#LTE Standard
ct-rfantennas · 1 year
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webbozone-blog · 6 months
Capire le Bande di Frequenza Mobile in Italia: Una Guida per Utenti Non Tecnici
Capire le Bande di Frequenza in Italia: Una Guida per Utenti Non Tecnici Quali sono le tecnologie di trasmissione mobile in Italia ? Le tecnologie di trasmissione mobile in Italia hanno attraversato diverse generazioni, ciascuna con caratteristiche e capacità uniche: Le tecnologie di trasmissione mobile in Italia hanno attraversato diverse generazioni, ciascuna con caratteristiche e capacità…
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fowlerblogs1 · 9 months
Revolutionising Communication with ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT Satellite Two-Way Radios
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In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is essential, regardless of the environment or location. The ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT satellite two-way radio is setting a new standard for connectivity, offering a lifeline even in remote and challenging conditions. In this article, we'll explore the features and benefits of the ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT and its role in modern communication. We'll also compare it to other two-way radios, such as the ICOM M37E VHF Radio and the ICOM IP501M 4G/LTE Radio. Additionally, we'll touch on the concept of OSAT in the world of communication.
ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT: Redefining Satellite Two-Way Radios
Unlocking the Potential of ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT
The ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT is not just a two-way radio; it's a game-changer in communication technology. Let's explore the key features and capabilities that make it a standout choice.
Global Reach with Satellite Connectivity
The primary advantage of the IC-SAT100 PTT is its global reach. It operates on the Iridium satellite network, providing coverage even in the most remote corners of the world. Whether you're on a remote expedition, a maritime voyage, or conducting critical operations in the field, this radio ensures you're always connected.
Instant Push-To-Talk Communication
The PTT functionality of the IC-SAT100 allows for instant communication, similar to traditional two-way radios. It's ideal for situations where real-time coordination and quick responses are vital, such as search and rescue missions, disaster relief efforts, and military operations.
Comparing the IC-SAT100 PTT to Other Two-Way Radios
IC-SAT100 PTT vs. ICOM M37E VHF Radio vs. ICOM IP501M 4G/LTE Radio
In the world of two-way radios, there are several options to choose from. Let's compare the IC-SAT100 PTT to two other ICOM radios to understand their unique strengths.
IC-SAT100 PTT vs. ICOM M37E VHF Radio
The ICOM M37E VHF Radio is a powerful option for maritime and land-based communication. However, it relies on VHF frequencies and may have limited reach in remote areas without VHF repeaters. In contrast, the IC-SAT100 PTT's satellite connectivity ensures coverage in all terrains, making it a superior choice for global communication.
IC-SAT100 PTT vs. ICOM IP501M 4G/LTE Radio
The ICOM IP501M 4G/LTE Radio excels in urban and industrial settings with reliable 4G/LTE connectivity. However, its coverage may be limited in remote or off-grid areas where cellular networks are unavailable. The IC-SAT100 PTT, powered by satellites, offers universal coverage, making it a preferred choice for communication beyond the reach of terrestrial networks.
The Significance of Orbital Satcom (OSAT)
OSAT: Shaping the Future of Communication
Orbital Satcom is playing a pivotal role in advancing communication technology. Let's explore how OSAT solutions are enhancing the capabilities of modern communication devices.
Customization and Adaptability
OSAT solutions are highly adaptable and customizable, allowing users to tailor their communication setups to their specific needs. Whether it's for data transfer, secure communication, or remote monitoring, OSAT solutions provide flexibility and efficiency.
Expanding Possibilities
OSAT solutions are continually expanding the possibilities of communication. They enable innovations such as real-time data transmission, advanced encryption for secure communication, and enhanced tracking capabilities. These advancements are transforming the way we communicate, making it more efficient and reliable.
Conclusion: Elevating Communication with IC-SAT100 PTT
In an interconnected world where communication is key, the ICOM IC-SAT100 PTT stands out as a revolutionary solution for reliable global connectivity. Its satellite-based communication ensures that you're always connected, regardless of your location. While other Two-Way Radios have their merits, the IC-SAT100 PTT's universal coverage sets it apart.
As we look to the future of communication, OSAT solutions will continue to shape and advance the capabilities of modern communication devices. Whether you're a professional relying on communication for critical operations or an adventurer seeking reliable connectivity in remote regions, the IC-SAT100 PTT, along with the potential of OSAT, ensures that you're never out of touch, no matter where your journey takes you.
SOURCE:- https://tinyurl.com/4278m8cp
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gaysheep · 5 months
Touching is Good: A Retrospective
My trusty Nintendo 3DS, which has held out since I was gifted it for my 15th birthday, has turned one decade old with my 25th birthday this past November. Given new life with custom firmware and nds-bootstrap via TWiLightMenu, the 3DS is stellar for visiting any past handheld title or console title up to (and somewhat including) the N64. (Quick plug for the CFW/hacking community for the less popular PS Vita, too, which has accomplished some pretty crazy-cool stuff this last year.) I use my 3DS more often than I use my Nintendo Switch most weeks.
The Nintendo DS (minus the three) launched in late 2004. The second display and stylus support were novel tools for developers to experiment with, and the NDS is best remembered for its robust catalogue of RPGs and visual novels. Where it lacked in power, narrative-focused games flourished under its technical limitations.
That being said, while browsing the ROM archives on Vimm's Lair to pick up some titles, I was reminded of what an interesting era the mid-to-late 2000s were for games. While Sony and Microsoft were fighting over the "core gamer" demographic, who had outgrown Nintendo mascots, Nintendo led a series of wildly successful marketing campaigns for its hardware after the light failure of the Gamecube, where the Nintendo DS and then the Wii were targeted at...everyone else.
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[Image source. Image description in alt text.]
If you look at ads for the DS and the Wii, you'll see that adults are featured much more prominently than children, especially women and seniors. (This did not go unnoticed, as I found this ancient relic of misogyny while looking for images for this post.) A Nintendo handheld was already an easy sell to parents with small children (though I think it's also notable that ads which do focus on children often prominently feature girls. Munchlax is pretty hot...), but Nintendo's angle for the DS and Wii was that their hardware wasn't just for children. The Wii was a way to get up off the couch and to play board games with grandma. The DS was a great gadget for a working woman to keep in her pocketbook.
This worked. The Wii and DS were two of the best-selling consoles of all time. In particular, the DS's marketing campaign only worked because it came out in the perfect window of time. PDA-phone hybrids had been around since the 90s, and the Blackberry had been kicking around for a few years, but the iPhone wouldn't be introduced until 2007, and the 4G LTE standard wouldn't be released until 2009. While the Blackberry was popular with businesspeople and the PDA was out of style, smartphones were luxury toys for several years; they wouldn't become near-ubiquious until the mid-2010s. I didn't get my own smartphone until probably around the same time I got my 3DS, a full handheld generation later.
Browsing the software library for the Nintendo DS and DSi with that in mind is really interesting. Many titles released for the platform serve the same purposes that would be fulfilled by simple smartphone apps less than a decade later: planners and diaries, fitness trackers, calculators, language learning and SAT prep software, even a guide to the then-most-recent version of the driver's test in the UK. These proliferated with the release of the DSi's virtual store, but they existed even with the base model. You could go to a brick-and-mortar store and buy them on physical cartridges. (You might be wondering, "Why would you bother carrying those around over just buying a Blackberry?" You can't underestimate how expensive the service bills for a smartphone were before companies realized they were the most powerful spyware tool in history.)
