#Love these two non binary bitches
gumamelart · 2 years
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Gonna head canon these two are siblings
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
I'm sorry but you people have demeaned the word lesbian so badly... the LITERAL definition of a lesbian is a NON-MAN who likes NON-MEN. How is that so fucking hard to understand? Not you specifically, but people like you have made it into something it's not; the whole "bi lesbian" and "straight lesbian" shit, saying trans men can date lesbians (which is literally just transphobic), straight up just saying lesbians can date men???? MEN???? DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELVES?
And now the whole butch discourse lmao. Sure, maybe in days long past it was a broader term, but today when someone hears the word butch, I can guarantee their minds will jump to a butch lesbian. If y'all want it to be the GBT community so bad then just say so
Also I can guarantee that you were one of the mfs laughing at lesbians who used he/him or he/they pronouns back in 2020 lmao performative ass bitch
Definitions of words do not descend from Heaven straight from the lips of God. We make them up! So I simply disagree with your definition of lesbian, as do many others. Personally, I enjoy the definition of "queer love/desire for women." For one, it centers lesbianism around women, instead of centering it around the exclusion of men. And two, "non-men loving non-men" is a definition which utterly erases nonbinary people. If an agender person is dating a neutrois person, they are not lesbians- or gay men- simply because y'all cannot get your head out of your binary asses for five seconds. "Non-men loving non-men" is a definition that attempts to be nonbinary-inclusive but only succeeds in making nonbinary & genderqueer identities palatable for radical feminism and political lesbianism. Honestly, I would prefer someone who defines lesbian as "woman loving woman" but understands that many people have complex relationships with womanhood while still feeling attached to the label of lesbian, than someone who uses this "NB-inclusive" definition and goes absolutely feral over genderqueers who are Doing It Wrong.
Anyways, speaking of radical feminism: acknowledging male lesbians and mspec lesbians is not "making lesbianism something its not." It is just recognizing the beautiful complexity that has always existed within lesbianism.
The lesbian community- which I'm using to refer to all kinds of communities organized around queer relationships to women & womanhood- has always been a haven for a lot more people than cis women exclusively into other cis women. The idea of sexuality-as-identity is very recent, and the idea of drawing a hard line between people who only like people of the same gender and people who like the same gender and more is also extremely recent. Beyond that, trans men and nonbinary people have always taken shelter under lesbianism. "Butch" in the context of lesbianism has always been a trans* identity, a way for people with a queer gender to find community and safety.
The reason why we have this idea of lesbianism as a strict category with hard borders is..... you guessed it..... radical feminism! And specifically "political lesbianism," which essentially placed woman-only relationships as the only true feminist relationship you could have. "Lesbian" became a political identity because of its focus on woman-woman relationships. But that meant that, for political lesbianism to be acceptable to radical feminism, it needed to conform to radical feminist beliefs about what makes a good feminist. Which meant:
No trans women or fems (because they are too male and probably predators)
No trans men or mascs (because they are too male and also traitors)
No bisexuals (because they are too male by association and are also traitors)
No penetrative sex, or at least no strap ons (because it imitates men)
No kinky sex (see above but with bonus "kink is evil" flavoring)
No butch/femme roles (because they imitate heterosexuality; everyone has to be neutrally androgynous).
I believe that much of modern lesbian discourse comes from trying to marry lingering radfem beliefs with modern attempts at trans-inclusivity. So you adapt the blatant transphobia: now, trans women are allowed in (as long as they are palatable to cis women), because they're women! And nonbinary people can also be allowed in- at first they were woman-aligned, and then later as long as they weren't man-aligned. Being butch/femme is Back In Style, but we have to soothe the gender anxiety that butches cause by assuring everyone that only True Lesbians can be butch, and butches are always women, even if they kind of aren't, but regardless they're definitely not men, because butch has always been a lesbian term (except it hasn't.) The discourse is haunted by the ideas that lesbianism is constantly under attack, more than anyone else, and that lesbian culture is unique and special and must be guarded from (male/-aligned) invaders who are probably also sexual predators.
To say that this is all just "days long pasts" ignores both that, in physical queer spaces there very much still are male lesbians and bi lesbians who are accepted parts of their local communities, and that you only see those days as "long past" because of the impact of radical feminism on lesbianism. The only reason you see these changes as a good thing is because you've swallowed radical feminist ideas without realizing it.
Also, "if you say butch most people will think of butch lesbians" is an extremely silly argument. Literally who fucking cares. If you say "man" there are still a lot of people who will immediately think of exclusively cis men (see: every feminist who says shit like "if men could get pregnant). Does that mean that trans men should just give up their identities because other people don't understand them? You dork?
Anyways. The funniest part of this ask is how damn confident you are that I was apparently hating on he/him lesbians three years ago. Idk how to tell you this but I'm a boygirl gaylesbianbisexual and have identified this way for years. I have been personally terrorized by shitty lesbian identity politics, the same ones you are repeating now, which told me that if I was even 1% male then identifying as a lesbian made me a disgusting predator. Which caused me years of suffering because no matter how hard I tried, I could not ignore my multigenderedness and how that affected my sexuality. Sowwy but you look silly as hell and your argument is bad and you should feel bad </3
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everlastlady · 8 months
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Vampire Miguel HCS
✰- Author's Note: Hello! My little spiders welcome back to another Miguel story. I decided to write some Miguel content before I rest up. I'm writing this from inside the Tumblr app. Since I usually write on google doc from my phone or laptop. Which I think/believe that Tumblr should add a word count for the app, I think it will really help writers. Anyway this is vampire Miguel hcs with a female reader, don't worry I'll make a separate one soon for male readers because I really need to also cater to my male followers if y'all want I could also make one for my non binary followers as well. So for now remember to eat a meal or snack, drink some water, get fresh air, take your medicine and vitamins, and especially remember that you are loved. If you enjoyed these hcs then please consider commenting, tapping or clicking on the heart, reblogging with tags, or blaze this post if you can. Remember to always support your local writers! ♡♡♡♡♡
✰- Story Contains Blood, Biting, Fem reader, Violence, Fluff, Smut so minors dni, stalking ,Protective Miguel, & author giggling like a bitch over smut.
✰- Posted: Sunday, October 8th 2023 at 1:21 a.m
Vampire Miguel who has been watching you for a while. Ever since he stopped that guy from robbing you in that alley when you were coming home from working. Miguel couldn't get you out of his mind especially the scent of your blood from when the man had cut you when you refused to hand over your bag and fought with him. Good thing Miguel showed up to save you. But the scent of your blood was so strong that he had to control himself and hurry up and leave. He let you call the police, you were happy the mask man saved you but was confused at his behavior.
Vampire Miguel who continues to watch. He found out that you live in the same apartment building that isn't to far from his. He likes how well you keep your house clean. But hates how rude your neighbors are, he wishes he could get rid of them so that you sleep better at night. He thinks that you look adorable when you are asleep at night. Still having to himself back from opening your window and crawling on top of you to stick his fangs into your neck, he wanted to know what sweet sounds you would make. Thinking about this so much, he goes home and strokes his cock to the image of you underneath him as he's pounding into you while his fangs are buried into your neck like his cock would be in your sweetness.
Vampire Miguel who finally gathers up the courage to talk with you. So he pretends to introduce himself at the coffee shop you go to before work. The two of you talk and get to know each other, exchanging phone numbers, and waving goodbye. He did it! Now he has to act cool because he has scored a date with you. At his place he makes you dinner and can't wait for you to come. He thinks you look beautiful in the dress you were wearing, your hair, make-up, and jewelry looked beautiful. Miguel's dinner looked and smelled great. The two of you ate, drank, and dance.
Vampire Miguel who goes on more dates with you and eventually becomes your boyfriend. You find it stranges how he always sleeps during the day but is active as a cat at night. He seems to always be gone at night. Sometimes he won't talk when he sees you and it worries you. Also he smells metallic. He eventually tells you that he's a vampire and is spiderman, now he's scared that you'll run out screaming and tell someone. But you don't you still love him and stay by his side. Though you wished he told you earlier but you understand he was scared.
Vampire Miguel who loves to stuff you with his fingers as you unravel underneath him. When he's pumping his fingers in and out of you trying to prepare you for his length. He absolutely loves to praise you, calling you his good girl or sweet little thing. And when you are finally ready he slides himself into your pussy pushing his hips into yours while feeling how you squeeze around his cock. You feel so damn good. You could hear him grunt and see how his fangs scrap across his lips, as he's thrusting. He bites your neck, breasts, ass, thighs, and stomach. He wants people to know that you are his.
Vampire Miguel who has beat people to a bloody plump for messing with you that sometimes you have to grab onto him and yell for him to stop. His red rage filled eyes would stare at you before fading back to those beautiful brown chocolate orbs. He would apologize and pick you up, leaving quickly. You would patch up Miguel and remind him that he needs to work on keeping control so he makes a promise to keep his anger in check for the both of you.
Vampire Miguel who shits on other vampire movies and shows calling them dramatic, misinformed, or stupid. Though he's very fond of the movie Dark Shadows the old version and Tim Burton's version. He also questions your taste in vampire stories whether it's books you read online or books you buy.
Vampire Miguel who when he bites you for a quick snack especially when he's seriously injured and needs blood. Is gentle, even though he didn't want to bite you at first but you reassured him that it's fine. He's gentle when he bites you and never takes too much from you. But will make sure you get you some water and snack to eat after he drinks from you.
Vampire Miguel thinks about turning you into a vampire but it's your choice to make. Miguel will love you no matter what if you grow older and older he will still be by your side especially when you become an old lady he will still protect and love you, no one will mess with you at bingo night or when you are knitting away in your cozy chair. When you die he will visit your grave everyday and leave a rose there on your birthday or your guys anniversary.
Vampire Miguel that If you do choose to become a vampire, Miguel has a lot to teach you and is glad to have someone by his side. He brings home a lot of donated blood, but sometimes you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty and help him fight crime. Miguel thinks it's hot whenever you have blood on your mouth that it leads to a steamy make out session on the floor and then leads to sex on the floor. Thanks to the abilities from you both now, y'all be fucking on the ceiling but it's not like he wasn't pounding into you on the ceiling when you were human.
Vampire Miguel who thinks it's cute whenever you dress up as vampire for Halloween and get those fake fangs. He will also dress up like a vampire to match with you at parties. All your friends and people at the party tell him that the blood on him and his fangs on him look so real. Miguel chuckled as your just let out a nervous laugh hoping no one gains the third eye or a new brain cell.
Vampire Miguel who tells you that garlic doesn't really kill vampires that it just makes them sick but to the point they die. So when Miguel accidentally ate a dish that had garlic in it. You took care of him but he did say that silver makes vampires break so you replaced your silverware with fake silverware. Miguel was in a awe he saw how much you listened to him about vampires and sacrificed a lot to keep him safe so he did the same by keeping his hunger in check, anger in check, and keeping you away from greedy and corrupted vampires that could hurt you or his enemies from whenever he's being spiderman.
Vampire Miguel who will love you until the end of time whether you choose to stay human or become a vampire like him. Because no matter what you choose Miguel will love you for a thousand years and thousand more.
📖Taglist/Miguel's Simps: @sukioyakio @quechulitaaa @miguelcvmslvt @homewreckingwreck @tayleighuh @lauraolar14
『 Let me know if you wanna be added or removed from the tag list! 』
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rose-pearls · 4 months
Hi there!! If your requests are still open i’d like to make one, btw Im not very good at requesting, so im sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
Could your possibly write a Clairrise x Hephaestus’s Nb kid reader. Like we’ll make/repair weapons for her, and we weld her flowers with nuts and bolts and cute stuff like that!!
Feel free to skip this request!! Have a good day/night!!!! :D
Hi!! Thank you so much for your request, it was so cute and I loved the fact that it was a reader from another cabin then the Aphrodite cabin! I hope you like it and that it is what you wanted! My requests are open for every fandom I write for!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley, @abbersreads
Non-binary reader, if there is a mistake somewhere please tell me and I'll fix it! I am always open for feedback :))
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When you started dating Clarisse a lot of people were surprised, it wasn’t often that a child of Hephaestus and a child of Ares got along, let alone date each other. But it had just made sense when you had met her during your first day of camp. You had tried to find what you were good at, with the help of Luke, and as you were trying to figure out how to use the spear he had given you a beautiful girl had arrived.
