#Knotty Peach
badmovieihave · 8 months
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Bad movie I have Divide and Conquer 2021
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cottagefeeder · 3 months
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these cottagecore boxers are the only thing easing my gender dysphoria atm 🍄
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im-robins-bitch · 1 year
Just a lil blurb about Robins first time kissing you
Your feet kick against Robin’s under her blanket and she recoils at their icy touch. 
It makes you giggle, the sound muffled slightly by the pillow your cheek is smushed into, the same pillow Robin is resting on. 
Her cheeks are dusted pink, making her freckles all the more endearing along with her glassy blue eyes. Her hair is mused over the pillow, it had been carefully styled before the party at Steve's but now it’s a collection of cowlicks and knotty strands. 
She kicks you back, hitting your calf in revenge. She curls her foot around the muscle, bringing your legs closer to hers. 
"Are you cold? She asks. You nod although really, after how much you drank, you can’t tell if your cold or not.  
Her legs wrap around yours and every meeting point feels electric. Her calf in between yours, her thighs pressing into yours. 
Her skin is soft as a peach, and the vanilla and cinnamon body lotion she uses only makes her more appealing. You can feel the slight prickle of her leg hair starting to grow back in and your mind wanders like it always does, to how the rest of her skin would feel. 
She draws back your attention by squeezing your hand. Your fingers had been entwined for half the night. Drunk best friends, that was all it was. 
Only your other best friends don't make your pulse race. You don't avert your gaze from Steve when he reaches up and exposes his stomach from fear of drooling. You don't look at Nancy while talking and lose your entire train of thought. 
There's certainly no one else you would want to be wound around in bed, noses almost brushing as you whisper secrets to each other. 
Robin's thumb rubs your wrist, bumping against the friendship bracelet she made you when she was bored one shift. The threads are tattered and the colour is blanched because you refuse to take it off. 
She must feel how quickly your heart is racing, as her thumb presses into your pulse. How can she not notice what she does to you? Time spent with anyone but her feels wasted. You only come to every one of Steve's get-togethers because Robin is also always there. 
Last week you spent an hour carefully painting each of her nails. You savoured rubbing in the hand cream you insisted she needed for the full spa day experience. Your fingers traced every ridge, vein and wrinkle, because you had to make sure it was all soaked in. 
You feel her breath against your chin as she blinks up at you, her responses are slow from the shots you had both done earlier. Some of her lashes are sticking together to make a triangle. You reach your pinky out and brush them apart, making her eyes flutter shut. 
“Tell me another secret?” You whisper. 
It’s your favourite game, swapping secrets. You feel yourself growing closer to Robin with every secret she spills. You know it’s silly, but you also hope that one day the secret-spilling from her lips will be that she likes you. 
Her freckled cheeks grow warmer, her nose turning a rosy colour. You know that means this secret is going to be good. She nuzzles further into the pillow and consequently closer to you. 
She whispers her secret to you, voice so low that if you hadn’t been staring at her lips, watching how they moved to form each word, you wouldn’t have been able to piece together what she said. 
“I’ve never been kissed”
It startles you so much that you go to sit up, but your tangled legs don’t co-operate so you end up falling back down. Your shared pillow puffs up and the rush of air makes Robin's hair fly up and then float back down again. 
Your wide eyes stare into hers. For once you don’t get lost contemplating them because it’s just so unbelievable a secret to be true. “You can’t lie,” You insist, shaking your head and jostling hers from its resting place. 
She pulls herself up on her elbows, drawing her legs out from around yours and you immediately regret your words. “I’m not lying” She huffs. 
“What about-”
“No one. I’ve kissed no one,” Her fingers grip the comforter tight, she tries to move away from you but you pull her back down. Her back hits the mattress, causing the bed to bounce slightly, her arms falling back down to her sides. 
You crawl on top of her, holding yourself up on your forearms as you hover over her. The shots have made you bold it seems. You lean in, and for a second Robin thinks you might kiss her, just to make her a liar. 
Robins's eyes close, but all she feels is your breath against her lips. 
“I don’t believe it” You whisper.
She cocks one eye open and then the other when she sees you’re not leaning in further, just waiting for some kind of explanation. One she doesn’t particularly feel like supplying you with. “Why? Because I’m 20 and it's just too pathetic?”
You shake your head, shushing her with a finger to her lips. Your arm feels like it’s been zapped. Just the side of your finger touching her lips makes your body shiver, you can’t imagine how it would feel to touch her more intimately. You don’t think your body could physically cope.
“You’re just so beautiful Robbie, I mean look at you,” Your finger lifts from her lips, replaced by your thumb. Her breathing hitches and you decide to take it as a good sign rather than a bad one. 
“Your lips are made for kissing, they’re so pink,” Your thumb moves to push down against her bottom lip, “ and so soft”  Your thumb traces her top lip now, dragging back and forth, “and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cupid’s bow so perfect” 
Robins's face is scarlet now, you can see it even in the glow of an orange-hued lamp. 
She gulps, her hand coming up to fist at your flimsy pyjama top. She can feel the frantic beating of your heart through the shirt. It’s what encourages her next decision.. “If my lips are so perfect, why aren’t you kissing them?”
You don’t hesitate as you press your lips to hers. 
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pensistent-player · 3 months
SS #1
I see a knot. The thread of the knot looks nice - peach colour, cotton, soft texture. But, from my view, it is a huge mess. Oh my God! These knots of all these beautiful threads - chrome yellow, dark pink, royal blue, olive green, blood red, all a knotty mess together.
But no time to sort these out. The creative cabinet, it is. Lots of arts and crafts there for the travellers to get out of their cognitve blocks. After all, in space, especially so far away from home, a clear mind is your best friend.
I am at the resident quarters of the PC-243GN. The entire residing space has been fixed and has become my temporary home - a home far from home. Things and activities like these help me stay fresh, despite the amount of workload I have in my hands.
The entire station is like a pitstop, for daring missions or travels into the black hole. Most of them never return. The some who do, return only to go back and never come again. Nor do they speak anything regarding it despite the numerous efforts, especially scientific efforts. It is as if, the expression of that space has been forbidden outside of it.
My name is Nakul. In my mid-40s, this is the perfect assignment as an outer space repairman. I am an ST-N, Space Technician of the Novice rank. A high paying job, but isolated work environment, as is clearly felt. But, a repairman is a much more grounded term to call me.
Due to being so close to the Event Horizon, in a recent accident, a lot of the station suffered heavy damage, and the debris got sucked into the black hole. When I came, whatever I had on my space pod, was the only support. Now, after repairing the living quarters, I can take rests and use the space properly. As I repair a section, I send out a message back home for supplies to be restocked so that operations can resume faster.
Here I am, 3 months into the assignment. Today, I am to work on the most critical component of the station, the Tethering mechanism. While it is still working, due to damage, its integration with the station has been compromised.
My work seems complicated, but it is really just a lot of button tapping, re-calibration, through my computer, identify problems, which exactly what I am doing right now. In my flow of work, I had failed to notice, as it can happen, that the station was moving. I see a star far away moving towards my left, and me moving towards the black hole on the right.
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. The alert goes.
I look in to what is wrong. 'What is happening... This is not good. The station still has a lot of use', I thought as I go through the mechanics, only to see that the solar panels are destroyed.
How? That's the first thing you fix! An asteroid crashed? Seems like that from the shape of the damage. I have to get out of here.
I send an SOS to the HQ. And I ran. However we run, in space, floating from one side to the other. I get to my pod, no problem. It is time to leave. The pods is not starting. Why? Its power has been drained out, used to power the station.
How could I let this happen? My brain was knotted up, to notice it seems...
The view from the window was mesmerising. I get the pod ready for landing, impact, I do not know. I detach the pod from the station.
