#Julio Quinones
badmovieihave · 8 months
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Bad movie I have Divide and Conquer 2021
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commiegoth · 9 months
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Hiii friends I just wanted to take the time to recommend some recent comedy tv I've been enjoying recently! I feel like I hardly see anyone ever talk about these shows, so if any of these sound interesting to you, please check them out!
Killing It: This show is an insanely good satire of class and capitalism in modern America I can't praise it enough! After being denied a loan and losing his job, Craig (played by Craig Robinson) teams up with Uber driver Jillian (played by Claudia O'Doherty) to kill invasive pythons in the Everglades to make enough prize money to start his own business. Season two sees the pair try to run a saw palmetto berry farm as bosses on the swampland their prize money bought. It covers everything from the gig economy to social media influencers to companies that buy peoples' debts to the myth of the self-made man itself. It's even got Tim Heidecker!
This Fool: Another excellent satire, This Fool centers around Julio (played by Chris Estrada), a self-pitying pushover who works at a non-profit helping ex-felons get back on their feet. When his cousin Luis (played by Frankie Quinones) is released from prison, Julio's desires to be seen as a good person are put into conflict with his existing biases. I'll be honest the pilot does not do a great job of setting up what makes the show so great, but if you get past all the "isn't it funny these tough guys are doing soft shit" jokes in the first ep, it has a ton of great character-driven comedy! This show shares a writing team (sans Estrada) with the show Corporate, which I also love, so check that out too if you haven't!
Kevin Can F**k Himself: A kinda high-concept show about what the archetypal sitcom wife goes through outside of the multi-camera setup. Allison (played by Annie Murphy) is sick of her husband Kevin's pranks and schemes, and decides the only way to escape is to kill Kevin and make it look like an accident. This show actually ended last year, but I'm genuinely surprised this doesn't seem that well known on tumblr because the metatextual commentary and experiments with format (and yuri slowburn) are all things people on here seem to love. It's only 16 episodes check it out!!
How To With John Wilson: This show has probably seen the most critical praise of all these so you may already know about it but it's honestly incredible. Each episode follows John Wilson as he delivers meandering commentary vaguely related to the topic of each episode (eg. "How To Make Small Talk"), laid over footage he has taken of the streets of New York City. He interviews people he finds on the internet, and reflects on the human condition. It's silly, sad, gross, and beautiful all at once! Recommended for fans of Nathan Fielder and Joe Pera.
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toddlazarski · 1 year
“This Fool”
The A.V. Club
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Nobody “Motherfucker”’s like Michael Imperioli. The mother is draaawn out, fired with the snarl of a just-pulled lawnmower, peppered with a deep intestinal rancor, the fucker coming almost as the release, the exhale, the purr of pissed incredulity as to whichever injustice the world has placed before him. In this case, it is Richard Branson, or, the “space knight motherfucker” who cheap-skated his donation to Hugs Not Thugs, the “fifth largest gangster rehabilitation center in Los Angeles,” that was founded by Imperioli’s Minister Leonard Payne. It is a welcome introduction to his character, and a delightful reintroduction to the livewire frustration bits Imperioli cooked up as Christopher Moltisanti on The Sopranos. There he was one one of the key comedic pieces on one of the funniest comedies nobody was ever even entirely sure was a capital-C comedy.
As it happens, here he is one of the key comedic pieces on a show that leads with a much more troubling type of tone confusion. In the first two episodes of This Fool, a drive-by is played for chuckles, a gang brawl is treated with nostalgic revelry by former members slowed by time and life and sciatic nerve hangups, and “Don’t Text and Drive” displays across the screen as an epitaph with operatic flippancy.  
There’s also maybe a bigger conundrum facing the writer’s room, namely whether or not the comedy, in which Julio (Chris Estrada) counsels ex-cons, including his recently-released cousin, is actually, you know, funny. It certainly can be, as in the front-loaded first episode, where intimidating men with face tattoos perform trust falls, and Julio extolls the virtues of the place to a new arrival: “we remove more tattoos than anyone else in Los Angeles,” and offer “free legal counseling, solar panel installation classes.” Or, later, when he describes why there’s no reason he couldn’t be Bourdain: “I’ve eaten foy gray before.” To which his ex-girlfriend, Maggie, replies, “you don’t even know how to pronounce foy gray.” Imperioli, for his part, steals most every one of his scenes, especially striking an early chord on an extended lecture on failure, all wide eyes and faux wiseman profundity, his ability for humor amped by the ability to appear to take himself so stupidly serious.  
It can certainly also be, as many characters chide, repeatedly, anything seen as less than real, “corny.” A Salvadoran is irked by being called Mexican, a deceased friend nicknamed “Fatass” has, yes, “Fatass” inscribed on his urn. Vacillating between groan and cringe, Julio’s cousin, Luis (Frankie Quinones), peppers ceaseless ball-busting with “gay boy,” and the likes of “y’all talk more than the motherfucking View” or, somehow, “you need a Viagra?”  Perhaps it’s just more uneven than corny, more awkward than ha-ha, as smart as it is obvious, as oblivious as it is comfortable, taking real issues of modern L.A. — gun violence, gang culture — and setting them as backdrop thematic annoyances to be casually riffed on, as Bradley Newell might rap about the city on a Sublime track.      
Once the show settles though, finding a groove akin to the svelty Chicano Batman theme that opens each episode, and with the delightful reliance on old school Soul — Brenton Wood, Bill Withers — and palm trees and Dodgers decorum and shit-shooting around the dining room table with elderly relatives, a lived-in flow emerges, settling on a rhythm somewhere between a bilingual Modern Family and a less lesson-y Gentefied. The stakes are mostly low, it’s always sunny in South Central, even when meeting “at the park at sundown” for a brawl, and by the fourth episode even the tightest of TV reviewers may do very well to take Julio’s epiphany to heart: “how about this? I’ll stop being a little bitch.”
At that point anyone can appreciate the physical humor of, say, Julio giving his nephews fireworks to shoot off to distract the family so he can slink away from birthday engagements, or Luis putting Julio in a headlock to keep him in place while the family sings “Feliz Cumpleanos,” or an elaborate and preposterous slow-motion ball-kicking scene, an entire episode homage to Austin Powers.    
