#Lester papadopoulos headcanon
garussy · 6 months
Apollo preferring to look like Lester even after he became a god and changing his appearance to look older or younger when he meets a mortal
New demigods not believing that he is Apollo and he feels a little proud and giddy to be called ‘Lester’
Names have power in Percy Jackson and Apollo accepting the name Lester just as much as Apollo and he is given power everytime someone calls him Lester
Apollo and Meg being mistaken as siblings when they walk around together and Apollo calling her ‘little sister’ for the rest of the day
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hyperfocuscentre · 9 months
hc that somehow, apollo gets the worlds worst brain freeze and it frustrates him because technically, he probably doesn’t even have a brain. he has developed a love hate relationship with ice cream over it, and has written woeful poetry about it.
bonus: he doesn’t get brain freeze as lester.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
I know we all love the god/deity Nico. But just consider. Nico mistaken as a god.
Why? Because srsly, just imagine it.
You’re a new camper. You’re 8,9,10,11—idk, and your siblings are giving you a tour around Camp. You guys reach the Big House, and there’s Chiron, Mr.D, and then him.
This kid - not so much older than you’re - who wears all back, a sword by his hip, a distinctly powerful around him, sitting at the same table with Dionysus and Chiron. They have been talking when you arrived. He greets you with a silent nod.
Later that day, you see him again at lunch/ dinner. Still sitting with Dionysus. His plate is empty. They talk through out the meal. Perhaps he doesn’t need to eat.
You notice he has a private house all for himself, not so close to other cabins. Maybe he doesn’t like others trespassing in his place.
He’s also the quiet and reserved type, you figure.
He doesn’t talk much. But when he speaks, everyone listens. Whatever he has to say is usually impactful.
He usually sits with the goddess Hestia during the campfire. Rarely someone joins them. Will Solace does sometimes, probably bc the guy’s friendly with just everyone.
You see him in the Arena. His power is absolutely terrifying. Like. God-tier.
You take note of the fact he sometimes leaves Camp for days on a mission or an errand. Something about ghosts and Underworld. As far as you know, no one else in camp does that kind of task. And you absolutely didn’t expect the Underworld to be so easily in and out of. Not for a demigod, at least, because even the mighty Percy Jackson dislikes going there.
He talks about Cerberus and the Furies and Charon and calls Hades “dad”. He must be a chthonic deity. That explains his attire.
And the name di Angelo. It certainly sounds someone to take souls to the afterlife. The name Nico should be the equivalent of Apollo’s Lester.
When another god, Apollo - or Lester, comes visit. You see how the Olympian playfully jokes around and laughs with the Kid. In response, the Kid acts completely relaxed around him, despite not being one of Apollo’s children, whereas you’re there being like Omg it’s a God!. You figure that’s how fellow gods treat each other.
Nico di Angelo must be a God, right?
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apollosothertwin · 6 days
Apollo sucked all of Artemis’ romance out of her in the womb. that’s the real reason why she is aroace and he has so many relationships.
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literallyjusttoa · 6 months
Apollo Music Headcanons
As a god Apollo’s singing voice can be whatever he wants it to be, but as Lester I imagine it as a strong tenor (he can’t hit a lot of low notes and it pisses him off) with a bit of a rasp in it. He sings like he’s been classically trained, but with enough confidence to bend the rules in order to get the right feelings out of the song. In one word, I’d describe Lester’s singing as raw. It’s not perfect, but the imperfections seem planned in such a way that they touch you even more than perfection would.
There are multiple languages that Apollo has learned solely so he could perform the most popular songs of the era. Italian, German, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and a couple more throughout the years. This is also how he learned English.
He uses vocal warmups as a form of stimming. Meg wakes up some mornings and hears him going “oooOOOOooooOOOOooo” and just has to deal with it. He pulls them from all over too. Sometimes it will be professional warmups that opera singers use, and other time he’ll be whipping out “mama made me mash my m&m’s” from middle school chorus
Leto has a lullaby she used to sing to Apollo and Artemis while she was still searching for a place to safely give birth. To this day, it’s the first song Apollo plays on every new instrument he picks up.
Apollo is scarily good at impressions, even as Lester. He has so much vocal control that impersonating the sounds of others comes easily. He can also throw his voice really well.
He has songs that he connects to other people. Will’s song, Meg’s song, etc. when he’s lonely on Olympus, he listens to them on repeat.
Apollo is the god of music, not the god of good music. You could bang two trashcan lids together and have a screaming raccoon as lead vocalist and he’d probably still add it to a playlist. He unironically listens to some of the most hated songs of the last few centuries. Ironically, he’s also the worst person to pass the aux to in the car. If he really cares about you, he’ll cater the music he chooses to your taste. If not, you’re getting the whiplash of the next biggest K-pop hit followed by the liturgical chants of Hildegard von Bingen. Enjoy!