“Why don’t you let the expert teach them, Castellan?”, the brown-haired girl says with a confident smirk, making you blush. Luke had just rolled his eyes at the words before telling you that he would get you at the end of the hour to try something new.
“Now, you should watch your grip when you wield it,” she says before starting to show you how to adjust your hands, making your skin tingle at the touch.
It wasn’t until later that you realized why so many people had been watching the two of you, Clarisse wasn’t really the type to help someone out or to be patient with anyone. When your father claimed you after two days of being at camp the whole camp had been waiting with anticipation how Clarisse would be reacting to the news, after all she was a proud daughter of Ares.
“I don’t care about who your father is and what beef he has with mine, Ares always has beef with everyone. So, what do you say of ignoring who our parents are and just moving along?”, Clarisse had seemed unaffected, but she had been preparing the speech in her head since last night, when one of her siblings had told her who your parent was. She was hoping that Ares wouldn’t ruin this for her either, she only knew you for three days, but you were someone she cared about, whether she liked it or not.
“I would love that,” you had told her and after that the two of you had stayed close friends, much to everyone’s shock and your sibling’s dismay. 
Getting together with Clarisse had been the most difficult part, she didn’t see love as something good or worthwhile. She had seen her mother getting into depressive episodes after Ares left her to raise Clarisse alone and she didn’t want to ever experience that, let alone be that cause of someone’s pain. It had taken you a while to try and convince her that you could be something more than just friends and that love was something incredible to experience. 
“I just don’t want to hurt you or lose you, it would hurt far too much,” she had told you once, when the laughter of the campers could be heard from far away.
“Wouldn’t it hurt more to know that we could have been something but that we just didn’t try? I know that we are demi-gods and that we could die any day but I don’t want to die and regret not having had a chance to spent every single day with you and showing you how much I love you,” there were tears in her eyes at your words, and you could see the conflict in her eyes before she brought you into a soft kiss, as if she was scared she could break you.
“You’re right,” she had whispered before bringing you back into a kiss, this time more fervent as she showed you just how much she loved you.
It had been two years since then and you couldn’t be happier, watching Clarisse spar with her siblings and preparing for Capture the flag while you made some flowers out of a few things you had found around your working area. 
“That for me?”, you hear behind you before your feel a soft kiss on your cheek.
“It is,” you tell Clarisse as she sits next to you, watching the intricately woven nuts and bolts you had found around.
“I love it, thank you,” she tells you before bringing you into a kiss.
“I’ll add it to my collection,” she says with a bright smile, already trying to figure out where she was going to put it.
“I’ll see you after capture the flag?”, you ask her, and she nods in agreement as a pout forms on her lips.
“I can’t believe you aren’t going to be playing capture the flag today,” you smile softly at her words before taking her hand in yours.
“Well, I need to teach every single thing I know to my new sibling but next time I’ll be there,” you promise her and enjoy the satisfied smile on Clarisse lips.
“Fine, but I need a good luck kiss first,” she whispers, and you quickly do as she requests, smiling as she deepens the kiss.
“See you later sunshine!”, she tells you before joining her siblings, making you smile as you watch her putting on her armour. 
It was just an hour later when you heard the door of your cabin slam open, your new sibling looking scared at the sound, as if he was expecting a monster to come in. But it was Clarisse, tears in her eyes and a broken spear in her hands. 
“Why don’t you go to your station and work a little bit on the things I taught you?”, you quickly ask your sibling, who quickly scurries out of the room. 
“Clarisse?”, you whisper as you look at her trembling form, she looks like she is desperately holding back her tears but as you carefully put your hand on hers, she breaks down.
The tears are falling down her cheeks as you bring her into a comforting hug, holding her close as she holds on to you for dear life.
“What happened?”, you ask her softly, hoping not to make her cry even more at your words.
“That new kid, he broke my spear,” she whispers, and a sob leaves her lips at the words, making you hold her tightly. 
“Gods, I’m so sorry Clarise, I know how much it meant to you,” you whisper in her hair, wishing you could go back in time and save it.
“It was the only thing he ever gave me, to show me he cared and now it is gone,” she says, tears falling into your t-shirt, but you don’t care as you try to calm her down.
It takes a moment to calm her down, stroking her hair and letting her talk it all out. You know better than to say it was going to be okay, she had just lost something incredibly valuable to her and you didn’t know what to do. 
“I can try to fix it,” you whisper softly, and it takes a few seconds before she moves her head to look at you, teary eyes looking into yours.
“You can?”, she whispers, hope appearing into her eyes, and you smile lovingly at her.
“I can try, I can’t promise anything about it still being able to burn someone, but it can be repaired. Nothing is too broken to be fixed,” you tell her, and she takes a deep breath, like she is trying to get herself back together.
“If you can do that, I think that I will marry you,” she says with an emotional smile, and you laugh softly at her words.
“Common let’s see what we can do,” you whisper before taking her hand and bringing her to your station. 
It takes time to put it back together, as the metal had been broken by Percy’s sword but after finding the right metal to fix it you manage to bring the two pieces back together.
“And there we go, nearly as good as before,” you tell her as she looks over the spear, watching how it was once again a whole spear and not two broken parts.
“Thank you,” she whispers with concealed tears in her eyes, but you just shrug your shoulders.
“It was my pleasure, now I can watch you train with it again,” you tell her, and she looks excited at the words, she kisses you lovingly on the lips before dragging you to the training ground, an excited smile on her lips. 
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mt-oe · 3 months
𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙—𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙯𝙪 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
Hey dears!
I've been getting addicted with playing Valorant recently and thought it would be fun to try and make some hcs for Mizu <3
Clove's release is so exciting and I'm so happy non-binary people are given some representation in games. They're so much fun and their ult mechanic is such a game-changer.
Please tell me if you'd like me to make more of these or if I should make some for other games too (as long as I know them well enough).
Anywho, let's go!
Enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warnings: not proofread, the use of "clutch or gay", she/her for mizu
mizu has a crush on you :3
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✦ Her fave maps are Icebox and Bind. Whenever you play comp with her and these maps roll up, you're internally fucking hollering. You're thanking every possible deity there is, dancing in your seat, kissing your monitor.
She's such a god in these maps. Every good agent for every role, every lineup, and even some pro play shit strats, she memorized it.
She loves Icebox for how easy it was to clear angles and how easy it was to formulate AND predict strategies. The map was pretty straightforward and no bullshit. Perfect for her.
Bind for the outplay potentials. Teleporters + Yoru TP/Omen TP and Ult? There's no telling where she may be. Will she plant in A? Will she plant in B? Maybe she's already flanking? Who knows?
✦ Mizu doesn't buy skins but she DOES have some. They're gifts from you and her friends! An oni phantom, neptune spectre, and sovereign marshal from Akemi; An arcane sheriff from Taigen because they're probably taking their shit-talking to League too; and a reaver vandal, reaver karambit, and the oni katana from you.
She doesn't really give a shit about skins, but ever since she was gifted one, she started appreciating them. You'll see her using the inspect animation once in a while if she picks up a skin she's never seen before.
If it's just a chill comp game or she's playing solo queue, she'll use the oni katana. If she's playing with you and/or wants to show off, she'll use the reaver karambit. Of course you have to go with the sexy one when trying to impress.
✦ Doesn't shit talk heavily, but shit talks in a way that'll piss you off.
"Ooooh shit someone's mad," you laughed over the voice-comms, watching as the enemy Reyna started spewing all sorts of insults at your team. It was mostly targeted at Mizu, who was also playing Reyna, and was top-fragging. Soon after that fiasco, you'd see Mizu type "." in all chat every time she killed the enemy Reyna, got a clutch, and even an ace. Everyone was snickering at her antics, finding it funny how Mizu was shitting on them while the enemy was clearly progressively getting even more tilted.
On the other hand, if Taigen was there and Mizu failed to clutch the round, he'd be laughing loudly over the voice chat, making fun of her over and over. He'd even type "GG [insert Mizu's current agent]. Aimlabs is free" in team chat, which was so fucking embarrassing. The moment Mizu catches Taigen lacking, she'll be having a hayday in the team chat, spamming "GG [insert Taigen's current agent], Aimlabs is free" over and over which effectively pisses Taigen off.
✦ Along with the previous one, if someone ever decided to trashtalk you, she's going absolutely feral. She still wouldn't be spewing nonsense, but you'll notice her becoming more aggressive.
"Didn't you just use your ult?" You asked her, spectating as she used another Reyna ult which you swore she just used two rounds ago. "I just feel like playing a little better today," she replies. But then goes to strafe like a fucking bitch, doing a poppin' swing once or thrice, making the enemy struggle before killing the enemy and t-bagging them aggressively.
You raised an eyebrow at her antics but still laughed at it. "You sure you're not here for blood?" you joked. "Yeah.." she said while spamming your trashtalker's KD status in all-chat.
✦ There's no doubt about how well she plays with different agents, but her worst agent to use would be Gekko. Something about Dizzy's trajectory and letting Wingman plant and defuse felt off to her. Maybe it was because she was used to having control over the speed of her flashes and being able to fake defuse.
✦ Actually responds to "clutch or gay" jokes.
If a random teammate or anyone in your friend group (mainly Taigen) decides to use that joke on her during a clutch situation, it doesn't matter if it's a 1v1, a 1v5, a 1v5 + Sage res + Clove ult. She's winning. She's fucking winning.
You watched in anticipation as Mizu, using Omen, went through attacker spawn in Breeze. It was a 1v4, having picked one off when she picked up the spike. For a moment, you thought of something before typing "clutch or gay" in team chat. It worked for your other friends and randos, why not try it?
The moment she read that chat from you, you could immediately see Omen throwing his weapons off of the map. The noise of the agent's footsteps prompting the enemy to shoot him. "Bro what the fuck are you doing?" Taigen groans, annoyance heavy in his voice. Mizu doesn't respond in voice chat, but you hear her typing. After a while, a chat pops up.
(Whisper) From mizu: did you see that?
(Whisper) To mizu: mhm. why'd u do that :c
(Whisper) From mizu: you said clutch or gay
(Whisper) From mizu: i didn't clutch.
But she only ever does this to you.
✦ Actually plays fill but everyone in your friend group decided to place her as a duelist. She's going to treat every agent like a damn duelist anyway. Why place her somewhere else? You get site early and fast + She gets higher RR from combat score. It's a win-win. Plus, she loves secretly showing off to you. She relishes the "woah where'd you learn to satchel like that?", the "nice kill!" when she wins in an Iso 1v1, and the way you bought her an op upon her request when she used Jett as if you automatically trusted her.
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polaroidcats · 8 months
Ugly crying & the marauders generation - a pseudo-scientific approach (my marauders crying PhD abstract)
In recent days, there have been a variety of claims as to who the prettiest and ugliest crier in the marauders generation could be. This paper aims to address the recent surge in opinions on the matter, and categorize different approaches as well as add a new approach to the scientific examination of ugliness/prettiness when it comes to crying. I hope to provide readers with an overview of the current state of research and encourage all marauders scholars to add their own and I intend to make a contribution to the discourse by committing to the bit and writing a pseudo-academic paper about it instead of actually working on my thesis.
In the following paper, the discourse about 5 marauders era characters will be examined in regards to their various levels of perceived ugliness whilst crying. Scholars who may ask why Peter [Pettigrew] is not included in this analysis are advised to refer to acclaimed marauders ugly crying scholar @lynxindisguise's (2023) original poll on the popular blogging website "tumblr.com" which did not include Peter, but rather two non-marauders characters named Lily and Regulus. This paper will follow that approach, since Peter is the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met, I do not trust him and he is a fugly slut. The characters included in this approach are as follows: James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Regulus Black.
Following the scientific criteria for ugly crying, as stated by lynxindisguise et. al (2023), the question of the ugliest crier can be answered by observing the crying person and assessing their ugly-levels on the following parameters: (1) unbecoming facial expressions, (2) facial swelling/blotching, (3) unsettling noises, (4) snot factor, (5) tear volume, (6) general loss of dignity, (7) glistening eyes/lashes, (8) Victorian heroine factor, (9) elegant tear-wiping, (10) post-cry glow (ibid).
