling on the couch in the Venom suit and standing up and punching a hole through the ceiling with their head 2. Venom shoving Eddie into the ceiling
-Eddie literally grabs on to Venom’s goo and manhandles him. Venom allows this to an extent
-Venom grooms Eddie on their way to see Anne
-”Eddie, I apologize I cannot mend the heart” and then two seconds later “Must pull up your big boy pants and suck it up”
-so Eddie is still going around talking to himself and doesn’t even really bother too much with explaining it or hiding it
-This convo: Venom: YOU SUCK Eddie: *walks into the prison and to the guard stand* You suck! Guard Lady: Excuse me?! Eddie: ... Yeah, I don’t have an explanation for that
-”This is a ME thing and not a WE thing“ (which unless is in the comic I think is just a fanon thing? so that’s great)
-Eddie and Venom are arguing so Venom forces Eddie to just type ‘dik dik dik dik dik’ on his computer
-Eddie lying on the floor after chasing Venom out of him and smiling because Peace but then he hears smashing and yelling and looks out the window to see Venom destroying his bike lmao
-”SAYONARA” venom yells as he flicks Eddie off with an extended arm out of the new meat suit he hitched to
-”What would Venom do?” Eddie asks himself when he finds out Cletus has gotten out. I need #WWVD to start trending
-During the festival a woman in a mask says “Hello, gorgeous” to V and he responds “Sorry, no, not my type!”
-So during the festival there is a lady singing the song VENOM up on a stage and Venom literally hears his name called and looks dead at her as she keeps repeating the word and he thinks she’s calling him up to the stage. Like... that’s why he fucking goes up there lmao he thinks she’s inviting him up there
-Venom takes the mic from her and stands there for a few seconds and goes “Oh, shit...” because he doesn’t know what to say lmao
-What he says during his little speech at the very beginning literally makes it sound like Eddie has made him keep their relationship on the DL because they’re gay and in the closet and the crowd is appropriately horrified
-”I wish you could have seen me tonight, Eddie” MY HEART
-Eddie takes the chickens and abandons them in like a fountain area?? For some reason?? And has like a “you know this would have never worked out” moment with them, obviously in place of a missing Venom
-So Cletus gives Frances a warning before he reveals Carnage because he doesn’t want her to get scared and C+C bring out some tentacles and Frances goes “That is SO hot!” and honestly same girlie same
-We have actual confirmation that Venom did not need to tongue-fuck Eddie’s throat to go back to him after riding in Anne. In this movie Anne and Eddie hug and Venom transfers over! No kiss needed. Hell, I don’t think there was even any bare skin contact. I’m thriving
-This convo: Eddie: Looks like we’re going to a wedding Venom: Will there be canapes? Eddie: You bet your ass!
-A combined Venom+Eddie enter the church to confront Cletus and Frances. Cletus+Carnage combine and we get this winning conversation: Carnage: There you are! Death to you, Father! The priest that was kidnapped to marry C+F: NOOOOO Carnage: Not you, Father... *points to Venom* You, Father!
-Venom sees Carnage and immediately nopes out, leaving just Eddie. Carnage for some reason then does the same, leaving Cletus and Eddie just staring at each other. Eddie hits a new stage of grief as he tries to get Venom to come out again
-”OH YEAH” this is like the second koolaid man moment Venom has
-Venom and Eddie going in to fight Cletus and Carnage: Venom: Time to die! Eddie: That’s the spirit! Venom: I mean us, we are going to die!
-Venom and Eddie speaking in unison: TOGETHER WE ARE THE LETHAL PROTECTOR
-Just learning in general that Venom loves the idea of being a superhero and wants a superhero name very badly
-Dan and Anne forming like a pillar type thing for Venom to go into so he could then go out of them in time to beat Eddie to the bottom of the church floor and save him
-Eddie and Cletus having a Moment: Cletus: I wanted your friendship. Eddie: I’m sorry, Cletus. Venom, taking over again: FUCK THIS GUY *eats his head*
-Venom tells Dan to take care and then tells Eddie they didn’t really need him and he didn’t really help lmao
-The cop somehow has a symbiote?? Or idk Frances’ powers? I didn’t see him take in any blood so I am very confused but okay
-Eddie takes Venom to the park where he like left the chickens to have a Deep Talk and THE CHICKENS ARE STILL THERE?? It’s been at least a day if not more and by all appearances they’ve not left the grassy area
-Eddie goes to say “We are Venom” and Venom yells over him when he hits the “Ve” part
-Okay the ending has them on a beach. Like literally on a beach. Sitting on the sand watching the sunset together.
-Venom quotes something that basically says ‘the people you love’ Eddie: Did you just say you love me? Venom: Uhm...
-Eddie making V very happy when V asks where they’ll go: Eddie: Anywhere that needs a lethal protector, I suppose Venom: OH YOU REALLY MEANT IT
-Venom’s head comes out of Eddie’s body and like the last shot is them both looking into the sunset
-There is a after credits sneak peak thing and it starts with a Spanish telenovela/soap and Venom is super into it
-This brought up by the stupid Spanish soap: Venom: We all have a past, Eddie Eddie: Are you hiding something from me???
-okay so technically Venom does say ILU first but Eddie I think shows it first because he puts aside what little hope he was clinging to of a Normal Life and staying on the Down Low so they’d be safe so he could instead travel around with Venom protecting people and making his symbiote happy
-like yeah we get that little scene where Venom makes Eddie breakfast but I think it’s partially because Anne said to take care of him and Venom is not the Best At It yet but he tries bless him
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lionfloss · 3 years
Please tell the ghost story! The one where you were w/ ur mom
Okay so the mom one was a UFO HOWEVER!!!! Mom is a big believer in ghosts. And so I'm gonna kinda of take it from the top as to how i figured out that her and her siblings are being followed by a demon (lol): When me and my siblings were younger, we moved to a new house when i was in 1st grade (nothing ever happened before we moved). We had always experienced some weird stuff, like all the kitchen cabinets and drawers being left open, always heard the hallway/stairs creaking LOUD when no one was home or upstairs. We always would feel scared of our basement, but like thats normal for most kids. like basements are creepy right (god im literally getting chills re-living this). So also please note!!!! One time we all left for a vacation for a week and when we came back......there was a trail of baby powder leading from the bathroom to my little brothers room. Never found out what happened. Little things like this happened so many times throughout our childhood. So fast forward to when I was prob in 6th/7th grade. These next things all happened within a week of each other: My sister, her friend and I were messing with a Ouija board in the basement (corny i know BUT) and we kept asking it really lame questions like who would ask them to the dance and shit. And all of a sudden, the planchette kept going to NO and GOODBYE and we all thought someone was just faking, but then this HUGE and I mean huge ceiling high shelves fell over and everything on it SHOT off of the shelves and hit the wall across is. We fucking screaming and ran upstairs. I remember just laughing hysterically but then me and my sister later that night were like......wait what in the fuck was that tho. So my dad went down to clean everything up but since he is a huge christian, we just lied and said we knocked it over and never mentioned the Ouija board. The next day my older brother came home and he was the first one home after school, and he said that the Ouija board was on the floor of the living room (by the front door) and that the planchette had been moving slowly on its own.....obv cant confirm but weird right.
