#Like he's dragging his feet and clawing at his face and doing weird angry shouts and he can't even verbalize the word sorry until like
honesttoglob · 3 months
Cesare, and the underworld by extension, believes Steve caused the Kellwasser event, a global extinction event, on purpose, and the set up a sytem of Watchers to monitor the planet for other trickster entities so no similar event ever happens again. They've been monitoring Steve under the Earth ever since (hence the line from DOWN "Chaos Gods Rise From The Deep", they believe Steve is a god of chaotic destruction), and make him Cesare's #1 priority when they sense that he's heading back up to the Earth's surface. Cesare genuinely believes Steve is an evil entity bent on wiping out life on the planet for a second time, which is why he doesn't pull his punches when trying to catch him. However, Cesare begins to doubt what he's held as truth for a thousand years when Steve shows a lack of knowledge/understanding of the fact that he's been under the ground for millions of years (if Steve was unconscious all that time, it could have seemed like only a moment that he was down there) and also calling into question whether or not Steve even remembers/intentionally caused the extinction event in the first place. If this is the case we'll just have to wait and see how Cesare reacts to finding out that he's been "living" a lie for the past thousand years. Him saying "Did you not know?" in response to Steve's confusion while in his jail cell makes me think he may possibly have a change of heart. I doubt the Underworld will take Steve's word at face value, obviously, but Cesare seemed convinced, or at least willing to be convinced, for a moment there.
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thearvariblues · 3 years
The Power of a Bard’s Love
Geralt opens the door and sneaks into their shared room in an inn, expecting Jaskier to be fast asleep. It’s the middle of the night, after all. To be honest, he desperately wants Jaskier to be fast asleep. He doesn’t have the energy to explain… certain things to him.
Which, of course, means that the second he closes the door, he hears the rustle of a blanket and sees Jaskier sit up in the darkness.
“Oh, thank fuck,” the bard mutters. “I was getting really afraid. Where the hell have you been so long? You said it was an easy contract!”
“I thought it would be,” Geralt sighs, letting his sword fall from his shoulder. “Wasn’t.”
“Damn. What happened?” Jaskier asks as Geralt starts undressing. “Are you injured?”
“No. Just…” Geralt bites his lower lip.
“Just what?” Jaskier says and Geralt can almost hear him frown. “Geralt. Talk.”
“Cursed,” Geralt murmurs.
“Excuse me? You know, some of us don’t have supernaturally good hearing, could you say it a little louder?”
“I’m cursed, damn you!” Geralt growls.
“Oh. I mean… Wait, what? How? What’s happening to you? How do we break it?”
“We don’t. It’s…” Geralt sits down on the bed and closes his eyes. His limbs feel heavy, so heavy that he doesn’t even know if he’ll ever be able to stand back up.
He feels Jaskier’s hand on the small of his back and relaxes into the touch.
“Talk to me, Geralt, please.”
“I have one year to find and kiss my one true love,” Geralt chuckles.
“Your… What? What if you don’t?”
The bard starts to remove his armor and Geralt sighs, glad that he doesn’t have to do it himself. He never thought he’d trust another person enough to let them undress him, and yet, here he is, melting into his friend’s familiar touch.
“I die,” he whispers after a while. “If I don’t find my true love, I die.”
“Mhm,” Jaskier hums. “You have any idea where she is?”
“She?” Geralt blinks.
“Yennefer, of course. Let’s face it, there is no way she isn’t your only one. She’s probably not gonna forgive you as easily as I did, I mean, after the whole mountain incident, but I suppose you could convince her to give you a single kiss, at least. A kiss can’t hurt, right?”
“You’re babbling, Jaskier.”
“Am I? I’m so sorry, but you just told me you’re about to die if we don’t find your angry ex as soon as possible–”
“In a year. We have time. Calm down. Please. You’re making me nervous.”
“I’m just trying to–”
“I know. But we can come up with a plan tomorrow. I don’t want to think about it today. I want to sleep.”
“Right,” Jaskier nodded. “But don’t you think you can run away from this like you run away from everything. You can’t.”
“Yes, Jaskier. I know.”
It takes them precisely two weeks and five days to find Yennefer. It’s actually Jaskier who finds her, and Geralt doesn’t have any idea how he did it. Even if the Witcher tried, he couldn’t find her so fast.
But here they were, standing at her doorstep in a town so small Geralt didn’t even bother to remember its name.
Jaskier takes the lead before Geralt can open his mouth, explains the whole situation to the momentarily stunned mage and basically ushers the two of them together into the bedroom before either of them manages to say a single word of protest.
“Hm,” Geralt hums as the key turns in the keyhole from the outside.
“Was this your idea? Or his?” Yennefer asks with a slight incline of her head towards the door.
“I know you’re not my true love,” Geralt shrugs.
“Why not stop him then?”
“I’d rather try stopping an avalanche,” he smirks and sits on the bed. “Besides, can’t hurt to try.”
“And you think that after everything you’ve done, I’m just gonna let you fuck me?” she asks, lifting an eyebrow.
“Jaskier thinks that all I need to do is apologize. Honestly, I think it’s bullshit, but…”
“Well,” she says and crosses her arms. “It can’t hurt to try.”
“It’s not that I don’t love you,” Geralt murmurs sleepily as they lay naked on the bed together. “I do. It’s just…”
“True love requires free will,” Yennefer nods. “And I think we’ll be much better off as friends who occasionally like to fuck.”
“Could you check? Just in case.”
She reaches out, touches his temple and shuts her eyes briefly.
“Cursed. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. To be honest, it’s nice to have a notice this long. Much better than to die in some monster’s claws during a hunt gone wrong.”
“You’re not planning on trying to find… the one?”
“No,” Geralt sighs. “Don’t tell Jaskier, though. I’ll tell him that it worked. That I’m saved.”
“Only to drop dead in a year’s time? You know I don’t particularly like the bard, but he doesn’t deserve this.”
“He won’t be with me when I… He won’t be with me.”
“It’s not fair, Geralt.”
“Yeah. Life isn’t exactly fair, Yen. I thought you knew.”
It seems to Geralt that time flies much faster now that he knows he only has limited amount of it. The curse thing happened in spring, and before Geralt knows, it’s nearly winter and he’s on his way to Kaer Morhen. He was tempted to invite Jaskier to spend the winter with him, but the bard would immediately know something was wrong – and that’s the last thing Geralt wants.
He arrives last, greets his brothers…
He’s not planning on telling them the truth, but things rarely go according to his plans. And so he blurts it out one evening and Lambert nearly chokes on his cheap vodka.
“You’re gonna what?!” he wheezes.
Geralt shrugs.
“What are you doing here, then?” Eskel frowns. “You should be searching for that… true love.”
“Searching?” Lambert snorts. “The fucker doesn’t need to search, he just needs to grow some balls and fuck his true love into oblivion!”
“It’s not Yennefer,” Geralt murmurs. “I’ve tried that.”
“No shit. We both know it’s that bard of yours.”
“It’s not,” Geralt says, taking the bottle of vodka from Lambert’s hand. “He doesn’t love me back. He never will.”
“Has he told you that?” Eskel asks.
“Didn’t need to. Witchers don’t get to love. And if we do, we are never loved back. It’s just how things are.”
“That’s utter bullshit, dear Geralt,” Lambert chuckles. “Aiden and I–”
“Who?” Geralt blinks. “Who the fuck is Aiden?”
“Oh,” Lambert mutters, stealing the bottle back. “Shit.”
“And of course it lifted the curse. Of fucking course!” Jaskier mumbles drunkenly, resting his chin on his hand.
The dark-haired woman sitting opposite him nods solemnly and orders more drinks.
“Weird,” she murmurs. “I could have sworn you were his true love.”
“Bollocks. Pure bollocks,” Jaskier sighs. “He’s mine, but I’m not his.”
“That’s not how this works, though.”
“And what do you know about true love, Valdo?”
“Enough to know… Thank you, dear,” she smiles at the barmaid and winks. Jaskier groans.
“Could you not flirt with every woman you meet?!”
“Better than you flirting with every person you meet, human or not.”
“True love, Valdo. Speak.”
“The thing is,” Valdo says, tilting her head, “that true love is recep… reco… Fuck. He must always love you back. Ergo, if the curse was lifted by him sleeping with the mage, he is not your true love. And if he is, then you are his, and then the curse wasn’t lifted.”
“Hmm,” Jaskier hums.
“Hmm? My dear, are you turning into that Witcher of yours?” Valdo laughs.
“No,” Jaskier sighs, downing his drink. “Ugh. Just thinking where the hell am I going to find another true love.”
“Oh, dear,” Val says and shakes her head. “Well, I know where I am going to find my true love for tonight. If you’ll excuse me…”
“Sure, sure!” Jaskier shouts when Valdo rises to her feet, not even waiting for his answer. “Please leave me. I love drinking alone! Oh, shit, what did I do to deserve such horrible friends…”
The winter without Jaskier seemed to drag on forever. Geralt missed his bard – missed him more than he would ever had thought.
That’s why, when the spring comes, he finds himself on his way to their usual meeting spot, even though during winter he promised himself time and time again that he wouldn’t, that he would just take some other route and never see his bard again.
He will, inevitably, die in a few weeks, he tells himself even as he passes the first houses of a tiny town where Jaskier is undoubtedly already waiting. He should just turn Roach around and leave. Spare Jaskier’s feelings. The bard will hate him for not coming, of course. But perhaps… Perhaps it won’t hurt as much when he hears about Geralt’s death, then.
And Geralt, of course, won’t have to explain to him why he lied about being cured.
The dilemma is solved within a few seconds when Geralt sees the bard himself running towards him at high speed, his lute case and his bag swinging on his shoulder, his hair ruffled and his doublet and chemise undone.
He beams when he sees Geralt, comes to a stop by his side and thrusts the bag and the lute case into the Witcher’s hand.
“Oh, Geralt, thank the gods,” he mutters, already scrambling up behind the Witcher. “We need to leave. Right now. Don’t ask any questions.”
Just then, Geralt sees several armed men heading towards them, shouting.
“Let me guess,” he chuckles. “The mayor’s daughter?”
“And his son,” Jaskier says, takes his bags back and wraps his arms around Geralt’s torso. “Nice to see you, by the way.”
“Hm,” Geralt smiles as he turns Roach around. “Nice to see you too, bard.”
It takes Geralt a few days, but in the end, he does tell Jaskier the truth. He does it because he finds the alternative – quietly sneaking away to die while the bard’s asleep – unbearable.
Jaskier… Doesn’t take it well. There is a lot of yelling involved. And a lot of swearing. Geralt doesn’t even try to keep count of how many times the word ‘idiot’ is used. It’s… well, a lot.
“How much time do we have left, then?” Jaskier asks when he finally calms down.
“Thirty-seven days,” Geralt sighs. “On the final day, I have until the sun sets.”
“Okay,” Jaskier nods. “I want to go to the coast.”
“The coast? But… why?”
“You don’t need to know. You owe me, Geralt. For all the lies. So we’re going.”
Geralt just nods. He knows Jaskier is right.
And if this is the very last thing the Witcher can do for him… then so be it.
Just as it did last year, the time flies when Geralt’s with Jaskier. The bard is mad at him, Geralt knows, but he never lets it show. He does his best to make Geralt’s final weeks as good as possible – and he succeeds. They travel together, laugh together, and, when they finally reach the coast, they even live together, in a tiny house Jaskier buys with all the money he earned during the winter.
It’s good. It’s great. And way, way too soon… it’s over.
Before the Witcher knows, his final day has arrived.
They are sitting on a cliff, side by side, and the sun is just beginning to set over the sea.
“Perhaps…” Jaskier whispers. “Perhaps you’re wrong. Perhaps the curse is already broken.”
“It isn’t,” Geralt mutters, staring at the sun. “I can feel it. It’s like… the sand in an hourglass. I can feel it running out.”
The sky is bright red. It would have been beautiful – if it didn’t herald the very last moments of the Witcher’s life.
“You’re just… so stupid,” Jaskier says, clearly frustrated. “You should have said something. We could have…”
“What? Fucked our way through all the brothels of the Continent in search of someone who would be willing to love me back?” Geralt smirks. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want that.”
“We could have tried!” Jaskier groans.
“I just wanted everything to be… normal. You. Me. The Path. Monsters. You singing in taverns. Running away from cuckolded husbands. And wives,” he chuckles. “I wanted to spend my last year with you.”
Jaskier sighs, tears his eyes away from the sunset and looks at Geralt instead.
“Are you scared?” he asks.
“Not scared,” Geralt says. “But I wish I had more time.”
“If it helps, I also wish you had more time.”
Geralt turns his head and his eyes meet Jaskier’s.
“I know,” he whispers.
“Why did you say no when I…” Jaskier takes a deep breath and his eyes flit to Geralt’s lips. “When I said we could go to the town and find you a whore you could fuck before you drop dead? Surely it would have been much more pleasant than sitting here with me and counting the seconds you have left.”
“I…” Geralt says, almost inaudibly. From the corner of his eyes, he sees the sun’s almost down. “I don’t want some random whore. I want you. Always you.”
He hears the words leave his mouth but he doesn’t regret what he said, even as he sees Jaskier’s eyes go wide and hears the bard’s breath hitch in his throat. He is already almost dead. He won’t have to deal with Jaskier’s inevitable rejection.
And then he feels Jaskier’s lips press against his in a passionate kiss. Geralt moans, wraps his arm around Jaskier’s waist and kisses him back, just as passionately.
His heart is beating faster than it has been in years, perhaps decades. He can feel his own hands trembling.
Oh, yes, he thinks as he is being lowered to the ground until his back touch the grass and Jaskier is all over him. This is it. This is how I want to die.
The moment stretches on and on, as if time itself decided to slow down so Geralt could truly enjoy the thing he’s been waiting for… well, since he met the bard all those years ago, probably.
But then Jaskier pulls away, way, way too soon, and he stares at Geralt with his eyes wide, breathing heavily, before he turns his head towards the horizon.
The very, very dark horizon.
“Geralt,” he whispers. “The sun is down.”
It takes a few seconds before Geralt fully registers his words.
The sun is down, there is no doubt about it. The sun is down. He is alive. The horrible feeling of sand in his hourglass running out is… gone.
The curse is lifted. He’s sure of it.
And there is only one explanation.
“Oh,” he says then. “Oh, fuck. Lambert will never let me hear the end of this.”
Jaskier buries his face in his shoulder and groans.
“Tell me about it. Valdo Marx is gonna write a play about us. And her plays are horrible, Geralt!”
“Fantastic,” says a woman’s voice behind them. “I can’t wait to see it.”
They both turn their heads towards the owner of the voice. A little magical light flares up, but neither of the men needs it. They’d know her anywhere.
“Yen,” Geralt murmurs. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, you were supposed to be dead already,” the mage smiles. “I came to give the bard some moral support. And help him bury your body.”
“That’s… nice?” Geralt frowns.
“I was going to dump your stupid ass into the sea,” she shrugs.
“Not very nice,” Jaskier remarks. “But I would have helped.”
“Hey!” Geralt frowns. “I’m right here, you know? Alive.”
Jaskier, who’s still lying on top of the Witcher, looks down into a pair of yellow eyes and smiles. “Don’t worry, love. I’m aware. But you lied to me about the curse being lifted. No nice funerals for naughty Witchers.”
“You’re telling me you wouldn’t have mourned?”
“I would have, of course. Right after kicking your lifeless body down from the cliff.”
“Oh, Jaskier,” Yennefer laughs. “I’m starting to like you more and more.”
“And I’m starting to like this whole situation less and less,” Geralt growls. “Yen, as you can see, I’m alive, Jaskier doesn’t need any moral support, so could you just, you know… Leave? Because I’ve got a bard to fuck.”
“If you think he’s going to let you be on top,” she smirks, already opening a portal, “I believe you will find that you are sorely mistaken.”
“Correct,” Jaskier giggles, pressing his lips against Geralt’s throat.
“See?” Yennefer smiles. “Enjoy your night, Geralt. And see you around. Both of you.”
“Wait! What do you mean–“ Geralt starts, but the portal is already closing behind the mage.
And when Geralt feels Jaskier’s teeth gently dig into the skin just above his collarbone, he can’t bring himself to care about anything else.
A red-haired Witcher is sitting on the wall of Kaer Morhen, staring at the snow-covered trail below him. He has been sitting like this for quite a few hours, much to the dismay of another Witcher – a slim, blond and extremely bored one.
“Lambs,” the blond sighs. “I hate to tell you, but I don’t think he’s coming.”
“Shut up, Aiden,” Lambert murmurs. “And don’t fucking call me Lambs.”
“Sorry, honey.”
Lambert only hums, which means he absolutely isn’t listening – ha hates being called honey even more than being called Lambs.
Aiden looks down at the courtyard and stays quiet. There are times when trying to talk to Lambert is useless – and this is one of them. All he needs to do is wait until the ginger starts talking himself.
Which he does, a little while later.
“If he’s alive, he’s coming,” he says quietly. “The snow came early this year, but I’m sure he’s gonna get here somehow.”
“Is that why Vesemir’s nowhere to be found and Eskel has been trying to drink himself into oblivion ever since the morning?”
“They don’t think he’s alive. I do,” Lambert shrugs.
“You heard what people say. A Witcher and a bard went to the coast and never came back.”
“Yeah, but nobody said one of them died there,” Lambert growls.
“That doesn’t make sense, love.”
“I know. But he’s my brother. I’m not trying to make sense, I just… hope.”
“Right. Of course,” Aiden nods. Lambert is still staring at the path towards Kaer Morhen, but nothing is moving there.
Aiden bites his lower lip, looks back at the courtyard… And blinks.
“Uhm… Lambs?” he says.
“What did I just say?!” Lambert growls.
“Lamby,” Aiden says, a little more urgently.
“Don’t even fucking think about it.”
“Melitele’s tits,” Aiden smirks. “Should I just call you Your Royal Majesty or something?”
“Lambert is enough, you know.”
“Fine. Lambert,” Aiden says, rolling his eyes.
“What?” Lambert asks.
“You said your brother had white hair, right?”
“Yeah. Something about mutations gone wrong.”
“And he had a mage and a bard?”
“A bard traveled with him and he slept with a mage, right.”
“Black clothes?”
“Why are you asking all those questions?”
Aiden shrugs, still looking down at the courtyard.
“And it seems that he really, really hates portals?” the blond grins.
Lambert’s eyes go wide as he moves closer to Aiden to take a look.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me…”
The first thing Geralt does when he stumbles through the portal is checking that he still owns two legs. Then two hands. One neck. One head.
He knows he probably wouldn’t be checking anything if he didn’t have a head, but that doesn’t stop him.
“You forgot your cock,” Jaskier’s highly amused voice says. “You see, I’m fine with you being one-legged, but cockless? Never.”
“Don’t worry, bard, I took extra care to bring his cock along,” Yennefer replies. “It would truly be a terrible shame to lose it.”
“You think you’re so amusing, don’t you?” Geralt sighs before he drops to his knees and kisses the ground. “But I’m safe. Thank Melitele, I’m fucking safe.”
“And they say I am dramatic,” Jaskier says. “And you should be thanking Yen, not Melitele.”
“Fuck off, bard!” Geralt growls.
“So grumpy,” Jaskier snorts. “It’s not my fault that the winter came a bit early this year, is it?”
Geralt raises his head to glower at his lover.
“And who felt the need to go to Oxenfurt and brag to Valdo Marx about getting his Witcher? And who then decided to stay for three weeks to see the first showing of her new play The Power of a Bard’s Love?”
“Come on, she managed to write and rehearse it in those three weeks, just for me!”
“It could have been two, if you hadn’t spent a week trying to cast a perfect Geralt.”
“It was Gerard, actually. And the actors she picked simply weren’t able to convey your brooding grumpiness. I had to step in!”
“I agree,” Yennefer smiles. “That Gerard was spot on.”
“I hate you. Both of you.”
“No, you don’t,” she winks. “All right, boys. I will be on my way. Enjoy the winter in a drafty old castle. Geralt, no excessive drinking. Jaskier, do try not to spread your legs for everyone here.”
“Can’t make any promises,” Jaskier shrugs.
“Take care of Roach,” Geralt grunts.
“Of course I will, you idiot,” she rolls her eyes, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll be seeing you in spring.”
Geralt hums as Jaskier steps closer, grins and presses his lips against the mage’s.
“I do hope you’ll stop by during the winter, too,” he murmurs. “We’re gonna miss you.”
“I’m sure you will,” she smiles and opens a portal. “Goodbye, boys.”
She steps in and the portal closes right behind her. Geralt sighs, wraps his arm around Jaskier’s waist a pulls the bard closer.
“Just the two of us, then,” he says. “Welcome to Kaer Morhen, bard. I hope the reality is even worse than you imagined. Please do remember that I told you to stay in Oxenfurt.”
“Without you? Never, love,” Jaskier says, pressing his lips against Geralt’s throat. “It would have been a terribly long winter.”
Just as Geralt is about to reply, they hear a yell from above them that is a perfectly equal mix between angry and delighted.
“You fucking piece of selkiemore shit! Don’t you dare move! I’m coming for you and I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
“That was my brother Lambert,” Geralt notes without even bothering to look up.
“I see,” Jaskier nods. “So it is going to be a long winter…”
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cinebration · 3 years
Written in DNA (Booker x Reader) [Part 9]
You embark on the mission for Quynh.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Epilogue
Tagged: @lucy-sky​, @city-of-weird​, @all-the-right-regrets, @alannister-always-pays-her-debts​
Warnings: brief violence
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Gif Source: boydswan
“You should stay here.”
Booker stared at you in disbelief. The anger radiating off you sickened him, his stomach clenching as you stormed across the pavement.
“No,” he said, trying to match your unforgiving stride. “I should go with you.”
“It’s better if I go alone.”
He managed to cut in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. “What does she want you to do?”
The muscle in your jaw jumped. “I have to eliminate a target.”
“I don’t ask the who. I just do.” You moved past him.
He grabbed your arm and was almost dragged away by you, your stride not once breaking. “Stop!”
“The sooner I get this done, the sooner you can reunite with your family.”
His chest constricted, but he stepped in front of you again, forcing you to stop. “I didn’t ask you to do this for me.”
“I told you I would do it.”
“You said you would meet with Quynh to fulfil my end of the bargain. You didn’t say you would do what she asked.”
Your face darkened. “I have no choice.”
“What does that mean?”
“Stay put. I’ll be back.”
“Stop it,” he snarled. The frustration in his voice surprised him. Why was he doing this? “I broke you out. All of this is my fault.” The moment the words left his mouth, he felt ill, guilt clawing through his guts.
“Don’t do that.”
He blinked, focused on you. Your frown matched his own, scoring deep lines in your face.
“I have to do this,” you whispered.
“Because she will turn me in and torture you for centuries if I don’t.”
Booker’s stomach plummeted. “She said that.”
“She means it. So I’m going to go do the job, and you’re going to stay here.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“Where are we going?”
For a moment, he glimpsed the predatory glint in your eyes, could almost see you weighing the options to keep him there by force. But then you relented, though you looked worse than before. “Germany.”
The drive from Paris to Munich passed in silence. Booker had never seen you brood before, though to him it looked akin to murderous intent. You sat motionless in the passenger seat, your face a hard mask, anger rolling off you palpably. He had felt rage, had experienced it firsthand and from others, but yours seemed magnified, like a beast you weren’t that keen on reining in. It permeated the enclosed space, agitating Booker. He fidgeted and struggled to find something to break it, but each time he opened his mouth, your eyes slid sideways, silencing him.
Shortly before Munich, you told him to pull off the road. He happily obliged, eager for a chance to stretch his legs. He had driven for the whole nine hours it had taken to reach the city, too hesitant to ask you to take over at the halfway mark when fatigue had begun setting in.
You unfolded yourself from the seat, stepped out of the car. Booker did the same, watching you warily. Yanking open the trunk of the sedan, you hauled out a duffel bag, unzipped it. Pulling out a change of black clothes, you turned away from Booker and started to strip.
Booker pivoted sharply, trying not to look at you—but not before he glimpsed the curve of your spine as the shirt came off over your head. Shaking his head, he focused on the ground beneath his feet, fighting the strange feeling in his chest.
Anxiety, he told himself. Nerves before battle.
“Are you going to tell me the plan?” he asked.
“You are my backup. That means you watch my back but don’t make a move unless I tell you to.”
Booker frowned. “I don’t need to be benched.”
“Really? Because you’ve got the withdrawal shivers, and I don’t know how you’ll hold a gun.”
Heat flooded his face. His hands had begun to shake during the drive, some twenty-four hours after the last time he had had a drink. He thought he had hid them well, but of course you had noticed.
“I’m fine,” he lied.
You tapped him on the shoulder. He twitched in surprise but turned to find you fully dressed in black, a holster slung over your shoulders. You had two guns, the one beneath your arm and another strapped to your thigh. A tactical knife was strapped to your other thigh. Everything was black—black steel, matte paint. Nothing that could reflect light and give you away.
You pressed a Glock into his hands. “You’ve only got the one mag in it. Stay behind unless I say otherwise.”
He didn’t like it, the cold edge to your voice, the flat expression on your face. Like you had become something else, a machine. Only your eyes were alight with that predatory look that sent shivers through him.
“Let’s go.”
He followed you across the field and into the woods. The shade provided welcome relief from the sun. Sweat poured down Booker in rivulets. He tried to ignore what that meant, what the itching of his skin was saying.
You can drink after, he thought. Focus.
You walked for half an hour before coming to a stop at the edge of the trees, crouching low beside some shrubbery. Booker dropped down behind you, peering over your shoulder at the hut huddled low against the base of a small hill. A shiny compact SUV peeked around one corner of the hut.