Criteria (1)-(6) can be categorized as the ugly crying parameters whereas (7)-(10) are pretty crying parameters, creating a false binary between ugly and pretty crying, which may be problematised and addressed in another the paper. In contrast to lynxindisguise’s original 10 criteria to measure the aesthetics of crying, this paper proposes to add (11) explosiveness of cry as another ugly crying parameter, in order to get a more clear assessment of where on the ugly-pretty crying scale a character falls.
The ugly crying parameters
(1) Unbecoming facial expressions
James Potter is mentioned in this category by several marauders scholars: @jaylienpotter talks about his red face and ugly sobbing, @artbyace mentions his “scrunched up cry face” and @sectoren claimes “james (…) is that one handsome guy that when the waterworks get going becomes like. Cartoonishly ugly”, raising the question of upkeeping toxic masculinity in order to avoid having to witness more of James Potter’s crying “mug”.
Though James Potter features heavily in this category, another character who is also mentioned just as often is Remus Lupin: @kaaaaaaarf, @appreciatedmoron and @http-starboy all emphasise that Remus Lupin is the one with a red and blotchy face.
(2) facial swelling/blotching
While there is a definitive overlap between the categories of facial swelling/blotching, unbecoming facial expressions and snot factor, Sirius’ and Regulus’ victorian heroine complexions, which give them an advantage in the homonymous category, may be to their disadvantage in the “blotching” category. This will require further research by other scholars.
(3) unsettling noises
James Potter is mentioned in this category by Jaylienpotter (2023), claiming he not only hiccups when crying but also that “his cries are one of the most heartbreaking things you’ll ever hear” and similarly, artbyace states that “James loves and feels so loudly”, whereas “Sirius is silent”, both sentiments are reminiscent of znelda’s (2023) statements that James “was allowed to feel his emotions freely in a loving household” and “Sirius (…) [is] used to hide [his] feelings and [has] become stoic”.
With several other scholars, among them also @jamesunderwater (2023) raising the point that James may be the ugliest crier due to him being “the only one well adjusted enough to have access to his feelings” this raises the question of possibly introducing another category, maybe of emotional awareness/stability to be able to measure this parameter more efficiently, though emotional vulnerability may also just be a part of the unsettling noises parameter, suggesting that there is a correlation between noisiness and the existing environment being welcoming to and accepting of various expressions of emotions.
(4) snot factor
The most popular winner in the snot factor category seems to be Remus Lupin, with several scholars agreeing that his sobs are the dampest and snottiest out of all the candidates. kaaaaaaarf (2023) writes “he turnes all red and blochty and snot drips out of his nose (…) he cant (sic) not cry with his mouth open as well so there is a lot of spit”, and appreciatedmoron (2023) agrees with kaaaaaaarf on this.
It only seems right to me to include spit in the snot category as well, seeing as they’re both crying-related bodily fluids that add to the ugly-cry factor. http-starboy (2023) also mentions snot in regards to Remus Lupin, which compared to both their comments in (1) opens up the question of how unbecoming facial expressions, more particularly redness of the face and snot factor may be related, as several authors seem to write about both specifically in relation to each other. Whether this is just pure coincidence or not would need further research, for which we currently do not have enough funding. This is only one of the many research gaps in the relatively new field of marauder’s ugly crying studies, which cannot fully be addressed in this paper.
James Potter is also mentioned in the snot category, namely by the marauders scholar artbyace (2023).
(5) tear volume
Artbyace (2023) claims James Potter is “full on bawling” which can only be assumed to refer to tear volume, but the most convincing argument for tear volume comes from the acclaimed marauders scholar @fruityindividual (2023), stating that “tsunami warning tones go off in sirius’ brain anytime remus is close 2 (sic) tears” which already indicates high levels of tear volumes. The author then goes on to specify the volume by claiming that “indeed the ocean wishes rj lupin would jump in and help contribute 2 (sic) rising sea levels”, further emphasizing the volume of Remus's tears.
(6) general loss of dignity
@pastaplatypus (2023) writes about James Potter not being able to do a Melodramatic Bollywood Cry, which is perceived as inherently racist by the crier.
I would like to argue that Sirius Black also deserves to be mentioned in this category. While as of today, with less than 1 hour left to vote, 15.5% of voters agree that Sirius is the ugliest crier, the more outspoken voices all argue for different ugly criers. Due to their upbringing, I am tempted to name both Black brothers in the “loss of dignity” category and look forward to reading future contributions to this discussion.
The pretty crying parameters
(7) glistening eyes/lashes
Undoubtedly Sirius Black deserves to be mentioned in this category. I believe his dark lashes and glimmering eyes are part of what makes him the prettiest crier. Whereas Remus’s eyes also sometimes glisten or appear red, and it is usually attributed to be caused by drug consumption, which more often than not is a wrong assumption, but he happily goes along with the pretense of being a weed-smoking bad boy in order to hide his ugly crying damp tendencies.
(8) Victorian heroine factor
It almost seems superfluous to even mention Sirius (and, to a lesser degree, Regulus) Black in this category. This category was made for Sirius, as is apparent when reading lynxindisguises (2023) description of the victorian heroine factor, in response to a question by the scholar @plecotusauritus:
“the Victorian Heroine Factor is a deeply scientific assessment of the Vibes. Is this person giving tragically beautiful, windswept Victorian Heroine, sobbing gently into their hands while sprawled across a boulder or a well or a fountain of some sort? When they look up at you, do their tear-plumped lips part elegantly as a single tear slides down their cheek?”
(9) elegant tear-wiping
There hasn't been a lot of research in this area, but I would like to propose handkerchiefs with embroidered initials and family crests as another potential factor in favor of the Black brothers scoring high marks in this category as well as the Victorian heroine factor.
(10) post-cry glow
Artbyace (2023) claims “lily is always beautiful (…) even when crying”, which is echoed by znelda’s (2023) earlier claim that “Lily (…) [is] a woman and no woman is ugly when crying.”
Sirius is the other popular choice by marauders scholars for this category, with @in-flvx (2023) stating that he “handsomely handsomes while dying after 12 years of torture hell and another year in shackles”, which would mean that “a few tears would[n’t] stop him from being the hottest person in the room at all times” (ibid).
Additional parameters
I am suggesting to introduce an additional metric in order to further specify and better assess the ugly-crying levels:
(11) explosiveness of cry
@felixantares (2023) introduces the idea that Remus “is the type that very few people have been seen cry because he ignores every difficult emotion hes (sic) ever had (…) and it all explodes at once and its horrible to watch when he breaks down”, a sentiment shared by several of the other authors mentioned above in various other categories.
Further opinions & conclusions
The most popular consensus seems to be that Sirius cannot be the ugliest crier, sometimes also in direct comparison to his brother: @spindrifters (2023) answers the question of the ugliest crier with “obviously it’s regulus”, elaborating that “at least [it’s] definitely not sirius bc (sic) reg is canonically less handsome in all ways” which brings up the question if regular beauty plays into ugly crying. This is contrasted by lynxindisguises argument, that Sirius may be an ugly crier because he’s so gorgeous, and his ugly crying subverts the expectations of beauty:
“the most beautiful man alive looks hideous while crying, and his deeply awkward and perpetually damp bf (sic) is literally in his element while crying – dampness becomes him, you might say.”
This statement raises yet another question – does regular crying make the crier more or less ugly? Can an ugly crier become a pretty crier by practice or are we all born either ugly or pretty criers, condemned to this fate for life?
While this paper has given an overview of the current state of research to ugly crying/pretty crying, it has also raised many more questions. Other topics which may be addressed in future papers also include the philosophical question whether ugly crying is in the eye of the beholder and if it is possible to ugly cry without being perceived, and if it is possible to ugly cry if the person perceiving you doesn’t find it ugly. Since the research field of ugly crying is a relatively new one, we can only hope to read many more opinions on these and other topics in the future, and I look forward to reading different scholar’s approaches to these highly relevant topics.
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Dating the Hargreeves would include
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The Hargreeves x gn!reader
Lila Pitts x gn!reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Gifs are not mine
English is not my first language
A/n: Guess it looks like I´m starting to write again. So my requests are open again. But trought my time and school schedule it could take some time, because I´m also having big exams comming.
Luther Hargreeves
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You love hearing stories about his life on the moon. He mostly thinks that his stories are boring but you assure him that you like them.
Since he lived on the moon you are his first everything. maybe not his first love Like in everything. First kiss, first time, ... Because of that felt insecure. He tought you would leave him because of this.
He was also scared how you´d react of his condition. He kept it a secret until Diego told him to tell you.
You were shocked at first but you didn´t mind one more reason to hate his dad
He´s the biggest softy and very protective over you.
He alwyas takes you out to cute picnics.
Diego Hargreeves
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Let´s say he has type: badass people
You both meet in the box club.
He teaches how to throw knives
You both are gym rats. And always competion each other.
He´s trying so hard to be the ´Alpha-Male´ but fails miserably.
You and him annoying the rest of the family with prankwars
He´s a big cocky wannabe who shamelessly flirts with anytime and everywhere.
His love language is physical touch. He´s a big sucker for cuddling and doesn´t if he is big or little spoon rigth now.
You are saving him from from stupid actions and descision he might would do.
Allison Hargreeves
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Fighting with her together against rasicm (it does not matter if you´re black or white or idk)
Raising Claire together. Spoiler alert she absolut loves you.
Being always on your side. We are not supporting S3 Allison inthis household
Finding Luther weird. Not for his condition. but for hid behaviour towards your girlfriend.
Finding her power extrem cool. But after hearing that faked her whole life with her power, the first big fight began. She assured you she wouldn´t do that to you and only did it to het ex because she tought she was a failure.
You wanted to believe her but you were scared that you were also in her curse or whatever it got called.
It was suprisly Luther who brought you two back together.
Klaus Hargreeves
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Spontaneous roadtrips somewhere in the world.
You are the only person who knows he´s non-binary.
You both are the funny duo everyone is annoyed of. Like recreating memes at midnight or laughing always by just looking at each other.
You´re taking his drug problemn serious and helping him to sober up.
You are his second and hopefully last love.
Going shopping and catwalking the new clothes all over the hous just to annoy his family more. The only one who seem to enjoy it is ghostie Benerino.
He tells you at random momtents how much he loves you.
Viktor Hargreeves
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He had massive trust issuses at first thanks to that bitch
To his birthday you bought him a violin, so could find peace in his playing again. But he got lowkey scared to end the world again. But he tried it anyways one night. When you heard him playing it was so beautiful. Since then he plays every night for you.
You comfort him after his nightmares.
Teaching him some self-defense.
Growing from hating Luther to liking loving him. And starting to hate Allison.
He teaches you how to play violin.
You are always reading to him, because he likes your voice and it comforts him but this little bean sleps always in
Lila Pitts
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Your realationship is full of sarcastic comments. What confussed the Hargreeves and other people.
You are the only one she trusts after hearing, that her ´mother´ killed her parenets.
You two meet, because you were her mission, but she fell for you. So your realationship started with trust issues.
Suprisly it was Five who got you both together and played wingman.
She´s very cocky, but so are you. One thing she loves about you.
Teaming together upwith Five, because he´s the only one who´s not a man-child, acording to you.
She´s saving you from stupid actions and descision you might would do.
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sophiaforevs · 7 months
Between the early cancellation of Discovery, Seven/Raffi and Mariner/Jenn being erased in their respective shows, and SNW having queer coded characters but not confirming anything on screen, I'm really afraid that we're entering another "No Gays in Trek" era.
For those who don't know, 90s era star trek featured so few queer characters b/c Rick Berman largely held a policy of not wanting any homosexuality in his shows. And yes, we all remember the handful of episodes that slipped through that addressed it but the fact remains that there were no canonically queer main cast members before Into Darkness in 2016 gave us a five second shot that could be cut when whoever was showing the movie found the idea of two men in a loving relationship disgusting.
Then we got Discovery with multiple queer characters that allowed people to feel seen. And people never stopped bitching about them. The amount of times that I've had to listen to people complain that Adira's only character trait is that they're non-binary despite that literally being a single thirty second scene and never brought up again makes me understand that they very likely don't want to like the queer characters in that show. And it's not that there aren't criticisms to be made about the queer representation in Disco: Discovery Buries it's Gays before the end of the first season. Making your trans characters aliens who already have a history of gender fuckery is problematic b/c it somewhat plays into the idea that queerness is unnatural for human beings. But I never hear those complaints. Only the pronouns. Only the "We get it you're gay but don't shove it down our throats." But I don't want to get too off topic.