So then later that week, I remember hanging out in my little brothers room and idk why but we were looking at each other through this big glass of red koolaid, like it was pretty see-through and the glass distorted our faces and we were just giggling having fun. And i went to put the glass in front of his face and I when i looked it wasn't his face and it was some older man with dark hair. I screamed and dropped the glass and the koolaid went everywhere and my mom was LIVID and sent us to bed early like 8pm cause we were in trouble. The next morning Noah (he was like 7-8 at the time) came downstairs and was acting like kind of weird and my mom asked if he was okay and he said "I had nightmares, Abraham Lincoln kept coming out of my closet" and dude....when I say that my mom turned white, i mean she turned W H I T E. She at that point was not willing to talk to us about it cause we were so young, but a few years ago I asked her about it...So like....god it's so hard to explain and just sounds fake but my mom and her siblings have been being followed by a ghost/presence/spirit that they believe to be the man who killed himself in the 3rd cellar of my grandparent's house (the house they grew up in forever). She believes that my uncle who lived in the 3rd cellar had the demon (she thinks its a demon) attached itself to him. For YEARS she had sleep-paralysis type dreams where a tall guy in a top hat would come into her room and stand there staring or something threaten my grandma. She told me so many instances that were so freaky and she was getting so emotional when she told me. So ALSO after we moved into the new house when i was in 1st grade, that uncle had moved in with us cause he was doing really bad mentally and lived in the, you guessed it, the basement. So when my little brother said he saw abraham lincoln, she knew it was the demon in the top hat!!! and she basically said that she thinks it followed my uncle when he moved in with us and my mom knew it the whole time after we would tell her that we heard people walking around when no one else was there and the cabinets and stuff, but again wanted to spare us and also wanted to like black it out cause she hadn't "seen" it for years at that point. My Uncle is actually currently trying to write a book about all of it. ALSO we found out later that the company who designed and built my grandmas house was the same for the house we lived in and was built in the same year.
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Pairing: Unknown (Saeran Choi) X Female Reader CRACK FIC
Description: You are a humble teenage bookworm, obsessed with the performer Lady Gaga and her catchy music. Or perhaps, it’s not her you’re obsessed with, but her back up dancer, Saeran. When your bestie Sasha offers you the chance to watch a performance front row, a chance encounter happens. Can you successfully woo this ̶s̶e̶x̶y̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ handsome dancer? Or will your attempt to dress up lead to nothing at all.
This is in NO way shape or form to be taken seriously. It is supposed to be a funny parody of many Wattpad stories we may have read way back when. It is not targeting any one author and is entirely based on stereotypes and jokes made about old experiences.
Little warning: Some of the jokes made could be said to be 18+, but nothing is too over the top. The reader is described to be blond with blue eyes, etc., just following Wattpad stereotypes. All descriptions of the reader are for comedic purposes as well as the “authors notes”. The elixir is brought up at the end.
This fic contains and is based on a sketch done by my friend 🤎Melkinpump🤎, who you can find on tumblr here: https://melkinpump.tumblr.com/
https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ song from chapter 2!!!
I woke up to see my beautiful turquoise bedroom shining in the sun. It was finally time, today I was going to a Lady Gaga concert. My gaze drifted to the Lady Gaga poster on my wall. But here’s the plot twist. I wasn’t in love with her, but him. The man in the back of the poster, Saeran, one of her favorite back up dancers. He was in all of her shows, and today I just had to seduce him best I could, which would be hard because I was such a nerd. I stared lovingly at his face behind hers, tongue sticking out with a blue color to it from the koolaid he had in his hand. It was pretty rock and roll epic. I sighed. Time to get dressed.
I followed the advice of my friend Sasha, and wore one of her tight black leather dresses. I’m not used to tight clothes, but she’s a seduction master with 10 boyfriends right now, so I’m listening. It hugged my 1 inch waist so tight I couldn’t breathe, and the cleavage showed almost my whole natural DD rack, but I guess it looks hot. This felt weird, so not like me who usually wears big sweaters and big jeans. Of course, I still need to wear my glasses or I can’t see shit. I took down my long, straight platinum blond hair out of my pony tail and brushed it. Lastly, I brushed my teeth incase we do make out.
Sasha arrived in her Jaguar car. She’s super rich unlike me. She yelled at me,
“Why aren’t you wearing makeup? Come here let’s fix you up!”
She put on a lot of my makeup for me, thick black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. I put back on my glasses when she was finished, and she smacked my hand.
“No! Guys don’t like girls who wear glasses, show off those pretty blue eyes!”
I sighed as now I’d be blind for the concert. But it’s ok, it’s all to win his heart. The devil with the white hair and man whore outfit he always wore. It was Lady Gaga’s thing to make him dress like that, I didn’t mind because he’s incredibly sexy in it.
I tried not to let my mind wander too much as Sasha drove us to the concert. I could not be nervous, and I definitely couldn’t allow him to see that I was actually just a little nerd girl. Tonight, I’m a sex kitten just for him. Sasha made sure of that.
HEY guys I hope you enjoyed chapter one :) chapter two is just down below and maybe you’ll finally get to kiss Saeran idk it’s not like I’m the author ;))
The concert began. And there he was, dancing so close to me as we had front row seats which Sasha’s rich dad paid for. I’m so lucky to have a rich bestie.
He rocked his hips to the beat, that pink leotard type outfit barely covering much. I could see his beautiful pecs through the heart in the center, shiny from his glistening sweat. Unless Lady Gaga told him to shine up with something, I wouldn’t put it past her.
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After a few minutes, my heart stopped beating. He noticed me! His aqua orbs met mine in the crowd, gazing into my soul with such a fiery passion as he danced, white locks stuck to his forehead with sweat. My friend nudged me, smiling. I couldn’t believe it. I smiled at him, and started singing the words to the song playing to pretend I was unphased.
And then, it happened. He kneeled down next to me, chains from his outfit clinking a little, leaning in with his hand cupping his ear to hear my voice. He then spoke, the tone surprising me as his voice was rather airy.
“I can’t hear you!”
I sang louder.
“You can be louder than that!”
He smirked at me teasingly. My heart was leaping sky high as I got even louder for him. I’d do anything for him.
Just then, he passed me his hand, offering to take me up on stage with him. I hesitantly took it, feeling its heat in mine as he pulled me up on stage next to him. It felt unreal!
“YOU GO GIRL WOOOOH!”, Sasha screamed.
Lady Gaga stopped then cued the next song as Saeran passed me a mic. The music started playing and I could feel my heart in my throat. I couldn’t let him know this confidence was all a fake to win him as I’m usually just a bookworm. I sang best I could, the song was a classic, “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga (link at the top). To my surprise, Saeran also took a mic. It was just the two of us singing, and the audience was in awe because it sounded so good. I didn’t even know I could sing because I never have before, but now I understand I have a hidden talent, and I feel more confident.
As the song wrapped up, he smiled at me and handed me a VIP backstage pass! I thanked him profusely as I got down from the stage, eliciting a wink. I can’t believe I’m going to get to see him backstage!
Hey guys :/ adult content warning !
Skip ahead to the end of the awesome concert and me and Sasha were heading backstage with my shiny, black VIP pass. It had a mint eye symbol on it which looked bitchin. The guard stopped Sasha from entering,
“Sorry, only that one is allowed by Mr. Saeran.”
Mr. Saeran? Now that’s hot. But I’m also sad because I want to take Sasha too because without her, I wouldn’t even be at this concert! Sasha winked at me,
“It’s ok girl, go live your dream. My dad’s rich so one of my boyfriends is Justin Beiber so I don’t need this anyways.”
“Thanks bestie.” I smiled at her, preparing myself to go meet Saeran and Lady Gaga alone.
I took in a deep breath, my exposed chest nice and puffed out to attract his attention because I know guys like boobs. Sasha told me that, I don’t know much about guys because I’m a nerd. But hopefully now I’d be his nerd.