There was never a time where every single businesswoman in New York carried a DS Lite, but adults did buy and use them, and a not insignificant portion of the DS's software library is aimed at a casual adult audience. Another niche covered mostly by smartphone games these days—games designed to be picked up and played in short sessions on-the-go, in places like waiting rooms and subway commutes.
Nintendo made crazy bank in the seventh console generation. Publications of the time talked about a console war between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but the real battle was between the PS3 and the Xbox 360 over the gamer demographic. Nintendo was producing hardware for a niche who would quietly disappear once smartphone sales began ballooning by hundreds of millions per year over the course of the early 2010s.
After the failure of the Wii U, Nintendo's marketing strategy pivoted again, though I doubt they'll ever completely abandon their family-friendly image. Currently beat out only by the PS2 and the DS, the Nintendo Switch may very well climb to a status as the best-selling console of all time before the end of its lifespan, but the "gamer" demographic is much bigger than it was two decades ago at the dawn of the DS. As more and more devices become consolidated into the Swiss army knife the smartphone has become, consoles can only carve out a role as dedicated gaming machines.
I'm not sure we'll ever see anything like the Nintendo DS or the Wii again. I think they're worth looking back on for their uniqueness in that way as much as they are for the more celebrated parts of their libraries.
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stories-and-chaos · 4 months
Tarnished pt 7
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[18+ rating for language, sex, violence, alcohol consumption, abuse, and general Hellaverse-ness]
[CW: mention of nonconsent, self harm, alcohol abuse]
[Part 7/?? Word count 3178]
The shower being the best place to think is universal across species and realities. Which was unfortunate for Blitzø. He didn’t want to think about anything at the moment. He rested his forehead against the tile wall and just let the water run down him.
The thought of Stolas marrying Stella made his stomach twist. The idea of that girl being around constantly was sickening. Maybe if Stolas would try to find another Goetia this whole thing wouldn’t be so bad.
Except that idea didn’t make him feel any better. Anyone marrying Stolas was an awful prospect. Someone not actively hostile joining the palace at least didn’t terrify him, but the anxiety over the wedding didn’t abate.
Satan’s taint, fuck this! Blitzø punched the wall, irritating his bruised knuckles. No way, I fucking can’t, shitshitshit. He couldn’t have feelings for… He couldn’t. Prince Stolas was demon royalty. He was Blitzø’s master. Despite everything they’d tried to subvert the bond Paimon had forced on them, it didn’t change the fact that Blitzø was Stolas’ slave. The prince had his life in his hands.
He couldn’t have feelings beyond this strange friendship they maintained. Stolas had his life. He shouldn’t have his heart too. And if it was too late for that, Blitzø could never let on that he did.
He stood in the shower long enough to get the worst grime off without scrubbing. The fact that he’d cried almost the whole time and only got out once he couldn’t anymore was incidental. He had enough energy to dry off and fall onto the twin bed in the nude.
back lte, see u wen I wak oop Blitzø texted to Stolas on his flip phone just before passing out.
It was just before noon when Blitzø woke up. He ached from horn tip to hoof. At some point in the night his tail had gotten tangled up in the blanket. He found Waffle Iron, the horse plushie Stolas gave him, in his arms. There was a text from Stolas, sent not too long after Blitzø sent his.
Welcome back. You don’t have to worry about being on time for anything tomorrow. I am up late myself after all. I found a document on creating portals and it gave me some insight on making them for travel between realms. I’ve been practicing most of the night and I’m eager to share what I’ve discovered if you’re interested. In any case, I’ll be getting some rest now as well. Goodnight Blitzø.
How Stolas was able to type these walls of text so fast was still a mystery. Whatever, at least he had some leeway this morning. As they had gotten older, Blitzø had been entrusted with more of Stolas’ personal care. That was generally in the morning, acting as a valet. Throughout the day he was something of a dogsbody, something of a bodyguard depending on the situation.
First up after getting dressed was to check if Stolas was up yet. He could hear hooting snores as he cracked open the prince’s bedroom door. Sounded like he’d stayed up even after sending that text. Blitzø grabbed food from the kitchen (hot dogs, cheese, and crackers) before heading back to Stolas’ chambers.
The prince was still asleep. With nothing else to do at the moment, he grabbed a novel from the book alcove. Blitzø had been expressly forbidden from doing any cleaning anywhere in the palace. Not that the staff hadn’t tried. But Blitzø’s version of cleaning was not up standard and often meant more work for the maid staff in the end. So while he wasn’t much of a reader, it was better than being alone with his thoughts.
Stolas finally woke up about an hour later. “Bout time.”
“Good morning to you too Blitzø.”
“It’s after one.”
“Oh. Good afternoon then?”
“There you go, Floof. You want food or clean up first?”
“If we could have lunch prepared while I’m dressing, that would be preferable. Have you eaten anything yet?” Stolas extracted himself from the pile of blankets and pillows as Blitzø pressed a buzzer to request food from the servants.
“I had something earlier.” He pulled an outfit out of Stolas’ wardrobe; shirt, trousers, and vest that could work with or without the long capes the owl demon liked. He joined Stolas in front of the mirrored vanity.
Stolas lifted an elegant eyebrow as he finished washing his face. “By ‘something’ do you mean a slice of cold lunch meat?” Now that he was so much taller than Blitzø (and essentially everyone in the palace) his friend handed him garments and helped with adjustments instead of actively dressing him.
“No,” Blitzø replied, sounding offended. “It was cold hot dogs and cheese. Some crackers too.” He stuck his tongue out at Stolas while buttoning up the vest.
Stolas didn’t miss the bruising on the imp’s knuckles or his split lip. Looks like some sort of altercation occurred overnight. He thought the protection from the bond was equally effective wherever Blitzø was. Evidently not. “Well that is an improvement.” He sat down so Blitzø could stand on a stool to fix his head feathers. Best to bring up the subject of injuries after food.
“Looks like you had an exciting time last night,” Stolas said as they finished lunch. He grasped Blitzø by the hand, examining the knuckles. “I thought my protection would be at the same strength everywhere. Are you hurt elsewhere?”
Oh shit. Blitzø paled and yanked his hand away. “Wasn’t on purpose. Some punkass Sinners wanted to make trouble. I got banged up a bit but it’s fine.” His shoulders hunched as he tried to pull away without leaving his seat.
Stolas blinked, confused. Blitzø was more agitated than he’d expected over a fist fight. “Did anything else happen? We can talk if you need to.”
Ohhhhhh nooooo that was the last thing Blitzø wanted. Deflect, deflect! “Crashed a party, had a good time. If it wasn’t for this fuckers on my way back it’d have been a great night. Thanks for letting me blow off some steam.”
“Ah, of course. I only wish I could do so more often.” Stolas was flustered. The imp kept insisting things were fine despite looking worn out and upset. He didn’t want to push too hard though. Maybe Blitzø just needed space. He didn’t get too much in general and Stolas didn’t want to take away the little privacy his friend had left.
Indeed after about a day, Blitzø seemed back to normal. Their routine went back to normal for a few days. Blitzø was mostly sleeping on the lounge or in his room but that wasn’t abnormal.
Stolas was relieved it wasn’t anything serious. At least until he had another “date” with Stella. This time they went to her family’s estate, so her older brother was in attendance as well.
Again, afterwards Blitzø asked to leave for the evening and although he wasn’t injured like before, he was just as prickly and closed off. He insisted he had fun, meeting other teenage imps and going to parties or occasionally clubs. Then all would be back to normal by the day after.
This cycle repeated for a few months, with Blitzø becoming increasingly closed off. He was spending as little time as possible in Stolas’ presence and not engaging in their normal conversations. Some mornings he’d obviously been fighting and others he’d overindulged with whatever drinks were available.
