morsartis · 8 months
Posty Posty
Gonna post two more drabbles/fic things before life comes at me!
Part 5 of Lightverse and one of my ask box questions.
I'm still working on those requests and always accepting new ones! Just been busy. Life be like that haha
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vintage--owl · 2 years
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Another next gen i call the LightVerse! This is the main 6 next gens! Altho i do love the designs, some i already feel like changing/editing. I also tried a more show canon style with a bit of an owly flare
Sonic lightwave |Female | Twilight x Soarin Celestial Eye | Male | Burst pupils | Twilight x Soarin Hades | Male | Pinkie x Grogar Aerial Silk | Female | Rarity x Sky Stinger Crystal edge | Female | Rarity x Sky Stinger Dead Lilly | Female | Fluttershy x Dumbbell Unnamed | Female | Fluttershy x Dumbbell Breaking Sunrise | Male | Apple Jack x Thunderlane Eve Vineyard | Female | Apple Jack x Thunderlane Morning Dewdrop | Female | Apple Jack x Thunderlane Crimson Flame | Male | Rainbow dash x Garble
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cosmik-koto · 3 months
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Get ready for a Skyline Scramble!
I was feeling nostalgic for a little project I made back in college. :3
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ilyrook · 1 year
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a gender that feels like an entity made of light energy overseeing the whole universe.
could be observing planets / celestial objects. taking care of the universe. owning the universe.
〜 light + (uni)verse + (e)nt(ity)
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ー COINED BY ME ✦ pluto. inform one if the term has been coined in the past !(img used)
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skogarfifl · 2 days
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Ærolith Dynamics or something. I dunno man i barely remember waht it was like in here.They said its due to amnesia
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Submitter: Content now exists for various steve saga AUs such as the ones from this blog
This looks super exciting! I love swap AUs and reading fics about them now and then. Thank you so much for sharing!
(Side note: I love how swapped AU in your chapter calls the audience “Sabre’s mysterious benefactors.” It makes the Sky People in this AU sound so shady, and I love it.)
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ossian94 · 2 years
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Finished - Radium
lightversion - radioaktive version - animation
This one took some time and I'm just 95% happy with it, but it's good enough in my book
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creators-novel · 4 months
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The day has arrived. 24 hours come and gone.
            From the base of Vyz’s tomb, dark clouds loom overhead and spread through the area. The heroes of Lightverse congregate between the city and the tomb’s location. The last one to arrive is Uriel, appearing in a beam of blue light. “Vyz’ll be here soon then?”, she asks. “Yeah.”, Ex groans, “And how about ‘them’?” “They’ll be here later.”, Uriel nods, “They have to make sure everyone else is ok first.”
The group hears a low rumbling in the distance. Recognizing the noise, Exisite dashes off towards the tomb, with Nitro following close behind. Ex watches them leave and says, “I’ll try to run down the old man. God forbid he’s probably on the hunt at this point.” “I’ll join you then.”, Nave volunteers, “Given your luck, you’ll need the help.” “I’ll catch up with Exisite and Nitro then!”, declares Uriel. Ex looks over the horizon, the ground shakes and more clouds billow out from the woods, “Looks like they’re starting. I’ll catch up soon.” “Let’s not take long then.”, says Nave, before taking off to the city. Ex and Uriel give each other a fist bump and split off from each other. “We’ll show them what we’re made of!”, Uriel calls out.