The pull has grown stronger, much more than what is was before. Every minute, it is getting stronger.
I am into the pull of the black hole. Will I survive? I did not know what to expect. They say, once you enter the black hole, metaphorically, that becomes your death, you are never the same again. I see my parents, smiling, telling me not to be scared, as they did when I was scared of lightning as a kid. The station is nowhere to be seen.
I close my eyes to brace for whatever is to come
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misojunnie · 1 year
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PEACHES ─ xmh. ᜊ⋆゚⊹
fresh peaches picked straight off the tree always reminded you of home, the summer breeze, the sticky frozen treats, and the blazing sun. they brought good memories, nostalgic places, but most importantly, they brought xu minghao.
genre: fluff, angst, college au, brother’s best friend!minghao x fem!reader
warnings: substance use, a sprinkle of family issues, disloyal past relationships, break ups, toxic relationships and cheating, 22 yr old reader / 24 yr old hao
featuring: minghao and svt! (ft. brother jun) + twice
word count: 26.2k
playlist: peaches by kai, chaser by woodz, habit by seventeen
status: in progress.
# taglist: @msxflower @enhacolor @hiqhkey​ @j-8star​
# network tags: @ficscafe @kflixnet​ @k-radio​
back to masterlist !​
[more below the cut!]
𝐢. 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐬
Ding dong. The sound of the ringing doorbell rang out through the apartment, and Dahyun roused herself from the couch with a pounding headache. It had been yet another night of drinking to drown the web of feelings confined within your mind, and after 9 bottles of soju between the three of you, she had the most raging hangover she’s ever experienced as she stumbled to the door. The insistent visitor rang the doorbell three more times before she finally opened up, eyes narrowed in annoyance.
“For christ’s sake- oh. Good morning.” Minghao waited at the door, hands buried deep in his pockets and a skeptical look in his eyes. He looked like a mess. Against his better judgment, he had stayed out a bit too late last night, and Vernon, once entirely inebriated, had been of no help to aid his conscience in his drunken state.
“It’s 1:00 in the afternoon. I don’t think that counts as the morning anymore.” He said with a hint of amusement in his tone. “Is y/n here?”
“No.” Dahyun shook her head without missing a beat. A moment of silence passed between the two of them before he raised a brow.
“You’re lying.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are.” Dahyun crossed her arms.
“How do you know?” he sighed, removing his hands from his pockets and placing them on his hips instead, a look of vehement exasperation on his face.
“Because I can hear her snoring on the couch.” Dahyun unfolded her arms with a sigh, opening the door further to allow him inside, and he stepped inside with a victorious, albeit bittersweet, smile. 
You were dead asleep, eyes shut and mouth barely parted as soft snores escaped her lips. He approached your side with a soft look in his eyes, brushing a few stray strands of hair from your eyes. 
“C’mon, angel. Wake up.” he mumbled quietly, a hand grazing against your cheek. Dahyun made herself scarce. As enthusiastic as she was about your love life, she felt this was something that needed to be discussed in private without her interference.
You groaned, head throbbing as your vision cleared, your lids feeling like lead weight upon your eyes. For a moment you thought you must be dreaming; the angelic boy before you was supposed to be at home, crying his eyes out over a bottle of wine with your brother or drowning his sorrows in alcohol and seas of beautiful women. Not invading your best friend’s apartment while you were experiencing one hell of a hangover and looked like someone had dunked you in a bucket of makeup remover.
“Hao?” you grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you sat up.
Minghao’s eyes and lips were swollen with sleep and the remainder of his hangover. His red hair was tousled upon his head, and he was dressed in a muscle tee and sweatpants, looking as though he hadn’t slept a wink. He looked like hell, but it didn’t matter; he looked the most beautiful you’d ever seen him.
“Morning, sunshine.” he grinned. You didn’t answer. “Aw, don’t tell me you’re still mad at me.” You grumbled inaudibly, ruffling your knotty hair and wishing you had cleaned up a bit more before you passed out the night before.
“I’m not mad.” you said, very unconvincingly.
“I don’t believe that.” he mumbled, brushing your hair out of your face from where it was matted against your sweaty forehead. You were shining in the afternoon light, in your magnificent post-drunk glow. To some, you must’ve looked quite messy, but to him, you looked stunning. “I think you’re still upset.” You had an awfully hard time thinking when he was running his hand up and down your back and kneading your skin softly. Your head began to fog when he rested his hand on your lower back, tracing spirals along your exposed skin as he stared at you with clear, doe eyes. 
Clearly your words hadn’t gotten through to him at all, and you weren’t sure whether you should be pleased or miffed that he had increased his affection tenfold.
“I’m not upset.” you cleared your throat, avoiding his eyes.
“Then will you go on a drive with me?” he suggested, and you balked. 
Sure, you had been ready to finally confront your emotions, but being forced within a three foot proximity from the boy you may have feelings for and admitting it to his face was biting off more than you could chew. But you couldn’t refuse him anything when he looked at you like that, like he must just break if you denied him.
“Alright.” you caved, and he smiled softly, standing up and offering you his hand. You had to fight back a smile as you got to your feet, ignoring his hand and striding past him, not daring to look back and see the disappointed frown on his face. 
If Minghao wasn’t serious about you, you didn’t want to give him ideas. You’re not his plaything and vice versa; being close doesn’t mean he can treat you like his girlfriend without the commitment.
You were determined not to be vulnerable anymore. You weren’t just Junhui’s little sister, you were a grown woman, and you could take care of yourself.
The car ride was tense, as expected. Minghao was awfully focused on driving to whatever destination he was looking for, and you weren’t sure whether it was your job to break the ice or not. You chose the comfort of silence, resting your chin upon your palm and looking out the window at the sight of the city streets melding into blocks of color in the rushing wind.
“We should talk.” Minghao finally said, turning a corner with a sharp spin of the driving wheel. City gave way to sea as he drove down a path to the beach, the paved road lining the soft, peachy sand. You watched with wonder at the stark contrast to where you were just moments before.
“Talk about what?” you avoided the topic shamelessly. After a breath of silence, Minghao sighed and tightened his grip on the wheel.
“Do you remember the first time you held my hand?” he asked.
“Why would I?” He didn’t seem wounded, just focusing on the drive silently.
“It was when you were in 6th grade.” he said without missing a beat. “It was your first day at middle school in Korea, and you were terrified. Junhui was sick and couldn’t walk you in, and you almost peed yourself at the front gate.” 
“Thanks for the reminder.” you grumbled as he chuckled under his breath. You remembered. You would be lying if you said you didn’t. 
“You saw me coming, and just ran at me. Clutched my hand like the world was ending. You didn’t give a shit that I was with my friends.” You crossed your arms and slumped a bit lower in your seat. “Vernon made fun of me all day.”
“My apologies for causing friction between you and your boyfriends.” you bit back, and he only laughed. “What’s with the sudden blast from the past?”
“I liked it.” he admitted, ignoring your inquiry. “I liked it when you held my hand. Even if we were only teenagers, I wouldn’t admit it to myself.” You softened considerably, tearing your eyes from the window to look at the boy sitting beside you.
“Yeah. I liked it too.” you said tenderly. You were sure he wouldn’t admit it if confronted, but you were certain you saw the corner of his mouth twitch upward.
“Just a week ago, you held my hand for the second time. And you know what?” he took his hand off the wheel for a moment to brush it over yours. “I think I liked it more than the first.” His eyes tore into you like knives, and while you desperately didn’t want to look at him, you couldn’t look away. “Y/n, I’ve liked you for a very, very long time. And I’ve never admitted it to anyone, not even to myself.” You were stunned into silence.
“...You liked me?”
