#LXC is doing it bc he feels it’s the right thing to do bc he very much COULD be a douche if he wanted with minimal impact
poorlittleyaoyao · 10 months
There’s a lot of analysis about WWX and JGY being impacted by the power of public (mis)perception, but I think we need to give more attention to the continued persistence of “Hanguang-jun is an impeccably upright gentleman” as Universal Jianghu Knowledge even though LWJ is routinely rude as hell. Please give him the credit he’s due for being an asshole and stop inviting him to functions. He is trying so hard not to come.
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llycaons · 2 years
help I just remembered how wwx said “how dare you judge lan zhan just because he’s not very expressive! he doesn’t think he’s better than anyone!” to the face of the man who was once told by lwj “you are not qualified to speak to me’ peak comedy
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symphonyofsilence · 8 months
WWX stans saying he would have been the best uncle and Jin Ling's favorite uncle like we didn't see the man see Jin Ling go through the most horrifying event in his life and witness his uncle (who was also one of his two guardians) painful, traumatizing death after the said uncle was dismembered and after some really earth-shattering truths being unraveled, and LEAVE THE BOY THERE CRYING WHILE STARING AT HIS UNCLE'S COFFIN to go fuck in the bushes with LWJ. Like not an hour after the incident, or even a quarter of an hour. no. right after that whole shitshow happened!
(And JL accusingly asked JC why he let them go! JL...my boy... the real question is why did THEY choose to go?! When WWX had a traumatized nephew & a literally and figuratively bleeding brother to take care of, and LWJ had a traumatized brother who seconds ago WAS WILLING TO DIE WITH JGY and LWJ hadn't yet made sure that LXC's willingness has ceased since!)
And then WWX didn't even go to check on JL after that! While JL was a 15 y/o sect leader dealing with the power vacuum left after the scandals of the previous sect leader who was also coincidentally the Xiandu, & going through a power struggle with one of the worst sects out there.
WWX asks after Jin Ling from the Lan Juniors instead of going to see him himself! When he next sees JL it's said that the news of his struggles had reached Wangxian in Gusu, meaning that WWX hadn't dropped by to check on JL to hear of these from JL himself and he hadn't dropped by to check in on him even after hearing these news! He was only there bc JL had invited the Lan Juniors for a field trip!
WWX shows his love with drastic, big, dramatic, sacrificial acts like giving his golden core to JC or transferring Jin Ling's curse to himself, but since he himself loves to run away from his traumas and his responsibilities, he's not someone who can be counted on to help his loved-ones with their traumas and responsibilities. He didn't do it with Jiang Cheng and he didn't do it with Jin Ling. He never even talked to Wen Ning about Wen Qing and the Wen Remnants. (Or how WN feels about being a zombie forcefully brought back to life in a world that hates and fears him)
Maybe diplomacy is not his strength and he'll only make things worse by trying to help JL with his sect leader duties, but it wouldn't have taken anything from him if he had only stayed by JL at least for the night after the Guanyin Temple, not even doing anything, but just being there. (And I understand that narratively it might have been a point in the story where some readers might want to see the main couple sail off into the sunset together, but all it would have taken for the main couple to be shown as less of a dick was adding a phrase like "the next morning..." or even "later that day" or something like that before writing about them disappearing into the sunset...or the bushes.)
I love Wei Wuxian, but post-resurrection Wei Wuxian was really...not particularly an ideal family member.
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sasukimimochi · 8 months
hey guys! had a nap so I'm back to update u guys properly. I'm going to try to summarize the post I made a bit better, as well as posting the picture I shared with the previews (as little as it is)
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*TWPT extra image. Translation: ”Come back soon! - Lan Sizhui”
As always, check out my masterpost in order to get more content! ❤
So onto what I mentioned earlier today, I'm delaying Ch 27 of Ghost of Mine by at least one more week due to life continuing to throw shit my way. However I'm sharing some previews on ao3 (they will be removed when I upload 27, just like the aftercare ficlet). A longer explanation will be under the cut!
This is in addition to stuff that is still happening from my previous life update.
as you guys know the past tenants aren't really paying their dues, so I've been waiting on that & I got a large charge from an insurance company I wasn't expecting on top of that. Then I got a second charge from the same company, in the same month, for the usual amount. So we lost as much as 900+ dollars this month. As you can probably expect, that is a lot of money to lose at once unless you are reasonably wealthy and comfortable.
We only just today got our check for next month- early, which is great because we were worried that we would have to stretch things until the 3rd with no new groceries other than what my mom might be able to throw our way. Before we got the check as well my cats decided they absolutely did not like the food I got them- My cats aren't picky when they're hungry, so this was a bizarre and unexpected thing and I couldn't spare the money to buy a new bag of food (my mom helped us by buying a new bag of their previous food and essentially doing a trade with us, so she has the food they don't like) Just, in general a lot of stress is happening at the same time.
Onto GOM: I was writing recently (I can't remember the exact day, it was probably up to two weeks ago) as I did rewrite the entire beginning of Ch 27 and planned to cut out a lot more, which is why it's taking me much longer than expected to complete this chapter- it's my first show of proper investigation and intrigue that is a bit dangerous for the present time and not just, you know, only revealing information- I really want this chapter to be good and not rushed through like my initial first pass. It was a short-lived lapse in my stress when I wrote the first fourth of the rewrite, and I've hit a spot in the chapter that's difficult when my mind is so distracted by the stress.
SO, as to make up for this lack of update (again) I'm gonna give you guys three exclusive previews, one for the beginning of Ghost of Mine Ch 27 (just the first bit, not everything I've written so far bc its still prone to change and I want to give u guys the best version), the beginning of Rose Hips and Flushed Fingertips - The Story of Mo Xuanyu (GOM extra), and the beginning of The Wild Plum Tree (JC & LXC's story - GOM extra) so I hope you enjoy these exclusive previews, as they are all directly connected with the story and are canon to the GOM universe.
TLDR; struggling still, this is another delay. will check back in in about a week- I'm going to show you guys some exclusive previews for GOM related content that isn't yet released to make up for it right now! GOM CH 27, RH&FF (Ch.1/Part1), and TWPT (Ch.1).
PLEASE, KEEP IN MIND: the previews are still very prone to change. RH&FF/TWPT especially, since I am always struggling on how I write JC to make him feel canon to me (and he doesn't here, in my opinion, just bc I haven't described him well enough there) so just keep that in mind when you read!
So I hope you guys enjoy the previews and come back next Sunday!
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mostlikelytofangirl · 6 months
Hmm something popped into my head hmmmm
Ever thought about su3zun? Like okay 3zun are fucked up already as they are but add SMS to the mix. I feel it would make things fun
/Insert that's my husband and that's his boyfriend meme
I just think it would be funny to add SMS into them. Tbh I'm not sure in which direction it would go but it would be very fun to read/write about
Ok now that's one unhinged idea and I'm loving the absolute Chaos it could unleash XD
Tbh neither do I know how it could even happen in the first place, but like. I think I can see SMS being that much of a protective guard dog, that he just has to be around JGY no matter what or who. Especially if those ppl are:
a. NMJ, who has made it very clear that he doesn't trust JGY anymore and can't control his anger for shit.
and b. A Lan. It doesn't matter that it's the Lan that has shown time and time again that he holds JGY in the highest regard. SMS is just conditioned to Not Trust Lans.