Now Discovery is being canceled early. And by early I mean, the writers weren't given proper notice that their show was ending. They were halfway through production and allowed to adjust the end episodes of the season to try to give a satisfying ending.
In Picard and Lower Decks, we got two sapphic relationships ("sapphic" meaning a romantic or sexual relationship between two women who aren't necessarily strictly lesbians) and they were pretty good. People had been asking for Seven to be queer and Jeri Ryan had been playing her as such since her introduction (see again: Rick Berman) and to see her finally get to express that was really healing. Mariner got off to rocky feet when the creators tried to pull a "Dumbledore is gay" where they said she was bi but didn't commit to it, but they she actually got a fairly satisfying relationship in season 3.
But in their most recent seasons, both were completely written out. Seven/Raffi gave us no explanation beyond that they "broke up." They went out of their way to keep them from being on screen together for most of the season. Mattis said in a Reddit AMA that he wanted Seven to be captain and Raffi to be first officer at the end of the season and that Starfleet would have regulations against relationships between the two despite the biggest reason Seven was promoted to captain was that she was a rule breaker. We didn't even get that much for Mariner/Jennifer. Jenn just wasn't in this season except for two background appearances.
And in Strange New Worlds there's just… nothing. SNW is the most recent new show and there's no queer representation. They code Ortegas as gay but don't actually confirm it on screen. There's just… nothing.
And this is how you loose the culture war. The bigots make enough noise that the show that is supposed to be a beacon of diversity doesn't necessarily side with them but they just kinda bow out of the conversation. They decide that it's easier to not bother than to take a stand. And so I and many many queer star trek fans are left wondering:
Does the franchise even want us any more?
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Tough Love
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • They/Them Pronouns [Non-Binary - AFAB] • Life hasn’t been that kind to you. Like having Merle Dixon as your biological father. And Daryl Dixon not stepping in when he should’ve. But then the end of the world happened…and everything is changing • ANGST/SFW • TW: Canon Violence / Slurs [cuz Merle is a bitch] / Self Harm Scars / Self Harm / Scars / Domestic Abuse / Abandonment Issues / Coming Out / Past Attempt Mentioned / Injuries • Fuckton of Flashbacks
Requested by: @monootakuu
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“What in the fucking hell is that, Merle”
“Are you that fucking stupid? It’s a baby”
Daryl frowns as he couldn’t believe it. His brother is that fucking stupid to knock somebody up.
“This is all you, Merle.”
“You ain’t gonna help me?”
“I’m not the one that knocked up a fucking hooker. For once in your life, take responsibility and try not to fuck every woman that stands. Or there will be more mini Merle’s that infest the earth” Daryl snaps at his brother grabbing his jacket and leaving the trailer, with the extra emphasize of how he feels with slamming the trailer door making the little baby violently sob.
“You little—“ Merle glares in the direction Daryl left before taking the baby out of the car seat it came in. “Shut it you little ass kicker”
“Hurry up kid” Merle snaps continuing to lead the way on the hunt as Y/N stood up from checking a batch of mushrooms to catch up to their old man.
Daryl walks beside his brother glancing back and every now and then to find Y/N staring at their feet but still right behind them.
“I can show yea which mushrooms you can eat or not”
“Or not.” Y/N frowns. “I’ve got my book…I don’t need your help” they sigh opening said nature book they stole from their school library before the end of the world happened.
The two heard the thud and scream from behind them seeing Y/N now hanging upside down by the ankle. They struggled with the trap trying to bend enough to use their knife to cut them down but they were starting to get frustrated. Daryl was about to cut them down when he noticed Merle ready his weapon to the footsteps approaching.
“Somethin’ triggered the trap finally” One of the two announced but as they approached to notice the two hunters staring back with the crossbow and hunting rifle at the ready. “Oh. Shit but it’s—-“ he looks up seeing the human being that got caught. “Well shit.”
“Do you even know how to set fucking traps like that? Some part of it is supposed to be visible to hunters” Daryl snaps at the two watching them tense.
“We’re not hunters, we are just trying to feed our camp and we can only use so much of the forage”
“But. Given y’all are hunters. Maybe we can come up with something”
“You’re really gonna ask us for some kind of fucking deal when you almost killed our kid?”
“Said kid would like to be fucking let DOWN” Y/N yells off the top of their lungs not giving a damn about what else could be walking the forest. Daryl was about to do it gently until Merle pushed past him with his hunting knife in hand, striking the rope causing his kid to hit the ground hard.
“What? They’ll fucking walk it off” Merle scoffs approaching the two strangers. “So a deal?”
Daryl glares at the back of his brother’s head holding his hand out for Y/N as they kept to the ground for a moment which lead to him kneeling to their side.
“What hurts kid?”
“Like he said I’ll just walk it off…” Y/N sighs swatting their uncle’s hand away and getting up from the hard ground picking up their book along the way.
Daryl frowns watching Merle ignore his toddler that was more interested in him and what he was doing at. But what the man was doing was preparing his crystal deliveries.
“Don’t let her ingest some of that Merle. Or you’ll lose your kid”
“I ain’t letting her anywhere—-HEY!” Merle suddenly pushed his kid over with his foot causing his brother to get up from the kitchen table to check on her. But the kid sprung back up like it was nothing. “You’re in time out. GO!” He points to the corner and the small child knew where to go.
“You’re a monster, Merle”
“No. The monster is that devil spawn’s mother that locked her legs around my torso” Merle snaps crushing a piece of the meth grabbing his pipe about to light it when Daryl grabbed the spray bottle he uses on his kid. “Don’t you fucking dare”
“Smoke outside if you really want to be a douchebag. Don’t hurt your kid even more than you already have”
“You are staying here” Merle states to Y/N who is more than capable to take care of themselves on a run like this one. But given the anger in his tone, Y/N didn’t even bother trying to fight.
“Just stay safe old man” They sigh going to their campsite within a campsite more toward the can boarder to alert of walkers.
“Daryl” The eldest yells at his brother to get his attention from Dale who he was informing about a possible hunting ground. Daryl approaches the small run party looking at his brother confused. “Keep an eye on’em.”
“If they want to join the hunt, they will. Otherwise, there’s other people to keep an eye on them just in case of anything” Daryl reassures his brother even if it didn’t really mean much.
Y/N didn’t go with Daryl to hunt this deer he’s been tracking for a while. Didn’t even leave the tent for the first hour, just reading the foraging books that were stolen by Merle as an attempt to bond with his kid. But failed when they discovered he stole them.
“Y/N? Honey?”
The teen quickly shot up to the voice taking a second to remember that it’s not just the Dixon’s anymore.
“Who is it?”
“Lori, was wondering if you wanna come with the ladies and kids down to the lake. You don’t have to do laundry but just get out of the campsite” Lori patiently waited for a few minutes as she was about to leave thinking she asked too much but saw the tent open with Y/N stepping out with their backpack on. “Got everything?” She gave them a smile watching them nod before leading the way for them.
Soon Y/N found themselves watching two kids splashing each other in the lake while they assumed their mothers and the other women at the camp did the laundry. They watched the ripples in the water for a while and only thought about how they couldn’t swim.
Honestly liked the moment without their dad and uncle
The children stopped splashing when they noticed Y/N stepping into the water after rolling up their pants and grabbing a few pebbles. They started to skip the rocks along the water and the two were intrigued.
Lori gently elbows Carol for her attention before directing with her eyes. Both watching Y/N teach their kids how to skip rocks. Sophia accidentally hitting Y/N in the back of the head with a pebble resulting in the two rising to their feet not knowing how they’ll react. But the slow turn with a serious look resulted in a smile and the teen suddenly splashing the kid with the water. The giggling broke out for all three of them making the moms relax and admire the happiness they all now rarely see.
“Yea sure?” Dale questions Y/N as they offered to take one of the night watches with their uncle’s hunting rifle that he’s never used.
“Yeah I’m not sleepy so”
“Okay, only for a couple hours. Then I’ll be up”
Y/N shot him a thumbs up before climbing up the RV and taking a seat on the lawn chair. They watch their surroundings for a while, inevitably falling into a leaning position staring up at the night sky…enjoying all the stars in the sky…part of them couldn’t believe they were loving a moment without their dad.
He just…never seemed to care.
The thirteen year old strutted out of the hospital still wearing their gown over their tshirt and shorts with the grippy socks and all. Y/N stopped at the end of the walkway seeing Daryl leaning up against Merle’s truck but no Merle. Their shoulders slumped and the frown remained as they approach their uncle.
“Where’s the old man?”
“Jail. Again.” Daryl frowns, his eyes glued to the bandaging on their wrists. “Got called by the cops about bailing him out and when I got there, your dad just. Magically remembered that today was your release day…which I didn’t know anything about and I fucking live with y’all…so I left him there and waited in this parking lot until you got out”
“You didn’t have to…they probably would’ve LOVED to hear me talk about my hooker mom that I never met and deadbeat dad that uses me as a drug rat in my school for more money.”
“Did you actually—-“
“Not the drug rat part. Just enough for them to let me leave…” They frown dropping their shoes that had the shoelaces pulled out so that they can slip them on. “Can you re-lace them for me when we get home?”
“Mhm” Daryl really couldn’t pull his eyes from the obvious as Y/N felt the words get stuck about addressing it.
“You think Dad would’ve…actually come and pick me up?”
“Prefer it…”
“Probably not” Daryl frowns extending his hand to take their bag and toss it into the bed of the truck turning back to the kid seeing the glued stare of theirs. “I don’t wanna ask if you’re not okay to talk about it”
“It wasn’t even dad who found me…just one of his hook ups. You were on that road trip on your bike. Paramedics couldn’t reach yea and reached…Merle who didn’t hesitate to get me committed. The kitchen isn’t going to look pretty when we get home…I’ll cle—-“
“I’ll clean it up. Just…please talk to me if you need somebody.” Daryl felt the ache in his chest hearing all of that coming from them as he couldn’t help but pull them into his embrace. “You’re my family too, and I’m sorry for being a bitch too most of your life”
Y/N brought their arms around him not understanding the full extent of hugging but the safe feeling they got from it…made them hold on longer.
“You—-DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA WHO YOU’RE AFFECTIN’ HERE?!” Daryl snaps at the sheriff in front of him feeling Shane push him back to avoid any physical altercation.
“Just you I’m assumin’” Rick held his hands up defensively but those words caused a lot of looks in his direction. “Now what am I missing here?!”
“Rick, honey, Merle is—-“
“What is Uncle Daryl yelling?” Y/N joins the party wearing one of Merle’s tan button downs over their long sleeves as the similar shirt is what caught Rick’s attention.
They’re too young to be a lover—-well. Everybody’s seen Merle right? Rick thought but then instantly received whiplash of the word “uncle” that came from their mouth realizing he just handcuffed someone’s father to a roof and left him there. “Shit. I—-“
“Y/N, he didn’t mean to” Shane tried to cover for his best friend as Daryl shoved the other cop off of him going to his confused kid.
“Something happened to Merle”
Y/N frowns instantly as the words left behind were the only ones that stuck out in Daryl’s explanation but before he could get riled up again. The fifteen year old made their way toward’s Rick and his guilt expression before suddenly having their fist meet his face without a second thought. Rick went down instantly and scrambled a bit confused on how much strength that teenager carried as the confused turned to anger and then sorrow within seconds. Lori didn’t bother getting involved, nor did Shane or Daryl. Rick instantly knew that he deserved it for the decision he made even if Merle is who he is.
“Shut the fuck up, pig” Y/N kicked the dirt at him before storming off wiping the tears away on their way back to their tent.
“You’re not gonna fight him too right? Cuz we’ll knock your ass down” Shane tells Daryl who shot him a glare.
“The kid said enough for the both of us” Daryl frowns leaving to talk to Y/N before even talking to the retired sheriff how they’re going to get his brother back.
His anxiety got the best of him when he opened their tent seeing Y/N fiddling with their knife. But the action was stopped when he entered, to avoid his assumptions.
“Is he dead?”