“I told you, that night at the diner. I had a girl in my heart, one I couldn’t get rid of as much as I tried to forget her, one that consumed my mind and heart in its entirety and wouldn’t relinquish it. That was you, you know. It’s always been you.” Tears sprang in the corners of your eyes, and you rubbed them away with your sleeve.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you whispered, voice almost too weak to be heard.
“Jesus y/n, you’re my best friend’s little sister. I couldn’t do that to you. We never could’ve been together while you were under your brother’s care, and I didn’t want to make you hide. You deserved to go out and date, to have fun and find someone who would treat you right. Mingyu swept you off your feet in senior year.”
“Hao,” you almost laughed with incredulousness. “If I knew you would’ve given me the time of day, do you even think I’d have dated Mingyu in the first place?” He pulled the car into park, mere feet from the sand as his eyes scanned you, bemused.
“You loved him.”
“Of course I did. And I’ll love a million people in my lifetime, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not at the back of my mind, and that I don’t love you the most of all.” 
His hands were on you before you could think, and the kiss contained the words you couldn’t say, the ones you had been bottling up for years, repressed and festering in your broken, wounded hearts. Minghao unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over the console to get closer, one arm wrapping around your waist as his free hand gripped your hair. Tears were running down your faces, and you weren’t sure whether they were yours or his, the tears mingling on your faces and running down your jaws. The first time you kissed Minghao, everything happened too fast. You didn’t have time to think, your mind was clouded and you were angry. But now you had time, time to realize all the little things you loved about kissing him. 
He tasted sweet, like the cherry chapstick he used and a hint of red wine. It was exhilarating, and you couldn’t get enough of it, your lips parting and sighing as he carded his hand through your hair, tugging you closer as he parted from you to quickly press a hot, open mouthed kiss to your jaw. His hands tightened its grip on your waist when you pulled him back in, throwing your arms around your neck and wishing there wasn’t a separator between him, wishing you had the energy to crawl into his lap and hold him flush to you until there wasn’t an inch of space between you.
The two of you parted, lips swollen and with a dreamy haze in your eyes, and even after you both moved away, he tugged you closer to him to pull you into another kiss, like he couldn’t keep his hands off you and his lips off yours. You were intoxicating, and he wanted to drink you in until he couldn’t anymore, he wanted to run his hands over you and feel your skin until you disappeared within his grasp. He was sick with love for you, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to get better just yet.
All you cared about was kissing each other, with none of the hesitance that was there the first time. It was rushed, messy, and glorious.
“I love you, Wen Y/n. I want to shout from every rooftop in the city until all of Seoul knows how much I love you.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, your hand wandering down his damp cheek with a smile on your face.
“I love you too, Xu Minghao. More than you’ll ever know.” 
Minghao wasn’t a man of many smiles. He often preferred a silent sort of stoicness; he typically used his smiles sparingly, they were few and far between. But when you told him you loved him, his mouth raised and his lips spread into the biggest smile you had ever seen on his precious face, one that hurt his cheeks and shone like the sun had gone out. And it was for you, and only for you.
He kissed your knuckles with a mischievous grin, hiding his simpering mouth under the skin of your hand. 
“Your brother is going to kill me.”
𝐢𝐢. 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬
You and Minghao had been sneaking around together for two weeks now. 
Your relationship consisted of walks to campus together, late night drives, and kisses stolen while Junhui was distracted with whatever was on the tv. Junhui was suspicious at first of how eager Minghao was to come over whenever possible, but after a cheesy excuse about how important their friendship was, he softened up a bit. 
But while the adrenaline rush you got from kissing your boyfriend in secret like the Juliet to his Romeo was exciting on occasion, you wanted a real relationship. You wanted him to parade you around and show you off, for him to scream to the world that you were his and he was insanely in love with you, and would lasso the moon and bring it down to Earth if you wanted. 
Minghao would’ve happily retrieved the moon for you if you asked for it, but telling your brother that he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life seemed like a considerably harder task. In fact, he was beginning to prefer the moon option.
“You tell him.”
“No, you tell him.”
“You’re his goddamn sister, why do I have to do it?”
“Fuck you, Minghao. I’m not doing it. Grow some balls.”
“I have a very fine set of balls and they do absolutely nothing to aid me in eradicating the fear of your brother’s wrath.” you wrinkled your nose. The two of you had been arguing for a solid 5 minutes as Jun cooked in the kitchen and hummed peacefully, the both of you wondering who would approach him first to break the news of your blooming relationship. Safe to say, neither of you wanted to do it.
“You could absolutely beat him in a fight, I don’t know what you’re worried about. Also, I did not need to hear that much information about your balls.”
“You brought it up. And I don’t want to fight Junhui.”
“It’s for love, dickhead. Now go beat up my brother.” He glared at you, to which you petulantly stuck out your tongue. Witty repartee was a part of your relationship, cultivated over many years of love-fueled bickering.
“Who wants dinner?” Jun asked cheerily, revealing a freshly made tray of zhajiangmian piled up in a heap of sizzling noodles on a white platter. As delicious as the food looked, you had no appetite. 
Your brother’s cooking was one thing that could always satiate you; it lifted your mood when you were sad and always left you feeling satisfied. He was an excellent cook, but eating sounded like the last thing you wanted to do, not when you were imagining all the possible outcomes to this conversation and your boyfriend was looking at you like you had just ran over his cat.
“...Me?” Minghao offered weakly when neither of you responded for an awkwardly long time. Junhui’s eyes were already narrowed in suspicion as he doled out a serving of the wheat noodles onto the younger boy’s plate.
The energy of the table was something unfamiliar to him. It no longer felt familial like it used to, it felt more like a candle lit dinner involving a perpetual third wheel, and he suddenly became aware of the close proximity between you and his best friend. He was almost certain that Minghao’s hand was on your thigh, but he waited to blow his top as he sensed there was an important topic of conversation wafting in the air.
“Is something wrong?” Junhui raised a brow. You shifted in your seat uncomfortably, giving him a furtive glance as you finally caved and decided you would tell Junhui the news yourself.
“I’m desperately in love with your sister.” Minghao said with a straight face, words spilling out before you could even stop him. A moment of silence passed, strained and painful, the suspense driving you both insane. The tension snapped when Junhui left out a laugh, serving his own portion of the home-cooked food onto his own plate.
“Funny. You always bullshit me with that joke when you have something to hide.” 
“I’m serious.” he insisted. Junhui gave him a scathing look.
“That’s not funny.” 
“I’m not joking.” Minghao said without missing a beat, not an ounce of hesitance in his eyes. You had absolutely no clue what to do to resolve the situation, just quietly waiting for Junhui’s response, for him to finally blow up.
“...You’re serious?” Minghao placed his hand on top of yours, a firm resolve evident in his stony eyes.
“I’m serious.” It would’ve seemed to a passerby that the two were having a staring contest as Junhui looked blankly at his best friend, confused and unblinking. When he looked at you to find that you were looking firmly at the table, realization set in, and he gripped at the pair of chopsticks in his hand.
“Xu Minghao, you are lucky I don’t have a knife in my hand.” he said quietly. “Because if I did, I’d be gutting you from top to bottom and flipping you inside out like a pillow case.” The both of you gulped in response, the visual not at all pleasant. Then he stood up, fingers still tightly clamped on the pair of wooden sticks in his hand. “I suppose chopsticks will have to do.”
You barely were able to talk your brother down from gouging your boyfriend’s eyes out with a pair of dull chopsticks. After a few minutes of tussling and a particularly nasty shouting match, Minghao was being dragged into your brother’s bedroom by the back of his shirt like a stubborn child being put into time out, the door slammed shut behind them.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
“My sister? Really?” Junhui scoffed with disbelief. “You better be serious about her. Because if you’re just fucking around I swear-”
“I’m not. I’m serious as can be.” Minghao swore. “I love her with all my being, Jun. And I waited so long to be with her, I think my heart might burst if I spend another day without her.” Jun crossed his arms, staring at him piercingly.