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losergender · 2 months
headcanon that one of the reasons cabin 7 was so big is that apollo didn’t know humans have to be pregnant for 9 months before giving birth
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I like to imagine that one day Apollo WAS SO madly in love with Kayla's father that he looked him in the eye and said: "I want to have a child with you" 🥹
Darren of course looked at his silly - adorable boyfriend and laughed assuming he was just saying something silly - adorable
And after two months Apollo announces that he is pregnant.
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sketchygainedyoursoul · 4 months
I've already said smth abt this (and seen a post abt it) but it was in tags of the afformentioned post and was reblogged when i was shadowbanned so;
Imagine you are an immortal being, a god, if you will, capable of shape shifting into any form you desire. Male, woman, dog, whatever-- if you want to be it, you are.
And then you wake up in a dumpster, you find every single shred of immortality stripped from you because of something your great-great grandchild did and the body you wake up in is not even your own.
Cue: Apollo.
The man is constantly depicted as a beautiful man, muscled and long blonde hair with perfect skin. And then he wakes up in a 16 year old's body, short and curly hair, unfamiliar body mass, and acne. Vanity aside-- that's going to feel terrible. He would have to have felt every single flaw with himself, a body he never chose. He would have to adjust the way he walks, the way he fights, runs, and jumps. He can't count on his flexibility to save him anymore, not even from dysphoria.
He probably had issues with the skin and the acne, and the feeling of being imperfect. With the gross bodily functions and the unfamiliar needs of his flesh prison.
And that's without adding in gender. Apollo is male, yes, but to what extent? Maybe he's only male sometimes. Maybe he wants to be, maybe he is a woman sometimes. And he could change his body accordingly. He could ignore human form and become a glimmering mass of divine light. And now all of that, all of him, is compressed into a 16 year old boy's body, unchanging in the ways that matter.
sorry i think abt this a lot
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ukelele-boy · 2 months
Headcanon that the stronger a deity is, the more likely they will lose themselves/their sense of self to their domain.
Ex: I am a god of the sky - > I AM the sky.
I'm thinking about Apollo coming back after pulling from the chaos itself to reform his divinity. Him coming back much stronger due to it but also experiencing the Loss Of Self when using too much of his powers, on the verge of losing rational thought and becoming the element itself. Him with his freshly minted identity after the trials struggling a lot since its not quite established yet.
I was very inspired by the "I feared huge parts of my identity would shake loose if I stopped clinging to Artemis" stuff in TON.
But yeah that was a long winded way to say:
I wanted more whump.
Specifically the "Apollo's mind going where am I who am I and someone hugging him to get him to come back to himself" type.
Something like Apollo going up into flames and losing who he is:
"I felt my powers flicker, and I gritted my teeth, sweat beading my brow.
I needed to save her!
Light shot from my hand, and I saw the monster stumble from the strength of it. And then I felt a certain weightless as the world fell away.
I was burning, a bright ball up in the sky, I was the sun...the light traveling space, and I needed to save someone...but I couldn't remember why. Or even what I was."
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pumpkinbxtch · 16 hours
— 𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗮?。⁠:゚ headcanons
are the HoO boys afraid of falling in love with you? (ft. apollo)
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☆ radiostar is playing… warrior by aurora!
who's here: percy jackson, leo valdez, frank zhang, jason grace & apollo. warnings: none, philophobia is the fear of falling in love. a/n: This is super based on their profiles according to the books, because well, let's talk honestly to others, I decided to do this, it's interesting.
percy jackson;
Percy isn’t afraid of loving or being loved. His mom raised him with a lot of affection. But, he does get scared of not being loved back or not being good enough for you. This is because of his obvious self-esteem issues. Doubting love is the only thing that makes him rethink and overthink things. So, sometimes you have to talk to him when you see he's down about something he doesn’t want to tell you. But he never hesitated when he fell for you and wanted you to know as soon as he realized it.
leo valdez;
Yes. The answer is yes, he is scared of falling in love. But he doesn’t realize it until he’s totally in love with you, and it’s too late for those feelings to stop growing. Leo isn’t fully aware of it because he likes having girls around, but it never goes beyond the surface until it did with you. He realized that imagining a future with someone isn’t something to take lightly. Is there something he can’t fix with his magical pockets?
