#Laszlo Robinson
back-in-2037 · 10 days
And that’s only like a third of them.
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zipzapzopzoop · 18 days
Meet the Robinsons Headcanons (Part 1)
Gaston has slight hearing loss due to the cannons.
This means he often tends to be too loud without realizing it.
Gaston also lost his sense of smell from cannon explosions as well.
My headcanon voice for human Petunia is Wendie Malick.
(Human) Petunia has a gambling addiction. She took everything she and Fritz had and left on her Harley one night when Laszlo and Tallulah were only six and four.
Bud and Lucille insisted Fritz and the kids come live with them.
The first time Fritz left the house after Petunia abandoned them, Laszlo freaked out, thinking he was leaving for good. Thankfully, Cornelius and Franny calmed him down.
Laszlo has freckles, they're easier to see when he's not wearing his goggles.
Tallulah has them as well, her makeup just happens to cover them up.
Tallulah is quite an avid reader! She can go through book after book in days!
Tallulah studied the early 2000s while working on some outfits. Had there not been the worries of time travel, she would’ve loved to ask Lewis about his time.
However, she does often ask other family members about it!
Art was in the army at one point.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 2 Group 8
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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The Robinsons: Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, Bud, Tallulah, Billie, Fritz, Joe, Laszlo, and Petunia Robinson, Art and Gaston Framagucci, Lucille Krunklehorn, C4rl, and Spike & Dimitri
Rusties: Rodney Copperbottom, Lugnut/Lug, Fender Pinwheeler, Piper Pinwheeler, Diesel Springer, Crank Casey (& Wonderbot, Aunt Fanny, Cappy)
perhaps Thee found family of all time. little orphan boy travels forward in time to meet a big messy family and realizes that they were already destined to be in his future… that’s the shit.
Within the societal structure of Robot City, there exists a social class referred to as Outmodes. Outmodes are robots whose parts are no longer being manufactured and, due to their economic status, cannot afford to purchase the newer, upgraded ones on the market. The fate of all outmodes is to be sweeped up, smelted down, and repurposed, when their old, broken bodies eventually fall apart. The Rusties are a ragtag group of outmodes living out of a boarding house. With the assistance of Rodney’s inventive prowess, they begin repairing other outmodes themselves. The film culminates in them fighting/defeating the evil robots responsible for the despicable treatment of outmodes.
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pjunicornart · 28 days
Lazy Laszlo
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Since I've had an ask recently pertain to Laszlo and his story, today's bust is of him!
If you wanna know what vibe I was going for, listen to this -> Waterfall by Toby Fox (Trance Metal Cover by Dee Leggett) - Yes, this Laszlo is as every bit of badass as this song is.
His room is his personal canvas. Think like Rapunzel from Tangled, except he's not trapped and his murals lean more towards the traumacore side of expression. His personal style? Pastel goth. He's currently working on his first graphic novel.
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cuddlefl00fs · 4 months
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demoncat12 · 11 months
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Other say their fanmade couples are Laszlo Robinson and Michael Yagoobian, but my only thoughts is Laszlo Robinson and Iago Fineheart
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paperlignes · 10 months
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crazy bitch, horny bitch, boring bitch, queen bitch.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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As the May flowers are in full bloom, let our town inspire your next work of art!
Ursula Yamada (Ursula Yamada, Kiki's Delivery Service) - You've come to Swynlake to live your dreams as an art student --- just in time for the worst art block of your life! It's got you thinking about your past. How can an artist create meaningful art when they don't know anything about themself?
Laszlo Robinson (Laszlo Robinson, Meet The Robinsons) - You've been incredibly privileged to grow up in a family that encouraged and fostered your love of art and its your mission to spread joy, excitement, a whole range of emotions with your art. Your project will be spectacular! Er, when you figure out what that is.
Pascal Chaplin (Pascal, Tangled) - What's a gift if not a mandate to share it with others? An introvert through and through, you have always found art to be the best way to connect with other people. The proud owner of the local tattoo shop, you use your unique ability to make color changing art to give customers unique creations to call their own.
Bonnie Anderson (Bonnie, Toy Story 4) - Create, create, create, that's all you can do. No, literally. The life of your demon companion depends on your creative output! Can you keep it up or will Forky be in danger of returning to the Underworld?
Ramone Martin (Ramone, Cars) - Life couldn't be better if it was a dream for you! You've got your dream job as a tattoo artist, your wonderful wife, there's nothing more you want but to support Flo's big dreams. What will this next adventure hold for the two of you?
Geppetto Collodi (Geppetto, Pinocchio) - Nothing is more difficult than wanting the one thing you can’t seem to the have. Now that you have it, you’ll do everything to protect it. Will you be able to mellow out or will your fear of loss take the wheel?
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amessinadress · 9 months
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I want these all hung on my wall immediately.
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harveyguillensource · 1 month
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The Shadows cast and crew celebrated Matt’s 50th birthday on the show’s last day of filming!
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zipzapzopzoop · 1 month
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My sister drew Laszlo and Tallulah and it’s very important that I show you
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I made some adjustments to this meme so check it out <3
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pjunicornart · 5 months
Another Lazy Days Bust!
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Laszlo has been on my brain because of some asks I've received a couple of days ago, so... here he is! Lazy Days Laszlo.
Side note - Literally EVERY source I went to spelled his name differently, so you know what? In this AU, his name is spelled L-A-S-Z-L-O. 😭 I don't care!
And now, five fun facts: - His hoodie is actually derived from an actual hoodie I have in my closet! - Yes, he does want more piercings. - He listens to a healthy amount of heavy metal. Well... healthy in his eyes. - His main OC is named Kara. This is the OC he uses as an avatar for himself in other works of his. - A lot of his work uses cutesy pastels and imagery mixed with dark or disturbing topics. Think... Alice Madness Returns.
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cuddlefl00fs · 1 day
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And here's Lazoob, my current OTP!! They may have never interacted but me and @carl-chryniszzswics came up with the ship and it's very awesome and special and cute!!
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lindele12 · 9 months
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He was cringe, but he was free.
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ineffablelvrs · 9 months
is it gay sex
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