“You’re not good enough for her.”
“Who’s better for her than me?” “Nobody is. Nobody is good enough for her.”
“I know, Jun, I know that she deserves the world. But I want to be good enough for her. I want to be better for her.” Minghao pleaded, hands clasped and shaking. “Please, Jun. You know I won’t break her heart.” 
Junhui contemplated silently, his jaw set and his eyes narrowed at the boy before him. He might hate the thought of his best friend dating his sister, but he couldn’t deny his  sincerity. Minghao would love you more than anyone you could ever be with, and Jun knew that better than anyone. He would never break your heart; he was likely the only boy who would treat it with the care it deserved.
The begrudging boy offered his hand, and Minghao accepted it eagerly, practically bouncing on the tip of his toes with excitement.
“Fine. You can date her. I know you’re the best for her.” Junhui grumbled reluctantly. “But if I ever hear you hurt her, I swear-”
“I would deserve the beating.” Minghao nodded with a grin, and Junhui gave him one last look before waving him off, a growing smile on his lips.
“I’ll do more than just beat you. Now go. I need some time.” The younger of the two beamed brighter than the sun itself, tripping over himself to open the door to the bedroom and rush back out to the dining room where you were waiting, anxious and your imagination simply running wild, driving you insane at guessing what your brother’s response would be. Your fingers strummed compulsively on the table, rapping on the wood until you looked up with a start when Minghao rushed into the room. You leapt to your feet, rushing into his arms and gripping his hands.
“What’d he say?” you pressed with fervent curiosity. Minghao didn’t give a verbal response, he simply broke out into a beaming grin that told you all you needed to know. You shrieked in delight, and he lifted you into his arms, twirling you in a circle thrice before releasing you back onto the ground. “I can’t believe it.”
“Let’s get out of here, angel.” he said excitedly.
“To where?”
“Anywhere we want. Japan, Hawaii, Bora Bora, we could go anywhere!” he yelled, arms spread wide in rapture and elation as you giggled. He gripped your hands, sparkles in his shining eyes. “Pack your bags! Let’s skip town!”
“Minghao, you know we can’t. We have class tomorrow.”
“Class? Who gives two shits about class!” he roared. You didn’t think you had ever seen him this riled up, not in all your many years of knowing him. “I’m in love with you! I’ve got no time to spare for class! Let’s go while the night is still young!” You stood stock still for a moment in rapid contemplation, before jumping in place and dashing off into your room to collect all the money you owned and a suitcase stuffed with items messily thrown into its cavernous compartments.
And that’s how you ended up going on vacation in the middle of the second semester.
Turns out that Bora Bora was unfortunately a bit too unreasonable for the bank account of two broke college students. You had $700.35 between the two of you, and even that was a stretch, considering a fourth of that was your funds to survive the rest of the month and your various bills. But the season was still warm and sunny, and Jeju Island was a perfectly affordable destination that did nicely for the two of you. You had a friend there who was more than willing to lend her guest house to you for a while, with the promise that you’d make this relationship really last, which she told you with a wink. And you were more than willing to do that.
Your honeymoon stage was still thriving and raging, and you spent a solid week and a half laying on the crystal beaches in strappy bikinis and losing yourself in the love between you and your boyfriend. 
Mingyu never let you wear bikinis when you went to the beach. They were for his eyes only, and you hated that the gorgeous swimsuits were rotting uselessly in your closet. But when asked his opinion, Minghao said you looked insanely sexy, and he would be a madman if he didn’t want to show off his beautiful girlfriend. You swore you had never felt more like kissing him until he couldn’t breathe, which is what you did, tangled up on the powder soft sand with stupid smiles on your faces, kissing feverishly until a parent came up to complain about respect for public boundaries.
It was the most wonderful time in your life. You felt like you were on cloud nine, and a lightning bolt straight from God couldn’t take you down.
Of course, your brother was furious when he found out that Minghao had whisked you away to an island for over a week, and he thought you were dead until you sent him a two word text telling him you were alive and well, in less words. But he got over it after a few well placed phone calls consisting of how much you appreciated him as a brother.
You didn’t want it to end. You wished that you could spend eternity on that island, happy and basking under the sun of spring with Minghao at your side. You knew you were moving fast, but it felt much too slow altogether, and suddenly you were picturing a cottage by the sea with three kids, you tending to your peach trees while he painted, toes in the sand and the sunny rays kissing his skin. 
But all good things come to an end, and after six sternly worded emails from your professor, you decided it might be a good decision to return to class before your teachers brought you into the attendance office.
“You two look absolutely ridiculous.” Minghao slurped the water from a fresh coconut, a neon green straw protruding from its top with a little cocktail umbrella dangling over the edge, shrugging the comment off nonchalantly. Vernon eyed you up and down, his arms crossed as he scanned you skeptically. “Why are you both wearing Hawaiian shirts?”
“Relax, baby. We’re matching.” he said, gesturing between the two of you and your matching gaudy Hawaiian shirts, yours an ugly shade of red and his an ugly shade of blue. Vernon looked at him with utter bewilderment.
“Are you on glue?”
“Island life.” you shrugged, a floppy beach hat perched on your head.
“Easy. You went to Jeju, not Maui.” Mina scoffed as she passed by, knocking on the back of your head with her fist, and you glared scathingly after her.
“Shhh, they’re in love.” Chaeyoung whispered as the older girl shook her head disapprovingly, but the smile on her face gave her away. You tugged Minghao as if to pull him away, and he ushered you onward, pulling Vernon aside for a moment.
“Vern,” he started, emotion swimming in his brown eyes. “Thanks for setting up that date. Oddly enough, I think it was exactly what we needed.” Vernon grinned.
“I expect your first born to be named after me.” he chuckled, slapping him on the back. “Now go be with your girlfriend.” Minghao nodded, turning on his heel.
His hand was tightly clutching yours, and you swung your arms back and forth like a seesaw, stupid lovesick grins on your faces that couldn’t possibly be held back. You looked like two fools in love, and you supposed you were. 
You were idiots, but you were idiots together, and that was all that mattered.
“They look stupid.” Mina whispered fondly.
“Yes, but they look happy.” Vernon said with a ghost of a smile on his lips. “The few times I talked to Hao before this whole ordeal, he had a resting bitch face like I’d never seen, and he barely said two words to me. And those were usually ‘fuck off’.” The two girls laughed at the truth of his statement. It was undeniable, the two of you looked happier than they had ever seen you before.
“You think they’ll last?” Chaeyoung whispered under her breath, a worried expression on her pretty face. A moment of silence passed between the group before they all broke out in smiles.
“Yeah. I think they will.” Mina said, straightening up as she watched the two of you walk away, hands intertwined and still swaying like a swing on a playground creaking in the summer breeze.
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
An earth-shaking knock practically rattled the window frames as a visitor pounded on your door, impatiently and insistently banging for a lengthy amount of time. Minghao grumbled from his place at the dining table, setting down his paintbrush to stand and face the querulous stranger at the door.
“Hello- Oh, for God’s sake.” he muttered. Vernon clutched a basket of fruit in his arms, as the door swung open to reveal a wide and dopey grin on his handsome face.
“I brought you a fruit basket.”
“Bribery, I’m assuming, to get my wife to cook you dinner?”
“Aw, c’mon Hao. I never get to see the kids anymore. You’re such a goddamn hermit.” the boy complained. His chestnut hair was now bleached into a lighter blond, his eyebrows slit on the edges and his face considerably more mature than years before.
“Language.” Minghao reprimanded, and Vernon pushed his way past the obstinate man and set the basket of fruit on the coffee table. “Vernon, this is my home!”