“Are we going to go get him?”
“I will go get him. With some of those fucks by the looks of it.”
“Why won’t you let me go”
“Because if shit hits the fan, you ain’t getting yourself killed.”
“And lose you too? Fucking think for once Uncle Daryl.” Y/N frowns picking up their knife and putting it in its sheath pushing past him.
“You’re seriously leavin’? For how long?”
“Just for a week. Why the fuck does that matter to you?”
“Who’s gonna help me and Y/N—-“
“No. I’ve told yea. Countless times. Not to take Y/N on these runs. Your buyers can wait and this Jesse dude? Will get his money later” Daryl picks up his bag looking at the oblivious but happy six year old sitting at the coffee table fiddling with a plush bear he’s never seen before. “Did you steal that?”
“Isn’t stealing bad?”
“Yes. Don’t listen to your old man. And don’t go to sketchy places with him either.”
“Who gonna watch me?” Y/N frowns looking up at her uncle as Merle gave him more of an amused one. They both can be jerks.
“Your dealer…can fucking wait another day” Daryl snaps at his brother slamming the door on his way out resulting in the kid flinching.
Merle turns to his kid thinking what would happen if he left her at home but then he wouldn’t hear the end of it from Daryl if he came home before him.
“You win this round, kid”
“Y/N! Y/N!” Daryl yells off the top of his lungs taking out every walker in sight growing anxious the more screaming he heard from these people.
A loud whistle rang through as the archer quickly drew his attention to the RV finding Y/N on the ladder after they had taken a few sickos out to get there to grab their uncle attention.
Once the threat was taken care of, Daryl quickly went to his kid checking their person finding the whistle around their neck. It’s a dumb otter shape whistle that he bought when both Merle and him lost Y/N in a zoo. Of course they would be a wanderer. Y/N snapped in his face to get his attention back as he did another check of their person only to get punched in the shoulder.
“You bit?!”
“No! You find dad?”
“No…found something of him but I don’t think you wanna know”
You’re right. I don’t. Y/N frowns watching the sobbing display happening around them as a part of them started to feel guilty for liking the time without their dad around.
But they couldn’t help it. With a father like that, why would you want to be around them?
Merle carried his plastic bag of belongings out of the prison to be greeted with his truck and his brother’s enraged expression.
“Where the fuck is the rugrat?”
“At home. With a babysitter”
“Wow how the fuck did yea—-“ Merle was suddenly cut off by Daryl punching him right in the jaw making him stumble to the ground. “Hey what gives?”
“YOUR FUCKING KID GOT A HOLD OF YOUR STASH AND ALMOST DIED” Daryl snaps not giving a damn of the curious guard watching the interaction. “If you don’t do fucking better. CPS will take her”
“So? She’d be somewhere fucking better”
Daryl frowns about to kick Merle’s ass when it clicked to him.
“If you wanted to be a goddamn father so much, why didn’t you take the responsibility from me?”
Daryl blames a lot of Y/N’s childhood on himself. He should’ve been more present then a lot of the mistakes that occurred wouldn’t have happened.
Her overdosing on her father’s supply, making him lose temporary custody of her.
They’re coming out resulting in a few profanities thrown and Merle expressing his very conservative side. Inevitably having them run away until they realized three days in a drug addict’s apartment is better than a park bench.
The attempt during a time where the only one who understands responsibility wasn’t there…to a relapse that he wish didn’t happen
Amongst a whole lot of other things…Daryl really wanted to give them a life they wanted even when the world ended.
But the universe keeps on taking…
“You followed one of my men” This unknown voice didn’t freak out Y/N entirely. They’ve been in these situations way too often in the world before. Mostly watching their dad get the shit beat out of him by an angry drug lord’s goons. “How did you even manage to catch up? He was in a car and when you got caught. You were on foot”
“Could’ve been a track star if god gave me more of a nuclear family instead of one idiot being my dad and the other being an absent family member half the time” Y/N kicked their feet amused as their hands were straining to the rope. The footsteps drew closer but stopped where they couldn’t turn around to see who it was.
“Where did y’all come from? Where’s your camp?”
“Gonna take a whole lot for me to just roll over, buddy”
The voice sighed before approaching the door to the room they were in and opening it. Letting another set of unknown footsteps bring themselves in. Y/N couldn’t make out the hushed whispers.
But the flinch Merle experienced about to land a punch on Glenn, made him stop trying to get answers out of the guy. All he did was listening to the screaming that both knew wasn’t Maggie.
“Who followed yea”
“ANSWER ME” Merle snaps at Glenn instead of throwing punches as he didn’t reply right away but given the look in his eyes.
The Governor watched as his right hand stepped out with a rage filled expression about to deck the man beside him that had bloodied knuckles.
“Who else did y’all find?”
“Why does that matter? Did you get anything out of the guy?”
“No—Now answer—“
“Just some teenager that was with them. They weren’t giving answers so boss man had me work my magic” The brute laughs slightly as the Governor noticed Merle’s tense composure and clenched fist.
“You said your brother is a part of this group. After recognizing the guy”
“Do you know the girl?”
“No, but I was about to—-“
“I’ll go talk to the girl…you talk to your kid” The Governor pats Merle’s shoulder, heading back inside with the other.
Leaving Merle to find himself standing outside the door where his kid, his fucking blood that they beat to get answers out of, sat waiting and not knowing what is happening to their friends.
The door opening caused Y/N to flinch in their fetal position lifting their head to look at the door but that was difficult given their left eye swollen shut and the other they didn’t want to open at all.
“What hurts”
Y/N couldn’t help the painful laugh to escape their bruised throat. They uncomfortably turned their body to the other side even if it meant laying on more broken ribs.
“Kid. What. Hurts.” Merle yells causing them to flinch once more but also him retract a bit. “Y/N…I ain’t asking anything else. Not asking about your camp. Daryl. Nothing. Just you”
“Now? N-NOW?!” Y/N snaps wincing when they raised their voice, struggling to sit up as Merle took note of the pain they were experiencing in their wrists and legs when getting up. “Why is it now that you fucking care?!”
“Just cuz you got your goddamn hand cut off doesn’t mean you just fucking book it. Or not even bother to go and find your goddamn kid.” Y/N stopped to spit up some blood making Merle grow anxious as he tried stepping close but they stepped back. “I knew you never gave a fucking damn about me. You only cared when I was smaller or when I was your goddamn pack mule—-I SHOULDVE JUST BEEN YOUR KID. NOT YOUR GODDAMN HELP” they dropped on that last note feeling the pain get the best of them as the tears came on. “What I learned from yea…helps me now…never helped me then…do you even remember the good years? Where you were actually a dad?”
“I never wanted you” Merle finally admits the one thing, Y/N has been begging him since they knew better for him to straight up say. But the pain started to become unbearable as he spoke. “Daryl reminded me everyday how terrible of a father I was. How I was like your grandpa. Be thankful you never met the fuck”
“I’ll send a postcard to hell” Y/N curls up a bit hunched over. “What the fuck are you getting—-“
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t love yea. I never wanted you. But you were the best thing to happen, next to leaving my old man’s place to escape his abuse. The only reason you came out with a heart wasn’t because of me.” Merle frowns kneeling to his kid’s level checking their person with his eyes knowing if he tried to touch they’d lash out. “But because of Daryl. When I was in prison for the four years you can barely remember, he raised yea. He took yea to school. Got you what you wanted the right way. He told the social worker the day you OD’d, that he would take custody of yea”
The tears running down their face were turning into more of a mix. The pain…and the pain caused by the blur of those four years that they couldn’t accept because of all the agony caused in all the others.
“Dad…I wanna go home” Y/N begs reaching out to him as Merle carefully took them into his arms quickly breaking the knife off the other so that he could carry his kid out of there when the moment was right.
But the group was already going to rescue them.
When Merle stepped out carrying Y/N in his arms feeling their grip weaken, he was stopped by both Maggie and Glenn aiming the stolen weapons at the man. Maggie was confused about the two being together but that was a story for later, and Merle turned to Glenn who instantly knew what was happening.
“You follow me and I’ll help yea out of here. As long as you take them”
“Deal. But you can’t follow us”
“No shit. I don’t like yea…but I know they mean something to all of yea.” Merle states handing Y/N off as they suddenly grabbed a fist full of his shirt staring him down. “This is for your safety and your groups. Now follow me”
Merle got the three out, but also ran into the others. Who wants to kill Merle is pretty much what was happening as everyone wanted a piece of the man except those he shares blood with. For the most part. Glenn and Maggie protested against having the eldest Dixon stay with them at the prison, but given he lead them out of there and that he didn’t go through with prying it out of Glenn…they bent. But only if he listened to them and helped them work with Woodbury or get rid of the threat.
“They alright?”
“They passed out after the adrenaline wore off. Should be fine as long as they don’t move for a while” Hershel checked their pulse for the third time since returning to the prison before getting up to leave the cell room when both Dixon brothers stared intensely at the doc. “If the bruising on their side from the broken ribs gets worse, I’ll have to relieve it with what I’ve got”
“Could steal medical supplies from Woodbury”
“You’re a fugitive” Daryl frowns. “Need to find somethin’ now to take care of it”
“Y’all can’t do anything to save them if we have a target on our backs” Rick interrupts the two for only a second but clearly their attention wasn’t going to be taken unless something more major happens. “Merle. Think you can map out Woodbury of its weak—-“
“I’ll give yea whatever the fuck you want if it means you’d leave me alone for goddamn five minutes” Merle snaps leaving with Rick to take care of business as Hershel steps out to grab a few things for Y/N, ultimately leaving Daryl alone with them.
As Daryl sat beside Y/N’s bedside in place of Hershel, he watches them stir a bit from discomfort making him tug the blanket to cover them more and resting the back of his hand on their forehead.
“M’not hot”
“Just double checkin’.”
“Ain’t no doc…” Y/N flinched to the sound of Daryl’s chair moving when all he wanted was to bring it closer. “Dad didn’t do it…”
“He’s told me who fucking did it, and he ain’t livin’ for much longer” Daryl states watching Y/N fall back asleep as that moment Rick came back needing his input on the plan.
Talking to the Governor is full proof. Being civil about it before taking matters into your own hands. Or Merle’s. Daryl left with Rick and a few others for the meeting with the Governor. Merle decided to take that opportunity to steal medical supplies from his old community for Y/N and extra for the hell of it. Michonne followed Merle to get answers of her own but also make sure he wasn’t leaving to tell anybody anything.
They will be okay. They will be okay. Merle frowns getting everything they will possibly need as his thoughts and actions were interrupted by the door springing open.
The swordsman quickly drew her katana when Merle drew his knife. The two relaxed realizing who it was but given Michonne’s issue with the guy, she kept an eye on him.
“I heard stories”
“You think you can do all of this to redeem yourself for the pain you inflicted on this group? Let alone your own child”
“They’re practically an adult, I’m not doing this shit for anybody else but my kid, and I’m not looking for a fucking award” Merle snaps filling the duffle with anything and everything in the medical ward. The unexpected thing was Michonne receiving the duffle. “And I ain’t letting that bastard live”
Michonne returns. No Merle. Daryl leaves in search for Merle while the group in the prison prepares for an attack.
Hershel checks Y/N once more when they were moved in a secure area that won’t be affected by the attack. He notices their eyes following his movements and thought something was going on physically but once he stopped checking their bruising, they sighed.
“How are you feeling?”
“You are hurt, the others don’t want yea risking further injury”
“Yknow…when my dad was missing…I was kind of relieved.” Y/N frowns fiddling with the buttons on their shirt. “Not like…I didn’t have the freedom when he was around…least I didn’t have to hear him bitch when I did shit…”
The doc took their wrist to check their pulse like he’s been doing every hour but also listening to their rambling that he thought was them reaching unconsciousness again. But they kept on.
“Now he’s back…yea think he gonna leave again?”
“When I was an alcoholic…the first time around, I’d disappear to avoid disappointing my family. Yeah to the local watering hole but didn’t want to hurt Maggie and Beth with my presence…” Hershel sets their arm down bringing the blanket back to cover them. “But it hurt them more not to have me there for’em. I don’t know your dad. Or your uncle for that matter. Besides that both would do anything for yea…I doubt they’re gonna leave in any way.”
The reassurance was needed.