By the time Exisite arrives at the tomb with Nitro, his powers are already sparking to life with malicious intent. White hair and red eyes, just like before. And as the tomb opens, the duo stands tall. Nitro grits his teeth, “Finally shows his cowardly face…”, he spits. And out steps Vyz, his hands confidently positioned behind his back and he walks with a regal disposition. “Hello, Nitro…Castor…”, he seems confused for a moment, “Is it just you two today?”, he asks, pointing a teasing finger at them. “It would have been three”, Nitro snarls, “but you know what you did.” Vyz chuckles, “Hmhm…come now. Let’s not blame just me. It is a shame that Ex isn’t here, I brought some guests that he may be familiar with. As well as an extra special one for you two.” He snaps his finger, and three figures come forth from the portal. Two of them seem to bear a resemblance to Ex, albeit a bit older? It’s hard to tell. You’d have to squint to make out any of the finer details; it’s clear these folks have been corrupted for quite some time. The other, however…
Well, it’s only been a couple of days, but this one looks like just another mindless creature of the void. He’d probably look like any other corrupted soul if not for his recognizable claw arm.
Uriel arrives just in time to see the scene playing out before her. Nitro flinches, having seen the effects of the void corruption for the first time, “Aaron!?”
Vyz leans forward and grins, “Happy to see him again, right?”
“Could you be any more of a monster?!”, asks Exisite.
“Oh yes- ‘monster.’ Me. That’s ironic coming from a construct like yourself, Castor. Just like all of you, and this world you stand upon. Constructs mad by maddened children.”
“Pay no mind to him!”, orders Uriel, “He’s TRYING to get a rise out of us! Don’t fall for his tricks!”
Vyz looks at the group disapprovingly and sighs, “My Stygians. Help out our new friends, and have fun…” With another snap, dozens of voidlings emerge and charge alongside the “esteemed guests”. “Uriel, lightning!”, calls Nitro. In response, she summons her sword and holds it up towards the clouds. In a flash, lightning is channeled through the blade; and with a mighty shout, she throws the lightning down in a scattered attack. In an instant, several of the Stygians are obliterated as thunder shakes the terrain!
Rumble, rumble…
Xenos holds a crying Indigo in the dark as the house shakes, “We’ll be ok! It’s ok…”
“No, it won’t be! We should help ‘em! Exisy needs us!!”
“No, please! We have to stay here!”
“Then I’LL go! I’m not about to lose my best friend because a dark meanie hates friendship!”
“Indi, no!!”
Indigo frees herself from Xenos’ grasp and rushes out of the door, claws drawn.
“INDIGO!!”, he shouts and gives chase.
            Nitro finds himself facing off against the mysterious duo. He swiftly counters their attacks, trying his best to evade their corrosive bites. “You two need help, and I can offer. If you would just let me-!”, he’s cut off by them lunging simultaneously, to which he jumps back. “You know what- forget it.”
            Exisite finds himself locked in combat with DarkClaw. The two are evenly matched, but this isn’t like their training sessions of the past. No, without anything to hold him back, DarkClaw attacks mercilessly. Less like an honorable soldier, more like a wild beast. “Sir, please!”, Exisite begs, “You must stop this!”
            Uriel keeps her focus on the foot soldiers. Now that she’s fought them once, she knows she has to stay in the air and strike from above. It’s been simple enough so far, but how much more can she take before she has to go all out? What if she puts the others in danger!? She knows they can’t keep going like this!
“(C’mon, guys…where are you!?)”
            “Don’t you hear me!?”, Exisite cries. “He can’t.”, Vyz slyly exclaims, “The infection, along with my influence, has nulled everything you once knew about him…all he knows now is violence.”
“Sir-…Dad…! Wake up!!”
“Him? ‘Dad’? Pitiful.”, Vyz laughs.
The Stygians, desperate to hold their ground, climb on top of each other in strange tower formations to try and reach Uriel. If she wasn’t already panicking from trying to make sure her friends didn’t get hurt, she certainly had to come up with a new plan now!  In her moment of distress, she boldly activates her own powered-up form as she SCREAMS. The blast obliterates the Stygians in the general vicinity but thankfully doesn’t reach her allies on the ground. Thunder once again rings out from the battlefield…
“(How is she so fast!?)”, Xenos thinks as he chases Indigo through the forest, “(I wish I could teleport…!) INDI! Oh boy-!” In the distance, he spots the lightning and tries one more time to catch up to the young hero. “INDI, COME BACK PLEASE!”