“Oh for Christ’s sake, give it a rest, Minghao.” you called, laughing in amusement at Minghao’s distress as you rushed into the room with your arms spread out in an embrace. “Vernon, give me a hug before I tackle you.”
“As you wish, m’lady.” he said playfully, pulling you into his arms and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “How’s it possible that you look younger every time I come over?”
“You flatter me.” you laughed again, slapping him on the arm before running back to the kitchen. “Hao, can you set the table for me?” He approached you gently, wrapping his arm around your waist from the back and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Anything for you, love.” While Minghao rushed off to distribute plates amongst the hungry diners, two children came running into the room, one clutching a doll and the other holding a book tightly, little fingers gripping at its pages.
Vernon hummed, ruffling the hair of the oldest, the boy, “What’s up, Vernon Jr.”
“That’s not my name.” he said with a disgruntled look.
“Shoulda been.” he said, dropping onto the carpet, giving a pointed look at Minghao, who ignored him, hunched over his half painted canvas. He turned his attention to the second child, who was fully immersed in her book. “What book are you reading, kiddo?” The little girl looked up at him with a blank look, similar to one of a scholar looking down on their intellectual inferior.
“Great Expectations.” Vernon snorted, jabbing a thumb.
“She takes after you, Hao.”
“Shut up, Vernon.” he said with a careful stroke of his paintbrush.
A banging sound came from the back of the house as the door to the nursery flew open, a frazzled boy in his early thirties striding across the room with a sleeping baby in his arms, his hair mussed and a wild look in his eyes.
“Y/n, I don’t think I was cut out to be an uncle.” Junhui sighed, setting the baby down gently in their cradle before noticing the presence of the blond in his company. “Vernon? God, I haven’t seen you in forever!” The two greeted each other with a friendly hug, laughing in the revelry of two friends finally seeing each other after years apart.
“I heard you’ve been busy with your acting gig. Our very own Jun.” Vernon complimented, and Junhui beamed with pride.
“Yeah, it's been going well! Can’t complain.” He shrugged, taking a seat at the dinner table, the younger boy joining him in the seat beside him. Your oldest boy leaped into Vernon’s lap, and he petted the top of his hair while he listened to your brother make casual conversation, Minghao chiming in every once in a while to drop a witty one-liner or some well placed praise.
“Dinner is served.” you finally said, sliding steaming trays of food onto the table, adorning the wood with platters like a feast; peking duck, cucumber salad, dumplings of all kinds, and a pile of black bean noodles that made every mouth water in anticipation.
“Thank you, y/n.” the table chorused gratefully, the youngest guests replacing your name with mom instead. Minghao ran a hand up and down your arm, leaning close to press a sweet, lingering kiss to your jaw.
“Thank you, angel.” he whispered. It was funny that after so many years together, that nickname still gave you butterflies like the first time he used it. You pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek as your family began to dig in, happily serving food for each other and sharing plates, fighting for the best pieces of duck, your children kissing up to their father to get more noodles.
As your husband bickered with your brother over the juiciest slice of peking duck, and Minghao desperately tried not to transfer paint onto your favorite dishes, you couldn’t help but feel like you were falling more in love with life with every day that went by. You had never believed that one day you would be waking up in the same bed as the love of your life, the man who snored in his sleep and always denied it, who would wake up in the morning and let you kiss him endlessly no matter how bad your breath smelled. The man you were desperately in love with, who was desperately in love with you. But it was no longer a dream; it was a reality. Your reality, and you wouldn’t change a single thing about it.
Dinner ended, Junhui collapsed in bed the minute the clock struck 9, Vernon needed to return to his girlfriend and the children grew fussy and went to bed. The house grew quiet and serene, drenched in moonlight as the sounds of the sea soothed you into silence. When Minghao sat on the couch, his arms open and waiting to hold you, you brought out the last dish of the night with a delighted grin. Two glasses of red wine and a fresh peach, cut straight from the tree outside. 
Those peaches, oddly enough, always bloomed in spring.
A/N: thank you for reading loves! I hope you enjoyed peaches, and I certainly enjoyed writing it. let me know what you thought, and what you want to see next!
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knottywoodbbq · 20 days
Find the Best Almond Wood for Sale Online
There’s something irresistible about the aroma of food cooking over an open flame. Grilling isn’t just about preparing meals, it’s an experience that engages the senses and brings friends and family together. If you’re an aspiring grillmaster looking to elevate your grilling game, you might want to consider adding almond wood to your arsenal of flavor-enhancing techniques. By finding the best possible almond wood for sale online, such as the types available in our webshop, you’ll be able to kick your summer grill menu up a notch.
Almond wood tends to be overshadowed by more popular choices like hickory or mesquite, but it brings its own unique qualities to the grill. From imparting a delicate smokiness to infusing meats and vegetables with a subtly sweet and nutty flavor, almond wood can be a valuable weapon in your culinary arsenal.
Grilling with almond wood isn’t just about tossing a few bits onto the coals and hoping for the best. Like any cooking technique, it requires finesse and understanding in order to achieve optimal results. While you may find yourself doing some trial-and-error experimentation, that’s all a part of the grilling process. Of course, the real magic of grilling with almond wood lies in the delicious results it produces. Read on to learn more about how you can best use almond wood for your next barbecue.
Almond Wood for Sale: How to Get the Best Results Not all almond wood is created equal. Look for well-seasoned almond wood and avoid anything green (it’ll produce too much smoke). Once in your possession, you can prepare your grill accordingly. Arrange the almond wood chips strategically to ensure even distribution of heat and smoke. Maintaining the right temperature is crucial when grilling with almond wood. Unlike some heavier woods, almond wood burns relatively quickly and at a moderate temperature. Keep a close eye on your grill and make adjustments as needed to prevent flare-ups and ensure consistent cooking.
Keep in mind that almond wood has a delicate flavor that pairs well with a variety of meats and vegetables. Consider using it with poultry, pork, fish, or even fruits like peaches or apples for a unique twist on classic barbecue fare. Remember, in the world of grilling, experimentation is key. While traditional woods like hickory and mesquite certainly have their place, don’t overlook the subtle charms of almond wood. By mastering the art of almond wood grilling, you can unlock a world of flavor possibilities and take your outdoor cooking adventures to new heights. So fire up the grill, grab some almond wood, and get ready to impress your friends and family.
Visit Our Webstore Today! Are you ready to try some new flavors and techniques on the grill? Well, look no further than the Knotty Wood Barbeque Company. Take a few minutes to explore our online shop and check out some of our unique grilling products and wood pellets. No matter what you’re thinking about adding to your menu, chances are, we can help.
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3m29s · 2 years
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peach in my spotify
dosiyeoja - yubin (2018) peaches - kai (2021) powers - hitsujibungaku (2020) cactus - a.c.e (2017) act. 1: the little mermaid - gugudan (2016) fúgate - daniel, me estas matando (2019) shounen shoujo no kotoba - sohta (2013) cardcaptor sakura song collection 1999.4~2001.2 - various artist (2017) knotty pine - kennie (2019)
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interlagosed · 2 years
So I’m reading this book and found those lines and thought of you, enjoy your influence:
“The muscles like great big peach stones sanded down, with veins running like little swollen rivers down his arms. Without touching him I be feeling those ridges on the tips of my fingers. I sees the palms of his hands calloused to granite, and the long fingers curled up and still. I think about the thick, knotty hair on his chest, and the two big swells his breast muscles make. I want to rub my face hard in his chest and feel the hair cut my skin. I know just where the hair growth slacks out- just above his navel-and how it picks up again and spreads out.”
Oh my god. This is beautiful. What’s the book whos the author tell me everything GORGEOUS
(🥺 thank u for thinking of me I’m delighted you associated this writing with my style/themes!!!)
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minhoshi · 3 years
kim seokjin
* for my absolute favorites that you should most definitely try and read
this is updated weekly!