And again.
Y/N watches from the entrance to their cellblock as Rick helps direct Woodbury folk out of the bus they took. Daryl quietly approaches their side sitting on the steps with them as they kept their gaze away from him after hearing the news. Recklessness was definitely a Dixon thing. Except only two out of the three know how to save themselves.
“We don’t have to talk about it”
“Good. I don’t want to”
Daryl frowns wanting to find the right words then remembered what he found on Merle’s body and got up for a second to retrieve it from his bike. When he returned, Y/N watches as the photo comes into their view taking it from their uncle’s extended hand.
“Your old man never left without that. Even when we both thought he was the worse father anybody could have” Daryl returns to his seat right beside them. “You were a pain as a baby. Found myself sleeping in the truck to leave Merle to take care of you. But when I came back one morning, you were sound asleep on him. So I took that for him. Thought he didn’t like it. Found it on his person when…he died.”
Y/N continues to stare at the photo letting the achey feeling in their chest get worse and ultimately make the tears roll off their cheeks.
“That son of a bitch…”
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I love your writing sm <33. I was wondering if you do greasers gang with androgynous s/o? (Kinda like angel from everyone hates Chris) If you don't like the idea, feel free to ignore this 🫶🏽
I get what you mean! I’m non binary and pretty androgynous most of the time/switching from masc to fem and thank you so much for the compliment and yeah I love this idea!!
The Gang x Androgynous!GN! S/O!!!
Ponyboy Curtis
-he thought you were super interesting
-he loved your androgynous look
-he thought is was super cool that you could do all sorts of things
-masc and fem, fem, masc, or neither
-he also gets being made fun of for being different
-but the thinks you’re way too good for him and too cool to talk to him
-but one day you guys get assigned to do a class project together
-and actually get along pretty well and become good friends
-he’s one of the few greasers that wouldn’t need to be in a modern au to respect your identity and pronouns
-he ends up eventually asking you out
-he’s super supportive of you and always tries to learn more about you
Johnny Cade
-you rocked his world when he saw you
-he thought you and your style was pretty unique and tuff
-he immediately couldn’t tell what your gender was, which intrigued him
-you mastered both so well
-you seemed too superior, too good for gender (relatable 😏😎 jk mostly)
-but he’s too scared to actually go up and talk to you
-until one day you’re being made fun of by some other grease gang
-and he stands up for you, and you’re pretty grateful
-and you both start talking
-eventually you end up dating
-he’s supportive and even gives into the more androgynous look himself
-like I think he might start wearing eyeliner or sum, trying to mix a bit of fem into his outfits
-ok i will say this every time but JOHNNY CADE IN EYELINER I NEED IT IN MY LIFE
-I think he’s the most androgynous greaser himself in general
Sodapop Curtis
-he loves your style
-it’s so cool and he wishes he could be more like that
-but he’s too scared about what others will think
-and he really admires you
-he’s surprised when he finds his eyes trailing off you whenever you leave the DX after buying something
-pretty soon after talking about you to Steve he realizes he likes you
-so he gets to know you and asks questions about your style
-he LOVES how you can be neither masc nor fem, or both
-you can switch in the blink of an eye
-it keeps him on his toes
-pretty soon you end up dating
-soooo cute together yall are always showering eachother in praise and compliments
Darry Curtis
-he’s a traditional guy
-so seeing you
-rocks his world a bit
-I mean he can’t tell if you’re a broad or guy
-and that is fascinating to him. And terrifying
-he’s a little wary of you at first
-but eventually grows to really admire you
-and after some encouragement from pony and soda he finally starts up a conversation
-pretty soon you two start dating and are really good for eachother
-pony and soda love you
Dallas Winston
-he probably went up to you
-made some rude ass transphobic joke
-and it took him by surprise when you kicked him hard in the nuts
-he kinda respected after that
-he sort of expected you to be weak because of how you dressed
-he actually started being friends with you
-and protecting you from bullies
-eventually he asks you out and for once in his life he’s nervous
-you grin and say yes
-you guys are such a surprising couple everyone sees you and is like
how tf did that happen
Two Bit Mathews
-he actually loves your style
-he makes jokes about it because
-it’s two bit
-what do you expect
-but they come across as actual questions too 💀😭
-“So what gender did you decide on today?”
-“If I were you I’d be panicked over what restroom to use…”
-“So do I need to call you a bastard or bitch?”
-but he’s so silly
-at first you’re offended by some of his jokes but then you realize he’s not genuinely transphobic it’s his nature
-and you start roasting him back
-when you start dating you guys are such soulmates
-everyone ships you two and the banter you have in class if fuckin COMICAL
Steve Randle
-he’s surprised to say the least
-he’s used to heavy gender stereotypes
-so whenever you walk into his life
-showing up looking like a doll one day
-a mafia boss on the other
-it trips him up
-it’s kind of confusing for him at first and he may act sort of cold and unsure towards you
-but after a while he gets used to it
-and actually tried getting to know you instead of judging how you look
-and you’re actually a super cool person and it makes him appreciate your identity and style so much more
-soon he realizes he feels a bit more than friendly for you
-and asks you out
-he’s really protective and anyone who says shit about your style can find their tires slashed the next day 😊
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when-the-crows-flyy · 1 month
omg a pinned post??
whassup my bitches bros and non binary hoes my name is amycus carrow but you can just called me bbg ;)
he/they but neos are cool too (just no feminine pronouns and we balling)
proud emo and not so proudly chronically online
MCR is the greatest band. you should listen to them. like right now. go. or i'll commit arson (/j)
other people:
@furie-ous - my idiot twin love them
(rp blog, msg @icarus-last-fall to join)
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forggywrites · 11 months
Hiii. This is my first time requesting anything so sorry if it’s kinda confusing cause I’m not good at punctuation but here I go. Could you do a Hobie Brown or Earth 42 Miles Morales (not sure if you write for him but I’ve never seen anything with a trans reader with him so I thought I’d ask) x female to masc non-binary reader who’s on their period and like has dysphoria with it and stuff and like weird names for that kinda thing (it might sound dumb but I call it ‘manly bleeding’ because it makes me feel better) if you don’t want to or can’t or wtv just ignore this request
Thank you -ezra
as I stated in my last post I don’t feel comfortable writing for earth 42 miles as I don’t feel like I know enough about him, but I will HAPPILY do this for Hobie :)
Hobie x AFAB trans masc reader on their period.
CW: talk of periods, gender dysphoria, masc compliments
The two of you have known each other for a while now.
But this is the first time you’ve been super open about your cycles and how they make you feel with him.
He first noticed that you had been acting more irrational than normal.
Then he noticed the mood swings.
Then he realized you were probably on that time of the month.
Man has no problem with it.
He sits you down and straight up asks if you’re on you period and if you need help with anything.
You started to cry, like HEAVILY.
He immediately pulled you into a hug and started to comfort you
After calming down you explained everything to him, how you hate everything about periods, how everyone treats you horribly because you have them, how you don’t feel valid in your emotions around that time of the month, etc.
While he doesn’t know what it feels like personally, he will do his best to try and understand.
Gets one of those period cramp simulators to try and know exactly how you feel
You appreciate the gesture.
No but really, he will do anything he can to help.
Midol? He’s got it.
Massage? Where do you need it.
Snacks? He’s already swinging to the store to grab what you need.
Heating pad? He’s plugged it in already.
Cuddles? He will immediately pull you in and hold you however you want
Need to relax? He’s got a bath, shower, cozy spot, or whatever ready in a heartbeat. (also he’s not afraid of a little blood, of you know what I mean *Wink wink*)
He’ll use whatever name you want for products and the whole experience, no matter how ridiculous others might think it is.
He wants you to be as comfortable as humanly possible.
He knows that gender dysphoria is a bitch, and he will constantly be calling you cute nicknames and giving you compliments to help you feel better.
”you’re looking extra manly today.” “I got you some blood boxers from that brand you like.” “Flex for me, luv. I love your muscles”
It doesn’t matter what’s going on with you, he will always treat you the way you want to be treated.
If you don’t want him to do anything for you during these times, he will respect your wishes.
It all comes down to how you feel, that is what is most important to him.
that’s all I could really come up with for this, thank you for requesting! I loved writing this one :)
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That Damn Café [MM4F, MM4NB, MM4GNC]
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synopsis: bruno and abbacchio punish you after a gang meeting.
mdni 18+: polyamory, established relationship,(slight) daddy kink, degredation (abba), praise (bruno), brat taming, use of nicknames (pretty, baby, princess, girl, slut, whore, & bitch), dry humping, choking, slight voyeurism, fingering, edging, love bites, breast play, spit play, slight masturbation, cum play, cum eating, (implied) breeding, dumbification, face fucking, dacryphilia, reverse cowgirl, double penetration, over stimulation, rough sex, (i hope that’s all the tags😭)
pairing: bruno x abbacchio x reader (afab, fem presenting, non-binary[usage of they/them pronouns])
note: this is my first piece pls be nice😭. also, i was very horny making this cuz i hadn’t engaged in hankey pankey for like a WEEK cuz i was w/ family🥲 apologies for the filth, i need to touch grass.
word count: 2.9k
the bucci gang meetings have just been WAAAAY to long today. i mean the meetings are usually this long, but there’s something about today that just took everyone out. the day’s almost over but y’all are still at this damn café and your mind is playing tricks on you. nirancia’s starting to seem like a genius, fugo’s being less violent today, mista’s dead silent, and girono’s just asleep at this point.
but bruno and abbacchio? they start looking a little tew fine. they’re already gorgeous, but it’s something about you being tired and bored out of your mind that’s letting explicit thoughts enter your mind about your beloved boyfriends. until of course you decide tht this meeting can get a little *spiced up*
sitting in the chair between the two men, you start getting a little more clingy. starting with abbacchio, you “mindlessly” put your hand on his upper, inner thigh, and lay your head on his shoulder. this sudden touch made him perk up and look down at you. “you okay bella?” he said with adoring eyes. “yea, i’m just a little tired, that’s all.” you say snuggling even more into him, with your hand moving farther up his thigh.
you could hear him start to breathe a little harder the closer ur hand got to his clothed buldge. your head was also closer to his neck now, so you took that to your advantage and placed a little peck there. nothing too serious, but enough for him to fully grasp what you were trying to do.
his face started to turn a little red, as he makes a little cough to keep his composure as you start to palm him through his clothes. “oh so you want to act like a slut today huh?” he says under his breath making sure no one can hear. he puts a firm grasp on your wrist and looks at you with a glare as you give him a devious smirk in response. then his eyes shift and look at bruno to give him a signal.
you knew you were done for when he gave bruno that look. being that bruno was in the middle of speaking to everyone (who is barely paying attention at this point), he gives you a glare as he finishes his sentence. suddenly, to your surprise, he wraps up his lecture. you knew it was gonna be a long night if bruno ended a meeting early, so you pull away from abbacchio and try your best to put on your “good girl” attitude for the ride home. but you knew you were fucked no matter how hard you tried to hide what you just did.
at the house
when the whole gang got back to the house, everyone disbursed into their rooms to relax for the rest of the day. you made your way quickly to your room making sure to avoid eye contact with bruno or abba and get out of their *possible* reach.
making it successfully to your room, 10 mins pass, then 20 pass so you think your in the clear until you get a text on your phone from bruno
“come into my room princess.”
the first word tht came to mind was ‘shit!’ but then your realized… “ain’t this kinda what i wanted anyways?” so accepting your fate, you respond and make your way upstairs to bruno’s room.
when you get to the door, you knock and bruno greets you at the door. “ciao mia bella principessa”, he says. “hi baby!” you say nervous as hell with a slight tone of precaution in your voice.
“so what was going on in the café today?” he asks. still trying to be oblivious, you go ahead and say that you were tired, which isn’t entirely false, then say you were just “resting on abba’s shoulder” while looking up with puppy eyes at the 6’1 man in front of you.
“you wanna tell him what else you were doing?”
you jump at abba’s deep voice behind you, because you knew you got caught. but you finally got what you wanted. you sandwiched between your gorgeous 6’1 capo boyfriend and your hunk 6’2 ex-cop boyfriend.