The owl demon realized how upsetting the whole situation was for him when he noticed he’d overpreened while Blitzø was out in the evening. The bald patch wouldn’t show when he wore long sleeves but he had to fight to not make it bigger. It was hard however. His best friend was becoming more miserable by the day. His fiancé made little effort to connect with him. Stolas just wanted to keep his mind off it by constantly adjusting and cleaning his feathers; at least that would relieve the emotional stress for a while.
After three months Stolas couldn’t take it anymore. He’d attended an afternoon tea party with Stella. Blitzø had remained at the palace. He couldn’t exactly mingle with the servants and following Stolas as he escorted Stella was nauseating.
Stolas let himself collapse into a chair in his sitting room. Normally he enjoyed his well fitted clothing (he never claimed to be modest about his appearance). Today it all felt claustrophobic and he stripped off everything except for his shirt and boxers. Not a dignified look for a prince of Hell. Dignity be damned, he had enough of dignity at that tea party.
Blitzø picked up the shed clothes. The cape would need wrinkles pressed out but the rest of the clothes needed a wash. He did minor tasks around the chambers to avoid conversation. As the light faded he asked, “Mind if I leave for the evening?” It was something of a routine now, for him to have a night out after a Stella related day. He had to get permission each time though.
Stolas sat upright suddenly. He’d hoped that without having to be around Stella, Blitzø wouldn’t feel the need to get out tonight. Apparently not. Stolas almost gave permission on reflex but managed to stop himself. He didn’t want Blitzø to come back miserable again.
“Actually I’d like your company tonight Blitzø.” He winced as the binding glowed faintly.
Blitzø felt the pressure on his neck. Satan’s asscrack! Stolas might not have intended the order but it was too late now. “Sure,” Blitzø managed to croak. “What did you have in mind, master?” Fuuuuuck why did he say that?
Stolas stumbled over his words. Blitzø had called him master before, but either in a teasing tone or flat and formal when among other Goetia. He’d never heard Blitzø’s voice with that much venom. “We could…watch a movie? Or talk? Or maybe…” he trailed off, not wanting to admit he wanted to cuddle up.
Blitzø took some time to respond. “A movie would be fun.” With the added benefit of preventing conversation. Especially if they picked something they hadn’t watched before. “Wanna use the theater?”
The palace had a private screening room on the first floor. It had half a dozen overstuffed recliners set up in front of a projection screen. There was a fully stocked candy and soda bar, along with a popcorn machine. With the kitchen on the same floor it wasn’t hard to request something more substantial as well.
The two had been known to fall asleep in there as kids, after eating too much junk food and marathoning movies (or as close as nine year olds can manage a movie marathon). They had also broken two chairs, as they made excellent springboards until collapsing.
When Paimon handed over ownership of the palace to Stolas, he opened up use of the theater to the house staff and security. Until then it had been restricted to only the family but Stolas felt it was silly for it to be unused most days. Staff could use it during their time off and they had to clean up after. Evidently it had become a popular spot for dates, since they didn’t have to leave the grounds and spend money to squeeze into a crowded cinema. It was a good thing the recliners were leather.
It seemed gatherings of friends enjoyed it too. A group of five imps and three Hellhounds was cleaning up as the credits rolled when Stolas and Blitzø arrived. “Your Highness!” The Hounds all snapped to attention, one dropped a wastebasket as he did so. “Apologies sir, we will be gone as soon as possible.”
“No rush, we’re still deciding on what to watch after all,” Stolas tried to reassure them.
“Heeeey Bliiiiitzø,” one of the imps called out. Scarlet, a maid about his age and one that was not only civil but very friendly with him. “Blitzø, hey man, haven’t seen you much lately!” That was Vex, one of the footmen a couple years older than him.
“Now that I can go all over Pride, I gotta get the full experience.” He put some sugary temptation in his voice. There were a few hotties working here and these two were at the top of the list. He slipped behind the bar to get his and Stolas’ favorite sodas and buckets of popcorn.
Vex leaned over the counter. “Well, so long as you don’t completely forget all the fun experiences here.” The other imp’s tail was swishing around, eventually the tip lifted high enough to brush Blitzø’s cheek.
Scarlet hopped up on the counter and looked back at him over her shoulder, her own tail wrapping around her coworkers. “We should have a movie night together, just the three of us.” Her tail moved to swirl around Blitzø’s arm. “Or just two of us.”
Jackpot! “For sure, can’t forget old friends.”
The group finished cleaning and left Stolas and Blitzø alone. Watching Blitzø flirt… Stolas felt a stab to the gut. He awkwardly cleared his throat. “There’s quite a few we haven’t watched yet, is there anything you’d like to see?”
“Nothin sappy.” Blitzø settled into a chair with his pile of goodies as Stolas started the film and dimmed the lights. The prince had selected an action comedy; nothing heart wrenching, enough humor to lighten the mood and a satisfying level of blood and explosions. They followed up with the less impressive sequel and the trilogy redeeming third movie. Between the second and third they had an intermission to order dinner from the kitchen. After the last movie it was almost midnight.
The clean up rule applied to them as well so they made sure to leave the theater in a fresh state for the next viewers. Blitzø was excitedly talking about the explosions and blood sprays as they headed back upstairs. Stolas for the most part was listening, laughing along with him. He hadn’t seen Blitzø this cheerful in months. I missed this.
When they reached Stolas’ chambers, Blitzø attempted to head to his own room. Stolas grabbed his hand, saying “I’d like to talk, please?” The imp followed. He was trying to figure out some way to get out of this conversation. He’d been avoiding Stolas just to get away from discussing…anything at all.
Blitzø sat in one of the chairs in the drawing room. Shoulders hunched, feet dangling (it was sized for a Goetia), and tail wrapped around himself, he hoped he made it clear he didn’t want to do this. Stolas sat across from him, twisting his fingers nervously. They both were silent, not sure how to start. After a few false starts from Stolas, Blitzø hopped out of his chair.
“Great, good talk, see you in the morning!”
“No! Blitzø! I … we can’t keep this up!”
“Keep what up?” The imp twitched in place, his back to Stolas. “Everything is fucking fine.”
“No it’s fucking not!” Blitzø jerked up. Stolas almost never cursed, much less raised his voice. “You’re miserable, becoming more so by the day and I can’t stand it! Please, talk to me Blitzø.” He didn’t respond. Instead he stayed rooted in place. “Blitzø I don’t want to order you to talk but-“
“Oh, you’re gonna pull that card prick?” Blitzø knew he was toeing the line, insulting Stolas, but he couldn’t help it.
“No! No, I’m sorry Blitzø, I don- I didn’t- I’ve never-“
“But you can Stolas.” Blitzø finally turned to face him. “Even if you never order me around, you can and I can’t say no, and I… I probably wouldn’t even try. To say no…” Dammitall, he did have feelings for the other demon.
Stolas’ pinprick pupils emerged, something that only rarely happened when he was feeling emotional. “What-“
“How am I supposed to talk to someone who can just drag everything they want out of me?! And what does it matter if I’m miserable? I fuck up everything anyway! So I might as well just be miserable and you can live your perfect prince life!”
“How is my life perfect?!” Stolas’ voice cracked on the last word. “My father hates me so much he made my only friend a slave, I’ve got to marry a vapid harpy who already hates my only friend, who is slowly destroying himself and I can’t do anything to fix any of it!”
Stolas had risen to his feet but now he slumped on the floor, roughly at eye level with Blitzø now. “I don’t know if I can ever break the chain my sadistic father put on you. And it’s grinding you into pieces and me with you because you really are my friend and I like you and I’ll never be able to make you happy…” his words lost their usual deliberate cadence, turning into a babbling flow.