So as soon as the brotherhood happens, SMS simply won't leave JGY's side when nielan is around. Much to JGY's initial dismay, but there's no polite way to shoo someone, and SMS purposedly doesn't catch any of the subtle hints JGY throws his way to please leave.
So now they are all sitting there, awkwardly looking at each other and then at the guy sitting next to JGY like that's normal.
I imagine LXC would be the most diplomatic and just ignore the elephant in the room despite being Annoyed, but JGY difuses the tension as best he can bc SMS really doesn't intervene or anything, so it's kinda easy to even pretend he's not there.
Until NMJ and JGY start to argue (bc of course), LXC tries to calm them down, but he's just... taking too long?? How can he be so passive when someone is yelling at JGY???
SMS reacts and he couldn't care less about how stupid it is to yell back at freaking NMJ, but he can't just sit idle and let a goddamn Lan handle this!!
I can see NMJ being taken aback by the outburst (he sorta forgot about him lol), and that actually managed to calm them all down for the time being. But NMJ is left all "who tf even are you??" and of course LXC is too polite to remind NMJ of what SMS did right in front of the guy in question, so he gets his answer right from the source, how he started his own sect, and JGY pointing out his talent with transportation arrays and whatnots.
And honesty? I see SMS slowly earning NMJ's respect. Sure, NMJ is not a fan of how the guy will just agree with everything JGY says, but he has guts and determination, and while he did do the dumb thing that got him kicked out of the Lan sect, he's making a sort of name for himself (mostly) on honest hard work.
LXC would be the most difficult for obvious reasons, but since he's the least petty Lan to ever Lan, instead of getting all jealous and bothered with how close SMS is to JGY and all, I can see him making an effort to try to understand what's so great about him that JGY holds him in high regard.
I have no idea of how it would all evolve from there, but mostly I see NMJ and LXC getting used to seeing SMS around JGY, even if that means NMJ having this guy jumping at him as soon as he gets frustrated with JGY, and LXC no longer being the hardest jiggy stan in the room, so do with that what you will :'D
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
"JGY would have to have a heart for that to happen" I'm not even a hardcore JGY stan but that made me so mad like ??? JL mourned for him in the aftermath of Guanyin Temple iirc and if there was truly no affection LXC would not be secluded in canon lmao
this is unrelated but I also have to laugh bc yeah SMS is bitter but like. So is the majority of the cast in some way??? especially LWJ (I saw a tag somewhere describing him as Snapecore and...I mean....I can't quite disagree)
jin ling is gutted by his death in the novel AND in cql! like it is more explicit in the novel because the text gives us a glimpse of his interiority, showing us that moment in his childhood where jin guangyao gifts him fairy, who is his lifelong companion!
Fairy was waiting anxiously outside for his master, barking a couple of times. Hearing the barks, Jin Ling suddenly remembered that when Fairy was still a clumsy little puppy that couldn’t even reach his knees, Jin GuangYao was the one who brought it over.
Back then, he was only a few years old. He fought with the other children of Koi Tower, and didn’t feel satisfied even after he won, smashing everything in his room as he bawled his eyes out. None of the maids and servants dared approach him, afraid to be hit.
Grinning, the younger uncle of his snuck inside to ask, “A-Ling, what’s wrong?” He immediately smashed half a dozen vases beside Jin GuangYao’s feet. Jin GuangYao, “Uh-oh, how fierce. I’m so scared.” He shook his head as he left, pretending to be scared.
The second day, Jin Ling refused to go outside or eat anything as he sulked. Jin GuangYao walked around right outside his room. With his back against the door, Jin Ling shouted to be left alone, and suddenly the bark of a puppy came from outside the door.
He opened the door. Half-squatting, Jin GuangYao had in his arms a glistening-black puppy with round, wide eyes. He looked up and smiled, “I found this little thing but I don’t know what to call it. ALing, do you want to give it a name?”
The smile was so kind, so genuine that Jin Ling couldn’t believe Jin GuangYao faked it. All of a sudden, tears fell from his eyes again.
Jin Ling had always thought crying was a sign of weakness, treating such an act with contempt. Yet, apart from a flood of tears, there was no other way to release the pain and anger in his heart.
He didn’t know why, but he felt like he couldn’t hate or blame anyone. Wei WuXian, Jin GuangYao, Wen Ning—every one of them should be responsible to some extent for the deaths of his parents, every one of them gave him a reason to loathe them with all he had. But it also seemed like every one of them gave him a reason that made him unable to do so. But if he didn’t hate him, whom could he hate? Did he deserve to lose both his parents when he was young? Was he not only able to seek revenge, but also unable to hate someone purely and entirely?
He somehow didn’t want to let go. He felt wronged. He’d rather die together with them and end everything.
- EXR translation pg 1019
he is crying from pain and betrayal and ALSO the loss of jin guangyao specifically, which the next passage makes clear:
Watching him cry soundlessly as he stared at the coffin, Sect Leader Yao asked, “Young Master Jin, why are you crying? For Jin GuangYao?”
Seeing that Jin Ling said nothing, Sect Leader Yao spoke in a tone with which seniors often scolded juniors of their sect, “What are you crying for? Hold back your tears. Someone like your uncle doesn’t deserve anyone’s tears. Young Master, I mean no offense, but you can’t be so weak! This is the kindness of the fairer sex. You should know what’s right and what’s wrong, and straighten up your...”
If this were at the time the leader of LanlingJin Sect was still the Chief Cultivator who led the entire world of cultivation, the sect leaders of other sects would never have had the guts to patronize the Jin Sect’s disciples no matter what. Right now, Jin GuangYao had died already. Nobody was able to uphold the LanlingJin Sect. Its name had also been pretty much ruined, and likely it wouldn’t be able to rise again in the future, thus some people dared.
Jin Ling had thousands of thoughts and feelings whirling around in his heart in the beginning. Hearing Sect Leader Yao’s comments, a fire surged into his heart. He roared, “So what if I want to cry?! Who are you? What are you? Won’t leave me alone even for crying?!”
Sect Leader Yao didn’t expect to be shouted at either. He was a sect leader that had some fame as well.
pg 1020
....also i'm low key losing my mind over someone describing lwj as snapecore lmfao
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khattikeri · 3 months
Mdzs for the shipping grid? 👀👀👀
YESSS here we are! v surprised at how strong my opinions are for this fandom but probably shouldn't be sldkfjlksd
- xue/xiao compels me and is in the middle of the makes sense line - song/xiao is closer to makes sense but compels me a bit less - song/xue/xiao is somewhere in between them.
further explanations of all other pairings under the cut!
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quadrant by quadrant bc my explanations are Long for this one
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out of the way: wang/xian undoubtedly peak! xuan/li v cute, love em. xi/yao is my favorite of the possible 3zun pairings, they're just too juicy and such good narrative foils to wang/xian...
nie/yao is also fun to me because of how much tension and strife they have.