Estrada, who co-created the show and used his real life as inspiration, plays Julio with the same button-down, clean-shaven, subtly-pomaded nice guy turn that fills his standup comedian persona. He is mocked for having “lawyer hands,” is seen by his abuela as someone “always crying, just a little bit.” He is a man who sincerely and fully enjoys his pour-over coffee situation, coming off alternatively between sweet and cloying (“The life expectancy of a gangster on average is 24 years old, but the life expectancy of a punk ass bitch, 76 years old”), between big-hearted and petulant martyrdom, his use of “big dawg” renders him some varying mix of jovial and punch-worthy. As his on again, off-again ex, Michelle Ortiz breathes fire into the manic pixie ex-girlfriend template, with high-pitched outbursts turning to raunchily smitten tenderness. She steals/borrows Julio‘s Accord before berating him that the Check Engine light is on, she hits with lines like: “we’ve had sex in the backseat, it’s our car,” and interrupts‘s his date to get him to come over to help find a disappeared pet bunny, a la Annie Hall’s spider-in-the-bathroom scene, eventually trying to coax him to stay with, “I got Wendy’s.  In the obvious spirit of ying-yang buddy comedies, Luis seems overtly ex-con doltish, overplaying the easy parts, leaning brashly into the casual homophobia. It’s not 2005 anymore, as he is constantly reminded — “Tobey Maguire ain’t Spiderman no more” Julio tells him. But has he been in prison, or a coma? Were we still making Viagra jokes and asking “does that make your boyfriend jealous?” in 2005?  
Yes, it is a show about redemption. About tempering recidivism with good cupcake sales —  “people love buying cupcakes from ex-gang members, if girl scouts ever start getting face tattoos we’re fucked,” states Imperioli, in one of his many steely deadpans. And it is about family, however dumb and unfortunate they sometimes might be. So, the standard themes of any harmless Thursday night family sitcom. Of course you can watch it when you want, as one of the best back-and-forth’s, between Luis and his ex-fiance, reminds us:  
“You’re a fucking loser with a weird dick.” “Fuck you, curvy dicks are normal.” “You know Judge Judy will rule in my favor.” “Her show is over, idiot.” “She’s got a new one, idiot.” “What time? I wanna watch.” “It’s streaming so it’s available whenever.”  
Within such ping-pong banter is where This Fool finds its pocket. Like when Imperioli, uber-stoic, over-intense, gets asked about his documentary, “Game Set Hope,” a chronicle of an actual ping-pong tournament on “skid row.” A tag line at the bottom of the poster for the film that hangs in his office declares: “A film you might soon forget, but shouldn’t.” So it feels things might go here. While we seem past the peak of standup’s getting TV spots, this is the type to be lost in a sea of professionally funny shows. Once rhythm is achieved though, This Fool is joyously, even exceptionally hilarious because of what it is really about: who will watch your shitty documentary, even though they think there’s too much flute in the soundtrack; who cares enough to steal you toilet paper from work, even if it is single-ply; who makes you your favorite Tres Leches cake, even though you hate your birthday; who shows up for you, even if a “homegirl” stole their Honda; and it is about being there for your cousin, even when he won’t stop quoting Austin Powers.
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Meksiko Vs Brasil: Selecao Menang Dramatis 3-2
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Nagaliga.news - Brasil memetik kemenangan dramatis atas Meksiko 3-2 di laga uji coba jelang Copa America 2024. Pemain muda Brasil Endrick mencetak gol di detik-detik terakhir. Laga Meksiko vs Brasil berlangsung di Kyle Field, College Station, Texas, pada Minggu (9/6/2024) pagi. Selecao unggul dua gol lebih dulu dari Andreas Pereira dan Gabriel Martinelli, sebelum Julian Quinones mencetak gol balasan. Pemain pengganti Guillermo Martinez menyeimbangkan permainan dengan golnya di injury time. Namun, Brasil memiliki Endrick, yang memastikan kemenangan setelah membobol gawang Meksiko hanya sesaat sebelum laga bubar. Brasil masih akan melakoni laga uji coba terakhir dengan menghadapi Amerika Serikat pada 13 Juni nanti. Sedangkan rangkaian uji coba Meksiko sudah selesai, sehingga mereka kini menatap laga pertama Copa America melawan Jamaika (23/6). Brasil mengejutkan Meksiko saat pertandingan baru masuk ke menit kelima. Andreas Pereira menciptakan gol cepat untuk mengubah skor menjadi 1-0. Setelah menerima umpan Savio, Andreas mengecoh lini pertahanan Meksiko. Andreas kemudian menyelesaikan dengan tembakan mendatar yang memperdaya Julio Gonzalez. Keunggulan Brasil baru bertambah setelah turun minum. Di menit ke-54, Gabriel Martinelli berhasil membuat gawang Meksiko bergetar lagi. Sebuah umpan panjang dari belakang diterima Yan Couto lalu diteruskan dengan umpan tarik dari sisi kanan kotak penalti. Martinelli yang berdiri di posisi kosong dengan mudah melakukan sontekan dari depan kotak 6 yard. Brasil memimpin 2-0. Meksiko akhirnya bisa menciptakan gol balasan setelah laga melewati 70 menit. Julian Quinones membobol gawang Brasil sehingga menipiskan skor 1-2. Kerja sama Luis Romo dan Uriel Antuna diakhiri Alexis Vega dengan umpan silang dari sisi kanan kotak penalti. Bola dengan leluasa bergulir ke depan gawang sebelum dituntaskan Quinones dengan sontekan dari jarak dekat. Keputusan memasukkan Guillermo Martinez di dua menit terakhir waktu normal terbukti jitu. Martinez mencetak gol penyama di awal injury time sehingga kedudukan 2-2. Dari sepak pojok di sayap kiri, Guillermo Martinez menanduk bola lalu ditepis Alisson Becker. Bola rebound dicecar Martinez untuk diselesaikan dengan sepakan dari sudut sempit. Brasil mesti berterima kasih kepada Endrick. Si pemain muda menentukan kemenangan Brasil usai mencetak gol ketiga. Umpan Vinicius Junior dari sayap kiri diselesaikan Endrick dengan sundulan. Julio Gonzalez terkecoh, bola bersarang di sudut bawah gawang Meksiko, sehingga Brasil berhak atas kemenangan 3-2. Susunan Pemain TIMNAS MEKSIKO : Julio Gonzalez, Gerardo Arteaga, Johan Vasquez, Israel Reyes, Edson Alvarez, Luis Gerardo Chavez (Alexis Vega 62'), Luis Romo, Carlos Rodriguez (Orbelin Pineda 61'), Carlos Uriel Antuna, Julian Quinones (Cesar Huerta 89'), Santiago Gimenez (Guillermo Martinez 89') TIMNAS BRASIL : Alisson, Guilherme Arana, Eder Militao, Bremer, Yan Couto, Douglas Luiz (Bruno Guimares 74'), Ederson da Silva (Joao Gomes 84', Andreas Pereira (Lucas Paqueta 61'), Savio (Vinicius Junior 74'), Evanilson (Endrick 62'), Martinelli (pepe 62') Source : Sepakbola Read the full article