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one shots & series
— influence one shot by minyfic *
fiancéscousin!seokjin x reader | angst (abusive relationship, domestic violence) fluff, soft smut, strangers to lovers au
— embers of the fire one shot by chateautae *
husband!seokjin x reader | smut, angst, hurt/comfort (workplace harassment), fluff, broken marriage au
— peach parfait (part I) by jamaisjoons *
chef!seokjin x chef!reader | fluff, slight angst, smut, mutual pining, romance, enemies to lovers au, university au
read part II here
— sugar one shot by wwilloww
sugardaddy!seokjin x artist!reader | fluff, smut, NYC au, non idol au
— moanday morning one shot by jinned
producer!seokjin x reader | smut, fluff, established relationship
— g.p.s - god, parents suck one shot by hansolmates
dilf!seokjin x hotelier!reader | fluff, humor, suggestive, single dad au
— jin & poopsie series by taetaespeaches *
idol!seokjin x reader | smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, established relationship
(this is the masterlist to a long term couple series i highly recommend reading)
— glazed & dazed one shot by floralseokjin
pornstar!seokjin x pornstar!reader | romance, slight angst, smut
— knotty or nice one shot by lavienjin
sugardaddy!seokjin x reader | smut, fluff, established relationship
— wet & wild one shot by jamaisjoons
seokjin x reader | smut, fluff, friends to lovers, college au
— crystallised saga by floralseokjin
seokjin x reader ft. yoongi | smut, angst, romance, slow burn, mutual pining
blurbs, drabbles & scenarios
— drunk in love by arcticguk
boyfriend!seokjin x drunk!reader | comfort, fluff, established relationship
— kiss cam by v-hope
idol!seokjin x idol!reader | fluff, mutual pining
— please dont leave by honeytae
seokjin x reader | angst, hurt, established relationship, fluff ending
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Headcannons for the main 4(5?)
Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser + Jr/ Koopaling's as well. these are my personal headcannons and this is just for fun. what are your headcannons?
WARNING/TW/CW for: swearing, implied/bullying, scares, self-h*rm/depression
Mario (cis, He/Him, Straight)
- the reason his moustache is so different compared to Luigi's is because due to all the fights he gets in he doesn't brush it or his hair that often leaving it to get knotty
- his hair use to be curly but due to immense brushing and many fights over the years it turned straight
- social butterfly since he was born
- he loves adventure
- has many scars all over his body but he see's them as trophies/achievements then a bad thing
- he's not the best cook in the world but he can still make a few good things when he can (he has a MASSIVE sweet tooth and mainly makes deserts or sweeter things)
- he talks mainly English now but, due to Luigi speaking Italian at home, he does speak Italian at home but he's not limited to it
- he does welding! he can make beautiful sculptures and Peach has many in her royal gardens
Luigi (trans, He/Him/They, Gay)
- His hair is soft and fluffy with soft curls due to him not going on adventures much and he takes a lot of time for caring for himself
- he use to be a social butterfly but that got him the wrong attention and now has a pretty low self-esteem
- doesn't have the best way of coping with things and takes things to heart a lot (he has self-h*arm scares)
- he doesn't mind adventure its just that it drains him so much
- he and E.gadd stay in touch throughout the year for updates on King Boo and if there's anything that needs to be sorted (he goes to E.gadd if Polterpup is having issues)
- he loves to bake/cook! and he's really good at it. he cooks many types of meal but he likes to try and stay traditional
- he also does gardening and loves to talk about flower language
- he speaks only Italian unless there are guest/people he needs to talk to
- he also isn't the best when it comes to English and has some difficulty in writing and reading as well as some words he cant pronounce properly
- in fact he and bowser write letters to each other and he gets better over time (and flustered with how sweet Bowser is to him)
- loves dresses and will wear them when he can
Peach (cis, She/Her/They, Pan)
- although she normally has her hair out she loves to do many hair styles! space buns, braids and so many more!
- she's very open towards people but sometimes she just cant and has to take a break
- sick of Bowser's shit
- can speak English and Japanese and is now onto learning Italian (may or may not be to impress Mario ;)
- she's really good at baking. she and Luigi share recipes to try out
- she donates a lot of money to people in need (one of the main reasons most people like her, she's just really nice!)
- does rock climbing in her spar time (do NOT challenge her)
Bowser (cis, He/Him, Bi)
- #1 Dad
- his hair is a mess let me tell you
- brushing it out can take hours since he complains about it a lot
- may act tough but he's a softy
- when every he needs to take most of the kids somewhere he lets them climb on his back
- doesn't know how to cook anything more then a basic meal
- He's really good at English and is perfect at it. just don't let him write anything when he's tired it gets really weird (poor Luigi had to read some cryptic things)
- Kamek is his Dad and Kamek is also sick of his shit
- the spikes on his jewellery (?) are actually made of foam as to not hurt his kids when they go up to hug him
Jr (cis, He/Him, I don't think he knows his yet)
- C H A O S
- has too much energy and most people have trouble getting him to bed, takes about an hour or two
- Luigi can get him to sleep in about 20 minutes due to him swaying gently and humming
- he's really good at art! almost every form he can master
- he doesn't like most school subjects but he does like science, art and a surprise to most, maths!
- he and the koopaling's play pranks on anyone they can
- the koopalings are his siblings and their favourite song is 'Kidnap the Sandy Claws' from the Nightmare Before Christmas
And that's all for now! I hope you didn't mind the long post and how different it is compared to what I normally do here. if you have any questions or things you would like to add on please do so! (im really lonely please just say something)
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zenfulmockingbird · 3 years
this to vent at the fact that there a tik tok challenge where involving people overdosing on benydral to gain clout.
Legoshi flirting with Haru
...hey Haru...wanna get knotty?
Haru flirting with Legoshi
Want to plant your seed in my garden
Louis to Juno
10 saying I can make you howl my name.
Juno to Louis
Can I ride your third horn?
Jack to Mizuchi
Do you taste like cookie and cream?
Mizuchi to Jack
Land your red rocket on my quarter moon.
Bill to Els
I know you're a herbivore but, I got a meat you would like to taste.
Els to Bill
I wouldn't mind getting my wool messy if it mean getting some white stripes.
Agata to Azuki
I may not be rich, but I can give you a pearl necklace.
Azuki to Agata
Let me ride your scepter.
Sheila to Peach
I’ll let you taste my peach if you let me taste yours
Peach to Sheila
You can f*ck me and sleep on me.
the last four are new.
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daybreakx · 3 years
aaaaaghh a haircut?? omg that's so awesome!! 💖 and like, really short haircut??? that's just like- like short hair are soooo fun, hope you'll like it too! ^^ do you have anything specific in mind or not yet? (do i kinda want to get a haircut, even tho i spontaneously cut and dyed my hair month ago? maybe...)
and well, my day was pretty chaotic, my doggo broke one of his nails during our walk and was bleeding, but i took him to vet, and handled everything like an adult so!! 😁😂 and rn i'm just debating whether should i or should i not rewatch this one anime... 🤣🤣
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I was thinking about something like this!! It makes me very nervous bc I’ve never had that length and idk how it’s gonna look🤭 but also I really want to cut my hair short because I dyed it last year and it ended up really knotty(?) is that the word(?)
Also omg poor doggo🥺 I hope he’s doing much better now💞 which animes do you like? I haven’t watched many but I loved Peach Girl sm!!