The security guard led me to the back of the hall, opening the big door, revealing Saeran and Lady Gaga, standing and talking. I was in shock! They were both so hot in person! I am so lucky!
Their heads turned in my direction, Saeran hungrily licking his lips upon seeing me. I couldn’t get any redder!
Just then, Lady Gaga handed me some blue koolaid and told me to take a seat with a sweet smile. I smiled back and sat like she said. Lady Gaga spoke,
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you! You really grabbed my dancer’s attention here as well as mine and the crowds, and I instructed him to pick one lucky girl to meet with today. And here you are! With a singing voice like that, I want to know if you want to join us on tour!”
With that, I’m certain I stopped breathing. To work alongside Saeran AND Lady Gaga?! Incredible! I didn’t mind leaving my old life behind to be sexy and cool always like I was tonight, because at home I was nothing but a 16 year old boring book worm. I’d be happy to never see high school again, but I’d miss Sasha.
“Yes!” I squeaked happily.
“Good girl~” Saeran cooed. I wasn’t expecting him to call me that, and I blushed red to my ears.
“First, let’s finish that drink with a toast to you joining us!” Lady Gaga cheered.
“Ok! Cheers to our new pet here!”, Saeran said raising a glass too.
It’s weird that he called me pet, personally I think a little ominous. But it’s ok, he can call me as he likes.
As I tasted the koolaid, it was super bitter and burned my throat. Saeran and Lady Gaga smiled at me, and I smiled back, forcing myself to chug it as they watched eagerly. I then felt super dizzy and sick…what was this koolaid? As the room started spinning, I reached a hand to my head and winced. Saeran sat next to me and guided me to lean on him. Even though I felt odd, leaning on him still made my heart race.
He stroked my hair, whispering “good girl” once more. This was getting freaky. Did they drug me?
Before I could open my mouth to speak, Lady Gaga took off her crazy wig. I saw long blond curls fall down as she removed her wig cap. Within another second, she popped out colored contacts, revealing orbs as green as emeralds. That wasn’t Lady Gaga at all! It was a fraud! I gasped, but Saeran held me closer, telling me to remain quiet.
“Just as you’re thinking child, this isn’t a Lady Gaga concert at all, but a recruitment for our cult! I killed Lady Gaga long ago, and took her place. Saeran here is in charge of choosing one lucky person each show to join us, and with your voice you’ll make a great performer alongside us here at the Mint Eye!”
I was so angry and confused. What did she mean she killed Lady Gaga? And a cult? No way…
Saeran spoke to me again, “don’t worry little blondy, I chose you because you’ll be a great assistant for me with that voice. We have a lot of work to do, and lucky for you, since I can tell you like me, you get to work alongside me~”. He cackled and then crushed my phone with his bare hands.
I was horrified. I spoke softly, still feeling weird.
“Saeran…I thought you were a good person…I know you are…I love you…”
He seemed moved in those minty eyes, but wouldn’t tell it. His eyes were a tad watery as he scooped me up into his arms and cradled me close to his chest. My head rested on the open heart in his costume.
“I know, and that’s exactly why I chose you. I’ve been watching you for a long time, y/n. You look different without your glasses. But don’t worry, we have contacts for on stage.”
And with that he carried me to his room, and I prepared for my new life as a cultist.
A/N: Hey everyone thanks for reading <3 I wonder what Saeran and y/n are going to do in his room next 😳😜😎🍋!!?!! If I get 3 comments, I’ll write the next part :3 which will be rated 18+ though!!! I think you know why ;)))) !!! Pray for me 🙏 because I just broke my pelvis and I’m so sorry that 18+ part will be a little late because of it but I’ll write it in the hospital! Safe wishes 💋! Thanks for all the support!!!!
Fin! *takes a bow*
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In Love and Death. Part 3
Harry Potter AU
Link to Part 2 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
“I’m going to kill you.”
Evan’s voice was filled with fury as he started toward Regulus. He didn’t care that his best friend was backing up and trying to speak in his best “calming a child” tone.
“Evan, you need to calm down. Y/n, is a grown woman and it's her choice.”
Evan laughed hard.
“She’s a grown woman and it's her choice? Did you really just quote some bullshit social justice crap at me, Black? You were there when she was born. I’ll never forgive you for this! Avada…”
Before Evan could finish the rest of the curse, Regulus shot up in bed.
Your voice was soft as Regulus sunk back down beside you.
“Everything’s fine.”
He said, gently. You yawned and snuggled against Regulus’ shoulder. He was thankful that you didn’t press him further for questions.
The only reason that you are lucky is that she’s tired.
His mind supplied. Regulus knew that if you were awake you would have started asking questions. His nightmares had been a frequent topic of discussion. You had been the one to comfort him when Regulus would wake up screaming.
Regulus sighed as your fingers twirled in his hair. This was your “go-to” method to make him relax.
“Everything will be fine.”
You said with a small yawn.
“Yes, it will.”
Regulus replied. He didn’t believe a damn word coming out of his mouth. How everything was going to be alright was beyond him.
The next morning, you were the first to wake up. Regulus lay with his left arm over his eyes. You briefly considered waking him up to come downstairs with you but after his nightmare; you decided to let him sleep. Leaning over, you pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up.
Going downstairs, you decided to ignore everyone else. No one had tried to apologize for the hurtful things that Moody had said. You didn’t expect anything from Moody himself but you had expected Tonks to come and try to talk you down. When your best friend didn’t come, your grandmother’s chilling words about “there are no such things as friends...there is only family” returned with a vengeance.
Several sets of eyes looked up when you stepped into the kitchen. Sirius was the first out of his chair. You held a hand up.
“Don’t. I’m fine.”
You replied. Sirius frowned and shot Moody a glare.
“I wanted to check on you.”
“Well, here I am. The same person that I was last night. You could have checked on me then too.”
Sirius rolled his eyes.
“I was not about to walk in on you having sex with my little brother. I do not want to think about the two of you like that.”
Sirius grinned when you smirked. There was the girl that he knew!
“Fair enough.”
You replied as Kreacher popped out of nowhere with a cup of tea. His little smushed face looked at you with eyes full of love. You made a mental note to tell Regulus that he needed to talk to the elf about getting a grip. Of course, if Regulus talked to the elf in any form of displeased expression the poor creature would probably start sobbing and grab onto Regulus’ leg pathetically.
“So, we wanted to apologize for that unpleasant scene last night.”
Sirius said as he shooed Kreacher off. You raised an eyebrow.
“First off, you didn’t do anything. You just stood there laughing like a maniac. Kind of strange but most things don’t surprise me anymore.”
Tonks jumped up from her seat.
“Please take back what you said. I don’t want you to quit. You're my favorite partner. You’re the Dean to my Sam...the…”
You held up your hand with a smile. Tonks wrapped her arms around you. You let your friend hug you for a moment before pulling away.
“I’m not giving Regulus up. I know none of you like it but I don’t care. He and I are leaving.”
Tonks stepped back with her hand over her mouth as Remus stood up.
“It's too dangerous. Your family knows that you are an auror. If it comes down to it, they will tell Voldemort everything. Now that Regulus is alive, he will be even more thrilled to come after you.”
You shrugged.
“Hopefully between Regulus and myself, one of us can do some magic and protect ourselves. Now, if you charming lot will excuse me, I have some errands to run.”
20 minutes later, Regulus came into the room looking like he had the hangover from hell. Sirius smirked up from his tea.
“For someone who got laid last night, you sure look awful.”
Regulus flipped Sirius off before sitting down.