“but i didn’t do anything!” you snap back in a bratty tone.
all the sudden, abbacchio closes the door behind you, leans his back against it and pulls your back into him with his hands on both sides of your hips. “so not only are you a whore, your a liar too is that right bella” he says as he presses his hard buldge into your ass. “if you didn’t do anything, why am i hard right now hmm?”
you immediately get turned on feeling him behind you. “i don’t know? maybe i’m just that irresistible that you get off on just the sight of me. something you’re to scared to admit baby” you say smiling back at him in a bratty tone but are immediately snatched of your talking rights when abba places a rough hand around your throat and forces you to face bruno.
“oh mia dolce bella ragazza, if you wanted to be fucked so bad you should’ve just said so. now we have to punish you principessa” bruno says while he walks towards you caging you in with abba still behind you. he lifts up your chin like he’s going to kiss you but goes right past and brings his lips to abbacchio’s. while you turn you head to watch the sultry scene before you, you massage bruno’s cock and continue to roll your hips on abba, all three of you letting out little moans.
as bruno pulls away, a string of saliva connects the two’s lips and they both give you a dangerous look. bruno saw the desperation in your eyes and pulled your mouth into his. as you two are sloppily making out, abbacchio releases his hand off your throat and pulls up your skirt to reveal your sopping wet, black, lace panties. a set both bruno and abba enjoyed seeing you get ruined in.
“already a mess for us after all that teasing huh? what if i just-“, and in one motion, abba moves your panties to the side and sticks two digits in, immediately rubbing your sweet spot from the inside while abusing your neck with marks.
you moaned into bruno’s mouth and he used that as access to push his tongue into your mouth as he brought his hands up your back to undo your terrible excuse for a shirt(those head scarf shirts that you tie in the back!).
“hmmmm” they both hum in unison at the sight of your bare breasts out. your nipples hardened by the cold air. bruno wastes no time in massaging them with both hands as he violates your mouth.
in your head you already learned your lesson. you’re already reaching your peak by bruno and abba stimulating everything at once mixed with the lewd noises of abba’s fingers moving in and out of your wet cunt, arousal dripping on the floor and down your leg already and the pretty moans escaping both of them.
abbacchio feels your walls pulsate, letting him know your about to cum then- “bruno, stop” abbacchio says.
you snap back, breathless and drunk off of your two boyfriends already. you cant even say anything but your needy eyes do all the talking.
“you look so beautiful like this princess-” bruno says taking a step back to admire you. “but dirty sluts like you don’t deserve to cum until we say so” abba says as he takes his fingers out of you and shoves them down your throat, ordering you to suck his fingers clean.
Bruno then proceeds to walk over to the edge of his bed, still standing up he motions for you and abba to meet him. “get on your knees baby” he says. and you obliged looking up at him as he pets your head.
“since our pretty girl is being disrespectful today i think we should ruin that little throat of theirs so they can’t talk back. what do you think abbacchio?” he says still keeping eye contact with you and he grazes his thumb over your supple bottom lip.
“i agree. i think our pretty little bitch needs a punishment” abba replies looking down at you.
soon enough, you hear the click of both their belts and see their pants and briefs drop to their ankles along with the rest of their suits coming off and then pushing everything to the other side of the room.
not only were their bodies toned like greek gods, both your men were PACKING. Bruno on the longer side while abbacchio on the girthy side. nonetheless they both knew how to ruin you in more ways than one. bruno applies more pressure to your bottom lip, forcing your mouth to open up for him. he spits in your mouth “fuck you’re so pretty mama. can you swallow for me?” you don’t even hesitate and down his saliva with the quickness.
“look at the pretty little slut doing what their told” abbacchio says with his hands tangled in your hair, forcing you to look up at him. abbacchio spits but this time not for your mouth, it’s to add some slick for bruno’s cock while he pumps his length.
that scene had your mind going beserk. all you wanted to do now was make your two men feel good.
with the hand that’s in your hair, abbacchio aligns your mouth with bruno’s pink tip. you open your mouth slightly to try and tease bruno a little, but abba continues to push until the entire shaft isn’t even visible, making you choke. tears leave your ducts and bruno let’s out a moan from the warm sensation of you wrapped around him. “fuuuuck baby you feel so good” he moans and you hum while his length is inside you, stimulating him.
bruno and abba are enamored by how pretty you look beneath them like this. you stay still for a while until abba starts to bob your head back and forth on bruno’s cock, the sight making abbacchio’s member stiffen up even more. “why don’t you put those pretty hands to work baby?” abbacchio says while bruno is lost in pleasure.
hearing your side conversation, bruno takes it upon himself to slick up abbacchio for you. after he spits on his cock, you bring your hand up to pump abbacchio’s member.
“you’re so needy pumping us both at once. letting us use you like a dirty fucking sex toy. huh bella,” abbacchio moans out. just you doing this much is enough for them to want to reward you for being such a good girl for them and taking your punishment so well.
bruno uses his free hands to pull abbacchio into another kiss. this one is even better than before. you get to see your boyfriends moaning into each other’s mouths with each sloppy kiss as you pleasure them.
there’s so many noises going on. the lewd noises of your mouth taking bruno in and the wet noises of abbacchio’s precum being spread all over him. to the high pitched moans coming from all three of you. any outsider would be touching themselves just from the beautiful sounds you all are making.
this sight lasts a few more moments until bruno feels his release starting to come on. he pulls away from the kiss with abba and has both hands on the back of your head. bobbing ur head up and down, fast, using your mouth like a flesh light. “princepessa i’m gonna fucking cum down that slutty throat of yours and you’re gonna swallow every last drop. alright baby” he says as he’s charging into you back and forth. all you could do is let out a “mmmmm” in response and soon you feel his hot release coat your throat after a few more strokes.
in the meantime, abbacchio takes in this sight by pumping his own length since bruno took you over. watching his gorgeous slut of a partner take his pretty boyfriend in like that was enough to send him over the edge as he touched himself.
bruno released his length from your mouth “such a good bella ragazza” he moaned as he rubbed his cock all over you lips. bruno then brought you up to take in the taste of him on your tongue and it was blissful. when he finished tasting you, he finally sat down on the edge of the bed, taking off your skirt and lace panties, and placed you in his lap so that you could face abbacchio while also pinning your hands behind your back.
“mmm baby you thought your punishment was over? it’s daddy’s turn to fuck that abused throat now” abbacchio coos.
“t-too m-much” you whine barely able to speak.
“aww pretty baby’s so dickmatized, that they’re too dumb to form a sentence.” abbacchio says with a smirk and bruno lets out a little chuckle. “but since you’ve been taking your punishment so well, we just might reward you principessa, bruno says while layering kisses on your neck and collar bone.
still pumping himself, abbacchio gets closer to you and inserts himself into your mouth making your throat go through round two. like bruno, abbacchio abused your throat thrusting in and out till tears sent your mascara running down your face. this time tho abbacchio had an idea. when he felt like he was close he took himself out.
bruno let’s go of your hands behind your back and widens your legs so your feet are planted on the bed and your glistening pussy is on display. he then grabs ahold of your waist.
“instead of cumming in your throat i wanna cum on that slutty little pussy of yours.” abbacchio states as he pumps himself. he then aligns his cock with your pussy and rubs his dick up and down your folds. making you squirm in bruno’s hands. the sensation of abba’s tip brushing against your clit. almost made you go brain dead at that point. your creamy juices coating his cock as he moves up and down, moaning with every movement, until finally abba’s thick white substance spurts everywhere. on your stomach, breasts, and most importantly your pretty pussy. the cumin that didn’t land on your heat, was wiped off with your free hand which you then brought to your mouth, and licked clean all while keeping eye contact.
“you’re gonna drive me insane baby. i think our pretty little bitch deserves to be rewarded now dont’cha think capo?” he says rubbing his cum in.
“oh they definitely get to cum now” bruno says in your ear. he then uses one hand to make circles around your throbbing cunt. “but before you do, you have to beg for it mama” he says
“c-capo p-please i-i need y-you b-both to fill m-me up” you say with desperation in your hoarse throat.
“goddamn, you’re so perfect baby even with a hoarse throat” bruno coos behind you.
lifting you up by your waist, bruno coats his dick in yours and abba’s juices by rubbing against your folds for lube, aligns himself with your back door and seats you back down on his lap. the beautiful noises you let out make bruno shower you in kisses while abbacchio comes up and aligns himself with your front entrance. another lewd moan escapes your lips as you feel both your boyfriends inside of you at the same time. stretching your tight holes out.
you don’t even know words anymore, you can only make sounds as bruno and abbacchio move in and out of you in unison, hitting every sweet spot you could’ve had in mind. the pain mixed with pleasure was just the thing you wanted since the beginning of the day.
loud moans from you and your men filling up the room as you three all feel each other at once. the slapping noises of your ass hitting bruno’s lap and abbacchio slamming into you at the same time.
“looks like one little thing’s missing some attention” abba notices how pretty and lonely your clit looks and starts to rub circles with his thumb. this only intensified the feeling for you. this whole thing started off as punishment and ended up with your men making you cum the hardest you ever had. your juices started to mix with theirs, creamy rings forming around the base of both of their cocks. that pit in your stomach was getting bigger and bigger.
grunts, groans, and moans filling the air making you reach your release. “c-cumming p-please” you attempt to say.
“cum on us beautiful while we fill up ur holes”
“that’s right baby. your little pussy is so perfect”
“cum b-baby. c’mon” they say back and forth until all three at the same time make loud noises that fill up the room. everyone riding out their highs with each other.
finally everything’s calmed down. heavy breathing from the three of you fills the room as you all snap back to reality. you all are sprawled out on top of each other. cuddling and kissing each other until you all finally fall asleep from being tired. all because of that meeting at that damn café.
tags: @darwh on deviantart
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neonscandal · 5 months
This ask about ships was a lot of fun to do so I figured I'd round it out with two more of my favorite ships: MatchaBlossom & SatoSugu. 👇🏾
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Explain this. Heterosexually.
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Joe and Kaoru is swift to bat him away but, in actuality, he eats up the attention.
Gets jealous the most - Kaoru, demonstrably, is always annoyed at the bitches, bros and non-binary hoes making heart eyes at Joe and hanging off his biceps. Joe might pretend not to notice but he, too, has a hawk eye for any attention shown toward Kaoru and is especially off kilter any time Adam is around or mentioned.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Cherry, quite begrudgingly, and with a slew of mean little nicknames much to Joe's dismay. Joe is absolutely handsy and needy when drunk but also incredibly heavy. So, even though Kaoru acts like he's in a huff about it, he's also a little delighted. Inversely, Kaoru trusts Carla to get him home after a night at the bar. Home, of course, being wherever Joe is (even if that's Sia La Luce during normal business hours) and always shows up out of the blue, unannounced and very demanding until he passes out. Joe tends to his every whim even if he knows Kaoru won't be awake by the time whatever complex dish he requested is finally ready.
Takes care of on sick days - Since Kaoru is usually too weak to be mean when he's sick, Joe revels in the opportunity to baby and tease him. When Joe's sick, it's a bit of a different story. Regimented medicine disbursal clocked by Carla and tailored to Joe's physical condition and, even if he's making a stink about the ordeal ("all those muscles and you still can't take care of yourself" 🙄), Kaoru's hiding a little smile.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Joe and he pays dearly for it.
Gives unprompted massages - Joe because Kaoru always gets princess treatment. Also, Kaoru would never want to give Joe a big head about his body so he only indulges if asked.
Drives/rides shotgun - For all his bluster, Joe is the passenger princess to Kaoru's anal retentive driving. He likes reclining, hands behind his head, open shirt fluttering against his skin with the windows down. He also loves hanging out of the passenger side when pulling up beside the kids skateboarding. Just really heavy golden retriever vibes.
Brings the other lunch at work - Joe would if he could but Kaoru makes excuses about him being too "undignified" for his place of work (he literally doesn't want any prying eyes on his handsome partner). Plus Kaoru makes it a point to drop into Sia La Luce on the daily, anyway.
Has the better parental relationship - Both. Kaoru is polite and successful and, even during his rebellious youth was still tactful and studious. Joe's parents are non-traditional and extremely supportive, they pushed him to go to Italy to study cuisine, after all. Kaoru is welcomed enthusiastically with open arms in the Nanjo homestead. Joe is similarly received but, since the Sakurayashiki's are a lot more reserved, their displays of acceptance are a lot more conservative. He subsequently feels like he has to walk on eggshells. Kaoru knows he doesn't have to but doesn't correct him since he finds the situation entertaining.
