#Lavender tea
Sibyll Trelawny headcanons prt 2
• youngest sibling
• dyed hair (buttery blonde)
• lavender tea is her favourite
• fav colour: Royal blue
•loves velvet
•Turkish Delight
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lavender-verse · 19 days
welcome back to your (almost) daily occurrence of lavender being unhappy with their writing and wanting to take it down and completely restart it :’D
hangs head in shame, I don’t think I had lavender tea as well outlined as I thought I did ;A; which is why chapter 6 has taken me so darn long to do… with school done(ish) I might see about rewriting it
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shelovesplants · 3 months
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French toast swirl bread 🍞 with traditional medicinals lavender &camomile tea for sleep 🫖✨️
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katiajewelbox · 8 months
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Lavender is one of the classic English cottage garden flowers. With all this lavender around, let’s take a look at this elegant garden plant’s culinary and medicinal uses. Fresh lavender buds stirred into batter for cakes, cookies, and scones gives the treats a special flavour. I also like to add a sprig of lavender to my English-style black tea with milk. There are a lot of claims about lavender’s medical uses but only a select few hold up under medical research - easing anxiety and insomnia, and helping fight fungal infections and heal wounds. The chemicals in lavender also help repel clothes moths. The same chemicals give lavender its appealing scent, particularly the S-linalool molecule.
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cinivia · 1 year
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✨Lavender and Hibiscus and Vanilla, and some other lovely herbs. I love this tea. 🌙
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nncastle · 1 year
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The Fragrant Allure of Lavender: A Delight for the Senses
Lavender, with its enchanting aroma and delicate purple blossoms, has captivated hearts and minds for centuries. This beloved herb is more than just a pretty plant – it holds a plethora of uses and benefits that make it a staple in many homes and gardens, including my own.
Known for its calming properties, lavender is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and alleviate stress. The mere scent of lavender transports me to a state of tranquility, helping to ease anxiety and induce a restful sleep. Its soothing qualities have made lavender a popular ingredient in essential oils, bath products, and candles. Lavender tea is one of my favorites, and if you're in the market for a really great tea, look no further than Luxmi Lavender Valley Tea.
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Beyond its aromatic charm, lavender boasts a myriad of therapeutic properties. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to alleviate headaches, ease muscle tension, and even promote digestion. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a natural remedy for minor skin irritations, insect bites, and burns.
In the culinary world, lavender adds a touch of elegance and a subtle floral note to various dishes and beverages. From lavender-infused desserts to herbal teas, this versatile herb elevates the culinary experience and delights the palate. I'm a fan of lavender ice cream and the classic cocktail "Aviation," though admittedly it's not for everyone.
Lavender's beauty is not limited to its scent and taste. In gardens, it attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies, enhancing biodiversity and promoting a healthy ecosystem. Its vibrant purple blooms create a visual feast for the eyes and bring a sense of serenity to outdoor spaces.
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divineleaves123 · 1 year
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Looking for a refreshing and soothing way to start your day or unwind after a long day? Look no further than these five essential teas! Lavender tea offers a calming floral aroma, while hibiscus tea provides a tart and fruity taste. Lemongrass tea is a zesty and invigorating choice, while chamomile tea offers a gentle and relaxing herbal flavor. And don’t forget the stunning blue tea, which not only looks beautiful but also boasts a subtle earthy taste. No matter your mood or preference, these five teas are a must-try for any tea lover!
To know more kindly visit:- www.divineleaves.in
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memurfevur-archive · 9 months
Dev hunched over himself just inside the front door of a Think-Panera, gently rubbing his forearms and adjusting the tightness of his scoutter to keep it from falling, while he waited for his friend to meet up with him.
Adrian stood outside the restaurant, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, then pushed his way inside. He offered a warm and cheerful smile to Dev, pretending as if his insides weren't being eaten by nervous moths.
"ovo>> h3y! h0w*5 it g0ing?"