“I’m not discussing my sex life with you.”
“Thank you.”
Moody snapped. Regulus didn’t even bother looking at the older man. The last thing that Regulus really wanted to do was deal with Mad-Eye Moody. Regulus had enough on his plate with the nightmares, keeping you safe, and figuring what the hell was going on in the world around him without Moody’s help.
“No one asked you. Where is Y/n?”
Sirius leaned back.
“Said she had some errands. She also said that the two of you were leaving.”
Regulus nodded.
“What does it matter to you all?”
Tonks was looking at Regulus like she was about to burst into tears.
“Because there is a hole in my heart where Y/n is supposed to be.”
Regulus gave her a disgusted scowl.
“That’s lame.”
Tonks jumped up.
“She was my best friend before you turned up!”
Remus stood up and pulled Tonks back down to her seat before Regulus’ shotgun temper went off. To his surprise, Regulus sat calmly
“She’s my girlfriend now. All of you might as well accept it and yes, we are leaving. You lot can carry on without us.”
Sirius decided to come back in.
“We need you both here. Whether some of us want to admit it or not, the two of you are useful. Y/n has connections to her psycho family and all of the dark magic that has to be stored in that brain of yours…”
Regulus held a hand up.
“You don’t know anything about me.”
Sirius frowned and scooted his chair out. Was Regulus still feeling salty over his brother’s leaving home all those years ago. The scowl on Regulus’ face was the same one that he wore as Sirius packed his trunk to run off to the Potter’s.
“Yes, I do! You’re my brother.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah? When is my birthday? What flavor of cake do I like? What did I say to you the night that you ran away to the Potters?”
Sirius blinked a few times before scratching his head. Regulus stood up to make a cup of tea.
“I rest my case. You know nothing about me.”
Moody finally stood up. He was tired of listening to the bull shit of the morning.
“That’s enough.”
He snapped as he limped toward Regulus and threw a file down in front of him.
“You want to be a part of our group. Take a look at this and tell me what you see?”
Regulus picked up the folder and thumbed through a bunch of photos of dead people He frowned before stopping on one that made his heart freeze...your mother. Regulus’ eyes rolled up to Moody’s face.
“Look at that, you noticed it too.”
Regulus focused back on Emma’s dead body. He had to bite his lip at how much you resembled your mother as well.
“Does the way that her body is laying seem familiar at all?”
Moody asked with a sneer. Regulus focused on the position before his mouth dropped. This was exactly how Evan left people after killing them.
Moody nodded.
“Now you're catching on. Too bad it took you so long being hungover and all…”
Regulus was moments short of a massive freak out. Was Evan alive? Did he actually know about Regulus’ relationship with you and better yet, where the hell were you at?
“I don’t know how it happened. Dead people keep turning up as living. Voldemort is figuring things out that we don’t know.”
Regulus was on his feet and digging the stupid cell phone out of his pocket. He began to pace as he waited for you to answer.
Sirius had come over to join him with a concerned expression.
“What is it?”
“She isn’t answering. I have to get a hold of Y/n.”
You sat in a coffee shop with a steaming cup of coffee in front of you. Stirring the liquid, you took a look around your surroundings. This was the first time that you had come to this particular place.
It's no wonder coffee is so popular.
You thought, taking a sip. A man in the corner had quickly gotten your attention at this point. Antonin Dolohov. You had been looking for this particular death eater for some time. Going after him alone was stupid. You considered calling for Tonks but instead remained frozen.
Dolohov was blissfully unaware that you were watching his every move. He was eagerly nibbling away on some coffee cake while talking to a companion that you could not see.
I hope this place has insurance.
You thought before slowly standing up. This was probably a stupid move and your friends would probably be furious later.
I’ll ask for forgiveness instead of potentially losing this creep again.
Dolohov didn’t move as you stepped behind him.
“You are foolish for coming out in public, Dolohov.”
The man froze before turning and looking at you with wild eyes. He smiled ruefully when he realized that you were alone.
“Rosier, you’re alone.”
You nodded.
“Yeah, because I can haul your ass right off to Azkaban where you belong.”
Dolohov smirked. He knew that he had the upper hand against a new auror. Plus he had the perfect hand in this card game.
“Where I belong? I have a gift for you.”
Your hand was on your wand as Dolohov leaned to his left to reveal the companion...your father. Seeing the face that you hadn’t seen in many years, was enough to leave you standing with your mouth open. Evan Rosier looked as perfect as he did the last time that you had laid eyes on him. His blue eyes were looking furiously at you.
You stammered as Evan stood up. He was taller than you remembered. Dolohov meanwhile sat watching gleefully as Evan began to speak.
“My daughter is an auror. MY DAUGHTER IS A BLOOD TRAITOR.”
He yelled, making you jump back.
“I stopped drinking the Koolaid.”
You replied, smugly. Evan’s frown intensified as he stepped closer. He had already killed your mother. It looked like giving you a proper punishment was in order. Evan was not about to let you ruin the Rosier family name.
“I could kill you. I should kill you.”
“Over my dead body…”
Both Evan and yourself turned upon hearing Regulus’ voice. The two of you were so locked into the conversation that no one had noticed Regulus step in. Evan’s mouth dropped.
“Look who it is. A bit late to the party aren’t you?”
Regulus reached out and grabbed your hand. You didn’t fight as he pulled you into his arms. Evan’s scowl intensified.
“What’s happening here?”
Dolohov grinned from his place at the table. He had gone back to nibbling on his coffee cake but when Regulus showed up; there was no looking away.
“Looks like Reg is all over that daughter of yours in a less than holy way.”
“No one asked you!”
Evan snapped to his fellow death eater. He quickly turned back to Regulus.
“Get your hands off of my child.”
Regulus smirked. He was quickly getting back to his cocky self. After almost throwing a killing curse at Evan when he saw the man near you; Regulus was ready to get his head in the game.
“I don’t think that she is a child anymore. Honestly, I figured that you would be thrilled. I’m a pureblood. She’s a pureblood. Good match, if I do say so myself. Oh wait, we aren’t part of your stupid circle of ignorance anymore. I didn’t come to get in a fight with you. I only came for what’s mine.”
Regulus wrapped his arms around you and was ready to apparate from the room.
“Now that I got it, I must bid you a fond farewell.”
Evan still looked as though he was putting together the fact that you were dating Regulus. You were no longer a little 4-year-old child but instead, a woman whose ideals were far different from his own.
“Don’t you take her from me.”
Evan snapped. Regulus gave him an eyebrow wiggle before disappearing. Evan stood, shaking as Dolohov stood up and wandered over to the place where you had stood with Regulus.
“They are so fucked.”
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shittygrammar · 3 years
Rapper’s Circle: Cube
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{A group of rappers gather in a small room crowded with stiff plastic chairs collecting them into a group. A medium sized man in an over sized t-shirt, sideways hat and beard stands holding a clipboard to his chest.}
GFK: Hi, my name is Ghost Face Killer and welcome to ‘Rappers Circle’. The place where it’s safe to open up and talk about our feelings behind the music. Let’s go around and introduce ourselves and why we’re here.
{DMX stands up}
DMX: Yo, my name is DMX. My friend’s call me “X” and I’m a multi-platinum rap artist that believes yelling instructions on songs creates hits.
GFK: Thank you, X.
{GFK 😉}
GFK: I say “X” because we’re all friends here. Next.
{Ice Cube stands up}
Ice Cube: Hi, my name is Ice Cube.
GFK: I’m sorry?
{Ice cube 😔}
Ice Cube: I said, Hi! My name is Ice Cube.
