#Long time no update
vodkatales · 2 years
For old times sake is actually such a heartbreaking and beautiful sentiment. Like, let’s do it for the love that used to be here. It is reason enough.
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wordsfromwise · 7 months
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dreamidoodles · 7 months
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occasionally the voices win
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Hufflepuff: Have you slept yet?
Slytherin: What answer would you prefer?
Hufflepuff: The honest one
Slytherin: …no
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tiredbiostudent · 1 year
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proper winter !
listening to: girl from the north country by bob dylan (but the johnny cash duet version)
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lilariesmoon · 1 year
hi guys 🥺🩷
i’ve been MIA for the last few weeks because of a death in the family and now i’m recovering from a bad sickness but i’ll be catching up on DMs and everything soon, when i’m feeling up to it. i miss you all so much, luckily i use the queue to schedule posts but i’m exhausted both mentally and physically right now so things will take time to get back to whatever my new normal is.
i was honestly so scared to post again and check my messages today 🥺
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cherrybombyeom · 1 year
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Lee know?
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guettaes · 2 years
(Detroit evolution)-Reed900 / [ Nathan Wagner version - Innocence ]
on this video I have been doing it for 1 year now but it may be 2 years. it was very difficult for me to finally get what to put in it, the music was there at first, but the scenes were very slow for me to know what to put. and I've been stuck a lot of times. when I watched the fan movie reed900, I really loved really wanting to do video. hope you guys like the little video.
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Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Banana Fish (Anime & Manga) Relationships: Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji Summary:
Eiji blinked, to stop himself from staring at the boy's arms; strong arms. From the muscles of his back, and his taut stomach. From the fact that he didn't seem to be wearing swimming trunks. But flashing light caught his eye. It was like those water drops, but more concentrated. Less jewels, and more scales. It really was scales. The boy didn't have legs; instead there was a tail, pearlescent white with a streak of black rushing either side. Fins that looked as fragile as glass, twitching slightly, as if to dry themselves out. The boy watched him with those bright green eyes narrowed. The tail twitched, the end still in the water. "Ningyo." * A mermaid, Ash, has escaped a laboratory. He chooses Eiji to help keep him hidden. It leads to more than either of them ever bargained for.
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enyopoetry · 1 year
Hi! Remember me? (Formally BoopYourSnoot)
This account hasn't been used for so long, but I've missed this place and the small little community I built. How are we all?
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I've carried on writing the poetry I started on here all those years ago, and now I have enough for an entire book! How crazy!
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roma107 · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
I was tagged by the queen herself @sassydefendorflower
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Cold (part 2 of Warm)
Bets (a everybody love dick grayson fic)
Ace (yes the dog, a whole fic from his pov)
tired (the other version of Enough)
another blink of an eye (twenty-five is gone) chapter 3
Red (a companion piece to Warm and Cold)
Lian and "Dick's death"
Warrior (Dick and his swords skills)
tagging @bluegarners @dustorange @newbieineverything @theturboencabulator and anyone who would like to join. no pressure tho
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tea-jean · 2 years
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오랜만이에요 🌸✨🫶
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wordsfromwise · 7 months
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional
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today i heard a cat meowing outside my door and i opened up and saw a very lovely ginger kitty. i see her around often, but all the cats in my locality are so terrified of humans that even though i didn't even step out the door the cat saw me and instantly bolted. but she didn't make it very far before i meowed at her and she curiously meowed back and then we went on a meowing contest. i still didn't step out of the house so she cautiously came back and we started meowing at each other's faces. but then we heard some people approaching and she wisely ran away again and i, taking a cue from her, immediately shut my door (because as natural as it is to meow back at a cat, most people probably don't see it that way).
anyway the doorbell rang, for some reason the people who had interrupted my very pleasant conversation with the cat had the audacity to knock at *my* door. smh. (i was fully sure for 3 seconds they wanted to say something about the fact that they heard me meowing at a cat.) but then i opened the door to see a person fully dressed in what i can only assume was a mascot costume, i barely stopped myself from bursting out laughing. there was a young woman next to them. i decided to address her. i said 'hello', and she just stared at me, as if *i* was the one dressed tip to toe like an npc. i prompted her again, and then she very politely marketed whatever she and the mascot were there to market, and then she left.
most fascinating five minutes of my entire week.
(i later realised that the reason why the marketer was staring at me was probably bc my latest haircut makes me look gnc af, she probably couldn't figure out whether to address me as sir or ma'am lmao)
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housekinokun1 · 2 years
This account is gonna be inactive (but i will be back)
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audiomuse · 2 months
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