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ihaveafragileheart · 1 month
My university canteens separately sell hot water and tea bags for the students to make custom drinks. And there are lots of pomegranate trees so yesterday I made a tea from this pomegranate flower I picked up, and I love how its petals look in the cup🌺 After brewing they turned pink
I think it doesn't smell or taste like pomegranate but it has its own grassy taste like jasmine tea, I can't find the exact word for its taste but I love it (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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Fresh lavender leaf tea from a bush: I drank this months ago in december and wanted to add this pic below.
I love lavender. I think fresh leaves of a plant smell stronger than dry leaves.. It doesn't look aesthetic but it has a strong smell remaining in my mouth.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Tea Day 
Just because we dumped all that tea in the harbor, doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy the relaxing, warm drink. Visit a Fest-Tea-Val, or simply enjoy a steaming mug of tea.
That’s about the perfect sentiment we can think of for a nice cup of tea! Tea is a wonderful drink that comes in a wide variety of different flavors, each of them having a distinct personality and character. It has been used for everything from a simple morning libation to the central element of certain social and religious rituals.
This amazing drink is so important that taxing it was the final straw that ignited a fledgling country to declare a revolution! National Tea Day celebrates this fantastic beverage and the seemingly endless list of things it can do.
History of National Tea Day
The History of National Tea Day reaches far back into the world’s history but can be narrowed down to a place of origin that is surprisingly precise.
This place sits at the intersection of Latitude 29N and Longitude 98E, notable as the joining of NE India, Burma, China, and Tibet. Many mythological origins for tea also exist as well, some of them merely interesting and others quite gruesome.
In one period in China, the Emperor had ordered that all people of his nation would boil their water before drinking it. So it came to pass that the Emperor was sitting and drinking a simple cup of boiled water when leaves from a nearby tree blew into it, creating the first tea.
In another tale, a man sat meditating in front of a wall (for 9 whole years!) when he accidentally fell asleep. On waking, he was so disgusted with his inability to stay awake, which he considered to be a weakness, that he severed his eyelids and threw them to the ground where they sprouted into the first tea bushes. A little disturbing, perhaps, but utterly Asian in its style.
Regardless of its origins (which may be in dispute) the importance of tea cannot be understated. And anyone is strongly encouraged to research it since it would be impossible to cover it’s entire history here.
Now, it’s time to take a look at what tea is–and what it is not. Officially speaking tea is an infusion of the leaves of Camellia Sinensis, an unassuming evergreen plant that hails from Asia. Technically, what tea is not is anything that does not contain these leaves.
That means that, while infusions of herbs not containing these leaves may be referred to as ‘Herbal Teas’, they are not in fact teas at all. Only those infusions which contain the Camellia Sinensis leaves can properly be called tea. Considering tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, second only to water, it seems that a little accuracy is in order.
On the other hand, as words and traditions evolve, many things have become known as tea, which so many people around the world enjoy, that it doesn’t hurt to be a little generous with the definition. And generosity is what National Tea Day is all about. Drinking, and sharing, a generous cup of tea.
Because it spans a variety of sources and cultures, a couple of different dates have been recognized as National Tea Day. April 21 is National Tea Day in the UK. The UN has put National Tea Day a month later, and another National Tea Day falls in the middle of December. There are even days for Iced Tea, Bubble Tea and Chai. Not to mention a whole month for Earl Grey Tea and Iced Tea.
It seems that celebrating Tea is a festivity that should be happening all throughout the year! And since tea is the most consumed drink in the world (after water) no one is even going to complain.
How to Celebrate National Tea Day
Drink a Cup (or Glass or Mug) of Tea
Literally hundreds of varieties of tea are in existence, from those that are gently dried and cured to those that go through complex processes that can include long stays in caves. So many varieties of tea exist that it almost defies the imagination! National Tea Day is the perfect time to try a few new ones.