DMX: Why?
Ice Cube: Cause I’m a cold motherfucker!
DMX: Oh, Ice Cubes!
Ice Cube: No, singular.
GFK: Singular?
{DMX leans to Ghost Face and whispers}
DMX: Room temperature Koolaid can melt a single ice cube.
GFK: Ok, Ice Cube and what brings you here?
Flashback: Ice Cube raps the hardest verse of all the members in N.W.A. Upon saying his name in the song and the concert venue literally begins to fall apart sending everyone into panic and confusion as to why such a fantastic rapper would choose such a minimal and senseless name.
Jump forward fifteen years...
{Professors of Yale, Berkeley and NYU study what the psychology behind the name choice was.}
Ice Cube: I, uh. I guess, I’m here to learn about who I really am. I joined NWA so young and all I really knew was South Central LA. Now that I’m better traveled I see the world is so much bigger than a single Cube. I want to grow, you know? Over plateaus and plains, the coldest motherfucka, get to know the name! The mountain slayer of Yemen, the Swiss base jumper, them hills look like titties and now I want to hump her! Sorry, ya’ll...
{GFK 😌}
GFK: Don’t be sorry, Cube. Flowing dope shit is what brings us together.
DMX: Like a Rubik’s cube.
GFK: Seemingly, simple... but complex; fitting. Welcome, Ice Cube.
{All the rappers in unison: Welcome, Ice Cube.}
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chimerabal · 6 years
Session 4 - So many geists.
We opened the session with a battle we set up the previous one: The party was traveling through a desecrated town seeking out any cult activity, and found two Really Angry Ghosts. Revenants? The party cleric, Mikela, tried to reason with them, failed, and was attacked- initiating group combat. My character, Uriel, took a quick 10 damage and fell prone dodging what would have been a lethal 16 more, she pretty much just cried the whole battle- got one or two mediocre hits in. The scaab, Ugly, was called from an alley over; a turn in or so he made a Grand Entrance to the battle- koolaid man style through an empty building.
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Mikela and our necro-alchemist Sibyl dealt an impressive amount of damage through radiant attacks and giest-powered-spells. Sibyl dealt the final blow with a spell that I imagined looking like a more fire-y version of the ghostbusters plasma streams ripping the hostile giests in two. Extremely cool.
Post battle Mikela tried reasoning with some non-hostile looking giests that were floating around watching the battle. Impressively- thankfully- three of them came around and spoke with the party. They expressed a desire to pass into the aether, which Mikela gladly offered to help them do. She set up and began a 10 minute ritual to help first of the three ghosts move on- one that required concentration. Sibyl, needing ghosts to power her inventions and all, also decided to speak with the geists in an effort to persuade them help us save the town in the form of boo-juice. The friendliest/most helpful geist declined politely, the third ghost eagerly agreed to avenge his town and stop the probably-cult we are building up to fight against. 
This could have gone nicely, but, our cleric really, Really, objects to the concept of necro-alchemy and using ghosts as spirits as fuel. While Sibyl was speaking with the giests- getting consent and all to turn them into a power source- Mikela was unable to stop her ritual and confront Sibyl... and was getting progressively more and more angry. Just as the cleric had finished her ritual, the necro-alchemist was starting one to capture the ghost. Mikela charged Sibyl and grabbed her super-cool-ghost-storing-but-still-decorative-broach and triggered a mini-combat between the two of them.
Mikela had the broach, Sibyl acid-bombed the both of them, the broach was dropped and kicked towards my characters, Ugly flung the broach back to Sibyl. As Sibyl paused to inspect the item for damage, Mikela quick started trying to set up a ritual and force the avenging giest to move on. This Really pissed off avenging giest, and it threatened to turn hostile- shooting out some fireballs at Mikela. Sibyl also got back into the frey to tell Mikela off and smack her around a bit (which is... all they did to each other this time. a small slap fight). Damage was dealt, yelling and tears happened, and my character- for the most part- was enjoying the show up until about now like
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However, with the two other party members were both crying, and the ghost was spitting fire everywhere, the whole ordeal had stopped being entertaining and Uriel was about ready to step in..... didn’t end up needing to though. Mikela finally, after a few solid throws, broke concentration on the ritual and dissolved into a blubbering teary mess. With Mikela having backed down, Sibyl was able to neutralize the angry spirit and absorb it as power. Both characters were Spent. 
Note: this was a great conflict and I’m counting on the character’s handlers to have all the details and arguments that went down because... I’m short on detail b/c I was building dice towers and this is actually a very interesting fight... and because this is the second time now the two have butt heads over Ghost Stuff :3c we have a Theme growing here folks.
Post fight Sibyl was staring into space (IS...pretty sure she ended the session Still In This State...) and Mikela was sobbing grossly on the ground. Uriel, despite this shit not being her forte at All, had to do something- suddenly becoming Party Leader. She approached Mikela and delivered silent paps, getting her pulled into a sobby bear hug. Mikela cry-ranted about hating the position she is in, having to fight and not being able to help anyone (ghost or not). She didn’t sign up for this shit. After some more (freaked and awkward) back pats Uriel summoned her monster over to take her place in the bear hug (unsure if this worked, I like to think Mikela koala clinged to Ugly just as quickly lmao).
Even after all this, that one friendly ghost stuck around with us. It tipped us off that “They are coming this way”. Uriel, staying true to last session’s decision of ‘not wanting to fuck with Them or That or whatever the fuck (cultists- its cultists)’ starts leading the emotionally broken/physically exhausted party back to town. Note: She’s the only one who realized we left some civilians we were traveling with along the cultists’ path.... but they’ll be Fine, they have an axe, we gave them an axe, they’ll be FINE. Sibyl doesn’t follow the group right away, so Uriel loops back around and offers consoling paps to her as well. When asked if she was okay, she says nothing but starts following the party.... which was good enough. 
Once in town Uriel starts knocking on doors and announcing that “The demon slaying heroes from yesterday need help, we helped you, please help us.” Mikela joins in, affirming loudly that, yes, we slay demons, and that we are with the church and would love some hospitality please. We get a dude to speak to us through a cracked door, Uriel manages to convince him to a point, but starts to flounder (largely due to my own not-great improv skills) and is backed up by Mikela. Sibyl I think is just... standing in the background, wall eyed, with the scaab and ghost... freakin’ this dude out.
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 He agrees to let us in if we ditch the undead we have in our party. Mikela doesn’t want to give up the ghost (lol) and tries to persuade the dude to let our giest friend come in- against Uriel’s sound advice, “enough with these fucking ghosts” (thats a joke I didn’t say that). She has the ghost tell what it knows about cult recruitment; the cult is gaining more members by terrorizing the town with devils and shit and making them question Avacyn’s powers and protection. They then prey on civilians who’s faith has wavered and introduce them to the cult. 
During her persuasion the LOUD EVIL VOICE from the night before starts speaking from an adjacent row of houses- out of sight but still getting Uncomfortably Close. It pretty much word for word confirms what ghost friend said, but in an insufferable boisterous evil way. Both Uriel and Mikela are about to change course and follow the cult- pretty much resigned that there’s no Way they’re getting shelter now- but the man allows everyone, ghost and all, into his home (We snuck Ugly in as well.... and by snuck we mean it forced itself through the door before the kindly dude could shut it completely). And that’s where we ended, in a random strangers’ home with cultists doing some recruitment outside. 
Note to myself: if I don’t get answers out of Sibyl during our stay here I’m gonna d i e.
And like last post- im tired and not proofreading this. good luck.