“There are up to four in there,” you informed him. “Follow me to the hut but hang back while I breach.”
You hurried across the field before he could answer, slicing through the grass like a lioness on the prowl.
Booker scrambled after you.
Before he reached the hut, you were already breaching, kicking the door off its hinges and into the room. Shouts rose up inside, bullets flying. Booker rolled inside, disregarding your order, popped up onto his feet and aimed.
Right into Joe’s face.
Joe met his gaze, stared in disbelief. “Booker?”
“Stop!” Booker’s voice tore from him in a ragged cry. “STOP! They’re my family!”
You froze, your knife buried in Nicky’s chest, a gun trained on an angry Andy. They all looked at him, bewildered.
“They’re my family,” Booker repeated, distraught.
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caprina-mints · 4 years
Could we maybe get a scenario where EJ is in heat and doing the dirty with his s/o if that’s fine ówò
So This Became a Oneshot Because I accidentally made it a bit too Long! But I Hope everyone Enjoys This Though! : )
Type : SMUT
Word Count : 4208
As Usual it's like any other Day at the Mansion being part of this bizarre family is really one heck of a ride. You never know what could happen like anything could happen. Anything.
You're fresh meat. You just joined the family two months ago and getting used to everyone and their behavior was a real pain in the ass.
But surprisingly you clicked well with Toby and E.J the two both have a unique and striking personality but the one that intrigued you the most was Jack.
He gives off a cold and mysterious vibe and you just can't help but to have your curious eyes gleaming at him. You two got along well and he told you a little bit of everything when it came to the human anatomy.
He's a bit over protective of you maybe it's because he sees you as a trusted friend? Well during those 2 months You and Him became a little Mushy together and a week earlier he has been acting extremely weird.
Like, He'd growl if another male creep came near you or even talked to you. He's around you all the time and the only place you're actually alone is your bedroom.
He kept tugging and nudging you just to get his attention and whenever you give him any form of physical touch he'd purr and lean onto you .
He's become very clingy and from the looks of it. It wasn't good judging from the looks the creeps were giving you.
They knew something You don't. Today you were sent on a Job which is unusual because you never get sent out alone but you are now.
Fortunately the Job was easier than expected so you went back to the mansion early.
You barely even touched the door and a Body was sent flying out knocking you along with it.
Groaning you sat back to see who it was and it was none other than the resident smile kid, Jeff.
" What the fuck? " You groaned standing up and brushing your clothes off of the remaining dirt.
" Y/n!... You're fucking back!? " Jeff sounded nervous and bothered seeing you and his expression and tone made it so obvious it offended you.
" Yeah? What's wrong with it? You think I'd never come back because of a tiny Job? " You threw a sharp glare his way and he didn't seem to give a reaction to your attempt on intimidating him .
" You gotta go. Now! ASAP! " Jeff tried shoving you back into the forest and you were dragged on the way.
" Hey! Let me go! What gives!? " You grumbled trying to pry his hand away from your wrist.
But your action was cut short when you heard a loud Yell which sounded more like an animalistic Growl come from inside the mansion.
" What the fuck? What's going on Jeff?! " You asked in panic and at the corner of your eye you could see Jeff Visibly Swallow.
It was definitely serious.
" Did you guys summon a Demon or something!? To get revenge on slenderman? " You jumped to your own assumptions because if he isn't giving you an answer you're going to make your own assumptions .
" No why on earth would we do that? Ok I would! But our Demon Boy is Going In Heat which means He's basically A Cageless Feral Beast on the Loose! " Jeff explained as he continued to drag you deeper into the forest but his pace had increasing by every passing second.
" What does it have to do with me!? " You yelled looking back at the doors of the mansion which were now pounding violently.
" Are you Dumb? Isn't it obvious? He's a demon. He's in heat. If Demons are in Heat they look for a Mate to Fuck and You're unfortunate enough to Have E.J see you as a potential Mate " Jeff explained and you were actually quite shocked by his statement... That's the most well executed Explanation you heard him say.
" Wow.. You sounded kinda uh... Less stupid when you said that " You commented which earned a groan of annoyance from the bleached Smile Child.
You two didn't manage to get far when the doors burst open and you could see. A Black figure heading your way at full speed and following behind that figure were Masky, hoodie, Toby, Ben , Helen and Even Puppeteer Seemed to be involved with the chase.
" Run! They couldn't Hold Him much Longer! " Ben yelled coming out from the mansion and Immediately You Bolted off with Jeff at Full speed never looking back.
You were actually terrified ... 1. if you stay You get Fucked By E.J who you have a hidden feeling for which is... Uh.. Kinda Great? But... 2. I heard Demons Eat their Partners After Sex and you definitely don't want to end up dead. It must be a fact because the one who told you about that was a demon... Jack himself.
" Mate! " You heard a rough growl from behind you his voice Echoing through the woods and when you looked back to take a peek boy were you scared shitless.
He was running on all fours his mask off and his teeth razor sharp, his claws extended and looked extra deadly and he has this domineering aura with him that made every cell of your body shout RUN. Behind him were the rest of the Boys Following Behind and even Puppeteer's strings couldn't hold him.
" Shit He's Catching up! " Jeff yelled and you couldn't help but give off a snarky comment.
" Ya Think!? " You snapped , Your feet were getting tired from running because you just got back from a fucking Mission. You didn't expect to be served a full course of Bullshit when you got back.
" Y/n! " Oh Lord the way he growled out your name made your knees weak and you stumbled on a rock but lucky for you Jeff wasn't being a prick and he pulled your weight back up while running .
" Don't Touch Her! " E.J's threatening Snarl was heard from behind and his Voice changed to something more vicious and ruthless.
" Jack! Stop Chasing Us! " You Cried out because your legs couldn't Take it Anymore, You were panting, sweaty and most of all Traumatized.
You once lived as a normal human who knows nothing about Demons and This World of killers. You were just dragged in unexpectedly and you can't take everything in one go! .
" Then Stop Fucking running from me! " You didn't expect him to reply and you felt relief wash over you.
" So you'll stop chasing us if we stop running? You'll Leave us alone? " You asked making sure you and him are on the same page.
You heard a loud audible growl before you heard his answer.
" Yes " It sounded forced judging by his tone and you were skeptical at first but Jeff had other plans and saw right through His.
" Don't listen to Him! I've lived with Him longer and obviously He's Lying! " Jeff stated and his words made the angry demon boy growl at Jeff, as if he was warning Him.
" Jeff. Don't Fucking Test Me! " He barked and that was enough to silence both of us.
" I can't take it anymore. Jeff even though you're an asshole you're gonna have to live on " You panted and Jeff Flashed you a questioning Look. You didn't bother to reply because it's time to face your fears.
You stopped on your tracks as you turned around Closing your eyes expecting the worst .
You felt sharp claws tug on your hips and your back was slammed on a nearby tree.
You heard growling , the type of growl a prey gives to a little bunny... Yeah it was that scary.
You forced your eyes to peek a look and you saw E.J's figure towering over yours baring his sharp teeth and his claws dug deeper on your flesh making you whimper.
" Why'd you run!? Especially with another man! You like others touching you Huh!?" He spat out angrily his face dangerously close to yours. He was using the same tone earlier and it made you weak.
" Why'd you chase us!? Of course it's a common instinct to run if you see something chasing you... Ready to eat you" You murmured the last part but E.J heard it loud and clear.
" I just wanted to be close to You But you ran away... You don't want to be with me that much? " He whimpered almost like a small dog who was abandoned by his owner.
He nuzzled his face on the crook of your neck your sweet smell intoxicating him but he knew he had to control himself.
His claws were no longer as sharp as they were before and you could hear him purring while rubbing himself on your form.
" Guilt Tripping me is a really old move E.J " You chuckled trying to pry him off you but he whined holding onto you even tighter.
Oh what the hell I'm going with it.
You placed your hand gently on his head petting his locks of brown hair, he started purring and leaned on your touch his hands going lower but the two of you were interrupted.
" Y/n! Get away from Him! " You heard the familiar voice of Jeff and this time Masky, hoodie and the rest were here.
You didn't get to react because Jack pulled you in his arms growling at the other males. Baring his teeth and almost hissing at them Jack took a few steps back with you.
" Stick your noses to your own fucking business! "
" Jack! She may be a potential mate but we can't have you fucking someone in the mansion just because of your heat. You may not even feel anything for-"
" She is MY mate, she is Mine to Keep and Mine to Love. I don't need your opinion to tell me what to Do! She'll be mine forever and I'll stay true to my words now fuck off! " Jack Snarled glaring at everyone else . The boys seemed to be communicating in a telepathic way because they just exchanged a few looks to one another before finally leaving.
" Y/n...last call if you don't want to just say so we'll help you" Hoodie called out and when you gave the slightest reaction to his question Jack Started whining and whimpering almost like he was physically hurt.
" Uh... I'll be Fine " You answered and Hoodie nodded walking off.
" So- Ah! " You squealed when you were thrown over his shoulder.
" Jack! Wait where are we going? " You asked when he started walking the opposite direction of where hoodie and the rest were heading.
".... I have a cottage around here whenever I'm having my heat... " He answered in a hushed tone .
You looked back at his features and you noticed how he kept realising puffs of breaths, His Face was oddly a different shade that usual and his hands were really fidgety.
" Jack if I'm heavy you can put me dow-"
" And let you run away again? you're not doing that you little Brat. Running away like that with another man. Oh you like teasing me don't you? " His tone was deep and taunting and you could feel his hand crawling its way up your ass.
You felt him squeeze your butt cheek making you gasp and groan when he smacked your ass.
" Jack stop! " You grumbled bit he didn't take that lightly.
" Oh? Resisting me too? " His hand trailed lower down to your pussy rubbing your pussy through the thin fabric of your leggings.
You bit back a moan closing your eyes , he didn't like it and started rubbing you at a rougher pace.
He didn't stop while maneuvering his way through the thick forest and by the time you two arrived at a small cottage you were soaked.
You survived that part by swallowing your voice and it seemed to have thrilled him even more taking it as a challenge.
Opening the door he closed it using his feet and immediately threw you on the couch were he towered over you glaring down at your form.
" Holding back your moans I see? You'll be screaming before you know it " He muttered his large hands gripping onto the fabric of your shirt and with ease he tore your shirt to shreds leaving you in your bra and the only piece of clothing you had now were your leggings.
Your heartbeat began to increase as you scooted away from him . He noticed that and grabbed your foot pulling you over in between his legs both of your legs spread and set on each of his sides and you could clearly feel his hardened cock from your position.
" Oops to Late to run away Now" He grinned using his claws to tear the fabric of your bra and before you knew it he attacked your lips in a hungry Kiss his hands groping your boobs, squeezing and pinching your nipples making you moan in the kiss.
He bit down on your lower lip just enough to tear the skin drawing out a small amount of blood before continuing down to your neck and collar bone his sharp teeth pricking your skin feeling him suck, kiss and nip your neck, your shoulder and collarbone.
You tried pushing him off but he had your hands under his grisly grip before licking and taking your cold buds in his warm mouth his tongue playing and swirling around your breast giving a subtle bite before sucking on your breast each Mounds having the same amount of attention and pleasure.
You arched your back moaning slowly giving into the pleasure he released your hands before shoving two of his fingers inside your mouth . You got the hint and welcomed his fingers inside your mouth sucking and coating his fingers with your saliva while continuing his unfinished worked with your breast.
After awhile he pulled his fingers away and faster than you could say 'I' your leggings along with your soaked panties were ripped and thrown to the floor gasping when the cold air hit your glistening pussy and the very same fingers you sucked on earlier came rubbing on your clit earning a loud shaky moan to tear away from your throat.
He looked so smug seeing how wet you were and he didn't waste another second and placed both of your legs on his shoulders his face dangerously close to your heated flower .
" J-jack Wa- Ahh~" You couldn't stop him when his long Black tongue came lapping on your juices.
His tongue draped over your pussy in a slow and agonizing way making you whine and glare up at him with heavy lidded eyes.
He chuckled at your needy state before his teeth came in contact with your inner thighs biting down on your flesh making you flinch and squeak.
He left a noticeable bite mark on your inner thighs before his teeth grazed on your other thigh doing the same thing while your slick covered pussy was needy for his attention.
" Jack please " You whined biting your bottom lip and hearing you plead for him to give you more aroused him further.
His tongue sneakily slid past your folds and into your squelching pussy , your moans shaky and desperate your hands flailed around to find something to hold on and subconsciously you held onto his brown messy locks raking your fingers through his hair as his tongue went in and out of your fleshy walls and your walls wet and needy welcomed him desperately sucking his tongue in.
You could feel him so deep inside of you it made you squirm and cry out his name in pleasure.
How long is his tongue!?.
Your hips bucked and rocked while he ate you out his tongue playing freely inside you but that was when another tongue rolled out of his mouth and another one.
" Oh shit Jack! " You screamed when he inserted another one while the shorter one lapped on your clit and teased your folds.
Your core lit up when both of his tongues came wiggling inside your walls only making your walls clench tightly around his tongues and when a bubbly and hot sensation built up inside you and was ready to release he pulled back his chin and mouth covered by your juices and slowly dropped down on his chest. He stared at you with a lascivious grin when you grumbles and whine for him to finish what he started.
" You were resisting and running away from me earlier... Look at you now... So wet and Needy for me... What do you want mate? " He purred as he pulled down his pants along with his boxers revealing his thick veiny cock which was bigger than you expected.
How's that supposed to fit?
As if he read your expression he gave you an answer.
" Oh it's gonna fit. I'll make sure you're taking every inch of me for making me go through all that trouble chasing you around like a mad Dog" He growled his figure growing bigger , his ears began to grow longer as well as his claws . Now you know that this is the demon Jack had been hiding.
" Answer me! " He spat at you his hand snaking to your throat slightly choking you and damn hell it sure did turn you on.
" Your Cock... Fuck me till I can't walk anymore " You choked out and that was enough for him to ram his whole length in not even going gentle at first. He didn't give you time to adjust because technically this isn't Jack anymore. He slid inside easily because of how wet you were to begin with .
" Oh- Shit Jack! " You couldn't even finish your sentence because you were choked up in your own moans.
He was going so fast, You felt his Knot and the very shape of his Cock mold inside your pussy. He hit the deepest part of you with every fast and rough thrust.
His speed was in human and it felt so good you almost forgot how to breathe being choked up and at the same time being a moaning mess from his roughness.
You heard his gruff groans and pants not even holding back a loud snarl he placed both of his hand right next to your head trying to steady himself as he pounded is inside you mercilessly and everytime he pumped himself in, your walls would gladly squeeze the life out of him.
An animalistic growl escaped his lips as he gritted his teeth, his claws digging and ripping into the cushion of the furniture and you heard something crack. Was it the couch or the wooden floor.
Tears began to pool at the corner of your eyes holding onto his neck for dear life your legs tightly wrapped around his torso , you couldn't keep up with how rough he is you began to feel dizzy.
Every time he snapped his back and rammed himself in he could reach the deepest depths he could .
Your toes curled arching your back while moaning in pleasure as you reached your high releasing your juices all over his cock. Your walls dangerously clenching his cock which led him to bite down on your shoulder finally releasing his thick seeds deep inside of you.
Panting while staying on that position he pulled himself out of your cum filled pussy that leaked out his seeds.
He sat back on the couch panting before his hand came down on his cock jerking himself while staring at you.
It didn't take him 5 seconds and he was already rock hard.
Oh wow.
He yanked you by your arm and you sunk down on your knees infront of him with his cock standing hard with all its glory.
This time he guided your hand on his shaft letting you stroke him.
Did he really think you're that innocent? Hah. Just watch.
At first your movements were shy and timid and you stuck your tongue out a little to give his tip a few kitten licks.
Looking down at you he saw such an adorable expression in your face. He didn't expect you to directly take his whole cock in your mouth in one go unexpectedly.
He was completely caught of guard his clawed hand pulled on your hair and a loud breathy moan was forced out of his throat staring at you with wide eyes.
" Fuck " He groaned out when you started bobbing your head up and down while occasionally pulling away with a pop before trailing your tongue from his base up to his tip.
The sight of you was really something he'd kill to see. Kneeling right there with an Innocent face while taking his cock like that. Shit he found it extremely hard to control himself around you.
It didn't help when you took him whole once again your hands going down to massage his balls while increasing your speed.
You were so pretty and so good with your tongue. He just had to have you right now and that's exactly what he did.
He stood up shoving your head down on the couch befire you felt him his cock enter you again .
Gasping in surprise you felt his clawed had dig into the skin of your hips and your pussy took him in so tight and so well it made the both of you moan in sync.
Shit how the fuck are you still this tight after he literally wrecked you earlier? .
He didn't much for awhile and it irritated you. You wanted him to fuck you already. You raised your hips but his grip on your flesh made it hard to do so.
" Fucking Move! " You groaned clutching onto the cushion of the couch.
" I'm fucking working on it you impatient little Mate" He pulled back only to push himself back in again.
It made you moan and shudder your knees shaking and your hands trembling as you held onto the seat of the couch when he started ramming himself in again and again .
Your pussy swallowing his cock deep inside you every time he did so. You sucked him inside your walls so well he was so close to releasing again.
You cried out and loud pants and mewls filled the room because you were still so fucking sensitive and you were still being fucked by him at such an animalistic way.
You felt his weight in your hips and he started going even faster. You were practically drooling while moaning out his name.
Your mind felt so mushy and you were slowly seeing stars.
You started moving your hips to meet his thrusts and every time you did he kept hitting that one spot that could make you scream .
You cursed under your breath and felt your walls hugging his cock even tighter. He looked down on you seeing you at such a vulnerable state under his mercy was really something. A growl rumbling at the back of his throat. You were squeezing onto his cock like you were ready to milk him dry.
His thrusts became shallow but soon he sped up almost immediately catching his breath while you made a lot more sinful sounds underneath him.
After a few more thrusts the two of you came at the same time your cum mixed with his and you could feel it leaking out of your hole because of how much was inside. Panting while trying to keep yourself from fainting he stayed at that position for awhile before leaning down to trail soft kisses on your bare back.
" ... after my heat you are obligated to Date me. If you say otherwise... I have my ways to get you around-"
" Oh my God Jack I love you too ok? No need to go that far " You grumbled and from you position you heard his chuckle and another kiss was planted on your back.
" I'm glad you do Y/n "
" Oh and... You're not gonna eat me right? " You asked cautiously and he was quiet for a few seconds before he burst out laughing.
" You seriously believed what I said? I was just Joking Little Mate "
" Tsk... Fuck you Jack "
" Oh I see that you're ready for another round"
By the Time you two were finally done you were cum soaked and sticky, the two of you hopped in the shower but it led to something more again.
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gallickingun · 4 years
YOUR BAKU IS PERFECT!!! may I pls have more??? 🥺👉👈
a/n: AW THANK YOU! i had to start easy bc he scares me lol. well not him so much as writing him correctly! 
warnings: swearing, blood, lil tension; everyone 18+ even if there’s nothing going on. 
ps, wow, this took a turn. 18+ for a reason now lol aka spicy but tolerable
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“Outta my way, Deku!”
“Eat shit, IcyHot!”
“Fuck off, Weird Hair!”
“You know you can talk to your friends without insulting them, right?”
“Shut up,” Bakugo grumbles, dusting the ash off of his uniform.
“Yo!” Kirishima shouts as he trots over to where the two of you are, loitering over what remains of the training bots. He tilts his head, his face guard outlining his features, “Anyone ever notice that Bakugo never calls her anything mean?”
You scoff, “Oh take it as a compliment. Just means that he cares so little about me that he hasn’t thought of a crappy one-liner for me yet.”
“Hey!” Bakugo’s eyes widen, brows raising to form creases on his forehead. He’s growling now and you wonder how far you can push him, “You’re mean to people you like, I’ve figured you out, Baku’.”
He’s gritting his teeth and his jaw is quivering but you can’t help the giggle that parts your lips. The sound only seems to spur him on in his bout of fury, “You take that back, you raging little bitch!”
“There he is,” Kirishima groans, slapping his palm to his face. He sighs and shakes his head, reaching forward to grab Bakugo around the arms, dragging him towards the locker room. 
Pissing Bakugo off had to be the best part of training.
You made it your point to say the last thing to frustrate him; it’s entertaining. And you know he’ll never hurt you, not for real. No matter how far he pushes his limits, he hasn’t ever actually harmed his friends beyond repair.
“Same time tomorrow?” you salute the hothead as he’s roughly yanked to the lockers.
“What did you say?!” He’s screaming from across the yard, his hands ferociously animating in midair. He raises a fist to you before flipping you off with both hands, “You’re lucky Weird Hair is here, or else I’d totally come beat your ass!”
You chuckle as you turn to go to your own set of locker rooms, a hot shower calling your name. There isn’t enough energy remaining in your body to send him another taunt or insult. You also know when is enough with Bakugo - you don’t want to have to have a full fledged one-on-one with him unless you have to. You’d never admit it, but he might overpower your quirk if he were angry enough.
It seems to become a thing then, because now you can’t stop paying attention to the way that Bakugo says your name instead of calling you some rejected insult. Even though he’s moved into an apartment with Kirishima, and he and Midoriya spar on the regular, he still keeps the same nicknames he gave them in high school. 
You allow the tiniest of thoughts to wonder if maybe Bakugo just thinks highly enough of you to allow you to have your given name instead of giving you one himself.
The next time you bring it up, you’re pinning him down with your forearm on his throat, hips pressing harshly to him. You’re enlisted in the same agency, have been for about three years now, and you’re both working your way up the charts and the pay rates.
“Why don’t I get a cute nickname, Katsuki?” you tilt your head in genuine confusion.
He’s growling and before you know it, you feel a stinging explosion set off against your thigh and you’re rolling over. He takes advantage of the moment and pins you right back. Your head bobs against the training mat but the rest of your body is rendered immobile. His shins are on yours, successfully pinning your legs down as his hands make quick work of your upper body.
“Why does it fuckin’ matter?” Bakugo grits his teeth and narrows his eyes down at you, unsure as to what you’re getting at. His forearm is cutting off your breathing and he knows it, pushing into your esophagus as he repeats the question, only harsher this time.
You try to move your hand, signaling your surrender before you pass out.
Once he realizes, he’s leaning off of you, watching as you sputter and cough. You even thing you hear him mutter some sort of an apology as you work through your fit.
“I guess it doesn’t,” you manage, voice hoarse. “I’m just curious, since Kirishima said something.”
Bakugo rolls his eyes, resting his palms on the top of his thighs, “He’s talking out of his ass, is all.”
You find your hands are on his knees, casual as if this were normal. You chew on your lip and he gets impatient, brows knitted together as he snaps, “If you’ve got something to say, then say it!”
“You don’t see us as equals, do you?”
He smirks, “Well, I am the one on top of you while you beg for mercy, so you tell me.”
Your face burns bright red at his words and he falters, his breath hitching. He didn’t really mean it, it just slipped out. Or, rather, he didn’t mean for it to come across so honest.
Bakugo is clambering off of you then, his ears burning beneath the tails of his bandana. He offers you a hand, helping you stand to your feet. Your fingers linger a bit too long and you feel the sweat gather in his palms. You wonder if he’ll light you on fire for looking at him like that.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone as an equal.” Bakugo’s voice is rough, hidden behind his arm as he wipes the blood from his face. He smirks and you wonder why you’ve never seen him as he is, “But maybe I could start. Get better, and then we’ll see.”
As he walks away, you make it your personal mission in life to be seen as an equal on the battle field and in real life.
You train harder, longer, putting every part of your being into becoming better. You research strategies, researching the other heroes, playing your strengths off of theirs. You stay up late and wake up early, your body begging for rest but you are unyielding as you climb the sidekick ranks.
It’s another seven months before you’re face-to-face with him again.
You’re paired up as sparring partners, the two of you going head-to-head for a full thirty minutes without even using your quirks. You’re both sweating, his quirk daring to go off if he really willed it to. You know the strength to withstand using his abilities must take a lot of concentration.
“Wow, you’re not half-bad,” he chuckles, swinging a right hook at you. You dodge it easily, reacting by kicking him in the side. He chokes on his own saliva and you smirk at him, “What, you scared, baby?”
You’re not sure why or how that slipped from your lips, but it takes him by surprise. Either way, it leaves you with an opening to jump in the air and swirl your knees around his neck to pin him to the ground. Your legs are around his waist and you’ve got his arms barred upward.
The sight of his sweating palms so close to your eyes makes you a little nervous, but you have enough faith in him to hold back his anger and his explosive fists. 
“Fuck,” you hear him mutter. He squeezes his eyes closed and wraps his palm around your face, fingers pinching your cheeks, “You asked for it.”
He swings you by your neck, your legs releasing him as your body falls to the ground with a loud thud, a small wave of energy tousling the ground next to you. Bakugo has you by the throat now, eyes wandering over your face as he inspects you.
“Been training, huh loser?” Bakugo juts his knee into your stomach and you force yourself to withhold from choking on your own spit. Your eyes bug out of your head at the pain but all you do is scrape and claw against his arms and torso, silently begging him to release you.
You glare up at him before reaching out to lick at his palm, thankful for once that neither of you are in your full hero get up. You’re somewhat surprised to taste ashen sweetness on your tongue, but it takes him off guard long enough for you to slap his arm away and stand to your feet.
“You fucking licked me?!”
You shrug, running towards him while he’s still on his knees. Your knee cap pushes into his chest, toppling him to the ground. You’ve knocked the breath out of him, his eyes rolling back in his head as he settles in the ground.
“Yield,” you ask of him, holding him by the throat. “C’mon, Baku, call it.”