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
July 3 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
They are described by a decent memory and their way of behaving is a bit shaky, dependent upon future developments; all things considered, they are very dedicated individuals and are glad to set out on trips. They are dynamic, restless and rash. They ordinarily have incredible intrinsic creative capacities. In each snapshot of their life they trust and are confident, however they are bad at chipping away at their own. They are exceptionally aggressive, yet frequently miss the mark on right insight and tact. Friendly, merry: they like the imaginative propensities of youngsters, diversion and display, as well as they are keen on all that is lovely and they have a decent ear for music. They appreciate fishing and life submerged. Nonetheless, they might be in peril during the far off ocean journeys that they might be compelled to make. Positive hypotheses might permit them to create a gain, and destiny will frequently assist them with a fortunate turn of events. They need to accomplish acknowledgment, even acclaim. They show extraordinary hardheadedness and consistency in their battles regardless of their variable person. They protect the interests of their youngsters and family with specific fierceness. They might want to do anything they desire, they could do without to be controlled. What undermines them? That they won't generally find lasting success in their undertakings, they will experience surprising impediments, they will risk a profound defer in the acknowledgment of their arrangements. Their bodies are not areas of strength for especially, huge exertion generally endangers them of fatigue. By then, your stomach experiences the most, particularly from conditions of fear, disarray or anxious aggravation. Potential illnesses incorporate stomach related problems, ailment, and unfortunate blood dissemination. July 3 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality
  In the event that your birthday is on July 3, your zodiac sign is Disease July 3 - character and character character: liberal, keen, brilliant, weak, intolerant, haughty calling: glazier, ophthalmologist, colors: orange, yellow, sky blue stone: diopside creature: lion plant: foxglove fortunate numbers: 4,14,28,31,47,48 very fortunate number: 22 Occasions and Observances - July 3 Argentina: Host's Day (Broadcaster's Day). Argentina: Bioengineer's Day. July 3 Superstar Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Alessandro Blasetti, Italian producer (d. 1987). 1900: Miguel Rostaing La Torre, Peruvian soccer player (d. 1983). 1901: Julio Martდ­nez Oyanguren, Uruguayan guitarist (d. 1973). 1901 - Ruth Crawford Seeger, American writer (d. 1953). 1905: Clorinda Mდ¡laga de Prado, First Woman of Peru (d. 1993). 1906: Jack Earle, American entertainer (d. 1952). 1906: Alberto Lleras Camargo, Colombian columnist and legislator (d. 1990). 1906: George Sanders, English entertainer (d. 1972). 1906: Florence Gwendolen Rees, Welsh zoologist and parasitologist (f. 1994) 1908: Hდ©ctor Croxatto, Chilean researcher (f. 2010). 1913: Dorothy Kilgallen, American columnist, entertainer and essayist (d. 1965). 1914: Antonio Colino Lდ³pez, Spanish architect and scholastic (d. 2008). 1914: Joaquდ­n A. Gonzდ¡lez, Mexican tenor and stone carver (f. 1999). 1914: Joan Vinyoli, Spanish artist (d. 1984). 1915: Carlos Garcდ­a Cuervas, Argentine military man (d. 1971). 1916: John Kundla, American b-ball player. 1917: Joao Saldanha, Brazilian soccer mentor (d. 1990). 1918: Benjamin C. Thompson, American modeler (d. 2002). 1919: Irajდ¡ Damiani Pinto, Brazilian scientist. 1919: დ"scar Quinones, Peruvian painter and stone carver (d. 1987). 1919: Gabriel Valdდ©s, Chilean legal counselor and government official (d. 2011). 1920: Gaby, Spanish comedian (f. 1995). 1920: Julio Oyhanarte, Argentine legal counselor and government official (d. 1997). 1921: Jorge Boudon, Chilean entertainer and humorist (d. 2007). 1921: Susan Peters, American entertainer (d. 1952). 1922: Guillaume Cornelis van Beverloo, Belgian painter (d. 2010). 1922: Gastდ³n Pons Muzzo, Peruvian scientific expert (d. 2004). 1922: Howie Schultz, American b-ball player (d. 2009). 1924: Amalia Aguilar, Cuban entertainer. 1924: SR Nathan, Singaporean lawmaker. 1924: დ?ngel Tavira, Mexican author and musician (d. 2008). 1925: Nდ©ffer Krდ¶ger, Uruguayan musicologist and show entertainer (f. 1996). 1925: Josდ© Vento Ruiz, Spanish painter (f. 2005). 1926: Vladimir Bogomolov, Soviet author (d. 2003). 1927: Juan Antonio Flores Santana, Dominican Ecclesiastical overseer (d. 2014). 1927: Balivada Kantha Rao, Telugu author (d. 2000). 1927: Tim O'Connor, American entertainer. 1927: Ken Russell, English movie producer (d. 2011). 1928: Rafael St Nick Cruz, Peruvian matador (d. 1991). 1930: Kinji Fukasaku, Japanese movie producer (d. 2003). 1930: Carlos Kleiber, German guide and performer (d. 2004). 1930: Eloy Ybდ¡nez Bueno, Spanish ambassador. 1931: Luciano Comaschi, Italian footballer. 1932: Richard Mellon Scaife, American money manager. 1934: Ricardo Barrios Arrechea, Argentine specialist and lawmaker. 1935: Harrison Schmitt, American space traveler and government official. 1935: Cheo Feliciano, Puerto Rican vocalist and musician. 1935: Josდ© Antonio Spirits Erlich, Salvadoran lawmaker. 1936: Luis Aranda, Argentine entertainer (d. 2012). 1936: Jerდ³nimo Saavedra, Spanish lawmaker. 