“I know you like me, that’s why your dad was such an asshat.”
“I mean… I think I like you Blitzø. More than friends, as they say. Except you’re bound to me. Trying to be anything other than friends is… You can’t say yes if you can’t say no. I have to settle for making you comfortable.”
Every thought vanished from Blitzø’s head like Sinners during Extermination Day. “You’re fucking with me,” he said with that growling hiss.
Stolas shook his head; it hung down as if he couldn’t support it. “Why else would I be trying so hard with Stella? She despises both of us. But we’re all going to be stuck together and getting her to be civil is all I can think of to do.”
That’s why he keeps bringing me? Blitzø dropped to the floor, near Stolas but facing away. “I…Floof, I don’t want you to marry anyone,” he mumbled. Stolas’ hearing was excellent; he could whisper and the prince would hear him. “I thought it was just because she sucks, but anyone marrying you… it fucking sucks.” He looked over his shoulder, barely peeking out. “I think I like you too, Stolas. How messed up is that?”
“As messed up as a Goetia liking an imp. At the very least. I think the only thing more messed up is an angel liking the first woman.”
Blitzø finally looked straight at Stolas. “You did not just compare us to the King and Queen of Hell.”
“Did I? It was just a hypothetical scenario.”
“Yeah right punk. I know you better than that,” Blitzø shoved Stolas’ shoulder. He was rewarded with Stolas’ hooting chuckles. “I’ve had one too many emotions for today. Let’s talk tomorrow.”
“Of course. Logistics are best sorted in daylight.” The two hesitated, not sure where to go from here. Blitzø finally asked. “Can I sleep here tonight?”
“Please do,” came the instant reply.
Neither of them were up for more than sleep. Even when they started getting physical they both went at a slow pace, to ensure they could both say yes. But the next morning Blitzø was wrapped around Stolas’ back, with Stolas’ arms clinging to his.
A/N : I realize this is probably a more mature conversation than two teenagers would have but I haven’t been a teen in [redacted for old] and I don’t feel like attempting it. We got plot to move people!
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
Raise your voice for gender affirming care:
How to call your legislator or write a letter to the newspaper.
Caveat is that I am based in the US and would assume that these rules more or less apply to other countries but what the hell do I know? Please feel free to repost with tips for your home country, sorry to be so United States about it.
The most recent chapter of my Captain America fanfiction (sorry, did you think I was on tumblr because I am cool?)(because yes! I am!) is a performance arts piece where readers are invited to become a part of the story by taking a political action on the central issue that the characters are working on - which is legislation against gender affirming care.
The rules:
You are 100% welcome to plagiarize anything I’ve written in this fic in your opinion piece.
If you do write a letter to the editor, or call an elected, please leave a comment saying so!
How to contact your US Elected Officials:
You can find your state and federal electeds via this tool: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator.  You can also just search your zip code and [state and federal congress] [school board] etc.
Your opinion is much more influential with state and local electeds - definitely reach out! You do not have to be fancy. Just say your general opinion.
Generally speaking, when you call or email an elected (calling is always, always better, but emailing is always, always better than nothing), they just check a box of like “yay or nay” on an issue. They don’t have a special tracking tool for how many amazing facts you have memorized or how articulate you sound. They won’t debate you. You share your opinion, they ask your zip code, and that’s it.
Pro tip: Put your electeds' office phone numbers in your address book and call after business hours so you get a voicemail. Call drunk. Whatever. Back when I had a ton of health issues and bad health insurance, I used to call Congress every time I was in a waiting room to complain about how much we need health care reform (2-3 times a week).
Just remember, you are likely to get a 20 year old college intern or staffer, so be nice. They are at the bottom of the food chain and possibly not even getting paid money.
Why should I write a letter to the editor?:
The Opinion pages are the most read part of any paper. Politicians have staff that read them every day. Activists I know have gotten personal phone calls from high-level politicians who were either pissed or happy about an opinion piece.
How do I get it published?:
Just search [your local paper or the town where you live] and [publish a letter to the editor] it should pop up. Papers make it pretty easy for you to find the info. Usually there is a 200-word limit for an LTE and a 500-word limit for an op-ed. Op-eds are like a fancy LTE: they are harder to get placed, and you usually need some kind of expertise or hook. Happy to answer questions.
How to write a letter to the editor:
Here is a Planned Parenthood overview on how to write an LTE, it’s looking at abortion rights and specific to the Southwest, but it’s pretty decent. I put my own formula below with purple italics examples from the op-ed in my fic —you can re-order these, mix and match, whatever:
Paragraph 1: Current events + context of why this matters now (local context is good, but national is okay):
This year has seen an alarming array of troubling new laws that aim to make it a crime for doctors to act ethically and in accordance with widely accepted standards of medical care. I would be opposed to any law that comes between a patient and their doctor. But these laws are especially distressing to me, as they target some of our nation's most vulnerable children.
Paragraph 2: Identify yourself, why you care, and why people should listen to you:
Steve says: As a person who knows a little bit about history, I invite you to please join me on the right side of it. Obviously Captain America is famous enough he doesn't need to name his qualifications. You don’t have to have anything fancy, just acknowledge one role you play as a human member of a community. You don’t have to come out as transgender in the newspaper (unless you want to!). Everyone is a million things you can identify as that give you moral standing. If you have a personal story, feel free to share it. You could say: As a parent, I am horrified by the bullying behavior of lawmakers, and would never want to see a law like this come between my child and the healthcare they need. Or: As a student, I want to see all my classmates treated equally. It makes me feel unsafe when I hear about teachers misgendering their students.
Paragraph 3: Make your argument with Value, Vision, Problem, Solution
Paragraph 1 and 2 were about providing context for why people should listen to your argument. Now in Paragraph 3, you make the argument. A great way to frame your arguments are Value, Vision, Problem, Solution. This is a very old and common messaging tool and nothing I made up. Steve’s op-ed in my fic includes these, though slightly out of order. Leading with a value that you feel might have more universal appeal is a great way to reach people who may disagree with you. If you are stressed about how to articulate your argument in any situation, this is a great four-sentence formula to use to organize your thoughts. One thing I like about it is it leads with Value—which you don’t need any special expertise to have. You don’t have to memorize 900 perfect facts. You just have to be against child abuse.
Value: a somewhat universally held value that applies to this situation:
No child should have to live in fear of discrimination. Child abuse is bad. Children should be protected. Everyone deserves a safe place to live.
Vision: the big thing you want to happen—invite people to see your positive vision:
Our nation’s children should not have to witness grown adults drumming up hysteria over nonexistent problems because they aren't tolerant of the beautiful diversity of humanity. (Typically framed more positively than the above. For example: --Transgender children should have access to healthcare/bathrooms/proper pronouns. --I want to see a country where all children are free to play and be themselves. --Transphobic lawmakers should be launched into the sun / etc. )
Denying trans youth gender-affirming care is an affront to science and medical ethics. These abhorrent actions cause transgender youth to endure untreated pain, and some will die because of these policies. The very existence of these laws harms all transgender children in our nation, because the laws perpetuate discrimination and give undue affirmation to biased, unethical science driven by an agenda of hate. (This is a great place to add facts or research to back up the problem. There are many powerful statistics showing the disproportionate emotional burden transgender people carry as well as the enormous medically proven success of gender-affirming care, as well as the fact that they violate the US constitution.)