The scent of smoke drifts to your nostrils and you barely have time to shake your head before a non-lethal explosion takes your attention away from him. Before he can get the jump on you, you propel yourself backward, flipping twice until you’re far enough away that you feel safe.
“Shows you, fuckin’ lickin’ me,” Bakugo rolls his eyes and his palms are like lighters, sparking as he stalks towards you.
You won’t be bested by him, not after all of the hard work you’ve been putting in for the past few months. You’re thankful that your own quirk is something opposing to his - water manipulation. In the same way that he can pool his sweat and light it on fire, you can turn yours into a weapon.
You call forward the water from your body and the water in the air into your palm, molding it into shards of ice on your fingertips. You start to sling the projectiles towards Katsuki as he walks closer. He dodges them with ease, but the final one slides across his cheek, drawing blood.
Everything inside of you churns at the sight of his eyes hardening, jaw quivering under the stress of his teeth as he grinds them together. He chuckles and it’s dark, but it stirs something in you - now you know he’s giving it his all, so when you win, it’ll be a justified win.
“I’m about to kill your ass,” Bakugo swipes the collected blood off of his face with his thumb, staring you down. “You’re damn lucky that I’m not wearing my gauntlets. I’d light your ass on fire before you even had time to use that shitty quirk of yours.”
You start working on pulling more water from the air, thankful that it’s a rather humid day. Now, if only it could rain. Then Bakugo would be completely out of his element and you would be more than comfortable.
“My shitty quirk just marked up your pretty face, ‘Suki.”
He charges at you and the two of you trade blows for what feels like hours. You have to stay at least a little ways away from him at all times if possible, his quirk only short range without his gauntlets. You’re glad that your quirk is able to become a ranged weapon if necessary.
Bakugo is much faster without his heavy suit, though, and you’re not ready for him to chase you, right on your heels as you try to put distance between the two of you. You lean down and swipe your feet around his ankles, but it seems he was ready for it because he jumps over the top of you and lands just in front of you.
“Not gonna get that one over on me again,” he snarls but it’s just on this side of a smile, his eyes lifting upward as he tangles with you again.
You tilt your head as you block one of his punches, “Am I turning you on, ‘Suki?”
“Shut the hell up,” he grunts.
“Your face is bleeding again,” you comment, twisting his hands in your grasp, hearing his wrist pop under the action. You wince but he shows little reaction to the pain, “Why don’t you clean it up, huh?”
The comment stops you in your tracks and allows him the opening to slam into you, pushing you across the greenway until you’re stumbling over your own body. You suck the water out of the surrounding plants, balling it up in your fists to create your own version of his gauntlets.
“Get over here, and maybe I will!” You call, raising your fists. He’s already sprinting toward you, but you use the remaining water on the ground to propel yourself upward, the spray of it blinding him long enough for you to encase his body in ice.
You’re gritting your teeth, keeping this part of your quirk is especially difficult given that you haven’t had time to hone it, unlike the other ways you know how to manipulate water. You can barely get the words out of your mouth, “Yield, Katsuki!”
You know that he’ll die from asphyxiation or hypothermia before he can blast his way out of your trap. His eyes widen from within the crystalline cage and your lower lip shakes - you were really hoping not to have to use this move, but he’s proven himself to you time and time again that he’s continuously climbing the ladder to get better.
“Yield!” you shout, your blood vessels straining against your skin.
His eyes close and it’s the closest thing to a yield that you’re going to get. As soon as you can, you drop the ice, the surrounding area flooding, the ground turning soggy beneath his feet.
Despite the absolutely enraged look on his face, you approach him and brush your thumb over his cheek, using the water from his face to heal his scratch.
“There,” you let out a breath at the exertion, “now you’re pretty again.”
Bakugo snatches your wrist harshly, glowering down at you, “Enjoy that, because you’re not going to beat me with that stupid quirk of yours again.”
Your jaw quivers but you ask the question anyway, “C-Could you ever see me as your equal, now that I’ve beaten you?”
“If I had my gauntlets, your stupid ice cage would have been toast!” Katsuki is shouting, his grip on your wrist tightening. You try your hardest not to wince but it does not go unnoticed by him as he makes the connection.
He shakes his head, “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to grab you that hard.”
“No, it’s fine, I,” your breath catches in your throat, “I shouldn’t have made you angry, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you get it?” he growls, yanking you closer, only softer this time. “You always make me angry.”
If you weren’t confused before, you sure are now. You know that Bakugo has a naturally hot-headed temperament, but you never expected him to attribute some of it to you.
“Gah, you’re such an idiot!” Bakugou runs a hand through his hair before blowing a breath out of his mouth, attempting to calm himself down. He really doesn’t want to screw this up. “Every time I see you, I get this, this stupid knot in my stomach. And it just pisses me off! Why are you different?”
You want to laugh because it appears he’s experiencing feelings for the first time, but you don’t want to make him feel humiliated. Instead, you reach your palm upward and wrap your fingers around his wrist, “You make me feel different too, Katsuki.”
He rolls his eyes, “Great. So we’re both fucked.”
This time you do laugh, but only because he’s so blunt. You know better than to touch him excessively, especially in public, “I guess so. Maybe we can fuck together?”
You’ve never seen Bakugo Katsuki’s eyes go so wide.
a/n: well, that was a bit different but still the same lol. not tagging anyone this time bc i don’t want to be a bother :) i hope you guys liked that. feel free to request more/others! 
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That Puta
A/N: y’all, this hurt but it was so sweet.
WARNINGS: SMUT, fights, mention of blood, angst(always a little with me)
TAGLIST: @ifoundmyhappythought @woahitslucyylu @gemini0410 @angelreyesgirl89 @angelreyesgirl @fvckthisbxtchup @claytoncardenasbabymama @vicmackeybullshxt @choppedgalaxynerd-blog-blog @cind-in-real-life @starrynite7114 @phoenixhalliwell @dazzledamazon @whyisgmora
“Did you hear that Angel Reyes’ mom was killed? Good riddance, she was so mean. One time when I went to that carne-whatever she totally tried to—“ You didn’t let her finish. As she chonked on her pink bubblegum and told some story, you grabbed that bitch by the hair and dragged her out into the gravel. She claws at your arms, chest, anything to get a hold of you.
“Shit! Grab her!” Bishop shouts. You let the background screams and shouts dissipate as that little bitch looks at you and scoffs, fist connecting with your eye and effectively pissing you off.
“Are you serious? You think cause Angel doesn’t wanna bang you, that you have the right to-“ You throw her into the gravel, hearing the crunch under your boots as Coco holds Gilly and Creeper back. The brunette with blonde ends stands up, bloodied knees and palms. “Oh baby, he told me he’d never dick you down because you’re too ugly. He told me you weren’t his type, too manly. I guess I see it-“ You toss her aside, grabbing her hair and plowing her through the crowd of screaming girls to the trunk of a car, where you proceed to slam her face into the flat surface of the trunk.
“You don’t talk bad about a dead lady, dumb bitch.” You snarl, teeth grinding as Bishop grabs your arms and tries to pull you away. Yanking your arms away, you pile drive her and hear her sputter. Just as you finally get to her face, your nails clawing at her exposed arms and chest, the sirens wailing in the distance get closer.
“Shit!” Bishop shouts, skittering to you hide you. Hauling you to your feet, he hands you off to Coco and your eyes meet his brown ones.
“Did Angel really tell some dick warmer that I wasn’t good enough?” You whisper, chewing on your lip and looking over your knuckles.
“Tell me, Coco.” You huff, looking into his sad eyes. He nods.
“Yeah, he was just drunk though, he didn’t mean— oh shit. You’re in love with him.” He deadpans, his jaw hitting the gravel as he stares at you.
“That obvious, huh?” As the cops pull in, one calls for an ambulance and Coco makes every attempt to shove you into the clubhouse.
“Who’s responsible for the damage?” A cop shouts, and you rush through the door waving your hand.
“Me officer!” You shout, holding your hands up. At first he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I.” You grin as you reach down and slam her groggy head into the gravel once more, knocking her out. Strutting towards the cop, his jaw slack, you turn and place your hands behind your back. The cuffs are slammed on and he gently puts you in the car.
As Angel finishes filling out his release form, he sees what looks like you being walked to a cell in an orange jumpsuit, hands behind your back.
“Y/N?” He shouts, watching you look over your shoulder at the sound of his voice. Angel feels the anger swell in his heart as he jerks against the cuffs on his hands. “Y/N!” He yells, his eyes falling on the black eye you donned and the cuts on your lip and your arms.
“Mister Reyes, finish the paperwork.” Nips the officer, tapping the table with an annoyingly fast pace.
“Why’s she here?” He asks, looking over his shoulder just in time to see you put in a cell and the door shut in your face.
“I don’t know. You won’t finish this paperwork so I can find out.” She groans, waving to the paper. Angel scribbles as fast as he can and then stands.
“Tell me, I gotta know.” He barks, nodding to the computer. She quickly does some clicking and looks at Angel with a shocked expression.
“She got into a physical altercation and the woman was sent to the hospital.” She informs, looking at him expecting him to react.
“A physical—a fight? Like a fist fight?” He asks, eyes wide. The woman nods, looking at him. “Does she have bail?” He asks.
“Doesn’t look like—hmm that’s weird. It says refused bail posting.” She shrugs, clicking a couple more things. “She doesn’t want bail posted for a two days.” She states, eyebrows knitted together in concentration.
“Can I just talk to her?” He asks, wringing his hands together. He knew something was really wrong if you didn’t want bail. She nods, grabbing her keys and heading back to the cells. As he gets to your cell, he finds you lying on the cot, staring at the ceiling. “Amarillo isn’t exactly you color, Y/N.” He chuckles, resting a hand on the bars. You don’t even sit up to talk to him, ignoring him. “Y/N?” He asks, his hands now gripping the bars as he gets concerned. “Christ miel, it’s Angel!” He shouts, causing you to jump and sit up. Scowl on your face, arms crossed over your chest, you stare at him.
“I can fucking hear you. I’d prefer not to.” You nip, starting to lay back down.
“What did you do?” He asks, and you scoff. Standing, you stand just out of his reach and lock your jaw, clenching your teeth together.
“What did I do? Stuck up for you! Only to find out that I’m a fucking joke to you!” You shout, throwing a hand at him. Stepping back, he looks at you, confused.
“You’re not a fuckin’ joke,” he shakes his head and you start to laugh.
“To you? Oh yeah I am! That’s the only reason I can figure! You told some crow eating, dick sucking whore that you’d never ‘dick me down’ because I was too ugly. Boy, I’m glad you fantasize about fucking me, Angel Reyes, because it’s as close as you’ll ever be to me again!” You shriek, feeling the tears fall down your face. Sniffling, you swipe away the tears and flop onto the cot, back to the cell door.
“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that. She kept asking me why I was watching you. I just—“
“I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
“You wouldn’t! You were just dying to clock that puta because she got some dick and you didn’t! Ya know, miel, I never took you for a jealous type.” Angel scoffs dryly, feeling uncomfortable being on the outside of a cell.
“Yeah, you wouldn’t know what love was if it jumped out and slapped you.” You call, letting him walk away. Tears fall down your cheeks as you curl up on the cold flat cot.
As Angel slinks into the clubhouse, Bishop’s angry gaze bares holes into Angel’s already annoyed demeanor.
“Glad you’re here.” He ruffs, tongue jaw crooked as his tongue swipes across his lips in attempt to control his tongue. “You didn’t bail out Y/N?” He asks, looking out the slowly shutting door.
“No, Bish. I didn’t.” He huffs, sarcasm rolling off his tongue.
“Why the fuck not?” He growls.
“She didn’t fuckin’ want it.” He retorts sharply, eyes dark and dangerous.
“Why is that?”
“Cause she didn’t fuckin’ want bail. I don’t know.” He shrugs, heading to the bar a drink when Bishop’s hand reaches out and grabs Angel’s shoulder.
“What’d you do?” He barks.
“Me? Of course. Always me. I wasn’t the one who cracked out and sent some chick to the ER and it’s still Angel’s fault! Fucking blame Angel!” He shouts, tapping his chest and nodding. “She’s the one who beat up another chick because I didn’t want her pussy!” Angel laughs dryly, swinging his hand. Creeper’s fist flies at him before he can even react. Stumbling back and grabbing his face, he looks at him incredulously. “What the fuck?” Angel shouts, storming towards Creeper, whose chest is heaving.
“That what you think happened?” Coco asks, eyes boring into Angel’s soul.
“Yeah! She fucking asked me if I said I didn’t wanna ‘dick her down’.”
“Because she dragged that puta outside for badmouthing your dead mom, bro.” Coco points to the photo on the wall of Angel’s mother that he kept off to the side near the bar.
“She what?” He asks, his heart dropping to his soles.
“Leah was badmouthing your mom, and Y/N dragged her out by her hair. When Leah couldn’t win physically she used some old drunk shit to fuel her. She’s in the ER because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.” Coco barks, pointing to Angel as he heads for door.
“Is that really what she did?” He stares at Coco, licking his lips and chewing on his bottom lip, concerned.
“Yeah, bro. She said some shit to hurt Y/N.” He shrugs as he heads outside leaving Angel there hurt. He’d said some bad shit to you. He was currently kicking himself. He hadn’t meant it, not the way that puta made it sound.
Almost a week went by, Angel not hearing from you was painful. He couldn’t seem to function right. He lost his charm.
“Hey, Angel. What do you say we head to my place-“
“Nah, ‘m good.” He shrugs off the sweet Hispanic woman and heads to the bar for another beer.
“Yo Angel! Coco’s got a hundred-dollar bet you can’t beat him in a game of pool.” Gilly shouts from the pool table. Angel shrugs, waving them off and drinking his beer in silence.
“Angel! Wanna hit the cage?” Riz calls, waving to the door.
“Maybe next time.” He calls back, tipping his beer back again.
“Reyes, wanna fuck around and get arrested?” You call, standing at the door.
“Nah, ‘m goo—“ he spins so fast the bar stool falls from under him and he faces you. “No fuckin’ way.” He murmurs, closing the distance between you in almost three strides, grabbing you and holding you tight against him. He squeezes so hard you start to tap his back, signaling he’s crushing you. “I’m so sorry. Coco told me what really happened. He told me what she did. That she’s deserved to tossed out. I’m really sorry, miel. Tell me how to make it better.” He whispers, letting you pull him outside. The cool night air swirls around the two of you as he looks into your eyes for a moment. He finds a lust and longing he’s not sure how he’d never seen it before.
“Angel, I don’t wanna fuckin’ talk about that shit.” You whisper, shaking your head. “This was a fuckin’ mistake. I knew I shouldn’t have come.” You start towards your Harley, but Angel grabs you and you tumble back to his chest. He leans down and presses a warm kiss to your lips. His hand caressing the curve of your body as he slides down and grips your ass.
Gasping, you grab his neck as he hoists you up. Wrapping your legs around him, he walks the two of you backwards towards the weigh shed. Sitting you on the counter, he grabs the squeaky old swivel chair, dusting it off and pulling down his jeans boxers, his cock hitting his stomach.
“Take off your shorts, miel. I want you sit on my dick.” He demands, his husky voice washing over you. Stammering, you yank off your shorts and draw your shirt over your head.
“You’re so fucking hot.” You whisper in his ear, the tip of your tongue tracing the outer edge of his ear as he positions himself at your core,, stimulating your swollen clit. Gasping again, you give a soft moan and sink down on his thick, huge cock. “Christ, bet this is just like you dreamed.” You hush, teasing him as you slowly slide up and down.
“It doesn’t even compare, babygirl.” He husks, his hands smoothing up and down your thighs as you ride him, your hair tossed over your shoulder. “Shit, kiss me again, baby. I fuckin’ love you.” He murmurs, pulling you in for another kiss. Slowly you feel the heat pooling in your stomach and you grip his shoulders tightly. “Yes baby, come for me. Come on. Yes, oh fuck.” Your walls pulsate against his throbbing cock as he thrusts up to meet your rolling hips. “I’m close.”
“Cum for me, Angelito. Please. Please come, baby.” You moan in his ear, pushing him over the edge, hot cum filling you and dripping down your thighs.
“Christ, Y/N. I’m so fuckin’ sorry. I should’ve just told you how I felt. Fuck, that was amazing.” He whispers, pulling you down to rest against his bare chest, shivering as a cool breeze rustles around you.
“Angel, I really do love you. A lot. I’d do anything for you.”
“I know. I don’t want you beating up any more hookers without me there to cheer you on, babes.” He chuckles, pulling your shirt on and wrapping his plaid around your shoulders.
“Shut up. You should’ve seen me, Angel. I dragged that bitch out by her hair, slammed her into a trunk. Broke her fuckin’ nose. It was badass.” You mockingly swing at his nose, but he sends you into a fit of giggles and blushing as he presses warm sweet kisses to lightly scarred knuckles, holding your fist in his hand as he does so.
“I love you so much, miel.”
“Oh yeah? Mister ‘you’re jealous I dicked boobs for brains and not you’?” You mock, pinching his cheeks as the two of you walk towards the clubhouse, Angel’s arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders.
“I promise you, I definitely fantasized about you doing a lot more than that.” He chuckles, holding the door for you.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 3 years
Febuwhump 5: “Take Me Instead”
Cömmenté? Validátion? Please?
Summary: The triplets get kidnapped by evil scientists. It’s about as bad as it sounds.
Trigger Warnings: broken bones, torture, kidnapping, human experimentation  
1560 words
There were three cells.
Three glass cages, all spaced out evenly. But only one was in use. The triplets had been shoved in there by some faceless people in lab coats hours ago.
For a long time, nothing happened. The triplets were left alone, and while that should have been a comfort, it only served to put them on edge. They had no idea what these people wanted with them.
They didn’t like the look of the lab coats.
A door opened, and a few of the people filed in, their focus primarily on clipboards and tablets that they were holding.
As they approached their cage, Huey put himself in front of his brothers definitively. If they wanted to get to them, they’d have to go through him first. And he would not let them get to Dewey or Louie.
But they didn’t actually do anything. They stood at various points, all a few feet from the cage, just looking at them. Looking at them and writing things on their tablets and clipboards. They weren’t even trying to get closer.
Huey clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to get rid of the gross sensation of vulnerability that was quickly descending upon him. They were so exposed like this. It was creepy.
Occasionally the people would change position slightly, moving around the cage and observing the boys all the while. What were they doing? 
It dragged on for a while. The room wasn’t silent, per se, but the lack of noise was still driving him mad. On occasion, the people would talk to each other, but it was always so quiet that they couldn’t hear them through the glass.
They were being observed like a 4th grade science project, and Huey didn’t like it.
Just as these thoughts surfaced, something finally changed.
A few of the people set aside their things, and then, with the press of a few buttons, the door to their cell opened.
Dewey took a tiny step forward, but Huey put his arm in front of him, effectively stopping him from continuing.
Dewey didn’t argue.
The three of them watched warily as the people approached the cage swiftly.
The thing was big enough that these obviously-adults could step in no problem, even if it was a little cramped. But they didn’t stay for long. 
They grabbed Louie, ignoring his startled yelp, and began to drag him out.
“Wait, stop!” Huey demanded, trying to free his brother from the people’s grip. “Where are you taking him?”
They just bat him away like he was an insignificant fly. Huey was right back at Louie’s side in an instant, clawing at them. Dewey was on the other side of Louie, throwing hits and doing his best to help.
But these people were so much bigger than them, and they were outnumbered, too. Huey and Dewey were nothing but a minor inconvenience to them, and before long, they’d successfully dragged Louie from the cage, the other two still locked inside.
“What are you doing?” Huey asked, growing desperate. 
“Hey, we can talk this out, can’t we?” Louie attempted, grunting as he was practically manhandled. “Stop dragging me!”
His struggling hardly deterred them, and he was forced over to an area of the room filled with weird machinery. There were computers, what looked like a hospital bed, and, most notably, this giant machine that had two very thick metal plates, sitting vertically from each other.
It took two of the people to hold Louie down once they’d all but thrown him on the gurney-type-thing. 
“Come on, I’m sure you have better things to do than — hey!” Louie cried, helpless as his arms were strapped down.
The machine from before, the big one, was brought to life, and Huey’s stomach began twisting in knots. 
“What are you doing?” he asked again, pushing against the glass like it would suddenly give way if he just didn’t stop trying. 
The other people were still just taking notes like they had nothing better to be doing.
Louie’s leg, his left one, was forcefully placed between the two metal plates, and just when Huey understood and a cold horror settled over him, the gap between the plates began to close.
“Oh my god!” Dewey shouted at the same time as Louie gave a pained cry, the plates meeting on either side of his leg.
Louie grit his teeth, grimacing in pain.
“Increasing pressure,” someone mumbled, and though it didn’t look like the plates had moved, Louie’s panic made it clear what was happening.
Dewey and Huey threw themselves against the glass with a renewed vigor, banging against it. “Stop it!” Dewey said, bashing his body against the wall.
“Do you feel anything?” one of the scientists asked.
“Excuse me?”
“In your leg,” she clarified.
“I — no? My brother is the one you’re hurting, and if you don’t stop it right now, you’ll regret it!” Huey shouted, slamming against the glass yet again.
“Increase pressure,” the woman instructed.
At Louie’s pained scream, the other two grew frantic. “Take me instead!” Dewey insisted. “Just stop hurting him! Take me! Please!”
The otherwise unoccupied people were furiously scribbling down notes like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“Oh god,” Louie was saying, repeating it over and over again like a prayer. Maybe it was. “If — if you stop, and let us go, we can get you money. I’m talking thousands — millions! Whatever you want, okay? Just — gah! Please!” he begged, voice strained with cries he was struggling to hold back.
“Do you feel anything?” one of the others repeated. 
“Let him go!” Dewey demanded.
One of the men let out an angry, throaty sort of sound something akin to a growl. “Increasing pressure,” he said, and though the boys couldn’t see his face, they knew he was glaring. It was easy to hear, with a tone like that.
Louie screamed so loud it made Huey’s ears ring, followed by a noise that was somehow even louder. Somehow even worse. A horrible crack resonated through the air, and as a screeched sob tore itself from Louie’s throat, Dewey and Huey were right back to screaming, too.
They were yelling so much that even Huey was having trouble differentiating between himself and Dewey’s words, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was what they’d done to Louie. All that mattered was that somehow, they needed to get them to stop.
Wordlessly, the scientists began resetting the machine so that Louie’s leg was released, and he was unstrapped from the gurney.
Something that might have been hope blossomed in Huey’s chest. When they put Louie back in, he could get out. And he would make them regret everything they’d just done.
But they didn’t bring him back to the cage. Instead, they released him, watching as he collapsed to the floor.
“Get up.”
“I can’t,” Louie sobbed.
They roughly dragged him to his feet. “Walk.”
“W-walk?” he sniffled, confused.
“Walk back and forth along this area.”
Louie whimpered, taking a shaky step forward. He wailed at the pain, but took another step anyway, dragging his broken leg behind him in a limp.
Back and forth. They wouldn’t let him stop no matter how much any of them cried or begged. Louie mostly just cried. Like he didn’t think it was worth it to argue.
They asked Huey and Dewey if they felt anything again. Huey, despite the faint gross feeling in his own leg, just glared at them. He didn’t know what they were talking about, but everyone felt wrong and twisted when watching other people get injured. Especially when it was his brother, who he was supposed to protect. He wasn’t supposed to let anything bad happen to him, and yet… 
“Fuck you!” Dewey spat, and for once, Huey wasn’t about to lecture him about language.
Louie finally collapsed with a broken cry, gripping his leg. “I can’t,” he said through tears, “It hurts, I can’t…”
Huey had never seen Louie so… openly distraught. Then again, he’d also never seen Louie tortured by evil scientists, so.
One of the scientists approached Louie calmly, patting him on the head in a way that seemed like it was meant to be fond. Louie flinched away.
They pulled a lollipop from the pocket of their lab coat, pressing it into Louie’s hand. “For good behavior,” they said. Huey shuddered in disgust.
Two more of the scientists came over and finally, finally all but dragged him back into the cage. The second he was released, he collapsed on the floor, Huey and Dewey by his side in an instant.
The door closed before Huey could lunge at them.
“It hurts,” Louie admitted, curling against his brothers weakly. “It hurts so much.”
“I know,” Huey said, running his hands through Louie’s hair helplessly. “We’re… we’re gonna be okay. Uncle Donald will come for us. And Uncle Scrooge, and mom, too. I bet they’ll be here within an hour.”
Louie screwed his eyes shut tight, nodding. Huey and Dewey shared a nervous look. It had already been hours. Where was their family? Shouldn’t they have been saved by now? What was taking them so long?
“Test #1 was a failure,” one of the scientists was saying. “However, Subject 3 was much more cooperative than expected. Test #2 will commence tomorrow.”
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whump-only · 4 years
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Woo! First @badthingshappenbingo post!! As a monkey with a typewriter, I’m honored to do this challenge! 💌 
tw: dehumanization, choking, collar, physical abuse, mention of dead animal, slavery universe 
Tagging the Gup crew, love y’all muchly!
@deluxewhump @eatyourdamnpears @inaridriscoll @whump-story-prompts @newbornwhumperfly
His Master’s words rang in his ears: “Keep it on.”
Guppy picked at the collar in despair. It was itchy, as the durable nylon had frayed from years of use. Years of being worn by Master’s dog, who Guppy had buried that morning. Guppy had cringed shifting the collar off of the limp animal’s head, somehow fearing she would jump to life with an angry growl and snap of jaws. But of course she didn’t. And now the grimy object was around his neck. 