Grab a Glass of Iced Tea
In some countries, tea is only considered to be authentic if it is enjoyed hot. However, other cultures have taken the idea of tea and turned it into a cold beverage. For instance, in the United States, iced tea is a common beverage that is served in a large, tall glass. It is often sold by the gallon in stores and, in the south (but almost never in the north!), it is made very sweet.
Whatever the case, the first order of business for National Tea Day is sitting down to enjoy a sip in whatever form is preferred.
Attend the Fest-Tea-Val in UK
Celebrated all throughout the United Kingdom, Fest-Tea-Val (festival!) Tea rooms, hotels, cafes and pubs all around the nation host special events, promotions and activities that are centered around the country’s favorite drink: tea. These events are often paired with worthy charities in order to provide financial support for them.
Host a Fest-Tea-Val
Those outside of the UK certainly don’t need to be excluded from all of the fun! Consider hosting a National Tea Day celebration at home, at work, or in the community. Simply gather friends or coworkers together and put on a spread of different varieties of tea that can be tried. This would also be a great time to call that friend who has the eclectic collection of teapots!
Take the Sustainable Tea Challenge
Since most tea bags are made of plastic, which isn’t great for the earth, many people are moving in the direction of using loose leaf tea or at least compostable tea bags. Some companies try to promote sustainability and eco-friendliness in the production of their tea, including:
Numi. Fair-trade, organic, and offsetting carbon emissions.
Yogi. Organic, recyclable/compostable packaging and gives back.  
Pukka. Organic and donates profits to help the planet.
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mageofspacemultiverse · 7 months
TG: ovo>> h3y d3v thi5 might 50und a /itt/3 5tupid but...
TG: ovo>> if th3 w0r/d wa5 3nding, y0u*d c0m3 0v3r, right?
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AA: TAT> stup!d !s not the term ! would use to descr!be thAt hypothet!cAl AA: TAT> !t should go w!thout sAy!ng thAt the Answer to thAt !s yes AA: TAT> ! cAnnot !mAg!ne the lAst th!ng e!ther of us wAnt to be exper!enc!ng would be be!ng Alone Adr!An AA: TAT> !s everyth!ng kk Are you hAv!ng worr!es About your FAtes
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xxxlunathecatxxx · 1 year
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Clara Oswald moodboard 🍁
Bill is soon...
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lavender-verse · 3 months
lavender tea chapter five is up <3
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comraderaccoon · 9 months
Ok, today's tea recommendation.
Lavender chamomile tea with oat milk.
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omnipointmuses · 11 months
more druid-bun/Tea family info
Lavender (Family head, widower, had more than a few lovers, knows spells from multiple circles, very large could be classified as a mini-giantess, white and purple fur) Hibiscus (Eldest daughter, stresses easily despite doing her best not to show it, unironic tsundere, flat of chest fat of ass, uses a mix of vines and wildfire spells, white and red fur) Chamomile "Cammy" (second eldest, lucoa kin, usually keeps a kind and casual demeanor unless there's an emergency, chumby with big booba, circle of dreams archetype, yellow and white fur.) Ginger (Older Twin, buff tomboy aunt, amazonian and curvy and may be more muscular depending on her sorcery use, no druid spells, just fists, orange and white fur) Matcha (Younger twin, mom shaped mom, chubby and curvy, was the first to leave, circle of land forest, white and green fur) Peppermint "Pepper" (Youngest daughter, shortstack, reaches a staggering 4'0, hardcore larper that hardly ever breaks her quiet mysterious assassin character, weeb and is fascinated with Estveil culture, circle of sleet, light blue and white fur)
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teanourish · 1 year
The Top 5 Herbal Teas for Relaxation and Stress Relief
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Herbal teas are a simple and effective way to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Above discussed herbal teas offer a range of health benefits, including calming and soothing properties, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and improved sleep quality. Incorporating these herbal teas into your daily routine can help to improve your overall health and well-being. You can buy herbal tea online at Teanourish.com, the best online tea store in the US. So, why wait? Shop now!
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