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i like nie/lan the least of all possible 3zun pairings just bc i like the conflict jgy brings to the table LOL
even though zhui/ling is the most popular junior pairing i... am not a huge fan of it? they're not blood relatives at all but both are still family to wwx in ways that make me feel weird about them romancing each other. in no war/wens are good aus i'd be more into it...
jingzhui isn't on the chart but they're also both inner lan clan members. so. weird to me! i like ling/yi best. they banter a lot but still get along well as friends
i can see why people are compelled by wen ning and wwx. i love their fucked up codependency too. i just don't see it romantically
i also see why people might ship cheng/xian, i just sincerely think their relationship is most compelling as siblings or pseudo-family due to the social class tensions.
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chang/mian is quite rare just bc both characters are so minor but like... god can you imagine all the jiang cheng & wwx parallels. pointing. those are their dads
sang/cheng is like... most of the time it feels very pair the spares-esque. BUT. they both have a lot of similarities underneath the surface and if people tap into that i do like it. BUT (again) i just really prefer it platonic. jiang cheng is like peak "this man is aroace and does not know what either of those words are" to me. celibacysweep and all that
sang/yao. honorable mention to my favorite fucked up ship that literally nobody ships (including myself!). i can't like em romantically, only enjoy the dynamic, but it's so fun to think about. like spy x spy but worse.
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and finally stuff that i don't like
no real reason for sang/yu, i just don't see em that way. i'm too novel-only to like wen qing/jc.
LWJ/anyone else feels too much like blasphemy. similar to shipping hua cheng tgcf with people who aren't xie lian LOL
this is like peak pair the spares to me. they're literally coworkers. they're just two people who lead clans and only talk business with each other. they aren't friends, they don't even make smalltalk. their relationship is the equivalent of sometimes bumping into a linkedin connection at the grocery store. come on. COME ON. they have zero personal ties except for the fact that their brothers are deeply in love and have a torrid romance spanning decades
for lxc especially this just feels like such a weak ship to me bc you have TWO whole other people he has fascinating, actually existing dynamics with (nmj and jgy), and xi/yao especially has so so so many parallels to wang/xian. 3zun ships have so much angst and what-ifs and there's so much more meat to it.
see also my thing about jc just... honestly i cannot see him romantically working out with anyone. nobody. whatsoever. this is a man for whom romance is not the solution, ever
so i can't. it literally drives me crazy. i cannot make sense out of xi/cheng whatsoever it doesn't compel me one bit and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say i hate it when there are other ships right there ahahahghdskljfdslk
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chengxians · 2 years
I truly am in deep with this hyperfixation and I am making it everyone's problem.
Yes! Please keep me updated when you get to that point because I want all of your perspective! Since I haven't read most of the book (just a few scenes to verify certain things) I wanna know if it's as chaotic in the books and if you liked the changes!
LWJ's individual arc is actually something I really enjoyed. WY did a really good job playing it out, from someone who believes wholeheartedly in the rules because his mother died for it so he has to because if he doesn't then does anything matter? and then WWX bursts through the door with like the most minimal but important rules and throughout the story, he learns the difference between doing what's right and doing what's just and when each has its place and its wonderful. I do think that LWJ definitely had more wiggle room to help but that's a convo for another time (and maybe a meta I might write later). And the three months in-between with JC where like JC is a sect leader of a pretty much dead sect and he still makes the time to search for his brother (which is like the 3rd time JC picked WWX over his sect) and he loves him. And then he watches them split and wonders why when they love each other. And knows that JC loves WWX. And LWJ loves WWX too. And there's so much!
I, too, adore W@ngChengX!an! There are so many ways they balance eachother! ChengX!an pre-canon and the angst during the SSC, W@ngX!an during Cloud Recesses, Zh@ncheng after WWX leaves and LWJ wants to learn more about WWX and just learns more about JC too (NHS knows all and introduces them bc I'm always a huge fan of the LXC and NMJ playdates with the baby bros), the three months in between, the 13-16 years in between! The jealousy, the angst, the potential! I could go on for days! (I'm actually planning to do an AllCheng agenda post with various ships and dynamics and ideas because while I can't write fic for shit, I can headcanon my days away).
Their perspectives balance out too! WWX thinks in the broadest perspective of what is Wrong and What is Right, JC is the mid-ground perspective of what are the long-term implcations in society, can it impact how we do other things and how can we plan around it and LWJ (now) thinks of the individual, based on their merit and who they are and becomes less judgemental as a result. I think that's mainly why I don't ship W@ngX!an as much as I could have. But the three of them together have way more going for it (also I have a very specific headcanon that WWX does the flute, LWJ plays the guqin and JC sings the lyrics for WuJi since I feel like a grumpy grape like him must be great at slam poetry and lyrics).
Maybe its because I know that they way my loved ones show that they care is because the question me. They care enough to confront me, to meddle, to ask, to let me rant and help me find my way to the choice that's best for me. So even in the most enabling and unhealthy fics I read, I always want that. The "I will side with you, always, but I want you to know my side too." The vulnerability of opening up and showing what the implications are. The messy fights, the yelling, the poking at soft spots is something I will always want to see.
Like one of my fav scenes is when JC confronts WWX before they decide to stage the fight for this reason! Like you see where their priorities lie and that they both have valid perspectives for the positions they're in but they come to the slow realization that they can't have it all. And WWX I think does want to leave, he doesn't want to pretend he's okay and he doesn't want to spend a second more fronting for the sake of YMJ because he's done enough, fulfilled his debts and he wants a little break before even attempting to come back home (Burial Mounds doesn't sound like a good long-term solution but I also don't think he expected to live long).
LXC is definitely an enabler but I think it's also similar to JYL's response to trauma. And he does like so much for LWJ because he put all his love for his parents and family on his brother (gives me a lot of Itachi and Sasuke vibes but less extreme and with less trauma). So, similar to JC and WWX, when LWJ tells him something in a sure tone, LXC believes it.
Like considering demonic cultivation and resentful energy are so harmful (look at the Nies), it would be like if you're brother came to you and told you that he did some crack and now has superpowers after disappearing for months and you believe him because if WWX told JC the stars were falling, JC would have run for cover without looking at the sky. Like, the amount this man trusts WWX is insane. It might have been despiration but also he knows if anyone can do it, it's his Shixiong. And every scene, he asks, he asks WWX to clarify, to let him know, to let him and I just can't with these boys.
Wang Zhuocheng will always impress me because this was essentially his break out role! And the intro scene where LJY mentions that JC killed WWX so why is he checking in MXY? The flashbacks with his family and how much he yearns to keep them together but we know that its gonna fall apart! And his interactions with Jin Ling (who also did an amazing job in the role) were perfect despite the actors being like one year apart in age! Just all of it was so good and I will never not be impressed!