If the farmhands saw him wearing it, they’d be merciless. Maybe he could skip work, hide somewhere until Master let him take it off. That would surely lead to a beating from Ernest. Maybe he could just slip out of it, then put it back on around Master. But if Master caught him disobeying... just the thought made him breathlessly uncomfortable. Master had been in such a strange mood. Guppy chewed his lip, considering.   
Guppy ran from Master’s porch, then ducked behind the big tree. He felt along the collar, pulled the strap through the buckle, and it came loose. His fingers trembled as he hesitated to pull it free, feeling the hammering pulse in his neck, but finally did, just for now. 
The tags on the collar clinked quietly as he touched the thick material with his fingers, considering. He sat there, staring at the collar for an achingly vulnerable minute, head snapping up to see if he was being watched. He finally took a sharp breath. He couldn’t bring himself to put it back on, so that was that. He stuffed the collar into the waistband of his pants and ran to the fields where the harvesting was just beginning. 
Guppy picked a spot on the edge, farthest away from Master’s house, and every minute or so looked up to check who was watching. At first the collar felt hot against his skin where it was hidden. But the hours rolled by and Master didn’t come out once. 
By lunch Guppy’d nearly forgotten about the collar. The beginning of lunch was always a perilous time, as Guppy had to wait for the others to get their food before he could take his ration and hide somewhere for the rest of the hour. This left him vulnerable to men who wanted a little entertainment with their meal. But that morning he was day dreaming about apples he’d pick from the tree near—
 “What’s this?” 
The words, spoken by Josh, froze Guppy’s breath. He was unable to turn, to look. His hand inched toward his wasteband... was it? 
“Hmm. ‘[dog name].’ Isn’t that Roberts’ dog?” Josh said. 
Guppy felt as though he’d die on the spot. The collar fell out... He tried to breathe through the overwhelming panic. To lose the collar to Josh of all people—
“Anyone know why this is here?” Josh said. 
Guppy’s throat nearly closed, but he managed to say, somewhat evenly, directly addressing the ground, “Ah. Sir, uh [dog name] died. Yesterday. Master had me bury her this morning. I must’ve dropped that. Can I have it back please?”
“And you kept it?” Josh said, inspecting the collar. 
“I— I have to give it to Master,” Guppy said, trying to hold his voice steady. 
“I can give it to him,” Josh said. Even though Guppy couldn’t look directly at Josh, he somehow knew Josh was grinning. 
“No! Sir— I can do it! Please. He—He told me to keep it. To keep it, uh safe for now. I can take—,” Guppy said quickly. 
“—To keep it safe, huh?” Josh said. “...Why are you acting so weird? Did you steal it?” 
“No!” Guppy said, perhaps a bit too loudly. He could sense the others were watching now. 
Josh drew close and Guppy tensed. Josh held out the collar, offering. Guppy grabbed for it but Josh yanked it out of reach. 
Josh then slowly offered the collar again. “I’ll give it back. But how about you try it on for us?” he said quietly in the dangerously playful tone that Guppy feared more than almost anything else. 
Grimacing, Guppy took the collar from Josh. “Okay.” What choice did he have?
With trembling hands, he draped it around his neck and then threaded the buckle. He felt himself burning red. 
“Not like that.” Josh grabbed the collar. Guppy winced as Josh pulled it one notch tighter. 
“Better,” Josh said, as Guppy squirmed from the sensation of feeling every breath.  
Josh stood back and clapped his hands. “Alright doggy, on your knees.”
Guppy nearly cried right then. He was trapped by the command, by the game. Guppy lowered himself onto his knees. 
“Aaall the way down,” Josh said, pushing down Guppy’s head. Guppy fell onto his hands heavily. 
“Good dog. I want you to bark after every command, got it?” said Josh. 
Guppy paused, feeling a rare embarrassment. “Yes— uh. W-woof?“ 
“Good dog!” Josh exclaimed and a smattering of applause broke out. Guppy felt a hot, nauseous shame. Now the other farmhands were putting down their lunches to watch. 
“Sit,” said Josh. Guppy, understanding the nature of this game and its particular humiliation, sat back, with a half-hearted “Woof.” A few murmurs of amusement erupted from the onlookers. A few had stood up and walked over to get a better look. 
“Good doggy. Roll over,” said Josh. Guppy considered this and lowered himself onto his side— Josh’s boot flew into his stomach. He yelped at the sharp pain and coughed horsely. 
“Too slow. And I didn’t hear you bark,” said Josh. 
“W-woof,” Guppy said shakily, completed the roll. Head-spinning, he sat back on his heels—
“—Did I say you could sit up?” Josh said. 
“Sorry.” Guppy dropped down to his hands again. The rules were becoming quite clear. Now if only they’d get bored with this...
“Hey! Here’s a leash for the doggy!” someone shouted.  
Guppy twitched miserably. He pretended to be keenly interested in the patch of grass between his hands as someone leaned over him and tugged on his collar, looping a rope through and knotting it.
Immediately Guppy was dragged backwards by the neck, breath yanked away from him. He clawed at the strangling collar, grey fizzling into his vision. Suddenly the pressure was released and he collapsed, gasped for air. He held his collar tightly, bracing for another yank, which sure enough came—
He half desperately crawled and was half dragged through the dirt. He was sure his head would be ripped off or he’d gone blind from the headache. He was finally released and immediately coughed so hard he nearly puked. He could only groan. 
The men were chattering over him, shouting over each other. Commands rained down from all sides: “Sit!” “Roll!” “Shake!” “Wag!”
Resigned, Guppy tried to keep up, tried to sort through the yelling. He flipped over, sat up, offered a hand. Get through. Get through. Get through. “W-Woof.” “Woof.” “Woof.”
“Dog! Dog!” Someone was trying to get his attention. He blinked stupidly. He focused on the object being waved in front of him— a shoe?
“Fetch doggy!”
The shoe was thrown, landed in the grass, and bounced out of sight, oh so far away. There was a brief silence where everyone looked at Guppy expectantly while Guppy prayed to die on the spot, momentarily forgetting the challenge.   
“Fetch! Fetch! Go get it, bitch!” the farmers jeered loudly, and someone kicked him forward. 
He crawled, or really hobbled, in the direction of the shoe, trying to move as fast as he could on his bruised knees. He picked up the old sneaker, but just as he expected, there were shouts of, “use your mouth!” 
Guppy sighed and took the shoe in his mouth. It tasted like dirt and it’s smell made his stomach lurch. The farmers cheered. He crawled back weakly and spit it out, gagging slightly. “Woof,” he said, woozily. More cheers. 
“Good dog! Hey, what do you say we give him a treat?” shouted Josh over the lively chatter. 
Guppy whimpered. He wanted to curl up, in the dark, away. He was tired. 
Something— was it tuna?— was dumped onto the ground in front of him. 
“Not hungry...” he whispered to himself, or maybe he just thought it. Before he could even react, his head was pushed down, smashed into the ground and held there. “Lick it up, dog.”
Suddenly the men got quiet, and his head was released. He glanced up to see Master glaring at him. He sat up quickly, wiping the wet off his face. 
“What the hell is this?” Master demanded. No one spoke up and Guppy wished he could vanish, be buried like that dog. 
“Get up, Guppy,” Master snapped. Guppy flew to his feet, trembling.
Master growled. “I pay you idiots to work the farm, not fuck around like children.”
Guppy flinched, unsure if he was in trouble. 
“Guppy. Go clean up,” Master said gruffly, “And take that collar off.” 
“Yes Master!” Guppy hobbled away. His knees stung, likely scraped open underneath all that dust. His head was spinning and his neck ached. But part of him was thrilled— perhaps, for once, Master’s anger would be channeled toward his tormentors. For once, in his defense.
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vcidgalpin · 4 years
Wolf Moon Pt 2
Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Eventually)
Season 1 Masterlist
Word Count: 2004
A/N: Hi, I might make a tag list if enough people want to be on one, but that won’t be for a while. I have a lot of school work to do now, so posting will be kind of inconsistent. Get ready for some tension to build between Stiles and Y/N from here on...
Warnings: There’s going to be swearing throughout, so I will only warn you guys once. (Think that’s it?)
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  Sat on the bleachers with Allison and Lydia, I started shivering. This time of year was always so cold in Beacon Hills. I pull out a fleece-lined jacket and throw it on. I hear Coach shouting on the field,
“Mccall! You’re in Goal,” Are you serious? He’s everywhere. How did I not know that he was part of the lacrosse team.
“I’ve never played,” Makes sense.
“I know. Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It’s a first day back thing. Get them energised, fired up.” He smacks the young boy on the arm.
“But what about me?”
“Try not to take any to the face,” Coach smiles and slaps Scott before turning away and amping up the rest of the players. Scott worriedly walks over to stand in goal and he glances at the bleachers, finding the three of us with his eyes. Knowing we- well, mainly Allison- are watching seems to rack his nerves even more, as he struggles out some breaths before looking back on the field.
“Who’s he?” Allison questions, clearly the interest is not one-sided.
“Him? I’m not sure who he is-”
“-That’s Scott Mccall,” Lydia and I speak over each other, and girls whip their heads around to look at me confused on how I know him. “-Uh, he lives across the street from me. His mum is like the nicest woman ever. She works at the hospital,” Allison hums curiously. I can hear Scott’s heartbeat going at a million miles a minute, surprised that Allison is asking about him. With his hearing tuned into us, he nearly falls to the ground at the piercing sound of the whistle blowing. Even I flinch a bit. A ball flies through the air, pelting him in the face part of his helmet and bouncing off. He is pushed back onto the grass from the force and laughter fills the air. The coach is also in hysterics. Scott looks back at the bleachers again, but doesn’t look at us girls. I peer down to the bench and see none other than his partner in crime. He has his head in his hands.
  The next player up has his running start before lobbing the ball at the net. Scott catches it with ease. Everyone around the field gapes in shock. I- Of course- am not shocked at all. One after another, boys try to get the ball past Mccall, but to no avail.
“He seems like he’s pretty good,” Allison smirks, impressed.
“Yeah, very good,” Even Lydia is breathless. It is then that Jackson aggressively forces his way to the front of the line, pushing others back with his stick. Oh God, here we go. I hear Scott share the same worry at the sight. Jackson digs his feet into the ground before he starts sprinting. He shoots, and Scott captures it in his net. Cheers erupt from the bleachers. Lydia and Scott’s friend both jump up and celebrate.
  Okay, if this boy is a newly turned werewolf, I have to keep my eye on him, or who knows what could happen. If the alpha is in fact still around, he could control the impressionable boy to do God knows what atrocities. I wait outside the locker rooms, and try to inconspicuously trail the pair out to the car park. I see them get into a blue jeep, so I rush into my car and try and follow them. At a certain point, I can tell they are going back into the woods, so I divert as to not look suspicious and find a spot further round the preserve. I hop out and listen out for the boys, finding them quickly. 
“So all this started with a bite.”
“What if it’s an infection? What if my body is flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock?”
“You know I’ve actually heard of this. It’s a specific type of infection... I think it’s called lycanthrophy.” Okay, I cracked a smile at that one. I can tell the two are getting closer so I stay close to the trees.
“Is that bad?”
“Oh yeah. But only once a month. On the night of a full moon,” He deadpans, before mimicking a wolf howl, and Scott pushes his friend away as he laughs.
“There could be something seriously wrong with me!” 
“I know, you’re a werewolf,” He starts to growl before a twig cracks under my foot and Scott cuts him off. Uh-oh. I am so not a ninja.
“I think I heard something,” Quickly he approaches the tree that I am standing behind and yells in fear, as do I. I trip and fall to the forest floor.
“Um. Well this is, something. What are you doing out here?” Biding time for an excuse for myself, I try to break the tension.
“You! You’ve been following us everywhere,” I hear the more spastic boy splutter out. “You were the girl from last night. What are you, some sort of ninja or something?”
“Clearly not a very good one,” Scott sighs out before I scowl at him and he shuts up.
“No, I am not a ninja. I’m just- I was just on a jog.”
“In jeans? And that still doesn’t explain why you were watching us last night and in class and at practice,”
“Why would I be spying on you when I don’t even know your name? And we have the same class, so what? That’s not an uncommon thing, I’ve probably been in some of your classes before.”
“Oh- Uh hey.” Scott cuts our argument off, gesturing over to behind me. I see a talk, dark haired man walking over to us. I instantly sense that he is a werewolf, so I get ready to fight just in case.
“What are you doing here, huh? This is private property,”
“Oh sorry man, we didn’t know,”
“Yeah, we were just looking for something but- It doesn’t matter anymore,” Before Scott can finish, Derek throws Scott an inhaler from his pocket before storming off back where he came from.
“Dude that was Derek Hale. His family all burned to death in a fire, like 10 years ago. I wonder what he’s doing back.” I try to sneak off while the two are distracted but the buzz haired one grabs at the sleeve of my fleece jacket and pulls me back. “You still have some explaining to do. Who are you?” Sighing, I give in and tell him my name, and he gives me his. ‘Stiles’. Weird.
  I ramble on about how I’m just a normal girl (which is technically a lie but in these terms it’s fine). If the werewolf seemed more in control of his powers, I would probably be more on edge, but evidence showed that he is still struggling. Awkwardly compiling the mass of coincidences of us always being in the same place made me feel very unsure that they would believe me, but I continue on. By the end of my spool of words, Scott seems to be more trusting of me. He says that he understands what being in the wrong place at the wrong time is like, and I wonder if he is talking about when he was bitten. Stiles, however, doesn't seem so convinced, but he doesn’t question me further on it. After the conversation is finished, there remains a thick tension within the air that I wish to break.
“Yeah, so. I don't think there's really anything else to say, so I’m gonna just-”
“-Finish your jog?” Stiles taunts, and I just roll my eyes and walk back to my car. I listen out for what the pair say when I’m gone. Stiles is the first to speak.
“Yeah, I don’t trust her,”
“Yeah, you don’t trust anyone Stiles. Besides, I think she looks too innocent to be some sort of secret agent or whatever spy fantasy your brain is concocting about her,”
“But that’s exactly it! They always hire the innocent looking ones, they want a face everyone could trust. I just don’t know man. Something is up, I can feel it,”.
  Friday afternoon, I am again sat with Allison and Lydia on the bleachers, watching the team’s scrimmage game. Not really paying attention, I scroll through my phone mindlessly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Allison raise her hand and wave. Peeking up, I see Scott waving back before Coach regains his attention. The whistle blows a few beats later and a practice game commences. I notice that Scott gets the ball passed to him, Jackson runs straight at him, knocking him down and towering over him. Men are so fragile. The next play starts, and Scott takes the ball, this time diving between the players. A line of defenders block his path, but he literally flips over them ‘casually’ and scores. Everyone jumps up on their feet, but I remain seated. As does Stiles. Another sharp blow to the whistle is followed by Coach beckoning Mccall to come over. He starts shouting, sounding almost angry for some reason. Scott seems dumbfounded.
“I was just trying to make the shot,”
“Yeah, well you made the shot. And guess what? You’re starting buddy, you’ve made first line,” I stare down at my phone lock screen as a reminder pops up on the screen labelled ‘Party’ and notice the date. Shit. Tonight is a full moon, and Allison is bringing Scott to the party. I can’t see this ending well.
  I ended up picking a silk slip dress that goes to my mid thigh and threw on a corduroy jacket over the top, pairing it with some ‘Old Skool’ vans. I walked into Lydia’s party, amazed at the size of her beautiful house. I’m greeted with a tight squeeze to my arm from Lydia.
“That dress is so cute,” I thank her and return the compliment before picking up a cup with whatever alcohol there is on the table, to be honest I’m not that picky, it’s not like I can get drunk anyway. After an hour or so, I start to feel the full moon affecting me, so I focus on my breathing for a couple moments. Nobody seems to notice me acting differently, so I start to relax but then I suddenly think about Scott. I start walking around the garden, and spot him dancing, very closely, with Allison. And then the inevitable happens, he starts twitching and wincing. I walk up to him and ask Allison if I can see him for a moment. She happily agrees after ensuring Scott was okay. I drag him out of the crowd of people as far as I can before he suddenly grabs my arm and digs his claws into my skin.
“What are you doing? Let me go,” I use my strength to get out of his grip. “Hey, listen to me, I’m going to go get Stiles, okay? Just, stay here.” Speeding off, I scan the area, but when I look back, I see that Scott has already disappeared. Stiles runs up next to me a moment later,
“What did you do with him?” He accuses, clearly hyperventilating and delusional.
“I didn’t do anything. But he probably needs you, I think he just went home.” I hope he just went home.
“You know, I don’t trust anything y-”
“-We do not have time for this right now. Go take care of your friend before he does something bad and hurts himself or something,” Or someone. Stiles squints his eyes at me, mouth slightly open, before scoffing and walking off to follow his friend. I should probably go too, I mean, I’m not exactly responsible for him, but I don’t really want all of my new friends to die. ‘Ugh, what the hell’ I mentally groan, leaving the party too and driving back to where Scott likely is. His house. By the time I am there, I see Scott in werewolf form, out in the open, running around. Oh God.
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animetrashlord-007 · 4 years
AHS ~ Haunted
Word Count;; 1.7k
Genre;; Suggestive, Humour 
Pairing;; Obito x Reader
Published;; 2017-10-22
My Masterlist
Akatsuki Halloween Special Masterlist
   “Damn this old house!”
   You flipped over onto your back, your eyes burning a hole into the ceiling while you tried to focus on anything else besides the moans echoing throughout the halls. The wind picked up and began to howl, branches slammed against the windows and the entire house began to tremble. According to the landlord who had been generous enough to loan it to you and your companion for a night, it was an old home with a long history, though you’d soon figured out that translated to ‘creepy and possibly possessed’.
   Leaning forward while scrunching the smooth bedding between your shaking fingers, you squinted at the dark corners of the room. As the minutes passed, your mind began to play tricks on you and your imagination offered up its most grotesque creations. You considered yourself to be tough, but it was an unfamiliar environment and you never could manage to calm your nerves when this late at night. With demons and wraiths materializing in the shadows before your very eyes, taunting you with their sadistic grins, your resolve weakened. Desperate times called for desperate measures after all, and you knew that falling asleep without his help would be no easy task.
   Turning to the sleeping figure next to you, you gave his arm a light squeeze before whispering his name in an attempt to wake him. Your words fell on deaf ears, but you weren't the type to give up without a fight. Using your other hand as well, you squeezed a little harder. Speaking a little loud, you called out his name two more times, yet he still didn’t stir. With an angry huff, you held his arm in a vice grip and shook it with a little too much fervor. His only response could be felt beneath your fingertips as his muscles tensed for a brief moment.
   Shock flooded your senses upon feeling just how hard and toned his arm felt. A small blush tinted your cheeks as you continued to hold his large, muscular bicep. You weren't expecting him to feel so buff; you hadn’t realised he took such great care of his physique. With your original concerns of ghouls and monsters all but erased, your mind wandered to places far worse. Images that no friends, let alone mere co-workers, should have invaded your thoughts. You could picture his skin glistening with sweat and his tight muscles rippling beneath his form-fitting tank top as he worked out, his body enticing you with its every movement. Every dip and curve of his body was visible as he stripped down, ready for a steamy shower after such an intense session. It was a sight straight from one of your best dreams and you wondered if you had fallen asleep at some point. A loud gasp slipped past your lips when you realised your hands were caressing his shoulders and, as if with a mind of their own, began to trail down to his lower back. It took just a second for your brain to process what you had done and for your hands to retreat from their conquest and return to your side, but the damage had already been done.
   “A surprise massage? Did I win the lotto?” The man beside you snickered. His eyes held a playful glint and no signs of fatigue as he gazed up at you. “How’s a man to sleep when all he can hear is the soft moans and pleas of his beautiful partner?”
   “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I didn't say anything, and there was definitely no moaning. Keep your weird fantasies to yourself,” you snapped, your embarrassment evident in your shaky voice and the scarlet warmth spreading across your stern face.
   “Really? Was it a ghost that was calling my name then, begging and pleading for me just moments ago? ‘Ohh, Obito. You're so handsome and strong, please protect me with your powerful body. I'll reward you in any way your heart desires!’”
   “What?! You're delusional! Just go back to sleep!” The room fell back into silence after your outburst, but it was uncomfortable and tense. You spoke up once more once it became too much to bear, your voice a low whisper as your eyes met his dark ones, “How long have you been awake? How much did you hear?”
   He chuckled, leaning forward until you could feel his breath on your skin, oblivious to your pounding heart as he replied, “‘Damn this old house! If only my prince was awake to protect me! Obito, my handsome, dark knight, please wake up and comfort me. I'm so scared and lonely! Oh… ooh, my... Your body feels so amazing, I just cannot resist the urge to touch you. Oooh, Obito, mmm-’”
   “That didn't happen! You were obviously dreaming.”
   “Maybe. Either way, lucky me,” he teased, flashing you a small smile before resting his head back down on his pillow. “Get some rest, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”
   “I can't sleep.”
   “Well, I can. Good night.”
   Muttering a few swears under your breath, you flopped onto your side and stared at the wall. He didn't respond and soon his light breathing became snores. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours, but sleep evaded you. Weariness drained the last of your energy and the overwhelming weight of lethargy smothered you but still you couldn’t sleep. On the brink of both dreamland and madness, you tried counting sheep and reciting a lullaby but it was futile. It wasn't until the sun peeked up over the horizon that you felt the sweet embrace of rest.
   The next morning, or rather, the next afternoon, you awoke with a start. Obito was nowhere in sight but at least the house no longer looked like something pulled straight from a horror film. Sunlight drizzled in through the small gap between the curtains. The attic had settled, no longer creaking, groaning and inducing childish fears. It would have been peaceful had you not been staying at this forsaken hell house for work. Instead, anxiety gnawed and clawed at your stomach. A bead of sweat rolled down your temple as you glanced at the clock.
   “Fucking dammit all to hell!” Your enraged shout could be heard clear down in the kitchen where your co-worker was awaiting you with a coffee in hand and a large grin on his face.
   It was a mere five minutes before you stormed down the stairs, hair brushed but not styled and clothes clean but unkempt. You glared at Obito and his giddy expression which, for some reason, incited undeniable anger within the very depths of your soul. Each footstep was a miniature tremor as you stomped into the room and stood before him.
   “Oi, bastard, why didn't you wake me up? We're gonna be late!”
   “So? So?! I didn't spend the night in this weird ass house with your lame jokes and pathetic attempts at flirting just to be late to this meeting! I didn't spend the night sleeping in the same damn bed as you just to lose my job!”
   “It's too late for us to arrive on time. Might as well not go. Besides, I never said you had to sleep in that bed. You didn't want to sleep on the couch. That's all on you.”
   “That's a shit attitude, but I guess it suits you perfectly,” you huffed in resignation as you yanked the coffee cup from his hands.
   “Cheer up. Things could be worse… though, they definitely could be better.”
   “I hate you.”
   “That's not what you said last night when you were feeling me up. Have you no shame? Assaulting me while I was sleeping?”
   He snorted as you choked on the warm beverage, spurts of coffee dribbling down your chin. With flushed cheeks and a ton of regret, you staggered to your feet and reached for the napkins on the counter beside your asshole of a partner. A smirk played on his lips as he eyed your movements. You knew that look and nothing good ever came from it. Your suspicion was confirmed when he grasped your wrist within his large hand and dragged you down onto his lap.
   “Obito! What are you doing?!”
   “It isn't fair if you get to have all the fun. Besides, that's my coffee you wasted. Consider it retribution,” his voice was deep and husky as he purred into your ear, his tongue lashing out to trace along the curve of your sensitive earlobe. You clamped your mouth shut to hold back your startled yelp. Any sounds would only provoke him further and you didn't plan to give him the satisfaction.
   His lips grazed down the length of your jawline, stopping on occasion to focus on spots that earned even the slightest reaction, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive areas. Soon he found his destination and his tongue lapped up the droplets of coffee as they inched down your neck. Once he was decided that your jaw was clean, he moved down to the crevice between your breasts. Your cheeks burned a deeper shade of red as you watched him lick up the few drops that managed to fall so low. His eyes flickered with lust and a touch of danger and the sight sent a jolt throughout your body.
   Discontent with your lack of response, his teeth sunk down into the soft flesh below your collarbone. His obsidian eyes held no mercy and his smirk deepened, excitement written all over his face upon hearing your pained whimper. Without hesitation, his hands cupped your ass and after giving it a light squeeze, he pinned you down onto the table. Your eyes widened as his body hovered above you, his warmth clouding your judgement. All you could smell was his scent, thick and overbearing as he gripped your jaw hard enough to leave a mark, his mouth inches from your own. To your surprise, he didn't make another move, instead choosing to caress a lock of your hair and peer into your eyes with tender adoration.
   “What's wrong?” You asked, the words breathless and bordering inaudible, “Lost your confidence?”
   “Just admiring the view.”
   “Shut- shut up,” your light stammering earned a chuckle from him and you were quick to furrow your brows, “It's not funny!”
   “I can't help but laugh. You're just so cute. However, I've held back long enough.” The mirth disappeared from his piercing eyes, replaced with such an intense focus that you found yourself at a loss of words. His tone concealed none of his desire as he spoke, his voice low and seductive, “You’re mine, and I'll be having you here and now.”
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stellar-alley · 4 years
Of Scales and Sea Glass
•Chapter 4•
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Richie literally finds out what it's like to be a fish out of water.)
Also shout out to @ambitiousskychild on tumblr for being my beta!
Eddie jolted upright in bed at the sound of screaming, Richie screaming.
“EDDIE!” Richie shouted, “EDDIE”.
Eddie threw the covers off of him and jumped out of bed. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he ran to the bathroom.