1937: Tom Stoppard, English dramatist of Czech beginning. 1938: Horacio Aguirre, Argentine author (d. 1992). 1938: Sjaak Swart, Dutch footballer. 1939: Brigitte Fassbaender, German guide and soprano. 1939: Lდ¡szlდ³ Kovდ¡cs, Hungarian lawmaker. 1939: Angelo Benedicto Sormani, Brazilian soccer player. 1940: Lamar Alexander, American lawmaker. 1940: Fontella Bass, American vocalist musician (d. 2012). 1940: Jerzy Buzek, Clean lawmaker. 1940: Companion Raben, German writer (d. 2007). 1940: Cდ©sar Tovar, Venezuelan baseball player. 1941: Joao Alves Filho, Brazilian lawmaker. 1941: Liamine Zდ©roual, Argentine military and lawmaker. 1941: Judith H. Myers, Canadian scholar and scientist 1942: Didar Sandhu, Hindu performer (d. 1991). 1942: Paco Stanley, Mexican TV have (d. 1999). 1943: Susana Alexander, Mexican entertainer. 1943: Kurtwood Smith, American entertainer. 1944: Silvio Caiozzi, Chilean movie producer. 1944: Michel Polnareff, French performer. 1945: Miguel Cestau, Spanish pelotari. 1945: Gualberto Garcდ­a, Spanish performer. 1945: Michael Martin, Noble Martin of Springburn, English legislator. 1945: Saharon Shelah, Israeli mathematician. 1946: Alberto Breccia Guzzo, Uruguayan lawmaker. 1946: John Klemmer, American saxophonist and author. 1946: Leszek Mill operator, Clean lawmaker. 1946: Carlos Alberto Riccelli, Brazilian entertainer and movie producer. 1946: Bolo Yeung, Hong Kong entertainer. 1947: Dave Barry, American author. 1947: Betty Buckley, American entertainer. 1947: Loot Rensenbrink, Dutch footballer. 1947: Ernesto Bondy Reyes, Honduran author. 1948: Luis Martდ­nez Noval, Spanish lawmaker. 1948: Ken Mangroelal, Surinamese author. 1949: Ignacio Almada Straight, Mexican history specialist. 1949: Rodolfo Codina, Chilean chief of naval operations. 1949: Jacinto Gდ³mez, Peruvian lawmaker. 1949: Masato Harada, Japanese entertainer and movie producer. 1949: Luz Salgado, Peruvian lawmaker. 1949: Jan Smithers, American entertainer. 1949: Bo Xilai, Chinese lawmaker. 1950: James Hahn, American lawmaker. 1951: Jean-Claude Duvalier, Haitian despot and slaughter. 1952: Marდ­a Cardinal, Mexican entertainer. 1952: Andy Fraser, English vocalist, lyricist and bassist, of the band John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers (d. 2015). 1952: Rohinton Mistry, Indian author. 1952: Hugo Moraga, Chilean performer. 1953: Enthusiasm Munnდ©, Spanish entertainer. 1954: John Jaakke, Dutch games administrator. 1954: Susana Rotker, Venezuelan author and writer (d. 2000). 1955: Bruce Altman, American entertainer. 1955: Walter Veltroni, Italian lawmaker. 1956: Loreto Valenzuela, Chilean entertainer. 1957: Laura Branigan, American vocalist (f. 2004). 1957: Miguel del Sel, Argentine comedian and lawmaker. 1958: დ?ngel Acebes, Spanish lawmaker. 1958: Agustდ­n Cuesta, Spanish b-ball player. 1958: Juan Antonio Larranaga, Spanish footballer. 1958: Rick Sდ¡nchez, Cuban-American TV moderator. 1958: Aaron Tippin, American vocalist, lyricist, guitarist and maker. 1959: Josდ© Baselga, Spanish doctor. 1959: Semilla Bucciarelli, Argentine bassist, of the band Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota. 1959: Ian Maxtone-Graham, American screenwriter and maker. 1959: Andrდ©s Albo Mდ¡rquez, Mexican lawmaker. 1959: Stephen Pearcy, American vocalist, of the band Ratt. 1959: David Shore, Canadian author and maker. 1960: Vince Clarke, vocalist, lyricist and English keyboardist, of the band Depeche Mode. 1960: Jorge Coke Contreras, Chilean soccer player. 1960: Josu Erkoreka, Spanish lawmaker. 1960: Perrine Pelen, French skier. 1960: Ricardo Perdomo, Uruguayan soccer player and mentor. 1961: Josდ© Antonio Sobrino, Spanish physicist. 1962: Tom Voyage, American entertainer. 1962: Thomas Gibson, American entertainer. 1963: Tracey Emin, English painter and picture taker. 1964: Mario Pergolini, Argentine radio and TV host and maker. 1964: Tom Curren, American surfer. 1964: Toshiharu Sakurai, Japanese voice entertainer. 1964: Yeardley Smith, American voice entertainer, vocalist and maker. 1965: Tommy Flanagan, Scottish entertainer. 1965: Shinya Hashimoto, Japanese grappler (d. 2005). 1965: Connie Nielsen, Danish entertainer. 1966: Moisდ©s Alou, Dominican baseball player. 1966: Pablo Domდ­nguez Prieto, Spanish cleric and scholar (f. 2009). 1966: Daniel Court, Spanish competitor. 1967: Vladan Alanoviე‡, Croatian b-ball player. 1967: Henry Ariel Lდ³pez Bდ¡ez, Uruguayan soccer player. 1967: David Macpherson, Australian tennis player. 1968: Ramush Haradinaj, Kosovar legislator and military man. 1968: Josდ© Manuel Villegas, Spanish legislator. 1969: Gedeon Burkhard, German entertainer. 1970: Serhiy Honchar, Ukrainian cyclist. 1970: David Court, Spanish cyclist. 1970: Teemu Selდ¤nne, Finnish ice hockey player. 1970: Shawnee Smith, American entertainer. 1971: Claudia Acuna, Chilean vocalist. 1971: Julian Assange, representative and proofreader of the WikiLeaks
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niallodonohoe · 3 years
C's Recap - Hernandez Handcuffs AquaSox as Canadians Win Second Straight
C's Recap - Hernandez Handcuffs AquaSox as Canadians Win Second Straight. #VanCanadians #MontysMounties #WeAreBlueJays
The Vancouver Canadians won their second straight game against the Everett AquaSox with a 9-5 victory at Ron Tonkin Field Thursday. Everett starter and Kingston, Ontario native Matt Brash was not able to get out of the first inning. Tanner Kirwer took four pitches out of the strike zone and stole second base. He would get to third on a passed ball by Carter Bins that also doubled as ball four to…
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chpinthestacks · 5 years
In the Stacks with Lara Mimosa Montes: Wild Style
A few years ago, I attended a screening of Charlie Ahearn’s hip-hop film Wild Style (1983) as part of the Walker Art Center’s Downtown New York: 1970s and 1980s Art and Film series. The film, “a hybrid of a narrative musical and documentary,” follows Zoro, played by graffiti legend Lee Quinones, as he weaves his way through the various hip hop, break dancing, and Bronx DJ scenes in early 1980s New York.