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Long Ass Rant About Black Sails/LJS/Flint/Madi and Why Treasure Island is the God in which The BS Producers are Honoring....
Look, seriously, I can be an ass when people make me but I’m going to say my last piece ( probably not lol) on current events happening in Black Sails. This show was never about ships though as with all shows one starts shipping. The Silver/Flint fandom has had dominance for two years and midway through in pops Madi...John Silver’s actual love interest from the books and people are either ok and rolling with this or ignorant, bitter, and using the most transparents excuses available to devalue her meaning not only to the story but the Flint. She’s the one “ getting in the way” making Silver “ do things he wouldn’t” when that is so far removed from the truth I realize that a great deal of these people have championed and rallied behind this ship so long that they literally have had two years of warping the story in their head without much direct competition from the idea. I get that. I actually do. I recently had my heart shattered by Bamon but like Silver/Flint I clearly saw what the show kept saying but I chose to ignore it because I had hope they would put these two together but they didn’t. 
I’m not in anybody’s tag screaming bloody murder. Actually this is the first time I have even brought up my disappointment because in the end I am an adult and despite me being salty af about it I also know that the show didn’t really deceive me when I step back and actually look at it. They kept hammering nauseatingly that Delena was endgame and that Bonnie and Damon were best friends. I wanted something else. The writers however were ALWAYS (grrr) telling a different story and I am mature enough to accept this despite all the million reasons I can list that make my ship more valid. It doesn’t matter. TVD doesn’t owe me anything. Black Sails does not owe the Silver/Flint fandom anything.
This show was constructed around the mysteries in Treasure Island. It does bother me that a great deal of people don’t even comprehend the character LJS. You don’t have to read the book to know that he is the most infamous pirate for a great deal of reasons. One being his ruthlessness but that is attributed to his cunning and charm. Tes, LJS is the most charming person one can meet. He’s also smart. When we are introduced the the pirate world, the  “ Golden Age” has diminished because no one is rallied behind a common cause or desire. Pirates are slothy creatures that are major alcoholics and spendthrift theifs with no rules or honor code. LJS has made something of himself or I should say, John Silver has and it is mentioned for all of five seconds bu Hands that LJS cares about two things in the world; his fortune and his wife. He is a pirate but he leads no pirate resistance.
I am not sure what TS meant when he said LJS turns into a miserable person. I have no why he interprets the character as such but as the guy playing Flint and what he stood for I could see him having a biased opinion of the character. LA has never stated his character as miserable and again  the source material is that. *SPOILER ALERT* but LJS gets his part of the treasure, Flint’s portion to be exact. Maybe TS meant LJS becomes more cold and heartless and cynical. I don’t see that as a bad thing considering he’s been a pawn between two men for a great deal of time. The point is, the mysteries this show is addressing as the prequel is Flint’s story, the reason Flint feared LJS, the story of Silver’s African wife , the story of the treasure, and the story of how did Billy Bones piss off LJS to the point of stroke.
That’s the story they are telling and yes while there are historical changes the the events that happen to these characters are going to have to coincide with the source material. In the words of James S.A. Corey who is currently doing the show Expanse of whom they wrote but also adapted the TV series format and made changes stated, “ you want to make changes that tell the story better but you don’t want to mess with it too much, Especially a successful story less you take away from the story the fans are fond of. If it’s not broken leave it alone” Point being that while Shotz and company have changed death scenes and added characters to this world it will all tie back to T.I. ultimate canon. Flint will die. He will die alone. You can imagine a Thomas Hamilton reunion all you want (hell they may do fanservice and make it seem Flint goes away to find him) but he doesn’t die happy. 
Flint’s character is the most fascinating of the show there can be no doubt of that but lets not rewrite history just because you like a character or you just happen to empathize with them in all things. You have to accept that whole you make overlook his flaws I personally and others cannot and don’t think Flint deserves a happy ending. He has put people through SHIT. Billy’s mad descent came because of Flint attempting to kill him that led to his TORTURE. He didn’t come back whole from that. I still blame Billy for Billy’s actions but his hatrad is well deserved. He killed Gates when it became clear Flint would bring them into harm. His BEST FRIEND. He killed him when it came between his goal and him. You can romanticize all thee wants about how this is all for Thomas and what happened but Gates was also Billy’s mentor. What makes Flint’s pain more important than anyone else’s? He terrorized his crew and pushed even when he was all fucked in the head. He was a tyrant! He is a murderer. He’s also selfish and completely manipulative. I joke about the Koolaid but like LJS in the books, Flint has a certain charm that is sincere but also very motivated towards his own ends. 
Does he care about Silver...sure...in the same way he cared for Gates. And we all saw what happened to Gates. I think Flint feels he owes Silver because he DID help him come out of the fog after Miranda but again, can we not actually remember the show;s motivations. Silver jumped in because the crew was screwed and everyone was desperate and Billy begged Silver to be the “Gates” for the crews sake. Silver I correctly recall balked, didn’t want to do it, was afraid of Flint and overall though the was nuts. Facts people. Facts. There was no pining looks of longing. Flint saw Silver as a shit who he needed and Silver saw Flint as the Captain who was straight up cray and concocted a plan with Villy to shove him out. 
Then Maroon Island happened and Silver met Madi. Only when Silver speaks with Madi regarding his concerns and she offers herself as a tether does Silver make an actual attempt at friendship with Flint without so much trepidition. Facts. They are literally lining it up for school children to follow. I mean they legit made a scene just to show Silver WATCHING MADI as if he just found God. We call these turning points. 
Since then this show has shown that Silver has been able to find a real connection with Flint ( in friendship. I can’t be bothered to hide the fact that that’s all it’s ever been.) due his very real connection with Madi. Both Billy and Flint both wrote off his relationship with Madi. Flint by never really believing Silver told her about the treasure and Billy by throwing her name in his face as if it was a non factor. Now I think Flint IS trying to be better but that’s his tragedy. He is too consumed by the darkness. He can longer shake it off even if he wanted to. Which is why Silver cannot confide in him about his grief because in some ways he doesn’t feel Flint comprehends that what he lost of so much bigger than what he suspects due mostly to his soon to be revealed backstory. But Flint also knows Silver is more than he allows him to be. And the minute he is off his leash it will NOT be to Flint’s benefit so that shades his concern.
I just am tired of people acting like this is brand new. That Silver is the “bad guy” now when Silver has made one of the most unselfish remarkable turnarounds in the show. Here was a man living on his luck and smarts who cared about nothing and no one who got involved with a pirate crew just for the stake in a claim of a massive treasure that Flint was hiding btw. Since then he has found some place with the pirate brethren, has conquered his fear and can stand next to a man like Flint while holding his own, and has opened himself up to the only love he’s probably had and been returned in his life. He is NOW WILLING to give up the one thing that got him involved in this in the first place for the chance to have a life with this woman. That doesn’t sound like the bad guy because his desire no longer matches up with Flint. He didn’t BETRAY Flint (look up the definition please before you start posting it la di da). If anything he’s taking a play straight from the master’s playbook. And Silver is right! Flint was all willing to give that gold up for a completely completely dismantled Nassau but not for the part of the slave alliance that leads the slave alliance. Julius sure as hell ain’t playing ball. Madi is important to the cause in her own right. She’s also been going to BAT for Flint so the hate coming her way is equally ridiculous. 
The influx of recruits has completely reorganized what Flint wants now. He knows he can win which means he isn’t willing to let the treasure go because now he can use that to fund something bigger. He has already moved on from Nassau now that it is within his reach. He’s done the one thing Julius was afraid of. The minute his troops move off to Boston the British swoop right back in and put them back in chains. Or are the slaves journey completely meaningless? If so, then you know what you are.