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every1studio · 6 years
“you’re punny” [stray kids]
genre: MISC. + fluff
ficstyle: #whatwouldtheydo/reaction + bulletpoint
prompt: you were hanging out with SKZ and you decided to use a pun on them 
note: I’ll get back to doing requests after Thursday to Sunday~ hope you like it~
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you were shopping in the Line Store with Woojin
you told him you wanted to find the plushy that looked like him
when you saw the infamous brown bear of Line
you brought it up to his face
“you know what you and this bear have in common?” you asked
“we both-” 
Woojin was going to say something on the lines of “we both look alike”
but you interrupted him
“you both are unBEARably adorable~”
Woojin was just smiling speechlessly at you
“well that was cute...”
“of course DEER~”
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you met Chan for the first time
he was pretty funny 
thank the Lord he wasn’t hard to talk to 
you thought of something cunning to say as he was talking about his home (Australia)
“I heard that I look like a koala..”
you smiled at him
“so that means that you met all of my KOALAfications, mate~” 
you felt proud of your pun when you see him awkwardly give you a cringey smile
“you just ended the beginning of this friendship..”
“CHAN I AM SORRY not sorry~”
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you were taking a walk in the park with Minho
there were so many thing triggering your punny brain
you noticed your shoelaces coming undone
“hey Minho, hold up a minute, my shoelaces are getting a little KNOTTY... I don’t want me to fall for anyone other than you?”
he looks at you in disgust
“can you not?”
“yes.. I can KNOT..”
he begins to leave you
he turns to look at you
(maybe they’re serious this time)
you pointed at a little boy with an alpaca plushy
he starts to walk away faster
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you went to the beach with Changbin and Felix
it was a nice way to relax the mind
you decided it would be a nice day to annoy Changbin..
Changbin accidentally gets his expensive shoes wet from the waves
“Changbin? you’re looking a little PAIL,” you said as you lifted a pail 
he was unimpressed
“I know what you need, you need vitamin SEA”
“are you having a SHELL of a time? I know I am~~”
“y/n.. I think you broke Changbin...” Felix muttered in awe
Changbin splashes water on you
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“Hyunjin? could you help me out please??”
you were making a matcha dessert in the kitchen
but Hyunjin ignored you as he muttered something about how puns made him cringe inside and out
you scowled a little bit but that turned into a sly smirk
you looked at his face of regret
“I HONESTLY THINK WE’RE A GREAT PEAR~” you said as you raised a pear from the fruit bowl
you felt him put his hand over your mouth 
he felt you smile behind his hand as he dropped it
“I’m so EGG-XCITED to have you help me in the kitchen..”
“are you done yet?”
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you and Jisung were trying to find somewhere to eat
he kept shooting down all of your suggestions 
and you’ve had enough
“UDON know what you want to eat?!”
he UWU his face as he slowly looks at you
“this is a big DILL!!”
“I mean... you make MISO happy but like c’mon Jisung...”
“I’m being PHO real!!!”
“if you don’t choose somewhere soon I’m going to say “PASTA LA VISTA, BABY~”
“okay..let’s get.. let’s get pizza”
you needed to get one more one in...
“this is why you have a PIZZA my heart-”
he pecks you on the lips; hoping you’ll stop now
“you’re the MACARONI to my CHEESE..”
“okAy~ heRE wE aRE~~”
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you and Felix were cuddling up on the sofa
his eyes were fluttering close from tiredness
but there were so many thoughts running through your head
(you blame the extra large mocha you had earlier that day)
“Felix.. why did they banana go to the doctors?”
“I don’t-”
“it wasn’t PEELING well...”
“y/n I really don’t thi-”
“what did the butter stick say to the other?”
“hey.. it’s my BUTTER from another UDDER..”
he just looked so done with you
but no
you weren’t done yet
“what do you call a magical dog?”
Felix spoke up
“please... let’s just sleep..”
after a few moments...
“you know? getting paid to sleep would be a DREAM job..”
he rolls over so that he lays on top of you; knowing that you can’t fight it and just fall asleep
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you went to the zoo with Seungmin
he soon realized
that is was a bad idea..
“this is TOADALLY awesome~”
he lets go off your hand
“am I not QUACKING you up?”
he shakes his head
“oh.. that’s.. HAWKWARD!”
Seungmin started to speed walk away from you
you and Seungmin were eyeing each other
you pffted into a laughter
“you’re irrelephant...”
you held his hand again
“I find this AMOOSING”
“you’re LION”
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Jeongin was giving you snarky remarks
you weren’t going to be overruled by a “maknae on top”
“hey little fox, you better be careful...”
“what do you mean-”
“excuse me... did you just use a pun-”
“yes.. now please LEAF me alone!!” you threw a leaf plushy at him
he was getting all smiley now
he threw the leaf plushy back at you
“if you beLEAF, that I’ll LEAF you alone.. you’re gonna have to try harder..”
you raised your hands
“I give up..”
he points at the fishbowl
“I’m pretty soFISHticated~” he flipped his hair
“yeah yeah...”
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raahauge95morrison · 2 years
Sports are a grown voice of everyone's lifespan. There are the players, coaches, sponsors and the fans. They completely unite jointly to serve fetch a team up to aureole. Everyone makes as a great deal of an sweat as they lav and contributes their possess skills. As a player, your donation comes by existence a well team up twin and delivery worthful skills to the bet on. here are around tips to service you impart roughly a lot needed skills to your bet on and give thanks your supporters by bighearted them your C. H. Best.
To improve your basketball recoil when on the trickle drive, test running to the face of the flange. When you're in carry repulse penetration, judge pursuit your mate to the flange. You give the sack call up the egg if they young lady. It's a corking meter for rebounding since the defense lawyers tends to cave in on the drive, which they fundament forget to cube verboten. It besides lets you begin More loathsome rebounds and points. Really praxis the types of shots that you'd have in a distinctive mettlesome experience. Yes, it's amusing to caper Gymnastic horse and prove brainsick shots, just that's non prepping you for genuine gamy toy. You wishing to bugger off the types of shots you ordinarily undergo go through inhuman. Drill them all over and all over. Always conform to through when shot. A zealous elbow room to exercise is to adjudge your conform to through with until the clump goes in the hoop or misses. This wish impart you just about clues on why you missed a stroke or where you involve to strain for body. Vigil how early players accompany through with and take after their wind. When shot a gratuitous throw, hold back your knees slimly hang and relaxed for scoop results. This position allows you to jump vertically without shift from suitable to left; thus, serving you sustain an even, accurate shaft. Press release the clump at the pass of your leap for added impulse to the jibe. It is of import to stay on focussed during the halt. If you girl a shot, copse it bump off and retain with the gage. Although maillot maroc pas cher Crataegus laevigata palpate unsound just about nonexistent a shot, it is important to find your sharpen quickly and cover on. Recollect that tied the professionals escape shots. If you are nerve-wracking to make a charging smelly against the early team, earn for sure you institute your feet to the basis. Don't shuffling them or list into the slobberer upcoming at you. If you do either of these things, you'll really be known as for a blocking fetid instead of acquiring a accusation. As you endeavor to support up your skills in the off-season, pass water certain you make playfulness with your good shape subprogram. Integrate things up and let in workouts that direction on endurance, military posture and canonic hoops skills. When the freshly temper rolls around, you wish feeling piercing and be quick to go! When shooting liberate throws in basketball, form surely you right agate line up with the hoop. Your leash fundament necessarily to be seamed up with the rim's nerve centre. If you're right-handed, your run understructure wish be the right-hand hoof it. If your motor inn has a hardwood floor, retard it for a pane. If it has one, invest your toenail on it for a straighter nip. Stick around with the Saame quotidian every clock that you do disembarrass throws. You experience 10 seconds to shoot, so you put up utilize that curtly time period of prison term as you care. You send away bound the musket ball a mates times, gyrate it within your hands, peach to yourself, etc. Seek to be creative and retrieve a turn that plant scoop for you. You will finally have more well-situated with this nip by doing the Saame subroutine o'er and all over. The merely right smart to become a better hoops instrumentalist is through exercise and backbreaking workplace. Anyone ass meliorate their skills, merely in dictate to in truth succeed and be improve than former players is by improving your skills. It doesn't assume much, entirely you necessitate is a hoop, a ball and want to get better. As you dismiss see, there are many multitude knotty in a basketball game team, each with their possess alone contributions. Wholly of them are of import and they apiece undergo their possess peculiar skills. As a player, you pauperization to get certain that you work on on perfecting skills and scholarship novel ones to integrated into the lame. Even out if you don't at long last win, everyone wish be gallant and glad that they gave it their wholly and had a peachy clip along the direction.