Wild Style captures some of the funky tensions of the time period. For instance, if you were a “successful” graffiti artist in the 1980s, you were, like your peers, probably working your ass off to get your name out there, but not necessarily your face because anonymity back then was definitely an asset. However, if you worked hard and were good at what you did, then you were also probably a hot commodity, sought after by the vultures of the art world, journalists, toys fucking with your shit, the cops, and the MTA. My favorite scene in the film is when Zoro and his friends arrive at a party in Manhattan populated by rich art patrons and the like; one character, Neil, says he runs a museum called “the Whitley” while Blondie’s Rapture is playing in the background; another guy in a suit misunderstands rap music as “rat” and asks Zoro if he works in the dark, how can he see what he’s painting? While this scene is more fiction than documentary, I love the way it posits everyone as a potential insider or outsider, depending on who wants what from whom in any given exchange.
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Wild Style, directed by John Ahearn, 1983. Japanese chirashi movie mini poster, 2015. Wild Style mural by ZEPHYR, Revolt, and Sharp.
Following the Q and A with Ahearn that night, I got the impression that there were still a lot of positive feelings and happy memories surrounding the project. The affective glow that emanated from the collective viewing and discussion of the film, coupled with a revived general interest in that particular cultural moment (ie. the short-lived Netflix original flop of a show The Get Down), stayed with me. I mean, to what extent is wildstyle —the term given to describe a particularly complex and difficult to decipher style of graffiti writing—part of my inheritance, my culture, its art history? Given graffiti’s ephemeral nature, I felt intrigued by the possibility of researching this form in its early years from the 1970s-80s. What I came to know and appreciate was, yes, the many works given to us by a generation of gifted writers, but also the work done by artists like Charlie Ahearn, Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant, Martin Wong, among others. Without them, I’m not sure how we would remember those early days of the graffiti movement. So, for those wishing to go a little deeper down the rabbit hole, below is a brief survey of some of the landmark texts that document this vibrant period in Bronx history; it is by no means comprehensive—these just happen to be some of my current personal favorites . . . 
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Subway Art by Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant, featuring Dondi, first published in 1984.
“The bible of the street-art movement,” Subway Art was the first published book of its kind to document graffitti. Featuring full-color photographs by Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant, the book contains many masterpieces by artists such as Blade, Lee, Seen, and more. A beautiful print collaboration between the two foremost photographers of the movement, you can really appreciate Cooper’s and Chalfant’s distinct approaches to shooting the trains. Also, if you’re as excited as I am for Chalfant’s upcoming exhibition at the Bronx Museum, Henry Chalfant: Art vs. Transit, 1977-1987 which opens later this year, now is as good a time as any to revisit this seminal work.
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Style Wars, graffiti by NOC 167,1981. Photo by Martha Cooper. 
Style Wars, directed by Tony Silver and co-produced by Silver and photographer Henry Chalfant, released in 1983, is a classic—the documentary features many a baby-faced graffiti artist such as Dondi, Skeme, Kase 2, interviews with MTA officials, Mayor Ed Koch, various masterpieces, and more. If you want to know what these young writers were up against in terms of public opinion and the MTA, definitely start here. Plus . . . Skeme’s mom: God bless her, wow.
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City as Canvas: New York City Graffiti from the Martin Wong Collection, edited by Sean Corcoran and Carlo McCormick, New York: Skira Rizzoli, 2013.
I had no idea that the artist Martin Wong was a known collector of graffiti art until I had come across this book, published in tandem with the Museum of the City of New York’s exhibition City as Canvas, and yes, I am very sorry I had not seen this show back in 2014 before I left New York. For those skeptical of graffiti’s transition from subway to canvas, this book really made me rethink my assumption that graffiti is graffiti because it lives on in the streets and on the trains but never in a gallery. In addition to color images of works on canvas, archival exhibition shots, and some recollections contextualizing Wong’s relationship to the graffiti community by artists Lee, Daze, and Charlie Ahearn, also featured are images of drawings from various artists’ blackbooks: gold.
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Tag Town: The Evolution of New York Graffiti Writing by Martha Cooper, Poland: Dokument Press, 2007.
Before there was wildstyle, there was tagging. Some cool shots of tags by Taki 168, Julio 204, Barbara 62, and even Basquiat, among others. Another great monograph by Martha Cooper, who in an interview said, “I shot tags because I wanted a record of them. . . mostly I just wanted to study what they looked like and to allow others to study them in the future. I was using my camera as a very efficient tool to make a record of something that would otherwise be lost.”