Someone’s in the house, someone’s found Richie, he got out of the tub somehow, his wounds opened up again, his scales fell off, he broke his glasses-
Eddie’s entire being froze at the sight of what was in his bathtub.
He has legs. HOLLY SHIT HE HAS LEGS, AND HE’s- oh god he’s naked, so naked…
“What. The. Fuck.” Eddie’s jaw was on the floor, eyes wide with shock.
“You can say that again! I’VE BEEN DECAPITATED!” Richie shouted, obviously confused and angry.
He was still in the tub, and his upper half hadn't changed, no that was the same…. But it was his lower half. Instead of a long blue tail that flopped over the edge, Richie had long pale legs. They were as smooth as a baby’s butt, with feet and toes and everything. Eddie’s gaze flickered over to his hands that were running up and down his new legs. The human noticed the lack of claws and webbing that once connected his fingers. And there were no scales whatsoever.
“Holly shit,” Eddie gapped, unable to form any other sentence that wasn’t filled with pure and utter shock. He felt like he was gonna pass out.
Richie has legs. Like- actual legs, no tail or scales, just legs, human legs.
“Eddie fucking Kaspbrak what the hell did you do to me?” He demanded, his eyes still as blue as ever, but now there was a fire that burned behind them.
“ME? How is this my fault?” Eddie demanded, crossing his arms over his chest. Something inside him warmed at the continuation of their iconic banter.
“Who else could it have been? The damn tooth fairy?” Richie ran his hands through his hair, suddenly the anger replaced by fear. “What happened to me?” His voice grew quiet.
Eddie grabbed the shirt he’d gotten from Bev and tossed it at Richie. “Cover that up,” he gestured to his privates.
“EDDIE THIS IS SERIOUS!” Richie tried to sound serious but now he was kinda over being shocked. “How did this even happen…?” He closed his eyes and pushed his glasses up his face so he could rub his eyes.
Eddie began investigating the tub for some magical crab or weird potion, instead he found the red button had been pushed. “Fucking hell…” He turned to the mer, “Did you push the button after I explicitly told you not to?”.
Richie’s face went blank, “Maybe…”.
“You dumbass! That button drains the water from the tub! The lack of water must’ve caused all this,” Eddie vagley gestured to Richie’s new legs.
“HEY! How the hell was I supposed to know what’d happen? God- fuck can you just get me out of the damn tub? I don’t wanna be in here longer than I have to be.” Richie held his arms up and did the little grabby motion with his hands.
“You’re sooooo needy,” he dragged out the O in an over dramatic tone. “First put the fucking shirt on so I don’t have to keep staring at your junk,” Eddie ordered as he crossed his arms over his chest. He looked the other way to give Richie some privacy.
Richie sighed, “And you say I’m the dumbass. I’ve never worn a fucking shirt before!” Richie threw the shirt at Eddie’s head.
Eddie began to laugh as he yanked the shirt off his face, “Oh god. We’re so sad.” He shook his head.
Richie couldn’t help but join in, Eddie’s laugh was contagious. “Whatever, I’m sorry Spaghetti, just please help me,” Richie said, his tone was not serious but the message was.
Eddie got Richie to lift his arms over his head and the human pulled the shirt onto the mer. He fixed the arms as Richie looked down at the design and scoffed. After Eddie wrapped an arm around Richie and helped him up and scooped him out of the tub. Once Richie’s feet were flat on the bathroom floor, he leaned on Eddie and straightened up, standing tall. Eddie’s stomach dropped as he noticed the height Richie now had over him.
It didn’t take too long for Richie to catch on, and when he did, a devious smirk played over his lips. Looking down at Eddie he cooed, “Hey short stuff.”
“Hey chicken legs,” Eddie retorted, staring down at Richie’s bony legs.
“I don’t even know what that means,” Richie smiled at his human.
Sure it was a struggle but Eddie got Richie into his room and helped him into a pair of his bigger shorts. Even though they were big on Eddie, they were a little tight on Richie, but even if he did mind, he didn’t mention it. They were red and rode half way up the mer’s thighs. Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t stare at the view for the first few seconds when Richie initially put them on. But he snapped himself out of his little horny trance as he knew they both needed to eat.
Let’s just say that going down the stairs while supporting someone who’s taller than you, who’s also never walked before, is hard to say the least. But once they finally made it into the kitchen, Eddie sat Richie down in a chair and went to go start making food.
After brunch, Eddie was determined to help Richie learn to walk, or at least stand on his own. Since Eddie was not going to be able to withstand much more of all this physical labour, he could already feel his bones aching from the amount of lifting he’s been doing lately. So they started with the basics: standing.
Eddie helped Richie off the chair and held onto his hands (while ignoring the heat in his cheeks) as he let Richie find his balance (which he didn’t have a lot of). The mer wiggled and wobbeled before he was able to straighten his knees and tilt his chin up. Eddie took a step backwards, in hopes of getting Richie to follow, but instead it ruined his center of gravity and Richie began to fall forward.
The two landed on the kitchen floor with a big thump. They both moaned and groaned.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this,” Richie mused from where he laid, on top of Eddie.
“Heh… Yeah,” Eddie agreed, but in all honesty he kinda liked the closeness (aside from the sprouting pain in his back). Richie was all warm and clingy, a new side he’s been able to experience since he’s gotten legs.
By the time dinner rolled around, Richie was able to safely say he could stand on his own, and walk slowly. This made it a hell of a lot easier on Eddie when it was time for them to head upstairs for bed. Instead of Richie leaning all of his weight on the shorter male, he simply kept one arm on the banister and the other around Eddie’s waist.
“Okay, so I’ll grab a pillow and a blanket and sleep for you for the tub-” Eddie began before he was interrupted by Richie.
“What? No way in hell am I going back to the tub,” Richie complained from where he stood in Eddie’s room, watching Eddie rifle through his closet.
“Fine. You take my bed while I go sleep on the couch in the living room,” Eddie offered, finally finding a spare blanket, he flung it at Richie.
The blanket covered Richie’s head, he yanked it off, messing up his hair (Eddie found it adorable). “What? Eddie, no. This is your house, you take the bed,” Richie insisted as he balled up the blanket in his hands.
“Whatever you say Trashmouth, you want the couch you get the couch-”
“No- holy shit you’re clueless. Eddie, sleep with me.”
Eddie stopped, dropping the pillow in his hands. “W-What?” His voice shook.
“There’s clearly enough space for both of us in your bed, so I don’t see why we can’t just fucking sleep togeher,” Richie wildly guestured to Eddie’s queen-sized bed.
Of course that’s what he meant. It’s not like he’d want to actually sleep with you…
“Oh! Um- If that’s alright with you,” Eddie scrambled to grab the pillow he dropped.
Richie scoffed, finding flustered Eddie cute. “I’m the one that offered.”
Eddie mentally slapped himself. “Yep, right, sorry,” he stumbled on his words.
I sound like fucking Bill.
With that the two boys got ready for bed, Richie simply staying in the clothes he’d been wearing as they were comfy and still clean. While Eddie scurried off to the bathroom to change into a pair of flannel pajama pants and a vintage Voltron shirt. The two shuffled into bed, Eddie stayed on the very edge as he worried he’d internally combust if he continued to be so close to Richie. While Richie tossed and turned in an attempt to find a good position.
“Goodnight Eddie,” Richie said before a yawn escaped his lips.
Eddie looked over at the beautiful boy in his bed and smiled to himself. “Goodnight Richie.”
Eddie opened his eyes, and he couldn’t see. The water that engulfed him blurred his vision. He wasn't sure how long it had been since he last took a breath. Maybe that’s why his lungs burned like the fires of hell. Suddenly he couldn’t stop himself, and he opened his mouth, determined to breath, but instead was met by a mouthful of cold, salty water.
“Eddie!” A distant voice called out to him.
Something glowed off in the distance, it came into view as Eddie’s vision began to haze. It wasn’t just a fish, it was a mermaid, his merman.
“EDDIE!” The voice was now louder, closer.
Suddenly Eddie was gasping for air as someone shook his shoulders.
His vision cleared and he saw Richie leaning over him, eyes filled with concern. “Eddie! Hey, are you okay?” His voice trembled as he hesitated to let go.
Eddie had trouble forming words, the nightmare still fresh in his mind. Then, he became aware of the thick layer of sweat covering his body, and how oddly wet his face had become. He’d been crying. He didn’t know what to do, what to say. So instead of answering he simply wrapped his arms around Richie and buried his face into his neck.
Richie immitaly hugged Eddie back, rubbing soft circles into his back with one hand while the other held Eddie’s head as he softly sobbed. “Hey… It’s okay. I’m here now, you’re safe,” Riche cooed, softly stroking Eddie’s hair. The two had been sitting up for a while, so Richie slowly lowered them down to lie on their sides. The mer held his human and whispered sweet nothings to him until they both drifted off to sleep.
Eddie woke up to find an arm draped over his torso as he huddled close to Richie’s chest. As much as his thoughts told him to move, to go make breakfast, to not get attached because of the inevitable, he stayed there. He stayed in Richie’s arms and let the world turn around them.
“‘Morning Eds,” Richie croaked.
Eddie melted at the sound of Richie’s morning voice, low and gravely. He tensed, about to slither out of Richie’s grasp before he could let go, but instead of letting go, he held Eddie tighter. Eddie melted even further, thankful for the warmth the mer brought him.
“How was your sleep? Better?” Richie asked, running his hand through Eddie’s messy morning hair.
“Better” Eddie confirmed.
Eddie was a bit distant for the next couple of days. His eyes couldn’t properly focus on anything and his mind was all hazy. Richie noticed and tried to ask him about it but Eddie just disregarded him, saying he was fine even though Richie could tell he clearly wasn't.
Eddie might act oblivious but he knew well enough. He knew that everyday he spent with Richie would only make his feelings stronger, making it so much harder to let him go when the time came.
One night after dinner, Richie had fallen asleep on the couch. When he woke up again, the house was dark, and Eddie wasn't beside him.
“E-Eds?” Richie groaned as he slid his glasses on. He sat upright and looked around the silent house. “Eddie!” he called out again.
Carefully, Richie stood up from his seat on the couch and took a couple steps towards the kitchen. He was halfway there when a cool breeze blew past. He looked in the direction of the wind and saw the screen door was open. Richie let out a sad sigh. “Eddie…”. He grabbed a blanket from the couch, wrapped it around his shoulders and proceeded to shuffle towards the door.
Another gust of wind blew past as Richi stepped out onto the back patio, he shivered under the warm fabric of the blanket.
Eddie sat on the first step of the patio, knees pulled closed to his chest, his arms folded overtop and his head down. Neither of them spoke as Richie sat down beside him. He felt Richie scoot a little closer, their knees bumping against each other and their shoulders brushing each other.
Richie didn’t ask if Eddie was okay, because the answer was obvious, so instead he asked, “Are you cold?”
Eddie simply responded, “No”.
Richie huffed. “That’s such bullshit”.
In response Eddie let out a breath of air from his nose as his lips smiled a sad smile. Without another word, Richie got as close as he could, and wrapped a blanketed arm over Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie unwillingly melted into Richie’s touch, leaning a head against him.
“What’s been going on with you lately?” Richie rubbed Eddie’s arm.
Eddie didn’t meet Richie’s gaze, nor did he answer the question. Instead he looked out into the ocean that sat before them and asked, “Do you miss it?” his voice weak and distant.
“Yeah, Eddie, I do. I spent my entire life there.” He paused to collect his thoughts. “But that doesn't mean that’s where I wanna spend the rest of my life. It means that I like spending time here, here, on land, with you,” Richie elbowed Eddie slightly.
Eddie stiffened and pushed away from Richie so he could turn to look at him for the first time during their conversation.
“What does that even mean?” His face scrunched up in confusion.
“I mean what I said, Eddie! I like it here, I like you, I thought all the hints were kinda fucking obivious,” Richie turns red as he gushes.
Eddie’s breath hitched with the sudden wave of emotions that hit him. “Y-You like me…?” Eddie asked quietly.
“Yes, Eddie, I-I do. Like, a lot” Richie stumbled over his words as he began to worry that he said the wrong thing. “Sorry- I, um, that was stupid, I should’ve just kept my mouth shut-” Eddie shut him up by leaning in and kissing his lips.
The kiss lasted a couple of seconds, a spark ignited in the two as they pulled apart. “I like you too Rich, like, a lot,” Eddie admitted, quoting Richie.
Richie giggled like a little school girl, “Cool…” he blushed. “Can we uh- kiss again?” Richie requested sheepishly.
“I’d be pissed if we didn’t kiss again,” Eddie raised his eyebrows as Richie put a hand behind Eddie’s head and closed the distance between them.
This kiss was different from their first kiss, when Richie needed it purley to gather what he needed to be able to speak, but now there was more emotion in it. Something pure and raw that filled both of them with a warm feeling in their chests. Their lips moved insync, as if they were made for eachother, two puzzle pieces finally getting together.
Eddie broke away from Richie, his breath shaky as he spoke. “Richie we can’t do this. Y-You’re gonna leave one day-”
“One day,” Richie confirmed, “But not today, so please, can we just live in the moment? We don’t know when that day will come, but we’ll deal with it then. For now let’s just makeout, okay?”
Eddie thought about the hundreds of times he wished Richie would say that, and everytime he blocked the thought out, knowing one day Richie would leave. Today was not one of those days. For once, Eddie allowed himself to be happy and feel the emotions as they came. So that’s what they did, they made out.
“Okay we’ve gotta go shopping,” Eddie declared as he plopped down on his bed beside Richie, who was lying on his back, reading a comic book.
Richie dropped the comic onto his chest and looked over at his new boyfriend. “I have no clue what that is,” he said with a smile, excited.
“It’s when you go buy new clothes,” Eddie informed Richie as he laid down beside him.
“Why do you need new clothes?” Richie asked, turning onto his side to admire Eddie.
“Well we need to go shopping to get you some clothes. You can’t keep wearing my small clothes-”
“But I like them, they smell like you,” Richie whined as Eddie turned over.
“Well that won’t be too hard to fix now will it?” Eddie smirked as he slid closer to Richie. “I was thinking, this could also be a good chance for you to meet my friends,” Eddie suggested, nervous of the answer he’ll receive. It’s been about 3 weeks since Richie first washed into Eddie’s pool and one week since Richie got his legs. Since then, the mer has actually gotten pretty good at walking. Maybe not the best at running and dodging obstacles, but baby steps. Sure he still leans on Eddie sometimes but that’s more because he’s clingy and adores his short human.
“Wait- serious?!” Riche perked up, propping himself up on his elbows and looking down at Eddie, “That’d be so cool, I’ve been wanting to meet them for, like, ever,” Richie smiled.
“Really?” Eddie’s eyes widened in excitement.
“Yeah of course! Any friends of yours are friends of mine,” Richie smiled warmly, leaning down and giving Eddie a quick kiss.
The next day Eddie and Richie got ready and waited for Bill to come pick them up. Eddie wore a light blue tee he tucked into his jeans and he leant Richie another outfit of his, this time it was an old shirt his mom had bought from Freese’s that was too big on Eddie, yet it almost fit Richie like a crop top (and Eddie was loving it). Accompanied by a pair of old khaki shorts. The hardest part was when Eddie showed Richie what shoes were.
“Over my dead body,” Richie crossed his arms over his chest in protest.
“Well that can be arranged,” Eddie grumbled, jokingly.
Richie smirked and leaned down, wrapping an arm around Eddie and leaning his head on top of the short male’s. “What was that babe?”.
Eddie looked up at him. “You literally can’t go out without them.”
“I’ll wear them if I can be the small spoon tonight,” Richie stuck out his lower lip and widened his eyes, a face Eddie dubbed his sad puppy face.
“You’re so sad,” Eddie kissed him quickly before tossing the shoes at him.
It was a struggle but Eddie finally showed Richie how to tie his shoelaces. They both stood up at the sound of Bill honking his horn.
“Oh, it feels like my feet are in boxes,” Richie deadpanned as his knees wobbled again, just like they had when he first learned to walk. Immediately he stumbled, leaning on Eddie for support.
Eddie turned and looked at his boyfriend with concern. “You okay Rich?”
Richie nervously laughed and stood on his own, slowly finding his balance. “Yep! I’m all good.”
Eddie led Richie out and to Bill’s car, opened the back door, and slid in, beckoning for Richie to follow. Bev was already inside, she and Bill talking about something Georgie had done recently that resulted in him shooting milk from his nose.
“Eddie is this the dark and mysterious man you keep ditching us for?” Bev asked as she turned to face the two in the back seat.
Of course The Losers had picked up on Eddie’s constant disappearances, and Eddie couldn’t lie to save his life, so he admitted he met someone, an internet friend from out of state of course. He wanted to tell them the truth, he really did, but he didn’t feel right doing it without Richie beside him. So he did his best at lying, making up some elaborate story about how Richie was someone he’d met online and was moving to town and needed a place to stay. Also that he had social anxiety and needed time to settle in before he was ready to meet anyone. Eddie also sprinkled in the fact that said friend had some weird physical thing that meant he had trouble walking sometimes. Surprisingly, everyone bought it.
“Yep! Here he is, the elusive Richie,” Eddie laughed nervously.
Richie grinned and stuck his hand out. “Richie Tozier the honour is all mine.”
Bev reached out and shook his hand and Richie pulled her hand closer and kissed her knuckles, making her blush. Eddie couldn’t shake the twang of jealousy that shot through him.
“Beverly Marsh,” she introduced herself. “I’ve heard lots about you.”
“All terrible I assume?” Richie said in a british accent, he smirked and nudged Eddie.
Bev joined in, placing the back of her hand on her forehead. “Ah yes darling, terrible, absolutely wretched.” She swooned in a matching accent.
“I’m Bill,” the third male smiled warmly from the driver's seat.
Richie kept going, this time switching to a weatern accent. “Well howdy hey Big Bill. How’re you doing on this fine morn’?” The two shook hands.
“H-How’ve you been settling in?” Bill inquiries.
“Me? Oh I’m doin’ fine. Just livin’ my best life with my whittle Eddie.” He gave Eddie a peck on the cheek as Eddie stilled and Bev gasped.
“Eddie you didn’t tell me the site you met Richie on was a dating website?” Bev asks in shock at the sudden show of affection.
“N-No that’s not where we met-” Eddie started.
“What’s a dating webs-” Richie cut in.
“But YES! We’re dating” Eddie concluded, not wanting to dig himself into a hole or reveal too much about Richie.
“Wow E-Eddie didn’t think you were lo-looking for a relationship,” Bill winked at Eddie through the rearview mirror.
When the foursome arrived at the mall, Eddie jumped to get out of the car. He ran around to Richie’s side to help him out. Richie had never been in a car before, or in shoes. The last thing Eddie needed was for him to trip and fall flat on his face. As they walked towards the mall’s main entrance, Eddie kept a firm grasp on Richie’s hand. Yes he loved the physical affection but he was also determined to stay beside Richie so he didn’t get lost or kidnapped or something.
Let’s just say the mall blew Richie’s little fish brain. It was a little overwhelming. He almost fell over a couple of times, but he had Eddie to lean on.
As the four Losers walked into the main area of the mall, three of the four stiffened at the sound of a loud laughter that erupted from behind them. Richie almost kept walking until he felt Eddie’s hand tighten around his own. He stopped and looked around to see the other staring at something, someone.
“Well if it isn’t Derry’s resident Losers Club,” Henry Bowers called out as he and his goonies approached them.
“Fu-Fuck off Henry,” Bill hissed, steping infront of his friends in a defensive manner.
“Su-suck my d-dick Bu-Bu-Bill.” Henry’s friends laughed as he mocked Bill’s stutter.
Eddie looked up and shot Richie a worried glance.
Henry caught wind of their silent conversation and addressed it. “Well look at this, does little wheezy finally have a faggot boyfriend?”
Richie’s blood boiled at how much pleasure this brought the Bowers Gang. He drowned out their comments and focused on the drinks they held in their hands. Richie took a step back, pulling Eddie with him only moments before the drinks exploded, soaking the bullies in their sugary beverages.
The Losers didn’t wait to see Henry’s reaction as they used the explosion as a distraction to bolt from the bullies. Bill led the way with Bev in tow, Eddie pulled Richie along as they darted past stands and zig zagged between customers.
“That was amazing!” Eddie hollered, shooting Richie a proud grin as they finally slowed down.
They met up with the rest of The Losers Club at the food court.
Mike waved them down when he saw them enter. “Hey guys!” he greeted.
“Hey Mike,” Bill smiled and took the seat beside him.
Ben got up from his seat and offered it to Bev, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and took it, Ben stole a chair from the other table.
“Wait, where’s Stan?” Eddie questioned as he took a seat with Richie, across from Bill and Mike.
“He went to grab a smoothie,” Ben informed him.
“Okay I wanted to wait but guys, this is Richie, my uh-” Eddie hiestated, “boyfriend.”
“Hello,” Richie grinned and waved.
“Your what” Stan suddenly appeared behind Mike.
“Hey! Stanley’s here,” Eddie piped up.
“Yes, and he’s very curious. When did you two become an item? I thought you were online friends,” Stan handed Mike a smoothie and took the other seat beside him.
Richie opened his mouth to respond but Eddie spoke. “Yeah we’ve been online friends for a while, and when he came to stay with me, we realized we had feelings for eachother.” Eddie became tense, lying always made him nervous. Richie noticed and put a hand on his knee, relieving some of the stress. Eddie let out a breath.
The group went to various stores, Bev dragged them to makeup stores, Bill dragged them to bookstores, Mike (politely) dragged them to a kitchen appliance store (he likes cooking and needed a new whisk). Then they stopped in one of the big clothing stores and made a mutual agreement to go and look in their own sections as everyone had different styles.
For a change, Eddie let Richie pull him around as he wanted to let the mer choose his own clothes. After jokingly picking out a jockstrap and a D cup bra, he finally decided on a variety of Hawaiian shirts with loud prints, some shorts, a pair of jeans and an array of T shirts (Some plain, some graphic tees). Eddie showed him to the changing rooms and waited outside for Richie to change.
Richie carefully stripped and replayed the memories of Eddie getting dressed in hopes that he’d be able put everything on correctly. His first outfit was a Hawaiin shirt that was covered in pastel pink and blue flowers and a black muscle top, paired with a pair of black shorts. He stepped out of the changing room and shyly turned to Eddie who was now blushing at the sight of seeing Richie in something other than his own clothes.
“How do I look?” Richie asked, worried about the amount of colour.
“Richie you look really good,” Eddie smiled in approval.
Richie blushed but covered it up as he struck a pose, stroked his thigh and asked, “You like what you see?” He wiggle his eyebrows seductively.
Eddie covered his face with his hand, now red as a tomato and sighed. “You’re so weird.”
After a long Richie Tozier exclusive fashion show, he decided on the items he wanted to buy. He went back into the changerooms and put his normal clothes back on. When it came time to put his shoes on, he took a seat on the bench in the corner of the room and mindlessly itched his ankle. Something felt off.
Glancing down, Richie’s entire being froze at what he saw. A small patch of skin around his ankle had become tough, hard, and almost blue. Richie snapped his eyes shut. This cannot be happening. His breath hitched as he carefully traced the rough area with his fingers. If he focused hard enough he could feel the vague outline of scales.
He moved the hand from his ankle and raked it through his hair. He could feel tears biting at his eyes as he grimaced. “Fuck,” he weekly whispered.
“E-Eddie?” Richie quietly called out from the changeroom.
“Yeah, Rich, everything alright?” Eddie asked from outside the door.
Richie exhaled and asked Eddie to assist him with his shoes. Eddie wasted no time and slipped inside and did Richie’s shoes. Once they were both up and on their feet, Richie wrapped Eddie in a hug.
“What’s this for?” Eddie asked.
“I… I just really like you,” Richie breathed. One hand on Eddie’s neck while the other was in his hair, he held him tightly, as if he were about to pop a tail and get swept off by the tide.
“I really like you too Chee,” Eddie knew what he’d done the moment the word left his mouth.
Richie stopped and slowly, dramatically pulled away from Eddie, holding his shoulders tight. “D-Did my Eddie Spaghetti just create a nickname for me?” he gasped joyfully. He released Eddie’s shoulders and looked to the ceiling, fanning his eyes as if he was about to cry. “looks like miracles are real.”
“Oh god,” Eddie groaned as he hid his face in between Richie’s neck and his shoulder.
“Say it again! Say it again!” Richie begged as he pulled Eddie away so he could look at his face.
Eddie let the moment last, anticipation rising before letting out a soft. “Chee.” He watched his boyfriend literally melt at the words.
Richie leaned down and kissed Eddie, and in that moment there was nowhere else they would have rather been.
Word Count: 4995
Aw there's so much tooth-rotting fluff in this chapter I think I need to go to the dentist. LOL I'm a comedic god, I know. I hope that y'all enjoyed this chapter and are excited to see what happens next with Richie and that little patch of scales... Anyways until next time, So Long and Goodnight.  
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marjiandco · 4 years
Prompt #4: Clinch
Timeline: The ending of Stormblood’s main story
Characters: Raiku, Marji, Zenos
Word Count: 1694
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The battle was long and bloody, fraught with close calls for all on that god's arena. Blood rained down his head, his healing wound ripped open by the claws of the monster before him. The voices of the people rang in his head, his mentors and friends asking him to strain as far as he could, for if he didn't all would be lost. He lowered the point of his bow and sucked in a deep, rattling breath. If he was going to spend himself, now is the best time to do so.  The miqo'te he was with, the strongest person he knew was barely keeping herself on top of the gods forsaken platform as the creature ripped and teared at her. Now or never.