Sorry for the essays! Just really excited about the Untamed and I have a lot to gush about.
this has been in my inbox for ages bc i just kept reading it over and over because op. (kisses your brain) Wow. your meta is actually so fucking good and i am sliding you five american dollars to continue sending me essays about anything and nothing
your characterization (perception of their characterization??) lines up perfectly with mine and tbh you put it in better words than i could. i just. i dont even have words for this bc im just In Awe that someone can word this good
im gonna post this without much comment and followers…..begging u to read this…..op’s brain is so so so big and i adore every single thing about this little essay
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mistypluie · 3 years
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SANGCHENG CHERRY MAGIC AU!!!!! (basically: jiang cheng is still a virgin when he turns 36* and he suddenly gains the ability to read people's minds when he touches them)
#*changing it from 30 to make this post canon lol#sangcheng#jiang cheng#nie huaisang#mdzs#the untamed#misty.art#so this picture takes place shortly after jc's bday nhs is visiting lotus pier for a cultivation conference or something#and jc reads his mind and realizes nhs likes him!!! bro is having whole ass fantasies about him meanwhile jc is having a sexuality crisis#bc u know hes been justifying this by saying he doesnt have time and he doesn't want to marry some random woman but. hes never really#considered men before.......granted he probably hasnt rlly liked too many ppl before (demi jc rights!!!!)...#(he told himself that teenage crush on lxc was just admiration 😔😔😔)#but he gradually realizes that.....people care he 🥺🥺🥺 his disciples look up to him his nephew loves him his brother misses him (THINK of#the possibilities for a yunmeng bros reconciliation if jc can read wwx's thoughts) ..... and he grows as a person and realizes how valued he#is and how its important to do things at his own pace bc hes only now having the time to live his life without worrying about so much shit#and of course he. eventually loses his virginity and the ability to read thoughts and has to learn how to communicate his feelings w ppl 🥺#anyway. cherry magic owns my soul now and sangcheng is my fave i simply had to make an au......ill never write it tho but if anyone wants to#PLEASE do 👀🥺#also dont @ me about lazy coloring i didnt feel like coloring this lol the lineart was enough work#r yall proud i didnt use mint green ad a background color again??? i was going to lol but then i changed it#this color scheme has more cherry vibes 🍒🌸
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besanii · 3 years
I need to know what caused Wei Ying to finally initiate a physical relationship with Xichen. Was it for Lotus pier and what the empress said? He does seem to have some feelings towards Xichen so did he not mind it bc of that? What does Xichen think about this whole thing ahhhhhhhhh so many questions. Sorry Lan Zhan cause ngl I ship them
[ part one (LWJ) | two (LXC) | three (WWX) | four (LWJ) | five (NQY) | six (WWX) | seven (LWJ) ]
[ follows on from six ] 
The word washes over him like a wave, bringing with it a rush of joy and relief—his brother is alive—that lasts only a heartbeat before the significance of the news comes crashing down.
His brother is alive.
An arrow to the shoulder, the report had read. Knocked overboard in the heat of the battle and disappearing under the churning waters; for days they searched, picking through the bodies floating amongst the debris long after the Dongying forces had retreated. 
They found him, a day later, half-drowned and delirious with fever, unable to fight. News of his death in battle spread as he lay in his bed, one foot already through the gates of Hell and yet still strategising, planning, during his brief moments of lucidity. Conscious enough to know that they can use his perceived death to their advantage.
And indeed with the loss of Gusu’s greatest commander, their enemies pressed them harder, forcing them to cede waters they had previously held strong. Little did they know they were being lured into a trap, one that would decimate their fleet and end the battle once and for all.
“And how is Hanguang-wang now?” Lan Xichen asks. Only years of experience keeps his voice tightly controlled and his hands relaxed as they rest on the spacious desk before him.
“Replying to Huangshang, Hanguang-wang asked this lowly subject to pass on the message that he is well and not to worry,” the messenger reports. “Hanguang-wang has also said he will stay on to fight until the war is won, as is his duty as the commander of the fleet.” 
As a brother, Lan Xichen knows he should recall Lan Wangji from the front lines, allow him to return to Caiyi to nurse his injuries. As Emperor, if his best commander reports he can continue to fight and his staying on increases their chances of victory, then he has no reason to refuse. As a man—
He tells himself the rush of relief that courses through him at the news is because his brother is well; he does not allow himself to entertain the other reason. It is too shameful to admit, even to himself.
In the end, the Emperor wins out, as it always does.
“Very well,” he says finally, pressing the tips of his fingers together as if he is giving serious consideration to Lan Wangji’s request. “We will grant Hanguang-wang the right to stay, as reward for his loyalty.”
He does not call on Chenghuan Hall.
He tells himself it is to give Wei Wuxian space in the wake of such momentous news, to allow him to process it fully in his own time without the added pressure of Lan Xichen’s presence. It is a flimsy excuse, one he knows does not fool his Empress at the very least, whose knowing looks and raised eyebrow has his insides twisting with guilt and shame like a child caught stealing treats from the kitchens. So he avoids her palace too, and seeks refuge in the Imperial study until late in the evenings.
A whole month passes where Lan Xichen does not allow himself to see Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian does not send word to him either.
He wonders if he’s left it too long, whether Wei Wuxian would be upset or angry at their situation—at him, for putting them in this situation. If it is too late to show up now, after a whole month of silence, and try to make amends. 
Fortunately—if one could call any part of this fortunate—the decision is made for him when Wei Wuxian himself walks into the Imperial study one night and kneels in the centre of the chamber. Lan Xichen watches dumbly as he prostrates himself, forehead pressed against the tips of his fingers on the cold stone floor, his hair loose and unbound, spilling over his plain white robes, the very picture of contrition and penance.
“This lowly concubine pays greetings to Huangshang,” Wei Wuxian says, his voice loud and clear in the quiet of the study. “And humbly seeks your forgiveness.”
“Wuxian...” Lan Xichen begins hesitantly. He breaks off, looking around at the eunuchs stationed around the study with their heads bowed. “You may leave us.”
It is only after they file away, closing the double doors behind them silently, does Lan Xichen allow himself to cross the chamber to where Wei Wuxian is still kneeling. He hurries to help him up, grasping him below the elbows, but is met with resistance as Wei Wuxian stubbornly keeps his head and shoulders bowed.
“Wuxian,” he says helplessly. “There is no need for this.”
“This lowly concubine dares not stand until Huangshang has forgiven me for my transgressions,” Wei Wuxian replies, still in that formal, wooden tone of voice Lan Xichen has come to know too well. He sighs.
“It is cold tonight and you are barely dressed. You will catch a cold walking around like this,” he tells him gently, softening his grip on his arms. When Wei Wuxian still refuses to budge, he sighs again and tilts his face up with two fingers under his chin. “There is nothing to forgive, you have done nothing wrong,”
There is confusion and wariness in those grey eyes as they finally meet his, two emotions he had hoped never to see again.
“Huangshang is displeased with me,” Wei Wuxian says quietly, tightly, as if he would fall apart if he raised his voice. “Ever since the report from Jinghai. Huangshang can no longer bear the sight of me, now that Lan Zhan—” he bites off the name with a pained twist of his mouth.
Lan Xichen recoils as if struck. He had known the nature of their relationship before his brother’s departure, and their plans for his return. But hearing his brother’s given name, such an intimate address used so freely and without thought, is a stark reminder of what he had done. Who he had taken.
