#Listening Ear
poetrybyonur · 1 year
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True intimacy isn’t physical. It’s not about bodies coming together. It is the copulation of the mind and heart. It’s about being understood.
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I feel like I've come so far in life since you knew me. Just this week I started my first placement working in a hospital- it's just two years until I can qualify as a doctor. It's a learning curve of course, but I'm enjoying it. It feels a lot more natural than I expected to be honest.
I can't shake this nagging feeling though. I keep feeling drawn to the chaplaincy and I don't know why. A lot might have changed since I knew you but I still don't believe in a God. I think I'm seeking what I found before at the university chaplaincy though- comfort, a place to feel at peace. I never knew why I felt that there after you died and I don't really know why I need it now. But it seems I do. Maybe it's all the extra time alone since I'm staying in hospital accommodation during the week. Maybe its the endless confronting of my own mortality, chronically through the pandemic and acutely as I now face new risks within it. I don't know. Maybe the endless admin fuck ups with funding that mean I have no mentor have left me wanting someone, anyone, to listen.
I might pay it a visit at some point, perhaps one evening when it's quiet. I don't know what I'd do there. Just sit and think I guess. Despite the pull, I still never feel quite right about going there given my atheism and upbringing that told me who I am would have me burn. You know how it is.
I want to visit you too, soon Josh. This hospital where I am is only a 20 minute drive from your grave site. I haven't been in over a year and maybe you could also lend a listening ear. Plus, I just don't want you thinking you've been forgotten. I'm a different person now, and in a different phase of my life but I will always, always carry you with me. Hopefully soon I'll find the time to pop by.
Love always,
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smiling-sakura · 1 year
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" Too often we underestimate the power of a touch , a smile , a kind word , a listening ear , an honest compliment , or the smallest act of caring , all of which have the potential to turn a life around . "
-Leo Buscaglia
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Not a professional but this seems like really attention seeking behavior from the friend
Especially the parts about "your therapist would be appalled at how bad I have it" or the "doctor didn't diagnose me even though I am a text book case"
I don't want to doubt anyone's experiences but in general people with ptsd would most likely never say these sentences especially when someone else is opening up about their trauma
Also the fact that she says she can relate because something similar happened to her grandma that happened to the op is a major Red flag. You cannot relate 100% if you yourself are not the person experiencing it. There are things that affect further but you can never say, you fully get what the victim is going through is you have not went through it
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NOT DEAD (I'm back)
While browsing my Google Drive, I discovered my old FanFiction folder with a lot of unfinished work. In order to facilitate my healing process and find myself, I'm going to begin working on my old projects and hopefully finish them. (In case you are curious about my absence or want an explanation, it is below.)
I have on my list: Inuyasha Fan Fictions: The Princess Bride - WIP Unlikely Partners - Started Story based on Psych - Concept & Outline Done Series based on Lucifer and Old Christian Religion - Started and 1st story mostly Completed
My CEO once told me to either marry the company or quit, so I married it. My exit from Tumblr is primarily due to the fact that I was living the Gaslight Gatekeep Girl Boss life without the fun or money. Working 14-16 hours a day, I didn't have time for my writing, friends, family, or my life.  In the end, I became nothing more than an empty shell carrying a BANG! while running on little or no sleep. I became my company. I was three BANGS! a day deep, having health issues, and lost a lot of weight. My life began to unravel, and then after a toxic fight with my boss a month ago, a story for another time, it was time to set boundaries and take back control. 
As a result, I have begun therapy in order to reclaim my life from a toxic work environment. Having no boundaries at work, and a lack of work-life balance has led to my decline. As a 29-year-old female, I was diagnosed with ADHD. I have experienced Anxiety and Depression for as long as I can remember, but the ADHD diagnosis could explain this. ADHD in women tends to bring its friends, anxiety, and depression. 
So for those of you who are female with depression and anxiety, please take a look at the new studies on ADHD in females, as they are very different than the ones in males, not that there isn’t overlap. While this isn’t the case with everyone it is certainly worth considering. 
Ultimately, I hope to re-establish myself and become a new, more magnificent, and improved me. I’ve slowly become an actual person, I’ve been reading again, seeing friends, playing games, and even raised a child for a short period of time. Baby steps towards recovery. 
Even though I'm merely a Tumblr user, I'm available to discuss anything mentioned above or anything else in general. I am here for anyone in pain that needs a friend, anyone going through a tough time, or someone that wants to talk about how Inuyasha/Cats/Goats/James Acaster/Neil Gaimen/Moths/Ducks/Otome is life. I am here for it all. You can always count on me to lend an ear, listen, or help if you need it. 
XOXO Crazy Princess Cat Lady
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Caring for a loved one facing a terminal illness is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging experiences. Families seeking support during this time turn to hospice care services in Las Vegas, Nevada, for compassionate care tailored to their unique needs. Hospice caregiving is about more than just medical assistance; it’s about providing holistic support to both the patient and their family.
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everydaymindsmatter · 3 months
Mental Health Awareness; Why it Matters More Than Ever
In the era of Covid-19, the topic of mental health has skyrocketed to the top of national discussions. We’ve collectively spent more time than ever before sequestered within our homes, quarantining to protect our physical health from a deadly virus. This drastic alteration in lifestyle and the permeating fear surrounding it has shaken up our lives, shining a brighter spotlight on the vital…
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whomanist · 6 months
my theory is neurodiverse people also have anti special interest a thing that they just can't record any information about and listening about it makes us almost physically ill like you want to be out of your body and out of existence
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poetrybyonur · 1 year
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Sometimes, that’s all they need. Not someone to shield them from the rain, but someone who will sit in the rain with them until the storm passes.
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sleepingvillage · 1 year
Cloud Rat - Listening Ear
Threshold by Cloud Rat
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Get it. 
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mt1820today · 1 year
Do you have a listening ear?
Photo by Enoch Patro on Pexels.com “When we hear God’s truth being spoken or even sung, are we willing to ask God the question “what must I do?” with an open heart and a listening ear? Psalm 25:14 says, “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him…” He whispers the glorious secrets of His kingdom to us when our hearts are postured to hear Him.” ErIc & Leslie Ludy
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nepalcamel · 1 year
"I believe that a good innkeeper is like a good friend - always ready with a listening ear and a word of advice when it's needed."
Richard the Innkeeper of Sandholt
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gurinpotte · 1 month
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Kataang brainrot! 💕🌙
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juusbox · 1 month
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if vivinos won't animate them happy, i will 🤧
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wiltkingart · 4 months
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babydarkstar · 3 months
they need to bring back those photoshoots that they did in the 90s of random dykes and dyke couples they found on the street. idc about glamorous celebrities i want the grimiest rudest hairiest lesbians they can find and i want to see u put them in front of a bluegrey backdrop and tell them to do whatever the fuck. and i want u to take their picture. ask them dumb questions make them laugh get footage of them showing u around the city or introducing u to their cat or something and then put it in a zine so i can absorb it. butchfemme//butchbutch//femmefemme//dykedyke rep is dismal in this digital age of unsexy nudity and hairlessness and im so sick of it im going to start yelling and throwing things
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