I hope you'll join me in thinking about the ways you can join the fight for transgender rights, and the rights and dignity of all LGBTQ people. Together we can protect our transgender youth, and make this moment not a story of when our nation made a grave error that harmed a generation of transgender children, but a time when we chose to stand up and change the course of history for the better. (Here is a great place to list specific bills you support or detest, or call out specific politicians who are either doing good or bad work in this arena. Whenever you can, try and namedrop a politician or a bill name/number—they are definitely tracking those. But you don’t have to!).
That's it! An LTE can be 3 paragraphs, and in general, I recommend the Value, Vision, Problem, Solution framework as one to keep in the back of your mind to organize your points in any context.
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sukimas · 4 months
What is your opinion of GSM?
It was a great start to globalizing mobile telecommunications standards, but I'm not exactly sad that it's been replaced by LTE. 5G is a little unfortunate with its short range in most applications, but 4G is really a workhorse.
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mundagenta · 6 months
Knock knock, KaiOS.
The ephemeral taste of innovating nearly obsolete bricks might be reaching its inevitable demise.
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Nokia 8110 4G displayed in a kiosk at Mobile World Congress 2018. Image courtesy of Kārlis Dambrāns.
Despite the recent boom of feature phone sales over digital minimalism and dopamine detox trends, the future for KaiOS remains bleak as they fail to be consistent with their promises, thus miserably lagging against established giants in the market.
The good start
KaiOS is a partially open-source operating system developed by the Hong Kong-based company, KaiOS Technologies Inc. It was initially released in October 2017 and was forked from Boot 2 Gecko. Their name is from the Chinese for open – 开 (kāi) which “captures the idea of being inclusive.”
In just one year, they have overtaken Apple’s iOS as the second most popular operating system in India, with Android remaining on top, despite losing their 9% market share. In that same timeframe as well, they managed to sell around 450 million devices worldwide. Furthermore, their platform is compatible to WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Google Maps, and Google Assistant.
To oversimplify things, KaiOS took the Boot 2 Gecko code (based from FirefoxOS) and modified it to run on hardware similar to that of feature phones and added the KaiOS Store. Other than that, they also implemented recent innovations that are becoming today’s standard, like 4G LTE and 5G, GPS, and Wi-Fi. By doing so, they effectively just created a separate phone segment, which some people call as the quasi-smartphones or smart feature phones.
KaiOS specifically chose the hardware present in their devices for an appealing approach to developing markets, like India and Pakistan, to bridge the digital divide and bring cheaper internet access. They removed the touch screen which they consider as the most costly part of the device, and replaced it with a cheaper T9 keypad input. Additionally, their devices only need 256MB to work and are also compatible with cost-efficient Spreadtrum chipsets.
What went wrong
By doing so, they effectively avoided the mistakes that Mozilla made. They chose a target audience first and offered them a product. They made an operating system out of the web but used that as a tool rather than the end goal, the latter being their approach to the digital divide. But not all products are perfect on their own, as their approach is a double-edged sword.
The T9 keypad meant that the apps had to be optimized to work on such inputs. Likewise, dissimilar to FirefoxOS, not all webpages can run on KaiOS devices due to hardware restraints. Such disadvantages make it an appealing short-term solution while their users save up for better entry-level Android devices.
Platform immaturity
The platform is still quite immature, despite five years since its initial launch. Some users claimed that their devices sometimes cannot receive calls, and crashes on related functions constantly. The battery also does not live up to its expectations and provides a ‘disappointing’ performance. Additionally, the calendar’s sync and date functionality is unstable, the alarm clock doesn’t ring from time to time, and the lack of note-taking, file browsing, multitasking, and wide audio format support. Besides, the platform lacked proper app quality control, bug reports, and feedback system, along with a slew of advertisements. Perhaps, the most lambasted functionality of the platform is the T9 input. Users characterized the input as slow and unreliable, thus ineffective for efficient user interface navigation. The predictive text input, which might sound good, is something they’d rather have disabled due to its restraints such as inaccurate suggestions and buggy input.
Some have mentioned that users may be over-estimating KaiOS and pitching it against smartphone platforms. Then on, we can’t deny that a platform still has to be stable and reliable, albeit hardware-restricted. Some went on to compare the system to its older counterparts such as Nokia’s Series 40, Microsoft’s Lumia, Vodafone’s MobiWire, and Blackberry’s Blackberry 10, which the users characterized as more ‘stable.’
Unfortunately, version 2.5.4 onwards faced a downward trend as certain apps were no longer maintained and supported, due to the decrease of development activity. For instance, the optimized Google and YouTube apps have been pulled out from the app store, around the same time as the update. In version 3, WhatsApp support has already been dropped and new app submissions to the store also plummeted. Google Assistant, the primary tool for users to voice type and issue commands (albeit stripped-down in comparison to Android), also dropped KaiOS support last June 30, 2021. Some users reached out to the company regarding this matter, to which they replied that they are developing an in-house voice assistant alternative. Until now, it is nowhere near worldwide coverage, given the limited devices it was shipped upon.
The company and its partners
Even more worse, the problem rests beyond that. The project development of has been consistent enough until the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the company’s blog statement “the growth was still not like how we achieved in the pre-COVID times, but these numbers and new partnerships are going up and in the right direction in this second year of the pandemic.”
In 2022, the project updates has since then plummeted. There weren’t any major announcements across all their social media platforms, even from the company website. Their Github repositories are no exception as well, as they still haven’t received any commits until now. Their only active repo is the gecko-b2g, which serves as the operating system base.
It is not implicit that their users are complaining about the bugs and speculating on the project’s downfall but it seems that they have no proper public relations and customer support as the company fails to actively respond to these messages.
Nokia, or should we say, HMD Global has been a primary partner of KaiOS Technologies over the years. They manufactured the higher-end devices of the platform that were considerably the most popular in KaiOS’ lineup, such as the Nokia 6300 4G, Nokia 2780 Flip, and the Nokia 8110 4G.
Regardless, their approach is somehow vague as enthusiasts are confused over what their target audience is supposed to be, and what were they trying in the first place. Their approach started with the reboot of their classic devices, so it’s safe to assume that their target consumers are the ones who are nostalgic over their retro bricks. HMD, for a matter of fact, might have just been the worst example of a KaiOS partner.
Their devices are the most expensive ones of the platform, almost close to the entry-level Android Go smartphones. HMD Global has also been long criticized over the failure to deliver software updates from KaiOS to their devices, as they provide only about a year of support for these. The users also cannot help to complain over the significant bloatware present in such a limited hardware they provide.
Just recently, HMD Global took a step back from this approach and cherished their barebones Series 30 and Series 30+ platforms once again. Their last KaiOS device is the 2780 Flip from November 2022 and was then on followed by a series of Android Go and dumbphones from their C and 1xx series. In a reply to a user inquiry, they reportedly blamed KaiOS as the Google Assistant support for the platform was dropped.
Alcatel and TCL
Alcatel and TCL are also major partners of KaiOS. In fact, TCL Corporation is the largest shareholder of KaiOS Technologies. Both of them are popular for their Go Flip line. Despite the successes of Go Flip 1, 2, 3, and V, they didn’t get to experience the luxury of getting updated to the latest version of the OS, unlike the Go Flip 4. A user reached out to the company, to which they replied that they are still planning to serve these said updates to such devices, although there is still no update to talk of until now. 
Unfortunately, similar to HMD Global, they seem to be diverging away from the platform as recent releases from both manufacturers are focused on midrange to high-end Android devices, as well as the Tab series of TCL.
The Indian telecommunications company, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited is the catalyst of KaiOS’ takeover against Apple in the country, all thanks to their aggressive marketing approach. They offered the competitively priced JioPhone for free to their users who are subscribed to their data plans.