His head whipped up. Raiku screamed at Marji to hold Shinryu back as he fell back on one knee and pointed his arrowhead not at the primal, but just above it's head. Focus on the direction, have your will be done he thought to himself. Aether pooled around him before tangling its way to the tip of his arrow, and when he could not hold on any longer, he loosed it. Shinryu, thinking that the lalafell's aim was for him, dodged out of the way, a roaring laugh buffeting the two on the arena. His talons reached for Raiku, but he paid no mind as the sky stained gold. The heavens opened, and an insurmountable amount of aetheric arrows hailed from the sky.  He yanked on his friend's tail to pull her to safety as Shinryu cried out in agony, his body slamming into the arena.
Marji, elated at Raiku's new found power was spurned forward. She spread her arms like wings above her, using a spell to pull his loosened aether from the field to create a deathflare so powerful it seemed to melt the primals body, revealing the man beneath. Marji and Raiku, together, ripped Zenos from his host.
With dragon and man separated, the creature disappeared and so to did the arena. Air rushed around them as they plummeted to the castle below. Marji clung to one of Zenos' shoulder plates and a few fulm's away, Raiku was yelling, his eyes drying rapidly in the wind as he held his arms out before him in some reckless attempt to slow himself down. Marji started to cry out, planning to use what little life she had left to save her friend when she caught sight of a green hue swirling around her and Zenos. The last bit of the draconic nightmare's aether.
Desperation breeds a certain sort of clarity as she swipes her hands through the lasting bit of magic. Like strands of spider's web they drag with her nails. Not a moment later a weakened form of Bahamut-egi flew next to them. She shook her free hand over at Raiku and the summon obediently followed her train of thought. It's long talons swung beneath Raiku's belly as gently as Marji could will it. Zeno's unconscious body is snatched next in its hind legs. It roared at the sudden weight as Marji scrambles onto it's back none too gracefully and wrapped her arms around the summon's ropy neck.
Its wings brush the ground as it steadies their descent. A shaky breath from the exertion on keeping control of her summon is all Marji can do as she points down at Bahamut's feet. It drops Zenos and floats away to roll its arms open for Raiku to land on his feet. With the last of the green aether dissipating from her enemy, so too did her summon. The ground was hard met, even with a sea of flowers surrounding them. She swears as her ankles buckle and she slaps her hands down to catch herself. Raiku hobbles over and places a concerned hand on her shoulder. An exhausted nod, pinched eyebrows in worry is their conversation before movement catches both their eyes.
It almost seemed a blur; the others, Lyse and Alphinaud coming forward to see the final moments of Zenos. Marji rushes forward as he places his own blade at his neck, mouth parting in a silent yell as he calls her his first love, and slit his own throat. Stumbling to a stop as his body crumples, more people joined them at the top of the menagerie. As they speak around her, she walks away to look at her enemies face; so strange to see a monster made flesh look so....normal. So happy. Absently she wondered if that's how Garleans see her when she stands before them. Raubahn's words rip her from her thoughts.
“Justice has been done.” He says, looking down at Zeno's body.
Her ears quirk back.
“No such thing in a senseless death.” Marji comments.
Silence hangs in the air.
“Waste not your words on this animal.” is his rebuttal. Empty of love but glad of the end of a long fight.
So ends the Garlean hold on this country. The men and women of Ala Mhigo, of Doma, of Eorzea marched forward in their triumph. Lyse beckons for them to follow, but Raiku and Marji stay back with a quick wave of Raiku's hand. He winces at the movement, but the reprieve from questions and stares of the common folk is more than enough reward for now. The pair stand together, watching the train of people leave without them. Raiku breaks their silence.
“Sorry about his weird obsession with you. Usually people like that tend to be on our side.” his chuckle turns into a groan, cradling his ribs. Marji tilts her head obligingly. He wanders until he found a clean spot to sit down on. He looks expectantly at Marji patting the cobblestone next to him. Joints strain and thighs burn as she half falls next to him. She places hands behind her to hold herself up and get a clear view of the sunset.
“You think I could have saved him?” She asks.
He shrugs. “I don't think it matters if you could or couldn't. Even if you did manage to somehow tame him, he couldn't suffer the both of you alive long enough for it to mean anything.” he wipes away the dry blood on his chin. “You didn't kill him though, and I think that may have saved you.”
Thought of their last meeting swirled in her mind; the anger and hurt as they shouted each other down inside their tent; her leaving, angry and hurt but knowing his words were close to her fears. She was becoming more brutal. She wanted to murder Fordola for hurting Alisae, she wanted to get stronger so she could kill Zenos. Ferocity and fear somehow grew around her without any realization of the deafening call for help that bounces around inside her own cage. How close to being swallowed by permanent grief did she get before Raiku talked to her? She really never did get closure she needed, even with the magic that called forth some ephemeral version of Haurchefant that helped her all those months ago. She might as well be walking in Zeno's armor, his husk of a person on their side. Still, she bit down on her lip even now, not sure if this simple act of refusing to kill the man was enough to call her back from her sickness.  
“Thanks.” She said, listening to the crescendo of voices on the breeze. “Means a lot Rai.”
She knocked his shoulder and they both moaned, her cradling her bruised hand and his lacerated shoulder “I didn't know you could use aether like that. You really made our victory.”
“You know, I don't think I did either.” He smiled. “I guess I need to stop calling myself a plain old archer. I'm a fancy archer now.”
The wind picked up and Raiku closed his eyes, letting the zephyr sweep his sweat soaked hair out of his face. Scrapes and cuts lined him, his small fingers calloused from bow use. Even without the echo he managed to stand by her side and cut down a primal and one of the strongest people they've come across. Such a small frame could hold that level of courage seemed inconceivable. Seeing him actually call forth his aether and interact with the world around him, how he rained golden arrows down on the beast before them; it was enough to make the most timid mouse want to brave the world. It was her catalyst, to turn anger and hopelessness into a weapon instead of letting it overwhelm her. She could push all of it into an actual summon instead of using her own self.
“What're you looking at?”
“Nothing.” She shrugs, looking back at Zeno's body.
“Thal's Ball's Marj you take to melancholy like a bee takes to pollen. You need a fuckin' diary.”
She laughs at him. “I'll have more than enough time to think about such things tomorrow. Right now I'd rather just sit back with you.”
Besides a few comments back and forth, that's what they did. They sit atop Ala Mhigo, burns and cuts and probably something worse hiding beneath the skin. Time passed as a whisper, until Lyse and the others start making their way back towards them. With some amusement Marji catches Alphinaud looking down at her worryingly. The boys going to get crows feet before he reaches his next summer.
“Hey Rai,” with some effort Marji pushes herself to her feet. “You know how before I asked you to replace me for a bit as Warrior of Light?” She holds out a hand.
He takes it, hesitation in his “yes?”
“I think I was wrong to ask that of you. You are one, same as me except you manage to do all this” she waves her arm around “without the echo. What do you say? Want to me my partner in all this mess?”
“Great because I'm heading out to help my Pasun with something so you got this for a few days right?”
He punches her in the leg and she's back down on the ground as a genuine laugh bubbles up from her chest.
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secret-engima · 4 years
I am horribly sick and just want to stab everyone that tries to make me use my incredibly sick throat. May I get a ramble on fangs and feathers? Or even Prompto-Cloud thingy bit thing. (Uuughgi. Sickness makes my memory WORSE. I can't remember its name and honestly F&F was a hit or a miss but it LOOKS RIGHT SO.)
I’m so sorry to hear that!! Ummm let’s go with the Prompto-Cloud thing (Clouds and Moonlit Skies verse btw). Actually *grins* let’s go with a nutty xover.
-Zack and Cloud are ten years old in this. They trip into another dimension and at first don’t realize it. They were busy exploring an old part of the Citadel, Seph is with them, having abandoned his paperwork on Zack’s puppy eyes and Cloud’s teasing. They have fun for a while, poking around dusty old rooms and discovering a new, spacious training ground to trash later.
-Then they get hungry and troop their way for the kitchens to grab a snack.
-They enter the populated part of the Citadel and come face to face with a Crownsguard.
-The Crownsguard isn’t human.
-Well, the upper half of him is, but his lower half is some kind of fluffy tabby house cat, like a centaur, but a cat.
-Both sides stare at each other in astonishment for several very long seconds before the guard shouts in shock and rears back, tail puffing out to stupidly huge proportions as he reaches for his com to ... alert someone.
-Seph acts on pure instinct, lunging for the guard and tackling him to the ground. He knocks the guard out, but not before getting a nasty claw-made gash on one arm and the guard screaming into his link something about “Drautos is here!” Which really shouldn’t be cause for alarm because he works here- except he doesn’t, because he’s half sitting on an unconscious, man-sized half HOUSE CAT person.
-A frantic game of keep-away-what-is-going-on starts up with Noctis, Prompto, and Titus all ducking into rooms and through camera blindspots to avoid the Crownsguard who are ALL centaur cat people (Zack: Cataurs? Cloud: Not the time Zack) eventually though, they get caught, because of course they do, the Citadel is different and the cameras are too many. They get cornered in a very large, grand hallway with lots of very potentially breakable art, surrounded by wild-eyed and tense Crownsguard who range from cat people to deer people to ... is that a ferret over there? Cloud is pretty sure that’s a ferret person.
-Also Cor Leonis is there, tail swishing madly as he clutches at his sword and eyes them, fur bristling slowly as their hunters all seem to finally realize that the “Drautos and unknown intruders” they’ve been chasing are NOT half animal of some kind.
-Zack is the one to break the silence by stage whispering to Cloud, “I thought he’d be a lion. You know, with the name and all.” Seph, uncaring of leaving himself open to attack, takes a moment to facepalm with a heavy sigh while someone in the Crownsguard gives a nervous, semi-hysterical laugh.
-Tension now thoroughly ruined, the three allow themselves to be herded by a stiff-legged, bristling Cor to the Throne Room where the Regis and Clarus of this dimension are. Zack smothers (badly) a giddy laugh at seeing his dad with lion hindquarters (so cliche! Lion King!) and ooing softly over Clarus’s tiger stripes.
-Seph notices something subtly relax in the king despite his bristling tail and the way everyone keeps staring at them like they’re cryptids. That is CONVENIENTLY when Gentiana shows up (as an actual centaur???) and explains that the three of them accidentally slipped through the boundaries between worlds from a nearby world, and that it should wear off within three days time.
-She disappears and the awkward conversations start. It quickly becomes apparent that the ... Taurs are a little bit in awe at the sight of their two-legged status (apparently, as the king explains, all taurs used to be humans but were turned into taurs at the FALL OF SOLHEIM. Cloud wonders if this was how Aerith felt when people gushed over her being an Ancient). It also becomes evident that none of them trust Seph. At all. They keep their eyes on him far more than Zack and Cloud (though Regis does stare at Zack a bit, no doubt it’s weird looking at his son with human legs). Cor looks two steps away from murder at all times while glaring at Seph even as Clarus and Regis argue over where to house them for the three days that will be secure and how to keep this from getting all over the media.
-Finally Cloud snaps at Cor that if he has a problem, come out and say it. Everyone stares at him in astonishment for reasons he can’t fathom (yet) and finally Clarus explains that the Titus Drautos in their universe was a traitor who tried to assassinate Regis and conquer Insomnia. Seph blinks very slowly at that because wat. Why would he work for the people who experimented on him AGAIN. Then he realizes that without his past life memories he probably would have been brainwashed into it yeah. “I can see that,” Seph muses aloud while Zack sputters and Cloud spaces out dangerously at the distance. At the sudden tensing he waves a hand and drawls, “Niflheim and I do not get along.” He pauses, then adds just in case it come up somehow, “I cannot speak for your Titus, but I was forcibly captured out of the Crownsguard, experimented upon, and implanted with an armor unit codenamed Glauca. It did nothing to endear them to me.”
-Zack flings his arms around Seph’s and yells loudly before anyone else can say a word, “He’s mine! You gotta problem with them then fight me!” Zack pauses then adds, “Actually, you gotta problem with him then I’ll sic Prom on you.”
-“I don’t think that’s a very intimidating threat unless you know our Prompto,” Seph points out dryly but Zack loudly shushes him.
-They end up in a guest suite meant for visiting royals, with a few Crownsguard outside to make sure they don’t leave and aren’t disturbed. Of course, because their luck is their luck, the rumors have spread far enough that Regis, Cor, and Clarus are unable to run damage control before the Chocobros of this world hear about it.
-A day into their stay, Regis reluctantly takes the children to visit with Clarus, Cor, and Aulea all as backup. They enter to find all the furniture pushed to the far sides of the room, Titus on one end of the room, all three having what appears to be a mini war complete with battle lines. All three pause in their war, Noctis-Zack calmly dangling from Titus’s fist by his ankle while Prompto-Cloud lies sprawled near the door, feet up by his own head, arms splayed like he’s just been kicked in mid-air and didn’t have time to land right.
-“Are we interrupting something?” Cor asks stiffly. Noctis-Zack just laughs and Cloud attracts more than a few stares as he flips himself upright in a smooth movement utterly impossible for a Taur. Seph casually drops Zack without warning and the boy easily twists to land on his feet. Regis ... reluctantly asks if they would mind meeting their child counterparts plus a few friends, which Zack is all for and the other two fold to his whim. So Regis reluctantly lets the children enter. Noctis thunders up to Zack with bright eyes and gapes at his two-legged status while Cloud finds himself suddenly face to face with 10,000 Rays of Sunshine wearing his face and wagging a tail like a mad thing. Gladio trots up to Noctis while Ignis just kinda watches from next to the adults as the Nocti exchange greetings and then Zack hastily goes to extract Cloud from Prompto, because Cloud looks two inches away from a panic attack and stabbing is not recommended right now (Cor sees the sheer difference between his son and this human version and something in him growls. Why is the human Prompto so quiet, so alert and wary, watching everything, even himself, like it might attack?)
-Prompto deflates a bit at his counterpart’s silence and wariness, not understanding why and Seph breaks the tension by humming, “You know, Zack,” (who is Zack? The Taur adults wonder until human Noctis perks up), “I find myself a bit surprised. I would have been certain that your counterpart wouldn’t be a lion.”
-“Why’s that?” Noctis asks with a head tilt.
-Seph smirks, cool and smug and positively catlike, “Because he’s nothing but a big Puppy.”
-“Oi!” Zack yells but he’s laughing, “I make a great lion!”
-Cloud’s lips twitch against his will and he adds, “Well, this is another dimension. Some differences in temperament are to be expected.”
-Zack puts his hands over his heart with a gasp, blue eyes big and watery, “Cloud- Cloudy- My Cloudy Prompto Cloudy Spiky Buddy! How could you betray me like this??”
-Cloud just raises an eyebrow very slowly.
-Their banter is interrupted by a laugh from Prompto, “You guys are weird,” he says with a tail wag.
-Zack grins back and despite having known his son as a lion cub all his life, Regis can almost see the matching wagging tail on the boy, “You don’t know the half of it! Wanna play something?”
-The kids end up playing a strange mix of tag and the floor is lava (which Ignis RULES at because Ibex and Cloud rules over right behind him because Stubborn Mountain Boi) while Seph watches with fond eyes and finds himself slowly dragged into a conversation with Aulea.
-Some questions are exchanged and answers given, Cor snarls under his breath at the news of Prompto being given up to a neglectful home until finally being adopted by Cor where he belonged, and Regis and Aulea clutch hands when Seph slowly admits that Zack (they’re going by Zack, Cloud, and Seph to differentiate counterparts, claiming it’s an “in joke” and “nicknames”) hasn’t noticed her because he doesn’t recognize her. Queen Aulea died when Zack was a year old.
-But it’s not all sad things with the adults, Seph tells them little anecdotes of his world, and Regis notes how much more ... mellow this Titus is. Cunning yes, and somewhat cold, but not pushy and angry. Much more patient, and there is clear devotion in his eyes as this Titus watches his Noctis and Prompto play.
-Cor ends up sparring with this Titus, because Seph isn’t going to turn down the chance to Throw Hands with a cheetah man anymore than Cor will a human.
-It’s a tie that ends with both of them wheezing and tired on the floor.
-Cloud ends up falling asleep at one point and Prompto flops down next to him and soon they are both out and cuddling. All the Pictures are taken.
-Regis and Aulea are bemused and horrified by just how much of an Energizer Bunny Zack is. Like- HOW. Where do you store it all child and they thought Prompto was bad in his puppy stage.
-The three days end and the three disappear as swiftly as they came, and Zack is gleeful to have all the photo evidence Seph thoughtfully took to prove that YES they went to a world with Taur people and LOOK DAD YOU MAKE AN AWESOME LION. SO DOES MOM. SO DO I. AND HAH IGGY IS A GOAT (Ibex, Cloud corrects with a sigh and is ignored by Zack).
Tagging @robininthelabyrinth because I’m pretty sure Nocturne is your fic? Hope you don’t mind this little silly xover. I just loved the story too much to resist.
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toothpastecanyon · 4 years
Noie’s Brother, Chapter 17
Thank you so much to @feferipeixes for betaing this story!!
Fate sometimes rhymed, but Alcor felt like this one was a little on the nose. A newborn Mizar fading away in the hospital and a loving father pleading to him from behind a circle of candles.
Fate sometimes rhymed, but Naomi Argenta just wants this stupid vampire to stop harassing her brother. It’s making him go… weird.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
                 Out of the door.
                 The door.
                  The door.    He reached for it, but his skin was on fire.
                 His vision. It flitted in and out of focus as vitreous humours dribbled onto the carpet, and he watched the blurry smudge of her leave.
                 Leave? No, be led away. There was quiet talking behind the door, and what his melting ears heard…
                 “Stay here just a moment, okay?”
                 “But Dad! Dipper, he-”
                 “Just stay here, please. Play with your toys.”
               Anger. They made him angry. They made him angry, and he lunged for the door-
                 Pain. Not every part of him followed. And the knowledge leaking into his mind rushed through the fissures, and the carpet burned beneath his claws, and two feet came to stand before him.
                 Knowledge.      Knowledge.    He snarled.
                 That name. That was what he was, wasn’t it? And that was all he’d ever be.
                 With a roar he turned and ripped at the sofa, disemboweled its stuffing. His claws - they were too sharp, and his teeth were too big, and his mind was too clear because that was all he’d ever fucking be!  
                 “You don’t want your fries?”
                 Noie watched Dipper look up at her, like he was surprised. She stretched a smile.
                 “Hello? Earth to bro bro?”
                 A slow blink. “Do I want… oh, fries!” He nudged them towards her. “You can have them, it’s okay.”
                 Noie frowned at him.
                 “What? I said you could have-”
                 “You haven’t eaten anything all day.”
                 She tried not to sound accusing, but the hours of watching him space out in class clearly bled through. Dipper sighed at that, and opened his mouth to explain-
                 “You need to eat things, you know. You need to.”
                 “Noie…” He took one look at her expression, and begrudgingly picked out a fry. “Okay, I’ll eat this one.”
                 Then he put it in his mouth, and chewed it. Noie let out a little breath at that, and grabbed a few fries. She tried for a smile.
                 “They’re pretty good, huh?”
                 “Uh, yeah, sure.”
                 “Better than the peanut butter sandwich days. Wayyyy better, right Dipper?”
                 “Yeah, sure, I guess?”
                 “I dunno, are you sure?” She rattled the fries at him. “C’mon, eat some more!”
                 He frowned. “Noie-”
                 “Come onnnnn!”
                 “I don’t want to. I’m not hungry.”
                 “Of course you are! You can’t live off one measly fry, Dipper-”
                 “I can, though!” Dipper snapped, and there was a flash of yellow in his eyes that made her shoot out of her seat. His expression immediately turned to horror. “Oh, I’m sorry! A-are you okay?”
                     Those eyes… Noie was gulping down a scream. She put a hand on the table, and realised it was shaking.
                 “I’m. fine.”
                 She could feel Dipper looking her up and down. His arm was half-stretched across the table, like he wanted to touch her.
                 …She didn’t want to touch him. She looked at his fingers, and realised that.
                 “You sure?” Dipper’s frown was out of concern now. “Y-you know, Noie, this is kinda why I wanted to talk to you. I know it’s, um, weird, with me being a-”
                 “Nothing’s weird!”
                 “Nothing’s weird! Everything’s normal!” Noie finally managed to look at him again. “Didn’t we say we were gonna talk about this later?”
                 “When is later?”
                 “I don’t know, after school or something?” She gave him a shrug. “Whenever, I don’t care! I don’t mind talking-”
                 “So, after school then?”
                 “...I don’t care when! I-I just said I didn’t care, I-” She gritted her teeth. “Look, can we just have a nice lunch? Or are you gonna interrogate me this whole time?”
                 She met his gaze with a scowl, and he sighed. “Okay. Sorry. I just thought-”
                 “Oh, that’s your first mistake. Too much thinking, not enough eating!” She nudged the fries towards him. “C’mon, chill out, eat some fries! We’re having a good time!”
                 And they were. They were.  
                 Noie sat with her brother for the whole lunch hour. At an empty table in a busy cafeteria, she talked the silence away.
                 “Noie, don’t freak out.”
                 Given that Dipper had suddenly grabbed her while they were going home on the bus, that was not a reassuring statement.
                 “Dipper?” Noie looked at him; he’d gone pale, and was staring off into the middle distance with a rapidly deepening frown. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
                 “I’m-” he gripped the seat with his free hand. “Getting a summons, I-”
                 “A summons?”  
                 “I think I can stay here. It’s strong, but I think I can… argh, shoot.” Dipper glanced her way and managed a nervous smile. “Be right back, okay?”
                 Then he disappeared into thin air. Noie sat there for a second, stunned.
                 “Dipper?” Her voice sounded small. There was no reply but for the rumble of the bus. She touched his seat, then his bag, and panic fluttered in her chest.
Where the fuck did he go?!  
                 He was gone, and the bus sped along, and the floor seemed to fall out from under her feet and- she pulled the stop signal.
                 The bus swerved over. Ground to a halt. Heart thumping in her chest, Noie grabbed both bags and stepped off onto solid ground.
                 Her knees wobbled. Her eyes stung. She stared at the bench for some time, then stumbled over to it and sat down.
                 Where was he? Where was he?  
                 She hugged his backpack to her chest…
What had happened to her brother?  
                 And frowned. Her slow, shaky breathing counted out the minutes she spent sitting there, trying not to dwell on questions she didn’t want answers to. The sun slumped lower in the sky, and by the time Dipper finally decided to drop back into her life again, that frown had deepened to a scowl. She didn’t look at him when he put a hand on her shoulder.
                 “Hey, Noie. Sorry about that-”
                 “Have you got that sorted out?” She didn’t watch him flinch. “Is everything back to normal? Are you gonna stop leaving me every five minutes?”
                 There was a sigh. “Noie-”
                 “Well? Are you?”
                 Dipper just stared at her; she could feel his eyes on her back. He didn’t say a word, and Noie played with the strap of his backpack. She looped it around her finger, and tried not to think about things.
                 Closed her eyes, and tried not to think about      that morning     for just a second, just a goddamn second…
                 “Noie, we need to talk.”
                 And his voice was not helping. She shot him a look, then stood up.
                 “Noie, where are you going?”
                     “We’re going home, Dipper.” She stretched out a hand. “Unless you’ve got somewhere better to be.”
                 Dipper frowned at her. “Noie…” he started, but she took his hand and squeezed it tight. He let her do that, let her lead him down the street. Almost like old times.
                 Almost, but for all the ways it had gone terribly wrong.
                 “Hey, kids.”
                 David was in the living room again when they came home. Dipper stopped abruptly at the sight of him; with a tug, Noie dragged him inside.
                 “Hi, Grandpa!” She waved with the hand holding her brother. “Dipper says hi, too!”
                 “Does he.” David looked at him. “How’re you feeling, kid? How’s those headaches?”
                 Dipper just stared back, completely white-faced. Noie laughed for him.
                 “They’re      aaall     better, aren’t they, bro?” She shook his hand. “Aren’t they?”
                 He blinked. “Wh-what? Oh, yeah. Yeah!”
                 David cocked an eyebrow. “You sure?”
                 “Yeah, don’t worry about me!” He backed into the hallway, taking Noie with him. “Don’t- sorry. Sorry, I… sorry.”
                 Once they were in the bedroom, Dipper near-slammed the door closed. Noie snorted.
                 “What was that all about?” She saw him open his mouth and quickly added: “I mean… so, homework! Man, I can’t wait to get started on math - Dipper, can you help me out with a-”
                 She started rifling through her bag. “One sec, I gotta find it-”
                 “Noie,      please.”  
                 “Puh-lease, haha. Oh, found it!” She whipped out the sheet and grinned at him. “Let’s do this… Dipper?”
                 Dipper was not smiling back. Dipper had covered his face with trembling hands, and as she watched he pressed himself into the doorway, shaking his head when Noie reached out.
                 “Dipper? What’s wrong?”
                 “I… I can’t.” He got out. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Noie, b-but I can’t keep this up any longer, I can’t…”  
                 Her hand hovered over his shoulder. “What do you mean? Are you okay?”
                 “I know you don’t want me to talk about it, b-but I did so many terrible things- I can’t just, just stand here like nothing’s wrong! I need to tell you, and you’re gonna hate me, but-”
                 “Whoa, whoa, Dipper! I’d never hate you!”
                 “You can’t be sure about that!”
                 “What? Of course I’m sure! I know you, Dipper, I-”
                 “No you don’t!” Dipper snapped. “I’m sorry, but you don’t know me as well as you think you do and you need to let me tell you!”  