Wei Wuxian knows it too, from the shudder that runs through him as he exhales, and the way his hands curl into fists in his lap.
"This lowly concubine does not dare presume he has any right to beg forgiveness for putting Huangshang in such a difficult position,” he continues, the barest hint of a waver in his voice. “I only wished to let Huangshang know that he does not need to trouble himself over this any longer.”
There is a ring of finality to his words that immediately catches Lan Xichen’s attention.
“What are you saying?” he asks warily. “Wuxian—”
Wei Wuxian shuffles backwards, putting enough distance between them so that he can prostrate himself once more, touching his forehead to the floor.
“This lowly concubine begs Huangshang to grant me the death penalty.”
The word forces itself from Lan Xichen’s lips before he even realises he’s spoken, a spontaneous, visceral reaction full of hurt and fury beyond his control. For a long moment after, he cannot speak around the vice clamped tight around his chest, squeezing the air from his lungs. Wei Wuxian replies, but his voice is only a faint murmur against the blood roaring in his ears; he cannot see his face to read his lips, but Lan Xichen already knows what he will say.
“You cannot ask that of me.” The words rasp painfully against his throat. “I will not be the reason for your death.”
Wei Wuxian raises his head and Lan Xichen freezes at the sight of the tears in his eyes, the same hurt, the same helpless fury colouring his cheeks and knitting his brows.
“And I am not willing to be the conflict that destroys the relationship between brothers,” he cries. “I cannot—I will not do it. Huangshang. You cannot ask that of me. Please do not ask it of me.” 
He lowers his face to the floor once more.
“This lowly concubine is only alive today because of Huangshang,” he says, voice small and trembling but with an undercurrent of steel. “I should already be dead. If Huangshang grants me the death penalty now, it will only be putting the situation to rights once more, and Hanguang-wang will be none the wiser upon his return.” 
Lan Xichen reaches out a trembling hand toward him, but stops short, hand hovering just above the top of his head. He cannot ask this of him. As a brother, and as a man, he cannot do it. As an Emperor—
Almost as if sensing his indecision, Wei Wuxian raises his head, leans into the palm of Lan Xichen’s outstretched hand and smiles as those long fingers mould themselves reflexively around the curve of his cheek.
“This lowly concubine will never forget the kindness and affection Huangshang has bestowed upon me,” he murmurs. “So if there must be a sacrifice, please let me make it in your place.”
TBC (yes I have just decided there will be a part two to this)
buy me a ko-fi!
more paper-thin fic | verse
Such drama! Much angst! 
Sorry this took much longer than anticipated, mostly cos I’ve been devouring ancient Tezuka/Fuji fics and falling back into the ancient Tenipuri fandom in the past couple of weeks. So, uh, don’t be surprised if my next thing is Tezuka/Fuji instead (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
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llycaons · 1 year
Ep4: wwx's reign of terror <3
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god the landscape shots for this show are so pretty
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and so it begins....the hypocrisy here in the lan clan's claim to being above worldly things, but their willingness to accept such an indulgent, magnificent gift. lqr was looking very pleased when he saw this come out. the commentary on the core corruption and indulgence of the major sects who have such high values that they pretend to ascribe to starts early. the lan principles are good, on the whole, they just don't always practice what they preach. sects are human and imperfect constructions led by flawed individuals. this is why an ending where wwx and lwj leave the sects behind is so gratifying to me!
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lan xichen was such a real one for this. I'd fall in love with him too. the subtext in this episode starts strong and never really lets up
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I was going to mention how stupid wen chao is, and he is indeed foolish and arrogant, but his actions barely even matter. so what if he set the lan guard on fire and told lxc to his face that they're delivering someone? so what if he almost starts a fight in the receiving hall? he's untouchable. he's been taught that the wens can do anything at all and there are zero consequences for his actions. the lans won't dare discipline him, so he can be as insulting and aggressive as he wants. it's so jarring to see in this setting full of careful civility, ceremony, and respect. but something the show really hammers in is that the world exists outside the rules of etiquette and people can and will act against it for their own ends. politeness won't prevent violence and aggression must be confronted
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wwx was indeed the only one to verbally confront wen chao, but in a fun little microcosm of several relationship dynamics, lwj was clearly ready to physically fight him. he stayed back because of lxc shaking his head, but if not for the restraint of his sect/family he would have backed wwx up in holding wen chao accountable and he probably would have been quicker to fight than wwx was this is so fucked up though bc the lans aren't even fighters. they're cultivators and scholars. they're not a fort like the nies, and they haven't been marshaling power like the wens. they have a few special guqin attacks but it's not a surprise that gusu was overrun
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wwx is already lowkey obsessed and he's not used to being ignored bc he's handsome so he's all sulky and in denial about lwj not paying attention to him
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life lessons from wwx: enjoy nature. seize the day. don't envy others. remember the good things in life. practice gratitude. drink and eat to your heart's content. go after that pretty boy <3
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hellpp he went to try to touch it my boy is so impulsive
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wwx acts out and plays around, and it must be frustrating that he doesn't behave, but jc tends to default to blaming wwx instead of holding other characters accountable for their equally poor behavior (jzx for being a dick, the lans for being inflexible and unreasonable, wen chao for being aggressive and inflammatory), or taking into account the situation or context. it seems like jc is hardly ever on wwx's side and never backs him up and I feel like people assuming jc is always in the right and his perspective on wwx is objectively correct need to keep in mind that he's also a young teenager deeply enmeshed in an incredibly complicated emotional/family situation, with high-stakes political and personal strings tied to his relationships with everyone in his family, and what he says about wwx does not necessarily reflect the objective truth or even his own feelings
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HE CALLED JC A MANWHORE?? okay I stand by what I just wrote but goddamn, CR-era wwx really is a brat. at this stage in their dynamic he's giving as good as he gets despite their underlying issues and their inherent difference in status
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this scene KILLS ME. no fish for jyl??? who MADE the rest of the dinner??? you want her to starve?? you bastards. such a stark visual reminds us that jyl isn't here to be her own person with her own wants, she's here to fill a role of bridging the gap between her brothers and making them play nice. they're acting like such children here
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extremely funny to see characters passing notes, doodling, snacking in class, and putting 'kick me'-esque signs on the backs of their teachers robes. even though this is set in the past, some things are eternal. also I think the turtle is a gay joke. kind of homophobic of you, wwx
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wwx just can't win! lqr was trying to catch him out in making a mistake, but wwx genuinely knows all this already. but even though he knows it all, he's still not allowed to be proud of himself. lqr wanted to punish him for his behavior and was trying to find a way to do it by criticizing his knowledge, but wwx (literal genius) just can't be stumped no wonder so many people don't like lwj while wwx appreciates him...most people have to study really hard to know this stuff and lwj just makes it look effortless to Be Perfect. but wwx is already at his level and so he doesn't resent him for his skills, he just disagrees with their application and lwj's conduct
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you know what I just realized? wwx is approaching this like a survivalist. at his core he's practical and efficient and he'll do what he needs to in order to survive. this is the logic of a person who grew up starving on the streets and used whatever was available to make it out. of course the well-bred and wealthy cultivators are horrified and scandalized, whispering in shocked conversations about this evil technique. because they don't know what it's like to be that desperate
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wen ning 🥺 he must have been so young when he died
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this was honestly so gay. I don't ship ningxian but I think there was a little something there.