            As the thunder settles, Indigo rushes onto the scene ready to fight! “Kid-!?”, Nitro gulps as he pushes back against the corrupted soldiers. “I’m sorry, sir-!”, Xenos huffs as he arrives, “She got away from me!” “Get out of here, both of you!”, Nitro yells. “NO!! I WILL HELP!”, Indigo roars, jumping into the fray! When her weapons collide with the ground, they send out a blue wave of energy that knocks back DarkClaw and the other corrupted. Exisite takes the moment to catch is breath but is nonetheless surprised. “Indigo??”, he squints, beside his little friend, he sees some random man appear from the blue mist…a summon? When could…how could…? His head is spinning… his mouth is dry but his face is covered with sweat, this is…exhausting. He watches as Indigo with her new friend assists Nitro in dealing with the enemy forces. This fight might still be theirs they just need-
DarkClaw tackles Exisite to the ground. The two tumbles through the dirt but quickly hops back to their feet. How much longer do they have to do this?! They continue to clash, but DarkClaw shows zero signs of stopping now. Vyz walks closer to the two, “Pests… Well, Castor, any more tricks up your sleeve?” Castor grunts as he begins to get pushed into the ground, seemingly powerless to stop his maker. “Guess not”, Vyz sighs in disappointment, “Well, I suppose we always have room for a runt like yourself amongst my ranks.” DarkClaw raises his arm, his metallic claw glistening in whatever sunlight remains here. It glows with an infectious, choking, disgusting purple hue.
And he swipes down.
Another hand has grabbed DarkClaw’s, the magic radiating from it is otherworldly… powerful…godly.
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tsunderesalty · 7 months
what's with the blog change?
Are you talking about how I deleted my old account and moved to this one?
The answer is rather simple: I was being harassed by an anon for the longest time, my "Turn off anon asks" button was broken and maybe worked once or twice, and eventually the hateful asks turned into a straight-up death threat. I just decided to delete the account so I could distance myself from that, then returned when I felt that it was safe for me to do so.
If you want to see the actual posts, my friend @mikaharuka pretty much eviscerated the anon with every ask post, so just search "Evil Anon" on her page. And while you're there, why don't you check out her Ao3 page as well? She writes absolutely fantastic Twilight-based stories, but she's built her own fandom-blind friendly world up to like 10-15 stories all by herself. The Winter Lightverse is incredible, and I recommend everyone read it. As Mizuka will tell you, it only contains roughly 2% of canon, the rest is all her!
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sumbier0 · 11 months
You're someone, although not finished, is a GREAT mspfa thats actuallly not related to homestuck, just its own story. And I quite enjoyed it so I will talk about it.
A short description: You're someone. Literally. And with that someone you go and discover the world, meeting friends along the way. And of course, the someone slowly discuverse themselves... A lot chaos ensues with awesome worldbuilding!
Before I go into spoiler territory, I NEED to gush about how pretty panels get as you go along!! The colors and shading!!! Its so simple yet so neat!! Just look at this:
[Credit of course goes to the author of this mspfa, Kingarthur_I]
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!!!!!!Spoilers Ahead!!!!!!
Okay now I'm gonna talk about more specific things. First off, the world as a whole! We slowly learn more about it along with our protagonist,which I personslly quite enjoyed - we piece everything together, and little snippets of knowledge get always fun. And that world - eveyrhting in it is made of light... although it gets complicated. Anyhow, even people are made fro light! But as I said, it gets more complicated.
Theres actually a different world, an antithesis to our "lightverse". Darkverse, where everyhting is made out of dark matter. And we actually meet someone from there early on in the adventure: Hex! [Love this critter] Dark matter is way more chaotic, and takes on apprioparately more chaotic froms than light - for example, fire.
And thats just core bits of this adventures world!