                 At that, Noie staggered back. Her throat closed up; she couldn’t breathe. She watched Dipper sigh, and look away for a moment. He turned back, and locked eyes on her, and despite the blotchy face, despite the human eyes she thought she knew so well, despite everything…
                 He looked so terribly ancient.
                 Noie backed away.
                 “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout at you.”
                 “Shout at me? I don’t care if you shout at me, I…” Noie’s chest was heaving; she couldn’t look him in the eyes. “What am I supposed to do if I end up hating you?”
                 It was silent for a moment. Noie stared down at the floor, and tried not to see how her brother slowly drew back his arm and stood still. He had no words to say to that, no reassurances to give to her, nothing.  
                 He had nothing, and it was unbearable. Noie turned abruptly away and picked up a sheet of paper that had fallen to the floor. Awkwardly, almost mechanically, she held it out to him.
                 “I have some, um, homework,” she said, and before he could interject she added, “I know, I know, but… Can we not, for a little while longer? Like just for tonight?”
                 Dipper didn’t say anything; he just stared at her with that tired,      ancient     gaze. Her face crumpled into a smile.
                 “Please? We can just have a good time, then you can tell me whatever you wanna tell me, and…” She gulped. “Well, let’s just have a good time now, okay? Okay?”
                 After a long pause, Dipper finally took the paper. He read it. Noie watched him read it. She watched as he sighed, opened his mouth, and then:
                 “Since when did you start calling homework ‘a good time’?”
                 The tension finally eased a little, and Noie let out a laugh. She laughed harder when she saw Dipper look up at her, a weak but teasing grin tugging at his cheeks.
                 “Alright, he said, and shuffled over to the desk. “I guess we’re, uh, doing homework, then.”
                 She hopped on his bed. “Hell yeah we are! Take us away, bro!”
                 At that, he grinned and started to explain, but she couldn’t miss the wariness in his eyes, the tremble in the hands he held the page with.
                 She couldn’t miss how he almost put his elbow on the desk, but saw the USB and flinched away.
                 Despite everything, it was a good afternoon. Dipper was Dipper, and Noie was Noie, and everything was right with the world.
 (Right enough anyway, if you didn’t count the USB that sat between them like an omen.)
                 That was until there was a knock at the door. Dipper’s grin, which had been wide as he explained something about derivatives that was definitely a little above their grade level, suddenly dropped; he shrank back as David poked his head in.
                 “Hey, kids. Me and Allie, we got dinner going.” He jabbed a thumb at the kitchen. “Pasta. It’ll be ready in a minute, so wrap up whatever you’re doing, and… are you two doing homework?”
                 Noie glanced at her brother, then forced out a laugh. “Yyyep! What, are you surprised?”
                 “I gotta say a little, yeah.” He grinned at her. “Good for you, kid. Wrap it up for now and come back after dinner, okay?”
                 “Yeah, yeah, thanks or whatever, Grandpa.” Noie watched him close the door, then immediately rolled her eyes at Dipper. “Well, that was patronising. I do my homework! Sometimes. He’s seen me do it before, he doesn’t immediately have to be like ‘ohhhh, goooood joooob Noie, you stupid idiot, you’re actually doing your…’ uh… Dipper?”
                 Dipper didn’t move from his seat, didn’t even look at her. He had that same deer-in-the-headlights expression from the last time he’d seen David, and Noie couldn’t help but wonder what was scaring him so badly about his own grandfather.
                 Her eyes flitted to the USB, and she put that out of mind. She touched his leg.
                 “Dipper?” When he jumped, she jumped back. “Dipper, did you hear that? We’re going to dinner.”
                 He finally turned that expression on her. “Dinner? With David?”
                 “With Grandpa, yeah-”
                 “I’m not-” He shook his head. “No. I’m not, I-I won’t-”
                 “Won’t what?”
                 “Won’t… j-just say I have a headache, okay?”
                 Noie frowned. “Why?”
                 “Not- I’m not going to sit a-across from them, I can’t- I won’t be able to hold it together!”
                 “What do you mean?”
                 Dipper’s eyes flitted to the USB, and her breath caught in her throat. She shot up.
                 “Okay!” Noie spoke loudly. “I’ll do that! Noooo problem bro, haha!”
                 He just looked at her, panic fading to that ancient sadness that made her want to shrivel up. She opened her mouth, then closed it and awkwardly shot finger guns at him as she backed into the door.
                 “Alright, uh, don’t have too much fun without me!” With one hand, she scrabbled for the handle and pushed it down. “Seeya, uh… seeya! Love you, Dipper.”
                 “I love you too, Naomi.”
                 Noie’s smile stretched at that. She tried to keep her eyes on him, but as she closed the door, they couldn’t help but gravitate to the USB on the desk.
The USB.  
                 It shut with a click, and she hurried down the hallway to get away from it all.
                 “Allie, what are you- don’t touch that!” She rounded the corner, and saw David pulling his wife away from the stove.
                 “You gotta watch yourself! I don’t want you getting hurt.” David noticed Noie and waved her over. “Hey, kid, could you drain the pasta for me? I’m gonna get Allie sat down.”
                 “I can help!”
                 “You can not give me a heart attack, that’s how you’ll be helping.”
                 Noie saw Allie’s frown, and opened the cutlery drawer. “Why don't you set the table, Granny? We need four knives and four forks.”
                 She let her grandmother wander over, then got out a colander. David grunted.
                 “Four, eh? Dipper not coming?”
                 “He has a headache.” She said, and nothing more. She took the lid off the pasta, and the steam rose up in a puff.
 (Rose up like the void, far above her head, and suddenly why was she suppressing a shudder?)
                 “Another headache… we really gotta get that sorted out.” He scratched his chin. “When’s his next appointment with the neurologist?”
                 “Next Monday.” She said, and lifted the pot. Walked it to the sink. “You guys are free that time, right?”
                 “Monday?” Allie made a face. “I’ll have to check my shedule-”
                 “We’re free, Allie.” David waved his hand. “We’ll be free.”
                 Noie poured the pasta through the colander. Steam rose thick and high from the water, and she could feel her heart thudding in her throat. The pasta slid down, little bowties splattering into the sieve with a slimy sound that drilled into her brain; it sounded like      his     brain,      his     skull splitting apart and      his bloody spaghetti slopping onto the tile...  
                 She felt sick. She felt      sick,     and she tried very hard not to let it show in her smile as she scraped it into a bowl.
                 “Dinner’s, uh, up.”
                 “You’re not done yet.” He pointed at the cold glass jar sitting out on the counter. “You still gotta put on the red sauce.”
                    Noie unscrewed the cap, and got blood on her hands. They trembled as she took what she’d done to the table.
                 “And there we are!” David grinned at her. “Thanks, kid.”
                 She just nodded.
                 “Alright, bon appetit everybody, why don’t we dig in? Here’s the serving spoon, Allie, help yourself… Allie?”
                 “Are you alright?”
                 Noie looked up at that, and saw her grandmother staring at her with a look of concern. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.
                 “Huh?” David frowned at her. “Wait, is something the matter, Naomi?”
                 She shook her head, vigourously, but her throat was betraying her. Dammit, fuck, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry-  
                 Too late. David shot up from his seat and had his arm around her in seconds. Allie rose with a little difficulty, but she was there just after him.
                 “Whoa, hey, what’s the matter, kid?” David’s bewildered expression filled her vision, and she shook her head. “What’s wrong? You gotta tell us what’s wrong.”
                 “It’s-” Noie managed. “It’s fine, I’m f-fine, I-”
                 “You’re not fine - look at yourself! What’s gotten you so worked up? Something at school?”
                 She shook her head. “No, i-it’s fine-”
                 “Something at home? Uh, homework? Homework’s hard? Is that it?”
                 “No, no, it’s fine-”
                 “Then what is it? Naomi, we can’t fix it if you don’t tell us. Naomi. Naomi-”
                 That voice was Allie. David and Noie jumped a little at the sound, and turned to her.
                 She was glaring at David. “You need to give her some space,” she said, and he backed off sharply.
                 “O-oh, sorry. Sorry, kid.”
                 Noie wiped her face. “It’s okay, Grandpa. Look, I am okay, i-it’s just…”
                 She stared down at her hands, cringing at the silence that followed, at Allie’s hand squeezing her shoulder. A new wave of      stupid crying     was building up in her throat, and she swallowed.
                 “I j-just…” She clenched her fists, shut her eyes. “Am I… Am I a b-bad-d-pers-son?”
                 “A bad person? What?”
                 Noie didn’t have an answer to him. She just didn’t, and when she felt Allie hold her a little tighter she just shook her head.
                 “Bad person?” David sounded like he was in disbelief. “Is this because we had a little spat?”
                 She gave a helpless shrug. “I-I d-don’t know, k-kind of?”
                 “Oh, Naomi… I told you, you’re at that kind of age, it’s fine. It’s healthy, even!  You’re not a bad person for getting into arguments…”
                 She stared down at her hands, her bloody hands.      It was so much more than this…  
                 “You’re growing up! You’re getting older, and, y’know, testing your limits?” He made an uncomfortable sound. “Does that, uh, make you feel better? How’re we doing, kiddo?”
                 When Noie didn’t respond, Allie spoke in an undertone. “I’m going to call her fah- her Leo, okay?”
                 “What?” David watched her walk over to the kitchen and start looking around for her phone. He took a half-step forwards to stop her, then glanced back at Noie, sighed, and turned back to her.
                 She just stared into her hands. Leon… when she closed her eyes, the video seemed to scream in her head. The watery shine in Leon’s smile, the hoarseness in his voice, and the words he spoke - they stabbed at her.
                     They dug deep into the pit in her stomach, and stars she couldn’t take this anymore, she couldn’t, she couldn’t-  
                 Noie clenched her trembling jaw, and finally looked up at David. “Grandpa?” She started.
                 “Yeah, kiddo?”
                 “Can I ask you… something weird?”
                 Something like panic flashed in his eyes, but he managed a smile. “Uh, sure? What’s up now?”
                 She looked at Allie, opening the cutlery drawer, and leaned in close. “Um… about Leon?”
                 David froze. She cringed at his expression, and forced out the last bit.
                 “How did he… um, how exactly… did he…” - and David’s face had already blanched - “...d-die?”
                 There was silence, broken only by Allie looking for the phone. Noie watched him gulp, hard, and she was already regretting this.
                 That was when the air seemed to drop ten degrees. The shadows in the room seemed to starken. A sudden, undeniable      presence     had turned its full attention to her, and she couldn’t help but look.
                 Look past David, to the boy standing in the hallway.
                 Clenching his fists.
                 Staring right at her.
                 They locked eyes, and though Dipper didn’t have claws, or glowing eyes, or wings… there was something immutably ancient, there. Something… disappointed.
                 He gazed at her like a god watching the folly of mortals, and Noie knew in an instant that this creature’s name was not Dipper Argenta.
                 Was it Pines? Was it Alcor?
                 Whatever it was, it wasn’t the brother she knew. Maybe it would never be again, and David was talking now.  
                 “I thought…” She heard his voice come in thick, halting. “I-I-thought… you kids were told the story, right?”
                 Noie couldn’t take her eyes off the creature in the shadows. “I… I want to know what happened.”
                 The creature’s eyes had a strange gleam to it now. David’s breath caught, and he cleared his throat.
                 “Well, uh… I-I mean, there’s… there’s not much to know, you know?” He squeezed her shoulder. “Just, it was the night after Allie spoke a-at a park. You were with us, ‘cause Dipper had that magic emergency and had to go to the hospital…”
                 His voice got very tight. The creature looked on, unnaturally still.
                 “W-w-we got a c-call.” He gestured with a shaking arm. “The entire… the entire street block, it was… incinerated, th-there was just a b-black c-crater where all the houses were supposed to be and…” He gulped.      “Stars,    i-it was all gone, and L-Leon - your father, y-your house… that was… you know.”
                 The creature finally looked away. David took a shuddering breath.
                 “You know.”
                 Noie gritted her teeth. “Who caused the explosion?”
                 “Huh? It was… some sort of demon attack, kid. A really awful, terrible… demon attack.”
                 “Which demon?”
                 “Which demon did it?”
                 At that, David sighed. “Sorry, I wish I knew, kid. They never could figure that one out, it was just a demon attack.” And then a frown. “They said it was Leo, just ‘cause he married a demonologist and his house was in the centre of the blast. But he wasn’t a demonologist!” He gripped Noie’s shoulder tighter. “I don’t know what they think he was doing there, besides looking after his sick kid, but he wasn’t responsible for that! He didn’t get twenty six people killed! He didn’t!”  
                  “He-” David glanced over to Allie, and his mouth clamped shut.
                 At that moment, Noie flinched as the creature stepped out of the shadows. It strode across the room, and though it was in plain sight, David and Allie didn’t react to it at all.
                 Maybe they were just preoccupied, Noie thought. She watched it reach for her hand, then step back and motion her forwards when she didn’t move.
                 She didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to see where this was going to take her. But her grandfather was saying hoarse words, and Allie had gone back to searching through the pots and pans for a phone to call her dead father with, and she didn’t know what she was supposed to do other than follow.
                 Maybe she said goodbye. Maybe she said she needed to go lie down. Maybe she said nothing at all, and was led to her room like a prisoner led to her cell. Either way, she was in here now, and the creature she could believe was Dipper shut the door.
                 The USB. It was on the table. She stared at it, and not him.
                 Was she still crying? She touched her face.
                 “Noie. We need to talk.”
                 Yes, she was.
                 “I’ve tried to put it off for you, but I can’t. Not any longer. So can you just, please, let me explain?”
                 Oh, stars.      Oh stars. Oh stars oh starsohstarsoh-  
                 The reverb rattled her chest, and she glanced up just in time to see the demon shed his human form. The air crackled as Alcor unfurled wings of pure void; reality itself seemed to twist and fold up, fold out, as he suddenly became twice his size, as his clothes burned away to a charcoal-black suit, as his glowing, deeply inhuman eyes opened and fixed on her with a glare that stopped her heart.
                 His feet lifted off the ground and he floated forwards. Noie shrieked. She staggered back, pressing herself into the corner of the room like she wanted to force her way through it… and suddenly Alcor was holding his hands out.
                 “It’s okay, it’s okay!” He was saying, and oh my stars those were claws on his fingers- “It’s still me, Noie.”
                 She was shaking her head. She kept shaking her head. No. No.      No.  
                 “It’s still me. This is still… me.”
                 No it isn’t. No. No, it isn’t.
                 “It is, though.” He looked at her with a gaze so ancient, so tired of this. “Noie. We can’t keep this up. I can’t keep this up.You can’t keep this up - look at you.”
                 She couldn’t look at herself. She couldn’t tear herself free from those terrible, terrible eyes…
                 She watched them dim. She watched them look down, then flicker back up again.
                 “Okay.” He said. Flatly. “You don’t have to hear me tell you.”
                 A hand. A clawed hand, glinting and outstretched. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. He spoke again.
                 “But let me show you.”
                 The world seemed to ripple, seemed to shimmer, seemed to narrow and fall away until it was just him, and his hand, and the terrible truth that shone through his eyes.
                     “Let me show you who I am.”  
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The Taste of Love (lost part 2)
(I made this blog because I lost my old phone and didnt want to abandon this idea, BUT despite all odds I found my old phone and recovered my old notes! This is NOT CANON to the blog because I had forgotten my prior story idea and the asks diverted it, but I thought it would be interesting for you to see anyway, and it may give you some ideas for what to ask or smthn)
Patton had never seen a human in person before, not so close. Every time he searched stores and streets for extra non-forest-obtainable resources he went at night so nobody would catch him. Not because he would be put in danger but because he didn’t want to be a bother, and he knew that if he was forced to exercise self defense it wouldn’t be pretty, and he’d have to waste potential food as well. He refused to eat fear and pain. He wasn’t incredibly picky, but when it came to negative emotions those were the worst and barely provided any nutrition. Fear tasted bitter, like juicing dandelions onto your tongue, and pain tasted like cold rusty metal.
He narrowed his eyes and sank onto his haunches. The human was smaller than its steps suggested, malnourished and tired. It looked sickly. It looked surprisingly like Patton, save for its absence of fur and its small ears, and hair the color of blackberry juice. There were a few more subtle differences but nothing severe enough that Patton couldn’t replicate. He felt sorry for it. It was so cute, feeble. And at that point not very appetizing. He watched it stumble over to his bait spread. It seemed confused, which was understandable. But it was too hungry to care. It spoke. More shouted than spoke:
"Logan! Grab Princey and get over here! There’s food!”
It must have been signaling its pack. More of them? In a moment another human trudged out of the brush, dragging another unconscious one on a large tarp. Patton ran through a list of the best ways to approach the situation. It may be less suspicious to them if he approached in a friendly manner? They were obviously in no condition to refuse assistance. He nodded to himself.
In a matter of seconds his fur had shed and his ears had morphed into passable human ones. His claws retracted and were replaced with fingernails and his knees popped as they reversed their bend to a forward position like his prey. He pulled his fur clothing around himself and his eyes dimmed their glow, now simply glinting a brilliant blue. He crept out slowly as to not startle them too much.
"Hello?” He felt a bit bad when the two creatures jumped, but he knew however he came out would startle them this deep in the woods. They looked at him in fear and confusion. "Don’t be afraid. Are you lost?” He said it gently and with a warm undertone, calculated by his body into the least threatening voice to this particular species.
"Who are you?!” The first one he’d seen stepped in front of the other two. The action was endearing and very cute, especially considering it would take little more than a gust of wind to topple the feeble creature.
"I live out here. I’m as surprised as you to find someone this deep in the woods. Or rather you found me.” Patton chuckled. “You seem tired and hungry.”
“Um... yeah. We were hiking and one of us-“ he flashed a quick glance at the unconscious body, “decided to go off trail on an adventure. We’ve been lost about a week now. We need food and shelter... if it’s not too much trouble.”
Patton smiled warmly. “Of course not! I was just about to have some of this but you seem to need it more.” He gestured to the spread.
"Thank you!” The blackberry human sat on the picnic blanket and grabbed an orange. The other conscious human stepped forward and extended a hand. Patton took it.
"Thank you for your hospitality. I’m Logan, this is Virgil, and this,” he motioned to the one on the tarp whom he had been dragging, “Is Roman. We’re not sure what’s wrong with him, but I assume it’s it’s dehydration. Do you have any? Is there a river?”
Patton smiled. “One moment!” He ran back to the cave and pulled the makeshift lid off his rainwater barrel. He took a cup and filled it, then made his way back. “Here you are!”
"Thank you.” The human named Logan took the cup and kneeled next to his pack member, patting his face rapidly until the human named Roman groaned and blinked awake.
"What...?” His throat sounded dry and rough and his voice was soft and weak. Logan held the water to his lips.
"Water. Drink.” The weakened creature obeyed almost instantly as his mind cleared, finishing the water in seconds.
"More?” He looked up desperately. Logan looked to Patton.
"May we have another?” Patton nodded and compliantly refilled the cup, bringing as many as the parched man could drink. Once he was finished, he seemed to become more aware of his surroundings.
"Who is this?”
“He lives around here. He has food and shelter. And water.” Logan informed his pack member. Roman looked from his friend to Patton.
“Thanks... do you have a name?”
“Patton!” Patton grinned. He made sure his razor edged teeth were concealed.
"Well thank you Patton.” He looked at Logan. “Does this mean we got to civilization?!”
"No. He lives out here.”
"But there’s food?” Patton nodded and motioned to where Virgil was stuffing his face in response. Romans eyes brightened and he shakily stood, wobbling over to the the spread before collapsing to his knees in front of it. Logan joined them.
"Be carful Virgil! If you eat too much too fast you might puke and waste it all.” Patton blinked down at him with concern. Virgil looked up and sheepishly slowed his eating. Patton smiled and sat criss cross with his three guests.
"So how do you live out here? You must get your resources somewhere.” Logan inquired as he nibbled on some sourdough and blueberries.
"I garden, and hunt, and collect rainwater. It’s a little inconvenient but I love the forest so it’s worth it.” He decided to leave out the fact he’d probably be cast out as a monster and wouldn’t be able to control his animal urges to hunt while in a human civilization. He thought it might spook them.
"I see. Where’s your house? Is it nearby?” Logan continued to interrogate further. Patton pointed to his cave forty feet behind them.
"I live in that cave right there! It’s real cozy you’ll love it!”
Logan’s brows rose, impressed. “Resourceful...”
"I know! You gotta be at least a little bit sharp to get by out here.”
"Cool...” The blackberry haired Virgil mumbled to himself. Patton looked over to find him listening intently, alongside Roman who was doing the same. Patton felt his face warm. He’d never considered his lifestyle to be impressive and this sort of validation was new to him. He enjoyed it. He giggled.
“Are you done eating? I can show you around!”
"Yes! It’s so cool you live in a cave! Are you some sort of dragon?” Roman beamed at the thought, a teasing glint in his eye. Patton’s blood chilled at the accusation.
"Nah. Just a regular old person like you!” His fangs retracted further into his gums as if they were shy, and he felt his knees strain to return to their position. He wasn’t used to changing form this long and with Romans question he felt it all weigh on him at once. His voice hitched, but he felt like he managed to act casual as he continued. "How... how about I pack this all up and you three can come see where you’ll be for the night? You must be super tired.”
"Thanks again.” Virgil stood shakily and Logan helped him. “We shouldn’t be here long, just enough to get back on our feet. Maybe a couple nights at most.”
"Nonsense, stay as long as you want! You seem like lovely company.” Patton smiled. He needed them to stay long enough to lift their spirits.
“Thank you,” Logan spoke up, “But if you could show us toward any sort of civilization, as I’m sure you know where we are, we should be out by tomorrow at noon.” Patton chewed his lip.
“No need to move so fast, you’re too weak to make it all the way out tomorrow. I can make you some of my Patton-Pending Patton Pasta tomorrow night!”
“Really, we’d rather get home as soon as we can if you don’t mind, we have people who are most definitely worried and responsibilities to fulfill.” Logan wasn’t going to budge. Patton groaned internally. He plastered a smile on his face.
"Okay then! I’ll be sure you all enjoy your stay no matter its length!”
"You are our savior, if there’s anything we can do-“ Roman took Patton’s hand.
“No, no, nothing. Your company is payment enough.” Patton had never lied before, which may have been the reason he wasn’t the best at it. Usually he was just hunting, baiting, pouncing, but something about this prey made him feel a little bad deceiving them.
"You’re an angel.” Roman kissed Patton’s hand, to Patton's surprise.
"Roman! Stop being weird!” Virgil shoved his pack member.
“I’m not!”
"You just kissed a stranger!”
"He was being NICE!”
“You can’t just kiss nice people!” They began to shove and prod each other back and forth. Patton began to reach out to stop them. After all, if they got into a fight they’d be angry, and he’d have to start the happiness all over again. But he paused. He didn’t catch the scent of any anger. This was different. Play fighting, like cougar siblings, the batting of little cubs paws. Teasing. Logan interjected, attempting to break them up. Patton chuckled.
"Cut it out you two, I’m flattered.” He gave a lopsided smile, his fall-chilled, rosy cheeks lifting his eyes into glimmering blue crescents. The three stopped, their cheeks tinting a similar pink through their already wind bitten faces. The cold must have been really getting to them. "Cmon, you look like you’re freezing, let’s get you all by a fire.”
Patton gathered the corners of the picnic blanket and slung it over his shoulder, motioning his guests to follow him toward his cave. They complied, trudging through the leaves and pine needles. The air was rich with the sweet aroma of sap and wet leaves. He would have liked to have stayed out a bit longer to enjoy it, but all three of his prey were shivering, pulling their respective hoodies and jackets tight around their shoulders. He quickened his pace.
They approached the mouth of the cave and Patton hurried them in, gathering three blankets and one large quilt from his chest of nesting materials and distributing one of the fleeces to each. He took the quilt and wrapped them all in a heavy second layer before scampering over to the firewood pile. He lit a match to the stone pit and the fire roared to life on a pile of dry grass and the previous night's wood.
"You should take this chance to sleep as long as you need.”
"But the sun’s still up.” Virgil looked out the cave’s opening. He was right, the sun was low in the west but it had yet to brush the horizon.
“Don’t let the sun boss you around, you’re tired all the same aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll use the time to hunt and get us all something fresh for breakfast.” Patton smiled with difficulty. His teeth were strained and sore. They couldn’t hold their dull form much longer. He willed his prey to shut their eyes. His poorly bent knees, his tiny useless ears, his bare skin screamed to show their true selves.
"Guess so. Thanks again.” Virgil sighed and pulled the quilt tighter, breathing in its calming scent of bread and baked goods.
"It means the world.” Roman leaned into Virgil, his eyes heavy. Logan joined the pile, mumbling a noise Patton interpreted as gratefulness.
"Really, the pleasure is all mine.” Patton took three cups from his cabinet and filled them with water to place next to the pack. “For if you wake up thirsty.”
"Thanks...” Virgil smiled. His cheeks flushed pink, though Patton was sure he’d warmed them all up adequately. He noticed the same blush plaguing the whole pack. Maybe humans warm slower than Pattons.
"I’ll go hunt as soon as I know you’re sleeping. You’d better.” He teased sternness.
"We won’t have any problems with that.” Logan yawned. “You’d better go before it gets too dark.” Patton nodded. He had night vision, but he wouldn’t need it. He had all he needed right in his cave. Right in front of him. He breathed in the gratefulness and content swirling around him. Their aura was mouthwatering. But he had to wait. They were thin; he needed healthy, plump prey. He wanted these three at their full potential. They would be his last meal before hibernation after all. They needed to be hearty. Pun intended.
He took a seat in his wooden armchair and curled up to watch them drift off. They were so cute. Like baby bunnies, huddled for warmth, twitching and readjusting ever so often, like fragile little blind kits. Finally, they were settled into sleep.