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Joe and it does not go well. Kaoru gets flustered at the mention and he spends a significant time in the dog house. After a much extended breather, Kaoru initiates it, still flustered, and, though Joe appreciates the effort, realizes he wasn't missing out on anything.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Kaoru. You cannot tell me someone that uptight is not incredibly embarrassing once alcohol is introduced into the equation. Kaoru gives very strong Yuuri Katsuki from "Yuri on Ice" vibes (if you know, you know).
Still cries watching Titanic - Kaoru and Joe takes the opportunity to cuddle and coo over him. Such comforts are not needed, of course, but Kaoru isn't going to correct him. It's a rare moment he lets himself be vulnerable so he laps up the softness.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Joe and Kaoru hates it. To the point where he makes serious efforts to thwart the execution. Not a perfect example, since Kaoru wouldn't be caught dead in this, but one year Joe would pitch something like Red Hot Chili Peppers so he could effectively be shirtless for Halloween and Kaoru shows up in a Chili Pepper 🌶️ costume. (RHCP are problematic so, sorry for the mention but I was spacing on another double entendre).
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Kaoru and quite smugly, might I add. But Joe doesn't have the same discerning tastes as Kaoru so he's none the wiser. He's just like "Wow, Kaoru, thanks for the shirt/cologne/shoes!" without realizing how expensive they are. Kaoru knows this but still loves seeing Joe in expensive things. It's his little secret.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Joe. Kaoru doesn't need forcing by any means but Joe's always going to be the one in the kitchen, it's one of his many love languages. Kaoru might deign to roll his eyes, even while eating the best thing he's ever had, but Joe knows he's done a good job when Cherry is quiet (which he always is) while eating. Though he puts on quite the show at Sia La Luce.
Remembers anniversaries - Kaoru but he waits for Joe to mention them. He'll never be caught being the more vulnerable or affectionate one but he is, undoubtedly, both. It's why Joe lays on the princess treatment so thick, he knows Kaoru wouldn't ask. Demand in some cases, sure, but when it really matters he wouldn't let himself.
Brings up having kids - Neither. Kaoru has such rich auntie vibes and they're both really happy with the riffraff they pick up along the way. Why change a good thing?
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Gives nose/forehead kisses - Gojo and usually just to be a little shit. It doesn't mean neither enjoy it but Gojo definitely punctuates it with a little "heh".
Gets jealous the most - Geto but barely. Gojo isn't completely oblivious to the attention he gets but he's so down bad for Geto it doesn't matter. He'll entertain the attention for convenience (like making a smooth exit from Riko's school without people asking questions) but otherwise goes on about his day. As such, Geto's jealousy is usually more of an annoyance. He's a good looking dude, fawn over him, too, monkeys!
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Gojo is an insufferable lightweight so, fortunately, he doesn't drink often. Instead, he's pontificating aloud the wonders of the world *ahem* Digimon *ahem* or the philosophies of ancient shogun era historical figures while Geto and Shoko are drinking like fish. Then he delivers all participating parties home safely. Note, I did not say drive. He is either abusing his authority with Ijichi to come get them or, provided they don't seem like they'll puke, abusing his teleportation technique. Either way, Shoko crashes with them, obviously.
Takes care of on sick days - Gojo is insufferable on the rare occasions he gets sick and Geto absolutely spoils him. Inversely, when Geto is sick, Gojo does the same but is just... totally clueless. Medicine? Why not candy! Chills? I will warm you up with my body! Both are idiots and refrain from seeking professional advice (reversed curse technique treatment or actual medical assistance from Shoko).
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Gojo. And Geto lets him. Gojo spent a long time not able to give into childish whims and Geto creates a safe space for him to be silly and over the top and petulant when needed. But he can only laugh at so many sea cucumber jokes (jk, the limit does not exist, he's just as bad a simp for Gojo).
Gives unprompted massages - Gojo. Gojo is so incredibly touchy feely though its all reserved for Geto. Before they were a thing, he wasn't even aware of how frequently he'd be draped over Geto's shoulders or leaning on him while engrossed in conversation. It should have been alarming to the Limitless user but Geto's space was always his and vice versa.
Drives/rides shotgun - Geto. Gojo cannot be trusted behind the wheel of a car. Some days, Geto wonders how Yaga trusts him with the future of jujutsu society (even though he knows Gojo takes the responsibility seriously... as seriously as he can).
Brings the other lunch at work - Geto. Gojo would be on an Elf diet of chocolate, puddings, parfaits and candy if Geto didn't. Gojo gives Geto candy every time he eats a curse, though, so it's kind of the same... It is not the same.
Has the better parental relationship - Neither. Gojo's parents didn't parent him and Geto's parents were obligatory but not affectionate. They both seek family elsewhere and were lucky to find it with one another (and Shoko, damnit!).
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Gojo but nothing sexy. Literally, mans spends so much time thinking about historical figures and Jump series' that its more of a "What if" situation that Geto rolls his eyes at everytime. It's not role play, it's more like supposing what kind of person X was in intimate environments that will just pop into Gojo's head as they themselves are engaging in something intimate. Geto knows, at that point, that the moment has turned into a conversation and just indulges in Gojo's outlandish hypotheses with a silly little smile.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Gojo. The man is unhinged and an incredible lightweight. It's larger than life limbs everywhere and he sings.
Still cries watching Titanic - Neither but it sparks a lot of surprising convos.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Gojo which Geto always indulges. The ideas don't even have to be good but, if Gojo lights up when he says it, he's locked in.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Gojo. Be so for real right now. Geto is always bashful about accepting. He has no concept of the cost just knows Gojo is absurdly rich and knows no limits when it comes to him so he imagines its an egregious amount. He is correct.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Gojo is not one to sleep much so, surprisingly, he's the one pressing Geto for breakfast. Nevermind that it's something decadently sweet but it's the fact that he wakes up to big, glowing blue eyes and waffles topped with ice cream and syrups Gojo waited in line for while he languished in bed. Nutrition aside, Geto follows up with a more balanced lunch for both of them (see above).
Remembers anniversaries - Geto. He's the romantic. It's not that Gojo doesn't remember or appreciate anniversaries. He's just got so many programs running in that head of his that he's always too early or too late. Geto keeps him grounded in time, for which he is grateful, and Gojo spoils him accordingly.
Brings up having kids - Neither. Haven't they kidnapped enough?
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lizajane2 · 1 year
I’m gonna pretend that I didn’t just read a post about how the Last of Us pushes the narrative of oppressing the LGBTQ+ community. Cause I’m gonna point out that Ellie is a lesbian. Their main fucking character loves women. And I’m also gonna point out that Bill is gay. Motherfucker spent his whole life in the closet up until he met Frank, they lived a full life together, those two bitches even got married. And same sex marriage wasn't even legal in 2003. and Bill didn’t see the need to live without the love of his life anymore. This show revolves around love, about having a purpose.
Also, Sarah’s death is senseless because she’s black in the show? That it pushes the agenda of sacrificing the black character for the white male lead? Okay, if we’re gonna add race into the mix then I'm gonna say this with my whole fucking chest that Pedro Pascal, who plays Joel, isn’t white. He’s not Caucasian. He was born in Chile. That man is Hispanic through and through. And Sarah dying would’ve happened regardless; wouldn't have mattered if she was white, Latina, Asian or lesbian, or fucking identified as non-binary. It would’ve happened. Sarah’s death reflects in every personal connection that is formed throughout Part One, which includes Joel and Ellie. Sam and Henry. Joel and Tommy. Tess and Joel. Bill and Frank. They all have one thing in common. Those connections give them a purpose to live, to survive. Because you bet your ass if Joel didn’t have Tess, Tommy or Ellie that man would’ve opted out years ago.
Henry and Sam dying had nothing to do with Joel and Ellie. Not a damn thing. The only thing that Joel gained from that whole situation was the realization that he does in fact fear losing Ellie. You can also see it when he's sniping Clicker's left and right to make sure she is safe. You can see it when Sam attacks her too. And Joel being the man that he's been for the last TWENTY-YEARS, before he ever met Henry and Sam, Joel is gonna protect Ellie. He's gonna make sure that NOTHING happens to Ellie so HE doesn't have to experience the pain of losing another CHILD. And this comes right back around to losing Sarah.
Henry shooting Sam and then turning the gun on himself, had more to do with their relationship, their bond. Henry didn't just lose a brother; he lost a son. And that was his first time killing someone ever. He couldn't handle the heartbreak, the remorse. He killed the one person that was his reason for living, for breathing and he didn't see a reason to go on. You lose that, what purpose do you have that world? "well, it wouldn't have happened if Joel and Ellie hadn't been there." You sure about that? It would've happened eventually. One of them would've gotten bit or died.
Now I’m not saying this shit doesn’t happen with other media cause I sure as shit agree with that. But tell me you don’t understand the actual narrative of The Last of Us without telling me you don’t understand.
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Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Dark humor again. Woooh.
⚠️ Also this post might contain triggering topics such as smoking, juuling and more. ⚠️
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #1
Agares: You know if cats slept for an entire day, people will find them adorable and cute. But if I do it "I have mental health issues" and "I need help"? Seems quite unfair.
Kerori: Agares Picero. You slept for three straight days with no eating, skipping three days of school, not even communicating with us. You gave Gaap a heart attack-
Agares: I suddenly lost my ability to hear shit.
Kerori: You bitc-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Purson: Okay what happened with Jazz-kun and Lied-kun because I heard screaming beforehand and then when I came into the room they were cuddling and sleeping with eachother.
Iruma: Oh, Jazz-kun found a JUUL in Lied-kun bag and got mad and then Lied-kun called him a hypocrite because he also smok-
Purson : To make a long story short..?
Iruma: They fought and then one of them cried then comforted eachother while joking about their trauma.
Purson: It was wholesome until you added the last detail. Why?-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #3
Agares: This cup of coffee represents my love for myself.
Gaap: Agares-dono...it's empty..
Agares: Exactly.
Kerori: Okay, who thought you dark humor? I- Wait ...*turns her head to Lied*
Lied: *sweating while pretending not to hear*
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #4
Iruma: Hey, Azz-kun do you think I look fat?
Asmodeus: ..Why?
Iruma: I'm sorry I just..
Asmodeus: No, why would people be so stupidly blind to not see your elusive beauty? Damn demon these days..
Iruma: * raises his eyebrows then quickly smiled*
Kerori: Imagine saying you're not depressed but your favourite song is "Look who's inside again."
Agares: Is this because I didn't follow your devi-account yet? I'm sorry that I don't like to follow akudols that I don't like.
Kerori: I hate you.
Agares: Glad the feelings mutual.
⭐Kerori and Agares is totally not inspired by my friendship with my friend irl. Nope definitely not.⭐
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #5
Kalego: Okay you brats,what the fuck do you do when you want to call for emotional support?
Misfit Class: Oh we're fine, how are you?
Kalego: No, just no. I'm literally gonna fucking kill your therapist at this point.
Dantelion who just went to annoy Kalego: ...
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #6
Lied: What the devi? Hey, Agares what are you doing in the middle of the nig-
Agares: Do you know that there is over in lover.
Lied: Uh-
Agares: and end in friend.
Lied: UH-
Agares: and good in goodbye.
Lied: Isn't that kind of dark- anyways please go to sleep it's one o' clock in the morning.
Agares: Says your gaming addiction.
Lied: Says your coffee addiction.
Agares: Says-
Claire's note:
Two hc I have showcase in this incorrect quote.
Uno, the Misfit Class sometimes sleepover at the royal one as a way of bonding.
Dos, Purson is a real bitch when he doesn't get any sleep.
My content is turning into dog-shit ain't it? Yeah, yeah it is. Btw I'm thinking of making a misfit class hamilton play in my fanfic. The demons starring the schuyler sisters.
Lied- Angelica
Iruma- Eliza
Agares- Peggy
Them three because them crossdressing is my literal sanity.
What do you think? My hand tells me no but my brain is telling me yes. I still don't know who should be hamilton though, I'm open to suggestions. Anyways I wish you a good day or night! See ya guys, gals and non-binary pals!
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