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aww when lwj shows up, wwx has the BIGGEST smile we've seen all episode. look at that boy. he's like the sun
personal highlights: ep4
the show making it clear early on that this is a commentary on the society it depicts, and that the lans aren't perfect despite appearances
lwj ready to throw down with wen chao
lxc and meng yao's first meeting
wwx's guide to life
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songofclarity · 2 years
X!yao fandom is full of ppl who think LXC’s experience on the run gives him a “more open mind” & “greater understanding of the oppressed than NMJ ever had” but in fact NMJ’s narrative is not only a something like a class & disability narrative but also about a young man who had to take on a lot of responsibility at an early age. He has a slightly better grasp of the situation around JGY than LXC bc LXC is more sheltered in a lot of ways & still has Lan Qiren to help him.
Lan Xichen has the benefit of someone always being there to take care of him and it shows. Lan Qiren was pseudo Sect Leader Lan for Qingheng-jun and remains pseudo Sect Leader Lan for Lan Xichen. Thus, the world is safe and the people are good and well-meaning. He is open-minded in that he has the privilege of not feeling unsafe, thus he is not quick to (ever) condemn, but he's not open-minded in that he seeks reality or truth.
The only person Lan Xichen ever condemns is Wei Wuxian, because Wei Wuxian hurt his little brother's feelings.
It is Nie Mingjue, not Lan Xichen, who stands up to the Jin regarding Xue Yang and his mass murder of the people.
Lan Xichen has a “greater understanding of the oppressed than NMJ ever had”? That is very funny lol
Nie Mingjue is and has been Sect Leader Nie this whole time. He has a more reserved personality and we're told he isn't close to many people, so we see him often doing things and tackling problems by himself. He is a big brother to Nie Huaisang and then a big brother to two more, with the added burden of trying to guide them on the right path even when they won't listen. So he has to pay attention and look for warning signs. People are counting on him. Nie Mingjue has to be observant for their sake as well as his.
Nie Mingjue is stubborn at times, but his mind is perfectly open, thank you. How else would the poisoned music have gotten in?
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
I don't endorse making my babys suffer bc of the stupid ass choices of others.
For the time travel Lan Xichen.
Let LXC have what he deserves after making everyone's life miserable in these time-lines, where he feels like a god bc he can change anything but in fact are ruining everything. After all, those people are real and anything that happens there doesn't change when LXC use the array. It's not a time-travel array but a dimension travel array, and every time he uses it, his body from that line is destroyd. Cue to Wangxian saving the day (again), but it's not our OG wangxian, it's the wangxian from a dimension where LXC couldn't change what he thinks necessary and then gain used the array, but this time Other Lan Zhan and Other Wei Ying (Coraline reference hehe) find his body laying in some strange array and start to suspect, bc LXC isn't good at hiding things and sometimes acts very different from his self (even Other Chifeng-zun agrees). So, using Other Wei Ying sexy brain, they send a message to OG wangxian.
That's as far as I can go. Kisses <3
Happy Halloween! 🎃
This is cool. I'm picturing OG Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji going through all the different dimensions Lan Xichen had brought to ruin looking for him. They normally only stay a few days before finding out Lan Xichen has already moved on. They hop around for a few months until they finally find a child Lan Xichen who is starting to convince little Lan Wangji that the world is dangerous and he needs to stay inside their mothers home to be safe.
Lan Xichen thinks hes lost it when he sees a full grown Lan Wangji. Doesnt understand how this has happened. He used the ritual and everything reset! How can there be two Wangjis?
Wei Wuxian takes little Wangji to return home to his uncle while Lan Wangji sits with the brother who he had been mourning for years. He tells him what the ritual actually does and that they had seen the destruction and suffering he had left behind dozens of times trying to make the world perfect. Lan Xichen is distressed but still in denial.
"One more time, Wangji," Lan Xichen pleads. "I can do it right this time! I know what I have to do! It won't happen again, I promise, just let me do it once more!"
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mostlikelytofangirl · 2 years
(only answer if you're comfortable discussing nsfw)
You know that post about the characters' kinks (idk if you rbed it or someone else)?
I think it's mostly right about a-yao. he def would have a power kink (i was origanally sold on this by a topping from the bottom chengyao fic), but i could also imagine him enjoying some pampering in sex. the phrase 'princess treatment' comes to mind (although i think that phrase might be a spa thing).
and this complements the ships
like. imagine lxc servicing him. for once, lxc's isn't having to make choices where the options are Thing That Will Hurt People A and Thing That Will Hurt People B. JGY is getting some well deserved time not thinking about which role he has to play in the social hierarchy. it's all just cozy hours that he and JGY have squirrelled away.
nmj gets to express all his Mother hen instincts while simultaneously getting laid! he can let go off all that Important Leader BS and be soft and tender with the person he wants to take care of.
also. i know people talk abt jiang cheng being a praise-kink having sub who cries during sex (very true and not at all shameful), but i'm sure some gentle service topping would make him very happy. he's making jgy happy! a feat rarely accomplished by man. he's doing a good job even if he's the one telling jgy *he's* doing a good job. jiang cheng loves projects and 'make a-yao feel special' is the best kind of project.
then there's wrh. the perfect man to tell jgy he's perfect and make him feel pampered and special. specifically because of jgy's daddy issues. if he's at a point where he actually trusts wrh, i'm sure jgy would love this.
nhs. praising giving. likes being in charge of things that are fun. has laways kept tabs on nmj's wellbeing and would be doing the same for jgy if they were close/dating. now just apply this to the bedroom! i need'nt say more.
xue yang tho. not sure what to do with that one.
-regular anon
Hey, regular anon!! Haha sorry this took so long, I have no problem talking about nsfw stuff actually!
I don't remember the post you mention (so it probably wasn't me who reblogged it lol), but I totally agree with you!
I'm sure that JGY would normally be one great power bottom, even a mean top XD, as he absolutely has a thing for control, and I firmly believe that it comes basically from his need to feel safe: the more in charge of a situation, the safer he is. And he would enjoy that!
But I also believe that if he was to trust his partner enough, he would let himself be taken care of. Or at least it would be something that would do him good, even if he would be hesitant about letting someone else do the work for a change and being shown that he can receive without having to earn it.
And yes, it works well in the context of ships.
LXC would certainly appreciate having the worst dilemma he has to face being where to start pampering JGY xD. He's a kind and gentle person, so doing his best to shower his A-Yao in affection would be like second nature. Making a loved one feel good, what a joy!
There are not a lot of chances for NMJ to show his tender side, and he is also one to appreciate hard work and reward it accordingly, not to mention he is very protective. There's the saber spirit too, so having something else to distract him from that, making him focus on little A-Yao fully would do him well too.