Patton stood, loosening his fall clothing to accommodate his fuller form. He shifted, his ears morphing outward and filling out with fur. His knees reversed with a satisfying pop and his claws burst from his digits. His lithe frame filled out with all sorts of muscles humans didn’t have, ligaments, tendons, even bone, his dull teeth sharpening and extending, the rows further back pulling up into his gums for later use. His eyes were last, pupils lengthening and iris filling its whites, flaring with a brilliant blue glow. He was a Patton again. He sighed with relief before turning to his prey. He sat next to them and studied, them closely, brainstorming his options.
Logan seemed persistent on leaving the next day at noon. That wasn’t nearly enough time to nurse them all back to health and harvest what he needed from them. But if he tried to keep them they’d be suspicious and may leave anyway. He sighed. There was really only one option, and it would really just be harder for everyone. But it was the only way to keep them indefinitely.
Patton scavenged through a box of materials with which he used to set traps for his prey. He pulled out a coil of nylon rope he’d reinforced with natural fibers. For larger prey, deer and the like. He got to work carefully maneuvering around his houseguests, securing the rope to metal hooks used to dry clothes in front of the fireplace. He looped and cut it an a way that he had three ends, and six short spare pieces. He first bound each of their ankles, then their wrists. He surveyed his work. He felt a pang of guilt for securing them in such an uncomfortable way, but he couldn’t risk them escaping. He finished by tying a simple slipknot around each of their necks. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about his materials being weak. They’d tighten at the slightest struggle, far before being pulled tight enough to break.
Once he was finished, he sat cross-legged in front of them, watching. He blinked in curiosity. They were embracing one another, even in their sleep, ever so often shifting to hold one another tighter, the corners of their mouths twitching upward slightly. They were content, comforted, by one another’s presence. A foreign aroma enveloped Patton, something he’d never once smelled before. He’d definitely know if he had before. It was like happiness but... richer. Fuller. His fangs dripped saliva. It was something he never knew he needed until then. His new goal, he needed them healthy, and he needed them feeling that. The goal; that’s what he’d call this new emotion.
Patton awoke the next morning to a shout. He lifted his head from his spot curled on his mattress.
"What’s going on?! Logan!” Virgil was awake. Patton gasped and shifted quickly, hiding his inhuman extremities.
"Hm...?” Logan blinked awake. Patton peered around the thick rock wall between his living and sleeping areas.
“What...? What is this?!” Roman was up now. “Hey! What happened? Why can’t I-“ He yanked at the ropes. “Where are... who...” He looked around. The others yanked at their restraints, panicked. Patton took a breath. They wouldn’t really care to see him at the moment, that he knew, but he couldn’t allow the confusion and panic to continue at the rate it was.
"Shhh, calm down, calm down, everything is fine.” He crept out from his hiding spot. Three heads swiveled to face him, a mixture of fear, panic, and anger. He had to hold back from gagging at the putrid, sour aroma.
"Who are you?! Let us go!” Virgil kicked and snarled.
"Well that’s a funny question... I’m Patton! I could’ve sworn I told you.”
"Who are you really you psychopath?! Why are we tied up?!”
"Oh! Oh. Don’t worry, it’s just because Logan had said you three were leaving at noon and that wasn’t enough time.”
“Enough time for what? You’re insane!” He wouldn’t calm down. Patton could taste his bitter, rotten rage on the back of his tongue.
"Shh, it’s okay, I promise I’m not insane. Just hungry.” Logan blinked, his mouth twisting into an uneasy expression.
"Aren’t you excited?” Patton smiled warmly. “It’s your turn to join the circle!”
"The circle...? You’re making no sense.” Logan squinted. Patton took his guest's glasses off the coffee table and pushed them gingerly onto his nose. Logan blinked in surprise.
"There. You can see.” Patton sat in front off the three cross legged, placing his hands in his lap. “Do humans not know the circle?”
"Humans...? What are you?” Roman raised a brow.
"Or what does his crazy mind THINK he is...” Virgil mumbled, eyeing Patton with a seething hatred.
"I’m a Patton! Not quite human. Actually pretty far from it. But I feel like I think like you do. Which is why I think you may be able to understand. To get where I’m coming from.”
"Bullshit! Cut the jokes! Why do you really want us?” Virgil wasn’t having it. Patton sighed.
"I can show you I’m not lying. If you promise not to be afraid.”
"Yes! Show us!” Roman was interested. Patton liked him.
"Yes, let’s see.” Logan was skeptical, but intrigued. Virgil didn’t speak, but he didn’t have to. Patton could sense his aura of fear, rage, skepticism. He began shifting.
As he did, he felt his guests fear and disbelief curl his tongue and dry his saliva. Screams, shouts, gasps. But this was just another step. Finished, he looked down at the three. He smiled at them with his carnivorous teeth.
"See? I wouldn’t lie to you.” He let the three finish their little freak out.
"What are you?! How?!” Logan looked him up and down.
"Woah...” Roman was staring blankly, unsure of how to react.
"You said you were hungry...?” The softest voice came from Virgil. Where there was once rage, there was now a cold, rigid fear. Patton refused to spit, though he felt like he was chewing batteries.
"Yep. I needed something sustainable before my hibernation and wouldn’t you know it, you three came along at just the right time. I’ve never had human. You seem so emotionally intelligent and mature... I’m so excited! Aren’t you?! You’ll be joining the circle!” Virgil had his face hidden in his hood. Logan was rubbing his back. The latter spoke:
“What is this ‘circle’ you keep mentioning?”
"The circle of life! It’s so so beautiful.” Virgil whimpered and the others gulped.
"So we should be excited to die?” A deep worry line appeared between romans well groomed brows.
“No.” Patton chuckled. “You should be excited to contribute.”
“So you want to eat us?” Logan seemed collected but Patton could sense his fear.
"Not all of you don’t worry! Just your hearts. It won’t hurt even a little bit and you’ll look just fine after, I promise, I’m real good at it.” He gave a toothy smile, but the reassurances didn’t seem to have done much. Virgil was breathing quickly like he’d just finished chasing something though he hadn’t moved in hours. Patton tipped his head as Logan struggled to normalize his pack member’s breathing.
"Are you okay? Do you need water?” Logan looked up. He was afraid but Patton could sense that if his trust had been more developed he would say yes. Patton rose to his seven foot stature, drawing some yelps from his prey, and went to fetch a cup at the rain barrel.
He sighed while collecting his thoughts. He knew he had to lie to build initial trust, but it made him feel lousy when he had to then be honest, and the shock of the reveal shattered a large portion of the already formed trust. This task was proving to be more difficult than he’d initially expected. He’d expected them to have similar values to him. If he’d been selected to feed another creature he’d be accepting and grateful for the opportunity. They’d been raised in the wrong mindset. The wrong environment. He’d have to teach them.
Patton returned to the three with a large glass of water. He held it out to the trembling Virgil. He flinched back, staring in horror at the lengthy claws wrapping the cup. Patton retracted his arm slightly. His claws drew in and his fingers squirmed against the glass until they were harmless human paws. Virgil seemed disgusted, but at least not as fearful, as he took the glass quickly.
Patton sat silently as Logan assisted his friend in calming himself, counting in unusual intervals as he took in breaths. Roman held his friend’s hand and gently petted it with his thumb as his breathing evened. Patton’s ears twitched as he tracked Virgil’s breaths until they slowly became regular. The whole scene was incredibly endearing, like a mother bear caring for her young. And it was there again.
The unknown emotion enveloped Patton, warming him and holding him and coercing drool down his fangs. But he caught himself. The fear was still there. They weren’t enough yet.
"Don’t worry.” He kept his voice empathetic and even. “I’ll prepare you far ahead of time, I won’t take you by any sort of surprise. You have days at least. I’ll make sure you’re happy by the time you go. That’s my mission! To teach you my thoughts about all of this! Of course, of course you’re scared, and I’m very very sorry. I’d be scared too, but the point isn’t that you’re going away, it’s that you’re staying, and you’re staying as something big, and beautiful, and warm, and happy... You’re feeding into something great and something magical. Doesn’t that sound breathtaking?” Patton’s eyes were bright and full of wonder as he scanned his guests faces for any form of realization or excitement. They were looking back at him with fear and confusion.
"We’re in our late twenties. We’re not near old enough to be excited to die.” Logan spoke clearly and objectively. Patton tipped his head curiously.
"How old do you have to be? The best prey is perfect when it’s in its prime. Just like you. Everything is vibrant and strong and exciting.” Virgil chewed his lip and spoke.
“Exactly. And we won’t have time to experience it all.” Patton blinked.
“What do you mean? Emotion isn’t complicated. Most bunnies have felt them all by the time they’re grown up.”
"People emotions are different.”
“Like how?”
“Like how we can learn, and form relationships, and care, and hate, and love... instincts are different from emotions. People have emotions.” Patton was surprised by Virgil’s sudden participation, and with such energy. Though he could hardly understand what he was getting at.
"Animals can be happy and have mates and care about their young an-“
"But did they form those thoughts themselves?” Roman joined. “Or were they born with them? Are they true love and hate and happiness and sadness or are they just for survival?” Patton huffed at the foreign words and concepts.
“I would know. I know what they taste like. Each different emotion. And they’re emotions.” He didn’t like being confused. He wanted so badly to stop talking about it. For some reason the ideas were making him feel nasty, and he wasn’t nasty. He knew that. “What would you like to eat for breakfast?”
“No buts! I want to stop talking please.” He smiled, blinking the ickiness away. “I have berries, eggs, veggies of all sorts, I could hunt for you if you want meat... do humans eat meat?”
"I don’t want to die!!!” Virgil pounded his bound feet on the stone floor. “If you cared you’d listen!”
The muscles in Patton’s neck tensed and he felt his hackles rise. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like getting yelled at. At all. He turned to the pack, reflexively pursing his lips at the fearful look they gave him, his hackles, and as he then realized, his now-splayed claws.
He gulped, slowly pulling them back into his fingertips. His hackles laid flat and he felt dampness in his eyes.
"Please don’t stay that... stay with me. Please.”
"We don’t really have a choice do we...?” Virgil mumbled.
"You’re making me feel gross... Please stop...” Patton spoke softly, pleading. He didn’t like the squeezing in his chest.
"Maybe you deserve it then.” It was matter-of-fact. Virgil held Patton’s gaze, strong but apprehensive, as if he were expecting an attack, which only made Patton feel worse.
"I-I.... I don’t... I just need to eat... and I just...” water built in his eyes. Was he sick? His eyes watered sometimes but not nearly this much, and normally from the wind. The air was still.
“Please stop saying those things... please just be happy and understand...it would be easier for everyone if you did.” His breath hitched and he tasted sadness. He looked across his prey. It wasn’t any of them... who was sad? He licked at his lips to get rid of the taste, a salty taste, with a hint of rotting blueberries and raw eggs. The taste of wilted, slimy things. He felt tears roll down his cheeks and onto his lips, making the sadness even saltier. He felt weak. He let himself fall to his knees as he frantically attempted to dry his face with the balls of his palms.
"Please... it’s never been this hard before...” He didn’t dare look up. He knew he’d be met with expressions that would make him feel even worse. His prey was quiet. From what he could tell they had little emotion about the situation. Maybe shock. Or maybe the sadness was drowning them out.
"Shhh...” Patton blinked. He looked up. Roman was watching him, some sort of sympathy in the way he held his expression. “Hush. You’re okay.”
"Roman?” Logan squinted at him. “What are you doing?”
"Helping I think.” He didn’t look away from Patton, continuing to hush him. Virgil watched him with an unreadable expression.
"I’m sorry.” It was quiet, and slightly grudging. Virgil sighed. “Deep breaths. Count it out. I’ll shut up.” Patton filled his lungs and let it out again, continuing the pattern until he could dry his face without more tears wetting it again. The pack watched, unsure of how to react. Patton lifted his head.
“Don’t be sorry... you’re scared. You think a different way. It’s okay.”
“You seem like you have good intentions. You seem nice, just... terrifying.” Virgil grimaced. “You see, where we come from, and as people, we don’t...”
Logan joined in. “In general we don’t romanticize death. It’s overall very negative. As you have survival instincts, we have much more emotion in relation to dying it seems.”
“Its the abrupt end to life, not what life builds to.” Roman nodded as he joined, “it’s the definite rock bottom to any situation.”
Patton furrowed his brows. “But that’s all wrong!”
"Why would it be wrong? Everything you’ve built to ceases and the next step is unknown, and the most scientific situation would be a total and sudden nothingness. It’s terrifying.” Virgil seemed to project his own current emotion into his words, pale and shaking in his delivery.
“That’s not at all what I see in it! We as ourselves aren’t really important. We pass our time growing our minds to emotional maturity until we’re ripe, that’s why life feels so good, but those feelings aren’t for us. They’re for the universe! And when something uses us for energy, some transfers to them and some goes into the bigger picture. That’s why we have to have good lives, so all that good stuff can feed the circle!”
The three seemed confused, but this time they seemed to be trying to understand, which made Patton quite happy.
“Would you be willing to accept...” Roman worked to choose his words carefully. “That we don’t want to be eaten? And leave us be? We’ll work to understand where you’re coming from but as of now, none of us are keen on going just yet.”
Patton gulped slightly. “I suppose... if you’re really so opposed... but I still need something to eat. You three would have been perfect to finish off my haul for hibernation but if I don’t have you, I’ve wasted this time for nothing and I need a whole lot more for my last meal before winter.”
Virgil blinked. “You’d really let us go?”
Patton sighed. “If you really would be so unhappy to be my prey, you won’t do me a lot of good. Besides, I’m starting to like your companionship. Though I’m still not sure if I can afford to let you go.”
"What if,” Logan spoke up, “We helped you? We could help hunt, make ourselves useful. In return you can free us and show us the way to civilization.” Patton smiled.
“Would you really? That would be amazing! Are you sure you can hunt though...? You have no claws or teeth for it...”
"We can learn. And I can use a sword if that’s at all useful.” Romans voice was filled with a sudden determination. Almost excitement.
“A sword?”
"A long sharp stick. For stabbing. A spear would be easier to craft with these resources.” Logan clarified.
“Now... can you let us go? We can’t very well hunt tied up like this.” Virgil quirked an eyebrow. Patton could still taste a dull fear on him. Maybe he was always like that. But he silently expressed his gratitude, considering the bitter aftertaste in his mouth allowed him to curb his temptation to break the deal. He nodded.
"I really am sorry... if Id known it would make you so uncomfortable I wouldn’t have done all this. Please don’t be afraid of me. I won’t eat you, I’m not dangerous, not when I don’t want to be. And I promise I don’t want to be.”
“I don’t know if I can really not be afraid. But I’m not, objectively. Emotionally it’s a bit different.” Virgil raised a brow. “You were planning to eat us a couple minutes ago. But you seem nice. Just different, as a terrifying predator should be. But I can tell you, I’m the least scared of you than I ever thought I'd be being faced with a man eating eldritch beast. So take that as you may.” One corner of his mouth upturned in a way Patton could assume was teasing. He smiled.
"I’ll take it.” He reached for Virgil’s bound wrists with a harmless, sheathed hand and gently untied the rope. He wanted to save it for trap making.
“Can you untie the rest on your own now? It would be faster to help all four then help anyone struggling with a knot.”
"Go ahead.” Virgil rubbed his wrists and hissed. They were a painful red and imprinted with the marks of fibers. Patton grimaced with guilt.
“Here.” He filled a bowl with water and set it by Virgil. “It should help soothe the pain. Nice and cold.” Virgil looked up from the knot on his ankles.
“Thanks.” Patton nodded and proceeded to help the other two pack members.
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darkforestimagines · 5 years
Hard as Rock
Emmett x shifter reader
It made it easier that your grandfather had been a shifter, and you had grown up with him. He recognized the tell-tale signs and wasn’t surprised when you shifted.
But you were. Oh boy, were you ever distraught. It took you three days (almost a pack record) for Sam to calm you down enough for you to turn back to human. And this was in the middle of the red-head lady crisis.
With the end of the school year came more time to learn how to be a shifter. You still delivered papers in the morning, the early morning, but you couldn’t get another summer job since you had to be able to drop everything to protect the rez. You couldn’t even go away with your friends, and you barely had time to hang out with them, anyway. They were moving on from you, holding a grudge ever since you “joined Sam’s cult”.
Now it was a Sunday morning, and after flying through your paper route, you couldn’t even go back to sleep. You had to walk into the forest behind your house and strip like a crazy person (clothes don’t grow on trees, you know) and shift so that you could meet up for the “training”. The “training” was more of a demonstration for the Pack, since the bloodsucking Cullen coven wouldn’t actually be touching any of you.
You’re gonna be late, Y/N! Embry teased as you shifted. He could hear your thoughts, hear you grumbling in your own mind about the damn Cullens and Bella Swan, the ‘vampire girl’ as Emily calls her. If it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t even be in this position. It was cruel for them to move to the area, in your opinion, when they knew it would set off changes in the genes.
They don’t know that, Y/N Sam rumbled in your head.
And quit your whining, the rest of us are already here and the mind-reader can hear you Jared thought.
FUCK you thought to yourself.
You picked up speed, feeling embarrassed that everyone was waiting for you. Leah told you the shortcuts, watching you race through the woods in your mind.
Finally, you came to the clearing, stumbling over the last log to fall into the second line of the wolf audience.
“Is that everyone?” A blond, curly-haired man asked. The sight of him made your hair stand straight up. From your spot about fifty metres away, you could see bite scars all over his neck and forearms.
“Yes,” said the mind-reader.
“Perfect,” said the scarred man, turning between his wolf and vampire audiences. “Fighting newborns requires a different strategy than fighting aged vampires…”
As he began his lecture, your eyes wandered over the rest of the vampires. You had only seen some of them in your pack mates’ heads. Other than Mr. Scars and the mind reader, there was the doctor, Angry Barbie, Tinkerbell, Momma vamp, and
Your packmates knew what was happening, could hear your thoughts and feel your experience as your gaze met Emmett Cullen’s for the first time. Not that you knew his name at that moment, not until Jake supplied it a second later.
You were freaking out. It felt like someone had hog tied your soul and chained you to the monster of a man, at least 6ft 4 with muscles that would make anyone cower, supernatural or not.
Upon feeling the attachment, your instinct was to pull at the binds. You moved to turn and bolt but Sam’s orders stopped you.
“What’s happening?” you heard a voice in the distance, the human girl’s, Bella.
Your claws dug into the soft dirt and you ripped open the earth since you couldn’t move, whining and contorting your body. None of the others had reacted like you had—no one else had been in pain.
“Y/N imprinted.” The mind-reader said, his voice even. “On Emmett.”
His voice felt like thunder to you. Your paws pulled up the dirt and flung it away until you were digging yourself in.
The worried thoughts of your packmates layered on top of your own thoughts in a mess.
Go to your house and wait for me. Don’t tell your grandfather what has happened Sam instructed. No sooner did he finish his order before you were retreating, your joints protesting the hair-pin movements as you propelled yourself away from the disastrous situation.
Running was easy enough, but shifting back to human was proving to be a harder task. You wandered around the edge of your backyard, trying to calm yourself down. The pack had continued the ‘lesson’ with the vampires after a short conversation. Unfortunately, since you could not shift, you understood what was happening, and your pack mates continued to be bombarded with your fear. You could also hear Paul’s thoughts about you: obviously you had to be made wrong as a person to imprint on a vampire.
You trotted back and forth, occasionally whimpering out loud as much as you tried not to. You were a disgrace, your grandfather would kick you out, you would drop out of school, the Pack would disown you. What would you do? Join the bloodsuckers? Would Emmett drink your blood and kill you? You felt drawn to him. Would it make him happy to eat you? Maybe that would be easiest. What was wrong with you?
You didn’t think anymore— you needed to get away. You ran the perimeter, but it wasn’t enough. You kept running, running until your whole body hurt, your back leg sore from rolling your ankle too many times in gym class as a kid.
The running had worn you out. Whatever happened, it would be best to face it. Imprinting wasn’t under your control, even if your brain had decided Emmett was the ‘one’ all by its dumb self. If the Cullen’s moved and you stopped shifting, would you even still be attached?
You slowed down to a trot and tried to gather your senses. You were deep in the woods, the canopy of the trees making the area you were standing in even darker.
You curled up on the cold ground and tried to calm yourself down. If the Cullens were leaving town soon, maybe everyone would stop shifting. Things could go back to normal.
You tried a few breathing exercises. Your heart rate slowed for a minute, until you smell it.
A vampire. A scent you didn’t recognize.
You had a split second before you saw it in the distance.
RUN, Y/N! Sam shouted in your head. You turned, wincing from the pain in your leg, and took off. You were exhausted, but running for your life gave you an adrenaline boost.
You turned to look behind you and you let out a shriek of a howl—the vampire was only about ten feet away. You took a sharp left, jumped over a fallen tree and tumbled down a sharp hill until your body was stopped by slamming into a tree. You let out a sharp whine, your eyes darting to the vampire looking at the top of the hill.
You couldn’t help the yelps and the whines—your ribs were definitely cracked, if not broken on the one side, and your foot had to have a stress fracture.
MOVE Y/N! GET OUT OF THERE! C’MON, DON’T GIVE UP! Leah shouted in your head. WE’RE ON OUR WAY!
The vampire, with his red eyes, slid down the hill on his heels and grabbed you by the back of your neck, dragging your body back up the hill before launching you like a frisbee into some other trees. In a blink of an eye he was standing over you, contemplating his next move. Was he going to kill you quickly, or did he want to see you in pain a little longer?
Luckily for you, the vampire’s time was cut short as huge pale blur slammed into the vampire, sending the two of them flying into some trees. The trees snapped easily, and the thunderous noise of two boulders colliding made your ears ring.
You tried to stand up, dizzy and in overwhelming pain.
Limbs flew by your face. Overwhelmed with fear and pain, your body finally gave up.
Before you fully became conscious, all you knew was that a sickeningly sweet smell, almost chemical in its sharpness, filled your nose and made your head pound.
A sharp pain in your ankle yanked you back into reality. You shot up straight, making Sam jump back. The vampire doctor had your foot in his hands.
“It’s just a stress fracture. I’ll tape it into the right position, it should be healed later tonight.”
“Thank you, Carlisle.” Sam said, his eyes on you.
Looking down, you realized you had been dressed in athletic shorts and a baggy t-shirt.
You unconsciously raised a hand to your nose to block the pungent odor.
“What happened?” you asked. You didn’t remember anything past the rogue vampire throwing you into the trees. You ran a hand down your sore ribs.
“Those should heal as quickly as your foot,” the doctor says, offering you an icepack, “granted that you don’t phase for the next 24 hours.”
“That can be arranged.” Sam said. You pressed the ice to your ribs and sighed with relief.
Everyone was quiet for a minute. Looking around, you realized you were in the living room of a very, very fancy house. Judging by the smell, it had to be the Cullen’s house.
“We should get you home, before your grandfather starts to worry.” Sam said, standing up. He tentatively reached a hand out to Carlisle, who took it for a shake. What a weird sight.
“Before you leave, I think Emmett wanted to have a word with Y/N.” Carlisle said as you stood up. You noticed the tall, muscular man standing over by the stairs.
“I will be outside,” Sam said to you. He nodded to Carlisle, then to Emmett, and then descended down the stairs, leaving you alone with the vampires.
When you turned to look to Carlisle, he was gone, and you were alone with your imprint and rescuer.
You stood very still, but it felt like you were in a storm, the winds pushing your towards him. You crossed your arms as he walked into the room, taking a seat on the arm of one of the couches across from you.
“So. Imprinting, huh? What’s that all about?”
You swallowed nervously. He waited for you to speak, golden eyes assessing your movements.
“Um, it’s like love at first sight, kinda.” You said quietly, looking to the ground before looking up again.
“Okay. Sounds good.” Emmett said. He stood up and stretched before extending his arms to you.
“Don’t you want a hug? I thought you loved me.” He said with a grin.
“No offense, but you kind of smell.”
“So do you, but I wasn’t going to say anything,” he said, flopping back down onto the couch. You caught yourself letting out a sharp laugh, a release of tension, a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Well, I’m pretty sure it must be some sort of mistake. Shifters shouldn’t imprint on vampires.”
“It’s these guns, babe. I don’t know how anyone could resist,” Emmett said, theatrically kissing his biceps.
“Riiight,” you said, unable to force away the smile on your lips.
“C’mon, come feel them. Hard as rock,” he said, flexing with one arm and motioning to you with the other.
“I’ll pass,” you said. “Sam’s waiting for me.”
“But babe, it’ll just take a second.” Emmett whined, and this time you had to full-on laugh at the absurdity of situation you were in.
“Fine,” you said, lurching forward and placing a hand on his arm. You tried to squeeze, but it really was rock solid.
“That’s weird.” You said to yourself.
“Um, I think the word you’re looking for is cool.”
You tried to squeeze it again, out of curiosity. Emmett watched you, silent for a moment.
Sam’s trunk honking cut through the calm, and you remembered that you needed to go home and probably have a crappy talk with the elders.
“Can I have your phone number?” Emmett asked.
“Ummm,” you said, not really wanting to admit to anything, but his pout made your heart melt into a little puddle on the floor. “I don’t have a cell phone,” you said. “But you can have my home phone, if you want.”
“Okay!” He said, just smiling at you.
“Do… do you want to grab a pen or…?”
“Nope. I’ll remember it.” He said. “Just go ahead, when you’re reading.”
You sighed to yourself. Whatever, today had already been so freaking weird to begin with.
“Okay. 3-6-0…”
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