Lastly, and oh my favorite of course is Madi will side with Flint and leave John in the dust because this isn’t what she wants. 
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Like, I’m not even trying to be funny but as much as Madi has been supporting Flint it’s VERY recent and if you think she’s going to shun Silver ( and her mother since I’m pretty sure she helped dig up that treasure. She probably agreed to let Flint have his plan and if he doesn’t work, all bets off and save her daughter) for fighting for her life. And that’s not say she wont have any words but if you think she’s going to betray Silver when she could have literally betrayed him and Flint and got what SHE wanted for HER people then it doesn’t take a genius to figure out she’s probably going to see her way to why Silver made the choices he do. I mean this is the same woman who has belaboring that Flint cant be trusted, Like Silver said, Flint didn’t force the choice between Billy and Flint because Flint was smart enough not to give Silver any reason to doubt him. Now he has, and the word is “Boston”
Stop ignoring James McGraw’s cray. God you gotta love him because he don’t STOP but this man has intentions we...just...he need to retire but he clearly ain’t tired of the fight. That’s bullshit. He even stated out of his own MOUTH that it will get interesting when the moment comes when they aren’t of like mind. This man stay ready for the backstab because he know how to wield that knife better than any. What’s worst is people are rooting for him. Like Flint is the worst thing for what Flint wants. You doesn’t take small steps, he takes this unheard of leaps with sheer force of will and while in part that’s admirable it’s mostly reckless and suicidal for anyone following him. Ya’ll know this. Stop playing. Stop bullshitting. You can love him without defending him always. 
And to say Silver’s change is sudden and how can he go from trusting him to not....lets go back in time....to a day ago if that when Flint said “ trust me.” Grab my hand and lets count it up. WR went and got the Spanish due to him accepting Eleanor’s dumbass deal because he completely underestimated Woodes bloodlust, Eleanor died, Madi “died” Silver was forced to hand over his friend to the slaves because of Billy’s dumbass but to repair the alliance for Flint’s war, and he had to fight for his damn life completely outnumbered while he mostly sat and walked around the countryside miraculously unscathed. Now, just take your feelings out of the equation for a minute and honestly say, would you once again trust him? Last time was an epic fail! So now, Silver has every right to side eye the fuck out of Flint for even asking because everytime Flint says so, everything goes to shit. He’s be an idiot to continue to follow him down a path only he can see. 
Back to Madi, the Underhill estate was the first encounter she had with the real world and it affected her severely so it pushed her to Flint who is the older wiser man of the world. He starts shoring up his new alliance. Silver is dead and he kept it moving. So Madi keeps referring to this one event that changed her mind about Flint. I don’t think Silver wants to kill Flint. If he couldn’t kill Billy, he’s not immediately thinking kill Flint. Outwit him and making the final call, yes. But not kill him.( Hands sure as hell does but he wants to kill everybody and Flint is in his spot) but he def isn’t following him anymore. As with all people, eventually you have your own ideas of what your life will be. Madi wants to lead her people but she is curious as John says and she is not meant to be hidden away. That was the biggest nod to the fact that Madi will indeed get her canon fate with Silver. So no worries there for me. She is going to come out of this more aware of what she wants. They paralled their story for a reason. Two crowns rising at the same time and neither not really made for the world in which they are the rulers of. Madi has conflicting desires and because of who she is she will maintain both.
Its soon to be Silver versus Flint and I already know the malarky about the be spewed so I wanted to get this long ass rant out so I don’t have to come back to the feeling. Flint has been dodging his comeuppance for a good long while now. Silver has done NOTHING wrong even when it has been clear his “friends” have been using them for their cause that he isn’t even invested in but out of love for them he tried to play the mediator. Now both men have made it clear the ONE THING he cherishes above all else is not as important as their own ends which is fine but I don’t know how anyone can blame him for choosing after thinking he lost her, this woman he loved more than anything. He could not even breathe thinking she died for nothing. The only reason he still stood next to Flint is because SHE could not have been wrong and died following this man.He was NOT OK without her. The Silver/Flint bond was destroyed the minute she was “gone” His tether means more to him than anything because it’s something he’s never had and spewing hate his way for this is just butthurt because you didn’t get your beloved ship. Fuck the ship. It’s about the characters and if you actually cared about anyone besides Flint you’d want him to have what you so badly want Flint to have. The hypocrisy is beyond ridiculous. Love Flint all you want but stop victimizing him.And stop trying to twist everything to produce your happy ending. Hell I may not get everything I want as well. But I am following the story as it is presented and what I know of the book and overall what TV shows do.
They don’t write based on peoples shifting ideas of whats happening in the show, They wrote this with an idea of connecting it to the book with the hope of in a few years actually doing a T.I. I see no reason to have a fake Madi death, only to reveal she’s alive just for her to say screw you Silver I got my own peeps and move on. Wishful thinking for some but for the still sane you get the gist.
“In the many sequels to Treasure Island Silver tends to be a more gentle rogue who always seems to do good in the end. We know in the end of Treasure Island, he manages to slip away with part of the treasure.”
“Long John Silver is unlike all the other pirates in this novel in two ways: he owns property and he has a wife. (Three if you count the fact that he's smart, and most of the others are total idiots.) Long John Silver is the legitimate owner of a pub in the coastal town of Bristol, and he's married to an African woman. (Stevenson calls this woman a derogatory term for a black woman; we won't reproduce it here because we find it offensive.) Neither of these facts takes up a huge amount of space in the novel, but they indicate something special about Long John Silver: he blurs boundaries.
Where the other pirates of the novel drink their fortunes away and go back to begging or crime all too quickly, Long John Silver is planning for the future. He's settling down and trying to become an actual gentleman, not just a gentleman of fortune. Even Israel Hands comments:
He's no common man, Barbecue, [...] He had good schooling in his young days, and can speak like a book when so minded. (10.14)”
“ For readers of Robert Louis Stevenson's day, Long John Silver's mixed-race marriage would have been a part of that mystery. He is married to an African woman at a time when mixed-race marriages were not common or even considered acceptable. So he lives both inside and outside the law. He owns property (inside the law), but is still a pirate (definitely outside the law). And he is married (inside the law), but to a woman of a different race (socially unacceptable in the 19th century). He breaks rules and challenges the simplistic binaries of good guy/bad guy in multiple ways, which makes him all the more alluring.”
This is LJS that many of us knew before this show started. The man who was both the light and dark. Who was Flint without falling prey to Flint’s demons. He has his tether. Madi remains. 