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Classic Hits: New York’s Pioneering Subway Graffiti Writers by Alan Fleisher & Paul Iovino, Poland: Dokument Press, 2012.
Classic Hits features photographs by Alan Fleisher, Robert Browning, and Jack Stewart. Filled with an assortment of early masterpieces by writers such as Stay High 149, Blade, Super Kool 223, and others, alongside artists’ recollections. I like this book because it showcases an earlier generation of graffiti writers from the 1970s before things really got wild. Similar to Cooper’s Tag Town, I was able to gather from this one a more expanded appreciation for the evolution of the form.
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Dondi White Style Master General: The Life of Graffiti Artist Dondi White, by Andrew “ZEPHYR” Witten and Michael White, New York: HarperCollins, 2001.
OK, so graffiti legend Dondi wasn’t born in the Bronx—he was definitely a Brooklyn writer. Nevertheless, his influence on the larger writing community was so profound, his relevance cannot be understated—it went to the Bronx and beyond. Includes black-and-white and color photographs, early sketches, never before seen collage works as well as works on canvas, and reminiscences by the artist’s friends. Unlike some of the other texts on this list, this one is unique insofar as it’s a book assembled by another well-known graffiti artist, ZEPHYR, alongside Dondi’s brother, Michael, so the insights and anecdotes presented here, especially those from Dondi’s closest friends, really provide a window onto the world of the artist. RIP Dondi, you gave us so much.
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 329
Comic Reviews:
Batman 118 by Joshua Williamson, Mikel Janin, Jorge Molina, Tomeu Morey
One Star Squadron 1 by Mark Russell, Steve Lieber, Dave Stewart
Superman: Son of Kal-El 2021 Annual by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Steve Pugh, Steve Buccellato
World of Krypton 1 by Robert Venditti, Michael Avon Oeming, Nick Filardi
Amazing 80.BEY by Cody Ziglar, Ivan Fiorelli, Rachelle Rosenberg
Captain America/Iron Man 1 by Derek Landy, Angel Unzueta, Rachelle Rosenberg
Death of Doctor Strange: Blade by Danny Lore, Dylan Burnett, Mike Spicer
Devil's Reign 1 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Marcio Menyz
Giant Size Black Cat Infinity Score by Jed MacKay, Carlos Villa, Brian Reber
Marvel's Voices: Comunidades by Terry Blas, Yehudi Mercado, Alex Segura, Daniel Jose Older, Julio Anta, Juan Ponce, Desiree Proctor, Amparo Ortiz, Claribel Ortega, David Betancourt, Leonardo Romero, Nico Leon, Edgar Delgado, Paco Medina, Adriano Melo, Alitha Martinez, Francisco Herrera, Vanesa Del Rey, Gustavo Duerte, German Peralta, Enid Balam, Julius Ohta, Wilton Santos, Caio Majado, Mauro Fodra, Alba Glez, Sean Parsons, Jose Marzan Jr, Victor Nava, Oren Junior, Felipe Sobreiro, Cris Peter, Erick Arcinega, Bryan Valenza, Dono Sanchez Almara, Federico Blee, Dijjo Lima, Fernando Sifuentes
Star Wars: Crimson Reign 1 by Charles Soule, Steven Cummings, Guru eFX
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 13
Spider-Bot Infinity Comic 2
Dark Horse: 
Daisy 1 by Colin Lorimer, Joana Lafuente, Anita Vu
Lady Mechanika: Monster of the Ministry of Hell 1 by Joe Benitez, Beth Sotelo, Michael Heisler
Holiday Magic Special by J. Torres, Micol Ostow, Michael Northrop, Dan Schoening, Arielle Jovellanos, Gretel Lusky, Matt Herms
Buckhead 1 by Shobo Coker, George Kambadais, Natalia Nesterenko
Buffy: the Last Vampire Slayer 1 by Casey Gilly, Joe Jaro, Joana Lafuente
Crimson Cage 1 by John Lees, Alex Cormack, Ashley Cormack
Lunar Room 1 by Danny Lore, Giorgia Sposito, DJ Chavis
Tales of Mother F Goose by Frank Tieri, Joe Eisma
Memoria GN by Curt Pires, Sunando C, Mark Dale
A Tale as Tall as Jacob OGN by Samantha Edwards
House OGN by Phillip Sevy, Drew Zucker
Additional Reviews: Hawkeye ep4, Retrovirus OGN, Prince and the Dressmaker, Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier, Hunters s1, Pulp OGN, Eat and Love Yourself OGN, Trigger Mortis, Monolith
News: George Perez, more details on Batman/Catwoman JPL tribute issue, Garfield fighting game, new collection format, Eight Billion Genies from Charles Soule and Ryan Browne, Tom Taylor goes DC exclusive, Kieron Gillen writing Immortal X-Men, Captain Carter comic by Jamie McKelvie, Netflix cancels Cowboy Bebop, Naomi s2, House of Usher cast, Surfside Girls optioned by Apple TV, details on next Disney film: Strange World, Supercorp, next Grand Design projects
Trailers: Sonic 2
Comics Countdown:
Crossover 10 by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming, Nick Filardi
What's the Furthest Place From Here 2 by Matthew Rosenberg, Tyler Boss
Good Asian 7 by Pornsak Pichetshote, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Lee Loughridge
Mighty Morphin 14 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna
Inferno 3 by Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli, R.B. Silva, Valerio Schiti, Adriano Di Benedetto, David Curiel
Superman: Son of Kal-El 2021 Annual by Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry, Steve Pugh, Steve Buccellato
Swamp Thing 10 by Ram V, Mike Perkins, Mike Spicer
Batman 118 by Joshua Williamson, Mikel Janin, Jorge Molina, Tomeu Morey
Amazing Spider-Man 80.BEY by Cody Ziglar, Ivan Fiorelli, Rachelle Rosenberg
Batman '89 4 by Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones, Leonardo Ito
Check out this episode!