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knottywoodbbq · 9 months
Add Flavor to Peach Cobbler by Using Plum Wood Pellets
Peach cobbler is a beloved dessert that has been bringing joy to the taste buds for generations. With its perfect balance of sweet, juicy fruit and a tender, buttery crust, it’s not surprising it’s a classic and flavorful treat.
You can even make this delectable dessert even more delicious by infusing the tasty treat with a rich, smoky flavor – a flavor that comes from smoking the sweet concoction in the smoker using Knotty Wood plum wood pellets.
Why Plum Wood Pellets? Plumwood pellets are an excellent choice for turning a peachy keen cobbler into a smoky peach cobbler delight. That’s because these types of pellets impart a flavor that perfectly complements the natural sweetness of ripe peaches.
As the peach cobbler cooks in the smoker, the plum wood chips will release just the right amount of smoke – just enough to enhance the overall flavor of your dessert without overpowering it.
To make the most of this taste sensation, you’ll need to follow the recipe below. Once you cook it, you’ll be the dessert star of your neighborhood. Not only does the cobbler taste sensational, you’ll love the smoky scent of it cooking as well.
Smoky Peach Cobbler Recipe Here is what you’ll need to prepare this recipe.
Ingredients: 8 ripe peaches, peeled and sliced 1 cup sugar 1 tsp of cinnamon 1/4 tsp nutmeg 2 cups of flour 1 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 cup unsalted butter, cold and cubed 1/4 cup boiling water Plum wood pellets for smoking Instructions: Prepare your smoker or for indirect cooking at approximately 350°F (175°C). In a large bowl, mix together the sliced peaches, granulated sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg until well combined. Set aside. In another bowl, whisk together the flour, brown sugar, and baking powder. Cut in the cold, cubed butter using a pastry cutter or two forks until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add the boiling water to the flour mixture and stir until a wet, sticky dough forms. Spread the peach mixture in an even layer in a 9×13-inch (23×33 cm) disposable aluminum pan or cast iron skillet. Drop spoonful’s of the dough over the peaches, forming an even layer. Drain your plum wood chips and add them to your smoker or use a smoker box if you’re using a grill. Place the pan or skillet with the cobbler inside onto the smoker or grill, ensuring it’s not directly over heat. Close the lid and smoke for approximately 45 minutes to an hour, or until the topping is golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from the smoker or grill and let cool for at least 15 minutes before serving with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. This smoky peach cobbler with plum wood chips recipe is perfect for when you want to impress your guests with something unique and delicious. The result is an irresistible dessert that will leave everyone craving more.
Get Your Plum Wood Chips Online Get your plum wood pellets on the Knotty Wood Barbecue Company website. Make something special today for your friends and family.
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Affordable and Rustic, 9 Log Cabins Priced Below $350K
You don’t have to be a millionaire to fulfill the fantasy of a log cabin getaway.
We scoured listings from coast to coast and found 10 log cabins on the market right now—all priced below the current U.S. median list price of $350,000.
Though the prices are middle-of-the road, these choices are far from middling. This collection of log cabins offers it all: acreage, style, wildlife, ponds, and wraparound porches that’ll leave you yearning for a fresh-air escape.
There’s a 10-acre horse property in Illinois, a cabin with a stocked fishing pond, and even a Vermont retreat with maple trees to tap.
It’s the stuff of rustic dreams and tranquil days communing with nature. And it’s probably less expensive than you think. Have a look!
2153 Oak Dr, Crystal Lake Park, MO
Price: $300,000 Suburban log cabin: This four-bedroom home is located in a neighborhood of custom houses and cuts a striking figure from the curb. Built in 1982, it has a floor-to-ceiling brick fireplace, vaulted ceilings, and a screened porch off the kitchen. There’s 1,800 square feet of living space, a front exterior with matching green shutters, and a cute front lawn.
Crystal Lake Park, MO
137 Apache Trl, Medford Lakes, NJ
Price: $240,000 Forties log cabin: A Jersey cabin! Walk or pedal your bike to lakes, playgrounds, schools, and restaurants from this two-bedroom log cabin built in 1941. With a fenced yard, stone fireplace, and cathedral ceilings, this 1,240-square-foot log home has plenty of offer in a lovely, natural setting.
Medford Lakes, NJ
5730 Avenue G 1/2, Santa Fe, TX
Price: $319,900 Mini ranch: Horses, goats, chickens, and humans will all find a cozy home in this 3-acre ranch with a log cabin. Built in 1980, the three-bedroom house has been updated with knotty pine walls, pine ceilings, custom-made interior doors, and a new kitchen. The gated property also comes with a stocked fishing pond as well as a large workshop with three bay doors.
Santa Fe, TX
201 Chestnut Creek Rd, West Jefferson, NC
Price: $279,900 Storybook log cabin: Built in 1990, this home was constructed with old logs to add rustic charm. The two-bedroom cabin features a stone fireplace, kitchen with island, covered decks, and an upstairs sitting room. The half-acre lot includes a garden, yard, and an outbuilding, which could be used as a workshop or bunkhouse.
West Jefferson, NC
245 Weeks Creek Rd, Blue Ridge, GA
Price: $319,900 Cozy log cabin: Set in a grove of mature trees on an acre lot is this three-bedroom log cabin. The wraparound porch ensures an owner will get all the fresh air. The cabin boasts high ceilings, a stone fireplace, and an open loft. It’s being offered fully furnished and includes a hot tub. You can enjoy area trails, fly fishing, and all aspects of the great outdoors from this cozy base.
Blue Ridge, GA
24 Souder Station Rd, Winterport, ME
Price: $265,000 Chalet log cabin: Birds, wildlife, berry bushes, and flower gardens ring this two-bedroom log cabin sitting on nearly 9 acres. The home has a hand-built stone fireplace and cathedral ceilings. This turnkey home has been updated and well-maintained over the years.
Winterport, ME
1029 Cotton Rd, Lyndon, VT
Price: $179,000 Ultimate Vermont log cabin: At the end of a tree-lined country road sits this 15-acre property with “the quintessential Vermont log cabin,” according to the listing. There are maple trees for tapping, a vegetable garden, apple and peach trees, two outbuildings, and plenty of privacy. The two-bedroom cabin was built in 1973 and includes a deck, woodland views, natural light, and custom shutters.
Lyndon, VT
10 James F Byrnes St, Beaufort, SC
Price: $245,000 Royal Pines log cabin: This 2-acre property boasts a roomy four-bedroom log cabin. The location is close to town as well as Parris Island. The pine logs have a lifetime warranty, and the detached two-car garage has a half-bath and bonus room. The bonus room is unfinished, offering a buyer the opportunity to customize the space. There’s also an above-ground pool out back that the owners are throwing in with the deal.
Beaufort, SC
1514 E Plum Hill Rd, Leaf River, IL 
Price: $270,000 Custom log cabin: This three-bedroom cabin was custom-built in 1992 on 10 acres, which include a horse barn, loafing shed, detached garage, and pasture. There’s also a landscaped yard, mature trees, and plenty of room for friends and family to stretch out and play.
Leaf River, IL
The post Affordable and Rustic, 9 Log Cabins Priced Below $350K appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/log-cabins-priced-below-us-median/
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