Leo spent most of his life running away and being from nowhere, so he ends up with an avoidant attachment style. He’s working on this now to open up more with you because at the beginning of the relationship, it seemed like he was running away from you. In reality, he’s full of love to give and wants to receive it too.
frank zhang;
He’s never scared of falling in love or feeling something as genuine as that. He’s a son of Mars, who’s associated with passion, so Frank has never had to face love head-on. The only problem might be feeling like he’s too much or too annoying because he would die for you and kill an entire nation to be with you. Frank is careful when he realizes he likes you or is falling in love because he knows some things just can’t be, but he never hides his feelings. He’ll tell you he loves you and respects if it’s not mutual. He almost explodes with happiness knowing it’s mutual.
jason grace;
Jason isn’t great at showing his feelings. It constantly overwhelms him and keeps him up at night, trying to solve it like a math equation when it’s the complete opposite. He’s supposed to be the voice of reason, or at least that’s what he’s thought all this time. But when you get close to him, his gears go crazy, spark, and break down. Is he scared of falling in love? Not exactly, but he’s afraid of not expressing it properly because he knows how important communication is. After getting to know you better, he realizes it’s better to go with the flow, which isn’t easy for him, but he finally has an answer. He was born to love and wants to be loved.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. All his exes ended up as plants or dead. How could he not develop a fear related to love after that keeps happening? So it’s a nightmare when you come into his life because, unfortunately for him, he’s a hopeless romantic. There’s nothing more ironic than that. He tries to avoid it at all costs, but in the blink of an eye, he’s holding you tight and kissing you with a goofy expression on his face. Even though he’s so scared, his longing to find the one outweighs it...
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garussy · 1 year
Apollo has a council.
When someone wrongs him and apologizes he must meet with the council and decide if he should forgive them or not.
The council consists of his kids, Meg, Nico, and a reluctant Reyna.
Meg always suggests some kind of revenge.
Someone could be in the middle of apologizing and Apollo will shush them and Iris message his council.
If he can’t Iris message them he will go all the way to camp and then find Reyna so they can figure out what he should do.
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amiti-art · 1 year
ToA Headcanon
At same point during Apollo's trials (or after them) Hera and Leto reconciled.
I think that best moment for that is after Jason's death.
After Hera saw how her husband did nothing to save his own son, her own chosen one. After she saw how little he cared for his life. How when she cried and grived, he sat at his throne unmoved and unbotherd, annoyed by her tears.
How he did nothing when Apollo, his godly son, his fellow Olympian, tried to kill himself so his friends, demigods, could live.
That was Hera's breaking point. When she finally admitted to herself that her anger was always misplaced. It was not her husband's bastard children she should hate but Zeus himself. She always knew that, deep down in her cold, broken heart. But it was easier to go after weak mortal women, nymphs or minor godesses. It was easier to go after defenseless innocent children who didn't asked to be born.
She was always doing that because she could not go against her husband, her king.
The same way Apollo went after cyclops when it was Zeus who killed Asclepius, Apollo's beloved child, because it was easier, safer.
So Hera, heartbroken after Jason's death, haunted by image of Apollo lying on the floor, bleading to death with an arrow in his chest, went to see Leto.
Because Leto would understand her pain as she was also suffering. Because Leto needed comfort as much as Hera did. Because they were friends once, before the Twins were born. Because Hera after over 4000 years finally understood that she had to apologize.
And maybe Leto wasn't ready to forgive her yet, but when she saw queen's pained face she knew that no one could understand her better right now, so she let her stay by her side for moment. One mother greaving the child that was wasn't even hers and one mother who could lost hers at any moment now, both longing for comfort when the father of both sons sat unbotherd on his throne while his childern were suffering and dying.
Maybe I'm giving Hera to much credit here but those 2 scenes she had in ToN are so heartbreaking to me. Come on, how many gods openly cries and mourns for their children? And Jason wasn't even hers. Nor is Apollo, but she was the one to tell everyone to shut tf up when they started to discuss who could become an Olympian in his place after he dies.
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apollosothertwin · 13 days
Imo Apollo wasn’t actually forced to write ToA by Zeus, he wrote it in the moment/a few hours after each chapter’s events happened and kept it so he would never forget what it was like to be human and always remember for jason
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literallyjusttoa · 5 months
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Had to visit my favorite little guys to break through some art block.
In that last one their having a cute lil coffee date and AoD ordered tea, unaware of how it was made.
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catcacophony · 1 month
damien white, son of nemesis, goddess of revenge and justice (therefore fairness) and chiara benvenuti, daughter of tyche, goddess of luck and fortune (often portrayed as blindfolded to represent luck's impartiality) and they HATE each other
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
I don’t know why but I have an impression that both Nico and Will are “scared” of their (future) father-in-laws.
Will is scared of Hades because, well, who isn’t, anw.
Nico is “scared” of Apollo, too, but the funny thing is that it’s because Apollo loves him too much and doesn’t hesitate to show both boys his fatherly love. It’s too much. It’s obnoxious. It’s Apollo. And Nico is… well, Nico. So yeah, he freaks out every time.
The guy kissed Nico’s head when he rescued him yall LOL. I want to believe Apollo showers Nico with obnoxious father-in-law’s love whenever he has a chance, just to see him make a face and run. All the while Will’s just there, being glad that the two get along.
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