Anyhow, I also enjoyed all characters and their dynamics! Hex and Simplex friendship is so important to me, friends no matter what :]
Our protag also later meets Hail and all their interactions are very funky. Myriad and Hail were friends long ago, but one of them left to a 4th dimensional world [ekhem Hail]. Hes just chilling until protag comes in and noe Hails just having fun showing him around. And getting suprised at how quickly protag is grasping new stuff. Hey I didnt even mention earlier, but at that point protag is named hedron. And can warp space.
The "reveal" [nudge to?] Hex being a dark matter being was neat, very subtle. You just assume at first that his head is shown like that becUsw of his helmets shadow. But then you see simplex [another on with a helmet] and go: wait. They are nit like that. By the time I think there was some mention of dark matter so you connect the dots and wait to see what Hex can do then.
The 4th dimensional place if also fun! Theres also some invisible guy that gave Hedron an interesting offer later [no I wont elaborate] :]
I would maybe say more about the 'ending' part of the comic, but they arent finished so I dont think I will hehe.
Each new place intruduced to us is interesting! Pacing of the story is great! All characters are absolute highlight ! Once again I reccomend this fanadventure with all my heart :]
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starryfleshzay · 1 year
DNI: Racist, Ableist, Anti-Xenogender, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-LGBT, and Proshippers!
hii! i’m zay, and i’m here to talk about my xenogenders and kintypes!! so, first of all, one of my kintypes is an agender/nonbinary formless angel that mostly took the form of a very colorful, but mainly a warm colored seraphim-looking angel, who is the guardian of the stars, and the embodiment of the weird, chaos, and the ‘impossible’. i also used to thrive off of chaos, unpredictability, and i had a slight connection with and i am also connected to strangeness, glitches in reality, bright eye-hurting colors, the unknown, meat, flesh, hallucinations, and mostly, candy gore, unrealistic gore, cartoonish horror, and unrealistic cannibalism.
note: i am assigned female at birth, and i still identify as female, but i also identify with certain nonbinary and agender xenogenders. because of that, i do not prefer the term “cisgender woman” to describe me, rather xenogender girl, xenogender female, or xenogender woman. the shortened term for xenogender female is “xenofem” or “xenofeminine”. I use any non-masculine pronouns, and any neopronouns relating to having many eyes, horror/unrealistic horror, fangs, glitches in reality, and gore/unrealistic gore.
my xenogender hoard consists of: xenofemflux, candygorebodic, eyecovic, angelmeatic, scenecutecoric, neagender, lightversent, happcreepygender, tripgender, alderseraph, sanctusvigilgender, genderfangel, genderfang, breakcoric, glitchcoric, bodyhorroric, cannibagorix, cannibalcute, orphjewlian, canidevolin, angelglitchic, cannidivine, starryfleshic, underangelquotic, humandisconnect, candyglitchic, lovergirlmurderer, lovergirlangel, noirelemaric, shadowfacic, multizombflorestic, anacanic, eyecoric, scenebandsic, chaosgender, chaosean, contrastgender, rainbowbloodic, oculofauna, goldoculuminic, halffallengender, starguardangelic, fallfeatherian, poemgender, angelector, pruselgender, woundbathfemmeic, angelsuccubic, horropoetic, infiniteloopic, chaospoetic, poemgender, eyegender, notdeergender, notgirl, squideyeic, envyeyegender, aurumvultusic, gendermurderer, viscerangelic, lovergirlfreak, amisentoculvaic, śerāf/śerāgender, śerāgirl, genderunholy, unholylovergirl, seragirlbitch, ocularic, lostpoeic, angelfreak, chaosfreak, eyefreak, predatorbitch, fallenangelbitch, viongelic, foxgirl, scenefurrin, cuteguro, bloodkawaiic, eyelollic, xencieve, angelweirdo, eyeclusterin, rubangel, girlangel, 