Unluckily, even Jio is also straying away from KaiOS. There have been rumors that the JioPhone and the JioPhone 2 have been discontinued, as they are no longer sold. They last received the version 0258 update back on May 22, 2021, and clearly missed version 3.0 by a long shot. On June 24, 2021, Reliance Jio announced the JioPhone Next, a budget Android Go smartphone made in collaboration with Google. Recently this year, they partnered with Karbonn to release the Jio Bharat K1 Karbonn and V2 to provide access to UPI payments, Jio ecosystem, and cheaper 4G to the rural areas of India that remain untapped by recent advancements in technology.
What happened?
Fast forward to August 2023, users speculate that the project has already died out due to lack of activity and stagnation since the release of 3.0. Their company's social media platforms are inactive, except for the usual, seemingly AI-generated content every national holiday across countries. On the other hand, KaiOS Technologies partnered with the cybersecurity firm Trustonic to expand their device affordability efforts in Africa. There have also been infrequent new device releases for the platform, such as the AT&T Cingular Flex in February, Cricket Debut Flex in June, and Logan Technology’s Panita this August. Truth be told, I find this section rather short and lacking. Unfortunately, I could say the same for the company’s recent efforts. Nonetheless, I hope that things eventually get better. As users worldwide expected a reliable feature phone platform, all these issues contributed to a downward trend of interest for KaiOS. It seems that they might end up like FirefoxOS, failing to keep up and desolate in the past. Whether they wake up to innovate again, or continue dormant and inevitably die out is up for them to decide.
For now, one thing’s for sure, if they fail to address these issues, they’ll be no better than the obsolete bricks of the bygone era.
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kepeslajoska · 9 months
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Milyen kicsi ez a világ (a logóban a szöveg: a jövő tőled függ)
(Russian: МегаФон), previously known as North-West GSM, is the second largest mobile phone operator[6] and the third largest telecom operator in Russia.[7] It works in the GSM, UMTS and LTE standard. The company serves 62.1 million subscribers in Russia and 1.6 million in Tajikistan.[8] It is headquartered in Moscow.
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ai-kuroe · 9 months
trends in ict... — lara baldeo
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Ⅰ. convergence ; smartphones, smart watches, smart TVs
Ⅱ. social media ; social networks, bookmarking sites, etc.
Ⅲ. mobile technologies ; iOS ; blackberry
Ⅳ. assistive media ; text-to-speech ; magnification
Ⅴ. cloud computing ; yahoo! ; gmail
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is the synergy of technological advancements work on a similar goal or task.
smartphones combine numerous technologies which used to be available on separate devices: a computer, a watch, an alarm clock, a GPS, a newspaper, a credit card
smart watches that can be used as fitness trackers and music players.
smart TVs that can be used as computer monitors.
is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-create, discuss modify, and exchange user generated content.
there are six types of Social Media:
1. Social Networks
these are sites that allow you to connect with other people with the same interests or background. Once the user created his/her account, he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, etc.
2. Bookmarking Sites
sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others.
3. Social News
sites that allow users to post their own news item or links to other news sources. The user can also comment on the post and comments may also be ranked.
4. Media Sharing
sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and video.
5. Microblogging
focus on short updates from the user. Those that subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates.
6. Blogs and Forums
allow users to post their content. Other users are able to comment on the said topic.
the popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were originally found in PCs. Several of these devices are capable of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest model devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.
1. iOS - use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad
2. Android - an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile phone companies use this OS for free.
3. Blackberry OS - used in blackberry devices
4. Windows phone OS - A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
5. Symbian - the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices
6. Web OS- originally used in smartphone; now in smart TVs.
7. Windows Mobile - developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs
is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
assistive Media is an Internet-delivered audio reading service for people with visual or perceptual reading impairments.
the purpose is to heighten educational, cultural, and quality-of-living standards through the pure enjoyment of reading via the good and useful work of not-for-profit service.
distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
EXAMPLES : Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail
instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn’t exist on your computer – it’s on the service’s computer cloud.It has three components
1. Client computers – clients are the device that the end user interact with cloud.
2. Distributed Servers – Often servers are in geographically different places, but server acts as if they are working next to each other.
3. Datacenters – It is collection of servers where application is placed and is accessed via Internet.
• Public cloud - allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. Public cloud may be less secured because of its openness, e.g. e-mail
• Private cloud - allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization. It offers increased security because of its private nature.
• Community cloud - allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.
• Hybrid cloud - is a mixture of public and private cloud. However, the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.
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check the upload date in checking of originality. ty.
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computeronrent · 1 year
Advantages and disadvantages of 5G
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5G technology or fifth generation technology offers many features for mobile networks. It is useful for government, students, businesses and professionals. It is a new mobile network designed to connect everyone and everything. It is the new standard in global wireless networks after 1G to 4G. It offers high multi-Gbps data speeds, low latency, large network capacity, and a flexible user experience. As this new technology is deployed, 5G technology should create many new applications.
5G technology features in brief. Speed ​​up to 10 Gbits.
Great app
100 times more device connections
Fast response time
Waste of time
Another software option to upgrade. Great potential
With the proliferation of digital around the world, when live streaming and games, sports, news, movie reviews, social media, etc., the transfer of large amounts of data from one host to another and the Internet of Things (IoT) spurred the development of mobile phone standards. .
However, the 5G technology network has not yet reached its potential because the existing devices and infrastructure are not yet ready to support the 5G technology network. Those who have tested the 5G technology network using it with built-in 4G devices in this application are also called non-stationary 5G technology networks. The full potential of 5G technology will only be realized when independent networks, compatible devices and better communication tower technologies become available.
Advantages of 5G technology
Transfer data faster
The previous generation 4G LTE technology used bands below 3 GHz but in comparison, 5G technology uses bandwidth from 6 GHz in length to 24 GHz. However, it is important to note that 5G technology coverage also requires a base station and a broadcast tower compared to a 4G data network.
Improved network
5G networks are more flexible as they work with different customers, services and market segments. It divides its network in such a way that it will adapt to the needs of the users. It is based on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN). It is also called a "network fragment". This provides high data rates, low power consumption, and reliable low latency.
Moving Beamforming
Moving Beamforming refers to a radio signal processing technique that allows for the transmission or reception of a directional network, unlike a passive antenna that beams the signal randomly in all directions. 4G networks also use beamforming to some capacity, but in a growing sense.
Benefits for companies and businesses
It provides improved machine-to-machine communication for automation, real-time communication and guaranteed network availability, digitization of healthcare and agricultural industries.
Benefits for consumers
It provides fast download and download times when you are streaming users. Stable connection to mobile communications, low response time for online or cloud gaming, virtual reality, high quality live TV and 4K video telephony.
A more secure network
5G technology networks offer more security than previous generation networks. It supports protection against data loss, data corruption and theft. The exchange of sensitive and private customer data, such as hospital patient reports, customer data and student information at universities, is more secure in the 5G technology network.
Disadvantages of 5G
Limit coverage
The 5G technology network is a new technology, it requires a large network of ports and transmission towers worldwide, which requires a lot of time, testing, testing and setting up 5G technology towers.
Reduces durability
If the experts are to be believed, the non-standard 5G technology network undermines the performance of 4G network devices. Although a few manufacturers have started to produce 5G technology network devices, R & D believes that due to high data transmission in the largest network, the longevity or service life of mobile phones and other devices will be compromised.