With JC I think it's a situation similar to JGY in some regard, not so much about control, but about feeling fully accepted and reassured, and being a top is another way to achieve that: procuring someone pleasure, making them feel safe with him, lower their guard and trust him, seeing the effect he has on someone and being encouraged. JC is also a protective person who is fiercely devoted to the few he holds dear, caring for JGY is a sense a very personal thing bc they share so much similar baggage. Also he just likes to know he is doing a good job.
Oh, WRH. As you can imagine, this one is my favorite in this scenario bc of how much it would mean coming from him XD. Just imagine you are a smol guy who everybody looks down on and who has to continuously prove himself... and THEN you have the most imposing, powerful man caring for you, servicing you, telling you how perfect you are, how good you are... it'd be easy for him to crash you, and YET here he is, pampering you, validating you, making you feel like the most special person bc how could you not be when you have This Man telling you about how he would burn down the world for you :').
I can see it all being very playful and sweet with NHS. He is known for being a lazy guy who would normally prefer himself getting pampered, but him doing it for JGY would feel like a fun experiment, and I imagine NHS of all ppl being one JGY would trust easily (if we don't include canon ending lol). Maybe not having a lot of faith in how would NHS perform a first, but being pleasantly surprised and it's all giggles and jokes. All part of his evil plan to get JGY to relax and stop worrying about work!
OMG XY. Tbh I can only see these two having some nasty, disrespectful sex XD, JGY trusting the delinquent enough to actually be intimate with him, but XY is too much of a wild card to be fully service top imo, much less a gentle selfless one that would pamper him. It would still be a good session of catharsis tho :P.
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gay-snom · 3 years
contextualizing lwj’s coming to terms with his feelings subplot!
i wanna talk about the role of confucianism in this subplot because i think it’s something some western fans might not pick up on. basically, the sociopolitical climate of confucianism in his character arc, and a little bit about his interaction with the public image theme.
disclaimer: i’m not chinese but i do have a double minor in chinese and asian studies and have written a few papers on confucianism.
we’re gonna be talking about the novel bc i feel its a little more in-depth and nuanced than lwj’s “what is black, what is white” monologue in cql. namely the tension and misunderstanding in wwx’s first life and how lwj got his scars. i feel like it’s pretty well accepted that wwx made lwj reconsider his world view, so i’m just gonna expand on it. also i want to point out it's pretty unspoken in most of the text, but lwj is also affected by/used to explore the public image themes, as his image the is ideal confucian scholar.
confucianism is centered around the ideas of how to behave “good” in sociopolitical contexts. basically it boils down to a belief system on how society should be run. if everyone follows confucian beliefs, you will have an ideal society. the main text is the Analects, which you can read here. it’s been around for a few thousand years (like around 200 BCE ish), had a huge revival in the tang dynasty (618-907 CE). it was put on imperial exams, the emperor’s cabinet had confucian scholars, etc. this is just to say confucian values are important to historic society, especially upper-class scholars, which seems to be a role cultivators commonly fill in xianxia. here are some basic tenants:
being a gentleman/scholar/superior man (君子 jūn zǐ) : partly being learned in the arts, literature, music, poetry, etc., mostly behaving righteously and dutifully.
filial piety: usually described as obedience. it's not simply obeying everything elders tell you, it includes doing it with reverence and thankfulness for their sacrifices for you.
leading by example: if leaders/the government is righteous, the people will follow. lwj has his flock of juniors that are all strong cultivators and the lan sect is just generally known for being moral and good.
rites/rituals: a focus on politeness and holding proper ceremonies, sacrifices, and funerals
speech: there’s some great meta about the register he speaks in here, i just want to touch on think carefully before you speak, only speak sincerely, etc.
tldr; lwj is THE perfect gentleman (even his title contains the character suffix 君 -jūn, like lxc. which, while this character is not uncommon for cultivator titles, it wasn’t chosen carelessly either. also not to be confused with 尊 -zūn). seriously, look at almost all of book 10 and you'll see don't do/consume in excess, don't talk during meals, sit only when your mat is straight, etc.
okay, so Why is understanding his feelings for wwx so troublesome?
1.2 "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion... Filial piety and fraternal submission! - are they not the root of all benevolent actions?"
in other words, people who are filial will never create political tension. so like, morally, wwx should be considered horrible person! he’s not only snubbed the jiang sect. he was a head disciple who undoubtedly had younger students looking up to him. and then he goes and stirs up some huge political issues! he is now a bad role model for the people below him and disrespected the people above him. lwj has an entire image to uphold, he has poured his entire life into following these rules and beliefs, and then wwx comes along. would continuing to be in wwx's life taint lwj? there are some contradicting teachings in regards to interacting with wwx:
15.4: "Do not take counsel with those who follow a different Way"
15.28: "When the multitude hates a person, you must examine them and judge for yourself. The same holds true for someone whom the multitude love."
15.36 "When it comes to being Good, defer to no one, not even your teacher."
this is part of the reason lwj had so much trouble accepting his feelings. he didn’t know how to handle this situation, making him appear distant during/directly after sunshot. if he judges wwx's intentions to be pure, it's then not wrong to be friendly with him. but wwx still is morally wrong by society's standards. now, lwj has to not only figure out his feelings, but also reconcile this with how he still thinks wwx is Not a bad person, despite everything. what if he does get "tainted" by wwx? will it hurt the reputation of his sect? that would be un-filial, right? he spent his whole life memorizing rules that are probably extremely similar to sections in the Analects, and now these mixed messages (coupled with the relatable gay panic) are overwhelming.
onto the next! there’s something unspoken in the scene where wwx discovers why lwj has the whip scars. as other posts have mentioned, lwj taking wwx back to the burial mounds and nursing him is high treason. however, this action is also extremely un-filial. also his entire image is built around being a perfect gentleman, if this were to get out to the public he would lose absolutely everything. he would be just as irreparable as wwx.
“I was worried if those from another sect found you first, WangJi would be considered your accomplice. The best scenario was his name being forever tainted, and the worst was his life being taken away right then. Thus, along with Uncle, we chose thirty three seniors who had always thought highly of WangJi... ”
there’s no way lwj didn’t know what would happen if he did this. obviously as lxc says, if this got out, he would lose basically his entire face. and even though lxc didn’t mention this, it would definitely lose a lot of face for the lan sect as well since lwj is so prominent. the decision about what elders to bring is also notable.
“...As if he knew all along he would be discovered by us, he said that there was nothing to explain, that this was it. Growing up, he had never talked back to Uncle, not even once. But for you, not only did WangJi talk back to him, he even met with his sword the cultivators from the Gusu Lan sect...”
so yeah, he obviously knew they would come for him and what the consequences would be. and he still talked back! that’s already not a good look for the lan sect. but attacking them? totally unforgivable! lwj gives up how he was raised and the importance of filial piety, what he has held on to until this major plot event. since it's basically the biggest "fuck you" to his uncle and his clan, this was not a decision he made lightly. lwj shows them he cares more about wwx and His Own ideas of right and wrong than the sect’s or society’s.