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doonitedin · 3 years
US hits 700,000 COVID deaths just as cases begin to fall
US hits 700,000 COVID deaths just as cases begin to fall
Image Source : AP Registered nurse, Noleen Nobleza, center, inoculates Julio Quinones with a COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic set up in the parking lot of CalOptima The United States reached its latest heartbreaking pandemic milestone Friday, eclipsing 700,000 deaths from COVID-19 just as the surge from the delta variant is starting to slow down and give overwhelmed hospitals some relief. It took 3…
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francis-alianovna · 3 years
If you find any mistakes here, please let me know! Continually updating this (by hand) so it is a work in progress. THANK YOU artists for creating so much beauty and bringing me so much happiness over the years!
j.bone - jacketpotatoo - jackiesny - jackrussle - jackxangelica - Jacob Andrews - jacobbyart - Jacopo Camagni - jadenite - Jae Lee - jaimito - jaisamp - Jake Parker - jakemooreartist - jaknighton - jamesholden - janddrawn - janedoemmmmm - janefosterzz - jango-draw - januariat - januarius-gates - Jared Kessel - jarvisuanddumetoo - Jason Kim - Jason Masters - Jason Oakes - Jason Saldajeno - Jay Fosgitt - jaymiefraser - jaysinkpen - jbbsrart - jbeiden - JD Theriault - jea-rao - Jeff Dekal - Jeff Spokes - Jeff Wamester - Jeffrey Chamba Cruz - jellydoodlesquad - Jemma Salume - Jen Bartel - Jenn Menze - jenbendraws - jenncandraw - Jenny Frison - jennymstead - jeremiagoeswoah - jeremyhawkass - jeremyjohnirons - jeremyrenner-liferuiner - Jesse Lonergan - jessielucidart - jevanlee - jeusus - jfgdraw - jiaolongs - jigokuen - jimin-myeuphoria - jimmymcwicked - jitterbugbear - jiucunmu - jiuge -  jkdfdkjsfjkdfkdslkf - jkimsketches - jlyarts - jmjey - jnwiedle - joannaestep - jodocho - Joe Quinones - joebloodyhunter - joewinklerTA - Joey Mason - johanirae - John Tyler Christopher - John Yandall - johnnykitten - jojoseames - jokeritadoodle - jollyhawkeyes - jollyjoules - Jordan Gibson - jories-life - Joseph Giampietro - Josh Dykstra - Josh Nizzi - Josh Ulrich - jovaline - Juan Albarran - juizyya - julepart - julia666 - juliaereck - julianbashir - juliangrayart - juliedillon - julientel (aka tenshi-inverse) - Julio Pachecho - juney-chan - justanotheranoymousatrtist - justasfacelessasever - justlous-art - justm3h - justmemorgane - Justin B. Addison
K - kaciart - kadabbs - kadeart - kadie36 - kai-ran - kaitsthings - kakijbird - kamethehermit - KanaHyde - kanapy - kangofu-cb - kannibal - kaoru-doodles - karicykiro - karmakarmacola - karolasdaydreamsparkle - katanutella - katdensetsu - Kate Bradley - Kate Sherron - Katie Cook - katoskakid - Katy L. Wood - katyzgm - kawaiibrutality - kawaimi-san - kayaczek - kayadraws - kaylerinarts - Kaysha Siemens - kayvsworld - keariart - kebwinsart - kehinki - Kelsey Shannon - kelslk - kelvinoh - kendrawcandraw - kenkuz (aka clintsbarton) - kenny-lol - Kenny Santos - kerolunaticat - kestrelsketch - kevinkomics - kevinraganit - Kevin Wada - keygrin (aka arrowsandsnark) - kfawkes - kghoul - Khary Randolph - kiasdo - kiick318 - kiilea - kilimiria - kim-danva - kimberleigharts - kimmydolldoodles - kimoreilly - kimorrow - kindahappyart - kingbirdkathy - kingfuc - kingofhellordoftime - kingsdarga - kingstoken - kinjiinto - kipg - kiri - kiriska - Kirsty Mills (aka kymerakirsty) - kiserinn - kissedbifire - kisu-no-hi - kitswana - kitten-nuggets - kittrose - kittycow - kiwibee - kiwiitin - kkachi35 - klaine03 - kleinmeli - kmkibble75 - kmy-creations - kneel-for-lokitty - knivesama - knock-knock-mr-criminal - kogla - kokeyaw - komboh - konradwerks - koreanrage - kosmicdustart - kota-stoker - kravchikfreak - krebs62 - kreugan - Kris Anka - krispykreeme - kuma-la-la - kunishirou - kuroco - kurouri-gth - kushusk - kvit-ravn - kwanstermonster - kymerakirsty (aka kirsty mills) - kyoka - kyokaiba - kyuzukipoi
0 notes
jose-borges · 7 years
De promo para Treinta días sin ti 😊 estrenamos este jueves 13 de julio hasta el domingo 16 en el… https://t.co/eaAbIwHAkX
— Denise Quinones (@DeniseQuinones9) July 11, 2017
0 notes
matrimonios 1825 parte 3-2/2(film 168224)
626 oah 2526 pt.6
627 168224
629 slate
630 continua
631 cresencio romero & rita ruelas / moyahua
636 manuel lopez & maria luquin / cocula
642 seferino diaz & refugia goznalez / colotlan
648 nicolas orozco & carmen lopez / arandas
653 manuel gutierrez & sostenes barajas / cuquio
658 victor gutierrez & quirina ponce / lagos
664 cristobal cardenas & antonia montano / huacalapa
671 pedro rodriguez & francisca valadez / adoves
677 ciriaco mesa & josefa chacon / guadalajara
682 antonio gutierrez & ygnacia angulo / arandas
688 rafael conrique & maria tomasa camarena / arandas
693 casimiro flores & maria jesus real / cocula
699 luis cuellar & manuela lopez / encarnacion
705 dimas robles & gertrudis serda / barca
708 hilario mesa & antonia rivera / jalpa
715 manuel ordorica & antonia robalcava / teocaltiche
721 luis martinez & antonia jimenez / guadalajara
727 agapito carrillo & maria lazara marin / teocaltiche
734 damasio apodaca & clara hildago / magdalena
743 vicente castellanos & antonia romero / guadalajara
750 ramon bendor & celedonia perez / zapotlan
755 teodoro santillan & brigida garcia / cuquio
763 lorenzo gonzalez & albina valdez / cocula
768 guillermo torres & maria onofre mayorga / colotlan