Involvement in aviation
In January, Air India cancled several flights to the United States because they were rolling out 5G technology services in the country. This is a major setback of 5G technology in India as airlines have suffered losses due to ongoing 5G technology deployment projects. It can also be a hindrance in the future if not dealt with quickly. Internet Security Threats
Although the 5G technology network is said to help improve cybersecurity, it also has its limitations as it encourages cloud computing and exposes more data to risk. of hacking due to its lack of privacy and ease of access to network networks. on the other hand. hands
5G technologyin India
India officially launched its 5G technology network in October this year at an event held in New Delhi. Airtel and Jio have started rolling out 5G technology data plans in select state. However, Vodafone Idea is not planning to launch it in the near future.
In case of Airtel, they are currently placed in Tier I to Tier 8 countries. Jio has launched 5G technology services in limited areas. Many telecom operators are also of the opinion that pan-India 5G technology network coverage will take a few years. Jio recently announced after the 5G technology beta test that no SIM card is required to operate Jio's 5G technology network. However, Vodafone Idea has not yet announced its 5G technology network.
The health risks of 5G technology and the disadvantages of 5G technology for the environment
The International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has stated that increasing radio frequencies above 6 GHz may have biological and health effects. The 5G technology network will increase the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the environment, causing a greater risk of cancer. With the lack of power of 5G technology network devices, there will also be an increase in the collection of electronic waste. The electric current from the cell tower exposed sparrows and other birds to increased egg production and nesting behavior. High rates of energy consumption have also contributed to global warming.
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caduceuss · 1 year
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#𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐔𝐒𝐒    -    private    &    selective    /    mutuals    only    BAIZHU    of    GENPACT.    highly    NSFW    and    dark    themes    present.    DO    NOT    FOLLOW    IF    TRIGGERED    BY    SNAKES.    minors    do    not    interact.    mun/muse    25+.    heavily    headcanon    based.    MULTIVERSE    /    MULTISHIP    /    AU    /    CROSSOVER    /    OC    /    DUPLICATE    friendly. penned    by    Goose    (    29    /    she    +    her    /    CST    -    5    ) carrd.  -  art credit. -  temp.
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𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬: @eunoirous , @zhongshen , @raeso , @foliarlight , @ksharhrewar
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𝐈. This blog is PRIVATE, SELECTIVE, and MUTUALS ONLY. I follow people I would like to interact with, as well as to make a point to keep my dash clean. If I follow you - please know it means I want to write!
This blog is also MULTIVERSE, MULTISHIP, CROSSOVER, OC, AU, and DUPLICATE friendly. I rarely do EXCLUSIVES or MAINS - unless my partner requests it. If that is the case, all relations will be listed here!
  𝐈𝐈. My activity can be sporadic at times, as this is a HOBBY and I refuse to force myself to write. Additionally, I run a number of other blogs on top of this one. However, given tumblr's penchant for not NOTIFYING me of things, please feel free to send me a poke of it seems like I have lost track of our thread.
I am a WORDY writer. I have a hard time doing short threads seriously, though I can make an attempt. I don't expect my partner's to match me word for word, and QUALITY over QUANTITY is always appreciated.
I DO format my posts and use icons, but do not expect the same. At this time I am able to use LTE - but if I notice my partner is using BTE I will switch to that as well!
  𝐈𝐈𝐈. None of the ART on this blog is mine unless stated otherwise. Any and all graphic resources will be credited here or on my carrd.
icon border.
A few other standard pieces of business: I hate DRAMA, do not drag me into it. I won't unfollow you for reblogging CALL OUT POSTS lest they be in excess. DNI if you, as a mun, condone or write pedophilia, incest, rape, etc. Racism, homophobia/biphobia, transphobia, ableism, etc by MUNS will not be tolerated here as well.
  𝐈𝐕. I absolutely love SHIPPING. Not only is it an excellent character development tool, but it is a great way to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of your muse. I am a HUGE shipper at heart and will ship about anything - from TOXIC, ROMANTIC, to PLATONIC. Obviously this does not apply to minor muses/minor muns or incest ships. No thanks.
I prefer to develop a bit of a repertoire with a mun before diving HEAD LONG into a ship so please feel free to slide into my DMs with any ideas or shipping suggestions you may have! Or even just to say hello. Seriously, I probably can find away to ship it.
  𝐕. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Given the state of Baizhu's canon, a lot of this blog is headcanon based. As such I have made much of my portrayal morally grey/darker. I will not sacrifice this characterization for the sake of ships, or soften it in general. Additionally, this will blog contain a plethora of references to snakes and medicine, if either of these topics bother you, I would suggest not interacting.
I cannot reiterate this enough: NSFW may be highly present on this blog. If you are a minor or if your muse is a minor PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW OR INTERACT. NSFW includes, but is not limited to: smut, violence, gore, drug use - etc. I will always make an attempt to tag triggers and place sexual content under a read more.
  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 - my discord/UID is always available to mutuals on request. Please never be afraid to approach me!
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suiyuun-archive · 2 years
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#𝑺𝑼𝑰𝒀𝑼𝑼𝑵  —   private   and   selective   mutuals   only   rp   blog   for   𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐓𝐎   /   the   Pillar  of  Fortitude   of   𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓   —   NSFW   themes   heavily  present.   minors   please   𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓   interact.   multiverse  /  multiship  /  OC   /   duplicate   /   crossover   friendly.                  wished   by   𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐄  ( 29  /  she  +  her  /  CST  -  5 )
                        ‒‒‒‒‒‒  carrd.   ‒‒‒‒‒‒   ask prompts.   ‒‒‒‒‒‒   headcanons.   ‒‒‒‒‒‒ 
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𝐈. This blog is PRIVATE, SELECTIVE, and MUTUALS ONLY. I follow people I would like to interact with, as well as to make a point to keep my dash clean. If I follow you - please know it means I want to write!
This blog is also MULTIVERSE, MULTISHIP, CROSSOVER, OC, AU, and DUPLICATE friendly. I rarely do EXCLUSIVES or MAINS - unless my partner requests it. If that is the case, all relations will be listed here!
  𝐈𝐈. My activity can be sporadic at times, as this is a HOBBY and I refuse to force myself to write. Additionally, I run a number of other blogs on top of this one. However, given tumblr's penchant for not NOTIFYING me of things, please feel free to send me a poke of it seems like I have lost track of our thread.
I am a WORDY writer. I have a hard time doing short threads seriously, though I can make an attempt. I don't expect my partner's to match me word for word, and QUALITY over QUANTITY is always appreciated.
I DO format my posts and use icons, but do not expect the same. At this time I am able to use LTE - but if I notice my partner is using BTE I will switch to that as well!
  𝐈𝐈𝐈. None of the ART on this blog is mine unless stated otherwise. Any and all graphic resources will be credited here or on my pinned post.
A few other standard pieces of business: I hate DRAMA, do not drag me into it. I won't unfollow you for reblogging CALL OUT POSTS lest they be in excess. DNI if you, as a mun, condone or write pedophilia, incest, rape, etc. Racism, homophobia/biphobia, transphobia, ableism, etc by MUNS will not be tolerated here as well.
  𝐈𝐕. I absolutely love SHIPPING. Not only is it an excellent character development tool, but it s a great way to familiarize yourself with certain aspects of your muse. I am a HUGE shipper at heart and will ship about anything - from TOXIC, ROMANTIC, to PLATONIC. Obviously this does not apply to minor muses/minor muns or incest ships. No thanks.
I prefer to develop a bit of a repertoire with a mun before diving HEAD LONG into a ship so please feel free to slide into my DMs with any ideas or shipping suggestions you may have! Or even just to say hello. Seriously, I probably can find away to ship it.