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tainolibrary · 6 years
Spiritual Elitism or Respecting Tradition
“I have come come across more online fodder and Fuckery than I care to admit to. I have seen huge groups of people from neo pagan white witches to hotepian American African descendants taking creative license and authority over well established living and breathing traditions that have survived and have been surviving and thriving with priesthoods. Take that last part in yall... LIVING AND THRIVING PRIESTHOODS!! We are not talking about the entire greek pantheon with old ruins of temples of glorious times past. We are talking about multiple lands in the diaspora by which Africans were brought and left in motion strong rooted legacy by which some of us were initiated into operating within and entrenching ourselves in the work to keep it going so that future generations can use it to benefit themselves and others. And here come along any ol body who has access to a mouse, a keyboard, monitor and such to come scooping on in and COLUMBUSING what was already there and established. These are some of the very “progressive” folks who can understand Christopher Columbus was not shit and gets the credit for “founding” America which was already inhabited. They will not nor can they even try to see that they are themselves inserting them into a space as guests and possible heirs and trying to upsurp what has already been rooted. Listen here.. You aint coming up in my house and uprooting anything, and if you are successful in your attempts you are catching these hands or this good ol juju. On my amazing friend and Sister friend, Okantomi’s @spiritualteabath page on IG, there was a post about upheld traditions and how to navigate to and through them. Out comes vegan Susan from accounting who does yoga all her life, eats granola and dried cranberries and owns several rescue animals decides to come in and give her testimony of how Orisa has been speaking to her all her life. Once told by several initated priests that there are certain ways one is called to the priesthood or lifestyle associated with orisa worship she decides to perform her well rehearsed routine... Sparkling mayo-tinged bleached tears and indignation. Miss Susan, aka @seekyoursoul333 on IG proceeds to post the following: “The only thing I take issue with is spiritual Elitism. Those that judge anothers path by their own ego. Their need to feel they are special or more entitled to a path than another. To me, if the spirit of any path calls you, you should listen. Develop your relationship and understand what is between you and the Orisha, God, Goddess ect, is between you and them. What relationship another of anyone’s business but them.” @SpiritualTeaBaths responds again, kind as ever: |” Yes, Orisha worship is now universal. The Orishas are worshipped by people of all races and national origins, but legitimacy depends upon adherence to established orthodoxy. Lukumí/Regla de Osha (AKA Santería) has a very rigorous orthodoxy. Heads are marked in very specific ways, by ritual specialists who are priests of divination. It is possible to have connections to many Orisha, but in that system only one owns your head; and it’s not something that you can just be told by a practitioner. What we view as capricious is the desire of outsiders to interact with these deities while disregarding the systems of worship the Orisha established for us thousands of years ago. I don’t suggest that you have no affinity with Oshún. However, if she had actually called you you’d be experiencing such terrible upheavals in your life that you would be forced to seek initiation. It’s a common thread across all traditions, people get initiated because they must. If you’re ever interested in reading about Orisha worship, I can recommend some great books. Ki Oshun agbe o.   I understand your perspective, but it is antithetical to every tradition of Orisha worship. Orisha religions are systematic and hierarchical. Their “fundamento” (foundation) consists of “regla” (rules and order), “Awo” (secret, sacred knowledge), and “licencia” (ritual authority) among other things. These are intact systems of worship that are links in an unbroken chain that is thousands of years old. They are orthodox and structured. They are neither random, nor are they eclectic. Their structure and orthodoxy were established and maintained at great personal cost by “lagba-lagba” (revered elders), mandated and guided by the Orisa themselves. As a communal system, initiated have a responsibility to ensure the integrity of these traditions. So yea, it is absolutely the business of others. Just as my practice is the business of others. Orisha cannot be separated from its culture, orthodoxy, or priesthood. Orisha worship is hierarchical. It is your sense of privilege and entitlement that has created your misperception of elitism. If you ever become involved in any form of orthodox Orisha worship, your perspective will shift. P.S. I view exchanges of this nature as enlightening and beneficial. It helps me to understand your perspective, and it exposes you to the tenets and orthodoxy of Orisha religion. ” Others now hip to Susan’s trail of entitled tears and tantrums are getting riled up and calling her out.. and here she goes again:“And there comes the “entitlement” and “privilege” words. No, I’m sorry it is not your business. I think Im’ probably going to take an Orisha over you. If you want to talk about what matters, I’m going to follow what the Orisha has led me to and not you. I will never tell another what to do in their spirituality and you maybe should do the same. You are frankly making judgements about relationships you know nothing about. Religion is man made. I do not follow a religion. I go where I am led as everyone should. My path is mine alone. I am involved in Santeria. And yet Oshun has come to me, as a child. Showed me things I should not know was not exposed to. So  yeah I’m going with Orisha here. You are free to practcie as you are led. We all are. That is not entitlement or privilege.” Now yall... I read her response and all of my hairs stood up and I felt the heat in my ears I get just before I am about to THUMP/FIGHT/THROW HANDS. I had to breathe through it. The nerve of this unititated ass woman talking to other priests about what she gonna do with their deities they serve and have been trained to serve and her relative free access to all that is based on a feeling of being “led.” Here is my thing, can you imagine walking into a sweat lodge or Pow Wow and through on cultural/spiritual regalia and just jump on in dancing the dances no one dances or danced, singing songs no one sings or ever sung and performed ceremonies/rituals no one ever uses in that group of people? Would you enter a Hindu temple and offer steak to the Gods there in offering because you felt compelled and led by spirit to do so? Would you enter a Catholic Churh throw Koolaid in their Holy Water and tell them the holy water shall now be red like the blood of Christ and its ok because spirit led you to do so? No you wouldnt and you would do so at the cost of possibly catching a Tanya Harding to Nancy Kerrigan to the knee cap bust, or some generational curse ensured to your descendants fro years to come. You do not get to enter spaces, that inhabited and established and simply request or demand changes. You have to be a part of said culture or group before you can even earn a right to say anything about anything and then even then you must earn your way to having a reputable name enough by your community to admonish such.. This is the nonsense I am seeing here that boggles my mind. You just gonna come in and make it what you think it needs to be and damn anyone else whose job it is to retain and ensure the survival of said traditions. You treating our tradition like you are the “Do Good” LA rich folk who want to stop the Yulin dog eating festival in a country you have nothing to do with. A people you havent yet got to know or emerse in their culture enough to see the hows and whys of anything they do. You just gonna throw your entitlement and privilege around to judge it from the outside looking in and then demand from the top of your lungs what you want to happen. GIRL BYE!!! SIR, FARETHEEWELL! Sayonora! Adios! Au Revoir! and Any other language you need to get the hint. This was my final word on that thread and I stand by it 150% in the spirit of, “WHAT YOU AINT FITTIN TUH DO IS!” “My biggest issue will be entitlement. If you are truly being "led" you will have been led to a community, an ile, and more than likely ocha if not the first preliminary steps leading into initiation. You don't just meditate and orisa come visit or just dream and these deities just come around. I'm convinced 99.9% of what's appearing to people are spirits who work with or in alignment with said deity or their energy. Or are appearing in a fashion in which is comfortable or significant for the person to accept and/or visualize. Some spirits may appear Oshun-esque but many spirits exist in the unseen realm or in the bodies of water. There are ways we as priest confirm if orisa is calling someone. There are ways as priests we call to orisa to incite, to calm... we even have ways to let them know what we doing..as far as lifting them up off the ground or taking off the lid to the sacred vessels that hold them.. yet these folks think they can just meditate and light a yellow candle and poof first image of femininity you see is an orisa simply because you called their Name and set an intention?! GTFOH! Don't google, YouTube, or Wikipedia orisa subjects and then form rituals around that or speak with authority online or otherwise. The truth of the matter is you are a child parroting grown folk business and ain't yet started sitting at the grown folk table. You still eating with the other children pontificating. I need folks to truly respect the legacy of ancestors and not cherry pick how they want to honor them. If it's ancestors you rever then rever the foundations of legacy they left by way of tradition. Follow the protocols that have been existent for over 500 years and don't feel entitled to practice or know what so many priests have busted their ass, bank, or otherwise to learn for the benefit of their community. Every practitioner of medicine must do apprenticeship, internship, tests and finally a review by their expert peers until they are deemed capable to practice.. Anyone else attempting to practice medicine without said license is considered illegal and liable to be jailed. Think about that because the same applies here.” - David Sosa Original source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/david-sosa/spiritual-elitism-or-respecting-tradition/10155887653642736
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