2020altaesic, syokofangic, liminalspacegender, starcaretaker, starbornic, eyejargender, angellover, enbyangel, chunnigirl, holycelectbodic, eldritchthing, simulationgirl, cosmicblood, divinuine, xintusfem, biblimodernangelic, cadenulic, biblioaccuric, intimidangelic, seraphaeic, seravasi, angreprobic, seraphaeic, seraphgender, sanctiorne, praegender, halogender, angelicgender, angelicgirl, bibliaccurel, angelusflux, aggelos, angelkinic, angeltheric, gendermask, stimpawic, glowgender, wingedgender, hissgender, cringecoric, mogaicringic, dentegender, level336die, horrorcosmium, genmotigi, horraurumaesic, syirvivgender, svarthulline, gnawstimmic, angelmonstergirlic, gendernom, noroagendic, externusgender, multiarmgender, weirdcoreyegender, creepyeyegender, eyebleedic, angelologygender, axenlector, faepronominal, axenic, ecaneces, wingfrilled, purevencravic, wanderographic, luxinegender, haloxine, avengeli, damselpunk, deitymore, angelmesta, delixine, luxliclear, holien, puriangel, angelgirl, deathpurine, angelgirlthing, angelinfluencer, stargazerish, adhdmurderer, adhdyandere, bloodyheartgoric, heartgoric, sapphicthing, sourcandyblastic, cluttergender, clutterfem, kingender, toothrotcomfic, weirdcoric, xenoeyxis, deadsleepic, deusian, anhellgigender, gentityblur, adhdbeing, serarose, aurethesia, gothisweet, suniversic, twistute, multiversic, ameroux, knifeinlyrica, sillygirlgender, eyerose, trippyaesic, eyestraingender, apatheticfem, cutezombiegoren, crazylexic, devongelic, angedemonic, cannigender, goreture, angefoxen, cannigirl, demoniagender, and tons more!!
my pronouns are: It/Its, She/Her, Xe/Xir, Sh3/H3r, Xy/Xyr, They/Them, Yan/Yandere, Voi/Voids, Gaze/Gazeself, Exe/404, Starr/Flesh/Starrflesh, Fang/Fangself, Maw/Mawself, Gore/Goreself, Thon/Thonself, Hēo/Hie/Hire, Si/Hyr, Sie/Hir, Vae/Vaer, String/Stringself, or any non-masc pronouns! :)
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cosmik-koto · 2 years
Here’s a first look at my next animation, [ Lightverse ] - Castor’s Origins!
This is going to be based on the events of [ Creators ] - Chapter 41 (which you can read at @creators-novel), but will be labeled under the “Lightverse” title since it technically takes place in that story. 
You may recall that this short was one of the ones going up against “Cayden’s First Day” in the poll I did at the start of this year to decide what to animate for my senior film. To those who voted for this short initially, I hope you’re excited! I know I am! >v<
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ilyrook · 1 year
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🏹 subset of lightversent
a gender that feels like an entity made of light energy overseeing the whole universe in a masculine / boy way.
could be observing planets / celestial objects. taking care of the universe. owning the universe.
〜 light + (uni)verse + (e)nt(ity) + boy
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ー COINED BY ME ✦ pluto. requested by @ reddit user ✧ inform one if the term has been coined in the past !
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vampiresauce · 2 years
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AAAAH my girlfriend @lightverse got me a Fujiko figurine as an early birthday present!!! She's so lovely!!!
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musicnewsweb · 2 months
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ICYMI: Iron & Wine shares third song 'Anyone's Games' from upcoming album 'Light Verse' + tour dates - #ironandwine @ironandwine #YouNeverKnow #LightVerse #SubPop http://dlvr.it/T54zbK
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entertainmehub · 2 months
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ICYMI: Iron & Wine shares third song 'Anyone's Games' from upcoming album 'Light Verse' + tour dates - #ironandwine @ironandwine #YouNeverKnow #LightVerse #SubPop http://dlvr.it/T54zbT
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