  𝐕. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: My portrayal of Ayato is DARK. He is not wholesome, nor is he particularly gentle. Much of what he puts on is a facade, and I will not be dulling down my interpretation of the character for the sake of ships, etc. Additionally, this particular portrayal and any and all universes associated with it mean that this blog can be prone to DARKER THEMES and NSFW content. If you do not like this, I suggest you do not follow.
I cannot reiterate this enough: NSFW may be highly present on this blog. If you are a minor or if your muse is a minor PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW OR INTERACT. NSFW includes, but is not limited to: smut, violence, gore, drug use - etc. I will always make an attempt to tag triggers and place sexual content under a read more.
  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐘 - my discord/UID is always available to mutuals on request. Please never be afraid to approach me!
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Get to Know the 2023 Chevy Blazer
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The Blazer was first introduced in 2019 and is Chevrolet’s entry into the two-row SUV market. It’s got a sporty design, a high-performance suspension system that keeps the ride smooth, and the ability to tow up to a maximum of 4,500 pounds, which means that you can put the Blazer into almost any situation on the road and it will be able to perform.
Powertrain Options 
The Blazer comes standard with a 2L inline four-cylinder engine that boasts a powerful 228 horsepower, which can be optionally upgraded to a 3.6L V6 engine with an even more beastly 208 horsepower. Both engines are paired with an automatic 9-speed transmission and come standard with FWD, though AWD is available as an upgrade.
The inline-four enjoys a 3,500-pound towing capacity, while the V6 is able to haul up to 4,500 pounds. Both engines offer respectable average fuel economy ratings in both FWD and AWD variants. The inline-four enjoys a combined average rating of 25 and 24 mpg for FWD and AWD respectively, while the V6 has average ratings of 22 and 21 mpg in each drivetrain configuration.
What’s New in the 2023 Blazer? 
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The Blazer received its first major facelift in 2023 and received a completely refreshed external appearance with a new front grille, new headlights, running lamps and taillights, and a brand-new 10-inch screen infotainment center that comes standard across all trim levels. In addition, new options were added to the Blazer, including a wireless charging pad and a 4G LTE WiFi hotspot to help you maintain your connectivity while on the road.
Additionally, the last major update to the 2023 model of the Blazer is the addition of a few new interior and exterior colors including sterling grey, bronze, and red exterior paint now available on all trim levels, as well as a dark blue interior option on the RS-level trim. Finally, additional wheel options are available, available in both 18 and 21-inch sizes and in glossy black, gray, machined aluminum, chrome, and bright silver color options.
Interested in getting behind the wheel of a 2023 Blazer and seeing what all the hype is about? Contact the team at Lithia Chevrolet of Redding today to schedule your test drive and see the rest of Chevrolet’s 2023 lineup. 
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shins-rpc-sources · 1 year
NOTE: because my other blog got term.i.na.ted i thought i'd go ahead and copy / paste this into a post on here and give a more clear and better understanding of everything.
as some of you are aware, anyone who makes a blog on or after of november 26, 2022 are unable to use LTE. if you've made a blog prior to this update, you will see an option to switch between BTE and LTE in the top right corner of their browser. it would look something like this for those who do have it:
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what this means is that the staff is on the roll with fully implementing and enforcing the BETA TEXT EDITOR on everyone. not only that but i'm going to assume that they're going to be making a site wide update within the next month or two ( march at the very latest ). what this means is that literally everybody is going to be forced to use the BTE whether they want to or not.
and not only that but it's gotten to the point to where the new xkit is slowly but surely breaking for people because of how outdated it is and the staff enforcing us to use the BETA TEXT EDITOR. so i definitely recommend y'all going ahead and embracing BETA TEXT EDITOR as well as getting xkit rewritten for when the day actually make the site wide update for literally everybody.
so with that being said, here are a couple of addons i recommend y'all getting:
limit checker: this is an absolute life saver. i kid you not. it tells you the number of asks you sent as well as text / video / videos / etc. posts you've made among a few other things. it's super neat.
mass deleter: unfortunately this only deletes stuff from your drafts and queue but it's definitely worth getting if you have tons of stuff and / or are a hoarder.
mass unliker: i like to sort through my likes every once in a while tbh but if it gets out of hand and you tend to have 8,645,132,154,568 likes then feel free to use this so that you don't have to go through each and every thing in your likes.
mutual checker: do i really need to explain this one?? being able to see who you're moots with via dash is 1,000,000 times easier than going to your followers and CTRL + F nonstop.
tag replacer: having a mass tag replacer is, without a doubt, an absolute life saver. this is especially useful for us roleplayers who tend to change our aesthetics from time to time and have updated our tags. and even if you don't change your tags regularly it's still worth getting this.
tag tracking+: this lets you know when you've been tagged in something!! ah!! 10 out of 10 love it.
timestamps: this is a must for just about all of us in the tumblr rpc. it lets us know when those we follow / moots have posted! so that definitely helps out a lot. it also allows you to choose between the standard format and iso 8601 format, so there's that!
trim posts: thankfully this addon isn't as confusing as it was when first implemented. thankfully it's a lot more user friendly and easier to use now! but keep in mind that you cannot trim legacy posts in this. all replies have to be strictly done in BTE otherwise it's a one-sided editing spree. no exceptions.
there are a bunch of other little addons you can pick from as well but these are some that i use and can't seem to recommend enough tbh!
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iplook-networks · 2 years
Five benefits of VoLTE over traditional CS voice calls
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VoLTE provides five benefits over traditional CS voice calls.
Migration to IP
VoLTE enables operators to migrate their circuit switched infrastructure (e.g. 3G) to a fully IP centric network. Without VoLTE, 4G networks cannot support voice service, therefore operators wishing to offer this communication capability will need to still support legacy technologies and use CSFB (CS Fallback) techniques to redirect the user towards them when a call is made or received.
Voice Quality
VoLTE offers higher voice quality than legacy circuit switched voice. As shown in Figure 1, VoLTE provides voice in wider range of frequency and enhances the voice quality significantly. With implementation of EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) codec, the range is even extended, and customers can enjoy very high-quality voice.
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Fast Call setup
Another prominent advantage of VoLTE is the shorter call setup time compared to legacy circuit switched voice services. Call setup time is the time it takes from initiating the call to hearing from or speaking to the called party, and VoLTE reduces the call setup time to about a third of that of legacy circuit switched voices.
Multimedia communications
VoLTE also enables video calls to be provided in conjunction with HD voice (ViLTE: Video over LTE). This means that not only video calls are possible between VoLTE subscribers, but also switching between Video and Voice is supported.
As VoLTE calls are natively supported by LTE networks, the scarce radio resources are used much more efficiently than with legacy technologies.
IPLOOK’s IMS products and VoLTE services
IPLOOK has developed IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) products that incorporate IMS applications which are installed on hardware devices built to the Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard (the leading hardware standard for telecom carriers), and which form the core networks of mobile phone services. IPLOOK also provides telecom carriers with solutions that help them deliver a wide range of optimized voice services.
IPLOOK’s IMS products consist of a Proxy-Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) and a Serving/Interrogating Call Session Control Function (S/I-CSCF). These are part of a control system that performs call control, a Telephony Application Server (TAS) incorporated in a service delivery system that controls additional mobile phone services, and an IMS Access Gateway (IMS-AGW) that controls packet and relays voice data.
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An IMS application sample is shown in Figure 2. As this makes clear, introduction of IMS products to a telecom carrier’s core network makes it possible to offer Voice over LTE (VoLTE) service in which voice calls using the LTE communication system are possible. This supports voice calls and video calls with high sound quality, minimal delay, and high stability. Moreover, high-speed data communication can be used even during a call.
It is our intention to provide a quality product for your use. Contact us for more details!
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