Wei WuXian dug his hands into his hair, “...I-I didn’t know... I really...”
when was the last time wwx was at a loss for words? wwx spends a few paragraphs after this lamenting how he hurt lwj, but he's not unaware of the gravity of what lwj did. it's an underlying assumption from being raised in the culture. i would argue his first instinct is "oh god he gave up what for me?" since those lamenting paragraphs are after lxc finishes speaking.
"But he said... that he could not say with certainty whether what you did was right or wrong..."
this is something thrown around a lot in the Analects, that not even confucius can say for sure what is right or wrong. what better way to show lwj is still a perfect confucian than have him paraphrase confucius himself?
“...WangJi was a model for the disciples when he was young, and a prominent cultivator when he grew up. In his whole life he had been honest and righteous and immaculate--you were the only mistake he made!”
here’s the confirmation that the world and even his family thinks of him as a perfect gentleman, the top tier of society, and it was all thrown away for wwx. this is just so heavy. the mistake thing? thats not only because lwj is fraternizing with an enemy. lxc and the rest of the sect who knew are terrified this will forever corrupt lwj personally, not just publicly. lwj was so devoted to believing this was the right thing to do he offered up everything he had. the gravity of this decision is insane. it’s very obvious that he loves wwx, it’s just that he struggles a lot internally to accept everything that is happening.
as for helping wwx leave after the massacre, is this gentleman-ly of lwj? was it actually in-line with his image? is it more honorable to save someone who is dying, at the cost of your own health, than to look away? isn't looking away a form of resentment? i wasn't able to find a specific passage about bystander-ness, but personally i think it qualifies as "bad intentions." there is also this passage for what it's worth, originally it was about government suppression:
12.19: "...What do you say to killing the unprincipled for the good of the principled?" Confucius replied, "...why should you use killing at all?..."
lwj is always more actions than words, and he was not fucking around. his core beliefs really haven't changed, and remain very strong throughout his life. he is still righteous enough to accept his punishment, graceful enough to search for wwx's body since there was no one else to do the funeral rites (10.22/10.15), caring enough to take in a-yuan, upright enough to still spend his years going where the chaos is.
just with this one action, the audience knows he has come to terms with realizing that authority isn't always just, and neither is the public opinion/opinion of other gentlemen. he has reconciled. this is him standing for what he believes is right. this is his devotion. this is his own choice. just. poetic cinema...
anyway that's it for my first meta post! i would love to hear your thoughts, feelings, opinions, discussions, other meta ideas, whatever! thank u for reading! <3
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
ah, also, i'm the anon who sent you that text abt wwx letting lwj does whatever he wants to him. I have to add something, idk if you're going to agree or not, but lets go
yk when lxc goes "he told me that he didn't know if what you did was right or wrong, but it didn't matter. he would shoulder the consequenses along you"? so, here is the thing— I don't think that lwj himself thought that wwx was wrong. ok, that's not new, but hear me out: he agreed with him. he said that he would take it all with wwx, but it's NOT ONLY BECAUSE he loves him, it's not only because he is desperate to save him. he isn't like this, he doesn't let himself be blinded by his feelings — actually that's one of the things he's fearing to do all the time along —, he thinks that wwx is correct. "Was he wrong?", that's what he asks to jgy once wwx went to save the Wens; and the answer is no!!! jgy himself fucking answers! he is not wrong, and that's the reason why he can't say it!! it already had been a while that lwj developed his trust in wwx.
ok, here is my point— lwj got punished bc, yes, he injured 33 of his elders and protected a mass murder, but he would get even further punished alongside wwx bc, if wwx was wrong, if what he did was wrong, then lwj was wrong as well. wrong for agreeing, wrong for seeing sense on everything he did, or maybe even worse than him. worse for not taking any action on his— no, their believes, their vision of world. if wwx was going to get in trouble for what they believed was right, why shouldn't he? right or wrong: it didn't matter, he would shoulder it all with him. that's what I think he thought back then, and not only UNcOnditIOnAL love
— mlisz
So I see Lan Wangji's words as applicable to all of Wei Wuxian's actions, not just what WWX said about the Jins, but also his form of cultivation, the Wens, Wen Ning, the ambush, Nightless city etc. I think at this point LWJ has come to believe that Wei Wuxian's heart is in the right place. WWX didn't use his cultivation to chase power, he was trying to protect innocents. Even though WWX is nothing like what the rules of GusuLan have led LWJ to expect a righteous person to look and act like, WWX is in fact good. But LWJ can't strictly explain WWX's actions and categorize them as right or wrong himself. I don't think he lied to LXC:
LXC: After he went out of his way to send you back to Burial Mound and returned in such low spirits to receive his punishment, how long he kneeled before the Wall of Rules! I told him when I went to see him, Young Master Wei had already made a grave mistake, there was no use augmenting it. But he said… that he could not say with certainty whether what you did was right or wrong, but no matter what, he was willing to be responsible for all of the consequences alongside you.
and another translation:
Yet… he said, he couldn’t justify nor judge your actions, but no matter whether they were right or wrong, he was willing to face all the consequences with you.
In a way he echoes Wei Wuxian's parting words from their meeting in the Burial Mounds:
Wei WuXian spoke slowly, “Thank you for keeping me company today. Thank you for telling me the news about my shijie’s marriage too. But, let the self judge the right and the wrong, let others decide to praise or to blame, let gains and losses remain uncommented on. I, too, know what I should and shouldn’t do. I believe that I’ll be able to control it as well.”
As if he’d anticipated such an attitude since a long time ago, Lan WangJi nodded slightly and closed his eyes.
And that marked their farewell.
LWJ just trusts Wei Wuxian's heart to be in the right place. He trusts Wei Wuxian's judgement, and he trusts it enough to stand by him and take those consequences with him whatever they may be. The thing is, it's because of Wei Wuxian's heart that Lan Wangji loves him. LWJ's uncle believes that LWJ is like his father blinded by love, so he sees following Wei Wuxian as an error in Lan Wangji's judgement - as a repeat of the mistakes of his father:
LXC: With the ways in which he looked and talked to you when he saved you and hid you in that cave, even someone who was blind or deaf could perceive his feelings, which was why my uncle was in such anger. WangJi was a model for the disciples when he was young, and a prominent cultivator when he grew up. In his whole life he had been honest and righteous and immaculate—you were the only mistake he made!
But Lan Wangji's love is linked directly to his faith in Wei Wuxian's righteousness, and goodness, even if he can't explain that goodness, or neatly classify it with the rules he was raised on. He doesn't yet have the language (literally or figuratively) to decide for himself how something fits outside of that structure. In WWX's second life LWJ is better at it- he's sneaking WWX Emperor's smile, he carves WWX's flute so he can practice his cultivation. He's learned goodness and righteousness can exist outside of the rigidity of that structure.
“Lan WangJi looked at him, as though he wanted to say something. Wei WuXian immediately added, “Fine, I know. No walking too fast, no speaking too loud, no this, no that, am I right? Don’t worry. Now that I’m back with you, I’ll definitely be as careful as possible to not violate any of the sect rules on your Wall. As careful as possible.”
Lan WangJi didn’t even think about it, “It is fine. Even if you violate them…”
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