771 antonio victor orozco & barbara fletes / tuscacuesco
776 antonio aguinaga & petra castro / lagos
780 juan jose hernandez & juliana gonzalez / jalostotitlan
786 antonio espinosa & refugio garcia / zapotiltic
795 jose guadalupe avila & maria sotera gutierrez / san cristoval
806 francisco de anda & josefa ortega / valparaiso
820 gabriel trujillo & rosa medina / colima
824 luis bobadilla & maria de los angeles sousa / guadalajara
828 francisco padilla & simona ramirez / zapotlan
835 rafael enriquez & maxima becerra / jesus
840 jacinto lomelin & josefa aceves / atotonilco
845 nicolas reyes & maria jorge robalcava / teocaltiche
850 alejandro carrillo & polonia preciado / cocula
856 matias montano & dolores carrillo / ocotlan
860 casimiro gutierrez & rita garcia / arandas
864 rafael cerda & modesta gonzalez / ocotlan
867 santiago ruiz de villegas & maria rosario carrillo / zacatecas
871 teodor nino & trinidad esparza / zacatecas
875 hermenegildo santa cruz & julia perez / tepic
883 clemente gonzalez & guadalupe gonzalez / guadalajara
889 ramon robalcava & petra agredano / tepatitlan
895 lugardo ramirez & petra briseno / cuquio
900 nasario aramburo & victoria jauregui / mexticacan
910 trinidad estrada & edubije aceves / tepatitlan
916 rafael sanchez & gregoria esteves / guadalajara
922 yrenio valdez & maria de la luz salazar / jerez
928 albino herrera & margarita romero / ayo el chico
934 leocadio ramirez & tomasa bustamante / adoves
939 aniseto almauger & francisca guerra / jalpa
947 olayo cobarrubias & juana maria mora / atoyac
952 victoriano gomez & romualda lopez / tecolotlan
958 jose de la luz parada & eugracia gutierrez / lagos
961 ramon villasenor & gertrudis leon / autlan
966 gregorio ramirez & hilaria robles / juchipila
971 anacleto lopez & juana balbina robles / mezquitic
978 antonio alvarez & rosalia herrera / arandas
983 jose maria chavez & bonifacia velos / lagos
987 jose moreno hurtado & maria jesus guerra hurtado / adoves
992 jose torres & severa medina / aguascalientes
996 eleuterio troncoso & ygnacia troncoso / isla
1004 salome lozano & santos munoz / lagos
1010 pablo toscano & loreto ramirez / zapotlanejo
1018 estevan hernandez & ascencion perez / yahualica
1023 jose camacho & paula guerrero / cocula
1029 rafael hernandez & trinidad hernandez / arandas
1033 antonio soto & vicente marquez / ayo el chico
1037 jose maria de la torre & regina de la torre / tepatitlan
1043 juan maria alvorado & francisca garcia / san sebastian
1047 yrenio gudino & rosalia ruiz / mexicalingo
1050 rafael guerra & francisca carreon / encarnacion
1056 jose julio & maria magdalena / techaluta
1060 francisco jarba & cruz navarro / tepatitlan
1065 jose maria gonzalez & encarnacion fernandez / guadalajara
1073 maximo rabalero & francisca solano / tonala
1076 reimundo duarte & maria jorje garcia / huejuquilla
1082 tomas ramos & maria bacilia de la cruz / zapopan
1087 mariano ybarra & josefa gonzalez / etzatlan
1103 rafael encarnacion pelayo & gregoria naranjo / ayutla
1109 manuel navarro & antonia garcia / tepatitlan
1115 antonio ruano & gervacia gonzalez / yahualica
1120 mariano huelga & josefa perez / lagos
1126 juan nepomuceno romo & juana munoz / lagos
1132 antonio marin & bonifacia cruz / teocaltiche
1137 felipe jimenez &  juliana jimenez / lagos
1143 antonio armeria & fermina cerrato / guadalajara
1149 pedro roman & antonia alvarez / guadalajara
1153 fernando rodriguez & gregoria jesus herrera / aguascalientes
1157 bonifacio huerta & felipa mercado / cuquio
1163 juan jose bolanos & teodora ybarra / jesus
1167  jose maria fernandez & eulogia reyes / cuquio
1173 matias aguilera & eusevia de jesus gonzalez / barca
1176 francisco zuniga & jacinta magana / lagos
1182 rafael jimenez & eulogia garcia / mexticacan
1187 antonio jimenez & petra fernandez / jalostotitlan
1193 maximo renteria & vicenta camacho / jalostotitlan
1199 pedro jimenez & margarita jauregui / mexticacan
1205 antonio torres & josefa michel / purification
1212 joaquin mota & guadalupe hernandez / guadalajara
1216 ysidro quinones & andrea aguilar / guadalajara
1223 antonio flores & gregoria flores / ocotlan
1227 mariano cervantes negrete & guadalupe risco / guadalajara
1233  vicente barragan & manuela gomez / guadalajara
1239 apolonio lomeli & santos sepulveda / mexticacan
1247 continua
1248 oah  2526 fin
1249 end of roll
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otherwild · 7 years
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TONIGHT 7pm at #OtherwildLA #OTHERcomedy is back!!! Hosted by @caseyjellison 🌈$5 and all $ goes to performers! Featuring Heather Jewett, Chase Bernstein, Frankie Quinones, Liza Dye, Matt LeGrand, Alexa Loftus and Julio Torres. Be there! (at Otherwild)
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thecomedybureau · 7 years
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Starting this month, the great John Early (555, Tonight Show) will be getting a monthly residency, every second Tuesday, at The Satellite.
To kick it off, Kate Berlant, Sam Jay, Martha Kelly, Julio Torres, Frankie Quinones, and house band BUCK will be joining Early on March 14 at 9PM.
Tickets are $8 and you can (and should) get them here. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to NAACP. 
The rest of our listings for comedy shows, events, open mics, and maps can be found at www.thecomedybureau.com
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